#vsheart ; rem
𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑹𝑨𝑪𝑻𝑬𝑹  𝑺𝑯𝑬𝑬𝑻 repost, don’t reblog!
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full name.  Kaya nicknames. Ka-chan, blondie, M.K. height. 5′6′‘ / 1.67 mts age. 19 zodiac. virgo languages. English and French, can understand other romance languages fairly easily
hair color.  pale blonde. Loose, for the most part, reaching her shoulder blades eye color. dark brown. Wide and expressive skin tone. pale, almost to a sickly degree, though as of now, it’s gained more color. Easy to bruise, delicate body type. hourglass, not as pronounced but still defined accent.  english, very proper yet caring dominant hand.  right posture. elegant, ladylike, with shoulders back and down, a straight stand-up, straightened knees. Her eyes barely see the floor, rarely slouches but won’t hesitate to ‘relax’ when in the presence of people close to her scars. only in the palm of her hands, which are hard to find unless paying close attention, the product of hours of gardening tattoos.  none most noticeable features. her striking resemblance with her late mother when Naomi was around her age is most likely the thing that stands out the most, along with her overall weak physiognomy. People who have no knowledge of her social status might think she’s from the middle class by the way she dresses, even if she’s of high society
place of birth.  Syrup Village, East Blue // Grenoble, France hometown.  Syrup Village, East Blue // Birmingham, England birth weight / height.  5 lbs / 17 inches manner of birth.  natural birth first words. ‘Der‘, from either father or mother siblings.  none parents. her father, Kazuo, and mother, Naomi, both deceased shortly after Kaya turned 16. Her butler/guardian, Merry has been taking care of her since she was born, and has adopted a father-like role parental involvement. despite the fact that her parents were present in the vast majority of her life, their occupations would keep them busy for long periods of time, in which they traveled far from home to make their business all over the world, leaving Kaya in the care of Merry and the servants. Every time they were back, however, her father would spend most of his time with Kaya to make up for his absence. As for her mother, their relationship was never the sweetest one, but Kaya still loved them both dearly, seeing how much their deaths affected both her physical and mental health to the point where she was left bedridden for a year
occupation. medicine student at the Imperial College London. current residence. London, England close friends. Aria, Sahar, Deuce. Has met once again with Rem, after many years of not knowing of the other’s whereabouts relationship status. single financial status. wealthy. Received her parents’ inheritance after they died driver’s license. has one, though barely drives by Merry’s request. Usually has a driver criminal record.  none
sexual orientation.  demisexual romantic orientation. demiromantic preferred emotional role.  submissive | dominant | switch |  unsure(??) preferred sexual role.  submissive  |  dominant  |  switch |  sex-repulsed libido. low/below average turn on’s. as of right now, she has never explored her body for other than searching for injuries inflicted by x or y reasons, so she’s absolutely clueless as to what gets her going. Overall, tenderness seems to do the trick. Soft caresses that linger for more than intended. Worship. Basic stimulation that doesn’t cross the line of indecency/subtlety turn off’s. aggressiveness, degradation, pain, vulgarity. Being pushed/forced to say yes to something.  love language. for someone who dedicates the majority of her time in her studies, spending time together can be difficult, but it’s what she tends to appreciate the most, even if it means just being in the same space while each other do their own thing. Granted, she will go the extra mile and finish sooner to dedicate her s/o some well-deserved attention, so postponed activities or little to no time spent with her s/o is definitely hurtful -even more than forgetting to get her something for her birthday. Acts of service are a close second, as she will help out in whatever she can to make their life a little easier —if there’s something they have to do but don’t feel like doing it, she will do it for them (as long as it doesn’t turn out a bad habit, clearly), or she’ll even do something with/for them knowing she doesn’t particularly enjoy it to show interest in her partner’s likes. If her partner shows a liking for receiving gifts, she’ll absolutely spoil them with their favorites. She enjoys pleasing her partner overall and doing things that will cheer them up/make them happy/ensure their well-being. relationship tendencies. while it isn’t something she takes pride in, she’s kindly rejected any and all love confessions because of her lack of interest in dating someone when she’s so focused in studying at the moment. that doesn’t mean she hasn’t thought about it, but the idea of meeting someone who won’t be as understanding about her preference of not dropping her pace keeps her from even trying. As the saying goes, she’s realized (little by little) that she could be attracted to those who are different from her in terms of personality, though she’s too shy to say it aloud. People regularly don’t stick in her mind for their appearance, but they do for their actions whether good or bad. In terms of friendship, she usually gives everyone a chance, and is capable of forgiving and giving second opportunities if she feels like the person in cuestion deserves it.
