kasunakuma · 1 year
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Cora-San... 💔❤️‍🩹❤️
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false-pr0mise · 1 year
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Viviré con tu recuerdo
Aunque sé que no me quieres
Lloro como un niño pequeño
Porque mi corazón lo tienes
A pesar de todo esto
Yo sé bien cómo tú ere'
Debo respetar el hecho
De lo que en verdad tú sientes
Cómo guardarte rencor
Si yo soy lo que soy por haberte querido
Tú sacaste lo mejor
Que tenía guardado en mí, adentro escondido
Solo puedo dar las gracias
Todos los recuerdos los llevo conmigo
Pa' que nada ni nadie me quite
Todo aquello que hemos vivido.🥀
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adrieen91 · 3 months
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viaviaviavia · 1 year
tumblr is really gonna flag trans women as innapropriate while recomending me being-stepped-on fetish content as a minor. what a wonderful website
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cherrymagik · 2 years
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untilteddocument · 21 days
After-Action Archive Caves of Qud - The Cradle and the Grave
Welcome again, one and all, to the After-Action Archive! If the previous hors d'oeuvre was to your liking, here's the...salad? It's not the main course yet. Soup? Like restaurants do appetizers first, and then they do soup and/or salad, and then the main course, right? I don't know, whatever, this metaphor is breaking down fast.
ANYWAY here's Part Two of my journey through the Tomb of the Eaters! Even abridged as this recap is, there's a lot of ground to cover, physically and otherwise. With that in mind, we've miles to go before we sleep.
After the rubble-strewn entry hall, I and my team made for a side hallway and the pit at the end of it, leading to the first "real" section of the Tomb: the Folk Catacombs.
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I feel the weight of centuries here, the base of a vast monument to death. There is a heavy, hushed feel in the air, not holy but not mundane either. The wet scrapes of oozes picking at the bones, conservators loosing the quiet whines of their servomotors, the low chanting of the death pilgrims in prayer to whichever sultan they revere, even the deliberate rustling of cloth as the graverobbers sneak among the piles of rubble and oddments. I sniff, amused, at the realization that even here, in this dead place, this death place, there is some semblance of the exchanges and tangles of life.
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I hear the chime of the Bell of Rest, and wonder at the necessity of its effect. Isn't everything with the Mark of Death on it supposed to be...dead? Perhaps it's a deterrent for graverobbers, those seeking to cheat the system. That would make some sense, though why it doesn't just strike everything dead to make sure and have it all swept up by conservators is a question...I probably shouldn't be asking, since that oversight is what's giving me a chance here.
As we pass even more walls of bones, I take the time to examine some, wondering at the shapes. Most look like many of us, not even just the True Kin. A few don't look even remotely similar. And what did that matter, anyway? Did an inch here, an angle there, matter at all? We live, we drink, we die. I entertain a wild dream of the Putus Templar crumbling under that knowledge, that kinship.
I shake myself awake from it, for the only knowledge the Templar own is dogma and the only kinship they feel is for humiliation drugged to sleep with violence. We will find no salvation from them in logic. They would deny the mountain in the same breath as naming it their enemy.
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We pass more walls, and I find myself wondering at what the eyes that would have been set in those sockets drank in, what those hands held, what words passed the holes of their ears. This world was not always choked in salt. Did they greet each other with "live and drink"? Was water so plentiful they saw no need to hoard every dram?
I find myself thinking of the outside. They say the ruins in the jungles are of unfathomably vast Eater settlements. My mind aches attempting to imagine. Each of these, living in some great canopy of metal and stone, knowing nothing of the world that would grow in their absence, perhaps each wondering in their quiet moments the same as I am right now.
My musings are broken by a mechanical cry for help.
I look to its source and see a painted turret being engulfed by a gelatinous cupola, its cameras turned unmistakably to me. While initially confused, I leap to action anyway, the ooze falling in the space of a few attacks. After some cursory cleaning, I take a look at the one I had saved.
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I remember Zothom's recounting, and I realize that this must be the entrance to the mopango's home, and this is Vivira. I put my tinkering skills to work with some quick repairs and greet em.
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I mention where I heard of this place from, and...
