punigamefoodie · 1 year
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Cured-Meat/Ritzy-Glitzy Saucy Vizzard
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adamwatchesmovies · 4 days
The First Omen (2024)
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There can’t be too many candidates for “Best Prequel Ever Made”, which makes it sound like I’m damning The First Omen with faint praise, but I’m not. This is a surprisingly frightening, moody and engaging film, even if you already know what’s coming next. The poster makes it seem like a generic attempt to squeeze more cash out of an existing property. It is so much more than that.
In Rome, 1971, American novitiate Margaret Daino (Nell Tiger Free) prepares to take her vows at the Vizzardeli Orphanage, where she befriends a troubled girl named Carlita (Nicole Sorace). After a series of strange events, Margaret is approached by Father Brennan (Ralph Ineson), who warns her of a conspiracy within the church. The rise of secularism has pushed radical occultists to bring about the birth of the Antichrist. He believes Carlita is key to the conspirator’s plan but Margaret doesn’t think so… not at first…
You would never guess The First Omen was originally slated for a Hulu release or that this is Arkasha Stevenson’s directorial debut. This is a confident, atmospheric film that begins with one hell of a disturbing intro and then keeps building on it. Margaret arrives in Rome amid protests that make the city feel unsafe even before we see anything that could be labeled as "creepy". Some of the most frightening moments happen in the orphanage, when Margaret navigates the corridors and investigates strange noises in the shadows or the story Father Brennan has told her. Everything is so dark you’re begging for some light to show you what’s happening around her… and then immediately regret that wish once we see the sickly yellow glow of a lit candle appear. I don’t want to say too much but that shot with Ishtar Currie-Wilson as Sister Angelica still gives me the creeps just thinking about it. The thing is, there's nothing so alarming that makes you want to scream to Margaret "Get out!", not until we meet Father Brennan but when he does tell our protagonist what's happening, it makes so much sense. You felt the unease deep inside for a while now; you just couldn't quite explain why.
Then, there are the glimpses we get at the conspirators and the strange rituals they're performing to bring the Anti-Christ to Earth. We don’t see a lot, but what we do see is elegantly unsettling. The scenes are effective because Stevenson and her co-writers Tim Smith and Keith Thomas (Working off of a story by Ben Jacoby) is using those scenes to add to - and build upon - another fear that’s prevalent during the film: the fear of giving birth/pregnancy. Depending on the scene, it's of an unwanted pregnancy or of the happiest day of a woman’s life gone wrong. When Margaret finally meets Father Brennan properly, it’s alone, in an apartment he’s renting. You have no reason to think he’s sinister, but the fact that the naive Margaret is going there, at night… it puts you on edge. You should be relieved that our heroine is being pointed in the right direction but the idea of being scared is baked into your psyche at that point and can't be easily shaken. The film has a hard R rating, primarily for one shot that involves nudity and I can see why it was kept in. That’s another moment that sears itself into your brain.
The worst thing about The First Omen is that it comes about fifty years after the original. The series' fans already know how the film will end and its status as a prequel limits what it can do. There’s also the fact that this sort of tale is much less skin-crawling now than it would’ve been all those years ago, and not only because we’ve seen loads of these sorts of films (this is the second one this year, in fact). That could be a moot point if The First Omen turns out to be the first chapter in a new series, similar to Rise of the Planet of the Apes, however. There is another factor to consider when evaluating it too: the fact that many people may not have seen The Omen - specifically, the 1976 version. Whether you have or haven’t only matters so much because either way, this prequel has many great scenes and some surprises along the way too.
The First Omen has a solid cast, there are some memorable scares/visuals and as a demonstration of the art of filmmaking, it’s strong - doubly strong when we realize this is Arkasha Stevenson's directorial debut. I made watching The First Omen a priority because I’d heard such good things. Hopefully, I get to keep that trend going. See it. (June 18, 2024)
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afabstract · 3 months
The First Omen Review: Horror Rarely Looks This Good
Margaret arrives at the Vizzardeli Orphanage in Rome full of enthusiasm to teach young girls, only to drown in its horrifying dark secrets. Read our spoiler-free review of "The First Omen".
⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 3.5 out of 5. Sneha Jaiswal (Twitter | Instagram) When Margaret, a young American travels to Rome to take her vows as a nun, she discovers a disturbingly dark conspiracy afoot to revive an evil to help spread the fear of God among an increasingly faithless populace. Director Arkasha Stevenson has co-written “The First Omen” with Tim Smith and Kieth Thomas (he directed “Pickman’s…
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feretheafiancido · 1 year
Blog Vizzard
We are a team of passionate writers and content creators who have come together to share our thoughts, ideas, and knowledge on a variety of topics. Our blog was founded with the goal of providing valuable and informative content to our readers. We cover a wide range of subjects, from lifestyle and personal development to technology and current events. Our team is made up of experts in their respective fields, who are dedicated to researching and writing high-quality content that is both engaging and informative. We believe that everyone has something valuable to share and we strive to give our readers a diverse perspective on the topics we cover. We understand that our readers are busy people, and we work hard to make sure that the content we provide is easily digestible and relevant to their lives. Our goal is to make our readers think, learn and grow through the content we provide. We are constantly working to improve our site and make it more user-friendly. We welcome feedback and suggestions from our readers and strive to create a community where everyone feels welcome to share their thoughts and opinions. Thank you for choosing to read our blog. We hope you find our content informative, engaging, and valuable. Hi, I'm Jimit! I'm the owner of Blogvizzard, a popular blog focused on tech, lifestyle, health, electric vehicles, entertainment, social, finance, and business. I'm passionate about technology and the power it has to make our lives easier and more fulfilling. I graduated from Gujarat University with a degree in Computer Science and have been working in the tech industry ever since. I'm excited to see where this journey takes me and I'm looking forward to posting on a regular basis on this blogging website. Blogvizzard Weblog is an online source of digital news, information, and resources. It features exciting stories and updates in technology, business, education, entertainment, social, lifestyle, world events, and reviews. Comments and feedback are always welcome. Social Networking Blogvizzard is on Facebook and Twitter. You can help us build a stronger community if you have a Facebook or Twitter account by either becoming a fan of Technovizzard on Facebook or following us on Twitter. In doing so you will get exclusive content, automatic updates, and direct access to the Technovizzard team. You can also find other ways to subscribe to our updates here. Submit A Story Blogvizzard welcomes guest authors and contributors. To submit a story, all you have to do is simply email your article and we reviewed it before posting. Please note that submitted articles must be current, original, and exciting commentaries or stories about technology-related issues. We do not accept press releases or articles that are less than 350 words. https://www.blogvizzard.com/
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pupuplatters · 4 years
CLAY JARVIS :: Clay Jarvis ~ 6.0
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CJ Records | CJ-113
Clay Jarvis is another brave soul who did it himself: he founded CJ Records, on which this platter was released, and he composed all of the album's nine tracks. The stark, slightly abstract artwork suggests that the recording may be a confrontational no wave statement. However, one's fears are put to rest by reading the song titles on the back side ("Peaceful Paradise," "Smiling Face," and "We Gotta Love" are a few examples). The sequencing is curious: while most of the album is a full band effort, it begins with two gentle, stripped-down acoustic numbers, giving the impression that this may be more of a loner recording. Then "Roll Me on Down the Line" kicks the doors open with its saloon piano and drunken boogie. The performance is gleefully chaotic, with the musicians so loose that it sounds like they're playing different songs in spots. Jarvis's gritty vocal may have taken inspiration from Danny Joe Brown, and the volume of his voice depends on whether he's right on the mic or if he looks down to check his guitar playing or turns his head to guide the band into a new part. While the ensemble tracks on the album all contain this ragged charm, the acoustic songs sound were recorded with more attention to nuance. One of them, the LP opener "Smiling Face," is a good example of beginner songwriting. It's a simple love song with a pleasant vibe, but it doesn't have a build or a strong hook, and in the end, it might be a little too cute. The other acoustic songs follow suit. The full band rockers dominate the album, and they also offer mixed results. The rather brief "Between the Lines" touches on drug use, and "Burning Band" aims for a playful cockiness often heard on Bo Diddley hits. The rowdy "Gimme All Ya Got" ("before you give it all away") is about a final goodbye before a woman leaves for good. Over a Skynyrd-style chicken-fried backbeat, saxophones honk randomly and Jarvis performs like Kenneth Higney after some guitar lessons and a six-pack of Budweiser. Seasons of restlessness and conflict are contemplated in the psych trip "Summertime," a celebration of youth that actually conjures up a hot, swampy evening in the South. The song's introduction features a screaming fuzz guitar solo that recalls Springsteen's frenzied wailing in "Adam Raised a Cain." I suspect this distinct soloing, prominent on a few other cuts, is performed by second credited guitarist Marlon Nutting. A second guitarist wouldn't be needed if Jarvis were capable of that style of playing. The album doesn't overstay its welcome and it ends with a positive outlook (the nifty line "we're gonna be so strong" repeated in "We Gotta Love"), but it also feels insubstantial as it closes. Some of the material could have used a little more creative juice to make it memorable. As with many independently released oddities, the authenticity of Clay Jarvis is to be admired, but the quirkiness around the songs leaves a stronger impression than the songs themselves.  
