muxas-world · 2 months
I voted, can I pls have the tacos al pastor?? And if you have any carnitas then I’ll take those too<3
Yes here 🌮 plse evydry sen suport in my fight againts @babygirlgp in the @yeastinfectionvale poll fight and you will get a taco al pastor too 🤗
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harepare · 1 year
tamam bugunluk bu kadar anime yeter
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pararororurun · 4 months
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Here for you (pt. 2) Kayano Mikoto x reader
Note : I AM FEELING A'OKAY! HAHA! HAHAHAHA! again not proofread so..
You walked into Mikoto's cell while carrying a tray of food. There, Mikoto was laying in his bed as his eyes were puffy from leftover tears. His cell was a mess, it was disheartening to see Mikoto sleeping in such a state.
You placed the tray of food on the table that was sitting at the corner of the room and sat on Mikoto's bed. Mikoto's expression was uncomfortable, stressed, and upset.
Even in his sleep he couldn't rest peacefully. Having these horrible thoughts running around his mind, especially after kotoko's attack. It doesn't matter if he doesn't remember anything, the bruises and wounds were still laying all over his body.
You moved his bangs behind his ear to take a better look at him, you were worried. Worried about how things will turn out for him, for everyone.
As you were too busy playing with his hair, Mikoto's eyes slowly open, groaning as he does. You took your hand off of his head and waits for him to realize his surroundings.
When he saw you sitting on his bed, he asked why you were in his cell, sitting up as he does. When he made groaned at the pain of his wounds you rush to try and hell him, before being stopped by Mikoto himself.
"I'm fine.. I'll be fine." He looks at his wound, before giving you a weak smile. Painful. It was painful to see him smile like that. It was still all a shock to you.
Everything went by too quickly. And now the four prisoners, including Mikoto, was terribly injured, whether it was mentally or physically. As Mikoto was still staring at his wound, you asked him to stay in his cell for a minute.
After a while you came back with a medical kit that you borrowed from shidō. Startled, Mikoto quickly asks you to let it be, and how he was okay and didn't need any help. You didn't believe him for a second, and went to sit beside him.
As you opened the med kit, Mikoto was fiddling around with his fingers. A look of guilt can be seen on his face. You felt angry that he had the audacity to feel bad at all, but bitter that he feels bad for receiving help.
You placed the bandages on his shoulder and neck, then a cloth strip on his arm. Grabbing a cotton and pouring some alcohol on it you dabbed the cotton ball onto the covered wounds.
Mikoto groaned for a bit before accepting the pain. As you two sat in semi-comfortable silence, Mikoto opened his mouth
"Thank you.. For helping me. And I'm sorry for wasting your time this like." He looked down. You stared at him feeling irritated, then exclaimed how he doesn't need to apologize for anything.
Mikoto was about to protest before shutting his mouth, not wanting to say something bad on accident. A few seconds passed by and you were done.
Mikoto looked at his wounds before softly smiling. "Thank you.. I don't know what I'd do with you." He said while feeling a little flustered. He looked at the table and saw the tray of food.
"Did you.. Bring that too?.." You nodded.
"Ah.. I'm so sorry. I-" before he could finish his sentence he saw you glare at him, waiting for him to finish his sentence. He quickly stopped before awkwardly smiling.
"Thank you, you.. Really are amazing.." He rests his head onto your shoulder. He doesn't want to leave your side, even if it was a sin. Then he would gladly be viten guilty at all times.
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vivifriend · 1 month
WIP Wednesday
Was tagged by the lovely @thequeenofthewinter
I shall tag @rainpebble3 @pitiable-arisen and anyone else who wishes to join. <3
I've been writing a ton! Just... haven't gotten around to updating anything... So... looking through what I have... Hmmm. Something from a Vilkas chapter.
Waiting until he couldn't catch her scent easily, he turned back to the fire, moving swiftly back to it, pausing when he got closer, not surprised to see that Lewin was awake, propping himself up on one elbow, his attention seemingly focused on Copper. "Everything alright?" he asked, twisting to glance at him.
"Serana wanted to talk to me," he said, moving closer, settling down on Copper's other side, frowning down at them. They're sleeping soundly. I'll have to keep an eye on them. He glanced at him. "About the sparring match. Did you lose on purpose? Could you have defeated Serana?"
