#plus porcupine tree lyrics lmao
uncontrol-freak · 1 year
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the world outside
corrupts my child
so trust these eyes
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surveysonfleek · 5 years
Have you ever wished you could start life over?: i wouldn’t.
…or at least go back in time?: no. yes, there are soooo many things i’d love to change but i wouldn’t want to fuck with the butterfly effect.
When did you last eat pizza?: maybe 2-3 weeks ago.
Do you prefer to hear the painful truth or a beautiful lie?: painful truth.
How many exes do you have?: none.
Have you ever known a pathological or habitual liar?: yes haha.
Do you enjoy writing?: not at all. i haven’t written anything since uni.
If so, do you prefer writing lyrics, poetry, stories or something else?: -
Are you angry right now?: not really. just disappointed.
Have you ever punched a wall?: nope.
Have you ever lived in a motel/hotel?: no.
Do you think you would enjoy running your own business?: yes, especially if it was something i was super passionate about.
What’s the average rent for a 1 bedroom apartment in your area?: $350-$400 a week.
Do you think rentals are too expensive where you live?: yes. the housing prices are freaking ridiculous.
Have you ever changed a car’s alternator?: nope.
Do you have Netflix?: yes.
What about Hulu Plus?: no.
Do you have an Xbox Live gold membership?: no.
Would you rather master Guitar Hero or a real guitar?: a real guitar, duh. guitar hero is basically dead.
Have you ever used an electric drill?: no.
Do you know anyone who’s had brain surgery?: yeah. my cousin had a tumour in his brain as a kid but they got it out thankfully.
Do you like playing FPS (First Person Shooter) video games?: yes.
Have you ever heard of, the band, Porcupine Tree?: no.
Would you rather wear boots or sandals?: whichever’s more comfortable tbh.
Have you ever rescued a lost dog?: no.
Have you ever adopted a dog from a shelter?: no.
Have you ever cleaned a cat litter box?: no.
Have you ever used a machete?: i don’t think so.
What’s the last gift you gave to someone?: i forgot haha.
What’s the last gift you received?: a valentine’s day card lol.
When was the last time you rode a bicycle?: two years ago.
Do 2 wrongs ever make a right?: not that i’ve seen.
Are you a vengeful person at all?: a little bit lol. i hardly ever follow through though.
Do you have a good memory or do you forget things often?: i have a fairly good memory.
Do you know anyone who suffers from chronic fatigue?: lmao i have a suspicion about someone who may have it.
Have you ever felt like you “lost yourself”? : tbh no.
Do you judge people based on their weight?: no. i only ever judge people based on their behaviour and personality.
Do you know anyone who’s hardworking but still struggles to make ends meet?: yes.
What do you think is more harmful? Cigarettes or Marijuana?: cigarettes.
Is your air conditioner on?: nope.
Is your heater on?: no.
Do you enjoy going on walks?: i hate them unless it’s in a new environment.
Do you like having picnics?: i hardly ever have them.
Have you ever had a panic/anxiety attack?: yeah lol.
Have you ever dated a co-worker?: yes. but we were dating before we started working together.
Do you still buy CDs or do you just download music?: i just have apple music.
Do you like iPod/song shuffle surveys?: i haven’t done those in years.
Do you suffer from social anxiety?: not really. if i’m too lazy to socialise i just won’t.
Are you more introverted or extroverted?: i’m in between tbh. i was much more extroverted when i was younger but i got socially lazy over time.
Do you enjoy organizing things?: yes!
Have you ever watched “Mystery Science Theater 3000”?: nope.
Do you know anyone who plays Tuba?: nope.
If you had to get a tattoo of someone’s name, who’s name would you choose?: my mum or dad.
Have you ever been to Catalina Island?: nope.
Would you rather swim with dolphins or sharks?: dolphins.
Do you know how to change a vacuum belt?: nope.
Have you ever given a business a bad online review?: yes but it was constructive criticism. 
Do you know anyone who used to be a stripper (that you know of)?: no.
Do you know anyone who’s a hoarder?: yes lmao.
Do you know who Maynard James Keenan is?: no.
Do you take responsibility for your actions or tend to make excuses?: i always take responsibility. 
Have you ever used the shower at a gym?: nope.
Have you ever felt trapped in a relationship?: kinda tbh.
Do you believe that “love is blind”?: oh yes. i’ve seen some people so blinded by the toxicity of their relationships, it was crazy.
What’s the furthest distance you’ve ridden a bicycle? meh, a couple kilometers.
Do you rate every survey you fill out, here on bzoink?: i don’t use that.
Do you know anyone who gets way too angry when playing video games?: haha me.
Do YOU get too angry when playing video games?: mhmm.
Do you like to sing karaoke?: only while drunk.
Do you know what micro-expressions are?: i’m not sure.
If so, do you have a talent for seeing/reading them?: -
Have you ever had insomnia?: oh yes.
What’s the longest amount of time you’ve been awake?: like 36 hours.
Have you ever been in denial?: haha yes.
Have you ever been in The Nile?: no.
Have you recently used a nail file?: literally tonight.
Do you know anyone named Kyle?: yes.
Is it annoying that I started rhyming my questions?: didn’t even notice.
