#vultaire 2011
spacevixenmusic · 5 months
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Source: ThunderCats [2011]
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firefaerie81 · 7 months
(liveblog tag in chronological order)
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This is where I should mention that Vultaire is an adaptation of Vultureman, the fourth general of Mumm-Ra's forces in the 80s show.
Like Addicus and Kaynar, he was given a real name, but he was also given a major overhaul in context and motivation, and it's really cool. I really love how 2011 takes the spirit of 80s and gives it a new spin that fleshes things out and really works.
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Never underestimate the speedster, and never threaten the speedster's boyfriend.
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I love these two to death, and I love seeing them save each other, but this dialogue doesn't really do it for me, sorry to say. It's just... an odd thing to say out loud, and it's not even true. Their relationship isn't something you can reduce to that, it's things like mutual admiration and support. I'm just gonna say it's slightly awkward banter and move on.
Still love them.
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What would the villans wear to the beach?
Well ... they would wear their usual outfits even because they prefer to plot plans to get the stones instead of standing on a beach wasting time.
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But what if the villans went to the beach for fun and not for stone plotting?
Vultaire: I would wear a green bathing suit with orange only. He was never in the beaches because he never had this in Avista so he just donned something that would be basic to him.Addicus: A yellow flowery beach shirt with white and a black bathing trunks.Slithe: He would wear the same as Addicus, but the shirt would be moss green with black and the shorts would be gray.Kaynar: He likes dark colors. So he would wear the same as Addicus and Slithe, but his shirt would be blood-red with white and his shorts would be black.
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The cast discovers 80s Thundercats
Lion-O: He would find his version of 80 very muscular and … humiliating. Pant without pants Seriously, how ridiculous. While the Lion-O 80 would find its version very young and immature.
Tygra: He would find his version of 80 very cool, but also very strange. Why wear a collant? Was he some dancer? Already his version of 80 would find him a great asshole and womanizer, does not have the minimum of shame of itself.
Cheetara: The two of them would speak of both, because both find their versions very sensual. Cheetara would find her version of 80 somewhat displayed, by the clothes she wears. Already her version of 80 would find her a teenager very unsure of herself and that the neckline exposes her breasts and that Jaga would be very ashamed of her because she has somewhat insecure attitudes to be the cause of rivalry between the brothers. That she should have talked to both of them earlier, and not let the fire rise any higher.
Panthro: He would think that his version of 80 uses somewhat short clothes. But both are good for both being technological and very strong in the matter of physical strength.
Willykat: “Where’s his tail?” That he would ask. Already the 80’s version of her would ask why he has a tail and why he is so obsessed with finding something that does not exist.
Willykit: She would ask the same thing as Willykat and ask why her hair was so weird. Your 80’s version would ask the same thing as the Willykat version 80 and still add to why it was somewhat apparently in love with Lion-O. “You’re too young for him,” she’d say.
Snarf: Because he does not know how to speak, would he think of how he could talk? As far as he knew, Snarfs could not speak. His 80’s version would ask why he did not say anything. Snarfs, yes, could they talk because that one does not talk? “Is he a cub?” He would ask.
Addicus: “Why is this other my self so fearful and weak?” He would ask. “Why is this other my self so butcher? He needs a shock treatment.” His version 80 of him called Monkian would ask.
Kaynar: Both his verses would ask the same thing as Addicus and Monkian, but his version of 80 called Jackalman would highlight his psychopathy much more.
Vultaire: He is annoyed that his 80 version of Vultureman is a brilliant scientist, but would leave aside when thinking that at least he was a mayor of a huge metropolis city in the sky. Vultureman would be annoyed to see how good he was in the matter of technology and politics, but soon he discovers that Vultaire is a somewhat straightforward and fine, full of frills and he plays with it all the time.
Mumm-ra: They both laugh at how evil they were. But version 80 of him would come that he has a very demonic appearance and armor, maybe he’ll ask that later for Mumm-ra 2011. But seeing that he also had one of thundercats as his subordinate, he is even more impressed and so he is angry and envious of him.
Pumyra: “This version of me is pretty straight and good for my taste. I hated it,” she would ask. “At least I’m not a ghost comrade, and I’m prettier than you, my dear, and besides, I do not hold a grudge because at one time or another I might end up dead by thundercats.” Version 80 of her would ask, debauched.
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