#virus dopant
itsmissing · 1 year
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virus dopant
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tsunflowers · 3 years
I always thought the theme of the dopants was "shit you would find in a museum" which is why the villain group is called "museum"
museum themed dopants:
terror (name isn't but his design obviously references incan or other ancient south/central american artifacts)
taboo (name isn't but design references african fetish dolls)
ice age
zone (it's a pyramid or ziggurat. it counts)
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narashikari · 3 years
What are your favorite kamen rider grunts/foot soldiers? (Just the villain grunts of the Neo-Heisei or maybe Reiwa you have to answer)(Masquerade Dopants, Waste Yummies, Stardust Ninja Dustards, Ghoul Phantoms, Elementary Inves, Plain Roidmudes, Bugster Virus, or (if they count as villain grunts) the Guardians from Build)
Meh, I’m actually quite fond of the Shocker grunts myself. They’re pretty iconic as a toku character, right up there with Hongou Takeshi himself.
Also the noises they make are pretty damn hilarious
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answertolifeis42 · 3 years
Kamen Rider Memory of Heroez Boss Review Part 3
We got further and nearly finished off a whole faction so I might be getting close to the end but I don’t know
Virus Dopant- She heard that I was talking shit so she came back to prove she could be a threat, she had to have a smaller environment to do it but she did it
Mezool- Ok she was hard and I died to her. Water is covering the arena except for one section so your vision is blurry when it comes to seeing where her attacks are going to be
Quetzalcoatlus Dopant- Another aerial section, not as easy as the Terror Dragon section was but it was quick
Kyouryu Greeed- All bark and no bite. A decent boss and his attacks look large and threatening but he’s very easy to dodge and counter
Ankh- This fight was FUN and challenging
Same Yummy- First time playing as Birth. Last time playing as Birth for me. I do not like how Birth controls so this boss only gave me trouble for that reason. Any other rider and I could have mopped the floor with him.
Kazari- I knew what to expect from him so while he was still a fun fight he wasn’t as bad as the first time I fought him and I finished him for good
Big Anomalocaris Dopant- another vehicle section, very easy yet still fun
Mezool and Gamel- I was expecting a hard fight like with Uva and Kazari. I was wrong. They were incredibly easy. I went after Mezool first but Gamel got in my way and died in seconds and then Mezool followed since she wasn’t as vicious as she was in the last fight with her. Shame that their last fight in this game was a joke. Or maybe I got lucky who knows. 
Uva- He’s powered up in a berserk state so his attacks do more damage but I had his patterns down so I was able to dodge and counter him and finish him off for good
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venus-says · 5 years
Kamen Rider W Episodes 01-18
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I like my detectives how I like my eggs, hard-boiled.
If you saw my Kamen Rider Zero-One post you may recall that I've mentioned I had intentions of watching he older seasons of Kamen Rider, and well it happened faster than I thought and here we are.
When I decided to begin by W all I had in mind was that I wanted to start from the earliest era since in my mind this would be the closest o Zero-One's style thus it would be easier for me, in many places I saw they listing the Heisei era seasons divided into two parts so to my logic this would be the season to start.
What I didn't expect was... THAT I'D CHOOSE THE SEASON THAT WAS PRACTICALLY MADE FOR ME. As you can already guess, I LOVED WATCHING THIS. At first, it was confusing as hell, then when I see there's this cool looking dude parking his cool ass bike wearing a cool ass hat, and then when I know this guy is a detective obsessed with detective fiction AND I WAS SOLD! And the more I watch the more I fell in love with it.
But I'm getting ahead of myself, allow me to recollect and give a general overview.
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This show has a very simple plot but they shine in this simplicity. Because there weren't any huge ambitions so far it made me feel very close to this world, yes they have monsters who use USB devices on their bodies and there's a dude with google on his brain, but when you put this fantastic element aside they did a good job on making me feel like that city and its people are real. What I really like about this whole thing is the structure of the show where all stories are two-parters, I think it's a good way to fill 49 episodes while keeping a good pace without having to pad things with filler to fulfill a quota. I may have watched 18 episodes but to me it felt like I just watched 9 episodes of a 45 minutes show on Netflix and if I didn't have to write this post I'd definitely had continued watching until a passed out because I didn't feel time passing. Another thing this show has going for is the music, from the opening to insert songs passing through BGM there are a lot of nice tunes and straight out bops in there, I really need to check their soundtrack sometime.
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The characters have been very hit or miss to me so far. I really really like Shotaro, to me he's the perfect main character for shows like this because he has all elements we expect from a Red Ranger/Pink Cure but he's not only that, we see his passion but we also see his worries, more often than not he comes as the voice of reason of certain situations, and it's not a thing that happens only in certain episodes to try to pull an emotional moment or to be used as a comic relief, this is present, on a form or another, in all episodes and love it. Phillip in the other hand I have a really hard time with him, his quirk of being SO OBSESSED with things can be seen as cute in some moments but absolutely despiteful in others. Akiko is another part of the cast I dislike, I don't know if she was written to be utterly annoying, or if it's the performance of the actress that is way too much, but I couldn't sympathize with her in any moment.
This show also has great side characters, I don't remember their names but I think I love all of them! The cop duo is great, the informant is hilarious, I don't get Santa's existence on this but he's lots of fun, the ramen dude is kinda charismatic, and they have WTomo as recurring characters which I completely forgot was a thing! The villains are also quite interesting, I don't really like most of the designs of their Dopant forms (Taboo is the only one I like), but to me they have a very interesting dynamic and while their goal so far doesn't seem like anything spectacular, I really enjoy when the show takes its time to give us many looks in this family and gives us the opportunity to see their machinations in detail.
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Thinking about the rider, W has a very simple design but it's not a detriment it works very well both aesthetically and as a gimmick, that I really like btw even though I get very uncomfortable when they use finishers where they get split in two. I like even more that Phillip and Shotaro don't need to be at the same place to be able to transform (you should take notes precure). They also have some really nice gadgets, I love the camera bat and the motorcycle for example, and this mix and match of forms gives some very creative combinations and attacks. I still think the belt is a bit too much, but it doesn't bother me like how the Zero-One's does.
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This post is already pretty long but I'm talking about 18 episodes, I feel like I need to go through some stories in more detail.
I really like the second story (Episodes 3 and 4), and a huge part of that was how interesting the powers of the Dopant were. At first, I thought we had way too many scenes of Saeko and Kirihiko's wedding but after watching more episodes and seeing how this relationship developed(?) I think we needed to have that.
The story of the girl who lost her father (5 & 6) was a very good surprise to me, the show was very chill so far and then they drop this emotional bomb and OOF. It was amazing, the whole setting was quite interesting, the little girl was very strong and I really felt for her, I hated her mom at sometimes but in others I could understand her, and Shotaro's intern turmoil if he should tell the girl the truth or not was also incredible. I'm still puzzled about how Phillip knew about their special greeting though.
