spvcecult · 2 years
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joltrify · 11 months
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Musing Flower and Fuka during these busy times ❀❌ (ft. a little Miku and Oliver)
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wally-b-feed · 1 year
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Niko Volive, 2023
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f0xd13-blog · 1 year
Đelem, đelem lungone dromeja,
maladilem šukare Romeja
Đelem, đelem lungone dromeja,
maladilem šukare Romeja
Haj Romale, haj čavale
Haj Romale, haj čavale
Katar aven amare čavale
Andre care kathare bukare
Ala voliv laće kale jakha,
Kaj si kale sar duj kale drakha
Ćimdem laće lolo dikhlo tursko,
Kaj volivla ačhel latar pusto
I'm Traveling
Olivera Katarina
I'm coming, I'm coming on the long roads,
I am meeting beautiful Roma,
I'm coming, I'm coming on the long roads,
I am meeting beautiful Roma,
O Roma, o people
O Roma, o people
From where come ours people
inside čerga from where they are growing?
So much I love her dark eyes,
Which are dark as a two dark grapes
I'm buying for her red Turkish scarf,
Which, when she stop loving, it'll get left behind
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Para arrancar el jueves les dejamos este cover de mi hermana y amiga (que ayer anduvo cumpliendo años) @dianaamarillaok (ESCUCHEN SU DISCO EN SPOTIFY) _-~ AMO VERTE~-_ por Ignacia Serafina con mi amigo @serafinaliok Esto sucedía en el marco de @siesacancionfuesemia (tremendo ciclo que invita a artistas a hacer versiones lado B de tremendos temones como este) @espacio37salasshow @sennheiser @sennheiserlatam @arstechnologies Participación especial de @milapizzo en “sonidos groupie de fondo” 👏🏼 🤣, sos lo más! #actor #singer #performer #openshield #universeismymate #cover #diana #amarilla #siesacanciónfuesemia #volIV #SerafinAli #IgnaciaSerafina #AmoVerte #ciclo #espacio37 #videooftheday #love #fun #passion #singing #guitarplaying #play #guitar #friends #happy #happiness #celebrateMusic #music (en Espacio37) https://www.instagram.com/p/BmifngvnK3B/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=m49k4d288t22
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rangerofpelor · 5 years
oooohohohoho i just had the mental image of kian and shaw...not really interacting per se...but more...being in the same room as one another and taking notice of each other and...mmmmm 
kian who was forced to attend some sort of meeting of the summer and winter courts. fortunately nianeth managed to finesse things so that he ended up as her bodyguard. all he had to do was stand there and make sure no one tried to do anything funny towards her, but by the stars, he was so fucking scared. the only other comfort was that it was being held at the summer court, so at the very least he was in familiar territory. 
but then the members of the winter court come filing in. and he’s more or less okay with most of them. afraid, yes, but not visibly trembling in his greaves. but then the Wild Hunt comes in, thundering footsteps and howling winds surrounding him and kian is just filled with absolute existential dread. because the wild hunt is the type of winter that kian is so petrified by. overwhelming and indifferent. And then his eyes fall on this strange...not mortal...not anymore following him and kian isn’t sure what this strange half-elf is but whatever he is, it’s...too familiar...he moves with a soldier’s gait -- confident strides, hands clasped behind his back, awaiting his orders. then their eyes meet, and a shiver goes down kian’s spine because...those eyes, although alert and aware of his surroundings, are completely dead. no light whatsoever. dull as the cloudy skies and pitch as a moonless night. this half-elf is young, far younger than kian is. but at the same time there’s something almost...ancient about him...something old and weary and exhausted that is completely unbefitting of someone who looks so young. 
meanwhile, from shaw’s perspective, he sees a boy playing at soldier. an image of what he used to be back before the Wild Hunt snatched him up. round face, bright eyes, so hopeful and in awe of everything the world has to offer. there was something innocent about the knight scholar and it absolutely enrages shaw. not because he’s jealous of that innocence or wants it back. no, quite the contrary, he’s angry because the summer court seems to feed and nurture that innocence until it grows fat and old and into something worse: the fatal flaw of naivete. the whelp standing standing beside one of the Summer Court’s top scholars fancies himself a paladin. he’s proud of the court he serves. but that’s only because he has no idea what it means to fight for it. would he hold his chin as high if he were bleeding from the stomach? would he still be willing to die for the court if he knew the secrets that twisted like gnarled roots beneath the fertile dirt that produces such lovely flowers? for as much as the Seelie courts like to accuse the Unseelie courts of engaging in nasty tricks and glamour, at least the Unseelie courts don’t lie to their own. 
they stare at each other. just for a moment. a moment where they both feel pity for the other. a moment where both of them are glad where they stand, serving who they are serving. because not even for a hundred thousand gold, would either of them swap places.
