eightlightstar · 27 days
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word count: 800 (exactly) warnings: corny, extreme attempts to mention every single svt title track genre: fluff, drunken confession (but by seungkwan), getting-together
"Good fortune", answered Mingyu, as he looked directly into your eyes. You flushed a deep red and were about to divert the attention away from you when a loud groan startled you.
"Isn't this as good as a confession?" slurred Seungkwan, clearly drunk and filter-less.
"Seungkwan-ah, shut up!" hissed Jeonghan, but he wouldn't relent.
"Y/n, I need to get this off my chest today or my head will explode!" he screamed into your face.
"Wh-what is this about?" you asked hesitantly.
"Y/n don't believe a word he says," pleaded Mingyu and made sure to include those puppy eyes, which were always like a sucker-punch to your gut.
"He loves you Y/n! Mingyu fucking adores you! He thinks you're the prettiest person he's ever seen and the first time you approached him, he did a wholeass cheerleading routine while screaming how happy he was!! It was all very nice but after befriending you, he was like "My heart goes boomboom as soon as I lay my eyes on her oh my what do I do!!" And he said this every single day!
Mingyu had leaped across the table in an attempt to cover Seungkwan's mouth, but you were quicker in getting both yourself and Seungkwan out of the way just in time.
"Y/n??" Mingyu asked in disbelief as he dusted himself off and got up from the ground.
"Nooo! I wanna hear moree!" you squeaked and Seungkwan launched into yet another monologue.
"When he heard you had a boyfriend, we asked him to cry it out and forget about you, but he was like "I don't wanna cry and I don't want to forget her!".
Seokmin chimed in this time, "You might remember this. That time your boyfriend didn't come to watch your solo dance performance and you were sad? And Mingyu had clapped and screamed the loudest despite it being a little too silent in the auditorium?"
"Oh yeah! I thanked him but then he froze up and ran away! I wondered if he had a fear of talking to girls or something lol", you supplied.
"Y/n…", Mingyu whined and weakly hit your shoulder. You flashed him a smile and gestured to Seungkwan and Seokmin to continue.
"And then when he scored that home run during the finals, he kept looking left and right to see if you were in the stands and watching him. But to his shock and surprise, there you were on the ground, head cheerleader and cheering for him the loudest! Boy was ready to love you from that moment!" said Seokmin while patting Mingyu's head.
"Oh! I have a confession about this", you said shyly. "I actually applied to be a cheerleader to cheer for Mingyu from the field rather than from the bleachers. It was a stroke of luck that I became head cheerleader and got to go onto the field with Mingyu, the baseball captain" you said and covered your face with your hands.
"F*ck my life why didn't I know this?" shrieked your friend Jennifer from the corner.
"Anyway, after that, he wrote a song called "Rock With You" and sang it at the college festival where he was sure you understood that the song was definitely for you. Had you?", asked Seungkwan accusatorily.
"Of course I did! I didn't know he could write songs and stuff and he looked so hot with that electric guitar so yeah, I got it, thank you very much", you claimed haughtily.
Mingyu snickered and came closer to you and casually put a hand around your shoulder.
"Even I didn't know I could do that until I decided it was about my feelings for you and it just flowed from there. I should really thank the god of music for putting that song into my brain and composing the melody through me like a super maestro", Mingyu said to you as your friends made gagging noises.
"Anyway," tried saying Seungkwan, when Mingyu interrupted him.
"I'll take it from here thanks," he said and turned to you.
"I really do adore you as you must already know from these anecdotes. And I want to show you exactly how much because I think of you as my whole world. I want my days to begin with you and my nights to end with you. So, will you please do me the honour of becoming my girlfriend Y/n?"
"I feel the same about you Mingyu. And I don't think I can speak beautiful words like you do so I hope this is enough to convey what I have to say", you say and move to kiss him.
As he reciprocates your loving kiss with a fervour he had never felt before, Mingyu muses to himself, 'Now this is what I call good fortune'.
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eightlightstar · 5 months
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pairing: W.JH x AFBF!Reader genre: fluff, crack, humour, SMAU warning(s): swearing recommended song: God of Light Music by Seventeen
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Chapter 1
Le Profiles
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Summary: Meet Y/n, Junhui and their chaotic friend group/dance crew. Y/n is friends with BooSeokSoon and Junhui is friends with the Performance Team. See how Hoshi is the common link? Yeah. Chaos. But he's also why Junhui and Y/n get together so chaotic cupid. Hehe.
A/N: I finally got the first chapter out!😭 Please let me know via comments or tags how you liked it!🥺 This is my first SMAU and I'm trying my best. Apologises for any mistakes.