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Episodes 7 and 8 were without a doubt my least favorites and the only episodes I straight out hated. To start the "victim" of the week was just the worst dude ever who in the moment their friend decided to go try something else he felt like if it was okay to put her name in to be killed. In whatever way you put it, this isn't cool. and to make things worst THIS SHOW REDEEMS THIS DUDE LIKE IF WHAT HE DID WASN'T EXTREMELY ABUSIVE AND ABSOLUTELY WRONG. Another thing this episode did was make me hate Phillip who was so fucking obsessed with this stupid dance move and showed completely disregard to not only his mission but also the girl in this episode to the point where THEY LOST FOUR MEMORY DRIVERS TO THE VILLAIN BECAUSE HE JUST COULDN'T LET GO OF THIS THING THAT I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY HE WAS RESEARCHING IN THE FIRST PLACE. UGH I hate this story so much.
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The story of Episodes 11 and 12 was pretty interesting as well, the way the Virus Dopant worked in here was very clever, and also the thing that started this whole mini-arc was a very interesting topic I wish they had dowelled more on traffic accidents and such instead of going "girl got me because she was being cheated" thing.
Wakana's arc from episodes 13 and 14 was amazing, probably my favorite episodes so far. I thought it was going to be something to comment on the obsessiveness of idol fans, and secretly I wish that was the case rather than a dumb rivalry between two women, but I can't deny that what we got was indeed pretty good. One thing I really enjoyed from this episode was seeing past "victims" return, it shows that this world is alive and that the past episodes weren't just isolated events. It was also very good to see the seed of Wakana's redemption being planted, and the revelation that Phillip is her brother came in a very good way too. Very well rounded episode.
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Sadly this can't be said about the next two arcs, they had a major pacing problem for me. I think what both of these arcs needed was more of a connection between the two, especially for Kirihiko's defeat/redemption.
Episodes 15 and 16 are fine, it was the typical "villain takes on the hero's identity to crush their popularity" but that had elevated stakes, but I feel like Phillip and Fang needed to be worked more and maybe if they had left a few things out of both episodes they could've built more into this. And you can kinda say the same about 17 & 18, they tried to do so much in just these two episodes that the major event of one of the lieutenants being defeated felt very rushed. I think they could've left this plot of kids with Gaia Memories and a single Memory being used by multiple people be an arc solely for this problem so they could go really in dept with such an interesting conflict, and let this be a more proper send-off to one of the big bad guys.
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Despite said problems, I still enjoyed the shit out of W and I'll definitely try to sneak in a couple of episodes more before going to bed today. This was my first time covering so many episodes at once and I hope it wasn't a dreadful experience to any of you who sit through almost 1700 words of me rambling trying to sound smart. XD You can expect my review of Zero-One's episode 10 either tomorrow or Tuesday and if nothing goes wrong I'll be back next Saturday with another 16 episodes of W to talk about. See ya folks~.
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blogwiseguy123world · 4 years
Global Electronic Special Gases Market-Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast  2020
Summary – A new market study, titled "Global Electronic Special Gases Market-Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast  2020" has been featured on WiseGuyReports.
Electronic Special Gases are high-purity gases used during the processes to produce semiconductors, liquid crystal panels, LEDs, solar cells, and so on.
Global Electronic Special Gases Key Players:
Linde Gas
Air Liquide
Air Products & Chemicals
Showa Denko
Mitsui Chemical
Middlesex Gases
SCI Analytical
Also read – https://www.abnewswire.com/pressreleases/electronic-special-gases-market-2020-global-industry-key-players-size-trends-consumption-demand-analysis-to-2026_478801.html
In 2018, the market share of gas companies such as Air Products & Chemicals, Air Liquide Group, TAIYO NIPPON SANSO CORPORATION, Praxair Group, and Linde Group accounted for more than 80%.
Electronic Special Gases refers to some chemical gases used in the production process of semiconductors, such as extension, ion injection, blending, washing, and mask formation, that is, electronic gases in the gas category, such as high purity SiH4, PH3, AsH3, B2H6, N2O, NH3, SF6, NF3, CF4, BCl3, BF3, HCl, Cl2, etc. These gases make the silicon wafers have semiconductor properties through different processes, and also determine the performance, integration and yield of integrated circuits. During semiconductor production, a special gas
A certain impurity in the body exceeds the standard, which will cause serious defects in the quality of the chip. In serious cases, the entire production line will be contaminated or even completely paralyzed due to the diffusion of unqualified gas. Therefore, electronic gas is the key material of the manufacturing process and is the veritable "blood" of the electronics industry.
Ammonia (NH3), Dichlorosilane (SiH2Cl2), Disilane (Si2H6), Hexachlorodisilane (Si2Cl6), Monomethylsilane (MMS), Nitric oxide (NO), Nitrous oxide (N2O), Oxygen (O2), Silane (SiH4), Trichlorosilane (SiHCl3), Trimethylsilane (3MS), Tungsten hexafluoride (WF6)
Boron trichloride (BCl3), Carbon dioxide (CO2), Carbon monoxide (CO), Chlorine (Cl2), Chlorine trifluoride (ClF3), Difluoromethane- Halocarbon 32 (CH2F2), Fluorine (F2), Fluorine Nitrogen mixture (20% F2/N2 mixture), Hexafluoro-1, 3-butadiene - Halocarbon 2316 (C4F6), Hexafluoroethane - Halocarbon 116 (C2F6), Hydrogen bromide (HBr), Hydrogen chloride (HCl), Hydrogen fluoride (aHF), Methyl fluoride - Fluoromethane - Halocarbon 41 (CH3F), Nitrogen trifluoride (NF3), Octofluorocyclobutane - Halocarbon 318 (C4F8), Octofluorocyclopentene - Halocarbon 1418 (C5F8),Octofluoropropane-Halocarbon 218 (C3F8), Silicon tetrafluoride (SiF4)
Arsine (AsH3), Boron-11 trifluoride (11BF3), Diborane (B2H6), Diborane (11B2H6), Germane (GeH4), Phosphine (PH3) Trimethyl-Boron (TMB)
Argon (Ar), Helium (He), Hydrogen (H2), Hydrogen sulphide (H2S), Nitrogen (N2),
There are more than 30 commonly used high-purity special gases, which can be mainly divided into alkane, halide gas and other gases. They are flammable, explosive, highly toxic, etc. They are difficult to produce and have high value.
Electronic Special Gases Breakdown Data by Application
Electronics & Semiconductors
Medical & Healthcare
In 2017, downstream applications in electronics, petrochemicals, and medical and environmental protection accounted for 40%, 40%, and 10%, respectively. According to the Prospective Industry Research Institute, China's electronics specialty gas market has a scale of 12 billion yuan, with a CAGR of 13.4% in the past 9 years. Downstream integrated circuits, display panels, solar energy, and LED accounted for 42%, 37%, 13%, and 8%, respectively. At present, the fluorine-containing series of electronic gases in the global electronic gas account for about 30% of its total. It is mainly used for cleaning agents, etchant, but also for dopants, film-forming materials, etc.
Since the COVID-19 virus outbreak in December 2019, the disease has spread to almost 100 countries around the globe with the World Health Organization declaring it a public health emergency. The global impacts of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are already starting to be felt and will significantly affect the Electronic Special Gases market in 2020.
