#void save the emperor hehe
uncontrol-freak · 1 year
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the world outside
corrupts my child
so trust these eyes
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scalamore · 1 year
Thoughts on how both Rupert and Lari are unable to think of “the future” (spoilers)
Another parallel between Rupert and Lari is that neither of them are able to think about the “Future”.
Rupert, although very confident he will become Emperor, still has small doubts in the back of the mild that he can’t do it, that he’ll die trying. But even then, when he becomes Emperor, what next? He’s had a tunnel-vision goal this whole life, that wasn’t even HIS goal. All the countless hours of hard work to establish the fassbender company (to accumulate wealth), managing 5th ave marketplace (control the merchants), as a military alchemist (military power), alchemic devices/experiments (in general), monitoring suspicious individuals (certain nobles), making plans and backup plans to secure the throne, attending crown prince classes off screen etc. All this work, for what? *he doesn’t know*. Lately he’s been a loss because he can’t move on and foresee the next step. It’s just a blank void. He feels so empty. 
But then he thinks of Lari, who makes his gloomy thoughts of emptiness, the Emperor and Eva (his big 3 fears that induce nightmares in him) disappear. 
Interestingly the manhwa added an original scene of Lari hugging/comforting him when he was trembling in fear? It’s said that when you have someone you like/always on your mind that you cherish, that when you feel down and wanting support/reassurance, you can’t help but think about them and how they’ll act to cheer you up OR you hope that they can be by your side to comfort you (something like that). She may never have hugged him like that before, but he unconsciously CRAVES that touch. I think that accidental hug (and boob squish hehe) were Rupert experiencing hugging Lari, who is soft, nice-smelling, warm, really activated his inner desires full force. And his rapidly growing affection for her is what makes him realize that his wish is no longer just to blindly go full force to become Emperor, but rather…. To continue living a life with her beside him. Even as Emperor, things will be alright if she’s there. 
Lari as well, can’t think of the “Future”.
She literally has no hopes and aspirations for her own future. She only lives in the moment, with her past memories of the future. She literally can’t think or imagine a future after the summer when she was 18 when she died. She has no thoughts of what to do for herself. She knows her only skills are etiquette (useless), horse riding (nice skill, but again, useless). Interestingly, as much as she is obsessed over saving her family out of love, at some point it becomes not just something out of love, but it becomes a mission/obligation almost. At the end of Vol 4, Lari says that once things are over, she wants to leave somewhere far away and start new. She wants to forget all this.- that she’s a southern noble, that she was killed for treason, and returned from death.  With all shes’ experienced, she doesn’t want to return to Belois, and she doesn’t want to stay in the Palace with Rupert. She wants to start anew, move on, and forget. She’s very reassured by Rupert’s promise he won’t hurt Belois, but at least, she won’t leave the palace until Rupert is happy. Belois may be saved, but what about Rupert? If she leaves, who’ll protect him from his fate of becoming a miserable, lonely tyrant? Maybe not the tyrant anymore, but she can’t see him being happy yet. She told him she hopes he’ll become a kind Emperor who is loved by the people, but that’s much easier said than done. SO she’ll stay a little longer. 
She doesn’t even realize that by this point, she doesn’t consider Belois her home to return to - Early Vol 5 she realizes that her home this whole time was the Palace, with Rupert. I found it very interesting how during/after the climatic event, she cuts ties with Belois. It’s as if, she repaid a debt to them. She appreciated the love and affection she felt from them in timeline 1, she believed her mission when she regressed was to save them at all costs, but when she realized she was used as a tool, that it was meaningless, she cut things off after she accomplished her mission of saving them. She fully understood now, how they truly viewed her. She was never “Lariette”, but rather “Isabelle”. She might have been fine as “Isabelle” in the past, but in TL2, she has grown, matured, and formed her own opinions and values as “Lariette”. And now with all her maturity, knows to choose her allies, and Belois isn’t one of them. She was wrong, and she tried to set it right. She knew this whole time but had denied it so strongly because she couldn’t accept it until now, but Rupert is the one she should have trusted and accepted completely. 
