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itsmoonphobic · 3 years
Dream SMP characters and my interpretation of them:
-Techno: The smell of Dirt and soil,blood,wine and old books. Silk pillowcases,golden jewelry,mosaics,stained fingertips, grand staircases,scented candles,storyteller,lazy smiles, secretive,slow dancing,sad resting face,elegant language,cold weather,confident,doubts himself,philosophy, messy braids,glowdust flakes, poetry,graceful movements,neat and cursive handwriting, greek mythology, oriental music,pale skin,libraries,sarcasm, long-lasting friendships,quotes,frosted windows,layering clothes, know-it-all,rude but endearing,pile of papers,cherry blossoms,muted colors,overthinks everything,devotion,logical thinking,insomniac,scattered mind,castle walls,laid back,tired eyes,long debates,show over tell,lingering touches,rulebreaker, dirty palms,old movies freezing feet,old habits,late nights studying,early riser,skips meals,eye bags,tea with milk,velvet jackets,dimly lit by streetlights,ancient wood floors,flowy curtains,art museums, gravely morning voice,echos in the middle of nowhere,sleepy whispers,nostalgia everywhere,red lipstick stains,loves animal more than people,calm and quiet, healing stones,parked car conversations,sharp jaw,obsessed with memes,violins,doves, doves,floats instead of walks,unbroken promises,twisting and winding hair around fingers,nail biting, repeating phrases,mist secret scars,rumors,always wearing earphones,metaphorical, emotions fragile as a flower, speaks with his eyes,fluttery eyelashes,dog lover,forehead kisses,calligraphy,pretty knives,cares too much,lopsided grins,messy desks,talks for hours no,rolling his eyes all the time,powerful strides,wants to conquer the world,slender hands,good grades, dusty book covers,wax stamped envelopes,vintage mirrors
-Phil: The smell of cold air,pine trees and sandalwood.Dead birds and mothballs,stops on the sidewalk to make sure nobody is left behind,morning person,herbal teas,crows,eats breakfast outside,constellations,family portraits on walls, chirping and whistling,crime documentaries,cool father figure, graveyards,weeping angels,meteor shower,many friends but only a single close one,contagious laugh,fragile teacups,fog, early mornings,fuzzy blankets,springs of thyme,bare feet, empty streets,rosemary stems,flickering lanterns,burnt wood bowls,feather collector,antique silverware,a sky full of stars, skylights,torn pages,overstuffed bookshelves,makes you feel comfortable whenever you talk to him,organized,full of ideas, believes in magic,gives the best advice,lost in his own way, warm hugs,scrapbooks and bullet journals,old cars,soft features,daydreaming,bright eyes,getting lost in the woods,moonlight,self knitted sweaters, stargazing on tailgates,the universe,hand in hand with wandering hearts, garage sales,questioning life but feeling at peace,attic bedrooms and haylofts,pursuing science and desiring art, photo albums,hopeless romantic,dark chocolate,open windows and quirky morning rituals,actually knows what brunch is, succulents,a kind-hearted loner,free-spirit,plaid button-ups, always ready to let you rant,abandons projects quickly, complicated past,bold moves,goes with the flow,aims for things that seem unachievable,lives in extremes,knowing smiles,constantly busy with something new,soft touches,love at first sight,naps alot,subsequent tea stains,sparkly eyes, abandoned barns,handwritten notes,feather quills,fascination with the sky,whispering secrets to the wind,great with kids, takes a backpack everywhere,hugs trees,big winter coats,road trips,knows tons of medical info,bites his nails,comforting presence,lost souls,city lights from a high rise
-Wilbur: The smell of fire,smoke,caramel and coffee. Stands up for people who can't for themselves,emotional wreck,loves his family too much but still yells at them,soft turtlenecks,sits in different spots every time he eats dinner,chipped nailpolish, songwriter,probably depressed,wakes up in the middle of the night to write down random thoughts,heartbroken teenager songs,dark psychology and deep meanings,globes and maps, wants to travel and make lots of memories,curls of steam, earbuds in,spattered ink,good singer,keeps to himself,old music and dusty vinyl,the type of person that you could stare at for hours,loud laugh,ride or die,dreams about his future, believes in fresh starts and new beginnings, messy and tangled hair,summer nights,soft features,deep thinker and dimples, having crushes,musicals and theater, half finished diaries and laptop stickers,mixtapes,quirky love notes, secretly kinda insane,always ready for coffee,thrift shops, beachy waves, bonfires,probably drives too fast,cutoff jeans, cream and sugar,nude colors,always creating new problems for himself, fights for equality,long debates and tired eyes, tapping a rhythm and humming quietly,spends all his time on social media,beanie galore,trench coats,foggy glasses,cozy sweaters, dancing around his room to the Beatles,looking out the window when the sun is setting,birkenstocks,guitar strumming on a warm summer evening,bells and chimes,subtle sadness, the feeling of diving into a deep pool,perfect proportions,too many playlists,holding hands,pretty boy,sew on patches and bomber jackets,candid photos,warm sun on bare skin,dancing silhouettes on the sunsets,beach walks at midnight,messy but cozy room,different mood every minute,singing his favorite song at the top of his lungs,sharp grins,haunted houses, paranormal stuff,late night snack runs with friends,explores creeks and lakes,double checks everything he does,walking through hot sand,backyard campfires,acoustic songs,photo booths,train platforms at night,s'mores,sun bleached arbors
-Tommy: The smell of plastic,fresh cut grass and musk. Does the bare minimum at School,unless genuinely interested in a topic,doodles on the side of his paper,movie marathons,empty coca cola bottles everywhere,rope swings,glossy nailpolish,lots of energy,life of the party, kidcore ,can always make you laugh,loves photography,eyestrain and bright colors,bruised knees and untied shoelaces,paperballs in class,brand new red converse,denim jackets,pins and clips,chalk drawings in the middle of the road,every text contains emojis, garden sprinklers,graffiti,wreck this journal,vibrant dyed hair, scribbles and highlighter pens,carnivals,involed in many things, watermelon flavored anything,loves to climb trees,screaming on playgrounds,oversized t-shirts,stained glass windows, anklets,skateboards and hula hoops,milkshakes on the front porch,social butterfly,always in a hurry,pinkie promises,tangled headphones,melted crayons and gummy bears,bean bags and hummingbirds,spinning around till he gets dizzy,chaotic and crazy yet so fun to be around,rushing into things too quickly, roller coasters and derbies,doesn't get knocked back by criticism,cans of fizzy drinks and neon lights,skips school,tye dye shirts and nitendo games,impulse and class clown,sticks stickers on stranger's things,pickpockets his close friends,has to carry a walkie-talkie around with him at all times,sleepovers and sneaking out through windows,pockets full of change and random buttons,stands out in crowds and makes friends easily, pretends to be fearless but is scared of the littlest things,trips and rips his jeans daily,uno cards,social butterfly,music discs, fights with his family but would actually kill for them,broken handwriting,flannels and jerseys around his waist
-Tubbo: The smell of honey,fresh bread and citrus. Lowkey soft, hugging a teddy bear,pressed flowers,eats alot of bread,big hoodies,fairy lights and blanket forts,prank calls while holding in your laughter,beeswax candles,sidewalk dandelions,gentle cuddles on the couch,pastel yellow and cute doodles,flower crowns and diasy chains,plays the ukulele,fascinated by bees and supports local coffee shops,outdoorsy sunshine addict, sparklers and iced lemonade,festivals with fireworks and fireflies in mason jars,homework done as soon as its assigned, watercolor paintings,giggling uncontrollably,long hugs and lazy cartoon afternoons,park dates and forehead kisses,cutting pants into shorts,messy wild hair and pear lollipops,has tiny random braids decorated with golden yarn,hearing the crinkle of leaves underfoot,suprise piggy back rides,adult swim shows and lip gloss stains,being goofy without meaning to,bounces in his step and stops to pet stray animals,baked bread and washi tape bracelets,bike rides and summer picnics,rolling down a hill in the spring and bringing home grass stains on his jeans, waving at someone across a crowded room,spontaneous hang outs and self made clay rings,sitting in the warm sunlit grass on early spring mornings,rock painting and hiding them for other people to find,picking apples from trees but needing to be held up in order to reach one
-Ranboo: The smell of peppermint tea,denim and rain. Is there for everyone but never themselves,regrets things they said but can never find the nerves to apologize,clumps of mascara and winged eyeliner,writes down every tiny thing in notebooks, loves children and their friends,forgetting that they already grabbed a waterbottle,drawing on condensation windows,rainy days and puddles,always on the edge of a breakdown,elevator music and long limbs,old tape recordings and cassettes,moss covered ruins and greenhouses,wanting to be in multiple places at the same time,different colored socks,long hugs and head pats,reading under the covers,collages and spray paint,record players and walks alone through the woods,loves playing by creeks and collecting stones,always wondering and worrying about things they shouldn't,vivid dreams and leather jackets, silver necklaces and piercings,snoozing their alarm clock, seeing the moon in the early morning,blurry photographs and windswept hair,downpours and comfortable silence,wrapping gifts and handing them over with shaking hands,sitting on a rooftop and spontaneous plans,lofi sounds and long train roads,deja vu moments,randomly dissapears and sipping tea, cold concrete and city parks,tickets and brochures from places they visited,dusty parchment and desperately trying to be a good person,wikipedia articles and lace-up boots,often loses track of time while talking to people they love,sings to the radio and avoids conflict if possible,can't sit still for five minutes, perpetually in an emo phase and knows more than they let on, hawaiian shirts,henna tattoos and sparkling water,sleeping in complete darkness and the relief of falling into bed,midnight thunderstorms and anticipation for the coming day,lucky charms and the sound of rain hitting the windows
-Dream: The smell of apples,eucalyptus,vanilla and green tea. Freckles and smiley faces,glow sticks and wrinkled linen, probably a really good singer,wild laughter and jellyfish, popular,tanned skin and cruising with the top down,doesn't take shit from anyone,analytical and self assured,beachy waves and dreamy sunsets,running barefoot,likes being active and on the go at all times,sassy and dramatic as fuck,dream catchers and hammocks,glow in the dark stickers on his phonecase, feisty and a sense of danger,brought home stray cats when he was a child,falling in love with strangers,waking up early and continue laying on the bed,golden hours and 4pm naps,soft aching hands burried in messy hair,center of attention,static and heavy breathing,old percy jackson books under the bed, throwing pebbles at the closed windows of his friends' room, retro diners at 2am,adrenaline junkie and nighttime thriver,will go insane if cooped up indoors for too long,deadlines till last minute,oversleeping and coming home past midnight,naturally a really good surfer,hugs from behind and neck kisses,checking the fridge at 1am,ice cream in bed and cat cuddles,always picks up over facetime
Might make more parts for some of the other guys :)
36 notes · View notes
ddagent · 5 years
Huge request for Papa Bee to be on the podcast!! 😻
Here we are, our footnotes session with Papa Bee! Quite a few people sent in questions, so I’m just going to include those as part of the fic rather than list them all here. But thank you to all those who do send in questions; it’s so much fun!
A huge thank you to @resthefuture​ who made this AMAZING moodboard for the podcast verse. Seriously, it is gorgeous, and I love it. 
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B: The following podcast contains strong language, literary violence, and explicit sexual content.
(tourney horn plays)
J: Welcome to The Bear and the Poorly Written Maiden, the footnotes! And for the first time, we have a VERY special guest. It’s Bee’s father, Papa Bee everyone!
S: Hello!
(Jay and Bee clap)
J: Thank you, Papa Bee, for joining us today.
B: You didn’t exactly give him much of a choice. 
S: It’s fine, Little Star. I love listening to the two of you doing your podcast; you both sound like you’re having so much fun.
J: We are, thank you, Papa Bee. Now, you’ve brought snacks for us to eat during the podcast today. Quite a few people have asked about your biscuit recipe, can you tell the listeners what you’ve made for us?
S: Of course, lad. I’ve made some lemon curd biscuits for you, lad, and some sausage rolls with apple for my girl. 
J: Bee does like a bit of sausage. 
B: JAY! I cannot believe you just said that.
J: What, what? You do; you always prefer to have a sausage sandwich when we have breakfast before classes. (chuckles) I don’t know what you’re implying. 
B: I hate you. I really hate you.
J: You’ve been saying that since we met, but I don’t think even you believe that anymore. (pause) Anyway, we’ve got introductions out the way, we’ve got our snacks sorted, let’s get down to business.
B: Last week we began reading the first chapter of Off the King’s Road, a hideously explicit tale of Goldenhand and Ser Blue’s journey to King’s Landing.
J: Papa Bee, you were the one who provided us with this dreadful novel. Can you talk about how you found it whilst I have a biscuit?
S: Of course, lad. Since you and my Little Star have started doing this podcast, I’ve been keeping an eye out for any secondhand bookshops, charity shops. Me and Goodwin – you remember Goodwin, don’t you, Bee?
B: Of course, he taught me how to swing a re-enactment sword. 
S: Well, we were at a boot sale the other weekend on the other side of the island, and this woman had two plastic tubs filled with all these paperbacks. Now, one caught my eye, because I remember you getting in trouble at school for reading it. 
B: Oh, Gods.
J: Off the King’s Road. (Bee groans) She mentioned the Septa caught her?
S: Oh, she did. Only time my Bee ever got sent home was because she had been reading a dirty book.
B: It was a historical romance novel, and what was it doing in the library if not to be read?
J: You’re just full of excuses, aren’t you? (Jay laughs) What chapter were you reading? Was it the one we read last episode?
B: No, no, I believe it was the one in the Harrenhal baths.
S: Memory serves, you went through a period of only having baths after that. 
J: (laughs) Really? Oh, well, in that case, I cannot wait to get to that chapter. 
B: Our shower was broken! 
J: Of course, of course. Now, we’ve had a few comments about the latest episode, which is more than the usual one comment we get from you, Papa Bee. So we’ll take it in turns to read some of them out. This is from weirddaydreamingfangirl, who says “I can't wait for Papa Bee’s appearance!"
S: Very sweet. Hopefully, it won’t be a disappointment.
B: Of course it won’t be, Dad. Okay, here’s another: ulmo80 says, "That book sounds awful." It really does, but get used to it, because we’re committed to reading the whole thing. Dad, do you want to read out the next one?
S: sarahoftarth says (pauses) Do you think she’s Margo’s girl from down the road?
B: I don’t know, Dad. I don’t think so.
S: She could be. She’s called Sarah. Anyway, sarahoftarth says, “Jay's unsuccessful flirting is just too much, I just want to shake them both!” And if it is Sarah from down the road, say hello to your mother. 
B: What does she mean by flirting?
J: What does she mean by unsuccessful? 
B: Well, clearly that you’re not very good at it. Not that I’ve ever seen you flirt; plenty of people flirt with you, but you never pursue someone yourself. 
S: I think there’s a reason for that, Little Star. 
B: Oh, I know. ‘None of these women meet his impossibly high standards’. 
J: Really? That’s what you think? (pauses) Okay. Let’s, uh, le’s answer a few questions, now. Here’s one for Papa Bee, it’s from a-squire-is-for-life-not-just-for-sevenmas, “Papa Bee, what made you decide to name your daughter after Ser Blue?” That’s a great question.
S: Well, like my daughter, I have a love of history. Our house has always been filled with antiques and suits of armour and Oathkeeper right in the main hall. There’s not been a huge amount of girls born in the last few generations; none, in fact. Both me and Bee’s mum expected her to be a boy, too. 
J: What would you have called her, if she was a boy?
S: We liked Robb, and I’d always quite liked Brynden as a name, too. But she was a girl, and I knew she had to be Bri–she had to be named after Ser Blue. Someone strong, and brave. Who would do amazing things. I knew my daughter had to be named after her. 
B: O–okay. Next question is from everything-is-a-cereal-bowl. (laughs) Clearly someone on your wavelength, Jay.
J: I don’t know what you’re trying to say.
B: There was milk in my saucepan this morning.
J: I was making a creamy pasta sauce.
B: There were choco pops in it. 
J: I was making hot chocolate?
B: Anyway, everything-is-a-cereal-bowl asks, “Papa Bee, what do you think of Jay?”
S: I think he’s a lovely lad, very smart, and the smartest thing he’s ever done is become best friends with my little girl. 
J: See, Bee, your dad thinks we’re best friends.
B: Fine, fine! We’re best friends!  
(all three laugh)
J: I think we’ve got time for another couple of questions. Okay, this is from jaybee28: “Hi Papa Bee—”
S: Hello jaybee28!
J: “Hi Papa Bee so excited to have you on an episode of footnotes. I know they recommended submitting questions related to your ancestors but something has been bugging me since the latest episode and I can think of no one better to pose the question than you!” Okay, does this mean you have to ask it?
B: I think so. Jay, give my Dad the tablet.
S: Alright, let’s read what we’ve got here. Right, so, the question is, “Jay... why do you know how little/much Bee knows about blow jobs?”
J: Language.
B: I read out the warning at the beginning; it says strong language so I’m going to say, what the fuck, jaybee28?
J: (laughs) It is a valid question.
B: No it isn’t, not in front of my father. 
J: I think any father would be happy his daughter doesn’t know a great deal about blow jobs. 
S: Little Star, I do listen to all your episodes, you know. I am aware my daughter knows about sex. Especially after you found that book, and all those stories of you and—
B: —no, please, I beg of you, do not finish that thought. 
J: I will pay you five hundred gold dragons right now, Papa Bee, to finish that thought.
B: You can barely afford rent; you ate at my house all last week to save money. 
J: It’s called being financially conscious. But, honestly, I’d live in a box if your father finished that sentence. (Bee huffs) And, in answer to your question, jaybee28, when we first started researching the idea of a podcast, we were looking through historical erotica and Bee casually wondered why so many stories had cannibalism as they all described swallowing a man whole. 
B: Wonderful; this is exactly what I wanted to happen on this podcast. 
J: Come on, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about. 
B: Next special guest we have is going to be your brother, you do realise that, don’t you?
J: (pause) I do now. 
B: Good. Right, one more question before we finish. It’s for my Dad. colour-chart-courtship has asked, “Papa Bee, what would you think if Jay and Bee decided to host their podcast for life? Jay is hers, Bee is his, for as long as the tourney horn plays.” I–I don’t get it. 
J: Well, as long as we have people listening, I guess we’ll still do it. 
S: colour-chart-courtship, I would be over the moon if these two decided to host this podcast for life. It makes them both happy, and that’s all a father wants for his little girl. And if they decide to make any spin-offs, I’d be glad to help out with those, too. 
J: A spin-off, I’d like that. (pause) We could read out bad essay assignments!
B: I do believe that’s a breach of data protection. 
J: Pfft. 
B: Right, before it’s necessary for me to help Jay navigate a university tribunal, I think we should end it there. Thank you, Dad, for joining us today. I hope it hasn’t been too traumatic. 
S: Not at all! I’ll come back next week, if you want.
J: I have a feeling next week’s guest spot is already full. Right, Bee?
B: Right, Jay. 
J: (sighs) But, yes, thank you so much, Papa Bee. And thank you, everyone, who has listened to our podcast, commented or sent us in questions. If you have any questions, feel free to send them to [email protected].
B: We have our caw account up and running; you can leave us some comments there. 
J: Next episode we’ll be heading back to the Stark camp for chapter two of Off the King’s Road. 
B: We’re also going to be on Vinyl Grooves in the next week or so; we’ll let you know when the episode goes out. 
J: Wonderful. 
B: Dad, do you want to say the closing remarks?
S: Of course! Valar morghulis!
(tourney horn plays)
141 notes · View notes
Hello! So, during a global pandemic and at the beginning of what will probably be a long and severe recession, at the age of 40 and with basically no knowledge of how automobiles work, I’m going to live in a van.
This might be a terrible idea. Hence, I’m calling my blog This Might Be A Terrible Idea.
If you’re reading this, I imagine it’s because you know me, so I’ll skip the introduction. I like a good FAQ, so let’s start there.
Where are you going? Short answer: I don’t know!
Long answer: I’ll probably primarily split my time between Colorado/northern New Mexico, Maryland/Pennsylvania, and Florida. I want to stay as low-budget as I can and also avoid crowds during the pandemic. So whenever possible, I’ll opt for free, dispersed sites in national forests, state forests, BLM (which I now read as Black Lives Matter but here it’s the less-important acronym, Bureau of Land Management), state game lands, etc. I’ll pop into a developed campground every now and then to refill the water tanks, empty the portable toilet, and take a shower.