"Maybe if I'd faced her first," he admitted, smelling slightly embarrassed. "And if...,"
He smirked. "If you didn't hold back?"
"What makes you think I did?" he asked.
"I could see it when you were fighting Sarlfi and Serana together," he said. "I thought you were tiring when you lowered your arms but you seemed pretty energetic when you came over after."
"I certainly was getting a bit tired," he sniffed. "Sarlfi hits hard, and he outweighs me by a lot."
"Might be twice your weight," he agreed. "Honestly surprises me sometimes that he's not muscle-bound."
"I think his fighting style has a lot to blame for that," he said thoughtfully. "He really likes sweeping moves, and that requires fast movement. Can't do that as easily when muscle-bound."
"That tracks," he said. "Had to get inventive with Farkas at one point. He always liked to show off how strong he was. I don't think he ever realized how popular it made him with the local women." A pang of guilt struck him, a realization sinking in. Vitene was the first woman he cared about the attention with. He never really noticed the others. "He was starting to get slower in training because of it though. And Kodlak wound up finding more jobs for him that required him to navigate tricky landscapes. It was an interesting couple of years."
"How did those jobs help?" he asked.
"Lot of climbing, jumping along narrow ledges, that sort of thing. I usually went with him. Often they were fugitive jobs, since a desperate person will go to great lengths to avoid facing repercussions. There's a shrine to Boethia hidden in the mountains in Eastmarch. It can be hard to get to, which may explain why an inordinately large number of those fugitives were Boethian cultists."
"Most of the followers of Boethia I know are Dunmer," Lewin noted.
"One of the the Three Good Daedra," he agreed.
He smiled, eyes gleaming in the firelight, smelling eager. "Copper mentioned you're a scholar. What have you studied?"
"Oh, anything I can get my hands on," he said easily, resting his hand on Copper's side when they stirred slightly. "I've read every book in Jorrvaskr and Dragonsreach. Before he lost his shop, I had a standing order with Belethor to alert me if anyone brought him a book." He shook his head. "I'll have to make a new deal with whoever takes that shop over."
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captivecitreum · 3 months
彡◦༄°˚°◦¸¸◦°´*•. OoOHHHH DAMN WE GOoOT A LIMEY UP IN ERE - >( ([[[[>
彡◦༄°˚°◦¸¸◦°´*•. WOoOoOoOP WOoOoOoOP - >( ([[[[>
another     insufferable                   tyrunt ! !  !                               this  one                                    not  even                                      charming ! its like only at least i can empathize with your brother ! is this how being immune to any social reprocussions makes someone act ? you should really be culled how we do it ! until you learn how to talk to people like theyre real ! spineless empress' footstool ! maybe try to remove her gluteal imprint on your face before you come online next time i cant believe reveri thinks hes lesser than you ! its funny ! im laughing ! you really seem to think you are anything other than an off-rust pet for a sadistic broken fake queen ! how does that feel ? to know a culled lime at the bottom of the sea is more free than you ? what do you even have in your pathetic life ? talking to people like that i think very little ! your mother will never respect you much less love you ! and anyone who interracts with you is just tolerating you to have friends in high places even if they would rather die than hear you glub its hilarious imagine the situation theyre in ! if they let you know how fake they are they are under fear of death ! no one could ever really care about you like that ! when they dont have a choice ! at least vitien had a choice ! vitens love for your brother was more real than anything you have ever experienced ! you think youre the top of the caste but youre just a kid ! a kid in charge of the lives of more trolls than i can imagine ! and every one of them is more qualified than a little pink wriggler with a bucket full of lusus problems treat raveri better red violet
