elisarg · 5 years
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A raw sketch as present for our precious Trip, happy birthday ! ^o^  <3
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reisponsibility · 7 years
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Suckin’ too hard on your lollipop, oh love’s gonna get you down.
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naomiknight17-blog · 11 years
virustripped reblogged your post: Does Mizuki get a frickin’ route in DRAMAtical...
he gets bromance route it’s p short
I cry T___T
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takanoboo · 11 years
virustripped said: idk, im a mizuki enthusiast and i found his ending in reconnect to be p satisfying
All right well, let me rephrase: Most of my pain in the dmmd fandom comes from the fact that there is not a full, extensive Mizuki route
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elisarg · 6 years
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Always in love with them <3
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princeryuuhou · 11 years
virustripped answered your post: “if i went on omegle as aoba, who would be interested in finding me...”:
i would but i was just talking to you oops
sh i know, frankie gosh
i think??? i'll go ahead and go on though with the tags dmmd, dramatical murder, aobuttseragayki, and aoba seragaki though for anyone else that might be interested.
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lupin420 · 11 years
virustripped replied to your post: im already in the box, it’s called noiz420 jail...
im sorry i called akushima that one time
if u really were you'd get me out of jail BUT I SEE HOW IT IS
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catlestial · 11 years
"Koujaku, would you hurry up?"Annoyed, our blue haired protagonist stood impatiently outside the bathroom door, which his boyfriend was currently occupying.
"You'd think being a hairdresser it wouldn't take you so long to do your hair." He turned his back to the door as it opened and he felt Koujaku slip his arms around his waist.
"Being a hairdresser is exactly why I take so long to do my hair." Aoba could hear the smile in his voice, which would have made him smile too if they weren't already running late.
"Shut up." Koujaku just laughed at him, which wasn't scoring him any brownie points. Aoba wiggled his way out of Koujaku's arms and turned to face him, thoroughly examining his costume. Koujaku did a little twirl once he noticed Aoba looking; at the end he blew a kiss and his smile grew to be even larger than before.
"Like it?" Aoba deadpanned, completely unimpressed by the performance.
"Don't you think the sexy vampire thing is over played?" His boyfriends smile turned into a sheepish one.
"Maybe? But it's still better than your costume." The comment only earned a scoff from Aoba; -10 brownie points for the hippo. Though, Koujaku was right. He really didn't put any effort into his costume, he'd picked up a witch hat and a cape on the way home from work today and had just worn it over his regular clothes. They'd been invited to a small Halloween party at Mizuki's business by himself and Trip. At first dressing up wasn't going to be a thing--sure it was Halloween, but they were all adults. But when Mizuki suggested it and Koujaku hopped on board right away, with his two best friends looking so excited Aoba couldn't find it in his heart to say no. Koujaku wrapped his arms around Aoba again and this time Aoba leaned against him, placing his arms over Koujaku's. The warmth on his back from him was comforting and safe, and he closed his eyes. Feeling a smile bubble its way up to his face followed by an all too familiar heat that attacked his cheeks, he let out a content sigh. Koujaku rested his head on Aoba's shoulder until the pitter patter of tiny feet could be heard.
"Aoba."The deep voice of Ren called to him and Aoba opened his eyes.
"I didn't intend to interrupt, but it is 15 minutes past the meeting time." He pulled away, ignoring Koujakus obviously dissatisfied sigh.
"Thanks Ren, I guess time isn't really on our side today." He commented as he picked up the small allmate.
"If you say so." Turning back to face Koujaku, he made a gesture to the door.
"We need to get going." Koujaku nodded in agreement, grabbing Aoba's bag and handing it to him. Letting him place Ren inside before interlocking their hands. Together they walked down the stairs, stopping by the kitchen.
"Granny, we're leaving now!" Tae didn't turn from the food she was so focused on making.
"Don't be back too late, I don't want to be woken up at 3 am with you two barreling into the house!" She paused for a moment, stirring the broth in the pot.
"Also...be safe." Aoba didn't comment on the slight softness that entered her voice, knowing it would only equal to a slap on the head.
"I'll make sure to be safe!" Aoba pulled on his shoes as Koujaku held the door open for him.
"Have a nice night, Tae-san." Koujaku said while he shut the door.
"I hope Mizuki isn't angry we're late.." Aoba mused as they started walking.
"Mizuki? No, he'll be fine. It's the Yakuza boys I'm worried about. I can picture it already."
In the most mocking tone he could muster, Koujaku imitated what he thought virus and trip sounded like.
