#jinx eat up sweetie
bruh-anator3000 · 1 year
A/n: So as im re-writing part two, have a random, non-cannon snippet of the daughter Jinx and wifey Viktor brain rot. Something to fill in the time while i work :D
Summary: Jinx wanted to take a quick trip into memory lane. Viktor, however, is not a fan of what it serves. Literally.
Work count: >500
Warning: i love my derranged daughter and my slightly less derranged husband. Cute family relationship, Viktor stomach is strong, not Jericho strong. Unknown food but that's not stopping Jinx, like at all.
Jinx scarfed down the grub before her like a homeless kitten finally given their first real meal. Eating like she was starved. Her body was on survival mode, the gasps between the loaded bites she took were manual, her body's airway forced into survival. The honey colored sauce dripping down her stuffed full cheeks.
Turning to Viktor, you watched as he cringed. Poking at the bowl in front of him, he seemed scared of the blue tentacles marinated in what Jinx said was the best sauce in the world. He pulled his finger back, eyeing as the thick substance stretched away from the bowl before snapping apart. He quickly wiped his hands off with a napkin.
"What is this?" Viktor leaned closer to you, eyebrows raised in concern as you both watched Jinx start her third bowl.
You shrugged. "No idea. But you never question Jericho." Hearing his name, the large creature turned around, beaming. His whole body rolling with his boisterous laugh. The large knife he held getting dangerously close to Viktor.
You smiled and gave a little wave back. "Jinx loves this place. I usually order out, so we can eat at home but she wanted to visit." Jinx gave a loud groan, eyes rolling back into her head as she thanked Jericho for his god like work. "Comfort food, I suppose."
Viktor nodded slowly, eyes slipping back to the bowl of what you were told was sea food. "Is it... eh, safe?"
"Definitely not above the board." Jinx filled in, mouth full. Jericho nodded happily and slammed his knife down to chop up more mystery meat.
"But, it's actually not that bad." You smiled softly. Viktor leaned away from his dish, mouth twisted in a frown. "You don't have to eat it."
He let out a soft 'oh thank Janna.'
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lullabyes22-blog · 2 years
Hi! How's your day? Could I have Arcane Characters (Silco, Sevika, Vi, Jinx) x reader who has a bubbly personality? I am optimistic, always smiling, friendly, nice, calm, I like everyone, I am a great listener, I always help my loved ones and make sure they are safe ❤️🌸🥰
I ❤️ you
My day is going great, thank you ❤️
Silco: A raised eyebrow paired with a rueful headshake. How in Kindred's name did you end up paired off with a monster like him? You must have a screw loose in your head. Or he must, for indulging in this little dalliance when he ought to have nipped it in the bud on the first meeting. There is no way your innocence and sweetness will survive him, without giving way to disillusionment - or an untimely death. He's in charge of bloody business; that sort always leaves stains, literal and metaphoric. "My little lamb," he'll say, knuckles lightly skimming your cheek, "it's best you graze in safer pastures."
Sevika: A chortle of laughter, because - are you for real? What business does such a bundle of sickeningly sweet fluff have on this side of the Lanes? Thank Janna you're cute, or she'd be tempted to punch you, just to see if you bleed rainbows. As it is, you're not safe at any of her hangouts, and her regular social circle would eat you alive. Silco is also warning her that a paramour that naïve may be used as leverage against her. Still, it seems a shame to give you up. She hasn't had a listening ear to vent to in ages. "Back to Topside, sweetie. It's for the best."
Vi: Congratulations. You are just what the doctor ordered. Between unstable living environments, prison, and juggling a dozen different hats for a dozen different people, this girl is tired - and deeply in need of some chipper stability. Your helpful streak and your willingness to step up during a crisis are also greatly appreciated. She can handle problems on her own, but it's so much better when there's someone backing her up. Initially, this reliance on you might make her wary, and pull back a little, since she can't let herself trust it. Once she does, however, she'll be rock-solid in showing her appreciation: "Where," she'll drawl, half-joking, "have you been all my life?"
Jinx: You're a robot. You must be a robot. Nobody's that kind and chipper and patient all the time. Like a cat testing boundaries, she will go out of her way to antagonize you, just to see what lurks beneath that sugary façade. Once it sinks in that it's not a façade, she may freak out and avoid you altogether. She's been bad before; she could be bad again, and do something awful to hurt you. Once it's clear she can rely on you, she will cling like a kudzu vine. You may end up becoming a quasi-maternal figure, because she needs a lot of love and attention, and will seek affirmation for every teensy thing. "If you leave me -" warned with a glittering grin, "-I'll go back to bein' bad."
That's a threat, not a plea.
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undercity-princess · 11 months
Kinktober 17
NSFW prompt: vore
Jinx X Akali
They didn't know why Akali had fallen ill with what could only be described as The Hunger. So far every research only showed other affected individuals from all corners of Runeterra, but neither a reason nor a cure. It seemed to be an old curse or something alike.
They did what they could to sate her. Normal food didn't suffice, so they tried whatever they could find. Raw meat helped her, but never to satisfaction.
The few documents they found were vague at best, most patients took their life after a short time, others were hunted down.
Jinx scoffed, throwing a demacian scroll to the side and pulling a noxian tome closer. There had to be something.
Akali had been unusual volatile, borderline aggressive even, lately. Maybe a hint to Noxus. They were master aggressors at all.
When she pulled the heavy thing, her skin caught on a loose screw on her desk. It was a small wound, but still bleeding. Small drips fell off her hand. She got up to get a rag. The wound itself would close in a minute if left alone.
Akali was in the kitchen, rummaging through the fridge. There should be meat somewhere. There had to be. She needed some right now. Suddenly a tempting smell alerted her from the other direction. It was followed by soft footsteps.
"Heya! Just need something to mop up some blood, and maybe a screwdriver to prevent more spill then I'll be back at my…"
Her eyes went wide, when Kali forced herself into the opposite corner of the room.
"Please… go…"
"What? Why? What's wrong?" She took a step forward but stopped when the ninja recoiled even more.
"You're bleeding"
"Well not anymore" she held the already healed hand up.
"I could smell it before I even heard you come over."
"Ok… oh… oh shit"
Now it made sense. People who had a hunger for human flesh but morals would off themselves. Others would give in and then be hunted.
"It makes sense now."
"Sense? What twisted fucking sense is there?! I nearly jumped you! Because of a tiny scratch! You get hurt all the time, big time! I… I need.. to.. to leave… One day I'll kill you" Kali broke down, curling in on herself sobbing.
"Well it made sense why nothing ever got you un-hungry. Don't worry, well just need to keep your belly full and I'll start to bleed less, ok?"
"How are we supposed to do that?" She sat up hopefully. If there was any kind of plan, her genius would find it.
"This is a city full of scumbags, scoundrels and scampers. Keeping you fed will actually lower the crime rate and thus do good."
It sounded way too easy, but Akali knew the only other way would be leaving her love to keep her safe. It was probably foolish, but she nodded.
They went at it right away and for the first time in months, Akali was at ease. Jinx provided her with information on the worst individuals of Zaun. Twisted as they were, the nightly hunts became kind of dates to them. Jinx always pulled some food for herself out of one of her pockets and they ate together.
It went well, until one night they ventured too far up, ending up on the entresol. They nearly got caught and had to lay low after that.
This had Akali's hunger grow again.
"You know that shimmer makes my body heal pretty much everything right? I mean, I can't grow back a leg… But if… Let's just say something big -But not that big- bit me, it wouldn't really faze me right?"
"Let's face it, sweety, you either eat me in bits that I can substitute or you'll lose it and eat me up whole. And not the good way."
"I will NOT eat you. Healing or not. I don't wanna acquire a taste for you. You already smell better than others. I don't wanna imagine how much better you taste."
They let it slide for the day, but the more time passed the more Akali caught herself thinking about it. She didn't want Jinx to be right, but she also didn't want to hurt her.
Still her self control was fading by the hour.
"You're right."
"As per usual, but you might wanna be more specific, toots" Jinx didn't even look up from her work.
"If I don't leave now, I will lose control." Her voice was silent but clear. She had made her decision. If Jinx still let her, she would take her offer.
Jinx turned to face her.
"You'll leave me?"
"What? No… I mean, if you want me to, I'll go…"
"Oh… OH you mean… you'll eat me. Well, bits of me."
"If you still let me?"
"I don't want you to go and I kinda don't want to die so… Yeah, take what you need."
"No… Not like this. Come" she held out her hand for the tinkerer to take and follow. She had decided to make it as bearable as possible.
Akali led the way to the bedroom and beckoned her victim lover to lay down.
"I won't just hurt you like that. Let me make it up. That's the least I can do."
She undressed the bluenette as slowly as possible, even as her scent clouded her senses.
Jinx let herself go completely pliant. She hadn't anticipated how much being prey turned her on. Her legs were parted and she watched her lover crawl between them. Burning red eyes were fixed on her pink ones as if she was given one last chance to tap out.
"Bring it on!" she dared.
That was all it took for Akali to dive in. But instead of biting she started eating her out fast and hard. Her tongue penetrated her with quick thrust while her nose nudged her clit. Before orgasm could hit the face was replaced with a hand, not changing pace.
Akali had her writhing in bliss when she bit her thigh. Blood streamed from the wound and filled her mouth. She swallowed as much as she could before the wound started closing.
Jinx came down from her high just to be hit with another wave of ministrations. Akali was face first in her cunt again. The smell and taste of her blood and juice mixing in an intoxicating way.
Their little game was repeated until Akali was sated and Jinx was near crying from overstimulation.
"Kiss me" Jinx demanded.
"I taste like sex and death"
"I know."
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||Horror Book Chapter 4: Hunting grounds||
Hello hello sweeties! Peahen mom here with another part of the Horror book. This is part 4. This is a mini horror book involving disturbing stories within New York City. This is also a present for my rp partner and friend @demon-blood-youths
If you wish to read where we are, here is the chapters.
~~Book chapters~~
Horror book one: Bloody game of Hide and seek
Horror book two: Darkness of one self
Horror book three: How to Be Evil: Scared Straight Beyond Prank Part 1
Horror book three: How to be Evil: Scared Straight Beyond Prank Part 2
((Your reading book 4 right now))
~Will have horror in the drabble
~Blood and maybe gore will be seen in this
~Scary themes will be also seen as well
~Death is present at the end
----- Drabble Summary -----
The female fractions leaders have gotten pulled into disturbing bloody game called the hunting grounds. New York City has become a wide ground of his own image or domain world where they have to survive one of Sukuna's new games. Where he seeks and finds his targets, having some of his demonic followers give chase to attack, trap, eat, or kill. Ink was not expecting him to do this but their teams, along with the male fraction leaders were locked up to watch in worry. How will this go? Read to find out.
||Muses in the drabble||
My muses
Ryomen Sukuna, Jujutsu Kaisen. Also to me due to rping as them as a muse
Jinx Violet, Yuuka Nakano, Ashley Butterfly, Willow Phoenix, some of the female team members and fraction male leaders
Demon mun's muse
Her OCs: Kali Vin-Shia along with some of the male fractions and teammates
((Just a heads up: Grammar is not good and their will be heavy mistakes but this was written for fun so please enjoy. ))
Seems another terrible event is happening again in New York city but it's not what one thinks. The even this time involves the female fraction leaders with a female fraction leader visiting. As of right now, the sound of running footsteps was heard along with some panting.
Right now, a group was running down the street of 'New York' only to quickly slam the door and lock it. Ink was panting, leaning against the metal door from running. Her face was covered in sweat while hearing panting from others who was running with her. She honesty was not expecting this to happen but she was experiencing it.
Ever since her nightmare with Sukuna, he seems to have gotten more excited to add not one but a few new players in his new game. She didn't get what he was talking about till seeing him bring her friends into it. Kali, Yuuka, Jinx, Ashley, and Willow was the team who got taken and added into this game.
Ink was angry deep down not believing he did this but knowing Sukuna he didn't give a shit. This was for his amusement. The girls were tired trying to catch their breaths while Kali was trying to check their location with a digital map. The girls did get some injuries from the fighting they went through against those things, some baring cuts and dried up blood.
"D..do you think we...l..lost those monsters?" The girls heard a scared Ashley asked while they look to one another unsure. They were being chased by Sukuna's pets for his game but they had to fight them since he sorta also made it harder.
"I don't know Ash but I think we did. We just have to keep moving and make sure that he don't catch us." Yuu mutters nervous herself as the girls looks around the hiding place. Seems their hiding spot was a building that as near by at the time. So they might have some time to spare. Maybe.
"Well, we can't stay here for long. Knowing that asshole, he's going to find us if we stay in one spot for too long." Kali warns knowing that was right. Which resulted in them running away before being scorched to death by him. Or tackled by one of his so called pets.
"Then..what do we do? We have to keep moving to find one of the safe zones he placed somewhere or else. Isn't their another hiding spot somewhere?" Willow asked as the girls checked the map Kali had. So far, their was some hiding spots but many of them were not easy to find. Maybe they need another idea on what to do.
"Well, we gotta pick something but for now, lets hurry off. We need to keep going before-" As Ink started to speak, a loud bang was heard making the girls jump. What the hell?? Ink moves from the door seeing something happening or heard anything looking at the door.
She got the bad feeling something was out there as the other girls were silent. That's when she heard another loud bang but saw a large dent in the door. Ink moves back as the girls held their breaths afraid before the girls eyes widen hearing the familiar screeching.
"!!!!" Yuuka and Ashley yelps moving from the windows as they shatter. Willow and Jinx moved away from another window seeing clawed hands reaching inside. The girls gets close with one another seeing the building was surrounded.
"Oh no...."
"Shit they found us! We gotta go!" Kali said before the girls runs through another door right as the metal one was getting bent open showing blood soaked claws with a inhuman screeching noise.
Welcome to the Hunting grounds. A new game that Sukuna Ryomen has made. However, he has a twist. He was playing the game while being in a made up world of New York while he has the female leaders trapped inside. However, he also brought the girl fraction leader's teams here to watch this. Hoping their leaders make it through. The ones that was more worried about them was proving that for sure.
Yuji was worried about Ink.
Joshua was deadly worried about Ashley.
Oblivion was worried about Yuuka.
Ethan was really worried about Willow.
Rex was worried about Kali.
Jinx's teams was worried but they know this was bad.
A clone was guarding the teams in a cursed energy bubble so they couldn't stop this. Sukuna made sure of that while they were worried seeing this from a distance with some help. So far, the game of Sukuna was already putting them on edge so far and seeing how far he was planning on hunting them down.
The teams have tired to break out of their prisons but only got punished for it. Some was injured, some was bleeding, some was disturbed while having something broken for trying to get involved.
"We gotta do something! the girls are out there with those things and Sukuna out there. We have to get out of here." Joshua said in a panic but his team was trying to calm him down.
"I know but how? The bastard won't let us out and you saw what he did when we tried." Shdwkyz said while looking seeing some explosion of blue and black flames. That was from Ink and Jinx since the group is on the move.
"Well, we must do something. I don't know how bad this can get but the longer it goes the dangerous it gets." Damien said seeing Light, someone from Ethan's fraction agree. This was just getting worse and worse but hopes the girls were going to be alright.
"Oh, don't be so worried." The fractions heard the clone speak with a dark chuckle. "Their having fun from the looks of it. This game is so much fun...their doing better than I hoped." a sick grin was seen while the others was worried now.
"How the hell are they having fun!? It's like your planning on killing them!" Rex said angry but he was worried about Kali that the clone looks to them still smiling.