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444names · 1 year
swiss cities + ukrainian forenames
Aargdorisa Aarne Albineuzna Aldena Alikaig Alina Aliyl Alwil Anach Anamen Andra Andrana Anjeldelgg Anthey Anthutia Antorgen Appet Arkon Arson Arteina Artel Artenz Artrestäfa Artry Astallya Aufeitei Aveyro Avheingena Avhel Avhen Avhenz Avhurina Baarus Bachayi Bachline Berginessa Berij Biermana Bieslav Bikton Binge Bingen Binswilia Birschwil Bohda Bohdarii Bohdau Bohliya Borisia Boystyna Brandrau Brosoliya Bruntia Bucern Burgen Chrysla Copfina Copfinna Cossna Cotentya Cromyanne Croslaylon Cudmyta Cudorg Culina Cullimen Dankiv Darija Denna Dianna Dimile Dmilio Dmilo Dübenburg Düberij Düberiya Ebikolosyi Eduarans Eduaria Ekarigen Elémofikon Emille Ersemgary Erylo Evgen Evgenst Fayiasca Fayiz Fedeln Fedig Fedija Galastuhl Galeksyi Galen Galia Ganaubov Gench Georsen Glavra Gostina Gremmelda Gresyp Greuvetti Grugg Grütigen Haliyana Haltdor Hanayis Handriy Hanne Heifen Heingen Henbern Henti Hofin Horiya Hryskon Hurnevko Ihoryia Ineuhlen Ineuk Iryslavyd Irysta Isainfen Italyj Ivanda Ivarbov Izollen Katal Katalyz Katangen Katinasta Katofen Katofika Katonach Katoss Katten Khrya Khryhorf Khrytror Killya Klach Klana Klion Kliyakiv Kosoix Kossa Kossandiya Kostasta Kregliariy Kriyaksyi Ksennayer Kyromana Kyryhofiya Könia Köniy Küsna Küssa Landana Larburg Larden Larudmiy Larva Larygorija Laryn Larzhey Lastäfa Lavana Lavdiya Lavolon Leklisiya Lessa Levhen Liliy Lillo Lingen Lingena Lioug Liuda Liudmian Ljudmyl Ljudor Lodym Lotein Lubor Luboudmyl Luchwyz Luganaya Lutre Luttel Malen Mandrii Marana Maranz Marati Margy Marii Mariswien Marnisa Maromar Marten Marwalar Marwaliya Maxymyana Meinamen Meita Menda Mihachwyz Mihalis Mihaya Mofen Moriy Mougg Murika Mutia Muttiy Mychau Mychausia Mychâten Mykhamana Mykon Mykytal Mykytrya Myriya Myromyl Münia Münsburge Naden Nadignyana Nadym Nastona Natan Naten Natia Natiesanid Naton Nattwil Nianuy Niktorn Ningiya Nyach Nyangenia Nyonikon Nyurii Odange Ofszel Oksiez2 Olavlo Oleck Oleksana Olencher Olenes Olenna Olensee Olentos Oleriana Olerij Oleuvennex Olexanayi Olhafiktos Olhaisen Olhayi Oniandr Oriktorg Orygoris Orytalliya Oxanayi Paldens Paliaruyid Palingen Palyna Paylys Petas Plaustya Prauboman Pullield Pylav Pylon Rayingena Regenzburg Regostan Remga Riess Rocaryst Rochalynay Roglaufen Roksau Roksij Roliestaly Romail Romainna Romana Roningene Roslanya Rossoia Rostei Rosya Rouda Rougen Rouriy Rozach Rudorylo Rütia Sakiv Samel Sariya Sarun Schena Schenina Schesia Schka Scopfikton Semga Seriya Seromünste Sersfeliy Sersiouriy Serstya Serys Siano Siasina Sièreina Spier Spierlano Splügens Stalen Stallia Stard Steina Steinna Stingen Storg Styna Stättenst Svila Svisianuyi Tamita Tariach Tarika Taris Tarys Tataliy Tatepana Tatia Teklia Tetia Tetina Tetja Tetterg Tetya Tetyn Thuntria Thusen Uliya Ulyil Untruga Uzlia Uzlistäfa Uzwilavyd Uzwina Vadija Vadiy Vadiya Valetya Valiandra Valiy Valtdorb Valwina Valyj Valyna Vannexanna Varynay Vasia Vasin Vasten Verhyi Verij Verremylo Versemeln Vetana Vetruyi Vevana Victorb Vikolo Viktolion Vioriss Vioudana Viranyl Vitalen Vitaryina Vitazij Viten Vitromaia Vitrorf Vitryna Volketta Vollschlex Walatstäfa Walenhorch Walina Waltst Walys Warva Warylo Wetrossen Wettwilio Wiedens Wilern Worgdorf Woricharg Wäden Wädeorre Wädera Yakirheriy Yaksa Yaksiy Yanas Yandrina Yankira Yegentorg Yegey Yeglenti Yevano Yevey Yevgens Yevhentens Yevkon Yoslan Yoslancy Yoslau Yukhal Yulikont Yullingen Yullo Yullschl Yuria Yurina Zofszel Zorchaya Zorieniana Zorierhen Zorneun Zugannins Zuria
