khaosmaker713 · 2 months
Who they are:
The Epic Heroes are a group of heroes who go from dimension to dimension to solve the problem and save the day!
Meet the Main Five:
Virre (Ben 10 Reboot):
Virre is the newest and youngest (but also technically the oldest) member of the Epic Heroes! Hailing from planet Soldracoa, this curious alien is always ready to have some fun and join the others on an adventure! Falling from the stars and onto Earth, it couldn't remember much about its past. But it did know that it didn't like being alone, so when the Tennysons found it and invited it to join their road trip, it just couldn't say no! Besides, you never know what fun you might have with an extraterrestrial!
Starry (Sonic the Hedgehog):
Starry the Fox loves making art with almost any medium. Photography, chalk, paint, and even baking! She loves working on all sorts of big and little crafts to give to the others whenever she's got a minute or two to spare. She's also the resident fashionista and clothing designer, styling outfits that save and slay the day!
Katie (Pac-Man & The Ghostly Adventures):
Danger is Katie's middle name! He lives for adventure and isn't afraid to dive in head first, although that can sometimes lead her to getting herself into trouble. Balancing the duties of saving the city from ghost attacks and the chore of high school isn't a problem for this teen. Well, mostly; he's not a big fan of math. She may act prideful, but she's not afraid to be a real hero when the world needs it from her!
Archer Woman (Mega Man)
Archer is the brains of the team's operation. As Doctor Shyne's first creation, she had many other robots come after her. She was built to research the flora and fauna of the forests. From protecting endangered species to studying the biology of rare flowers, she never gets tired of her job! The only thing that can pull her out of her lab in the woods is her motherly instinct to the other Heroes. She's technically the oldest of the heroes (not counting Virre's true age).
Zena (Super Mario)
From unexpected interdimensional guest to one of the top knights in the kingdom, Zena is no stranger to battle. Despite being on Bowser's side, she acts for the greater good and enjoys hanging out with the Koopalings, which eventually leads to her becoming the unofficial eldest sister of Bowser's children. She's even managed to influence the King of Koopas himself to quit his habit of kidnapping Princess Peach! She may be the muscle of the Epic Heroes, but she's a great person once you thaw her icy exterior.
And with that, this is the conclusion of my first main post of the...
Thanks for viewing!
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pazism · 1 year
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Alex Virr - Lights Out (Paz Remix)
The sing sing snares once again ring out over the ethereal vocals, bassbin breaks and cut up synth. The techno energy of Alex Virr’s original is dragged down below 120bpm, representing a jump up, clap along version of its deeper origins.
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virtualdreams7 · 2 years
the worst thing that can happen to a beautiful woman happened to me.. the anime i started watching and fell in love with is unfinished.
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a-distant-stargazer · 2 years
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ghosttzuu · 2 months
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Mica'inil Alean-virr
finally going to play the first curse of strahd campaign after doing the death house one shot so I thought I’d introduce Mica!! she is my lil drow bard baby who ran away from the under dark and abandoned her family to become an entertainer cause fuck lolth
a misandrist in the middle of a party full of men, how will she cope
i need to properly draw her again cause this piece is a few weeks old 😭
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tuntetesinfo · 5 months
Ezen a hétvégén belül
lesz egy ilyen is
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Botrány után tüntetés!
Botrány! Vagy a kampány miatt, vagy azért mert soha nem gondolták komolyan, de a Fidesz az illetékes parlamenti bizottságban levette napirendről a gyermekvédelem ügyét. Pedig a pedofil botrány a kormánypártokon égett, de ebből sem hajlandóak tanulni, talán azt remélik, hogy már minden el van felejtve.
Nincs elfelejtve és addig nem nyugszunk, amíg nem kap több és jobb védelmet minden gyermek Magyarországon!
Követelésünknek tüntetésen adunk nyomatékot 2024. április 27-én 17.00 órától a gyermekvédelemben, így a pedofil ügyben is illetékes Belügyminisztérium előtt.
