nudge-wink Ā· 1 year
Random Prompts
Yup, still sticking posts here, from time to time! This time, itā€™s a string of stuff thatā€™s inspired by WordPress and its Daily Prompt idea, except some of the prompts Iā€™ve been using at Meerkat Musings are of my own creation (what can I say, Iā€™m a bit of a rebel). Letā€™s examine a few of the highlights, and hopefully have some fun along the way! Superhero Powersā€¦ with a Twist I asked one of myā€¦
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nudge-wink Ā· 1 year
Over on my personal blog, Meerkat Musings, Iā€™ve been aiming to post at least once a day, every day, throughout 2023. So far, Iā€™ve succeeded, but there is still a loooong way to go! I have been seeking inspiration for prompts, and one scheduled post will offer some personal thoughts on the brilliant word, farouche. Farouche is a word that speaks to me. It means ā€˜to be sullenly unsociable or shyā€™.ā€¦
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nudge-wink Ā· 2 years
Not Letting Go
Hold me! Ahem, so, itā€™s been a minute since anyone posted here, on the Nudge Wink Report, and I refuse to let that stand. I have fresh(ish) art to inflict upon the masses, and a number of dad jokes to torment you with. Letā€™s start there. If you have a helpful ant, is it your assist ant? Have I told you my bad memory joke? There are three types of people in this world. Those who can count, andā€¦
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nudge-wink Ā· 3 years
Nudge wink Report is back -- sort of.
Nudge wink Report is back ā€” sortĀ of.
Hello from Earth! NWR is on life support right now. Weā€™re not posting often, but weā€™ve been in mourning for a while. Iā€™ll begin by saying it was a sad day when our founder disappeared into the universe. If thereā€™s a heaven for sarcastic people, sheā€™s sitting on the throne. Sheā€™s one of the lucky ones, being in a place where she can look down upon the stressed, regressed, blessed, and messed upā€¦
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nudge-wink Ā· 4 years
The Phoenix Rises...
The Phoenix Risesā€¦
Well, it doesnā€™t exactlyĀ rise,Ā and weā€™re not quite in the ashesā€¦ yet. 2020 has pummelled us, squeezed us, mocked us ā€“ but we are still here. Itā€™s been difficult for some, life-changing for others, and for many people around the planet, itā€™s been an anxious, scary time.
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We need a release, a valve we can open to let our tension spill out. Weā€™ll definitely reach an end to this, where life willā€¦
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nudge-wink Ā· 5 years
Is this a Willie Nelson moment?
Is this a Willie NelsonĀ moment?
ā€œI woke up still not dead again today.ā€Ā  A song Willie Nelson wrote when he woke up to his obituary slathered all over the news.
Soā€¦I went on our illustrious founderā€™s Facebook page to wish her a happy birthday and it says she passed away.
I had the flu for 2 weeks, so maybe Iā€™m just delirious, but when someone named Susan says her friend passed away, I believe her.Ā  Susan is an honest name.
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nudge-wink Ā· 6 years
Senseless Sarcasm (what other kind is there)?
Senseless Sarcasm (what other kind isĀ there)?
Okay!Ā  I admit it! I havenā€™t written anything for NWR inā€¦in
Dear God!Ā 
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Where did the thyme go?
Ah, the spice of life; hair today, gone tomorrow.Ā If you donā€™t believe it, you havenā€™t seen whatā€™s left on my head.
Over-dramatic representation
Whatā€™s new in the news world?Ā 
Not much.Ā 
Same old stories about rape gangs in Europe, civil war in Africa, famine, garbage islands the size ofā€¦
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nudge-wink Ā· 7 years
Fighting for Each Other
Fighting for EachĀ Other
Anyone whoā€™s been keeping an eye on The Nudge Wink Report may have noticed itā€™s been quiet. I canā€™t confess to know why for everyone else, but for me, itā€™s been all about work ā€“ new job means new time constraints and a change to my patterns ā€“ thereā€™s been a bit of a learning curve! However, I am still here and I hope I speak for everyone else when I say so is The Nudge Wink Report. Weā€™re anā€¦
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nudge-wink Ā· 7 years
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Bit of a double-header, this. Firstly, apologies for not posting when I should have ā€“ I know you were all desperate to see what else Darth Timon had to say, so to the millions of you reading this who I have let down ā€“ I am sorry. Secondly, apologies for posting out of turn, but better to do this now, whilst I remember and have time, than to forget, which between my memory and my circumstances, isā€¦
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nudge-wink Ā· 7 years
What have you done, Now?