"That depends if they can keep up. I'm sure they will be fine...but for how long." he chuckled worrying the fractions and the male leaders. However, they heard a explosion showing some green vines that Joshua and Rex noticed. That had to be Ashley as the other teams kept watching. The girls seems to have gotten to the east side of the area trying to find a spot to hide. However, their eyes widen seeing those monsters giving chase behind them.
~~With Ink and the girl leaders~~
The group runs down the street hearing the inhuman monsters screeching behind them. Even with the flame walls both Ink and Jinx used some got through chasing them faster. They had to keep running to get away from them so Ashley used a vine barrier to catch and stop a few.
Even from the running and dodging what came, the girls got to a new location more tired. Now they were trying to hurry up to get past some burning cars.
"Come on, come on, hurry up!" Jinx said ushering the girls to hurry through but as she was about to go on through, one of Sukuna's pets rams into her, sending her crashing to the ground. She rolls wincing from the hit but she kicks it back as it screeches at her.
"OH GOD, JINX!" Yuuka was worried but thew some purple flames at it seeing it hit when it was about to rip her throat out. She rushes to help Jinx up as the two heard the monster screeching in pain due to the poisoning burning touch from Yuuka.
"Come on, Move move move move!" Ink said trying to get them to keep running. They rush down some stairs through a metal walkway hearing more things catch on fire till the leaders saw something jump in front.
"!?" They stop looking at some large demonic toad seeing it's tongue drooling in toxic ooze. They backed up nervous at the thing but remembers the screeching inhuman monsters behind.
"What do we do!? Were trapped!" Jinx said.
"We need to get past that thing!" Kali said but Yuuka saw the tongue dripping in toxic ooze.
"But how, that looks dangerous but we need to get by..." Willow said worried but Ink quickly takes out her great sword to suddenly rush towards the thing. The girls saw her swing and smash the toad to the side hearing it crashing against some glass breaking through. Ink panted to land turning her head to the girl leaders.
Hearing that, they ran following Ink to get away from here. They still kept running down the path of this dangerous New York City before they see a hidden building to try getting inside. Seems they were close to getting there before the same monsters surrounded them.
"!!!!" Ink, Willow, Kali, Yuuka, Jinx, and Ashely stops in their tracks seeing them but now tries to run but saw the others behind them. All 6 girls press their backs together now being in a circle seeing they were surrounded by Sukuna's monsters. Hearing the hissing, screeching, growling, and groans from all these freaky monsters. Some was drooling wanting to eat the new fresh meats alive as the girls sweatdrops nervous but scared. They saw what these monsters can do and it was not pretty.
Seeing they didn't move, the girls saw the monsters closing in on them before they try to attack. The girls had to fight and so they did shouting out with them fighting to stay alive.
"Damn it, NO!" Rex saw the girls trapped as the others gasped worried to see this. The clone was smiling seeing this and wonders what the ladies will do now. This was such a nice game to make up and he was enjoying it more, knowing his real self was still hunting them down.
The DBT was shouting worried for their leader Ink.
The cursed Vixens were shouting for Jinx hoping she would fight them off and not be eaten.
The Shallow butterflies was worried and panicked about Ashley seeing her fight. Along with The Knights of Darkness being worried with their leader Joshua.
the Season demon warriors was worried but they saw the anger burning from within Rex as his hand closed into a fist shaking for seeing Kali fighting those things. How dare they!
The Elemental Phoenix Feathers was shouting for their leader Willow to fight and stay alive. Ethan was silent with his team shouting but deep down he was angry that Sukuna was doing this.
The Dark Eclipse nightshades was shouting for Yuuka too but hearing Oblivion shouting for her to stay alive. The fractions was worried wanting the leaders to stay alive from that nightmare. They didn't deserve to die seeing them fighting and working together. The blue and black flames bursting into the sky. Green vines wrapping and killing the monsters. Blue flames burning what was close along with blue flame feathers. Purple flames along with pools of bubbling goo was seen. Hearing hearing loud shouting and punching with slashes from the twin sabres, Ravann. The girls were fighting but killing the monsters.
Their blood spills everywhere now and it leaves a bloody gore like mess. They wanted this nightmare to end fighting them off together. The girls kept on fighting till nothing was left. Now the area was coated in blood as Ink with the girls panted heavily from being so tired. Was that it? Was that all the monsters?
Seeing that, the girls fall on their knees tired catching their breath.
"D..did we do it?" Willow asked worried with one eye open, seeing the girls trying to catch their breath.
"I..I think so.....b..but we shouldn't stop there. I know we are safe but we gotta keep moving.." Ink said seeing the girls looking at her. They knew she was right. Even if they killed the monsters chasing them. One more was still on the hunt.
The real Sukuna.
"She's right. We gotta get out of here.....before it's too late." Kali said as the girls slowly tried to stand up, hurrying to try getting out of there. But as soon as they moved, something comes crashing down to make the girls move away from one another.
Ink, along with the girls coughed from the dirt but Ink's eyes widen seeing who it was. Four red blood eyes showed in the dirt before something rushes to grab Ink by the throat pulling her up. The other girls gasped to see it was the real Sukuna! He found them!
"Well, this is something. I found you ladies again. Lets say we try playing again hmm? I've been itching to play." he laughed but the girls saw Ink wincing gripping his wrist before feeling him tighten his hold as she shouts out in pain as he was tightening his grip burning her a bit around the neck.
"INK!!" The girl leaders rushes into save her as Sukuna smirked while throwing Ink to the side who gasped coughing. Willow was aiming flame blue feathers at Sukuna seeing him dodging or deflecting them. She sees he was immune to her flames while she dodges to form blue flamed phoenixes to dive attack him. The other girls moves out the way seeing them explode on contact but when she saw the flames burning, he was not there!
"Wait, where did he-"
"W...WILLOW!! WILLOW BEHIND YOU!" She heard Ashley cry out in fear as Sukuna tackles her but slams his hand against her back as she crashes to the ground. She tries to get up but he reaches to grab her flamed wings. With a sick grin, he sudden yanks the wings hearing a bone ripping noise.
Willow's screams echoed through the city as the other girls eyes widen in horror. Ethan's face paled but his eyes widen seeing blood from this. He saw him gripping her wings even if they were made of flames it must have hurt.
She was bleeding from her back but Sukuna threw the wings to the side now grabbing her to punch her face but he sends her flying to crash against a car twitching. He looks to her wings showing his hands soaked in blood from ripping them off.
He laughed to look at his hand drenched in her blood. "I always heard Phoenixes were special. Lets see just how special!" he dashes about to kill her but got hit with purple flames. He grins seeing Yuuka firing flames at him but he deflects them away only to see her attack but he blocks to kick her hard in the stomach sending her flying. She barfs blood up and slams into the ground as Sukuna walks over to raise his foot and slams it down into her chest. Yuuka cries out from the pain as he was stomping on her over and over. He was stomping hard enough to break or shatter her rib cage.
"That's it! Scream! Keep on Screaming!" He laughed seeing blood from Yuu's mouth. "I bet that lightening girl is enjoying the show!" he laughed but Oblivion's eyes were wide but she was angry at the same time. Damn him!
He knocks Yuu out when disappearing in front of Jinx to see her dodging but throws black flamed daggers at him. He deflects and blocks each one only for him to throw punch after punch. He saw her take them but he grins to add power that he felt bones break. Jinx wince to get sent off hitting a brick wall twitching. She slide down trying to move only to feel she can't.
However, when trying to move, he rams his hand into her stomach spilling blood as she twitched from that. He slowly lifts her off the ground seeing blood dripping down her chin and threw her into a building wall.
Sukuna smirked dashing to finish her when green giant fly traps bites into Sukuna's skin as he saw a giant golem punch him down into the ground. Dust rises in the air to see that Ashley was shaking seeing that but the Golem's fist shakes that made her eyes widen. Sukuna lifts up the golem's fist.
"Naughty naughty. You shouldn't attack from behind if your attack isn't that powerful!" he laughed throwing a punch to shatter the golem! Ashley yelps shielding her face but Sukuna appears in front of her as she gasped feeling him grip her throat lifting her up. She winces feeling him now trying to break her throat as she was chocking in tears.
Joshua and Rex saw this, with their teams, shouting for him to let her go.
"Ashley! Damn it, make him let her go! Don't fucking hurt her anymore damn it!" Rex screams as Joshua was shaking scared.
"PLEASE LET HER GO! PLEASE!" he begs seeing Ashley's movements weakening as she was chocking from his hold. Sooner or later, she stops moving with her eyes half way open as he drops her body.
Ink and Kali's eyes widen in horror seeing that but Sukuna flexed his hand to look at the last two. They got on the defense for him to grab them but he threw Ink to the left and Kali to the right. He had another clone show up to start slashing up Kali who cries out even if she tried to block. Ink was beaten while she saw him laughing and spilling her blood.
The Fractions was in shock seeing this and hearing the bloody cries of the female leaders. Seeing how he beaten them each down worse and worse by the second. They didn't want to hear the screams anymore. It was too much for them. However, the noise stops after he smiled to had more clones throw the bodies together while looking at them. Each one was bleeding to death but Sukuna smiled before he brutally kills the girls one by one.
Everyone saw blood spill on the screen but most looks away, some threw up, and others cries in anguish. The noise echoes through the city like nothing before Sukuna's laughter was heard. He already was savoring this moment that he delivers the final blow to see the girl fraction leaders laying on the ground with Sukuna smiling to lick blood off his hand.
"I win..what a fun game.." he chuckled before it turns into laughter and a insane laughter. His voice was scary to hear even if the female leaders lay in their polls of blood. However, as soon as he was about to do something...everything went dark.
Ink snaps awake while looking around, panting in shock as she was crying to check she was alive. She wasn't dead? She looks down feeling scared again but as she tries to move, she stops wincing in pain. She looks to see her body was in bandages again. Wait..that was no dream.
She turns her head to look seeing she was not alone to cover her mouth. Jinx, Ashley, Yuuka, Kali, and Willow was laying down bandaged up and badly hurt. She saw the injuries each one got even the blood. She looks down shaking now but she looks away ignoring the louder boom of thunder outside.
Sukuna was seriously going too far and it was going to get worse. She did try to move but felt something resting in her hand. Ink blinks to look down seeing a message written. With a shaky hand, she looks to read it only for her to get more scared. Seeing dried up blood on it as well.
The message said;
'Good job on surviving for that long. I can't wait to play again.'
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arc-misadventures · 3 years
What Are Those?! VIII.V
Jaune: Ugh… Faunas are weird…
Ren: But, you are a faunas?
Jaune: I know that! But, ever since everyone else found out I was a faunas…
Nora: And, a dragon!
Jaune: Not cannon.
Ren: Just accept the reality of your circumstances already, Jaune.
Jaune: Never! Anyway, allot of faunas have been acting really weird towards me since then.
Ren: Weird how?
Jaune: Well, the guys have been coming up to me, and they’ve been pledging their loyalty to me, or challenging me to a duel…
Ren: Okay… And, what about the girls?
Jaune: Haaa…
Ren: That bad?
Nora: No, that good!
Ren: What do you mean by that?
Nora: Fearless Leader has been drowning in thirsty woman!
Jaune: Don’t make a joke… Don’t you dare make a joke of any kind…!
Nora: Dozens of faunas woman have been coming on to him, offering themselves to have his children, become his wife, concubines! Everyone wants an, Arc baby!
Jaune: Oh gods, why… Why?!
Ren: So, that’s why Pyrrha is so angry.
Jaune: Yeah… I asked her how she was doing, if she was handling all of… this…
Ren: And?
Jaune: …
Ren: Jaune…? Hello, Jaune?
Jaune: ……
Ren: That bad?
Nora: No… It was worse, way worse than that.
Ren: Oh, oh dear…
Jaune: Meh… Could be worse…
Nora: …
Ren: …
Jaune: I just jinxed myself, didn’t I?
Ren: Oh, absolutely you did.
Jaune: Shit.
Nora: Misfortune coming in: 5… 4… 3… 2…
: Oh, Jaune~?
Jaune: Grk?!
: Jaune~?
Jaune: No! Oh gods no! Why?! Why her of all people?!
Ren: W-What? What’s wrong? Jaune who is it, who’s coming?
Jaune: My mother…
Juniper: JAUNE~!
Jaune: Whelp… Nice knowing you… Grk?!
Juniper: Oh my little, Knight! How are you? Have you been eating well?
Jaune: A… Air?!
Juniper: Hmm? Oh, I’m sorry dear, its been so long, I lost myself there.
Jaune: (Gasp!) Ha… Haa… It’s okay, Mom. I saw that coming… ow… W-What are you doing here…?
Juniper: I came to see you, of course!
Jaune: And, why did you decided to show up, now of all times, unexpectedly, alone…?
Juniper: Oh… A little kitty told me you were this supposedly mythical, Dragon King of the Faunas.
Jaune: Evidently…
Juniper: And, you’re supposed to bring forth a new age for the faunas. Etc. Etc.
Jaune: Yeah…
Juniper: However, she did however purpose this really interesting proposition to me.
Jaune: A proposition…?
Juniper: Yes, and we have come to an arrangement , and…?!
Jaune: Oh gods no! No!
Juniper: W-What, what’s wrong, Dear?
Jaune: She’s offered her daughter for an arranged marriage, didn’t she!
Juniper: Why yes, yes she did.
Jaune: Oh come on?! I’ve lost count of how many faunas girls have come up to me and asked me to marry them?’
Juniper: They have?
Jaune: Or, if they can be one of my mistresses, concubines… whatever they call themselves?!
Juniper: Polygamy is quite common you know?
Jaune: All so they can have my kids?!
Juniper: K-Kids…?
Jaune: And, allot if them at that?!
Juniper: Grandbabies…?
Jaune: And, now they’re bringing my mother into this, come on?!
Juniper: …
Jaune: This is just ridiculous! I’m… I’m so… Mom…? Mom, are you okay?
Juniper: Jaune, sweety~?
Jaune: Yeah…?
Juniper: How many girls have… offered themselves to you…?
Jaune: Uhh… I-I’ve lost count…
Juniper: Really, that many?
Jaune: Y-Yeah…
Juniper: Most men would be celebrating the fact they had one woman throwing themselves at them, and yet, you’re not. Why is that…?
Jaune: Uhhhh…?!
Juniper: Jaune… Where are my adorable faunas grand babies…
Jaune: UHHHH…?!!
Juniper: I want my adorable faunas grand babies, and I’m not the only one who wants them!
Jaune: Uhhh…! L-Look! An adorable orphan huntress-in-training! Ripe for the picking?!
Nora: Hi! I’m Nora!
Juniper: Oh, hello dear~!
Nora: So you’re Fearless Leaders, Mom?
Juniper: Indeed I am.
Nora: Wow! Jaune-Jaune says you were a Huntress, is that true?
Juniper: Indeed I was, and I was quite good at it too, until I met my husband, and started a new chapter of my life~!
Nora: Cool! Ever ride an Ursa before?
Juniper: No, but, I did ride a Nevermore into a cliff once.
Juniper: Jaune, said you are a orphan?
Nora: Yeah, I am…
Juniper: And, how did that happen?
Nora: My mom abandoned me during a Grimm attack on our hometown…
Juniper: She abandon you?!
Nora: Yeah… I was four when it happened…
Juniper: Four years old?!
Nora: Yeah… But, when I was five, I met Renny, and things got better! And, then I came here, and met, Jaune, and Pyrrha, and thing have become way better than before! But… At times I think about what happened, and… yeah…
Juniper: …
Juniper: Jaune?
Jaune: Y-Yes…?
Juniper: You now have one sister-in-law, and eight sisters.
Jaune: R-Really?!
