spacevixenmusic · 2 months
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Source: ThunderCats [2011]
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danoea-dossier · 1 year
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firefaerie81 · 5 months
(liveblog tag in chronological order)
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Ah yes, standard hedgehog rules.
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Lion-O refuses to show any less than full support of his brother to Vultaire. His frustration with Tygra for this situation is between the two of them.
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But a kiss for luck can't hurt. <3
And now it's clear that Tygra and Cheetara are able to be more openly affectionate in front of the others without striking any raw nerves. It's like Pumyra suggested way back, Lion-O found someone else and moved on.
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laplaylistes · 2 years
Kerafix, Vultaire & SpitFire - Fabula
Kerafix, Vultaire & SpitFire - Fabula https://laplaylist.es/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/hqdefault-2110.jpg
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The cast discovers 80s Thundercats
Lion-O: He would find his version of 80 very muscular and … humiliating. Pant without pants Seriously, how ridiculous. While the Lion-O 80 would find its version very young and immature.
Tygra: He would find his version of 80 very cool, but also very strange. Why wear a collant? Was he some dancer? Already his version of 80 would find him a great asshole and womanizer, does not have the minimum of shame of itself.
Cheetara: The two of them would speak of both, because both find their versions very sensual. Cheetara would find her version of 80 somewhat displayed, by the clothes she wears. Already her version of 80 would find her a teenager very unsure of herself and that the neckline exposes her breasts and that Jaga would be very ashamed of her because she has somewhat insecure attitudes to be the cause of rivalry between the brothers. That she should have talked to both of them earlier, and not let the fire rise any higher.
Panthro: He would think that his version of 80 uses somewhat short clothes. But both are good for both being technological and very strong in the matter of physical strength.
Willykat: “Where’s his tail?” That he would ask. Already the 80’s version of her would ask why he has a tail and why he is so obsessed with finding something that does not exist.
Willykit: She would ask the same thing as Willykat and ask why her hair was so weird. Your 80’s version would ask the same thing as the Willykat version 80 and still add to why it was somewhat apparently in love with Lion-O. “You’re too young for him,” she’d say.
Snarf: Because he does not know how to speak, would he think of how he could talk? As far as he knew, Snarfs could not speak. His 80’s version would ask why he did not say anything. Snarfs, yes, could they talk because that one does not talk? “Is he a cub?” He would ask.
Addicus: “Why is this other my self so fearful and weak?” He would ask. “Why is this other my self so butcher? He needs a shock treatment.” His version 80 of him called Monkian would ask.
Kaynar: Both his verses would ask the same thing as Addicus and Monkian, but his version of 80 called Jackalman would highlight his psychopathy much more.
Vultaire: He is annoyed that his 80 version of Vultureman is a brilliant scientist, but would leave aside when thinking that at least he was a mayor of a huge metropolis city in the sky. Vultureman would be annoyed to see how good he was in the matter of technology and politics, but soon he discovers that Vultaire is a somewhat straightforward and fine, full of frills and he plays with it all the time.
Mumm-ra: They both laugh at how evil they were. But version 80 of him would come that he has a very demonic appearance and armor, maybe he’ll ask that later for Mumm-ra 2011. But seeing that he also had one of thundercats as his subordinate, he is even more impressed and so he is angry and envious of him.
Pumyra: “This version of me is pretty straight and good for my taste. I hated it,” she would ask. “At least I’m not a ghost comrade, and I’m prettier than you, my dear, and besides, I do not hold a grudge because at one time or another I might end up dead by thundercats.” Version 80 of her would ask, debauched.
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bers1990 · 5 years
ThunderCats Season 2 (My version)
I originally began this fanfic back in 2012, shortly after the first season of the Thundercats reboot was over. It was an effort of mine to grant me some relief over the unfinished story arc and since I have been suffering from Writer’s block and the need to edit and rewrite a few things, it is still something of a WIP. Hope that you still enjoy it anyways though.
Anyhow, here is act two of Episode 1 (episode 27)-
The Thundercats soon arrived at the nearby village, and once they were there, they got out of the Thundertank and split up so that they could to take a look around. When they did, they were surprised to see that the inhabitants were all a race of humanoid sheep creatures: these were the Bolkins. As for the village itself, it seemed rather rustic, even by the standards of Dog City. The shops and houses seemed stable enough, but were still a little run down and the streets were nothing but dirt paths.