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And now, for something completely different: Who can take a sentence (who can take a sentence) And turn it all around (and turn it all around) Take an upside-down smile and make it into a frown The Comma Man (the Comma Man) Oh, the Comma Man can (the Comma Man can) Hey, Comma. Thanks for the assist! Now weā€™re cooking with fire. Iā€™ll take it from here. I got this. So, yeah. It has come to myā€¦
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nudge-wink Ā· 7 years
Is it just me or are women starting to look more masculine and men more feminine? Leading man from the 1960ā€™sĀ  Leading man today With a good wig, some makeup, and false eyelashes, you couldnā€™t tell him fromā€¦ ā€¦Sophia Loren,Ā  a lead actress in the 1960ā€™s Now, there are a few things you didnā€™t see in the 1960ā€™s.Ā  Like women wrestlerā€™s With a mastectomy, I couldnā€™t tell her from Arnie Did I mentionā€¦
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nudge-wink Ā· 7 years
Merry Happy Jingle Chestnuts
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Itā€™s not over yet but 2017 was the year I fully embraced the Stoli. And this will be my first Christmas without turkey. I refuse to get rid of the vodka thatā€™s taking up shelf room in my freezer to make room for a Butterball. Watching Trump peck and scratch his way to obscurity is turkey enough for me. The field reporters for The Nudge Wink Report did a stellar job this year, blogging about this,ā€¦
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nudge-wink Ā· 7 years
SPECIAL REPORT : Cyber Monday Blues
Over the past two months, Iā€™ve been writing down all the things I wanted to look for from Black Friday to Cyber Monday.Ā  On top of writing 57,000 words for NaNoWriMo in 30 days (That book is going to need a lot of help). Only one item was out of stock.Ā  If you buy it, and it says the order went through, how can it be out of stock?Ā  Maybe the employees get first pick and you get the condolenceā€¦
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nudge-wink Ā· 7 years
In Memoriam: 2017
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Image source: Vinny Lingham I have a few words Iā€™d like to say about my close, personal friend, 2017. Iā€™ll start with: ā€œSuck it.ā€ It goes downhill from there. (moreā€¦)
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nudge-wink Ā· 7 years
What I Learned This Week
What I Learned ThisĀ Week
Taking a Twitter break is not a good idea. I took off a few weeks months, and came back and tweets go from 140 characters to 280 characters and now Trump is starting to make sense. This may shock you but I have zero pull with Twitter and have a better chance of Lake Bell liking one of my tweets (which she totally did btw!) than convincing Twitter to edit back their decision. #bitchtweet If youā€¦
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nudge-wink Ā· 7 years
Sick and Scary
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Iā€™ve sat down on the train. Iā€™m tired after a long day at work. Iā€™ve actually got a headache, and Iā€™m hoping for a quiet, peaceful journey. Will I get oneā€¦ nope. NotĀ at all. Why? Well, lurking in a nearby seat is a biological weapon, a chemical bomb, a vile, repugnant force. (is it behind me? Please, donā€™t be behind me!) I can sense it growing in malice. Itā€™s need to spread its diseased powerā€¦
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nudge-wink Ā· 7 years
Round 99 : Daylight slaving time
Round 99 : Daylight slavingĀ time
In 1918, some idiot came up with the idea that if you jump started your clock an hour youā€™d have more light. November 5th, we fall backā€¦retreat with our tails tucked between our legs ā€” like the slaves we are ā€” and turn the clocks back an hour. Spring forward, fall back. Ā We do it every year, and every year I say the same D@#n%d thing. Why donā€™t we just move the clock up a half hour in March andā€¦
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