#viral hepatitis treatment doctors gurgaon
How Endoscopy Treatment Can Help Diagnose and Treat Digestive Disorders
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All You Need To Know About Liver Transplantation
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Liver transplantation is a complex surgery with high risks during operation. However, the success rate is about 90% which means that 9 out of 10 people coming out of liver transplant survives above 1 year after the surgery while rest 10% i.e. 1 person may die within a year.
Liver Transplantation
Liver transplant surgery involves surgical replacement of diseased or an injured liver with one that is healthy, from a deceased person or some part of the liver from a living person. It saves the lives of those whose liver no longer functions normally. Liver transplant is the second most common type of surgery after the kidney. It requires the hands of the best specialists to perform a liver transplant. Liver transplant in Gurgaon hospitals has shown the positive outcomes for many patients.  
When could one need liver Transplantation?
The liver is the most important organ in the body required for survival; it performs multiple activities to run up the body’s metabolism. A doctor can recommend a liver transplant at the final stage of liver disease or condition. At such a stage, survival can be impossible without a liver transplant.
Cirrhosis is one of the common causes of liver failure, in this condition the healthy liver tissues are replaced by the damaged or scars tissue which causes the improper function of the liver.
Likewise, there are several liver diseases like
·         Viral hepatitis
·         Billary atresia
·         Acute hepatic necrosis
·         Metabolic diseases
·         Liver cancer
·         Autoimmune hepatitis
Transplantation Process and Evaluation
Donor:- The main input for the whole process is the requirement of a volunteer i.e. donor. Well established liver transplant hospitals get the advantage to have a huge network and accessible to the remotest location where they can find a donor. Liver transplant in Gurgaon helps patient to get assistance in finding a donor
There are 2 main types of liver transplant
1.    Living donor liver transplant (ILDT)
In lLDT, only half or some part of the donor’s liver is used. It is the most secure procedure for patients and donors where both are not affected. As the liver tends to regrow, it regains its growth within 2-3 weeks in both the person.
2.    Cadaveric/Deceased donor liver transplant (DDLT)
It involves the transfer of complete liver from the deceased donor who is brain dead. The availability of Cadaveric donor can be scarcer and hence it has a long waiting list. The priority recipient is decided on the basics of severity.
In both the case, a waiting period for surgery is informed in advance which is required to get a donor and also evaluate medical tests of patients and donors. Some common evaluation process include.
1.  Blood Test: It is done to match the compatibility of the donor's liver for your body. It helps in reducing the chances of body from rejecting the donor's liver.
2.   Psychological and Social evaluation: It determines the patient’s anxiety level and other related factors associated with it, to ensure a successful operation.
3.   Diagnostic tests: It includes X-rays, liver biopsy, ultrasounds, lung and heart tests, colonoscopy, etc. These tests are done to examine the liver and general health. Additional for women’s gynecology, mammogram, and pap tests are done.
Many times all the facilities of tests are not available at a single center, Liver transplant hospitals in Gurgaon offers all the latest facilities for tests and diagnosis for liver transplantation.
Surgery: -  Liver transplantation is a complex surgery with high risks during operation. However, the success rate is about 90% which means that 9 out of 10 people coming out of liver transplant survives above 1 year after the surgery while rest 10% i.e. 1 person may die within a year.
Operation: - The patient is called as soon as the donor's liver is available. Depending upon the type of transplant, it takes 4 – 12 hours to complete the liver transplant. At first, the doctors will review with the risk associated and compatibility of the donor’s liver.
A person is put under anesthesia to block pain and paralyze parts of the body which eventually take them to deep sleep. At the time of operation, the patient is placed with many devices to help them breathe and circulate the blood.
The transplant surgeon makes the incision in the abdomen, liver, and gallbladder to perform a liver transplant.
Life after Liver Transplant
Liver transplant is not benefited only by a successful liver transplant but comes from a rigorous treatment post-transplant. One has to have the bed rest for at least 3 weeks as it is the most critical period where doctors examine the health of the patient and the success of the operation. It takes several months or a year to feel completely healthy and get back in normal healthy activities.
During this period, a person has to take the most care about their wellbeing and maintain the liver health by:
Healthy Diet.
Giving up toxicants.
Optimistic outlook towards life.
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vivekc45 · 5 years
How to deal with STI’s during childbirth?
