#vinci new capital prices
newcapitalproperty · 2 years
VINCI New Capital - constructions works around the clock ✅
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#فينشي العاصمة الادارية الجديدة#كمبوند فينشي العاصمة الادارية#فينشى مصر ايطاليا#مشروع فينشي العاصمه الاداريه#vinci misr italia#vinci new capital prices#vinci new capital egypt#اسعار فيلات العاصمة الادارية الجديدة#فيلات العاصمة الادارية#فيلات العاصمة الادارية الجديدة#فيلا للبيع بالعاصمة الادارية الجديدة#فيلات للبيع بالعاصمة الإدارية الجديدة#فيلا العاصمة الادارية الجديدة#اسعار فلل العاصمة الادارية الجديدة#فلل للبيع العاصمة الادارية الجديدة#اسعار شقق العاصمة الادارية الجديدة#شقق العاصمة الادارية الجديدة#حجز شقق العاصمة الادارية الجديدة بنك الاسكان والتعمير#حجز شقق العاصمة الادارية الجديدة الكترونيا#تاون هاوس للبيع في العاصمة الادارية#توين هاوس للبيع في العاصمة الادارية#misr italia properties hotline#misr italia properties prices#misr italia properties for sale#رقم شركة مصر ايطاليا للاستثمار العقارى#رقم تليفون شركة مصر ايطاليا#رقم تليفون شركة مصر ايطاليا للاستثمار العقارى#موقع شركة مصر ايطاليا للاستثمار العقارى
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conceptproperties · 2 years
Dose North Coast Akam
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tamgdenettebya · 2 years
New Year's riddle from the Rothschild magazine (2019)
Every year, the British magazine The Economist comes out with a mystery cover, which is considered an economic prophecy for the coming year from the Rothschild clan, which owns this publication. This year the first page is decorated in the style of Leonardo da Vinci. A number of transcripts-interpretations of the Rothschild rebus for 2019 have already been published. We decided to make our contribution to unraveling this economic prophecy.
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The central figure of the cover is Leonardo da Vinci's famous Vitruvian Man. Leonardo created this drawing as an illustration for his book dedicated to the ancient Roman architect Vitruvius. The figure of the Vitruvian Man has the so-called canonical proportions, that is, the ideal ratios between all parts of the body by the standards of that time.
The Vitruvian Man is depicted against the background of the Atlantic Ocean, which may be a hint that the Atlantic will become the center of confrontation between the leading world powers. It is worth noting that Great Britain and Israel have created in recent years in Argentina a whole network of military bases and training camps. Recently, the Argentine government agreed to the construction of US military bases in the country. Thus, these countries have a full opportunity to control the natural resources of the South Atlantic, which, according to the Marshall Fund, are not inferior to the resources of Eurasia.
At the top of the cover, the profiles of two political leaders stand out - Donald Trump (who faces east and, as the picture shows, has ideal facial proportions, which means he will probably get along with the new composition of Congress) and Vladimir Putin, who faces west . Above Putin's profile is the inscription "Putins pipelines" (Putin's pipelines), made in a mirror image, like all Leonardo's notes, and a little lower is a drawing of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Behind Putin's profile is Pinocchio with a long nose as a symbol of disinformation. Nothing else could be expected from the Rothschilds as co-owners of the British Crown and accomplices in the information war against Russia.
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The Apocalypse spell fatal trouble for the oil-exporting powers, which is not far from the truth in light of the recent sharp drop in global oil prices. The majestic Mount Fuji hovers over Putin's head, which may mean a solution to the issue of the Kuril Islands and the conclusion of peace between Japan and the Russian Federation. Trump's attentive gaze is directed towards Russia and Japan. The 45th President of the United States clearly intends to capitalize on possible deals between these countries.
The English bulldog sits on the soil of North America, which symbolizes the final break of Great Britain with the European Union and the closest rapprochement, and, possibly, the unification of Foggy Albion with its former colony. A little to the left of the English bulldog runs an Indian elephant with tusks-arrows of stock indexes pointing upwards. There can be no doubt about this - India is developing dynamically, almost not participating in the tough confrontation between East and West. A Chinese panda sits on the glaciers of Greenland, cowering and shivering from the cold. Perhaps this is a hint of the coming financial difficulties in the China.
The stork carries a basket with a digital code - a hint at the chipization of children at birth or the birth of children from a test tube with an altered genetic code. Mahatma Gandhi sadly looks at an incomprehensible device resembling a box for lottery tickets, and apparently regrets that the fate of the world is still dependent on chance. The editors of the magazine in the commentary on the cover write that elections are expected in India, Indonesia and throughout Europe, illustrating this with a drawing of a ballot box.
Mona Angelina is, of course, Angelina Jolie, next to whom runs an armadillo, which, as you know, lives in Central and South America. Perhaps this is a hint that Brad Pitt's ex-wife will be in demand in these regions of the world as a vivid symbol of the US "soft power" strategy.
The bearded man in the hat is the great American poet Walt Whitman, the mouthpiece of the northerners during the Civil War. He is so far from Trump, and does not look in his direction, that doubt involuntarily creeps in that he shares his ideals. The New Horizons spacecraft flies towards the asteroid Ultima Thule in the Kuiper belt to photograph it. A hint of growing interest in deep space exploration.
Leonard's profile of a man and next to it the inscription "Facial recoginition" reminds of the total digital surveillance awaiting humanity. Leonard's helicopter flies to the moon, which means a new lunar race, of course, on more modern aircraft. The electric car heralds the expulsion of hydrocarbon engines from the automotive industry.
In his outstretched arms over America, the Vitruvian Man holds cannabis leaves and a baseball, which can symbolize the legalization of marijuana in the Western Hemisphere (following the example of Canada) and sports fun as a means of calming the seriously agitated society. The other hands (he has four) of the Vitruvian man hold over the rest of the planet a mobile phone and scales in which little men sit.
Most likely, this is a hint at the total digitalization of mankind. Several inscriptions at the top of the cover serve as a guide to the forecast: "Leonardo da Vinci 500 years old." Well, that's understandable and undeniable. "Angelina Jolie cares about refugees."
However, an exotic animal is drawn next to her. Is this a hint at the well-known scandalous statement of the new President of Brazil Bolsonaro, who called black political activists animals, whose place is in the zoo. "Pony Ma" Virtuous tech (Pony Ma - virtuous technologies). What does it mean? Pony Ma is the nickname of Chinese billionaire Ma Huateng, one of the richest people in the world who has done a lot to spread the Internet in China. IMF chief Christine Lagarde, Steve Jobs' widow Lauren Powell, and New York Stock Exchange president Stacey Cunningham are also mentioned in a positive light, apparently as symbols of the expansion of feminization.
On Vitruvian Man's arm is the #MeToo hashtag, which went viral on social media in October 2017 following allegations of sexual harassment by film producer Harvey Weinstein.
By the way, this hashtag is the only inscription that is not mirrored. In addition, below is a self-portrait of the 17th-century artist Artemisia Gentileschi, who was raped by her teacher at a young age. In court, she was subjected to humiliating examination and torture to verify the veracity of her accusations before her rapist was sentenced to only a year in prison.
Gentileschi has now become a symbol of the struggle for the rights of women who have been sexually abused, she is called the symbol of #MeToo. It is impossible not to conclude that, in fact, the cover of the Rothschild magazine is not a prophecy in the truest sense of the word. It only interprets the current events in a favorable light for these financial magnates, being part of the all-pervasive information aggression that the West is waging around the world.
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copiosis · 4 years
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When Bernie Sanders Marries Ayn Rand
By Writer KJ McElrath
If there is a silver lining to the current coronavirus pandemic, it is that it has exposed fundamental weaknesses in the current capitalist free-market economic system that most of us have taken for granted our entire lives. People in low-wage service jobs, food-service workers, education support personnel, private tutors and instructors and others with jobs that frequently bring them into contact with the general public have been hit especially hard. Most of these workplaces –  restaurants, lounges, schools and even libraries –  are closed for the duration.
Today conservative leaders, who typically expect most people – including those they claim to represent – to fend for themselves, actually support massive financial aid programs...that's how bad it is. The Trump Administration's $2 trillion dollar stimulus package perplexes my imagination. That a conservative administration would offer such a thing boggles the mind.
Other governments around the world are following suit. For example, the U.K. government recently announced that it will pay 80 percent of worker salaries up to £2500 per month ($2900 USD) for 12 weeks, while offering tax breaks and interest-free business loans. Across the Channel, France is preparing to nationalize several industries while suspending tax, rent, and utility payments for small companies.
The problem is we, as a global, tightly interconnected economic society, now are in uncharted territory. Our economics can't handle much more of this and for two fundamental reasons:
One, our economics depends on endless growth and expansion. Coronavirus has stopped that dead in its tracks.
Two, our economics finances endless growth through debt cycles, which fall apart when debtors can't pay creditors. Debtors can't pay if they can't work.
If there was ever a time to think outside the box, it is now. Our immediate solution is for government to throw money  —  cash payments, low interest rates, subsidized loans or grants, etc at the problem. In the short term, this is indeed necessary as most of us have not slack in our finances to weather such storms.
But such actions treat the symptoms while ignoring the underlying disease. Biologically, coronavirus is most dangerous to those who have other health problems, such as compromised immune function. Economically, it appears to have a similar effect on unhealthy financial systems.
Socialism is not the answer
Would the type of socialism offered by once-presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders save us? For awhile, it could — but like government stimulus programs, it would be a stopgap solution. The problem here is that socialism can't spur innovations that benefit society.
Second, the idea that people should receive free anything — including housing, food, health care and education — is anathema to those who espouse unbridled, free market capitalism. Yet, lack of these basic survival needs, or even the threat of losing them, is at the root of virtually every problem society suffers today.
People can live without jet skis or the latest and greatest smart phones. They cannot live without food, clean water, shelter and medical care when needed. Without some degree of education, they cannot be productive members of society. Yet, our economies demand that all of these things be commodified and profit their providers.
Meanwhile, those very same providers must pay labor, cover raw materials costs, pay taxes, legal and other operational expenses.
To suggest that "necessities" should be “free” may rightfully evoke hard resistance from free market supporters, yet the stress from putting price tags on necessities creates crime, disease (mental and physical), environmental degradation and more — adding hugely to the cost of running society.
Perversely, money spent addressing these problems contributes to a nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Ergo, someone who contracts cancer living near a factory producing toxic waste actually contributes to GDP when they (or someone else) pays for their treatment. Law enforcement officers pursuing criminals become part of the GDP as well. Divorcing couples contribute to GDP through lawyer and court fee costs.
Is there a better way? Some visionaries believe so — and are working to bring it about.
A better way...
These visionaries recognize a major part of the problem is not capitalism, but rather the way the exchange of goods and services happen  — i.e., money, or currency. Whether it is tangible cash, an amount recorded in a bank ledger or other account, or invested in securities, money can be transferred easily. That is a definite advantage, but there are downsides; money can be lost, stolen, taxed away (directly and indirectly), devalued and manipulated, and withheld when someone is prevented from earning or receiving it — as is happening in today's coronavirus pandemic. The consequences can be devastating.