What kind of van do you have? In late June, I bought a 2007 Ford E250 with a high roof. In its first life, it was actually an Embassy Suites hotel shuttle, so when I got it, it had SO MANY SEATS. After it retired from the hotel biz, it went to a guy who owned a brewery and used the van for ski trips. Then he eventually traded it to a friend’s college-aged son in exchange for lawn-mowing work. This young man was actually going to make it into a camper too but didn’t have time, so he sold it to me.
I got the van for a very low price ($2000) because it’s really high mileage — almost 300,000. It also has a few issues: the dashboard, power windows, and radio only work sometimes. The doors are creaky and don’t like to close. There are splatters of paint (?) on the inside of the driver’s door. The air conditioning wasn’t working. And the interior is pretty beat up.
With help from my brother who actually knows about cars, I recharged the air conditioning. A new, functional instrument cluster is on the way. And the type of engine in this van (5.4L V8) supposedly has a reputation for being extremely durable. If I get a couple of good years out of this vehicle, I’ll be happy.
How are you going to afford this? A few years ago, I paid $4200 for an acre of land in the San Luis Valley, a few hours from Denver. I hoped to eventually put a little camper on it and make a very low-budget part-time home. But a few months after I bought the land, the county changed its rules to prohibit living in campers or mobile homes for more than a couple of weeks at a time. So the camper idea went out the window, and in June, I sold that land for $5000. This was my funding to buy the van and associated stuff. I’m going to try to keep the initial total cost of the van (vehicle, repairs, materials for the interior, solar installation) to about $6000.
I’m incredibly fortunate to be in a position where I don’t have to choose between my job and a weird nomadic lifestyle. About a year ago, I went full-time freelance as an editor and writer. So I’m self-employed and I work from home. I don’t even need the internet that much — aside from checking email, file downloads/uploads, and occasional googling for research and editing questions, I can be mostly offline. Also incredibly fortunate: the pandemic hasn’t affected my work, at least not so far.
I’ll have new and unexpected expenses: food will be more expensive, I’ll have to pay for campgrounds sometimes, the van will need gas and repairs and oil and new tires, and then I’ll want to make livability improvements (like insulation). But I hope that I’ll be able to cover all of that while still living within my means.
Aren’t you selling your condo? Why don’t you get a newer/lower mileage/already converted van? Yes, I am (fingers crossed that the sale goes through) selling my condo in Denver. But I also have no savings, no retirement fund, no emergency fund. And the recession is just getting started… the whole future seems pretty uncertain. I’d feel better if I kept as much of the condo money in the bank as possible, even if that means having a crappier van.
Don’t you worry about safety? Absolutely. I’m a worrying person. I worry a lot! But if I responded to those worries by not going anywhere alone, staying in only developed campgrounds, etc., then I’d have missed out on some of the best experiences in my life, and I’d never go much of anywhere at all.
To stay safe in a van, I’ll use the same approach I use for solo car camping. If a place feels sketchy, I go somewhere else. To avoid trouble from bears, I try not to get food on the ground, do food prep and brush teeth away from the vehicle, and keep the car doors locked when I’m away and at night. To avoid trouble from bros, I try to stay out of sight. I pick spots and set up my campsite so that people passing by mostly just see the vehicle and not me or my single chair or small tent. I have bear spray, which stays in arm’s reach when I’m out hiking and at night, and I have a sharp knife, which is always pretty accessible too.
In fact, safety is why I chose a van over a truck with a camper, which actually would have been preferable. If a truck ever had recurring or expensive mechanical problems, I could just get a new truck and put the camper on it — but with a van, I’ll either have to do the expensive repairs or get a new van and re-do the whole interior. And if I wanted to stay in one place for a while, I could take the camper off and just drive the truck around, saving on gas and wear and tear. But with a truck camper, if I were ever inside the camper and felt unsafe, I’d have to *go outside* and then get into the truck cab in order to leave. With a van, if things start feeling sketchy, I can just hop in the driver’s seat and go.
(Side note: It’s upsetting and frustrating to me that these safety concerns and choices are so linked to gender. Of course men also need to think about safety when they’re out camping alone, but I’m pretty sure I’ve had to think about it at least 200% as much as my equivalent 40-year-old non-threatening-looking out-of-shape single dude.)
If we’re talking about safety from non-sentient threats — bad weather, injuries, mechanical breakdowns, etc. — then I…
a) try not to get into situations that I can’t get out of — whether it’s a too-rugged road, a too-steep trail, or a spot that is likely to turn into a mud pit if it rains. I also think about whether I could walk to get help if I needed to. b) have some basic safety and first aid stuff. Tape, gauze, and a mylar blanket for me; jumper cables and a portable air compressor for the car. c) have a Triple A membership in case I need a tow.
The van came with a handy fire extinguisher strapped to the driver’s seat. To reduce the possibility of being unable to call for help if I get stuck somewhere, I eventually plan to get a cell phone signal booster.
The fire extinguisher or even my bear spray won’t keep me safe from COVID-19. But like I mentioned, I’m trying to stay as far away from crowds as possible. To cut down on contact when resupplying, I’ve got storage for 10 gallons of water (I’m actually going to expand this to 15) and plan to carry enough food for a month. Unless there’s a mechanical problem or breakdown (definitely my biggest concern), I should be able to drive coast to coast while remaining in a relatively firm bubble. The riskiest thing I’ll *have* to do is refuel at gas pumps, but I can pick gas stations that seem less crowded, refuel in smaller towns rather than busy highway rest areas, and go at quieter times of day.
Does your van have air conditioning? Nope! Well, it has the standard vehicle AC, but that only works while the van is running, and most of the time I’ll be parked. There are AC units that can go on top of campers and vans, but they use a ton of power: either you have to be plugged in to shore power at a campground, use a gas-powered generator, or have a million solar panels and batteries. I’m going to get a good roof vent and fan installed, plus maybe put some smaller battery-powered fans in the windows, so that will hopefully keep me from getting heatstroke in the summer.
Does it have running water? Nope! Right now, I have a portable foot-pump sink and a self-contained portable toilet. I plan to eventually build a nicer/bigger sink. I’m also going to order a collapsible tub so I can do sponge baths or use a solar shower (a black vinyl bag that heats up in the sun and has a hose attached). Swimming in freshwater lakes will need to become a bigger part of my life. I’ll probably be a little stinky at times, but people should be social distancing anyway, so if anyone can smell me, they’re way too close.
Does it have electricity? It will! I’m planning to have one large solar panel and a lithium battery installed. (For those who are curious, it’s a 315 watt solar panel with a 100 AH battery.) This will power the roof fan, my laptop, my phone, some plug-in lights, and eventually also built-in lights, the cell phone signal booster, and maybe a small fridge or cooler. The solar power system is going to outlast the van and will be easily switchable to my next vehicle.
Wait. “Maybe” a fridge? What are you going to eat? Ummm… I’ll figure it out? I eat like a scavenging raccoon, so I’m not too picky. I bought a bunch of freeze-dried legume-based soup and stew mixes from Harmony House, some high-protein shake mix from Huel, and I plan to stock rice, quinoa, peanut butter, oatmeal, hard cheese, packaged salmon and tuna, and dried fruit. If I’m driving, I’ll probably also keep an eye out for farm stands and grab some produce that will keep unrefrigerated for a few days. During the pandemic, I’ve been using support for local businesses as a way of justifying takeout or delivery once or twice a week, so I’ll probably keep doing that when I pass through developed areas.
Can you poop in your van? Does it smell? Yes to the first! I haven’t, um, tested it out yet. But after road trip in my sedan in May, when I had to go into a scary (no one wearing masks or social distancing) gas station in Colorado Springs, bathroom and hand-washing facilities for the van became a priority. Right now the portable toilet is just sort of hanging out in the open, but I’m going to build a plywood box to contain it. I did pee in it a bunch during my inaugural camping trip, and I’m happy to report that the chemicals I added to the tank made it not smell gross while also not producing an overwhelming chemical smell.
How will you get the internet? Unlimited data plan FTW! I recently figured out that I can use my phone as a mobile hotspot and connect to it with my laptop. It’s not fast, but it’ll do what I need it to. And I should be able to have connectivity even in more remote areas after I get a signal booster.
Won’t you get tired of living in a tiny space? Maybe. I do have some good practice, though. In the last decade, I’ve gone from living in a 700-square-foot condo (Denver) to a 400-ish-square-foot studio apartment (New Jersey; grad school) to my childhood room in my parents’ house (Maryland; post-grad-school student loan debt). Each time, I’ve gotten rid of stuff, even things it’s painful to get rid of: old books, childhood knickknacks, cassette tapes, drawings, horse show ribbons I remember winning, cutlery and glassware I got as housewarming gifts.
I also tend to feel really at home in my car. I’ve napped in my car, drafted novels in my car, had long and meaningful conversations in my car, had existential crises in my car, eaten hundreds of meals in my car. Car = house makes sense to me. And I hope to be staying in places where I have access to big and engaging outdoor spaces.
What will you do after you live in a van for a while? I have no idea. There are definitely things that I want to do — write fiction, build my career, be more involved with community/communities, get healthier, be a better human — but all of those things are geographically nonspecific. And everything both personally and nationally feels so up in the air. I could end up living in a van for a year, or five, or ten. I might eventually buy a house or a boat or a farm, or settle down somewhere (I don’t know where) in a more permanent way. But I’m not making plans for any of that, and I’m not making plans for an “after.”
I think that’s it for the FAQ! If you have any questions, let me know and I will address them in a later LFAQ (Less Frequently Asked Questions).
Also, please bear with me because I don’t really know how Tumblr works. If you want to start reading, start FROM THE BOTTOM.
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msruchita · 5 years
Who Knew? - Part 1
Summary: It’s been 5 years since the snap, Bucky doesn’t seem to be coming back. Enters a stranger who is a balm to her soul. Will she dare to love again?
Pairing: Erik ‘Killmonger’ Stevens x Reader, Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: 18+ (There’s just a lot of smut, so please, swearing too)
So, I have finally created a proper Marvel fic for the Sinful Secret’s Challenge. My prompt was ‘Do you want something better? Here’s my number.’ from
@howardpotts and also tagging @tranquil--heart and @cametobuyplums
Let me know your feedback and seriously, every like, reblog, comment is appreciated. I always aim to make myself a better writer. So, to stop rattling on, I hope you guys enjoy! Plus, my Taglist is open, but I will stop tagging you if after a few fics; I see no activity from your end
@thesaltyduchess @brazen88brat @lancetuckersmustache
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“Enlighten me again, why are we playing Truth or Dare in the middle of a club when we can barely hear each other?!’ Peering intently over your glass at the three people opposite her, you downed the last of your vodka, before choking and gagging on it as everyone around you laughed uproariously. Trying your best to control your own laughter, you set the bottle down as Vesper winked at you before shaking a large silver cocktail mixer.
‘Feeling a little reptilian, in the nastiest way possible? We have you covered with Alligator Sperm! This bright green gator crazy goodness contains melon liqueur, pineapple juice, and yes, a literal splash of cream. Try ordering it at the bar with a straight face like me if you actually have the balls.’ She finished her sales pitch with a poker face as she poured out the  lime green liquid into fresh glasses while Shayan held a small pitcher of cream.
It was busy tonight, the crowd seemed to be thrice more than normal, the reek of booze, sweat and desperation spraying everywhere as you shifted on the slightly sticky leather. None of you ever spoke the truth outside of the group therapy sessions Steve forced you to go to. It was like scraping fresh wounds with salt, hence, every time Truth or Dare was played, it was more Shot or Dare. The latest dare being Vesper had to get a hickey from someone she hadn’t slept with yet; the video now safely in your phone courtesy from the bartender who had been necking her barely minutes ago, the fresh purple of the bruise standing out against her olive skin.
‘Crocodile cum, actually.’ Lucien was so matter of fact, everyone collapsed into a fit of giggles again as she waggled her eyebrows at him. The bass of the music thrummed through your veins as all of you relaxed, occasionally bursting into fits of laughter as all of you did shot after shot; most of the dares having already been done before and the novelty had faded.
‘Y/N, you. Flash your tits to the first guy that puts his hands on you or 5 shots.’ Shayan pointed at you, flashing you a grin that was anything but innocent, as you shrugged. Slamming all 5 in a row, you winked at them, waiting for the moment the liqueur went straight to your head; the throng of people gathered beneath the DJ, all looking to escape reality like you, parted like the sea as you slid off the leather vinyl.
The heat was near unbearable, but you didn’t care; the pulse of the music called to you, it was the only time you’ve ever felt so alive, so free. You could feel your blood singing as the humidity clung to you like second skin. The bass vibrated beneath your red heels; anything was better than thinking about what lay outside the walls of the club. At least protected by the four walls, throbbing beats and strobe lights, you didn’t have to face the rubble that Thanos left behind. The pain and suffering of the people lost still pierced deep in hearts; why Steve left you alone after you both lost him. The love of your life and his best friend. Bucky.
Swallowing the sudden lump in your throat, you swirled your hips, rucking up the black camisole top you borrowed from Wanda paired with the skin tight jeans she and Natasha would whistle at every time you stepped out in them, running your hands through your skin, as you let yourself be seduced by the music. The memories of their laughter echoed in your mind as you noted several appreciative glances at your dancing and your body, knowing the glitter oil you used was illuminating your curves just right as you flipped your hair back. You caught a flash of gold, Lucien’s watch glinting for a second, as he gave you a thumbs up, hoisting Shayan up. Nodding once, you blew a kiss to Vesper; knowing your friends were just checking on you before heading out.
Vesper and Lucien understood better than most; your need to stay awake the entire night. Giving you a once-over from the table, they would check that you’re okay before calling it a night. They never stayed long; but they never said no to you either whenever you asked to go out. You continued swaying side to side, giving your hips an extra boost, pushing the memories away; the flash of teeth, crinkle of eyes before steel-blue eyes…
No! You dug nails into your side sharply, the pain chasing away the scent of gun metal, whiskey and mint. It was either dancing till the bouncer called a cab for you, telling you it was time to close up or spending hours waiting silently, staring up at your ceiling fan waiting for the alarm to ring. You always stayed till closing time, helping out to clean the place down, making sure the employees got home safe.
The body that suddenly slotted against you from behind was both familiar yet a stranger. A distant memory of raised scars and a warm, calloused hand, the same hand that now splayed wide against your belly, unyielding yet soft. Leaning against the hard chest, you continued swaying hypnotically and he followed without a second thought. ‘Did you know, there’s a rumour going on,’ you began after a long pause, as his grip tightened on your belly at your facade of casualness, that hint of pain rushing to your head faster than alcohol. ‘That you’re Erik Stevens, T’Challa’s cousin?’
The flex of the muscles under his skin relaxed fractionally, as you wondered what he was so afraid of. Nobody cared about that anymore; too much had happened. He slipped a hand beneath the camisole, up to rest underneath your ribcage, so warm and steady. It pressed just beneath your breast; thumbing slowly at the curve, a whisper, let go for me.
You could kick yourself for the comparison you can’t help but make that he never matches up to. That memory lane was dangerous as you pulled yourself out once again, chasing away the ghost of cold metal against your skin, another rough palm splayed out against your tummy, keeping you grounded against him as you very slowly sunk yourself into the crook of his body.
‘What’s my name?’ Erik asked quietly, his words brushing against the shell of your ear as his hand came up to your breast, squeezing the soft flesh. ‘What do you know about me?’ He dipped his head further, his tongue snaking out to taste the jasmine on your skin, the other hand slowly tracing out symbols onto your bare flesh, the symbols etched on your skin like he knew, as you struggled not to shudder under his touch.
‘Charismatic genius, MIT graduate with top honors, slight homicidal tendencies and-,’ You cut yourself off, not wanting to do this dance anymore. You sighed indifferently, tired. ‘Why does it matter? One night and I’ll never see you again.’
His hips suddenly pressed flush against you, his cock coming to nestle between your ass, his hand playing with a nipple. A guttural growl of warning reverberates through his chest into you, like you’re treading on thin ice. True dread spiked through you as his posture shifted, shoulder rolled unconsciously back, feet parallel so that the weight is evenly distributed. The stance of a warrior.
His voice was a low timber as you slowly turned to face him, looking up at those piercing brown eyes filled with cold intelligence. ‘No,’ he assured, pulling the nipple away before releasing it, watching it bounce lightly. ‘Not with me. Never with me.’
You looked down to see the markings peeking from the top of his white shirt and the cuffs of his jean jacket. You knew they adorned his entire upper body; earned with every life taken. You should have trembled with fear when you traced one scar, but there was a deeper need to trace your tongue along each one, the way he longed to trace his fingers across every ink you had.
You sighed heavily again, breaking away from his touch as your body screamed for his warmth, hands that promised to show that you would be taken care off, over and over again. You managed to get away enough to reach the bar when Erik grabs your hand and like a movie spins you into his arms, flush against his chest, one hand slapping your ass so fiercely you gasp as he simply sets his lips on yours.
It could have been maybe a minute, but it felt like time suspended itself; everything slowed down before he gazed down at you, the hurt and concern in his eyes surprising. ‘Come with me, please.’ He held his hand out, and you slipped yours in it without thinking.
Your talks lasted the entire night, even after the soft pink and lavender of dawn peeked through, you both kept going. He starts with his beginning. About his father, about Wakanda, how he just wanted what was his by right; but even that had been deceitful. The fight for the throne, how he almost died, meeting the White Wolf. An enigma unlike himself.
Your heart clenched but he held you in his arms, your legs between his body, stroking your back against the silk. He tells you what his cousins were like, unable to hold a grin back at the elegant respect he begrudgingly built between him, T’Challa and M’Baku though the latter would love the chance to break his back. Shuri, for being a prodigy yet so humble, it annoyed him and made him prouder than he could have imagined.
You tell him how you met Bucky when Okoye and Steve forced him to join a yoga class as he wasn’t sleeping, and they had tried everything. Even Shuri was fed up. How it was a riot watching him struggle even though he had the natural agility and flexibility of an Olympian gymnast. Within a week he asked you out, a month later you were his girl, staying with him in STARK Towers, recounting all the incidences when F.R.I.D.A.Y and Tony would team up with Sam to play tricks on you.
He tells you about how Okoye beat him to within an inch of his life for attempting to murder her king and manipulate her lover, W’Kabi. He reluctantly admitted he deserved that as you laughed out loud, missing the way his face lit up at your laugh. His voice breaks slightly as he mentions going for therapy, going deep into the jungles to stop poachers, how he had just finished his probation when he heard the news, watching his men disappear.
A diplomat and the acting king for Wakanda, he came here hoping for some change, just anything to take him away from the ashes that haunted him. You would never admit how the bleakness in his eyes matched the ache in your heart…
You stand offering him a place to crash and a mug of peppermint hot chocolate as the sun filters through. He slowly pulls you into his embrace, arms tightening around you, the need to protect you, covet you so strong he doesn’t realise he’s near tears till his voice comes through ragged and raw.
‘Ya know, I expected something better than hugging the hottest woman I’ve ever laid eyes on and getting hot chocolate for baring my soul.’
He stares down at you, a cocky smirk on his face, his eyes shining with unshed tears you wanted to smear with your thumb.
‘You want something better? Here’s my number.’ Scribbling your number on his hand with a ball point pen you found in his jacket, it was like a purse in there. ‘No calls for the next 2-3 days. I don’t put out on the first date.’
Winking at him, you power walked away, heels clacking, telling yourself you wouldn’t look back. Within 2 minutes, you started chuckling, looking at the message from the unknown number flashing on your screen.
‘I’m not waiting 2 days for that ass.’
8 Weeks Later
Your back hit the mattress with a thump, bouncing lightly, giggling as you shifted yourself half upright to see Erik more clearly, the bangles on your wrists clinking softly against each other. His dark eyes glittered in the darkness, the lust stamped on his face hungry as he reached for your ankle, tracing the delicate bone before kneeling on the bed, straddling your knees, holding you down with his weight.
Leaning forward, he kisses his way up the red fabric, the gold accents shining in the moonlight, pausing at your exposed waist. Shifting the material of your sari aside, he took a good look at you, chest heaving against the barely there blouse, your tattoos swirling in intricate patterns around your skin.
