#I just need reassurance that im /not/ the burden im treated as
fairlyqualityanon · 2 years
Besides the fact that you are the one I've known longest on here, you're really cool to talk to! I appreciate all of the conversations we've had. And I've said it before but your feedback is super in-depth and thought provoking. I am always eager to see more of your writing posted, whenever that may be, because it's really good ❤️
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cherry-pop-elf · 6 months
Late Night Cutie Pie
Newt Scamander X Knight Bus Worker! Reader
((Can be read as platonic))
While working on the bus, a famous little face pops itself into the open doors. A sweetheart that’s been stressed out of his mind, and you do what you do best. Help those in need. Along with show you might have a talent for Nifflers, on top of a talent for flustering Magizoologists
Warnings: very adorable fluff, tooth rotting fluff, fluster newt, newt being painfully adorable, and of course TEDDY SHENANIGANS
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“Ooooo we got a celebrity joining us tonight-!” You heard you coworker, a talking head, shout to you. You wondered who that could be, as you finished tidying up the beds. Ready for whatever lost soul is needing a good rest. Pillows fluffed, blankets laid out, and wheels oiled to keep people from flying.
“Oh no no. Im not celebrity-“ A almost timid voice would speak, as you hurried down from the upper floor. Once your shoes hit the ground, your eyes went wide with who they landed on. A man in a blue jacket, fluffy hair, and a suit case in hand. Newt Scamander. In the flesh.
“No way-“ You whispered, before those big blue eyes were on you. He gave a shy little wave, before rummaging in his pocket. Pulling out his ticket, and snapping you back to reality. As instinct, you were quick to sort it out. Not even needing to look at your hands, as you kept them on him. Snip, snap, POP, done!
“Normally we never pry, but uh. What’s a guy like you doing on a bus like ours-?” You asked. You were a Knight Bus Worker. You had to be social, after all. So being direct with people, no matter the face, is an important skill to have. One that was leaving him embarrassed.
“Well, seems you know who I am. Guess you can kinda put two and two together. Not many people trust that I’ll keep my friends under control.” He admits, with a smile that said it hurt him. They were animals. Not their fault after all. You won’t lie, though. It’s touching how he would simply turn those people away. Compared to following their rules, and leaving his friends behind.
“I mean, we’ve had the shadiest people come on here. Better to have Hippogriff shit on the bed than human shit. Least with a bird like that, you know they couldn’t help it.” You would put, rather bluntly, which had him smile. Knowing he wouldn’t be a burden to anyone on the bus, given you were being very direct with him. Compared to sugar coating, or babying him because of his Hufflepuff nature. People tended to do that, and even he was getting annoyed. A welcome change it was.
“I’ll take you to the upper floor, so you can have more room. Not a lot of people go up there, because of motion sickness. So you’ll have plenty of room to stretch your legs-!” You comforted, as you were making his night. A place to actually rest, and work with his care. You were just his angel. He wanted to hug you so badly, and you can tell with his arms tensing. Once a Hufflepuff, always a Hufflepuff.
“Bring it in-“ You reassured, and he nearly lifted you off the ground. Made you wheeze, but you couldn’t deny it. Hufflepuffs gave the best hugs. Not many people liked to treat you more than part of the bus, so it was a very nice change. Felt good to get a hug.
“Truly, I am so grateful. Be nice to sleep in a bed for a while. Not to say I do not enjoy nature, but we all live in certain environments for a reason after all." The older man said, when he finally set you free. Must be so hard, world traveling. Maybe he was home sick, so he was back in England for a while. Maybe animals were in need. Who knows! You just know he needed rest.
"Come on up then." You would escort him to the second floor of the double decker bus, and would lead him to a freshly made bed. You also made sure the frame was secure, wheels smooth, anything that could cause issues in his stay. Just wanting him to get some rest. As you did, you were not aware of Newt having a panic attack behind you. The moment you turned; he quickly hid his suitcase. Smiling big, with eyes darting everywhere.
"Doing alright? Seem a bit shaken, what's up?" You asked, as he keeps his nervous smile. A tug at his collar, before his eyes were now staring at something behind you. That made you raise a brow, before you slowly turned around. Just as you did, something jumped on you. You gave a shout, before you were tumbling into the once Hufflepuff. Both of you crashing to the ground.
"TEDDY-! NO! WEVE BEEN OVER THIS-!" You heard him shout, as you were helped up. Now you had a niffler choking you out, given he was dangling off your lanyard. Now knowing it was a niffler, you weren't upset. Your lanyard had many shiny pins and buttons. It can't be helped.
"Aw, you want a pin?" You cooed, as you soon scooped the little gremlin into your arms. Him still holding the lanyard, as Newt calmed down. Surprised to see Teddy calm as well. Just looking up at you with those big eyes. Sparkling with desire. You knew what to do, given many a child has ridden the bus. For one reason or another.