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verbjectives · 6 years
1, 8, 11, 15 for whichever valko ship you're feeling!
ahhhhh thank you! going with valko/oliver (even tho it isn’t canon...yet....) because i’m in a mood and want valko to be happy and loved | otp questions
1. Who is the happy morning person and who is grumpy and just wants to go back to bed?
of the two of them i think oliver is the one who wakes up early in the morning on a more regular basis. idk if he’s a happy morning person per se but he tolerates mornings well enough. so i think valko is the one to be grumpier and more likely to want to go back to bed. but tbh i can see him maybe eventually enjoying waking up early to appreciate the sunrise
8. How did they try to impress one other before they were dating?
so they’re not dating yet, nor is that even a thing on either of their minds at the present but i do think they’re trying to impress each other....at least a little bit. oliver probs want to impress valko because valko is the champion of pelor and oliver is the head paladin of pelor so like....valko technically? outranks oliver. so...idk i guess he wants to be as good an adviser and paladin as he can be...essentially making sure valko sees his (and the pelorian warriors’) best face.  
meanwhile valko wants to make a good impression with oliver because like...oliver is the fucking head paladin of pelor this man must be like the most holy and pious and good. basically everything valko isn’t. so valko’s super conscious of his actions and words around oliver (and the other members of the pelorian order). he really doesn’t want to disappoint them
11. What is something small, but cute they do for one another? Ex - leave cute encouraging notes for one another on the counter.
god i’m really not sure. tbh they really haven’t had enough interaction to really determine that, but so far every actual conversation they’ve had with each other has had valko acknowledging and thanking oliver for his hard work so i guess just...casual words of affirmation? and so far oliver has always made time to talk to valko whenever he “calls” (via magic ring of sending) so i guess so far just being available to chat whenever valko needs to 
15. Who would give the other their jacket because it’s cold?
oliver would probably be the chivalrous one to lend a jacket but also he’s larger in stature (read as: more swole) than valko is. so like...he wouldn’t really fit in valko’s jacket if valko offered. 
BUT considering cloaks are more common and considering valko is probably more accustomed to colder climates than oliver probably is (valko who grew up in fantasy england and oliver who grew up in like...fantasy greece), i feel like valko would be the one more likely to forfeit his cloak and give it to oliver
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vagosagrado · 5 years
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Mucho tiempo dejé de registrar la actividad del vago. Las cosas quedaban en celulares, en los discos duros, no sé, yo ya no me preocupaba. Nico organiza el instagram y compone, a su manera, nuestra historia. Su arquelogía me gusta. Pero hace poco abrí un disco duro viejo, en un case que parece cartera para remedios, y habían apiladas ahí en una carpeta "media" miles de imagenes distintas, fotos, random de internet, scans y collages. Creo que vi todas, no las fotos, pero si algunas fotos metidas dentro de la carpeta random internet. El chute el fije el fix qué droga directo al cerebro. No hubo una imágen que no reconociese. Saltaba de una a otra para que no desapareciese el colosal efecto. Como uno confirma estar enamorado, o confirma no gustarle más una cancion, volví a complacerme con esta tediosa organización. Por eso, que ocurra por azar calculado. El vago va a grabar su cuarto disco ya! y muuuuuy pronto. Las exclamaciones y las letras demás son la vergüenza pero la genuina emoción. todavía nos queremos y eso es lo único que importa. Amerita un álbum de fotos. Como dijo Dylan cuando le preguntaron porqué se habìa sacado una foto con una polera de una moto como portada de un disco: "a todos nos gustan las motos en algun grado". Yo lo reduzco a que un álbum nunca está demás. SEE YA SOON.
