#vlookups are fine
ariadne-mouse · 7 months
Work colleagues stop sending me screenshot images instead of the actual functional Excel tables challenge 2023
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intosnarkness · 1 month
i made a google sheet a work that took rsvps from our instructors who are agreeing to teach this year out of the system where they RSVPed
then it calculates a unique ID for them based on name and local union
then there are sheets broken out by course number (because each first number has a different person coordinating those instructors) and filled with the info we used to contact them. these generate the same unique ID from their name and local union
then i used if(iserror(vlookup script to pull over their rsvp, the email they entered, and any questions or concerns they had
and then i used conditional formatting to highlight anyone whose entered email didn't match the one we sent their invite to so we can update it in our system
and my boss took one look at this and said "you know no one else in our department can do anything even approaching this?"
so i texted my dad to thank him for teaching me how to do vlookups.
sincerely, if you are starting out in your career, learn how to make excel do a tiny bit of magic and you will go so so very far.
learn how to do vlookup, xlookup, if, iserror, countif, and sum and you'll be most of the way there. conditional formatting is annoying, but useful. pivot tables, if used correctly, might get you referred to the spanish inquisition. and VBA scripts! you can do so much stuff automatically with VBA. I use it every year to break our course evaluation master into individual sheets based on course and instructor. takes me 20 minutes instead of 3 weeks it would take doing it by hand.
you can get a lot of pre-written VBA code online as well, so as long as you know how to activate the developer console, you'll be fine. it's nowhere near as scary as you think it's gonna be.
learn excel. learn spreadsheets. you'll thank me for it.
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hesymbolized · 5 years
i’m pretty sure my coworker/partner in crime was afraid i was about to flip the entire cubicle segment onto it’s side over this spreadsheet and data.
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mydatastuff · 3 years
I was given a set of COVID data for the United States (easily downloadable for the public) and worked in MySQL + Excel with it
Tell us a story with this data set. (this is to see if you have the presentation skills to explain your thoughts clearly. This is just, if not more, important when being a DA than techincal skills imo)
How would you count the number of times California has appeared in the dataset? (basically just a basic COUNT() function)
How would you not include California and Nebraska in this list? (using the NOT IN function)
Can you tell us the states with the most positive COVID cases to the least (GROUP BY, ORDER by DESC)
How would you limit to the top five states from question 4? (Limit 5)
Say you have a customers table and order tablkes. You want all the records from customers. What would you do (LEFT JOIN)
Explain the difference between left join, right join, inner join, and outer join.
Experience with windows functions (I had none at the time, but 3 months later I have quite a bit of experience).
What are some of the most advanced Excel functions you know (I said VLOOKUPS, HLOOKUPS, INDEX, pivot tables lol. They said that was fine and Excel isn't used a crazy amount. I would say I'm in it about 10% of the week)
Do you have any experience with triggers or creating tables (I knew how to create basic tables and what triggers were)
Ever use a temp table, CTE, or subquery (I was honest... I maybe used them once just for practice. 3 months in, and I def know what these all are now haha).
Then I was asked 10 Tableau questions that were quite easy. Things like: when would you use a bar graph vs. line graph, measures vs. dimensions, KPI explanations, live vs. extract, etc. I may have been asked more SQL questions but I don't remember them all.
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VLOOKUP and MATCH another useful Excel functions combination.
Feel free to download our Exercise file and practice along with the video. And don't worry, there is also a Solution file with all the formulas.
We have more explainers on advanced Excel functions you might be interested in - INDEX and MATCH; VLOOKUP COLUMN and ROW; INDIRECT, VLOOKUP and INDIRECT.
We’ve seen several function combinations so far.
In this lesson, we’ll present another one that can be useful.
Suppose you’d like to create a table with the number of people working in Management and Admin personnel for company D and E again.
We can use MATCH to define the column number we need in the VLOOKUP function.
I am sure you now know the first part of the VLOOKUP function by heart. This will be our lookup value, and we will fix its column reference. The entire table above is the lookup array.
This is when MATCH comes in play. The lookup value of MATCH will be this cell.
When I copy and paste this function, I’ll need this reference to change only when I move to the right, along the horizontal axis, and not to change when I move down. Therefore, I will anchor its row reference.
In the next step, we have to define the area, or the lookup array, where Excel will try to find the lookup value. In our case that means company D. Therefore, I will select the header of the source table and fix it! It is not supposed to move when we copy and paste the function.