COVID-19 can affect the global economy in three main ways: by directly affecting production and demand, by creating supply chain and market disruption, and by its financial impact on firms and financial markets.
The outbreak of COVID-19 has brought effects on many aspects, like flight cancellations; travel bans and quarantines; restaurants closed; all indoor events restricted; over forty countries state of emergency declared; massive slowing of the supply chain; stock market volatility; falling business confidence, growing panic among the population, and uncertainty about future.
This report also analyses the impact of Coronavirus COVID-19 on the Electronic Special Gases industry.
Based on our recent survey, we have several different scenarios about the Electronic Special Gases YoY growth rate for 2020. The probable scenario is expected to grow by a -17% in 2020 and the revenue will be xx in 2020 from US$ 553 million in 2019. The market size of Electronic Special Gases will reach US$ 924 million in 2026, with a CAGR of 13% from 2020 to 2026.
China's special gases gradually developed with the rise of the domestic electronics industry in the 1980s, and with the development of medical, food, environmental protection and other industries, the application areas and product types have been continuously enriched. Due to the obvious gaps in technology, processes and equipment. In the early stage of development, special gas products basically depended on imports.
At present, through years of continuous research and development and investment, China Gas Corporation, represented by Huate, has realized the import substitution of IC with high-purity carbon dioxide, high-purity hexafluoroethane, and photolithography gas.
Market Analysis and Insights: Global Electronic Special Gases Market
The global Electronic Special Gases market is valued at xx million US$ in 2020 is expected to reach xx million US$ by the end of 2026, growing at a CAGR of xx% during 2021-2026.
Global Electronic Special Gases Market: Drivers and Restrains
The research report has incorporated the analysis of different factors that augment the market’s growth. It constitutes trends, restraints, and drivers that transform the market in either a positive or negative manner. This section also provides the scope of different segments and applications that can potentially influence the market in the future. The detailed information is based on current trends and historic milestones. This section also provides an analysis of the volume of production about the global market and also about each type from 2015 to 2026. This section mentions the volume of production by region from 2015 to 2026. Pricing analysis is included in the report according to each type from the year 2015 to 2026, manufacturer from 2015 to 2020, region from 2015 to 2020, and global price from 2015 to 2026.
A thorough evaluation of the restrains included in the report portrays the contrast to drivers and gives room for strategic planning. Factors that overshadow the market growth are pivotal as they can be understood to devise different bends for getting hold of the lucrative opportunities that are present in the ever-growing market. Additionally, insights into market expert’s opinions have been taken to understand the market better.
Market Segment Analysis
The research report includes specific segments by Type and by Application. Each type provides information about the production during the forecast period of 2015 to 2026. Application segment also provides consumption during the forecast period of 2015 to 2026. Understanding the segments helps in identifying the importance of different factors that aid the market growth.
Segment by Type
Segment by Application
Flat Panel
Solar Cells
Global Electronic Special Gases Market: Regional Analysis
The report offers in-depth assessment of the growth and other aspects of the Electronic Special Gases market in important regions, including the U.S., Canada, Germany, France, U.K., Italy, Russia, China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, Mexico, and Brazil, etc. Key regions covered in the report are North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Latin America.
The report has been curated after observing and studying various factors that determine regional growth such as economic, environmental, social, technological, and political status of the particular region. Analysts have studied the data of revenue, production, and manufacturers of each region. This section analyses region-wise revenue and volume for the forecast period of 2015 to 2026. These analyses will help the reader to understand the potential worth of investment in a particular region.
Global Electronic Special Gases Market: Competitive Landscape
This section of the report identifies various key manufacturers of the market. It helps the reader understand the strategies and collaborations that players are focusing on combat competition in the market. The comprehensive report provides a significant microscopic look at the market. The reader can identify the footprints of the manufacturers by knowing about the global revenue of manufacturers, the global price of manufacturers, and production by manufacturers during the forecast period of 2015 to 2019.
The major players in the market include Linde Gas, Air Products, America Gas, Central Glass, Kanto, Mitsui Chemical, Anderson, SK Materials, Shandong FeiYuan technology, Showa Denko, Sumitomo, etc.
For more details - https://www.wiseguyreports.com/reports/4984083-global-electronic-special-gases-market-research-report-2020
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chemwhat · 4 years
D-Camphorsulfonic acid CAS#: 3144-16-9
IdentificationPhysical DataSpectraRoute of Synthesis (ROS)Safety and HazardsOther Data
Product NameD-Camphorsulfonic acidIUPAC Nameheptanyl]methanesulfonic acid Molecular Structure
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CAS Registry Number 3144-16-9EINECS Number221-554-1MDL NumberMFCD00064157Beilstein Registry Number2809675Synonyms(1S)-10-camphorsulfonic acid, d-10-camphorsulfonic acidMolecular FormulaC10H16O4SMolecular Weight232.301InChIInChI=1S/C10H16O4S/c1-9(2)7-3-4-10(9,8(11)5-7)6-15(12,13)14/h7H,3-6H2,1-2H3,(H,12,13,14)/t7-,10-/m1/s1InChI KeyMIOPJNTWMNEORI-GMSGAONNSA-NCanonical SMILESCC1(C2CCC1(C(=O)C2)CS(=O)(=O)O)CIsomeric SMILESCC1(2CC1(C(=O)C2)CS(=O)(=O)O)C Patent InformationPatent IDTitlePublication DateWO2018/170476POLYMORPHIC COMPOUNDS AND USES THEREOF2018CN103509029Phenanthroquinolizidine Phenanthroindolizidine alkaloid derivatives and salts thereof and their preparation, anti-plant-virus and anti-cancer activity (by machine translation) 2016US2013/150360INHIBITORS OF BRUTON'S TYROSINE KINASE 2013
Physical Data
AppearanceOff white crystalline powderAlpha22 º (589nm, c=20, H2O 25 ºC)Boiling Point100 °CRefractive index21.5 ° (C=5, H2O)SolubilityExhibit moderate Solubulity in HCCl. PH0.3 (200g/l, H2O)StabilityStable. Protect from moisture. Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents, strong bases.SensitiveHygroscopicWater SolubilitySoluble in water Melting Point, °C Solvent (Melting Point) 196 - 200194.9 - 195.8ethyl acetate195acetic acid197 - 198benzene Description (Association (MCS))Solvent (Association (MCS))Temperature (Association (MCS)), °CPartner (Association (MCS))Formation constant of a complexaq. phosphate buffer24.99β-cyclodextrinAssociation with compoundCDCl3-60Dimethyl-(2-methyl-8-phenyl-quinolin-5-yl)-amineAssociation with compoundCDCl3-60-dimethyl-amineAssociation with compoundCDCl3-605-(Dimethylamino)-8-(3,5-diphenylphenyl)-2-methylquinoline Dissociation Exponent (pK)Dissociation GroupSolvent (Dissociation Exponent)Type (Dissociation Exponent)1.2SO2OHdichloromethanea1/apparent
Description (NMR Spectroscopy)Nucleus (NMR Spectroscopy)Solvents (NMR Spectroscopy)Temperature (NMR Spectroscopy), °CFrequency (NMR Spectroscopy), MHzChemical shifts1Hwater-d2300Chemical shifts1Hacetonitrile400Chemical shifts 13CCDCl3Chemical shifts33SH2O37 D-Camphorsulfonic acid CAS#: 3144-16-9
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Description (IR Spectroscopy)Solvent (IR Spectroscopy)Spectrumpotassium bromideD-Camphorsulfonic acid CAS#: 3144-16-9 IR1
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D-Camphorsulfonic acid CAS#: 3144-16-9 IR2
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Description (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)Solvent (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)SpectrumethanolSpectrumH2OD-Camphorsulfonic acid CAS#: 3144-16-9 MS
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Route of Synthesis (ROS)
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Route of Synthesis (ROS) of D-Camphorsulfonic acid CAS 3144-16-9 ConditionsYieldWith sulfuric acid; acetic anhydride
Safety and Hazards
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SignalDangerGHS Hazard StatementsH290: May be corrosive to metals H314: Causes severe skin burns and eye damage H318: Causes serious eye damage Information may vary between notifications depending on impurities, additives, and other factors. Precautionary Statement CodesP234, P260, P264, P280, P301+P330+P331, P303+P361+P353, P304+P340, P305+P351+P338, P310, P321, P363, P390, P404, P405, and P501 (The corresponding statement to each P-code can be found at the GHS Classification page.)
