#w. yunseo
pleuvoiryn · 4 months
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lgchanie · 4 months
𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒑 —
written for 𝐢𝐦 𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐨 ( @lgcyunseo ) ♡
Hanbin's apprehension about his vocals kept gnawing at him relentlessly in recent days, like an unwelcome voice in his hand shadowing his every move. The weight of his concerns was probably felt as he and Yunseo settled into the cozy confines of the training studio, the hum of anticipation swirling around his head. He went over the lines with him, but his voice wavered with uncertainty like walking a tightrope.
A song's crescendo is his biggest weakness. Hanbin's voice faltered slightly, stumbling over the notes. There was always a glimmer of hope shining in his eyes. His brows arched slightly as he tried his best, a pout to his lips, and he didn't want to hold Yunseo back from practicing, too. In a worst-case scenario, he'd stay up late on his own.
Hanbin turned to Yunseo with a tentative smile, his heart laid bare to a familiar trainee for feedback and advice. "What do you think?" he asked, his words hanging in the air. "I feel like I reached the pitches well enough…" He mentally winced; not even he believed that. "
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badgirlswrld · 24 days
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★۰*. DREAM GIRLZ! is the first mini-album released by South Korean fictional girl-group BAD GIRLS CLUB on august 26th, 2024. The mini-album is the first fully self-produced album made by the group, four out of the eight members took part in the composition while all eight of the members took part in writing. The mini-album is compiled of six songs, including the pre-release single BADTITUDE and the title track LIKE CRAZY! three out of the six songs were promoted on music shows, the title track earning a total of 9 music show wins.
𓈒ིུ𖥨᩠ׄ݁ ACT like an ANGEL?!!!
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˚ ༘♡ TRACKLI$T !!!
Track No.1 : LIKE CRAZY!
produced by: Matsuno Erena, Park Sanghee
written by: Matsuno Erena, Park Sanghee, Ahn Joohwa
Track No.2 : FLOWER
produced by: Matsuno Erena, Park Sanghee, Tiara Shen
written by: Matsuno Erena, Lisha Wen, Tiara Shen
Track No.3 : THIRSTY
produced by: Lim Yunseo, Matsuno Erena
written by: Lim Yunseo, Matsuno Erena
Track No.4 : WOULD YA?
produced by: Lim Yunseo, Matsuno Erena
written by: Lim Yunseo, Matsuno Erena, Kim Taehee
Track No.5 : THE CASTLE
produced by: Park Sanghee, Tiara Shen, Matsuno Erena
written by: Park Sanghee, Tiara Shen, Matsuno Erena
Track No.6 : BADTITUDE
produced by: Matsuno Erena, Park Sanghee, Tiara Shen
written by: Matsuno Erena, Park Sanghee, Ahn Joohwa
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˚ ༘♡ STYLING ~ ?!!!
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˚ ༘♡ NOTEZ!
Gay pop or whatever jojo siwa said !!!
“Make kpop fun again”
Serving EXEMPLARY amounts of cunt.
Self producing kweens!
Stylist needs their asses ATE
Sanghee and Tiara kinda took the cake this era icl
Twitter loved them for a few days💜
Sanghee n Erena have choreographing credits as well everyone cheered
Ohhhh but knets have beef w them
Called whores n tasteless by knets but at least they’re releasing bangers idk
Was more appreciated internationally🥲
No skip album btw
SHE CHARTED WELL!!! Esp internationally :3
Let’s all give Bad Girls Club a big fat kiss💋
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chcrryade · 1 month
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⠀⠀˚⠀PROMISE ME YOU’LL RUN⠀ ┉ ┉ ⠀Yijun’s not one to make friends. But as it seems, there’s always room for enemies.
INCLUDING ⁺⠀qiao yijun, qwak yunseo. TIMESTAMP ⁺⠀BACKSTAGE INKIGAYO, 8 AUGUST 2021. WARNINGS ⁺⠀swearing, arguments. WORD COUNT ⁺⠀2.1K NOTE ⁺⠀find yunseo here. oh yiseven beef i missed you.. i still think this is cringe but we ball
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Sweat was drying uncomfortably on the back of Yijun’s neck. The makeup plastered all over his face felt cakey, unnatural. The lights were too bright and his shoes were too big and with every step he took down the corridor he felt irritation dancing along his skin, sparks flickering and waiting for the final little inconvenience to tip him over the edge, ignite him completely.
He wanted to go. Where, he wasn’t exactly sure, but he knew was that he wanted to be somewhere else. Outside. A bar. The dorms—and not the new ones, in the new apartment the company had set the rest of the newcomers up with and shoved a room in for him too—the original ones. With Hyeonmin. And Ilwoo. And fuck, he’d even be happy to see Jiyeol’s perpetually dead-eyed stare looking back at him when he opened the door. Back home, in their flat. His mother had probably ripped out every memory he’d made in his childhood bedroom to replace it with some minimalistic decor and some fake potted plants and an exercise bike by now, since the last time he’d spoken to her on the phone she’d been waxing lyrical about her ‘new health goals’ for the year.
Anywhere other than the Inkigayo backstage corridors sounded like a dream. He’d take a locked and bolted room with completely blank walls and no-one for company other than Jaehee over a minute longer here.
His fingers crept up the sleeve of the jacket he was wearing and his nails scraped long trails up and down his arms, touch cool to the overheated skin. The sound of it was muffled, and everything felt a little far away. Like he was drifting underwater, wading around under the surface without any real direction—like now, and how he was pacing up and down the corridors in hopes that something would relieve the itching feeling crawling around just under his skin, jumping from nerve ending to nerve ending.
He didn’t have to search for any longer. The faint pressure closing in on him popped all at once, leaving him gasping for air. Or rather—left him slamming hard into someone’s shoulder as he passed them a little too carelessly, head lost in the clouds and deep underwater simultaneously. He swivelled on the heel of his too-big shoes, his lips poised and ready to toss out a half-hearted apology before going on his way, but then Yijun saw the look he gave him.
It wasn’t outright disgust. However much you hated someone in this business, you’d never let them know. It’d stay hidden in the creases of paper-thin smiles and the palms of clenched fists. The look was more.. Reproachful. A drag sideways to the arm Yijun had hit, a hand coming up to brush it off, and then flicking back over to meet the rapper’s eyes. The stranger’s lip curled up at the corner, half a sneer on his face, and that was the flame that started the fire. That was all it took. An expression that lasted less than a second, gone faster than it had appeared, and Yijun was gritting his teeth, and turning to face him fully, and trying his best to push the burn of all his vitriol into a singular look.
“Surely it didn’t hurt that much. There’s no need for you to give me that face.”
That only served to make the look worse. The sneer was full-force, now, and the stranger’s hand dropped from his arm to thud uselessly against his side in a way that seemed far too loud for the quiet of the hallway, even if it was still populated by the distant chatter from other dressing rooms and constant buzz of the aircon.
“And who are you to tell me how much it hurt? There’s no need to be rude.”
The words fell distorted on unhearing ears, static filling them to the brim instead. Who are you? It wasn’t what he meant, wasn’t at all what was being said—but his mind twisted it that way anyway. Who are you? Reporters at the door. Eyes on his back. A tap on the shoulder, a look of realisation. You’re that.. That Yijun kid, aren’t you? From that group. Whatever they’re called. There’s a new one, now. The other.. Well. I guess you would know what happened to them. From one failed group to another that no-one knew the fate of, from headline to headline and scandal to scandal, and he was still a nobody. Who are you?
He glared right back once he’d snapped himself out of his frozen state, pushing forward to lean closer, leering at the stranger even if he had to raise his gaze to do so. Anger was filling up his head again, leaking out of his ears and pooling onto the floor around the shoes that still didn’t fit. His words were growing in volume, hands clenching and unclenching by his sides and nails leaving crescent moons indented in his palms.
“Rude, my ass. I was just saying.”