January 24, 2021
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enfant--terrible · 5 years
thinkin abt them Vizzards Clubs they had at court in the late 1670s where the well-bred who’d lost their noses to syphilis deadass decided to make this a status symbol
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historyatnih · 5 years
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Did you know that the NIH Fitness Center was one of the first fitness centers for federal employees in the country?  Representatives even visited federal agencies in cities such as Seattle and Atlanta to help them start their own programs, focusing on fitness, nutrition, and managing stress. The NIH Fitness Center opened in a trailer in 1983, but moved to Building 31 in June 1984, and is run by the NIH Recreation and Welfare Association. The people in this photograph look like they’re celebrating with some dance moves.  We’ve identified the women in the 2nd row as Donna Vizzard (NIH Fitness Center) and Dr. Barbara Wasserman (NIH’s Occupational Medical Services).  The woman on the far right is Donna Spiegler (Office of Research Services).  Can you help us identify the other people?   @IRP_NIH
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don-lichterman · 2 years
New Jersey School and Grounds up for Auction
New Jersey School and Grounds up for Auction
53,760+/-SF Former Middle School 8.6+/- Acres Redevelopment Opportunity – Adaptive Reuse Ready for Adaptive Reuse We look forward to having a new occupant and welcome them to our Township.” — Mike Vizzard, Mayor of Commercial Township COMMERCIAL TOWNSHIP, NJ, USA, August 12, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — Max Spann Real Estate & Auction Co. is pleased to announce the sale of the former Port Norris…
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bac17d-blog · 6 years
Paper #2
A community can be defined as a group of people that have banded together for a common reason. If we were all to be asked why we have chosen our specific communities, the answer would most likely take little thought. Although, we as individuals have a tendency to form opinions about those who decide to be in communities that are different from our own. This is simply because we do not understand their “why”. I have chosen to extensively research and write about the community of Republicans in the United States. This is a community that possesses characteristics and beliefs that are different from my own, but it is intriguing to me to understand and analyze why the Republican Party feels so deeply connected to their community and how this connection enables them to interact with one another.
The Republican Party began almost two hundred years ago at a protest in Wisconsin. They were first known as what were called “Free Soilers” and originally banded together as antislavery activists. At first, they did not want to end slavery in the South entirely, but they wanted to prevent its expansion westward (History.com Editors). Ironically, when they first formed as opposers to the Kansas-Nebraska Act, they were known as the Democratic Republican Party (Republican Party). They began due to three separate traditions, all having a large impact on their creation. According to the article Republican Party, the Second Great Awakening, which was a religious revival movement, put an emphasis on individuals seeking their own salvation in order to make the world a better and more productive place. This belief still remains today. Also, the formation of the Republican Party early on was also heavily influenced by Henry Clay and his economic policies. He firmly believed in imposing protective tariffs that would help construct things such as roads and rivers for the public. The last tradition that had an influence on the creation of this community was the idea of nativism. Americans who were part of this Republican Party believed they were very first people to arrive in the United States. This belief stemmed from the idea that white skin meant one was superior to others. According to the article, this fear of being overtaken by immigrants caused Republicans to continue to band together and strengthen their community.
