#Vinci Compound
conceptproperties · 1 year
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ilbosco-newcapital · 2 years
استمتع بأسلوب حياه مختلف وسط الخدمات والهدوء والخصوصية في كمبوند البوسكو بالعاصمة الادارية الجديدة
استمتع بحياتك في مشروع البوسكو بقلب العاصمة الادارية احجز وحدتك في قلب العاصمة الادارية في مشروع البوسكو الذي يتميز بالخدمات الراقية والاطلالات الرائعة على المساحات الخضراء ووسائل الراحة المنتشرة في كل مكان مقدم من مصر ايطاليا للتطوير العقاري للحجز او لمزيد من التفاصيل يمكن الاتصال على 01068340264 01272495605 01153314683 او سجل هنا وسيتم التواصل معكم https://goo.gl/AFHju9
https://www.facebook.com/Vinci.NewCapital2 https://www.facebook.com/Vinci.NewCapital3
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seat-safety-switch · 11 days
"Man, I've had enough of all the goddamn castles back home," complains my cousin Pressione Dell'Olio Switch, fresh off the plane from his place in Florence. At least partially as a favour to my mom, he is visiting the New Country for two weeks.
Ol' Pressy, as nobody calls him, is a famous architect in Italy. They ask him all the time to refinish churches, or build community centres, or clean up a public stables as part of his court-ordered service. He hates all of that shit. I asked him once why he got into the business, if he doesn't like working on those types of buildings.
"I want to work on rooftop race tracks only," he spat, before doing a double downshift and sending my piece of shit Volare into a frankly remarkable high-speed corner entry, during which it crossed the centre line twice and began to glow with an otherworldly fire of pure driving intensity.
This is an understandable career goal. Yet, rooftop racetracks are famously a Turin thing, like on the Fiat factory, where they only occasionally eject a tiny Italian shitbox into the streets below. Why did you think you could pull that shit off in Florence, the home town of Galileo, the guy who specifically proved that the entire universe is basically just a really shitty circle track course in the hick end of the galaxy?
He didn't answer. Sure, Pressione was focused on outrunning the cops at the time, but I know the foibles of my family. No doubt he figured out that he could have simply passed it off as a "lost da Vinci drawing" and then gotten a gob of money from cocaine-addled tourists from Florida to replace the top floor of the Duomo di Firenze with a bandit-racing course. Such a plan is folly, of course: anyone with any sense knows that the best place to put a race track is straight through the middle of the nearest conservatory. Who needs to hear flutes playing when they could listen to R-compound sidewalls screaming for dear life?
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misty-moth · 1 year
✨Ikémen Birthdays/Zodiacs✨
I decided to put the Ikémen suitors’ zodiac signs together, and put mini-summaries of each sign.
This also has all of their birthdays in order.
Divider: kgymz
Last edit: Aug 23, 2024
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Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)
~Competitive but insecure~ There is nothing an Aries cannot achieve once they set their mind to it—no mountain is too high. However, you will also find them nursing a hidden imposter syndrome that can chip away at their confidence if allowed free rein.
-Ray Blackwell, Mar 23
-Vincent Van Gogh, Mar 30
-Oliver Knight, Apr 5
-Musashibou Benkei, Apr 7
-Sasuke Sarutobi, Apr 10
-Nico Meier, Apr 12
-Rio Ortiz, Apr 13
-Fenrir Godspeed, Apr 15
-Leonardo Da Vinci, Apr 15
-Motonari Mouri, Apr 16
Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)
~Loyal but stubborn~ Loyal to a fault, a Taurean is the most reliable person you can have in your corner when the chips are down. However, they have a stubborn streak a mile wide and can hold a grudge like no one else, so make sure you don’t cross them.
-William Rex, April 24
-Theodorus Van Gogh, May 1
-Sirius Oswald, May 7
-Minamoto no Yorimoto, May 9
-Nobunaga Oda, May 12
-Albert Burckhardt, May 17
-Luke Randolph, May 19
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
~Versatile but impatient~ Throw a Gemini to the wolves, and they will come back leading the pack—the air element in this sign means that they can adapt easily to any situation. But their fuse runs short and once they run out of patience with someone, there is no wiggle room for second chances.
