bym2c · 10 months
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kdramaqween · 3 months
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Chayenzo +TV Tropes (Part 4/?)
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inzaghisgirlfriend · 10 months
Vincenzo drabble about wanting... posted here because I need to get off Twitter once and for all
He wants his mother.
He's four years old, and the sudden sound of thunder scares him.
And, just like that, before he even has to call for her, she's come and holds him close, drawing her fingers back and forth across his back and saying his name into his hair, and the fear is gone and he wants to stay awake a little longer so he can just feel it all.
He wants his mother.
Calls and calls and calls for her.
She doesn't come.
He doesn't know these people. He just wants her.
Wants her, and she doesn't come.
He wants to fit in.
To speak the language in a way that doesn't make his classmates snigger or ask him a sarcastic che.
To master this.
To be good.
He wants to tell his Mamma he loves her.
Because he does.
Only every time he tries, he thinks of Eomma. And all the reasons he cannot.
He wants revenge. And nothing more.
He wants power.
Fabio's seen something in him that no one before ascribed any value to. He taught him how to harness and hone his rage into something useful. Something punishing.
And he wants unfettered access to those who deserve to feel it.
He wants to feel something again. Anything.
He's tried everything he can think to to make it happen - fighting, alcohol, cocaine, women, men. Nothing registers.
But the want doesn't go away.
So he keeps trying.
What does it matter, after all, if he destroys himself in the process?
He wants - no, needs - to stop feeling.
After the little girl clinging to the teddy bear, he can't turn any of it off.
He wants to help Fabio.
He knows the man is dying. Has a legacy to consider. A family that will live on beyond him.
He also wants out. Forever.
Nearly every conversation they have becomes a lie he hates telling.
He wants to thank Paolo for the first time in his life. For giving him an escape. An excuse.
He wants his fucking gold. And nothing more. He hates this country.
He wants to see his mother wearing prison clothes.
Wants to see the look on her face when she finally remembers him.
When it's his turn to leave her behind with strangers who don't care.
He wants her - the attorney's daughter.
He shouldn't.
He won't do anything about it, of course. He doesn't need complications.
He wants to kill the people who ordered the hit. For the first time since the little girl, he wants - craves - revenge.
He wants her not to care so much about him. He's trying very, very hard to do the same.
He wants to kiss away the worried wrinkle between her eyebrows. And a cleaner hand to touch her with than the one that disobeys him and makes its way to her shoulder.
He wants to find a way out of doing this; he wants her never to know how much he wants to kiss her.
But when he turns, she pulls him close. And presses her lips to his.
He wants to kiss her again. He will not.
He wants to thank a bird for saving his life.
He wants her to hate him. It's the only good he can hope give her.
He wants to stop himself from making the promise he does about returning to her. He also wants to refuse her nothing.
The latter wins easily, the way it always does.
For the first time in nearly thirty years, he wants his mother.
Wants to eat bunggeopang together and call her Eomma again.
He wants the people who took his last chance away from him to suffer.
He's buried his mother a second time and wants to cry. She sits beside him and lets him, her arm around him, fingers lightly stroking along his back.
He wants her to know she's only one he'd ever fall to his knees for. Curses the way she turns around and does the same for him moments later.
He just wants to sit beside her a little bit longer.
Listen to her breathing.
Keep his stupid mouth from saying everything else he wants to say.
He wants her to know Jang Han Seok didn't go comfortably. But she told him to go - to leave without making further contact, and, as usual, what she wants wins out.
He wants to forget the way the moonlight reflects the the tears in her eyes.
He wants her to forget him.
But never to forget her.
He wants to think that Fabio would forgive him for killing his flesh and blood.
He wants his men safe.
He has all the power he's ever wanted now.
He hates the way Fabio was right about the way it solves nothing.
He wants his family to be different than it was.
All men.
Few who looked like him.
So many other things that simply weren't allowed.
Luca reminds him he needs only say the word to make it so.
So he does.
And they shift focus.
He wants an island.
So he buys one.
He wants to get word to her that he's alive.
He chooses a postcard so he doesn't say anything he shouldn't.
Worries she'll hear it anyway.
He wants to send a second one - for her to understand that this is his way of telling her to let him go. To live her life. To forget him.
He wants to think there's no harm in sending another.
And another after that.
He wants to drink the wine he discovered that she's named after him.
Instead, he imagines tasting it on her lips.
Wants not to, but cannot stop himself.
He wants to see her win. And watches for it from afar.
Wants to thank her for clearing his mother's name.
He wants to stop having the same irritating conversation every few days - for Luca to shut up and understand why it won't work.