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Got tagged by @daxir who is a very cool and good friend ^^
It’s one of those music memes! You put your library on shuffle and you write the first 9 songs that come up and your favourite lyrics from them. This sounds like fun! I’m probably gonna go on and on about this so I’ll put the rest of this post under a break. I’m skipping instrumental songs, and songs by the same band (unless it’s like, one of my favourite songs or something).  I’ll also put links to the songs in case you wanna listen! (Also please note, I’ve put warnings for possibly-triggering content so please read the descriptions if you need to.)
1. Deftones - Knife Prty I could float here forever In this room, we can’t touch the floor This is absolutely my favourite song from White Pony. It rocks, it’s vaguely depressing, it perfectly fits my self-image lol. There’s lots of good Deftones songs but this is one of the best. If there was ever a soundtrack for my life, this song would probably be on it (actually I’m playing songs from the “if my life had a soundtrack” playlist so they’re all gonna be like this haha).
2. Incubus - Blood On The Ground From now on, gonna start holding my breath when you come around and you flex that fake grin ‘Cause something inside me has said more than twice that breathing less air beats breathing you in So this song seems uncharacteristically like me, but... deep down inside, I am a bitter, resentful person who thinks there are too damn many people in the world. There have been people in my life, for whatever reason, that just grate on my nerves, and I can’t tell them due to social mores and all that (please don’t worry, it’s no one on here, you all are fantastic, these are just skeletons in my closet lol).
3. Metric - Lost Kitten Halfway starts with happiness for me Halfway house lost kitten in the street Hit me where it hurts, I was coming home to lose Kitten on the catwalk, high heeled shoes God I love this song. It’s so upbeat and fun-sounding, and the lyrics are equal parts cheeky and sad (and clever) (so basically like any other Metric song). Plus Emily’s voice is fucking amazing <3
4. Blue Foundation - Eyes On Fire I won’t soothe your pain I won’t ease your strain You’ll be waiting in vain I’ve got nothing for you to gain So... this is one of those songs where I can always appreciate the delicious guitar tone, but I have to be in a Very Specific Mood to really appreciate the song as a whole. The lyrics are actually really kinda depressing (well, the ones I can understand, anyway), which is just absolutely what I need sometimes. (Also apparently this is a cover version or a remix or something of this song; I once sought out the original and I really didn’t like it as much.)
5. Porcupine Tree - Anesthetize Because of who we are We react in mock surprise The curse of “there must be more” So don’t breathe here Don’t leave your bags Well, this song has a lot of good lyrics to pick from, since it’s like almost 18 minutes long (though at least half of it is instrumental). These are some good ones. I never quite know how to feel about this song. Musically, I love it, but it’s not one of my favourite songs. Lyrically, I laugh along bitterly and nod in understanding, yet I never catch myself singing it. It’s in a weird limbo of sorts.
6. Marianas Trench - Say Anything Hurts the same when nobody knows Guess that’s just how it goes And I, I won’t say anything at all OH FUCK I LOVE THIS SONG. This whole album is so incredible. Josh Ramsay is a goddamn musical genius, even when he was an angsty fucking teenager, because he captured that feeling PERFECTLY. Any time I want to feel like I’m in high school again I just have to put on this album (even though I had been out of high school for like 3 years when it came out lol). (Also TW for self-harm in the lyrics)
7. Tool - Jimmy Hold your light, Eleven. Lead me through each gentle step by step by inch by loaded memory. I’ll move to heal as soon as pain allows so we can reunite and both move on together. Hold your light, Eleven. Lead me through each gentle step by step by inch by loaded memory til one and one are one, Eleven. So glow, child, glow. I’m heading back home. Yes, I know that was a big chunk of lyrics, but that’s my whole favourite part of that song. I was SO into Tool back in the day, wowzers. Some of these songs still hit me right in the feels.
8. Killjoys - Rave & Drool It was just another cure Never bother, just ignore I’m not anything at all I’m not a monster, I’m a friend who raves and drools This is an ooooooold song for me, musically. I first heard this waaaay back in elementary school, when I picked up a copy of Big Shiny Tunes. I’m pretty sure it was this compilation album that set me on the musical path I ended up going down. It’s still a solid song, 20 years later (the video is SO 90S THO OMG). (Also holy shit seizure warning for this video, yikes)
9. Queens Of The Stone Age - In The Fade They don’t know I never do you any good Laughing is easy I would if I could This album probably has most of my favourite QOTSA songs (except for like... 3), and this is one of the top faves. It just sounds really cool, and it is really, like, My Aesthetic... musically. I don’t know, I just really like this one.
I feel like I always tag the same people in these, so let’s try a few different folks for a change. @cherenobul @redacuarela @scatterdarknessscattersilence @weedingandwandering @overlyexcitedvegan if any of y’all feel like doing this, feel free (don’t take my post as an example tho you don’t have to ramble as much as me lmao). And anyone else, if you read this far, consider yourself tagged if you wanna do this!
Also, in case anyone was curious, here are all the instrumental songs I skipped: Gifts From Enola - City Lights Scraped the Sky Sithu Aye - Lights! Camera! Explosions! Queens Of The Stone Age - Lightning Song Scale the Summit - Secret Earth Aphex Twin - Matchsticks Anamanaguchi - Power Supply Estradasphere - The Return Jake Chudnow - Muff Mittens
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