#virgo shijima
vanisketches · 2 months
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Apprentices & their masters
Virgo Shijima & Shaka
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Feito finalmente os Cavaleiros de Virgem dando continuidade a minha bobeira em desenhar todos os cavaleiros e os "seus nomes"
Esses são todos os de ♍️ que eu consegui encontrar nas obras de Saint Seiya até o momento (Sete), por isso ultimo tem só a armadura, pra não fica vazio o quadrado
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O primeiro é o divo clássico Shaka de virgem Nas minhas pesquisas um dos significados que apareceram foi "FORÇA". Ai fiz um Buda forte pq sim 😂 (lembrando que não sei se tá certo…)
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O prox é nosso primo distante do Shakiro, Asmita de Virgem Segundo o tio google seu nome significa "ego" e também "aquilo que não é o que parece ser", então fiz uma miragem de deserto pro que nao parecer ser ai, e o piãozim de xadrez olhando pa si mesmo pro ego.
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Temos o ruivete de ♍️, Shijima de virgem. O nome dele significada SILENCIO. Então sshhhh… 😂
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Esse é a primeira vez que faço, o Fudou de virgem Seu nome significa "imobilidade", então meti uma placa de pare 😂
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Chegou a vez dele, nosso divo bronzete que ja se enfiou na armadura de virgem Shun. Pesquisei e alguns lugares constavam que nome dele significa PEQUENO BRILHO. Vi que ttambém podia ser VELOCIDADE, mas escolhi o brilhim ✨
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Esse foi meio complicado, pq encontrei seu nome como RENGE e como REGNE, mas optei por Renge. O significado, achei dois. PENTE e DIADEMA Escolhi o segundo e fiz tipo uma coroazinha 👑 Se ta certo, vai saber…
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De novo nosso (nem tão) clássico Shaka, mas esse de a Lenda do Santuário. Tinha outro significado pra SHAKA, que é "gratidão". Sei lá esse, mas peguei só para não deixa ele sem nada e nem igual ao outro ele kk Fiz Buda de novo (cliche foi mal e um pouco de preguiça)
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Enfim, é isso gente, desculpem se algum nome tiver o significado errado, mas fiz o que pude nas pesquisas, alguns foi muito osso duro de achar qualquer coisa… (não sou mt bão de pesquisas), e de criar algo com isso, mas dei meu melhor ai para fazer todos.
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kainshana · 1 year
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ranbuescalation · 2 years
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Shijima  ♍
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livaru · 2 years
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A sketch of Virgo Shijima based on his official artwork from saint seiya awakening
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monoukotori · 1 year
Sad about the lack of fanarts of Shijima using/knowing sign language
He's the perfect character for it since he doesn't talk
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doesnot-really-exist · 4 months
Roasting the Absolute Perfection (I can't with this title)
Context: Eden is my fav unit
Warning: images
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I'm not gonna lie, the song reminds me of Turbulent Storm. From all the techno music to its progression, like it's calm before suddenly– yeah you know
But unlike Turbulent Storm that is catchy and can be sung, this Absolute Perfection doesn't really get stuck in my head.
Seriously, Turbulent Storm is so catchy though, I never read the lyrics but I can like Go ahead! Blablabla uhh Kimi no frontierrrr cross the storm! Koete Ike, koete Ike, yeahhhh
Exceed also lives rent free in my head, or any other enstars songs I've repeated so many times, so maybe? The Absolute Perfection will get stuck in my head too beyond the aaaaaaaa… aaaaaaaa…. Haaaaaaaaa…. Aaaaaaaa x2
(I-it's like a 2000s barbie movies song)
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But it's at last, like finally, a Nagisa-center song holy sheet, how many years have it been? Even in Adam, Melting Rouge Soul is Ibara-center. and in shuffle, it's just Sakumas. At least Hiiro got Vermillion and Hysteric Humanoid before the Black out see-saw but Nagisa's are just uh basic songs like Awakening Myth, The genesis etc. Oh there's Deep eklipus. But does it really count.