STI is the abbreviated version of Sexually Transmitted Infection and is commonly identified as Sexually Identified Disease induced by microorganisms such as viruses, parasites, and bacteria. These organisms pass between individuals in vaginal, blood, semen and other fluids existing in the bodies.
STIs can be transmitted by a mother to her unborn child during pregnancy. These infections are contagious and can be inflicted among individuals via close skin-to-skin contact or by using or sharing the same needles and other medical equipment for drug use. 
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 Do STIs affect pregnancy? 
STI may affect a woman's capability of getting pregnant or bearing a child. If you have any questions or fears of being affected by it, you must always consult the best hospital for pregnancy in Gurgaon. Also, get tested and be on the safer side as a part of your prenatal care. 
If you find out that you are affected, then an early treatment might reduce the forthcoming risks. Although no treatment that can cure STIs, there are some which can reduce severities for the developing baby. To protect the infant, gynaecologist doctor in Gurgaon may recommend you to go for caesarean delivery. 
What can be the consequences of STIs while you are pregnant? 
STIs can be dangerous for you and your baby and can result in the following effects-
1.      Miscarriage
2.     Birth defects - blindness, bone deformities, deafness, and intellectual disabilities
3.     Low birth weight
4.     Ectopic pregnancy
5.     Preterm labour including delivery
6.     Disease such as - HIV/AIDS, Gonorrhoea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Hepatitis B Virus, Cytomegalovirus (CMV) can also be passed on to the infant during pregnancy which might sustain perpetually.
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How to treat or avoid STIs during pregnancy?
We have enlisted the following prevention regimes an individual can undertake to steer clear of STIs.
1.      Get vaccinated to ensure immunization against HPV and Hepatitis B. 
2.     Use condoms and prefer having safe sex. 
3.     Practice being monogamous.Having intercourse with a single partner can reduce the risk of being affected by such infections. 
4.     Get tested and be sure about the test results. 
5.     Go for regular prenatal care at the best hospital for pregnancy in Gurgaon.They will test you in the earlier and later stages of pregnancy to mitigate risks and ensure appropriate measures. 
6.     If your STIs are caused by bacteria, then they can be cured by antibiotics and proper medication. You need to follow the doctor’s prescription to the letter for verified results. 
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7.     If your STI is induced by viruses, itis incurable and the treatment is limited to reducing the symptoms. The treatment for viral STIs includes doses of antiviral medicines and c-section to prevent the infant from getting inflicted with the infection.
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Liver Health – How to Keep Your Liver Healthy?
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Is Constipation Linked to Stress?
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Gall Stones – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
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The gallbladder, a little organ below the liver, is where gallstones, which are hard, crystalline deposits, originate. Bile, a fluid that aids in the breakdown of lipids, is released by the gallbladder, which plays a crucial part in digestion. Gallstones can, however, produce a variety of symptoms and consequences when they develop. Below is a description of gallstones, along with information on its causes, signs, and available treatments.
Gallstones' root causes
When the elements that make up bile, such as cholesterol, bile salts, and bilirubin, are out of balance, gallstones can develop. Gallstone development is potentially impacted by a number of factors, including:
·        Gallstones are tiny, crystalline, hard deposits that develop in the gallbladder.
·        Being overweight or obesity
·        Consuming a lot of fat and cholesterol
·        Rapid loss of weight
·        Certain medicines
·        Diabetes Gallstones in the family
Gallstones signs and symptoms
Many gallstone sufferers don't show any signs of their condition. When symptoms do materialise, though, they can be severe and include:
·        Specifically in the upper right quadrant, there is abdominal pain
·        nausea and diarrhoea
·        Constipation and bloating
·        Yellowing of the skin and eyes is called jaundice.
·        Toned in clay stools
·        Under the liver are the chills and fever. The gallbladder is crucial to digestion.
It's critical to get medical help if you encounter any of these symptoms. Gallstones can be accurately diagnosed and treated by a Gurgaon gallstone treatment in Indore.
Gallstones treatment
The severity of the symptoms, the size, and the quantity of the stones all affect how gallstones are treated. Options for treatment include: 
1.      Observation: Your doctor might advise keeping an eye on the stones and waiting to see whether they create any issues if you have no symptoms or moderate symptoms.