Grabbing your wrists, he gently kisses your clenched fists, the metal scarping softly against his lips, smiling at the soft exhale of breath as he pulls you up, deftly untying the strings that held the scraps of lace together, exposing your breasts to him. Pushing you back enough to arch your back, he trails a trail with his tongue over one breast, before pulling the fabric back over your skin, your nipples hard and aching, peeking through the sheer material.
‘Did you enjoy making your King squirm for you? Wrapping me around your little finger, turning me into a jealous clout with just a yard of fabric? Hmm, answer me!’ He slapped you once, the slight sting making you gasp as with another grim smile, he slants his mouth over yours, swallowing the squeak of surprise, his hand tweaking a nipple, the soft scratch of brocade teasing your sensitive skin.
Mewling slightly, you grab his shoulders when he pulls away, trying to pull him down to your lips again, but he shrugs you off, instead kissing a burning trail down your neck, deftly undoing your necklace and draping it on the table beside; over your exposed shoulder before biting down on the firm muscle, his teeth leaving their imprint behind.
Frustrated at Erik’s refusal to kiss you, your hands reach for the lapels of his suit, fumbling to get the buttons undone on his shirt, as he reached to nip at your collarbone, sucking a row of purple bruises along the column, grabbing your hands and pulling them away from his shirt, shaking his head.
‘No baby, not this time. Not after that little stunt you pulled with this outfit…’ His words trail away as he runs a warm possessive hand over your waist, tugging lightly at the thin chain that adorned it, licking his lips slowly as your own heartbeat sped up.
Another useless gala dinner with the world leaders; just another unproductive meeting for them to try and reason with the Avengers. They never showed, leaving everything to you and Erik. The situation had worsened as nobody knew what to do with all the empty infrastructure. You had been sent to mediate lest the situation worsened; you wondered since when did a yoga teacher become a certified consultant.
Slowly climbing up the stairs, making sure your golden high heels didn’t catch along the embroidered fabric, you strode towards the foyer, just as Eric stepped in with Okoye nearly barrelling into the Prime Minister of Canada over, as his eyes never left you. The mere sight of you, a vision of gold and red with slight accents of blue; a true goddess. Okoye merely smiled at you, mouthing how beautiful you looked before her sharp eyes swept around, making sure there was no threat as the Prime Minster ogled at you.
His reaction did not go unnoticed by the Warrior King, his mouth tight at the sight of the sari wrapped around your lithe body, your curves accentuated by the small dips and creases in the fabric, your waist enticing any man for a closer look with a simple gold chain adorning it. His chain, the one he asked you to wear for good luck, now made into an object of desire.
Heads turned, jaws went slack as women hissed softly in envy, the sari blouse so daringly cut, it couldn’t even be called a blouse, it was a bikini top, mere scraps of gold lace held together by strings, cupping your breasts softly.
You strolled towards him, unaware of the seductive spell you wove; an extra swing in your hips, your movements almost cat-like, as you came to stand beside him, claiming your place, his hand sliding down your back possessively…
The rest of the night was a blur of sexual tension, stolen touches and awkward adjustments as he discreetly kept adjusting his dress slacks every time you bent down exposing the tattoo on your chest or when you turned around to showcase another one of your inked designs on your back dipping into your waist. Gritting his teeth, he promised retribution for your teasing, his teeth bright against the warm tones of his skin, a dark glint in his eyes.
Pinning your wrists down over your head, he used the strings of your blouse to tie the bangles together, the metal clinking each time you moved, a warning to not bring them down as he bent down to kiss you, slow and passionate, but still ghosting around deep. He begins his assault on your neck again, this time leaving a trail of stinging, red bites down your chest, around your breasts to bite down on your nipple, bringing your body up to an arch.
Keeping one hand below the bangles holding them down, the other hand strips off the fabric off your body, leaving you topless in the petticoat, your stomach quivering as he runs a finger lazily to trace the angelic runes that adorn the soft skin. Your belly goes taut under his touch, breath heaving as you moan for more. The soft cotton clings to your legs as he reaches down and takes his time pulling up the skirt, kissing every inch of freshly exposed skin. His other hand moves to clasp your hand in his, finger entwining as his lips trail your calf, up your knees, to your inner thighs, your arousal soaked through the cotton. You didn’t wear any underwear.
The dark glint returns as his mouth descends up to focus on your breasts again, kissing the aroused flesh, blowing warm air on each pert nipple, a small frown on your face as he refuses to give it the attention its begging for, instead stroking his hands across your exposed belly, the tattoos shining black under the moonlight from the open window.
Slowly, he tugs the petticoat off you, leaving you completely naked save for the belly chain and the bangles on your wrists. ‘Baby, you went without underwear, that’ll require some punishment…’
He smiles into your skin, finally taking a nipple into his mouth, sucking slowly as a single thick digit slides into your wet, swollen folds, his groan reverberating through you. He chuckles wickedly, as you tighten and moan around him, the other hand wrapping around your throat, squeezing.
You buck your hips against his hand. ‘Erik, please…’
‘Hmm?’ He asks innocently, deliberately adding another finger , raising his head to press a kiss to your lips, his mouth watering to taste your tattoos, taste your sweet pussy, the obscene sounds calling for his tongue. He rubs his lips against yours, nipping the bottom lip and biting it down with a soft pull.
His muscular body pulls you up to him, pressed against you, the scars creating their own friction against his clothes, his cock hard against your mound. The sensation sends warmth and lust in dizzying waves through you, pooling to your lower belly. His fingers curl inside you, rubbing against your sweet spot, before pulling them out completely to suck and lick them.
‘So beautiful, so wicked, so sweet, all for me…’
‘Fucking tease…’
He chuckles again darkly, bending down to kiss you again as you gasp against his mouth as he suddenly thrusts both fingers back inside, the other hand leaves your throat to hold the back of your waist, the chain digging into your skin, keeping you still as he slowly finger fucks you.
‘I’m the tease?’ He continues the slow, torturous pace, enjoying the myriad of emotions running through your face, your mouth slightly open in mid-moan, and you look so pretty he can’t help pull you in to kiss you.
‘Perhaps you should have thought of the consequences about wearing bits of cloth as a blouse and this damn sari, mmm, this sari, will be the bane of my existence, and my solace when I’m away from you. Shouldn’t have worn it to the gala. This should have been just for me.’
‘It was a necessary risk. It’s my job to entertain and mediate the delegates.’ You manage to breathe out, his growl making you jump.
‘Perhaps you were being unwise. You will entertain no man but me.’ The smile that now graces his face has a hint of madness, it’s almost evil. He’s no longer Erik, but Killmonger and you understand immediately what makes him so fearsome to his enemies. Crooking his fingers, he twists them, screw driving you, making you cry out as you nearly collide into him, jerking at the pleasure shooting throughout your entire body.
He lets go, watching you fall back on the sheets, your hands clenching at the duvet, almost ripping it to shreds as your orgasm builds up. You sit up, grasping at his suit, pushing it off his shoulders desperately, hands shaking to unbutton his shirt, exposing his body to you.
Killmonger refuses to give in to you, a wicked smirk on his face, instead moving his fingers with more speed, his knuckles hitting to the hilt every time, biting down on the other nipple harshly as your orgasm rocks you, and he removes his fingers, your walls clenching emptily at nothing, as you whine at the loss of contact, disbelief stamped on your face. He slides backwards of the bed, leaving you feeling cold and frustrated.
Quickly shedding off his clothes, standing completely nude at the foot of the bed, devouring you like a carnivore with his eyes. He grasps your ankle and pulls you to him, hard. You nearly fall off the bed straight into his arms, as he bounces you up, your legs automatically wrapping around his waist, the scars rubbing against your heated skin, making you bite your lip.
His hands come down to grab and squeeze your ass, slapping them a few times, knowing how much you love the sting, as he crawls back on to the bed, never leaving you and settling down on his knees. His hands trail all over your body, avoiding where you want them the most, pressing sweet open-mouthed kisses against the purple marks. He bites down on the skin on the other side, leaving angry red marks in its place, claiming you as his.
He pushes his finger back into you, adding another two, the three thick digits creating a soft stretch as he scissors them, swallowing your moans with a heated kiss. Your eyes almost roll back when he his hand wraps around your throat again, squeezing tightly, the air suddenly thin. He removes his fingers from you, spanking your ass hard before circling your clit, feather light. You buck your hips against him, but he merely smiles.
‘You look so pretty when you’re so flustered. Such a doll.’ He grins, kissing the corner of your mouth as you suddenly stiffen, feeling the ghost of cold metal in the place of his warm, calloused hand.
‘You’re such a doll to me. I don’t deserve you…’ Brooklyn accent washing over you as you tip toe up to tangle your hands in chocolate brown locks…
‘Y/N! Look. At. Me. Who am I? Who do you belong to?’ Grasping a handful of your hair, he yanks tightly as you snap back, unable to sink into the attack, his eyes seeking yours desperately.
‘I belong to you. Erik, please.’
‘Say my name!’
‘Please N’Jadaka, fuck me.’
Softly strokes your cheek, nuzzling your ear, pleased. ‘No.’
He changes the angle of his fingers so that they’re thrusting up, causing your orgasm to build again as you forcefully suck in a breath against his hand around your throat. He stills all movement again, you moan pitifully, the pressure bringing tears to your eyes.
Grinning wickedly, a glint in his eyes, he returns his hands back between your legs, the flesh so swollen and wet, it gleams softly against his skin. Removing them to roll a nipple between his fingers instead, as you arch your back against his hand and he takes your other nipple in his mouth.
He sucks lightly, flicking the tongue over the already sensitive, tender bud. You hum and he bites down slightly harder than before, turning your moan into a cry.
You can feel his cock pulsing against you and the anticipation is both killing and making you dizzy with pleasure. You clench your thighs around his waist, urging him but he doesn’t move. He releases your breasts, his mouth coming up to kiss you, the pillowy softness red and bruised as his hand comes down to play with your clit. He rubs it lightly, alternating between quick flicks and pressing against the very sensitive nub.
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We know how to remove a hot tub, spa, and other heavy items.How It Works Here’s a preview of how our hot tub removal process works and what to expect: ● We arrive on time for the scheduled appointment. ● Show our team members to the hot tub you need them to collect. ● Our team breaks down your hot tub and then hauls it away in one of our trucks.We Know How to Remove a Hot Tub Hot Tub Removal Service near Wichita KS: Wichita Household Services removes your dismantled hot tub and then takes it to be reused if it’s still in working condition. If it’s not functional, we take its recyclable parts to a facility and dispose of the rest using the most eco-friendly methods available to us. Upon arrival, the Wichita Household Services team will assess the hot tub, its size, and the best route for removal. Once they’ve given you your free, no-obligation estimate, the crew will dismantle the hot tub, remove it along with any and all debris, and load it onto the truck. From there, the hot tub will be disposed of in the most eco-friendly manner possible, leaving you free to concentrate on what to do with your new space!No Junk Too Big for Wichita Household Services Hot Tub Removal Service near Wichita KS: Chances are you have more than just a hot tub to get rid of. We are happy to take any of your junk off your hands. Just point to what you’re tired of looking at and enjoy watching us haul away junk from your property Just a few common household items we remove include: ● Couches and other furniture ● Large and small appliances ● Broken electronics ● Construction materials ● Carpeting and paddingOur Environmental Commitment Our junk hauling services don’t end when we leave your home. In addition to being committed to our customers, we are also committed to our community. We want to make sure that as little of your junk ends up in a landfill as possible. Much of the materials that we haul away can be broken down and either recycled or disposed of in an eco-friendly manner. We are proud to say that more than 70% of the junk removed is recycled or repurposed.COST How much does it cost for hot tub removal services?Hot Tub Removal Service near Wichita KS: For typical household junk removal, we base our pricing off of volume and allot up to two hours for a full truck load. Your price is dependent upon how much space your items take up in our 15.5 cubic yard mini dump truck. Our pricing includes the labor of our 2 men removing the items, no matter their location, transportation fees and most associated disposal costs. It also includes our efforts to reuse, recycle or donate the items on your behalf. If we can donate them, we will send the tax deductible receipt back to you. However, with Hot Tub Removal, we won’t be able to donate the item, but we will be able to recycle some of the components. Regarding price, we have a flat fee for Hot Tub Removal services that range from $250-$400 depending upon the size of the hot tub and complexities involved within the removal. Since this is a flat fee item, coupons cannot be applied to this service. If customers are comfortable with that price range, then the next step is that we schedule an appointment. We reserve appointments with two hour arrival windows. When our crews are route to your appointment, they will call ahead of time to give you a more accurate arrival time within the two hour window. When our crews arrive, our crew chief will provide a firm, free, no-obligation quote within the aforementioned price range after having looked at the hot tub needing removed and the scope of work involved in removing it. At that time, you can accept the quote and have our crew immediately get to work removing the items for you; or, you can decline and we will shake hands and be on our way!FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSHow do I dispose of a hot tub? Spa removal isn’t as easy as taking out the trash. Hot tubs are large, nearly impossible to move on your own, and are typically not accepted at local landfills or recycling depots. There are several ways to get rid of your old hot tub, including: ● Trading it in to a dealer ● Selling it online or at a yard sale ● Hiring a junk removal company to help remove it Best of all, recycling and proper hot tub disposal is prioritized, so you don’t have to worry about it taking up space in the landfill.How do I move a hot tub?To get your hot tub ready for removal, there are a few things you’ll need to do ahead of time: ● Disconnect the power supply. ● Drain all of the water from the tub. ● Disassemble all of the spa’s parts, such as pumps, heaters, power, and plumbing. ● Pack the tub’s accessories separately. ● Clear a path wide enough to fit the tub through. After these steps are completed, our Truck Team Members will turn the tub on its side and use dollies to load it into our shiny, clean trucks. Moving a hot tub is more than a one-person job. We’re happy to help and in your neighborhood - just point and your junk disappears!How much does it cost to get rid of a hot tub?Most hot tub removal services are priced based on the size of the spa and how hard it is to move it. However, our prices at Wichita Household Services? Are based on how much space your junk takes up in our truck. That means that the easiest way to provide an estimate is in person. Our crew will arrive onsite to take a look at your junk and provide an exact price.Can I lift a hot tub myself?Moving a hot tub is a job for more than one person. Depending on the size of your spa, you may need special tools to help move it. Even if you have a group of friends on hand to help, finding a place to take your hot tub can be harder than it looks. We’re in your neighborhood and ready to help remove that old tub right out of your backyard. We’ll handle the heavy lifting all you have to do is point!Can hot tub covers be recycled?Yes, hot tub covers can be recycled! However, taking these heavy lids to a recycling facility can be a chore and requires a lot of hard work.Some facilities may require you to take the cover apart before you bring it in. If so, be prepared to clean out any dirt, mold, or mildew that may have accumulated over time in the vinyl lining. You may need to use specialized tools to cut the cover out.How do you dispose of a hot tub cover?If you’re getting rid of an old hot tub or are buying a new top, you need to know what to do with your old cover. However, disposing of your hot tub cover does require a few extra steps: ● Use a box cutter or knife to cut the cover along the seams into separate, smaller pieces ● Unzip and remove the vinyl covering to take out foam inserts ● Remove any plastic wrap, metal, or aluminum pieces attached to the foam inserts ● Cut the vinyl and leftover foam inserts into smaller pieces for easier disposalCALL FOR US:● Hot Tub Removal Near Wichita KS ● Cheap Hot Tub Removal ● Hot Tub Removal Service ● Hot Tub Removal Denver ● How To Remove A Hot Tub From A Deck ● Hot Tub ● Hot Tub Removal ● Tub Removal ● Hot Tub Removal Cost Near Wichita KS ● Hot Tub Removal Service ● How To Remove A Hot Tub From A Deck ● Donate Hot Tub To Charity ● We Buy Any Hot Tub ● Hot Tub Removal Wichita KS BEST HOT TUB REMOVAL SERVICE IN WICHITA KS WICHITA HOUSEHOLD SERVICES REQUEST MORE INFORMATION. CONTACT US NOW! CONTACT US: Wichita Household Services We Offer Cleaning Junk Removal Movers Handyman Services Call: (316) 448-3558 SERVICE AREA: 55 Cities within 30 miles of Wichita, KS: Andale, KS | Andover, KS | Argonia, KS | Augusta, KS | Belle Plaine, KS | Bentley, KS | Benton, KS | Buhler, KS | Burns, KS | Burrton, KS | Cheney, KS | Clearwater, KS |Colwich, KS | Conway Springs, KS | Danville, KS | Derby, KS | Douglass, KS | Elbing, KS | Garden Plain, KS | Goddard, KS | Greenwich, KS | Halstead, KS | Harper, KS | Haven, KS | Haysville, KS | Hesston, KS | Hutchinson, KS | Kechi, KS | Maize, KS | Mayfield, KS | Mcconnell AFB, KS | Milan, KS | Milton, KS | Mount Hope, KS | Mulvane, KS | Murdock, KS | Newton, KS | North Newton, KS | Norwich, KS | Peck, KS | Potwin, KS | Pretty Prairie, KS | Rock, KS | Rose Hill, KS | Sedgwick, KS | South Hutchinson, KS | Towanda, KS | Udall, KS | Valley Center, KS | Viola, KS | Walton, KS | Wellington, KS | Whitewater, KS | Winfield, KS | Yoder, KS ZIP CODES: 67001 – Andale | 67016 – Bentley | 67017 – Benton | 67020 – Burrton | 67025 – Cheney | 67026 – Clearwater | 67030 – Colwich | 67031 – Conway Springs | 67037 – Derby | 67039 – Douglass | 67050 – Garden Plain | 67052 – Goddard | 67055 – Greenwich | 67060 – Haysville | 67067 – Kechi | 67101 – Maize | 67106 – Milton | 67108 – Mt Hope | 67110 – Mulvane | 67118 – Norwich | 67120 – Peck | 67133 – Rose Hill | 67135 – Sedgwick | 67147 – Valley Center | 67149 – Viola | 672xx – Wichita | 67204 – Park City or Wichita | 67219 – Park City or Wichita | 67220 – BelAire or Wichita | 67221 – McConnell AFB | 67226 – BelAire or Wichita | 67543 – Haven #Wichita #junkremoval #handyman #householdservice #movers #cleaning
0 notes
Best Hot Tub Removal Service and Cost in McAllen TX|RGV HAULING JUNK & MOVING
More information is at: https://junkremovalmcallentx.org/hot-tub-removal-service-near-me/
Hot Tub Removal Service near McAllen TX: Are you looking for the Best Hot Tub Removal Service near McAllen TX? RGV HAULING JUNK & MOVING, offers a quick and easy solution to clearing out old indoor or outdoor hot-tubs. We know how much space an old hot-tub can take up, and if you’re not using them, that’s a lot of unused space going to waste. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Hot tub Removal Service around McAllen TX. We serve McAllen TX and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
Hot-tub Removal ● We remove everything! ● We do all the lifting and loading! ● We’re environmentally friendly! ● Free estimates!
Hot Tub Removal Service near McAllen TX: Removing a hot-tub is easier than you think. RGV HAULING JUNK & MOVING offers a quick and easy solution to clearing out old indoor or outdoor hot-tubs. We know how much space an old hot-tub can take up, and if you’re not using them, that’s a lot of unused space going to waste. Helping you free up that space and clearing out is what we’re best at! Hot-tub removals are so easy that, with our team, we can remove them in no time!
If you have an old hot tub or above-ground pool taking up room on your property, the team at RGV HAULING JUNK & MOVING can come and haul it away for you. We know how to remove a hot tub, spa, and other heavy items.
How It Works Here’s a preview of how our hot tub removal process works and what to expect: ● We arrive on time for the scheduled appointment. ● Show our team members to the hot tub you need them to collect. ● Our team breaks down your hot tub and then hauls it away in one of our trucks.
We Know How to Remove a Hot Tub
Hot Tub Removal Service near McAllen TX: RGV HAULING JUNK & MOVING removes your dismantled hot tub and then takes it to be reused if it’s still in working condition. If it’s not functional, we take its recyclable parts to a facility and dispose of the rest using the most eco-friendly methods available to us. Upon arrival, the RGV HAULING JUNK & MOVING team will assess the hot tub, its size, and the best route for removal. Once they’ve given you your free, no-obligation estimate, the crew will dismantle the hot tub, remove it along with any and all debris, and load it onto the truck. From there, the hot tub will be disposed of in the most eco-friendly manner possible, leaving you free to concentrate on what to do with your new space!