Still, the Cats were still in need of a map, so they looked around town in hopes of finding at least one shop that sold them. They didn't have much luck at first though, and, for a moment, while Lion-O was looking around, he could've sworn that someone was following him. He didn't see anyone when looked behind him the first time, but right after her went back to his searching, the steam coming from one of the local houses began to form some type of shape behind him. It seemed like an ordinary Steam cloud at first, but in mere seconds, it became the face of what looked like an elderly, yet lovely looking woman, and it was looking directly at Lion-O.
The young lion knew that there was something amiss at that point, but when he turned around for a second time, he once again saw nothing, as if the smoke cloud was never there at all. This puzzled him to be sure, but before he could give the matter anymore thought, Cheetara approached him and said-
"Still no luck any finding map shops, Lion-O"
This caught Lion-O off-guard for a moment, but he quickly got his mind off of what he thinks just happened and replied-
"Oh, well, uh, keep looking, there has to be someone here who sells maps. There just has to be"
The two Cats kept on walking after that, and during that time, Cheetara felt the need to reestablish her forgotten role as Lion-O's counselor and said—
"You know, it's okay to feel hurt about what happened in Avista City. What Pumyra did was a shock to all of us"
The young lion heard the cheetah's words, but he did not look her in the eyes to give his response. No, he just kept looking around, while maintaining a serious look on his face, and said-
"Yeah, I know"
Still, Cheetara could not sense any emotion in her king's response, so she kept talking
"What's with you, Lion-O? Ever since we lost the Tech Stone, you've been as quiet as the wind and more serious looking than Panthro. What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong, Cheetara, I'm just focusing on finding the next stone, that's all. You said it yourself, if we don't find the next stone, it's all over. And I cannot, I will not, allow that to happen. (Brief pause) I won't fail again"
Lion-O walked on ahead of Cheetara after that, but, as usual, Cheetara was quick notice the sudden shift in Lion-O's tone when he spoke. It started out in a very serious tone, but then it started to turn into an almost remorseful tone. No doubt to serve as a sign of Lion-O's inner turmoil. This made Cheetara all the more concerned for her king
Meanwhile, back at Mumm-Ra's pyramid, the Lizard army was seen preparing itself for some type of an invasion, and the ones overseeing all of this were non other than Mumm-Ra's four Generals, along with Pumyra. Vultaire looked upon all of this technology with pride and was particularly proud of the advancements he himself added.
"Amazing, isn't it, my friends? Your once highly advanced fleet is now even more advanced then before" the vulture said, as he looked upon the fleet of upgraded vehicles "But then, I was the one who upgraded them after all, so what else could they be besides highly advanced?"
That last comment made both Addicus and even Kaynar roll their eyes in an "Oh brother" sort of way. But Slithe just dryly said-
"Alright, Vultaire, we're all impressed by your technological know-how, good for you"
"Well, excuse me, Slithe; I was only admiring the considerable improvements I've made to your already advanced armada. Though, to be honest, I am a little concerned that the changes I've made will be too much for the Lizards to adjust to"
That last comment struck a nerve in Slithe and he was quick to respond to it by grabbing Vultaire by the wing and saying-
"What do you mean by that, Bird?"
"Well, let's face it, Slithe; the Lizards have never been the most advanced species on Third Earth, have they? How else do you think the Cats were able to walk all over you for as long as they did?" this statement only made Slithe more angry, but that didn't stop Vultaire from continuing by saying "In fact, I'd say that your kind is just barely below the Dogs and the Monkeys on the Animal food chain, and let's be honest, that's hardly saying very much"
It was then that Vultaire realized just how far he put his foot into his mouth; Kaynar and Addicus were none too happy about that last comment. Pumyra nearby at the time, but instead of watching, as the three generals advanced on the smug vulture, she just sighed and made an "oh brother" look on her face as she leaned up against a nearby hovercraft. This made her blissfully unaware of the two Lizard troops who were sneaking behind that very same hovercraft. They made sure that they were in good blind spot before they did anything, of course, but once they were certain that they were in the clear, one of the Lizards brought out a strange looking green crystal and placed it onto the side of Pumyra's hovercraft. It somehow latched on to the machine's haul, and what's more, once it was there, it started to blip like it were a piece of technology (specifically like the homing beacons used in the fall of Thundera). That was when the two Lizards smiled at one another and revealed that their signature red goggles had changed into a shade of blue. The two reptilians scurried away from the hovercraft at that point and elusively made their way far away from the Lizard fleet; no one even noticed them. This made the two Lizards confident enough to look back at the armada and admire the good work that they've already done; apparently, Pumyra's hovercraft was not the only vehicle to be given a glowing green crystal.