Nora: W-Wait?! Y-You’re going to a-adopt me…?
Juniper: Only if you want to of course.
Nora: I get a mom, a dad… S-Sister, and Jaune becomes my brother?!
Juniper: Indeed you do, my dear. Tell me: How does, Nora Arc, sound to you?
Nora: I-It sounds wonderful… M-Mom!
Juniper: Oh~! That just sounds wonderful, dear. Jaune?
Jaune: Y-Yes…?
Juniper: This only buys you a day, two at best! Now excuse us, my new daughter, and I need to make a phone call.
Jaune: O-Okay…
Nora: I got a, Mommy! I got a nee family! This is the best day EVER!!!
Juniper: It will be my dear, it will be. Now if you’ll excuse us… Ahem… Alfred dear? Yes, call the guy~!
Jaune: …?
Ren: …?!
Jaune: Oh thank gods that worked…?!
Ren: D-Did you really just sell your friend to your mother?!
Jaune: Yes, yes I did, and I don it again in a heart beat!
Ren: That’s seriously fucked up!
Jaune: Look, I already see, Nora as a little sister! Now it’s just official! Not to mention did you see how happy, Nora was?! I knew after my mom met Nora, and found out she was an orphan, she was going to adopt her!
Ren: R-Really?
Jaune: Yes! If my dad didn’t get a vasectomy! I would have allot more siblings than I already do!
Ren: S-Seriously?
Jaune: Yes! And, as soon as my mother has finished adopting, Nora; which she probably already has!
Ren: R-Really?
Jaune: Yes, and as soon as you two are an, ‘item.’ Even if it buys me five minutes, I’m throwing you under the bus, next!
Ren: Seriously?!
Jaune: I have nothing to lose, and everything to gain?! And, I will not hesitate to do this, and a whole lot more?! Do you understand me?!!!
Ren: …?!
Ren: O-Okay then…
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Modern!Silco x Reader, two single parents...
Silco x Biracial Female!Reader.
Warnings: None. Unless you count Reader getting scared shitless by Silco's voice, then yeah. Also pretend I know how PTA meetings work I'm not a parent, and this is a drabble I'll Google it later lmao.
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Fatherhood slapped this man in thee face like YEET YOU ARE NOW A FATHER!!!
Got this idea from a @sweatandwoe ask about Modern!Silco dating or loitering and hunting for single moms in the store, and I just got inspired!! This is just a drabble for now but I'm planning to go back to this and make it a full story with chapters and shit, but I gotta focus on one full story at a time lol. Stuff is also subject to change so...
I'm kinda happy with this, it's cute omg.
"I swear to god Juru, if you don't stop running around-" your half hearted threat didn't do much as your son dashed around the pizza isle, his princess doll in hand as he made her fly around the cheese pizzas. You were debating between thin or thick crust, and also trying to respond to a text at the same time, another parent teacher meeting was coming up, it felt like you'd just had the last one.
"You don't know what fun is, mom." He said as he continued to run.
"You're not gonna be having much fun once you run into a freezer door, dear." You said half distracted as you wrote out your already too long text message.
Juru only laughed as he continued to run about making a woosh sound as he brought his doll into a nose dive.
You sent the text and were now reading it over, wishing you'd clarified a few things, texting really was just as much of a nightmare as calling. Your eyes then flicked to the freezer of pizzas and you still weren't any closer to deciding then you were a minute ago.
"Ru, what kind of pizza do you want?" You asked without turning.
A loud cry then the scrape of someone falling onto the ground made you turn. Juru stood over the fallen girl, his doll still in his hand.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't see you." He began. "I'm sorry I'm sorry, are you okay?"
You rushed over, putting a hand on your son's shoulder as you looked down at the girl.
"Are you okay, sweetie, I'm so sorry, I told him to stop running around." You gave Jaru a playful glare and he immediately started smiling. The girl, who didn't look upset in the slightest, only shrugged. "I've been pushed a lot harder by my dad's second in command." The girl said as she brought herself to her feet. You let out a surprised laugh. "Well I'm glad your okay, again I'm sorry." You said.
The girl smiled at you, strands of her long blue hair in her face, she seemed to have been running around too. "Oh it's okay, it was an accident." She looked at Juru. "Don't feel bad." "Okay" Juru responded shyly.
"I came to get some pizzas, my dad and his workers eat like a lot." She said running over to one of the freezer doors. "We're getting some too." Juru said as he ran up next to her. "But it's hard to decide."
Your phone dinged and you took it out again.
"I know, there's so many choices, and it makes it more complicated when you have to decide thin or thick crust."
Juru nodded. "Decisions decisions."
The girl thought for a moment before speaking excitedly. "I got it, we got thin crust last time, so we'll get thick crust this time, you should do the same!"
"Okay!" Juru agreed, then he turned to you. "Mom, we're getting thick crust!"
"Alright, dear." You said, mostly distracted as you looked at your phone.
The girl opened the door and began to take stacks of pizzas out. Juru looked at her in total shock. "Woah, how many people you feeding?" He asked.
The girl sighed dramatically. "Oh a lot, my dad has at least a billion workers."
"Woah..." Juru exclaimed.
She looked at him over her stack of pizzas. "How many will you be getting?"
"Oh probably only like three or four, maybe five if I'm lucky, it's just me and my mom though, my mom doesn't have a billion workers."
"I see, oh by the way, I'm Jinx, it was nice bumping into you." She said cheekily, smiling wildly.
"I'm Juru, that's my mom," he motioned to you, still distracted on your phone. "It was nice meeting you too." He looked at all the pizzas she held. "You sure you can carry all those."
Jinx scoffed. "Oh for sure, plus my dad and Sevika shouldn't be that far away."
"Who's Sevika?" Juru asked.
Jinx rolled her eyes. "My dad's second in command, she's the worst!!"
"Ohhhh..." Juru responded with wide eyes. You didn't have a second in command, he noted.
You sent the final text and vowed to put your phone on do not disturb for the foreseeable future. Putting your phone back in your purse, you almost jumped out of your skin at the voice behind you.
"Jinx..." The low voice called from behind. You turned around quickly, a man, in a very fancy coat -you noted- stood at the start of the isle, a tall woman stood next to him, her eyes narrowed and looking quite grumpy.
You turned back to your son and Jinx, who both peered around, you couldn't help but let out a small laugh as the girl peered around her large stack of pizzas.
"Oh, I got to go, that's my dad and Sevika, see you around Juru!" She called as she literally sprinted with the stack of pizzas toward her father.
"Byeeeee!" Juru called back.
"Bye Juru's mom!" Jinx said to you as she passed. You laughed again. "Goodbye."
Juru immediately turned around and began taking stacks of pizza out of the freezer.
You watched for a moment as the girl ran up to her father and the woman, explaining excitedly what had just happened. Her father listened intently, as the woman took the stacks of pizza and put them in the cart.
"...And then he ran into me and I fell," Jinx laughed. "he felt so bad." You heard her say. Her father looked up, his eye meeting yours, as you noticed he wore an eye patch, it was covered in bright scribbled colors and you just knew his daughter had done that. You smiled awkwardly as you turned back to your son.
"What are you doing?" You laughed, as Juru held a stack of pizzas.
"Well, you never know when you'll need to feed a billion workers and a second in command." He said.
"What?" You laughed.
"What Jinx said, it really spoke to me." He glanced at her to emphasize his point and you turned again as you spotted the trio walking away.
"Jinx, how many times do I say bring the cart with you when you go get things, you're gonna drop everything one of these days." Her father said as they walked away.
"I can handle it!" Jinx argued.
"Well I'm sure we only need like five" you said gently, turning back to Juru and beginning to take half the stack of pizzas and returning them back to the freezer.
"Awwwww." Juru whined. As he slumped to the cart and put the measly five pizzas in.
You laughed again. "We'll get enough for our army next time." You agreed.
"Yes!!!" Juru explained, jumping up. You brushed your hand over his head and shook yours. What was this boy of yours even talking about?
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engie-ivy · 3 years
Yes, he's in the hospital and doesn't remember anything about himself, but it's actually not that bad. His memories are sure to come back in a matter of days, and until then, he can spend time eating, sleeping, reading, daydreaming about that ridiculously attractive Healer...
(The aim is Funny and Fluffy Wolfstar)
It's Like the First Time
“Everything seems to be in order,” the Healer Trainee, Aubrey, says. “As we expected. How’s the dizziness?”
“When I’m laying down, it doesn’t bother me,” he replies.
“That’s good,” Aubrey smiles. “The dizziness and light-headedness should gradually disappear over the upcoming days, and then the memories will come back after.”
He nods. He’d be more worried about all his memories being gone if the Healers at St Mungo’s weren’t so certain they’ll all come back in a matter of days. Dizziness, light-headedness, and amnesia; it’s a familiar picture when being hit with a Confundo-charm from a defective wand, which the Healers have encountered many times before and has apparently happened to him during some friendly duelling.
It’s always the same picture: the dizziness and light-headedness slowly lessening, and the memories all coming back at once after two to at most five days. Like, one moment you know nothing, and the next you remember everything.
Well, he doesn’t exactly know nothing. His semantic memory is intact, meaning he has basic knowledge and remembers facts and skills. He knows he’s a wizard, he knows the hospital is called St Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, he knows the people in the lime green robes are the Healers, he knows that since he’s a wizard he probably went to Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, and he knows perfectly well how to perform a wide variety of charms, jinxes, hexes and curses. (So luckily those years at Hogwarts weren’t for nothing)
What he doesn’t know is anything about himself. His episodic memory, memory for any kind of life events, is completely gone. Who he is, what he does, what he has done, who he knows, it’s all gone. His own mum could walk into the room, and he’d think she was the laundry lady. (Luckily, she seemed like a very nice lady, and had thought it rather funny)
The only thing he knows about himself, not because he remembers, but because it’s the only thing they told him, is that he’s someone named Remus Lupin. Apparently, in the past, trying to fill in the gaps has proven to be more frustrated than helpful for the patient and, as the memories will come back on their own anyway, quite unnecessary. Therefore, they don’t tell him much else, and all he can do is wait.
Past experience has also shown that the patient often finds it quite stressful, and even frightening, to be surrounded by lots of people who all know him, and whom he feels like he should recognize, but doesn’t. Therefore, friends and family are only allowed in limited numbers, one new person a day, which started with his mum.
His mum had brought him his favourite novel, saying that he read it so many times, and would always wish he could erase it from his memory just so he could read it again with the same sense of anticipation. Well, she had figured this was his chance. Now, all he can do is lie in bed, read his book, and eat food, which is... Well, pretty great actually.
He doesn’t have anything to worry about. How can he worry about anything if he doesn’t remember anything? It’s like having a little break from life and all its expectations and responsibilities. (Though the fact that he’s so happy about having no worries, makes him think that this Remus Lupin normally worries quite a lot)
When a Healer comes to see him, he suddenly knows something else about himself: he’s very, very gay.
The Healer has a classic, aristocratic beauty to him, with his sharp cheekbones and full lips, and his eyes are of a clear grey, that appears silver, which contrasts quite nicely with the strands of raven black hair that have fallen from the messy bun on top of his head. And no one has the right to look that good in lime green robes, which he fills out pretty well with his lean, muscular body.
The Healer gives him a soft smile, and really, if he smiles at all his patients like that, the whole hospital must be diagnosed with palpitations. “How’re you feeling?” the Healer asks in a warm, deep voice.
He wonders whether his semantic memory has failed him after all, as he suddenly seems to have forgotten how speaking works. “Erm...” he says, very eloquently.
The Healer frowns, and looks at Aubrey. “Isn’t the confusion supposed to be gone by now?”
Aubrey looks from the Healer to him and back to the Healer, while a knowing smile appears on her face. “Don’t worry,” she tells the Healer. “He has been perfectly responsive and coherent all day.”
“Has he had some Anti-Confusion Concoction?”
“He’s had a small dose, as the confusion was already wearing off on his own.”
“Are you going to give him Memory Potion?” the Healer continues his questioning.
Aubrey shakes her head. “We have already given him Mandrake Restorative Draught against the spell’s physical effects. Adding Memory Potion might make the dose of Stewed Mandrake too high. As we can be certain all memories will come back on their own, it isn’t worth the risk.”
The Healer nods thoughtfully. “So only a daily dose of Restoration Potion until all effects have subsided, I assume?”
“Yes,” Aubrey agrees. “Based on past experience, that’ll in all likeliness be sufficient.”
The Healer turns his head back to him, and that soft smile is back in place. He opens his mouth to speak, but right at that moment, a bright flash can be seen, and a gazelle made out of shining white light is standing in front of them.
“I’m so sorry to disturb on a moment like this,” a stressed-sounding voice of a young woman comes from the Patronus, that is directing itself to the Healer. “But you’re needed back at the HADA department immediately! We’re having an emergency.”
The Healer curses under his breath. He takes a step towards the door, but then stops to look back at him with a pained expression.
“He’s in good hands,” Aubrey says.
The Healer nods. “I’ll be back as soon as I can,” he tells him, before hurrying out the door.
Though his mum was right, and the novel is really good, he has trouble focusing on it from that moment on. He’s constantly interrupted by thoughts of bright, silver-grey eyes. Merlin, he’s seen the guy once, and he’s acting like a twelve-year-old with a crush!
Telling himself off for it doesn’t stop him from looking up hopefully the moment he catches a glimpse of lime-green robes. It’s quite a disappointment when the Healer that walks in to check his vitals is a greying, grumpy man with a face that seems to be twisted in a permanent scowl. Asking him where the good-looking Healer went to seems kind of impolite though, so he just sits and nods whenever the Healer grumbles something unintelligible.
“So, why have I gotten a different Healer?” he asks Aubrey later, trying to sound casual.
“Different Healer?” she asks, not understanding.
“Yeah,” he says, feeling to his great annoyance that his cheeks begin to flush. “There was this older man checking up on me, while before, there was the young man with the broad shoulder, shining dark hair, sweet smile, pretty eyes...” He trails off.
“Oh!” Understanding, and a not insignificant amount of amusement, appear on Aubrey’s face. “Oh, he wasn’t not your Healer, sweetie! He was visiting.”
“Ah,” he sighs disappointedly. So the Healer had only been here for some sort of second opinion, and he probably won’t be back. It was too good to be true, to have a Healer like that around as a nice distraction.
“Healer Black works for the Healing Against the Dark Arts Department,” Aubrey continues.
“You know him?” he asks.
“I know of him. But honestly,” she adds with a wink. “Everyone working at St Mungo’s knows of Healer Black!”
He chuckles. “I suppose he cannot not catch your eye.”
“It’s not just his appearance,” Aubrey says. “Healer Black is the leading expert on healing Dark Arts-related injuries and combating curses from the Dark Arts. He has invented novel Healing Spells and revolutionized the protocol for treating curses. Healers from all over the world consult him on their cases, and patients come to see him from all over the world.”
“Wow...” he sighs again, but this time it’s a more wistful sigh. He doesn’t even care anymore that he sounds like a love-struck teenager. Maybe Aubrey will write it off as a side-effect of the Confundo-charm. He briefly wonders about that himself, but as those bright, silver-grey eyes come to mind again, he knows he’s under a whole different kind of spell.
“Yeah,” Aubrey smiles. “He’s quite a remarkable man.”
“So I guess I won’t be seeing him again then,” he says dejectedly, letting his head hang. He wonders why they’d sent that Healer to come see him in the first place, as he surely must’ve had better things to do.
He hears a choked noise besides him, and he looks up at Aubrey, who seems to be stifling a laugh, with her hand pressed against her mouth. “Don’t worry, love,” she says with obvious amusement in her voice. “I’m sure you’ll be seeing more of him.”
