daftydraw · 12 years
I have a clothes kink, so Sebastian lending Kurt his hoodie. Fluff happens. Pretty pretty please with cherry on top :3
Okay so this is a little bit longer than a drabble but not long enough for it to be a one shot. 
I loved writing this. I love writing these two together!
Hope you enjoy reading it.
Kurt sat in his car staring out of the windshield as the rain fell in sheets from the sky. Traffic out of Lima had been horrendous this evening due to the weather and now he was stuck with parking right down the bottom of the road, and his umbrella had decided to stop working.
He turned the wipers on to clear the glass for a moment and focused his eyes on the large house at the bottom. His usual parking behind the red Audi was taken by a large black Nissan Pathfinder and the rest of the drive and road was taken up with various Warbler and resident’s cars.
Sighing he turned off the engine, grabbed his overnight bag, keys and phone and threw open the door. He jumped down onto the curb and was soaked through to the bone almost instantly. Shivering he hurried to lock the car and, using his bag as a pathetic shelter, ran up the road towards the house.
He slipped slightly on the gravelled driveway and tripped up the step to the door. He rapped the knocker loudly and leant his thumb against the doorbell until the front door swung open.
“Alright, alright…” A sarcastic voice said as the warmth from within flooded over him. “-Kurt?” The voice said, changing from sarcastic to worried instantly. “Oh my god get inside!”
“I w-would if you’d st-stop t-talking and move.” Kurt said shivering violently, hurrying past his boyfriend into the warm lobby.
Sebastian hurried to shut the door and turned to Kurt who was stood soaking wet and shivering onto his mother’s hard wood floor. “Baby why didn’t you call? Where are you parked?” He asks stepping forward to relieve Kurt of his bag.
“D-Down the r-road.” He chatters.
Sebastian frowns and places a hand on his shoulder. “Let’s get you upstairs and into something dry and warm?” He says guiding Kurt towards the stairs. “JEFF!” He shouts into the other room. The tall blonde boy walks out grinning.
“Kurt!” He says excitedly but halts as he takes Kurt’s appearance in. “Holy crap dude what happened to you?”
“What happened?” Sebastian says scowling. “Is that you and your fucking monster truck decided to park in my boyfriend’s parking space, resulting in him parking all the way down the road and getting caught in a fucking rain storm!”
Jeff blanches slightly. “I-I’m sorry, I can go move!” He says quickly.
“J-Jeff d-don’t b-be a-an id-iot.” Kurt says shivering. “L-Leave him al-lone Bas.”
Sebastian scowls at Jeff but the sight of Kurt shivering on the bottom step has him relenting. “Fine…but go warm some milk up for hot chocolate!” He orders the boy. Jeff nods, apologises to Kurt again and hurries from the room.
“Y-you bully th-them too mmuch.” Kurt whispers.
“He shouldn’t have parked in your space.” He says frowning as he helps Kurt up the stairs and into his room. “Do you want a shower?”
Kurt nods slightly and walks towards the en-suite bath. “C-can I borrow some clothes?” He whispers.
“Of course baby, I’ll leave them on the bed for you.” He says following him into the bathroom and pulling a large fluffy blue towel off the shelf to drape it over the warming beams. Kurt smiles at him.
Sebastian smiles back and leans in to press a soft kiss to his lips. “You’re welcome baby, it’s good to see you.”
Kurt smiles and starts to peel off his soaking wet clothes. “You too.”
Sebastian takes the wet clothes and kisses him again. “I’ll get these in the laundry, see you in a bit. We’ll be in the TV room.”
Kurt nods and smiles at him, moving to shut and lock the door behind him.
He moves back to the large walk in shower and turns the spray on, climbing in once it’s warm enough. He sighs as the warm water hits his back and starts to work out the knots in his muscles from shivering so much.
He lets the water fall over his head and run down his body, warming him through to the bones. Once he’s done he turns off the water and steps out into the warm bathroom and grabs the towel off the warmer, sighing happily as he wraps it around himself.
He walks back out into Sebastian’s room and finds the clean, dry clothes his boyfriend left out for him. He dries off quickly and pulls on the boxers, socks, sweatpants and t-shirt and dries his hair roughly with the towel before pulling on the thick, warm, slightly too big hoodie that was left for him too.
He smiles as it falls over his head and holds it up to his nose, it smells like Sebastian; the soap he uses, his deodorant and something that is just so Sebastian. He stands there for a few minutes breathing in the familiar scent of his boyfriend before remembering that the real thing is downstairs. He puts the towel in the hamper and turns the lights off, leaving the room with a smile.
