#viviziepop crital
lightningbreath ยท 4 months
One thing that I find incredible is how Hazbin always manages to shoot himself in the foot. It's quite obvious that the series strives to show how corrupt and wrong Heaven is by, for example, keeping Adam in his position despite his behavior. It seems that it has become ''common sense'' to say that Adam only entered Heaven because he was the First Man, nepotism, favoritism, blah, blah, blah.
However, the series clearly states that angels DON'T HAVE THE MINIMUM IDEA OF WHAT TAKES A SOUL TO HEAVEN. They only accept and care for the souls that arrive there, they have no control over who goes to Heaven or not. Therefore, Adam could not have been accepted just because of nepotism, as the opinion and desires of the angels do not matter for Divine Judgment. In other words, either Adam deserved Heaven at the time he died or the being making this judgment chose to make him ascend (in the same way he did with Sir Pentius). In other words, the villains of the series are not to blame for what happens in Hell.
The Pride ring does not have a government, Lucifer locked himself in the house being useless and Lilith seems to have tried to bring order to the place but the sinners were so unbearable that she voluntarily preferred to return to Heaven through a contract with Adam. The only thing that Heaven did was the Exterminations and, honestly? In the pilot, the exterminations seemed to be something serious, you could feel the heavy atmosphere in the opening scene. But in the series? It doesn't seem to change much of Hell's routine or differentiate itself from the territorial wars or murders that happen all the time. If hell is the way it is, it is not Heaven's fault, nor Lilith's fault, nor Lucifer's fault, it is all the fault of the sinners themselves.
P.S.: I would like to remind everyone that the Ring of Gluttony and the Ring of Sloth exist, this hell does not work like the Hell of the Abrahamic Traditions, nothing prevents a minimally pleasant place from being built, the Ring of Pride can be summed up in ' 'Hell is other people'', or something like that.
P.S.S.: I still can't believe that Emily called the souls in Hell ''innocent souls'', God, she probably saw what happened to Pentius at the club, saw Valentino and still lets me have this? Not to mention Saint Peter, who went from being one of the most interesting and human apostles (along with Mary Magdalene) to a.....that thing.
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