Realistically, he knew he should’ve walked away before it went any further. He should’ve turned and retreated, kept it to judging looks when they passed on end-of-show stages and quiet eyerolls when no-one else was looking. But he didn’t, so he couldn’t. Especially when the still-stranger pushed blood-red strands of hair that had come loose from its styling out of his eyes and smiled, the expression stretched thin across his face. Yijun wanted to scream, and he himself didn’t really know why.
“I think I’ve been in this business long enough to know what being rude looks like. What I don’t know is why you think I have a problem with you—I don’t even know who you are.”
His nails bit into his skin so hard it broke. The stranger kept on going.
“I must’ve missed your performance earlier. Or maybe it just wasn’t all that to begin with? Anyway, like I said—I don’t know you.”
You’ll know me in a minute, he thought. His head was pounding, the lights above him boring into his retinas. Because I'll rip your teeth out and carve my name into your arm. Maybe then he’d be remembered. The freak who attacked a fellow idol, a jealous psycho so desperate to be known he’d hurt and tear and dig his teeth in for it. Better than nothing, he supposed.
But he didn’t say that. He bit his tongue, tried to school his face into one of indifference rather than one that would show how affected he was from the comment, and said something else instead. “Do you want a medal? I don’t know who the fuck you are, either. And I doubt you and your own little group of no-names were much better than us.”
That was what seemed to crack him. The smile melted off of his face, the façade having slipped, and Yijun let a grin of his own spread over his lips wide enough to show his teeth. If that was all it took, then—well. He would’ve done it a lot earlier.
The stranger opened his mouth again, brow furrowed and likely ready to fire back, until a voice stopped him in his tracks.
“Yunnie-yah! Where the hell are you?”
Yijun stifled a snicker at the nickname, grinning wider when ‘Yunnie-yah’ only glared harder. A taller man came up from behind but stopped in his tracks at the sight of Yijun, hand almost immediately coming up to rest on the red-haired stranger’s shoulder.
“What’s up? Who’s your friend?”
He laughed again, louder this time. He couldn’t help it. Even ‘Yunnie’ rolled his eyes at the term.
“Far from a friend. Just—I don’t know.”
The taller stranger’s eyes narrowed, hand tightening slightly in its place. “Is there a problem?”
Yijun kept his eyes on the redhead, daring him to speak up. Go on. Snitch. Make a scene. You know you want to.
The redhead said nothing, scoffing and turning away. Despite this, his friend piped up anyway.
“You shouldn’t go around talking shit. It’s not a good look.”
His arms were itching again. His hands uncurled from where they’d been squeezed tightly shut, and he wiped the bleeding crescent moons clean on his sleeves, watched as the red stained the fabric, vaguely thankful it was already dark and he wouldn’t get too harshly reprimanded for the damage. “You shouldn’t accuse people of things you don’t know they’ve done. That doesn’t paint you in a very good light, either.”
The taller one was quicker to anger than the redhead, it seemed. He started forward even if nothing Yijun said had been particularly provocative, gently pushing the shorter to stand behind him. His vision was suddenly too full of dyed hair and narrowed eyes, the conflicting smells of sweat and cologne clouding his senses until he was drowning in it all over again. This was how he was going to be remembered, then. A victim, beaten black and blue after a few misplaced words and a misunderstanding. Again—better than nothing. He’d probably get more money out of that.
Alas, the punch he was waiting for never came. A third voice arose instead. Weren’t they crowding the corridor, now? More shoes thudded down the hallway, splashing in the remnants of his anger, his desperation. Like children on a rainy day, getting their feet wet but not caring until the cold seeped in.
“I sent you off to find him, not hang arou—what the fuck? What are you doing?”
It was getting repetitive. Maybe if it went on for long enough there’d be twenty men piled up in the corridor opposite him. Maybe one of his own members would turn up next. He tried to tune everything out for a moment and when he came back found that he was less angry, and more.. Tired. Over it. The taller one was yanked away, and Yijun pressed the heels of his palms into his eyes. He felt like he was drifting again, lost to the raising voices of whatever the trio were going back-and-forth about. Snippets bled through the haze, drifting into one ear and out the other. Can’t you leave well enough alone? He started it. I don’t care. The last thing you need is another hiatus. Fuck you.
When the darkness from his closed eyes morphed into spirals and colours and static, he reopened them to find all three pairs of eyes trained on his figure. A glare, a sneer, a wary look. 
“I’m really sorry about this, uh..” the newest arrival of the three stepped forward to apologise, bowing his head and trailing off as he waited for the Yijun to supply his name.
“Yijun-ssi. It won’t happen again.”
It could, for all he cared. He’d argue and fight and trade blows all day if it gave him something to do. The apology was paper-thin anyway, hardly counting for much. Still, he nodded along and pasted on a smile as sweet as he could manage.
“It’s alright, sunbaenim.”
Silence fell again. The tallest was the first to clear his throat and stand up straighter, giving him one last look before turning on his heel. He paused and looked back when he realised only the one who had arrived last was following him, but the redhead cut him off before he could say a word, and waved him off.
“I’ll be there in a minute.”
They were back to their stalemate. The glare against the grin. By now the blood on Yijun’s sleeve had dried, and he could feel a blister coming on from the back of his too-big shoes.
“What’s up, Yunnie-yah?”
The sound of him gritting his teeth was audible. Yijun watched the muscles in his jaw tighten, amusement poorly hidden on his face.
“It’s Yunseo. Or nothing at all, if it’s coming from you.”
He hoped his disinterest was discernible, easily distinguished. From the answering look on the redhead’s face, it had come through just fine.
The quiet was back, until Yunnie—Yunseo—shattered it with a stilted cough, glare lessening in its potency, if only for a moment.
“I guess I’ll have to expect seeing you around.”
Nothing sounded worse, in Yijun’s opinion. The aircon buzzed somewhere above his head, and the distant chatter carried on.
“I hope not.”
The redhead scoffed. Yijun couldn't see what look he had on his face, because he’d turned and carried on walking on his original—long-forgotten, but original—path.
His makeup still felt cakey on his face, and the lights were still too bright. But, at the very least, all the irritation that had been coursing through his bloodstream was more or less gone. Pissing people off was something of an outlet, it seemed.
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strwbrrygrden · 1 month
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Summary : The Pervy Airbnb Guest
Pairing : Yunseo x female reader
Warning : Pervy Yunseo, oral (both receiving)
Yunseo is inside your bedroom looking through the laundry basket, he grab one of your panties “she will never know” he said to himself sitting at the edge of your bed pulling down his pants and boxers, enough for his cock to spring free, so he could wrap your panties around it and start to jerk off. He did not want to do this but there is something about you that makes him so addicted to you - maybe it’s because you are hot, super smart, cute/adorable, funny and smell very good. You’re just a girl who needed some extra cash so you post your house on an airbnb app and he’s just a boy who needed a place to stay that’s close to his work. “You are so pretty, y/n. I wish you’re mine..” he says as he closes his eyes and imagine that you are bouncing up and down on his cock as he is sucking on your tits/nipples. “Fuck..” he curse under his breath, he cum three times in under five minutes because of you. “What the heck?!” you exclaims as you enter your bedroom which make him open his eyes and throw the panties on the floor “Y-y/n.. it is not what it looks like” he spoken, you chuckle softly and kneel on the floor in between his legs “y-you’re not mad?” he ask, “Should I be mad at you? Do you want me to be?” you ask him, he bite the inside of his cheeks when you wrap your hands around his cock “Wow. I had no idea you’re big and thick” you say, “W-w-what?!” he respond, you chuckle softly “I said I had no idea you’re big and thick” you repeated yourself, he blush red watching you suck on the tip that’s fill with precum while stroking/massaging the rest of it “o-oh f-fuck baby..” he moan as he grip your hair gently, you look up at him and smirks making his cock twitch “P-please suck me. N-need to cum so bad.” he begs you.