Another unsettling thing is, Lari has low regard for her life.
OF course she doesn’t want to die, but one of the main things that drive her motivations in TL2 is she wants the truth. She mentions a few times that if it’s fated/inevitable that she was meant to die, that Belois was to fall, at least she’ll know the truth in TL2. That way, she’ll die without regrets. What she doesn’t fear isn’t death, but rather the ignorance of her in TL1. 
I suspect, that because she doesn’t know the how she regressed, she thinks she may be able to regress again if she died. Or maybe, she fears a never ending loop of regression. There’s a scene in Vol 5 where she’s trapped in a never-ending loop of nightmares, of regressing over and over because either she or rupert kept dying. When it comes to it, she chooses death to protect her loved ones… including Rupert, who she still doesn’t admit her feelings for. Interestingly, no matter how much she says she fears/hates/wants [him] dead, at least in her dreams, she refuses to accept a timeline where Rupert is dead. 
Lari’s disregard for her [life/future] is pointed out after the climatic event, where after apologizing so much to Rupert, that she has to ask him for permission if it’s OK for her to live. It’s not so much that she has to get his approval, but more that she’s so emotionally and physically wiped out that she wants reassurance that its ok for her to live, even though she’s made so many wrong decisions and hurt him so much. Poor Rupert is just so confused - of course she’s allowed to live?? What makes her think otherwise?? 
Eventually, after some time away from Belois/Rupert, Lari is able to start her own healing process from all this. Eventually, she does return to Rupert’s side, who is the key to completely help her heal and want to move on; she mow wants to stay there to protect and support him, and at that time, finally is able to move on and find a goal for herself. Rupert is OK with her just being Empress (that’s busy enough). But her desire to improve this terrible Empire, to support Rupert, she chooses to study to become a High Court Judge. She’s seen firsthand the rigged trials,and wants everyone to have a fair and just trial for their crimes. That goes hand in hand with helping Rupert - she doesn’t want to be a powerless Empress who attends social tea parties- she wants to actively be involved in policies and help Rupert as much as possible (lessen his burden). 
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saturno-sol · 4 years
Ok Here’s that Hollow Knight Four Swords AU heehee
So basic gist of this is what the Four Swords crew would be like if they were bugs in Hallownest! (This AU would lie just before the infection starts up, and then cut to in-game) I’ll put this under a read more because whew boy did I pour out my soul into this
First lets start off with Green!
 I’m thinking that he’d either be a Mantis, or a leafbug, def something green (but lets go with leafbug for now)
I think he’d live in Greenpath (heh) helping out the Mosskins just to make sure that the pilgrims traveling to the City of Tears don’t go where they’re not supposed to
He’s helpful though! offering up his services as a guide if anyone got lost
He’s loyal to Unn, because he got separated from his parents when they were travelling to the City and a few Mosskins adopted him instead. So they taught him to be wary of Hallownest and its King
He learned how to wield a Nail from them and also uses a shellwood sheild.
Once the Infection starts up, he and the Mosskin family that adopted him decided to try to travel deeper into Greenpath, thinking that the Infection was caused by contact with other bugs, not dreams
Sadly, the Mosskins he was with ultimately fell to the Light, and left him alone to fend for himself.
He then keeps to himself, thinking that he’s better alone (Kinda like the start of the Manga when he’s just Link) until he ventures out of Greenpath and stumbles into Blue! They fight until they both realize that neither of them are infected. 
He tries to stick with Blue, because he really doesn’t know the biomes of Hallownest that well, but they butt heads often. 
Now onto Blue!
Blue in this AU is a Blue Mud Dauber
He lived in the Hive, then later in Kingdom’s Edge where he would test his strength in the Coliseum of Fools
He’s still arrogant and a bit hot headed, so he decided to leave the Hive since he kept butting heads with Hive Knight on how to be a better guard.
He first trained in the Hive using a stinger weapon (Like Hive Knight) before picking up a club when one of the challengers from CoF died
I feel like he and Oro would get along somewhat, though Blue doesn’t appreciate how training is behind a pay wall of Geo that he just doesn’t have. 