Felszólalók: hamarosan kiderül…
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theryokawa · 7 months
Silence and Other Peculiarities — IwaOi
This night there was only silence.
This night there was no virr of machinery, no drizzle of rain, no patter of feet; just dead a spaceship on dead earth with mostly dead people inside. This was the way most pivotal events played out, in the quiet, in remote corners, in the places where nobody looks.
Some breath could be heard, quiet like the wind in the earliest hours of the morning. Not that the men inside the ship knew much of how that sounded, huddled inside a spaceship for the better part of a month in silence. No words exchanged, no glances, no signals of life aside from breath.
That is how it would’ve stayed if one of the men didn’t have a temper.
Iwaizumi was fiery hot like a summers day, sharp eyes zeroing in on the man opposite to him as he allowed himself to look. Oikawa looked a mess, he thought, and that made him cross.
He then thought about how all of this was the Oikawa’s fault, and that made him doubly the amount of cross.
“Toru,” Iwaizumi says, and he watched the man lift his head, almost tentatively, before he continues, “Finish your plan. I’ll listen. Just get us out of here.”
“What?” says Oikawa, the man who he harbors the most intense mix of resentment and affection for in the galaxy, with a strange tilt to his voice— one he doesn’t recognize.
“Don’t make me repeat myself.”
“But I…” Oikawa seems at a loss for words, his eyes are huge, he seems hurt, but why Iwaizumi will never understand.
What he does understand is the sentiment. He never won’t. Not after what they had lived.
“I know,” Iwaizumi says, “You betrayed my trust, you betrayed the planet, you betrayed everything I—everything we have ever stood for. You deserted me.”
Oikawa doesn’t fight him tonight. Not when their voices are the only noise around and the end feels near. Yet, he still, somehow, manages to be infuriating, a quiet, nearly intelligible “why” slipping from his lips.
“Why? How dare you ask me why, Toru” Iwaizumi says, and his voice cracks from the strain of keeping it level, “Do you believe my love for you is so fragile that betrayal is all it takes to shatter it?”
(my ao3)
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biggestram · 1 year
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My Jedi Oc Celtin Virr
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biggest-ram · 1 year
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(First post) This is my jedi on the run Celtin Virr.
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khaosmaker713 · 2 years
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My OCs (aka the Epic Heroes) in @potato-lord-but-not ‘s Picrew!
From Top to Bottom:
Katie (She/He)
Virre (It/They)
Zena (She/Her)
More on them later!
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virtualdreams7 · 2 years
you know, p-rn bots following me would be a lot less upsetting if they at least liked my posts.
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a-distant-stargazer · 2 years
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Vassal of the King (part 5)
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Frerin x OFC
Author's annotations are here!
Frerin is one hundred and thirteen when he and Verdandi lay together for the first time.
Frerin is shaken as he contemplates the scene in front of him, a Dwarf (Norien is his name, his family owns a food store in town) lying on the floor, unmoving, a trickle of blood falling down his chin. For a brief, terrible moment, Frerin is back at Azanulbizar, among the scattered bodies of his dead kin, the moaning of the wounded, the stench of desperation filling the air...
And then, the spell is broken. Norien moans, propping himself on an elbow as he cautiously touches the corner of his mouth; a couple of friends help him back on his feet. "What has gotten into you?" he exclaims, equally angry and surprised "Why did you get in the way? This does not concern you."
"It is true, it does not." Frerin replies, hoping he looks and sounds more sure of himself, and less unsettled, than he feels "But Verdandi has made it clear that she does not appreciate your interest. You should leave her alone."
"And who are you to tell me what to do? You are not her father, nor her intended, or am I wrong?"
The subject of that discussion is standing next to the two arguing Dwarves, staring with a sigh at the tankard of ale she was in the middle of enjoying when Norien came bothering her. She hates that sort of situation, especially when she is the unwilling cause, but she has seen the expression of the barkeeper behind the counter progressively darkening in the course of the last two minutes (since, in other words, she has seen Frerin, who at this point for her is still Fjalar, parry Norien's clumsy punch to his face with his forearm before countering with a blow of his own and perfectly hitting the target) and this is why she decides to intervene.