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eightlightstar · 2 months
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pairing: W.JH x Reader genre: fluff warning(s): swearing recommended song: Goddess of Despair by Hoshi (because he's despairing in this chapter lol)
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Chapter 6
Le Hoshi
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Summary: Hoshi is caught - by both his friend groups at the same time! Everyone who is not Jun or Y/n wants an explanation and that's what Hoshi is doing - explaining himself to both his friend groups separately. No one is angry - everyone collectively rejoices at Hoshi's despair? Anyway, JunYn also want to interrogate him as they've come to find something fishy on their own. Oh, they also have a secret from the rest of the group including Hoshi! Stay tuned for the secret reveal!!
A/N: Next chapter will prolly be the last chapter because I don't think I am cut-out for SMAUs man. Like the last panel here no. 72 (including all the chapters) whew! So yeah. ALSO - I found a video of a dance step that perfectly represents the Bounce dance step described in an earlier chapter. I'll link in it in the next chapter where they will actually do this move~~
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eightlightstar · 4 months
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pairing: W.JH x AFBF!Reader genre: fluff, crack, humour, SMAU warning(s): swearing. recommended song: Bonamana by Super Junior (only because this has the lyrics "bounce to you")
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Chapter 4
Le Bounce
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Summary: One of the steps in the dance routine is for y/n to BOUNCE onto Junhui's thighs as he pulls her towards himself. Junhui is beyond excited, a change up from his freaked-out self from before. Y/n, who was trying to be an opportunist was handed a curve ball in the form of this particular step. Watch the couple scream on twt with surprising support from their always teasing friends.
A/N: I know I said I would title this chapter Le Dance but Le Bounce seemed more appropriate you know? Anyhoo, another chapter of Bounce is out in the world woohoo! I'm glad this chapter turned out this way because I was honestly blanking and had no idea what to do. But then divine inspiration struck (I guess) and here it is hehe. Next chapter will be their stage performance with maybe some purposeful glances and touches on the couple's part. And then the last chapter will be a bonus(?) where we'll see the couple being all lovey-dovey much to Hoshi and others' disgust.
I may know how to write a fic but I sure as hell don't know how to write an author's note LMAO.
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eightlightstar · 1 month
Besties with Bangtan
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pairing: bangtan x afab! reader word count: 2.3k genre: fluff, crack/humor, series warning(s): swearing, mentions of anxiety summary: Snippets from Samantha Hong, A.K.A Sam, Joshua Hong's (Seventeen) sibling's life who happens to be BTS's neighbour, best friend and an employee at HYBE. Written in first person but other characters call her Sam/Samantha/Miss Hong.
Min Yoongi
Part 1 - Genius Lab
"Goddd, I don’t think I can do this”, you groan for the umpteenth time. You know in the back of your mind that you can do it, that you can finish it before the deadline, but you feel sick to the stomach if you even think about it. You are on the verge of tears when you decide it’s no good to sit here and whine to yourself. You step out of the office and go straight to the elevator after getting an Iced Americano from the cafeteria. You pause. You turn to the right and smirk to yourself while opening the stairwell door, ‘Gotta tell Mingyu & JK, they'll be so proud’.
When you reach the 16th floor from the 11th floor, you're not as exhausted as you would have been. 'Looks like working out with the guys paid off!', you muse. You head off towards the end of the corridor and pass by many studios – Hope World looks empty for now and the woofer is on full blast when you near RKive. Even with the soundproofing, the vibrations are hard to miss. You chuckle to yourself and go towards Genius Lab which is located at the very end of the corridor and punch in the passcode.
You hesitate before opening the door but open it anyway and slowly poke your head inside. Yoongi is directly staring at you, and you give him a sheepish smile. “Come on in Sam! I hope you at least got me coffee if you’ve come to whine,” he says. “How could I even think about coming to see you without an Americano in my hand? Here you go,” you say and hand him the Iced Americano and sit on the couch while he swivels around in his chair and focuses his attention back onto something he was obviously busy with before you had decided to barge in.
“Yoongi, I did not bring you coffee so that you could turn your back on me!”, you nagged. “Well, you’ve obviously come to whine. And I never respond until you’ve finished ranting. So, I might as well write a song in the meantime”, Yoongi replies coolly. “Thanks for the coffee by the way, I feel like I’m alive again”, he grins. “And before you berate me, this is only my 5th coffee and I slept in the afternoon”, he finishes. “I wasn’t gonna say anything. But I’m surprised you slept even after downing that much caffeine”, you quip mockingly, and he chuckles. “Anyway, I’m here because I’m scared”, you say and pause to look up at Yoongi.
But he gives no reaction and continues working, knowing that you don't need prompting. “I have to finish the pet project that I took on and the Chairman expects it by the 20th. I’m not even close to finishing it and that’s why I’m scared. I know in the back of my mind that I’ll mail it to him before 11:59 PM on the 20th but I’m still anxious. I don’t regret starting the project per se, but I regret not doing anything for the entire year and then racing to finish it in the last 10 days. I don’t even know why I was given a year’s time to finish it if I was capable of finishing it in 10 days. I mean, it could be reasoned that usually a year is given so that one can think and formulate their ideas and collect resources and plan extensively so that it can be finished in the last few days. But yeah, you get my point. Don’t you?” You let out a huge breath and lift your head up, expecting to look at the back of Yoongi’s head again.