Granted, she won’t always be the sunshine she regularly is, but for her S/O she’s willing to go the EXTRA mile and take better care of her mental health so that she can be someone they can rely on. A little playful, she might play innocent, harmless pranks to get a laugh out of them, but won’t hesitate to drop it all altogether if by any reason her S/O is hurt. Obviously, since she’s studying medicine, she’ll pamper them when they get sick or hurt, going as far as kissing their wounds in hopes of making them feel better.
character’s theme song. one day in august - Marc Teichert hobbies to pass the time.  studying, listening to stories, gardening, solving crossword puzzles, flower arrangement to its most basic level, playing with her cat, long walks by the shore, sailing mental illnesses. depression. Anxiety disorder physical illnesses. might not look the part, but her immune system has become stronger after being prone (almost to a ridiculous point) to getting sick, only requires glasses for reading. left or right-brained. right-brained. fears. being lied to, failing to help those in need, rejection, violence, inability to protect those close to her, not being good enough, being forgotten, the dark, deep water self-confidence level. not as high as it would seem from a person of high society, but firmly believes she can and will do anything as long as she wholeheartedly sets herself on achieving it. Has a strong spirit that won’t give up easily. vulnerabilities. her physical strength could never match with her mental one, so she’s someone who needs protection, whether she likes it or not. Outright refuses to learn any self-defense techniques as she is heavily against violence. Her trusting nature makes her an easy target. While not the smallest person, she’s definitely easy to handle/carry around. Self-sacrificial to a point. 
tagged by: stole it from @jojoingjoseph bc this dude steals from me too jabdfsjdf :p Tagging: @cursed-leader , @sxrosee , @silentcigarette , @betterhealing , @seakiumi and anyone who feels like it!
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unladylikc · 5 years
Rem found her on social media. Lucky her! Here are some messages from him: So I found this guy who is perfect for you. He's a Christian, and he won't have sex until his marriage. Good stuff, right? | I'm just kidding. He wants a threesome. You down? [from Rem.]
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    Accompanied by hot warmth radiating off her cheeks, coal black eyes immediately grow as wide as saucers the moment she spies such an irksome message left behind by that accursed man she met a while back. First off, how in the world did he even find her twitter? Second off, why did he think sending her those particular messages would be remotely appropriate? Third off, was he actually serious? Truth be told, Vivian didn’t know for absolute certain, as sarcasm proved infinitely more difficult to detect over instant messaging with her autism, yet either way, her fingers would begin furiously typing away.
[viiviitan]: ABSOLUTELY NOT. ( ꒪Д꒪)ノBy the holy power invested in me,                      I beseech you thus - begone, thot! Seriously, though…
[viiviitan]: You’re crazy if you think I want to share my first time with two                          people… especially if one of those two people happen to include                    you, the literal incarnation of Satan! ( ゚Д゚)<!!
[viiviitan]: How in the world did you even find my twitter handle anyways?                        「(゚ペ)
[viiviitan]: Either way, please just leave me alone. At this point, I’ll even                            buy you another coffee… and a Brazilian hooker. Honestly, like…                    it’s way  too early on in the morning for me to deal with your                            sinful existence.ヾ(-_-;)
       ↬ @vsheart┆rem┆
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insoucicnce-aa · 5 years
"So did you make up your mind about fucking yet?" [from Rem to Itachi. 8D]
‘tachi is ready for death  pt. ii | @vsheart
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❝ Yes? No.❞ Did he even need to make up his mind about this at all? Rem was being increasingly difficult and ridiculous. Itachi knew he could only take so much more of this before his embarrassment for the entire situation would invoke a more telling reaction. ❝ Are you being serious about wanting intercourse with me or are you just wanting to fluster me? ❞ Because if so, it was working phenomenally. 