Other Data
TransportationUN number: 2585; Class: 8; Packing group: IIIUnder the room temperature and away from lightHS Code294200StorageUnder the room temperature and away from lightShelf Life2 yearsMarket PriceUSD 60/kg Use Pattern(1S)-(+)-10-Camphorsulfonic acid may be used as a starting material to synthesize 10-iodocamphor. It may also be used as a dopant to induce chirality in the conduction band of polyaniline.(±)-S-methyl-S-phenylsulfoximine can be resolved using it as a chiral resolving agent to form the (-)-form in high enantiomeric purity. Used as a resolving agent, as a catalyst for coupling dipeptides. Read the full article
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gameridernews · 7 years
Ex-Aid review: Heisei Generations
Time to review Ex-Aid's first movie: "Kamen Rider Heisei Generations: Dr. Pac-Man VS Ex-Aid & Ghost With Legend Riders". Long, long title. Since I've not done a review for a movie yet, how do I format this...
Well, for starters, some preliminary timeline placement: The movie came out when Kuroto Dan was still pretending to be sane, and there was still a bike among us. The Kamen Rider Genm spinoffs would tip you off to that since those take place after this movie. It's a nice early "In case you're new to Ex-Aid" timeline placement.
Also, since this is post-finale Ghost, Drive, Gaim and Wizard... I won’t hold back on spoilers for those shows!
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This is a real treat, I tell ya. For those who don't know, I love crossovers in general. And when it comes to Kamen Rider, I usually get some kind of enjoyment out of the crossover movies. I say this because, well, they're not usually... logical. Due to trying to work in this show and that show with their crazily distinct styles and lore, it gets hard to make crossovers actually make sense.
But the ones that have come out since Gaim have been doing a better job of that. Generally I'm talking about the spring movies in this context, but what I should be talking about are the winter movies. These are typically movies where the current show gets its own plot, the previous show gets its own post-finale plot, and the two plots merge in the final act... or final 10 minutes.
Ghost/Drive did something impressive with this format: It ditched it entirely. Instead of having two shows meet at the end, this movie realized that a movie about Ghost and Drive should really be about Ghost and Drive having some adventure that affects both of them. I'm glad to see this movie follows that notion with Ex-Aid and Ghost meeting within the first few minutes, and even Drive gets to be involved in continuity with the aforementioned Ghost/Drive movie. I'll talk about the cameos as they come up.
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So right away, things are falling into chaos as we meet our villains, Dr. Pac-Man and his three lackeys, who I'll call Robol, Dragol and Giril since that's easier to remember. This is because they steal the Proto Gashats from Kuroto Dan, along with the Bugvisor, and the lackeys use Proto Gashats to transform much in the way Graphite did to gain his black recolor form.
I appreciate that, from the moment this movie starts, you know that you're in for a wild time. The lackeys themselves all do some fun fighting even as civilians, in particular Giril who literally brought a sword to a gun fight even before getting a Proto Gashat. Dragol, the tall lanky one, also does a good performance. And Dr. Pac-Man... boy, that outfit and mask combo is so 70s it hurts. I can't hate it.
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I should take some time to talk about Ghost, shouldn't I?
Yes, this is Ghost's return after the show ended, and to be honest? Not much has changed for this cast. Takeru is in school making up for the time lost, but everyone else... is about where they were when the show ended, which is fine. The monks and Kanon also appear briefly, and of course Makoto/Specter and Alain/Necrom, but I am disappointed that Javert didn't get to show up - I wanna see what his monk training has led to, man.
The Pac-Man Bugster Viruses end up taking away Takeru’s ability to transform for some reason... but then we learn why later! Pac-Man's weakness is ghosts! I shouldn't be surprised that was actually a plot point since that's a line in the trailer, but it's still absurd in a way that made me smile. Apparently Kuroto Dan is being trusted with his Eyecon to work on a new Gashat, which sounds like A VERY BAD IDEA but y'know, at this point Kuroto Dan was actually a trusted supplier.
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The three lackeys go on to use Proto Gashats stolen from Kuroto Dan, transforming into what are essentially reuses of the Collaboss Bugsters from the show, sans the Gashat lodged in the head - ironic since they transform shoving the Gashat into their body ala Dopant Memories. With that and the white outfits I can't help but imagine this is Foundation X related...
The undersuit of the Collaboss Bugster is colored a bit differently, but to me the main attraction is Dragol since Drago Knight Hunter Z never got used this way in the show. It's a nice design, too! It's a thing that makes me go "Oh I should use that in fanfiction..." 
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The movie mainly revolves around a high school student who becomes infected, and in a twist I kinda wasn't expecting so early, they make a Bugster from a game HE created - a game not associated with Genm Corp, Hatesate Puzzle. Kind of a neat twist. They tie this Bugster's powers into the villain's ambitions in a way that is kind of nonsensical to me, though.
What I do like is the way they handle the kid. Sure, it's mostly an Ex-Aid plot, but Takeru's respect for enjoying life comes into play since the patient really enjoys making his game, and the two of them, despite some minor differences later on, both want to see him be happy once it's over.
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While this is going on, we do get an interesting subplot with Dr. Pac-Man and crew. Takeru, Onari and Akari go to Shinnosuke/Drive of the Metro PD to find out who these villains are, and the plot thickens when he reveals that they were part of some shady business shrouded in rumors and mysterious deaths.
Shinnosuke's life sucks during this first half of the movie. It's become apparent to him that he can't be a Rider with his gear being put away and all, so he's feeling pretty powerless. It's a bit of a random stroke of luck how he is reunited with Belt-san to become Kamen Rider Drive again, but I will get into that once I talk about Gaim. Yes.
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Hey, wait, I've seen that scene in the show recently...! Let's talk about this now even though they reveal more about it later.
