krovav · 5 years
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Bonus #hairmeme versions: DA:I/Inquisitor and ESO/Soul Shriven
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krovav · 5 years
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I've been seeing Nikklison's #hairmeme going around and wanted to make one for my TES OC Vikrolomen and his lichforms ⚰️
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krovav · 7 years
Stealing this meme from @Fleshwerks (for everyone asking about Vikrolomen’s backstory)
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NAME: Vikrolomen Thromthraer AGE: 195 (physically 27) GENDER: male ORIENTATION: gay PROFESSION: “priest of arkay” BACKGROUND: Vikrolomen was born in Lillandril, Summerset Isle on the 27th day of Evening Star, 4E 6, one year after the Red Mountain erupted. His parents were wealthy socialites who sided with the xenophobic movement of Altmer supremacy. After spending his early childhood in magick tutoring and political gatherings Vikrolomen had a clear path into becoming an agent of the Thalmor and the next head of his house.
(cont. under the cut)
After being introduced to necromancy from a young age Vikrolomen has had over one hundred years to master safe practice of dark magick—however, that was not always the case. Vikrolomen was born with silver hair much like his lineage would imply but his early years of reckless necromancy turned his silver to a soft black. After falling into near-binding Lichdom he has since been able to contain much of the risk.
At 15, as the only heir to his family, his practice of necromancy began rapidly changing him externally as his behavior became increasingly suspicious. After several incidents and becoming somewhat of a recluse to hide these changes at the age of 17 Vikrolomen stole off to avoid his impending Thalmor future and travel while beginning his long journey into necromancy. Eventually his travels brought him to settling in Skryim.
He has effectively cut off his family though this was never documented officially. He hasn’t been in contact with either of his parents since leaving; something that is partly due to him not attempting to get in contact and also due to his parents either not trying to or being unable to find him. He isn’t sure.
Vikrolomen's priesthood is a cover thus he is not, in reality, affiliated with Arkay or worship of Arkay in the usual sense. After settling in Skyrim he needed to supply his necromantic research without arousing suspicion from the guards and the unsuspecting mourners of Skyrim were ripe for the picking. While he can and will carry out last rites to avoid revealing himself he is not devout—and that is an understatement.
As of the present Vikrolomen lives in a small city in the northwest corner of Hjaalmarch. Vikrolomen prefers to keep to himself and does not become very involved in politics, focusing instead on his own interests. He has not taken a side in the civil war.
PHYSICAL Body type: thin but not gaunt, lanky, a bit bonier than average with the minimum expected amount of muscle living in a land like Skyrim Eyes: pale Altmer golden, high, deep-set eyelids with long eyelashes  Hair: charcoal black, straight, and down to his lower mid-back Skin: pale gold and shadowed, very slightly aged (mostly because he squints and glares so much) Height: 6'7" (202 cm) Weight: somewhere around 200-210 lbs
SKILLS  Strength: 6/10 (he’s strong enough to regularly carry dead weight and gear by himself but not even close to a warrior type) Perception:  9/10 (Vikrolomen is sharp but can’t fulfill a full 10/10 rating due to his tendency to form personal biases) Endurance: 6/10 (only slightly above average but in less active seasons like Winter when the ground is too cold to dig graves in it easily drops to 5/10) Charisma: varies greatly depending on who he’s around and what situation he’s in Intelligence: 10/10 (very educated due to both his upbringing and his independent pursuits as well as naturally logical at heart) Agility: 5.5/10 (double-jointed and fairly bendy but slower than the average person) Luck: 9/10 (he has been lucky in life though he’s never sure if he believes in luck)
LIKES Colors: black, grey, red, purple, other misc natural colors Smells: citrus, fire/smoke, herbs (think patchouli or tobacco), mint though he’s tired of it after using it to cover the scent of death so frequently Food: meat pies, anything garlic-y, raw or grilled vegetables (esp. radishes, leeks, cabbage, etc) Fruit: fruits aren’t exactly plentiful in Hjallmarch but when available he prefers less sweet fruits such as squash Drinks: there’s not much to drink in Skyrim so water Alcoholic drinks: he isn’t fond of ale or mead so he’s frequently stuck with wine or brandy. He prefers the taste of hard liquors where available.