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everydaypanos · 4 years
"Greek Mix 2020 | Ginetai Xamos Vol.IV - Compiled & Mixed By Deejay Serafim" by DeeJay Serafim
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444names · 2 years
dragons + swedish forenames + medieval weapons BUT excluding "sw"
Adan Aggoch Aiten Alard Albaseah Aldar Alduinn Alia Alie Alio Alis Alisef Alivig Alkeni Alkor Allia Alliaar Alte Alvigri Amil Andcas Ander Anire Ante Arakith Arht Arta Arte Astebow Augui Augustan Aximilm Azhder Balmet Basea Basellia Bassbow Basta Bath Beliank Blam Blaulva Boadr Bookenis Bria Bulis Burte Burut Calvisa Card Catin Cefyrba Celice Cella Chammaxe Chan Cher Chforch Clastor Clazhde Cluna Clustand Cobow Colie Comelte Cona Corancen Corn Culfber Culge Culie Culin Cully Curnira Dage Dagon Damer Damma Deah Deet Drai Drailda Dran Drancels Dranda Drandcar Dranna Drapite Drax Draximil Drio Drogge Dron Ebaconja Ebben Ebollio Eddarbro Edgeham Edie Edra Edragiam Elagne Elaigg Elana Elaug Elbilina Eldann Eldui Eliath Elice Elilin Elilo Elippar Elite Eliver Elix Ellaega Ellin Elly Elmanda Elva Elvank Elvid Elvigre Emin Emion Emmer Emmet Emmir Erance Erge Eriamue Eshent Eshooke Eshugus Eslex Esta Faff Fafnife Falkon Felian Fell Feyre Fian Fiandam Fiathwin Filda Filin Filina Filma Finest Finovis Fira Fired Firina Flam Flan Flannath Flar Flast Flaze Framer Fran Francef Frax Frelvin Galineon Glaivin Glamus Glan Glon Glonacob Grejal Grid Grida Grieknie Grine Grinna Grionia Hakevia Haki Hakran Hambenry Hammy Hampusa Hanth Haron Hassa Herne Hessa Hiels Hillivya Hilova Hjalter Hogol Hurn Hydro Icefyro Icen Inatilin Ingue Isakraxe Jama Joelin Jolia Jolingus Jose Julger Julgo Julie Julvalia Juna Junie Kala Kalevin Kallia Kalten Kath Kathar Kathugon Kattla Klan Ladra Laega Lammelie Lammy Lesh Leste Lexann Lexannax Liaada Liamme Liammion Lian Liancef Lich Licharan Licia Linea Ling Linneah Lion Lividear Livirian Livis Longe Lourne Lover Lovnya Lucath Ludvilma Malie Malmaxe Maltebow Mance Manden Mathan Mathand Mattla Maug Maulgo Maxel Medrida Meette Melbow Melda Meliaada Melie Melletum Melma Merne Mieknia Milda Mildago Milivale Milte Mithance Mnella Mnen Mohakita Mohn Molis Molline Moongus Mord Moreja Morob Mothrogo Mueliv Märtand Neaxe Neliand Nestord Nifeyra Nillip Nira Nisagon Nisard Noelin Noelisa Noellan Noellia Noelline Nord Nork Norta Novera Novin Olam Olaymohn Olenia Oleodord Olia Olian Ollian Ollin Ollion Olly Orch Ordissa Oros Otteo Paadiust Paar Peathar Peather Perid Pieling Pith Pyoreton Pyrbra Raceran Ramelin Ranida Reja Reto Roscia Runa Sabe Sabroch Sakong Salevia Sannea Sapik Sapita Sard Sarsef Scan Scard Scas Scathan Sciana Scolvid Scon Scongue Scorida Sebow Sefyroc Seur Seurung Shelixte Shie Shillis Shusigg Siggon Sigoc Sigol Sigre Siminel Sine Sinestri Sire Sixterna Sletaver Slia Slin Slitham Slivinna Smath Smaugon Smaxe Smilda Sofin Sova Spet Spyora Spyre Spyreja Staff Stagon Stara Ster Stilgeo Stord Strie Svagne Sver Taff Tafnid Tagolly Tance Thakorch Thear Theon Throa Throboon Thwilm Tilm Tisan Trik Typhilia Typhogge Typhor Tyrba Tyre Tyrea Tyretter Ulia Uliammy Ullinor Ulvigo Vale Valton Vebah Verht Vignes Vigrioth Vire Visef Voliv Vollard Vouisa Vouri Vourike Warry Warste Warta Warvida Wile Wilicher Wilie Willy Wing Zweihan
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yama-bato · 7 years
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rangerofpelor · 5 years
ALSO after the session we were talking about the main ships (ie, ovak/eryk, faylen/althaea, valko/oliver) and we were talking about how we imagine the faythaea and voliver first kisses would go and we settled on the voliver one most likely being like one of those “heated argument kisses” where oliver is chastising valko for doing something stupid and reckless (which probably nearly got him killed) and oliver just ends up taking valko’s head in his hands and kissing him. and then afterwards he realizes what he just did and just rushes out of the room incredibly flustered because he can’t believe he just did that and also “oh gods i’m so fired aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh” and valko is standing there in shock like “????? valko.exe has stopped working” and then they just don’t fucking talk about it for a really long time because they’re bad at communicating....