"Here is a nice shiny pin, all for you." You smiled, as you rummaged in your pocket. Soon you had a pin in hand, designed to look like the knight bus. With glittery windows, that made it sparkle like stars. That had the niffler let go of the lanyard, and make grabby hands for the pin. Into his tiny hands it went, and he hugged it tightly. A little chirp of happiness, before it went into his pouch. Safe and sound. Now he was satisfied, for the time being.
"Amazing..." Newt whispered, before he would take Teddy back. The little guy was quick to pull the new possession out, and showed it to his dad. Newt gave a 'ooo' and his eyes sparkled all the same. Just like a father, to a toddler. Melted your heart, to see a bond. How he kissed Teddy's head, and he gave chirps of joy.
"You have a talent for animals, I can see it clear as day. Teddy is always a handful, but like that you had it under control. No panic, and quick to find a solution. Amazing." He praised you, resulting a heavy blush on your face. What a praise and honor it was. Newt Scamander, praising your skills.
"Toddlers and nifflers are basically the same thing." You brushed off, before the bus was quick to make its sharp stop. You didnt move a inch, of course, but the father and son went flying. You winced, when Newt slammed into the window. He did, however, made sure to keep teddy wrapped around his arms. Pressed into his chest, so that the little thing suffered as little damage as possible. Such a pure soul.
"There is a reason we have complinetry sleeping potions and pain killers. Check the bedside table, back to work I go!" You waved goodbye, with Teddy waving bye as well. Since his dad was busy with new back pain.
Just like how it always was. Taking tickets, escorting newbies, comforting lost children, punching a drunk here and there. A typical night for the bus. As it was getting closer to the end of your shift, you would go and check on the famous celebrity. Up the stairs, and to the second floor.
There he was. His brief case locked to the bed frame, with an enchanted chain, and his coat hung up. His face pressed into the pillow, showing his knocked out face. Drooling, in a much needed rest. All the while little Teddy was snuggled close to his father. His face tucked under the man’s chin, and tiny hands hugging his dress shirt close. Safe, under the man’s arm.
You would sneak over, and make sure the blanket was pulled high enough for him and Teddy. Poor souls needed it. You wouldn’t be surprised if he would spend a few nights here. As if you would complain. The company would be needed, and who knows. Maybe a Pest Control guy would be needed. Sure get wild animagi coming in sometimes.
With Newt tucked in, and adjusting the pillow for Teddy, you would return down the stairs. All to be teased by that talking head for growing overly friendly with the celebrity. All it took was a flick, and he was spinning. That had you laugh, as you stretched.
Never a dull night, on that bus.
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bigbrotherstriker · 25 days
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❥ MIKAN TSUMIKI as your caregiver!
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my fictional wife. <3 i adore her.
feel free to request stuff or whatever, but if i don't know it, then im just deletin it.
this is agere/agedre, not age-play. do not treat this like kink.
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Mikan definitely knows everything there is to know about age regression. The moment you tell her, she's brought out a notebook and asking you everything about your regression to make sure you have the best experience possible. You'll learn quickly she's a perfectionist.
Mikan loves it when you call her parental names. Mom, momma, mommy, mama, ect will almost always get her so emotional. She cried the first 10 times you've called her those. And probably even more you don't know about.
You must always be safe at all times. You got a scrape? Here she is with bandages, and cream to make sure it doesn't get infected. You have a slight headache? You're relaxing with water always by your side and depending on how severe, medicine. Stressed? Here comes a full day of Mikan taking care of you and making you relax.
You might have to reassure her constantly. She constantly questions herself if she's doing a good enough job. But you always find a way to reassure your momma and make her smile.
And if you need reassurance too, she will absolutely remind you that this makes her happy. She loves taking care of others, being a caretaker, and taking care of people in general, making her so happy. It gives her a breather and control in her life. She needs this just as much as you. You're not a burden to her.
Playing pretend is absolutely an activity you two play together. Especially if it's doctor, it may seem cliché considering she's a nurse, but she finds it so cute seeing you play with the fake syringe and stethoscope. She'll even get you a fake doctor's outfit too. You two would help your stuffies or dolls get all better.
If you're older, there's not much you and her could do together, but movie night never fails. Mikan's only boundary was no scary movies. Other than that, she loves giving you full control of what you both watched. She would buy all of your favourite snacks (while begging you not to eat them all at once.)
Mikan would make you have the most relaxing sick days. The medicine every 4 hours tastes awful, but at least you get your favourite juice to wash it all down with. You would absolutely stay in bed with one of your favourite shows running in the background. Either chicken noodle soup or tomato soup if you're vegetarian or vegan.
Her go to nicknames for you are: sweetheart, sweetie, dearie, dear, and little bunny. (She won't call you the last one if you're uncomfortable.)
If you have a hyperfixation, Mikan is instantly supportive. She'll listen to you info-dump (she loves listening to you in general.) and willingly get into it with you as long as she can handle it. However, she's also there to remind you to destress sometimes. If you forget to eat because you're fixated, she'll always remind you. If you forget to sleep, she'll be there to remind you. She'll never judge you for your behaviour.