But surprisingly, he is facing you with a small smile. “What do you want me to say? You’ve obviously got everything sorted out, so I don’t see any reason why you had to come here and whine”, he pauses. “Unless… your reasoning was not helping you finish it, and you were on the verge of tears when you decided to come here. Am I right?”, he asks with a triumphant smile. You give him a smile that doesn’t reach your eyes and affirm that he is right with a nod of your head. “That’s usually why I come to you or Joon. Today I came here because I had already picked up an Iced Americano and because Joon is busy – the floor right in front of his studio was vibrating”, you say and let out a dry laugh.
“Okay, see. You’re obviously distressed and it’s okay to be. I am not saying everything is going to be okay because I don’t know if everything is going to be okay. But what I do know is that you’re more than capable of finishing it. I suggest that you stop coming to the office. Stay home, finish it and step into the office and resume your duties on the 21st. Speak to the Chairman and maybe add in that I suggested this break”, he grins cheekily. “Thankfully, I live right next door and can still barge in on not just you, but all of you whenever I want, provided y’all are at home”, you say in a much cheerful tone. “Thank you, Yoongi! Coming to you has always yielded good results. I’ll go speak to the Chairman and then head home. Do you want to come with me, or will you come later with Joon?”, you ask as you get up to leave.
He looks at the clock on his screen and says, “It’s past 1 AM, I think I’ll come with you. And we can drag Namjoon away too. You go to the Chairman and come down to the parking lot. Me and Namjoon will be waiting”, he says and stretches his arms and legs before getting up and turning off his elaborate system set up. "Oh wait. Josh is in the building too. I'll tell him I'm taking a break from the office", you say as you remember your brother's existence. "Okay but be quick" says Yoongi as faux threat.
You walk out of the studio and he locks it behind you. He stops in front of RKive and knocks while you wave to him and walk off towards the elevator to get to the 19th floor. You keep rehearsing what you're going to say to the Chairman, and you are brought back to Earth only when the elevator dings open. You move to step out but stop when you see the Chairman and the Pledis CEO getting in. “Oh! Miss Hong! Were you coming to see me?” he asks as he peers at you from above his glasses. “Oh yes, Mr. Bang. Hello Mr. Han!" you greet and turn to face Mr. Bang. "Actually, I wanted to talk to you about my pet project. I was thinking…today is the 13th and I need to finish it by 20th, but I’ve barely managed to do anything. Would it be okay if I worked on the project at home and resumed office from the 21st?”, you ask him nervously. “Oh…and it was Yoongi's idea that I work at home”, you add as an afterthought.
“Did he really tell you to say that? Wow I can’t believe this guy!”, Mr. Bang and Mr. Han share a laugh. “Of course, you can have the time off. I would have given it regardless of Yoongi suggesting it or not. You took this on, and you want to finish it – I appreciate that. Now that you’re going to be working at home, I expect nothing less than an amazing project. Okay?”, he says and smiles genuinely at you. “Yes, okay Mr. Bang. I’ll do my best. Thank you so much!”, you smile and bow your head slightly.
“You’re going to the parking lot too, right?”, Mr. Han asks you. "I actually need to stop by the practice floor. Jisoo's still here so...", you trail off. "Ah of course!", exclaims Mr. Han. "Give them my regards and if you can, get them out of the building. Please." Mr. Han pleads. "I'll try my best, but you know the guys. I'm sorry to say but you made them that way!" you surmise. He chuckled while nodding woefully and all of you finally get into the elevator. The elevator ride is silent. You bow to the men as you exit at the practice floor. As you walk towards Seventeen's practice room, you realise that they are the only ones in the entire floor!
"Hi?" you began hesitantly in case you disrupted them mid-practice. But to your relief, they were all sprawled on the floor breathing heavily - the telltale signs of an exhaustive dance practice. "Oh, hey Sam!", Vernon sees you first. "Hi Vernon!", you holler and motion to your brother. "Josh, can I talk to you for a sec?" "You're anyway gonna jabber in high-speed English that we won't understand. Might as well say it out loud?" giggled Seungkwan. You almost cursed at Seungkwan but didn't go through with it as Seungcheol was staring right at you. "Thanks Kwan! I didn't even realise", you jeer and turn to your brother.
"So, the thing is, I'm taking a week-long break from the office. I'll be holed up at my place working on my pet project. Just wanted to let you know", you announced monotonously. "Wait...you STILL haven't finished it???" Hoshi shrieked as got off the floor. "Yeah, it's a whole thing. That's why I'm taking time off, to finish it." you blurted hurriedly. You turn to Seungcheol, "Also, I bumped into Mr. Han on the way and he basically implored y'all to go home", you say and give him a saccharine smile.