Suddenly, Pumyra felt a strong presence of some sort in the air, and it made her head throb painfully for a few seconds. It didn't cause her much pain, of course, but even so, the whole thing still left the Puma feeling a little bit baffled. Not that she had time to ponder on it for too long, mind you, because in mere seconds, the entire area around her started to surge with electrified green energy. Slithe and the other generals noticed this too (which was fortunate for Vultaire, because it was right before Addicus was about to pummel him), but unfortunately, all any of them could do was watch as the multiple bolts of green lightning began to strike every single vehicle in the Lizard fleet without mercy. Much of the fleet was destroyed within seconds, and while the Lizard army just scrambled about in scared confusion, Pumyra and the Generals just looked upon this mysterious occurrence with shock and amazement.
What nobody saw, however, was that the green energy was actually coming from the green crystals that were attached to the vehicles themselves. This was what they were for and seeing them in action only made the two blue-goggled Lizards all the happier as they made their unseen escape.
Meanwhile, in Mumm-Ra's chambers, the undead warlord himself was becoming aware that something was wrong in his Pyramid. Mainly because his magical pool had suddenly turned green and began to swirl like a whirlpool. He also went through a throbbing headache like Pumyra did, and when he looked up at the Ancient Spirit statues, he was shocked to see that their eyes had begun to flicker back and forth from their usual bright red to an even brighter shade of blue.
Eventually, all of this subsided, and when it did, Mumm-Ra's only response to it was-
"What-what a strange phenomenon, although, it does bring one name to mind"
Meanwhile, back at the Bolkin town, the Thundercats were all just returning to the Thundertank after, regrettably, coming back empty-handed from their search for a map. They had already searched every shop in this rustic town, and there was not one single map store among them.
"(Sigh) I can't believe we didn't find a single map store in this entire town" WilyKat moaned as looked at his sister…
…who then responded with "…There wasn't even a single map-maker in this entire town…"
"I guess, for whatever reason, these Bolkin creatures have no need of maps" Cheetara replied as she stood next to Tygra…
…who then dryly added "Doesn't surprise me, there's not a lot out here, why make a map when there's nothing to map out?"
"Well, isn't this just perfect?" said Lion-O "Another dead end for us and another moment for Mumm-Ra to get one step closer to finding the last stone. Just terrific"
"You know that this isn't your fault, Lion-O" said Cheetara, after she quickly noticed the sense of remorse and self-loathing in Lion-O's tone
"So this town didn't have any maps, big deal. We just picked the wrong place to look" Tygra added in a nonchalant sounding tone
That's when Panthro walked up to Lion-O and said "Look, kid, we just need to find another town and look for a map there, no big deal, let's get going"
Lion-O nodded in agreement after hearing that, and he and his subordinates all started to board the Thundertank with intent of leaving. However, before they could all get on board, they were suddenly hailed by two locals; a Bolkin with brown wool, and another with yellow wool.
"Um, excuse me, uh, feline beings?" said the Bolkin with brown wool
"Uh, forgive us for overhearing, but did you say that you needed a map?" said the Bolkin with yellow wool as he reached into the bag he was carrying and brought out a rolled up map (Convenient, huh?)
The Cats were surprised by this supposed stroke of good fortune, but that was before they actually looked at the map and saw that it only covered the general area.
"(Groans) still not the part of Third Earth we need" WilyKit groaned
That's when the Bolkin with brown wool looked up at the TCats with confusion and asked-
"I'm sorry, is there something wrong with the map?"
"No, it's not that, it's just, we need to get to a very specific location and to even get an idea of where it is, we need full map of Third Earth itself" explained Cheetara
"A full map of Third Earth, eh?" said the Bolkin with yellow wool, as he rubbed his fuzzy chin and pondered for a brief second before coming to a realization "I think I know just the place you need to visit"
"And that would be?" Asked Panthro
That's when the Bolkin with brown wool pointed to a part of the map that showed a small mountain range found due west, and said-
"Here; the Aresian Mountains, the only mountain range within sight of our village and the ancient home of the Bull Bolkins…"
"Bull Bolkins?" Asked WilyKat
"Yes, a much larger breed of Bolkins. Not like the ones who live here in our village; oh no. They're much more aggressive, much more challenging, and they have the horns to back it all up. They hate it whenever anyone goes up to their mountains, that's why we regular Bolkins stay down here, where it's safe"replied the yellow furred Bolkin
"Well, if all of that's true, then why are you trying to send us up there?" Tygra asked
"Because, as troublesome as the Bull Bolkins are, they might just be the solution to your problem" said the brown Bolkin
"Come again?" said a confused WilyKit
"You see, in addition to being a bunch of thick-skulled savages, the Bull Bolkins are also surprisingly well skilled in the making of maps" the Yellow Bolkin explained
"Nobody's quite sure how, but the Bull Bolkins have managed to map out every corner of Third Earth. If you need to find a specific location, those beasts are the ones to ask" the Brown Bolkin continued
As expected, the Thundercats were quick to hurry themselves towards this mountain range. And once they were gone, the two Bolkins were suddenly approached by a mysterious hooded woman wearing a dark blue robe, and she said-
"So, did they take the bait?"