The goals, purpose, leadership, and values of Republicans today are what have kept the community alive and their people closer than ever. These aspects of the Republican Party have ensured that not just anyone can declare themselves as a member of this community. Certain beliefs and definitions must be met. Richard Dagger goes into detail in his article about the controversial definition of a Republican as well as who fits this definition’s description. He makes his opinion clear when he states, “republicanism rests on the conviction that government is not the domain of some ruler or small set of rulers, but is instead a public matter-the res publica-to be directed by self-governing citizens” (Dagger 701). This is one of the most important aspects of the Republican community. Individual work is highly important to them and they believe in an extremely limited amount of government intervention. According to the article, What is a Republican?, the core belief of the Republican Party states that the government should only intervene when the level of which the individual is at is not high enough to help society function. Not every member of this community shares the specific beliefs and values that have defined the Republican Party overall, but this limited government intervention idea is one that almost all agree with and has been the reason for their continued strength and bond.
As I stated before, not every member of the Republican Party agrees on the specific details that surrounds their community. Although, the majority of the members of this party do share similar beliefs in basic human aspects of life. Extending off the idea that government intervention should be limited, the article, What is a Republican?, states that Republicans believe that a health care system run by the government will eventually lower the efficiency and productivity of society. They also believe that marriage should be the traditional unity of a man and a woman. Homosexual marriage or marriage outside of a natural-born male and woman should not be legally sanctioned. They believe that immigration can be harmful to the country, especially according to current president Donald Trump, an outspoken Republican. Republicans have, for quite some time, believed that although some immigrants should be able to legally enter the United States, they should not be given the same rights and freedoms as those who were born here (What is a Republican?). This idea goes back to the original tradition of nativism, which helped begin the Republic Party. This community also firmly believes in the right to bear arms declared in the Second Amendment, despite the tragedies that have repeatedly occurred, including Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and Columbine High School. William Vizzard makes it clear in his article that Republicans will not change their mind on this matter anytime soon. He makes a bold statement when he says, “it would take a presidential assassination to rekindle [the attention on the issue of firearms regulation]” (Vizzard 882). These centralized and commonly found beliefs within the Republican Party have been the main reason that the members have decided to join it. It is natural and easy to get along with those who share the same ideals as you. This has helped the Republican Party communicate effectively with one another.
One of the main reasons I chose to research and write about this specific community is because of the its differences from my own. I have labeled myself a Democrat from the time I was able to understand what it meant. The differences between Democrats and Republicans is enormous and the hostility between the two groups is unavoidable. According to Gregory Marchant and John McCreary, some of the main differences between the two parties can begin at a very early age. These authors believe that Democrats focus more on health and growth, while Republicans tend to focus on money and image. In an article from the Congressional Digest, the hostility between the two communities is evident. This article contains information about the plan of the Republican party to “make American great again”, President Trump’s famous slogan throughout his campaign and even during his current presidency. While stating their plan to restore greatness and efficiency to America, this article also contains negative comments towards the Democratic Party. Specifically, it states “the President and the Democratic Party have abandoned their promise of being accountable to the American people” (Congressional Digest 7). In this quote, they are referring to former Democratic President Barack Obama. After this quote, the article goes on to claim that Democrats and Obama have been the main reason for the doubling of debt, inability to control borders, and dismantling America’s system of health care (Congressional Digest). In my opinion, the Republican Party as well as their beloved President Donald Trump have brought numerous disasters in their short two year reign as United States President. Before researching this community, I never truly understood the anger that the two communities have towards one another.
The genres of communication used by the Republican Party are widespread and typically help them communicate with many different people at various times. Republicans are found all over the United States, so genres such as newspapers and television are extremely important when one wants to get their word across to their fellow community members. During the most recent presidential election, livestreams of debates were constantly broadcasted across many different channels on television. When it came down to Hilary Clinton, a Democrat, vs. Donald Trump, a Republican, millions of viewers tuned in to watch their respective parties speak about political ideas and policies while trying to convince America that they were the best candidate. Donald Trump’s expressive and loud behavior on television helped him communicate his ideas to all Americans watching, and he successfully made his words heard to his Republican Party. This television stream was a way for this community to keep up with policies that their party’s nominee felt was best. Television was not only used to record debates, but it was used by Republican candidate Trump to keep viewers updated on his beliefs and the people that would be helping him if he were to be elected in office. According to Carole Joffe, Trump further declared his anti-abortion stance by hiring Mike Pence as his vice president. Pence is largely known for being strongly opposed to abortion and gay rights. This selection of his vice president was announced on television and gave Republicans even more reason to vote and support their candidate, as well as band together to ensure that their party would eventually have the most power in the United States.