Joshua turns you to face him, "Honey, are you going to be okay? You end up not eating or sleeping properly when you work like this" he questioned with worry. "Don't worry Josh, Seokjin will kill me before I starve myself to death", you voiced with amusement. "Okay, call me if you need anything and don't forget to call Mom", Joshua lectures you as he hugs you. "Yeah, yeah whatever, Oppa!", you leer at him. "Anyway, Hoshi, please let's go come on", you urge him. Everyone looks hopefully at Hoshi, and he grins cheekily as he says, "Okay! Let's go".
The elevator to the parking lot is chaotic as all 14 of you try to talk to each other. As you reach the basement, Seventeen head off towards their Carnivals while you hurry off towards the Black Palisade, one of the cars that the Tannies use to commute. Yoongi is standing outside the driver’s side, and you see Namjoon sprawled on the backseat. “Was he that tired when you went to get him?”, you ask as you approach Yoongi. “Yeah, he looked like he was about to pass out. I had some coffee left and thanks to that, I was able to haul him till the car. He passed out as soon as he sat down”, Yoongi sighs and motions you to get into the front seat. You both get in and soon you slowly emerge from the basement of Hybe and drive off into the night towards home.
You fall asleep as soon as you hit the road and only wake up when you hear Yoongi struggling with Joon. “Yoongi! Yoongi wait!!! I’ll call Jungkook or someone wait”, you whisper yell at him. “Fine but be quick! He really did buff up due to countless hours at the gym and now I have to suffer,” he tries sound annoyed but ends up sounding endeared as he always does when it comes to his members. You call JK and thankfully, he picks up in 2 rings. “Listen, can you come down to where we park the Black Palisade? Joonie passed out and me and Yoongi alone can’t heave him till the elevators”, you croak out tiredly. “Oh, sure I’ll be right down!”, he says and hangs up.
You and Yoongi lean on the car and sigh at the same time due to which you end up laughing together. “Mr. Bang was amused at you telling me to name-drop. And Mr. Han regrets being strict with Seventeen”. "You bumped into them together? Well, it would be surprising if Bang PD wasn’t amused. And Mr. Han should be happy, honestly. Their choreos are so much harder to manoeuvre than ours!”, Yoongi says and laughs. “Also, I needn’t have asked you to name-drop, but it was a safety measure since you looked very miserable” he adds on. “Anyway, thank you for the suggesting it and now I can peacefully work at home and finally be done with this project. Afterall, writing about BTS and their ARMY is a fun but tedious work”, you smile at him. "Don't forget to call your mom. She usually ends up calling one of us when you don't call her for more than a week" he fretted. "Gosh you're worse than Josh!", you exclaim as you hear the elevator open.
With rushed footsteps, JK comes into view. “Is hyung alright?”, he asks. “Yeah, he just needs to rest more, like we all keep telling him”, Yoongi says, shaking his head. JK opens the door and lifts Namjoon on his shoulder and walks towards the elevator. Yoongi locks the car and both of you follow right behind them. You reach the 6th floor soon enough and Yoongi walks ahead to open the door to their dorm so that Jungkook can walk in without stopping. He opens the door to 601 while you open the door to your home, door no. 600. It still feels like a dream – being Bangtan’s neighbour – even though it has been over 5 years now. You turn back to see Yoongi waiting by their door to say goodnight. “Goodnight, Sam. Breakfast at ours tomorrow!”, he says cheerfully, now that he’s back with his members. “Okay, cereal tomorrow. Got it.”, you grin, and he looks sheepish. You wave at him and add, “Have a Sweet Night!"
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eightlightstar · 4 months
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pairing: W.JH x AFBF!Reader genre: fluff, crack, humour, SMAU warning(s): swearing recommended song: _WORLD by Seventeen.
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Chapter 5
Le Date
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Summary: Junhui and Y/n are finally on talking terms! And we cheered!!! Anyway, they talk and they decide to get to know each other but their posts about a meet-up looks suspiciously like it's a date. Is it a date or not? Find out in the next chapter, Le Performance.
A/N: Sorry that it took a long time to post a new chapter. I had zero idea how to continue and did not wanna rush it. Thankfully, ideas popped into my head and here's another chapter of Bounce. SMAUs are tiring man. I might never do another one unless anyone requests it. But I think 1 more chapter and that's it. Oh, of course there'll be an epilogue (I hope).
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eightlightstar · 10 months
The First Real Chance
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pairing: seungcheol x jeonghan genre: angst with a happy ending, drabble warning(s): mentions of anxiety, insecure!seungcheol, yelling. word count: 2.5k
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A/N: Below is an attempt to write an angsty and fluffy fic with a happy ending based on the following prompt by @whygodohgodwhy: “Why did you save me? Why did you give me a second chance?” “Because… honestly? I don’t think you ever had a real chance at all.”