Barter comes to many people’s minds as an alternative, but there are reasons why money replaced trading livestock, handicrafts, produce, etc. Unless people have many different productive skills and abilities others need, or offer wide ranges of services, the barter system can't alleviate poverty and inequality. Barter also involves material things that can be lost, stolen or destroyed (and even taxed, as many have discovered).
Imagine an alternative:
a means of exchange representing actions benefiting society and the planet, that cannot possibly be stolen, taxed or otherwise transferred away from owners
a system guaranteeing everyone access to housing, food, medical services and education without incurring long-term debt servitude or worry about a paycheck
a system based on free market principles that encourage innovation
a system in which only actions benefitting people and/or the environment in some way are rewarded
Such innovations are already underway, and have been for some time. They are made possible by rapid technology advances. As more working people suddenly find themselves idle for the long term, some are finding interesting innovations that onced looked ridiculous, but today are not so.
Humanity: where great ideas come from
Dr. Albert Einstein reportedly said, “Imagination is more important than Knowledge.” In light of Dr. Abraham Maslow’s famous Hierarchy of Needs (a review and explanation for the uninitiated is available here), imagine what humans might achieve if they were liberated from the need to “earn a living,” but still expected and motivated to strive for more by simply making choices and acting in ways that serve the greater good.
We all see it happening now, with the popularity of “humanely raised” eggs, poultry and meat, recycling and repurposing, reducing one’s ecological footprint, roadside miniature lending libraries, community tool and vehicle share programs and more.
In Portland, Oregon, homeowners are being offered incentives to provide shelters for homeless people on their property. Some small businesses specialize in making new products from existing and/or previously used components. Entrepreneurial individuals are creating solutions for environmental problems.
Admittedly, so-called “Utopian” societies have failed in the past. As floundering and corrupt as American capitalism has gotten over the past four decades, it has not yet become the total and abject failure that was the late U.S.S.R.’s Socialist Worker’s State.
That said, western capitalism is nonetheless a very large, unwieldy vessel sailing at a high rate of speed — one that needs to change its course fairly soon, if it is to survive.
As the Captain Edward Smith of the R.M.S. Titanic discovered too late, such sudden course changes are difficult at best.
Perhaps what needs to be changed is not so much the system itself, but rather the means of exchange. Such change must happen so nobody goes homeless, hungry, without medical and dental care, and everyone has access to education in any field. At the same time, the new system must encourage industry and innovation while respecting private property rights. Nothing would be confiscatory or redistributive, nor would taxes be assessed.
It sounds almost like “Bernie Sanders Meets Ayn Rand” or "Bernie Sanders and Ayn Rand have a baby". This has been one of the primary issues in recent elections: do we want or need the State to own and operate everything, distributing “to each according to their needs” while taxing “from each, according to their abilities”?
Or do we want to do away with government and regulation altogether, and allow individuals and organizations to become as wealthy and powerful as possible, regardless of any harm in done the process?
What if a society could have the best of both? What if one fed the other? What if, through Bernie-style socialist programs, more people were unleashed from having to have “jobs” simply to pay the bills in order to survive, and instead were free to pursue their passions, such as science, research, technology, engineering and invention as well culture, humanities and the arts? Can one imagine the new Renaissance that might come about?
Such a system has the potential of generating wealth and well-being in a private, free-market system beyond Rand’s wildest dreams.
You don’t have to look very far back to find examples. Would the world have had the genius of Leonardo da Vinci without the patronage of the Medicis? Would we have heard the music of Franz Josef Haydn without Prince Esterhazy?
Now, multiply those two examples by a few billion.
Passions can create our future
Would everyone throw themselves into their “passions”? No. Many may not even know what their passions are. For them, there are educational opportunities (which would bring their own rewards), or they may decide to sit on the beach all day — and as long as they do no harm, that’s fine. If they ever want something more, they’ll find ways to make the world a better place.
If not — at least they won’t go hungry and homeless. But really, earning that “something more” would not be difficult under such a system. In fact, it would be more difficult not to contribute in some way.
If the 1933 Harold Arlen — Yip Harburg song Paper Moon comes to mind, you’re not alone. Indeed, some skepticism is warranted. Nonetheless, two communities, one in California and the other in Oregon, tested out such a comprehensive economic system, with success. A devoted group in Portland continues exploring it over the last six years, and it has generated significant attention around the world.
This group’s website recently came online, where one can go to learn more about this alternative economic system in which there are no losers, and winners’ victories do not come at the expense of someone else. Under such a system, disparities of wealth will certainly still exist, but the kind of grinding poverty that causes hunger, disease, crime and other problems will not.
Meanwhile, the barriers to people who want to accumulate more will largely go away; there will be equal access to opportunity and tools to improve one’s material lot in life for those who choose to do so.
Greed will still exist, but in this new system it's harnessed and channeled into positive outcomes for everyone.
Now that so many of us are under lockdown or quarantine and are starting to clearly see problems existing in the current system, it is as good a time as ever to consider alternatives.
Learn more here.
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newcapitalproperty · 3 years
Vinci New Capital Launch New Phase ✅
Vinci Launch New Phase
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Location: New Capital R7, In front of The Mega Mall beside the Expo City and Coventry University.
•Area: 110 Acres •80% Villas & 20% Apartments. •Designed by Hany Saad Innovations •CallisonRTKL •DMA
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Facilities: • Commercial Strip (Vinci Street). • Club House (2 Acres) • 2 Community Centers. • Branded Apartments.
Payment Plan
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كمبوند فينشي العاصمة الادارية الجديدة
#vinci misr italia#vinci new capital prices#vinci new capital egypt#كمبوند فينشي العاصمة الادارية#فينشي العاصمة الادارية الجديدة#فينشى مصر ايطاليا#مشروع فينشي العاصمه الاداريه#فيلات العاصمة الادارية الجديدة#فيلات للبيع بالعاصمة الإدارية الجديدة#فلل للبيع العاصمة الادارية الجديدة#اسعار فيلات العاصمة الادارية الجديدة#رقم شركة مصر ايطاليا للاستثمار العقارى#رقم تليفون شركة مصر ايطاليا#رقم تليفون شركة مصر ايطاليا للاستثمار العقارى#موقع شركة مصر ايطاليا للاستثمار العقارى#موقع شركة مصر ايطاليا مدينة نصر#ارقام شركة مصر ايطاليا#misr italia properties hotline#misr italia properties prices#misr italia properties for sale#misr italia properties egypt#misr italia properties facebook#مصر ايطاليا للاستثمار العقاري#مصر إيطاليا القابضة للاستثمارات العقارية والسياحية#شركة مصر ايطاليا العقارية misr italia#شركة مصر إيطاليا للتنمية العقارية#مشروع مصر ايطاليا العاصمة الادارية#كمبوند مصر ايطاليا العاصمة الادارية#شركة مصر ايطاليا العاصمة الادارية#misr italia il bosco
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conceptproperties · 2 years
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copperbadge · 7 years
Sam, what do you think of the recent discovery/restoration/sale of what is purportedly Leonardo's Salvator Mundi? Am I the only one picturing Neal Caffrey solemnly applauding either the scam or the reality?
I have a lot of conflicted feelings about it. I think it’s a really interesting painting regardless of who painted it, and from what I’ve seen there is very little dissent in the artistic community about it being the work of Leonardo da Vinci -- it’s a known work that was lost, so it’s not like Van Meegeren where he was just straight-up painting “new” Vermeers and then “discovering” them in a barn somewhere. So in that sense I’m pleased it’s been recovered and restored and there’s plenty of very specific evidence to indicate it’s not a forgery. And of course in this day and age, recovering and restoring a work like Salvator Mundi means that its image will appear online everywhere, making at least the imagery if not the physicality of the painting available to the world. 
There’s a lot to talk about it in terms of setting a new record for purchase price at auction. I don’t think it’s $450M worth of interesting, to be honest, but they’re not paying for art quality, they’re paying for the story of the art -- who previously owned it, how it was rediscovered, et cetera. As with most high-value art, the art is not what’s being judged, but rather the prestige and reputation of the individual piece. Though because at the upper ecehlons of wealth money is really just a way to keep score, you’re likely to see a lot of really high bids at auction in the next year, because now Salvator Mundi is arguably the most valuable painting in the world based on auction price, and someone else is going to want to pay more than $450M so that they can own the most valuable painting in the world. (Eat the rich.)
So what we may see in the next year or two, as a direct result of this sale, is a huge bubble-burst in the art market -- look for one or two other high-end art purchases, maybe even a record-breaker, followed by reports of a collapse in the valuation of high-end art in about twelve to eighteen months. This is a guess, but I think it’s a fair one. 
On the other hand, the previous “most valuable” painting in the world by hammer price was a hideous de Kooning owned by Ken Griffin, who I have no high opinion of. He paid $300M for it and breaking his record by a hundred and fifty million dollars was definitely some kind of power move. I feel like anyone who has successfully stomped Crazy Eyes Griffin's ego has done the world a favor.
As an added “Neal Caffrey bonus”, given Salvator Mundi’s story, in the next few years we may also be treated to the sight of the mega-wealthy desperately wanting a painting as interesting as Salvator Mundi and thus being much more gullible than usual about the art they buy. So we may get a spectacular story sooner or later of a kajillionaire hedge fund manager buying a painting worth roughly $10.99 for half a billion dollars because the story attached to the painting was just too good. 
If I were an art forger, the Salvator Mundi sale would have been the “what can I forge and then discover in a barn” starting pistol. Someone out there is breathing heavily over the idea of paying $500M for a painting and I would be happy to give them that moment of transcendental capitalism.
Unfortunately I cannot paint.  
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Modular Fabrication Market Size Analysis, Segmentation, Industry Outlook, and Forecasts, 2020-2027
The latest study by Reports and Data, called “Global Modular Fabrication Market Forecast to 2027,” lists some of the primary growth potentials of the global Modular Fabrication industry. The primary target of this report is to help industry stakeholders capitalize on its highly informative content to make improved business decisions. The insightful data provided by the report are gathered from several primary and secondary resources. Moreover, the report is intended to help readers gain actionable insights into the global Modular Fabrication market and the prevailing growth opportunities and trends in particular.
The latest market intelligence report entails a holistic overview of the Modular Fabrication market, providing the reader with essential conclusive data & information concerning market growth, evaluated on both regional and global levels. The competitive analysis of the report focuses on the leading market players and their lucrative business expansion initiatives. Hence, the sample copy of the ‘Global Modular Fabrication Market’ research report includes a brief analysis of this ever-evolving business sector, encompassing the regional overview, competitive landscape, technological innovations, and future market developments.
Request a sample copy of this report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/sample-enquiry-form/3217
Furthermore, the report offers in-depth scrutiny of the key market elements, such as drivers, constraints, opportunities, limitations, threats, and micro and macro-economic factors. The exhaustive SWOT analysis, Porter’s Five Forces analysis, feasibility analysis, and investment return analysis have also been included in the report. Strategic recommendations for the new and established market players are intended to assist them in fortifying their financial positions in the Modular Fabrication market.  