Hot Tub Removal Service near McAllen TX: Chances are you have more than just a hot tub to get rid of. We are happy to take any of your junk off your hands. Just point to what you’re tired of looking at and enjoy watching us haul away junk from your property Just a few common household items we remove include: ● Couches and other furniture ● Large and small appliances ● Broken electronics ● Construction materials ● Carpeting and padding
Our Environmental Commitment Our junk hauling services don’t end when we leave your home. In addition to being committed to our customers, we are also committed to our community. We want to make sure that as little of your junk ends up in a landfill as possible. Much of the materials that we haul away can be broken down and either recycled or disposed of in an eco-friendly manner. We are proud to say that more than 70% of the junk removed is recycled or repurposed.
TIPS Hot-tub Removal Tips
Hot Tub Removal Service near McAllen TX: The first thing to do is to know what you’ll do with the hot tub. Consider publishing a local online ad and selling it, with the stipulation the buyer will dismantle it and take it away. You can even list it as free, of course, the disassemble and haul away stipulation still remains. If it’s an in-ground unit, you might consider repurposing it as a pond. Simply skirt it with decorative rocks and colorful flowering plants. ● Gather your tools. You’ll need safety goggles, a dust mask, heavy leather gloves, reciprocating saw, jigsaw, pliers, screwdriver or drill-driver, diagonal cutters, and garden hose. You’ll also need at least one person to assist you with the dismantling and pulling out the unit. ● Disconnect the electrical wiring. Before you do anything, be sure to turn off the circuit breaker supplying power to the unit and then disconnect the wiring. Use the pliers, screwdriver or drill-driver, and diagonal cutters to disconnect the electrical wiring. ● Disconnect the water supply. Shut off the water supply line and connect a garden hose to the drain line (if the unit is still full of water). Once the water is drained, proceed to disconnect the water supply line using pliers. ● Remove the skirt. Most hot tubs and spas are surrounded by a decorative skirt. You might need to remove part or all of the skirt before you can disconnect the water line. Depending on the construction, you’ll either unfasten the skirt retaining screws or will pull apart the tongue and groove slats. ● Disassemble the hot tub unit. With the decorative skirt removed, it’s time to take apart the actual unit. This can be done by simply going in reverse of the original assembly instructions or by cutting it apart with a reciprocating saw and/or jigsaw.
COST How much does it cost for hot tub removal services?
Hot Tub Removal Service near McAllen TX: For typical household junk removal, we base our pricing off of volume and allot up to two hours for a full truck load. Your price is dependent upon how much space your items take up in our 15.5 cubic yard mini dump truck. Our pricing includes the labor of our 2 men removing the items, no matter their location, transportation fees and most associated disposal costs. It also includes our efforts to reuse, recycle or donate the items on your behalf. If we can donate them, we will send the tax deductible receipt back to you. However, with Hot Tub Removal, we won’t be able to donate the item, but we will be able to recycle some of the components. Regarding price, we have a flat fee for Hot Tub Removal services that range from $250-$400 depending upon the size of the hot tub and complexities involved within the removal. Since this is a flat fee item, coupons cannot be applied to this service. If customers are comfortable with that price range, then the next step is that we schedule an appointment. We reserve appointments with two hour arrival windows. When our crews are end route to your appointment, they will call ahead of time to give you a more accurate arrival time within the two hour window. When our crews arrive, our crew chief will provide a firm, free, no-obligation quote within the aforementioned price range after having looked at the hot tub needing removed and the scope of work involved in removing it. At that time, you can accept the quote and have our crew immediately get to work removing the items for you; or, you can decline and we will shake hands and be on our way!
How do I dispose of a hot tub?
isn’t as easy as taking out the trash. Hot tubs are large, nearly impossible to move on your own, and are typically not accepted at local landfills or recycling depots. There are several ways to get rid of your old hot tub, including: ● Trading it in to a dealer ● Selling it online or at a yard sale ● Hiring a junk removal company to help remove it Best of all, recycling and proper hot tub disposal is prioritized, so you don’t have to worry about it taking up space in the landfill.
How do I move a hot tub?
To get your hot tub ready for removal, there are a few things you’ll need to do ahead of time: ● Disconnect the power supply. ● Drain all of the water from the tub. ● Disassemble all of the spa’s parts, such as pumps, heaters, power, and plumbing. ● Pack the tub’s accessories separately. ● Clear a path wide enough to fit the tub through. After these steps are completed, our Truck Team Members will turn the tub on its side and use dollies to load it into our shiny, clean trucks. Moving a hot tub is more than a one-person job. We’re happy to help and in your neighborhood - just point and your junk disappears!
How much does it cost to get rid of a hot tub?
Most hot tub removal services are priced based on the size of the spa and how hard it is to move it. However, our prices at RGV HAULING JUNK & MOVING? Are based on how much space your junk takes up in our truck. That means that the easiest way to provide an estimate is in person. Our crew will arrive onsite to take a look at your junk and provide an exact price.
Can I lift a hot tub myself?
Moving a hot tub is a job for more than one person. Depending on the size of your spa, you may need special tools to help move it. Even if you have a group of friends on hand to help, finding a place to take your hot tub can be harder than it looks. We’re in your neighborhood and ready to help remove that old tub right out of your backyard. We’ll handle the heavy lifting all you have to do is point!
Can hot tub covers be recycled?
Yes, hot tub covers can be recycled! However, taking these heavy lids to a recycling facility can be a chore and requires a lot of hard work. Some facilities may require you to take the cover apart before you bring it in. If so, be prepared to clean out any dirt, mold, or mildew that may have accumulated over time in the vinyl lining. You may need to use specialized tools to cut the cover out.
How do you dispose of a hot tub cover?
If you’re getting rid of an old hot tub or are buying a new top, you need to know what to do with your old cover. However, disposing of your hot tub cover does require a few extra steps: ● Use a box cutter or knife to cut the cover along the seams into separate, smaller pieces ● Unzip and remove the vinyl covering to take out foam inserts ● Remove any plastic wrap, metal, or aluminum pieces attached to the foam inserts ● Cut the vinyl and leftover foam inserts into smaller pieces for easier disposal
● Hot Tub Removal Near McAllen TX ● Cheap Hot Tub Removal ● Hot Tub Removal Service ● Hot Tub Removal Denver ● How To Remove A Hot Tub From A Deck ● Hot Tub ● Hot Tub Removal ● Tub Removal ● Hot Tub Removal Cost Near McAllen TX ● Hot Tub Removal Service ● How To Remove A Hot Tub From A Deck ● Donate Hot Tub To Charity ● We Buy Any Hot Tub ● Hot Tub Removal McAllen TX
CONTACT US: RGV Hauling Junk & Moving CALL (956) 587-3410 JUNK REMOVAL CALL (956) 587 3484 HANDYMAN CALL (956) 587 3486 CLEANING CALL (956) 587 3487 MOVING Best Junk Removal Hauling Company in McAllen, TX Open Monday to Sunday Located in McAllen, TX 78541 Website: www.junkremovalmcallentx.org http://www.valleyjunkremoval.org/ http://www.rgvhouseholdservices.com/ SERVICE AREA: Alamo, TX | Combes, TX | Delmita, TX | Donna, TX | Edcouch, TX | Edinburg, TX | Elsa, TX | Garciasville, TX | Grulla, TX | Hargill, TX | Harlingen, TX | Hidalgo, TX | La Blanca, TX | La Feria, TX | La Joya, TX | La Villa, TX | Lasara, TX | Linn, TX | Los Ebanos, TX | Los Indios, TX | Lyford, TX | Mercedes, TX | Mission, TX | Penitas, TX | Pharr, TX | Progreso, TX | Raymondville, TX | Rio Grande City, TX | San Juan, TX | Santa Maria, TX | Santa Rosa, TX | Sullivan City, TX | Weslaco, TX Starr County | Hidalgo County | Willacy County | Cameron County | 78504 | 78539 | 78540 | 78541 | 78542 | 78501 | 78503| 78505 | 78557 | 88540 |78502 | 78504 | 78539 | 78572 #junk #moving #handyman #mcAllen #texas #cleaning
0 notes
Best Hot Tub Removal Service and Cost in Wichita KS|WICHITA HAULING JUNK & MOVING
More information is at: https://junkremovalhaulerwichita.org/hot-tub-removal-service-near-me/
Hot Tub Removal Service near Wichita KS: Are you looking for the Best Hot Tub Removal Service near Wichita KS? WICHITA HAULING JUNK & MOVING, offers a quick and easy solution to clearing out old indoor or outdoor hot-tubs. We know how much space an old hot-tub can take up, and if you’re not using them, that’s a lot of unused space going to waste. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Hot tub Removal Service around Wichita KS. We serve Wichita KS and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
Hot-tub Removal ● We remove everything! ● We do all the lifting and loading! ● We’re environmentally friendly! ● Free estimates!
Hot Tub Removal Service near Wichita KS: Removing a hot-tub is easier than you think. WICHITA HAULING JUNK & MOVING offers a quick and easy solution to clearing out old indoor or outdoor hot-tubs. We know how much space an old hot-tub can take up, and if you’re not using them, that’s a lot of unused space going to waste. Helping you free up that space and clearing out is what we’re best at! Hot-tub removals are so easy that, with our team, we can remove them in no time!
If you have an old hot tub or above-ground pool taking up room on your property, the team at WICHITA HAULING JUNK & MOVING can come and haul it away for you. We know how to remove a hot tub, spa, and other heavy items.
How It Works Here’s a preview of how our hot tub removal process works and what to expect: ● We arrive on time for the scheduled appointment. ● Show our team members to the hot tub you need them to collect. ● Our team breaks down your hot tub and then hauls it away in one of our trucks.
We Know How to Remove a Hot Tub
Hot Tub Removal Service near Wichita KS: WICHITA HAULING JUNK & MOVING removes your dismantled hot tub and then takes it to be reused if it’s still in working condition. If it’s not functional, we take its recyclable parts to a facility and dispose of the rest using the most eco-friendly methods available to us. Upon arrival, the WICHITA HAULING JUNK & MOVING team will assess the hot tub, its size, and the best route for removal. Once they’ve given you your free, no-obligation estimate, the crew will dismantle the hot tub, remove it along with any and all debris, and load it onto the truck. From there, the hot tub will be disposed of in the most eco-friendly manner possible, leaving you free to concentrate on what to do with your new space!
Hot Tub Removal Service near Wichita KS: Chances are you have more than just a hot tub to get rid of. We are happy to take any of your junk off your hands. Just point to what you’re tired of looking at and enjoy watching us haul away junk from your property Just a few common household items we remove include: ● Couches and other furniture ● Large and small appliances ● Broken electronics ● Construction materials ● Carpeting and padding
Our Environmental Commitment Our junk hauling services don’t end when we leave your home. In addition to being committed to our customers, we are also committed to our community. We want to make sure that as little of your junk ends up in a landfill as possible. Much of the materials that we haul away can be broken down and either recycled or disposed of in an eco-friendly manner. We are proud to say that more than 70% of the junk removed is recycled or repurposed.
TIPS Hot-tub Removal Tips
Hot Tub Removal Service near Wichita KS: The first thing to do is to know what you’ll do with the hot tub. Consider publishing a local online ad and selling it, with the stipulation the buyer will dismantle it and take it away. You can even list it as free, of course, the disassemble and haul away stipulation still remains. If it’s an in-ground unit, you might consider repurposing it as a pond. Simply skirt it with decorative rocks and colorful flowering plants. ● Gather your tools. You’ll need safety goggles, a dust mask, heavy leather gloves, reciprocating saw, jigsaw, pliers, screwdriver or drill-driver, diagonal cutters, and garden hose. You’ll also need at least one person to assist you with the dismantling and pulling out the unit. ● Disconnect the electrical wiring. Before you do anything, be sure to turn off the circuit breaker supplying power to the unit and then disconnect the wiring. Use the pliers, screwdriver or drill-driver, and diagonal cutters to disconnect the electrical wiring. ● Disconnect the water supply. Shut off the water supply line and connect a garden hose to the drain line (if the unit is still full of water). Once the water is drained, proceed to disconnect the water supply line using pliers. ● Remove the skirt. Most hot tubs and spas are surrounded by a decorative skirt. You might need to remove part or all of the skirt before you can disconnect the water line. Depending on the construction, you’ll either unfasten the skirt retaining screws or will pull apart the tongue and groove slats. ● Disassemble the hot tub unit. With the decorative skirt removed, it’s time to take apart the actual unit. This can be done by simply going in reverse of the original assembly instructions or by cutting it apart with a reciprocating saw and/or jigsaw.
COST How much does it cost for hot tub removal services?
Hot Tub Removal Service near Wichita KS: For typical household junk removal, we base our pricing off of volume and allot up to two hours for a full truck load. Your price is dependent upon how much space your items take up in our 15.5 cubic yard mini dump truck. Our pricing includes the labor of our 2 men removing the items, no matter their location, transportation fees and most associated disposal costs. It also includes our efforts to reuse, recycle or donate the items on your behalf. If we can donate them, we will send the tax deductible receipt back to you. However, with Hot Tub Removal, we won’t be able to donate the item, but we will be able to recycle some of the components. Regarding price, we have a flat fee for Hot Tub Removal services that range from $250-$400 depending upon the size of the hot tub and complexities involved within the removal. Since this is a flat fee item, coupons cannot be applied to this service. If customers are comfortable with that price range, then the next step is that we schedule an appointment. We reserve appointments with two hour arrival windows. When our crews are end route to your appointment, they will call ahead of time to give you a more accurate arrival time within the two hour window. When our crews arrive, our crew chief will provide a firm, free, no-obligation quote within the aforementioned price range after having looked at the hot tub needing removed and the scope of work involved in removing it. At that time, you can accept the quote and have our crew immediately get to work removing the items for you; or, you can decline and we will shake hands and be on our way!
How do I dispose of a hot tub?
isn’t as easy as taking out the trash. Hot tubs are large, nearly impossible to move on your own, and are typically not accepted at local landfills or recycling depots. There are several ways to get rid of your old hot tub, including: ● Trading it in to a dealer ● Selling it online or at a yard sale ● Hiring a junk removal company to help remove it Best of all, recycling and proper hot tub disposal is prioritized, so you don’t have to worry about it taking up space in the landfill.
How do I move a hot tub?
To get your hot tub ready for removal, there are a few things you’ll need to do ahead of time: ● Disconnect the power supply. ● Drain all of the water from the tub. ● Disassemble all of the spa’s parts, such as pumps, heaters, power, and plumbing. ● Pack the tub’s accessories separately. ● Clear a path wide enough to fit the tub through. After these steps are completed, our Truck Team Members will turn the tub on its side and use dollies to load it into our shiny, clean trucks. Moving a hot tub is more than a one-person job. We’re happy to help and in your neighborhood - just point and your junk disappears!
How much does it cost to get rid of a hot tub?
Most hot tub removal services are priced based on the size of the spa and how hard it is to move it. However, our prices at WICHITA HAULING JUNK & MOVING? Are based on how much space your junk takes up in our truck. That means that the easiest way to provide an estimate is in person. Our crew will arrive onsite to take a look at your junk and provide an exact price.
Can I lift a hot tub myself?
Moving a hot tub is a job for more than one person. Depending on the size of your spa, you may need special tools to help move it. Even if you have a group of friends on hand to help, finding a place to take your hot tub can be harder than it looks. We’re in your neighborhood and ready to help remove that old tub right out of your backyard. We’ll handle the heavy lifting all you have to do is point!
Can hot tub covers be recycled?
Yes, hot tub covers can be recycled! However, taking these heavy lids to a recycling facility can be a chore and requires a lot of hard work. Some facilities may require you to take the cover apart before you bring it in. If so, be prepared to clean out any dirt, mold, or mildew that may have accumulated over time in the vinyl lining. You may need to use specialized tools to cut the cover out.
How do you dispose of a hot tub cover?
If you’re getting rid of an old hot tub or are buying a new top, you need to know what to do with your old cover. However, disposing of your hot tub cover does require a few extra steps: ● Use a box cutter or knife to cut the cover along the seams into separate, smaller pieces ● Unzip and remove the vinyl covering to take out foam inserts ● Remove any plastic wrap, metal, or aluminum pieces attached to the foam inserts ● Cut the vinyl and leftover foam inserts into smaller pieces for easier disposal
● Hot Tub Removal Near Wichita KS ● Cheap Hot Tub Removal ● Hot Tub Removal Service ● Hot Tub Removal Denver ● How To Remove A Hot Tub From A Deck ● Hot Tub ● Hot Tub Removal ● Tub Removal ● Hot Tub Removal Cost Near Wichita KS ● Hot Tub Removal Service ● How To Remove A Hot Tub From A Deck ● Donate Hot Tub To Charity ● We Buy Any Hot Tub ● Hot Tub Removal Wichita KS
CONTACT US: Wichita Hauling Junk & Moving CALL (316) 500-7551 CLEANING CALL (316) 448-5733 JUNK REMOVAL & MOVING CALL (316) 448-3974 HANDYMAN Best Junk Removal Hauling Company in Wichita, KS Open Monday to Sunday 7 Am – 11 PM Located in Wichita, KS 67211 WEB: junkremovalhaulerwichita.org SERVICE AREA: 55 Cities within 30 miles of Wichita, KS:  Andale, KS | Andover, KS | Argonia, KS | Augusta, KS | Belle Plaine, KS | Bentley, KS | Benton, KS | Buhler, KS | Burns, KS | Burrton, KS | Cheney, KS | Clearwater, KSColwich, KS | Conway Springs, KS | Danville, KS | Derby, KS | Douglass, KS | Elbing, KS | Garden Plain, KS | Goddard, KS | Greenwich, KS | Halstead, KS | Harper, KS | Haven, KS | Haysville, KS | Hesston, KS | Hutchinson, KS | Kechi, KS | Maize, KS | Mayfield, KS | Mcconnell AFB, KS | Milan, KS | Milton, KS | Mount Hope, KS | Mulvane, KS | Murdock, KS | Newton, KS | North Newton, KS | Norwich, KS | Peck, KS | Potwin, KS | Pretty Prairie, KS | Rock, KS | Rose Hill, KS | Sedgwick, KS | South Hutchinson, KS | Towanda, KS | Udall, KS | Valley Center, KS | Viola, KS | Walton, KS | Wellington, KS | Whitewater, KS | Winfield, KS | Yoder, KS ZIP CODES: 67001 – Andale | 67016 – Bentley | 67017 – Benton | 67020 – Burrton | 67025 – Cheney | 67026 – Clearwater | 67030 – Colwich | 67031 – Conway Springs | 67037 – Derby | 67039 – Douglass | 67050 – Garden Plain | 67052 – Goddard | 67055 – Greenwich | 67060 – Haysville | 67067 – Kechi | 67101 – Maize | 67106 – Milton | 67108 – Mt Hope | 67110 – Mulvane | 67118 – Norwich | 67120 – Peck | 67133 – Rose Hill | 67135 – Sedgwick | 67147 – Valley Center | 67149 – Viola | 672xx – Wichita | 67204 – Park City or Wichita | 67219 – Park City or Wichita | 67220 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67221 – McConnell AFB | 67226 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67543 – Haven 68116, 68117, 68118, 68122, 68124, 68127, 68130, 68131, 68132, 68134, 68135, 68137, 68142, 68144, 68147, 68152, 68154, 68157, 68164, 68178 #junkremoval #haulingservice #handyman #moving #Wichita #Kasnas #residencialjunkservic #commercialjunk #officejunkremoval
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lnkhauler · 3 years
Best Hot Tub Removal Service and Cost in Lincoln NE|LNK HAULING JUNK & MOVING
More information is at: http://junkremovallincoln.org/hot-tub-removal-service-near-me/
Hot Tub Removal Service near Lincoln NE: Are you looking for the Best Hot Tub Removal Service near Lincoln NE? LNK HAULING JUNK & MOVING, offers a quick and easy solution to clearing out old indoor or outdoor hot-tubs. We know how much space an old hot-tub can take up, and if you’re not using them, that’s a lot of unused space going to waste. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Hot tub Removal Service around Lincoln NE. We serve Lincoln NE and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
Hot-tub Removal ● We remove everything! ● We do all the lifting and loading! ● We’re environmentally friendly! ● Free estimates!