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3 Years Ago:
"Are you okay?", Jeonghan asks while bending his head down as far the as the table in front of him allowed, to try and get a better look at his date's face.
"Huh? Oh uhm...yeah! I'm totally fine. I was just thinking about how well this date is going", Seungcheol answered with a small smile even as a wave of anxiety hit him.
"Is it though? I mean, we haven't talked much except when you asked me what I wanted to eat", Jeonghan shrugged nonchalantly while picking at his noodles.
Jeonghan's head shoots up to stare at him.
"I mean, yes!! I- I guess I'm just nervous. Because...you're...so pretty", he whispers the last two words to himself.
"I'm what?", asks Jeonghan curiously while leaning over the table, noodles long forgotten.
'I should be able to do this, this is the bare minimum. I do not want to disappoint a pretty and kind boy like him', Seungcheol thinks to himself.
He takes a deep breath and musters up all the courage he has when he says, "You're...pretty", and smiles to himself shyly.
Jeonghan is thoroughly endeared and replies, "Why, thank you! You're not so bad yourself!", and chuckles when he sees Seungcheol turn a deep red.
When they get up after paying and walk out of the restaurant, Jeonghan slides his hand into Seungcheol's, which makes Seungcheol turn more redder than ever and makes Jeonghan feel more giddier than ever he felt on this date.
---Time Skip---
Cheol : Han! Where are you? Hannie : Heyy! Just left the salon. You're already at the Han River? Cheol : Yes! Logged out of work a little early! A rookie designer took some of the work load. Hannie : Oh that's cool. See you in 15 then! Cheol : See you!
It had been 15 minutes but there was still no sign of Jeonghan. Seungcheol started thinking about how much he's had to go through to get this far with Jeonghan because every date before this 5th one had been him silently battling his anxiety and Jeonghan being unaware but always shining bright in Seungcheol's eyes. While he was lost in thought, he suddenly realized that it had been more than 25 minutes and Jeonghan still hadn't arrived. He immediately called Jeonghan.
"Jeonghan? Are you okay? Where are you? Are you on your way?", asked Seungcheol while panic kept rising in him.
"Hey! Got called by the manager as I was leaving. He wants me to come in this Saturday for one of our very rich regulars. I'm almost there. Reaching in 5.", Jeonghan answered without minding Seungcheol's tirade of questions as he was driving.
"Oh okay. Uh...can you send me your location? I can come to you while you park your car...?" Seungcheol asked unsurely.
"Huh? But I'm really close by...?" reasoned Jeonghan.
"It's okay! The parking lot is a huge place haha, and it will be difficult for you to find me..." trailed off Seungcheol.
This was the first time Jeonghan noticed something.
"Uh...okay then. I'll send the location. Bye!", Jeonghan said and hung up.
'He hasn't always been like this though? Why is he so anxious about a little delay? Did I do something that made him think I wasn't reliable?'
Jeonghan's thoughts were a mess as he sent his location and tried to find a spot to park.
The moment they spot each other, all anxiety and worry is immediately replaced by a feeling of joy for Seungcheol. Even Jeonghan's mess of thoughts couldn't resist his shy smile. They have a nice time walking along the riverside and catching up and all is forgotten. Until, Jeonghan remembers it again.
---Time Skip---
Seungcheol's anxiety about messing it up with Jeonghan has been well under control since they grew close enough to spend the night at each other's places. And also because they've never had a fight. Ever. While happily reminiscing about all this, Seungcheol puts in the code for Jeonghan's door. But he's met with an empty home and no sign of Jeonghan. An familiar feelings starts invading Seungcheol's senses as he texts Jeonghan:
Cheolie : Hannie! You said you were at home? Where are you? Cheolie : Han? Are you okay? Hannie : Cheolie, hi! And yes, I'm okay. I forgot to mention because I was in a hurry. I had to come in for a client who requested me by name. Cheolie : Oh okay! Should I stay here or...? How long will it take you to come back? It seems rude to stay at your place without you? Idk... Hannie : I don't know how long it'll take...I'm not sure if you should stay back
Seungcheol feels like he's been punched in the gut. Because why did this hurt so much? Why doesn't Jeonghan want him to stay? Was it because...his thoughts ran a mile a minute as he typed:
Cheolie : Oh. Okay. Uh, I'll go home then. I'm sorry. Please don't be mad at me. Hannie : Mad at you? Why would I be mad at you? And why are you sorry, baby? Cheolie : I thought you told me not to stay because you're mad at me... :( You're not? Hannie : Why would you think that? Of course I'm not mad at you. Listen, I have to go. I'll come over in the morning, yeah? Cheolie : Thank you! <3 See you tomorrow!
Back at the Salon, Jeonghan thinks about Seungcheol's behaviour just now and suddenly remembers their date that night at the Han river when he got the same uneasy feeling. Only this time, he has the time to sort through the mess in his head. So he has anxiety huh. How come I only noticed it then and now? Had he developed it before the Han River date? Or did he always had it?
