#villiian deku
nonchalantatall · 6 years
this took 4 hours omg...
I had this idea and I need to write it down before I forget. I don't know if it would be considered headcanon or oneshot or what. It’s kinda both because I have very clear Ideas of how some parts should go compared to others. (FYI My idea of timeline and events and such only extends to the end of season 3 girl ain't got no time to read the manga so forgive me if anything I say contradicts anything that may have happened in the manga, it is a headcanon thing after all.)
Let me know if you want me to continue. I ran out of time to get all my ideas down. If you do want a part 2 let me know so I can tag you.
If anyone would like to write this concept into like a legit fic, just give me a heads up and tag me! I would love that! Anyways let’s jUmp into it...
A villain Deku plot inspired by this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C63DkrIvMIQ
I love the villain Deku au thing that is pretty popular but obviously its like never going to happen because the kids said himself He’s going to become the number one hero so these sloppy messy visons raced to my mind when I started thinking about ways to work villain Deku into the Canon plot as such.
This takes place probably 2nd semester of year 2 at UA or 1st semester of year 3. Class1-A stays the same for simplification
During a LoV attack or something, Deku had to fight an enemy with a psychologically crazy quirk. Because he has his license, he was allowed to fight, but even for this boy with brilliant plot armor wasn’t able to overcome this enemy.
This villain was recruited from Eastern Europe specifically to use their quirk against Deku. Shigaraki had been trying his darn best to get his dry hands on all might’s successor per All for One’s will. He thought that instead of destroying deku, it would be more painful to Toshinori if Deku also became a villain using the same logic that his master’s grandson is All for One’s successor. It would absolutely destroy All Might if Deku were to fall to darkness not only as his master but as friends or dare I say as a father-son bond that has grown in the past 2ish years. This villain’s quirk has the ability to take somebody’s mindset/philosophy/outlook on the world and completely do a 180 and brainwashing them into a different person entirely. Since this person was requested to be in Japan solely for this single job, with no other motive, they were uneasy about ruining a lil sweet boi’s life, but the reward for Bringing Deku back to HQ was a hefty one. The LoV realized that if they were going to get Izuku to join them as a villain they were going to need someone with OP brainwashing abilities. Stronger than Shinsou’s quirk. The last time they tried to recruit a student for the LoV it backfired completely even though he was the fiestiest boi they ever did saw. They couldn’t be too cautious this time around.
All of Deku’s class (2-A? 3-A?) had been sleeping except for our Significant Secondary Reoccuring Characters (Bakugou, Todoroki, Iiyda, Ochaco, Tsu and let’s go with Aoyama Kirishima and Momo just because I love them.( Okay so it’s a good portion of the class)) who had snuck out into the town because they overheard from the UA faculty about suspicion of an attack and they got curious. Deku got separated from them in the chaos and that when the villain showed up to take him.
When Deku went in for a Full Cowling kick at 10000% or whatever, the villain grabs Deku’s head and did the deed. Out of shock, the villain’s victims often faint. Since this villain was smart, they didn’t draw out the fight and took off with his target before reinforcements were able to show up in time, as they had been notified of Deku’s location before he went in for the first attack.
It was already dark outside when the LoV attacked the city. They attacked in as many different places as possible to thin out the heroes in the area to make sure that no one came to Deku’s rescue. It’s because of this that nobody realizes Deku is missing until late at night when roll call is taken in the dorms as a safety measure after an attack. Now it was really late and the squad just barely made it back in time though because Aizawa isn’t stupid (yes they still have him as a teacher leave mE ALONE) he noticed that they were wearing street clothes and very easily got the truth about where they were out of good two shoes Yaomomo. She takes full responsibility for the group’s actions as well as for losing Midoriya even though it literally isn't her fault is was Bakugou’s idea to sneak out. She thinks that she should’ve stopped them but she went along instead (kinda how it went with the Bakuretrieval in season 2 but that’s not important).
Aizawa is a sensible person and sends everyone to bed after counting for everyone except deku with the promise of punishment being dealt in the morning.
Search parties were sent out and were active all night looking for the missing prodigious UA Student. Little did anyone know that he was long gone and in an abandoned warehouse a few districts away. Kurogiri had taken them away as soon as they could. Once Deku was secured in headquarters, the LoV retreated.
After 12 hours the search parties still haven’t found him by the next afternoon, the report of the incident made national news.
I don’t even want to think about how Izuku’s mother felt. Feel free to do that yourself.