So anyway his voice would just be overshadowed by others, imho if I hear them sing together all I can hear is Hiyori
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And the MV is also kinda lacking at a glance with the only effects being butterflies, light up tower, color-changing sky, lotus on the ground, fire sprinkler, some smoke & lighting (basic) and the random ray of divine light at the beginning. Oh and the giant gate.
But if I imagine that stage irl, it's extremely cool though, with sheer size of everything and the fricking 360° sky changing colors (the heck is this stage, are they in the Las Vegas round building). It's amazing.
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And I absolutely love the giant gate, it reminds me of Virgo Shijima's ability.
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Pictured: Shijima attacking Suikyo with Four Doors of the Buddha
Wait, I'm here to roast. So I get that their theme in this song is like eastern paradise, but those clothes are inexcusable. It's not that bad, but the white pearl necklace is just… horrible…
The symbolism is there though
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And also, a pearl is a gemstone (but not a stone). As a gemstone enjoyer, ofc Nagisa also has it in his feature scout 2 outfit.
His fs 2 is white, complete with absolutely perfect transparent white gloves, the pearls are perfect there.
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And in SS, the outfit is also white.
Meanwhile, I dislike the pearl necklace on the MV with passion. It just looks gaudy or like Miss Piggy from the Muppets or Lisa Simpson (sorry not sorry). The illustrated picture doesn't look as bad as in the MV though.
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Butterfly symbolism is also kinda overused nowadays, so yeah just check out the TV tropes page.
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Tldr; they thought they could get away with the outfits, stage, and song… they did. (Help). But definitely Psyche's Butterfly >>>>>>>>> Absolute Perfection
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hxdrostorms · 9 months
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// Don't reblog this post, I don't want it being spread around!
Just a quick meta, on what I take to be canon/relevant when it comes masters wise for my gold saints:
Seeing how it is kinda of left in the open and up for grabs.
The main theme for them is that, it is up to the previous cloth's wielder, to train the next generation. However, seeing how only 2 out of the 12 gold saints survived the last holy war. The saints that died in the last war were somehow brought back to life, only to specifically train the newest saints. They were also the ones who found and brought the new saints, to the Sanctuary (Saga and Kanon being the only exceptions to this).
It's important to note that the series has 2 different takes on the previous holy war (Lost canvas [spin-off] vs Next Dimension [Kurumada's take on it, the "official" sequel]), the roster of characters changes a lot between both versions. Personally, I'm leaning way more towards Next Dimension's roster of former gold saints:
Taurus Ox -> Aldebaran
Cancer Deathtoll -> Deathmask
Virgo Shijima -> Shaka
Scorpio Ecarlate -> Milo (this also applies to his Amazoness version)
Gemini Kain -> Saga & Kanon (Kanon doesn't officially become a gold saint until the Hades arc, BUT he is still put through that training)
Saggitarius Gestalt -> Aiolos
So that's what I'll be defaulting to for character development. WITH THAT SAID, I'm not closing the door on Lost canvas. I'll be more than glad to interact with characters from it, that would like/happen to be interested in establishing a Master/apprentice relationship.
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kamapon · 3 years
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It's Saint Seiya 35th anniversary and this is my Virgo Illustration for my Patreon, the Winner of my August illustration poll! (also Shun is my fav!)
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kainshana · 9 months
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Saintober 2023
Your Zodiac ♍
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kaus-dreamer · 4 years
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lostcosmic · 4 years
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Packs - Shijima de Virgem
Like/reblog if you use/save ♡
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look-a-draw · 4 years
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This is me trying to make reference of how I want to draw my Virgos to hopefully have more consistency… 
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reylogalaxymp4 · 3 years
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I’m back uwu
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madmachaca · 3 years
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Never forget that time Saori learned to use the force...
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