As he keeps thinking, his mind goes as far as their first date and suddenly, all the puzzle pieces fall into place and Jeonghan bitterly muses: So SeungcheoI has anxiety and has been trying to desperately hide it from me? Who's gonna tell him that I love him and that I'm ready to be there for him through not just his anxiety, but throughout the rest of our life?
The answer to this rhetorical question comes soon enough, and Jeonghan does not handle well the fact that it was he that had to break it to Seungcheol.
"WHY DIDN'T YOU LET ME KNOW!? I'M LITERALLY YOUR EMERGENCY CONTACT!? Seungcheol's yells ring out in the squeaky clean private room of a hospital, where Jeonghan is sitting on the bed with a bandaged arm and a weary expression.
"Cheol, baby, I'm sorry? Okay? There was no time to call you from the salon. I'm fiiine!", responded Jeonghan. The word "fine" didn't even feel like a word anymore because he'd reassured Seungcheol so many times with same word in the past hour, for the most part of which, Seungcheol was yelling.
"BUT YOU'RE NOT THOUGH? THAT'S WHY YOU'RE IN A HOSPITAL! WITH BANDAGES ON YOUR ARMS!!" Seungcheol cried out. "Okay okay fine I agree. I may not be exactly fine seeing that a significant amount of very hot wax fell right on my arm, causing blisters to erupt almost immediately", Jeonghan gave in, crestfallen. "OH MY GOD!? YOU ONLY TOLD ME IT WAS A SMALL ACCIDENT!? THIS ISN'T SMALL HAN OH MY GOD", Seungcheol was frantic now, which made Jeonghan rethink his decision to tell Seungcheol about it in the first place.
Jeonghan sighed. "Cheolie, my baby, please. Okay, it's not a 'small' accident, I know. I'm sorry for worrying you. I didn't want you to panic and that's why I told you after I got treated".
Jeonghan had had enough. He was trying his best knowing that it was not his Cheolie, but his anxiety that was yelling at him. But how much could be bear when all he was trying to do was prevent this very thing that was unfolding in front of him? It did not help that his own anger was also rising by the minute. He spat angrily, "Cheol, get the fuck out if you're going to keep yelling. I didn't know it was wrong to try to not worry one's partner, especially when the said partner has anxiety!" Seungcheol froze. "Y-you knew? All this time?", his voice trembled as he asked. "Yes, all this time. And how could I not when it was very obvious right from the first date? I never saw it as an issue! I noticed and I decided that to never give you a reason to be anxious when it came to me! But looks like I decided wrong", snarled Jeonghan Seungcheol gulped. 'Any minute now, it's all over', he thought.
"Get out Cheol. And don't come back. I can't talk to you right because I feel like I'm about to pass out from the pain. I'll let you know after I'm discharged. Just...I need some space right now" stated Jeonghan, as he lay down and turned away from Seungcheol.
It was like Jeonghan had confirmed his worst suspicions.
"I-I'm so sorry Jeonghan. I was scared and that's why I was yelling. I see now that it was not the best of reactions. And now that you know, I hope you can forgive me for not telling you. This is the reason I didn't tell any of my previous partners about my anxiety. I wish it wasn't like that but it looks like you've made your decision. It was nice knowing you Jeonghan. For what it's worth, you're the only one I ever felt safe with", Seungcheol murmured sadly, with tears in his eyes.
He turned away and left with a heavy heart, thinking that his anxiety had once again rendered him lonely, not realizing that Jeonghan hadn't heard his apology and adieu because he had indeed passed out from the pain.
Seungcheol's anxiety was replaced with grief since the moment he stepped out of Jeonghan's hospital room and he had been grieving for over 48 hours now, if the wall-clock in the living room was an indication. He hadn't done anything in that time except for drinking some water which was not quenching his thirst (and hunger) but only replenishing his tear ducts.
This wasn't new to him - he had gone without eating for more than 48 hours when his anxiety had taken a hit for the worse one day. But it was first time doing the same due to grief. He hadn't had much to grieve for in his previous relationships seeing as they ended before he had time to get attached. But with Jeonghan, he hadn't just gotten attached, he had fallen head-over-heels in love with him. But none of that mattered right now, because it was all over.
As fresh tears started rolling down his cheeks, his door opened. His hungry, thirsty, and sleep-deprived brain couldn't comprehend it immediately but slowly caught up to the fact that a very bewildered Jeonghan was standing in front of him right now. "Cheol, what happened? Why have you been crying?", asks Jeonghan while shaking him a little.
When Seungcheol stumbles and fall on the couch as a result of the little shaking, Jeonghan is alarmed.
