riverwoodhq · 1 year
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Jake Fitzgerald, @viraldoosh
Tyler O’Neill, @tyleroneills
Brooke Maddox, @broobie
Mina Hensley, @minahensley
Isadora McKenna, @izadorable
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tantriclimits-a · 7 years
As much as she now looked for any opportunity to get closer to Jake, Brooke wasn’t entirely sure shacking up at his house was the best way to go. It not only looked desperate but felt that way, too. And the last thing Jake needed was to feel ambushed by her or her family. Granted, the decision had already been made by her father and his mother. Quinn asked Vera to keep an eye on Brooke while he went away for a few days. Given the whole Tyler thing, he felt it would be in Brooke’s best interest to stay with the people she loved and who cared about her and who would watch over her while he couldn’t. He was planning a trip to Ravenswood where his weapon now awaited, after receiving recent intel from Jake. Though, Quinn and Jake had forged a secret partnership, he couldn’t accompany Quinn on his journey. The less anyone knew about Quinn’s plans, the better.
“Are you all packed, kitten?” Quinn wondered as he pushed Brooke’s bedroom door wide open. Brooke was still sitting by the windowsill where he left her, with her legs pulled up to her chest. On her bed, was her empty suitcase. “We’re on a time crunch. I need to leave within the hour.” As Brooke carried on in silence, and in the same position, Quinn attempted to shoot for a much more softer approach, hoping it would help persuade her. “Brooke, sweetheart,” he begged, “Please get a move on.” Snapping out of her reverie, Brooke sighed and slid away from the window to begin packing. She didn’t see the point. Or really understand why she couldn’t just stay home by herself. But then, she also realized she didn’t actually want to be alone. Of course, she could have always stayed with Riley or Emma. Or hell, even Ronnie. “Why can’t I just crash at Em’s? Things might get a little awkward at the Fitzgerald casa.” Brooke didn’t realize she had imitated Jake’s spanish-home nickname until after it was too late. “Because, arrangements with the Fitzgerald’s have already been made. And Vera’s looking forward to having you. I won’t be long, I promise.” Although, Quinn didn’t know that for sure. He couldn’t tell Brooke just how long he’d be because he wasn’t positive of that himself, or what precisely he was walking into. The trip was necessary however, to get rid of the snake that had poisoned their lives. Brooke’s, especially. “Come on, let’s go.” After closing her suitcase, Quinn carried it out of the room while Brooke stayed behind to scoop up Monroe (otherwise known as; cockblock) before she followed her father next door. Vera was already waiting for her with a smile, and parts of dinner on the table. Myles was on his way home with Jake. After Jake’s recent rebellious getaway, his parents had been keeping closer tabs on him. Vera sent the boys out to pick up a few things for dinner. Which they both probably assumed was odd. All Vera told them was that there would be a special guest joining them. Jake had no idea that, that guest was Brooke given the expression written all over his face as soon as he walked in. Brooke was standing beside Vera in the kitchen, trying to hide behind the counter, though it wasn’t tall enough. Myles had unloaded the groceries in his hands onto the counter and smiled at Brooke politely while Vera took notice of her son’s rude entrance, which lacked even the simplest ‘hello.’ “Hi,” Brooke waved. She felt awkward and unwelcome and considered faking a stomach virus or something just to flee the scene. But, at the same time, a part of her aimed to stick around. The only way she’d ever make things up to Jake was by first, talking to him. She couldn’t run from him anymore and truthfully, she didn’t want to.
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liaroneill · 7 years
After his meet up with Nina on the beach, Tyler knew he needed to speed this whole process up. In the beginning he planned to drag it out, slow and painful. But now, he was the one in pain. How could Brooke have gotten married to that insubordinate fuckboy? Only a month ago she was cheating on him. She made promises to visit the Southside and start a deeper relationship with Tyler and then one day she decided to ghost and everyone thought he was the bad guy for needing closure. In his mind, he never done anything to Brooke. She bailed him out of jail after the fight, she climbed into his car, and she went down on him. The only thing Tyler kept beating himself up over was that damn video he took on the beach. Maybe if she didn’t find out about it, she would have come back in time. Her flower was certainly lonely without his snake in it.
