#vio and her have so much in common tho
blackstarchanx3new ยท 1 year
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This idea for a later part in Four Swords Returns floats around in my head and I find it hilarious:
So you get to see it. X"D
Vaati (Still being lose) is completely enamored with the lovely princess Zelda, so he kidnaps her to be his bride.
Woops. He kidnapped Vio instead...However did that happen...
So Zelda dons the Vio persona and helps the other 4 (including Shadow Link) save the real Vio before he and Vaati are married.
Hilarity ensues.
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thatgirlinskullz ยท 3 years
The Bad Batch S01E09 Bounty lost **spoilers**
-- yes, spoilers
- about Omega's origin.
- you've been warned
okay, first off, and most obviously:
second: i have a love-hate relationship with Cad Bane.. i love that he's back, i love that he's survived after all this time, and i love how cool and badass he is. but also, i hate him for being such a dick and only caring about the money. poor lil' Todo.. i feel so bad for him. he's that typical loyal sidekick who's constantly being mistreated and disrespected yet remains loyal to their "Friend" cuz they think so highly of them. it's kinda sad really. or am i reading too much into it? XD idk.
anyway, Omega was a frickin badass this episode. LOVE how resourceful they are. and i actually love their backstory/ origin we got. i am kinda happy actually that it wasn't the whole "Palpatine clone" thing.. tho i would've been fine with that too tbh. i just like this more ๐Ÿ˜ it's really interesting tho.. thinking about Boba technically having a sister?! that's pretty cool not gonna lie. would be so cool if they both survive and meet one day. and their common connection is Fennec?! amazing. family reunion, when? XD
speaking of Fennec: I LOVE HER!
MING-NA WEN IS KILLING IT!! love the character, love the voice performance, love it love it love it!!
also: Nala Se, i'm sorry, i should have never doubted you. i know you love Omega. i know you want to protect them and raise them. i am so sorry this is happening and that you can't be together ๐Ÿ˜ญ
and yes, i am loving how Hunter's becoming more and more fatherly. he's just so cute with Omega. ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’–
also also, let's not forget how GORGEOUS the episode was!! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
Bora Vio(?) looking like frickin CLOUD CITY, HELLO?!!! a former Kaminoan research facility?! with random alien clones?! what?! from what i see it's not the same place but it looks soo much alike and i am loving it!!
the lighting in this episode.. the clouds/mist and the light cutting through them. just *chef's kiss* it was soo fkin beautiful!!! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
kudos to all the animators and artists and the entire crew that worked on this episode cuz HOLY SHIT IT WAS BEAUTIFULLY DONE!!
idk about you but i think it's incredible how far the Clone Wars/Bad Batch animation has come.. the last season of CW and now this, they're killing it with the animation in general, but especially the lighting in some episodes.. SIMPLY INCREDIBLE!!! ๐Ÿ’–
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