-Arthur Conan Doyle, May 22
-Harrison Gray, May 30
-Kajiwara Kagetoki, June 2
-Vlad, June 6
-Seth Hyde, June 10
-Clavis Lelouch, June 17
-Osamu Dazai, June 19
-Dean Tweedle, June 20
-Dalim Tweedle, June 20
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
~Passionate but uncommunicative~ Behind the brooding fortress that a Cancer has erected to protect themselves are abundant reserves of deep, undying love and loyalty. Pity that few will get to experience it because they aren’t the best at communicating what is in their hearts.
-Ranmaru Mori, June 27
-Ellis Twilight, July 4
-Akihito, July 7
-Yukimura Sanada, July 7
-Kyle Ash, July 17
Leo (July 23 – Aug 22)
~Confident but dominating~ Born to be under the spotlight, there is nothing that this lion enjoys as much as being the cynosure of all eyes. However, this innate conviction that they are always in the right means that they can often run roughshod over others’ feelings and sentiments.
-Silvio Ricci, July 23
-Nasu no Yoichi, July 23
-Kanetsugu Naoe, Aug 1
-Leon Dompteur, Aug 1
-Alfons Sylvatica, Aug 8
-Yoshimoto Imagawa, Aug 13
-Napoleon Bonaparte, Aug 15
-Adachi Morinaga, Aug 18
-Lloyd Grandier, Aug 22
Virgo (Aug 23 – Sept 22)
~Perfectionist but self-critical~ Meticulous, organized and diligent, if the world were to end tomorrow, you would want a Virgo to lead the march into the new dawn. However, that pesky niggle of self-doubt in their head means that they are often harsher on themselves than anybody else can be.
-Edgar Bright, Aug 23
-Luka Clemence, Aug 24
-Matthias Ausprink, Aug 24
-Masamune Date, Sept 5
-Kurama, Sept 6
-Liam Williams, Sept 6
-Francis Drake, Sept 7
-Robert Branche, Sept 9
-Blanc Lapin, Sept 10
-Yves Kloss, Sept 16
-Sebastian, Sept 22
Libra (Sept 23 – Oct 22)
~Empathetic but indecisive~ If you are looking for someone to lend a comforting shoulder during times of distress and truly put themselves in your shoes, ring up the first Libra in your contacts. This empathetic side of theirs can sometimes get derailed by their inability to make up their mind, compounded by a fear of confrontations, which means that you never truly know which side they stand on.
-Mitsuhide Akechi, Oct 4
-Tamamo, Oct 5
-Licht Klein, Oct 9
-Nokto Klein, Oct 9
-Zero, Oct 10
-Darius Vogel, Oct 14
-Louis Howard, Oct 16
Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
~Intense but secretive~ The fiery, intense personality of a Scorpio can make any time spent together a wild, dizzying ride. But while they will go the extra mile to take care of your emotional needs, they remain notoriously secretive about their own—good luck cracking open the spine of this closed book.
-Comte De Saint-Germain, Oct 25
-Galileo Galilei, Oct 31
-Chevalier Michel, Nov 1
-Mitsunari Ishida, Nov 6
-Giles Christophe, Nov 11
-William Shakespeare, Nov 11
-Azel Radwan, Nov 13
-Minamoto no Yoshitsune, Nov 14
-Kicho, Nov 15
-Jonah Clemence, Nov 18
Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
~Spontaneous but flighty~ There is no storyteller quite like a Sagittarius—they can have the entire room hanging on their every word. But while they can show you grand dreams, it can sometimes be hard to pin them down and make them deliver on their promises.
-Roger Barel, Nov 23
-Shingen Takeda, Dec 1
-Byron Wagner, Dec 7
-Harr Silver, Dec 12
-Jude Jazza, Dec 13
-Gilbert von Obsidian, Dec 21
Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
~Goal-oriented but unforgiving~ Not everyone can conquer the world but if a Capricorn were to set out to do it, nothing would deter them until they had accomplished their goal. With a personality that is hardwired in practicality, they can often fail to appreciate nuance and are known to be unforgiving of others’ mistakes.