He would occasionally fight in the CoF just to prove that he’s strong, but he’s stopped at the first trial (He’s still young and a lil bit scared of what would happen if he lost)
Once the Infection started up, Blue decides to steer clear of the CoF due to the fact that more Fools started being hyper-aggressive in the fights, so he looked for a better place to go that wouldn’t kill him (He doesn’t know where to go though, so he decides he’s going to leave Hallownest entirely to go look for another fight ring)
He found a way into the Royal Waterways through Isma’s Grove (Though it wasn’t called that just yet) and into the Fungal Wastes near Mantis Territory
 He skirted the Mantis Village (This would be the time that the Traitor Lord split from the other Mantises) and found himself at the entrance to Greenpath from Fog Canyon
That’s where he stumbles into Green and they spar, he then tells Green to get lost before continuing his travels (With Green following behind lol)
Next up we got Red! 
Red is a ladybug (I couldn’t find a better bug but if anyone else has a better idea for Red please let me know!)
He grew up in Dirtmouth as an orphan due to a mining accident killing his parents as they worked in Crystal Peaks
Luckily he was taken care of by the town and he became a baker’s apprentice
(Ok I like to think that the Grimm Troupe came to Hallownest before the Knight summoned them since Grimm knows about the vessel plan)
When Grimm and his Troupe pay a visit to Hallownest, Red was one of the only bugs brave enough to see one of their shows.
He became absolutely enchanted by the circus and it left an impression on him
When the infection hits his mentor and kills them, leaving Red without a job or a home, he decided to join the Grimm Troupe
When he does, he’s given a mask and a new name “Rouge” and learns how to be a fire dancer. 
Rouge is a bit more daring that Red was, trying out highly dangerous stunts, but he’s still a kind soul, helping out to pitch tents or help mend costumes or cook food for the Troupe.
His primary weapon as Rouge is a Flame Staff
Once the Grimm Troupe is summoned by the Knight, Rouge is tasked with collecting Nightmare Flames for the Ritual. 
(This is going to go through the Banishment Route just so that there’s an excuse for why Red stays behind) When the Knight banishes the Grimm Troupe, both Brumm and Rouge stay behind in Hallownest as Nymm and Red because of Red’s attachment to Dirtmouth (Ig? Idk I just need Red to stay)
As he now has no memories of either his past or his time with the Troupe, he decides to stay in Dirtmouth and sometimes wander into the Forgotten Crossroads before it gets infected. 
He meets up with Blue and Green when they make it up to Dirtmouth for a supply run, and he decides to travel with them (much to Blue’s chagrin)
He’s still a capable fighter! Now he wields a staff he made from the metal scraps from ruins of the old village in the Crossroads
Now for Vio!
Vio is a Purple Emperor Butterfly
He lived in the City of Tears as a burgeoning scholar, planning to work for Monomon’s Archives once he was done with his studies. 
He prefers being alone, holed up in a library pouring over the history of Hallownest. 
When the infection starts up and the City is blocked off from the rest of Hallownest, Vio panics and decides to hole up in his apartment until the hysteria calms down.
Once most of the panic dies down, there’s a big struggle over finding supplies and food among the citizens of the City, with the nobility hogging most of it
 In the scuffles, Vio stumbles into the Soul Sanctum, hoping that the Sanctum has food/supplies
He instead finds a container, and in that container is a Shade, a near to melting Shade
He decides to break it out of the container it was in as a sort of act of pity, and gets the hell out of the Sanctum, not knowing that he was followed...
