#vinyatar is slacking
vinyatar · 13 days
Headcanon tag game - thank you for the tags @linden-leaf and @the-journey-was-the-point :) I will be talking about randomly generated hcs for Eilian and Ancalimon:
This character can't handle criticism.
True, she is willing to listen but takes criticism very personally, playing into her sense of unbelonging due to various life experiences (leaving behind her homes multiple times as a child, and being a descendant of kinslayers)
This character is very good at walking in platform heels.
True, I unintentionally designed her with heeled boots because she is short...
This character can't sit in a chair properly.
False, she is capable of sitting primly in a chair although when excited, has a tendency to jump up and pace the room
This character hates being alone.
True, solitude gives him too much space for introspection - but he also can't stand vulnerability, so most of his relationships are superficial or functional
This character could easily survive The Hunger Games.
True. He emerged as the victor of a battle royale 'game' in Angband partly by being more ruthless than his friends
This character has an incredible spice tolerance.
False, but he would probably eat ghost pepper to amuse himself with other people's horrified reactions
(I will not tag anyone because this game has made some rounds already, but feel free to do this if you wish!)
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vinyatar · 5 years
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Some late night unfounded headcanons about Beleriand elves and appearance - to justify some of my character design choices:
Noldor (left) might cut their hair short after the death of a close loved one - 1) to show their loss outwardly in a culture that greatly values hair (see royals' names and Galadriel's hair) and 2) to prepare the individual for war/revenge
Sindar of Doriath (right) might wear unadorned white bands in their headgear/hair when going to war - 1) initially a mourning custom for King Denethor of the Laiquendi after his death on Amon Ereb, subsequently 2) a symbol of the encirclement and protection of Melian's Girdle, and 3) a determination to die in defense of one's people (hence the mourning gear) when leaving said Girdle and finally 4) buns are cool. The tradition persists into certain Sindarin realms, but not all.
It's too late good night
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vinyatar · 5 years
Arda inktober
For this October, I’m using the Encyclopedia of Arda’s “random” feature to challenge myself every day. Thanks to the creators of the site!
The tag is #arda inktober for filtering purposes :)
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vinyatar · 5 years
i would love to draw more #turgon and finrod go adventuring but i think my sense of humor has atrophied this year ... send help
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vinyatar · 5 years
cavedwellerrrrr replied to your photo “gwinduilas.png”
Touch of sky blue for gwindor eh
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vinyatar · 5 years
Will you be doing any ink/trad stuff at all anymore? Those (especially the finwë inktobers) were so great 😢 I—I miss those agh😩😩😩
ugh i’d like to but i’m so lazy and make a lot of mistakes, so digital has been my go-to when time is tight. maybe when i have more time!
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vinyatar · 5 years
(your art is amazing!)-@outofangband
thank you!
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vinyatar · 5 years
cavedwellerrrrr replied to your photo “please treat gwindor well”
Are you on Instagram?
nope just twitter
cavedwellerrrrr replied to your photo “please treat gwindor well”
Finduilas��like in the finwë inktobers
yes :3
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vinyatar · 6 years
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last year i did not do a lot! this year i will try to post more sketches
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vinyatar · 6 years
fyi for the exodus
I’ll still be here, but I’m on twitter as @vinyatar as well. everything posted here should also appear there.
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vinyatar · 6 years
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I’m still alive! Starting job next week. Here is a nice view from vacation
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vinyatar · 6 years
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Successful move?!
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vinyatar · 7 years
tfw when you design characters with abandon and have to look up your own blog for reference later on...
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vinyatar · 7 years
crocordile replied to your post: “vardasvapors replied: color or b&w? how about a character you’ve never done before”
“something is rotten in the state of numenor”
amandil, delicately: could it be the stench of the burning tree, my queen? perhaps the white tree that your husband is burning within his temple?
tar-miriel: i smell it too, my lord of andunie, but please try to think outside of the box
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vinyatar · 7 years
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Airplane view
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vinyatar · 7 years
Have you ever drawn Elrond and Elros together? (Not a request, just a suggestion if you’re looking for one ^_^)
I don’t think I have! For some reason, I haven’t drawn Elrond more than 5-6 times ... his peredhel qualities are difficult to pin down. I don’t think I’ve ever drawn live Elros, not for lack of love for them...
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