-Kitsuji Sueharu, Dec 24
-Isaac Newton, Dec 25
-Jean d’Arc, Jan 6
-Kennyo, Jan 7
-Lancelot Kingsley, Jan 11
-Taira no Shigehira, Jan 16
Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18)
~Philosophical but detached~ A deep-thinker with a humanitarian streak, an Aquarian has grand plans to change the world. Shame that they left the party early though because their reclusive nature makes it hard for them to establish bonds with those around them.
-Sariel Noir, Jan 20
-Alyn Crawford, Jan 23
-Leo Crawford, Jan 23
-Elbert Greetia, Jan 27
-Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Jan 27
-Ieyasu Tokugawa, Jan 31
-Kagari Amagase, Feb 7
-Mousse Atlas, Feb 10
-Charles-Henri Sanson, Feb 15
-Kenshin Uesagi, Feb 18
Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)
~Whimsical but over-sensitive~ If you are looking to escape the mundane everyday grind, a Pisces’s imaginative mind can whisk you away into a realm of fantasy. Their kind, nurturing personality can prove to be a double-edged sword though, because their overly sensitive heart is easily wounded, further compounded by a tendency to play the victim.
-Keith Howell, Feb 20
-Victor, Feb 20
-Loki Genetta, Feb 22
-Ibuki, Feb 27
-Johann Georg Faust, Feb 29
-Nika Schwarz, Mar 2
-Ring Schwarz, Mar 2
-Keiji Maeda, Mar 3
-Jin Grandet, Mar 5
-Abe no Yasuchika, Mar 15
-Hideyoshi Toyotomi, Mar 17
-Rayvis Harneit, Mar 19
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monstersqueen · 1 year
ok little lb6 points :
murian in between completely blanking up on having exterminated the fang clan having her breakdown compounded by 'but it wasn't even fun ? i just feel empty and disgusted???'
coral at the end talking to aurora about what must be done during the crisis to save what can be saved
mike letting da vinci go
barghest breaking and coming to the conclusion fairies are evil and must be exterminated before they contamine human history
aurora, trapped by her own nature, not aware of it and not trying to escape it as others do, saying the most obvious lie and yet utterly sincere in the idea that no she would never
mike, again, even as he proves it false, saying the fairies are monsters
castoria had no spring memories
castoria got gifts from fairies for the child of prophecies. she said that well-off fairies would have declared it garbage, and then reveal it was their lives
the bells of pilgrimage exist as symbols of the original six acknowledging their sins. the bells of pilgrimage exist because the six original fairies wished for atonement
my conclusion is still that fairies aren't actually worse than humans. they're monstruous and unable of change and yet somehow they can change - too little, too late, but they do.
that's the one salvation they can have - mike letting da vinci go, fairies at londinium defending the round table army, aurora understanding she did only one good thing, by accident, in her life, murian renouncing vengeance and asking for the only salvation britain can have
many of the fairies weren't saved. they died tearing each other and themselves and everything around them apart. but some of them were saved. some of them did find the path to save themselves. the only salvation to be found for britain - atonement.
Anyway ! By the way humans are no better !
This happened in panhuman history
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and it wasn't just because some humans are bad. it's because it was
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the will of humanity
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ewingstan · 2 years
Shitty cape idea #1: Framework
Can force people and items in a small radius to act according to well-defined explanatory or predictive conceptual frameworks, regardless of accuracy, provided that she understands it well. Can throw inertia of projectiles off by making them subject to Aristotelian physics, perform impossible chemical reactions by imposing medieval alchemy laws onto compounds, or even temporarily alter individuals’ behavior and personality by making them act according to their zodiac sign.
Former psychologist-in-training, triggered after being laughed out of her thesis defense (a spirited argument for the efficacy of Freudian psychoanalytical techniques against modern criticisms). Works best with established conceptual frameworks that are or have been believed by and developed by many: she rarely gets any results attempting to follow obscure magical systems, but regularly creates amazing (if temporary) effects by imposing ancient natural philosophy, religious doctrine, pop psychology, or even popular fiction onto the world around her. Her need to have a firm understanding of the frameworks in question has led to her becoming an expert in a variety of outdated, unaccredited, or otherwise not scientifically-respected belief systems. Cursed to always be right about how things work, but only by changing how they work, separating her from any chance of real understanding she coveted.