"What in the world? Cheolie? Have you even eaten today? Why do you look so pale and weak? And your eyes!? Why do you look like you haven't slept in two days?!?", Jeonghan goes on as he starts to panic. "It's because...I haven't slept in two days Jeonghan. I have done absolutely nothing since I sat on this couch after coming back from the hospital", Seungcheol replies quietly. "CHEOL WHAT THE FUCK!? Thankfully, I got food! Please eat first, then you can tell me what happened", Jeonghan said as he tried to compose himself. Seungcheol sees that his arm was fine except for fading circular scars where the blisters used to be.
"But why are you here Jeonghan? I thought you wanted nothing to do with me?", questioned Seungcheol.
"Ah yes. I was about to get to that. I was angry and I was in pain. I lashed out and I'm very sorry. I know that you were yelling because you were worried. But, really, I was in no position to take that and that was the reason why I asked you to leave", Jeonghan explained.
"But you didn't call me after getting discharged. So I thought...you know...that we were broken up", Seungcheol uttered sorrowfully. And then added, "You do remember what I said when I left, right?"
"Huh? You said something before leaving? I'm not sure, I passed out right after I asked you to leave and lied down. Was it something important?", Jeonghan asked sheepishly.
Seungcheol was flabbergasted that his woeful monologue went unheard but he shrugged it off as he said, "No, it was nothing important. Don't worry about it."
Jeonghan continued, "See, I know it looked like that - both from what I said and the fact that I didn't call. But, truthfully, the thought about wanting to end things did cross my mind. But only for a fleeting second because I was feeling vulnerable then. And then I decided against it because it was the easy way out". "Why decide against it when it was easy, Jeonghan?", Seungcheol interrupted.
"Because I don't want the 'easy' Cheol, I want you", declared Jeonghan. "I knew it wasn't easy when I chose to go on the 6th date, after I wondered if you had anxiety. I knew it wasn't going to be easy at all after the 8th date when I realized that you had anxiety. So yes Seungcheol, I choose you, the you who may not be easy, but are so easy to love", whispered Jeonghan, while looking tearfully at Seungcheol.
Seungcheol, albeit happy, whispered miserably, "But why did you choose me over and over again? Why give me a second chance after the thought of breaking up had crossed your mind?"
"Because… honestly? I don’t think you ever had a real chance at all. What with the anxiety, I believe you were not able to show your true self", said Jeonghan wistfully.
"I love you, Han. I'm sorry I put you through this. Now that you're here and you know, I feel more confident about dealing with my anxiety. And it wasn't as bad anyway after the 8th date you know?", Seungcheol chuckled wetly.
"I love you too, Cheol. And no, don't be sorry. It's not your fault. And it's true that it wasn't that bad after the 8th date. I saw that too. See, if you need any help, as in therapy or something else, we'll look into that too, okay? You don't ever have to feel like you're alone in this. We're in this together okay?", promised Jeonghan as he kissed the top of Seungcheol's forehead.
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A/N: It's my first fic here on tumblr. I don't usually write angst but I tried something because the prompt caught my eye. And it took me so long to finish it because I was so busy T_T. Anyway, it's over so that's that. And I'll add a header and all that pizzazz later.
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Thanks for reading! <3
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eightlightstar · 9 months
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pairing: K.NJ x M.YG genre: Fluff warning(s): None word count: 817 summary: This was the first thing that Yoongi had noticed about Kim Namjoon, the fierce rapper who went by the name Runch Randa and the leader of their would-be group. He did not for one second think at that moment that, this one thing was going to become their thing and one that would make his proposal a lot more funnier and memorable.
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Yoongi: “Yah! Kim Namjoon! Tie your shoelaces goddammit. If you fall and then are unable to perform, the entire day will be compromised”.
Namjoon: “Everyone was busy and since you know I can’t tie it by myself, it doesn’t make sense that you’re yelling at me hyung. I am sorry about fighting over the food last night but can you please tie them for me?”
Yoongi sighs in exasperation. It is not that he’s angry about last night - he maybe, a little - but it is just that he’s too worried about his Joonie. Someone always has to look after him while he’s off looking after the group as the leader. It’s just that his worry comes off as exasperation and anger sometimes. He bends down and quickly starts tying Namjoon’s shoelaces. He smiles fondly when he hears Joon whisper, “WOW!” in amazement. ‘Little Namjoonie, excited at the smallest of things’, he muses.
He quickly gets up and says, “There. Done. Please learn how to do it Joon-ah. We’re busy as it is and I cannot imagine how busy we might be after debut”.
Namjoon: “Okay hyung. I’ll try to. If not, won’t I always have you?”
And he has the audacity to wink. Yoongi’s heart does a whole backflip but he does not let it show.
Seokjin: “Yoongi-yah, I think you’re the only one who’s ready. Can you please go and tie Namjoon’s shoelaces? He only recently learnt how to do them and now he hurt his hand.”
Yoongi: “Oh for the love of--okay hyung. I’m going.”
When Yoongi approaches him, Namjoon is sitting on a couch fully ready except for his shoelaces being undone.