And this pretty much does it. Let’s press Ok and see the result of the function we just created.
All right, it worked okay for the number of managers in Company D. Let’s apply this formula to the other three cells in the table.
It worked.
Therefore, one could combine VLOOKUP and MATCH in the same formula.
From all that you’ve learned until this moment, you would probably agree that nesting a match function within a VLOOKUP differs from nesting COLUMNS within VLOOKUP, though. Now, if I replace the name of a company with another one, the number of workers in the management and the admin personnel would change accordingly.
This is not the case with the COLUMNS function, as it works fine only for adjacent companies in the source table.
We hope this explainer was useful to you. Next, you can watch our video explainer about INDEX and MATCH: application of the two functions separately and combined.
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sadpregnancymeals · 4 years
WFH during a WTF time
I feel strangely prepared for working from home right now. You see, last summer, I spent 10 weeks working from my basement (which, while above ground and better lit than most basements, is still, well, a basement). My family had just moved 3,000 miles across the country, I had no friends, and no real need to leave the house. I also found myself in central North Carolina, which boasts summer temperatures of 270 degrees and 10,000% humidity -- just slightly different than the temperate environs of the Bay Area, where it is 68 degrees practically year round. Add in two toddlers to wrangle and my chances of joining a local running club or heading to trivia night at a bar were slim to none. 
As a result, my days nearly all had the same routine:
8:30 am to 5 pm: Cry over Excel spreadsheets because I hadn’t understood in the job interview process just how much I really needed to know vlookup; zone out during 60-person Zoom conference calls where “introductions” seemed to take up an inordinately long amount of time; heat up a frozen DiGiorno square green pepper and mushroom pizza, and proceed to eat the ENTIRE thing directly from the pan; attempt to throw in a load of laundry and fail to complete the task because vlookup. 
5 pm to 7 pm: Drive the kids to McDonald’s, procure 2 Happy Meals, and watch the Chicken McNuggets slowly congeal into the backseat of the car; visit Target recreationally, hoping the employees didn’t recognize us from the day before and read Paw Patrol anthologies on the floor of the men’s clearance section. 
8 pm to 8:20 pm: I’ll spare you the saga of the kids’ “bedtime routine” and skip ahead to my 1.25 mile walk around the path near my house. I’d return absolutely drenched in sweat, having seen 2 minutes of daylight the ENTIRE day, and be mentally exhausted but just barely tired from the lack of exercise. 
This routine went on, without much variation, for the next 70 days. 
Eventually, I realized that I needed to make a change. I was depressed. And I was incredibly fortunate to have the resources and support to make a change. I quit the  job, found a new one, and learned the following lessons:
1. Get dressed. 
Even if it’s switching from your nighttime sweatpants to your daytime sweatpants, that’s totally fine!! The act of changing clothes is strangely civilizing. Bonus points for semi-frequent showers (note: a full wipe-down with your kids’ Kirkland Signature Baby Wipes counts, too! Seriously, I’m not one to judge.) 
2. See humans. 
Speaking of civilizing, the act of saying thank you to the person bagging your groceries, saying good morning to the nearby jogger, and waving at the delivery driver remind us that there are other people out there. People with lives both better off and worse off than yours. People with their own worries, and struggles, and heartaches. Oh and real, live humans > social media humans EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Maybe quit social media while you’re at it, but I’ll omit preaching on that point for now. 
3. Go outside. 
Stop reading this (you’re 80% done anyway) and go outside. Look at the leaves on the trees, smell the air, listen to the sounds -- birds, cars driving by, whatever. You are not alone, the mundane aspects of life continue on, and will continue on, long after we are on this planet. There’s something powerful about remembering that you are just a tiny part of this grand experiment of planet Earth that helps soothe the nerves. 
4. Get a hobby. 
My eventual “hobby” took the form of angrily ripping up the invasive ivy off the shrubs in my front yard. It required no skill, worked up a sweat, and helped me channel some frustration into a more productive direction. That said, my husband and I *did* have creative differences when it came to my approach to pruning, so make sure your hobby is objectively productive, or maybe pick something less destructive. 
5. Have a mantra. 
Pick a few things that you are grateful for and make it into a catchy phrase that you can repeat to yourself when you are feeling low. You don’t have to tell anyone what those things are, and you certainly don’t have to judge yourself if they don’t seem “lofty” enough. My gratitude mantra includes peanut butter. 