Hot Tub Removal Service near Lincoln NE: Removing a hot-tub is easier than you think. LNK HAULING JUNK & MOVING offers a quick and easy solution to clearing out old indoor or outdoor hot-tubs. We know how much space an old hot-tub can take up, and if you’re not using them, that’s a lot of unused space going to waste. Helping you free up that space and clearing out is what we’re best at! Hot-tub removals are so easy that, with our team, we can remove them in no time!
If you have an old hot tub or above-ground pool taking up room on your property, the team at LNK HAULING JUNK & MOVING can come and haul it away for you. We know how to remove a hot tub, spa, and other heavy items.
How It Works Here’s a preview of how our hot tub removal process works and what to expect: ● We arrive on time for the scheduled appointment. ● Show our team members to the hot tub you need them to collect. ● Our team breaks down your hot tub and then hauls it away in one of our trucks.
We Know How to Remove a Hot Tub
Hot Tub Removal Service near Lincoln NE: LNK HAULING JUNK & MOVING removes your dismantled hot tub and then takes it to be reused if it’s still in working condition. If it’s not functional, we take its recyclable parts to a facility and dispose of the rest using the most eco-friendly methods available to us. Upon arrival, the LNK HAULING JUNK & MOVING team will assess the hot tub, its size, and the best route for removal. Once they’ve given you your free, no-obligation estimate, the crew will dismantle the hot tub, remove it along with any and all debris, and load it onto the truck. From there, the hot tub will be disposed of in the most eco-friendly manner possible, leaving you free to concentrate on what to do with your new space!
Hot Tub Removal Service near Lincoln NE: Chances are you have more than just a hot tub to get rid of. We are happy to take any of your junk off your hands. Just point to what you’re tired of looking at and enjoy watching us haul away junk from your property Just a few common household items we remove include: ● Couches and other furniture ● Large and small appliances ● Broken electronics ● Construction materials ● Carpeting and padding
Our Environmental Commitment Our junk hauling services don’t end when we leave your home. In addition to being committed to our customers, we are also committed to our community. We want to make sure that as little of your junk ends up in a landfill as possible. Much of the materials that we haul away can be broken down and either recycled or disposed of in an eco-friendly manner. We are proud to say that more than 70% of the junk removed is recycled or repurposed.
TIPS Hot-tub Removal Tips
Hot Tub Removal Service near Lincoln NE: The first thing to do is to know what you’ll do with the hot tub. Consider publishing a local online ad and selling it, with the stipulation the buyer will dismantle it and take it away. You can even list it as free, of course, the disassemble and haul away stipulation still remains. If it’s an in-ground unit, you might consider repurposing it as a pond. Simply skirt it with decorative rocks and colorful flowering plants. ● Gather your tools. You’ll need safety goggles, a dust mask, heavy leather gloves, reciprocating saw, jigsaw, pliers, screwdriver or drill-driver, diagonal cutters, and garden hose. You’ll also need at least one person to assist you with the dismantling and pulling out the unit. ● Disconnect the electrical wiring. Before you do anything, be sure to turn off the circuit breaker supplying power to the unit and then disconnect the wiring. Use the pliers, screwdriver or drill-driver, and diagonal cutters to disconnect the electrical wiring. ● Disconnect the water supply. Shut off the water supply line and connect a garden hose to the drain line (if the unit is still full of water). Once the water is drained, proceed to disconnect the water supply line using pliers. ● Remove the skirt. Most hot tubs and spas are surrounded by a decorative skirt. You might need to remove part or all of the skirt before you can disconnect the water line. Depending on the construction, you’ll either unfasten the skirt retaining screws or will pull apart the tongue and groove slats. ● Disassemble the hot tub unit. With the decorative skirt removed, it’s time to take apart the actual unit. This can be done by simply going in reverse of the original assembly instructions or by cutting it apart with a reciprocating saw and/or jigsaw.
COST How much does it cost for hot tub removal services?
Hot Tub Removal Service near Lincoln NE: For typical household junk removal, we base our pricing off of volume and allot up to two hours for a full truck load. Your price is dependent upon how much space your items take up in our 15.5 cubic yard mini dump truck. Our pricing includes the labor of our 2 men removing the items, no matter their location, transportation fees and most associated disposal costs. It also includes our efforts to reuse, recycle or donate the items on your behalf. If we can donate them, we will send the tax deductible receipt back to you. However, with Hot Tub Removal, we won’t be able to donate the item, but we will be able to recycle some of the components. Regarding price, we have a flat fee for Hot Tub Removal services that range from $250-$400 depending upon the size of the hot tub and complexities involved within the removal. Since this is a flat fee item, coupons cannot be applied to this service. If customers are comfortable with that price range, then the next step is that we schedule an appointment. We reserve appointments with two hour arrival windows. When our crews are end route to your appointment, they will call ahead of time to give you a more accurate arrival time within the two hour window. When our crews arrive, our crew chief will provide a firm, free, no-obligation quote within the aforementioned price range after having looked at the hot tub needing removed and the scope of work involved in removing it. At that time, you can accept the quote and have our crew immediately get to work removing the items for you; or, you can decline and we will shake hands and be on our way!
How do I dispose of a hot tub?
isn’t as easy as taking out the trash. Hot tubs are large, nearly impossible to move on your own, and are typically not accepted at local landfills or recycling depots. There are several ways to get rid of your old hot tub, including: ● Trading it in to a dealer ● Selling it online or at a yard sale ● Hiring a junk removal company to help remove it Best of all, recycling and proper hot tub disposal is prioritized, so you don’t have to worry about it taking up space in the landfill.
How do I move a hot tub?
To get your hot tub ready for removal, there are a few things you’ll need to do ahead of time: ● Disconnect the power supply. ● Drain all of the water from the tub. ● Disassemble all of the spa’s parts, such as pumps, heaters, power, and plumbing. ● Pack the tub’s accessories separately. ● Clear a path wide enough to fit the tub through. After these steps are completed, our Truck Team Members will turn the tub on its side and use dollies to load it into our shiny, clean trucks. Moving a hot tub is more than a one-person job. We’re happy to help and in your neighborhood - just point and your junk disappears!
How much does it cost to get rid of a hot tub?
Most hot tub removal services are priced based on the size of the spa and how hard it is to move it. However, our prices at LNK HAULING JUNK & MOVING? Are based on how much space your junk takes up in our truck. That means that the easiest way to provide an estimate is in person. Our crew will arrive onsite to take a look at your junk and provide an exact price.
Can I lift a hot tub myself?
Moving a hot tub is a job for more than one person. Depending on the size of your spa, you may need special tools to help move it. Even if you have a group of friends on hand to help, finding a place to take your hot tub can be harder than it looks. We’re in your neighborhood and ready to help remove that old tub right out of your backyard. We’ll handle the heavy lifting all you have to do is point!
Can hot tub covers be recycled?
Yes, hot tub covers can be recycled! However, taking these heavy lids to a recycling facility can be a chore and requires a lot of hard work. Some facilities may require you to take the cover apart before you bring it in. If so, be prepared to clean out any dirt, mold, or mildew that may have accumulated over time in the vinyl lining. You may need to use specialized tools to cut the cover out.
How do you dispose of a hot tub cover?
If you’re getting rid of an old hot tub or are buying a new top, you need to know what to do with your old cover. However, disposing of your hot tub cover does require a few extra steps: ● Use a box cutter or knife to cut the cover along the seams into separate, smaller pieces ● Unzip and remove the vinyl covering to take out foam inserts ● Remove any plastic wrap, metal, or aluminum pieces attached to the foam inserts ● Cut the vinyl and leftover foam inserts into smaller pieces for easier disposal
● Hot Tub Removal Near Lincoln NE ● Cheap Hot Tub Removal ● Hot Tub Removal Service ● Hot Tub Removal Denver ● How To Remove A Hot Tub From A Deck ● Hot Tub ● Hot Tub Removal ● Tub Removal ● Hot Tub Removal Cost Near Lincoln NE ● Hot Tub Removal Service ● How To Remove A Hot Tub From A Deck ● Donate Hot Tub To Charity ● We Buy Any Hot Tub ● Hot Tub Removal Lincoln NE
CONTACT US: LNK Hauling Junk & Moving Lincoln`s famous junk removal hauling services! CALL (402) 875 7271 JUNK REMOVAL CALL (402) 881 3135 CLEANING CALL (402) 875 7305 HANDYMAN CALL (402) 590 8095 MOVING Open Monday to Sunday Lincoln Nebraska WEBSITE: https://junkremovallincoln.org http://www.lnkjunkremoval.com/ https://lnk-hauling-junk-and-moving-lincoln.business.site SERVICE AREA: Lincoln Nebraska Metro Area: Bennet Ne, Firth Ne, Hallam Ne, Hickman Ne, Lancaster County, Lincoln Nebraska, Malcolm Ne, Milford Ne, Panama Ne, Seward County, Seward Ne, Staplehurst Ne, Utica Ne, Walton Ne, WAVERLY NE, Lincoln NE | Lincoln NE | Lancaster County NE | Seward County NE | Milford NE | 68501, 68510, 68512, 68514, 68516, 68517, 68520, 68524, 68526, 68529, 68531, 68532, 68542, 68544, 68583, 68588. Omaha-Council Bluffs Metropolitan Area: Downtown Omaha, Central Omaha, Southwest Lincoln and Sarpy County, including the communities of Lincoln, Omaha, Bellevue, Blair, Carter Lake, Elkhorn, Fort Calhoun, Fremont, Gretna, La Vista, Millard, Papillion, Ralston, Springfield, Plattsmouth, Arlington, Ashland, Louisville, Wahoo, Yutan and Waterloo, NE, and Missouri Valley, Avoca, Glenwood, Council Bluffs, IA. Zip codes: 68007, 68010, 68022, 68102, 68104, 68105, 68106, 68107, 68108, 68110, 68111, 68112, 68114, 68116, 68117, 68118, 68122, 68124, 68127, 68130, 68131, 68132, 68134, 68135, 68137, 68142, 68144, 68147, 68152, 68154, 68157, 68164, 68178. #junkremoval #movingservice #cleaning #commercialjunk #residencialjunkremoval #lincoln #nebaraska #handymanservice
0 notes
the-abqhauler505nm · 3 years
Best Hot Tub Removal Service and Cost in Albuquerque NM|ABQ HAULING JUNK & MOVING
More information is at: http://albuquerquejunkremovalhaulingmovers.org/hot-tub-removal-near-me/
Hot Tub Removal Service near Albuquerque NM: Are you looking for the Best Hot Tub Removal Service near Albuquerque NM? ABQ HAULING JUNK & MOVING, offers a quick and easy solution to clearing out old indoor or outdoor hot-tubs. We know how much space an old hot-tub can take up, and if you’re not using them, that’s a lot of unused space going to waste. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Hot tub Removal Service around Albuquerque NM. We serve Albuquerque NM and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
Hot-tub Removal ● We remove everything! ● We do all the lifting and loading! ● We’re environmentally friendly! ● Free estimates!
Hot Tub Removal Service near Albuquerque NM: Removing a hot-tub is easier than you think. ABQ HAULING JUNK & MOVING offers a quick and easy solution to clearing out old indoor or outdoor hot-tubs. We know how much space an old hot-tub can take up, and if you’re not using them, that’s a lot of unused space going to waste. Helping you free up that space and clearing out is what we’re best at! Hot-tub removals are so easy that, with our team, we can remove them in no time!
If you have an old hot tub or above-ground pool taking up room on your property, the team at ABQ HAULING JUNK & MOVING can come and haul it away for you. We know how to remove a hot tub, spa, and other heavy items.
How It Works Here’s a preview of how our hot tub removal process works and what to expect: ● We arrive on time for the scheduled appointment. ● Show our team members to the hot tub you need them to collect. ● Our team breaks down your hot tub and then hauls it away in one of our trucks.
We Know How to Remove a Hot Tub
Hot Tub Removal Service near Albuquerque NM: ABQ HAULING JUNK & MOVING removes your dismantled hot tub and then takes it to be reused if it’s still in working condition. If it’s not functional, we take its recyclable parts to a facility and dispose of the rest using the most eco-friendly methods available to us. Upon arrival, the ABQ HAULING JUNK & MOVING team will assess the hot tub, its size, and the best route for removal. Once they’ve given you your free, no-obligation estimate, the crew will dismantle the hot tub, remove it along with any and all debris, and load it onto the truck. From there, the hot tub will be disposed of in the most eco-friendly manner possible, leaving you free to concentrate on what to do with your new space!
Hot Tub Removal Service near Albuquerque NM: Chances are you have more than just a hot tub to get rid of. We are happy to take any of your junk off your hands. Just point to what you’re tired of looking at and enjoy watching us haul away junk from your property Just a few common household items we remove include: ● Couches and other furniture ● Large and small appliances ● Broken electronics ● Construction materials ● Carpeting and padding
Our Environmental Commitment Our junk hauling services don’t end when we leave your home. In addition to being committed to our customers, we are also committed to our community. We want to make sure that as little of your junk ends up in a landfill as possible. Much of the materials that we haul away can be broken down and either recycled or disposed of in an eco-friendly manner. We are proud to say that more than 70% of the junk removed is recycled or repurposed.
TIPS Hot-tub Removal Tips
Hot Tub Removal Service near Albuquerque NM: The first thing to do is to know what you’ll do with the hot tub. Consider publishing a local online ad and selling it, with the stipulation the buyer will dismantle it and take it away. You can even list it as free, of course, the disassemble and haul away stipulation still remains. If it’s an in-ground unit, you might consider repurposing it as a pond. Simply skirt it with decorative rocks and colorful flowering plants. ● Gather your tools. You’ll need safety goggles, a dust mask, heavy leather gloves, reciprocating saw, jigsaw, pliers, screwdriver or drill-driver, diagonal cutters, and garden hose. You’ll also need at least one person to assist you with the dismantling and pulling out the unit. ● Disconnect the electrical wiring. Before you do anything, be sure to turn off the circuit breaker supplying power to the unit and then disconnect the wiring. Use the pliers, screwdriver or drill-driver, and diagonal cutters to disconnect the electrical wiring. ● Disconnect the water supply. Shut off the water supply line and connect a garden hose to the drain line (if the unit is still full of water). Once the water is drained, proceed to disconnect the water supply line using pliers. ● Remove the skirt. Most hot tubs and spas are surrounded by a decorative skirt. You might need to remove part or all of the skirt before you can disconnect the water line. Depending on the construction, you’ll either unfasten the skirt retaining screws or will pull apart the tongue and groove slats. ● Disassemble the hot tub unit. With the decorative skirt removed, it’s time to take apart the actual unit. This can be done by simply going in reverse of the original assembly instructions or by cutting it apart with a reciprocating saw and/or jigsaw.
COST How much does it cost for hot tub removal services?
Hot Tub Removal Service near Albuquerque NM: For typical household junk removal, we base our pricing off of volume and allot up to two hours for a full truck load. Your price is dependent upon how much space your items take up in our 15.5 cubic yard mini dump truck. Our pricing includes the labor of our 2 men removing the items, no matter their location, transportation fees and most associated disposal costs. It also includes our efforts to reuse, recycle or donate the items on your behalf. If we can donate them, we will send the tax deductible receipt back to you. However, with Hot Tub Removal, we won’t be able to donate the item, but we will be able to recycle some of the components. Regarding price, we have a flat fee for Hot Tub Removal services that range from $250-$400 depending upon the size of the hot tub and complexities involved within the removal. Since this is a flat fee item, coupons cannot be applied to this service. If customers are comfortable with that price range, then the next step is that we schedule an appointment. We reserve appointments with two hour arrival windows. When our crews are end route to your appointment, they will call ahead of time to give you a more accurate arrival time within the two hour window. When our crews arrive, our crew chief will provide a firm, free, no-obligation quote within the aforementioned price range after having looked at the hot tub needing removed and the scope of work involved in removing it. At that time, you can accept the quote and have our crew immediately get to work removing the items for you; or, you can decline and we will shake hands and be on our way!
How do I dispose of a hot tub?
isn’t as easy as taking out the trash. Hot tubs are large, nearly impossible to move on your own, and are typically not accepted at local landfills or recycling depots. There are several ways to get rid of your old hot tub, including: ● Trading it in to a dealer ● Selling it online or at a yard sale ● Hiring a junk removal company to help remove it Best of all, recycling and proper hot tub disposal is prioritized, so you don’t have to worry about it taking up space in the landfill.
How do I move a hot tub?
To get your hot tub ready for removal, there are a few things you’ll need to do ahead of time: ● Disconnect the power supply. ● Drain all of the water from the tub. ● Disassemble all of the spa’s parts, such as pumps, heaters, power, and plumbing. ● Pack the tub’s accessories separately. ● Clear a path wide enough to fit the tub through. After these steps are completed, our Truck Team Members will turn the tub on its side and use dollies to load it into our shiny, clean trucks. Moving a hot tub is more than a one-person job. We’re happy to help and in your neighborhood - just point and your junk disappears!
How much does it cost to get rid of a hot tub?
Most hot tub removal services are priced based on the size of the spa and how hard it is to move it. However, our prices at ABQ HAULING JUNK & MOVING? Are based on how much space your junk takes up in our truck. That means that the easiest way to provide an estimate is in person. Our crew will arrive onsite to take a look at your junk and provide an exact price.
Can I lift a hot tub myself?
Moving a hot tub is a job for more than one person. Depending on the size of your spa, you may need special tools to help move it. Even if you have a group of friends on hand to help, finding a place to take your hot tub can be harder than it looks. We’re in your neighborhood and ready to help remove that old tub right out of your backyard. We’ll handle the heavy lifting all you have to do is point!
Can hot tub covers be recycled?
Yes, hot tub covers can be recycled! However, taking these heavy lids to a recycling facility can be a chore and requires a lot of hard work. Some facilities may require you to take the cover apart before you bring it in. If so, be prepared to clean out any dirt, mold, or mildew that may have accumulated over time in the vinyl lining. You may need to use specialized tools to cut the cover out.
How do you dispose of a hot tub cover?
If you’re getting rid of an old hot tub or are buying a new top, you need to know what to do with your old cover. However, disposing of your hot tub cover does require a few extra steps: ● Use a box cutter or knife to cut the cover along the seams into separate, smaller pieces ● Unzip and remove the vinyl covering to take out foam inserts ● Remove any plastic wrap, metal, or aluminum pieces attached to the foam inserts ● Cut the vinyl and leftover foam inserts into smaller pieces for easier disposal
● Hot Tub Removal Near Albuquerque NM ● Cheap Hot Tub Removal ● Hot Tub Removal Service ● Hot Tub Removal Denver ● How To Remove A Hot Tub From A Deck ● Hot Tub ● Hot Tub Removal ● Tub Removal ● Hot Tub Removal Cost Near Albuquerque NM ● Hot Tub Removal Service ● How To Remove A Hot Tub From A Deck ● Donate Hot Tub To Charity ● We Buy Any Hot Tub ● Hot Tub Removal Albuquerque NM
CONTACT: ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving CALL (505) 225 3810 CLEANING CALL (505) 570 4605 JUNK REMOVAL CALL (505) 850 3570 MOVING Best Junk Removal Hauling Company in Albuquerque NM Open Monday to Sunday 7:00 am – 11:00 pm Located in Albuquerque NM 87120 Website: http://www.albuquerquejunkremovalhaulingmovers.org/ http://www.serviceabq.com/ SERVICE AREA: Albuquerque Metropolitan Area: Bernalillo, Sandoval, Torrance, Valencia Counties NM, Albuquerque, Belen, Moriarty, Rio Communities, Rio Rancho, Bernalillo, Estancia, Mountainair, Peralta, Bosque Farms, Corrales, Cuba, Encino, Jemez Springs, Los Lunas, Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, San Ysidro, Tijeras, Willard, Algodones, Carnuel, Casa Colorada, Cedar Crest, Chilili, Cochiti, El Cerro-Monterey Park, Isleta Village Proper, Jarales, Jemez Pueblo, La Jara, Los Chavez, Los Trujillos-Gabaldon, Manzano, Meadow Lake, North Valley, Paradise Hills, Pena Blanca, Placitas Ponderosa, Pueblo of Sandia Village, Regina, Rio Communities North, Rio Communities, San Felipe Pueblo, Santa Ana Pueblo, Santo Domingo Pueblo, South Valley, Tajique, Tome-Adelino, Torreon (Sandoval County), Torreon (Torrance County), Valencia, Zia Pueblo New Mexico
#junkremoval #hauling #moving #trashremoval #cleaning #newmexico #Albuquerque
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edgarpjhr701-blog · 4 years
How To Outsmart Your Peers On Window Decal Business
The Personalized Window Decals PDFs
Table of ContentsBest Window Decals Can Be Fun For EveryoneRestaurant Window Decals Can Be Fun For AnyoneThe Of Personalized Window Decals
Our "Signage 101" collection assists you understand the globe of signage and also all of its various options (A4 Laminating Pouches). We have actually previously created a video clip on vinyl banners as well as spoke regarding every last thing you'll ever require to learn about grommets. Today we'll deal with signage choices for home windows. Whether as a specific or a local business owner, the probabilities are quite good that the sign you're making or aiming to acquire will be placed on a window.