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I have a feeling I know why ey's offering me sympathies, but...
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Well, ey're definitely a turret, because those were some shots fired.
Related to self-realization, though, I asked em if, being that ey're of the mopango, ey had a credo.
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Having been warned beforehand about asking the meaning, I ponder it myself in silence.
There is an obvious meaning in eir specific context. Ey is a turret, created to be a tool of order and death, and yet here ey is, growing and learning more among these literally-underground philosophers. Form needeth not follow function. Body need not be being.
That can be applied elsewhere as well. Appearances do not govern reality. The seeming of prosperity can hide want. An inviting cave can be a mouth. A fearsome beast can be a frightened whelp hoping to chase away a threat. That threat can be a simple passer-by, unconcerned with all but a distant destination.
Much to ponder.
I thank Vivira and resolve to meet Agyra, of whom ey spoke. It doesn't take long; ey happens to be in just the next room.
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My conversation with em proves informative and interesting, as Vivira posited. After introductions, I decide to ask about eir people.
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...I feel awkward and silly as soon as I ask, but my mouth beats my brain to the punch.
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I'm glad my curiosity was received well, and it heartens me to know that the adage of "it takes a village to raise a child" holds true here as well. Speaking of, I wonder at their leadership structure.
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I agree on its sensibility, and I am warmed by Agyra's joy. On to brass tacks, though.
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I suppose that means I'm truly lucky. Aside from my given task, the treasure I seek is mostly in the form of knowledge, and what Agyra proceeds to describe will, I discover, prove most intriguing.
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Of course, before I forget, and before departing Agyra's company, I have some more information to glean.
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Dardi will be happy, I'm sure. As for the credo...it certainly suits em, in the obvious interpretation. As one so happy to share knowledge, truly the worst scenario is one who questions in ill faith, or with ill intent. Such questions are not aimed to learn, but to harm, rendering the whole exchange toxic.
I continue to ponder other possible interpretations of the credo on my way to find Lebah, who despite eir secluded place is easy enough to find.
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Lebah is reticent, as Agyra mentioned. I introduce myself and privately resolve to take up little of eir time and peace.
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Huh. Wondrous and profane, indeed?
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Careful questioning reveals this k-Goninon to be an elder ooze, much like the gelatinous cupolas that populate this place, compounding the danger of their floor-eating fluids with sheer size and appetite. On the plus side, oozes are not specifically hostile to me, but I may have to confront it regardless, if it decides hunger is more urgent.
More importantly, that description of the device...what prison could Lebah mean? The Tomb certainly could be seen as one, but something tells me this isn't a simple key for a simple door. These children...despite the importance of my task, I find myself wanting to know more.
Speaking of knowing, I ask Lebah for eir credo.
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Heh...I hide my laughter, lest it be mistaken for mockery. That credo, if my interpretation is valid, has much relevance in the now. The Girsh rising again, the Putus Templar marching as they will, an unprecedented signal from on high...I don't think I could put it better myself.
Thus heartened, I continue my journey.
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eorzean-tale · 13 days
FFxivWrite2024 - Prompt #9: Lend an ear
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“Who the flat purse is Milo..?”
The second the question left Vivira’s lips, her brain caught up. Milo. M. Obviously! She hadn’t even opened the letter yet, had only taken a peek at the sender, and she already needed a moment to collect herself. Shame and embarrassment, two emotions that were as foreign to her as Turali tacos, coursed through her. Was this the Fog again, or had she just been a careless twat, forgetting about the charge she was sponsoring through an education in Limsa Lominsa with the same carelessness that her adoptive stepdaughter used to forget her pet rocks with?
She groaned to give voice to her discomfort as she stroked the enormous amethyst adorning a ring on her hand. The magic stored there released, and her carbuncle Chubby appeared in a flash of white-blue light. Vivira has summoned them so often she didn’t even need her grimoire, keeping the formula in her mind combined with the attunement of the ring was enough. 
Or it should have been. Chubby didn’t come out right, not even for their doing. They were always a little wonky, as Vivira has never managed to correct the mistakes she made when she had first summoned the carbuncle as a little girl. Not because she couldn’t, but because the Lalafell had gotten attached to the oversized cat-like creature. Changing them seemed wrong. Like forcing a glamour onto an unwilling party. 