Hands raise to wipe over his features, wanting to just get out of this situation. Was this city so small that he kept running into the other or was it just chance? Hell, were the Fates messing with him at this point in his existence? And the strangest thing, the other looked as though he was really expecting an answer. Sure, if Itachi attempted to look at it from Rem’s perspective, he supposes that it makes sense.If he were attracted to the other sexually, yes, he would want sex with him. It wasn’t a shallow thought. Sex felt good and was a great release. And considering he didn’t really need any feelings attached to such a thing, it could be a one time thing.
❝ Suppose I were to say I would take you up on this offer of sorts. What does it entail? Will it be a one time thing? Could we be friends afterwards? ❞ Friends who had sex occasionally. That wouldn’t be so bad would it? Being used for a physical release sounded cold and yet there weren’t many cons he could outright see. Not that it would probably never happen, but he was ever curious, if not a little mortified by the conversation in it’s entirety. 
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handfulxfhearts · 5 years
“I’m too sober for this.” from Rem. :> - ask from @vsheart​
      Web, far from sober himself, turned to face the other with red eyes, lightly watering, and grinned.
      ❝ Why? Wassamatta? ❞ he slurred, pulling a face that almost resembled annoyance; or at least it would have done, had he not got that ridiculous grin plastered over his face. ❝ Not ‘avin’ fun? ❞
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inaibaa · 5 years
"That's a dope hair-cut." And a pretty guy. Androgynous, but that just makes him look more exotic. Rem's totally into it. "Got a name?" [from Rem.]
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--- “Hm--? Oh.. Thank you.” They smile at the stranger. It is the polite thing to do, when complimented, though they cannot help but chuckle at the question. “Wouldn’t I have had a neglectful mother if I had not been given a name--?” The question is of course meant to get them to introduce themselves, and they hardly miss a beat before doing so. “Nao.. Akiyama Nao.” A moment later they wonder if they should have given their full name to a stranger. What with the internet being as expansive as it is, there is no doubt in their mind anyone with their name might be more than capable of finding pretty much every little detail about their life { or at least that which they’d thought to post to social media, anyway }. Now, minding that.. Perhaps they shouldn’t worry overtly much.
      Besides.. What were the chances that this guy was a creep?
      They ran their fingers through the long half of their hair, brushing it off their shoulder. “Your turn.” They proposed, gaze sliding over the other’s features, studying him a moment. Nao doesn’t think they’d have started a conversation with the guy if he hadn’t spoken to them first.. He looked.. A bit intimidating. Unapproachable. Though his manner of speaking to them was rather unexpectedly open... 
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tenyxshx-a · 6 years
"I usually get a fuck-ton of chocolate on Valentine's." Girls were weird. Did Rem really look like the type of guy who would want chocolate? "But I don't like sweets so I'm just letting you know I'll be passing it all onto you."
➸ @vsheart | ➸ Valentine 2019 ♥
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“I get your hand-me-down valentine gifts? Woo for me!” dripping with sarcasm, Doflamingo returned his attention back to his sheets of music. Now, getting chocolate from Rem on valentine??? That would’ve made his entire fucking year. He adored and admired the guy beyond reason. Why? He honestly couldn’t tell. Maybe he just missed his home. No matter how awful his family was, they had cared about him. He missed that. Too many taking advantage of him.
Lately he had started to realise that perhaps Rem was also doing so in a kind of way. Sure the guy did his job and all but he often crossed lines and while Doflamingo wasn’t going to berate him (mainly because he always seemed to lose their discussions), it was weird. Rem had been hired as his bodyguard, not as his life coach or something. And here he was again, doing something so awful?
“It’s not nice to toss away valentine gifts like that,” was all the blond eventually huffed at Rem. Sure, it was a commercialized thing and half of the people didn’t mean what they said but in Rem’s case, Doflamingo could easily imagine that the persons who had given it to Rem were actually trying to court him and get his attention. It was so mean, to toss them away like that?
Doflamingo did want the sweets, but it’d taste bad, so he eventually decided to just go buy an entire chocolate shop’s worth in chocolate or something. Sure Rem would scold him but right now, he was the one who needed a scolding or ten.
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shrapnelsong · 6 years
"Wanna jam together some day? Since we both play." If she doesn't want to, that's fine. Though, he doesn't see why she would turn him down. [from Rem.]
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     “Yeah!” She blurts out and stops herself, feeling a hint of warm rising along her cheeks at how quickly she replied. “I’d love that.” It’s been so long since she played with someone else and only now does she realize how sorely she’s missed it. 