" 'Oh, Aoba-san, being late is so unlike you.' 'Yeah, Aoba-san, was it because of Koujaku? Did he make you late?' 'You know how rib players are.'" Aoba could feel the severe drop in Koujaku's happy-go-lucky outlook at the though of them. The three had a rather unlikely friendship with the boys, albeit it had gotten better once trip started dating Mizuki
It wasn't long before the duo arrived at the front way of Black Needle , the whole alley was done up in halloween decorations and the entrance was decked out surprislingly well. He guessed those twin not twins helped Mizuki out a bit with the funds for this stuff. As they made their way up the familiar stairs, something felt off and as they stopped at the door, Aoba held onto Koujaku a bit tighter. It was these life sized figurines they had put out, they were almost lifelike--especially that clown. Though Aoba couldn't figure out why they had decided to slap a gas mask on it, probably because of the added ambingous creepy effect (He watched a youtube video on that once).
As Aoba leaned in to investigate further, the clown lurched forward and there was a loud "BOO!" from a voice they knew all too well. Aoba jumped back with a yelp and knocked into Koujaku, who also screamed at the fright. There was giggle from under the mask as the clown put his hands together.
"Sorry Master, sorry Koujaku-san! It's just too much fun to scare people on halloween- I hope I didn't over do it!" Aoba glared at him while from behind he could hear Koujaku's laughter
"Clear! You could have given me a heart attack, honestly."
Clear forcibly hugged Aoba and apologized once again and Aoba, unable to stay annoyed with Clear for too long, returned it. After receving the green light that his master was no longer angry at him, he got back into postion by the side of the door.
"Mizuki gave me the job of scaring people when they come inside! You guys should get going, before you blow my cover!" While he said it jokingly, Aoba could see that Clear took this responibility seriously and he wasn't one for ruining pranks, no matter how cheap he thought jump scares were. "Hope to see you inside later, Clear-san." Koujaku chimed in while following Aoba through the door.
The parlor was pretty full and Halloween-themed pop music was playing through out it's vicinity. The bar had plates of diffrent varitys of snack foods and everyone seemed to be having a good time, which actually wasn't that rare of a sight around here. Though, there was no Mizuki or Trip insight.
"Koujaku", Aoba said, while giving the crowd one last scan. "I'm going to go use the restroom."
"While you do that I'll seek out Mizuki." Even through the music Koujaku could hear the sound of Aobas foot tapping and mixed with the look he was giving him, he knew he was going to be in trouble.
"..And Trip." With a satisfied smile Aoba made his way through the crowd, to the backroom and down the corridor to the bathroom. Though, as he passed one of the tattoo rooms he heard what he thought was a struggle- thinking he needed to intervene he peered into the room to check out the situation.
The sight he found made blood quickly rise to his cheeks. Mizuki was pressed against the wall, lips locked in what looked like a very passionite kiss with Trip. Trip had one hand holding Mizuki's shoulder, the other hidden beneath his waistband. He heard Mizuki gasp as they sepreated and thats when the shock of the moment melted and Aoba jerked away from the door frame.
With a hand over his mouth and an expression similar too a two year old who just heard their mother curse for the first time. Aoba took a second to count his lucky stars that they didn't see him. Well, at least, it didn't look like they weren't very angry they had shown up late. With that thought in mind Aoba smiled a little before scurrying out of there. (Wow Aoba you didn't even use the bathroom.)
As he made his way thorugh the crowd again someone grabbed him and pulled him close, though the surprise only lasted for a
" 'Ello, m' dear." Koujaku's voice dripped with the worst vampire impression Aoba was pretty sure he had ever heard, which is what made it so funny and, not that he'd ever admit it, cute.
Too cute, actually. Aoba turned and wrapped his arms around Koujaku's neck, pulling him down for a kiss. It was only intended to be a quick peck, but something in the way Koujaku's hands landed on his hips and how soft his lips were, Aoba was surprised about into thiskiss he was getting.
"Making out at a party without even saying hello to the hosts first?" Mizuki's voice came from behind him and he quickly pulled away from Koujaku, feeling very flustered.
"Like you're one to talk." The realization of what he said caused his already red face become crimson. Matching Mizuki's "What did you just say?"
"Nothing! Let's just get on with the party!"
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lupin420 · 11 years
virustripped started following you
i thought we were already in a mutual follow but cool beans
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You all seem like you're quite fond of me, although I can't possibly see why you would be... I am but a mortal man, just like everyone else.
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There's nothing special about me in the slightest~ <3
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