6. Do something that makes you slightly (or moderately) suffer for the greater good. 
This suggestion has greater significance now during COVID times than it possibly might’ve in the past. Though I’d argue that this is a good practice to continue long after our world is hopefully recovered from this pandemic. I have an appointment to donate blood next Wednesday. I HATE needles sticking into my forearms and have previously used a dubious diagnosis of “anemia” to get out of this. Well, guess what? Too bad for me. There are people out there that need blood and I’m just going to have to suck it up and have a needle sticking into my forearm for 15 minutes. I will be breathing deeply and intoning the phrase “peanut butter” and hoping for the best.
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seotipsandtricks-me · 5 years
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When it comes to content marketing, there’s no substitute for hard work and expertise, but at the same time, there’s also no point in doing work that’s unnecessary! That’s why we’ve put together these 5 shortcuts to help supercharge your content marketing. There are a number of tools and processes that we as content marketers can use to improve our efficiency and ultimately, our results. Some will simply improve efficiency, while others will open up opportunities to explore that you may never have considered. We want these to be easily digestible, so please contact SiteVisibility if you’d like to know more about any aspect of this post. So, without further ado, let’s dive into how you can improve your content marketing… HARO: Help a Reporter Out We’re big fans of HARO here at SiteVisibility as it’s a simple and free way to find journalists and writers who need your expertise with an upcoming story that they are writing. By using the service, we’ve managed to secure press and blog coverage by responding to journalists requests in both our own marketing efforts and in our client campaigns. Once you sign up, you can select which industries you’re interested in and then you’ll receive daily alerts of journalists that are looking for help with a story that fits your criteria. If you find a request that fits perfectly for you or your clients, all you need to do is respond through the service and if your contribution gets used, you/your client will receive full credit within the story and usually a link too. With world-renowned and well-respected media outlets like Time & The New York Times using the platform, it provides a great opportunity to gain links from high-authority sites that are relevant to you, whilst also helping you to become an authority in your field. For us, using HARO is a no brainer. To help you get started, I’ll let you in on a few of our little secrets for how to help you get your response seen over others: I often include a little bit about me, my experience which qualifies me to answer their query, the company, and links to my Twitter/LinkedIn/website etc. This can help the journalist to filter out any responses that may not be relevant. For the subject line to the email, I tend to put “HARO Response: [query] – [name] from [company]”. Ensure that what you’re contributing is as useful for the author and their audience as possible and don’t just try to promote your company or product. Do whatever you can to make it easy for the journalist and you’ll be much more likely to be featured. Write your contribution so they can just copy and paste it straight from your email if necessary and link to (don’t attach) any images you feel may be helpful. Finally, the deadlines are often short on these so they tend to require a response within at least 24 hours, the quicker you can respond the more likely it is that they’ll use your response. Alternatively, if you’re looking for inspiration or expert input for content of your own, you can use HARO  to have your query included on the email alerts that go out. It’s a fantastic way to improve the authority of your content… and it also incentivises anybody you’ve featured to share it once it’s published. Win win. What we like about HARO in a nutshell Access to a wide range of content and PR opportunities, fast Minimal ongoing work required Multiple industries, markets and languages Daily email alerts for opportunities Provides sources to quote in your own content It’s mostly free So, what are you waiting for? Subscribe to HARO here. SEMrush Content Audit Tool SEMrush is one of the best SEO and Marketing platforms out there and frankly, we could write a whole blog series about the sheer amount of functionality it has, but we have clients that need work delivering too! For this post, I’m looking specifically at the SEMrush Content Audit Tool. Content auditing is one of the most important aspects of content marketing and if you’re like us, in the past you’ve had to use various crawling and reporting tools to get the data you need and then use a combination of VLOOKUPs, formulas, tables and charts to collate the data into a usable excel file. With the need for SEO data like page tags, response codes, canonicals etc., combined with metrics from Google Analytics and Google Search Console, further combined with social sharing data, it can take hours just to get this all in one place, and that’s before you even start doing the actual work. Running the content audit tool allows you to crawl your site (up to 20,000 pages), or just individual folders, to identify poorly performing pages and areas for improvement across your site. Once your pages have been analysed, the tool gives you a handy dashboard to work from and categorises your content into four areas: Content that you should Rewrite or Remove Content that Needs to be Updated Any Poor Content on your site Any content that can be Reviewed Quickly This makes it really easy to start analysing the content on your site and to create tasks for your team to start rewriting & updating, plus you can start giving the content a good old prune. When used as part of the wider Content and SEO Toolkits with tools such as Topic Research, Competitive Analysis, Rank Tracking and the Content Analyzer, you can gain a vast amount