"Oh, yes they did, mistress, absolutely, just like you said they would" said the Brown Bolkin
"They seemed fairly eager to take the offer, actually" added the Yellow Bolkin
"After all that's happened to them already, I wouldn't expect anything less. But now, wheels are within motion and it appears that it's time for me to do my part" the cloaked figure said as we got a close-up look at her hood shrouded head.
(Commercial Break)
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crowdensatz · 6 years
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#questions #questioning #vulture #vultaire #catholic #catholicchurch #religion #wine #blood #body #christmas #season #memesdaily
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humansarespaceorcs · 7 years
What is sleep? (Baby don’t snooze me)
We love to think that we’re a rough and ready race (Hence the space-orcs name). The truth is, we’re big softies. Our environment is so incredibly kind to us, that we’re literally soft! We have no innate armour, little in the way of weaponry, and spend 1/3 of our time borderline unconscious, because we can.For most aliens, sleep simply doesn’t happen. You live, you fight, you die. This can lead to some awkward office conversations:Vultaire (Alien exchange student): Time to clock off for the day. What are you doing after class? Charles (Human doctoral student): I’ve been crashing on my lab-partner’s couch whilst my home’s been renovated after The Accident™. It’s ready to live in again, so I’m off to buy a new bed this evening! Vultaire: Crashing? I didn’t realise you were cybernetic. Let me recommend my debugger to you, he’s very good! Charles: No cybernetics here, I just mean sleep. I forget that you’re still learning the language. Here, let me show you what I’m getting. *Proceeds to show Vultaire pictures of luscious beds draped in colourful fabrics and peaceful people*
Vultaire: You’re.... dying?
Charles: No?! Why would you think that?
Vultaire: But those are funeral processions, I’ve seen them before. Why would you do that if you’re not dying?
Charles: *Laughing* Not funeral processions, but it’s pretty funny when you say it that way. It’s just for sleeping, resting, recuperating energy through the night. What do you do when you’re not here?
Vultaire: Go home and keep working. We don’t do this.. sleep thing *Scribbles in behavioural notebook*
Charles: Have you ever considered following the doctoral program? You’d be perfect for it...
Initial idea by freakinafishtank
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portalcontratempo · 7 years
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Festival da Povoação by Nissan 2015 – dia 27 – Kerafix Vultaire Festival da Povoação by Nissan 2015 - dia 27 - Kerafix Vultaire
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firefaerie81 · 4 months
(liveblog tag in chronological order)
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Well... crash landing is still landing. ^^;
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I think we can presume Vultaire officially joined up with Mumm-Ra and his gang, and the people of Avista probably no longer recognize him as prefect after he, yknow, tried to sell them out to the incarnation of evil. And the Thundercats have more than proven that they're trustworthy allies.
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What would the villans wear to the beach?
Well ... they would wear their usual outfits even because they prefer to plot plans to get the stones instead of standing on a beach wasting time.
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bers1990 · 5 years
ThunderCats Season 2 (My version)
I originally began this fanfic back in 2012, shortly after the first season of the Thundercats reboot was over. It was an effort of mine to grant me some relief over the unfinished story arc and since I have been suffering from Writer’s block and the need to edit and rewrite a few things, it is still something of a WIP. Hope that you still enjoy it anyways though.
Anyhow, here is act one of Episode 1 (episode 27)-
Episode 27- The Next Chapter
Disclaimer – I own nothing, this is pure Fan Fiction
It's only been a short while since the Thundercats left the crashed remains of Avista city. And after returning the Elephants, the Berbils, the Fishmen and Dobo's crew back to their respective homes, they returned to their quest for the Stones, now with the help of their new airship, the Feliner.