To leave him to his misery in fucking peace.
He wants to see her one more time.
Only so life doesn't make a liar of him.
He'll use it say goodbye to her. Give her closure so she can move on. If she hasn't already.
He wants to be the kind of man who hopes she has.
He is not.
He wants their kiss to never stop.
He wants to punch the smug smile off Luca's fucking face.
But it's infectious, the bastard, and he catches it and just pours them both another drink while slurring something sarcastic in the direction of the sunset about his right hand man needing a new goddamned hobby.
He wants her here right now. It's been two goddamned weeks since Seoul, and he doesn't want to wait another two.
He wants to exercise patience enough to wait, at least, until she's settled in and rested.
Or, even, perhaps, simply past the goddamned dock.
He wants her a second time - before his heart's even slowed back down again from their first.
He wants to make this thing between them work.
He wants to thank a God he hasn't spoken to in years for the way it does, all on its own.
For the way he gets something good that he's never deserved.
He's three weeks past forty now, and the sudden and distant roll of thunder has him looking up from the work spread across his desk.
The aquamarine water is darker without the sun shining down upon it, and it meets an uncommon roiling and inky blue sky at the horizon.
A hand comes to rest upon his shoulder, and he leans into the touch. He wonders a moment whether she knows he's always been afraid of storms.
She cuts off the thought by talking, telling him a story she says her father always told her - a legend about a bird who lived in the heavens and had the power to punish evil by dropping lightning bolts onto his enemies on the ground.
He looks up in time to see her smiling fondly, recalling the way Hong Yu Chan chuckled and then scolded her for saying she wanted to be that bird when she grew up someday.
She sees him looking and smiles back down at him. Says storms always remind her of him, of them, now.
Laughs out loud when she adds, "And Inzaghi, too, of course."
It's then that he realizes that life has led him, inexplicably and undeservingly, to a place where he wants for nothing he doesn't already have.
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sweetsweethate · 5 months
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no me quedo tan mal
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natasa-pantovic · 1 year
10,000 BC 2,000 BC #archaeological excavations Vinca  and Starcevo Serbia, visit to the National Museum Belgrade
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arlechii · 2 years
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( + ) NUEVA NOTIFICACIÓN: arlecchino ha actualizado su perfil.
Columbina. Hermana mayor. Amalia. Louie. Padres adoptivos. Ella es abogada de un bufete importante, él es superintendente de la policía. Ambos son bastante dulces y comprensibles con sus hijas.
Starbucks (todas las semanas lo visita, a veces por días seguidos porque es su adicción). Equinox Lincoln Common (gimnasio en el que se entrena). Maxine Salon (salón de belleza que visita con regularidad).
Animal: Hamster. Canción: Autumn Morning - IU. Color: Amarillo pastel. Objeto: Vincha amarilla.
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sanguchito · 1 year
mi padre me dijo que soy como el rambo de las siestas
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bl0odmccn · 2 years
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     —      nueva notificación  !           #LUNA    📍    en west garfield park.                código 012. the warriors.      
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jujuygrafico · 2 years
Más de 15 mil turistas visitaron Jujuy
#Turismo | Más de 15 mil turistas visitaron #Jujuy
Con el 86% de ocupación promedio en la provincia durante el fin de semana largo, comprendido entre los días 12 al 15 de agosto, Jujuy marcó un nuevo interés por los turistas en visitar la provincia, siendo uno de los destinos elegidos por los turistas a nivel país.Luego de haber transcurrido el fin de semana largo del mes de agosto, el impacto económico registrado por el turismo ascendió a…
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jareckiworld · 10 months
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Nevena Prijic — Vincha III (acrylic and flashe on canvas, 2021)
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cheritzteam-es · 2 months
[Mystic Messenger] Anuncio del Evento de Mayo de 2024
Hola, somo Cheritz.
Ya ha pasado casi la mitad del año.
Como siempre en Corea, la primavera es corta y ya hay personas que se comienzan a preocupar del calor del verano…
¡Pero las preocupaciones para después! 
Es el  momento de disfrutar plenamente de la fresca y verde primavera en Corea 🌿
¡Todos los miembros finalmente decidieron tomarse unas vacaciones todos juntos después de mucho tiempo!
Al parecer, estuvieron pensando seriamente(?) a dónde ir.
¿Dónde habrán decidido ir entre todas las opciones?
¡Al final se decidió ir al parque de diversiones, que fue donde Yoosung★ recomendó más fuertemente!
