#vs the character studies that has to do with emotional/internal progression that is regarded as less than
thelastharbinger · 2 years
Oh I'm sorry!
Did Marvel give you another case of blue balls while you root for another white male to overshadow the female lead of her own show?
Much love to Charlie Cox, god bless, but I truly could not give a fuck if he shows up in this show or not. She hulk is just a slice-of-life, lighthearted romp. There is no plot, just vibes. If you're not having a good time, that's on you 🤷‍♀️
I will cry laughing if his cameo is just 2 secs of the back of his head or something. It won't be but I love to see yall suffer. Boo hoo!
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sombytaco · 7 years
Why DaveKat is Narratively Important
Let’s talk about DaveKat because I have nothing better to do!! So, whether or not you personally ship or agree with davekat, this is just going to be about how, from a narrative standpoint, it is 100% vital to both Dave’s and Karkat’s storylines and personal character arcs, let’s start with:
Knight Class- So, bit of class/aspect analysis because the fact they both Dave and Karkat are both Knights is absolutely VITAL to their character development and their connection to each other. Something Kanaya said, that classpects are not necessarily chosen to suit the strengths of each player but rather to challenge them in a way that is most beneficial to their personal growth? That is completely correct, Dave and Karkat being some of the best examples in the comic. The aspects are the elements which the game, and therefore the universe(s) are made of - literally. Like, these are the constructs out of which the world exists, the building blocks so to speak. However, they also represent more metaphorical concepts, Life=Optimism, Hope=Belief, Heart=Soul, so on and so forth etc. So paired with the Knight class, the active pairing of Maid class, we have to examine how exactly the aspect *applies*. Obviously, being active, the Knight class is self serving (more on active vs passive or knight vs maid specifically if y'all hmu with some asks I’d be happy to explain more in depth), there’s also a metric shitload of symbolism involved in the name. I’ve been reading this comic for almost five years and the sheer amount of symbolism never ceases to amaze me, but the absolutely loaded amount of metaphorical value behind this class has to be in my top 5. The classic “knight” iteration, sword and shield type of deal, is instrumental in the interpretation of how Dave and Karkat wield their abilities and grow as characters. The weapon is obviously the way in which they wield their aspects, but the shield is so much more interesting: it’s their PERSONA. Part of the blatant parallels between Dave and Karkat’s story arcs is how they allow others to perceive them in regard to their own internal struggles, they both put up a persona to protect themselves. For Dave it’s his “coolkid” facade, he doesn’t let others see his emotions, feelings, or motivations because he’s so wrapped up in this delusion of irony and toxic masculinity that he feels it would be a weakness to show himself for what he is, one that could very possibly (at the hands of Bro) get him severely injured at best, dead at worst if he fears for his life which is a distinct possibility. Karkat suffers in a similar way, his persona is this image of the overly aggressive, “shouty/angry” guy, he’s loud and obnoxious because he’s trying to keep people at arms length, similar to how Dave doesn’t let anyone in. Karkat also has similar motivations behind this persona, because of his blood color he knows he will be in immediate danger if people get too close, look to closely, care too much, so if he can shout and seem just as bloodthirsty and aggressive as other trolls, he can both keep them away and keep himself free of suspicion. So, they have their shields, their personas, this is how they protect themselves from the world. Let’s talk about their weapons.