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there will never be enough fics about treating revivebur gently I’m just I’m just im
REAL I wish I had more time to write a proper fic right now (I will later) but I can at least do some headcanons
Obviously he’s incredibly touch starved (that’s a given considering how much time he’s spent in limbo) so he is desperate for any sort of physical contact you’re willing to give him
At first, he’s too scared to ask for it, too scared that you hate him for what he’s done. You notice, of course. Before he died, he was constantly initiating physical touch, so this is a change. But if you reach out first (a simple hug, taking his hand, running your fingers through his hair), he will cling to you and not let go
“Do you want a hug?” followed by a desperate nod from him as he practically falls into your arms
I have a personal headcanon that sometimes Revivebur forgets to eat or drink because he didn’t need to in limbo. Sometimes you have to remind him that he’s alive. Cue making him simple meals (which he always thanks you for, even if he feels he doesn’t deserve them)
He experiences a lot of self-loathing and a lot of regret, though it takes him a while to open up about that. Poor guy definitely needs reassurances. Tell him you still love him and that he’s not a bad person. Run your fingers through his hair (which makes him melt every time). He’ll feel better soon
If you let him share a bed with you, he’s overjoyed. Will give you all the cuddles you could possibly ask for. He secretly likes being the small spoon. It’s comforting for him, having you wrapped around him (even if you’re a lot shorter than he is)
After some time, he starts taking better care of himself. He eats of his own volition, he showers/bathes more, and he tries to get enough sleep. He’s seen how worried you get when he doesn’t do these things, and he doesn’t want you to worry
That being said, he does need help sometimes. He has nightmares, dreams about explosions and an empty train station, and he needs someone to soothe him back to sleep when he wakes up with the taste of smoke in his mouth. He trembles, craving your arms around him. He falls into your arms as soon as you open them for him.
He murmurs a million apologies. “I’m sorry for waking you” and “I’m sorry I’m such a mess” and “I should be better by now”
You shush him, rub his back, kiss his forehead. He melts into your touch, into your affections. “You’re not a mess,” you tell him. Some days he believes it, other days not so much. But he always tries.
Tell him you love him, and he hardly trusts it. It seems too good to be true. But he returns it with a declaration of his own every time
Over time, he becomes less self-pitying. He starts to find himself. He relies sometimes on your encouragement, and it never fails to make him happy
He starts looking after you more, returning your affection, asking for help when he needs it. He finally believes you when you tell him he’s not a burden and that you love him
He thanks you a million times for everything. You just smile.
“You’d do the same for me, if the roles were reversed”
And he can’t deny that he would
Anywayy I need to write an actual fic at some point
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gayemeralds · 5 months
I know you've mentioned being annoyed at people for trying to claim the Sonic movies have the best versions of Tails and Knuckles in over a decade, but what are your thoughts knowing people act the same way with Frontiers in claiming that game also has the best characterization of Tails, Amy, and Knuckles for the first time in over a decade?
And for Tails, even Frontiers acknowledged how badly written Tails was in the 2010s games such as Lost World and Forces with the scene of Tails thinking he is a burden to Sonic and Sonic reassuring him so even Ian Flynn (writer of Frontiers) thinks Tails is badly written in the 2010s games.
i don’t think frontiers is bad by any means. it’s perfectly fine. i wouldn’t say it’s the BEST because i have my nitpick on them being like “we all need to move on from sonic & go on our own adventures” when that’s like… something they do all the time LOL half of the games are caused by them all going on their own adventure and then miscommunicating with each other. im also not entirely sure how i feel about amy’s storyline in the game. but overall i think it’s alright. the character interactions were fun.
i don’t think lost world was that bad tbh but i do think forces was Bad. tails had his arc in sa1 and it seemed like they were trying to replicate it? but did a really shitty job. but i don’t have much beef with lost world tbh the game itself is fine i just hate how reoccurring the zeti became lmao. also if i can be honest here i don’t care what ian flynn thinks. i feel this way about basically any sonic comic writer and most of the sonic game directors.
i don’t necessarily hate them saying it’s the best characterization as much as i do when people talk about the movies because the movie one is just objectively 100% wrong. the characters are NOT like game canon and you can’t make that comparison. but i do think the frontiers one is a little silly as well, depending on the character. knuckles & amy were fine in prior games. i can understand tails however given how forces treated him.
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demonytekav · 2 years
Update today so far:
I’ve had water and I’ve eaten but I’m still really sluggish and tried after yesterday. My body feels very weak too.
I only cried a little last night while a friend was talking with me.
Then today I had to bow my head (figuratively) and ask my boss to “PLEASE call me if I send a message asking for a call this afternoon during work.”
Because I’m afraid my step dad will trap me in my room while my mom is at work AGAIN like he did last time. Last time he spent an hour and a half or so bullying me and telling me I was insane. Then telling me I was worth nothing and he wasn’t going to change because he’s not wrong.