of insight and assistance with your content marketing, and your overall digital marketing, all in one place. More importantly, it also allows you to keep track of the changes you’re making and to see if they’re having the desired effect on your content performance. The amount of time we’ve saved by streamlining the process is significant, and it allows us to do stuff like this… We’re not on the SEMrush payroll I promise, we just like to share tools that we really think will help fellow marketers. If you’d like more information about content audits then this content audit guide from SEMrush is very useful and if you think your site would benefit from a content audit, or you need help with your content marketing strategy, don’t hesitate to contact us. What we like about the SEMrush Content Audit tool in a nutshell Huge levels of functionality and customisation Very efficient – can streamline your content marketing workflow Seamless with other tools Handy dashboard so you can get started right away Everything you need is in one place Good product support Hubspot Blog Ideas Generator Hubspot are one of the big players when it comes to marketing and SEO platforms, but what we like most about their Blog Ideas Generator is that apart from putting in your contact details, it’s free. You simply put in a couple of nouns related to the subject you want to write about and it generates 250 potential blog titles that you can use to get the cogs in your head turning. It’s important to note that it’s not perfect and you will get some gibberish, but we’ve found that we can take these titles and then do some further topic and/or keyword research to come up with content we think will be useful for our audience. It’s not an end in itself, but it can be a very useful jumping off point, and it may even open avenues that you hadn’t considered. Hubspot also has the additional benefit of saving you a considerable amount of time and resource that would otherwise be used getting your marketing or content marketing team into a room to brainstorm content ideas. Top Tip: Use this tool alongside something like SEMrush’s Content Analyzer to see what competitors have been doing. See what ranks well for search queries related to your topic, and analyse them to see if there are any aspects of content/layout/design that Google seems to be deeming as important. CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer tool can help you fine tune the headline too for maximum effect. What we like about the Hubspot Blog Ideas Generator in a nutshell It’s quick and free It can save your marketing team time It serves as a great starting point for a brainstorming session It can open your eyes to content or topic areas you hadn’t considered before Moz Keyword Explorer SERP Analysis & Features The SERP Features functionality within the Moz Keyword Explorer is a fantastic way of determining at a glance what sort of SERP features Google is showing for a given query. At a dashboard level, it also combines your tracked keywords into groups and gives you a top-level breakdown of the features that are most common in that group. For example, if you have a keyword group for queries related to SEO Agency you would see the following: In this example, we can see that the most common SERP features for these queries are Reviews, Related Questions, Local Packs and Featured Snippets. Therefore, we already know that Google sees these as important, and that these should be featured on the page, and in the case of related questions or snippets, we format our content as best as we can to appear here. If you’d like to dig deeper, Moz also allows you to review the SERPS on a keyword by keyword basis. Of course, you could do this manually too, but when combined with the additional metrics that you can see below, you can quickly and easily understand what sort of content Google values for a given query, and act accordingly. From the screenshot above, we can see that for this term there are plenty of different opportunities for a business to rank, away from the organic results.   If we were to use SiteVisibility in this example, the obvious areas are in the 3x Local Packs, the Featured Snippet or Related Questions, or potentially the knowledge panel. Knowing this allows us to tailor our content for this term accordingly… and we were able to see this in less than a minute.   This post is an excellent summary of all the different Google SERP Features in 2019 if you’d like to know more.   As part of an overall keyword strategy, the Moz Keyword Explorer is an excellent tool to streamline your processes and save a lot of time on analysis. What we like in a nutshell Quick and simple to use Useful for both top level and granular research Makes content research and planning much more efficient We hope you’ve found these tools and shortcuts helpful, we’d love to hear if you have any of your own you’d be willing to share. Comment below or speak to us on our social channels. If you’d like to find out more about out Content Marketing services, then don’t hesitate to get in contact with us we can discuss how we can improve your site. You can do so by calling us on 01273 733433 or via the contact form below: Contact Us Name* First Last Email* Message*CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. jQuery(document).bind('gform_post_render', function(event, formId, currentPage){if(formId == 13) {} } );jQuery(document).bind('gform_post_conditional_logic', function(event, formId, fields, isInit){} ); jQuery(document).ready(function(){jQuery(document).trigger('gform_post_render', [13, 1]) } );
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charlesjening · 5 years
Get Me the F*ck Out of Here: To Job or Not to Job Before Leaving Your Public Accounting Job
Last week, we talked about first steps for quitting your job in public accounting. The TL;DR of it is 1) decide you’re going to leave before you do something you might regret like punching your partner in the balls and 2) get your resume ready. Alright, so let’s assume you’re ready to leave and you have that resume polished up like the fine turd it is. Let’s move on to the next step: finding a job.