Aspects- As I mentioned above, aspects are the literal elements that make up the world, but also have a more metaphorical meaning. In the same way that Heart=Soul, Dave’s aspect Time is not only literally representative of time, but metaphorically representative of PROGRESSION. Karkat’s aspect of blood is therefore, while literally blood (possibly a reference to his mutation), also more symbolically representative of UNITY. Now, let’s see how those apply to each players personal struggle, because remember that’s the key here, how their classpects tie in to their character arcs. Dave is troubled by his aspect at multiple points throughout the storyline, severely disturbed by dead Dave’s and essentially haunted by the multiple loops he has running, in what is a single day to his fellow beta players likely feels like *weeks* for him, he’s not progressing in the game, he’s running all these loops and doing so much and yet he’s not really going anywhere. He’s like a broken record, if you will. Dave doesn’t see himself as a hero, broken sword symbolism aside because I cannot get into that rn lmao that’s way too loaded and this is long enough, Dave *can’t* see himself as a hero because in his mind, Bro was a hero, and he will never live up to it, so why bother. Easier to just run his loops and do whatever Terezi says because she’s probably right and anyways it’s just easier to do something menial and meaningless that doesn’t move anything forward because he would probably fuck it up anyways, right? Dave is so stuck in the past, haunted by his loops, haunted by the legacy of his Bro, haunted by dead Daves, he is terrified (whether consciously or subconsciously) of moving forward, of Progression. Alternatively, Karkat’s aspect of Blood, or UNITY trips him up in similar ways. Karkat’s relationships are…complicated. It’s been *headcanoned* that he comes across as pale towards most of his friends, because despite how hard he tries to act loud and aggressive, he’s a big softie who cares way too goddamn much about everything. Terezi also represents his biggest struggle with Unity and relationships, he “wanted her in every quadrant like a desperate fool”, and she played along for a while to see if he would settle in any one quadrant, but when he never did she moved on. This is a huge blow to Karkat’s self-esteem, he thought he was being so suave and smooth just like his romance novels and movies, but really he was pushing her away either knowingly or unknowingly. On the topic of his romance novels, his obsession with relationships also shows him trying to compensate (more on this in a sec) for his lack of capability in the area, as if he’s studying them to get a better understanding of how relationships should work because he really has no idea. In his very first conversation with Sollux that we see, he ends by affirming that he hasn’t gone too far right? They’re still friends? Because underneath his loud, obnoxious persona, he’s just acting the way he thinks he’s supposed to in this hyper-aggressive society. Sound familiar? It’s because Dave is doing the same thing. They’re both using their personas to survive, to appear the way they think they should to other people, because when it comes to their aspects, they’re fucking terrified and don’t have a clue as to what they’re really doing.
Storyline Parallels- So, I’ve seen a lot of good analysis of this and I doubt any of what I’m saying will be news to any of you, but I’m gonna put it in my own words as best I can bc this shit is imperative to understanding why DaveKat works so perfectly in the narrative. Dave is obviously working an uphill battle the entire story to overcome the hyper-masculinity (see also: toxic) that his Bro has ingrained in his psyche for 13 years. Not the least of which is some deeply rooted homophobia. Dave fronts constantly, accusing others of being gay, accusing *Karkat* of being gay pretty amusingly. Obviously he pokes at this in other people because he’s so insecure about it in himself, he struggles heavily with his sexuality the way so many pre-teens do, only he’s fighting against a decades worth of anti-gay propaganda basically so there’s no room for him to search within himself too deeply without feeling deeply uncomfortable because obviously that’s Wrong and Bad and that’s not how society works in his world. Similarly, Karkat struggles with the quadrants which is practically unheard of on Alternia. It’s such a clear parallel to human homophobia that like. I’m left speechless when I think about it honestly. Their struggles are so overwhelmingly similar and parallel to each other sometimes I just have to stop and appreciate it. But back on topic, his whole life, Karkat has grown up with this over idealized concept of romance, the quadrants, and he obviously knows something is wrong with himself from an early age. Karkat’s obsession with romance novels is no coincidence, he’s clearly always felt off when it comes to that and so he most likely reached out to these novels and movies to get a better grasp of the quadrants, consuming what was essentially romantic propaganda to overcompensate. The problem is, in studying these works, he latched onto the wrong thing which is so funny to me. He’s reading these trying to understand, to make himself fit into this system because that’s what society is like *cough* heteronormativity *cough* and yet he latched onto quadrant vacillation like it’s the holy fucking grail of romance. Like oh, okay, this is normal? Obviously people do this, as long as they switch within the bounds of the system it’s Okay™ and even romantic in some occasions. Only, this is fiction he’s reading and if you try to apply the logic of romance novels to real life…well, we all know what happened with Terezi. He was constantly pushing the boundaries of vacillation, he was red for her, he wanted to act black on occasion, he cares so much about everyone it’s impossible for him not to be pale, and we see him (though I doubt he realizes he’s doing it) trying to auspistice for her and Gamzee in the pre-retcon timeline by staging a sort of intervention. He “wanted her in every quadrant like a desperate fool” and I don’t understand how people put Karkat into the quadrant system!!! That line is so IMPORTANT, not even taking into account that we know his dancestor, who shared his blood mutation which may have had something to do with his irregularities, loved the Disciple “beyond the quadrants”. It’s. So. Obvious. Karkat is overcoming the stigma of wanting to love beyond the quadrants in the same way that Dave is struggling to overcome the loaded idea behind being Not Straight. They’re both overcoming these extremely similar prospects and it’s an absolutely stunning feat of narrative that as an English major it makes me fucking weak in the goddamn knees like Hussie is a lot of things but this? This is fucking genius. I’ve never seen two characters written together in such an in depth and parallel way before.
