𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑹𝑨𝑪𝑻𝑬𝑹  𝑺𝑯𝑬𝑬𝑻 repost, don’t reblog!
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full name.  Kaya nicknames. Ka-chan, blondie, M.K. height. 5′6′‘ / 1.67 mts age. 19 zodiac. virgo languages. English and French, can understand other romance languages fairly easily
hair color.  pale blonde. Loose, for the most part, reaching her shoulder blades eye color. dark brown. Wide and expressive skin tone. pale, almost to a sickly degree, though as of now, it’s gained more color. Easy to bruise, delicate body type. hourglass, not as pronounced but still defined accent.  english, very proper yet caring dominant hand.  right posture. elegant, ladylike, with shoulders back and down, a straight stand-up, straightened knees. Her eyes barely see the floor, rarely slouches but won’t hesitate to ‘relax’ when in the presence of people close to her scars. only in the palm of her hands, which are hard to find unless paying close attention, the product of hours of gardening tattoos.  none most noticeable features. her striking resemblance with her late mother when Naomi was around her age is most likely the thing that stands out the most, along with her overall weak physiognomy. People who have no knowledge of her social status might think she’s from the middle class by the way she dresses, even if she’s of high society
place of birth.  Syrup Village, East Blue // Grenoble, France hometown.  Syrup Village, East Blue // Birmingham, England birth weight / height.  5 lbs / 17 inches manner of birth.  natural birth first words. ‘Der‘, from either father or mother siblings.  none parents. her father, Kazuo, and mother, Naomi, both deceased shortly after Kaya turned 16. Her butler/guardian, Merry has been taking care of her since she was born, and has adopted a father-like role parental involvement. despite the fact that her parents were present in the vast majority of her life, their occupations would keep them busy for long periods of time, in which they traveled far from home to make their business all over the world, leaving Kaya in the care of Merry and the servants. Every time they were back, however, her father would spend most of his time with Kaya to make up for his absence. As for her mother, their relationship was never the sweetest one, but Kaya still loved them both dearly, seeing how much their deaths affected both her physical and mental health to the point where she was left bedridden for a year
occupation. medicine student at the Imperial College London. current residence. London, England close friends. Aria, Sahar, Deuce. Has met once again with Rem, after many years of not knowing of the other’s whereabouts relationship status. single financial status. wealthy. Received her parents’ inheritance after they died driver’s license. has one, though barely drives by Merry’s request. Usually has a driver criminal record.  none
sexual orientation.  demisexual romantic orientation. demiromantic preferred emotional role.  submissive | dominant | switch |  unsure(??) preferred sexual role.  submissive  |  dominant  |  switch |  sex-repulsed libido. low/below average turn on’s. as of right now, she has never explored her body for other than searching for injuries inflicted by x or y reasons, so she’s absolutely clueless as to what gets her going. Overall, tenderness seems to do the trick. Soft caresses that linger for more than intended. Worship. Basic stimulation that doesn’t cross the line of indecency/subtlety turn off’s. aggressiveness, degradation, pain, vulgarity. Being pushed/forced to say yes to something.  love language. for someone who dedicates the majority of her time in her studies, spending time together can be difficult, but it’s what she tends to appreciate the most, even if it means just being in the same space while each other do their own thing. Granted, she will go the extra mile and finish sooner to dedicate her s/o some well-deserved attention, so postponed activities or little to no time spent with her s/o is definitely hurtful -even more than forgetting to get her something for her birthday. Acts of service are a close second, as she will help out in whatever she can to make their life a little easier —if there’s something they have to do but don’t feel like doing it, she will do it for them (as long as it doesn’t turn out a bad habit, clearly), or she’ll even do something with/for them knowing she doesn’t particularly enjoy it to show interest in her partner’s likes. If her partner shows a liking for receiving gifts, she’ll absolutely spoil them with their favorites. She enjoys pleasing her partner overall and doing things that will cheer them up/make them happy/ensure their well-being. relationship tendencies. while it isn’t something she takes pride in, she’s kindly rejected any and all love confessions because of her lack of interest in dating someone when she’s so focused in studying at the moment. that doesn’t mean she hasn’t thought about it, but the idea of meeting someone who won’t be as understanding about her preference of not dropping her pace keeps her from even trying. As the saying goes, she’s realized (little by little) that she could be attracted to those who are different from her in terms of personality, though she’s too shy to say it aloud. People regularly don’t stick in her mind for their appearance, but they do for their actions whether good or bad. In terms of friendship, she usually gives everyone a chance, and is capable of forgiving and giving second opportunities if she feels like the person in cuestion deserves it.