OTHER Smoke: semi-frequently but medicinally and/or spiritually, not recreationally  Drugs: never aside from smoking
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krovav · 7 years
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Vikrolomen’s age chart is finally finished with his character page
At age 15 necromancy starts to have an effect on his skin and hair quickly and by age 20 he completely loses his silver to the new dark shade. Around 20 his lobes are at about a 5/8″ and present day (195 yo) Vikrolomen has about a 7/8″
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krovav · 7 years
hands hands hands
[hands]: are they large or small, do they have pianist’s fingers or short stubby ones, do they tend to get sweaty or are they always dry, is the skin rough or delicate, are the nails painted or chewed or sharp, etc.
Vikrolomen’s has medium sized hands but very long, bony fingers. His hands are prone to drying—especially during colder weather. They very rarely sweat or feel clammy. His palms are smooth but couldn’t be described as entirely delicate or soft either due to the dryness and due to gripping his staff and other tools on the regular. His nails are purposefully stained with dyes but when it isn’t practical to dye them he lets them go bare. 
I’m calling myself out right here and letting everyone know that I’m fully aware he has class-A Femme Fatalons and I have no rational excuse for them other than “maybe necromancy”. I like them and they’re staying.
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krovav · 7 years
send me a word! || learn all about my muse’s physical features!
[eyes]: not just the colour, but the shape, the length of their eyelashes, whether they’re alert or usually half-closed, large or small, sunken into the face, ringed by bags, etc.
Golden (somewhere around the shade of gold usually seen in an owl’s eyes) and usually squinting because bad eyesight plus he looks at everything in the world like it spit on him. His eyes are long but narrow and tilt up at the outer corners. They’re deep-set and shadowed but not particularly puffy. He has some light wrinkling around his brows and eye corners due to his age and his tendency to squint.
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krovav · 7 years
Vickro : suggesting a leather turn-on
Guess my muse’s turn-ons
no way | meh | not bad | mmm | yeah baby | fuck yes right now  
Almost “mmm” but not enough of a turn on for him to be quite there.
(For future reference, my nickname for him is “Vikro” as there’s no c in his name)
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krovav · 7 years
Your OC is really really awesome, the design is so regal and handsome!! As far as a question, what's their least favorite food?
I’m assuming the compliment is either towards them all or to Vikrolomen since I draw him the most and thank you!
As far as least favorite food goes I’m just going to answer for Vikro because the answer would be long if I listed them all: he can’t get over how boiled creme treats look and they make him nauseous
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krovav · 7 years
Other, skin, mouth, hair?
send me a word! || learn all about my muse’s physical features!
[skin]: obviously colour, but also if they’re inclined to run hot or cold, do they have any blemishes or unusual markings, are they inclined to blush, are they freckled, do they tan, what does their skin feel like, etc. 
His skin is a pale mix of gold and ivory and he’s more of a medium heat but is more likely to run hot. He has a small scattering of unimportant scarring and a very small amount of faint beauty marks that aren’t really perceivable without close inspection. He doesn’t blush or flush often or easily and he’s prone to sunburning. His skin is mostly average to the touch but runs dry if he doesn’t keep it moisturized.
[mouth]: are their lips always drawn thin or are they plump and kissable, what’s their “default expression”/resting face, do they have all their own teeth, do they use their teeth to smile, etc.
Vikrolomen’s lips are plump but he usually holds his face in a snobby expression that slightly masks their shape. He has all of his original teeth but does not use them to smile as it feels unnatural to him.
[hair]: length, colour, texture, whether it grows quickly or slowly, how manageable it is, whether it requires lots of styling, do they leave stray hairs everywhere, is it present on their face, is it present on the rest of their body, etc.
