#viv is on my list of characters I don’t want the MCU to have
tonkysexist · 1 year
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See this could be a rumor, but I don’t have a hard time believing that the MCU would rather have incest than a lesbian character
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Excited for any superhero projects?
Hi Anon! I am, yes. Off the top of my head, in terms of things coming out in the future, I’m very much looking forward to the Thunderbolts movie. And you have good timing because I was just thinking about the Thunderbolts movie yesterday. What If? season 2 looks like it could be very fun, and I’m tentatively looking forward to Avengers 5 and 6. Depending on if they treat the characters well of course- I can’t take another mess like Endgame. Will fully admit that if they let me see Natasha, Wanda (main Wanda, none of this rumored multiverse nonsense), Pietro (ditto), Tony, Steve (an actual in-character version please), and/or Loki again, bring Jane back as a Valkyrie, or write Thor well I might be willing to forgive a lot though.
I’m also pretty excited for Armor Wars since I love Rhodey, though admittedly that excitement took a bit of a hit when I saw the relevant Secret Invasion spoilers. Blade as a character isn’t really my jam, but I am looking forward to seeing Dane Whitman again in that movie, especially as Black Knight, so I’m gonna list that too. And I’m very curious about the Agatha tv show rumors I’ve heard and if we might be getting Billy, potentially with Teddy, and if Wanda might be back.
…Nearly forgot Cap 4! Looking forward to that, with a few caveats. Those caveats being I need them to not villainize Sharon and take back the Power Broker thing, and I… truly have no idea how to feel about Sabra, given current events. I was excited for her inclusion, if dreading the discourse, now I don’t know how to feel about it because the likelihood of her inclusion being tone-deaf is even higher, and said discourse is going to be 100 times worse.
I also still have to watch the Loki finale episode and The Marvels. Very much looking forward to The Marvels; I have mixed feelings on the Loki finale since I’ve gotten a little spoiled for it, but I want to see how it ends just the same.
I’m super behind on Marvel movies, I kind of lost steam after Multiverse of Madness and haven’t seen the last 4 or 5 movies. Of those, I’m most looking forward to watching Wakanda Forever. (That would’ve been Love and Thunder because I adore both Jane and Thor but uh, 😬 I’ve heard about it and I had no faith in Taika Waititi to begin with, so…) After WF I think I’m most looking forward to watching GOTG 3 even though I’m fully aware I’m probably gonna cry my eyes out. Feeling a bit meh on Quantumania sadly, despite loving Cassie Lang in comics, based on what friends who’ve seen it have said, and fully expecting to have to grin and bear it through Love and Thunder.
In terms of unconfirmed projects, I need Eternals 2 yesterday. Also a Shang-Chi sequel and a second season of Moon Knight. The rumored Vision Quest show could be very good or alternately very bad, but I love Vision and he deserves a starring role, so I’m crossing my fingers it happens and isn’t just a retread of Tom King’s Vision because that comic was incredibly depressing. (Adore Viv Vision though, and would love a proper robotic Sparky the dog!) I also saw a rumor a bit ago that we might get a Clea backstory show, which I would be incredibly down for since comics Clea is one of my favorite underused characters, and has a really coolbackstory with a lot of potential for an interesting story. And I love the Young Avengers, so if we get to see them as an official team in the future I’ll be hyped for that.
For non-MCU things, I’m vaguely looking forward to Deadpool 3 despite not being a mutants/X-Men enthusiast because a. Deadpool is just fun, b. the Taylor Swift Dazzler rumors. For DC, The Superman: Legacy casting has me really really excited. I love Superman and it seems like we might actually get a good take on him this time! In terms of things farther down the DC pipeline, I’m a big Supergirl fan so naturally I’m hyped for the planned Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow movie, despite being halfway through that comic and still unsure if I like or not. And I love Damian Wayne so cautiously excited for the rumored Batman movie featuring Bruce and Dami.
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So i dont think Marvel will want to ever stop cranking out these movies but the actors contracts won't last forever and i think Marvel has stated they wont recast anymore. So once a actor leaves his/her character is out. I might be wrong about that but assuming im right who do you think will be the next set of superheroes/villains? Dont include any current heroes or confirmed projects (So for ex Capt. Marvel wouldn't count unless you going with the second one)
-Young Avengers are a definite option, though that would require 1) A reason for Tommy and Billy to get their powers that aren’t, well, similar to their mom and uncle, and 2) Fox Studios signing the rights of the Fantastic Four to Marvel Studios, because Skrulls fall under that umbrella, therefore they own half of Hulkling. But the easy part is their teammates are their villains (Nate/Kang and Loki).
-Champions, the current series, is a good place to go. You won’t have a young Scott, but I’m sure it can be done without or with a replacement. Viv Vision is such a captivating and sad character to put onscreen. And they have some sort-of established through others (Amadeus through Helen, Viv through Vision). They can be the other main team.
-She-Hulk. Don’t know if they’ll do it more like Bruce for once or keep her in a way she can be easily sexualized in Hulk form, but everyone loves the Big Green Giant.
-Angela, Thor and Loki’s long-lost sister, is on my list of things Marvel needs to put in their MCU. It has everything. Space. A lesbian couple raising their daughter who has a demon dog. Badass fighting. A gay transwoman of color. Magic. At this point, if there’s space and/or magic, it’s gonna be a Marvel movie, and this one should be.
-The actual Age of Ultron storyline, where he returns and they try to stop him by stopping the creation all together, but fucking up everything when they do. I’m already writing that as a fic, but that comic is one of my favorites and is one they can adapt pretty faithfully (minus not being able to use Invisible Woman of Wolverine, of course). But this is the one I think they can fully do as a feature film without cutting major parts or losing the impact of what happens.
-Of all the Spider characters, I’d want Silk adapted first, but Miles should be, because his uncle was a fantastic villain.
-If they do Black Widow, it should be the Edmondson/Noto series, which is by far the best, with Kathryn Bigelow directing. If they don’t do that, then I expect Yelena Boleva to be the villain to whatever they do.
-A-Force. Badass lady heroes versus equally badass lady villains.
-A three-part TV special about the Bradleys. Start with Isaiah pre-WWII surviving the Super Soldier Serum experiments and being the stand-in Cap before Steve comes into play. Josiah in the 60s and how his position as the then-Cap impacted the tumultuous racial tensions of the time. Eli now being the Patriot continuing the family legacy and being the face of hope and justice for those who need it.
I’m not trying to think of villains they could add in because so far, there’s only been one good (Loki) and one decent (Ultron) while the rest were soul-sucking and predictable. I’m not getting my hopes up. Just Yelena and Kang, because they’re too hard to screw up.
-Mod R
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