He makes his way downstairs and is greeted by fifteen cheers of welcome as he walks into the TV room. Sebastian is smiling at him and he grins back, making his way through the sea of bodies to sit next to him on the sofa.
“Good shower?” Sebastian asks wrapping his arms around Kurt and pulling him on to his lap.
“Mmm.” He hums happily, accepting a mug of hot chocolate from Jeff who smiles sheepishly at him.
“You look good in my clothes.” Sebastian whispers in his ear, kissing the spot behind it gently. Kurt shivers delightedly and turns to kiss him softly.
“I love you.” He says quietly. “Even if your friends are crazy.”
Sebastian grins at him “They’re you’re friends too you know.”
“Yeah.” He says casting his eyes around the room to take in the batch of normally rowdy boys settling down to watch the film. “Yeah, they are.”
Sebastian kisses up Kurt’s neck lightly as the lights are switched off and someone presses play on the DVD. “Hey Kurt.” He whispers.
“I love you too.”
Kurt smiles and turns to press a soft kiss to Sebastian’s cheek, leaving his lips there for a moment too long before turning back to the screen for the opening titles.
Life was good.
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ukwon-vampire · 12 years
The young male woke up, staring at the calendar that slanted on the wall. Slowly sitting up, he brought his palms to rub against his tired eyes, in hopes of ridding the sleepiness that still hung in them.  His head lifted slightly, staring at the calendar once more, shaking his head with a bitter laugh. “Today will be a year, a goddamn year.” He hissed under his breath as he pulled himself up from his twin, springy bed; a groan escaping afterwards before he dragged his feet towards the door, his hand lifting up to grab onto the door knob before twisting his wrists, to open it.
“Good morning, Minhyuk. Did you sleep well?” A passing by nurse questioned with the fakest smile brought yet. Minhyuk simply nodded and paid no more attention to the female as he proceeded to the first part of his daily and tedious routine. “Lee Minhyuk!”A nurse called from a window as her eyes searched for the respected individual that held the name. Minhyuk rolled his eyes and approached the open window, taking the styrofoam cup that held his medications and nodded towards the nurse before heading over to a vacant couch.
His eyes glared at the medications that were settled in the cup, paying no attention to it fully as he brought the cup to his mouth and tilted it slightly, bringing the cup upright very carefully so that the pills that were still contained in the cup, would not make a sound. He took a good minute or two before he stood up and held onto the cup securely, eyes scanning around for the nearest trashcan and advanced towards it, only to be stopped by one of the security guards who seemed to have observed the individual carefully this morning.
The security guard eyed the cup carefully, as if wanted to bore holes into the object, before his eyes found Minhyuk’s, a scowl being formed on the security’s lips. “What do you think you are doing?” The male questioned, hands pushing forward to snatch the male’s cup. “Do you think we’re dumb?” The security guard spat before he threw the cup down on the ground, the pills scattering across the floor. Everyone paused on what they were currently doing, focusing only on the two individuals.
“I believe you, actually. I’ve been doing this since I’ve been sent here.” Minhyuk turned to the side and mumbled under his breath, causing the security to grab onto the younger male’s shirt, pulling him towards him with a growl. “What. Did you. Say?”
Minhyuk only rolled his eyes, which the sudden turns of heads caught his attention, completely missing a figure with a surgical mask on, a cold hand emerged and was placed on the security guard’s arm. “Now, now, this isn’t how we take care of our patients, is it?” The male questioned, an eyebrow raising rather slowly as the security guard’s focus was directly to the older male. “Of course not s-sir.”
The older male nodded before placing his hand on Minhyuk’s shoulder. “Come on, son. We need to have a talk anyway.” He chuckled as he brought an arm around the latter’s shoulders. Yukwon shifted his eyes before he brought a hand to pull the mask out of the way. Minhyuk’s eyes growing wide from the realization. “Y-Yukwon? What are you doing here?”
Yukwon chuckled and ruffled the latter’s hair after they turned on a corner and brought his leg to kick a door open. “Posing as a doctor to get you out of this wretched place, what else?” 
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daftydraw · 12 years
Sebastian has an irrational fear, which Kurt finds amusing, and a whole lot of endearing :)
So this turned out way more angsty than I originally thought it would but gets a bit more fluffy at the end. :-)
I Hear Thunder
“I hear thunder, I hear thunder. Hark don’t you? Hark don’t you? Pitter patter rain drops, pitter patter rain drops. I’m wet through, so are you.”