Tyler parked his Porsche 918 Spyder behind the old building. He left Daddy in the trunk with a rose drawn across his forehead to symbolize where this all started. He didn’t think he was a psycho for wanting answers. The heart is the most vulnerable organ in ones’ body and Brooke toyed with his. It wasn’t a one nightstand. People don’t typically get their one nightstand tattooed on their inner thigh. It was a night neither of them would ever forget. And if he could go back, he would do it all the same, and more. She would too, she just didn’t want to admit it. Jake wasn’t her soulmate or her forever… you don’t cheat on a forever. When you seriously know someone is your forever, you want to hold onto them, not ruin them. He basically taught her how to fuck and if Jake knew that, he’d never fuck her again because every single way she satisfies him was first practiced on Tyler’s mouth and cock.
The warehouse was creepy. The decorations dated back 100-years and was mixed in with some Christmas and Halloween shit, too. Tyler took his time dressing in his Ghostface attire: a long black poncho, boots, and that creepy mangled ghost mask. In one hand he held a knife, in the other was a gift enclosed into a leather clad fist.
When Brooke slowly pushed the creaky door open with Jake in tow, Tyler smirked from behind the mask and weaved in and out of Halloween decorations: including clowns in which he knew Brooke loathed. But probably not as much as she loathed herself. The deeper they entered into this darkness, the giddier Tyler got until finally the door slammed shut behind them and was locked. When the blonde and her meathead boyfriend whipped around, Ghostface raised his blade. Glinting in the light filtering in through the old walls, he slowly moved closer. Jake being the hero-type slid Brooke behind his back, guarding her from an attack. “Where’s Quinn?!” Jake hollered; panic clear as crystal in his voice and stance.
Black satin lace was tossed in front of Jake’s feet: the gift. He could see Brooke’s mind registering what her heart already knew. Slowly, he lifted the mask and licked the insides of his teeth. “Agent Provocateur. You told me I owed you a pair. Remember? After I soaked 'em. You carried on the rest of the night without any... Not that you needed them, since you were so eager to get them off.” The muscle’s in Jake’s body tightened, feeling hot with rage but knowing the reason they were there. It was to get Quinn back. Killing Tyler wouldn’t get help. “You’re a fucking asshole, Tyler. Seriously.” Did Tyler care what Jake thought? No. If he did, he wouldn’t have came inside his girlfriend, twice. “This is how the game is going to go. We talk. Hatch this out for real. Then I hand the mayor over. If you need reassurance…” Tyler raised his phone and texted Brooke under the Anonymous alias: a picture of Quinn tied to a chair in the serpents’ basement. “So does everyone know what’s at stake here? Good. Let’s carry on. Brooke, would you like to have center stage? Let’s hear what lies you fed to him to get him to marry you.”
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xmoron · 7 years
imessage ✉ jake
Will: Need to talk. Meet me at our old drop.
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gingvrstallion · 8 years
Send “%” for a CURIOUS text.
[ archie → jake ]:: tell me, jake..
[ archie → jake ]:: do pigs pull hamstrings??🤔🤔
[ archie → jake ]:: i know you’re with brooke.. so ask her too😀
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Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text.
Text: Jake: hs wil l shwon you picturs ive sent hi m?
Text: Jake: cuz its allphoto shipped and no ok
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icevixen-blog · 8 years
Send “ツ” for an EXCITED text.
sms → jake: great news!!!! i might’ve convinced our girl that there are bigger, better fish in the sea!!!!!sms → jake: [ img attachment ]
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thebicurioushalf · 8 years
Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text.
[text to: Basketball Shithead #2; 12:32 am]: you ever look at the stars and think “holy shit” there’s like fifty other galaxies out there
[text to: Basketball Shithead #2; 12:32 am]: like wow I’d love for an alien to take me to space they probably know a ot about constllations right
[text to: Basketball Shithead #2; 12:45 am]: ur not noah don’t reply u idiot
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⫸ @viraldoosh
        Calling his actions a series of ill-advised decisions would rank into one of the biggest understatements of the year. It was as calling someone, poor as Jughead Jones, economically disadvantaged, or worse, calling three sequenced murders an incident. Yet, those CATASTROPHICALLY-advised moves of his were a necessary evil… How? One might ask. How does breaking into someone’s house and using their pool to wash your hand figure into a necessary evil? Simple. One must add, to that equation, a CUT to the previously-mentioned hand. A wound deep enough that it desperately needed to be washed before it became infested with bacteria. A damage deep enough that it called for urgent washing to prevent it from a potential tetanization. Which was the very motive for that tall, slender, crown-wearing figure to break into someone else’s quite literal palace. That someone, being Jake Fitzgerald. Arch-rival number too, losing the top of the podium only to one Noah Foster, who was Jughead’s biggest nemesis. 