It was a really long and hurtful period of time that I was supposed to be working but he sat there tearing me down. Not to mention he’s made it clear that “This door won’t keep me from getting in there”.
So while I’m not necessarily scared for my physical body there is that threat if he gets upset enough. And I don’t want to go rounds of bullying. I don’t have the strength.
My boss called me and fuck. I forgot what it’s like to have people genuinely care about you (because I isolate myself). She asked me if I wanted to work from her house, she reassured me I had a place to go (because I have no one here physically near me), she told me she loved me (this lady is like a 2nd mom) and that she would always have a safe place that I didn’t have to ask just send a text I was heading over.
I first felt so pathetic because I couldn’t stop crying. Telling her WHY I needed a “work” call and then hearing someone gives a shit about me broke my ass down. It’s been 20 minutes since we got off the phone and I’m still crying.
I don’t feel necessarily pathetic but I feel so hurt and tired. I feel grateful but undeserving. I refused to leave my house to work at hers in fear of the issues here escalating and also burdening someone else.
But I’m so grateful and touched.
My 2nd boss reached out and told me she would get a hotel room for me anytime if needed.
Im grateful but I’m conflicted and confused. I don’t understand how I’m worth the help.
But besides that, I’d forgotten what it was like to be treated with care.
I hate that for myself. But I’m so fucking grateful.
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looking for advice and reassurance. TW for discussion of ptsd symptoms.
I was in an unhealthy relationship in the past that ended up in me developing c-ptsd. my ex is no longer in my life and hasn't been in months.
Ive been seeing someone new who so far is absolutely perfect. I've known him for about a year now and he's always been just... the best? so sweet, funny, affectionate, smart, basically everything I'd want in a partner. I can confidently say that he's the only boyfriend I've ever had who I've felt real romantic love for. I want to marry him someday.
but I'm worried that I'm putting too much on him with my disability. we've talked about it, he's seen me during episodes, he's never blamed me or even really been freaked out, but I'm still scared I'll be too high maintenance. guilt was a huge part of how my ex manipulated me and I feel so much of that with him. even when my boyfriend is willingly gladly taking care of me I feel like a burden to him. I can't talk to him about anything because my ex gaslit and guilted the shit out of me whenever I tried to talk to them. even the little things like making sure I eat or sleep enough make me feel bad. the only part of his comfort that doesn't bother me is the physical affection, only because I know he enjoys it too.
Im completely wholly in love with him and he's expressed the same for me. I'm scared that I'll self sabotage and run away so I don't hurt him. I'm scared that he's secretly bothered by the way I act sometimes but won't tell me the same way my ex lied to me about their feelings. I want to know how to stop feeling like a piece of shit and just enjoy the first guy who's ever treated me like a human being.
Hi anon,
I am so sorry for your trauma and the resulting c-ptsd, and commend you for reaching out so I may have an opportunity to offer you some encouragement as you navigate a healthy relationship for what sounds like, the first time. I myself have the same diagnosis, and reading your ask was like stepping back in time in that I had the exact same concerns and worries when I met my now husband.  I share this only to affirm that it is very much possible to have trauma, and a mental illness, and a supportive partner.  None of those are exclusive.  
However, not to detract from your concerns, I’d also like to share that in your case - you’ve only begun the healing process.  It’s only been a few months, and for many of us it can take years.  I’m not suggesting this means you can’t have a functioning relationship (we did, and have) on a similar timeline to yours - but I say this because though it is not my permission to give, if you need it, here it is: you deserve the time and safe spaces to heal.  You are allowed to not have it all figured out right now.  You are allowed to bask in a healthy relationship as you’re healing.
Now as for the potential to self sabotage, or how to not feel like you’re too much, there’s of course some recommendations you can find in our pinned post - as well as some affirmations you can say daily - but what might help the most is looking into a therapist where you can unpack some of this trauma in safe spaces, and discuss and build a mental health treatment plan for yourself as you continue to heal.
No matter what you decide moving forward, I wish you well, and healing and safe spaces <3 - Mod Kat
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bwu · 2 years
i think im finally over you and im just honestly more disgusted with the fact that im made to be the bad guy and being gaslit into thinking im not "holding myself accountable" when i sure for fucking am, but you dont tell your friends what u did to me. and im sure they dont hold u accountable for what u did to me either. and its just because my split and emotions were "worse" than yours. but constantly being gaslit by you and told im delusional and made to feel bad for every little overthinking thought that i needed fucking reassurance for is just as bad to me as what i did to you. so i think u can all go fuck yourself and i pray to god whoever u date next u treat better than you treated me and all ur past exes bc it just comes off as blatant misogyny and ableism at this point and i think u seriously need to stop dating ppl u know have issues and need reassurance and words of encouragement if its such a fucking burden to you to give that to your partner.
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dadkisser15 · 2 months
I’m awake and it’s like my head is just yelling at me. The thoughts just wont shut up; am I worthy of love ?