“F-fuck.. p-please k-keep doing that..a-ahh fuck” he moans, you’re deep throating him “s-so good.. mouth so good..” he whines as he grip on your hair more tightly which make you moan against his cock “G-gonna cum” he stutters softly, you continue moaning against his cock and deep throating it “o-oh shit..” he says gripping the bed sheets tight and cum down your throat. “Did you swallow it all?” he ask, you nod your head and pulls away as he smirk “good girl” he praises. You lick the side of your lips and looks at him “I know that you been doing that for a while and didn’t want to said anything” you inform him, he blush due to being embarrassed “don’t be embarrassed.. it’s cute” you tell him, “N-no it’s not.. it’s so embarrassing” he spoken, “Well, I think it’s not. You have to do stuff to pleasure yourself” you acknowledge him before kissing his neck gently “tell me what you been thinking about and I’ll make it come true” you whispers, he bite the inside of his cheeks when you start to caress his thighs “I- you’re so hot.” he said, you chuckle softly as you stood up “wanna look at me as I undress myself?” you ask, he nod his head making you chuckle more “cute..” you whispers. You undress yourself slowly leaving your bra and panties on, “what should I do next?” you ask, “sit on my lap..” he whispers, you sit on his lap and felt his arms holding your waist “grind” he murmur, you grind yourself against him “w-wow” he whispers, “what else do you want me to do?” you ask, “let me suck your tits” he said, “you are a very straightforward person..” you told him, he wrap his arms around your back and unclasp your bra quickly “they’re so nice” he whispers before sucking on your tits and nipples “y-yunseo..” you whines as you grind against him.. this is better than he imagine, you’re grinding against him as he suck on your tits - his mind is all focus on you “what else happen in your dream” you ask, “you get fuck senselessly by me” he answers, “lets make that happen then” you told him.
You’re lying down on your bed as he hovers on top of you and teasingly rub your clit “nice..” he whispers to himself as he insert a finger in you “How can you fit my cock? Can’t even fit my finger” he tease, “i-it c-can fi-fit..” you murmur, he start fingering you gently and slowly “such beautiful noises” he praises you as he add another finger making you arch your back “m-mhm..oh gosh..” you softly mumble, he starts to fingers you in a fast pace “Y-Y-Yunseo..” you moans, eyes shut as his finger hit that spot perfectly “o-oh gosh..fuck..” you curse. By your reaction, he knows what spot he just hit so he tease you “hmm? Right there?” he asks as he let his finger hit that spot a few times “f-f-fuck yes! Right there..oh fuck..” you moans, he chuckle softly “never knew those sounds would come out from your mouth” he spoken, you grip the sheets as he fingers faster “O-oh fuck..gonna cum..” you moan, he pulls away making you whimper softly - you’re so close and he just had to tease you by pulling away. Yunseo jerks himself off a bit before inserting his cock in you, he groans softly as he watch you adjust to his size before thrusting hard and rough “Y-yunseo..a-ahh slow down” you moan, he kisses your neck and collar bone leaving hickeys all over as he fuck you senselessly “s-so tight..so fucking tight” he groans, you arch your back feeling the knot approaching “g-go-gonna cum..let me cum..” you whimpers. The sound of skin slapping skin mix with your and his loud moans/groans echo through the room - he’s so happy that he finally gets to fuck you and that you wasn’t mad at him, you’re just happy since he’s happy. “Cum with me, wanna fill you up” he whispers.
“Cumming” you moans as you arch your back more and grip the sheets tight. He thrust a few more times before his cock twitch due to you clenching so much, the both of you cum at the same time making you moan as he fills you up “you’re mine and only mine..” he says, “o-only yours..” you whispers. He pulls out slow to tease you, some of the cum went on your upper thighs and legs while some went onto the bed sheets. “Y/N” he spoken, “mhm?” you hum, “thank you for not being mad” he said, “no need to thank me, I can’t be mad at you. You’re a boy who need to do things to pleasure or please himself” you replied, “can we do one more thing” he whispers, “what?” you ask, “sit on my face please” he said, you roll your eyes at him before sitting on his face - he grip your thighs gently as he began to suck on your clit “o-oh fuck..” you whispers. His tongue goes deep in you making you arch your back, “f-fuck..” you curse under your breath as you wrap your hands around his cock and stroke him. The both of you start being a moaning mess and eventually cum at the same time - you cum on his tongue while he cum on your hands, it was messy but worth it. “Don’t move.. want you to stay on here” he mumbles, “weirdo..” you tease him, “am not.. I’m just so addicted to your scent..” he reveals, you laugh softly before he suck your clit again “Aye! No more” you tease him, “sorry.. it’s so sweet” he mumbles. You get off his lap quickly and grabs some sleep wear “gonna take a shower now” you told him, “c-can I watch?” he ask, “watch? Why not join?” you ask, he quickly got up and carry you into the bathroom “this is another dream of yours isn’t it?” you question, “it may be..” he answers, you chuckle at how cute he looks and sound before the both of you start “showering” with each other.
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rowonlgc · 5 months
         catharsis       ( w. ) @lgcyunseo   
  it’s not his usual scene, but he doesn’t look out of place. faded jeans, white tee, cuffed, he’s seated in the far back corner, tucked away in a half-circle booth shared by four others. they’re strangers, each one of them, but he treats them like close friends, chatting, cheering – all while keeping an eye on his actual friend. she’s meeting an ex ( just to talk things out, she insisted, whatever you do, don’t let me go home with her ). so far, so good. they seem bitterly amicable. he looks away.
  across the dimly lit floor, a familiar face catches his attention. im yunseo. how curious. for some time, rowon watches him. watches how the shadows dance across his features, watches how he moves about. it’s different, somehow. and when yunseo approaches the bar, rowon excuses himself from the table and makes his way over.
  “didn’t expect to find you here,” he greets, easing into the empty space to yunseo’s immediate right. a small smile, a head tilt. “can i buy you a drink?”
