fairlyqualityanon · 2 years
💖 ✨️🤲
Thanks for the questions! <3
💖 What made you start writing?
I think my first foray into electively writing (it was fanfiction) was in 2009 (yes I am old). I'd written tons of essays and etc before - my elementary had a Special Ed tier for advanced students (math and/or literature/writing/English) and for the Lit one we had to participate in the statewide writing contest (a fancy thing with science requirements). My 5th grade year I won either first or second and my parents were so proud.
In HS and college I'd get back at teachers who made me do stupid assignments: the bigoted guy who harassed me for my perceived sexuality? Have a 6+ page paper on why you're wrong. A one-flash-card 5 minute speech? I'll go into detail on "weird" foods around the world (haggis, Rocky Mountain oysters, casu marzu, etc). Kind teacher (love her so much ydek) whose only real rule was to cite Everything? Time to craft a detailed journey on the discovery of tube worms, focusing on the researchers' reactions and decade-long confusion.
I got hooked on Transformers in 2008 and had a bunch of ideas in my brain, watched Transformers: Animated and decided I would formally write something out; you can still find it online despite it not being finished; I'm gradually reworking it now that I've got more experience. I really enjoyed interacting with people and got into RPing shortly after I posted what I had to DeviantArt.
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
😓 But that's harrrrrd. Hmm. I like that I can really get into a character's skin, provided I find a trait that matches up with me, it's a huge help with canon characters. I'm also very deliberate with my wording sideways glance at TTDaaY, even if it slips under the radar of most.
As for myself, I don't like how long it takes me to finish each piece, but I do keep writing and refuse to give up. (ง’̀-‘́)ง
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip
Okay, I'd totally forgotten that I'd started this already, but it's the Switchy planned sequel to Prompt 1.07 and is titled "Tip The Scales". You'll get a bit of worldbuilding on the more chaotic regions of Rikard's and Karla's world.
... Tumblr has a character limit for ask posts, I'll post that next and link them.
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fairlyqualityanon · 2 years
For Rikard:
🌾 [RICE SHEAF] How picky is your OC with food? What will and won't they eat?
🌳 [DECIDUOUS] What's your OC's favourite thing to do at the park?
🌱 [SEEDLING] What new passions/hates is your OC discovering?
Thank you very much for the ask! I love getting the more random questions for my nerds.
🌾 [RICE SHEAF] How picky is your OC with food? What will and won't they eat?
He was a vegetarian when he was younger, but has started eating meat due to having to pretend he was digesting the tinies he ate. Rikard still draws the line at higher animals - he will eat rodents and songbirds, but not cats or dogs or corvids. His absolute favorite is squirrels. As he hasn't made up his mind on livestock, it's good he now lives in a city not conducive to traditional ranching. Eating bugs isn't a thing "civilized" people do, and since they're closer in size to tinies than they are beans, it feels wrong to eat bugs for nourishment.
While he would eat a non-adult, it would have to be an "imminent and immediate life-or-death" situation, and I refuse to write minors in vore just in principle.
🌳 [DECIDUOUS] What's your OC's favourite thing to do at the park?
You mean aside from that time he ran around with a gut full of tinies being sloshed back and forth? He likes to sit and people-watch, making up stories in his head about people's backgrounds. It's wild, to him, that so many people could live in an area with positive things in common. Rikard tends to be either scarily accurate or laughably wild with his guesses.
🌱 [SEEDLING] What new passions/hates is your OC discovering?
The village he grew up in (Kirk's Wood) taught sums and basic literacy, but not much beyond that. The sheer variety of books now available to him is intimidating, and though he doesn't mind reading for his classes - some mandatory for his Probation, some elective out of curiosity - it's not something he'll do for fun. You'd think his access to such in-depth information on the digestive system would change things, but he hates reading anatomy and other bio texts; seeing a picture and going "That's what my intestines look like??" is not how he wants to spend his study time.
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fairlyqualityanon · 2 years
🎢 ?
Fanfic reader ask game!
🎢 Name a fic that was a ride from start to finish.
I can think of 3 off the top of my head. Two are One is unfinished and one has a sequel planned.
I'll share the finished one without a sequel:
I did manage to watch all 3 seasons of G1 - super cringy bc 80s but I honestly believe you can't be a True Fan (tm) if you haven't seen it.
Rated T because it gets pretty dark, but I greatly enjoyed it and the author has always been super nice in responding to the comments you only get 1 comment per chapter on FF.net which is a bummer.
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fairlyqualityanon · 2 years
Besides the fact that you are the one I've known longest on here, you're really cool to talk to! I appreciate all of the conversations we've had. And I've said it before but your feedback is super in-depth and thought provoking. I am always eager to see more of your writing posted, whenever that may be, because it's really good ❤️
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fairlyqualityanon · 2 years
I'm getting you back for the meme question, so #28 for both Karla and Rikard - are they (would they be) #gamers? Idk how either of them would interact with a more modern setting like that so now I'm curious. XD
Gosh dang it, you are indeed getting me back...
28. Are they a #gamer?
It's actually not "non-modern" so much as "magic took technology down a different path".
Rikard is a mobile gamer, most likely to play things like Candy Crush. He'd get into Farmville for the novelty but quickly get tired of the grind and the eventual resemblance to Kirk's Wood. Walking games like Ingress and Pokemon Go would be especially attractive, though he'd avoid meetups. Anything relaxed and chill, or informative like Duolingo (except like world/cultural learning) is absolutely his speed.
Karla would enjoy horror games, shootem ups, and all the violent ones, the bloodier the better. Dead Space, Silent Hill, Diablo, Devil May Cry? Sign her up! Bayonetta is her guilty pleasure. GTA, CSGO, COD... She trash talks like the best of old xBox Live. And when her opponents find that a borrower was who wiped the floor with them? Many gamer words were uttered.
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fairlyqualityanon · 2 years
Fern, lilac, lollipop :)
!?!!? Toast sent me an ask!? 💞
fern: in love with your big brain energy
Bouncing ideas back and forth with you is always great! You're p much single handedly motivating me to keep pounding away at my docs.
lilac: love to see you on my dashboard
Ditto! Even when I was behind, your spoilers enticed me; you have no idea how hard it was to resist binging until I'd left comments. 😤
lollipop: mutual I wanna befriend so let me adopt you
Too late! You've already had the title "online friendo" applied.
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