The mood in the dorm was somber all that Saturday, Sunday, and then Monday. It turned to a week and the cast had grown incredibly agitated. The squad that went out with him especially. The guilt fell heavily on Momo and Iida. Bakugou and Todoroki, both of which are usually distant from other people became especially shut-in because they feel as though they don’t deserve Midoriya’s respect after letting him get caught. Kirishima is an absolute angel and has been trying to pry his way at Bakugou to get him to talk and cheer him up but Bakugou’s dejection only eats away at Kirishima. Idk about you but I am a die-hard izuocha shipper myself. Ochaco is just completely tORN UP she looks like she could cry at any moment. And she keeps beating herself up over. She hates that she could let someone she cares about so much be taken away under such devastating circumstances.
Aoyama-stan Incoming warning: This poor boy. Of what I have seen from the Manga, I know that Deku is basically Aoyama’s closest friend? Maybe? if interpreted various spoilers correctly? Well anyways, in this story, Deku is basically Aoyama’s closest friend and he is probably dealing with it just as badly as Bakugou or Ochaco. He didn’t leave his room all weekend and nobody had the courage to get him out for class on Monday. Iida the most courageous of everyone during this scary moment (most likely because he wants to be strong as class president regardless if he also lost one of his dearest friends) spoke to Aizawa and he said he would allow for Yuga to miss one day of class only if he would be completely ready to return to optimal performance on Tuesday. Aoyama agreed to these terms by speaking to the class president through the door as he wasn't looking tres magnifique at the moment. Though this agreement didn’t mean anything as nobody was operating at optimal performance. The usual energy of the classroom practically never existed. Everyone solemnly remained silent and took poor notes in class, during their hero class, nobody was training as well as they should be. It was so bad that on Thursday Aizawa became fed up. He raised his voice and said that losing teammates is an occupational hazard.
“I know you’re still just kids and most of you have never experienced a great loss, but if you don’t think you could handle these types of situations, you may want to rethink your career path.” Everyone remained silent until a moment had passed.
Bakugou of all people sprung out of his seat and yelled in response, “So what? I don’t care that stupid Deku got himself kidnapped. What I do care about is the fact that every damn faculty member is treating this situation as if he DIED. He’s not dead! He can’t be!” He starts crying. “If let himself die like this… I’ll kill him!” Everyone is the class is dead silent. An instructor from another class can be heard from down the hall. “I’m sick of waiting here.” Katsuki cries, “We have to find him! We need to go looking for him.”
Aizawa assures him that he knows that Deku isn’t dead and that the search for him is still proceeding but Bakugo isn’t having any of it. “You don’t understand,” he mutters. “You have nO IDEA WHAT IT’S LIKE! Being taken by the League is the most terrifying thing that’s ever happened to me.” He begins trembling, “I acted all tough, but in reality I was weak.” His tears fall faster as he remembers of how he felt when he believed that he ended All Might’s career. “Don’t you get it, sir? I have to at least try to save him. He would do the same for anyone of us! Hell, he HAS done it!”
Kirishima stands up from his desk and bows, “Mr. Aizawa, I would like to help Bakugou in searching for Midoriya. He’s grown so much since he first joined this school. He is one of the strongest among us. I also can’t help but watch as his talent and his courage slip away from us!”
“I want to help too!” Ochaco exclaims springing from her desk.
Momo follows suit, “I would as well.”
Soon enough, practically everyone is out of their seats begging to help, all except an expressionless Todoroki and a visibly ill Aoyama.
“Enough!” Aizawa shouts above the pleas, “Nobody will be leaving this campus for ANY reason until the status of Midoriya has been confirmed!” His head was held down while he was yelling, his scarf hanging covering his eyes. “I swear,” he cracks I swear if anyone of you so much as thinks of starting your own little search party, I will see to it that you are expelled immediately.” The tension in the air could be cut with a knife. “I swear on my honor as a pro-hero that you will.”
“But Sir-!”
“Not a single word, Aoyama.”
“Y-yes sir…” The broken best boy sits back down in his seat after finally building up the courage to say something.
The mood of the bunch hadn’t changed if anything It had gotten worse.
Nobody could’ve predicted what Deku had been doing all this week. He was working closely with Shigaraki to create a plan to attack UA and truly put an end to All Might. Now that he has been powerless for well over a year, and that the LoV had a trump card, completing this mission should be a piece of cake, right?
Well, precisely one week after the initial attack on the city the LoV’s plan was set into motion…
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