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regioonlineofficial · 24 hours
Rijkswaterstaat en gemeente Hengelo adviseren uit voorzorg om tot nader bericht geen vis uit het Twentekanaal te eten. Aanleiding hiervoor zijn gemeten verhoogde concentraties HCH (Hexachloorcyclohexaan) in het Twentekanaal tussen sluis Delden en sluis Hengelo. Rijkswaterstaat en de gemeente Hengelo onderzoeken samen welke maatregelen genomen kunnen worden. Concentraties HCH in het Twentekanaal Rijkswaterstaat en de gemeente Hengelo adviseren uit voorzorg geen vis uit het Twentekanaal te eten. In het Twentekanaal tussen sluis Delden en sluis Hengelo zijn verhoogde concentraties HCH gemeten. HCH komt in lagere concentraties al langer voor in het Twentekanaal vanwege bekende bodemverontreinigingen. Er is nu echter sprake van een verhoogde concentratie. De verontreinigingen bereiken het kanaal via het grondwater. Er is onder meer al langer een verontreiniging bekend op het voormalige AkzoNobel terrein in de gemeente Hengelo. HCH is ontstaan tijdens de productie van Lindaan. Lindaan is een bestrijdingsmiddel dat van 1948 tot 1952 is geproduceerd in een voormalige fabriek van Stork. Het bedrijfsterrein van Stork is in 1954 door AkzoNobel overgenomen. Water gerelateerde activiteiten Twentekanaal Drinkwaterbedrijf Vitens pompt geen oppervlaktewater op uit het Twentekanaal voor de drinkwatervoorziening. Iedereen in de regio kan dus schoon en gezond drinkwater blijven gebruiken. Om het watersysteem in drogere perioden op peil te houden, kunnen de waterschappen Rijn en IJssel en Vechtstromen op een aantal locaties water inlaten vanuit het kanaal. Gezien de gevallen neerslag en de weersvoorspellingen is de verwachting dat er de komende weken geen water ingelaten hoeft te worden. Recreatieve water gerelateerde activiteiten, zoals roeien, kunnen gewoon doorgaan. Zwemmen was en is ter plaatse niet toegestaan. Onderzoek en monitoring HCH wordt relatief eenvoudig opgenomen door vis en opgeslagen in met name het vet van de vis. Daarom wordt de concentratie van HCH in vis onderzocht om te bepalen wanneer het negatieve advies weer kan worden ingetrokken. Rijkswaterstaat en de gemeente Hengelo zoeken samen naar de oorzaak van de verhoging en bepalen welke maatregelen genomen kunnen worden om de verhoogde concentraties terug te dringen. Rijkswaterstaat en de gemeente Hengelo monitoren, net zoals de waterschappen Vechtstromen, Rijn en IJssel en drinkwaterbedrijf Vitens de concentratie van HCH in het water en omliggende beken. Om de mate van verontreiniging te monitoren heeft Rijkswaterstaat extra meetpunten in het Twentekanaal geplaatst en monitort twee wekelijks in plaats van vierwekelijks de HCH concentratie in het water.
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libertineangel · 1 month
S. Viten Jander's second term was indeed vastly more fruitful. Hesukar set foot on another world for the first time, the large world discovered in the system with the carved crash site, and upon arriving found it did indeed hold pre-sapient life: large moth-like bipeds, dubbed the Opalglec, which the Order made sure not to disturb in their arrival and establishment.
Additionally, a third exploration vessel was constructed and S. Lumin Sarvov, former roboticist turned archaeologist, was recruited to its helm; this proved an excellent decision, as they discovered two species in their first three voyages: a molluscoid species termed Slerpanor, on an idyllic world that seemed to have developed basic metallurgy and urban development, and a planet covered in a seemingly living, aware network of electrical signals.