That made it extra painful to see Chubby looking so misty. Like they were made of vapour instead of Aether. Of Fog, she found herself thinking, feeling it again. The shadow. The colour was off, too. Desaturated. More grey than blue.
“Look Chubby, we have a letter from Milo,” she told the Carbuncle, who jumped on the sofa to sniff at the parchment. The behaviour was as expected then, at least. Vivira told herself she’d dismiss and resummon them later, this time with her Grimoire for reference. For now, she had correspondence from her charge to share with her oldest friend. And current problems she didn't want to think about.
The Carbuncle settled on her lap, their girth blocking her legs from view. It was a good thing their Aether didn’t weigh much, or Vivira would have struggled. They peeked as she opened it, as if Chubby could read it by themselves. She read it out loud anyway, just in case.
To Vivira,
I hope you have been in good health and Chubby has kept you company according to your needs. I have been well.
“Yes, yes, good health,” she muttered bitterly. “We’re glad he’s been well though, aren’t we Chubbers?” Vivira planted a small kiss on the Buncle’s head for emphasis. “Whatever the gil that means.” 
I’ve continued studying at the Arcanists’ Guild. I still haven’t mastered the technique for summoning a carbuncle, but otherwise, it seems like I am doing adequately according to my grades. 
“Pauper's grave, of course you are. What else would you be doing there,” she muttered. “Oh, no little Carbuncle for you to teach the ropes to yet, Chubby,” Vivira told her companion as they chimed in response. It was just noise, but the Lalafell nodded like they had just conveyed something profound. “I’m sure he’ll get it soon enough. Took me forever, as well.”
I have also found three friends at the lessons: C’leyne, a male miqo’te, Loetbluom, a female Roegadyn, and Joku, a male Lalafell. I’m not yet fully sure why they like to spend time with me, but they seem like interesting people.
She just chuckled at that, endlessly bemused by the thought of someone with even less social grace as herself. 
As per your request, I haven’t been actively seeking work. I encountered some people at the docks who would have been eager to recruit me, however, despite the fact that I obviously did not meet their requirements. Maybe locals of Limsa Lominsa have a different definition for ‘sister’.
Vivira repeated that last sentence three times, and still couldn’t make much sense of it. She eyed Chubby, but the Carbuncle had no chimes of wisdom to offer either, so she eventually shrugged it off and continued reading. 
I’ve spent my free time doing additional reading and getting familiar with my surroundings, instead. I have also visited the Bismarck twice since our last meeting. Their finger sandwiches taste very good.
“They are.” Her lemon cakes suddenly didn’t seem all that appetising anymore. Kukusito had hired the best chef gil could afford, of course, but there was something special about the Bismarck. Probably the sauce of reputation and the seasoning of status involved with going there, and being seen there. A part of her still cared about those things. A small part, she would argue. But then again, she was small all around. Did that circle back and make it big again?
I understand that your duties and familial ties keep you busy, but if you find yourself having the time, I would appreciate it if you can visit Limsa Lominsa at some point. I am grateful for how you have taken care of me so far, and my offer for assistance still stands. Even if my skills don’t meet your needs right, it would be pleasant to have a conversation with you again.
“My duties as the world’s most bored and apparently useless levescribe, you mean,” the woman scoffed as she offered Chubby some scritches underneath their washed-out chin. “Do you think he’s in trouble? That’s why he wants me there? To help him out?” 
Chubby chimed, and Vivira could swear that the mana sparkles flying from them were scolding her. “You’re right, it’s me that’s been too busy feeling sorry for myself to check in with him, not the other way around. This is why I never wanted children.” 
I’m leaving this letter to the white furry creature with clear instructions to deliver it to you as swiftly as possible. Hopefully, it complies, and perhaps I will hear from you as well in the near future.
She reached for a little golden bell, ringing it once to summon her Heckler. “Please prepare for travel arrangements,” she ordered, ignoring the worried glance he hid behind a polite bow. “What destination, my lady?” 