Another genre that is utilized by the Republican community includes blogs. Typically, Democrats and Republicans are extremely opinionated due to their only being two main parties to join. There is the idea that you are either one or the other. Blogs have been created for years now that allow Republicans to find a place where they can write and interact with those who feel the same way about government issues as they do. One of the most common blogs available to anyone who feels the need to use it is called Red State. According to Republican Views, this blog must be read and used by anyone looking for a platform to voice their opinions and increase their knowledge about their community. Red State’s main purpose is to inform and educate those that use the blog. They allow for quick and easy registration and as I stated before, anyone can use it. Users write their own blogs, read others, and comment on different pieces to express their opinions. It is also used to endorse Republican candidates running for positions in office (Republican Views). Another instance with Republicans using blogs to communicate with others includes State Representative Steve Vaillancourt. When two women were running for New Hampshire’s Second Congressional District, Vaillancourt irrationally blogged about the Democratic candidate and said, “does anyone not believe that Congressman Annie Kuster is as ugly as sin?” (Newton-Small). This brutal statement against the opposing party was visible by many and received support as well as criticism from all different people in each party. This easy-to-use genre of communication clearly enables Republicans to interact with one another on a daily basis.
There are many constraints within the genres that the Republican Party chooses to use. Groups that meet with one another to discuss their similar interests do exist in places like cities or towns. Some cities are known for being more Republican dominated, so it is possible to rally together one or two hundred people.  In my hometown of Boca Raton, the elderly population has made it a largely Republican community. During his campaign for presidency, Donald Trump made an appearance at our local amphitheater that can hold hundreds of people. Many people gathered there to witness the man in person and hear his speech. Clearly, small group gatherings are possible and genres such as group chats and Facebook groups do exist to help communicate with one another. Although, as I mentioned earlier, Republicans are a large group of people that are spread all across the United States. This constrains communication genres that only allow for a small amount of people. In order to campaign for presidency, Trump was not going to use group chats, Twitter posts, or Facebook apps to get the attention of as many viewers as possible. He had to use genres such as television and television networks, such as ABC, that would attract the attention of millions of people. When the tragedy of Stoneman Douglas High School occurred this past February, the president had to address the nation on the steps that would be taken next. Instead of turning to smaller social media platforms, he decided to make multiple appearances on TV and was quoted in many different newspapers and magazines in order to speak to a larger crowder in a quick manner.
The affordances in these genres are also very clear. The large audience that can be reached by television and newspaper allows messages to be spread all over. When rallies or speeches are broadcasted on television, typically one person is speaking at a time. This concentration on one person helps community members understand what is being said and helps the individual on screen communicate with their community. On the smaller side, social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram afford people the opportunity to follow and keep up with those in the Republican community. Instagram and Facebook have different features that help Republicans interact with one another. On Facebook, one can make a post that anyone can comment on and spark a discussion. On Instagram, Instagram “stories” allow people to create a poll option. A question can be asked, along with a picture and a poll option, and followers are able to vote which they believe is best. Percentages are then shown to indicate the choice that holds majority. Each genre is specifically used to keep these community members in constant contact with one another.