It was the latest discovery from Head of Research S. Tosa Hiroh that truly captivated the Order, however: while exploring the Linkirk system, they encountered another spacefaring vessel doing exactly the same. The Order finally knew the Divine Spark was present in beings as developed as themselves, and they were jubilant. The Envoy S. Celes Minav had the honour of attempting first contact, and the upcoming election saw Hiroh recognised as Brightest Spark by a landslide; the outgoing Jander had no qualms about stepping aside, congratulating their friend, and took up governance of the fledgling colony of Lensid, while former metallurgist S. Loris Jander took up Hiroh's field position.
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sakrumverum · 4 months
Cyrill (sein Taufname war Konstantin, + 14.2.869) und Methodius (+ 6.4.885), zwei Brüder aus Thessalonike, werden „Apostel der Slawen“ genannt. Sie missionierten seit 862 in Mähren, übersetzten, da sie die bulgarische Sprache beherrschten, kirchliche Texte ins Slawische und wurden so zu Begründern der altslawischen Kirchensprache und der kyrillischen Schrift, die sie aus dem griechischen Alphabet entwickelt hatten. Nach dem Tode des Methodius, der vom Papst zum Erzbischof von Mähren erhoben worden war, ließ Svatopluk, Neffe und Nachfolger von Fürst Rastislav von Mähren, der die Missionare ins Land gerufen hatte, ihre Anhänger aus dem Großmährischen Reich vertreiben. Doch die slawische Liturgie blieb in Bulgarien weiterhin bestehen und verbreitete sich von hier aus nach Serbien und Russland. Die Viten (Lebensbeschreibungen) von Kyrill und Methodius gelten als die ältesten Literaturdenkmäler in einer slawischen Sprache. - Die beiden Glaubensboten sind Patrone von Böhmen, Mähren, Bulgarien und aller slawischen Völker. 1980 wurden sie zu Patronen Europas ernannt. Land Europa Osteuropa Griechenland
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jarulortega · 5 months
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Mientras el pueblo está atento al Mayor y a Dilon Baby, Abinader firmaba el lunes pasado EL PLAN MAESTRO PARA LA GESTIÓN DEL AGUA DE REPÚBLICA DOMINICANA un acuerdo con MEKOROT ISRAEL NATIONAL WATER CO. 🙃 y así, entre distracciones, próximamente llegará el pacto del agua para privatizar el único recurso esencial para la vida.
Mekorot, también conocida como el “Apartheid del agua” limita el consumo de agua en Palestina: Israel controla todos sus afluentes a través de Mekorot, que recorta el suministro en verano, niega el acceso a las riberas del Jordán, militariza la zona y destina el 83% de los recursos hídricos a su abastecimiento, sometiendo a los palestinos a la sequía, al agua contaminada y cobrando el poco suministro que distribuyen en la zona a precios exorbitantes.
Mekorot fue denunciada por la ONU, el Comité Nacional Palestino, asambleas ecologistas y grupos parlamentarios a causa del apartheid, la violación de los derechos humanos, los crímenes de guerra cometidos contra el pueblo palestino y la profundización del modelo extractivista. Hoy tiene por principal objetivo la mercantilización del agua.
En 2013 Mekorot dio marcha atrás a un contrato para construir una planta potabilizadora en Argentina debido al rechazo social. La compañía Holandesa de Agua Vitens canceló un memorando de entendimiento con Mekorot debido a las formas de operar de la empresa respecto a las comunidades palestinas. La Empresa Portuguesa das Águas Livres se vio obligada a rescindir un contrato (2009) debido a las presiones que recibió por parte de la sociedad civil. En 2014 la empresa portuguesa emitió un comunicado señalando que ya no tenía ningún vínculo comercial con Mekorot. En 2016 por la presión social las dos compañías públicas de agua de Bahía (Brasil) Embasa y CERB anunciaron el fin del acuerdo firmado con Mekorot.
Primero jodío la energía eléctrica, elevó sus precios a causa del pacto y ahora va por la privatización del agua, para que suceda lo mismo, mientras en su gobierno, se destruye todo lo verde. Luis nos dice una cosa de Mekorot y en otros países, las acciones de Mekorot, cuentan otras.