The young man sitting next to his bed has been talking about his wife and their baby for an hour straight. Though it really isn’t so bad. His stories are quite amusing, and the man is very charismatic. He has sparkling eyes, and hair so messy, he had immediately checked whether it wasn’t storming outside when the man had entered. He has a disarming smile and a contagious laugh, and is surprisingly easy to talk to. He says his name is James Potter, and he’s Remus Lupin’s best friend.
He has to give Remus Lupin a pat on the back for having made such a nice friend. Honestly, the idea of socializing with new people, trying to make friends, does not appeal to him, and he’s glad to know Remus already has them.
“And I just went to see Sirius,” James says. “Well, more like I was speed walking next to him in the two minutes he had to get from one room to another. He still managed to apologize twenty times though. Normally, I’d say he should be sorry, but the poor guy seems to hardly have any time to eat or sleep.” James shakes his head. “Did you hear what happened? Three children were playing in the woods, and they must’ve accidentally touched an unknown cursed object. They were brought in barely conscious and with a mother completely beside herself. So of course, ‘the widely renowned and highly acclaimed, capable-of-the-impossible Healer Black’ was the only one who might save them. And he has, as they seem to be recovering,” James adds, relieved. “But really, there aren’t many excuses that would justify him not being here, but having to save children’s lives is definitely one of them.”
“Thank Merlin those children are alright. That sounds- Wait,” he says, before sitting up. “Healer Black? You know Healer Black?”
James blinks at him. “Ehm... Yeah?”
“Merlin, that man is so handsome!” he exclaims. “He was here for like two minutes, before he got called away to other patients, but I just can’t stop thinking about him! He already looks perfect, and now you’re telling me that he’s some kind of miracle Healer saving children’s lives?” He sighs. “It’s just not fair.”
At first, James still looks confused. Then his eyes widen in understanding, and his mouth starts twitching like he’s trying to hold back laughter.
He doesn’t blame him. He’d laugh at himself too, with how ridiculous he’s been acting over this random Healer. He just hopes he won’t have embarrassed Remus Lupin too much once his memories have returned.
“Don’t worry,” James says, in an amused voice. “Healer Black will come back as soon as he has the time.”
Now, his own eyes widen. “You really think he’d come to see me again?”
James lets out a strangled noise and starts coughing, which he strongly suspects being a laugh quickly covered up by a cough. “Yes,” James replies, suppressed laughter still sounding through in his voice. “I really think so.”
He knows it’s rather pathetic, but as he’s got nothing better to do, he did it anyway. He practiced what he’s going to say to Healer Black when, or if, he comes back.
He’ll tilt his head slightly downwards, so he’ll look up at the man through his lashes, and then he’ll give him a coy smile, while softly saying ‘Healer Black. It’s so good to see you again. I’ve heard many great things about you, and what you did for those children is truly admirable.’ Luckily, flirting seems to fall under semantic memory.
However, when the moment comes that Healer Black enters the room again, his carefully constructed plan falls apart.
At first, he’s stunned that yes, Healer Black really looks like that, and he hasn’t made it better in his head. Alright, the man has bags under his eyes, his robes are rumpled, and his hair is slightly greasy and so much strands are peaking out of his bun, making it look more messy than what would qualify as a normal messy bun, but he still looks like the most beautiful person in the world. He doesn’t even notice Aubrey and James walk in after Healer Black.
He opens his mouth to deliver his carefully practiced lines, but the words die in his throat as Healer Black... Well, flings himself at him. He literally splays out on top of him, hugging him close and pressing his face in the crook of his neck. “I missed you so much,” Healer Black murmurs against his skin.
He freezes. Yes, he has forgotten quite a lot, but he’s still pretty sure this is not the standard operating procedure for Healers to greet their patients. “Erm...” He says, once again ever so eloquently.
Healer Black lifts his head and looks up at him in confusion, but he can’t possibly be more confused than he’s feeling.
James scrapes his throat. “Remus, may I introduce you to Healer Sirius Black-Lupin, your husband?”
“So neither one of you decided to tell him?” Healer Black has crossed his arms over his chest and is glaring at Audrey and James.
“I’m sorry, Healer Black!” Aubrey squeaks. “I know I should’ve told him, but it was just too cute, watch him be all smitten with his own husband.”
He isn’t really listening. He’s openly staring at Healer Black. Apparently, he bloody married the guy, so it’s allowed, right?
“I don’t know how you pulled this off, Remus Lupin,” he whispers under his breath. “But thank you, and kudos to you, mate, kudos to you.”
As he looks at Healer Black up and down (at some point he’ll really have to stop referring to his husband as Healer Black, probably), he suddenly really wishes for his memories to come back fast, as there are some things he’d really like to remember.
Though on the other hand, he thinks, biting his lip, maybe ‘Healer Black’ won’t mind freshening up his memory in the meantime?
“Ugh,” Remus groans, hiding his face against Sirius’ chest. “I can’t believe I was practically drooling over you!”
Sirius chuckles while he’s rubbing soft circles on Remus’ back. “You were cute.”
As a reply, Remus just groans again.
“I’m sorry, though,” Sirius says, suddenly quietly. “It wouldn’t have happened if I had been by your side as I was supposed to be.”
Remus lifts up his head to look at Sirius. “Hey, none of that! You were saving lives.” He presses a quick kiss to his husband’s lips. “You wouldn’t have wanted to be anywhere else, and I wouldn’t have wanted you to be anywhere else.”
Sirius smiles softly at him, and Remus lays his head back on his chest. “Besides, it was a good reminder that I should be more proud of my accomplishment to get Healer Black to marry me.”
Sirius barks a laugh, that Remus can feel vibrating in his chest. “And how exactly was me down on one knee practically begging you to become my husband ‘you getting me to marry you’?”
Remus smiles fondly, happy that that memory is safely back in his head. “And it was nice to feel like having a new crush again,” he continues. “ All exhilarated, enraptured, and in awe.”
“Oh, Moony,” Sirius sighs, pressing a kiss to the top of Remus’ head. “I feel like that every time I look at you.”
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lillywillow · 3 years
Summary: A fun game of paintball with the team
 Word Count: 932
 Square Filled: “People who shoot at you usually wind up shooting at me, too.”
 Pairings: Bucky x Reader
 Warnings: Mild discomfort (being shot with a paintball), very mild swearwords
Written for @star-spangled-bingo
 Once a month, the team got together to do a whole group activity. Those activities ranged from board-game night, to videogames, to laser tag. Everyone contributed an idea and voted for which one they would like to do. Today’s activity just happened to be paintball.
 The drama began with the choosing of teams. You ended up being on opposite sides to your boyfriend who got all pouty and sulky.
 “Why can’t we be on the same side?” he whined.
 “Bucky, sweetie, darling, light of my life, as much I love you... you’re a jinx.”
 “What the hell is that supposed to mean?!”
 “It means that every game we play that involves shooting, the people who shoot at you usually wind up shooting at me, too.”
 “Y/N is right. The pair of you have morphed into one big entity making you an easy target,” Tony smirked, moving his hands to demonstrate.
 Bucky glared at him.
 “So, how about we get this show on the road?”
 The battlefield started out eerily quiet as people took their places, silently stalking their victims like predators in the woods. By far, Nat was the best at this, appearing out of the shadows and vanishing just as suddenly. Bucky would have to be second best. Clint set up a vantage point in one of the towers, ambushing people as they walked by and changing his post whenever his position had been compromised.
 Your heart pounded in your chest as you crept your way through the woods, flinching as every snap of a twig and rustle of leaves. Sweat trickled down your forehead and ran down your back. You tried not to waste ammo at everything that moved but your finger twitched on the trigger. This had to be as nerve wracking as a mission infiltrating a HYDRA base. You did manage to get in a few good shots though.
 You were making your way around the battlefield when that’s when you saw... him. Bucky strutting his way around with his gun in his hand; barely covered in paint. You had to admit he looked damn fine in that uniform... the things this man did to you. The moment you stepped out, Bucky’s instincts took in, aiming right at you.
 “So, Sergeant Barnes... we meet again,” you said, putting on some kind of voice to sound sinister but it came out more comical.
 “It appears we do,” he replied.
 The two of you stared each other down, guns trained on each other like a couple of characters in a cheesy spaghetti western showdown. You could practically hear the theme tune to The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Suddenly, you were hit from behind. Gasping, you turned to see Clint ducking down behind his spot up on the tower.
 “Clint, what the hell?! We’re on the same side!”
 “That’s for eating the last pizza bagel last week!” he laughed.
 “But we’re on the same-”
 You were interrupted by a shot to your leg. Now your attention was back to your paramour.
 “Fine, if that’s the way you guys wanna play...”
 The game suddenly erupted into bedlam with the original objective of Capture the Flag long forgotten. Everyone was shooting at each other, now trying to get the most amount of hits. Blue paint from Steve, red paint from Bucky, purple paint from Clint, green paint from Nat.
 The only time people gave up was when they were totally out of ammo which meant having to turn in. Everyone was laughing and yelling and if anyone passing by had to guess what was going on, they might have thought it was a party of teenagers. It wasn’t long until there were only two people left; you and Bucky.
 “So... I’m a jinx, am I Y/N?”
 “I wasn’t shot until you showed up...” you sassed.
 “He shot you because you ate the last pizza bagel,” Bucky reminded you.
 “Doesn’t count.”
 “It absolutely counts!”
 “We were on the same team!”
 “And yet he still shot you!” Bucky countered.
 With a growl, you fired at him with your final shot. To your horror, the paintball barely grazed his left arm. This gave Bucky a chance to fire his final three rounds into your chest plate. The pair of you stood there panting and glaring at each other before erupting into laughter.
 “Come on. Let’s go eat with the others,” Bucky grinned, putting his arm around you and helping you limp your way back to the base. “How’s the leg?”
 “Not too bad. A little sore and possibly bruised but I’ve had worse on missions,” you shrugged. “Nothing a hot shower and a little rest can’t fix.” Bucky nodded in agreement.
 When you reached the others, they all cheered and laughed. This was how things usually ended on these team activities. There was some fighting, some arguing, competitiveness and teasing but it all came from a place of love. You’d also end with a feast of junk food and shared drinks. As you took your place at the table, you snuggled up to your boyfriend. Bucky knew your comments earlier were only playful and he brushed them aside. Would he bring them up at a later date? Possibly but for now, he would just enjoy the peaceful atmosphere with all his friends and the person who held his heart.
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ceyrann · 2 years
Heyyyy cutie, I am really sorry that you're not feeling that good. I hope that you find the strength in yourself to feel better. Please remember to hydrate yourself and be easy and compassionate towards yourself.
You're loved and cared for over HERE 💕 and I so appreciate your existence ❤️
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I went out yesterday and found this really cute and tiny flower shop so here's a picture of that.
Hope you like it 💚✨🤗💘
Hey sweetie thanks for checking up on me. I went to the doctor and doc checked up and everything's quite alright, since there's no fever and all.
I went home and slept and felt better cuz most prolly the period pain subsided and I hope I don't jinx this but I went to the toilet and no diarrhea this time and I hope this continues on. (Kinda was wondering if the diarrhea and all was cuz my period is coming + IBS + inconsistent eating)
The flowers are so pretty and vibrant! Here's mine! Succulent in my office!
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miraculouspenta · 4 years
Different Limits
Original Idea by @jinx-jade​​
Thanks to @moonlitceleste​ for beta reading :D
'What have I done,' Damian thought. Dick was lying on the floor with an arm that was clearly broken. He had surprised Damian with a hug from behind, triggering his instinct to attack. Damian had reacted by twisting his arm, resulting with Dick being on the floor. Jason entered the door when he heard Dick’s shriek of pain. "WHAT THE F*CK, DAMIAN!" he shouted when he saw Dick. His whole family had scolded him, Bruce had benched him for a whole two months, and Alfred had given him a disappointed stare.
Damian couldn't stand it. Not anymore.
He snapped.
He had tried, he really had.
But it was never enough.
As the heir to the Demon's Head, attacking at unknown touch has been burned into him. Touch had always meant danger. It was second nature to him now. Unfortunately, his family did not know nor do they understand. Two years of constant reminders that he had done terrible things. Two years of constant reminders that he was merely a killing machine. Two years of greater expectations, both in standard and amount. He had enough.
Damian said goodbye to his pets and ran.
After a good hour of running, he dropped into an alley and cried.
In his vulnerable state, he didn't see a man creep up. A man holding a gun. The unknown adult was planning to kidnap the boy, but as soon as his hands reached Damian, he reacted. He flipped the man over his shoulder like what he did to Dick earlier. But in his state, it didn't affect much. The man pulled out a knife and stabbed him in his side. It ended the fight.
The kidnapper ended up running away, leaving a heavily injured Damian to slowly watch the world as his vision turned black.
Marinette, who had just finished some business with Superman, decided to take a walk in Gotham before going home. Along the way, she spotted a boy covered in blood as she crossed an alleyway. He was already unconscious, and Marinette knew she couldn't just leave him there. So she opened a portal and went through it and carried the boy in her hands. She laid him down in her spare room and left to get her medical supplies.
Approximately six hours later, the boy woke up. His eyes scanned the room as he tried to up and leave. Limping, he tried to head to the window. "Hi sweetie, you need to calm down," Marinette’s soft voice said as she walked slowly to the boy., "You should be resting; moving might agitate your injuries." The boy just stared at her. Marinette stood up slowly and walked over. "May I?" she asked, reaching for his hand. When he nodded, she carefully took his hand and led him to the bed. Once there, she helped Damian into a comfortable position. "Do you have anyone you can call?" she questioned. When he didn't answer, she simply nodded her head and asked him what he would like to eat.
Damian ended up staying for three weeks because Marinette refused to let him leave until he was fully healed. The twelve year old grew closer to the woman. Once healed, he confessed that he has nowhere to stay. Marinette took the information in stride and told him he was more than welcome to stay with her. And stay he did.
Living with Marinette was incredible. Unlike his grandfather and his father, she didn't place any expectations on him. At one point, he slipped and called her mom. Damian had froze after he said that, scared of how she would react. It ended up with Marinette asking him whether or not he would mind her adopting him. Damian happily agreed and they soon got the paperwork done. (Chloe is conveniently Marinette’s lawyer). Damian wore the Dupain-Cheng name with pride. As Grand Guardian, Marinette took it upon herself to teach Damian magic. Starting with glamour, they covered the basics of magic.
Two weeks after the adoption, while reading the daily news, Damian came across an article on the front page.
The Daily Planet
Not more than six weeks ago, twelve year old Damian Wayne was reported missing. The only biological child of Bruce Wayne was suspected to have ran away for an unknown reason. He was last seen running to his room before he left. “Maybe I was a little too harsh,” Bruce Wayne admitted, “But this isn’t the first time I had to ground him because he wasn’t able to control his strength.” The young boy had somehow managed to flip Richard John Grayson, Bruce Wayne’s eldest, when he had surprised him with a hug. “Damian and I may not get along, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care,” Tim Drake, co-CEO of Wayne Enterprises said.
Damian Wayne is a tan boy with dark hair and striking green eyes. He weighs around 90 lbs at 4’9 ft tall. Currently, he is twelve years old. Multiple search parties have been launched. I myself know Damian personally from all the times he has visited my son. If you find the boy, please contact xx-xxx-xxx-xxx and we will get to you as soon as possible.
- Clark Kent
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After reading, Damian had a breakdown. Marinette rushed in when she heard the sobs of her child. She didn’t say anything and instead she approached slowly wrapping him in her arms. She let him cry as she rubbed his back and once he calmed down, he told her his story and why he left.