“Limsa Lominsa. And reserve a table for me and a guest at the Bismarck, will you?”  Part One Part Two Part Three
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1999anomalias · 9 months
Existen tantas maneras de amar,que el día que lo entiendas, ese día viviras para amar sin prejuicios.
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fatima-trejo · 1 year
Hoy hace 13 años que dejaste este plano terrenal, y se sigue sintiendo como ayer. Sabes que te extraño mucho y que siempre te tengo presente. Quisiera compartir contigo esta alegria de la pronta llegada de mi bebé. Quisiera que lo amaras como me amaste a mí y que él te ame por igual.
Aunque no estes fisicamente se que una parte de ti siempre vivira en mí, y justo esa parte es la que conocera mi hijo de ti. Ahora tengo 26 años, el doble de los años que hemos pasado sin ti. Nunca te voy a olvidar.
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bellamonarca · 1 year
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“ Solo tu, nadie mas
Tiene la llave de mi corazón
Nunca te vayas, nunca me dejes
Todos mis sueños bailan con tu amor
Viviras, siempre en mi
Desde la tarde cuando te encontre
Cada minuto, mientras exista
Por siempre te amare
Dondequiera que vaya
Tu recuerdo va conmigo
Cada instante que pasa
necesito más de ti
Por siempre te amare.
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blueberryautumn · 11 months
Libros que llevo leidos y necesito anotar porque luego se me olvida que los leei. Parte 2
Como seaa. hago este post, porque mis necesidades obsesivas compulsivas no me permiten no tener un conteo de mi vida literaria.
incluire novelas, biografias y comics (mangas, novelas graphicas etc,etc)
si alguien se topa con este post, te deso Vibras chidas, y que alguna de estas historias te den la felicidad, las lagrimas y las sonrisas que me brindaron a mi.
obviamente y porque fue en mis epocas de chica basica...
empezare por las Sagas que no tienen adptacion. (segun yo y si la tienen no es canonica y no la eh visto)
Las Cronicas de Terramar. (Earthsea Cycle) ursula k.leguin.
simplemente magico, y llenos de un chingo de sabiduria muy basica, cuando los leei pense, nms esto cualquiera lo sabe... pero...si cualquiera lo sabe y es parte de la educacion basica como humano....porque lo olvidamos y no lo ponemos en practica.
en lo personal son libros que me han ayudado a sobre llevar mi crisis del cuarto de edad (quarter midlife crisis) que se sufre mucho en nuestros 20´s
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Fairy Oak elisabetta gnome
AMO, simplemente amo, los leei a los 14 años, y me tiraron mucho hate, porque no era litertura seria (que la neta, chinguen a su madre cualquiera que te salaga con esa mamada. y mas cuando tienes 14 años y lo unico que quieres es soñar con vivir en un mundo mejor del que vives actualmente), Y aun asi minimo una vez al año repito almenos uno de ellos. y si te gusta #Anne with an E, #Mujercitas, #Gilmore girls. esta es una saga de libros para ti.
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La duologia del reino Celestial. (Celestial Kingdom Duology)
Creo que no son necesario que diga, que soy fan de los Dramas Coreanos, y Chinos (muy poco fan de los japoneses la neta no estan tan chidos). y debo decir que almenos corea se lleva el premio a lo que lleva a la pantalla, PEROOO La litertuar sobre la Mitologia de China....es Extraordinaria. y esta duologia (que el proximo año en feb 2024 saldra un libro de cuentos cortos sobre este mundo) no se queda atras. la verdad me gusto MUCHO y me hizo llorar MUCHO peor valio la pena cada lagrima.
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debo decir que estos diseños para la version UK me gustan mas que los diseños de la version americana. (pero solo es la portada el contenido es igual)
El Mar de la Fertilidad. por Yukio Mishima.
Esta tetralogia, es considerado como un testamento sobre el mundo narrativo sobre japon desde el siglo XX y 1970. todas estas historias tienen en comun a un joven abogado que buscara encontrarse con la reencarnacion de su mejor amigo (quien vivira una gran historia de amor) a travez de diferntes etapas de su vida y a la vez presenciar el cambio moral y espiritual del japon que lo vio nacer y del que lo vera morir. (son libros muy pesados y crudos, PEROOO son talvez libros que almenos a mi me abrieron los ojos a muchisimas cosas no solo sobre japon, sino como seres humanos, que tan capaces somos de venerar algo y seguir con esa conviccion hasta morir y confiar en que morir no es el ultimo paso, sino el inicio de otro fin).