COVID-19 Impact Assessment:
The latest report sums up the major changes in the global business sector that took place as a repercussion of the COVID-19 outbreak. Having impacted the global Modular Fabrication market in an unfavorable manner, the pandemic has significantly disrupted the market dynamics and trends. The public health emergency adversely affected the global supply chains and resulted in acute volatility in product prices and demand. However, industry experts believe that the global Modular Fabrication market will regain traction in the post-COVID scenario. The report also offers a broad assessment of the pandemic’s preliminary and future impacts on this lucrative market.
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Regional Landscape:
An essential component of the report is the detailed study of the geographical outlook of the global Modular Fabrication market. The global Modular Fabrication market is categorized into several key geographical regions, including North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. In this section of the report, the authors have meticulously analyzed the regional market share, market size, revenue contribution, sales network, distribution channels, and numerous other aspects.
Competitive Outlook:
The leading contenders in the global Modular Fabrication market are:
Laing O'Rourke, Red Sea Housing Services, Atco, Bouygues, Vinci, Skanska, Algeco Scotsman, Kleusberg, Lendlease, CIMC Modular Building Systems, Larsen & Toubro, Balfour Beatty, ACS Group, and Guerdon Modular Buildings, among others.
Market Segmentation by Product Type:
Market Segmentation by Application:
 Oil & Gas
 Heavy Industry
Browse the full report description, along with the ToCs and List of Facts & Figures @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/report-detail/modular-fabrication-market
The following timeline is considered for the global market estimation:
·         Historical Years: 2017-2018
·         Base Year: 2019
·         Estimated Year: 2020
·         Forecast Years: 2020-2027
Thank you for reading our report. For further information regarding the report or to get a customized copy of it, please connect with us. We will make sure you receive a report perfectly tailored to your needs.
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laresearchette · 7 years
Friday, March 16, 2018 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
CURLING (SN) 1:00pm: Grand Slam of Curling: Elite 10 - Round Robin (SN) 5:00pm: Grand Slam of Curling: Elite 10 - Round Robin (SN) 9:00pm: Grand Slam of Curling: Elite 10 - Round Robin
NBA BASKETBALL (TSN4) 7:30pm: Mavericks at Raptors
NHL HOCKEY (SN1) 7:00pm: Islanders at Capitals (TSN5) 7:30pm: Stars at Sens (SN1) 10:00pm: Red Wings at Ducks marketplace (CBC) 8:00pm: What’s lurking in all those free make-up samples? We swab testers from Sephora, Shoppers Drug Mart, MAC, and The Body Shop. And we ask the ultimate question: Can spraying them with alcohol kill mould and bacteria like staphylococcus aureus? And, how often should you change your car engine oil? Depends who you ask. In a hidden camera investigation, we test what you’re told at the dealership and then actually test your engine oil in a lab to see who’s right.
HELLO GOODBYE (CBC) 8:30pm: Families can grow united even after they are torn apart by distance, time and tragedy. Host Dale Curd is meeting people whose families have become stronger despite enduring emotional turmoil.
DON’T TALK TO IRENE (TMN) 9:00pm: When an overweight girl gets suspended from school, she must endure two weeks of community service at a retirement home. She secretly signs the residents up for a dance-themed reality show to prove that you don't have to be perfect to be great.
the fifth estate (CBC) 9:00pm: Secret audiotapes show how Costco pressed one generic drug company for illegal payments to stock their products - and how you may be paying the price.
LATE PHASES (SUPER CHANNEL 02) 9:00pm: A secluded retirement community is plagued by mysterious and deadly attacks until a grizzled war veteran moves in, rallies the residents, and discovers a beast is behind the killings.
ZAPPED (BBC CANADA) 10:00pm/10:30pm: Brian joins a band of traveling players; Howell chases a homicidal turkey. In Episode Two, it's Brian's last chance to get home, and he faces a problem.
CBC MUSIC FIRST PLAY LIVE (CBC) 12:00am: Rapper Cadence Weapon performs with Casey MQ.
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conceptproperties · 1 year
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wallpaperpainter · 4 years
12 Things You Need To Know About Magritte Today | Magritte
Surrealist gamesThe surrealist movement started out by arena amateur in Parisian cafes. They capital to tap the artistic abeyant of the benumbed mind, and amateur like Exquisite Corpse – the beat acknowledgment to after-effects – helped. Exquisite Corpse bound turns into a swearing and abomination contest, at atomic in my family, and is absolutely hilarious.
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La Bruselas de Magritte | Hispagenda – magritte | magritte
The Lewis Chessmen Chess SetSupport the locked-down British Museum and apprentice about medieval art by purchasing one of its chess sets featuring the acclaimed feudal abstracts begin in the Hebrides. Various sizes and prices from a children’s set up.
Masterpiece and its progenyArt auctions accept been a accepted bold abstraction back the old archetypal Masterpiece was played with the After Eights at adult 1980s gatherings. You can alone get Masterpiece additional duke but there are several abreast versions.
SplendorBecome a Renaissance merchant in this lath bold of all-around barter and cultural affluence in the age of Leonardo da Vinci.
Dalí TarotPlay chilling prophetic amateur with these absurd cards created by the self-consciously crazy Catalan.
A mural by artisan Pony Wave on Venice Beach in California. See our abounding arcade of topical, colourful and attention-grabbing artery art about the coronavirus pandemic.
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Image detail for -Magritte: Attempting the Impossible .. | magritte
Bob Colenutt’s new book puts developers absolutely in the anatomy for Britain’s apartment crisis
Designer Eileen Gray afraid the pants off Corbusier – and fabricated a armchair account €22m
A new exhibtions credibility the spotlight on the changeable cartoonists disregarded by history
Nan Goldin and Damien Hirst are amid the artists adopting money for coronavirus charities
Frida Kahlo is lockdown’s best alarming artist
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El secreto detrás de las mejores pinturas de René Magritte – Arte .. | magritte
Artists accept alleged on the government to anticipate Britain acceptable a ‘cultural wasteland’
One of the UK’s finest collections of ceramics end up in a board collapsed – but how?
Elaine Constantine, Martin Parr and Nadav Kander are amid 160 acclaimed photographers altruistic prints in aid of Trussell Trust aliment banks
Our now abandoned streets and barrio are authentic sci-fi, according to Jonathan Jones
I can’t accept the things I address in my notebooks, accept our analyzer Adrian Searle
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La Clef des champs – Magritte, René | magritte
Historic England is allurement bodies in lockdown to advice ‘record history’
Artists are advancement adjoin Bristol Spike Island boot of founding ancestor Howard Silverman
We acquaint the absolute adventure of Marina Abramović’s 1988 airing forth the Great Wall of China
Photographer Julia Zabrodzka has captured the apple of Guatemala’s aboriginal queens
Seattle artists accept angry shuttered shops into adorning murals
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René Magritte: el artista surrealista – Arte – Arte – magritte | magritte
An online exhibition is showcasing 60 works from Australian photojournalists
Paul Mpagi Sepuya,
12 Things You Need To Know About Magritte Today | Magritte – magritte | Allowed to help the website, in this particular time We’ll explain to you concerning keyword. Now, this is actually the very first graphic:
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La grande famille – magritte | magritte
Think about graphic preceding? is usually that incredible???. if you think maybe and so, I’l t teach you a number of image once more under:
So, if you would like have the great pics related to (12 Things You Need To Know About Magritte Today | Magritte), click on save button to store the shots in your computer. They are all set for down load, if you appreciate and wish to grab it, just click save symbol on the article, and it’ll be directly down loaded to your pc.} As a final point if you like to gain unique and the recent picture related to (12 Things You Need To Know About Magritte Today | Magritte), please follow us on google plus or book mark this blog, we attempt our best to offer you daily up grade with all new and fresh images. Hope you enjoy keeping here. For many updates and recent information about (12 Things You Need To Know About Magritte Today | Magritte) pictures, please kindly follow us on tweets, path, Instagram and google plus, or you mark this page on book mark area, We try to offer you update regularly with all new and fresh images, like your surfing, and find the right for you.
Thanks for visiting our website, contentabove (12 Things You Need To Know About Magritte Today | Magritte) published .  Nowadays we are pleased to declare that we have discovered an extremelyinteresting nicheto be pointed out, that is (12 Things You Need To Know About Magritte Today | Magritte) Many individuals trying to find specifics of(12 Things You Need To Know About Magritte Today | Magritte) and definitely one of these is you, is not it?
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Magritte-Ficha del catálogo – Fundación Juan March – magritte | magritte
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La Belle Société – Intangibles – magritte | magritte
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Amazon.com: 12 René Magritte Les Amants (Lovers) Póster por Rare .. | magritte
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Le fils de l’homme – magritte | magritte
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La belleza del día: “Los amantes”, de René Magritte – Infobae – magritte | magritte
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El hijo del hombre – René Magritte – Historia Arte (HA!) – magritte | magritte
The post 12 Things You Need To Know About Magritte Today | Magritte appeared first on Painter Legend.
Painter Legend https://www.painterlegend.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/la-bruselas-de-magritte-hispagenda-magritte.jpg
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wallpaperpainting · 4 years
12 Things You Should Know Before Embarking On Magritte Paintings | magritte paintings
Surrealist gamesThe surrealist movement started out by arena amateur in Parisian cafes. They capital to tap the artistic abeyant of the benumbed mind, and amateur like Exquisite Corpse – the beat acknowledgment to after-effects – helped. Exquisite Corpse bound turns into a swearing and abomination contest, at atomic in my family, and is absolutely hilarious.
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Did René Magritte Change His Surrealist Style to Avoid .. | magritte paintings
The Lewis Chessmen Chess SetSupport the locked-down British Museum and apprentice about medieval art by purchasing one of its chess sets featuring the acclaimed feudal abstracts begin in the Hebrides. Various sizes and prices from a children’s set up.
Masterpiece and its progenyArt auctions accept been a accepted bold abstraction back the old archetypal Masterpiece was played with the After Eights at adult 1980s gatherings. You can alone get Masterpiece additional duke but there are several abreast versions.
SplendorBecome a Renaissance merchant in this lath bold of all-around barter and cultural affluence in the age of Leonardo da Vinci.
Dalí TarotPlay chilling prophetic amateur with these absurd cards created by the self-consciously crazy Catalan.
A mural by artisan Pony Wave on Venice Beach in California. See our abounding arcade of topical, colourful and attention-grabbing artery art about the coronavirus pandemic.
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Magritte Paintings Pictures – Freaking News – magritte paintings | magritte paintings
Bob Colenutt’s new book puts developers absolutely in the anatomy for Britain’s apartment crisis
Designer Eileen Gray afraid the pants off Corbusier – and fabricated a armchair account €22m
A new exhibtions credibility the spotlight on the changeable cartoonists disregarded by history
Nan Goldin and Damien Hirst are amid the artists adopting money for coronavirus charities
Frida Kahlo is lockdown’s best alarming artist
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Rene Magritte – L’Idee (1966) – magritte paintings | magritte paintings
Artists accept alleged on the government to anticipate Britain acceptable a ‘cultural wasteland’
One of the UK’s finest collections of ceramics end up in a board collapsed – but how?