“All these new expectations were just overwhelming,” he said, “‘No killing’, ‘justice not vengeance’—it’s like they were expecting me to turn back. I never wanted to hurt them, but it’s something that is a reflex now. It’s not easy to let go of a habit.” Marinette was silent throughout his whole rant. She knew how terrible Ra’s and Talia were but that didn’t make it better. She knew the Batman could be cold, but the fact that he didn’t listen and try to understand infuriated her.
“Ra’s and Talia should know not to mess with me, but if I ever see your father I can and will punch him,” she growled. Damian smiled as he nuzzled into his mother’s chest.
Three years passed. Damian and Marinette’s bond grew stronger while the search parties grew hopeless. The Justice League was also involved; so were the Titans and the Young Justice. They concluded that Damian was either dead or hiding really well. The former option was discarded when Zatara and Zatanna had almost managed to track him, but unfortunately the spell suddenly shattered when it was nearing.
Desperate, the batfamily decided to reach out to the Grand Guardian of the Miraculous. Imagine their surprise when they saw Damian on their way to her house. When they ran to him, Damian, now fifteen, went into an alley and disappeared. They rushed to Marinette’s house and knocked. They heard hard breathing and a gentle voice trying to calm the other party down. Leaning towards the door, Dick found that it was unlocked and tumbled in.
What they saw was Damian kneeling on the floor crying in the middle of a breakdown and Marinette trying to soothe him. “Out,” Marinette glared. The boys obeyed and waited anxiously. The person that they had been searching for was under the protection of the Guardian all this time. It made sense why even both Zatara and Zatanna couldn’t track him down.
An hour later, Marinette opened the door telling them to come in and wait. She took some water and placed them on her coffee table saying that Damian was taking a shower. As soon as she sat down the boys began to fire questions. They stopped after a good fifteen minutes and noticing that Marinette wasn’t saying anything. “I know why Damian ran away, yes, but it is not my place to say. I can ask him later, and I will not say anything without his permission. But I will say this,” Marinette said, voice colder than ice, “You f*cked up.” Marinette stood up to check on Damian. “By the way,” she stopped for a moment, “I adopted him three years ago.”
Damian ended up being the one to tell them everything. Everything from why he ran away to why he decided to stay. The Waynes felt bad; they hadn’t even bothered thinking about his perspective. Looking back, Jason and Bruce realized what Damian had said about the League was true. “I’m- We’re sorry Damian,” Dick apologized. “Are you willing to come back?”
“No,” he said. The Waynes were visibly saddened.
“But I am willing to start over.”
1445 words
I had tons of fun writing this fic, hope you guys like it
@animegirlweeb @battybatbat @crystalangelluna @dorkus-minimus @galaxylightmoon  @iglowinggemma28  @insane-fangirl-of-everything  @jayjayspixiepop​ @jjmjjktth​ @karukofox21​ @lunathealphafemale​ @megaafangirl​ @miraculouslydumb​ @myazael​ @nickristus-dreamer​ @our-preciousss​ @samiamack​ @sh31bin0​ @user00000003​ @waffleyunsure​
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Caught In The Storm" *Part 5*
I feel like because this was dictated all the language seems off, but I don't know how to fix it! Please let me know if it doesn't sound like my..."voice", if that makes any sense?
Also YUP we might get through this whole thing tonight. Shut up if these are short chapters you're getting them all at once!
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Part 6
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A few days later, you sent texts to everybody in the squad including Rafael to meet you for dinner at Forlini’s for a “special announcement”.
When everyone showed up they found you with Nathan. The both of you were hanging on to each other pretty heavily, making the squad confused, looking from you to Nathan to Rafael to back to him.
“Guys.. this is my boyfriend Nathan,” You grinned.
“Hello all, it’s so great to meet you!” Nathan gave a casual wave to the squad. “Y/N has told me so much about you all,”
“Really?” Fin raised an eyebrow. “Because she hasn't mentioned you at all,” He gave you a look.
“Well.. I wanted it to be a surprise, Daddy,” You nervously smiled.
“Was it that or did you not want some of us to know?” Fin asked, looking between you and Rafael, who looked EXTREMELY uncomfortable
“No I just didn't know how you'd react…” You said through gritted teeth of a fake smile.
“Oh my God,” Nathan whispered finally realizing who Rafael was.
“Baby.. you never mentioned that you were friends with the ADA!” He exclaimed, making the entire group stare in shock.
“He's a lawyer…” you nervously added. Rafael looked like he was going to be sick.
“It's such an honor to meet you sir really, you have been kind of an idol to me for a long time,” He stared goo goo eyed at Rafael, completely unaware that if he could legally kill him in front of all these people, he would.
“Oh my God,” you muttered. This was going worse than you thought.
“You know I would love to pick your brain sometime if you'd let me sir,” Nathan asked while trying to shake Rafael's hand.
Rafael looked from you to Nathan, to you to Nathan in a bit of a shock but he tried to hide it with an awkward smile.
“You know I really don't think that's a good idea,” you interjected, stepping in between the two.
“Actually you know I think that's a great idea. What was your name again-- Nate?” Rafael suddenly had his charm turned up 90, genuinely shaking Nathan’s hand.
“No I really don't think that's necessary,” You said your gritted teeth while giving him a look.
“Baby don't ruin this for me. He could really help my career,” Nathan whispered to you.
“I don't think you know what you're getting into Nate,” You whispered back while glancing at Rafael, who had an evil smile.
"Why don't you call my office and we’ll set up a meeting? Rafael pulled a card from his pocket and handed it to Nate, smirking at you.
“Sounds awesome!” Nathan beamed.
“Well enough of that let's eat,” Fin jumped in, trying to break the tension.
“Sounds good,” Olivia added as you all had dinner uneventful for the rest of the night.
The next day you stormed into Rafael's office.
“What do you think you're doing?” You asked him.
“What do you mean?” He asked, acting oblivious.
“You know what I mean,” you narrowed your eyes. “What's your game here?”
“What game?” Rafael asked. Just because I want to help your “boyfriend” help his career suddenly I have a problem?” He asked.
“I think we both know that's not what's going on here,” you huffed.
“Why would it be anything other than that?” He kept his cool.
“I thought we've been through this, Y/N. We said we were friends, and I just want to do something nice for my friend,"
The word friend pierced your heart like a knife every time he said it you felt your heart breaking more. But that was stupid, because you had already moved on. You love Nathan, right? And Rafael was just trying to be friendly.
“All right fine,” you rolled your eyes. “Fine, help him. It'll be better for us anyway,”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Rafael asked suspiciously.
“Nothing that concerns you friend,” you enunciated, turning on your heels and walking out of the office.
The next few weeks Nathan worked under Rafael as an intern, and he was surprisingly loving every minute of it. Every day when he would come home you'd ask him if Rafael had been hard on him, and Every day he would assure you that it was just because he was trying to make him a better lawyer. But you knew better. You just really hope it wouldn't break him, or you.
Meanwhile, a representative from SMG records had been in the audience one night and asked you to come record a demo. You didn't want to say anything to the squad just yet because you didn't want to jinx it. But as you were in the studio recording your demo song, you couldn't help but wish they were there. Especially because you were singing “Caught In The Storm,” as your demo track.
As you sang the words you closed your eyes and drifted back to that night when all of this started. The emotions you felt, the excitement, the rush of emotions, and the way you looked at Rafael and it all came crashing down.
That moment changed your life. And you were pretty sure that it changed him too. But he wouldn't admit it, and you would accept that, and you were happy with Nathan now. You were in a very good place in your relationship, and you were beginning to fall in love with him.
And that was a good thing, right?
One day you were headed home from work when your phone rang.
“Hey Y/N this is Katie from SMG records.”
“Oh yes, how are you?”
“Great. I just wanted to let you know that we loved the demo, and we would like to record a few more songs with you before I send it up to my higher-ups to see if they want to make a full album,”
“Are you serious? That's amazing!”
“It sure is, kid. I'll call you back later with the details,”
This time you picked up the phone and dialed Fin's number immediately.
“Daddy they want to potentially record an album!” You squealed.
“No way baby girl!” Finn cried that's amazing.
After you talked for a few minutes you hung up. You started to dial Rafael's number to tell him the good news, but stopped before hitting SEND.
Why was he the second person you wanted to tell? You should be calling Nathan. You dialed Nathan's number instead.
“Hey baby I'm sorry to disturb you at work”
“It's fine sweetie, I'm just here with Mr. Barba filling out paperwork,”
Your heart began to speed up.
“Oh…, then I'll be quick. The record company called me and said that they want to record a few more songs, and potentially make an album!”
“Oh my God baby that’s amazing!!! I'm so happy for you!!” Nathan exclaimed. You could hear him tell Rafael the good news in a muffled voice.
You wished you could see the expression on Rafael's face in that moment.
Was he happy?
Was he happy for you?
Surely he was. You hadn't really spoken to him since Nathan started his internship because you didn't want to make it worse for Nathan.
But all you wanted to do at that moment was see Rafael's face and hug him and have him tell you he was so proud of you. It made you want to start crying.
“Well okay I'll let you go,” You said with tears starting to choke your throat.
“Are you crying, baby?” Nathan asked.
“Oh yeah, but just because I'm just so stoked!” you lied, wondering if Rafael knew you were lying if he heard you. you wondered if Nathan knew you were lying. Rafael would know you were lying, he always did
After you hung up, Rafael smiled at Nathan. “So she got her record deal?” He asked nonchalantly.
“Yeah I guess she did, Nathan smiled back like an idiot. “I'm so happy for her! Things are really starting to look our way,”
“Yeah.. that's great. I'm really happy for you both,” He lied, feeling his heart break more every second.
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blizzardfluffykpop · 4 years
Red-Letter Day
Summary: This week has been the cherry on the top of the month. The straw that broke the camel’s back.
Vernon X Reader
Word Count: 1,380
Requested by @sweetie-yoongi7 : hi can i request a vernon imagine where he's been neglecting you lately and not being the best boyfriend and the stress of comeback gets to him and he snaps at you and its angsty but then it ends in some good ole fluff ? 💖
This week has been a week from hell, my boss has forced more work onto me. While my other coworkers get to relax and create things at their own pace. I have to put in twice the work in for a deadline on Monday. From spilling hot coffee all over my favorite work shirt. To forgetting my coat when it was pouring down rain. And to top it all off my boyfriend, Vernon, has completely forgotten our anniversary. I know he has a tough working life too, but I made arrangements way ahead of time. Putting reminders everywhere and I circled red on our calendar. But when I showed up dressed to the nines, with him being a no-show. I ended up eating a full course expensive meal by myself, on our anniversary. It’s our fifth anniversary, I know I shouldn’t be as mad as I am. But this, I can’t believe it, through thick and thin we’ve always been by each other’s side. I finished my massive project at work today. It would have been nice to finally relax and talk with him over a nice dinner.
I thought he would remember, but I guess the comeback is getting to him. This month he’s been in the studio way more than my arms. I know it’s their fifth year together as a group and this is a crucial comeback. But even when they debuted and we first got together. It’s like he’s a different man, when he does come home it’s only to sleep or pick up a snack. No hi or bye, and with this week being hell I just wanted to see him again. Talk about everything and work through it together. But no, he decided he had better things to do then celebrate our fifth anniversary. My hands tighten up on the steering wheel, why is everything so hard. I want a hug, and for us to make each other’s worries go away.
When I get home the lights are all out, and he’s not home. I know the boys wouldn’t make him miss such an important night. I decide to wait for him to come home and pull on my comfy pajamas. I sit on the couch watching a sit-com waiting for Vernon. It’s about 1 am when he shows up and when he reaches the couch I ask him softly, “Where were you?” And that’s when he snaps, “WHERE WAS I? I was at the studio making a new song, where do you think I was?” Here, we go, I know I’m not going to be able to hold my tongue. “WOW, THANKS FOR REMEMBERING SUCH A RED-LETTER DAY. You know I’ve had a fucking bad week too, you don’t have to snap at me like you’re all that.” He glares at me, “I’m all what?” his voice condescending, “That you’re better than me because you make music all day. Our anniversary was today and we made plans--” He rolls his eyes, “OH BOO HOO, YOU SIT IN AN OFFICE ALL DAY. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TELL ME MY JOB IS LESSER.” I square my shoulders and stand up, “I WASN’T CALLING YOU’RE JOB LESSER, BUT YOU JUST MADE MINE SOUND LIKE THAT. SO, IT’LL ONLY BE FAIR, VERNON!” Our yelling is probably loud enough for our neighbors to hear. “OH FUCK OFF, it must be so easy just to sit there and twiddle your thumbs and type a few words a day. I have to make a whole fucking album--” I cut him off, “YOU MAKE THE WHOLE FUCKING ALBUM, WHAT ABOUT ABOUT JIHOON HUH? MY ASS, VERNON I WORK JUST AS HARD AS YOU, AND STILL FIND TIME TO TAKE CARE OF OUR RELATIONSHIP!” He rolls his eyes at me, “I FORGET ONE TIME--.” “THIS ISN’T JUST ABOUT THAT, YOU’VE BEEN PUSHING ME AWAY THIS WHOLE MONTH, JUST TO WORK ON AN ALBUM. When we made plans you were so ready to celebrate, and then this month you’ve just been a dick. From not sleeping in the same bed, or leaving before I even get up without a goodbye. You’re gonna tell me that you forgot one time? THIS WHOLE MONTH YOU’VE BEEN ANYWHERE BUT HERE! You know what, that’s a good idea, I’ll see you when you get over yourself.” 
I grab my wallet and throw on a jacket and my shoes. With my keys and phone in hand, I run out to my car. I know tears are streaming down my face as I open my car door and lock it. I put my key into my ignition and turn the engine over and play my music too loud for this time of night. As I get ready to pull out of my parking space I see Vernon running out to me. I shake my head and speed off with tears in my eyes. 
I end up at a convenience store, wiping my tears. I walk in and grab two pints of ice cream. Eating my feelings out felt nice, as I sat in my car thinking of everything. Why can’t I just be an eighteen-year-old running after my dreams and not knowing how painful life is again. The older I get the more life hits me with bricks. Crying in my car and eating ice cream had to be the best decision I’ve ever made. I let it all out before deciding to return to our apartment. I know nothing will ever be solved unless we work through it. I walk up the steps, trying to avoid the apartment as much as possible by not taking the elevator. I get there and see Vernon sitting against the door. He sees me and looks like a lost puppy, my heart aches and forgives him without even thinking twice. We’ve both had a hard month, this week was just the cherry on the top.
He sees me, he gets up, he's visibly shaking and still crying. I don’t know how our neighbors deal with us. My tears start flowing down cheeks again, with a shaky hand he pulls out a box of chocolates. I pull the other pint of ice cream out of my coat pocket. I ask him softly, “You got locked out of the house, baby?” He nods, his lips pouty, and I unlock the door. “Let’s talk this out in the living room.” He nods when we sit down at the coffee. We apologize at the same time, “Jinx” I say softly, “I’m sorry for snapping.” I nod, “I’m sorry too”  We place our stuff on the coffee table, and I carefully grab his hand. 
He laces our fingers, “I know today was a red-letter day for us,...” I nod, “It happens,... we both have so much on our plate.” He nods, “Well, I made a song,...” I nod for him to go on, “It’s about us,... It’s going to be released on the album, Jihoon likes it. He told me, ‘Young Love, ahh, so sweet’.” I laugh, “I was told to write a paper while my coworkers got free time. I wrote about you,... I was asked to write about what makes me calm down. But what makes me calm is you, you just know what to do. Your energy is so mellow--.” He grins, “That’s why I like your energy, you’re so vibrant--” I shake my head, “Yeah, but your style, have you seen it?” He laughs and squeezes my hand. “I love you, Vernon.” He grins, “I love you too, (Y/n).” 