Y para allá es que vamos ¿Qué te parece?
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kasuaalipelitelevisio · 6 months
Anteeks mut viten ihmeessä puhutaan uusille ihmisille. En vittu osaa
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rtvideaal · 8 months
Vitens zoekt 4000 buitenkranen voor monsternemers
Waterbedrijf Vitens vraag klanten om een buitenkraan waar de monsternemers gebruik van kunnen maken voor het nemen van monster van het drinkwater. Vitens neemt elke dag watermonsters af en zo controleert het bedrijf de kwaliteit van het drinkwater. ”Samen met zo’n 25 collega’s verzorg ik meer dan 80.000 bemonsteringen per jaar, waarvan 16.000 thuis bij onze klanten” aldus Antje, monsternemer bij…
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mrbopst · 8 months
A Throwback Thursday Edition of the Bopst Show to bring joy and happiness to all the children
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wordsmusicandstories · 8 months
5 October: International Teachers’ Day
👩‍🏫 AULA Soffocante afrore profumodi gioia e ansiadi delusione eccitazionegiovinezza e sogni Ho visto dipanarsidavanti a me mille vitene ho condiviso umorisperanze emozioni E questo mi ha lasciatainfinitamente più ricca(L.Z.) CLASSROOM Suffocating smell – fragranceof joy and anxietyof disappointment excitementyouth and dreams I saw thousands of livesflowing before my eyesI shared their…
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vivifriend · 2 months
WIP Wednesday
I was tagged by the lovely @thequeenofthewinter. Thank you!
I'm tagging @rainpebble3, @bostoniangirl21, and anyone else who wants to share something!! (But also no pressure. ^_^)
Finally got through the ch that was kicking my ass and posted it earlier so this is from Copper's pov. :)
The blank page was daunting, daring Copper to attempt to write a coherent accounting of their curse. Staring at it, they dipped their quill in the ink, holding it poised over the paper, grimacing when a drop of ink splashed down, marring the page.
Slowly, they lowered the nib to the page. I can do this.
Wrestling with the memories, they began writing, starting with the moment Tenarei had stepped into Vitene's room, their heart racing as they recounted the punishment, the injuries and subsequent healing, the words Mirona had said as she cast her spell.
After a few moments of reflection, long enough that they had to re-wet the quill, they recounted every time they could recall healing others, and the effects, and whether they'd managed to get healed after. Sighing, they paused, resting their head on their hand, watching the page curl slightly as the ink dried, playing with the quill. That should be more than enough, right?  
Lowering their head down, they closed their eyes. I should get moving. I need to give this to Elilia so I can watch the sparring. 
Rapping on the door woke them, and they startled, grimacing as they pushed back from the desk, and it tugged on stiff muscles. "Come in," they called, voice slightly raspy. How long was I asleep?
The door pushed open and Lewin stepped in. "There you are," he said warmly. "Vilkas was wondering if you wanted to come watch the sparring."
"I do, yes," they said, pushing back, hissing out a low curse when their leg cramped as they rose.
With a frown, he stepped forward, pulsing magic through them, holding their wrist gently.
They watched him, curious what he was thinking about.
"Do they cause you pain?" he asked.
"The old scars."
"Not usually. I think it would have defeated the purpose of most of them."
He sighed, his shoulders sagging. "On the one hand, I'm glad they don't cause you pain. On the other...," He flicked his gaze up to theirs. "What was the purpose?"
"I can guess at some of it," they said, not bothering to tug their hand back, finding the contact pleasant.
"Not going to tell me?" he asked, giving them a small smile.
They shook their head. "I don't see the point. It's in the past."
"You haven't told Vilkas most of it either, have you?"
"Like I said, it's in the past."
Gently, he squeezed their wrist then dropped their hand. "How is your leg feeling now?"
"Better. I should be able to walk on it if I take it slow." Reaching back to the desk, they lifted the book. "I should give this to Elilia on the way."
He nodded. "Mind if I walk with you?"
They smiled. "Not at all."
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blindeyedpeas · 10 months
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Came back from my 🇽🇰 trip with a lot of tears …
Malli shum po mvjen per kosovë. Nese, pa vi viten tjeter kismet ishallah 💔💔
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