"Stop it, both of you, now." she says, putting herself between the two, who seem ready to exchange more blows, and looks sternly at them; some Dwarf women would appreciate it, two suitors fighting for them, but all Verdandi feels is annoyance, and exasperation "Brawling helps no one, least of all me. And why are you discussing about me as if I were not present?"
Frerin looks at her; he seems wounded, as if disappointed she does not appreciate his intervention. "Verdandi, I only wanted to..."
"I do not care." she stops him; she knows he had her best interests at heart and she is grateful, but he cannot fight her battles for her, as if she were too young to do it... or if he were her husband "Please, apologize to the barkeeper. Both of you."
Frerin and Norien exchange a tense glance, more than ready to resume hostilities, but they both privately decide it is better to obey, for Verdandi's sake if nothing else.
"I apologise, master Virr."
"I am truly sorry. It will not happen again."
The older Dwarf grunts in response; brawls are nothing new, even though this is maybe the first that occurs while the fighters are still sober. "Just go." he answers, before going back to the kegs to tap.
Satisfied, Verdandi takes a single, long swing of her beer (the tankard is still half full, she regretfully notices) and takes Frerin's arm under hers; Norien, who is using his sleeve to clean his chin from the blood, sees it and darkens, but the Dwarf woman pretends not to see.
"Let us go."
Frerin lets himself be pushed outside, vaguely displeased (why is Verdandi leading him around, as if he were a child holding his mother's hand?) but mainly relieved. He is probably the only Dwarf his age to have never been involved in a brawl, and that is a distinction he is doing his utmost to maintain: he has had enough of violence in his youth, enough of blood and pain and death, to last for a lifetime, and he has sworn to himself to never lie hands on another creature again, even if it is a simple fistcuffs in a tavern.
But tonight... tonight, as he was enjoying a quiet evening with an ale and his pipe in front of the fire at The Axe and the Holly, a tiny, cozy tavern not far from the forge, he saw Norien bothering Verdandi at the counter (he could not help it, since he was already looking at her, alone and so pretty in her jade green dress, wondering whether he would have the courage to invite her to sit with him, and knowing he should not do it in any case) he noticed the tense, uncomfortable expression on her face, and he knew he had to do something. The other Dwarf had attacked him first, and it had been a single punch, nothing more, but he cannot help feeling ashamed, the memories of his first and last battle, at the gates of Khazad-dûm, still uncomfortably close.
He does not regret it, though; not since he had to do it in order to defend a woman, not since he had to do it to defend Verdandi. For her, he realizes in the privacy of his heart, there is very little he would not do, and this is the scariest realization of his life.
They leave the tavern behind them, immersed in the cool autumn night; the streets are almost empty given the hour, dark but for the odd wall-mounted torch, and he cannot stop looking at the reflection of the flames playing on the dark colour of Verdandi's hair. There is nothing, Frerin thinks, he would not give to feel that silky mane in his hands at least once.
"I did not enjoy hitting him." he points out in the end; they have walked in silence for a while, wandering aimlessly as they tacitly enjoyed each other's company, and Frerin wishes they could stay like that until dawn, but he does not want Verdandi to think he is a violent person, or someone used to solve his problems with his fists.
The Dwarf woman smiles. "Oh, I know. I did not do it to defend Norien from you, I know you only had to defend yourself." she says "But he is a stubborn Dwarf, no one knows it better than I do, and I was afraid he would try and attack you again, and the last thing I wanted was for him to have his face smashed simply because he could not give up."
Wanting to avoid unnecessary violence does her credit, Frerin thinks; still, he cannot help feeling disappointed. "You were worried for Norien, then?"
"Of course I was, since all it took you to knock him down was a punch; he is so stubborn he would keep fighting you until you had broken his face. Also, I was afraid master Virr would forbid all three from returning to the Axe; it is the only tavern in town that sells my favourite kind of beer."