Perhaps there were detailed synopsis' available way back when the movie came out, I dunno. It's hard to come across this stuff in English unless you follow the right people, and even then you might only learn bits and pieces.
But I did not know the movie actually reveals that Emu is patient zero AND Parad was created from his Bugster Virus! And I bet a lot of folks outside of Japan were not privy to this reveal either, since I'd always seen/received theories about Emu possibly maybe being patient zero. I even theorized it at the end of December when the movie had already come out. I feel dumb but at the same time, that's what happens when you can't be there to see the movie when it comes out.
I'm talking a bit out of order, but I will say that there's a double edged sword to this reveal. On the one hand, we the viewers learn about Emu being patient zero because Ghost's sporadic touch-someone-and-see-memories power triggered when he put a hand on Dr. Pac-Man. On the other hand... bro, you should've probably told Emu something this eerie. Perhaps not the best way to reveal it.
Anyway, just thought that was real interesting for a movie that contains the name "Dr. Pac-Man".
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Back to the plot at hand, the new Hatesate Puzzle based Bugster causes some trouble for Takeru as it just about kills off Akari, or at least badly injures her. It's easy to say she was killed since it's Ghost. But we'll get to him near the end...
Oh yeah, Makoto and Alain show up around this time. Just... kind of slide into view during a fight since they read the script.
Sadly I don't really have much to say about them in this movie since their dialogue literally consists of saying "You'll pay for this!" in slightly different ways each time they speak. We do get to see that they and Kanon return to the Ganma homeworld at the end, so... that's still a thing.
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The movie then proceeds to provide the kind of fight porn you enjoy from one of these movies. Giril, Robol and Dragol take on Specter, Necrom, Brave, Snipe and Lazer (cause hey he's still alive), all while summoning Bugster Viruses that are themed after their Gashats; Samurai, futuristic soldiers(??) and fantasy soldiers that may or may not be using costumes from Wizard's summer movie. Fact-checking is for kids.
And of course, the new Gashat from Kuroto Dan has arrived for Ex-Aid to use. After he and Ghost start working together to take on the giant CGI Pac-Man, Ex-Aid uses the wonderfully colored Ghost Gamer form while Ghost uses the uncanny Ex-Aid Damashii form he now has (an Eyecon obtained at the end of his show because crossovers), and the two defeat the giant Pac-Man.
The day is saved. Wait, weren't there more Riders in this? 
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Yeah, that shocked me when I was watching - we're only halfway through and we've gotten the big crossover fight out of the way! If I wasn't already so aware of what happens in the movie, I'd be left wondering what comes next.
But Emu is still affected by all that happened. The other doctor Riders came to help, and are even caring for the Riders from Ghost who are injured, but Emu couldn't save his own patient. Not only that, but the villains have said patient, and are using him to create a new form for Dr. Pac-Man. Standard toku movie villain stuff.
Is there any hope left for our hero?
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No, but at least we have our donuts.
So this cameo is a bit out of nowhere for a couple reasons. One, it just kind of happens suddenly. Two, holy crap they got Haruto's actor to come back and his hair is perfectly on point. But alas, much like Wizard's show, his involvement here isn't living up to its full potential. He doesn’t say much beyond catchphrases and the fact he’s a mage, and doesn’t explain why he’s here. I have a way this could've worked, which will be addressed when I talk about Gaim. Yes.
There is also a kinda funny scene where he convinces Dr. Pac-Man into letting him be a bodyguard with no trouble at all. It was funny but not for the right reasons. He and Dragol also don't get along and that's funny because theming.
Once Emu, Takeru and Shinnosuke know where to go, they see the new bodyguard Haruto... who says he's here to escort them in - okay. The three engage in some fun out-of-suit fighting with Dr. Pac-Man's lackies, and arrive to a familiar part of this abandoned office set that led me to wonder how he was going to make his entrance...
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Turns out he just kind of crashes the party and lands like a badass. I can dig it. Okay, so NOW I talk about Gaim!
Gaim's a glaring part of this crossover. Whether the actor was busy with another role, or disinterested in returning, he never appears out of costume and there's not even a voice credit. 
Gaim DOES talk in the movie, and he sounds on point, but one thing you'll notice is he never says anything too specific. It's believed that his dialogue is just recycled audio from previous media, and sadly, as the resident Gaim fanatic, I could not even begin to find transcripts that would lead me to having properly spelled Japanese dialogue that would lead me to previous instances of said dialogue existing. Just wanted to explain how much dumb work I was doing for this one paragraph of the review.
But what I can tell you is this: Gaim has dialogue that’s real teamwork-y, so it’s probably from previous crossovers.
Anyway, I had two things to address with Gaim. First, they do a cute thing where Gaim retrieved Belt-san for Shinnosuke, to which he acknowledges that Gaim DOES have god powers that make it easy for him to just warp into the Drive Pit and snatch him up. That's a nice way of getting Drive to transform.
A shame they didn't think to have a flashback where Haruto is warned about Dr. Pac-Man by Gaim, thus explaining why either of them are here to begin with. I mean, Gaim's probably privy to movie villain plots, since he's got god senses.
As a real specific thing, I would have also liked if Gaim explained away his lack of out-of-suit appearance with "By the way, I'm on another planet right now, so this is just an avatar." If you don't follow Gaim then I'm sorry for throwing these spoilers out so crazily, but y'know. I gave the appropriate spoiler warning.
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There's a lot of lovely fight porn where Wizard, Gaim and Drive each take on the lackeys and their Bugster Virus grunts, who happen to fit their motifs, going through their various forms while their respective themes play. It's beautiful. Also Gaim has a real out-of-place line delivery when he gives a final blow, lending credence to the theory this is recycled dialogue.
When Ghost gets insultingly overpowered by the puzzle themed Bugster, making his supposed infinite potential form look bad, Ghost receives an out-of-nowhere visit from the spirit of Nobunaga who decides to fight alongside him with two other rulers of Japan who unified the nation. Tenka Touitsu Damashii represents three historical figures, and I gotta say, I'm glad to see it get used in a movie.
A shame they gave it to Ghost since the toy Eyecon is literally only capable of playing Specter's standby music. But I guess I can't feel too bad for Specter since he got his own movie with a final form? 
It's a nice idea, looks good, and the fact that it makes use of the three Riders' weapons is cool. Maybe in a world where Ghost made more Eyecons, Hideyoshi and Ieyasu would've been forms used by Ghost and Necrom.
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Things are not so hopeful for Emu. He's been given a legitimately-painful-to-watch beating by Dr. Pac-Man in his new monster form, and is pushed to the ground. The kind doctor decides to give Emu a taste of what it's like to go through death by Bugster Virus by basically forcing Mighty Action X into his belt alongside Proto Mighty Action X (since Proto Gashats have been established to be deadly), which doesn't work out quite how he wanted.
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Instead, Emu inexplicably (but we know why now) connects the two Gashats to form the Mighty Brothers XX Gashat - which appears to be lacking in some paint here for some reason, gonna guess it's an error. With a very ominous and emotionless persona overtaking him, he transforms into the separate Ex-Aids, Double Action Gamer Level XX.