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Hasta aqui con las sagas. si recuerdo algunas otras. las pondre en otro post. por ahora esto es todo amigos. espero esten bien :)
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love-letters-blog · 2 years
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Como describir con letras lo que significas
para mi, te das cuenta de lo fuerte que es una
emoción, cuando no puedes encontrar ninguna
palabra para describirla...
Tú eres mi principio y también el fin
de mi existir, en la cima de mi alma, de mi
corazón, y de mis pensamientos, solo
estas tú, eres el eje de sensaciones
desconocidas en mi, vivencias que nunca
creí poder tocar con mis manos...
La suavidad de tus labios hace estremecer
mi ser, cuando al cerrar los ojos los siento
en mi, a pesar de la ausencia, eres el gran amor
de mi vida, tus manos, tu sonrisa, tu mirada,
cada parte de tu cuerpo, es el mejor mural que
puedo acariciar y desear tenerlo junto a mi...
En mi vida no existe nadie mas, el amor perdura
en el presente, pasado y futuro, no importa si hoy
estamos en el norte, sur, este o oeste juntos hasta
el fin, porque asi lo dicta la ley del amor eterno,
del corazón, por siempre viviras en presencia,
o en recuerdos mios...
Somos una sola almas, mi otro yo, que siempre
existirán a través de las dimensiones, jamás
olvidaran el amor verdadero, volverán una y otra
vez a buscarse, asi pasen mil años no se olvidaran
somos seres unidos por un mismo barro, una sola
alma, asi como un solo corazón, separados
nunca existirán...
Te Amo a través del universo y de esos seres
que quieren separarnos, de una vida cruel de
desilusión y fracasos, te amo por este amor...
Perdimos todo, por estar juntos, lo que nos
permita la vida, seguiremos viajando hasta
un nuevo encuentro, sin ti no existiría
amor de mi vida...
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bipolarman2022 · 1 year
Y donde iríamos? Aqui en tu casa? - A que te follasen? No. A mi apartamento que está más apartado con la piscina y más y hay otros que prefieren que vayas a su casa. - Entonces no hay opción?- claro que la hay. O te comprometes antrs de empezar a ser una puta y follar con quien yo lo permita y exija o vuelves a tu vida anterior. Una vez te comprometas no hay vuelta atras, si aceptas viviras bien a cambio de ser follado de ser una puta a mi servicio y una vida dedicada únicamente a mi, sin amigos, sin trabajo, pero muy comoda. En casa no tienas que limpiar, ni cocinar, para eso están las sirvientas ya lo sabes. Pero si me traes problemas te enfrentaras a mi y te jodere la vida. ACEPTAS?- Que tipo de hombres van a estar conmigo?- ya te lo dije, sobretodo maduros, de otras razas, agresivos, casados, cariñosos, de todo tipo. - Y tu estarás conmigo siempre? - Depende, si lo veo peligroso si, si quiere que te grave también, ahora si no veo peligro y además hay algunos que quieren privacidad absoluta exijo un plus de pasta ahí no puedo hacer nada.- Y yo que gano?- De un 10 a un 20% de lo que gane Depende de como te portes y que no te falte de nada estando a mi lado, fiestas privadas, cenas en restaurantes pero de los que yo voy no cualquiera, viajes, ropa, regalos, ropa interior femenina o masculina y entrenamiento y diversión para lo que te puedas encontrar. ACEPTAS? PIENSALO PUES NO HAY MARCHA ATRAS UNA VEZ COMENCEMOS. - Si, acepto. - Perfecto. Redactaré un contrato no quiero que me denuncies ni sorpresas por lo que te viene encima.
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cloudi-bunni · 2 years
Si puedes perdorar..el amor vivira…
Summary: Karube sister comes to see Arisu after the incident
(This is my first time writing for this character so I’m sorry if it’s bad!)
