Dunno how many of these i've sent you before probably all of them (and i probably look like one of these poeple on fb spaming badly edited "inspirational" quotes but whatever)
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Awh babeeee to ushouldnt have <3333
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So like as always pintrest and goigle are hiding the good memes from (and i guess it's because they know i'll steal their job from the amount of memes i have)
So i decided to get you a gift instead :DDDDDD
But im broke so you get a ripoff version of gucci
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Damn babe u so thoughtful imma tear up.
I put this off bc I have no good reactions either mrickbdjskxcamr
So anyway hit the dms and you can can special breadstick content kitheth
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My top 5 blogs
I would give any of you a kidney. Know that. Remember that. My kidneys are your kidneys.
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Virtue i really missed you yk :((
Sad we haven't talked much since a while ago but hey since im in your inbox, how have you been :DD ??? How was life :DD ???
Hey!! I'm alright! Did you see my Christmas DMs?heh
I hope you're okay :( I am hugging youuuuu
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🕴🏻Send dog pics
🕴🏻Preferably dog vids as well
🕴🏻and tell no one that this encounter ever happened between us...
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You've been kind to me thank you
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Ily the possum to my raccoon
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Well you came back just in time for ides of march :DDDDD glad we get to celebrate this holiday together in replacement of valentine's day :))) or... where you here during valentine's....?? I.... don't remember fuck i have Alzheimer already.......
The ides are so much more romantic tbh can we stab caesar with matching knives <3 would you sit on the steps of the roman senate and watch caesar bleed out with me? <3
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You changed your theme again it's gorgeous <33333333
Thank you!!!! It's the first one I made :) it's not finished I wanna finish tweaking it to make it perfect but for a while it's good enough lmao
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37, 52, 68
37: is it easier to forgive or forget?
It's easiest to note and ignore. And when someone crosses the bullshit threshold they're out.
52: do you believe everything happens for a reason?
No, but I do think ascribing reason to hardships makes us more comfortable and comfort can keep us going so it has its purpose. So I wouldn't knock someone who did believe this unless they were really seriously harming themself or others somehow by touting it.
68: last person you had a deep conversation with
Uhhhhmmm that guy that told me to drive 7 hours to him to fuck actually😬🤐. Lot of childhood stuff came out lmao. He's an alright person (albeit a horny one) and still a distant friend. What he said the other day just hit me especially hard.
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Oh wow so pretty girl with pretty theme ?? No wonder there are no pretty left for me, you took it all for yourself smh, damn pretty poeple with their pretty themes...
/hj you are a pretty girl with a pretty theme that's the non-joking part
Love ya <33
It's cuddles and cheek kitheth on sight.
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No this ain't a mistake
There is no such thing as a mistake
I know what im doing
*insert some evil laugh that is just to evil to be translated into words, just use your imagination*
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Im the french girls and you're the science ner- i- i mean- you know what i mean... no offense...
More like label me like one of your french flowers
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Wassup babygurl hru
*insert some super cool reaction here that will make you give me breadstick. Use ur imagination, that's not my problem.*
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Hey virtuo so firstly i might be drunk maybe i dont know and i won't tell you
And secondly like see how gorgoes i might be at jokes, hold up wrong term, see how processional im trying to be at jokes
Please acknowledge it im trying my best to make you laugh im not so funny but see how great im trying its funny right ?
Anyhow nice kitty you got there
Man if only i can pet it
Mioletta,,, babe,,, where was the warning I'd have taken shots to catch up,,,miolet and mirtue drunk hours one day
You're fucking hysterical Vio,,, you know I think that right?,,,
Baby, baby come here, imma hold you and get you drinking water okay. Do you need me to hold your hair back? Rub your back a little?
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Im watching from behind your walls... waiting for the right opportunity to kidnap breadstick... just you wait...
Lmao lmao pls come over and hang out. Babysit her. I'm a single mom. I need a break.
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How long ago did you send this where are you my place is a mess oh God vio nooo
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