2.      Medications: Ursodiol, among other drugs, can aid in the dissolution of tiny gallstones.
3.      Surgery: You might need to have your gallbladder removed if you have severe symptoms or huge gallstones. Cholecystectomy surgery is a routine and risk-free procedure.
4.      Nonsurgical procedures: Some non-surgical treatments, such as shock wave lithotripsy and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), can break up and remove gallstones.
If you have any of these symptoms, you must seek medical attention immediately. A Doctor for Gallstones in Gurgaon can diagnose and cure gallstones. Gallstones are a frequent illness that can cause major symptoms and difficulties. Consult a doctor if you experience any gallstone symptoms. The appropriate course of treatment will be determined by the severity of the symptoms as well as the size and number of stones present. Observation, medications, surgery, and non-surgical techniques are all alternatives for treatment. With early diagnosis and treatment, the vast majority of gallstone patients can fully recover and prevent future complications.
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The Best Foods to Boost Immunity & Get Good Stomach Health
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Understanding Liver Disease: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
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The liver is a vital organ that performs many important functions in the body, including filtering toxins, producing bile, and regulating the metabolism of nutrients, hormones, and drugs. When the liver is damaged or infected, its ability to perform these functions can be severely impaired, leading to a wide range of serious health problems known collectively as liver disease.
Types of Liver Disease
There are many different types of liver disease, each with its own specific causes, symptoms, and treatment options. Some of the most common types of liver disease include viral hepatitis (caused by the hepatitis A, B, C, D, or E viruses), alcohol-related liver disease, fatty liver disease, cirrhosis, and liver cancer.
One of the most important factors in the development of liver disease is lifestyle. Alcohol abuse is a leading cause of liver disease, as it can cause damage to the liver cells and lead to fatty liver disease, cirrhosis, and liver cancer. Similarly, exposure to toxins such as drugs, chemicals, and pollutants can also cause liver damage and contribute to the development of liver disease.
Other risk factors for liver disease include obesity, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. In addition, people with a family history of liver disease or certain medical conditions, such as hepatitis or autoimmune diseases, may be at an increased risk of developing liver disease.
Symptoms of Liver
The symptoms of liver disease can range from mild to severe and can include fatigue, abdominal pain, jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes), dark urine, pale stools, loss of appetite, and nausea. In some cases, liver disease may not cause any noticeable symptoms until it is in its advanced stages, making it all the more important to be aware of the risk factors and to seek medical attention if you suspect you may have liver disease.
Treatment of Liver Disease
Treatment for liver disease depends on the underlying cause and the severity of the disease. In many cases, lifestyle changes such as quitting alcohol, eating a healthy diet, and getting regular exercise can help to slow the progression of liver disease and improve overall health. In some cases, medications or medical procedures may be necessary to manage symptoms and prevent complications. If you are struggling from Liver Disease, then you should consult a liver specialist in Gurgaon.
Liver disease is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition that affects millions of people worldwide. To protect your liver and reduce your risk of developing liver disease, it is important to adopt a healthy lifestyle, seek medical attention if you experience any symptoms of liver disease, and to be vigilant about any risk factors that may put you at an increased risk of developing this condition. Consult liver specialist doctor for liver disease treatment in Gurgaon.
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What to Eat More of and What to Keep Away During the Rainy Season?
According to health specialists ,the monsoon season is a time for illnesses. "During the monsoon, it's quite usual to contract the flu, a cough, dengue fever, stomach infections, fever, typhoid, and pneumonia. We constantly advise folks to have a straightforward, balanced, freshly prepared meal that is easier to digest throughout the monsoon season due to the risk of all these diseases.
A healthy diet that incorporates seasonal foods is balanced and takes the ecology and biodiversity into consideration. This kind of principled and nutrient-dense eating regimen is known as a sustainable diet.
Common dietary blunders during the monsoon season
Instead than focusing just on what to entirely cut out of your diet during the monsoon, focus on healthy habits that promote wellbeing and safety. The following are some dietary errors that people frequently make during the monsoon season but shouldn't.
Eating fried foods, such as pakoras, occasionally is acceptable, but you should watch the amount you consume because too much might result in indigestion, diarrhoea, and other problems.
Green leafy vegetables are the most likely to harbour a range of bacteria and fungus, all of which thrive in monsoon weather. It's crucial to wash these green vegetables properly and cook them over high heat.