        In all fairness, if Jughead weren’t in such need, at that moment, of someone’s water source, he wouldn’t have broken into Jake’s house. But in that entire street, it seemed to be the only empty house, with all its lights turned off. And so, he jumped at that opportunity. Little did Jughead know that the Fitzgerald mansion was far from being empty… Something he soon figured, as he noticed the lights to the backyard be turned on, illuminating all his surroundings, and, as police cars in an action movie, making him unable to escape without being spotted by someone. And unfortunately, that someone was the one person in the world, that Jughead hoped wouldn’t be. Jake Fitzgerald… Before Jake could notice (or so he hoped), Jughead shoved his wet, still scarlet-tainted hand into his pocket. “I can explain.” He shot rapidly, his brain running a million thoughts per second, hastily attempting to make up something the least bit satisfying. 
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tantriclimits-a · 7 years
There were a million other places, Brooke knew she’d rather be. Given, there were too many people here, she was hoping to avoid. Like her dad, Emma, Will, Nina, and so on. Jake would have been added to that list had Brooke chosen to continue lying to herself. She wanted to talk to him. Over the past week, she’s tried to text him a couple times and all she’s ever gotten was a bunch of read receipts. He was clearly avoiding her because he was still pissed and she couldn’t blame him. Had the roles been reversed, she would have felt that same sting of betrayal. Still though, it sucked. It wasn’t easy for Brooke to cut Jake out of her life. She didn’t even think that was possible. He’d always be a part of her. He’d always own a treasure chest of her firsts. His role was far too significant to feign otherwise. And she couldn’t. She only came to this stupid annual town event because she was hoping he’d be here and they could talk. Otherwise, she would have gone to a spa and pampered herself on her father’s dime until he eventually found her. “So, what’d you bring to burn?” Riley chirped, as she stood beside Brooke in front of the soon to be burning boat like some beautifully optimistic guardian angel. Brooke was tempted to respond with the morbid ‘myself’ response. She was filled with too much bad karma, bad luck and bad choices lately. No one would miss her if she was gone. In fact, a lot of lives would be so much better off. For instance, Jake’s. He hated her and maybe setting him free was the best thing she could do for him. He deserved better. Then again, Brooke wasn’t suicidal. Not really, anyway. She wasn’t ready to give up yet. She’d try her hardest to earn his forgiveness back. No matter what it took, she was willing to do it. This was sober-Brooke talking. Riley had asked Brooke to do her the favor of putting the flask down for just one night. One night. It wasn’t a whole lot to ask because Brooke loved Riley, she was willing to do it. Granted, everything hurt without it. Brooke couldn’t numb the pain with liquid healer. And thus, she was trapped in a spidery web of anxiety and pain. Both things reminded her she was still alive though, so guessed that was a plus.
“These,” Brooke pulled out the clothes she wore the night of Noel Kahn’s pharm party. The night that set her entire life in a downward spiral to hell. She didn’t want the reminders anymore. Her mind was haunted enough by the memories she could remember from that night. If she had never gone, maybe things would have panned out differently. It was obvious Brooke wanted to blame that night as much as Jake did. Her problems stretched back further than that but, her biggest all seemed to root back to that one treacherous evening. And the only way to get over it, or try to, was to burn it. Burn it and never think about it again. Of course, doing so was much easier said than done. “Hey look, there’s Emma--” Riley waved to their friend and their friend’s ex, (Will) as he approached Emma to most likely grovel some more for her forgiveness. As Brooke’s attention drifted to their friend’s, she noticed Jake not trailing far behind. He was accompanied by two of his and Will’s other friends. Brooke recognized their faces from the pictures Jake posted on instagram of their bachelor getaway to Vegas. (Yes, Brooke stalked him though she’d never admit it.) “Maybe you should go talk to him,” Riley encouraged. She could see how messed up her friend was over their breakup and even though she was still missing a few key details, she never stopped believing in the once-happy couple. “I can’t,” Brooke mumbled, chewing the inside of her cheek nervously. She could feel her heart thumping violently in her chest. “Yes you can,” Riley pushed Brooke gently, and Brooke actually started moving. She wanted to turn around and run and hide but another part of her really wanted to make amends. Or try to. She could understand his hatred but she couldn’t accept that this was the end of a 16 year friendship and relationship. They’ve been inseparable since birth. How could they ever just get over that? “Hey,” Brooke called out, tapping Jake on the arm. Tony and his brother both looked at her while they all waited for Jake to turn around, Brooke included. She didn’t know what she’d do if he blew her off. She wouldn’t blame him but it would be severely embarrassing. “Why don’t we go get a hotdog? I’m starving,” Tony slapped a hand against his brother’s chest and pulled him away, off to the side. He thought he’d do Jake a favor by getting rid of the audience. He had a lot of shit to work out and that wouldn’t be easy with them standing around. “You’re still not gonna talk to me?” Brooke wasn’t used to Jake being the one to give her the cold shoulder. But, she understood he had his reasons. “Jake, I’m really sorry.” The look in her eyes conveyed genuine  remorse. She truly was sorry. “Please, just talk to me..”