We both get up from the coffee table. “How about tomorrow, we both go wherever you want?” He asks and I shake my head ‘no’ and tell him, “How about we go where we both feel comfortable.” He grins and kisses my forehead, and agrees. After putting away the ice cream and chocolate, we go up to our bedroom.
With that we fall asleep, tuckered out from everything, holding onto each other. Arguments happen, they’re not preventable but it’s solving them is what makes a relationship work. Working together is hard especially if your views conflict. But in a relationship, you look past that and into each other’s souls. For we all are lonely, just wanting love and care when times get rough.
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hostess-of-horror · 3 years
A Family Gathering
[M.B. is my Cadetsona OC, Shelley is my Sam and Max fanchild OC, M.J. belongs to @sleepy-heads-blog, and Sean and Nyarly belong to @drusb]
Note: This takes place after "A Day at the Diner" and before "Cadet's First Case".
Shelley: "Big brother, look!"
[With a toothy grin, Shelley lifts up a long centipede from underneath a rock. M.J. turns around to see her shaking it with glee.]
M.J.: "Oooh, that's a big one! Good job, Shelley!"
[Shelley squeaks happily and proceeds to eat the centipede, which makes a slight crunchy sound. M.J. smiles and leans onto the porch fence, looking out onto the neighborhood. The Commissioner had given Sam and Max a day off since there were no cases to be found. So in order to celebrate that sometimes-rare occasion, they invited family and friends over. M.J. could hear the commotion from inside the house; their laughter muffled by the walls. He could join them, but he was waiting for someone. He watches out towards the right side of the road patiently. Shelley looks up, climbs up the fence, and sits right on the edge next to M.J.]
M.J.: "I think you're gonna like Miss M.B. She's a really nice lady."
Shelley: "Miss... M...B...?"
M.J.: "Uh-huh. She is Dad and Papa's Cadet for the Freelance Police. Miss M.B. is our friend and she has these really cool powers that make all sorts of things appear."
[Shelley tilts her head, her ears flopping to one side. M.J. reaches out and lifts her up, carrying her like a small baby.]
M.J.: "I definitely think she'll really like you."
[Suddenly, a horn is heard. It's the DeSoto, pulling up into the front parking lot. M.J. knew what that meant.]
M.J.: "Dad! Papa! Miss M.B.!"
Sam: "Hey, son! Hey, Shelley!"
Max: "Hello, my little critters!"
[Coming out of the backseat is M.B., dressed in much nicer clothing than she wore before. A long, black, sheer kimono drapes over a soft tank top and a long black skirt, which is covered in coffin patterns. Her jewelry were a mix of spiked bracelets and several Anhks on her necklace and earrings. Over her eyes are a pair of magenta tea shades. Her dirty blonde hair is hanging loose around her shoulders, revealing her shaved hair on the right side of her head. Her boots were black leather with a touch of heel to them.]
M.B.: "Hey, lil' dude! How's it going?"
M.J.: "Miss M.B., you're here!"
[M.J. runs up to receive a big hug from M.B.]
M.B.: "Aw, did you miss me?" *gasps* "And who is this?"
M.J.: "Oh! This is Shelley, our new baby sister."
M.B.: "Awwww, she's so precious! Hi there, Shelley. It's nice to meet you."
[Shelley looks up at M.B., almost shying away. She then returns the smile. M.B. giggles.]
Sam: "Well, the rest of the family's inside, so let's not keep 'em waiting, shall we?"
[Sam wraps his arms around the two and heads up towards the entrance. They all enter inside and in the living room sits Sean and Nyarly in a couch playing Mortal Kombat while Geek and John watches.]
Sean: "Oh hey, you're back!"
Geek: "Hi, M.B.!"
M.B.: "Hey Geek."
[M.B. waves and smiles. But deep down inside, she still cannot help but feel terrible about breaking her heart over at the Diner. Even if everything has been patched up afterwards.]
Nyarly: "God, stop picking Scorpion! Choose someone else for once!"
Sean: "I do better with Scorpion, he's my main! It's not my fault you're a noob at this game."
Nyarly: "Alright, Noob Saibot it is. Let's go!"
M.B.: "Ooooh, Mortal Kombat! I love this game!"
[She goes to sit down alongside Geek and John. M.J. joins and Shelley goes over to Sam and climbs up onto his back.]
Shelley: "Father!"
Sam: "Hehe, hey there, sweetie. Father loves you too. Wanna help me with tonight's dinner? Come on. To the kitchen!"
[Sam rushes into the kitchen, giving Shelley a piggy back ride. She squeals in delight, giggling all the way. Max follows the two. The rest of the family sits and watches Sean and Nyarly battle it out on Mortal Kombat. Scorpion vs. Noob Saibot. Fighting to the death in the main tournament stage.]
Nyarly: "Oh, come on!"
Sean: *smirks*
Nyarly: "Are you spamming the special move button?!"
Sean: ".... maybe."
Nyarly: "Well, two can play at that game."
[Noob Saibot successfully dodges Scorpion's attack and perfectly lands a combo move. Soon an x-ray vision appears on the screen, revealing every graphic detail of Scorpion's bones being broken into bits. This brings his health bar all the way down.]
Nyarly: "HA!"
Sean: "What?!"
[Then the moment of truth. A voice booms, "FATALITY!" Nyarly quickly presses in the buttons and immediately Noob Saibot begins his fatality. Sean looks on in utter defeat as Scorpion gets brutally slaughtered by the hands of his opponent. M.B. claps.]
M.B.: "Well done, Nyarly!"
Nyarly: "Hey, M.B., wanna join?"
M.B.: "Oh hell yeah. Although I am a bit rusty, I must admit. Been a while since I played this game."
Nyarly: "Ah, don't worry... I'll go easy on you."
M.B.: "Is that a challenge?"
Nyarly: "....maybe."
M.B.: "Oh-kay then, let's go."
[Sean gives the controller to M.B. and switch seats. Nyarly picks Noob Saibot again. M.B. picks Mileena.]
Sean: "Oh, Mileena?"
M.B.: "Yeah, she's one of my favorites. Both beauty and beast."
[After picking a stage, the fight begins. Noob Saibot begins to win until Mileena manages to bring his health down by a landslide. Round One ends with Mileena's victory.]
M.B.: "Yes!"
Nyarly: "Ah, that was just beginner's luck!"
M.B.: "Heh... How's that denial working for ya?"
[Sean and Geek 'ooooh's and laughs. Nyarly slowly turns to M.B.]
Nyarly: "Wow, smart-ass." *chuckles* "Alright, no more Mr. Nice Guy."
[Round Two begins. Noob Saibot brings out the big guns and completely decimates Mileena.]
M.B.: "Ah sh*t!"
Geek: "You got this, M.B.!"
M.J.: "Last round!"
[The final round begins and it becomes intense. M.B. slams her buttons with all her might as Nyarly presses every combo he can remember. Eventually, Mileena manages to get an x-ray combo on Noob Saibot.]
M.B.: "YEAH!"
Nyarly: "Don't jinx yourself now!"
[This brings down Noob Saibot's health bar. Now both health bars are almost at equal amounts. Nyarly dodges Mileena's attack and gets an x-ray combo on her. M.B.'s competitiveness comes out and desperately slams the buttons even more. This leads to both characters almost dying. Just a few hits and one of them is done for.]
Sean: "Oh damn..."
Geek: "Who's it gonna be?"
M.J.: "Oh, so close!"
[Mileena makes an attempt to dodge and hit Noob Saibot with a combo attack, but wasn't quick enough. FATALITY!]
Nyarly: "Looks like I win again."
Sean: "You were so close, M.B.!"
M.B.: *chuckles* "I know!"
Nyarly: "That was a really good fight, though. You did pretty good. Alright, who's next?"
M.J.: "Oh, oh, oh, me! Me! Me!"
[M.B. hands over the controller and switches seats. Another battle begins, this time between Raiden and Kitana. Suddenly, the doorbell rings.]
Geek: "I got it!"
[Geek opens the door. Standing in front of the entrance is another family member.]
Geek: *gasps* "Granny!"
Granny Ruth: "Hello, dearie!" *hugs Geek* "I hope I wasn't late."
Geek: "Not at all. We're just getting started. Come on in!"
M.J. and John: "Granny Ruth!"
[Nyarly pauses the game and allows M.J. to join in on the group hug. Granny Ruth is immediately showered with affection by her great grandchildren. Sam and Max come out of the kitchen and greet her as well. Granny Ruth looks over to see M.B.]
Granny Ruth: "Ah, you must be the new Cadet my grandson has been telling me about. Why, it's so good to finally see you, dearie!"
M.B.: "Pleasure to meet you, ma'am."
Granny Ruth: "Oh, please, no need for formalities. You can just call me 'Granny'." *smiles*
[Granny Ruth reaches out for a hug and M.B. accepts it. M.B. has heard so many good things about Granny Ruth from Sam and Max. Amazing things, in fact. So much so that getting permission to just call her 'Granny' felt like the highest of honor. M.B. has family back home, so of course she would never forget them. But at this very moment, M.B. felt like she belonged. Like she was wanted.]
Max: "You're just in time, Granny Ruth! We just finished fixing up dinner. Just head right into the kitchen and help yourselves out!"
[Everyone headed into the kitchen and was greeted to a whole potluck dinner. The entire room smells delicious, making M.B.'s mouth water. After everyone got their plates and their meals, they all sat down together and ate. Soon M.B. learns that Sam and Max's family were anything but "normal." Boisterous laughter erupted as conversations began turning into jokes. M.B. felt more and more comfortable with them, for all of this was very familiar to her. Her own family were full of funny people, especially her uncle. As she was getting really comfortable sitting in silence, watching everyone chat, a question gave her quite the surprise.]
M.J.: "Oh, Miss M.B.! Can you show us your powers after dinner?"
Granny Ruth: "Powers?"
Sam: "The kid has illusionary abilities. She can make things appear out of thin air."
Max: "I think she's some sort of witch or something."
M.J.: "Yeah, she once defended me from a bully once. Come on, Miss M.B.! Please~?"
M.B.: "Oh, uh... sure! Sorry, you just caught me off guard. Wasn't expecting it, that's all. I'll think of something after dinner."
M.J.: "Yay!"
[The spotlight has fallen upon M.B. She always hated stuff like this, having other people ask for her to do or perform something. Despite having an immense interest in theater, she wasn't one to always try to attract attention. Especially when the spotlight is forced upon her. However, this was different - an exception, because how could anyone resist an adorable little bunny in a sweater? When dinner was finished, everyone gathered outside in the backyard as M.B. walks further from them, making the entire lot her stage. She checks her phone for Wi-Fi and searches up some music. M.B. finally picks a song: "Dance with the Dragon" by Dark Sarah. As it begins to play, she focuses in on her powers. The purple and green aura emerges from her hands and evoke a wondrous scene. A decadent ballroom lit with multiple candles where a young lady in a black gown is captured by well-dressed gentleman, who is a dragon in disguise. The lyrics begin to sing.]
🎶I know why you're here, don't try to escape my dear, you've been naughty I know by trying to steal something of my own🎶 [DARK SARAH:] 🎶I have no idea, why I have been dragged down here...🎶 [DRAGON:] 🎶Don't lie!🎶 [DARK SARAH:] 🎶...Nor what you're talking about, and sir there's no reason to shout!🎶 [DRAGON:] 🎶And sure there's a reason to shout!🎶 [DARK SARAH:] 🎶I saw the key but didn't steal!🎶 [DRAGON:] 🎶You saw the key and tried to steal!🎶 [DRAGON:] I see... What do we have here?
[DARK SARAH:] What?... nothing... [DRAGON:] 🎶Now I know why you're here, you are a mischievous thief,🎶 [DARK SARAH:] 🎶... just can't lie to him...🎶 [DRAGON:] 🎶But if you want the key, you need to earn it my my dear!🎶 [DARK SARAH:] 🎶He sees right through me, oh bugger! He just..🎶 [DRAGON:] 🎶This is how we treat our guests who are trying to cheat, you need to earn it my dear!🎶 [DARK SARAH:] 🎶...took the only ticket I had, I guess I have to🎶 [DRAGON:] 🎶so you will be my rag doll tonight, tonight,🎶
[DARK SARAH:] 🎶see where this leads🎶 [DRAGON:] 🎶At the dragon's ball!🎶
[The lady and the Dragon then begin to dance.] [DARK SARAH & DRAGON:] 🎶Take my all, I surrender, surrender! Look at me and the way I ask for forgiveness, kindness and help! Take my all, I surrender, surrender! You/I will die another day, another way🎶 [DARK SARAH:] I think we're done now [DRAGON:] You think so? [DARK SARAH:] ...I have to go! [DRAGON:] 🎶You're not going anywhere!🎶 [DARK SARAH:] 🎶Why are you, making this🎶
[DRAGON:] 🎶You don't know...🎶 [DARK SARAH:] 🎶...Harder than it is?🎶 [DRAGON:] 🎶I cry on my own...🎶 [DARK SARAH:] 🎶You have the key,🎶 [DRAGON:] 🎶In this lonely place...🎶 [DARK SARAH:] 🎶That you don't even need🎶 [DRAGON:] 🎶That is why...🎶 [DARK SARAH:] 🎶You're standing here between me and my life.🎶 [DRAGON:] 🎶...I'm standing here between you and your life!🎶 [DARK SARAH:] 🎶...I'm sorry to say...🎶 [DRAGON:] 🎶What now?🎶
🎶...just get off with your tail!🎶 🎶Hahhah!!!🎶 [DARK SARAH & DRAGON:] 🎶Take my all, I surrender, surrender! Look at me and the way I ask for forgiveness, kindness and help! Take my all, I surrender, surrender! You/I will die another day, another way🎶
[Then M.B. morphs the scene into a beautiful garden. This is the dragon's backstory, where he was once happy. There with him is his bride, who looks very similar to the lady.] [DARK SARAH & DRAGON:] 🎶Nannannannanna, Leoleolelee!🎶 [DRAGON:] 🎶May I have this dance?🎶 [DARK SARAH:] 🎶Aaaah!🎶 [DARK SARAH & DRAGON:] 🎶Nannannannanna, Leoleolelee!🎶 [DRAGON:] 🎶I will show you my best moves...🎶 [DARK SARAH:] 🎶Aaaah, you best moves...🎶
[The flashback fades and the scene returns to the present.] [DRAGON:] 🎶... Why don't you?🎶 [DARK SARAH:] 🎶I just need the key, I'm trying to get out of here I know that it's a bad deal And disappointed you must feel But please help me to escape🎶 [DARK SARAH & DRAGON:] 🎶Take my all, I surrender, surrender! Look at me and the way I ask for forgiveness, kindness and help! Take my all, I surrender, surrender! You/I will die another day, another way Look at me and the way I ask for Forgiveness, kindness and help! Take my all, I surrender, surrender! We will die another day, another way... another way...another way...another day...another way...! 🎶
[M.B. ends her illusionary show. The whole family goes into a roaring applauds, cheering at the amazing spectacle.]
Geek: "Dude!"
Shelley: *happy bat squeaks*
Granny Ruth: "Well I'll be... I've never seen such a wonderful show since I was a little girl. You, dearie, have such a wonderful gift."
M.B.: "Thanks, Granny. Thank you all so very much!"
[Sam leans over and nudges Max.]