Parece que terminaron votando por el parque de diversiones, porque en esta temporada hay una casa embrujada con tema de terror esperando el verano que se avecina… 🧐
Hasta los miembros que dijeron “¡Vamos a quedarnos en casa en estos días libres que tenemos todos juntos!” parece que están emocionados por ir. 
Entonces, para más detalles sigue leyendo este anuncio…😉
< ① Evento de Mayo >
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¡Los miembros terminaron decidiendo ir al parque de diversiones por Yoosung★ que sugirió volver a ser niños aprovechando el día de niños en Corea! 
Aunque es un poco caótico por el ambiente bullicioso, será por el clima soleado o por la compañía, que se siente una gran emoción en el aire…
Hay una acalorada discusión entre preparar viandas o comprar comida en el lugar y en el medio Jaehee que trata de mediar mientras suspira.
Y habrá vinchas que no pueden faltar en un parque de diversiones, ¿qué habrán elegido cada miembro? 
Además, el Día del Niño, el 5 de mayo tendremos un evento de reposteo en X. 
mediante sorteo entre las personas que han reposteado entregaremos 50 relojes de arena​⌛♥ (15 ganadores)
Además, tendremos un evento de descuento acorde a este día tan especial…
¡No te pierdas por nada★ esta oportunidad para ti que estabas dudando en comprar!
Periodo de descuento de la tienda de Cheritz: 3 de mayo (viernes) 2 pm ~ 10 de mayo (viernes) 2 pm (KTS) 
< ② Evento de inicio de sesión >
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Si te conectas durante el periodo más abajo podrás disfrutar de la ilustración de portada de mayo! ¡Disfruta del juego junto a la portada de mayo. 
Además, ¡no te pierdas la recompensa sorpresa por inicio de sesión que viene con los vientos primaverales!
Periodo de la ilustración de portada: 3 de mayo (viernes) ~ 16 de mayo (jueves)
Recompensa por inicio de sesión por el día del niño: 4 de mayo (sábado) ~ 7 de mayo (martes)
¿Qué le han parecido las noticias del evento de mayo que hemos preparado?
Agradecemos de antemano a las coordinadoras que participarán del evento de mayo de Mystic Messenger. 
¡Esperemos que sean felices en este mayo lleno de los aromas primaverales!
¡Muchas gracias!
De Cheritz.
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kdramaqween · 1 year
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Chayenzo +TV Tropes (Part 1/?)
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sweetsweethate · 6 months
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cumple feliz
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Al llegar los españoles Catamarca era habitada por los diaguitas.
*Eran corpulentos y de aspecto terrible,altos y fornidos
*Hablaban el Kakán, luego fueron obligados a hablar en quichua con la pena de hasta "cortarle la lengua" sí utilizaban su lengua madre.
*Se vestían con una túnica larga.Las mujeres solteras llevaban vestidos de color ,las que no liso.Calzaban ushutas u ojotas.
*El cabello era una de sus mayores galas, nunca sé lo cortaban.Lo adornaban con plumas y vinchas de color.Sé sabe que los españoles, para degradarlos o como castigo de sus patrones, sé lo cortaban ,constituyendo así una gran ofensa.
*Fueron maestros alfareros.La cerámica diaguita está considerada cómo una de las más ricas del mundo.
*, Fueron excelentes guerreros,eran bravos y utilizaban todo tipo de armas.En los grandes combates también participaban mujeres y niños.
*Sus viviendas eran:las casas de piedra y las de quincha y ramada.Todo direccionado para protegerse del viento.
*Eran poligamos.El que se casaba con una mujer quedaba casado con las hermanas de la misma.Y si fallecía,el hermano tomaba por esposa a la viuda y las otras hermanas.
*El sol era su dios principal.Creian en la inmortalidad del alma.Sus "médicos" eran magos o hechiceros.
*Adoraban y respetaban a la Pachamama:madre de los cerros y los hombres,la madre de la vida.
*Eran agricultores:sé valían del riego artificial.Cultivaban zapallo,poroto y sobre todo el maíz.También algarroba para la añapa y la aloja.
Vivían en familia,comían y bebían de los regalos de la tierra,no necesitaban nada.
Según el Censo Naciónal de Poblaciones de 2.010 en Argentina reveló la existencia de 67.410 personas que se reconocieron cómo diaguitas,5.026 pertenecen a Catamarca.
Los kolla Atacama, Diaguitas y Diaguitas Calchaquí.
Las raíces llaman,la Pacha grita y espera cómo una madre amorosa que valoremos nuestra identidad.
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seddenostalgia · 1 year
Romero con ese corte y esa vincha siento que estoy en los principios de los 2000 viendo la selección por una tele de tubo
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