"So you are not..?"
She turns to look at him. "I am not what?" she wonders, and Frerin knows it is childish, and asking will make him sound ridiculous, but he cannot help it; and if Verdandi points out the matter does not concern it, so be it...
"So you are not... interested in him?" he asks, doing his best to sound as if he were not really interested in an answer - and miserably failing, he realizes, given the way Verdandi is now looking at him.
"Mahal, no. We were friends as children, but I have never been interested in him and I never will be; he keeps asking to court me, or at least that I join him for dinner, but he does not understand that the more he insists, the less I could be inclined to accept. He even spoke to my mother and my sister, asking them to intercede for him. I am afraid he will never relents."
Frerin stops; he had not realized the situation was so serious, and he feels shame, because until now he has only looked at Verdandi's predicament from his point of view, because of his egotistical, ridiculous desires, but the thought of someone actually harassing her, maybe even putting her in danger, had never even touched him.
Oh, well. You were never good at considering other people's feelings when you wanted something for yourself, were you?
They are crossing the town square, close to the tailor and embroidery shop Verdandi's mother manages with the help of her two daughters. Frerin stops, forcing the Dwarf woman next to him (they are taking a walk together, something Frerin would have dearly wanted to invite her to do if only he were brave enough... and if he thought it could actually lead to something more than heartbreak) to do the same.
"And you are not concerned?" he asks, and Verdandi sighs, as if already tired with the conversation she must have had so many times already, but her expression softens as she looks at him; she has braided her hair once more, a single, large red plait falling on her back down to her buttocks.
"Fjalar, I am a Dwarf woman living with her mother and sister, without a brother or a father protecting them; I - we have been fighting men's unwelcome attentions ever since I remember. I know how to defend myself, and while I truly appreciate your intervention, I do not need other Dwarves fighting my battles."
Frerin knows, and this is why the whole matter is so worrisome; after leaving Erebor Dís was no stranger to pestering suitors, not to mention those wretched individuals who harassed her for the simple pleasure to humiliare her, but she at least had two brothers, not to mention various cousins (first of all Dwalin, who seemed to take any slight to the princess personally) to defend her. Verdandi, her mother and her sister have no one, and it is not hard to guess what they must have had to deal with: condescendence and arrogance at the very best, and outright persecution at the worst, all because many male Dwarves considered women a prize to win and a property to order around and decide for.
He wishes he could do something; that he could protect her, and her kingswomen, and make sure no harm comes to them. But why would he?, Frerin reflects with a sigh; he is not related to Verdandi, nor he is... important to her in any way, what gives him the right to assume responsibility for her security... especially given what he chose to do in the past, faced with the duties imposed on him by his princely role?
Verdandi is still looking at him, the calm and intense look of her azure eyes as always capable of making him forget his very name. Frerin sighs, frustrated, as he passes an hand in his hair.
"I know you can take care of yourself; truly, the last thing I want is to patronize you." he tries to reassure her; Mahal, is this the first time since their first meeting they are alone together? "But you are a maiden, unmarried, and not every Dwarf responds well to rejection. Some might even become violent, and I... I could not bear it if something were to happen to you."
That is the closest thing to a love declaration Frerin would be able to utter; he remains silent, his heart in his throat, waiting for a reaction... that is not quick in coming. Verdandi does not seem particularly impressed; she looks at him, her arms to her chest and a raised eyebrow, and then, slowly, a mischievous (Mahal!) smile appears on her lips.
"Do you know what I believe, Fjalar?" she asks in the end, a touch of coyness in her voice, moving a step towards him "That you did not intervene to defend me from Norien because he had made me uncomfortable; or rather, not only that. You also did it because you were jealous."
If Frerin felt his face burning after five hours bent on the anvil, it is nothing compared to what he is going through now. "Jealous? Me?"
"Exactly. Jealous that he had the courage to approach to court me, and you did not."
"I am not jealous of anyone." Frerin answers with all the dignity he has - that is to say, very little "And I do not lack courage, that is for sure."