I just want to see him right now and spoil him with my love but why does that seem impossible. He’s aware of my infatuation, everyone in my circle is aware of it. But maybe I’m worrying too much about stupid stuff, it isn’t wrong I just want him to ask; I wanna be his girlfriend. Just his, no one else’s and I want him to be mine. Why can’t I just tell him this(?) I don’t want to burden him with my worries and commitment. I struggled with commitment for a while but with him it’s different, everything feels so easy with him. Like he makes me feel so calm and happy; I want to talk to him about this because I genuinely want something with him. But im just so scared to speak about any of this with him, what if I took everything wrong and got the wrong idea ? ?
Oh, I want him so bad; not exclusively in a lustful way. I want to treat him good, make him feel loved and safe. I wanna lay with him and talk to him about what worries him, what scares him and what I can do to make him feel safe and content. Why do I feel emotions so intensely and why am I so scared to express myself. I’ve told him that i loved him before and he’s aware of that I do but I really do, I get shy and I try to act as if it just a normal phrase , something I can just say casually but it isn’t, I don’t think he loves me and thats okay; well it hurts my heart thinking that but I feel like at times when he says it back it’s mostly because of my pressure which makes me feel extremely guilty after. I wanna yell at myself for being stupid, if he wanted to say it he’d just say it. Why are you so STUPID!! I can’t lie to myself though, when he says it my heart feels so full and it just feels right. I want to hear him tell me that he loves me, I want him to love me as much as I love him. I obviously can’t make that happen.
I hate who I am when I’m nervous, I wanna tell him everything and anything thats on my mind but I get so nervous and I overthink EVERYTHING. Sometimes I just want to blurt it out, “KEV, I LOVE YOU.” He knows but it runs through my head and the need to show my affection is never-ending. It makes me emotional every time I think about it but I just want to hold his handsome face and just feel the warmth. If I wasn’t able to kiss him lips seeing his smile would be enough for me. Oh my god his smile I’m actually crying now; hhis smile, his eyes, and the way he laughs just makes me melt. I love the way he smiles at me, I want nothing more than to make him laugh and smile. He’s such a beautiful person to me. I love his reassurance and how sweet he is to me at times. I used to hate looking at myself in the mirror but he makes me feel so good about myself. I love his humor even if he doesn’t think he’s funny he’s always been able to make me laugh even when I’m upset, l can remember at times I had a difficult time stifling my laughter and I cannot reiterate this fact enough but I absolutely love his voice, hearing him call me his princess makes me just feel so fuzzy. The first time he called me baby (as a joke I think ?) I actually almost had a heart attack, his voice was so low yet soft and I got so flustered. I wanted to kiss him so bad and I don’t know why him calling me that just does so much to me. I wanna be his so bad. When I say I want him I really mean it
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xxlethal-lunaxx · 6 months
Ocd having me at the clutches and I wanna escape but I'm so scared of loosing compulsions and habits I've had for so long.
One of my biggest compulsions that I'd do sometimes since 13 is going to google/quora/reddit to "be prepared" for the scary situations i "could" go through (me just seeking reassurance by searching solutions for my intrusive thoughts). Whether its health anxiety or fear of me doing those morally wrong things, I will go to search what to do or how to prevent it. It didn't become a problem or chronic until early last year (2023), now I'm having a hard time preventing myself from searching the simplest shit and I feel embarrassed and crazy.
- (Example)
Me: *Brain plays long detailed scenario where I am with friends, I'm so happy, going places like the mall and feeling safe to be myself then suddenly I'm hated by them, or they laugh at me, or they find out my mistakes or the things I feel horrible about from my past. Or maybe it will just be me yelling and treating my friends/mutuals like shit and ruining the love I have* (this will play over and over again in my head as I try to tell myself its all fake and negative, that it wouldn't happen and that if it did who cares cause its not happening at the moment. Telling myself that I would never treat my friends bad because I would never want to hurt anybody.)
Me: *goes to google and searches "what should I do if my friends abandon me at a mall?", "how to tell if im being a burden to my friends", "how to tell if my friend is pretending to like me?" "How to tell my friends about my mental health without coming across as trauma dumping"* (A process which is not only exhausting but very repetitive. I will search these things to reassure myself and be prepared and see other experiences online for if it happens to me I can be "safe". It can be any topic and I will search and go on quora, it can take hours of my days. Days in a row I'll research the same shit and keep reading the same answered responses on quora hoping that I'll somehow find the answers I seek, to just end my anxiety and doubts but it never happens. I only found out a couple weeks ago that this was a compulsion and I've been working so hard on it but I'm scared to let it go cause the fear of the unknown is too much for me, I'm used to reading the things online and searching stuff....I'm trying so hard to just go cold turkey on it, but I'm scared I'll miss it too much or that somehow something bad will happen. The joy of ocd -_- This disorder is hell but I want to take my life back, living with this for slightly over a decade has not been fun and I rather have the pain of treatment then continue the suffering of endless reassurance seeking.)