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tantriclimits-a · 7 years
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JAKE & BROOKE  featuring:  @viraldoosh
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tantriclimits-a · 7 years
What happened?!
8. In their underwear on your muse’s doorstep.       [ @betterthanforsythe ]
Between the three of them; (Brooke, Nina and Emma)– Brooke was well past the point of no return when they pulled into the parking lot of the Crescent Palms motel. It was Brooke’s turn to do a dare and so far, everyone seemed to be playing it safe. But at some point, Nina was going to throw them all a curve ball. 
She would have preferred to have gotten Emma this round, just to force their pollyanna princess out of her shell. But, perhaps next time. For now, all eyes were on Brooke as she took the last sip of the flask she brought with her. No one seemed to notice that lately, Brooke had been going through a downward spiral. She felt like a shitty person and thus, gave up on the idea of being good. What was the point? When recent actions have just proven that some people never change? Even those who have made the effort but still ended up failing. 
“Ok, I’m ready.” Brooke turned to her friends. Emma gave her a questionable look, like she was concerned Brooke might fall over or pass out any minute. And, she was right. There was a chance of that because Brooke was wasted. “What are we doing here, anyway?” Emma cut in. The Crescent Palms were one of the cheaper motels. Only the poor could afford to book a room here. But, that was the point. And Nina knew that a certain classmate of theirs was tucked away behind lucky door number 8. Jughead Jones. The thing about Nina was, she knew everything. She was like a redheaded fly on the wall. She bugged people’s phones and blackmailed them like it was nothing. But, for Jughead, she didn’t spy on him. She just so happened to be driving past one night in the backseat of some other Lacrosse player’s car (Not Tyler O’Neill’s, her boyfriend) when she spotted little Jughead heading up the steps of the motel. She had her fling for the night follow him and they watched him glance over his shoulder before disappearing behind door number 8. What he was doing there. she didn’t know. But, Nina was taking a wild guess and in the process testing out a theory with the help of Brooke during an odd spin on the classic ‘truth or dare’ game. 
“Hmm,” Nina purred, as her eyes crept over the empty parking lot. “I dare you to strip down to just your thong and knock on door number 8.” Behind Brooke and Nina in the front seat, Emma gasped. “What? No. Brooke, don’t do it.” As if on cue, Nina rolled her eyes and gestured for Emma to zip it. “Zip it. You barely did your last dare and according to the score, Brooke and I are tied. But, if she does this one, she wins. So, what do you say, B? Are you in or are you out?” Brooke glanced at the motel and then back at her friends. Nina was challenging her to do it and Brooke didn’t want to chicken out. At the same time, Emma was right in thinking she should pass. This location wasn’t exactly safe. And what if a pervert, or criminal was behind the door in question? Would Brooke even have time to get away? If she ran, fast enough, probably. “Fine, whatever. It’s not like I have anything to lose anyway.” Brooke unbuckled her seatbelt and started to shed off her layers. Including, her shirt, skirt, bra and shoes. The rules were; she could only leave on her underwear. Thankfully, she had two arms to cross over and guard her chest. “Seriously Brooke, don’t do this. It’s dangerous,” Emma whispered when Nina turned away to return a quick text to Tyler. “I’ll be fine, Ems. Relax.” 