Opposites Attract- So we’ve talked about their similarities, let’s talk about their differences and how those differences are also actually poorly disguised similarities. Karkat is obviously a Loud Boy, thats his coping mechanism. He keeps people out and away by being loud and aggressive. Dave needs to cope for similar reasons, to protect himself he needs to keep people out and away but he does it in just the opposite way, he gets quiet. He doesn’t talk about his shit. Sure, he’ll go on the rambling metaphor when the occasion calls, but although he’s always talking he’s never really saying anything. Karkat is an almost compulsive over sharer, like, the boy (bless his heart) has zero filter. Dave will talk your ear off just as well, but I’ll be fuckin damned if he says anything worthwhile outright (his many, many Freudian slips aside). It’s also interesting to note that while I’ve seen people talk about how part of the reason Karkat doesn’t fit into Alternian society is that he’s so human, as its stated in the narrative that after seeing this soft species, that shares his blood color and stupid, stupid compassion, even *Vriska* admits that Karkat seems to fit in better with them than he ever did with trolls, we don’t see the same for Dave? I’ve rarely, if ever, seen the situation flipped, in that Dave was more suited for Alternian society the same way Karkat was more human than troll or at least had severely human aspects. Obviously Dave’s romance is still very human in that he’s a big ol’ fan of monogamy (he and Karkat both faced problems in their relationships with Terezi romantically when she became involved in other quadrants, these boys love monogamy I’ll fight), but his upbringing? Yikes. Lusii are supposed to, while still protecting their trolls, prepare them for the harsh and violent world. Whether they had to kill other trolls and Lusii to feed them, or learn how to fight to fend off other trolls on their own, there was a shit ton of fighting in their pre-pubescent years. Trolls are a hyper aggressive, violent species that learn to fight basically as soon as they can walk, which is exactly what Bro did to Dave. Dave could fight practically from the second he crawled off the meteor, I doubt a day went by without a sword in his hand for some reason and god knows he suffered through enough strifes. Both boys were brought up just thoroughly *wrong* for their societies in a way that ensured they would never feel like they truly fit in.
Finally, Romance- In the final culmination of all this, let’s actually talk about how they work together as a couple. So, they have this overwhelmingly similar upbringing and life experience, what happens when they finally meet up? Dave thinks it’s hilarious that Karkat is always yelling, “get a load of this guy I was telling you about, Rose”, and while I have no doubt he thought Karkat’s shitfits were the funniest thing since Colonel Sassacre, there had to be a part of him that was just in awe of how someone could be so free with their emotions. Like, he’s angry? And you know it the second he walks into a room?? This is an entirely new concept to Dave, my son, who grew up with an insanely passive-aggressive psychopath who would sneak up on him and fight him with a crazy fucking puppet like what the fuck?? Dave has always had to be on edge at home, Bro was quiet so you never knew when he was upset and you never knew when he was coming for you. With Karkat, that’s such a non-issue it’s like the issue dined and dashed, no bill and no tip, vanished into the wind. You can hear Karkat stomping down the hall five minutes before he even gets into the room, and once he gets there oh boy he will Let You Know What The Problem Is. Why is Dave always provoking Karkat? Literally just to hear him yell because it’s so goddamn refreshing to know exactly with 100% certainty what someone is thinking, no irony, no bullshit, just genuine fucking refreshing annoyance. And for Karkat, well here’s the guy he’s always wanted to be, right? Cool and suave, the romcom hero who could smooth talk the paint off a wall. Only, Dave isn’t actually cool in the way he pretends to be, he’s not this smooth suave hero, he’s not even just a hero. He can’t be. He’s just…a kid. A kid like Karkat who has issues like Karkat and talks just as much when he’s nervous as Karkat and he’s relatable even though he’s trying not to be. He’s trying so hard to be what society wants from him he wants to be the tough guy with the sword but he’s just so not and that’s so refreshing! Karkat realizes he’s not the only one who’s trying to live up to some buttfuck impossiblestandards and he realizes…that’s okay. He doesn’t have to be anything he’s not. And they figure that out together.
So pardon me if I don’t understand how you can put Dave with John, or Jade, because they don’t fit. The narrative literally doesn’t benefit in any way for them to fit, and if it’s your personal preference then by all means go for it who am I to stop you, but there is no benefit to them being together. They will not grow from it, John is explicitly someone who doesn’t seem to focus or care much about romance even? And Jade has no concept of anything Dave has gone through, she couldn’t even begin to understand. Same with Terezi and Karkat, or Gamzee and Karkat or John and Karkat or whatever, Terezi likes quadrants. They make sense to her and she enjoys them, Karkat cannot bring himself to deal with with that and they’re so much happier as just friends. I’m not even getting into Gamzee, I’m not even gonna dip my toe into that discourse because everyone likes different characters for different reasons and I won’t begrudge you of that so I’m just gonna stay away. So again, if you ship those then that’s fine! Go for it! This is just an analysis of why the narrative, in my personal perspective, supports DaveKat and why I personally think they are good and healthy for each other and help each other grow as people.