Kurt wandered through the house in search of the quiet voice singing over the loud clash of thunder and lightning outside.
“I hear thunder, I hear thunder. Hark don’t you? Hark don’t you? Pitter patter rain drops, pitter patter rain drops. I’m wet through, so are you.”
He walked up the stairs into their bedroom and walked cautiously down the small corridor past their en-suite into the combined study. “Bas?” He asks quietly, moving to crouch down in front of the desk where his husband is sat hunched up with his knees pressed to his chest and his fingers stuck in his ears, singing the old nursery rhyme quietly.
“I hear thunder, I hear thunder.”
“Bas.” He whispers reaching out to pull Sebastian from his hiding place and into his lap. A loud flash of light floods into the room, followed by a loud crash of thunder. Sebastian flinches and buries his face in Kurt’s chest.
“Hark don’t you? Hark don’t you?” He whispers quietly.
“Shh baby it’s okay, I’ve got you.” Kurt soothes quietly in his ear, his hand running through the back of Sebastian’s hair.
“Pitter patter rain drops, pitter patter rain drops.” He sings quietly, his eyes scrunched closed as another crash rumbles the house.
“It’s okay.” Kurt whispers smiling fondly, he knows how much Sebastian hates thunder and he’d never laugh at him. But it’s kind of adorable how his normally strong and confident husband reduces to a shivering wreck with the slightest hint of a storm.
“I’m wet through.” Sebastian whispers. “So are you.”
Kurt tightens his arms around Sebastian and rocks him gently, feeling Sebastian start to calm and relax slowly against him. He loves Sebastian with his whole entire heart and admires the way he is so strong and confident with himself, and loves the way Sebastian cares for and looks after him,
But sometimes, it’s nice that he gets to be the one to do the looking after. Another crash of thunder has Sebastian tensing up again and Kurt shushes him gently, peppering his forehead with little kisses as they wait for the storm to pass.
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daftydraw · 12 years
Sebastian, having been in love with Kurt for 2 years, finds out Kurt broke up with Blaine
One Day
He was the worst friend in the world.
Here he was sat on the bed with his best friend sobbing into his chest and all he could think was; “Now I may actually have a chance with him.”
His and Kurt’s relationship had not started well. In fact if you’d told him five years ago that Kurt “pale face” Hummel would turn out to not only be his best friend, but that he would be completely and utterly head over heels in love with the guy. He’d had have you committed as clinically insane.
They had hated each other. Kurt hated him – understandably – because Sebastian had been chasing after his boyfriend. And Sebastian hated Kurt because he did not understand anything that he stood for.
Sebastian was gay, no doubt about it. He’d never liked girls, never found them attractive or entertaining in any way shape or form. He liked boys, he was a boy’s boy and he hated stereotypes. So to meet Kurt who was everything that Sebastian hated, and the fact that Kurt was in the way of what he wanted; it was no wonder that they had clashed.
However, when they’d met a couple of years later through a mutual friend at college things were different. A year at college had opened his mind had made him relax a bit to the world around him. That and the fact that without Blaine in between them – they became reacquainted whilst Kurt and Blaine had been in the ‘broken up’ stage of their on-again/off-again relationship – they realised they weren’t all that different.
They slowly became friends and had even ended up moving in together at the end of their respective second and third years, by which point they were inseparable.
The love hadn’t come until later, about six months after they’d moved in to the new apartment, and when it did it had smacked Sebastian in the face. But by then Kurt and Blaine were back together and for the first time in the course of their relationship they hadn’t broken up again (something that Sebastian found hilarious in a completely tragic kind of way), until tonight apparently.
“He-He cheated on me.” Kurt whispers through his sobs. “Again.”
Sebastian bites his lip and pulls Kurt closer, rocking him gently and rubbing a hand up and down his back.
“I can’t believe he’d do it again.” He sobs. “That I could be so stupid to fall for it all, you know he said it wasn’t even just the once? A-Ap-parently he and this guy ha-ave been together for months.” He whispers. “And I had no idea…I’m such an idiot.” He spits.
“Shh.” Sebastian whispers into Kurt’s hair. “He’s the idiot not you.”
“N-no I am, because this keeps happening. He screws up and I f-forgive him and then he just continues to mess me a-around.” He sits up and looks at Sebastian. “And I’m the idiot that keeps thinking that m-maybe this time it’ll be okay, that he won’t cheat, but th-then he does.”