Now Verdandi is openly smiling. "Oh, really?"
"Really. And I can prove it to you."
"And ho...?"
The Dwarf woman's question is blocked halfway when Frerin takes her face in his hands (strong, she reflexively realizes, calloused, but so gentle and delicate as they brush against her skin) and kisses her on the lips. It is a long kiss, passionate but sweet, and relaxed, to let them both savour the sweet moment they are living, unhurriedly as it deserves; Fjalar does not take advantage of their proximity to let his hands wander, even though he seems determined to never let her go. His kiss is passionate but not aggressive, almost worshipful in the way his lips caress hers; it is the sweetest kiss of her life, one that has Verdandi's body and heart shiver as she returns it, circling Frerin's shoulders with her arms, and presses herself against him, eliciting a moan out of his lips.
Verdandi is not, as claimed by a couple of rejected suitors, haughty, let alone frigid. Far from it, she is a young, healthy Dwarf woman, with all the desires of one, and even the dreams of a husband and a family, some day. She could have her pick of partners, like any Dwarf woman, but she has never have a lover, because she wants there to be no rumors or scandals about her name, not after everything her mother has done to raise her and her sister respectably... and because she wants her choice to matter, and to be more than a brief encounter to scratch an itch or a necessity to make all the other unmarried Dwarves relent. She dearly envies her sister, who has been in love with her intended ever since they were children and who has always been known to be out of the market.
Unfortunately, there is a Dwarf in whose presence it is literally impossible for Verdandi to remain prudent and demure, and that is Fjalar. She knows he is attracted to her, maybe even from that first meeting in the forge, but unlike what is customary for a Dwarf in his position, he has never come forward; he has walked next to her, keeping a polite distance so as not to risk accidentally touching her, he has walked her home in a couple of occasions, he has sat next to her at the tavern and has even danced with her, always after asking for permission - every single time, as if he could not see how happy and flattered Verdandi was when he looked for her, as if wanting to leave her the choice on how to live that sympathy between them. Verdandi could not help appreciating it, even though Fjalar is not the only Dwarf to have expressed his interest in a corteous manner.
Fjalar is handsome, with his dark blonde hair, his strong and proud (maybe too proud, his detractors say, as if he were a noble instead of a simple smith apprentice) figure, his kind and expressive eyes, the calloused hands that can be so delicate when handling a precious object or taking hers. He is clever, a hard worker, and he is kind - he really is, not simply when he is with her or because he wants to gain her sympathy. At times, he is pensive, melancholic, his eyes looking towards something he only can see, and that seems to fill his heart with sadness; there is pain in him, pain for something Verdandi does not know, like he does not know so much about him: where he comes from, what he did before arriving at Tharak Bazan, and why he is so loathe to speak about his past. All things considered, he is the image of someone who is running - from who or what, Verdandi has no idea (some terrible memory he is trying to leave behind? An enemy who wants to hurt him? Or he is the one who has committed a crime, and is now a fugitive from justice?) and logically this should make it impossible for the Dwarf woman to trust him, no matter how attracted she is to Fjalar, but she cannot help it: when she is with him, Verdandi feels safe. In peace.
And now this. The whirlwind of emotions that Fjalar's hungry, skillful mouth has evoked in her is already about to overcome her, and Verdandi knows that even if they have been kissing for only a minute she is already on the brink, and soon she will not be able to stop, and even if it took her more thank a century she has finally found him, the Dwarf capable to make her throw away decency and caution and inflame her heart...
It is only the lack of air that forces Frerin to break the kiss; he is breathless, his face lit up from the heat - and more. He passes a hand in his hair, the image of a Dwarf conflicted between his desires and propriety, he reaches for her and then, with evident regret, he lets his hand fall. "Let us go." he says, lowering his eyes "I will walk you home."
Suddenly Verdandi feels cold, unjustifiably cold for a fall night. "Fjalar..."
"We should not have. I should not have."