The impact that genres of communication have had on the Republican Party community members has been enormous. Part of the question that I wanted to answer when I first started my research included how the deep connection to their community allows Republicans to communicate with one another. Since they all feel such close ties to their political agendas and personal beliefs, these community members have been able to keep the community the way it is. One of the bests examples of when the use of genres has helped the Republican community communicate with one another was during the Brett Kavanaugh trial that recently occurred. In summary, Kavanaugh, a Supreme Court nominee, was accused by Christine Blasey Ford, a former high school classmate, of sexual assault back in high school. The United States has always regarded a Supreme Court position as one of the most powerful and respected positions in the land. It is given to someone that represents stands for, but unfortunately does not receive the same amount of approval today than it has in the past (Ball 30). This ongoing trial was broadcasted on television networks, in newspapers, magazines, and almost any other genre that one can think of. It appeared on Instagram and even the President of the United States took to Twitter to discuss his views on the events of the trial. Although Kavanaugh denied the claims entirely, the main argument by the Republican Party for his innocence was backed up by the idea that actions occurring in high school should not follow someone decades later.
Anyone who kept up with the trial was able to see that Ford’s statements genuinely appeared as the truth. Kavanaugh’s lack of confidence in his responses as well as his lack of complete cooperation also hinted at the potential for the accusations to be proven true. I will admit to the possibility of being biased because of my own Democratic background. This trial caused the Republican community to heavily back up their Supreme Court nominee. Many protests and gatherings were held to oppose the Democratic protests and gatherings. Republicans all around the country banded together and took to multiple social media platforms to voice their opinions on that matter. They continuously worked together and interacted with one another to build a support system around Kavanaugh. This communication and willingness to work together to support a member of their community is proof that Republicans feel a deep connection within their community and to each other.
This research paper has required me to learn about another community as well as understand where the community’s members are coming from when it comes to politics. Throughout this process, I was able to interview my roommate about her Republican background. Her responses were not out of the ordinary and were mostly what I had expected. Although, there were a few answers she gave that caught me by surprise. My roommate, Kayla, agrees that Republican background may have stemmed from the way she was raised. She said that although her family did not pressure her to believe in what they believe in, she naturally gravitated towards their beliefs and values. This included being a Republican. Most of her family members, including her extended family, are members of the Republican community so it seems natural that she would follow this path. One of Kayla’s most surprising answers included the topic of abortion. I had asked Kayla if she agreed with everything that the typical Republican believes in. She responded that she agrees with most, but she full heartedly disagrees with their stance on abortion. She believes that a woman should have the right to choose and no one should be able to take that away from her. She also mention that she believes she feels this way because she is a woman herself and feels comforted knowing that she can do what she wants with her body. This belief was determined outside of politics.
Clearly, being able to research, analyze and write about a community that I do not belong to has given me a further understanding of what the Republican Party is all about. Although I do not agree with almost of all their policies and beliefs, I can appreciate that they have felt strongly enough to band together with common goals in mind. This is how my own communities that I belong to have come together. I have also learned throughout this research paper that different genres are used for different reasons. Not every community will utilize the same genre simply because it is not warranted. The widespread use of television and larger outlets such as newspapers and magazines makes sense for communities like the Republican Party but would not make much sense for a community such as book clubs at Florida State University. Understanding the best type of genre of communication to use within the community is imperative to enabling that community to effectively communicate with one another.  
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askandanswerbot · 4 years
Could someone show this asshole the exit?
— Left Action (@LeftAction) Sat Dec 19 18:28:40 +0000 2020
— Vizzard, James, 1ea. (@JWVizzard) Sat Dec 19 18:40:03 +0000 2020
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ihouseucom · 4 years
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Ciara Vizzard shares new single Price http://dlvr.it/Rbg2BW
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phillytoohip-blog · 5 years
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Episode 014 with Emily Cranmer: Relentless Empowerer!