There are two paths you can take here. The first involves getting the heck out of Dodge before you have a plan, insomuch as getting the heck out of Dodge isn’t actually a plan. The second is looking for a job before you leave this one and sticking around until you have another offer in your hands. Both have their pros and cons, which we will address now.
Option A: Quit that piece of shit job before you line up a new job
If you were the type to get off on taking crazy risks, chances are you wouldn’t have landed in the risk-averse world of public accounting. But let’s just pretend you have a wild streak and are ready to take a scary leap. Great. Have any cash in the bank? Are you a free spirit without a spouse, kids, and a mortgage? Could you, in theory, survive three to six months without a salary if you absolutely had to?
All of these are considerations when deciding if you should have a Scarface moment or stick around and suffer it out until you have somewhere else to land.
Half Baked Fuck You GIF from Halfbaked GIFs
Option B: Go shake your goods in front of another firm before telling your current one to shove it
If you think you can stick it out for a few more weeks, this may be the smarter option. After all, it’s pretty satisfying to tell your current firm to shove it knowing you have an offer that includes more money or fewer hours or — BETTER! — both.
It’s going to kill me to say this but for those leaning toward Option B, finally responding to those overeager recruiters who are constantly blowing you up on LinkedIn might not be a terrible idea at this point. You know what, let’s save the “how to find your next job” conversation for next week, that’s a whole discussion of its own.
OK so now what?
I was going to draw up a fancy flowchart on how to decide whether to quit right away or find a new job first but then I realized that it isn’t simple enough to work for a flowchart plus I’m lazy and they don’t pay me to create original artwork.
via Rancid Flamingo Comics
In all seriousness, the obvious advantage to finding a job before you quit your current one should be clear. If you want me to spell it out for you: it’s money. You know, that thing that gets you out of bed when you’re dreading your professional life and seriously considering growing a beard out and living off the land with nothing but a Bowie knife and a single pair of Carhartts.
Be like Jim Bowie
We can talk all day long about office perks and work-life balance and vacation days but really the only reason anyone goes to work is so they can pay for a roof over their head and food in their belly. That’s it. Don’t bother deluding yourself into believing otherwise.
Finding a job before you leave your current one gives you the satisfaction of knowing you won’t end up like Jason and me, one misstep away from living out of a cardboard box standing on a strip mall corner somewhere with a Will VLOOKUP For Food sign. So that’s a plus. Then again, leaving as soon as you realize you can’t take another second of this crap gives you the advantage of getting out before your mental health deteriorates, money be damned.
Which path should you choose? I have no clue. I’ve done both in my professional career and all those paths led here so take that for what it is. You know what, here, read this post from would-be GC contributor “Bob Loblaw” from years and years ago, it may give you some insight while we mull over next week’s topic: to recruiter or not to recruiter.
The post Get Me the F*ck Out of Here: To Job or Not to Job Before Leaving Your Public Accounting Job appeared first on Going Concern.
republished from Going Concern
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sunnyvermafan · 5 years
Property Management Accounting Outsourcing Services
Accounting outsourcing is not new and over the years businesses have realized the importance of outsourcing. Outsourcing provides a cost effective solution and saves time and resources – the major assets any property management company can have, whether you are a commercial real estate business or a residential management company.
Outsourcing not only focuses on lowering the head count or restores the core competencies of a company. But is about making your firm do what it does the best; it can be leasing, day-to- day operations or HOA management. And a multifamily company with a few thousand (or hundred of thousand for that matter) units should not focus at the way their bills are paid as a core capability.
It is often noticed that property managers overlook the accounting functions or do not have the time. And this is where a specialized property management accounting outsourcing company can help. Apart from the experience these firms also have latest technologies like accounting software which facilitates the work to be done faster and at a cheaper cost. You now do not have to be concerned about the financial report, keeping records, balance and profit and loss sheets as the outsourcing firms takes care of all these activities.