Yoongi: “Well what do we have here? Kim Namjoon, failed at tying his shoelaces yet again.”
And he chuckles lightly. There’s no bite behind his words, just pure fondness.
Namjoon: “Ah hyuuuung”, he literally whines and Yoongi melts further. “You know I learnt how to do it. Well, it was you who taught me in the first place. But loooook! My hand is bandaged. So yeah. Please?” He does his best puppy eyes.
Yoongi: “Okay okay stop being so cute. How could I refuse that whining anyway?”
And he bends to tie his boyfriend’s shoelaces yet again.
Namjoon: “Wait. You do it differently. This was not what you taught me???”
Yoongi: “It’s all the same Joon-ah. As long as it doesn’t come off while performing it should be fine.”
Sometime in the Future:
Yoongi is nervous. So nervous that he has bitten his nails raw - a habit that he had quit during the pandemic. He’s proposing to Namjoon in like a few minutes and he cannot stop his heart from beating too fast. But all that nervousness washes away when he beholds Joon cycling towards him. He had chosen the Han River - the perfect place for his perfect nature-loving boyfriend. Yoongi was standing with his back to the river, with the ring in his right jacket pocket. Namjoon came towards him, smiling widely. Before Yoongi could respond he enveloped him in a bear hug so tight that Yoongi was almost lifted off his feet. After they came apart, Yoongi literally blushed and Namjoon started giggling.
Namjoon: “You’re so cute hyung. I am so lucky to be the only one who gets to see you all flustered like this just by a hug.”
Yoongi: “Ah stop the teasing already. Anyway, what are you doing tonight? I thought we could go to dinner. Just the 2 of us. It has been so long.”
Namjoon: “I’m not doing anything because I had just finished writing a song before I came here. If we wanted to go to dinner, we could have gone from home. Why did you call me here then hyung?”
Yoongi: “Oh that. Right. Um...Joon-ah, we’ve been together for years now and it has been wonderful. But I wish it could be more than that. I wish we could be more than what we are now. So um…”
He gets on one knee and Namjoon gasps.
Yoongi: “Kim Namjoon, will you do me the honour of marrying me and making me the happiest person alive?”
Namjoon almost tears up as he says “Yes hyung” while extending his hand. Yoongi slips the beautiful platinum ring onto his boyfriend’s finger and when he looks down to wipe his own tears, that’s when he notices it.
Shoelaces. Again.
He laughs through his tears and says, “Wait. Let me do this again”.
Namjoon looks confused but nods anyway.
Yoongi: “Kim Namjoon, will you let me tie your shoelaces for the rest of our lives together?”
Namjoon bursts into laughter as Yoongi finally gets up - of course after having tied his fiancé's shoelaces. They embrace each other and after pulling back, look into each other’s eyes and smile fondly, remembering the fact that it was always about those darn shoelaces, right from the start.
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A/N: I just based this off of when Yoongi said that Namjoon didn't know how to do his shoelaces when he first met him. XD
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Thanks for reading! <3
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15 notes · View notes
eightlightstar · 8 months
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genre: fluff, characterization warning(s): none word count: 196 recommended song: golden hour by jvke
Jeon Jungkook, who was given the title of the Golden Maknae.
Jeon Jungkook, the Golden Boy who is good at everything he tries.
Jeon Jungkook, who named his studio Golden Closet Studio.
Jeon Jungkook, who filmed his hyungs and called it Golden Closet Film.
Jeon Jungkook, who sang Stay Gold.
Jeon Jungkook, who glows with a soft golden light.
Jeon Jungkook, who looks golden when performing on stage.
Jeon Jungkook, who has a golden aura.
Jeon Jungkook, who has a heart of gold.
Jeon Jungkook, who is more precious than gold.
Jeon Jungkook, who is as breathtaking as the golden hour.
Jeon Jungkook, whose love is the only gold.
Jeon Jungkook, who leaves a trail of gold as he passes by.
Jeon Jungkook, whose voice is sweet like golden honey.
Jeon Jungkook, who shines like gold in a sea of people.
Jeon Jungkook, who is the gold standard for talent.
Jeon Jungkook, whose words are as good as gold.
Jeon Jungkook, who is worth his weight in gold.
Jeon Jungkook, who is rare like gold dust.
Jeon Jungkook, who is the personification of 'all that glitters is gold'.
Jeon Jungkook, whose upcoming album is called Golden.
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eightlightstar · 9 months
Inktober 2023
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I am trying Inktober by attempting to write a drabble (fanfiction) based on the prompts.
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eightlightstar · 9 months
omg wait it's october from tomorrow!!
what if i do an inktober challenge and write drabbles everyday based on the official inktober prompts?
and the prompt could be the title? and the drabbles could be multifandom?
let's gaaauuurrr
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eightlightstar · 9 months
Vittoria. She/Her. 23. Leo. ARMYCARAT.
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