Elaine Constantine, Martin Parr and Nadav Kander are amid 160 acclaimed photographers altruistic prints in aid of Trussell Trust aliment banks
Our now abandoned streets and barrio are authentic sci-fi, according to Jonathan Jones
I can’t accept the things I address in my notebooks, accept our analyzer Adrian Searle
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René Magritte (1898-1967) | La recherche de l'absolu .. | magritte paintings
Historic England is allurement bodies in lockdown to advice ‘record history’
Artists are advancement adjoin Bristol Spike Island boot of founding ancestor Howard Silverman
We acquaint the absolute adventure of Marina Abramović’s 1988 airing forth the Great Wall of China
Photographer Julia Zabrodzka has captured the apple of Guatemala’s aboriginal queens
Seattle artists accept angry shuttered shops into adorning murals
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Man in a Bowler Hat, 1964 by Rene Magritte – magritte paintings | magritte paintings
An online exhibition is showcasing 60 works from Australian photojournalists
Paul Mpagi Sepuya,
12 Things You Should Know Before Embarking On Magritte Paintings | magritte paintings – magritte paintings | Pleasant to my website, within this time I will teach you regarding keyword. Now, this is actually the 1st picture:
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1000+ images about Magritte on Pinterest | Rene magritte .. | magritte paintings
What about graphic above? is usually in which remarkable???. if you feel consequently, I’l d show you several photograph yet again underneath:
So, if you would like receive the awesome pictures regarding (12 Things You Should Know Before Embarking On Magritte Paintings | magritte paintings), click save icon to download these images for your personal computer. There’re ready for download, if you love and wish to obtain it, just click save badge in the page, and it will be immediately saved in your computer.} As a final point if you desire to get unique and the latest photo related with (12 Things You Should Know Before Embarking On Magritte Paintings | magritte paintings), please follow us on google plus or bookmark the site, we try our best to give you regular up-date with fresh and new shots. Hope you enjoy staying right here. For many updates and recent news about (12 Things You Should Know Before Embarking On Magritte Paintings | magritte paintings) shots, please kindly follow us on tweets, path, Instagram and google plus, or you mark this page on book mark section, We try to offer you up grade regularly with fresh and new graphics, enjoy your exploring, and find the right for you.
Here you are at our website, contentabove (12 Things You Should Know Before Embarking On Magritte Paintings | magritte paintings) published .  At this time we’re delighted to announce that we have discovered an extremelyinteresting contentto be pointed out, namely (12 Things You Should Know Before Embarking On Magritte Paintings | magritte paintings) Many individuals attempting to find info about(12 Things You Should Know Before Embarking On Magritte Paintings | magritte paintings) and definitely one of them is you, is not it?
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17.03 | magritte paintings
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-Online Browsing-: René Magritte: "Art evokes the mystery .. | magritte paintings
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Visualistic: Rene Magritte – The unrealistic reality – magritte paintings | magritte paintings
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Magritte – magritte paintings | magritte paintings
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The Son of Man Oil Painting Rene Magritte HandPainted Art .. | magritte paintings
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René Magritte | Rene magritte, Magritte paintings, Magritte – magritte paintings | magritte paintings
The post 12 Things You Should Know Before Embarking On Magritte Paintings | magritte paintings appeared first on Wallpaper Painting.
from Wallpaper Painting https://www.bleumultimedia.com/12-things-you-should-know-before-embarking-on-magritte-paintings-magritte-paintings/
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sciencespies · 4 years
A Notorious 17th-Century Pirate, the Many Lives of the Louvre and Other New Books to Read
A Notorious 17th-Century Pirate, the Many Lives of the Louvre and Other New Books to Read
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When Captain Henry Every and his crew of marauders ambushed the pride of the Mughal fleet in September 1695, they set in motion an international crisis with lasting implications. As Steven Johnson, author of The Ghost Map and How We Got to Now, writes in Enemy of All Mankind: A True Story of Piracy, Power, and History’s First Global Manhunt, Every’s capture of the Ganj-i-Sawai—and its trove of an estimated $200 million in gold, silver and jewels—led the British East India Company to take harsh retaliatory measures. In doing so, Johnson argues, the corporation and Every inadvertently sparked the birth of a modern phenomenon: multinational capitalism.
The latest installment in our “Books of the Week” series, which launched in late March to support authors whose works have been overshadowed amid the COVID-19 pandemic, details the search for Every, the many lives of the Louvre, the Montgomery bus boycott, the humans behind history’s greatest firsts and a titan of industry’s ideological clash with Theodore Roosevelt.
Representing the fields of history, science, arts and culture, innovation, and travel, selections represent texts that piqued our curiosity with their new approaches to oft-discussed topics, elevation of overlooked stories and artful prose. We’ve linked to Amazon for your convenience, but be sure to check with your local bookstore to see if it supports social distancing-appropriate delivery or pickup measures, too.
Enemy of All Mankind: A True Story of Piracy, Power, and History’s First Global Manhunt by Steven Johnson
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By all accounts, the Ganj-i-Sawai should’ve emerged victorious against the Fancy, a comparatively underequipped privateer ship. But luck was on Every’s side when the vessels met, and as Kirkus notes in its review of Enemy of All Mankind, Grand Mughal Aurangzeb’s flagship experienced a cannon misfire “even as a lucky shot from the pirate fleet took down the main mast.” Upon boarding the Ganj-i-Sawai, Every and his crew raped its women, tortured and murdered its men, and looted its treasure trove of goods.
The incident left the East India Company—and its trading interests in the Asian country—in a challenging position. Accused by Aurangzeb and his followers of hailing from a “nation of pirates” simply because Every was also British, the company teamed up with the crown to launch what Johnson deems the “first global manhunt.” Ultimately, the search proved only partially successful. Every escaped the hangman’s noose, though several of his comrades were captured and executed.
Despite this apparent failure, Johnson argues that the manhunt ushered in a much-needed reckoning between a soon-to-be outdated mode of money-making (autocracy funded by tithes, taxes and other forms of exploitation) and the way of the future: “a multinational corporation making money by trading goods with other nations, with shareholders profiting not just from the income generated, but also by the rising share price of the company itself.”
The Louvre: The Many Lives of the World’s Most Famous Museum by James Gardner
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The Louvre is perhaps best known today as the home of Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. But the palatial complex boasted a rich history long before the world’s most famous painting graced its walls. As James Gardner writes in his extensive exploration of the Parisian cultural institution—which he deems “as great a work of art as anything it contains”—the Louvre’s story actually stretches back some 7,000 years. “Before the Louvre was a museum,” the art critic explains in the book’s introduction, “it was a palace, and before that a fortress, and before that a plot of earth, much like any other.”
In 1191, French king Philippe Auguste ordered the construction of a defensive stronghold on the banks of the Seine River. Thousands of years earlier, according to Gardner, the site had served first as a campground and then as the home of a clay quarry and vineyard. During the 13th century, Charles V converted the fortress into a castle, laying the foundations for 16th-century king Francis I’s adoption of it as his main residence. But when Louis XIV chose Versailles as the main royal palace in 1682, the Louvre underwent a century of neglect. Finally, in 1793, the property assumed the role it holds to this day, opening as a public museum filled with art and artifacts—the majority of which were seized from France’s nobility amid the chaos of the French Revolution.
Writes Gardner, “What we see today is the result of no fewer than twenty distinct building campaigns that drew on the very diverse and unequal talents of scores of architects over eight centuries.”
Daughter of the Boycott: Carrying On a Montgomery Family’s Civil Rights Legacy by Karen Gray Houston
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Fred and Thomas Gray played pivotal roles in the civil rights movement, aiding the organization of the Montgomery bus boycott and battling segregation in court, respectively. In Daughter of the Boycott, journalist Karen Gray Houston reflects on her relatives’ legacy, detailing how her father, Thomas—a founding member of the Montgomery Improvement Association—“drove his car to pick up black passengers to keep them off the buses [and] make the boycott a success,” while his younger brother, Fred, spearheaded legal cases that expanded voting rights and “desegregated transportation, schools, housing, and public accommodations.”
In addition to discussing her father’s and uncle’s work, Houston draws on interviews with individuals including the daughter-in-law of the manager whose bus line was targeted by protesters and the son of Aurelia Browder Coleman, lead plaintiff in the Browder v. Gayle Supreme Court case that resulted in the desegregation of Montgomery’s buses. According to Kirkus’ review of Daughter of the Boycott, Houston’s “real coup” is a conversation with fellow Browder plaintiff Claudette Colvin, who refused to yield her seat to a white passenger nine months before Rosa Parks famously did the same.
Who Ate the First Oyster?: The Extraordinary People Behind the Greatest Firsts in History by Cody Cassidy
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To gain a better understanding of the individuals behind history’s “greatest firsts,” science writer Cody Cassidy interviewed more than 100 experts, started a fire with flint and pyrite, shaved his face with a piece of obsidian, and brewed beer using spoiled gruel. This unconventional research method ultimately yielded insights on 17 historical innovators whose accomplishments range from eating the first oyster to discovering soap, painting the world’s first masterpiece, inventing clothing and performing the first surgery.
Among the many curiosities highlighted in the book: The first person whose name survives in the historical record is an accountant named Kushim who lived some 5,000 years ago. A young Australopithecus mother crafted the world’s first invention—a baby sling—approximately three million years ago. And the creator of clothing, a Homo sapien the author nicknames Ralph, invented fashionable attire not for protection, warmth or modesty, but as decoration.
Cassidy’s sweeping exploration is limited by the simple fact that the individuals featured “lived before or without writing.” Still, he writes in the book’s introduction, “These are people who scholars know existed and whose extraordinary or fateful acts are the foundation of modern life.”
The Hour of Fate: Theodore Roosevelt, J.P. Morgan, and the Battle to Transform American Capitalism by Susan Berfield
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As Publishers Weekly notes in its review of journalist Susan Berfield’s debut book, Theodore Roosevelt and financier J.P. Morgan both hailed from upper-class families and endured childhoods marred by illness. Despite these similarities, the pair vehemently disagreed on political and economic issues: Whereas Roosevelt argued that big business “had to be accountable to the public,” according to Berfield, Morgan believed capitalism should operate unchecked by all except titans of industry.
These conflicting views came to a head on September 14, 1901, when President William McKinley’s assassination made his vice president, Roosevelt, the United States’ new commander in chief. Roosevelt and Morgan, who at the time was among the richest men in the nation, viewed each other with distrust and uncertainty. When Morgan reportedly said, “I am afraid of Mr. Roosevelt because I don’t know what he’ll do,” the president replied, “He’s afraid of me because he does know what I’ll do.”
The Hour of Fate’s main action unfolds in 1902, when the government accused Morgan’s Northern Securities of antitrust violations, only to be stymied by a coal mining union strike that left both the railroad industry and the country, which relied on coal to heat its citizens’ homes, in a precarious position.
Writes Berfield, “With millions of dollars on the line, winter bearing down, and revolution in the air, it was a crisis that neither man alone could solve.”