(I’ll explain why Shadow can do all this stuff once we get to them but) It turns out that the Shade he freed now resided in his shadow as he traveled into to the Ancient Basin after stealing a Tram Pass and traveling to Kingdom’s Edge
He finally notices Shadow and promptly freaks out but slowly learns that Shadow is just chillin, and he tries to communicate with them to an extent of charades 
They soon become good friends, with Vio telling them stories about the different subjects he learned about and Shadow trying to mime out what had happened to them, causing Vio to learn that their shell had split open and they needed a new mask to keep staying alive outside of their container
Not to mention that Vio started experiencing Void exposure due to Shadow leeching off of his life force to stay corporeal (Like the Bug from the Queen’s Garden, the “Too long spent together we became as one”)
So now with the both of them up against the clock, Vio decides to do something hella risky, head to Deepnest where the supposed “Mask Maker” lived and hoped that a new mask would save the both of them
They head to Deepnest, almost die, but make it to the Mask Maker where it seemed that he was already expecting them. 
Bada-bing bada-boom, Shadow now has a new mask and a new form, and Vio stops feeling the effects of Void exposure
They both decide to go up and out exploring, hoping to leave Hallownest behind
So they travel together, and actually run into Blue, Green and Red in Dirtmouth, and decide to stay for a bit to at least advise them of the dangers deeper below. 
Oh before I forget, Vio wields a crossbow, and practiced target shooting on the Primal Aspids in Kingdom’s Edge (hehe)  
They join the little band of travelers and wham! Four Swords Squad is united 
Now onto our final character, Shadow!
Shadow is a vessel! They have two horns on their head that curve in a wave behind (Like his hat in the Manga)
Shadow actually escaped the Abyss after it was sealed, since they hatched after the Pure Vessel ascended, they along with a few others took the tunnels out into Deepnest.
They encountered Nosk before simply running out of its lair, not looking back to see if their siblings needed help (It’s not because they’re cruel, it was simply a flight reflex taking over before helping type thing) 
They somehow slipped into the tram and ended up in the Ancient Basin and into the City of Tears.
None paid them any mind because no one knew what Vessels were except for the Dreamers. So they slunk around the City just marveling at all the new senses they were experiencing 
But there's a reason that Vio finds them as a Shade. They had just so happened to be near the Soul Sanctum when they were captured by its denizens
Vaati (Yes he’s here but he succumbs to the infection real quick) is one of the Soul Twisters that tries out a new experiment in hopes of gaining favor from Soul Master.
He decides to try to leech Soul off of Shadow without turning them into a husk, thing is, Shadow didn’t have any Soul to begin with, so the process breaks their shell and their Shade pops out 
But due to the nature of the container being able to hold intangible things like Soul, and Shadow’s will to live being super strong, Shadow’s Shade stays trapped in the container
Vaati decides to keep them in there and simply monitor how they react to Soul, and even Infection exposure 
It goes like this for a while before the City shuts down and chaos erupts, with the Soul Master instructing his minions to capture more bugs for more Soul, leaving the Sanctum pretty empty....and thats when Vio shows up
Vio breaks the container, and with no where else to go (unless you count the Abyss but Shadow did not want to rest) Shadow dives into Vio’s shadow as a last ditch effort, being able to cling to Vio’s soul reserves to keep them from truly fading
You know what happens next, they both live in Kingdom’s Edge for a while, and Shadow used miming through the shadows reflected on the walls to try to puppet out what had happened to them when asked by Vio.
Once they make it to the Mask Maker and get they’re new mask, they finally are able to experience the world again, this time with someone trusted by their side. Vio promises to try to learn sign to help teach them so that they can communicate now that they actually have hands
Due to the fact that they had been in Vio’s shadow for a good while, they’re naturally clingy to him, either by leaning against him, or holding his hand (with Vio being a bit flustered at the contact) and they’re very wary of the other Four Swords at the start, but soon warm up to them little by little
Now it’s canon that all Vessels are genderless, so Shadow in this AU goes by they/them, later on once they’ve been with Vio and the Gang long enough, they decide that they like He/Him pronouns too, so Shadow does go by They/He 
Shadow has no weapon, but they do know Shade Soul and Desolate Dive from being experimented on in the Soul Sanctum so cool spell combos along with the Gang’s fighting style
And there you have it folks! If you have any questions or any suggestions please don’t be afraid to send me an ask! I love interacting with people who share my interests! 
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