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workreveal-blog · 8 years
Best Games for Android and Ios
New Post has been published on https://workreveal.biz/best-games-for-android-and-ios/
Best Games for Android and Ios
Innovation is an overused and abused word inside the era industry but if you strip it all the way down to the primary principle of “new thoughts”, it’s clear that there’s a lot of it happening in cell video games. While you acquire some the best examples together, you realise how many new ideas are out there. For instance, there have been a few innovative experiments with the concept of interactive fiction, from the round-the-world thrills of Eighty Days to the beat-the-censors tale of Blackbeard.
There are video games that play with sound in new and thrilling approaches: Papa Sangre II is performed entirely via listening rather than searching, at the same time as Darkish Echo visualises your sounds on the screen. Each is – and this can not be a twist of fate – some of the creepiest cell video games available.
Some video games get you transferring within the actual global: wandering within the case of Ingress; jogging on your (virtual) life with Zombies, Run!; or even dancing with Bounden. Smartwatch video games like Lifeline: Silent Night and Spy_Watch play with the capacity of storytelling for your wrist.
Video games exploring actual-world problems consist of Endgame: Syria and Papers, Please and others splice collectively new genres, such as Framed, with its movement-comic puzzles, and ambient grow-’em-up Prune.
Even for acquainted genres, there are new thoughts: Twofold Inc unearths a brand new twist on fit-3 puzzling; Capitals reinvents the competitive phrase recreation, and Middle of the Famous night person finds a manner for first character shooters to paintings well on touchscreens.
Study on for a listing of fifty games attempting new things to your cell gadgets, often under the limelight on the pinnacle of the app keep charts.
One very last, essential point: the video games on this listing are modern. However, they’re additionally terrific. Technical invention or genre crossovers married to a poor recreation are of little price to players. What the developers of this feature have managed is to ally fun games new thoughts with fun gameplay.
80 Days
Android/iOS (£three/£3.99) Phileas Fogg’s great adventure around the arena reworked as an interactive steampunk-themed novel. It’s an entirely clever concept, but that cleverness by no means gets in the way of the tale: you’ll need to Examine and play it several instances to try different routes.
Journey Time recreation Wizard Android/iOS (£3.ninety six/£three.ninety nine) In its normal Adventure mode, this is a fun platform entertainment primarily based on famous cool animated film Journey Time. But the real amusing comes While you begin drawing your degrees – on paper or display – sharing them with different players and trying out their efforts.
An Observe in Steampunk Android/iOS (£2.99/£three.18) Publisher Preference of games has launched a succession of interactive novels, with the innovation being its engine for wrapping the tale around your choices. That is an excellent example: 277,000 words of narrative with you within the prestigious position. Also, try zombie survival games.
Android/iOS (£1.22/£2.29) One of the apps exploring a blend of literature and gaming, Blackbar is a recreation told via text – censored letters between its main characters where you need to guess the phrases hidden via the black bars. Also take a look at its prequel, Gray out.
Blown Away Android/iOS (Free + IAP/£2.29) That is an attractive platform recreation starring a contented hero named Hendrik, who wears “teleporting footwear”. They’re the important thing to the sport’s twist at the style: you teleport across the stages rather than jumping, which brings new puzzle-fixing possibilities.
Bounden Android/iOS (£2.ninety nine/£2.29) You’ll want your associate in this recreation to be a person with whom you’re comfortable sharing private area. It’s “a mixture of Twister and ballet” as you Both maintain your phone and follow its commands to bounce together to the classic track. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons iOS (£three.99) A lovely story, as you manage Two brothers trying to find a therapy for his or her ailing father. You manipulate Each brother straight away with onscreen joysticks. However, it’s the narrative – and a now-well-known twist – that packs a strangely emotional punch.
Capitals: Loose phrase War
iOS (Free + IAP) Words With Buddies did a first activity of turning Scrabble right into a multiplayer cell word-battler. Capitals are truly resourceful, though: a word sport that involves capturing tiles on a display screen and conquering your opponent flip using the turn.
Clumsy Ninja Android/iOS (Free + IAP) Clumsy Ninja can be getting on a chunk now however it remains One of the most innovative man or woman-driven games on the cell. You teach up to the, to begin with, klutzy warrior via mini-video games. However, it’s the console best animation that offers him the baggage of person.