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lgchyoseop · 1 year
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hello everyone and happy fourth year anniversary to lgc! hyoseop was my third time joining, and i'm so glad to have stayed ~~~ as a small gift (who took way longer than intended) i've gathered 92 quotes, and let a generator choose a quote for every muse! it took a while to find all these quotes, so i'd love for you to check out what quote your muse got! it's under the cut below :3
( btw you can use ctrl+f to search for your muse(s)'s name)
ahn jaehwa “Take chances, make mistakes. That’s how you grow. Pain nourishes your courage. You have to fail in order to practice being brave” - Mary Tyler Moore
ahn jaesun “Never give up on a dream just because of the time it’ll take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway” - Earl Nightingale 
ahn nari “Success is a journey, not a destination” - Ben Sweetland
ahn yein “Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced” - Soren Kirkegaard 
ayutthaya maya “The sea is dangerous and its storms terrible, but these obstacles have never been sufficient reason to remain ashore” - Ferdinand Magellan
baek byeongkwan “Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict” - William Ellery Channing
baek seona “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great” - Zig Ziglar
cha hyoseop “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door” - Milton Berne
cha sori “You have not failed until you quit trying” - Gordon B. Hinckley 
chen mailyn “When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it” - Henry Ford
cho minkyu “Sometimes good things fall apart, so better things can fall together” - Marylin Monroe
choi kai “Dreams do not have an expiration date, you can always keep trying” - Unknown
choi kyungsoo “Aim for the moon. If you miss, you may hit a star” - W. Clement Stone
gong hyejoo “Fairytales are more than true: not because they tell us dragons exist, but because they tell us dragons can be beaten” - Neil Gaiman
han brooke “Success only comes to those who dare attempt” - Mallika Tripathi
han hyunhee “The elevator to success if out of order. You’ll have to use the stairs… one step at a time” - Joe Girard
han jisoo “Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do” - John Wooden
han keeho “Do not fear mistakes, there are none” - Miles Davis
han noeul “I will either find a way or make one” - Hannibal
han rowon “Success is falling nine times and getting up ten” - Jon Bovi Jovi
hou minghao “Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward” - C. S. Lewis
im yunseo “I’d rather attempt something great and fail than to attempt nothing and succeed” - Robert H. Schuller
jeon haru “You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water” - Rabindranath Tagore
jo daeul “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10.000 ways that won’t work” - Thomas A. Edison
kang maximilian “Failure is not the opposite of success; it’s part of success” - Arianna Huffington
kang minjun “Don’t let life discourage you; everyone who got where they are, had to begin where they were” - Richard L. Evans
kang yoojoon “If you can believe it, the mind can achieve it” - Ronnie Lott
kim alex “Failure is a detour, not a dead-end-street” - Zig Ziglar
kim cherry “It is best to act with confidence, no matter how little right you have to it” - Lillian Hellman
kim jinhyuk “In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can” - Nikos Kazantzakis
kim jinseo “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent” - Elearnor Roosevelt 
kim jinyoung “Focus on the step in front of you, not the whole staircase” - Unknown
kim nayoung “I wasn’t afraid to fail. Something good always comes out of failure” - Anne Baxter
kim seyoon “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’” - Audrey Hepburn
kim yujin “If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain” - Dolly Parton
kuramoto misaki “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds that you plant” - Robert L. Stevenson
kurosawa akio “There’s a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in” - Leonard Cohen
kwon baekhyun “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again” W. E. Hickson
kwon hyuntae “Trust yourself, you know more than you think you do” - Benjamin Spock
kwon sena “Your life is a journey, not a race” - Unknown 
lai wenjun “Define success on your own terms, achieve it by your own rules, and build a life you’re proud to live” - Anne Sweeney
lee hanbyul “A journey, no matter how long, still begins with the first step” - Lao Tzu
lee hyunsoo “I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that” - Pipi Longstocking
lee jiho “If you fell down yesterday, stand up today” - H. G. Wells
lee minji “The secret of getting ahead is getting started” - Mark Twain
lee yejin “I hold it true, what’er befall, I feel it, when I sorrow most. Tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all” - Alfred, Lord Tennyson
lee yushin “Time you enjoyed wasting, was not wasted” - John Lennon
lim sanghyun “Make failure your teacher, not your undertaker” - Zig Ziglar
liu yuxi “Failure is success if we learn from it” - Malcolm Forbes
min hanbin “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great” - Zig Ziglar
min soyoun “You’ve got to follow that dream, wherever that dream may lead” - Elvis Presley
moon hayoung “Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great” - John D. Rockefeller
moon jiah “We may encounter many defeats, but we must not be defeated” - Maya Angelou
moon jino “Being lost is not bad, as it is what happens before you find your way” - Unknown
moon somin “Follow your dreams, they show which way to go” - Unknown
noh areum “Rise above the storm and you will find the sunshine” - Mario Fernández
oh eunhye “Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck” - Dalai Lama
okada mayumi “Even if you fall on your face, you’re still moving forward” - Victor Kiam
paeng jinae “Just because everything is different, doesn’t mean anything has changed” - Irene Peter
pak jihan “Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better. Don’t wish for less problems, wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenge, wish for more wisdom” - Jim Rohn
park jaekyung “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or we can rejoice because thorn bushes have roses” - Abraham Lincoln
park jungmo “A person who never made a mistake, never tried anything new” - Albert Einstein
park seojin “If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results” - Jack Dixon
park taeha “Life isn’t about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself” - George Bernard Shaw
pongsak tee “Some people want it to happen, some wish it to happen, be someone who makes it happen” - Michael Jordan
sato minami “Turn your wounds into wisdom” - Oprah Winfrey
seo minseo “Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going” - Sam Levenson
seo nina “A failure is not always a mistake, it may simple be the best one can do under the circumstances. The real mistake is to stop trying” - B. F. Skinner
seo yura “Tomorrow is a mystery, yesterday is history, and today is a gift, that’s why they call it present” - Kung Fu Panda
seong byungho “It is better to look ahead and prepare than look back and regret” - Jackie Joyner-Kersee
shin jieun “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you don’t stop” - Confucius
shin minhyuk “You have not failed, until you make failing stop you” - Unknown
somsri sofia “I love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars” - Og Mandino
son eunho “The only time you should ever look back, is to see how far you’ve come” - BTS
son haeun “Don’t be pushed by your problems, be led by your dreams” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
son nabi “The only thing that doesn’t change in life, is that thing changes” - South Park
su parker “Be not afraid of storms because you are learning how to sail your ship” - Louisa May Alcott
takanashi asami “You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step” - Martin Luther King Jr.
watanabe miyu “I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination” - Jimmy Dean
won yeonwoo “You learn more from failure than success. Don’t let it stop you. Failure builds character”  - Unknown
xue yichen “Doubts kill more dreams than failure ever will” - Unknown
xue yiran “Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success” - Joyce Brothers
yamashita ichika “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” - Wayne Gretzky
yang aera “I can accept failure, everybody fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying” - Michael Jordan
yang aeri “To lose is still to learn” - Unknown
yoo daeho “Even if tomorrow the world would go into pieces, I would still plant my apple tree” - Martin Luther 
yoo haemin “In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear for failure” - Bill Cosby 
yoon minjae “Don’t let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning” - Robert Kiyosaki
yu milan “One that want the fruit, must climb the tree” - Thomas Fuller
zheng amelia “Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start” - Nido R Quebin zheng leo “You can’t connect the dots looking forward. You can only connect them looking backwards, so you have to trust that they will somehow connect in your future” - Steve Jobs
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boysplanetrecaps · 7 months
Build Up Ep 6 Recap Part 1: Bad News
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Welcome back to the only recap series about MNET’s Build Up that is being written by me! In the previous post, we finished episode 5 (almost) and covered the first performance of round one of the 3x3 death match, Pray (I’ll Be Your Man). In this one, we’ll cover the ranking from the end of episode 5 and then dive in to the second performance, Bad News. There will also definitely be some actual bad news, no matter which team you prefer. Let’s face the music. 
First things first I’m the realest: Let’s cover the ranking from the end of episode 5, which I forgot to mention in the previous recap. I am not clear what these rankings are for, as a lot of the people on the list have already been eliminated, but here we are. Those who have been eliminated already have a strike through in their name. I also will note how much they rose/fell since the previous ranking. Here we go:
Jay ⊖ 
Donghun ⊖
Wumuti ⊖
Seokhwa  ▲1
Seunghun ⛛ 1
Park Jeup ▲2
Bitsaeon ▲3
Yeo One  ⛛ 1
Hwanhee ⛛ 3
Jeon Woong  ⛛ 1
Taehwan ⊖
Jeong Inseong ▲1
Geonu ▲1
Sunyoul ⊖
Kang Hayoon ⊖
Neon ⊖
Bain  ▲2
Hong Seongjun  ⛛ 1
Lee Gwangseok ⛛ 1
Jung Soomin ⊖
Kim Minseo  ▲3
Yoon Inhwan ▲1
Park Joohee  ⛛ 1
Hyukjin  ⛛ 3
Kim Seohyung ▲1
Hong Sungwon ⛛ 1
Choi Suhwan  ⊖
Lim Sang Hyun ⊖
Taewoo ▲10
Ma Jaekyung ▲2
Kim Sungjung ⊖
Hwang Inhyuk ⛛ 2
Kwon Euibin ⊖
Choi Haram ▲2
Jo Hwanji ⊖
Jeong Yunseo ▲2
Lee Minwook ⛛ 8
Lim Jun Hyeok ⛛ 1
Ji Yeonwoo  ▲1
Jang Intae ⛛ 6
Ok, let’s get to episode 6! 
Once we get the recappy stuff out of the way, we get back to the second team to perform, the team consisting of Bain, Bitsaeon, and Kim Minseo. In the previous round, Bain and Minseo sang River and came in second place; new recruit Bitsaeon had been partnered with Jay for their excellent (but losing) performance of Dangerously. 