Also inside businesses there's adequate possibility to use the sorts of window signs described below. Personalised Outdoor Banners. Meanwhile it's not uncommon to see some kind of no getting sign on the windows of domestic homes in an attempt to remove the never finishing stream of pesky salesmen. So without additional trouble allow's look at the different kinds of home window indicators, their differences, uses and also even more.
This is a typical inquiry as well as element that causes one of the most confusion. Their corresponding definitions as well as sticky buildings are as detailed below: A sticker label is simply as it sounds. An one-time use product that won't be able to be rearranged. "Sticker labels" in this sense are frequently swapped with words "decal" in the signs sector.
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8 Simple Techniques For Shop Window Decals
This can be done on the outdoors, the inside and even from the within encountering out (this last option is called "within glass" and also is defined below). This glue material indicates that your actual window indication is "semi-permanent." This just indicates that when setting up the decal there will certainly be some shake room to adjust it as required once the sticker's adhesive kicks in it will be exceptionally difficult to reposition. Company Logo Signs.
The 2-Minute Rule for Business Window Decals
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Best Window Decals - The Facts
So if you're seeking something that can be relocated around as well as is a non-window option then get on over to our wall surface stickers web page.) These kinds of window decals can be found in 3 various types which are detailed listed below (Custom Static Cling Decals For Cars). Your sticker will be clear everywhere that the design itself is not printed.
Likewise, make certain that any type of design on these sorts of decals has a solid contrasting color to ensure smaller sized stickers can be seen from a distance if so desired. Opaque stickers odd visibility from either side of the home window. To Laminate. As opposed to having "clear" parts of your indicator, any place the design does not cover it will certainly be a nontransparent white.
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Excitement About Window Decals For Office
While it isn't completely blacked out the presence via these is obscured by the opacity of the non-printed area. Wood Signs Near Me. Perforated home window stickers are created to allow one-way visibility. In various other words, these are indicators that permit you to see from the within your organisation to the outdoors yet not the other way around.
Consumers approaching your store will certainly be able to see the decals plainly yet won't have the ability to see within the shop. This is accomplished by printing onto a product on one side of the indicator that is perforated with little openings (In Memory Of Car Decals). These openings won't influence the aesthetic appeals of your indication while creating one-way visibility that many local business owner wish.
Not known Facts About Best Window Decals
Instead, they attach via the static cost of the sign itself and also the window. These indicators are conveniently eliminated and also reapplied in different scenarios. They are commonly made use of in such areas as a sneeze guard inside a restaurant in order to promote deals or soups of the days. Static clings can likewise be clear or opaque in nature.
The other major distinction in between a cling as well as a sticker is what was suggested to over clings are repositionable while decals are, generally, not - Tze Tape 18mm. This makes clings much simpler to set up as well as a lot more forgiving if you need to position them differently than you initially did. This can be an important consideration relying on the ultimate use of your indication.
Stickers will occasionally call for a razor blade and soapy water to remove any recurring adhesive just like when removing sticker labels. Lettering Decals. Clings just peel far from the home window leaving no trace behind as well as calling for no tidy up. As described above both clings and also stickers have their benefits and drawbacks. Ultimately when you are trying to find a home window authorize the first thing you require to establish is what will be the end usage of the indicator? How you are going to use the indication is going to dictate what kind of sign you need to make use of.
( The various other choice being a wall surface decal, but once again, wall stickers and also clings are extremely different - Cheap Custom Window Clings. Wall surface stickers stick due to the adhesive material while clings have no adhesive.) If the indication you intend on utilizing is much more permanent or going to be utilized outside after that a sticker is generally a far better option.
6 Easy Facts About Office Window Stickers Explained
Table of ContentsThe Basic Principles Of Shop Window Decals Office Window Stickers for BeginnersThe 30-Second Trick For Restaurant Window DecalsSome Known Factual Statements About Restaurant Window Decals
As laid out above clings usually function much better inside as well as on glass however can be used outside as well. They will certainly not hold on to walls (wall decals is what you desire) neither to block, metal, or other non-glass like surfaces. Decals, relying on the type, can be used on glass as well as glass like surface areas.
Window stickers of all kinds tend to be more expensive than static clings. Best Plotter Printer. In order, the most cost effective decals are clear, nontransparent as well as perforated. Perforated is the most costly due to the micro leaks that develop the one means visibility. Actual pricing can be checked out on our Sign Price Calculator or by changing the "indication kind" and dimension in our on the internet design device.
Most of these sign types have every one of these choices available except as kept in mind listed below. Canon Wide Format Inkjet Printer. Inside glass, or 2nd surface area as it is occasionally called within the signs industry, indicates that the static cling or home window sticker will be reverse published to ensure that the indicator can be positioned on the interior of the glass however face out - Ladybug Window Clings.
Store hrs, bargains as well as promotions, well-known stickers and also much extra can be used thus. Magnetic Signs For Vans Near Me. For decals this means that the layout will certainly be published on the behind of the decal so that the front adhesive side can still be put on the within of the glass and also deal with out.
Not known Factual Statements About Business Window Decals
The very same puts on opaque window clings. If you desire an inside glass sticker that looks opaque, just utilize a clear decal or cling, however fill up the history in with a shade or graphic (Thin Laminate Sheets). Any of the stick or decal indicator types can be "Custom With Boundary" (previously called or in some cases called "halo cut").
several stick or decal sign kinds can be custom shape (previously referred to as or occasionally described as "contour cut"). This implies that the style of the indication will certainly be cut precisely to the perimeter of the indication - Custom Reserved Parking Signs. One of the most vital point to bear in mind right here is that if your indicator is all message that you actually desire what is called "plastic lettering" or "reduced plastic".
We don't presently use this on the internet site however can create it. You merely require to call us if this is what you are seeking. When it is a basic non-text design, it is reduced to the precise shape with no border as the halo cut alternative requires - Wide Format Printer. We have actually summarized what indication type you must pick, the distinctions and the presence and cut choices in the graphic below.
The red portion of the indicator is the only portion of the graphic that is published. The white is the default color of the material with no ink (Fusion 3000l). Site visitors from outdoors would certainly see the graphic as well as would not have the ability to see into the store (this is sometimes called one-way vision).
Business Window Decals - The Facts
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The Ultimate Guide To Shop Window Decals
Presuming the red part of the indicator was the only color on the visuals, the rest of the indicator would certainly be clear. A "Custom with Boundary" would mean that your red round sale sticker would certainly have a small boundary of approximately 1/4 inch left around the border of the decal.
If the style weren't circular however instead a collection of specific pieces then this would be reduced plastic or plastic text. These private pieces would be cut specifically to form with no boundary and afterwards can be put on the appropriate surface as individual pieces rather than a single decal. Wall Banners Printing.
By Foam Core Publish May 19, 2019 15 Comments Among the areas of printed marketing that boosted one of the most during recent years has actually been window graphics. Extra effective strategies were developed, boosting the quality of the end product (Lidl Laminator). Both home window marketing decals and also window clings are amongst one of the most easily accessible resources.
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About Window Decal Business
The only issue is that they look similar, so the line to difference both is slim. Lots of people can not conceptualize the numerous distinctions in between these home window graphics. At FoamCorePrint, we desire all our clients to understand exactly what they have at hand to make their tasks a truth. We have to start with the home window sticker labels which are typically plastic window stickers, which are the most prominent kind of home window graphics around.
Some Known Questions About Window Decal Business.
They serve well as detachable cars and truck home window decals or even cars and truck window clings. Additionally referred to as home window sticker labels, stickers are premium products with exceptional printing alternatives. There is practically no distinction in Canon Imageprograf between decals as well as plastic (vynal) window sticker labels they are the same and typically used interchangeably. However, some say that there is a distinction with sticker labels vs decals.
Indicators on Shop Window Decals You Should Know
Table of ContentsThe smart Trick of Shop Window Decals That Nobody is DiscussingLittle Known Facts About Window Decal Business.An Unbiased View of Restaurant Window Decals5 Easy Facts About Window Decals For Office Shown
Truth be told, only companies that work with low-grade materials suffer from this. At FoamCorePrint, we make use of the ideal materials in the area, so no glue aspects continue to be on the glass after the removal. Custom School Signs. Prior to discussing window clings for automobiles, it's essential to point out that there are 2 primary types of window decals: clear home window graphics and custom-made vinyl stickers and you can print them both.Clear window graphics is a huge sticker label with the graphics published on a background, which is typically clear. Post Office Laminating Service.
Perforated home window movies are great options as well that allows one way presence - Custom 3d Mural Wallpaper. We compare perforated window films with stickers right here. While they're good alternatives they do not have the very same flexibility as clear or clear stickers. While they appear alike, home window clings are really different from the detachable home window stickers we resolved in the past.
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             me  ,  @  myself  for  being  SO  incredibly  late  to  the  party  :  what  the  hell  ,  carl  ?  regardless  ,  hello  !  my  name’s  claire  ,  i’m  18  ,  i  live  in  the  aest  and  honestly  ?  i’m  a  big  old  mess  but  it’s  fine  !!  i  love   conspiracy  theories  ,  any  kind  of  book  i  can  get  my  hands  on  ,  eating  and  generally  being  a  bit  of  an  idiot  ----- -  anywhomst  !  i’m  not  interesting  ,  and  i’m  certainly  not  the  star  of  this  post  !  instead  of  doing  separate  posts  for  all  three  of  my  muses  ,  i’ve  combined  them  all  into  a  SUPER  LONG  INTRO  !   it’s  a  bit  long  ,  but  i’m   beyond  excited  to  be  introducing  you  to  CADE  RAHUL  MEHTA  ,  GRACE  CHAU  CHUONG  and  RHYS  DANIEL  MACDOUGALL  !
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— avan jogia. twenty-five. cismale. pronouns.  ↷ well if it isn’t cade rahul mehta, augustine’s very own icarian who’s been living here for twenty-five years in the emerson townhouses. he is currently working as a surfing instructor and has been known to be sardonic and insouciant. → sea salt curls burnished locks, and they giggle at the swathes of brilliant ink that dare to caress a toned bicep ; halcyon grin and soaked-through shorts that dip just a bit too low. gentle hands, calloused but strong — guide them onto the waves, draw them into the world that swallowed you whole when you were barely a child. tanned back, tanned arms, tanned everything ; green smoothies in the morning, water through the afternoon, chai tea in the evening when you finally stop to let yourself think about the life they left behind in order for you to live the way you do now. you haven’t visited their graves recently. ( the note on your phone, urgent, reminds you of it ; you try not to notice. )
you are born to two gujurati indians ; a doctor and a schoolteacher, they were determined that their infant son should have the best life possible. they bundle their belongings up and move to augustine the minute that your mother realises that there is life prospering inside of her.
your birth is simply a foreshadowing of your entire life ; your cries are soft, and they last only briefly before you start giggling and waving chubby little newborn hands around. that sunny disposition is something that you carry with you for the entirety of your life ---  you are never not known to have a warm smile on carved features and nothing but kind words for everybody.
you take an early liking to the beach, and for your sixth birthday you receive a tiny little bodyboard. the minute you are out in the water, you decide that you’re never going back. your love for surfing progresses through your adolescence, and the day that you get your first professional surfboard is one that you’re not likely to forget anytime soon.
at eighteen, tragedy strikes. your parents are killed in a collision, and your world shatters the moment you find out --- they leave you everything, and it only makes it worse. your townhouse feels so lonely without their presences, and you can’t stand the pervasive emptiness that perpetually lingers.
you barely stay inside the house now. the tan that you wear like a medal is the result of days spent teaching children just like you how to fall deeply in love with the ocean. wide smile constantly in place, you’ve come to terms with your loneliness and every so often, you visit your parents and place fresh flowers on their final resting places.
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— lana condor. twenty. cisfemale. she/her.  ↷ well if it isn’t grace chau chuong, augustine’s very own cynosure who’s been living here for two months in the downtown augustine apartments. she is currently working as a sales assistant at blackbird boutique and has been known to be histrionic and munificent. → millennial pink, an aesthetically pleasing instagram feed that you try so hard to keep up with ; freud gathers dust upon a desk you haven’t dared to set eyes upon. raspberry vodka burns highways the minute it passes cherry-chapstick brims, leather jackets and floral sundresses, lana del rey sings dulcet tones from the depths of your bedroom. fairy lights and a self-love drawer in your bedside table, chipped pink nail varnish and piercings your mothers don’t know about — would they scream if they knew what you were up to, my love ?
originally born in ho chi minh city, vietnam, you are adopted by a lesbian couple who swiftly move you to the united states. you spend most of your childhood growing up in salem, massachussetts, but your mothers take you on regular holidays to vietnam so that you can learn about your culture and your origins.
all throughout your childhood, you are a brilliant child with obvious ambitions. you’re reading novels by the time you’re 3,  speaking coherently and with ease when you were even younger. bright eyes and brilliant smile are matched equally, if not more so, with superb brains and sharp sense --- your mothers are so proud of you.
adolescence is a progression into a whole new world: you discover first kisses under the shade of old trees, clove cigarettes that leave sweet kisses upon glossy brims, sips of alcohol that has your face scrunching and body shaking. your focus on your education wavers, but you pull a strong 4.0 the entirety of your high school career. teachers adore your individual takes on essays and the skill you have with language. you dip in and out of debate teams, art groups, even do a short stint in a bad band --- it seems like whatever you try your hand at, you manage with ease.
at nineteen, you start making the conscious decision to move and a small beachside town catches your interest --- it’s far from home, and
since leaving home, your ‘wild side’ has emerged --- there are six new piercings in your ear, a few on your body, and you’re contemplating a tattoo. you’ve yet to even think about applying to colleges, and really, you’re not all that sure you’re even willing to apply. you just want to have fun, and frankly, that’s what you’re doing.
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— charlie heaton. twenty-three. cismale. pronouns.  ↷ well if it isn’t rhys daniel macdougall, augustine’s very own quandary who’s been living here for two years in the melvin heights trailer park. he is currently studying as a fine arts student and has been known to be deleterious and lackadaisical. → sandy beaches are so far away from home, so far away from glacial, bitter english streets ; pinched scowl and muted, choked-out syllables, ink-stained stems and evanescent smiles that condense just like the smoke that unfurls off of your cheap cigarettes. flannels with holes in the sleeves, jeans that you’ve torn to pieces through overuse and overlove, a collection of bottles you find on the shore and sketch when insomnia chases you into what passes for a living room. vinyl records ( your father’s collection ), burning ardor for organised chaos and cheap wine ( all your mother’s ), six feet deep in vintage sadness and antique wanderlust ( a product all of your own, my dearest. ) 
you’re born british through and through --- weaned onto weak tea that grows progressively stronger, your art gallery curator father and socialite mother only want the best for you. from the moment you can walk, you’re enrolled in only the best --- private kindergartens, private primary schools ; an array of tutors leave you painfully bored and painfully clever.
you have everything you could ever want or need, and you only get progressively more bored with your life. gala functions are no source of entertainment anymore, not until you start sneaking glasses of champagne and smoking in the bathrooms with a window cracked open. as you grow older, you realise that your parents love the idea of children rather than having children --- they lie and say they care and want the best, but you’ve been left to the care of nannies for as long as you dare to remember. 
embittered by what seems like a lack of emotional love and too much of the material kind, you set out to destroy the own public image that they have cultivated for you --- drug scandals, boozy nights, you are eighteen and you taste nothing but revenge on plush brims. your plan works, because by the time you turn twenty-one, your name is nothing but ash and they exile you to america. you’ve never been happier than when you step on the plane that leads away from what you’ve come to view as your own personal hell.
you get to reinvent yourself in augustine, and that’s exactly what you do. you make a conscious decision to lock yourself away in your cheap little trailer, cover it with art and the relics of a past life. you enroll yourself in university when you first move, and you develop a strong affinity for the fine arts. you find yourself stained with paint most every day, and you’ve yet to tire of it.
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asfeedin · 4 years
BTS, Beatles, Madonna, Taylor Swift, More
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BURBANK, CALIFORNIA – JANUARY 27: (L-R) Jin, Jungkook, RM, Jimin, and J-Hope of “BTS” speak onstage … [+] at iHeartRadio LIVE with BTS presented by HOT TOPIC at iHeartRadio Theater on January 27, 2020 in Burbank, California. (Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images for iHeartMedia)
Getty Images for iHeartMedia
Upbeat songs are having a surge of popularity in this time of coronavirus gloom. “Happy“ by Pharrell Williams and “Get Lucky“ by Daft Punk are among the most-played tracks of the last decade. The optimistic “Lovely Day” and “Lean On Me” by the late Bill Withers are enjoying a boost on YouTube and other file-sharing and streaming sites.
Here is a list of some musical medicine – songs that are doing well in lockdown, and some alternative cheer-up suggestions.
Recent Songs Doing Well: It is no coincidence that the song doing best in recent weeks is as upbeat as possible. Tones and I’s hit “Dance Monkey“ continues to dominate the YouTube charts and in the top slot on the Global Top Songs chart for the fifth straight week and 20th week overall with 75 million hits. It is followed by the likes of “Don’t Start Now” by Dua Lipa, whose new collection Future Nostalgia set a number of Spotify steaming records, including the most streamed album in a day globally by a British female artist. These songs are followed by more pure pop by the likes of Ariana Grande, Beyoncé, Britney Spears, Rihanna, the Sugababes and Katy Perry. “Say So” by Doja Cat tops various happy 2020 playlists, as does “Stupid Love” by Lady Gaga. Among other tracks picking up plays: “Red Light, Green Light” by Duke Dumont, plus the slightly older songs “Green Light” by Lorde and “Can’t Stop The Feeling” by Justin Timberlake.
BTS: Songs by the K-Pop sensation have been doing well. The septet’s online concert Bang Bang Con had 50.5 million views last weekend. Even some of the group’s older and more obscure tracks are picking up hits, such as “Just One Day” off the Skool Luv Affair EP from 2014, in which each group member imagines one day with his love. The song has topped playlist ideas, and quietly racked up 24 million views on YouTube.
Be Happy: Not surprisingly, people wanting to be happy seek out songs with the word in the title. Apart from “Happy” by Pharrell Williams, “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” by Bobby McFerrin is back on top of the Spotify playlists. “Happy” tops a YouTube equivalent playlist along with “Shots” by Imagine Dragons.
“Shiny Happy People” by R.E.M., which Michael Stipe said he wrote for children, is also finding its way into radio and internet playlists. The Georgia band’s “It’s the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine)” returned to Billboard charts last month, while Stripe did his own solo version, adding some tips to avoid coronavirus. Also recommended is R.E.M.’s “I’m Gonna DJ” with its insane lyric: “Death is pretty final/ I’m collecting vinyl/ I’m gonna DJ at the end of the world!”
Not everyone likes singles that force joy, but if you do, try any version of “Happy Days Are Here Again” or “Oh Happy Day,” such as that by Spiritualized. Sting’s remake of “Spread a Little Happiness,” Captain Sensible’s “Happy Talk,” “Happy Together” by The Turtles, and “Happiness” by Goldfrapp are all ripe for a comeback.
Sunny Songs: “Lovely Day” returned to the charts (along with “Lean On Me”) after the death of Withers. Lyrics with optimistic meteorological metaphors do well: “I Can See Clearly Now” by Johnny Nash; U2’s “Beautiful Day”; “Here Comes The Sun” or “Good Day Sunshine” by the Beatles; “Walking on Sunshine” by Katrina and the Waves; and “Rainbow” by Kacey Musgraves.
Reggae Joy: “Three Little Birds” by Bob Marley has been much played for its universal message: “Don’t worry about a thing, ‘cause every little thing is gonna be all right.” For more reggae joy, there is always Marley’s “One Love,” his own version of “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” and “You Can Get It If You Really Want” by Jimmy Cliff.