“That’s because he’s a slimy little shit.” Sebastian says wiping under Kurt’s eyes gently with his thumb.
“Or it’s my fault that he keeps cheating on me. Because I’m so repulsive and unsatisfying that he has to go look for it elsewhere.” He says dejectedly.
“Hey now look at me!” Sebastian says frowning, framing Kurt’s face with his hands. Kurt looks up at him with watery, heartbroken eyes.
“You are not the one in the wrong here.” He whispers. “It’s that little ass-shit. He doesn’t respect you or deserve you at all. You’re so perfect and he’s blind if he can’t see that.” He wipes away the fresh tears that fall from Kurt’s eyes. “I mean it Kurt. Any guy would be lucky to have you. You’re such a compassionate, loving, gently, kind person that would never hurt someone intentionally. Apart from cutting them down with words at their hideous choice of attire.” He grins and Kurt give him a watery smile. “You’re talented and smart and beautiful, both inside and out. And if Blaine fucking Anderson can’t see that then he is not worth any more of your time.”
Kurt looks down at his lap and swallows thickly.
“You deserve to be cherished Kurt, and you deserve a man that will make you his world.”
Kurt looks up at him hopefully. “Really?”
“Of course Kurt.” He says wiping Kurt’s cheeks with his thumbs. “You don’t realise how incredible you are.”
Kurt closes his eyes and leans in to wrap his arms around Sebastian’s neck. “Thank you.” He whispers.
Sebastian shakes his head in response. “You don’t need to thank me Kurt. I’m your best friend, it’s what I’m here for.”
“Why can’t I find a guy like you?” Kurt whispers into his neck.
“One day you will.” Sebastian whispers back, holding Kurt close.
“I hope so.” Kurt says quietly.
Sebastian holds him closer and closes his eyes. “Me too.” He whispers. He won’t say anything now, not while Kurt is so upset. He’ll bide his time and talk to him in a few months, once Kurt’s had time to heal his heart. But he lives in hope that one day, one day it’ll be him.
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ukwon-vampire · 12 years
Love. ಠuಠ
Night had fallen not too long ago, Yukwon and Hyuna continued walking along the streets as the male listened intently to the female, nodding slowly every now and then to ensure her he was still listening. Talks about vague memories that still played within their minds sure hit home to Yukwon, however, it quickly passed as he no longer dwelled in the past.
“Ah I see, so you’re still getting these visions, yet they don’t seem to piece together.” Yukwon mumbled quietly to himself as he cupped his chin and thought deeply, tilting his slightly. “Can you remember your visions or do they become vague after a while?” Yukwon questioned, still trying to figure any possible way for the female to piece the visions to possible traces to her past.
The female shook her head slowly, a small frown appearing on her lips. “No, that’s the thing that frustrates me more.” She gritted her teeth before letting her arms fall limp, letting out a whine as she turned around to face Yukwon and gripped onto his shirt, shaking him. “Why is it so difficult for me to remember?” She questioned, continuing to shake the male.
“I—Don’t—Know—Stop—Shaking—Me” Yukwon answered in between the shakes being given by the female. Once she had stopped, Yukwon adjusted his jacket before he dipped his hands back into the pockets, shaking his head slightly. “Have you tried to… Write down the events or any details from your visions?” Yukwon tilted from side to side, still thinking of any other ideas, only earning a shake from the female. He hummed as he brought out his hand and cupped his chin.
Yukwon blinked slowly, his eyes fixating on Hyuna’s expressions before an idea came up in his head. Clearing his throat slightly, he grabbed onto the female’s arm gently and started shaking her lightly, stifling a few laughs. “So uh, listen, there’s something I have to tell you.” Yukwon brought the hand that held onto the female’s arm to the back of his neck and rubbed it.
Hyuna raised a brow. “Which is?”
Easing back slightly, Yukwon rolled back onto the heels of his feet, holding back a grin before he rolled forward before resting his hands on the female’s shoulder. “We’ve be talking for a while, right? Well… I just wanted to tell you that I…” He paused for a bit, biting down on his bottom lip slightly. “I love you, Hyuna.” The two fell silent as Yukwon held back any expressions from Hyuna’s somewhat taken aback look before he shook her again.“Like a sister, silly. Come on now.”  Letting out a laugh only resulted to a punch to his arm from the female before the two burst out laughing.