The team is really nervous because the stakes are high and the previous team, Jeup’s team, did really well with Pray (I’ll Be Your Man). 
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Dahee asks Team Bitbain if they’re nervous. The English captions punk out a bit, but it’s the same clip that we saw at the end of episode 5. Basically Bitsaeon just says that the other team did well, but they themselves practiced hard too and believe in themselves. 
VCG encourages them, saying “You were my top three in the last round.” That doesn’t quite make sense, since they weren’t a team of three in the last round, but I get what he means. They’re good! They’re really good. We’re reminded of how well Bitsaeon did with Dangerously and how well the other two did with River. 
Then we’re also reminded of the Rival Choosing ceremony, when Jay’s team went to the Moodboard of Doom and set it so that Team Bitbain would have to face the team they most wanted to avoid -- Jeup’s team. Guys, I don’t feel well. Why did these two teams have to get matched up? Sigh. 
Bitsaeon says he’s been thinking about song selection.
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When he thinks about Jeup’s team and their harmonies, it makes him feel dizzy. He kind of wants to avoid going straight up against Jeup’s team by also doing insane high pitched harmonies. Instead, he wants to come up with a song that will be unexpected. Bain and Minseo feel like Bitsaeon knows what he’s doing and are happy to let him strategize. 
On a day that we’re told is the next day but clearly isn’t based on how much everyone’s hair has grown…
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Check out Bitsaeon's s w e a t e r !
Bitsaeon says he wants something kind of like River or Dangerously, but “upgraded” -- something new. Bain seems to be the one who suggests Kiss of Life’s song Bad News. I knew I liked Bain. You guys, I’m a Bain fan for life. 
You guys, I don’t even talk about how much I love, love, love, LOVE Kiss of Life because I feel like they’re invisible somehow. I just don’t see people talking about them. But omg, I love them. They’re so talented, and they’re all adults. They’re like a supergroup but they’re rookies. I love them so much. Let me just tell you about them for a moment.
Natty was the ultra talented li’l baby on Sixteen, the show that created Twice. She’s Thai and is a fantastic and charismatic dancer, and also a singer of unusual range
Belle is an S+ tier singer with whistle tone ability. She’s like Ariana Grande or something, but she also writes songs, and in fact co-wrote Unforgiven by Le Sserafim.
Julie is from Hawaii and has a velvety vocal color and the best smile and the most swag and can also pirouette on one foot like what what are you
Haneul is the only fully Korean member and is a cute maknae who attracts a lot of stans, and is also a very good vocalist
They do a thing where their videos are like mini movies with intersecting storylines. So, if you want to watch the video for Bad News, be sure to watch the video for Nobody Knows right after it to get the rest of the story. Also, then you should watch a live performance of Nobody Knows because their live singing is unbelievable and also the choreography is EVERYTHING. 
I’ve been thinking about how a team should have done Nobody Knows as their song for the second round, because it’s so sexy and interesting, but then I thought, yeah, but Kiss of Life are rookies -- would anyone even know these songs? And they do! And my favorite team is going to do one! I’m so happy!! Even if they lose, this is going to be a great performance.
Ok anyway back to it. The on screen captions describe Bad News as a mix of rock and hip-hop, which is fair, and Bitsaeon says that it’s different from anything they’ve done so far, which is also true. They’re having a little trouble deciding how to handle Belle’s really cute squeak on the word “moves” in the chorus. Bain is a little stressed out about it but it sounds good. He says he’s going to practice it to death. 
Oh no, Bain, please don’t overpractice and destroy your voice. 
The performance begins.
Here’s an in-studio audio version for you to add to your Youtube playlist. Omg, I love it. I love it so much. The arrangement works so well. I actually like the song slightly better in this key, and they made it more Western-y and less hip-hoppy and I love it, which surprises me because I don’t listen to country music or anything. But this WORKS. Ok, let’s see the live version. Please, oh please, may Bain’s voice hold out. 
Full version without reactions 
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Sorry, I just thought this freeze frame was so funny
My thoughts:
Well, this was obviously fantastic. Amazing, great, loved it, perfect, wouldn’t change a thing about the performance itself. I have to assume, without seeing any of the others, that this performance would have/could have/should have beaten almost any other performance.
And just as obviously, it will lose this round.
They spent too much time rapping and not enough time showcasing their fantastic vocals, and the song is just not emotional enough to overcome the juggernaut of Jeup’s team.
I mean, maybe I’m wrong and they win but I feel pretty sure that they lost. I’m just glad they went down swinging and hopefully they won some new fans.
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Minseo was possibly the weakest of the three, and he was still fantastic. I think some of the notes were slightly too deep for him, and others were a tiny bit too high, and it made him occasionally a bit pitchy. But I still love, love, love his vocal color, his absence of nasality, and his swagger and confidence on stage. Minseo, fighting! I hope you debut soon! 
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I also love Bitsaeon’s voice. He shines so much better with this team than he did with Jay’s. Like, ok, maybe he didn’t wear a fuzzy sweater this time, but he sounded like a real rapper when he rapped and his power notes were powerful. No nasality, no pitchiness, just all good technique and plenty of stage presence. Bitsaeon, fighting! I’ll keep up with M.O.N.T. to keep up with you!
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Bain has my favorite voice of the three. Ok, is he Park Jeup? No. He doesn’t have Jeup’s insane range. But Bain’s natural vocal color is nicer than Jeup’s (to me) and he can still hit fairly high notes without straining or using falsetto. I can feel the proper technique just oozing out of him. He’s so good. Also, he raps just as well as he sings. He hits every consonant and vowel and brings interest and *blam* to it as he goes.
I don’t know, fam -- for me he’s got that RM / Joohoney energy that I love so much in an idol. Like, ok, maybe he doesn’t meet Kpop beauty standards but he doesn’t have to because he has an “it” factor on stage. Like his “to the left to right back and forth…” part in the bridge, I mean, it was kind of sexy, wasn’t it?  Also, I’m predicting now that his “on & on & on” toward the beginning will get an instant replay and reaction. Let’s see if I’m right. 
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So many awkward screenshots 
In the MNET edit, we hear a judge call out “Oh, cowboy!” in English at the start. And overall, everyone seems to be having a great time watching. The other contestants look amazed and the judges are bopping. And yes, of course, Bain’s  “on & on & on” did get an instant reply. 
VCG cheers for Bain’s high pitched squeals.
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Jaehwan jumps to his feet. 
I feel like this is the most we’ve seen Wendy enjoy a performance on the show.
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Backstage, balladeer Yoon Inhwan turns to Donghun and says, “It’s as if he’s possessed!” (I think he’s talking about Bain.)
Dahee is also having a great time. 
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When they’re done, everyone cheers. 
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Sorichir-ra! (MAKE SOME NOISE!!)
Geonu points like, “that’s my teammate!” 
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Everyone loved it. Someone -- I think Wendy? -- says “I was completely slain by Bain.” Yes, Bain was undoubtedly the MVP here. VCG and Jaehwan, still talking about Bain, say “He’s at his peak. He totally knows what’s going on. He totally knows what he’s good at.” Wendy agrees, saying, “IT all comes out on stage.”
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It’s time for the judges to evaluate, and they don’t really want to, you can tell. They’re like, “how do you judge something like this?” It’s like choosing between a pair of shoes and a bowl of ice cream. Like, what do you want to do with it? What do you need right now? 
Baekho says, “I have nothing to say. It was just so good. I forgot that it was a survival program -- it felt like I was just watching a concert.”
Dahee is grinning, looking over at the guys to see how this praise is affected them, but you can see that it’s not quite enough. They won’t feel at peace until they know the actual outcome.   
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But Dahee is still the best. What is she wearing? What is that? She’s still the best. 
Baekho goes on, “There was a part that was particularly impressive. Bain-shi, the performance really showed how well you use your voice.” And we get the “on&on&on” part again. Fair. 