Villain, often mistaken for a tinker due to utilizing a variety of da Vinci-esque war machines that shouldn’t physically work. Constantly captured, stays out of the birdcage by acting as a lie detector to authorities whenever she’s in custody. She originally did this by imposing the karma system from her beloved Maggie Holt series onto prisoners undergoing interrogation, until she realized it was simpler and more reliable to impose a framework where polygraph tests work onto polygraphs. Killed in Gold Morning before anyone thought to use her to fake a working fusion reactor.
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artofthemystic · 5 months
VAMPIRE SMILES 1 by Otto Rapp Via Flickr: created with Dreamwombo AI the prompt for a series remained the same (part of it): perfect closeup ultra detailed smiling Baroque compound vampire ghost slaanesh made out of luminous dust at foggy night, cryptid taxidermy, Bogomil's Universe, made of liquid dust,sparkling reflections,by Susan Seddon Boulet, h.r. giger vlaho bukovac, leonardo da vinci, Donald Southam Lawrence, Rolf Armstrong, Simon Bisley
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pickle92 · 2 years
10 characters from 10 fandoms (in no particular order) tagged by @beardedblack thank you darling
its actually really hard to think of 10 i had to come back to this like 3 times lol
1. Edward Teach, OFMD (90% of the active blogs that follow me are ofmd blogs so I don't think I need to explain this one lol. also just to weigh in on beardgate he's def hotter with it, sorry besties. imagine running your fingers thru it and tell me im wrong)
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2. Dean Winchester, Supernatural (bc i used to be spn trash and that shit is hard to shake off completely, also he's the best character to make cry or bleed sorry i don't make the rules. also the most bisexual character ever created don't @ me)
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3. Ezio Auditore, Assassin's Creed (mainly out of nostalgia bc AC2 was my gateway into fandom/shipper culture and my first time writing proper fanfics (ie not dumb quizilla stories about my chemical romance lmfao, if you're old enough to remember quizilla hello fellow olds). also bi af, him and fucking Leonardo da Vinci were my first OTP)
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4. Lara Croft, Tomb Raider (on the subject of video games I gotta give Lara proper credit for 1. representing badass women in games, especially in the 90s and 2. being what in retrospect was clearly my first gay crush, compounded by bicon Angelina Jolie playing her in the movie 😳🥵)
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5. Buffy Summers, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, with honorary mention to Spike (following on the theme of badass women, Buffy needs no explanation. also Spike gets a mention bc of how in love with him i was when i was like 12 lol)
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6. Jack Sparrow, Pirates of the Caribbean (speaking of people i was in love with, potc kick-started a Johnny Depp obsession when I was a teen and I still think he's one of the best characters ever. also proof I've always loved pirates)
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7. Guybrush Threepwood, Monkey Island (before Stede came along he was the og loveable cringefail pirate wannabe. also the monkey island games are so good and make me think of my nan who was cool af and the reason i found monkey island in the first place. also maybe loving pirates is hardwired into me?)
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8. Eowyn and Arwen, LOTR (can't choose bc in retrospect they were both early Gay Crushes(tm) and Badass Woman representation, don't think I need say more)
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9. Holly Short, Artemis Fowl (realised I hadn't included any book characters so here's another one included for nostalgia's sake (avoiding HP). Holly is a badass making her way in a male dominated field and constantly kicking ass. also she's an elf, so.
10. Sybil Vimes, Discworld (also a badass, but more importantly the fact that she was fat but also still totally cool and Worthy of Love, thank you Terry Pratchett (gnu))
this was really fun to do but also made it apparent that i have a type which is 1. Badass and/or 2. Pirate. so um yeah, do with that info what you will.
gonna tag @littletugtinytug and @jellybeanium124 and anyone else that feels like playing ☺️
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justakon · 2 years
Sometime during the mid-morning, Isane made her way to the Twelfth on the pretext of submitting the forms for the extraction of dangerous compounds from a few of her flowering and fruiting plants. As she did so, she casually enquired of the main SRDI office if their lieutenant was busy. Upon being told that he was occupied at the moment and asked if it was something urgent, she shook her head. It would be unconscionable to interrupt him at work, particularly if he was working on something with a rapid rate of decay or needed close monitoring.