Granted, she won’t always be the sunshine she regularly is, but for her S/O she’s willing to go the EXTRA mile and take better care of her mental health so that she can be someone they can rely on. A little playful, she might play innocent, harmless pranks to get a laugh out of them, but won’t hesitate to drop it all altogether if by any reason her S/O is hurt. Obviously, since she’s studying medicine, she’ll pamper them when they get sick or hurt, going as far as kissing their wounds in hopes of making them feel better.
character’s theme song. one day in august - Marc Teichert hobbies to pass the time.  studying, listening to stories, gardening, solving crossword puzzles, flower arrangement to its most basic level, playing with her cat, long walks by the shore, sailing mental illnesses. depression. Anxiety disorder physical illnesses. might not look the part, but her immune system has become stronger after being prone (almost to a ridiculous point) to getting sick, only requires glasses for reading. left or right-brained. right-brained. fears. being lied to, failing to help those in need, rejection, violence, inability to protect those close to her, not being good enough, being forgotten, the dark, deep water self-confidence level. not as high as it would seem from a person of high society, but firmly believes she can and will do anything as long as she wholeheartedly sets herself on achieving it. Has a strong spirit that won’t give up easily. vulnerabilities. her physical strength could never match with her mental one, so she’s someone who needs protection, whether she likes it or not. Outright refuses to learn any self-defense techniques as she is heavily against violence. Her trusting nature makes her an easy target. While not the smallest person, she’s definitely easy to handle/carry around. Self-sacrificial to a point. 
tagged by: stole it from @jojoingjoseph bc this dude steals from me too jabdfsjdf :p Tagging: @cursed-leader , @sxrosee , @silentcigarette , @betterhealing , @seakiumi and anyone who feels like it!
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jcllyfisn · 5 years
infcrtunii replied 
/ in all seriousness tho she’s your oc so you can change her if you feel like giving her smth fresh (?
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mik. but i have this idea that changing her would make her stop being... her. idk, im not making any sense in general. im being a big baby
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kaizckuou · 5 years
- ̗̀  @infcrtunii​ sent:
★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★★★★ / !!!
theme: ‘send a ★ if you like my blog’ meme
status: always accepting
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AHHH    IT'S    SO    NICE    OF    YOU    YOU'RE    SO    SWEET    I    DON'T    DESERVE    IT    dgdhfgdjf    thank    you    so    much!!    actually,    you    know    the    funny    thing    is    I    remember    we    followed    each    other    a    long    time    ago    when    i    had    my    old    blogs    n    I    was    like    'okay    but...    who's    deuce?'    n    THEN    like    when    I    just    made    this    blog    n    decided    to    rp    ace    I    read    the    novel    n    NOW    I    KNOW    MORE    dgfgdfhgdj    that    was    really    surprising    tbh    but    in    a    good    way!    always    loved    your    blog    tho!!
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xviridiis · 5 years
⭐️⭐️⭐️ /for either kaya or deucey! c:
✿ meme ✿ accepting ✿
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⭐️ Camilla didn’t think Kaya was a real person. Since Usopp tends to lie a lot the idea of him having a beautiful doctor friend sounded false to her. So when she finally met her she was quite shocked. 
⭐️ Kaya is someone Camilla could talk hours on end with about academics. Despite them being in different fields both require a background in biology. Camilla knows quite a lot about herbal medical uses from Chopper && their conversation could rotate around that. Maybe shifting to a sort of girls talk  (aka gossip about the crew). 
whitebeard verse
⭐️ Camilla somewhat trails after Deuce at times. Due to her not being let off the ship for assignments often, she needs more things to fill her time. Often she asks him medical questions, tries to get information on how she can design her garden to help White Beard himself as well as their other crewmates. Deuce also just seems like one of the less intimidating as some members so the girl feels more comfortable hanging around him. 
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sabuleum · 5 years
they plant their foot firmer, heel pivoting through the dirt with a quiet scrape, fingers flexing along the hilt of their blade. swords were not their preference, but that’s why they were doing this; and why they’d sought him out to spar with.
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“again. and don’t go easy on me.” 
not to say that he had been doing as much; not quite sure Deuce has it in him to hold back for anyone; even an old friend. but nonetheless, she insists.
@infcrtunii  ♥’ed
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liberons · 5 years
⌜     (     STARTER  CALL     )   ▷▷            ❛    FT.   MASKED  DEUCE   !       @infcrtunii​    :
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❛     hey——    you   know   where  you’re  going  ,       don’t  you   ?     ❜
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harunnn · 5 years
/ you look like..22?? 23 at most?? rocking your hair and your clothes, you look really nice!!! i'm so jealous of your mickey mouse merch btw jhsbadhasdasd
AW RUBI THANK YOU///// aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa//////// *sends you some mickey mouse merch!!*  I’m just notorious abt collecting the merch bc I really like it haha Also aww man!! nice!! youthful vibes :DDD thank you !!
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aemiliiu-a · 5 years
// * @infcrtunii​ / STARTER.