The entire group was on the Airship's bridge, and while Tygra was at the controls, Cheetara was sitting right next to him on one side, while Lion-O sat on the other. Panthro was sitting next to the instruments this time, while WilyKat and WilyKit were sitting in the passenger seat with Snarf sitting in between them.
Panthro was visibly upset about something, but it was not made clear what until he actually came out and said - -
"I liked it better when we used the ThunderTank. I was the one got to drive then"
Tygra didn't need to look at Panthro to smugly reply:
"Feeling a little jealous are we, Panthro? You should count yourself lucky that the Berbils even stopped to repair the ThunderTank before we sent them home"
Panthro pouted and grumbled silently after that, and that's when Cheetara saw fit to interrupt by saying-
"Alright, you two, focus. I think we should be using this time to think about our current situation"
"I can save you some trouble there, Cheetara, it's not looking good" Tygra replied, his smug smile now turned into a serious frown
Suddenly, Panthro's grumpy face became slightly remorseful as he sighed and added –
"Tygra's right, we're in deep swamp water. Just when you think we've gotten one step ahead of Mumm-Ra, he manages to get his bony fingers on the Sword of Plun-Darr and then makes off with the Tech Stone"
"At least we didn't loose the Sword of Omens or the Spirit Stone" WilyKit said
"…And like Cheetara said: that's something" her brother added
"Maybe, but now that Mumm-Ra has the Tech Stone, things just got a whole lot more…complicated for us" Cheetara replied
"There's only one stone left, and if we want to turn the tide of this war, we're gonna have to get to it first" Panthro said
"Which reminds me, where is the last stone, anyway?" Tygra asked
After that, the Thundercats found a nice place to land their airship and then all headed down to the Cargo hold, which was also where the recently rebuilt ThunderTank was currently resting. Its basic design was still the same as it was before the Soul Sever's machines took it apart though, and that was because the Berbils didn't see the need to upgrade it this time.
Anyway, the group of seven quickly made its way inside the Thundertank, and once they were all there, they immediately hooked up the Book of Omens, which then proceeded to display its large, red, graphic hologram of Third Earth. The Book showed the location of the third stone, of course, but without a lot of distinct markings on the map, it was hard to decipher exactly where this specific location was.
"Hmm, it says the last stone is here…" WilyKit started as she pointed to where the map showed their target's location
"…Yeah, but where exactly is "there"?" her brother finished
"Oh, great, it's giving us another riddle" Panthro said as he crossed his arms in an annoyed way
"Well, at least it's not just pointing up anymore" Tygra said in a dry-witted tone, minus the smile
"Riddle or not, we have to find the last stone! This could be our last chance to finally defeat Mumm-Ra" said Cheetara
"Yeah, especially now that that two-timing, feather bag, Vultaire has joined his team" Tygra replied
"(Scoffs) you think that's the part we need to worry about, Tygra?" Panthro said as he got in closer to the holographic image of Third Earth "No sooner do we finally rid ourselves of that backstabbing Saber-Tooth, Grune. Now, we have to deal with that lying, two-faced She-Cat, Pumyra!"
It was at that moment that the old Panther noticed the angry glares of Cheetara, Tygra and even the twins and Snarf. He was unsure of their reason for doing so at first, but that quickly changed when Cheetara said...
"Be quiet about Pumyra, Panthro! Can't you be a little bit more sensitive than that?!"
…in a hushed voice
Suddenly, Panthro realized his mistake and even started to stutter as a result of it. But before that could last for more than a few seconds, the Cats heard the voice of their young lion monarch, who had finally decided to speak after such a long time of being quite.
"It's okay, you guys, you don't have to keep dancing around it; it doesn't matter in the slightest, not now. Pumyra's made it clear where her allegiance lies, which means we'll deal with her when the time comes. But for right now, we need to focus on finding the last stone first; I won't let us lose any more ground to Mumm-Ra"
Lion-O looked at the Holographic image with determination after that, and because of it, he completely missed the looks of concern made by his fellow Thunderians. They all knew how much Lion-O cared for Pumyra, and now that her true colors have been revealed, they could only imagine what kind of feelings their king was experiencing at that very moment, but chose to not show.
Still, just like what happened after gaining the Spirit Stone, Lion-O had no intention of letting his own aching heart get in the way of stopping Mumm-Ra. And this was only made more apparent by his serious demeanor as he stroked his chin, looked at the red holographic image and said…
"There must be someone who has a map of this area"
Suddenly, out of nowhere, the Feliner started to shake like crazy, almost as if something were attacking it from the outside. However, when the Thundercats all rushed outside to see what was going on, they were surprised to see that there was nothing out there.