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Things To Do This Weekend In London: 7-8 September 2019
New Post has been published on http://doggietrainingclasses.com/things-to-do-this-weekend-in-london-7-8-september-2019/
Things To Do This Weekend In London: 7-8 September 2019
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All weekend
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The Classic Boat Festival moors up at St Katharine Docks
EXHIBITIONS ENDING: It’s your last chance to see several exhibitions around town:
SKULLPTURE: Artworks by sculpture students from the Slade School of Fine Art, inspired by the many weird and wonderful creatures in the museum’s collections. Grant Museum (UCL), free, just turn up, until 7 September
LEONARDO DA VINCI: A look at items belonging to the famous polymath, including notebooks containing his diagrams and thoughts, and his mirror handwriting. British Library, £7, book ahead, until 8 September
KALEIDOSCOPE: A free exhibition of photographs taken by first and second generation immigrants, celebrating diversity. Somerset House, free, just turn up, until 8 September
MODERN BRITISH PRINTMAKING: 120 prints by 10 artist from the Grosvenor School of Art, showcasing the spirit of the 1930s. Dulwich Picture Gallery, £16.50, book ahead, until 8 September
KISS MY GENDERS: The curation leaves something to be desired, but Kiss My Genders is still a forward-thinking look at at gender fluidity. Hayward Gallery, £15.50, book ahead, until 8 September
TOTALLY THAMES: Get stuck into celebrating London’s river with the first full weekend of Totally Thames events. Watch objects made from river clay being fired on the foreshore, enjoy an outdoor promenade show of spoken word performances, and see a new artwork created through typography. 1-30 September
DOCUMENTARY FESTIVAL: The Open City Documentary Festival celebrates the art of making non-fiction films, through a series of screenings, exhibitions, talks and masterclass. Our picks this weekend include rhino documentary The Last Male On Earth, and Breathless Animals, about growing up in Maoist China. Various locations and prices, book ahead, 4-10 September
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Car fan? Concours of Elegance is bound to get your motor running.
ART BOOK FAIR: Art books and magazines from around the world are for sale at the London Art Book Fair. Small and large scale publishers are represented, with work by artists, curators and poets available. Whitechapel Gallery, free entry, just turn up, 5-8 September
CLASSIC BOATS: Engage your sea legs and step on board classic boats — including Dunkirk Little Ships — at the Classic Boat Festival. More of a land lubber? Stick to the docks for live music, street food and a programme of watery talks. St Katharine Docks, free, just turn up, 6-8 September
RARE CARS: Petrol heads, head to Hampton Court to gawp at rare (and yes, expensive) cars at Concours of Elegance. More than 60 unusual cars park up in the Fountain Garden, many of which haven’t been seen before in the UK. Hampton Court Palace, from £40, book ahead, 6-8 September
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Who knows what you’ll find at Peckham Salvage Yard.
PODCAST FESTIVAL: Earbuds at the ready for the London Podcast Festival. See famous and little-known podcasts recorded in front of a live audience, and attend events aimed at budding and experienced podcast producers. Highlights this weekend include LGBTQ+ show A Gay And A NonGay, and Nobody Panic, about the trials and tribulations of being an adult. Kings Place (King’s Cross), various prices, book ahead, 6-15 September
CRAFTY FOX: Go on a spree or simply browse at Crafty Fox Market’s latest outing. The curated range of stallholders include painters, jewellery makers, ceramicists, printmakers and textile artists, and it’s a chance to buy gifts and homewares directly from the local artists who made them. Mercato Metropolitano (Elephant & Castle), free entry, just turn up, 7-8 September
SALVAGE YARD: Rummage out a bargain or two at Peckham Salvage Yard, home to 50 different traders. Items up for grabs include vintage clothes, homewares, furniture and other oddities — but before you buy that retro armchair, think about how you’re going to get it on the bus. Bussey Building (Peckham), free entry, just turn up, 7-8 September
Saturday 7 September
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Natural History Museum opens early for children on the autism spectrum.
DAWNOSAURS: The Natural History Museum opens its doors early, solely for children and the autism spectrum and their families. There’s a sensory room available for anyone in need of a bit of calm, a chance to touch some of the objects, and other activities led by autism-aware facilitators. Natural History Museum (South Kensington), free, book ahead, 8am-10am
OPEN ALLOTMENTS: Did you know that there are allotments in Regent’s Park? There’s a rare chance to visit them today. Have a go at apple pressing (and taste the results), purchase jams and other produce grown on site, and there’s a garden hunt for children too. Regent’s Park, free, just turn up, 10am-5pm
FINANCIAL TIMES FESTIVAL: The Financial Times hosts historians, journalists, authors, chefs, activists, barristers and others for a day of thought-provoking talks and discussions on a range of topics, from capitalism to climate change to London’s housing crisis. The action takes place across nine different stages — pick one, or move between them. Kenwood House (Hampstead), £95, book ahead, 10am-8pm
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The Financial Times Festival is at Kenwood House.
OPEN STUDIOS: Gasworks Studios opens its doors to the public for an autumn open studios event. Get to know the artists who work there, including sculptors and textile and collage artists. Stick around until 4pm to hear some of them talk about their work. Gasworks (Vauxhall), free, just turn up, 12pm-6pm
AUTHORS ON STAGE: National Theatre’s Authors on Stage series continues with a trio of events today. Documentary presenter Stacey Dooley chats to BBC3 Controller Fiona Campbell about Dooley’s investigative journalism career to date. (£15-£35, book ahead, 1pm), Candice Carty-Williams is interviewed about the success of her debut novel Queenie, (£15-£35, book ahead, 4pm) and Matt Haig tackles questions about how the world is messing with our minds (£15-£45, book ahead, 8pm).
DOCKLANDS REGENERATION: Join a Museum of London Docklands tour guide for a walk around the Docklands area, covering how derelict docks were transformed into a thriving business hub. The event also looks at Crossrail, and the continued effect the much-awaited railway is having on the Canary Wharf area. Museum of London Docklands, £12.50, book ahead, 2pm
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Don’t miss Chihuly Nights at Kew Gardens.
FEMINIST RIPPER: There are many Jack the Ripper tours available, but this one tells the often-overlooked stories of his victims. Katie from Look Up London leads the walk around the streets of Whitechapel, focusing on the hardships that Mary Ann Nichols, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride, Catherine Eddowes and Mary Jane Kelly would have faced in the 19th century East End. Aldgate East station, £30.44, book ahead, 2pm
ANIME FILMS: A mini-festival of anime films takes over Picturehouse Central. New and classic anime films are covered, and all films are shown in Japanese with English subtitles. Picturehouse Central, various prices, book ahead, from 2.20pm
JENGA CHAMPIONSHIPS: Got Jenga skills? Show them off at this rooftop Jenga championship, the first of what is intended to be an annual event. 30 teams of two people compete in rounds including building the tallest tower, and erecting a structure while wearing ski gloves. Roof East (Stratford), £10, book ahead, 3pm-5.30pm
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Thank You For Having Us tackles plastic pollution. © Sylvie Poupardin
CHIHULY NIGHTS: If you’re not yet been to Chihuly Nights, we thoroughly recommend you put that right. Taking place every Thursday-Saturday until October, it’s a chance to see Dale Chihuly’s colourful glass sculptures illuminated against the backdrop of Kew Gardens. Follow the trail outside and into magnificent conservatories, before stopping for a drink and a bite to eat. Kew Gardens, £18/£12, book ahead, 7.30pm-10.30pm
THANK YOU FOR HAVING US: Part of both Totally Thames and the Feats of Architecture event programmes, Thank You For Having Us is a free street performance by French street-theatre titans Générik Vapeur and flying trapeze experts Gorilla Circus. It’s raising awareness of the plastic problem, by transforming the City’s streets into the ‘eighth continent’ — a giant rubbish dump in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. City of London, free, just turn up, 8pm-9pm   
Sunday 8 September
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Make friends at the Mayhew Open Day
VINTAGE CAR SHOW:  The Classic and Vintage Car Show at Capel Manor Gardens has vehicles dating as far back as the 1920s on display. We’re promised an RAF flypast, food stalls, miniature train rides and live music. Capel Manor (Enfield), £8, just turn up, 10am-5pm
DICKENSIAN LONDON: Join a guide from the Dickens Museum for a guided walk around the Borough area, a locale that would have been familiar to author Charles Dickens. Among the sites, see part of the surviving wall of the Marshalsea Prison where his father was incarcerated, and a graveyard which may have inspired a scene from A Christmas Carol. Borough station, £10, book ahead, 11am-12.30pm
DOG SHOW: Bow wow wow your way over to east London for the All Dogs Matter dog show. The canine care charity offers competitions in areas such as cutest pup, best rescue and golden oldies — take your pooch along to show off their mettle, or just go along and watch for your daily dose of cute. Victoria Park, £5 to enter your dog, just turn up, 11am-3pm
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Stock up on plants at the Green Rooms Market
THE MAYHEW: Animal welfare charity The Mayhew hosts an open day, inviting the public in to find out what it does, and have some fun. Meet some of the cattery’s residents, browse stalls selling products for you and your pets, and get stuck into a veggie barbecue, live music and games. The Mayhew (Kensal Green), £3/£2, just turn up, 11am-4pm
VINTAGE FASHION: Refresh your wardrobe at The Vintage Collections, a vintage fashion fair with items dating back more than 100 years. More than 50 traders sell women’s, men’s and kids’ clothes, along with accessories and homewares — have a rummage through the racks and see what you come up with. Freemasons Hall (Covent Garden), £5/£2, just turn up, 11am-5pm
PLANT MARKET: Buy a lily for your living room or a cactus for your kitchen at the Green Rooms Market. In addition to offering greenery for sale, the plant-centric event has a range of green-fingered experts on hand to offer advice on buying and caring for your plant, as well as the tools and accessories you’ll need for it to thrive. Brixton Village Market, free entry, just turn up, 11am-5pm
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Browse rails of vintage clothes
HACKNEY CARNIVAL: Line the streets of Hackney between Mare Street and Landsdowne Drive (route map here) to see the floats of Hackney Carnival go past. Reggae bands, gymnasts, marching bands and dancers are just some of the performers in the procession, while other performances and events take place in clusters around the area. Hackney, free, just turn up, 11am-7pm
FOLK FESTIVAL: Family-friendly entertainment takes place all day at Bermondsey Folk Festival, with performances by local musicians. Things really hot up from 6pm when east London folk band Stick in the Wheel headline the evening session. Street food and craft beer available all day. Biscuit Factory (Bermondsey), free entry, just turn up, from 11am
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Enter your pooch into Victoria Park Dog Show
COMIC FAIR: Over 40 comic artists, writers and publishers are present at the Hackney Comic + Zine Fair. The one-cay celebration of the comic art medium covers a range of styles and genres, with a focus on self-published and small press works. Comic fanatics and complete newbies all welcome. London Fields Arches, free entry, just turn up, 12pm-6pm
PARK KLEZMER: Annual event Klezmer in the Park celebrates its 10th anniversary with a free afternoon of entertainment for guests of all ages. BBC Radio 3’s Max Reinhardt is the special presenter at the open-air event, organised by the Jewish Music Institute. There’s also a kids’ activity area to keep younger guests busy. Regent’s Park bandstand, free, just turn up, 12.30pm-6.30pm
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Malorie Blackman introduces her new novel
MALORIE BLACKMAN: Author Malorie Blackman introduces her new novel Crossfire, a much-awaited sequel to Noughts and Crosses, set 34 years after the original. Blackman chats about writing the new book, and about the upcoming TV adaptation of Noughts and Crosses. Southbank Centre, £20, book ahead, 2pm
SARA PASCOE: Comedian Sara Pascoe chats about her new book, Sex, Power, Money, with podcaster Deborah Frances-White. The book takes a not-entirely-serious look at the things that matter most to humans. Southbank Centre, £15-£25, book ahead, 7.30pm
Source link Train Your Dog
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emilyzh2019-blog · 5 years
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Best Things to Do In Venice, Italy
Venice, Italy
Venice feels like it shouldn’t exist. Beautiful floating palaces of stone surrounded by a network of canals. Here are some of the best things to do in Venice for your first visit!