It's a real interesting way of giving you a taste of what's to come in the show in a way that's different. Ghost/Drive did this as well with Ghost's Toucon Boost Damashii form, and there's also Hibiki which kind of... created its own crazy origin for Hibiki's final form which is completely ignored in the show.
Point is, I find it interesting the way they pulled it off. By the end of the fight, the villains have been defeated and Ex-Aid's double Gashat turns back into separates, with him having no memory of what he did - cleeeverly avoiding continuity problems with the show, I see.
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With that, the movie is just about over, but wait! It's a Ghost movie where Takeru doesn't die? Of course not, that'd just be silly.
Yes, as the cast of Ex-Aid and Ghost are meeting up again, Takeru randomly passes out. Apparently all the beatings he endured today was just too much for him. It seems that he's really dead this time! No pulse or anything! Tears all around!
You know what's coming, though. It's a crossover with a doctor. In a scene that's strangely reminiscent of the fakeout CPR scene in episode 1 of Ex-Aid, Emu brings Takeru back to life. He then thanks Emu for giving him another chance at life, fulfilling Ghost's other requirement of being sugary sweet.
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The credits roll as we see what everyone is up to now. Haruto is on a rooftop eating donuts just as you'd expect, and Shinnosuke is dealing with coworkers congradulating him on his new kid way too early... not sure if that's a Drive Saga 2 thing or not, since that's on my list of toku to watch.
And finally, the last scene has Parad with Kuroto, holding the Pac-Adventure Gashat that will be used in the Genm spinoff which doesn't make anymore sense now that I've seen the movie. Oh, and a nice shot of Perfect Puzzle's title image, teasing at Parad's future Rider status! Neat.
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So... that's a lot of text I'm gonna have to edit. But that's also Ex-Aid's first movie. How was it?
Well, I generally enjoy crossover movies for the fun things that can happen, and within the last few years they have gotten really good at telling a story. Especially Ghost/Drive which I have referenced several times here, since it and this movie have its format in common.
That being said, this movie is kind of an oddity of its own. It gets the Legend Rider-y crossover form stuff out of the way halfway in, and goes on to do more stuff later that feels reminiscent of the spring crossover movies as of late - even using returning actors, and directly acknowledging previous crossovers to give a legitimacy to them. These 4 returning heroes felt like they'd met before and were reunited, which is probably the most pleasant surprise of the movie.
I know a lot of folks out there hate these kind of movies, or even ignore all the toku movies, but I think this is promising. Kamen Rider crossovers have been getting better at character writing with each movie, and I am excited to see the spring movie once it hits DVD.
With that all being said, I'll see you all in... a week maybe? With Ex-Aid taking a week off, I should use that as an excuse to catch up and actually talk about May's crazy bunch of episodes.
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Depuis plus d’un siècle, un spectre hante l’Europe, le coronavirus.
Après la magnifique révolte de la tuberculose et de la syphilis, qui dévastèrent l’Europe durant le 19ième siècle, et obligea les Indoeuropéens à peupler la planète pour échapper à leur entreprise, les Sapiens se révoltèrent et tentèrent de répondre aux virus et bacilles en inventant une peste : les antibiotiques et l’agriculture intensive !
Le temps de la révolte est terminé !
Au cours de la magnifique Première Boucherie Mondiale, la grippe espagnole vint enseigner aux Sapiens qui commandait le monde : les virus.
Les virus ont inculqué à Sapiens le programme qu’il fallait pour favoriser leur expansion : la croyance indécrottable de Sapiens en son intelligence. Sapiens n’a toujours pas compris que les virus sont infiniment plus intelligents que lui ! Et qu’ils se servent de ce programme implanté pour progresser dans leur conquête incessante de nouveaux territoires.
Après une période de pause due à l’infernale invention humaine des antibiotiques, qui tenta de rivaliser avec les virus au cours de la pitoyable Seconde Boucherie Mondiale, on trouva enfin une nouvelle faille : la mixité sociale engendrée par Sapiens au cours de ses exploits guerriers engendra un goût forcené pour le luxe et le confort, ce qui amena la mise en place de l’agriculture intensive, la force de destruction massive dont les virus rêvaient sans pouvoir la créer.
Les cancers, hélas non-viraux, explosèrent…
Puis, dans son appétit de voyage, les virus trouvèrent dans Sapiens une nouvelle cause de déplacement, qui amena la magnifique invention d’un virus détruisant les défenses antivirales : le SIDA. La partie était gagnée, grâce à quelques ahuris Belges se dopant au fond du Congo.
Toutefois, de gros efforts restaient à faire !
Grâce à la frénésie de « tourisme », de « vacances », qui gagna Sapiens en raison de la ruine de ses efforts pour construire une société « heureuse », et qui engendra une société Sapiens de guerre permanente, avec ce que cela représente comme bénéfice pour les virus, en particulier grâce aux migrations engendrées par les guerres, mais aussi grâce aux visites de monuments historiques et à la circulation commerciale frénétique de Sapiens sur sa sphère, l’activité virale reprit.
C’est ainsi que, pour rappeler Sapiens à son vrai rôle, d’humus destiné à permettre la propagation des virus sur de nouvelles aires, on inventa un petit virus inoffensif mais qui, en raison de son activité spéciale, créa une panique dans toute l’espèce Sapiens, avec pour résultat de provoquer la ruine de son organisation sociale sur toute la planète. Il en résultat une situation de catastrophe économique dont on peut attendre de grandes réjouissances chez les virus, avec la multiplication de ce type de virus malins, auxquels Sapiens avec son intelligence étriquée, ne sait répondre que de manière absolument inadaptée, en « confinant » l’espèce dans des vases clos où le virus se réjouit de baigner et de prospérer sur l’amassage de matière première ainsi offert à ses appétits, tandis que les vastes zones de conquête qui lui restent offertes pour la suite restent vierges de tout écrantage immunitaire, tandis que les Sapiens locaux se croient protégés en portant des masques de Dottore della Pesta, et en se livrant à des rites apotropéïques stupides comme des salutations offertes aux dieux par des individus voilés de costumes de cérémonies importables, destinés à voiler le seul fait sérieux : l’élimination de la fraction des Sapiens beaucoup trop âgés pour vivre, maintenus en vie artificiellement pour certifier la « bonté » native de leurs desservants.
Pendant ce temps, les ressources naturelles de Sapiens tombent en ruine, sans entretien, réalisant la première manifestation de ce que Sapiens n’avait pas prévu : l’écrantage des forces de la nature CONTRE la croissance de Sapiens, qui se voyait déjà arrivé sur la plus haute marche du podium, tandis que la courbe de décroissance de Sapiens sur la planère commençait en beauté par ce coup de gong magistral.