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Baekho continues, “Bain gets possessed on stage! If there were someone like him on my team, I’d feel so thankful.” 
Wendy says, “I really enjoyed watching it. I felt like I was watching a concert, too.” She likes how they walked in at the beginning, like cowboys, and how they kept the energy up. 
VCG asks Minseo how long he has been a trainee, and he says 4 years. VCG says that if Minseo is this good after only a few actual performances, what more is he capable of in the future? Both VCG and Solar are excited to see where he goes next. Solar is like, “You’re obviously with an agency, right?” And Minseo says, “um, actually… no…” And Solar is like WTF? VCG says that if he were CEO of an agency, he’d take Minseo immediately. I think that’s on the horizon….
 Backstage, Woong looks right into the camera and says “Brand New Music! Call him right now!!!” (At least, I think that’s what he says. They bleep out part of the company name.)
I guess there’s no time to compliment Bitsaeon, which is a bummer; I think he also did really well. But now it’s time to make BPR Unnie unhappy. 
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The judges have to vote for which team did better, and they joke about going on strike, saying that they just can’t choose. But they do choose, of course. 
Who are we losing of my two favorites, Jeup or Bain? 
I repeat, who are we losing of my two favorites, Jeup or Bain? 
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The blue votes are for Team Bit-Bain, and the red votes are for Jeup’s team. So guest judge, Wendy, and Jaehwan went with team Bit-Bain, while Baekho, Solar, VCG, and Eunkwang went for Jeup’s team.
We’re losing Bain, Bitsaeon, and Minseo.  
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They hold it together with dignity. Bain even has it in him to give the other team the thumbs up. Class act.
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Jeup is sort of pacing around with his hand on his ribcage, as if he’s trying to calm his heart. He’s crying a little. Oh, no, MY heart! And your heart! WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT ALL OUR HEARTS? 
Suhwan steps forward to speak on behalf of his team, and says things like they worked hard and think both teams did well and thank you everyone and yadda yadda. 
Dahee talks to Jeup, saying, “You must have been very nervous.” 
Baekho picks up his mic and says, “Careful now, you’ll lose your muscles if you don’t stop crying.” If anyone would know, it’d be Baekho!
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Jeup clears his throat and says, “I normally don’t cry. Actually, this performance was a bit scary. The other team was so good, and I’m the oldest member of my team. I thought I shouldn’t let my teammates know about my anxiety. I think it was very difficult in many ways. Before the performance, I told my teammates to be calm, but I think I was talking to myself. Thank you, everyone.” 
Dahee says that Bain, Bitsaeon, and Minseo have been eliminated. 
Bain says, “I had a lot of fun on stage. Bitsaeon and Minseo worked so hard.”
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He’s fighting back tears, but he goes on. “Of course, I do feel sad. But it was great to show you myself through Build Up.
The judges reassure them that they really did a really good job too. They’re sad that they have to send away a team that did so well.
But backstage, Bain’s team seems to be relatively at peace. They know they did well and they’re still proud of the job they did, even if they’re sad that they lost. At least they went out on a high note. 
If you’re sad about losing Bain, watch this video of him singing Unholy by Sam Smith. 
And I think I'll end this post here, because this is almost 30 pictures already. So I'll see you in the next one, when Team Gruff N'Smooth takes on Team sweeties. Take care until then!
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evnne · 10 months
liking groups w keita is always: ulting keita+ biasing the cats (taegyun and yunseo)
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livinglifeonpause · 6 months
Build Up - Narrowing The Field
- so the winning team picks one of the losing members and who ever is left goes home? I like that. But no i dont, cause then the same 2 ppl are with each other and thats fucking dumb - OH NO WAIT SHIZ, they’re getting rid of 10 RN? brutal. wait wait wait. ahhhh, the judges pick. inneresting. V20: Lee Donghun (30) (A.C.E.) 6 > 10 > 8 MINE V4: Sunyoul (27) (UPT10TION) 2 > 2 > 6 V1: Seunghun (24) (CIX) 4 > X > 7.5 MINE V33: Neon (23) (nothing) 1 > 10 > 9 MINE V2: Jay Chang (22) (ONEPACT) - 8.5 > 8 > 10 MINE V36: Bitsaeon (28) (M.O.N.T) 5.5 > 3 > 10 MINE V37: Kang Seokhwa (23) (Wei) 7 > 4> 3 V11: Jeon Woong (26) (AB6IX) 3 > 4 >4 V19: Lee Gwangseok (25) (solo) 1 > 4 > 4 V16: Kim Seong jeong (24) (nothing) 1 > 3 > 5 V27: Hong Seongjun (24) (BDC) > 5 V18: Kim Seohyung (22) (musicals) 2 > 3 > 5 V21: Hong Sungwon (25) (solo?) 7 >5.5 > 5 V13: Taehwan (30) (Vanner) 9 > 7 > 6 MINE V15: Park Juhee (17) (trainee) 1 > 6 > 6 MINE V35: Kwon Euibin (24) (Idol Band) 4 > 5 > 4 V22: Hyukjin (30) (100%) 7 > 9 > 6 MINE V6: Jeong Inseong (29) (KNK) 5 > 6 > 8 MINE V38: Lee Hwanhee (25) (UP10TION) 3 > 5 > 7 V26: Jo Hwanji (28) (Musicals) 3 > 5 > 5
NOPE. they made the wrong choices.
okay so V12: Wumuti (24) (Solo?) 8 > 6 > 7 V7: Kang Hayoon (20) (Loud) 7 > 5 > 5 pick V2: Jay Chang (22) (ONEPACT) - 8.5 > 8 > 10 V39: Kim Minseo (21) (nothing) 4 > 4 > 5 (black hair) V3: Bain (22) (JUST B) 9 > 6 > 6 (orange hair) pick V36: Bitsaeon (28) (M.O.N.T) 5.5 > 3 > 10 V23: Yun Inhwan (32) (solo - ENAN) 4 > 2 > 6 (pink sweater) V25: Ma Jaekyung (27) (Romeo) 3 > 4 > 4 (white shirt) pick V20: Lee Donghun (30) (A.C.E.) 6 > 10 > 8 V34: Park Jeup (30) (Imfact) 8 > 10 > 8 V17: Choi Suhwan (22) (X101) 3 > 4 > 7 pick V1: Seunghun (24) (CIX) 4 > X > 7.5 V14: Lim Sanghyun (26) (solo?) 5 > 6 > 6 V28: Taewoo (26) (solo) 5 > 1 > 1 (smooshed face) pick V33: Neon (23) (nothing) 1 > 10 > 9 V10: Lee Geonwoo (22) (JustB) - 2 >2 > 3 (pinky hair) V30: Jung Soomin (19) (Solo) 4 > 7 > 4 (english sleepy one) pick V18: Kim Seohyung (22) (musicals) 2 > 3 > 5 V24: Ji Yeonwoo (??) (nothing) 7.5 > 4> 3 (blue w/ hat) V32: Jeong Yunseo (??) (nothing) 2 > 3> 4 pick V15: Park Juhee (17) (trainee) 1 > 6 > 6 V31: Jang Intae (26) (nothing) 1 > 5 > 3 V9: Lee Minwook (23) (NewKidd) 4 > 5 > 6 pick V11: Jeon Woong (26) (AB6IX) 3 > 4 >4 V5: Lim Junhyeok (30) (Ex-Day6) 1 > 2 > 3 (Day 6 kid) V40: Yeo One (27) (Pentagon) 2 > 2 > 3 (pentagon kid) pick V19: Lee Gwangseok (25) (solo) 1 > 4 > 4 (((wait how the fuck am i missing one??))) V29: Hwang Inhyeock (25) (Nada) 3 > 6 > 4 (sweater vest) V8: Choi Haram (22) (Musicals) 2 > 6 > 5 pick V4: Sunyoul (27) (UPT10TION) 2 > 2 > 6 - poor Jay Chang and poor Neon to a lesser extent - omg, Jeup looooooves Donghun. I’m real bummed they’re not on the same team!! - but OH MY GOD Jeup and Seunghun are giving me LIFE! and omg, Jeups so tiny! I always forget!! - that Wumuti is SUCH a bitch. i dont like him at all.