✼ ✼ WUTHERING ✼ ✼ …
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--- How IRRITATING it was to fully display the extent of her AGITATION towards this man, especially with how this had already derived from his TEASING, but Emily simply could not stifle her distaste for the situation --- it was not long before she was directing a FEARSOME glare up at him. ❝ Deuce! ❞ A hushed HISS that was completely unlike her. ❝ I told you to make yourself scarce today! I am far too busy for your childish behaviour! ❞
✼ ✼ ✼
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sulteos · 5 years
❝ That’s fine, I have a pen and paper. ❞
✱ 𝐖𝐇𝐘 𝐒𝐎 𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓﹖| 𝙰𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐‪﹗‬
very rarely did six allow elders to approach her without her either running off outright or going out of her way to deceive them﹔she did not trust any as far as she could throw them ❪thanks, Maw-❫, ﹠ she found entertaining their questions tiresome when they came at her all at once. it all bled together, after a while----- ‘where are your parents﹖’, ‘why are you out this late by yourself﹖’, ‘do you need help﹖’, ‘are you alone﹖’.
how many times did she have to fervently shake her head to any ﹠ all things one would ask before they got the hint and ditched her﹖
this one was different, though. unlike others, this new one did not get frustrated with her unwillingness to elaborate as she’d hoped. his only response to her fervent pantomime - her frustrating, unrelenting game of charades - was to instead offer her a pen ﹠ paper in hopes of making things easier.
﹒﹒﹒needless to say, that was the last thing six had anticipated. someone so intent on her ﹠ what she had to say despite her selective mutism. for a moment there, her curiosity ﹠ absolute CONFUSION stopped her in her tracks. the younger girl paused. stared at the stranger, ﹠ then down at what he was offering her.
with a huffy sigh, she began to write. handed the paper back after a while.
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‘𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘰𝘯’𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘭 𝘮𝘦. 𝘪 𝘥𝘰𝘯’𝘵 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘱.’ it read.
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shrapnelsong · 5 years
@infcrtunii squished the penguin!
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     He’s tall. He’s very tall. And she is not. Alice realizes she’s staring and quickly looks away, chewing on her bottom lip as she debates whether or not it would be too annoying for him if she were to ask for his assistance. She really needs it, though... So she steels herself and steps closer, holding the other book she’d come in to purchase close to her chest.
“Excuse me..?” She calls out quietly, a hint of warmth across her cheeks. “I’m sorry to disturb you, but could you help me? I...” The blush darkens a bit and she finally admits the problem. “There is a book I really need, but I’m afraid it’s on the highest shelf.” There are no ladders or stepladders around and all the employees are busy behind the counter. 
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How pure are Miss Kaya and Masked Deuce?
Kaya is disgusting and unpure.
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Deuce is perfect and innocent.
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jcllyfisn · 5 years
infcrtunii replied 
/ idk whf made u think that ollie -my dear my darLING MY ADORATION -is not interesting, but i’ll fight them to death *fight emoji >:C*
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mik. it was me. i made myself think like this. 
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kaizckuou · 5 years
- ̗̀  @infcrtunii​ sent:
/ 10 and 20 for the shipping meme!
theme: shipping meme
status: not accepting
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10. do you tend to write more romantic ships, or more platonic and familial ships?
hhhh    I'd    say    I'm    fine    with    them    all!    I    do    love    romantic    ships    &&    if    I'm    honest,    the    word    'ship'    usually    is    associated    with    the    romantic    ones    bc    we    use    it    as    well    in    my    first    language    &&    we    don't    use    it    to    describe    platonic    relationships    at    all    LMAO    so    sometimes    it's    a    little    complicated    but    I    got    carried    away    hghdgfdg    I    really    love    developing    romantic    ships.    there's    always    something    so    good    about    them    &&    sometimes    I    do    want    to    get    to    write    them    more    often    than    I    do    bc    wHO    WANNA    LOVE    MY    MUSES    HUH??    someone    def    should    fgjdfgd    but    at    the    same    time    I    just    wanna    have    them    all.    bc    familial    bonds    between    muses???    gimme    them    all!!    like..    rn!!    most    of    my    muses    here    are    so    ready    to    become    a    big    sibling    figure    for    someone    icb    I'm    just    a    sucker    for    developed    relationships    in    general    tbh
20. what would push you to drop a ship?