"Why?" she insists, taking his hands in hers; she does it to give strenght to her words, and also because suddenly she fears he is going to slip away and disappear from her life, now that they have finally found each other "Do you have another woman somewhere? Are you married, by any chance?"
"Of course not. But..."
There is sadness in his smile; worse, there is helplessness, and despondency. "Verdandi, believe me, it is better this way. I have nothing to offer you; no money, no home, no prospects. I am a vagrant who wanders about Middle Earth and owns nothing but his hands to earn his living. You deserve..."
"If you tell me I deserve better I am going to punch you in the face, mark me." she interrupts him, suddenly furious "Do you really think I care? That what I want is luxuries or a title? I have been working to help my family ever since I was a little girl; I want nothing more than what I can earn. And you could have a house, Fjalar; you could have it with me, if you wished."
It is a daring proposal to make, especially for a woman and since they have not even started courting properly; but Verdandi has never been so sure of something like she is now: the Dwarf in front of her is her destiny, the partner the Maker has made for her, and she will let nothing and no one keep them apart. Not even Fjalar himself, not when she can see the love filling his eyes and the desperate desire to accept and return what she is offering.
Finally, their hands meet in the dark of the night. Frerin kisses the back of hers devotedly, wishing he could open his heart to her and share all of his secrets with the one who deserves it; but he cannot - worse, he dares not, because even after four decades since Azanulzibar one thing has not changed, and he is still a coward unable to admit the errors, and the shame, of his past.
"There is so much you still do not know about me..."
"You do not have to tell me anything." Verdandi quickly reassures him, and the trust and the acceptance in her azure eyes is so pure, so deep and complete, Frerin feels both grateful and unworthy "Whatever secret you will share, I will keep it; but your past is your own, Fjalar, if you let me share your future."
He nods, too happy and moved for words. "I am not proud of everything I have done; but I can swear to you, I am not a criminal, nor I have ever hurt anyone who was not already trying to hurt me." he says; at the very least she deserves to know she is not being courted by a thief or a killer "And I will never hurt you, and whatever decision we will have to take, we will take it together; I will do my best to make you happy, I promise."
She is happy already, Verdandi thinks, and she only needs to be with him to continue to be so; and because of this, when Frerin takes her face in his hands and kisses her forehead, sweet and loving but too chaste for her taste, she rests her hand on the back of his head to make their lips meet once more and "Can we to go to your room?" she asks.
Two hours later the two Dwarves are in Frerin's room, and in his bed, huddled together. They have made love twice already, first in a rush of passion, their clothes falling to the floor as their hands searched and found skin to caress and stimulate, and then slowly, holding each other as their bodies moved together and their breaths merged as one, learning the ways of pleasure. It was sweet, and intense, and clumsy, and absolutely perfect, and Frerin wishes dawn would never come.
"You are magnificent." he lovingly whispers; he is lying on his side, an arm around Verdandi's shoulders and his free hand playing with her hair (that hair; that beautiful, sensual mantle of garnet red, that he grabbed handfuls of while he worshiped her beautiful body) ad he looks at her, thinking he has never seen something more beautiful in his life.
Verdandi smiles; for the first time since Frerin has met her, she seems shy, uncertain - but not regretful, something he is deeply happy of. "I would like..." she begins, her voice betraying the slightest touch of insecurity "If you really wish for this to continue, I would like you to come and talk to my mother. You know, to... to reassure her your intentions are serious..."
Frerin smiles. "My intentions are very serious." he reassures her, and Verdandi happily hugs him once more; for the first time in so many years he is not thinking about his past - not about the loss of Erebor, nor about the death of his parents and grandfather, nor about the night he saw his brother for the last time. Tonight... tonight he is happy, and grateful, and excited as he imagines the future he and the Dwarf woman in his arms will build together.
"Thanks for what you have done." Verdandi whispers after a while; she has lowered her face to kiss Frerin's chest, making him shiver with every downward inch "I really appreciated you defending me from Norien."