0 notes
wistfulreality · 3 years
a starter for @imaginc​ - based off x. [ sc ]
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yunseo hadn’t thought of attending his high school reunion, if he had to be honest. after making it big as an actor, these sorts of things just weren’t easy to attend any longer. however, the school pleaded with him to make an appearance, and well, it had been a place that he had cherished, so he agreed with the caveat that no photos would be permitted in any area that he was in unless it was agreed upon by him. he wasn’t expecting to run into her though, and as she seemed to get closer to him, the hotshot actor suddenly felt stuffy in his suit. maybe she would just ignore him and walk off, he thought to himself.
0 notes
strwbrrygrden · 22 days
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Summary : Jealous
Pairing : Yunseo x female reader
Warning : Jealous/Angry Yunseo, fingering, oral (fem receiving)
EVNNE have a successful US tour and decide to celebrate when they go back to Korea. The six of you are at a restaurant (both Jihoo and Junghyun went to bed early), “Y/N, I been working out” Jeonghyeon reveals, “Mhm.. I can see that, it got bigger” you says, he flex his muscles so you gently touch them “wow.. you are so strong” you said.. Yunseo was so angry seeing his girlfriend touching his best friend, “baby.. pay attention to me” he whispers, you continue talking to Jeonghyeon making your boyfriend get extremely angry/jealous. “Babe, stop” he say, you completely ignore him and continue talking to Jeonghyeon “Babe..” he whispers, placing his hands on your upper thighs squeezing them gently underneath the table “I know you can feel it.. don’t ignore me” he whisper, you continue ignoring him so he spread your legs apart a little bit and rub his thumb against your panties as an idea popped up in his mind. Everyone was eating their food when Yunseo drop the utensils under the table, “I’ll get that” he says, “you could ask for a new one” Keita mentions, “it’s okay, I’ll get it from the floor” he responds. Everyone continues eating their food while he goes under the table, he grip your thigh tightly leaving a small red hand mark on it before moving your panties to the side “Gonna ignore me? I’m gonna tease you” he murmurs as he rub his thumb against your clit “so pretty.. so glad I have her” he mumbles before adding a finger in you making you move around your seat “Are you okay?!” Jeonghyeon ask, “Y-yes, I ate too fast” you told him, Yunseo smirks slightly and adds another finger before fingering you underneath the table. You grip the chair gently as you continue eating the food, “Are you sure you’re okay?” Jeonghyeon ask, “Y-yes” you stutters softly.
You take a sip of water as Yunseo continues to finger you until you cum all over his fingers and making a mess on the inside of your skirt “W-where did Yunseo disappear to?” Keita ask, he crawl out of the table quickly going toward the restroom before walking back to the table “I went to use the restroom” he say, “Wasn’t you under the table?” Keita question, “Yeah.. then I had to use the restroom” he reveals. You look up at him seeing him smirk so you blush red before excusing yourself to use the rest room making him smirk more as he watch you walk away with a little bit cum dropping down your legs “Cute..” he thought to himself. The boys continue eating the food, he haven’t seen you walk out so he began to worry “Guys, I will go check up on Y/N” he says, “Are you and Y/N together” Hanbin teases, “I-I just care so much about her!” he exclaim, blushing red as he walks away to go find you. The only one who know about you and Yunseo dating is Hanbin so he likes teasing Yunseo a lot about it in front of the others. “Y/N? Are you good?” He ask, knocking on the door - after a second later, he heard the door unlocks “I hate you so much..” you tell him, “I don’t think you do” he suggest, “I can’t go out like this” you hesitant, “What do you want me to do?” He questions, “Don’t act like you don’t know” you said. He chuckles softly kneeling on the floor “You should clean up the skirt later” he reveals, “S-shut up” you beams. He pull your panties to the side and rubs his thumb on your clit “if you didn’t ignore me, this wouldn’t happen” he reveals, “S-sorry..” you apologize, “No, it’s too late now” he mentions. You lean against the wall as he began eating you out, his tongue deep in you making you arch your back “so pretty..so so pretty” he whisper, you cover your mouth with your hands as your moan become louder and louder. You did not want to be caught by anyone. “Moan for me, let me hear you” he acknowledge.
“Cum..need to cum..” you whimpers, he smirks against your skin holding onto your thighs as tight as he can leaving a red hand print “cum for me baby, make a mess on my tongue” he groans - with those words, you cum all over his tongue “you’re so messy” he whisper, “sit on the sink” he say. You sit at the edge of the sink, legs spread apart as he went in between you “I love you so much” he reveals, “I love you too” you told him, he rub this thumb against your clit teasingly “Every single thing about you is so pretty” he mentions, you bite your lips tight as he adds two fingers “so tight” he whisper, he start fingering you again. His fingers stretch you out perfectly making you a moaning mess, “Yunseo” you say, your hands grip on the edge of the sink tight “Gosh.. You fit so perfectly around my fingers” he mumble, your walls tighten around his fingers as you arch your back “C-cum..so close..” you whisper, he smirk slightly fingering you faster “Cum all over my fingers, baby. Make a mess” he spoken, you whimper softly gripping on the edge as tight as you can as you cum all over his fingers and onto the sink. Yunseo quickly pull down his pants and boxers, enough for his cock to spring free, before he bend you on the sink inserting his cock in you “O-oh my gosh..” you whispers. He hold your waist tight as he began to thrust harsh and deep, “Y-y-yunseo..” you whimpers, “Flirting with my friends making him flex his muscles and letting you touch it? Such a bad girl..” he tells you thrusting deeper and rougher “I-I’m sorry..” you cried, gripping the sink tight as he hits that spot repeatedly “Sorry isn’t enough.. you didn’t pay attention to me” he says, you moan become louder and louder - you did not care if anyone caught or hear you anymore “I thought you didn’t want someone to hear or catch us” he spoken, you cried in pleasure as he continues to repeatedly hit that spot “Y-y-Yunseo.. p-please fuck..” you moans, he grip your hair making you arch your back - his cock go in deeper in you, hitting all the right places “a-ahh fuck..fuck fuck” you curses softly, he smirks slightly knowing that Jeonghyeon will (probably) talk or bother you again.
“C-cum..” you whispers, his thrusts become harder and deeper “Me too, baby. Me too” he groans, gripping your waist tight making you a loud moaning mess. After a few thrust, both of you cum at the same time “So good for me” he whispers as he slowly pull out rubbing the cum filled tip against your clit “S-sorry for making you jealous” you told him, “No you’re not, you did that on purpose” he said, “Maybe I did or maybe I didn’t” you tease, “Ohh.. we are not done yet. Get ready for more when we go back home” he whispers. The both of you help each other get dress, he grab a tissue to clean the inside of your skirt before you head back to the table first “Are you okay?” Keita ask, “Yes, had to use the toilet for a little while” you replies as Yunseo walks out of the restroom and returns back to the table. Jeonghyeon stares over at the both of you and blush red “let’s continue eating together and enjoy it” Jeonghyeon tells everyone. As soon as the both of you return back to the house, he carries you bridal style into the bed room and lies you on the bed “gonna fuck you until you only think of me..” he whispers before kissing your lips and letting his hand go under your skirt to rub your panties “So soaked for me and didn’t do anything yet” he says, you moans into his ear feeling him pulling your panties to the side and adding a finger in you “Y-yunseo..” you whisper, he starts fingering you as he stares at you “So glad you’re mine and not Jeonghyeon” he murmurs. His fingers is hitting the right spots which makes you feel so giddy “Gonna cum, my love? Cum all over my fingers” he whispers, you arch your back staring at the bed frame and cum all over his fingers making a small mess on the bed “You are so messy..” he spoken, you pant heavily as you look up at the ceiling while he slowly pulls out and licks his fingers clean “Are you going to make me jealous again?” he ask, “N-no.. I’ll never do that again..” you answer, he chuckles “Good, you better listen” he whispers.