I know my friends love me and that I overthink due to trauma responses and ocd, its terrifying to be uncertain in life....I know its not easy for anyone but having a disorder that eats at me, convincing me that im a horrible person or crazy is genuine hell. I do my best to not seek reassurance from friends because its not their fault my brain works like this, I don't want people thinking I don't have trust in them...I really do love my friends deeply, I'm just afraid of being hurt and its so stupid cause I've never been given any reasons to feel this way in any of my current friendships but the memories of past friendships makes my mind obsess over being certain on everything when life doesn't work like that. I do my best to be mindful and tell myself "how did they act when we last spoke?, did they seem upset? No?.... then everything is fine", I will look at old memories and messages to remind myself that its all okay and that I need to trust my own judgment more instead of my intrusive thoughts, because they are not me!
Anyway yeaaa its late but I can't sleep cause my brain just wants to keep researching how to fix problems instead of accept the uncertainty. I know someday I'll get better and not struggle with this as much but for now I am taking it one day at a time hoping that nobody grows tired of me, my trauma responses, and ocd.
I'm proud i can be where I'm at now, it doesn't seem like alot but compared to 2022 I'm better at knowing when scenarios are fake (yes....I used to genuinely think I was hated or being annoying because of my thoughts in 2022 and would obsessively ask the person as a form of seeking reassurance).
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cherrysnax · 10 months
you don't have to give anything back! people who help do so not to get something in return but because they can, want to and know you need all the help you can get and i personally think life seems to be treating you badly enough without you feeling bad over strangers helping you out :( but if it makes you feel even a bit better, i donated and saw your post saying you're thankful and i'm sending much love in response to your thanks 💗💞💖😊
hey genuinely from the bottom of my heart ur so fuckin awesome. I’m very incoherent rn im sorry, I just really appreciate it, we both do. life kinda sucks for everyone rn and it’s very easy to forget that ppl can be kind just to be kind, with nothing in return. thank you for like. the reassurance on top of everything else because I’ve really been feeling like a bit of a burden lmaoo 😭
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pasta-and-hedgehogs · 2 years
I wish I could be done people pleasing it happens so much I let people talk down to me and treat me like fucking shit I shouldnt take this I dont have to take this im not just a little follower not just a little sheep I dont want to be someone who makes you feel good. I think I regret becoming friends with you I dont hate you but I really wish you would treat me better I hate this instability of being needed until im not, of being useful until im not I feel like a placeholder like until something else comes along thats better more fun. I cant say this out loud but I dont think that Im just imagining everything. I just need to focus on what is real and what is true I just want to feel secure in myself because when I can do that I dont think this will hurt as much I wont need reassurance I wont be a burden I can just be me not a thing, I want to let myself be happy I want to be able to set boundaries I want to know that I exist and not just as a clody reflection but to truly be. I dont think that Im overreacting because I just want someone who wont make me throwing up about how they hate sick I want someone who would care about me hurting myself over and over again. Maybe im being too harsh.
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danowh0re · 2 years
Klitz relationship headcanons with s/o who looks like typical blonde but in reality they're super smart and always can help?
Sorry if it's too specific, love your writing🦢🦢💗
ᵒᵖᵖᵒˢⁱᵗᵉˢ ᴀᴛᴛʀᴀᴄᴛ
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Tysm for the request! Lmk how you like it! Rbs are appreciated
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❀ I feel like he'd literally ditch the tripods- Eli always being on klitz ass 24/7 about it
❀ Klitz would pop out pop quizzes for them on the spot, thinking that they have no chance to beat the klitzer >:)
❀ Y/n would probably be really accepted in theyre group, making really good jokes and leaving eli and Matt all like, "klitz where did you get this chick??".
❀ If y/n wears something flashy there's no way klitz is getting any work done-. Them asking for help with a question and playing it off so cool-y. Being like.. "ohhh~ oopsie... I'm so silly ;)". Klitz growing a smile and basically yelping
❀ Klitz would treat them like a goddess though, carrying their books, dropping stuff off at their locker for them. Tying their shoe, anything, you name it.
❀ He would totally just draw little doodles of them on his worksheets though, his thoughts making him slack off in classes. Making y/n having to tutor him ;)
❀ He's either really clingy or his super afraid to touch them-
❀ When klitz first introduces them to Matt and Eli they immediately think that they are just using him for a grade boost- but they slowly see and just learn that they actually have feelings for eachother and they are crazy simular, no matter what they both are wearing
❀ Y/n making klitz match clothes with them one day,,,, turning into a couple days.. the tripods making fun of him. He'd make fun of himself too
❀ From klitzs' friends bullying him for every move that he makes he gets really bummed out quickly but y/n knows how to help him. Usually being a boss bitch and throwing a drink at Matt and Eli lmao
❀ He's super always afraid of saying no to whatever question y/n asks. Even if he doesn't need to say an answer he's all 🌝
❀ Also comments on how beautiful they are, like, he's not able to stop- he shuts down at their beauty
❀ Always asking if their thirsty/hungry. Or just need anything
Asks for reassurance too :).