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insoucicnce-aa · 5 years
vsheart replied to your post: "You look good and I want to fuck you." Straight...
[ ahahahahaha AMAZING I LOVE IT ]
[ 🤣 my son short-circuited. rem is hilarious, i love him ]
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tenyxshx-a · 6 years
"Here." He placed a big bag of candy on Doffy's lap. "A friend of mine gave me this, but I don't like sweets."
➸ @vsheart | ➸ artist v.
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Ah Rem with his bad habit of getting rid of any presents he didn’t like. Well, it was his right, but still. Since it had been from a “friend”, Doflamingo accepted the bag and wasted no time in grabbing a lollipop.
“Mmm Rem? If you don’t like them why not tell them? It’d save you the trouble of receiving gifts like this again.”
Had it been the first time? Or was Rem just not being honest with his friend. Doflamingo found both of those very plausible explanations, really. But the more pressing matter for him was whether or not Rem could actually be honest to friends.
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tenyxshx-a · 6 years
Rem places a blanket over Doffy. Gotta keep the bird warm.
➸ @vsheart | ➸ modern artist v.
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It wasn’t unusual for Doflamingo to fall asleep after finishing a song. Mainly because his songwriting process meant staying up late at night, high on sugar while groaning in frustration until inspiration hit.
He was used to waking up in pain, body aching all over and shivering because of the cold. However, this time, he found himself warm and somewhat comfortable. Frowning, he yawned and sat up. There was a blanket wrapped around him and he quickly wondered if it actually was his or not? He had so much stuff really, it was ridiculous.
It took a few seconds before it registered in Doflamingo’s mind that he hadn’t taken the blanket, meaning someone had put it on him. And really, there was only one person who could enter his home at free will.
Standing up, he stretched before heading towards the kitchen, wondering if Rem was still around or not. As sad as it would be that he wasn’t, it was part of Rem’s cold and cool personality. Still, Doflamingo didn’t mind, since he really liked Rem being so different from him. Yes, cold and cool but also somewhat caring. He sometimes resembled an older brother, with the way he took care of Doflamingo. Hadn’t this proved that yet again?
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tenyxshx-a · 6 years
"How much longer are we gonna stand here and feed the birds?" He's bored of it already. [ from rem. ]
➸ @vsheart // Rem // Artist v.
Doflamingo could hear his heart breaking. Okay, that was just him being dramatic but he couldn’t help staring at Rem with the most offended look he could muster, which was quite a sight because Doflamingo was always expressive. Some might call it childishness or being bratty but Doflamingo considered it being open and in touch with your feelings.
He stopped staring at the birds and crossed his arms, some bird seed falling out of the bag due to the movement and the birds were quick to flock towards it.
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“What? You don’t like feeding birds? We’ve only been here three minutes, mister Rem. You’re the one who agreed on coming with me, remember!”
Doflamingo may or may not have pushed him a bit into going but Rem had eventually said yes and now he was complaining? If they had been here for an half hour then yes, he would’ve accepted this, but now?
Pouting, Doflamingo shifted his attention back to his feathered friends which were running around his feet. Some would waddle a bit towards Rem but most actually stayed away.
“See, you’re scaring them!”
Doflamingo knew it wasn’t really fair of him to act like this, especially since yes, this was probably boring or annoying for Rem. He had never really expressed love for birds if he recalled correctly. But Doflamingo loved them and he had hoped they would’ve shared that passion. Seeing it wasn’t so was the reason why he was a bit upset. He really wanted to get closer to Rem and though they had a few points, there was just so much distance and difference between them. Oh well.
“You can always leave you know. I’ll follow after I’m done here.”
Oh yes, Rem was going to hear about this for at least the next week.
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tenyxshx-a · 6 years
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Relationship tag dump I.
All relationship tags on this blog will follow the pattern ➸ ___ (blogurl; musename r.; verse name).
Muses who have different relations to Doflamingo depending on the verses might have multiple tags!
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tenyxshx-a · 5 years
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➸ @vsheart // Rem:
Rem carries Doffy like a princess. ~
This was highly unexpected and Doflamingo felt himself freeze, unable to register what happened, or to form a coherent response to the event.