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ukwon-vampire · 12 years
Game, movie or shop or all three of them or two however you like :3
So I already did game, so I'll do the other two. *chuckles*
The short female jumped onto the couch and sprawled all over it, stretching her arms out as she let out a relaxing sigh, bringing her arms behind her head. “So what do you want to do today?” Bitna asked as she kicked up her feet, searching for the remote before tossing it towards the male who was busily looking at the display of many movies stacked up. Bitna rolled onto her stomach and squinted before grabbing a pillow and chucking it at the male.
Yukwon blinked and turned around. “Wait, what?” He questioned, tilting his head and glancing at the thrown item, picking it up and placing on his lap. “What were you saying, Bitna?”
Bitna rolled her eyes as she stuck out her tongue before leaning over to peek at what Yukwon could possibly be looking at. “What are you even looking at—Oh.” Her eyes laid upon the stack of movies, before watching one being pulled out with no help of any hands, her eyes widening slightly.
The male noticed and chuckled at the female’s reaction. “Oh come on, Bitna, did you already forget what I am now?” He raised a brow before turning his head back to the floating movie in front of him, leaning forward slightly and cupping his chin. “Shall we watch a movie?”
Bitna shrugged slightly before nodding. “Sure why not, what movie?”
Yukwon grinned and grabbed at the floating movie. “Oh you’ll see, let’s just say I’ve been in the mood for one of these.” He chuckled as he walked over to the television set, crouching down and opening the DVD player, placing the CD into it after and closing it, moving backwards towards the couch and peering over his shoulder. “Scoot over or I will sit on you.”
“You’re going to squish me if you do.” Bitna grumbled and sat up, making room for Yukwon who then plopped down onto the couch shortly after, bringing the remote towards him to click the television on along with the DVD player. “So tell me what mo—“ Her eyes widened when she realized the movie was already playing and something popped out, as if coming towards her, making her cling onto the male’s arms, before easing back and punching his arms. “Yukwon! What the hell!”
The male only let out a laugh as they continued watching the movie. Bitna jumping every now and then, Yukwon being her punch bag whenever a demon or ghost would pop out of nowhere, accompanied with the scream.
Yukwon let out a laugh. “What? Did you think I was in for those love-dovey movies? Please, I’m in for something like these.” He pointed at the screen at the right time another person popped up, earning another punch from the female after a scream. “We should watch more movies like these, eh Bitna?”
“Tell me again how you got me to take you shopping again?” Yukwon sighed with a small laugh, cutting the engine of his vehicle before removing the key from the ignition.
“It’s because I’m Bitna and you love me enough to take me shopping, duh.” Bitna nodded proudly as she opened her side of the door, exiting the vehicle before staring at the building, Yukwon could swear she could see sparkles in her eyes from the sight of the structure.
He shook his head before alarming his vehicle, a Honda Civic he’s had for a decent amount of years. Walking over to Bitna’s side and nudging the female’s arm. “Alright well we’re here, where do you want to go fi—“ The male was quickly tugged along by the female who walked in determination into the building.
“Shoes. Clothes and shoes. Oh maybe a skateboard too.” Bitna grinned as she looked around before eyes fell upon a billboard that displayed the many stores and what they sell. Bitna’s fingers pointed many stores, with ‘this one’ and ‘no that one’. Yukwon couldn’t help but to laugh at Bitna’s childish behavior but nodded along with as he was being pulled by the female once more.
“Calm down Bitna!” Yukwon let out a laugh. “We’ve got all day alright.” He shook his head before his eyes widened as the sight of the first store they were going into and he knew that Bitna was just bringing him in there for laughs and because it was basically an all female store, Yukwon pulled against her this time. “Uh uh, nope I am not going in here. I will wait outside.”
Bita shook her head as a playful grin grew upon her lips. “Come on, Yukwon! You know you want to get in here.” She laughed before her grip grew tighter. "You said we can go to any store." 
"Yes but--" The male shook his head quickly. “Nope I do not want to see females half naked, even if they’re just mannequins, away with thee.”
No amount of laughter can compare to Bitna’s as she burst out into a fit of laughter, continuing to drag the reluctant male into the store, the eyes that watched them giving off baffled looks only made Bitna laugh harder than she already was as the male brought his hand to cover his eyes. “You’re such a baby, they’re just mannequins.”
Yukwon peeked through the gaps of his fingers, shooting a look at the female. “Excuse you, half naked female mannequins.
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