He reassures her it was his pleasure. Before losing himself in the graces of the body of the Dwarf woman in his arms, Frerin thinks that in less than a week it will be the end of the year he had intended to spend in Tharak Bazan before starting his journey once more, and he has to speak to his landlady as soon as possible to tell her he intends to stay for a little more.
TAGGING @starlady66 and @elvenenby.
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gta5ca · 1 year
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Virre Pirre | Lyle And Scott Pack
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starfallensea · 2 years
Virre Barake
Virre seeks to recover the lost soul of a Hydrarithian nobleman, allowing her to be posthumously adopted into his currently-defunct house, complete with title, wealth, and the chance to marry her love. She is extremely determined but lacks delving skills, and without a strong entourage she won’t stand a chance.
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mellireisid · 2 years
Vahepeal on palju tegemist olnud, aga midagi märkimisväärset pole teinud. 
3.12 käisin Tokyos, sain Nozomi ja Namiga kokku. Käisime söömas ja Shibuyas ringi. Nozomi oli mu toakaaslane Akitas, algselt on ta pärit Okayamast, aga nüüd elab Kagoshimas. Töötab elektroonikafirmas, teeb pisikesi osakesi, mis telefoni sisse käivad. Nami oli ka minuga samal ajal Akitas, aga siis ma ei teadnud teda, aga siis läks ta Aberdeeni oma vahetusaastat tegema ja kuna ta on Nozomi sõber, siis Nozomi ütles talle, et mina olen Aberdeenis ja oskan jaapani keelt, nii et Aberdeenis otsis ta mind üles. Aberdeenis saime siis sõpradeks. Mõlemad on Eestis meil külas ka käinud. Väga tore oli, leidsin ilusaid jõulukaarte, ei tea, kas need on juba teile kohale jõudnud. Tagasi minnes oli Shibuya jaam nii kohutavalt rahvast täis, hea meel oli tagasi vaiksesse Minakamisse jõuda. 
8.12 käisime Siljaga sõidus Shima-onsenis ja Kusatsu linnakeses, mõlemad on tuntud onsenide poolest. Shima-onsen on pisike onseni külake, kus oli paar ilusat vanaaegset maja punase sillaga (nagu Vaimudest Viidud filmis) ja mitu koledad 80ndate stiilis suurt hotelli, mis nüüd tundusid pooltühjad. Kole on muidugi minu arvamus ainult, Siljale tundus meeldivat. Üldiselt jättis natuke mahajäetud mulje, enamik kohti oli kinni, paar inimest kõndisid tänava peal. Aga me olime seal üsna hommikul ka ja ainult õues, enamik inimesi ilmselt mõnulesid onsenis. Edasi läksime Kusatsusse, kus kõigepealt tegime peatuse ühes mõnusas kohvikus. Kohvikuomanikud - rõõmsameelne abielupaar - olid ka ainukesed töötajad, umbes nagu Craig ja Rika siin oma kohvikut peavad. Kohvi tehti siphoniga (pole kindel, mis selle nimi eesti keeles on, google ka ei aidanud, selline kaheosaline kann, kus vesi keetes tõuseb ülesse ja siis vajub tagasi alla läbi kohvipuru). Lisan pildi, siis on parem aru saada. Igatahes - väga hea kohv, väga-väga hea soejuustusai ja mõnus atmosfäär ka. Arvet makstes andis naine meile tasuta kommi ka. Kusatsu on muidu tuntud oma onsenide ja linnaväljaku poolest, kus kuumaveeallikad tulevad maa peale ja sinna on ehitatud nagu väikeste kanalite süsteem. Natuke raske seletada, panen pildi juurde. Ma pole kindel, miks see nii on tehtud ka. Näeb igatahes huvitav välja. Väljaku ääres on ilusad majad. Kusatsus on ka palju suveniiripoode, ühes töötas mitu vanainimest, kes püüdsid tänavalt turiste onsenmanju näidistega. Nad olid nii naljakad, et me ostsime ka siis. 