Emma could tell that something was off with Brooke. And she didn’t want to break girl code by reaching out to Jake but if anyone could bring her back from the brink, it was their favorite (and sometimes, not so favorite) jokester. 
TEXT TO JAKE F:  3923 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd. Come now. It’s about Brooke.
sent from Emma D. 
“Wish me luck,” Brooke winked as she sprinted out of the car and up the cold metal steps to lucky door number 8. She knocked in a pattern of three and stood there for a moment, while peering over her shoulder to ensure her friends didn’t leave her there. The air was chilly and caused goosebumps to rise on her skin. Meanwhile, in the car, Nina closed her text conversation with Tyler and snapped a pic of Brooke after zooming in. “Nina, what are you doing?” Emma scolded. “Erase that!” Nina simply ignored Emma and locked her phone before tucking it away for safe keeping. “Relax, it’s photo proof. I’m not going to send it.” At least, not yet. 
“Come on, come on,” Brooke muttered as her teeth started chattering. Just as she was about to give up and run away, the door opened and Brooke’s eyes widened. She recognized Jughead because her boyfriend Jake, constantly terrorized him at school. “Wha— What are you doing here?” Brooke gasped, tightening her arms around herself. She heard the car start behind her and watched the lights flicker on. This was the moment, Brooke needed to leave. Which, she did. But not before Jughead managed to utter the words; “What happened?!” which she could only suspect he meant; what happened to her clothes. “Nevermind, gotta go!” Brooke took off, trying to slip back inside the car before another one pulled up. “Go, go, go!” Brooke screamed as Nina switched gears and took off, leaving Brooke to struggle putting her clothes back on the whole ride home. 
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tantriclimits-a · 7 years
imessage ✉  jake
Brooke: i know your really mad at me right now and i dont blame you
Brooke: but we can we talk?
Brooke: jake i'm really really sorry
Brooke: [unsent: i miss you]
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tantriclimits-a · 7 years
CONTACT: JAKE   @viraldoosh
What ringtone my muse has set for yours: Mercy (I was caught between this and this which played during their pool scene.)
What contact photo my muse has set for yours:He was so cute. What happened?  (I couldn’t resist & neither can she.)
What my muse thinks of the way yours texts:He talks the same way he does in person. He’s obnoxious but she loves him anyway.
How quickly my muse responds to your texts:Right away unless she’s mad at him then she’ll make him sweat.
How often our muses text:Every day, mostly when they’re apart.
How often our muses call:Every so often. They skype and facetime if they want more action than texting ;P
Does my muse purposefully miss calls from yours:When she’s mad at him, yes. She’ll send him straight to voicemail.
Last text sent from my muse to yours:✉ → TO: JAKE(talking about his hand) Until you delete that photo, you better get used to it.
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tantriclimits-a · 8 years
“✿” / “✘” / “$” / “&”
Send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text. 
💛  TO: JAKE  |  have you seen my other one?  [ img ]
Send “✘” for a HATEFUL text.
💛  TO: JAKE  |  you’re disgusting. i’m done.
Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text.
💛  TO: JAKE  |  false alarm. i’m not pregnant!💛  TO: JAKE  |  we can totally skip on the trip to planned parenthood after school.
💛  TO: JAKE  |  september fools! i was jk. 😘
Send “&” for a LOVING text.
💛  TO: JAKE  |  i miss you.  a lot.
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tantriclimits-a · 8 years
Send 📱 To Find Out About My Muse’s Phone
What ringtone my muse has set for yours: Say you won’t let go - James Arthur (I want to point out that his ringtone changes often. Generally it’s James Arthur because that’s their song. BUT, she’s also used True Love by Pink. And when she’s mad at him, she’ll change it to this just to be spiteful hahaha!)
What contact photo my muse has set for yours: Her fave pic & she snapped it.
What my muse thinks of the way yours texts: Well, she loves him so she loves his texts. But, he does use a lot of emoji’s.
How quickly my muse responds to your texts: Instantly unless she’s mad.
How often our muses text: All day, every day.
How often our muses call: They don’t really spend a lot of time on the phone unless they’re apart for some reason. They prefer to interact in person.
Does my muse purposefully miss calls from yours: Nope. Not unless she’s mad lol.
Last text sent from my muse to yours: Only if you’re lucky. 💘 (to: flix and chill q.)
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