Rem was very cold towards him and while he could understand that some people found it charming, at times it annoyed him. More often than once, Doflamingo had debated kicking his bodyguard out.
And then he does things like this.
This wasn’t fair! Doflamingo loved being carried more than anything! Of course he wouldn’t be able to stay mad now!
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“What’s… The occasion?”
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insoucicnce-aa · 5 years
"You look good and I want to fuck you." Straight forward enough? [from Rem to Itachi.]
flirting? no bluntness³  | @vsheart
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When the other male approaches him, meeting his gaze, Itachi expects a plethora of things. Probably some silly question or intense staring, maybe? But when those outrageous words leaves the other’s mouth, the raven stands there stunned. Long, dark lashes blink over his gaze behind the frames of his glasses and he’s left silent. Heart beats an odd rhythm in his throat, pink flourishing across his chest. W…Who went around saying that so bluntly? Not that Itachi was a prude, but telling someone you wanted to have intercourse with them just because they looked good was immensely ridiculous!
Hand presses to his mouth when he knows no coherent words will form, gaze averting elsewhere. Walking away seemed the only plausible option and yet he couldn’t exactly just give no answer. Wasn’t that kind of rude? Then again, did it truly warrant an answer in it’s inappropriate entirety?  Shoulders slumped and his hand moved from his mouth, rubbing at the nape of his neck with a long, suffering sigh. ❝ — Isn’t this a little too forward?  There’s suppose to be a prelude to this sort of thing, right? ❞ At least that’s what social cues prioritized. 
Bottom lip disappeared between white enamel, meeting his gaze once more. Perplexity is alight in his gaze, brows pulling down the more he thinks about the words once more – mulling over them as if a math equation gone unsolved. ❝ — Why would you want that? From me, no less.  There are so many. – well, not fish, but rather people in this world of ours. And you’re far too attractive to waste time on me. So why don’t you, ❞  Painted digits gesture vaguely as he swallows, a breath exhaling through his nose soonafter, ❝ — Go find someone who can give you a good time.  ❞  And just let the ground swallow me whole, please.
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insoucicnce-aa · 5 years
vsheart replied to your post: just a reminder that flirting with itachi goes...
[ now rem wants to flirt with him bc it’s a challenge……. ]
[ :') it's a challenge that he'll lose. itachi is DENSE lmfao ]
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insoucicnce-aa · 5 years
[ ♡ any ideas you have for any of our muses tbh! ]
send me a ‘ ♡ ’ and i’ll talk about what type of relationship i could see our muses having | @vsheart​
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ʀᴇᴍ ﹠ ·ᴛᴀᴄʜɪ
honestly, i like the thought of them being like really good friends? even though, as a dragon, he just really wants to be left alone. rem’s hippy vibes makes him want to cover the guy in flowers, there’s no escaping it. taking selfies, and probably play fighting? i can see rem introducing ‘tachi to oldies music and trying new recipes together, hell even rock climbing! also, is it bad that i can see them having silly inside jokes?
ʜᴏʀsᴛ ﹠ ʀᴀɴɢɪᴋᴜ
so far, i’m enjoying them being friends and just rangiku being a big support for him?  of course, she wants to get to a place where they can just hang out more, but she also understands how busy he is and how his downtime is spent. so she tends to  act more like a big sister  than anything because she really does have his best interest at heart.
·ᴛᴀᴄʜɪ ﹠ ᴍᴀsᴀᴍᴜʀᴀ
masamura is adorable, and i can definitely see itachi kinda teasing him from time to time, but playfully because he doesn’t want to hurt his feelings. itachi owns a bookshop, and he’d probably wouldn’t mind working with masamura? like they can joke on the job ( cause ‘tachi is pretty easy going most of the time ). probably have lunch together, play video games and chat about everything? masamura doesn’t have to pretend that he doesn’t feel down sometimes, itachi would understand honestly. he would do his best to cheer him up.
ʀᴇᴍ ﹠ ʀᴀɴɢɪᴋᴜ
she doesn’t like his attitude, at all. infact, she has a very ‘ on sight ‘ mentality when she sees him. they could definitely attempt to be frenemies, but with rangiku wanting to suplex him, well we can definitely see. also i honestly think because of their personalities that they would kinda get along? like kinda because they’re both fucking snarky and have such huge personalities. but always bickering and being overly sassy to one another.
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