Sam: *whispering* "You know, little buddy, she can make quite a difference when it comes to cases."
Max: *whispering back* "You mean like making mushy fairy tales while blasting musical numbers from her phone?"
Sam: "I mean as our Cadet, pinhead! Imagine all the things she could do for the law!"
Max: "I dunno, Sam... is she even prepared to get smacked down by a bunch of hardened criminals? 'Cause she's giving me theater kid vibes, as the youth put it."
[Sam and Max watch as M.B. is surrounded by the rest of the family. M.B. is receiving hugs and pats on the back. She even lifts and hold Shelley in her arms, creating a tiny blue butterfly for her to marvel at. It lands on her nose, tickling her.]
Sam: "Heh... let's find out, shall we?"
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dumbchickwrites · 4 years
office affairs -- part 4
Pairings: CEO!Sam Wilson x Reader
Summary: Sam is the CEO of the Red Wing PR agency where Reader has been working for the past two years. Problem is, they both think one hates the other. However, when their friends set them up on a blind date, they’ll realise it was all a big misunderstanding.
Words: 2.1k
Warnings: language, Reader is still thirsty, fluff, Mimi wants to gossip.
A/N: This series is part of @marvelmaree​‘s birthday challenge. You can find the masterlist on my blog and hers! Enjoy!
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Brunch with your friends and your sister is always a good time. You can’t complain. You have drinks, food and some of the people you love the most. And on this particular Sunday, you still feel the euphoria of your date with Sam.
All weekend you tried to let it go already, telling yourself that you were acting like a middle school girl. But at the same time, who cares, right? Once again, you reminded yourself to let yourself be for a moment, without your self-consciousness stopping you from simply feeling.
“Is she daydreaming again?”
“I bet she’s thinking about Sam.”
“Who’s Sam?”
“No one, baby. Eat your food.”
Someone snaps their fingers in front of your face. You blink a couple of times before frowning at the owner of said hand. Maria doesn’t flinch under your glare.
“Where did you go?” Noelle asked.
You take a sip of your mimosa before you answer.
“Back at L’Orage.”
“Annnnd…?” Natasha pushes.
“We—” you begin, but your gaze meets Michelle’s. 
She’s looking at you like she also wants all the tea. Your eyes lower to her empty plate, hers follow your gaze. You know what she’s thinking, and she knows what you’re thinking. 
“Mimi, you’re done eating right? Why don’t you go watch some TV inside?” you say before her little hand reaches the basket of pastries on the table.
“Auntie Henny is right,” Noelle cuts her and you roll your eyes at the nickname. “We don’t want you to get sick, right?” she says, rubbing her belly.
“Okay, Mommy. Can I get more juice from the fridge, please?”
“Thank you!”
Just like that, she’s back inside the house.
“I thought the use of that nickname was forbidden in this house,” you say.
“We’re in the backyard,” your sister gives you an innocent smile.
You throw your napkin at her but she easily catches it.
“Anyways. We kissed.”
“Huh,” Natasha crosses her arms over her chest and lays back on her chair. “But?”
“There’s a but. There’s always a but with you,” Maria says.
“There’s no but. We kissed, that’s it. It was a very nice kiss. Then he took me home—Back here!” you add quickly when you see how big Maria and Natasha’s eyes got. “He said he’s down for a second date.”
“So how do you feel about him?” Maria asks.
“Do you want me to tell you you were right? Because that’s not gonna happen.”
Maria gives you a look. You sigh.
“It turns out he doesn’t hate me at all. He was actually kind of shocked when I talked to him about that. He thought I didn’t like him,” you take another sip of your drink. “I like him a lot. He’s nice, funny, he listens to me when I talk.”
“Annnnnd…?” this time it comes from Noelle.
“And I kinda want him to bend me over a desk some time.”
The four of you burst out laughing like madwomen.
“More seriously, I guess I should thank you guys. I had a really nice time.”
“Aw, you’re welcome, sweetie,” Natasha rubs your arm. “Personally, I think you guys are a match made in heaven. Literally.”
“Don’t jinx it, Nat!” Maria exclaims.
Natasha makes a zipping motion over her lips with a little smirk.
As Noelle refills your champagne flutes and you move on to another topic – here Noelle and Laetitia, the mother of the new kid in Mimi’s class --, you can’t help but feel grateful for this moment.
You were lucky to find people you can rely on other than your sister after so many years. After everything that happened. Sure your sister is your best friend and vice versa, but sometimes you can’t help but feel guilty about all the stuff you dump on her.
It’s not easy for you to interact with people and maintain healthy relationship. You try your best to find a nice balance between over communicating and totally isolating yourself. You’re still a work in progress though.
That’s why all this dating business was pushed aside for a few years.
Maria and Natasha end up spending the rest of the day at your house. You order takeout, drink some more – responsibly though, all while binge-watching Disney movies and playing board games with Michelle. It’s the nicest day you’ve had in a hot minute.
When the girls leave and it’s finally time for bed, you go to sleep with the ghost of today’s smiles still dancing on your lips.
In your opinion, Mondays are overrated. You never understood this whole thing anyway. Sure it’s the beginning of a new week, but it’s still a day like the others.
This particular Monday though, is a bit special. You’re excited to see whether or not Sam had the flowers delivered in your office. So excited that you’re walking around with a huge grin, your face beaming as you step into the elevator.
“Well good morning m’lady,” Scott from HR greets you when you step off the elevator. He’s at the front desk, talking to Rumlow.
“Morning Scott,” you say, still smiling.
“You got a secret admirer, huh?” Scott asks.
“Excuse me?”
“Your office is filled with flowers. And I mean filled. Janet walked by ten minutes ago and she hasn’t stopped sneezing since. Y’know, allergies.”
“Oh, um… I—” you stutter, not really knowing what to say.
“I’m just messing with you, kiddo. Just—If it’s a dude from around here, just make sure you stop by my office some time, ‘kay?”
Okay… You need to end this conversation now. You can feel your cheeks heat up with embarrassment. Honestly, it’s not that you don’t like Scott, everybody likes Scott. It’s just that he can be a bit too much sometimes.
“Sure thing, Scottie. You have a good day, okay?”
You don’t wait for his answer before you keep walking towards your office, climbing the stairs leading to the first floor with ease.
A woman you don’t recognize is standing in front of your office, staring at the glass wall. The cleaning crew must have left the blinds open again despite your multiple notes.
“Hello,” you greet her before you reach your office. “Can I help you?”
You can’t see the inside yet but Scott was right, the scent is strong. Just how many flowers did Sam send?
Her gaze meets yours as she whips her head towards you, her long burgundy hair following the movement. She’s wearing a green suit, a bold but beautiful contrast with her skin tone.
“Hi!” she smiles. “I’m sorry, is this your office?”
“Yes. You’re new here, right?”
“Yes, yes. My name is Gamora, I’m the new Digital Manager,” she offers her hand for you to shake.
You introduce yourself as you shake her hand. “… I take care of—”
“Events, yes. It’s written on your door. Anyways, I was just looking at the flowers in your office. Must be nice. My boyfriend… He’s not really that kind of guy.”
Once again, you don’t know how to talk to people.
“Sorry if I’m being weird.”
“Oh, no, it’s… Don’t worry about it. So where are you from?” you ask.
You figure you should at least try to make small talk with her. She seems nice, she has a very kind face. There’s something about her eyes though… She’s clearly been through a lot.
“I’m from New Asgard, in Norway.”
“Wow, how did you end up here?”
“My boyfriend, Peter. He lives in the US and he asked me to move in with him. I couldn’t say no.”
The name makes you flinch, but you wipe the discomfort away as soon as it appears. Peter is a common name. In this city alone there are hundreds of them. You need to get used to it, it’s been years already.
“Well, on behalf of the entire Red Wing team, I’d like to say welcome,” you give her a genuine smile.
“Thank you so much. That means a lot.” With a sigh, she throws one last glance towards your office before she starts walking away. “I better find Scott, we’re not done with the tour yet. I’ll see you around, I guess?”
“Sure. Have a good day!”
Once she turns around the corner, you take the last few steps that lead you to your office.
“Oh my God,” you whisper.
Your office is filled with flowers all right. It’s not just fifty like Sam said. At least a dozen of bouquets of red roses, tulips and peonies are scattered around your office. On your coffee table, the empty spaces on your bookshelf, the floor… everywhere but on your desk. Thank God, the scent isn’t disturbing to you.
“Oh my God,” you whisper again.
You can’t believe your eyes. You set your bag on your desk and draw the blinds over the glass walls to keep the prying eyes out of your business. Walking around a bit, you take the time to inhale and admire every single bouquet.
“Wow, he really wasn’t joking.”
You turn around to find Natasha and Maria standing in your doorway, holding huge mugs.
That’s right the morning coffee. Morning coffee is always in your office on Monday and Wednesday.
“Aw sweetie, don’t cry!” Natasha grabs a tissues from the box on your coffee table and hands it to you.
You didn’t even realize you were crying. Damn, he really had you in the palm of his hand, huh?
“It’s just, no one has ever done something like this for me before, and I feel stupid now because I’m crying for fucking flowers.”
“Hey, it’s not stupid, okay?” Maria chips in. “From what you told us, you’re not used to this kind of treatment, so it’s perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed right now. Here,” she hands you one of the mugs she’s holding. “Mantis told us you just got in so we figured you didn’t have time to make your cup of tea yet.”
“Thank you.”
You take a sip of the beverage, the hot liquid helping with the lump in your throat.
“Is… Is he here?” you ask.
Their offices are located on the floor above yours along with Sam’s, so you rarely see him during the day.
“Not yet,” Natasha replies. “He’s late. Something about getting Falcon a new cone.”
Oh yeah. He mentioned his dog’s surgery Friday night.
“Good morning, ladies. You talking about me?”
There he is.
Sam is standing in the doorway, a smirk on his lips, always handsome. A warm feeling spreads in your chest at the sight of him, and this morning’s grin is back in an instant.
“Samuel,” Maria greets him. “You’re late.”
“Ah shit. The boss wouldn’t like that, would he?”
“Whatever,” Maria rolls her eyes at him.
“Maria, come to the kitchen with me, I want to see if the pastries have been delivered already,” Natasha says, grabbing Maria’s arm.
“But shouldn’t we go with—” her sentence is cut short by Natasha’s pointed look. “Ohhh. Right.”
The girls shut the door behind them as they exit your office, you and Sam left alone.
“Morning,” he says, slowly approaching you. “Do you like the flowers?”
“I do, very much. What happened to the fifty flowers, though?”
Sam shrugs. “They were supposed to represent the number of times I wanted to kiss you. But as the weekend went by, I lost count, so…”
“Come here,” you mumble.
You grab his hand and pull him closer to you, your free hand finding its place at the back of his neck. The kiss you give him is slow and sweet as you do your best to express your gratitude. You’ve been on one date, yet he has managed to make you feel more special than you’ve ever felt. He really is something. Sam kisses you back, and you can feel him smile as he does.
“Thank you,” you say when you break the kiss. “This is… wow.”
Sam keeps your body close to his, not wanting to let you go just yet.
“You’re welcome. So… about that second date. How do you feel about roller skating?”
Your eyebrows shoot up in surprise.
“I kind of like it. I haven’t skated since I was a kid, though.”
Sam nods. “Dinner and roller skating. Let’s say… Wednesday?”
“Wednesday sounds good,” you smile.
Sam peppers small kisses on your lips and the corner of your mouth before letting you go. You instantly feel colder.
As he walks to the door, you seat at your desk and power up your computer, ready to start the work day.
“Wait, I need one more,” Sam says.
He rounds your desk and spins your chair so you’ll face him, before giving you another kiss. Once again, he peppers small kisses on your lips and cheeks and this time, you can’t help but giggle.
“It’s not even noon yet and I’m having the best day I’ve had in a while,” he whispers.
“Stop it. You’re gonna make me blush,” you joke.
“Now that would be my greatest achievement.”
Sam leaves shortly after that, leaving you to start working with the same dumb smile from earlier on your lips.
Tags: @marvelmaree​ @ljstraightnochaser @blackmissfrizzle​ @youdonotghostnickfury​ @minillamakeup-blog​
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calypsoff · 3 years
Forty Two. Part 4
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I am rather disappointed, I wanted to sleep at the new house but to be honest it wasn’t something we could do of course, there was no way we could because our clothes were at the hotel so that sucks for us but we ended up coming back to Monica’s and then staying here and I think I fell asleep on the couch clearly and Robyn is just next to me curled up so at the end of it, we could have stayed at there but it’s fine. I can’t believe I fell asleep like a lightweight, but the way Robyn never left my side; she is such a good woman. She wasn’t going to leave me but could have left to go to bed, I was ok on the couch because it was my bad that I fell asleep anyways “morning” watching Monica walk in with a spring in her step, she is in a happy place and I don’t blame her “morning, I can’t believe I slept here” I would like to stretch but I can’t because Robyn is hugging on my arm “you fell asleep earlier then me” I chuckled, she doesn’t know that her daughter kept me up all night having sex and then I got a little sleep and woke up extra early because I felt excited about the home reveal “still sleepy actually, but yeah. Why didn’t Robyn go up?” It’s not nice the way she’s sleeping, all curled up against me “she didn’t want to leave your side, I just warn you, my son took a picture of you sleeping, Robyn got angry, and he called you lightweight” trust Rorrey to do that “she’s my protector” Monica opened the blinds, and I squinted my eyes “that is bright, what time is it? I have no phone so I can’t check “it’s going on eight sweetie, breakfast?” Nodding my head “I can help, I mean once I shake her off I can” Robyn is stuck on to me “come to the kitchen and you can, what happened to your phone?” Monica asked “uh well we were fooling around and was running, and the phone fell face first and cracked the screen so much that I can’t see anything, it’s ok. I will get another once I get back to America” Monica shook her head laughing “you better, I don’t want to hear my daughter complaining that you haven’t, she is protective of you” looking to the side of me smiling “clearly, I will promise” Robyn is cute, I adore her a lot “see you in the kitchen” if I ever make it, looking over at Robyn figuring out how to release her grip from me.
I managed to do it, carefully laying her down on her side. She’s a mouth breather alright, I swear it makes me laugh with the way she sleeps. Stretching my body, I needed that. I actually need to book my flight ticket, but I can’t find Robyn’ phone so I will need to wait. Making my way out of the living room “Chris” near bumping into Monica “sweetie can you go to the store and get some eggs for me, the store is close by I promise” I chuckled, these stores be trying to charge me a lot of money “sure, I will go” Monica tried to give me money “oh no, I don’t want that. I will get them don’t worry. I just need to use the bathroom” Monica cooed out “thank you” walking off to use the bathroom “stinky is awake, she’s like me. We both awake early too, hey champ” Majesty looks in a daze “I wish you was taking care of her; I needed some sleep. You going to give uncle Chris a smile” holding her little hand “my little chocolate drop, anyways I will be back I need to get some eggs” pulling my sweatpants up walking off “have fun and hurry up, I’m hungry” there about to be some hungry ass people so let me hurry up, jogging up the steps. It came so naturally to do it too, like you wouldn’t think I had a leg injury, here I am running up the stairs like it’s nothing, I love it. There is one thing though, I am going to miss Barbados, I love it here. I really do, I mean at first I didn’t think I would but now, I just love the peacefulness about it, I could see myself living here forever. With Robyn of course, she’s such a island girl though. You can tell this her home and she’s comfortable, sucks I have to go but I need too.