Instead, she left a three-tiered food thermos jar and a transparent tub with the laboratory technician she had spoken to, asking for it to be delivered to their lieutenant. A handful of irregularly-shaped savoury mashed banana fritters in the see-through container will not win any awards for their appearance but were included because she recalled a conversation where he expressed an interest in trying them. The contents of the insulated vacuum, however, were more mainstream in the form of congee with shredded chicken, matchstick-sliced ginger, broccoli florets and carrot slices on the first layer; takikomi gohan with diced parsley, chicken, celery, carrots, shiitake mushrooms and abura-age on the second; and finely blended red bean soup with sago and reconstituted slivers of dried tangerine peel on the third. Mindful that these dishes would likely be tested for poisons and other substances, care was taken to include a sealed note with the thermos.
This missive simply reads: Dearest Truffle, Forgive this intrusion into your work. As it is chilly today and you have been hard at work lately and probably functioning on little sleep, something hot for lunch, dinner and tea breaks might do you some good. Please excuse the porridge for being on the watery side. Sago has been added to dessert to bulk it up a little. I hope you won't find it too thin or the main dish too plain. It should keep warm if you want it for tea. The fritters can be kept till supper or breakfast the next day. You might have to reheat the rice for dinner in case you want it hot. Apologies for putting you through the trouble and for the uninteresting meals. Thank you for the pink moonflower by the way. It has been planted opposite the white one at the engawa. Please remember to wrap up when you step outdoors to smoke and rest when you feel tired. Your Tomato.
Waiting until the officer shuffled away out of sight, presumably either to the control centre, the command centre or the laboratory Akon had secreted himself on, she returned to the Fourth for some sleep before the night shift.
The days seemed to be melding into one another and he hadn't really recognised that he had been stuck in the labs and away from his quarters. he did pop in every other day to restock food and water for da vinci since he could not be a neglectful father to his already hiding from his cat. there were just too many deadlines to meet and they all required his supervision and direction and guidance or the usual chastising.
it happened that way sometimes. too many projects happening all at the same time and needing all hands on deck. which meant relying on stimulants and forgoing sleep altogether. sometimes even sustenance too. since this was the 12th and they could manage to bypass those things regular shinigami couldn't. there were always ways around it. but nothing was without any consequence of course.
and ever since he started to become closer to isane, he could almost feel her disapproving gaze on him for being the way he was. but he also knew she would be understanding despite her concern. he knew what he was doing. and this was hardly his first time doing this sort of thing.
funny how as his thoughts were on that certain grey-haired lady that the lab technician happened to bring him something and when he asked who had sent it -- even if he knew before he was told -- he was coloured surprised for sure. there was no outward smile. he maintained his usual indifferent expression but inside dare, he say he felt somewhat giddy? it was most odd, for sure. to be remembered and have food that she made herself sent to him. it was quite thoughtful and something he'd never experienced anyone doing for him. like ever.
for a brief moment, his eyes scrolled over the missive she had written in that no-nonsense handwriting of hers. there was no intrusion. leave it to her to think it was so. sure, maybe he got a few odd stares once he'd received the thermos but no one dared say or ask him anything about it. and he did appreciate the instructions. she was always good at that. but he really should get back to work. even if a part of him wanted to explore what she made. he would have to get back to it during a break.
[text] got your delivery. you didn't have to go through all that trouble for me. but thank you. i shall see you soon. possibly a few more days. take care of yourself, isane.
after he sent the message he tucked his phone back in his labcoat and back to work it was.