Code Warriors: Hakitzu Battles iOS (Loose) How do you make mastering to software more enjoyable for children? Getting them to War giant mecha-robots with their fledgeling JavaScript competencies is how Code Warriors strategies it. Children can War by myself or tackle their Facebook Buddies’ bots.
Android/iOS (£four.22/£three.ninety nine) The developers say this game is a “crafting RPG”, which neatly summarises its gameplay. After crash-landing on an alien planet, you have to forage, fight and craft your manner in the world. The way the game opens up the extra you play is extraordinary. Darkish Echo Android/iOS (£1.49) A spooky recreation that relies on “visualised sound” to explore its eighty ranges. Which means you’re making sounds which ping off the barriers round you in the sport’s international, making pretty photos on display screen. The enemy you face, even though, is far from quite… Does no longer Shuttle Android/iOS (Loose + IAP) This tears up the conventional driving sport format by means of setting you in charge of a small town’s rush hour – controlling all of the motors. Count on masses of crashes, although it’s fun instead of irritating, and includes a exercise mode to refine your competencies.
Endgame: Syria Android (Loose) Basing video games on real-global wars can be intricate – this exploration of the conflict in Syria had to be remodeled as Endgame: Eurasia to get an iOS launch. On Android, it’s uncensored and, Two years after its release, still makes you think hard.
Evoland Android/iOS (£3.forty nine/£3.99) A love letter to role-gambling games (RPG) inside the form of a game that evolves its manner via the style’s records. It starts because the kind of monochrome RPG that you may have performed on a recreation Boy, and finally ends up as a lush-looking 3D Journey. You can also try plants vs. zombies game.
Framed Android/iOS (£1.74/£2.99) This has been defined as a “movement-comic puzzler” – the primary in the genre. It’s an excellent description, too: you play the game by using rearranging animated comic-strip panels to progress through its story. An atmospheric jazz soundtrack adds to the enchantment.
Guitar Hero Live iOS (Free + IAP) In 2015, console gamers were rocking out in their dwelling rooms another time with a brand new Guitar Hero game. This time though Apple Tv proprietors may want to be part of in: the iOS version of the sport may be played on the Tv, complete with its own guitar-controller bundle.
Her story iOS (£3.ninety nine) Fancy playing detective? Her story is a gripping homicide-thriller based entirely round video footage of interviews with the leader suspect. Your task is to observe the clips, assume of recent seek terms to mine the video database, and discern out the fact.
Ingress Android/iOS (Unfastened + IAP) Less a recreation, extra a way of lifestyles for its keenest fanatics: this is the first-class instance of region-primarily based gaming yet. You pick a side in its sci-fi plot, then explore the sport’s surroundings as you wander around the real international, running on my own or with fellow gamers. Also, try black ops zombies
Letterpad: Loose word Puzzles
iOS (Unfastened + IAP) On iPhone and iPad, Letterpad is a easy, addictive letter-puzzles game, in which you discover phrases regarding more than 200 subject matters in 3×3 grids. Its innovation comes with its Apple Watch edition, with the sport working easily on the smartwatch.
  Minecraft: Pocket Version Android/iOS/Windows Smartphone (£4.99/£four.99/£five.39) An obvious choice, perhaps, but even for pro players, Minecraft is capable of regular surprises as you discover its blocky landscapes. The sport that cast a new genre from open-global crafting – and one whose mobile model is improving rapid. Also, try shoot vs. shot.
  Monument Valley Android/iOS/Windows Phone (£2.99 + IAP) Some parts of Monument Valley are familiar but it’s the manner this architectural puzzler puts them collectively that feels so sparkling. You need to slide, twist and flip the surroundings in its geometrically beautiful stages to clear up the mazes. Excellent.
Movement Tennis Android/iOS (Unfastened + IAP/£three.ninety nine) Bear in mind how you can play tennis on Nintendo’s Wii by way of swinging your arms within the actual international? Movement Tennis performs a comparable trick along with your phone and an Apple Television or Chromecast plugged into your Tv. You’ll need a firm grip on your Telephone, mind.
Neko Atsume: Kitty Collector
Android/iOS (Unfastened + IAP) The sector’s only – as some distance as we’re aware – cat-collecting sport. This Japanese game is as quirky as they come: you place meals to your lawn to attract cats, logging them in a digital “catbook” and hoping for rarities. Lovely and very addictive.
New Superstar Soccer Android/iOS/Home windows Phone (Unfastened + IAP) You could play FIFA on your telephone or tablet, and it’s spectacular, however New Famous person Soccer has finished the satisfactory activity of rethinking soccer for the small screen. Retro portraits belie genuinely addictive gameplay and pixel-perfect touch controls.
  So that was best Android and Ios games that you can find.
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