Some Kind Of Wonderful: Another Cliff song, “Wonderful World, Beautiful People,” reminds us that even at the time of COVID-19, listeners still know that life can be wonderful. The words of Otis Redding have been ringing out online (“If you love me too, oh what a wonderful world this could be”) as well as Louis Armstrong (“I hear babies cry, I watch them grow, they’ll learn much more than I’ll ever know/ and I think to myself, what a wonderful world.”). Singles such as “Wonderful Life” by Black and Hurts, two different songs, have also gained some traction.
Material Girl: Madonna’s upbeat 1980s hits such as “Holiday” and “Lucky Star” have been much mentioned in 2020 playlists.
Lightening Up: Bob Dylan’s long and downcast comeback “Murder Most Foul” has a modest 192,000 hits so far on YouTube after its surprise release amid lockdown last month. Still, the Nobel laureate’s “Subterranean Homesick Blues,” “Leopard-Skin Pillbox Hat” and “Highway 61 Revisited” all are witty and fast-moving and recommended to raise a smile. Simon & Garfunkel are getting played for “Cecilia,” “59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin’ Groovy),” the bittersweet “I Am A Rock” and Paul Simon solo tracks such as “Loves Me Like A Rock” or “Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard.”
For all the gl0om of “The End” and “When The Music’s Over,” Jim Morrison of The Doors had his lighter moments and “Hyacinth House” has a false cheer a bit like Elvis Costello’s later “Other Side of Summer” or The Flaming Lips song “Do You Realize?”
David Bowie provides cheer with “Fill Your Heart” and “Kooks,” though probably not “The Laughing Gnome.” His “Heroes” is one of the anthems for frontline workers, with 9 million YouTube views, and has enjoyed a new lease of life with the cover version by Motörhead racking up 36 million views.
Kanye West: Yeezy’s can-do anthem “Stronger,” and his “American Boy” with Estelle, are enjoying playlist success. So has his “Runaway,” as is the Linkin Park song of the same name.
Kids’ Stuff: The lockdown proved to be an ideal time to launch Disney+ in new regions. It was announced this month that the channel reached 50 million subscribers in just six months. A lot of its songs are uplifting for children and others: much of The Jungle Book (“The Bare Necessities”) or Mary Poppins (“Let’s Go Fly a Kite”.)
Elsewhere, listeners of all ages may enjoy Jonathan Richman’s child-like “Ice Cream Man,” “The Tag Game” and “That Summer Feeling.”
Love Songs: “Sex on Fire” by the Kings of Leon came at No 10 in the list of most-played songs of the last decade. Most people have their own personal romantic smile inducer, with those recently mentioned online including James Brown’s “I Got You (I Feel Good)” and Carole King’s “You’ve Got a Friend.” The Killers’ “Mr. Brightside” has shown up in a few lists, even though it is a song about jealousy. Others include Motown classics “My Girl” by The Temptations and “My Guy” by Mary Wells; Sam Cooke’s “You Send Me”; and Van Morrison’s “Brown Eyed Girl.”
Good Times: Van Morrison’s “St. Dominic’s Preview” is an example of a feel-great-right-now song. Trending tracks with a similar vibe include “One Day Like This” by Elbow; “Perfect” by The The; “(Sittin’ On) The Dock Of The Bay” by Otis Redding; or Eric Clapton’s “Wonderful Tonight.” “I Got a Feeling” by Black Eyed Peas says “I gotta feeling that tonight’s gonna be a good night.” Prince has much the same sentiment in “It’s Gonna Be A Beautiful Night,” while his “Let’s Go Crazy” has brought happiness to 15 million via YouTube. Prince died exactly four years ago, so expect his streaming numbers to rise on the anniversary.
Rock The Trouble Away: When times get tough, the tough get rocking. Think Elvis Presley, Nirvana, AC/DC, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, or Guns N’ Roses, if they make you punch the air. Bon Jovi has also popped up on fan playlists for COVID-19 tunes with “Livin’ On A Prayer” and “It’s My Life.” He declares: “I ain’t gonna live forever, I just want to live while I’m alive.”
‘On The Rise’ Pick-Me-Up Songs: Primal Scream has also been popping up on fans’ playlists with “Movin’ On Up” and “Loaded,” both off the album Screamadelica. Also recommended: “Up!” by Shania Twain and “The Only Way Is Up” by Yazz.
‘I Am The Greatest’ Music: Spirit-raising tracks include “We Are The Champions” by Queen, especially popular since the Bohemian Rhaposdy movie; “The Best” by Tina Turner; “So What,” by Pink; and “Born This Way” by Lady Gaga. Also recommended: “The Greatest” (Ringo Starr and Cat Power, two very different songs.)
Songs Relevant To COVID-19: “Don’t Stand So Close To Me“ by The Police has surged as lockdown became a reality, even though it is really about a school romance. Just because of the titles, “Splendid Isolation,” by Warren Zevon, “Isolation“ by Joy Division and “Isolation“ by John Lennon have all got extra plays, though none are particularly cheery.
The streaming and file-sharing sites also see boosts for defiant-mortality songs, really just based on their titles. Gloria Gaynor’s “I Will Survive” from 1978 has been a standout, an anthem for strength, with the singer taking to TikTok to rework it and inspire others to properly wash their hands.
“Stayin’ Alive” by Bee Gees and “Don’t Fear The Reaper” by Blue Öyster Cult have also added plays, as has “Stronger” by Kelly Clarkson, with its words “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”
“Resistiré” (I Will Resist), originally by Dúo Dínamico in 1988, has been redone for 2020 and has had 19 million hits on YouTube. The equally defiant “Shake It Off” by Taylor Swift is also the YouTube happy songs playlist, Natasha Bedingfield’s “Pocketful Of Sunshine” also raises spirts with its message “Do what you want, but you’re never gonna break me.”
More COVID-19 relevant titles boosting hits are “Work From Home” by Fifth Harmony and “Down With the Sickness” by Disturbed, which has surged 31% in digital song sales, according to Nielsen Music/ MRC Data; and “Quarantined” by At the Drive-In, which is up 70%.
COVID Spoofs: There are many memes out there but it is hard to fault Chris Mann with “My Carona,” spoofing “My Sharona,” and “Stay At Home Vogue,” parodying Madonna’s “Vogue.”
Songs In Response To The Virus: Not necessarily so bubbly are Bono’s “Let Your Love Be Known” and Randy Newman’s “Stay Away.”
A three-minute single won’t doesn’t erase the tragedy of COVID-19, its threat to jobs and economy but helps to lighten our load. As the record and radio-industry slogan says, “life sounds better to music.” Some relentlessly light tunes are madly irritating to some people and inspiring to others. Based on listening to 1,000 new albums a year and thousands of singles, here is a personal choice: “Reasons to be Cheerful, Part 3” by Ian Dury and the Blockheads; “My Favorite Things” from The Sound Of Music; “Pure” by The Lightning Seeds; “Make Me Smile (Come Up and See Me)” by Steve Harley and Cockney Rebel; “Candy” by Paulo Nutini; “It’s Gonna Be Okay, Baby” by MUNA; “Song 2” by Blur; and “One More Time” by Daft Punk.
Maybe add to the playlist a few pieces of 1960s psychedelic pop such as “Itchycoo Park” or “Lazy Sunday” by the Small Faces; “Sugar Sugar” by The Archies or “Marrakesh Express” by Crosby, Stills and Nash. If you are making a playlist, hopefully these suggestions will help boost your “quarantune” spirits.
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Tags: Beatles, BTS, coronavirus, covid-19, happy music, lockdown, Madonna, quarantunes, Spotify, swift, Taylor, Taylor Swift, Youtube
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Ceiling Small Storage Sheds
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All Keter’s plastic sheds come in attractive neutral colors, . D Plastic Storage Shed provides the perfect storage space for all your tools. . Constructed of durable all-weather vinyl in neutral ivory, it will never need . Shop our selection of Plastic Sheds in the Storage & Organization Department at The Home Depot. Find the best sheds for outdoor storage. . Small. • Up to 6×6 ft. • Perfect for a small garden or backyard • Store garden . All-Purpose Outdoor Storage Sheds. 15 nov. 2018 – Read reviews and buy the best outdoor storage sheds from top brands including . Best Small Storage Shed: Rubbermaid Horizontal Storage Shed at Amazon . It doesn’t have a lot of fancy extras, but it’s built with sturdy, . Results 1 – 24 of 590 – Online shopping for Storage Sheds from a great selection at Patio, Lawn & Garden Store. Buy Rubbermaid FG5L1000SDONX Storage Shed, 5×2 Feet, Sandalwood/Onyx: . Rubbermaid Plastic Small Outdoor Storage Shed, 53-Cubic Feet, a shelf in on top (just used shelf brackets – no need to buy the fancy Rubbermaid ones). Top 5 Sources for Cheap Storage Shed Homes for Sale: 5. Hill View Mini They even have a tiny timber framed lodge, if that suits your fancy. You can see . Studio Shed creates high-efficiency prefab modern sheds and backyard studios. . Turnkey cabin or small ADU. Starting at $12,400. Design and Price. Storage. We’ve got top quality resin, wood, and metal sheds as well as skilled . Small. • Up to 6×6 ft. • Perfect for a small garden or backyard • Store garden tools . Find Shed in Home Outdoor Buy or sell outdoor home items in Ottawa . Small temporary storage shed in like new condition except for a few tears in roof fabric. a door and to be shingled) reason for selling the wife wants a “fancy” one. Transform your life by expanding your storage space with a Premier Outdoor Garden Shed. Not sure if we should call them sheds, they are really eye candy. . Outdoor Garden Sheds for Sale in PA. 8 x 12 . 4 – 24×36 windows with trim, shutters, and transom windows with trim (18×36 windows on smaller buildings). 23 janv. 2018 – It takes the small storage shed idea to a whole new level. Now he has a space to . Office Space in NJ. Buy a Storage Shed for a Home Office in DE . This luxurious office has space for two to work in comfort. Whether you do . Find the best sheds for outdoor storage. . Small. • Up to 6×6 ft. • Perfect for a small garden or backyard • Store garden . All-Purpose Outdoor Storage Sheds. Small ( <45 sq. ft.) (128). More Ways to Filter Keter Stronghold Resin Storage Shed . Handy Home Products Majestic 8 ft. x 12 ft. Wood Storage Shed. Shop our selection of Plastic Sheds in the Storage & Organization Department at The Home Depot. Shop our selection of Small ( <45 sq. ft.), Sheds in the Storage & Organization Department at The Home Depot. Products 1 – 48 of 171 – Shop our selection of storage sheds from brands like Lifetime, Rubbermaid and more to store wood, tools, . Small Vertical Storage Shed. Choosing The Right Shed—If you’re running low on outdoor storage and need to . Small shed kits can fit into a cube van, but if you don’t have a large enough . Plastic sheds are ideal for storing garden tools, power tools, yard supplies, riding . White patio cover attached to the back of a home with a family sitting under it . RONA carries all the equipment and tools you’ll need to get the most out of your garage or shed when it comes to staying organized and getting your projects . Sturdy, economical, easy to assemble storage units available in many sizes and . Small. • Up to 6×6 ft. • Perfect for a small garden or backyard • Store garden . Tired of paying storage or mini warehouse fees to store your stuff? With our Rent-To-Own program there’s no credit application, and after three years of payments, you own a great . Design your own shed with our brand new design tool! Results 1 – 24 of 127 – $45.62(23 used & new offers) . Arrow FDN1014 Storage Shed Base Kit for 10’x12′, 10’x13′ & 10’x14′ Arrow sheds. by Arrow. $116.87 116. For a limited time, we will be offering HUGE rental discounts on over 15 models of our sheds. Whether you are looking for vinyl or wood sided, in cottage or barn . Rent to own a storage shed for about the same price per square foot and own your new shed in 36 months or less with no early payment penalty. . A small fee, added to your month rental provides a liability damage waiver to cover damages . We have removed all of the previous obstacles to owning a new shed. . out the storage building you want and pay us the first month’s rent and a small security . Rent to Own a storage building after only 24 or 36 payments . Compare this to renting a storage unit miles from your home or business. Choose from one of our . Save space with sheds and outdoor storage at Lowe’s. Shop for metal . Plastic sheds are ideal for storing garden tools, power tools, yard supplies, riding mowers or seasonal items. Bike Storage Need help building a new shed? Get helpful . Products 1 – 40 of 618 – Buy products such as Suncast 7 x 4 Cascade Storage Shed, . Storage Units Manor 4′ x 6′ Resin Storage Shed, All-Weather Plastic Outdoor New Warm Grey 6′ x 4′ Outdoor Steel Garden Storage Utility Tool Shed. Products 1 – 40 of 1555 – Buy products such as Keter Store-It-Out Midi 30-Cu Ft Resin Storage Shed, All-Weather Plastic Outdoor Storage, Beige/Taupe at Walmart . Products 1 – 40 of 618 – Buy products such as Suncast 7 x 4 Cascade Storage Shed, . Product Image Keter Manor 4′ x 6′ Resin Storage Shed, All-Weather Plastic Outdoor . 7′ X 4′ Outdoor Garden Storage Shed Tool House Sliding Door Steel . Products 1 – 40 of 615 – Shop for Sheds in Garden Center. Buy products such as Keter Store-It-Out Midi 30-Cu Ft Resin Storage Shed, All-Weather Plastic Outdoor . Products 1 – 28 of 28 – Shop for Rubbermaid Sheds & Outdoor Storage in Patio & Garden. Buy products . 2.17′ W X 1.58′ D X 5.58′ H Extra-Small Vertical Shed. Products 1 – 40 of 135 – Shop for Sheds with Floors in Storage Sheds. Buy products such as Keter Manor 4′ x 6′ Resin Storage Shed, All-Weather Plastic Outdoor Storage, . Garden Storage Shed Galvanized Steel Outdoor Tool House 9 x 4 Ft . Products 1 – 40 of 42 – Duramate Storage Shed at Walmart and save. . Product Image ShelterLogic Firewood Seasoning 10 Ft. x 10 Ft. Plastic Log Store. Product . Keter Store-It-Out Midi 30-Cu Ft Resin Storage Shed, All-Weather Plastic Outdoor Storage, Beige/Taupe. Average rating:3.819out of5stars, based . Products 1 – 40 of 91 – Shop for Outdoor Storage. Buy products such as Keter Store-It-Out Midi 30-Cu Ft Resin Storage Shed, All-Weather Plastic Outdoor Storage, . Shop our selection of Plastic Sheds in the Storage & Organization Department at The Home Depot. Save BIG on our selection of sheds and storage buildings, available in a . VersaTube shelters and fabric carports and shelters offer a convenient space for your . 164 results – Shop Menards for do-it-yourself storage buildings that are easy to assemble with all lumber . Suncast® 7′ 4″ x 3′ x 2′ 10″ Multi-Purpose Storage Unit. Sheds and storage units are a great way to store and organize your tools and equipment. . You can even add shelves to add storage space for smaller items. Organize your closets, garage, bath and kitchen with our selection of storage and . Adding shelves and shelving units is a great way to organize your items . Your garage and yard building may be cluttered with tools, equipment, and outdoor . 10′ x 10′ Garden Clerestory at Menards Storage Building Plans, Storage Shed Plans . my little she shed, diy, home decor #backyardshed . and our backyard landscaping issues while creating great workshop space. I made out of old windows from my home, I used poly-carbonate plastic roof panels and cedar shakes. Ellington 10′ x 8′ Storage Building at Menards. . Discover ideas about Storage Buildings. Ellington 10 x 8 Yard Building . The Norris 8′ x 8′ Mini Barn Shed. Ana White Build a Small Cedar Fence Picket Storage Shed Free and Easy DIY The new Triangle 300 is designed for small spaces and corners. Genie Gian. Shop vinyl & resin storage sheds in the sheds section of Lowes.com. . Suncast Tremont Gable Storage Shed (Common: 8-ft x 10-ft; Actual Interior Dimensions: 7.9-ft x . Good storage facility for your yard equipment. . The storage shed perfectly met our needs for a little extra storage space for small gardening supplies. Shop our selection of Metal Sheds in the Storage & Organization Department at The . Small ( <45 sq. ft.) (51) Vinyl-Coated Garage Type Steel Storage Shed. Results 1 – 24 of 127 – Arrow FDN1014 Storage Shed Base Kit for 10’x12′, 10’x13′ & 10’x14′ Arrow Arrow FKEZEE Sheds & Storage Buildings, Silver. by Arrow. Results 1 – 24 of 590 – Online shopping for Storage Sheds from a great selection at Patio, Lawn . Resin Outdoor Backyard Garden Storage Shed. by Keter. Products 1 – 40 of 1555 – Shop for Sheds & Outdoor Storage in Patio & Garden. Buy products such as Keter Store-It-Out Midi 30-Cu Ft Resin Storage Shed, All-Weather Plastic Outdoor Storage, Beige/Taupe at Walmart and save. . Best Seller. Product Image Keter . Sold & shipped by Hayneedle Pickup discount eligible. 15 nov. 2018 – Read reviews and buy the best outdoor storage sheds from top brands . Best Small Storage Shed: Rubbermaid Horizontal Storage Shed at Amazon . Not only is it relatively inexpensive, it’s also easy to set up (10 minutes or Arrow VD1012-D1 Vinyl Coated Dallas 10-Feet by 12-Feet Steel Storage Shed. Products 1 – 32 of 233 – Buy storage sheds on sale, discount storage shed kits, . Shop By Price, Right . about our specials please contact us and we will do our best to assist you! . The Lifetime 53.6″W x 27.5″L x 67.7″H Plastic Vertical Shed . Plastic Sheds Review Rating. –. Please choose a rating. Professional Install. –. Included (3) · Not Included (134). Sort By: Top Sellers . Keter Stronghold Resin Storage Shed . Large Vertical Resin Storage Shed Home Services · Moving Supplies & Rentals · Real Estate Floor Plan Services · Protection Plans · Rebate . Shop our selection of Sheds in the Storage & Organization Department at The . Keter Stronghold Resin Storage Shed Best Barns Roanoke 16 ft. x 32 ft. Best sellers . Keter Store-It Out Midi Outdoor Plastic Garden Storage Shed, Beige and Brown, . Keter Manor Outdoor Plastic Garden Storage Shed, Grey, 4 x 3 ft. by Keter IKO Green Mineral Shed Roofing Felt 10m x 1m roll with Fixings – CHEAPEST in UK . Buy all the sheds you need at everyday low prices right here at . D Plastic Horizontal Garbage Shed has a polypropylene resin construction . D Wood Lean-To Tool Shed by Leisure Season is constructed from solid . The Easton Solid Wood Storage Shed from Best Barns features 2 entries for ease of access. . the complete answer to your motorcycle protection at an affordable price. Items 1 – 60 of 169 – Storage Sheds for sale at Walmart.ca! Buy the best outdoor garden shed protection from large to small sheds like Arrow Storage or Suncast . . on Pinterest. See more ideas about Bike Storage, Garden tool storage and Shed storage. . Gets them out of the garage, or in my current case, the patio. Gets them out of the garage, or in my current case, the patio. And hopefully not stolen. . 27 Unique Small Storage Shed Ideas for your Garden. Storage . See more ideas about Backyard sheds, Bicycle rack and Bike shelter. . Outdoor Bicycle Storage Unit – looks great for a small one bedroom apartment . Racor Floor-Standing Bike at The Home Depot. need to clean out the garage and get a . Ordinary Outdoor Bike Storage Locker Collect This Idea Outdoor Bike Garage. 5 Tips To Get The Most Out of Shed Plans – Check Out THE PICTURE for Small Storage Shed for Bikes Trimetals Metal Bicycle Store Bike Shed Metal Sheds . 19 août 2017 – An outdoor bike storage shed is the ideal solution if you want to . you have a small garden) but allow you to keep your bike safe and out of the . 11 nov. 2015 – A beginner’s guide to indoor, outdoor, small-space, garage, stylish, and DIY . Bike sheds are one of the best choices for outdoor bike storage for families or . Feedback Sports’ Velo Hinge bike hook is unusual in that it folds, . We’ve got top quality resin, wood, and metal sheds as well as skilled . Small. • Up to 6×6 ft. • Perfect for a small garden or backyard • Store garden tools . Amazon.com : Bosmere Trimetals A300 Bicycle Storage Unit, 77″ x 35″ x 52″, Green . Designed for easy home assembly using ordinary DIY tools and equipment; . The YardStash IV: Heavy Duty, Space Saving Outdoor Storage Shed Tent . I feel confident my bikes are as safe as they can be in an outside storage shed. 26 juil. 2018 – Looking for a bike storage solution that allows you to keep your bikes neat and tidy at home? We round out some of the best and explain the options. . bike that’s not in the house then a small bike shed is a great investment. Customizable with shelving, racking and pegboards means your belongings are kept . Rubbermaid Plastic Small Outdoor Storage Shed, 53-Cubic Feet, With Amazon we got free delivery and no sales tax, so it was a win-win (tried to buy . Rubbermaid Outdoor Vertical Storage Shed, Plastic, 17 cu. ft., 2 ft. x 2 ft., Free Standing Plastic Tall Storage Cabinet with 4 Adjustable Shelves, White & Grey. 23 janv. 2018 – It takes the small storage shed idea to a whole new level. We can provide this modern shed; you bring the racks and paints. credit: outsideonline.com/1899496/win-pro-sports-edition-shed-ultimate-bikers-man-cave. 11 juil. 2018 – Metal Sheds and Storage Buildings . Types of storage building we offer. Steel storage sheds. Small industrial storage buildings. Metal sheds. Sears has storage sheds to organize tools, equipment and more. . Parts & Accessories . For smaller spaces, try a backyard storage bench or deck box. Small Victories – got my plane working somewhat built a shelf //onbedroom.website/2hYy1xz. . Small Garden Sheds for Sale, Discount Shed Kits, Little Shed Plans . 14/10/2018. Garage Metal Steel Storage Shelving Racking Shelves Shelf from$99. $99 . Plastic tubs crates stackable 32L storage fruit and vegetable x10. $100. More than just practical, Stratco outdoor storage and garden sheds are strong, stylish and easy to install. From small lockers to large workshops, there is a . We have a range of garden buildings in stock at B&M stores this summer, including garden sheds, outdoor benches and garden arbors. Save space with sheds and outdoor storage at Lowe’s. . Plastic sheds are ideal for storing garden tools, power tools, yard supplies, riding mowers or seasonal . Shop small outdoor storage in the sheds & outdoor storage section of Lowes.com. Find quality small outdoor storage online or in store. Lifetime storage sheds combine durability and style. For the best outdoor storage sheds and plastic sheds for your home, look no further than Lifetime. Shed Buying Guide. Select a size that meets your needs and allows you to grow Store your lawn and garden tools, tractors, snow blowers, motorcycles, RVs, . 2 mai 2018 – 18 Adorable “She Sheds” To Inspire Your Own Garden Escape . BUY NOW Mini White Candelier, $71, amazon.com See more at Lowe’s. Tuff Shed. Menu. The Home Depot. Use Current Location or find store. Use Current . In some areas, installation of storage buildings is not permitted. Please . 23 mai 2013 – Can combine it with the Lowes 10% off coupons (read the thread on them to get them free while they . If you purchase something through a post on our site, Slickdeals may get a small share of the sale. . //onbedroom.website/ . Good price, and I need some outdoor storage space. 6 mars 2018 – If you have an old shed in your backyard, or have been thinking of buying one, you’re . Here’s how to create the perfect garden getaway. handy, think about adding a mini fridge and stocking the shed with party essentials. 30 août 2018 – Starting with Windows 10, Storage Sense has embarked on a path to keep your storage optimized. We’re making continuous improvements in . 20 oct. 2017 – How to use Storage sense to automatically free disk space in the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. Storage sense can help you to get rid of . 13 avr. 2017 – The Storage Sense feature in the Creators Update automatically dumps . even spotted way back when we were calling Windows 10, Windows 9. . The Recycle Bin setting is pretty straightforward: Every 30 days your trash . 25 août 2017 – How to use Storage Sense in Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, to clean . Now you know pretty much everything there is to know about how to . 12 sept. 2018 – Ahead of its Windows 10 October update, Microsoft is giving Insiders the jump on Storage Sense: a “silent assistant” that automatically frees up . 11 sept. 2018 – The next update to Windows 10, due to be released in October, will be . Ars Technica reports: As part of its Storage Sense feature, Windows will be . enjoy my work and because its pretty much expected in this community. 22 juin 2017 – Bumping up against your PC’s physical storage limit? . 8 quick ways to clear up drive space in Windows 10 . Turn on Storage Sense . I’m pretty good with emptying the Recycle Bin on something approaching a regular . 14 sept. 2015 – And now Microsoft brings Storage Sense, a storage management feature . As you can see, it’s a pretty cool and comprehensive tool to get you . 7 nov. 2017 – Feeling boxed in because your Windows 10 device is running low on space? . Windows 10 that can help you with that are Disk Clean up and Storage Sense. . Pretty much everything in Disk Cleanup can be safely removed. #StorageSenseDeutsch #ShedsForSaleNovaScotia #StorageWars #HomeDesign #StorageSheds
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/ceiling-small-storage-sheds
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dawnjeman · 6 years
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Farmhouse
  Hello, my wonderful friends! How are you today? Are you being able to enjoy your weekend? It’s been so cold lately that I miss going for my walks and feeling the sunshine… I wish I could go to somewhere very sunny but for now I pour myself a cup hot cocoa and work on this post for you… and I really hope you have a good time on Home Bunch!