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amrutatbrc1 · 20 days
Medical Device Tray Market 2024 : Size, Growth Rate, Business Module, Product Scope, Regional Analysis And Expansions 2033
Overview and Scope A medical device tray is a sterilized container used to organize and transport medical instruments, implants, or other medical devices during procedures. These trays are typically made of metal, plastic, or a combination, designed to maintain sterility and facilitate efficient handling in healthcare settings. They are important in ensuring surgical tools and devices are readily accessible, organized, and sterile, contributing to patient safety and procedural efficiency.
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Sizing and Forecast The medical device tray market size has grown strongly in recent years. It will grow from $2.26 billion in 2023 to $2.39 billion in 2024 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.5%. The growth in the historic period can be attributed to advancements in medical technology, regulatory standards, and compliance, increased surgical procedures, growth in healthcare infrastructure, and a focus on infection control.
The medical device tray market size is expected to see strong growth in the next few years. It will grow to $2.97 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.6%. The growth in the forecast period can be attributed to the rising aging population, technological advancement, rising prevalence of chronic diseases, an increase in surgical procedures, and stringent sterilization standards. Major trends in the forecast period include increasing demand for sterilization and infection control, advancements in tray materials, customization and personalization, integration of smart technologies, and expansion in outpatient and ambulatory surgical centers.
Order your report now for swift delivery, visit the link: https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/report/medical-device-tray-global-market-report
Segmentation & Regional Insights The medical device tray market covered in this report is segmented –
1) By Product Type: Sterilization Trays, Procedure Trays 2) By Application: Surgical Trays, Diagnostic Trays, Dental Trays 3) By End User: Hospital And Clinics, Ambulatory, Dental Clinics, Surgical Center
North America was the largest region in the medical device tray market in 2023. Asia-Pacific is expected to be the fastest-growing region in the forecast period. The regions covered in the medical device tray market report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa.
Intrigued to explore the contents? Secure your hands-on a free sample copy of the report: https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/sample.aspx?id=16730&type=smp
Major Driver Impacting Market Growth The growth of minimally invasive procedures is expected to propel the growth of the medical device tray market going forward. Minimally invasive procedures are medical or surgical interventions that require only small incisions or no incisions at all. The demand for minimally invasive procedures is on the rise due to their reduced recovery times, lower risk of complications, and lower post-operative pain compared to traditional surgeries. Medical device trays are essential in minimally invasive procedures for organizing and sterilizing the specialized instruments required. They ensure quick, efficient access to tools, enhancing the precision and safety of the procedure. For instance, in January 2024, Intuitive Surgical Inc., a US-based manufacturer of robotic products, reported that they had placed 415 da Vinci surgical systems (robotic surgical systems that use a minimally invasive surgical approach) in the fourth quarter of 2023, representing a 12% increase compared to 2022. Therefore, the growth of minimally invasive procedures is driving the growth of the medical device tray market.
Key Industry Players Major companies operating in the medical device tray market are Cardinal Health, Johnson & Johnson, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Abbott Laboratories, 3M Company, Medtronic PLC, Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA, Becton Dickinson and Company (BD), Stryker Corporation, Henry Schein Inc., Medline Industries, Inc., B. Braun Melsungen AG, Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc., Olympus Corporation, Smith & Nephew plc, Hologic Inc., Nipro Corporation, Cook Medical, Getinge AB, Teleflex Incorporated, KARL STORZ SE & Co. KG, Mölnlycke Health Care AB, Integra LifeSciences, ConMed Corporation, Smiths Medical
The medical device tray market report table of contents includes:
1. Executive Summary
2. Medical Device Tray Market Characteristics
3. Medical Device Tray Market Trends And Strategies
4. Medical Device Tray Market - Macro Economic Scenario
5. Global Medical Device Tray Market Size and Growth .........
32. Global Medical Device Tray Market Competitive Benchmarking
33. Global Medical Device Tray Market Competitive Dashboard
34. Key Mergers And Acquisitions In The Medical Device Tray Market
35. Medical Device Tray Market Future Outlook and Potential Analysis
36. Appendix
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conceptproperties · 2 years
Dose North Coast Akam
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ilbosco-newcapital · 2 years
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Construction Market Size Set to Exceed USD 17.1 Billion by 2031-TMR
The global construction market is poised for substantial growth, with an estimated Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 4.5% anticipated from 2023 to 2031. Transparency Market Research forecasts a remarkable surge in overall sales revenue for construction, reaching an estimated US$ 17.1 billion by the conclusion of 2031.