0 notes
answertolifeis42 · 3 years
Kamen Rider Memory of Heroez Boss Review part 2
I got a little further in the game so here are my quick thoughts on bosses I’ve encountered so far
I have gotten some new riders
Claydoll- Shotaro and Phillip had a falling out in the story so I had to use Joker for this fight. A form I never used. So trying to get my bearings and deal with her was tough for a bit. The second phase gives you Accel so it was trying to deal with her while learning a new rider
Big T-Rex Dopant- I wasn’t used to using Accel so I had some trouble. The attacks are wide area so I had trouble dodging
Claydoll- Shotaro and Phillip reconciled and now that I had Double back Claydoll didn’t stand a chance since she did nothing new from the last fight and I knew how to dodge and counter her. The second phase I got Xtreme and in seconds I finished her off
Terror Dragon- An aerial combat section, quick, easy, but fun. Not sure if I should consider it a boss because of how fast it was
Kamakiri Yummy- Not too hard, it’s pretty much a boss to test Trigger out on since he hops onto pillars during the fight and you have to shoot him off
Violence Dopant- Easy, he’s a hard hitter with moves like the Tortoise Yummy but nowhere near as dangerous as he was
Taboo- We got Zero-One for this fight and she was kind of easy, she tries to play keep away with her projectiles but I was able to get in and attack her easily. I got hit once because I got cocky during her berserk phase
and that’s my progress so far. As of now the easiest boss was the Virus Dopant and the hardest has been Kazari
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kxwamx-escalation · 7 years
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((So, if she was in a few Rider universes...
Ryuki: Ai makes a contract with her Contract Monster to get her out of her brother’s house, who verbally degrades her and makes her life a living hell almost every day, and live freely. Her Contract Monster resembles a turtle, and she’d be called Kamen Rider Shield, with a dark orange color. Her main weapon is a shield that resembles a turtle shell, that also has a staff resembling a kendo staff. She loses the Rider War when she’s murdered by Ouja.
Double: Ai goes to the Narumi Detective Agency because she’s been stalked by a Dopant called the Champion Dopant, who steals her happiness and the happiness of others. The Dopant is her brother, who bought the Champion Gaia Memory because he wanted to “bring his sister back to reality” while increasing his happiness as well.
Fourze: A student a AGHS, she’s approached by the Libra Zodiart, and offered an Astro Switch. Bullied for still liking children’s media, she decides to take it, hopefully convincing people that it’s valid and maybe scaring them into silence. She becomes the Fox Zodiart, able to move quickly and use a special speaking voice to convince people to spread rumors. After spreading rumors that her own brother was bullying her, her brother (who in this universe does care about his sister and support her likes) goes to stop her, but accidentally implies believing in heroes is something you grow out of, making her reach the Last One state. Luckily, Fourze is able to defeat her, which causes all the rumors she spread to be suddenly confirmed false.
Ex-Aid: Ai and her borther both play Kamen Rider Chronicle, ignoring the warnings by the Ministry of Health. Ai plays it so she can be a hero, her brother plays so he can seize ultimate power by beating the final boss. Her brother ends up losing his life by being beaten by Graphite Lvl 99, which makes Ai stop playing the game, and put away her dreams of being a hero, to the point that she becomes extremely depressed and can’t leaver her house for a long period of time, which ends up getting her infected with the Bugster virus, a somewhat high level one re-used from Gekitotsu Robots. She’s able to be saved by CR, but needs some serious therapy afterwards. 
And these are just the canon universes!))
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answertolifeis42 · 3 years
Kamen Rider Memory of Heroez Boss Review part 1
A quick review of the bosses I’ve fought in Kamen Rider Memory of Heroez so far
I’ve only been playing as W and OOO. Zero-One hasn’t shown up yet.
Nasca- Fun fight but he’s pretty easy since it’s kind of a tutorial on boss fights with armor breaks and berserk mode which is a phase only for villain bosses not MOTW bosses
Magma Dopant- Ok boss and MOTW bosses return as minibosses in some areas since I had to fight him in a OOO segment
Smilodon- I almost died to him, he’s fast and you need to watch him carefully to counter him
Uva and Kazari- LORD HELP ME
Big Triceratops Dopant- My first time playing as OOO and it was an easy fight. A nice change of pace after the stress inducing Uva and Kazari fight
Uva- tough but manageable, not as bad on his own now that I don’t have to worry about Kazari
Kazari- First time I died in this game. Kazari is fast and I wasn’t fast enough to dodge or counter him and his attacks get faster and nastier in berserk mode
Tortoise Yummy- not too hard but hits like a truck if you get unlucky which I did....a lot
Virus Dopant- An absolute joke
Gamel- Hits hard but he’s very easy to read and counter, plus you can make him armor break himself, it’s kind of amusing
and those are the one’s I fought so far. I’ll be back with a part 2 at some point
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chemwhat · 4 years
D-Camphorsulfonic acid CAS#: 3144-16-9
IdentificationPhysical DataSpectraRoute of Synthesis (ROS)Safety and HazardsOther Data
Product NameD-Camphorsulfonic acidIUPAC Nameheptanyl]methanesulfonic acid Molecular Structure
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CAS Registry Number 3144-16-9EINECS Number221-554-1MDL NumberMFCD00064157Beilstein Registry Number2809675Synonyms(1S)-10-camphorsulfonic acid, d-10-camphorsulfonic acidMolecular FormulaC10H16O4SMolecular Weight232.301InChIInChI=1S/C10H16O4S/c1-9(2)7-3-4-10(9,8(11)5-7)6-15(12,13)14/h7H,3-6H2,1-2H3,(H,12,13,14)/t7-,10-/m1/s1InChI KeyMIOPJNTWMNEORI-GMSGAONNSA-NCanonical SMILESCC1(C2CCC1(C(=O)C2)CS(=O)(=O)O)CIsomeric SMILESCC1(2CC1(C(=O)C2)CS(=O)(=O)O)C Patent InformationPatent IDTitlePublication DateWO2018/170476POLYMORPHIC COMPOUNDS AND USES THEREOF2018CN103509029Phenanthroquinolizidine Phenanthroindolizidine alkaloid derivatives and salts thereof and their preparation, anti-plant-virus and anti-cancer activity (by machine translation) 2016US2013/150360INHIBITORS OF BRUTON'S TYROSINE KINASE 2013
Physical Data
AppearanceOff white crystalline powderAlpha22 º (589nm, c=20, H2O 25 ºC)Boiling Point100 °CRefractive index21.5 ° (C=5, H2O)SolubilityExhibit moderate Solubulity in HCCl. PH0.3 (200g/l, H2O)StabilityStable. Protect from moisture. Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents, strong bases.SensitiveHygroscopicWater SolubilitySoluble in water Melting Point, °C Solvent (Melting Point) 196 - 200194.9 - 195.8ethyl acetate195acetic acid197 - 198benzene Description (Association (MCS))Solvent (Association (MCS))Temperature (Association (MCS)), °CPartner (Association (MCS))Formation constant of a complexaq. phosphate buffer24.99β-cyclodextrinAssociation with compoundCDCl3-60Dimethyl-(2-methyl-8-phenyl-quinolin-5-yl)-amineAssociation with compoundCDCl3-60-dimethyl-amineAssociation with compoundCDCl3-605-(Dimethylamino)-8-(3,5-diphenylphenyl)-2-methylquinoline Dissociation Exponent (pK)Dissociation GroupSolvent (Dissociation Exponent)Type (Dissociation Exponent)1.2SO2OHdichloromethanea1/apparent
Description (NMR Spectroscopy)Nucleus (NMR Spectroscopy)Solvents (NMR Spectroscopy)Temperature (NMR Spectroscopy), °CFrequency (NMR Spectroscopy), MHzChemical shifts1Hwater-d2300Chemical shifts1Hacetonitrile400Chemical shifts 13CCDCl3Chemical shifts33SH2O37 D-Camphorsulfonic acid CAS#: 3144-16-9
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Description (IR Spectroscopy)Solvent (IR Spectroscopy)Spectrumpotassium bromideD-Camphorsulfonic acid CAS#: 3144-16-9 IR1
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D-Camphorsulfonic acid CAS#: 3144-16-9 IR2
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Description (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)Solvent (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)SpectrumethanolSpectrumH2OD-Camphorsulfonic acid CAS#: 3144-16-9 MS
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Route of Synthesis (ROS)
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Route of Synthesis (ROS) of D-Camphorsulfonic acid CAS 3144-16-9 ConditionsYieldWith sulfuric acid; acetic anhydride
Safety and Hazards
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SignalDangerGHS Hazard StatementsH290: May be corrosive to metals H314: Causes severe skin burns and eye damage H318: Causes serious eye damage Information may vary between notifications depending on impurities, additives, and other factors. Precautionary Statement CodesP234, P260, P264, P280, P301+P330+P331, P303+P361+P353, P304+P340, P305+P351+P338, P310, P321, P363, P390, P404, P405, and P501 (The corresponding statement to each P-code can be found at the GHS Classification page.)