15.12 läksin jälle Tokyosse, seekord Minamiga kokku saama. Läksime teamLab kunstinäitusele. teamLab on rahvusvaheline interdistsipilaarne kunstirühmitus Tokyos, kellel on paar püsinäitust Tokyos üleval. Ühe juures on vegan rameni restoran ka, nii et läksime sinna. Ramen oli väga hea ja näitus oli midagi täiesti uut minu jaoks. Enne sisenemist pidi jalanõud ära võtma ja terve aeg paljujalu olema, sest põrandamaterjal muutus erinevates ruumides. Ekspositsioonide vahel olid pimedad koridorid, kus seinad ja põrandad olid erinevatest materjalidest ja lõhn muutus ka, tegi kohe meeled erksaks. Iga ruum oli isesugune, ühes oli põrand tehtud kott-toolide moodi materjalist, et kõndides vajusid põlvest saati sisse ja kõik enam-vähem roomasid sealt toast läbi. Siis oli tuba peeglite ja valguspostidega, mis peegeldusid igalt poolt tagasi. Tuba, mis oli põlvekõrguseni vett täis ja vee peal ujusid värvilisest valgusest koi-kalad, kes muutusid lilledeks, kui vastu inimese jalga ujusid. Alguses oli neid vähem ja ujusid rahulikult, aga mida rohkem nad lilledeks muutusid, seda rohkem neid ilmus ja seda kiiremini nad ujuma hakkasid (taustamuusika läks ka hoogsemaks samal ajal), nii et lõpus oli kõik kaetud värvide virr-varriga. Seal olime kohe pikalt, nii lõbus hakkas. Teine väga lahe ruum oli, kus pidi peegelpõrandale pikali heitma, lagi oli kuplikujuline, kus tumedal taustal lendasid ringi hiiglaslikud lilled ja lehed, nii et tekkis tunne nagu oleksid pisike putukas lillede vahel ja samas heljud kosmoses. Seal olime vähemalt pool tundi kui mitte rohkem. Siis oli üks tuba täis laest rippuvaid lilli, mis liikusid aeglaselt üles-alla, nii et külastajad pidid nende vahelt läbi roomama. Ka seal oli peegelseinad ja -laed, sai palju huvitavaid pilte tehtud. Õhtul läksime Minami poole, tegime pitsat ja kuulasime muusikat. 
Järgmisel päeval sain Ginzas bukatsu õpetaja ja Yuriga kokku. Õpetaja viis meid mõnusasse itaalia restorani, kus saime viie-käigulise lõunasöögi, mulle oli veel eraldi taimetoidu oma tellitud. Õpetaja rääkis oma lastest ja lapselapsest, kes oli suvel sündinud. Üks ta tütardest on ülikooli õppejõud, varem töötas Ameerikas ja Keenias, aga nüüd on Hollandis. Ütles, et Keeniaga võrreldes on Holland väga ebamugav ja kitsas riik, toit oli ka Keenias palju parem. Muidu tundub, et õpetajal läheb hästi, sai eelmisel aastal lõpuks pensionile, aga ikka käib peaegu iga nädal koolis uut õpetajat aitamas või muidu bukatsus midagi õpetamas. Ütles, et naljakas hakkab juba, nagu polekski pensionile saanud. Pärast söömist käisime peenes ginza kaubamajas huvitavas raamatupoes, kus oli palju jaapani käsitööd. Tagasi Minakamisse jõudes olid prantslased siin, poiss ja tüdruk, kes jäävad kolmeks nädalaks. Minust kolm aastat vanemad, nii et väga mõistlikud ja mõnusalt vaiksed. Sõbralikud ka. Pärit Alsacest, aga viimased viis-kuus aastat on Lyonis elanud. Poiss on tarkvarainsener ja tüdruk töötab toidu kvaliteedikontrollis. Mõlemad tulid töölt ära, et aasta otsa Jaapanis reisida. On juba 7 kuud siin olnud, mitmes kohas käinud ja erinevate inimestega töötanud, võtavad maksimumi oma aastast.  
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