Venice is one of the most popular Italian cities for tourists, even with all the other beautiful & historic places there are in Italy.
But there’s a good reason. The City of Water is celebrated because of its unusual circumstances, sitting on 100+ small islands connected by over 400 bridges.
There are basically no roads, transportation is accomplished via boats on a confusing network of canals. It’s truly unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before!
There are many quirky, unique, unusual, and secret spots to discover in Venice.
I traveled here with Anna for the famous Carnevale di Venezia in February, a crazy annual festival of costumes and masks. We had an awesome time!
Because most travelers visiting Italy stop by the city for a few days, I wanted to recommend some fun and unusual things to do in Venice during your trip.
Venice Highlights Map
How To Use This Map
Above you’ll find a map of highlights in Venice, Italy. Click on the top left of the map to find separate layers marking a route or points of interest. You can hide and show different layers, or click icons on the map to see the names of places I mention in this travel guide. “Star” the map to save it to your own Google Maps, or open the map in a new window for a larger version. Enjoy!
Best Things To Do In Venice In 2019
1. Explore Saint Mark’s Square
Piazza San Marco in Venice
St. Mark the Evangelist is Venice’s patron saint. Signs of this connection can be found throughout the city, with an excellent example being St. Mark’s Square.
Also called Piazza San Marco, it is Venice’s main public square, basically the social heart of the city. There are a bunch of famous landmarks here, like the Clock Tower, St. Mark’s Basilica, Doges’ Palace, and the Winged Lion of Venice.
St. Mark’s is also home to many public events that have been held here for centuries. You’ll find TONS of friendly pigeons, although keep in mind that feeding them has been banned.
Cafes line the North end, so it’s a nice place to sit with an Aperol spritz or hot chocolate and people watch. Visit around sunrise to enjoy it peacefully before the large tour groups show up.
USEFUL TIP: Cafe’s in St. Mark’s often have live music, but they tack a €6 EURO cover charge onto your bill automatically. Just be aware.
2. Libreria Acqua Alta Book Store
Venice’s Coolest Book Store!
Perhaps unsurprisingly, flooding is a frequent problem for a city built on water. So various Venetian institutions have come up with unique responses to the problem.
A cool book store called Libreria Acqua Alta placed its books and magazines in bathtubs, waterproof containers, and even a full-sized gondola! It makes for a very unique and very whimsical setting.
This Venice book store has become an Instagram hotspot, with quirky little “backdrops” for photos around the store. Keep an eye out for some adopted stray cats who roam the shelves too.
Normally I’d tell you to pick out a good book, find a quiet corner, and do a little reading. Unfortunately, an onslaught of Instagram “influencers” yelling at you to get out of their shot is more likely…
3. The Bridge Of Sighs
The Famous Bridge of Sighs
The Bridge Of Sighs is a unique enclosed bridge of white limestone spanning the Rio di Palazzo in Venice. There’s an interesting story behind the name.
It once led to a notorious Venetian prison, the beautiful view through its stone “bars” was a convict’s last sight of Venice before losing their freedom… and often their life. Hence the “sighs” as they passed.
These days tourists can walk through the bridge during a tour of Doges’ Palace, or more frequently, line up for photos outside with it in the background. You can also book a gondola ride that passes under it.
Locals often lie and tell tourists that it’s named after the “sigh” of couples sailing under it, falling in love due to the magic of Venice. The reality is a bit darker!
4. The Grand Canal (Canale Grande)
Take a Trip Down the Grand Canal
Venice was once the capital of a maritime empire, and a center of commerce and culture during Europe’s Renaissance period. The Grand Canal is the most important channel running through the city.
It’s also the largest and forms a recognizable “reverse S” through Venice when the city is viewed from above. Some of the most spectacular buildings in Venice line The Grand Canal!
Many of these buildings can only be accessed by boat. So you’ll find boats of all sorts heading up and down the canal in a fascinating form of organized chaos.
You’ll see plenty of traditional wooden gondolas, the large public Vaperetto water taxis, fancy private water taxis, small locally-owned motorboats, police boats, and my personal favorite, the garbage collection boats!
5. Ponte Di Rialto Bridge
Cross Over the Rialto Bridge
There are four large bridges that span the Grand Canal. The original of them all was Rialto Bridge, which started out as a pontoon bridge in the 12th century but has since been rebuilt into what you see today.
The current bridge was built in the late 16th century, at a time when critics claimed that it would soon fall into ruin. But more than four centuries later, the Rialto Bridge still stands in splendid defiance.
The Rialto is Venice’s most popular bridge, with a great view of the city from the top. It gets a bit crowded, especially in the middle of the day during the summer!
Shops line the center of the bridge, the perfect place to pick up a Venitian souvenir — like jewelry or some famous Murano glass.
6. Ride A Gondola In Venice
Anna & I Enjoying Our Gondola Ride!
Are the Venice gondola rides worth it? Well, it depends. Are you the type of person to visit Egypt and skip the pyramids? If so, go ahead and skip the gondola, too.
But if you’re genuinely curious about history and new travel experiences, suck it up and pay the €80 EURO price to rent one for 30 minutes.
One of the most iconic images of Venice is that of a traditional gondola being propelled by a professional gondolier. I will say, not all gondola rides are created equal. You could get a bored, unfriendly gondolier.
Or you could luck out with a friendly and knowledgeable tour guide (like we did), who also sings, as you float through the canals! It’s really just a part of the whole Venice experience.
USEFUL TIP: For a more thorough 2-hour guided tour of the canals, on a normal boat, check out this option: ➜ BOOK IT HERE
7. Gallerie Dell’Accademia
The riches that once flowed into Venice made it a leading center for the arts, and artists. Examples can be found at Gallerie Dell’Accademia, a museum that specializes in pre-19th-century Venetian art.
Suffice to say that the Venetian art scene had a profound impact on European art as a whole in more than one way, thus making the museum that much more of a must-see for art lovers everywhere.
Inside you’ll find artwork by renowned artists such as Bellini, Da Vinci, Titian, and Canaletto.
The old building itself is pretty cool, a former convent that was converted to a museum in the 1700’s. It sits right on the water’s edge of the Grand Canal.
8. Visit Doges’ Palace (Palazzo Ducale)
The Courtyard of Doges’ Palace
The Republic of Venice came into existence in the 8th century and continued to exist until the late 18th century when Napoleon embarked on his conquest.
During that period, the republic was presided over by The Doge, a chief magistrate elected for life by Venetian nobles. Think of him as a combination of Pope & President.
Nowadays, the iconic Palazzo Ducale (Doge Palace) that housed the Doge has become one of the most famous landmarks of Venice, and a popular museum.
The interior of Doges’ Palace is quite opulent, with some wonderful views of the city. To walk through the Bridge Of Sighs mentioned earlier, this is how you do it.
9. St. Mark’s Basilica
Beautiful St. Mark’s Basilica
St. Mark’s Basilica, located in St. Mark’s Square, is the most famous of Venice’s churches and the cathedral of the Patriarchate of Venice.
Style-wise, the church is a mix of influences, having been built in the 11th century before being embellished again and again over the course of centuries. Today it boasts gold-leaf mosaics and beautiful domed ceilings.
Make sure to visit the small basilica museum inside, as well as the outdoor terrace with excellent views of the public square below.
As a lavish and much-beloved symbol of Venetian history, it’s totally worth a stop. Visiting on your own is free, although keep in mind there are often long lines.
USEFUL TIP: To skip the line for a full guided tour of St. Marks Basilica as well as Doges’ Palace, check out this option: ➜ BOOK IT HERE
10. Go Up San Marco Campanile
One of Venice’s Popular Landmarks
St. Mark’s Campanile is one of the most recognizable landmarks in St. Mark’s Square, a massive 98 meter (323 ft) bell tower that looms over its surroundings.
Galileo himself used the tower as an observatory to study the skies and in 1609 he demonstrated his telescope to the Lords of the city.
There is an elevator that goes to the top providing you with an unforgettable view of one of the most magnificent parts of Venice, including the Venitian Lagoon and Santa Maria Della Salute.
The ride to the top costs €8 EURO, or €13 EURO to skip the line (buy tickets here). Because drones are banned over Venice, it’s one of the only ways to get a cool aerial and panoramic view of the city.
11. Take A Day Trip To Burano
The Colorful Island of Burano
Burano is one of the smaller islands that can be found around the Venetian Lagoon. It’s reached via a 40-minute water taxi from St. Mark’s Square.
This small fishing village is unique for its brightly painted homes of pink, blue, yellow, and green. It’s a kaleidoscope of color with its own network of canals too.
Burano is also a center for lace-making, though the traditional methods see very little use these days because of their complicated and time-consuming nature.
The main square is filled with bars and outdoor restaurants, make sure to order some fresh fish risotto for lunch! Burano is a nice half-day trip to get out of Venice and see something different.
USEFUL TIP: For a complete guided day tour of both the islands Burano and Murano, check out this option: ➜ BOOK IT HERE
12. Basilica Di Santa Maria Della Salute
Basilica di Santa Maria
In the 17th century, Venice suffered a particularly bad outbreak of the bubonic plague when 80,000 people died.
As thanks for its deliverance from the plague, Venetians built the Basilica Di Santa Maria Della Salute to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary who they believe saved them from much worse.
The result was a wonderful Baroque style structure which came complete with a beautiful dome that has become an iconic part of the Venetian skyline.
The basilica is positioned near the entrance to the Grand Canal. Entrance is free, and many people simply chill out on the church staircase. The Vaporetto water taxi has a stop right out front.
13. Climb San Giorgio Maggiore
San Giorgio Maggiore Island
San Giorgio Maggiore is one of the Venetian islands. Moreover, it is also the name of a Benedictine church that can be found upon said island.
Built in a Renaissance style out of shining white marble, one of San Giorgio Maggiore’s most stand-out features is the bell tower with an elevator to the top and excellent views of Venice.
If you only have time for one bell tower, I’d actually recommend this one over San Marco Campanile. Because this tower is on an island further away from the city center, you get a better view of Venice proper.
Entering the church is free, but if you want to go up the tower, it costs €3 EURO. San Giorgio Maggiore can be reached by public water taxi.
14. Check Out The Canareggio District
The Quiet Canareggio Neighborhood
Need a break from the crowds? Canareggio is the northernmost of Venice’s six historic districts, and where the last of Venice’s true residents call home, and the former Jewish Ghetto of Venice.
The other areas of Venice which line the Grand Canal are popular destinations for tourists, but the Canareggio neighborhood is residential in nature, featuring various cafes, shops, and a more local experience.
One of the biggest complaints about Venice is the crowds, but it’s totally possible to leave the busy areas behind and explore less-crowded parts, like Canareggio.
15. Eat A Traditional Tramezzino
The Traditional Sandwich of Venice!