Today I will be featuring the talented Cheri from @strangefarmhouse on our Beautiful Homes of Instagram series. Here Cheri shares some insights of her gorgeous farmhouse:
  “We decided to build our forever farmhouse in a modern and open style, with classic finishes to last us generations. Our floorpan is 62544dj from Architectural Designs with some modifications. Our builder was S. W. Andwood who also did all the custom woodwork including cabinetry, the wooden porch posts and the great room beams.
My husband is a first responder working for a police department, and I am a corporate gal working in the Financial Industry. Together, with baby Finn we enjoy DIY’s, cooking, making homemade wine, and enjoying our 12 acres in Western Massachusetts. We are so appreciative of the amazing community that has been built around our Instagram and blog.”
Have a good time!
  Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Farmhouse
Cheri’s home doesn’t lack on curb-appeal. I absolutely love the combination of the Timber posts with the white siding, metal roof and black windows.
Siding: Vinyl siding in white. White straight edge shake shingles in front. The rest is regular horizontal siding.
Roof is a combination of black shingles with black metal roof on the overhangs.
Porch Posts
The front porch posts are custom built by builder. Aren’t they inspiring? I knew I had to share this home with you guys when I saw this front porch!
Black Windows
Windows – Anderson 400 series Casement black on outside/white inside and a cross style grille.
Similar Church Pew Bench: Here.
Outdoor Rocking Chairs: Here – similar.
Pillows: Here – similar.
Meet the Homeowners!
This is Cheri and her beautiful family. Her baby is just so adorable! Look at that smile!!!
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A stained wooden hood and a kitchen island with X insets give a farmhouse feel to this large kitchen.
Backsplash – white subway tile – Other Beautiful Tiles: here, here, here, here & here.
Kitchen Cabinetry & Lighting
Cabinets are shaker style in a custom white color.
Kitchen Lighting: Pottery Barn (medium).
Island Dimensions
Kitchen Island Dimensions: 11’10” x 4’ – Great size for five stools!
Counterstools are from World Market – similar here – Other Beautiful Counterstools: here, here, here, here, here & here (different styles).
Kitchen Island Paint Color
The kitchen island paint color is Benjamin Moore Hale Navy, but it looks different on these images. Benjamin Moore Hale Navy is a navy blue paint color.
Dishwasher: KitchenAid.
Sink & Faucet
Kitchen Sink: Kohler.
Faucet: Delta pull down kitchen faucet with Delta soap dispenser.
Cabinet Hardware: Here.
Runner: Safavieh.
Kitchen countertop is White Ice Granite. I absolutely love it because Granite is a durable and there’s nothing boring about it!
Dining Room
The dining nook has shiplap chair rail. Wall color is Benjamin Moore Classic Gray.
Dining room table is custom from reclaimed barn wood in upstate NY – Other Beautiful Dining Table with Benches: here, here, here & here.
Chandelier: Pottery Barn.
Rug: Sunderland – similar here.
Coffee Station
This practical coffee station is located between the refrigerator (on right) and the ovens (on left). This is a great area for baking as well.
Cabinet Hardware
Large Pulls: Cosmas.
Smaller Pulls: Cosmas.
Open Layout
The kitchen opens directly into a spacious and welcoming Great Room.
Great Room Drapes: IKEA Rivta – similar here.
Drapery Hardware: here – similar.
Great Room Paint Color
Wall color is Benjamin Moore OC-23 Classic Gray.
Couches are from Jordan’s Furniture, similar here.
This fireplace really steals the show! I love the combination of stone and shiplap.
A custom log mantel adds a rustic feel to this gorgeous fireplace.
Pillows: here.
Beautiful Plaid Throws: here & here.
Ceiling Fan
Ceiling features box beams and a windmill-style fan.
Windmill Fan: Quorum 60″.
Hardwood Flooring
Hardwood throughout is 5″ Character grade walnut – similar here &here (in Hickory).
Coffee Table & End Table: Magnolia Home.
Rug: Safavieh 9×12.
This mudroom is so perfect and you don’t need too much space to create something similar! I love the contrast of the dark hardware against the off-white cabinet and the herringbone brick flooring.
Wall color – Benjamin Moore Classic Gray.
Cabinet Hinges: here – similar.
Finger Pulls: here & here – similar.
Hooks: here – similar.
Floor – Best Tile, Specialty Tile, Dias – similar here & here (in brick-style mosaic).
Garage doors are Haas 664 with windows in polar white.
Living in the country means that you allow your soul to be free more often. You can take off your shoes and walk with your bare feet on the grass… breathe the fresh air and allow the birds sing a song never heard before.
  Have a Blessed week, my friends and make sure to follow Cherie on Instagram to see more of her beautiful home!
Photo Credit: Wild Lemon Photography & homeowner photography.
  Home Bunch Favorites:
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Amazing End-of-Season Sales!
Thank you for shopping through Home Bunch. I would be happy to assist you if you have any questions or are looking for something in particular. Feel free to contact me and always make sure to check dimensions before ordering. Happy shopping!
Wayfair: UP to 75% OFF – Huge Sales on Decor, Furniture & Rugs!!!
Joss & Main: Best Prices of 2018 – Up to 70% Off
Pottery Barn: Buy More, Save More – 20% Off Sidewide + Free shipping: use Code: HELLO19
West Elm: Big New Year Sale: 20% Off Your Entire Purchase! Use Code: NEWYEAR
Pier 1: Huge Sales – Up to 60% Off!
Horchow: High Quality Furniture and Decor. Up to 55% Off!!!
Anthropologie: Winter Tag Sale: All sales at an extra 40% Off! Amazing!
Build: Bathroom Renovation Sale – Save up to 65%
Posts of the Week:
Family-friendly Home Design.
2019 New Year Home Tour.
Newport Island Beach House.
California Duplex Home Design.
Stone Lake House.
New Year, New Beautiful Homes of Instagram.
Before & After Home Renovation.
Interior Design Ideas.
Small Lot Modern Farmhouse.
Transitional Home Design.
Newlyweds Home Design.
Family Home Renovation with Casual Interiors.
2018 Norton Children’s Hospital Raffle Home.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: California Beach House.
Neutral Home Interior Ideas.
You can follow my pins here: Pinterest/HomeBunch
See more Inspiring Interior Design Ideas in my Archives.
“Dear God,
If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
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from Home http://www.homebunch.com/beautiful-homes-of-instagram-farmhouse/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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crimsonheart01 · 7 years
Baby, It’s Cold Outside (Harry Potter)
Oneshot based off of my love for two new RP blogs that I found <3 
Word count: 1,753
Playlist: Baby, It’s Cold Outside - Glee Cast (Kurt & Blaine)
“Tonks!” I stage whispered, as she stumbled over the step into the house.
The door swung shut behind us. She giggled, her eyes squeezed shut. She fell onto her knees, unable to keep the laughter in. I rolled my eyes but joined her, clutching the second-hand muggle record to my chest. I leaned into the wall, chuckling as I slid down. Tonks tossed herself into my shoulder, trying to stifle her laughter into my sweater.
Obviously, the two of us had volunteered to do the perimeter check. Being stuck at Grimmauld was stifling. Sirius was suffering from cabin fever, while Remus was wallowing in his post full moon woes. 
Suffice it to say, we did the check, found a bar and started to enjoy a few festive drinks. The conversation flowed, and I introduced Tonks to vinyl. She was blown away and needed a real-life example. 
Thankfully, the shops were on holiday hours. Open later than usual. Nearing nine in the evening we burst through the first record store I could find. Guiding her to the listening stations, I handed her the headphones, motioning for her to cover her ears and played the first record in the box next to us. She was astounded.
I snickered, “You should ask Remus about this stuff. His mother was a muggle, wasn’t she?”
Tonks’ eyes lit up and I could hear the gears cranking. She’d found another subject to help her gain favour with the irritable werewolf. Tonks being distracted by the music, gave me a minute to spend some time perusing the shelves. 
I began digging through to see what was for sale. I gasped when I found the used copy of Bing Crosby’s Christmas album. Flipping it over, I scanned for the iconic single that was still popular to this day.
Tonks yelled my name over her headphones, pointing to the spinning record in front of her.
I tucked the record under my arm, switched the player off and returned the vinyl to its casing.
Tonks poked at the record in my hands, “What’s this?”
I winked, “Change.”
Tonks burst into loud guffaws as I wiggled my eyebrows at her. I looped my arm through hers and dragged her to the counter, dropping a tenner down.
“Keep the change.” I called as the two of us skipped out into the cold air.
By the time we made it back to the decaying old pureblood home, I’d informed Tonks of my evil scheme. We were going to cheer the boys up. With alcohol and old timey love songs.  
Bringing our giggle session to an end, was ol’ Walburga and her shrieking. I flicked my wand, the black curtains closing in around the portrait.
I wrapped my hand around Tonks’ and pulled her up with me, “Come on. Let’s get those boys out of
their self-pitying states.”
Tonks gripped onto the brown paper bag in her hand. We hadn’t had time to pop over Diagon so we settled for muggle whiskey. Sirius wouldn’t mind, as long as it burned on the way down, and Remus wouldn’t ever admit it but he was partial to muggle drinks. We knew them far too well. Better than they would like.
We scurried down the hallway, leaving fresh snow in our wake and forgoing pulling off our hats and scarves. Skipping up the first flight of stairs, we found the doors to the study already ajar. 
I shouldered my way in, finding everyone milling around. Sirius was sitting in the chair by the desk, his boots propped up on the old wood, nursing an amber coloured liquid in his glass.
“Molly,” I started, bee lining it for the phonograph, “I’m sorry but I’m commandeering the wireless.”
Molly frowned, open mouthed and about to protest when Tonks crushed the paper bag in her hand, pulling Molly’s attention away from me. Molly began scolding the young Auror about bringing more ‘of that poison’ into the house. 
I heard Sirius give a small cheer, before swigging back the remaining of his drink, allowing Tonks to refill his cup. Molly huffed and crossed her arms.
I transfigured the wireless, fiddling with a few charms, before finally getting it to work properly. With the record spinning, I turned around. Tonks held up the second cup in her hand, winking at me. I grabbed it from her, took a deep sip and then dropped it down on the table. 
I felt Sirius’ grey eyes on me but I kept my own gaze trained on Remus. I waved my wand, the needle dropping down onto the record. The familiar static echoing through the room.
“Now Remus,” I spoke grabbing his hand, “I know you know this one.”
Remus shook his head, “No, I really don’t.”
He was shocked to see both Tonks and I in such a state. Neither of us big drinkers but tonight was a special occasion. I chuckled, tugging him to me. He stumbled forward and I caught him. I lifted the glass out of his grip, spinning around and dropping it down on the table nearest us. 
The piano began to play and someone gasped in recognition. I glanced over at who made the sound and noticed the curly haired witch with a large grin on her mouth.
“Hermione! You’re here. Happy Christmas!” I exclaimed, “Good. You can join in with us.”
Remus recognized the tune and began shaking his head.
“Dance with me, Remus.” I coaxed, forcing the man into the steps of a slow waltz.
Remus closed his eyes, his teeth clenched. I heard Sirius’s muffled laugh and gazed over the shoulder of my dance partner to see the glitter in the Animagus’ eyes. I gave him a cheeky wink, before returning my attention to my werewolf friend. I spun him around, before pulling him back in.
“I really can’t staayyyyy…” I sang out loud.
A few beats passed and Remus had yet to pick up from where I left off. I stepped on his toes, and he glared at me. I smirked waiting for him to join.
“The neighbours might think…” I started again.
“…it’s bad out there…” The werewolf murmured.
“LOUDER!” I shouted.
He startled but acquiesced, “No cabs to be had out there.”
“I wish I knew how.” I continued.
He laughed, “Your eyes are like starlight now”
“To break this spell” I shimmied my shoulders as I sang out.
Finally loosening up he belted, “I’ll take your hat, your hair looks swell.”
Tonks roared with laughter as he plucked my toque off my head and tossed it aside. Everyone in the room was now laughing. Harry also recognizing the song began murmuring along. 
I nudged Remus in the direction of the others, outstretched my hand, and scooped Hermione into my embrace. Together Remus and I coerced her onto our makeshift dance floor. Remus grabbed her hand and twirled her on the spot. Ron’s ears turned pink as Remus spun Hermione around in a circle, dipping her and pulling her back up. 
Harry chuckled at his mate’s reaction, while Tonks had dragged Sirius into our little party with a ‘We’re both Blacks, cousin. I know what lessons you had to endure.’
There was a break in the singing where we all waltzed around with each other. Fred and George both took this as their chance to join in. Arthur grabbed his ‘Mollywobbles’ and they twirled in small circles on the spot. 
Ginny dragged Harry into the fray while George took Hermione’s hand from Remus. I was caught up in Remus’ arms again but that was quickly interrupted by a loud throat clearing from behind me. I could hear Tonks’ telling giggle and turned to see those stormy grey eyes gazing down at me.
“Excuse me, but I think you’ve stolen my date.” Sirius’ voice rumbled.
Remus’ cheeks tinged rouge at his tone until Sirius shouldered around me and grasped Remus in his embrace and began leading him around the little group. Remus rolled his eyes, but allowed his best friend to put on a show. 
Tonks and I rejoined, side by side. She flashed me a thankful grin and I winked. Everyone deserved a break. Christmas hols wasn’t a time for war and battles. Picking up our glasses, we toasted to a job well done and took a drink.
Not wanting to be shown up, Fred and George joined in tandem with the two Marauders. The four of them waltzing around the group. Everyone breaking into loud, cheerful laughter. 
I flicked my wand in a circular motion until a string of multicolored fairy lights lined all the shelves. Tonks took initiative and hung tinsel and holly all around the room. Fully in the spirit, Arthur added the final touch, a sprig of fresh mistletoe above the only door in and out. 
Molly half-heartedly scolded him until he dragged her out of the room, pausing only to give his wife a well-deserved kiss. Lingering off to the side was Ron, awkward arms wrapped around Hermione’s waist.
I perched against the desk enjoying the change in attitude around here. We may be cooped up with nowhere to go, but at least we were in good company. It always helped to remind this melancholy group that we were still alive. 
Out of the corner of my eye, I registered the de-coupling of the last two Marauders. Together they made their way over to us. Sirius joined me in sitting on the desk, while we both watched, tight lipped at Remus finally getting over his apprehension, and asking Tonks to dance. 
Without any time to have Remus rethink his decision, Tonks ripped him forward into the middle of the room. I snickered at her enthusiasm. She loved that man like no other. Remus would see it someday. I was holding out for the day they finally got married.  
Sirius reached behind me to grab his drink. The song picked up, gearing towards the end and the volume in the room reached peak volumes. I swayed from side to side, enjoying the tingling from the alcohol and giddiness. Sirius took another long drink before regarding me. I stopped, and smiled at him.
“Thank you.” His voice was quiet, but still heard over the noise.
I leaned over, pressing a light kiss to his cheek. I slid across the wood, closer to him, bumping out hips together. He chuckled, swinging an arm over my shoulders. I let myself relax against him, resting my head on his shoulder.
I shrugged, “What else are friends for?” 
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