inactivity    I    guess.    whether    it    bc    my    rp    partner's    on    hiatus    for    a    long    time    now    or    we    just    don't    interact.    like    you    know    sometimes    it    happens    when    you    discuss    a    ship    &&    everything's    just    fine    but    then    you're    both    active    but    your    ship??    there's    no    interaction    &&    no    development.    I    don't    really    see    the    reason    to    keep    that    ship    as    the    active    one.    like...    you're    just    not    motivated    for    it.    another    reason    is    if    our    muses    don't    click    obv.    sometimes    when    it's    plotting    time    everything's    fine    but    then    meh    I    didn't    have    this    one    tho    :?    lucky    me    dfnhdhfdfd
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xviridiis · 5 years
Days later Camilla's birthday, Deuce goes to knock on her door moments before they're all called for breakfast, calling out for her with a distinctive urge and disappearing right after. Like many had already done, it was easy to notice her affinity to flowers thus, he left a bouquet framed in copper edging and pressed against double glass holding itself from a strong piece of rope with the flowers being from the last island they stopped at for resources. 1/2
Yet, as an apology for underestimating the amount of work he’d be dealing with that day which left him with no time to even wish her a happy birthday, he does it again, leaving her another frame so she would see it when going to her room after having dinner. However, one thing that he’d never say, no matter how pressured he’d get, is that the bouquet itself had been miraculously stolen from a party he came across as he searched for her gift. 2/2 // @infcrtunii
░ ⌜❁⌟ One thing she wasn’t used to was the attention her birthday brought. It was overwhelming but in a sweet way. Spending the day with her fellow crewmates, the high amount of members kept the day busy well into the night. Her eyes peeled for the members she was more familiar with. Oddly enough despite her status as a member of the sixteenth division, most of her friends came from the second. A majority that she was able to meet. 
  It wasn’t until days later that she finally spotted the blue-haired male. Doing a mini-run Camilla approached him, going in for a quick hug greeting. “Deuce! The frames were from you right?” She wasted no time asking for confirmation on what was already known. ❝They’re so pretty! I hung them up right away.❞
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  She was about to fire more questions, wondering how they were made, what island the flowers were from. But the girl made a pause, suddenly remembering something very important.❝Thank you very much for the gift, it was extremely thoughtful.❞
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motherednature · 5 years
/ the dash says it's your birthday!!! so congrats!!! i hope you have a wonderful day and lots of great vibes!!!
AAHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH !!! it is my bday im sldkfj trying to be low-key about it but i so so appreciate all the love ; v ; !!
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sabuleum · 5 years
♡ for ya boy deucey ;)
send a ♡ and i’ll fill this out for our muses !  i’ll bold what i want for their relationship,italicwhat i could see and strike out what i don’t .
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FRIENDS.   childhood friends  /  work friends  / family friends /  recently friends  / turning antagonistic  /  turning into something romantic  /  stable  /  falling apart /  friendship of need /  friendship of circumstance / pen - pals or internet friends  /  coworkers /  partners  /  other
ROMANCE.   childhood sweethearts  /  newly entered  /  soulmates  /  skinny love  /  unrequited from my muses side  /  unrequited from your muses side  /  friends with benefits  /  awkward  /  fading  /  turning  toxic  /  toxic  and  destructive  /  other .
FAMILIAL BOND.   sibling bond / older sibling figure to your muse  /  younger sibling figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  parental figure to my muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal  guardian  /  other .
ENEMIES.   dangerous to themselves  /  dangerous to others / unpredictable  /  passionate  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into a sexual tension  /  developing into a romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based of misunderstandings or lies  /  other .
explanation ↓
alright so, in general, I can actually see them being more friendly than this, but I got carried away thinking about a *possibility* off deuce’s knight verse, so, yeet
FRIENDS: “childhood” implies a bit too young, but youth indeed. Emké became the adherent when she was only fourteen and was expected to immediately assume the responsibilities that come with her role. somewhere along the way, in her early years, that led to lending a hand in the court of Deuce’s master; no doubt handling some manner of nasty invading creature (or militant force, either way). to make a long story short, they were the youngest soldiers in a special outfit, and they forged a kind of kinship in that time.
not to mention, she was much more jaded as a youth. brash, brusque, cold. they had that in common, but forged something meaningful over time. ‘falling apart’ because, when they meet after [x] years, his unflinching loyalty and brutality… unsettle her, to say the least.
ROMANCE: I never rule shit out completely because honestly! who the hell knows. but none of these options do it for me that’s for sure. probably nothing. probably.
FAMILIAL BOND: brothers in arms? [shrug] even if they rekindle a friendship, I don’t see it taking on a sibling feel. maybe it did, a bit, when they were younger. but not now.
ENEMIES: if his lordship makes choices that fall out of her, or Tszoka’s, graces, and these two find themselves on opposite sides of a conflict, you’d better believe they’d be dangerous to each other. they’re both strong, focused warriors. sure, one of them may be a minor god incarnate, but Deuce has held his own against worse odds before. she wouldn’t want to fight him, in her heart of hearts, but a bitch won’t hesitate if need be, and if she thinks he poses a threat to someone, something, or somewhere she’s vowed to protect.
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