Tramezzini are Italian sandwiches that use two pieces of soft white bread with their crusts removed.
Venetian Tramezzini are famous for being stuffed fuller than most of their counterparts, with the most traditional examples using either ham or tuna.
They are great as a snack, particularly for people who want something substantial. Probably the best place to grab a Tramezzino is Bar alla Toletta (Bar at the Toilet).
This tiny local cafe & Tramezzini shop in the Dorsoduro district is always packed, but the food is excellent and a perfect example of this traditional Venetian snack.
16. Get Lost In Venice’s Narrow Alleys
The Narrow Alleys of Venice
Space comes at a premium in Venice. As a result, there are a lot of places with VERY narrow alleys, which can be a fun way to explore one of the most romanticized cities on the planet.
One of my favorite things to do while we were in Venice was to just get lost in these narrow streets. Pick a direction and just start walking. See what hidden places you can find.
There are all kinds of little shops, public squares, and lesser-visited canals and bridges if you are willing to be adventurous and put down your phone or map.
Not that your smartphone will help much, GPS doesn’t work very well in these confusing, narrow alleyways. You’ll almost certainly get lost even if you weren’t planning to!
17. Buy A Venetian Carnival Mask
Even if you’re not visiting Venice during their annual Carnival in February, it’s still possible to pick up one of the famous Venetian Carnival masks!
Scholars speculate the masks were a way to shrug off the structure of class, enabling participants to enjoy a temporary measure of freedom.
The upper class and peasants would mingle together, the masks hiding their true identity. But they’d also allow people to engage in gambling, robbery, assassination, and other illicit activities.
You can easily pick up one of your own as a souvenir. There are cheap versions sold from street carts, or the more elaborate hand-made art pieces can be bought in specialized mask shops.
18. Scala Contarini Del Bovolo
Cool Spiral Staircase
View From the Top
If you’re looking for a cool hidden attraction in Venice, there’s a palazzo in San Marco with a spiral staircase called Scala Contarini Del Bovolo, as it resembles a snail shell.
This curved set of stairs is a perfect example of Renaissance art spreading through the city in the 15th century. It became associated with not just the palace but the Contarini family who lived there.
On the top floor, you can walk out onto the “Belvedere”, getting a wonderful view of Venice, including the domes and Campanile of San Marco. Entry fee is €7.00 EUR.
19. The Fight Club Bridge
There was a time when Venice saw frequent fist-fights between rival factions on its bridges, which were popular spectacles for Venetian crowds.
The fist-fights were not held in high regard by the Venetian authorities, but they were tolerated for a time because they were an improvement on the earlier practice of stick-fights.
The Ponte Dei Pugni (aka The Bridge of Fists) was the most popular place for these fist-fights. The surface bears four footprints rendered in white marble, supposedly where fighters would stand to start their matches.
Right next to the bridge there’s also a family-owned floating vegetable market, called “La Barca”, that was featured in the classic travel movie Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade.
20. Crypt Of San Zaccaria
The Flooded Crypt
San Zaccaria is a central Venetian church built using a mix of Gothic and Renaissance styles. However, the church tends to be best-known because of its flooded crypt.
Curiously, the water has enhanced the overall feel of the space, perfectly suitable as a resting place for some of Venice’s earliest Doges (religious and political leaders).
The stone columns and vaulted ceilings combined with the standing water make for a creepy tomb. Totally worth a quick visit while you’re in Venice!
21. Catch An Epic Venetian Sunset
Colorful Venice Sunset at San Marco Pier
Venice has some amazingly colorful sunsets. They are complemented by the city’s magnificent architecture built along all the waterways and canals. Not to mention the gondolas floating about.
Sunsets often boast deep pink, yellow, purple, and orange colors. Unfortunately this partly due to all the smog hovering over the city… but it’s great for photography!
One of the best places to view the sunset in Venice is along the ferry pier at San Marco. There are a few docks that jut out into the Grand Canal, where you can set up a tripod [MAP].
22. Rialto Market Shopping
No visit to Venice would be complete without visiting the Rialto Market, seeing as how one of the city’s chief claims to fame was as a commercial hub.
The Rialto Market’s canal-side location means that it has played an important part in the day-to-day lives of Venetians for a very long time.
You can find fruit, vegetables, and fresh fish in the food section, plus countless souvenirs in the tourist section. The market is open from 9am to 9pm, and is situated near the big white Rialto Bridge.
USEFUL TIP: If you’d like a local guide to help you navigate all the great food in Venice, maybe consider going on a food tour too! ➜ BOOK IT HERE
Squero di San Trovaso Boatyard
23. Watch A Gondola Being Made
Squero di San Trovaso is one of the last remaining Venetian gondola boat yards, where local craftsmen build and repair the €20,000 traditional boats.
While the boatyard isn’t generally open to tourists, you can watch them work from across the canal. If you’re lucky, they’ll be outside varnishing one of the boats.
Only about 10 new gondolas are built each year, made from eight different kinds of wood including mahogany, cherry, fir, walnut, oak, elm, larch and lime. The last of a dying artform!
24. Cool Off With Venetian Gelato
Eating Gelato from Suso
After a long day wandering through the city, I recommend stopping by the Suso Gelatoteca for a cold and refreshing cone of tasty Italian gelato.
One way to know if you’re getting authentic, Italian gelato is to check the colors. Are they bright and florescent? Skip it! Real gelato is much more subdued.
Another great spot for gelato in Venice is Gelato Di Natura in San Croce. Make sure to eat it fast before it melts all over your hand!
25. Teatro La Fenice
Beautiful Old Theater
Sometimes called Phoenix by English speakers, Teatro La Fenice is a beautiful old Venetian opera house.
It has been destroyed and rebuilt two separate times following different fires, hence the “phoenix” name.
The interior is the star of the show, designed in classic Italian fashion, with lots of gold and seating in closed boxes for an extra measure of privacy.
Just keep in mind that photos from inside aren’t allowed during concert/play rehearsals, which we didn’t realize on our visit. Make sure to ask at the door.
26. Grab A Drink At Hotel Danieli
Hotel Danieli’s Awesome Staircase
If you want to see how the other half do Venice, stop into the lavish 14-century palace of Hotel Danieli and grab an evening drink at their Bar Dandolo.
This 5-star hotel has hosted such notable people as Charles Dickens, Harrison Ford, and Peggy Guggenheim.
In the lobby, there’s also a beautiful grand staircase decorated in red and gold. The bar features antique furniture, Murano chandeliers, and even more gold.
The bar was featured in 3 different James Bond films: Casino Royale (2006), From Russia with Love (1963) and Moonraker (1979).
27. Basilica Of Saints John & Paul
The Basilica of Saints John & Paul
The Basilica of Saints John and Paul is a smaller basilica that can be found in Castello, and the public square around it is a popular place for families to hang out.
Curiously, it isn’t named for John the Baptist and Paul the Apostle. Instead, it is named for a more obscure pair of saints who are said to have been eunuchs belonging to the Emperor Constantine’s daughter Constantina.
Regardless, the Basilica of Saints John and Paul is a treasure trove of art and culture, as well as the place where funeral services for the Venetian Doges were held following the 15th century.
28. Ride The Vaporetto Water Taxi
The Cheapest Way To Travel Venice
By now you’ve already heard me mention the Vaporetto water taxi a few times. This is the cheapest and most convenient way to get around Venice.
It’s basically a floating public bus, that stops frequently at different docks around the city. It may not be quite as romantic as a wooden gondola or private boat, but it gets the job done.
Vaporettos usually run between 6am and 10pm, and you can buy a 24-hour ticket for €20 EUR, or 48-hours for €30. A single ticket costs €7.50.
You can also use them to reach some of the other islands around Venice, like Murano & Burano. If you’re traveling to Venice on a budget, this is the way to go!
29. Glass Making On Murano Island
Famous Murano Island Glass
Murano is another small island just outside Venice, reachable via water taxi. It’s become known around the world for its glass-making artisans.
You can stop into the Museo del Vetro – Museum of Glass to learn about the history of Murano glass and how its made, or even sign up for a glass blowing class and make some yourself!
If you are looking to bring home some souvenirs from your trip to Venice Italy, I highly recommend picking up some authentic Murano glass.
30. Attend Venice Carnival!
Crazy Costumes at Venice Carnival
Modeled after ancient Greek and Roman festivals, Venice Carnival is a holiday that allowed regular citizens to dress up in anonymous costumes, making fun of the aristocracy without fear.
But it eventually backfired, allowing criminals to get away with all kinds of crimes behind the masks, and Carnival was banned in 1797. The celebration & parties returned though during the 1960’s.
These days, Venice Carnival lasts for two weeks in February, with all kinds of parades, concerts, private parties, and people dressed up in elaborate costumes.
We had a ton of fun photographing all the different costumes and masks, as people pose for you at the most iconic spots around the city.
Best Time To Visit Venice
High season for Venice Italy is during the summer from June to August, when everyone is on summer break. It’s hot and very crowded! Try to avoid the summer if you can.
The best time to visit Venice is during the shoulder seasons, March – May and September – November. Still busy, but not as bad as summertime.
If you are looking to travel on a budget, visit Venice during the acqua alta, or “high water” months of October through January. This is when the city floods on a regular basis.
Venice Carnval is during February. 2020 Carnivale de Venezia dates are February 8th to February 25th.
Where To Stay In Venice
Normally I’d recommend staying at an Airbnb, but for Venice, a vacation rental investment explosion has forced locals to leave the city because they can no longer afford rent. Which is kinda shitty. Use a hotel instead!
Best Accommodation In Venice
BUDGET Generator Hostel
MID-RANGE Hotel Mezzo Pozzo
LUXURY Hotel Danieli
Transportation Around Venice
Most people get to Venice by flying into Venice’s Marco Polo Airport. From there, you can jump on the ATVO airport transfer bus to Piazzale Roma, the main bus terminal. Buses run every 20 minutes and cost €6 EUR. From the terminal, you can pick up a Vaporetto and start floating down the Grand Canal.
The Venice public “water bus”. A single ticket costs €7.50 EUR. 24-hour unlimited ticket for €20 EUR. 48-hours for €30. 72-hours for €40. Timetables here.
Water Taxis
For a slightly cooler experience, you can book a motoscafi (water taxi). It’s basically a wooden speed boat that travels much faster than the public Vaporetti. But it’s more expensive.
For up to five people, the price is €110 to or from the airport. Or €82 from the train station to Plaza San Marco. So if you’re sharing with a group, it isn’t so bad.
€80 for 30 minutes before 7pm, €100 after 7pm. The price is good for up to 6 people. This is more of a tourist attraction than a practical way to get around the city. I’d recommend trying it at least once though!
Budget Travel Tips For Venice Italy
Don’t try and see absolutely everything in Venice if don’t have much time. Pick a few things to do each day. The large crowds can be stressful.
Speaking of crowds, mentally prepare for them. Unless you’re visiting off-season, Venice is ALWAYS packed, like 60,000 – 80,000 people each day!
To avoid the huge influx of cruise ship passengers that descend upon Venice, check out this Cruise Ship Calendar to help plan your trip around them.