I came for eggs and this store keeper is offering me more “I just want eggs sir” I laughed “you from America, you not tasted Bajan fudge, look come here. Follow me” waved me over, oh this is going to be long. I am too kind to say no “you here on holiday?” Following behind him “my fiancé lives here, I’m just here with her. And I live down the road” this man is sweet, but I want to go “really got rum in this fudge?” Picking the packet up “only the best rum my boy” that is crazy, getting drunk on fudge though “taste some, you move here with your wife?” Holding my hand out and he placed a piece in my hand “no, we are moving to California, but I do love Barbados. I see why she loves it here” placing the fudge in my mouth, this is good, but you can taste the rum in it, a lot of rum actually “America not a good place, your wife born and bred in Barbados she will always have her heart here, you like?” Nodding my head “I do sir, it’s nice. I will take some for my family back home” I am being nice; I have to take some “what is your wife name? I know everyone here” taking a few packets “she is known by everyone” walking back to the to the cash register “name” watching him walk back over “Rihanna” his eyes widened “sweet, beautiful Rihanna, why didn’t you say?” I snorted laughing “because I don’t like to use her name, it’s no good” shaking my head “she is lovely, that girl had my heart. She come to my store and she always tells me how much she loves us, please. Take this coconut bread to her, she buys this every-time she comes. Homemade” he started to pack away the coconut bread “I will” people get so emotional about Robyn; they love her lots.
I finally made it back to the home, I think everyone is awake now. It sounds loud, making my way to the kitchen “I got worried, are you ok? I told my mother she shouldn’t have sent you, you have no phone” Robyn gets so worried, she rushed over to me, she was waiting “it’s ok; sorry I took ages” Monica is just laughing, she does not care but want her eggs “the store keeper gave me coconut bread for you, I ended up buying rum fudge. He was making me buy more until he realised who my fiancé is, dang. I feel like I was there ages” Monica took the bag from me “that’s my mother’ fault, I one up and you wasn’t here. I haven’t got much time with you” I cooed out “Robyn, stop it. I need to use your phone to book my ticket, please” I need to do that “you have no phone to show it? You will need to print your ticket once you get there, I will drop you off” placing my arm around Robyn “stop worrying, I will be ok. When I get to Houston I will get a new phone, I’m good” walking towards the kitchen slowly, Robyn took in a deep breath “don’t go, wait for like something else” she doesn’t want me to go “Robyn, I need too. I am sorry” pressing a kiss to the top of her head “besides, you’re going to be busy planning. So it will be fine” busy kitchen “this is my auntie, you remember her” nodding my head “I do, we need to go to the hotel. I need clothes, we will eat and then go” I need to get cleaned up “we will go back, just sucks that we can’t have more time. Please in the honeymoon Chris, whatever you do. Please don’t forget that” Robyn knows I forget “I will” she is fussing “Houston though, like why there. You remember you’re mine” I snorted laughing; she is doing the most.
Flicking through flights “get the latest one, that says nine” Robyn is glued to my side watching me book this flight ticket “mhmm there is a last minute one here for six” I grinned looking over at Robyn “don’t be stupid, get first class” shaking my head “I’m not bougie babe, I will go with sitting with the poor, that is me” Robyn is unimpressed clearly “you enjoyed my breakfast Chris?” Looking up from the phone “I did, this was better than Rihanna’ food, thank you momma” she is so sweet “then move in with my mom” Robyn moved off of me “Robyn, stop that. But thank you for making this” she didn’t need too “I have to impress my son in law, I will leave you both alone” Monica left us alone but Robyn is not happy, she is so angry when she doesn’t need to be “you don’t want me to go, I get it but I have to sort out my side of the family, I need to deal with my family and get my suit and things, I will be back closer to Christmas ok, stop that” Robyn and that pouty moody face “mhmmm yeah, I will get over it, just book it for six. I will drive you” she is cute when she is angry, bless my baby being all annoyed for nothing “what if you find another girl on the way to Houston?” Robyn and these questions “does she have Rihanna money” Robyn had to laugh, she ended up laughing as she would because I mean who wouldn’t find that funny “shut up” she said trying to contain her laugh, she is cute.
Dapping Rorrey “take care, nigga I don’t want to hear no shooting, no nothing. You better come back, and we get this wedding done, get you in our family. Just take care nigga” nodding my head laughing “I gotchu, trouble comes at me but thank you for everything. I have enjoyed myself here, all of you. Especially my chocolate drop, hey awww you like me don’t you, you like your light skinned country uncle, yeah” touching her cheek “be back soon, thank y’all for the hospitality thank you” hugging Monica “what my son said is right, come back to us in one piece. Be careful out there, you’re not just Chris anymore and people get jealous, I don’t care what you think, you take care and be careful. Not everyone is your friend either” Monica means it “thank you momma, I gotchu. I will keep my eyes open with things, I still get nervous about shit till this day you know. But I will be back to annoy you all” I chuckled “bye” waving the family off, it was sweet they came out to the door to see me out “my family think you going to kill yourself, you have too many incidents Chris. I’m serious. Be careful” now Robyn has started “I know, I will” her family has started Robyn off, she will be worried about me as she always does “I get worried about you, I feel like people are jinxing you. I am going to pray so much Chris, there is so many haters out there, I will be praying” pulling open the car door, here Robyn goes.
My smile grew just watching Robyn pack my suitcase, Robyn to me seems a little stressed and I don’t know why, I feel like she is distracting herself by packing my case, I am just sat on the bed watching her “I would have washed your clothes Chris, this is ridiculous, you seriously have all dirty clothes in here? I am livid” rubbing my cheek smiling “you know what Chris, I am going to pack the clean and leave the dirty, I will wash them ok?” nodding my head “come here” waving her over “no, I need to pack your stuff and mine too, just let me do this and then we can speak” getting up from the bed, she is fussing, and I don’t like that. Slowly walking towards Robyn and placing my arm around her “come here” moving Robyn away from the suitcase “talk to me, what is up? I know you’re upset I am going but I need to for the sake of the wedding, you know this. I promise you I will be safe, I won’t be stupid. Just going there to tell my friends and family and then coming back here with you, then we can get married” Robyn turned into me, hugging me close “I just got hat goodbye’s and I hate being away from you, I find it hard. But I love you so much, just be safe, don’t worry me” I can tell that Robyn worries about me, I don’t blame her because shit do be happening all of the time, I don’t even be doing anything either.
I am all checked in, I just need to go passed security now. It’s sweet that I got dropped off at the airport by Rihanna, it’s crazy but that happened “that is me” walking over to Robyn “I wish it wasn’t” nodding my head understanding “come, let me walk you back. Just go home ok? Don’t stay around here, I don’t like you getting stared at. People are around and you have no security either, so let’s go” wrapping my arm around Robyn as we walked off, hearing Robyn sniffle with her head down “please don’t cry, we will see each other soon. I will get a phone too, trust me” I stopped walking to walk around her “promise” hugging Robyn close “please get a phone, I am going to worry to know if you landed. Just remember Chris, you aren’t just a regular guy anymore, you need to accept that. Don’t worry me so much, I can’t even contact you and that really bugs me, I will be watching your flight back to America” I know that is worrying Robyn “I know, I promise” that is the first thing I will be doing, getting a new phone.
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wonder-kid-pugh · 5 years
In the line of Fire (Christen Press x reader)
Hey guys! Back again with another imagine. This one is a continuation from my other Press imagine, "The death of Preath". So I hope you enjoy!
Y/n's Pov
I was checking all the all the equipment in the fire engine with Dylan in case we got another call today. "Are all the tanks full?" Dylan asks loading the hose onto the truck. "Yup" I grunt as I lift the oxygen tanks into the truck before closing the door. "Here's hoping we don't have another call today" she laughs. "Fingers crossed. I just have to finish today and then I have time off to spend with Chris" I say crossing my fingers. "How is the fiancée? Any wedding planning done yet?" Dylan wiggles her eyebrows at me. I laugh, "She's good. The team is actually here for a match tomorrow against Ireland. So I think she is on media today. So I finish today, I go watch the match tomorrow and then we finally get time off. Might go on vacation somewhere get a bit of wedding planning done". "That's great. You deserve some time off with how many lives you save. People get to live their lives because of you, you should be allow live yours" Dylan claps me on the back. "Thanks Dyl, it means a lot" I thank him. "Your my best friend Y/n, all I want in return is an invite, so no eloping!" He jokes. It's my turn to make lunch for the station, so I go up to the kitchen and start to make spaghetti Bolognese while Dylan sets the table.
When it's done the team gathers around the table and starts to eat. We were half way through dinner when the alarm sounded. Immediately we all jolt up and rush to get ready. I slide down the pole and grab my protective gear and rush to engine one. Dylan and I jump in the back while our captain drives. "What's the story cap?" I shout through the coms. "A building downtown is after exploding and a fires broken out. People are still trapped inside" he responds. I turn to Dylan, "I had a few more hour and then I was off. I blame you, you jinx us" I joke. He chuckled and shake his head at me. When we get there, we hop out if the engine and get our gear on. The police already had people sectioned off a safe distance away from the fire. I turn to the nearest police officer, "Do you know how many are still inside?". "No! But we can see people on the 2 floor at the windows". Dylan's and I nod. We both burst through leaping through the fire. We cautiously make our way to the second floor. We get to the room and see a little girl crouching down beside a man on the ground, "Daddy? Daddy! Wake up!". I reach the girl first, "Hey we're going to help you and your Daddy okay?".
I pick up the little girl while Dylan takes her father throwing him over his shoulder. I hug the girl into my chest trying my best to protect her as best as I could. We run out if the house and get the two to the ambulance.  I look and see reporters and people at the boundary trying to see what's happening. The rest of the team are trying to control the fire spraying water onto the building. I see the building is ready to collapse, it's barely staying standing. "Do you think we got everyone?" Dylan asks. I shake my head, "I don't know". As if someone heard us, your question is answered,
I turn to the building. There's someone still inside. Part of the building collapses on the right hand side and a scream follow. We hear the girl behind us struggle after the paramedics, "That's my sister! Reagan! Someone help her". The building starts to crumble, the doorway was engulfed with flames and was seconds from falling. Without even thinking I take off in a dead sprint back into the flames. "Y/N DON'T" Dylan calls from behind me. But it's too late, just as I get through the door it collapses behind me. Gotta find another way out now. "Reagan! Reagan where are you?" I call out throughout the house. "I'm here! Help please!". I try to navigate my way through the dense smoke. I stumble through and find a the girl pinned down under some debris. "Okay Reagan, when I lift the wood off your leg, I need you to move your leg okay sweetie?". She nods and starts coughing. There just be a lot of smoke in her lungs
I need to get her out if here now.
"Okay one the count of 3 okay? One...two...three!" I use all my strength to lift the burning wood up. The debris burned my hands and they were in excruciating pain but I held it up. She pulled her leg away and I dropped the wood. It was clear she was struggling to breath. I looked around trying to find an exit point. The door was blocked after it collapsing so that was a no go. There was no other way but up. I remember seeing a window on the second floor. If I get to the window I can get the girl down to the team. I quickly make my way up the stairs not trust the stability of it for much longer. When I get to the top, I see a line of fire blocking us from the window. I unzip my protective jacket and wrap it around the girls as best as I could trying to cover both of us as I hold her close to my chest, "I'm going to need to to hold on really tight okay". I run and jump through the flames and make my way to the window. I use the my axe to break the window. I stand in the window and call down to them, "Get the parachute! You need to catch her!". The team quickly get the parachute and spread out in front of the window. Once they were ready I'm about to throw her down for them to catch her using the parachute but she clings onto me, "No don't drop me!". I look at the little girl, "Listen to me okay. They are going to catch you. I promise, but you need to go now". She slowly nods. I toss her out the window and she lands in the middle of the parachute. The team gets her out of the parachute and to the paramedics quickly. "Cmon Y/n!" Dylan shouts up. But before I can jump, the ground underneath me collapses. My body hits the ground hard and I can feel more debris land on top of me. All I can hear is yelling and screams before everything goes black.
Christen's Pov
The team were gathered in Kelley's and I's room going team bonding. Some were playing cards on the floor while other were talking or playing on their switches. I was looking up ideas for the wedding when I hear Allie shout, "Is that Y/n?". I look up at the TV and see Y/n jump out if the fire engine and scan the building. "Kelley turn up the TV" I say. She nods and turns up the volume and hear the report talking, "We're here in downtown LA as firefighters arrive on the scene as there are still people trapped inside.  A gas line explosion started a fire and had engulfed the building in flames". The camera pans to the building. And we watch Y/n run into the building. "I never knew Y/n was a firefighter" Alex says. People nods along with Alex. We continue watching the news report and we see Y/n carry out a little girl of the house and hand her off for he paramedics. "Go Y/n! She just saved that little girl" Emily shouts. I breath a sigh of relief realising that she's safe now.
That is until there's an update.
"We've just got news that firefighter have rescued two from the fire." The reporter was cut off by a scream. The camera turns to the building, part of the building collapses. And all you can see is the blur of a firefighter's uniform sprint into the house just as the door collapses.
Please don't be Y/n. Please don't be her
I feel Tobin grab my hand and I squeeze back. "We've just got an update that there is still someone trapped inside, but it seems a firefighter has rushed back inside. The other firefighters have been fighting the fire and seem to be getting the fire under control but part of the house is still heavily engulfed in flames" the reports answers. After what feels like eternity, we see the firefighter with another little girl at a window on the second floor. The firefighter breaks the window and throws the girl down to where the other firefighters caught her using a big sheet. But before the firefighter could jump down the house collapsed as the firefighter disappeared for sight. My breath caught as the building fell in on itself reducing it to a pile of rumble. The whole room is silent and I feel feel my eyes water thinking the worst. Thinking that it was Y/n that was now trapped in the building. We could see firefighters immediately rush to put out the last of the fire. Finally the fire is put out and the firefighters start to dig through the debris.
My heart breaks when it turns back to the reporter, "It appears that firefighter Y/n L/n is now buried under the collapsed house after saving a little girl in the house. The rest of station 23 is searching for her. But at this very moment there is no updated on her condition". I let out a sob as it hits me.
Please be okay. I don't know what I'll do if she isn't okay
I start to break down crying. I feel someone wrap me in a hug as I try to buried myself into them. Praying that Y/n will be okay. I don't know how long it's been when I pull myself together enough to stop crying for a bit. I pull away to see it was Kelley hugging me and that the rest of the team left the room. "It's okay Christen. She's going to be okay you just got to have faith" she whispers to me. "She better be because I can't imagine life without her Kel" I rasp out.
Just then there's a knock on the door. I look at Kelley before going to answer the door. When I open the door I see Y/n's captain standing there still in uniform. I shake my head, "No this can't be real". I don't believe this, she's can't be gone.
I turn down the hallway and see Y/n leaning up against Dylan. Her face is covered in soot and her hair is all stuck to her face. Her hands are wrapped in bandages and she seems to be putting all her weight on her left leg as she uses Dylan as her human crutch. Once I snap out of my daze I run to her wrapping her a bone crushing hug. "It's okay. I'm okay. Everything's fine" she whispers to me. "How did you-". "The team pulled me out if the rubble quickly. I have a few bruised ribs and I'm a bit battered but I'll live" she interrupts me."I was so scared" I cry into her shoulder. "Hey you proposed to me. You ain't getting rid of me for a long time"she says before pulling me into a kiss. When she pulls away she wipes away my tears,
"I'll always come back to you"
There we go! Hope you guys enjoyed this imagine. If you have any prompts or requests feel free to message me or leave them in the comments. I also have a new book out so go and check it out if you like. Updates might be a bit slow for a bit cause I still have to finish school and Christmas is always manic in our house. So until next time, bye!
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