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Walking down the endless halls you softly whisper to yourself the room number. Over and over again like some mantra. “207,207,207,20-“ there it was. The numbers shining on the door of a room. You take a deep breath in. Nerves taking your body and consuming it whole. You brought your hand up. Knocking on it twice. Waiting in silence for what it felt like forever. “Come in” a muffled voice replied to your unspoken message. Opening the door you peer in. You see the male you were searching for, his black shaggy hair covering his eyes.
“Arisu?” You hushed out. “Y/n?” He questioned, the shock in his eyes was apparent. “I just wanted to see how you were holding up…it’s good to see you again dude” you said now having the confidence to walk closer to him. “Yeah..look I’m sorry-“ he began before you cut him off. “I brought you some snacks I baked, i know you just can’t get enough of them” you chuckled, placing the basket of sweets on the table. “Look Arisu I’m glad you’re alright…and I don’t think it’s your fault for what happened to my brother, so you can quite blaming yourself for that dumbass” you looked down as you spoke to him. Only looking up at him when your lips let out the insult. You took a seat next to him. “Daikichi would have beat your ass if he knew you were blaming yourself for this” you giggled, looking at the ceiling your head filled with thoughts of what he might have said. “Yeah he would, He’d probably say something like ‘your taking responsibility for my death now too?’” He joked. Your sides were hurting, but you were just basking in the feeling.
“Remember when Daikichi took you and Chota out on one bike and came home full of scratches?” “Yeah we thought it was a great idea until our asses hit that wall” he replied. “I still have no idea how he convinced you two” you were now facing him. The sunlight hitting his face in a way that truly flattered him. The atmosphere made you feel at ease, much different then what you were feeling just minutes ago. Arisu always seem to have that effect on you. “I don’t even remember agreeing he just shows up with chota in the basket and told me to get on” he giggled at the memory.
“Mhm i remember when he tried to set us up, it was so cheesy” fixing yourself on the bed to a more comfortable position. “Yeah chota had me convinced to wear a suit” you shot up straight at that. “SO THATS WHY YOU LOOKED LIKE YOU WERE FROM THE 1800’s?” You yelled in shock. His smile getting even wider as he leaned close to your body. “Yeah! I looked fucking ridiculous!” Laughter and giggles filled the room. You were sure anyone that walked by could hear it. “It was so fucking embarrassing i was in a whole suit and we went to the fucking movies” he shoved his face in his hands. “I honestly thought you were just super passionate about the movie” “they never told me where we were going!”
The conversation seemed to last hours when in reality it was only 30 minutes. This all felt dream like. Joking around with your brothers best friend, remising about the past. It was all so unreal and your sure Arisu felt the same. A call reminded you that you could not stay like this forever. You got up from the bed to pick up the phone. “Yeah? Oh shit i forgot about that- no no I’ll be there soon Don’t worry about it” you ended the phone call, looking up at the man. “I have to go I hope you enjoy the sweets” running close to his bed you give him a peck on the cheek. You ran out of the bedroom. Leaving the male to his thoughts. His face turning a shade of red as he half the place your lips touched.
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marciriusblack · 1 year
Wow escribes con tanta pasión suertuda la persona detrás de cada escrito, es un amor lejano? Dame un consejo he estado enamorada de la misma persona desde siempre, para mí nosotros es un amor imposible, pero aún así no he dejado de amarlo.....
Muchas gracias 🫂 si y no , es lejano por qué pasó de ser terrenal a platónico.
Quizás ver qué significa y los porque te gusta .
Aveces idializamos y no vemos si en verdad nos gusta o es empacho.
Pero si sientes que te gusta por sus acciones y forma de ser tiene no importa la distancia quizás demostrar lo que sientes
Solo tenemos dos formas de sufrimiento creo el trabajo duro o el arrepentimiento.
De todas formas expresa tu sentir si no viviras con el vómito en la boca :(
Y gracias cualquier cosa acá está el blog.
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idontknowhoiqm · 2 years
¿Para que tener sueños? Muchos suelen romperse, un sueño es algo que es inventado para tener alguna meta con la cual seguir adelante y darle sentido a tu patética vida, ¿de que sirve vivira base de mentiras? Lo sueños fueron creados para ocultar la realidad de uno.
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