❀ He would always like, bring up that he's their princess and he's his knight coming to save him from question that they are stuck on 💀. The most cheesiest shit you can imagine.
❀ They love his little pickup lines too. Leaving y/n all blushy :3 (most of them being dirty sksksksk)
❀ y/n having to fix his hair, shirt collar, glasses. And he'd keep it like how they styled it forever
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@thehermitsaltar @ghot-girl @nephilxterra @truecobblepot @sympathyforher @trelaney @koshi-sama @creepling @the-hidden-pages @swn-kings1 @hansakind @milfodyssey @geisterfvhrer @iggay @vocivious @earwax666660 @etherealweed @yelenabelovasbathwater @vigilanteboyfriend @im-a-burden-to-society @riddleklitz @vxid42 @halcyonbabe @2000sbxtch @cowboys-and-riddlers @beenz-beenz @sagexsenorita @whiiiiplaaaaash @foetus-on-your-breath @sleepg0blin @slut-for-matt-murdock @paramountives @nevilleismywhore
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m-joys · 2 years
Hi! How are you? Hope you are doing good (:
Can I get a TMNT romantic match up please?
She/they, INFP, curly short hair+ freckles and beauty marks, rosy checks, chubby/curvy, 5’9, shy but friendly, Loud w friends, nerdy, like memes, books, animated movies, painting, drawing-artistic stuff. My friends says I’m very funny! I have one of those obnoxious funny laughs you don’t see it coming from a mile away (im usually kinda quiet, unless I trust you/ I’m comfortable with you, then I’m making tons of jokes) but anyways, the kind of laugh that it makes others laugh from just hearing it? So yeah abbrjgkdkdn, my mom and sister says I’m sort of like a cat, usually very closed off but deep down a softie. Secretly a hopeless romantic, affectionate, but I hide my love side out of fear for being rejected, I’m very good with kids and animals, I get flustered SO easily (it’s a pain. In the ass bfbgjdksks) got depression and anxiety, but I love hanging out with friends, I’m always down to comfort ppl, listen, give advice if they need to, I sometimes need my space but at the same time I think I kinda need someone who reassures me I’m not a bother or that they still like me, (friendships and relationships) otherwise I will create conspiracy theories against myself lmao, oh! also understand non verbal language cuz it’s hard for me to open up, I Hope this is enough? thank you!
note:Aaaa i forgot to specify which TMNT version, honestly you can choose? I adore bayverse, 2012 and rottmnt! Choose Whoever you think fits best, thank you again and sorry in advance
No worries, I think your best match would be Bayverse Donnie
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I feel like the fact that your so affectionate and care a lot about people, yet manage not to cross any boundaries and going at it at a comfortable pace, makes Donnie take an instant liking to you that at first would appear as just liking to hang out with you.
It may take a couple of months for him to realise and come to terms with his feelings and even longer for you two to get together, but ever since youve met you can bet that he'll treat you the way you deserve(with loths of love and appreaciation)
The thing you would bond over the most would be a mutual like/dislike of a certain media like a book or a movie. He loves having passionate conversations about mutual topics so If you can match his energy consider him blind with love from that moment on
He understands that you need comfort but value your own space and will resoect it since hes also kinda like that. Will make sure that youre okay and are not over-burdening yourself with others problems. Makes sure you drink and sleep enough, do things you enjoy and to give you some loving when you need it.
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jayflrt · 3 years
Hi I wasn't sure if your requests were open but if they are, could I ask for a Enha reaction to their s/o being older than them?
For example, would they still call her noona, would they still try and act like they are older and in charge,etc lol
I've seen a few enha reaction to younger s/o but not an older one.
enha’s reaction to having an older s/o
author’s note ▸ hello !! ♡ thank you for sending a request and sorry for getting to this so late D; also i will do this to the best of my ability but i don’t use korean terms bc im not super sure on the formalities over there !!
he probably doesn’t mind it
in fact he probably likes it bc he’s been the youngest his whole life
and suddenly he’s the oldest in a group D:
he just wants you to be shorter so he can tease you
heeseung gets stressed often so it’s nice to have you around
because you always have the best advice and he listens to what you have to say very well
he always teasing you for having more “life experience” than him
“heeseung i’m barely a year older??? i probably just stopped teething before you did”
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does not care at all
honestly he barely notices at first
he knew what he was getting into when he asked you out
so you being older was never an obstacle for him
he treats you the same as he would if you were the same age or younger
probably gets grumpy though because you pull the “i was born first” card on him
he usually takes the lead anyways tho
also showers you with gifts >:))
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he feels insecure at first tbh
it’s not because he wants to be older
but bc he’s worried you’re gonna think he’s too immature for you
he doesn’t wanna break up D;
so you have to reassure him with a lot of hugs and kisses that you’re not gonna leave him just bc he’s younger
and he goes :]
yk when the corners of his lips do that thing SOB
he’ll probably let you lead him around more tho
he doesn’t wanna step out of line and act older than you
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he’s so put off at first 💀
he thought you guys were at least the same age
now he’s like ???? wtf
literally acts like he can’t believe there are people who were born before 02
“sunghoon isn’t heeseung an 01 liner??”