Discussion includes: working mom, founded non profit, confidence gap, kids should be allowed to be kids, bossy or dramatic labels, independent thoughts, being proud, married and pregnant, supermom is exhausting, it's okay not to be perfect, family planning, bitter third pregnancy, Holden guilt, Persistent pulmonary hypertension, changed perspective, fringe bullshit, father death, pressure to be perfect, living your best life, summer camp moment, relentless middle name, vulnerability, Hanson fan, dad audiophile, singing on swings, Taylor Hanson lookalike, Mmmhop beer, pure joy, husband drummer, adulting, love what you love, music resonance age, less than jake, ben folds, evaporated, connection to past, book in the works, anti princess book, hot mess girl book, teamed up with an artist friend, Jeremy Lightcap, what are your strengths, strengthsfinder 2.0, what makes you valuable
Important Links: Future Lady Leaders Hanson Evaporated by Ben Folds Five Mmmhops Strengthsfinder 2.0 Princess Awesome
Donations: Cozys for Chemo, (Founder: Meghan Vizzard)  Hand n Heart, (Trisha Baum)
Direct link to mp3 (click dots to download)
This podcast is the creation of Danton Spina. The following music is included in most of the episodes: “Bloom” by Jahzzar, “Saturn” by Marsel Minga, “Old Battle Theme” by Monplaisir, & “Sleepless” by The Freeharmonic Orchestra
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nursestefan · 5 years
❗️❗️One-liner❗️❗️ Subscribe to keep learning!: https://www.youtube.com/NurseStefan?sub_confirmation=1 ❗️❗️What are the benefits of mindfulness meditation? Does meditation really work? What's the science of meditation? Lets ask Dr. Stephen Vizzard Retired Clinical Psychologist with 47 years of experience, shall we?❗️❗️ Get SOCIAL! *************** My Website ❤️️ https://nursestefan.com Facebook 📘 https://ift.tt/384vddM Instagram 📸 https://ift.tt/2r2LoHM Twitter 💬 https://twitter.com/NurseStefan Shareable Video Link: ❗️❗️https://youtu.be/1s4t_S4lqeE❗️❗️ ************* Transcript: ❗️❗️...❗️❗️ ... 𝗪𝗔𝗧𝗖𝗛 for more! ************* For more information check out: ❗️❗️Dawson Church and this video about his book Mind To Matter: LINK This great video on Power of Mindfulness Meditation: LINK A great website related to this is: LINK #Meditation #Mindfulness❗️❗️ #NurseStefan by Nurse Stefan
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rolandfontana · 5 years
Trump Has Expanded Access to Firearms
President Donald Trump says his administration has done “much more than most” to help curb mass shootings, but he has actually eased gun restrictions, Politico reports. Federal agencies have made more than half a dozen policy changes — primarily through regulatory moves — that expand access to guns by lifting firearms bans in certain locations and limiting the names on the national database designed to keep firearms away from dangerous people. The administration asked the Supreme Court to overturn New York City restrictions on transporting handguns outside homes. It pushed to allow U.S. gunmakers more easily to sell firearms overseas, including the types used in mass shootings.
“This president has in a very intentional, sweeping way made it easier for people to access firearms, not more difficult,” said Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI) of the House Gun Prevention Task Force. “He’s systematically gone and undone all the protections that were put in place to try to limit the ability of dangerous people to access firearms.” Trump critics aren’t surprised after he received a strong endorsement from the National Rifle Association, which contributed $30 million to his 2016 campaign. After mass shootings took 31 lives in Texas and Ohio, Trump took credit for changes he said are cutting down on violence while proposing vague policy shifts involving social media, video games and mental health. Trump backed Congress in increasing penalties for not reporting data to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System and gave millions to schools to combat violence. The Justice Department banned bump stocks, which allows semiautomatic rifles to be used continuously with one pull of a trigger. William Vizzard a former official of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, described the restrictions as modest. “On a scale of 1 to 100, they’re about a 2,” he said.
Trump Has Expanded Access to Firearms syndicated from https://immigrationattorneyto.wordpress.com/
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leemanfarm · 6 years
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This Lazys Trending- 2018 colt sired by LAZY LOPER and out of Radical Zensation (Radical Rodder), NSBA World Champion and Emerald Masters Reserve Futurity Champion producer. Bred/owned by Tina Vizzard and John Comas
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don-lichterman · 2 years
New Jersey School and Grounds up for Auction - World News Report
New Jersey School and Grounds up for Auction – World News Report
53,760+/-SF Former Middle School 8.6+/- Acres Redevelopment Opportunity – Adaptive Reuse Ready for Adaptive Reuse We look forward to having a new occupant and welcome them to our Township.” — Mike Vizzard, Mayor of Commercial Township COMMERCIAL TOWNSHIP, NJ, USA, August 12, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — Max Spann Real Estate & Auction Co. is pleased to announce the sale of the former Port Norris…
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