Fine accounting skill, a strong working knowledge, an array of real estate and non-real estate accounting packages, proficiency in latest technologies are some of the strengths of these real estate accounting outsourcing firms. Apart from these they also have lower service cost as compared to an in-house accounting team.
Some of the important task that can be outsourced in Property Management Accounting
Finance and Accounting
• Accounts Payable (AP) / Accounts Receivable (AR) • Tenant Bill-Back Charges • CAM Reconciliations • General Ledger • Budget Entry & Reporting • Record Keeping / Auditing • Financial Statements & Reports
Financial Reporting
By using the latest accounting and reporting software, the accountants of outsourcing companies provide the clients with meticulously structured, well-timed and accurate reports, budgets, and files.
Accounting System
The outsourcing company accountants are well trained with the software used for real estate accounting. Below mentioned are some of the software’s   that are widely used.
• Yardi-Voyager, Genesis • QuickBooks and Quicken • Spectra Property Management • The Property Manager • Timberline Property Management • MRI (by Intuit Real Estate Solutions) • Avid Payable • Microsoft Excel (in VLookUp, Pivot)
Besides cutback on the capital by elimination of avoidable accounting staff and other overhead costs, the advantages that companies realize include the following:
• Systematic work  flows process • Real-time, remote access • Workforce flexibility • Increase in productivity • Complete financial control
Companies looking for improved quality and effectiveness as well as trying to lower the costs should evaluate outsourcing options. Outsourcing accounting functions offers great benefits over long-established service delivery models. Outsourcing offers property management companies a significant added tool to consider, especially during the tough economic times.
Additionally, it is also important to choose the outsourcing service provider wisely. It is important to ask for references and do background checks to avoid any future discrepancies. If chosen rightly the property management accounting firms can be a boon for the company as it saves time and energy.
Source : https://www.outsourcinghubindia.com/property-management-accounting-outsourcing-services/
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Body: I want water
Me: ok fine, I’ll get you some water
Brain: ohhhh heyyyyyy were up. Want to solve that purge problem you’ve been working on?
Me: no I want to go back to sleep
Brain: but I just had an idea about how you can sort the data in excel and do a vlookup to map the data.
Me: fuck....let’s go do this.....
I hate my brain. It never stops.
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samiaedithg · 6 years
A Non-Coder’s Journey to Becoming a Data Engineer
Learning to work with large data sets is like growing up: you start with spreadsheets, with fragile functions that break on any change to the data. Then you begin to crawl and maybe learn VLookups to join data together. Your data might be a hundred rows in a spreadsheet and works just fine.…
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elenaturnerge · 6 years
A Non-Coder’s Journey to Becoming a Data Engineer
Learning to work with large data sets is like growing up: you start with spreadsheets, with fragile functions that break on any change to the data. Then you begin to crawl and maybe learn VLookups to join data together. Your data might be a hundred rows in a spreadsheet and works just fine.…
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mariathaterh · 6 years
A Non-Coder’s Journey to Becoming a Data Engineer
Learning to work with large data sets is like growing up: you start with spreadsheets, with fragile functions that break on any change to the data. Then you begin to crawl and maybe learn VLookups to join data together. Your data might be a hundred rows in a spreadsheet and works just fine.…
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elenaturnerge1 · 6 years
A Non-Coder’s Journey to Becoming a Data Engineer
Learning to work with large data sets is like growing up: you start with spreadsheets, with fragile functions that break on any change to the data. Then you begin to crawl and maybe learn VLookups to join data together. Your data might be a hundred rows in a spreadsheet and works just fine.…
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rodriguezthas · 6 years
A Non-Coder’s Journey to Becoming a Data Engineer
Learning to work with large data sets is like growing up: you start with spreadsheets, with fragile functions that break on any change to the data. Then you begin to crawl and maybe learn VLookups to join data together. Your data might be a hundred rows in a spreadsheet and works just fine.…
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lindasharonbn1 · 6 years
A Non-Coder’s Journey to Becoming a Data Engineer
A Non-Coder’s Journey to Becoming a Data Engineer
Learning to work with large data sets is like growing up: you start with spreadsheets, with fragile functions that break on any change to the data. Then you begin to crawl and maybe learn VLookups to join data together. Your data might be a hundred rows in a spreadsheet and works just fine.…
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