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A key driver behind this growth is the increasing emphasis on prefabricated and modular construction methods. These approaches streamline project timelines, cut costs, and elevate quality by assembling components off-site. The trend is gaining momentum due to its effectiveness in addressing labor shortages and providing innovative design possibilities.
Another transformative force in construction practices is the escalating demand for wellness-oriented spaces. Designs driven by wellness prioritize elements such as air quality, natural lighting, and ergonomic layouts, aiming to enhance the health and productivity of occupants. This trend aligns with the growing significance attributed to well-being in various residential, commercial, and institutional settings.
Download PDF Sample of the Report: https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=S&rep_id=75107
The introduction of 3D printing technology in construction stands as a transformative catalyst, facilitating the creation of intricate architectural designs while minimizing material waste and construction duration. As this technology advances, it holds the potential for cost-effective and sustainable construction methodologies, particularly in the development of affordable housing solutions and critical infrastructure in remote or disaster-affected areas.
Key Insights from the Market Report
Dominance of General Construction: The general construction category, encompassing residential (houses, apartments), commercial (hotels, offices, hospitals, malls/multiplexes, educational institutes), and industrial segments, takes the lead in the global construction market.
Urban Sector Leading the Way: Rapid urbanization propels the urban sector to the forefront of the construction market, driven by escalating demands for infrastructure and commercial developments.
Renovation Takes Center Stage: Renovation commands a significant share in the construction market, fueled by the increasing need to refurbish existing structures and adapt to sustainable practices.
Construction Market: Competitive Landscape
The construction market is characterized by intense competition shaped by various factors. Industry giants, including Vinci, Bechtel, and Turner Construction, maintain their dominance through a global presence, diverse project portfolios, and specialized expertise in mega projects. Emerging players like Skanska and Jacobs challenge conventional norms by leveraging innovative technologies and prioritizing sustainable practices.
Regional firms such as Larsen & Toubro (L&T) and China State Construction Engineering Corporation (CSCEC) capitalize on local expertise and government initiatives, contributing to the competitive dynamics. The competition escalates further with the advent of modular construction, digitalization, and the implementation of green building techniques.
This vibrant landscape fosters a culture of innovation, compelling companies to deliver solutions that are not only cost-effective and efficient but also environmentally conscious, thereby driving the evolution of the global construction industry. Notable manufacturers in this competitive landscape include: [List of prominent manufacturers].
Actividades de Construcción y Servicios
ACO Industries k.s.
China Communications Construction Company
Larsen & Toubro
About Transparency Market Research 
Transparency Market Research, a global market research company registered at Wilmington, Delaware, United States, provides custom research and consulting services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insights for thousands of decision makers. Our experienced team of Analysts, Researchers, and Consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools & techniques to gather and analyses information.
Contact: Nikhil Sawlani Transparency Market Research Inc. CORPORATE HEADQUARTER DOWNTOWN, 1000 N. West Street, Suite 1200, Wilmington, Delaware 19801 USA Tel: +1-518-618-1030 USA – Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453
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amrislam · 9 months
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dangerdust2 · 1 year
Leonardo da Vinci is renowned to this day for innovations in fields across the arts and sciences. Now, new analyses show that his taste for experimentation extended even to the base layers underneath his paintings. Surprisingly, samples from both the “Mona Lisa” and the “Last Supper” suggest that he experimented with lead(II) oxide, causing a rare compound called plumbonacrite to form below his artworks.
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artofthemystic · 5 months
GOLD FREAK 2 by Otto Rapp Via Flickr: created with Dreamwombo AI the prompt for a series remained the same (part of it): perfect closeup ultra detailed smiling Baroque compound vampire ghost slaanesh made out of luminous dust at foggy night, cryptid taxidermy, Bogomil's Universe, made of liquid dust,sparkling reflections,by Susan Seddon Boulet, h.r. giger vlaho bukovac, leonardo da vinci, Donald Southam Lawrence, Rolf Armstrong, Simon Bisley
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