Lion-O still had the team look around, of course, but even then, there was nothing to be found. Not even a footprint or anything. Naturally, this mystery left everyone a bit puzzled, but it was quickly put on hold when the Cats all looked to their south and saw a nearby village in the distance.
"Hmm, I can't tell who lives in that town, but maybe, just maybe, they'll have someone with a map we can use" said Lion-O right before looked towards Panthro and continued "Worth a shot?"
"Worth a shot" the old Panther replied
After that, the TCats all hopped into the Thundertank, revved it up and were soon on their way to the nearby village.
Meanwhile, back at the ever gloomy place that is Mumm-Ra's Pyramid, Mumm-Ra himself was in his Chambers, admiring his recently acquired prize; the Tech Stone, as it lay embedded in the Gauntlet of Plun-Darr. In the chamber with him was his other recently acquired prize from Avista, Pumyra, who just stood there watching, as her "master" admired his first actual Power Stone.
Eventually, the evil Mummy finally broke the silence by saying "Beautiful, isn't it, Pumyra, simply marvelous. After generations of the Tech Stone's power being squandered on a race that could only tap into a fraction of its true potential, it is, at long last, back in the hands of someone who understands its true power"
Pumyra just smile wickedly after that, right before she bowed her head and replied "Oh, absolutely, my lord"
"There is only one stone left unattended now, and while the Thundercats may still live, it will be worth leaving them alive, if only to see the looks on their faces when they see me with the fourth and final power stone in my gauntlet."
Pumyra smiled even more wickedly after hearing that comment, but suddenly, the two are then interrupted when Slithe and Vultaire enter the chamber, along with four other Lizard troops.
"Ah, General Slithe, I was just about to summon you, is everything ready for our departure?"
"Not quite, Lord Mumm-Ra, the Lizard army is nearing completion with the preparations, but we still require a little more time to finish up"
"How much longer?" said Mumm-Ra, his look of joy now turned into a look of annoyance
"Um, according to Vultaire, another couple of hours at the very least" said Slithe
"A couple of hours, you idiots have had more than a couple of days, what is taking so long?!" said Pumyra
"A question I've often asked myself, but I suppose this sort of thing is to expected when your only engineers are a band of Lizards" said Vultaire, unknowingly getting an angry glare from Slithe "Still, regardless of how long it's taking, I assure you, my lord, all of the modifications we're making to your armada are only to ensure your acquisition of the last stone"
"Speaking of which, Vultaire, are you sure that you know where the last stone's location is? Because I, for one, do not appreciate being dragged on a wild goose chase" said Slithe
"Oh, relax yourself, my reptilian friend; I assure you that my coordinates are to the letter. We Avistans have been keeping a close eye on that primitive culture for years after all"
"(Chuckles) got scared that they might rise up against you one day…?" said Slithe, rather smugly
"What..? Of course not, it was purely a safety precaution; we did the same for all the animals in charge of a power stone"
"(Chuckles) so basically, you were scared that they would rise up against you" said a smug Pumyra
"The Avistans fear no…!"
"Enough, Vultaire, all of you just get down to the fleet and make sure that everything is prepared for our attack. The sooner we retrieve the last stone, the sooner the real fun can begin" said Mumm-Ra, right before he started to laugh his signature evil laugh
(Commercial Break)
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crowdensatz · 6 years
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Have a Very Vultaire Christmas! #vulture #Christmas #christmaswish #blackhumor #holidayseason #seasons #nightbeforechristmas #crowtoons
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firefaerie81 · 4 months
(liveblog tag in chronological order)
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Despite how Vultaire made it seem, the city didn't immediately start plummeting. He was just trying to get the Thundercats to back off. Obviously a system like this would need some kind of buffer in case of emergencies. Avista may be arrogant, but not THAT arrogant.
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There WAS a way to get the Stone without killing the city all along, but no one was taking the time to entertain it until there was barely any time left to do it.
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You can always count on the Thundercats to escape certain death.
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But what if the villans went to the beach for fun and not for stone plotting?
Vultaire: I would wear a green bathing suit with orange only. He was never in the beaches because he never had this in Avista so he just donned something that would be basic to him.Addicus: A yellow flowery beach shirt with white and a black bathing trunks.Slithe: He would wear the same as Addicus, but the shirt would be moss green with black and the shorts would be gray.Kaynar: He likes dark colors. So he would wear the same as Addicus and Slithe, but his shirt would be blood-red with white and his shorts would be black.
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