Other Data
TransportationUN number: 2585; Class: 8; Packing group: IIIUnder the room temperature and away from lightHS Code294200StorageUnder the room temperature and away from lightShelf Life2 yearsMarket PriceUSD 60/kg Use Pattern(1S)-(+)-10-Camphorsulfonic acid may be used as a starting material to synthesize 10-iodocamphor. It may also be used as a dopant to induce chirality in the conduction band of polyaniline.(±)-S-methyl-S-phenylsulfoximine can be resolved using it as a chiral resolving agent to form the (-)-form in high enantiomeric purity. Used as a resolving agent, as a catalyst for coupling dipeptides. Read the full article
0 notes
chemwhat · 5 years
D-Camphorsulfonic acid CAS#: 3144-16-9
IdentificationPhysical DataSpectraRoute of Synthesis (ROS)Safety and HazardsOther Data
Product NameD-Camphorsulfonic acidIUPAC Nameheptanyl]methanesulfonic acid Molecular Structure
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CAS Registry Number 3144-16-9EINECS Number221-554-1MDL NumberMFCD00064157Beilstein Registry Number2809675Synonyms(1S)-10-camphorsulfonic acid, d-10-camphorsulfonic acidMolecular FormulaC10H16O4SMolecular Weight232.301InChIInChI=1S/C10H16O4S/c1-9(2)7-3-4-10(9,8(11)5-7)6-15(12,13)14/h7H,3-6H2,1-2H3,(H,12,13,14)/t7-,10-/m1/s1InChI KeyMIOPJNTWMNEORI-GMSGAONNSA-NCanonical SMILESCC1(C2CCC1(C(=O)C2)CS(=O)(=O)O)CIsomeric SMILESCC1(2CC1(C(=O)C2)CS(=O)(=O)O)C Patent InformationPatent IDTitlePublication DateWO2018/170476POLYMORPHIC COMPOUNDS AND USES THEREOF2018CN103509029Phenanthroquinolizidine Phenanthroindolizidine alkaloid derivatives and salts thereof and their preparation, anti-plant-virus and anti-cancer activity (by machine translation) 2016US2013/150360INHIBITORS OF BRUTON'S TYROSINE KINASE 2013
Physical Data
AppearanceOff white crystalline powderAlpha22 º (589nm, c=20, H2O 25 ºC)Boiling Point100 °CRefractive index21.5 ° (C=5, H2O)SolubilityExhibit moderate Solubulity in HCCl. PH0.3 (200g/l, H2O)StabilityStable. Protect from moisture. Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents, strong bases.SensitiveHygroscopicWater SolubilitySoluble in water Melting Point, °C Solvent (Melting Point) 196 - 200194.9 - 195.8ethyl acetate195acetic acid197 - 198benzene Description (Association (MCS))Solvent (Association (MCS))Temperature (Association (MCS)), °CPartner (Association (MCS))Formation constant of a complexaq. phosphate buffer24.99β-cyclodextrinAssociation with compoundCDCl3-60Dimethyl-(2-methyl-8-phenyl-quinolin-5-yl)-amineAssociation with compoundCDCl3-60-dimethyl-amineAssociation with compoundCDCl3-605-(Dimethylamino)-8-(3,5-diphenylphenyl)-2-methylquinoline Dissociation Exponent (pK)Dissociation GroupSolvent (Dissociation Exponent)Type (Dissociation Exponent)1.2SO2OHdichloromethanea1/apparent
Description (NMR Spectroscopy)Nucleus (NMR Spectroscopy)Solvents (NMR Spectroscopy)Temperature (NMR Spectroscopy), °CFrequency (NMR Spectroscopy), MHzChemical shifts1Hwater-d2300Chemical shifts1Hacetonitrile400Chemical shifts 13CCDCl3Chemical shifts33SH2O37 D-Camphorsulfonic acid CAS#: 3144-16-9
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Description (IR Spectroscopy)Solvent (IR Spectroscopy)Spectrumpotassium bromideD-Camphorsulfonic acid CAS#: 3144-16-9 IR1
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D-Camphorsulfonic acid CAS#: 3144-16-9 IR2
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Description (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)Solvent (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)SpectrumethanolSpectrumH2OD-Camphorsulfonic acid CAS#: 3144-16-9 MS
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Route of Synthesis (ROS)
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Route of Synthesis (ROS) of D-Camphorsulfonic acid CAS 3144-16-9 ConditionsYieldWith sulfuric acid; acetic anhydride More: Inquiry all available synthetic routes with detailed experimental procedures
Safety and Hazards
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SignalDangerGHS Hazard StatementsH290: May be corrosive to metals H314: Causes severe skin burns and eye damage H318: Causes serious eye damage Information may vary between notifications depending on impurities, additives, and other factors. Precautionary Statement CodesP234, P260, P264, P280, P301+P330+P331, P303+P361+P353, P304+P340, P305+P351+P338, P310, P321, P363, P390, P404, P405, and P501 (The corresponding statement to each P-code can be found at the GHS Classification page.)
Other Data
TransportationUN number: 2585; Class: 8; Packing group: IIIUnder the room temperature and away from lightHS Code294200StorageUnder the room temperature and away from lightShelf Life2 yearsMarket PriceUSD 60/kg Use Pattern(1S)-(+)-10-Camphorsulfonic acid may be used as a starting material to synthesize 10-iodocamphor. It may also be used as a dopant to induce chirality in the conduction band of polyaniline.(±)-S-methyl-S-phenylsulfoximine can be resolved using it as a chiral resolving agent to form the (-)-form in high enantiomeric purity. Used as a resolving agent, as a catalyst for coupling dipeptides. Read the full article
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