Packing Guide
Check out my travel gear guide to help you start packing for your trip. Pick up a travel backpack, camera gear, and other useful travel accessories.
Book Your Flight
Find cheap flights on Skyscanner. This is my favorite search engine to find deals on airlines. Also make sure to read how I find the cheapest flights.
Rent A Car
Discover Car Hire is a great site for comparing car prices to find the best deal. They search both local & international rental companies.
Book Accommodation
Booking.com is my favorite hotel search engine. Or rent apartments from locals on Airbnb. Read more about how I book cheap hotels online.
Protect Your Trip
Don’t forget travel insurance! I’m a big fan of World Nomads for short-term trips. Protect yourself from possible injury & theft abroad. Read more about why you should always carry travel insurance.
Enjoy This Post? Pin It!
I hope you enjoyed my guide on what to do in Venice! Hopefully you found it useful. Here are a few more wanderlust-inducing articles that I recommend you read next: Hiking Tre Cime Di Lavaredo Beautiful Lago Di Braies Biking Italy’s Apennines Mountains The Best Travel Backpacks Review
Any questions about things to do in Venice Italy? Do you have other suggestions? Drop me a message in the comments below!
This is a post from The Expert Vagabond adventure blog.
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megatownships-blog1 · 7 years
Megaworld Corporation is Philippines’ largest residential condominium developer. We pioneered the Township concept where we incorporate residential condominium, business offices, upscale and world-class malls, and prestigious schools in One township.
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Megaworld continues to be an innovator and first mover in the real estate. We were awarded as Best Managed Philippine Company by Finance Asia. And our residential properties and commercial buildings bagged awards.
Megaworld will give you best residential condominium unit in the best location at affordable price and terms.
To date, the company already has 21 integrated urban township developments across the Philippines, namely: Eastwood City in Quezon City, (18 hectares); Newport City in Pasay City (25 hectares); McKinley Hill (50 hectares), McKinley West (34.5 hectares), Uptown Bonifacio (15.4 hectares) and Forbes Town Center (5 hectares), all in Fort Bonifacio; The Mactan Newtown in Cebu (30 hectares); Iloilo Business Park (72 hectares) and Sta. Barbara Heights (173 hectares), both in Iloilo; Boracay Newcoast in Boracay Island (150 hectares); Twin Lakes in Tagaytay (1,200 hectares); ArcoVia City in Pasig City (12.3 hectares); Southwoods City in the boundaries of Cavite and Laguna (561 hectares); Davao Park District in Lanang, Davao City (11 hectares); Alabang West in Las Piñas City (62 hectares); Suntrust Ecotown (350 hectares) and Maple Grove (140 hectares) both in Cavite; The Upper East (34 hectares) and Northill Gateway (50 hectares) both in Negros Occidental; The Capital in the City of San Fernando (35.6-hectares); and Westside City in the Entertainment City in Paranaque (31 hectares.)
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Where the World Unfolds
Employing Megaworld's signature development concept LIVE-WORK-PLAY-LEARN and SHOP, McKinley Hill is a globally-inspired township spanning 50 hectares of land bank in Fort Bonifacio. Inspired by cities of Italy and Spain, the township brings to Metro Manila the spirit of the Mediterranean. Here, one will find structures reminiscent of renowned European landmarks, grandiose venetian arts and picturesque Florentine courtyards.
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The Romance of Italy
Da Vinci had the Mona Lisa. Megaworld has The Venice.
The Venice Luxury Residences, inspired by its namesake location, incorporates Venetian architecture and landscapes, including a grand canal that flows through the township center.
The Venetian inspiration takes root in the buildings' exterior, resembling the shape of a ferro–a gondola's uniquely shaped iron head. Each of the seven towers is also intricately built and embraced in lush greenery. Inside, the Italian ambiance continues with a grand lobby that is complemented by high ceilings and tall curtain glass. The seven towers share a podium-level amenity area that includes landscaped gardens, swimming pool complex, sauna and jacuzzi and fitness station.
The world's most romantic city, celebrated at McKinley Hill.Fall in love with the Mediterranean lifestyle.  Fall in love with The Venice.
Venetian Living
Venezia Drive, McKinley Hill,
Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City
Price Range (of remaining units)
PHP7.1 million to PHP31.0 million
Development Facts
Seven towers
22 to 31 storeys
Studio to three-bedroom units ranging from 39.3 to 162.6 square meters
Unique Features
Italian architectural consultant Paolo Marioni
Podium commercial establishments connected to the Venice Grand Canal
Loft-type penthouse units
Individual balconies per unit
Podium-level amenities
Towers ABCD: HLURB LS NO. 24753
Towers EFG: HLURB LS NO. 26179
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Life is Beautiful
Inspired by modern European living, this three-tower community brings the beauty of nature to home. A rare sight in the otherwise traditional European-inspired architecture of the township, The Florence stands out with its modern curvilinear façade.
As McKinley Hill's first gated garden community, the development puts a premium on privacy, making it the ultimate retreat. Here, residents can enjoy spectacular views of lush greenery and colorful blooms.
Epitomizing the idea of modern living is the bi-level amenity deck at the third floor, offering a swimming pool complex with in-pool lounge and wooden sundeck, bi-level gym and fitness center, children’s playground, business center, function rooms, game room, and bar and lounge.
With its contemporary design, lush gardens, private quality, and top-notch amenities,The Florence brings modern European living to Manila. This is a beautiful life without boundaries.
Modern European Living
December 2021
Florenceway Street, McKinley Hill, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City
Price Range (of remaining units)
PHP7.5 million to PHP16.9 million
Development Facts
Three towers
22 to 28 storeys
One- to three-bedroom units ranging from 43.1 to 94.7 square meters
Unique Features
Gated garden community
Most private residential condominium in McKinley Hill
Individual balconies per unit
Loft units available
Comprehensive bi-level podium amenities
HLURB LS NO. 029946
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Vital. Vibrant. Very you.
Young and modern. These are the driving characteristics of Viceroy, the newest executive residence condominium in McKinley Hill.
This place is ideal for those with young souls, passionate minds and big dreams. Perfectly suited to cater to a holistic lifestyle, the development is equipped with a podium-level amenity deck that includes the following: a swimming pool complex with an in-pool lounge and wooden sundeck, a gym and outdoor fitness station, a children's playground and day care center, a clubhouse, courtyard gardens, a laundromat and function rooms.
Choose a holistic lifestyle and embrace the vital, the vibrant, the very you – at Viceroy.
Holistic Living
Turnover Date
February 2016 to June 2017
Florence Way, McKinley Hill,
Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City
Development Facts
Four towers
22 storeys
Studio to one-bedroom units ranging from 23 to 34.75 square meters
Unique Features
Ground-floor retail establishments
Podium-level amenities
HLURB LS NO. 026975
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Your Urban Cosmopolitan Playground
Now establishing itself as the grounds for all new luxury residential condominiums, top-grade office sites, a world-class commercial center, and the country’s largest and most prestigious superclub, Uptown Bonifacio carries Megaworld’s signature township elements: LIVE-WORK and PLAY – the makings of an ideal cosmopolitan epicenter.
Among the first office towers to rise in Uptown Bonifacio is the 25-storey Alliance Global Tower, the future headquarters of Alliance Global Inc., the holdings company of Dr. Andrew L. Tan, and Mother Company of Megaworld Corporation.
A commercial center fit for Manila’s elite, Uptown Bonifacio’s Uptown Mall houses world-class cinemas and first-time international retail brands. Increasing the stakes of the township’s PLAY component is The Palace, which earned a spot in DJ Mag’s 2016 Top 100 Clubs in the world, comprising of no less than six different lifestyle clubs.
Uptown Bonifacio’s luxury residential condominiums will stand at the doorstep of these cosmopolitan destinations as well as the Fort’s institutional zone, perfectly placed beside the country’s most reputable international secondary schools and steps away from first-class health care and several of Manila’s finest lifestyle attractions.
The first three residential condominiums to be completed in the township are the nature-oriented One Uptown Residence, the “all-suites” Uptown Ritz, and the privileged Uptown Parksuites. Live, work, and play in Fort Bonifacio’s urban cosmopolitan playground.
Cosmopolitan Living
Fort Bonifacio
Township Facts
15.4-hectare landbank
3 residential condominiums
500,000 square meters of residential space
400,000 square meters of office space
90,000 square meters of restaurant and commercial space
Nearby Locations
Forbes Town Center
Burgos Circle
The Mind Museum
Market! Market!
SM Aura
International Schools: ISM, BSM, MJS
St. Luke's Global City
McKinley Hill
McKinley West
Access to EDSA, C5 and Kalayaan
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Every Experience, Touched by Glamour
It’s your relentless pursuit of all things glamorous that makes Uptown Ritz your address of choice. Here, all residences are suites – large spaces designed with the kind of style and sophistication that sets you apart.
Rising in Uptown Bonifacio, Uptown Ritz is where unforgettable experiences begin. And it’s where you realize that your life’s finest pursuits have now found a home.
With a grand lobby on the ground floor and low-density units on residential levels, the seventh floor is dedicated to a comprehensive bi-level amenity deck. Here will be found a swimming pool complex, bi-level gym, children's play area and multipurpose function rooms fitting for glamorous social gatherings or elite corporate events.
This interpretation of modernity is all about the glitz and glamour; it is about the exclusive.Live large at Uptown Ritz, the metro's glamorous face of luxury.
Cosmopolitan Living
Completion Date
December 2017
Uptown Bonifacio Bonifacio Drive, Bonifacio Global City,
Taguig City
Price Range (of remaining units)
PHP14.2 million to PHP19.5 million
Development Facts
45 storeys
Two- to four-bedroom units ranging from 78.8 to 182.6 square meters
Unique Features
All suites
Low-density residences
Maintenance and housekeeping services
Podium-level amenities
HLURB LS NO. 030743
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Privilege, Above All Else
Rising 50 storeys, Uptown Parksuites is an unparalleled address for the urban elite—one that unequivocally defines 21st century living.
For those that insist on grand pleasures, Uptown Parksuites is designed to please. Upscale executive studios, suites with two- to three-bedrooms and a limited number of penthouse units all feature spaces ideal for today’s tastemakers, trendsetters and thought leaders.
The luxury you bask in at home follows you when you step out your door and into the recreational areas of your community. The seventh-floor amenity deck has a mix of indoor and outdoor attractions, and the sky lounges on the higher residential levels offer utmost comfort amid nature, while offering full views of Manila’s cityscape.
Its unparalleled modernity caters to those who appreciate the best comforts the world has to offer.Discover the privileged face of luxury in an exciting cosmopolitan address: Uptown Parksuites.
Cosmopolitan Living
Completion Date
December 2021
Bonifacio Drive, Uptown Bonifacio, Fort Bonifacio
Taguig City
Price Range (of remaining units)
PHP6.0 million to PHP24.8 million
Development Facts
Two towers
46 and 50 storeys
One- to four-bedroom units ranging from 33.5 to 453.5 square meters
Unique Features
Sky lounges on upper residential levels
Podium–level amenities with Wi-Fi internet access
TOWER 1: HLURB LS NO. 030989 TOWER 2: HLURB LS NO. 030988
For inquiries and showroom viewing, please contact:
MOBILE / VIBER NUMBER : +639168759168
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