#viktor uh dont eat sweetie?
bruh-anator3000 · 1 year
A/n: So as im re-writing part two, have a random, non-cannon snippet of the daughter Jinx and wifey Viktor brain rot. Something to fill in the time while i work :D
Summary: Jinx wanted to take a quick trip into memory lane. Viktor, however, is not a fan of what it serves. Literally.
Work count: >500
Warning: i love my derranged daughter and my slightly less derranged husband. Cute family relationship, Viktor stomach is strong, not Jericho strong. Unknown food but that's not stopping Jinx, like at all.
Jinx scarfed down the grub before her like a homeless kitten finally given their first real meal. Eating like she was starved. Her body was on survival mode, the gasps between the loaded bites she took were manual, her body's airway forced into survival. The honey colored sauce dripping down her stuffed full cheeks.
Turning to Viktor, you watched as he cringed. Poking at the bowl in front of him, he seemed scared of the blue tentacles marinated in what Jinx said was the best sauce in the world. He pulled his finger back, eyeing as the thick substance stretched away from the bowl before snapping apart. He quickly wiped his hands off with a napkin.
"What is this?" Viktor leaned closer to you, eyebrows raised in concern as you both watched Jinx start her third bowl.
You shrugged. "No idea. But you never question Jericho." Hearing his name, the large creature turned around, beaming. His whole body rolling with his boisterous laugh. The large knife he held getting dangerously close to Viktor.
You smiled and gave a little wave back. "Jinx loves this place. I usually order out, so we can eat at home but she wanted to visit." Jinx gave a loud groan, eyes rolling back into her head as she thanked Jericho for his god like work. "Comfort food, I suppose."
Viktor nodded slowly, eyes slipping back to the bowl of what you were told was sea food. "Is it... eh, safe?"
"Definitely not above the board." Jinx filled in, mouth full. Jericho nodded happily and slammed his knife down to chop up more mystery meat.
"But, it's actually not that bad." You smiled softly. Viktor leaned away from his dish, mouth twisted in a frown. "You don't have to eat it."
He let out a soft 'oh thank Janna.'
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