His hair is a deep black with a very rare strand of silver or two usually just in the underlayers. It sits at his lower-mid back and is an average thickness but grows a little faster than normal. His texture has no wave but can’t be described as completely sleek either. He sheds stray hairs constantly. 
As far as facial hair goes he is fully capable of growing it like any other average male Altmer but he keeps himself clean-shaven. His body hair is similar but grows in thicker and faster than his facial hair so he shaves that as well and only leaves it to grow when he absolutely has to (when he’s travelling and can’t get privacy, when he doesn’t have access to a bath, etc).
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krovav · 7 years
How did you come up with your OC?
OC Questions
Going with Vikro since he’s the only one with a meaningful answer:
I was fandom rping and subconsciously using a character to cope with my dysphoria before I realized that I’m trans. My newly-discovered identity opened a lot of doors to feeling less of a need to rp the fandom character (though I still love Ivan for other reasons and there are traits I still identify with about him so I don’t consider myself disinterested so much as interested in a lot of other things too) and more of a need for a character that I really identified with. Thus, Vikrolomen was created out of the need to cope with my dysphoria in a way I was able to identify with more than a premade character but less than just drawing myself. 
I was initially embarrassed about having a self-insert type of character because of things like this but I think I’m aware enough to know the difference between a bad mary sue-ish character and a well-written character even if the character is my own.
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krovav · 7 years
F1 for vikrolomen?
OC Questions
F1: What sort of home do they live in now, if at all? How did they end up there?
He currently lives in a small non-canonical city around Hjaalmarch and serves as the priest of Arkay for the city and residents of Morthal who choose to have more traditional burials (Morthal only has a cemetery) so he lives in a branch of the Hall of the Dead he works in. His living quarters are more lavish than most priests because he most definitely is not a priest, particularly of Arkay.
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krovav · 7 years
22 and 23
Character Development Asks (Hard Mode) 
22: What does your character like in other people?
(going with Vikrolomen since you didn’t specify)
Vikrolomen values an aloof demeanor as he prefers to feel less like he’s needed and more like he’s just wanted. He’s selfish and terrible at emotional support so a friend in need is a friend that makes him uncomfortable. Ironically in terms of his relationship he prefers neediness as it hurts his feelings to think his partner doesn’t need him and he strongly believes in the typical Altmer behavior of marrying for life.
23: What does your character dislike in other people?
He dislikes people that can’t handle his attitude mostly. Anyone that attempts to change him or push him to do something he doesn’t want to do is immediately cut out of his social circle.
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krovav · 7 years
3, 4, and 5 for vik
Describe Your OC
3: their greatest achievementReaching his goals with necromancy without being stuck in a bad mental state.
4: their insecuritiesHe’s typically confident in himself but he can be insecure about letting loose. It’s very rare that he feels comfortable enough to relax his rigid social standards and if he does something out of the ordinary for him around someone he doesn’t know well he can easily become uncomfortable.
5: their shortcomingsMainly his pessimism but also his negativity towards anything he isn’t personally interested in.
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krovav · 7 years
10 for Vikrolomen
Describe Your OC
10: their fashion sense
Vikrolomen wears almost nothing but dark neutrals. He likes white but considers it a more formal color and believes that dark colors better accentuate his gait and height. Occasionally he uses rich colors (esp gold, purple, or red) to accent his outfits.You would be hard-pressed to catch him in anything but robes. He might layer for warmth (he enjoys the cold but he spent the first few decades of his life in Lillandril so Skyrim’s provinces are a little chilly to him) but the top layer will always be put together to impress as he values appearances above most other attributes.
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krovav · 7 years
Character Development Meme: How does your character behave around children? (Vikrolomen)
Character Development Asks (Hard Mode)
Vikrolomen has a parental nature to him but he’s also very stuffy so he would do well taking care of a child until the point when the child does something gross. His disciplinary style might also be lacking depending on the child since he favors being strict with children (the children of Skyrim drive him up the wall) and his morals are questionable so there’s no telling what bizarre or otherwise arcane knowledge he might share.
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krovav · 7 years
how old is Vikrolomen?
195, physically 27
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