It is best to avoid eating meat and seafood during the monsoon season because this is the breeding season for fish and seafood. Another reason to steer clear of seafood and animal items that can be infectious is that the chances of waterborne illnesses and food poisoning are especially increased during the monsoon.
Need any consultation related to gastric health contact the best gastro in gurgaon.
What to eat during the monsoon season?
Consuming warm, freshly made fluids like kadha, broths, and soups is just as vital as drinking lots of safe, drinkable water. These replenish your fluids and strengthen your immune system.
In order to get more fibre, vitamin A and C, and antioxidants, seasonal fruits including pears, jamun, plums, cherries, lychees, peaches, and pomegranates should be taken.
Gourds such as bottle gourd, bitter gourd, pointed gourd, ridge gourd, Indian squash, etc. are in season right now. Include a lot of these vegetables in your diet every day.
If facing any problem related to gastric issues Contact the best gastroenterologist in Gurgaon and book an appointment. 
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vivekc45 · 5 years
Diarrhea: 8 Causes To Deliberate On symptoms and causes
Diarrhea comprises of watery, loose, and perhaps more frequently occurring bowel movements. It’s a common problem observed among lots of people. Thankfully, the condition of diarrhea is usually temporary in nature and lasts roughly for a few days.
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However, when diarrhea continues for weeks on end, it, in general, signifies a different underlying health problem.
When you suffer from diarrhea that lingers for many weeks, you might actually be suffering from irritable bowel disorder or a graver disorder like inflammatory bowel disease or persistent infection.
The causes of diarrhea, according to the best gastroenterologist in Gurgaon, originate from several conditions and diseases.
 These include the following.
1.    Viruses
The most commonly existing viruses that may lead to diarrhea include cytomegalovirus, Norwalk virus, and viral hepatitis.
In addition, among children, it’s the rotavirus that causes severe diarrhea.
2.    Bacteria and parasites
An expert from the best hospital for gastroenterology says that your body is susceptible to receiving contagion through the transmission of bacteria and parasites because of contamination in water or food.
When you travel to new, developing nations, you may come in contact with the infection aptly called traveler’s diarrhea caused by bacteria and parasites.
Another type of bacteria which can cause acute infections leading to diarrhea is clostridium difficile.
You may pick up the bacteria after going through a course of antibiotics or for a period of hospitalization.
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3.    Medications
As stated by a top gastroenterologist in Delhi, lots of medications, for example, antibiotics can result in the occurrence of diarrhea.
Antibiotics have a tendency to destroy both good and bad bacteria.
 In consequence, this disrupts the normal bacterial balance maintained in your intestines.
Additional drugs such as cancer medications and antacids containing magnesium can cause diarrhea.
4.    Lactose intolerance
In essence, lactose is a type of sugar prevalent in milk and many other dairy products.
People who have inherent problems in lactose digestion experience diarrhea after consuming dairy products.
On the word of a gastroenterologist from the best hospital in Gurgaon, as you age, lactose tolerance dwindles since the enzyme that aids in making lactose digestion exhibit a gradual decline in levels after childhood.
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5.    Fructose
Fruits and honey contain fructose, a naturally occurring sugar.
Fructose is also occasionally added in the form of a sweetener in certain beverages.
People who are averse to fructose digestion can suffer from diarrhea.
6.    Artificial sweeteners
Artificial sweetening agents such as sorbitol and mannitol added in chewing gums and other different sugar-free products can cause the condition of diarrhea in a few if not healthy people.
7.    Surgery
Surgeries in your abdomen or surgery to remove your gall bladder can trigger diarrhea as an obvious ramification.
8.    Other digestive disorders
As per a top gastroenterologist in Gurgaon, there are several other digestive maladies that have a hand in causing chronic diarrhea.
These include:
o   Celiac disease
o   Crohn's disease
o   Irritable bowel syndrome
o   Microscopic colitis
o   Ulcerative colitis
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As a matter of fact, the majority of cases of diarrhea subside on their own inside a span of a couple of days without the need for any treatment. In case you have already tried lifestyle changes and home-made remedies to treat diarrhea, yet met with no success, you may set up a consultation with your doctor at Paras, a top hospital in Gurgaon, who after proper diagnosis might come up with a recommendation of medications or several other treatments suitable for your individual needs.
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