“yeah but heeseung’s a loser”
but eventually he gets over himself bc he likes you a lot
a lot
but that doesn’t stop him from teasing you and making hag jokes </3 good luck
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he’s not surprised at all
you always seemed more on the mature side to him
and he always has such deep and intellectual conversations with you
so you being older was no surprise at all
plus he enjoys being taken care of
he has so much respect for you
literally will take all of your advice and words to heart
bc everything you say is so valuable to him
also when u squish his cheeks
and hold his face
and shower him with compliments
he’s in LOVE
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surprised !! but doesn’t mind
youngest leader in kpop 🥱 he’ll get over it
plus he gets so burdened with his leader responsibilities sometimes
so your words comfort him a lot
as an older person you have so much profound advice and knowledge
so jungwon always makes note of what you say
other than that tho he doesn’t treat you any differently
he will act like a kid sometimes tho just so you can pamper him
he’s just happy he’s comfortable around you
calls you a fossil sometimes tho 💀
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why is he actually so smug about it
like he gets COCKY
apparently you being older doesn’t make him think he needs to respect you more ??
he just teases you endlessly ??
will hold your hand when you cross the street
it’s a cute gesture and then he’ll ruin the moment by saying you’re too old to cross by yourself
but teasing aside you two have a very cute and wholesome relationship
he gets insecure sometimes tho and is like :(( don’t find someone else :(( who’s older :((
“screw human years let’s use carbon dating instead”
you have to assure him that you would never dream of it
and he’s happy again <33
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willowedwisteria · 3 years
OK so uh i request something similar to another blog, so im just sharing my thoughts on this one (also a request? Depends if your inbox is open)
a god!darling BUT; heres the catch
they dont feel as they belong in any place no matter what , its been like that ever since the archon war.
for example whenever they are in their human disguise, no matter what city; snezhnaya, sumeru, fontaine or any place, they just feel lonely
thus they hide from society, when a little birdie asks them ‘why? Why do you insist on hiding in the shadows instead of experiencing the joys of life you have granted us’ thry try convincing them to go back, this they reply;
’i dont feel as i have a place, i dont wish to be a burden to citizens of these nations, they are all kind to even take me in. but i am a god, they are human. I dont have a place in whichever spot they call home’ they said saddened by the stone cold truth
no, no one was forcing them to hide away, they completely volunteered for it, as being lonely in the mountains is less lonelier in a crowd of humans, humans who can enjoy life, see its wonders
but they cant, they dont know why but whenever they see an happy human enjoying spending time with their peers, they feel lonely. they feel a pang hit their heart, remembering all the mortals that they have befriended, but eventually death hit them as time passed by
they cant allow themselves to get attached to anyone else as they might lose them, which causes their loneliness and sense of hiding away
so basically; reader has a hard time getting attached to others or spending time with others as their fear of losing them grows, they prefer doing work and much more important duties, but was it worth feeling alone? [also could i be 🪛 anon if you dont mind?]
I'm gonna ramble a bit here. Cue the scene! Start the cameras!
You couldn't help to wonder, if you were truly the creator, why did you make the lifespan of a mortal so short? Now that you've acquired the title of God, 80 years has turned into nothing to you. Not even 100 years would affect you.
You shake your head, snapping yourself out of the hypnotization you were under, preventing yourself from thinking about the chain of questions and doubts your heart carried.
You wonder, would there be a day where you would return to the bubbly streets of Mondstadt or the mesmerizing designs of Liyue's buildings? You sigh in response to your thoughts, you still couldn't get over her?
You could still remember her clearly. She befriended you, treated you like a human despite you knowing that you were god, traversed the whole world with you, always remembered little details about you.
Her? She? You shamefully look out into the oceans far from the mountains you stood atop, you couldn't even recall her name, was it really that long ago?
Once her inevitable death arrived, you couldn't help but mourn, fall into despair for the friend that's life was taken by the test of time. Your heart was in shambles, you were in shambles that day.
When you notice a bird fly over to your side, you life up your hand, allowing to land around your knuckles. It's claws dug into your skin as it looked up into your eyes.
"Creator, your grace, are you sure isolation is the correct option?"
You weren't sure yourself. However, you couldn't help but isolate yourself, the loss of your friend was a blade that carved itself into the deepest part of your heat, a pain that no one should experience.
"Yes. You need not fret, I'll be fine."
You reassure the small bird, worried eyes gazing at you. It began to raise it's wings, preparing itself to fly once more, to soar the skies without any chains dragging it down. You stare at the bird gliding away from your field of vision.
You regretfully stare into the distance at Liyue, chuckling softly to yourself. How could a bird be more free than a god? Or was it courage that let the bird to the path of freedom?
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