we’ve also come to the conclusion that their second kiss would probably be something like the two of them being super close and then they both go to ask to kiss the other person but they start saying it at the same time so then they both backpedal and are just like “no you go first” “no, you” and it’s just....it’s so awkward and messy until finally one of them manages to get the question out....and then they kiss
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verbjectives · 6 years
Bodyguard AU or Almost Kiss for oliko....voliver? Olko?? The boys
ooooooooohhhhh hmmmm.....let’s make that “or” an “and” because why not
i could see it going two different ways....either valko would be in like...a witness protection program or something, or much like canon, through a series of bizarre events he ends up as a prominent figure in pelorism. either way oliver is assigned to protect him because that’s how these aus work....or he assigns himself to protect valko....idk man
and valko’s like “ugh fine, whatever,” and he plays along because like...oliver is just doing his job, which valko understands, really he does. but oh my gods all of a sudden his actions are super restricted and it drives him nuts because he can’t just do the things he used to do before. he can’t even call faylen on a whim anymore, everything needs to be approved and authorized. and even then he can’t just say what he wants, each word needs to be carefully selected so that he doesn’t give away any information he’s not supposed to give. 
so naturally there’s a point where he sneaks out/away because gods he needs to breathe. and he’s careful about it. he knows how to go unnoticed and he knows to be aware of his surroundings. and he manages to successfully slip out and return without anyone being the wiser. 
and during this time, valko and oliver’s relationship begins to develop. obviously it starts off very professional, but they slowly grow friendlier as the weeks/months go on.  and valko starts to feel bad that he’s been keeping secrets from him (ie, the sneaking out) and he contemplates telling him, but ultimately doesn’t because that’s literally the only time he gets to himself.
but then there’s that one night where a menacing summons from the one and only grisha is slipped through a crack in his bedroom window. and valko goes, because what choice does he really have? he knows grisha well enough to know that he’d follow through on his threats. 
valko goes to the meetup place. there’s banter because of course there is, and things start to get dangerous. oliver swoops in just in the nick of time to get valko out of there. there’s a fight considering valko and oliver were severely outnumbered, but the manage to escape because grisha decided to let them go. 
they get out of there and to a safehouse (not the one they’d been using originally) and they help each other stumble into the bathroom where they begin to tend to their wounds. they’re uncomfortably quiet with each other for a few minutes and then they have a very tense conversation about what just happened. and at this point they’re tending to the wounds the other was unable to reach. their words are chastising but their touches are soft and gentle.
and there’s a moment, when the last bandage is wrapped tight and the last stitch is put in place where they just stare at each other. in part to look each other over to make sure they didn’t miss any cuts or gashes, but also in part to take each other in and thank pelor that the other is still alive. they’re quiet, but this time it isn’t uncomfortable, and maybe it’s the release of tension, or coming down from the adrenaline, or maybe it’s something else entirely, but they feel drawn to each other and they lean in ever so slightly, just enough that they can feel each other’s breath on their face. and they sit like that for a long moment, just staring.
until valko blinks and looks away, breaking the eye contact and abruptly standing up. he announces that he’s going to check to see if there’s anything still good in the fridge/freezer/pantry. and oliver is just left there, sitting on the edge of the bathtub. he sort of shakes himself back to his senses and begins to put away the first aid supplies, but he angles himself so that he can maintain a watchful eye on valko, who is, in fact, rummaging through the fridge/freezer looking for salvageable food
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voliwe-blog · 7 years
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djampus · 5 years
Название: Buddhatronic:The Compilation Vol.IV [Best Of Mystic Bar Sound Meets Buddha Chill Out Lounge] Исполнитель: VA Год: 2019 Жанр: Downtempo, ChillOut, Ambient, Exotica, Meditation, NewAge, Relax, Electronica Продолжительность: 01:57:40 Формат/Кодек: MP3 Битрейт Аудио: 320kbps
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musicisthelife · 6 years
What is love? Vol.IV by Jarreau Vandal https://soundcloud.com/jarreauvandal/what-is-love-voliv
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