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Highlights of 2021
Philly trip with Yaeeun
The most amazing lemon angel cake by Lora for 27th birthday
Another family drama in the Cho-household; what else is new?
Befriending Haeri, and our wonderful Michelin experience at Seven Reasons
Traumatic relationship with J.C, and wow - the fear of marrying the wrong person is real
Crying, crying so much because I've never been so fearful of men. Thanks a lot J.C.
Being sent home from work because I even cried at work while taking care of patients
Fleeing to Gloria's house immediately, and eating McD.
Bahamas with Haeri
Flying with Haeri
Golf lessons with Haeri
Batch shit drunk and blackout night in D.C, and Yaeeun saving me with IVF, at home. #bless
Starting my new job as a H e a r t. T r a n s p l a n t. C o o r d i n a t o r.
Completing my Discipleship Training
Realizing that my biggest problem is: always 'feeling' that I need to be productive
The burden of being a TC, and taking care of immunocompromised patients in the midst of a pandemic
First Evergreen camp
Work wife, Mahum, leaving work... so sad.
Many D.C United games
Colorado - Denver, Boulder, Vail w/ Veronica + Yunseo
Being in an unlabeled relationship with E.C., and spending an entire summer with him. Men need to lead and be decisive; not lead you on and waste your time, Hannah. It does not take 3 months, without labels. That was unkind.
Hannah, you went on dates with 6 different men this year. Ugh.
Stella getting engaged, and being asked to be her bridesmaid
Leading official bible study in-person, and absolutely loving my members
Finishing Apologetics Class
Received: Pfizer second + booster (third)
The end of Insecure with Season 5. The most relatable show.
COVID+ at the end of December with Omicron variant, and quarantining.
Gloria being the best and dropping off the most amazing goodie package
Mahum being an angel, even after our hell ICU days
Christian surprisingly dropping off sweeeeets
Concerts: Bleachers + Ronny Chieng
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versctles · 5 years
hello just wanna give an update on drafts i plan to keep and have yet to reply to after decluttering my blog ! if you dont see our thread i either lost muse for it or maybe forgot  bc i am an idiot or it might be my partner’s turn in replying but... pls keep in mind i’ve been extra selective bc i could only handle so much plots/ships and i need to protect my mental health ok. i still have to reply to a bunch of ims too. thank you for understanding xx
@nvllifieds - xander x sebastian , theodore x apollo
@exiitlight - sparrow x sebastian, kyrie x levi
@chvrrybmb - hansol x xander
@obsvssions - taeho x kian starter, jiyeon x jackie starter, zion x iseul
@clairdclunc - changmin x hyunki, hudie x geonwoo
@forcynefin - nathan x levi, manami x summer
@thervnaways - chanmi x geonwoo
@bitterslcves - wolfe x dex, brookie x elias, asher x bethany
@prosperatur - cohen x ace, sage x levi, 
@veridicalsoul - sungjae x xander
 @tiredsheart - kezrah x vera
@othrworldy - eugene x levi
@crovnprince - blaire x bethany, blaire x noah, blaire x wren, dawn x erin *changed my mind gonna pick up their old thread bc i love that
@dcvious - noelle x summer, nico x elena, noelle x wren starter
@painridden - angus x tbd. starter * for whenever u return hope u feel better bb
@lcvedrcp - yunseo x levi
@fivscos - dahye x erin, riley x jinae
@blvshskies - hyerin x erin
@dvlicates - jamie x bethany
@heartmcnds - calliope x erin
@sunsetslvrs - mirae x erin
@wehavefoundthestars - elio x bailey, elio x wren *these are the holiday ones so pls lmk if u want new ones bc i sucked w my activity
@sorrybcby - rachel x candice
@champagne-coca1ne-gasoline - jack x beau
@finalwrning - taylor x ruby
@invcntion - finn x elias
@younqdrunk - nico x calum, max x zach, max x zach starter
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evnne · 9 months
bias check~ list 10 groups you stan and your bias from each, then tag 10 people!
tagged by @hohowonho <3
Drippin - Yunseong (ult), dongyun, junho
Bae173 - Junseo and Minwook (ults)
The Boyz - Changmin (ult), Eric, sunwoo, younghoon
Cravity - Serim and Minhee (ults), jungmo and wonjin
Omega x - Junghoon, Yechan (ults), Hyuk, Jaehan
Just B - Doyum (ult)
EVNNE - Keita (ult), Yunseo and Leejeong
8turn - Minho (ult) and Myungho (?)
Aespa - Ningning
Itzy - Ryujin and Chaeryeong
tagging anyone that would like to do this!! I tried to put mainly the ones I have ults in, and then the two ggs I keep up the most w (yes my ult line is a MESS it's the mental illness)
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x1-imaginesreturns · 5 years
An Evening Dance - Seungwoo Quantum Leap Spin-Off
Pairing: Seungwoo x Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1,712
Notes: There is a lot of stuff from the series incorporated, but I tried to make the fluffy part good so maybe people who don’t read the series can read this!! I also had a really good idea for a piece of art I could do for this... but I can’t draw that good lol
Song Recommendation: Can You Hear My Heart - Epik High (Feat. LEE HI)
Quantum Leap : The Beginning
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You and Seungwoo had been travelling from reality to reality, trying to find the whereabouts of Talo and kdqmbg. Unfortunately, you had no leads, even as you asked the people who lived within each reality. However, something that greatly confused you was there was no version of you in any world you went to. You had spotted Seungwoo on multiple occasions, and the other boys showed their faces a couple of times as well.
‘But why not me?,’ you thought to yourself, ‘Surely I exist in one of these realities…’ 
Although you had no answers to your serious questions, Seungwoo told you many stories as you travelled in and between realities and you told some of your favorite memories in return. And while scrounging up some of your tales from the back of your mind, a fuzzy memory appeared in your head.
It was quite clear Talo had messed with it or even altered it, but the more you looked at it, the more you could start to see a picture in your mind. You had identified that it definitely took place at the flower shop near your residence and that there was a person standing in front of the front door, offering you a charming yellow daisy.
You hadn’t had much time to think about it, however, as today had been quite a busy day. Yunseo had managed to take you into two different realities and of course, it hadn’t amounted to any new leads. Since her powers were still on cooldown, you and Seungwoo were forced to find somewhere to stay in the current reality you were in. Luckily, you had quickly been taken in by a nice old lady.
This realm was quite different, you had to admit. Everything was brightly colored, and everyone had little pictures underneath their right eye, depicting what kind of powers they possessed. There were drops of water, little crystals, tiny flames, and many more. Everyone from this place was also insanely beautiful and retained their good looks even into old age, like the lady you were staying with.
She had a small flower underneath her eye, and her long, white hair had flowers woven into it. The three of you were currently eating what you assumed was dinner, but you had no complaints. Whatever she had served you tasted like cinnamon rolls for some reason, but you didn’t want to ask and get an answer you didn’t want.
The dinner had been mostly silent before she spoke up, “I can tell that neither of you are from here, that much is obvious.” Her eyes wistfully cast up before she says, “I’m unsure how much help I can be, but I can tell you’re on the search for Talo and kdqmbg.”
You and Seungwoo instantly turn to each other, gaping, but before you can say anything, the lady continues, “Just as my grandson is. They once terrorized our lands, but once they knew what they were looking for wasn’t here, they simply wiped our memories and moved to the next realm.”
“My grandson was born with the ability to move from one reality to the next. It doesn’t extend much further than that, but he would often leave to explore other places. He happened to leave on the day our memories were wiped, and so, he remembers everything from the time they were here.”
“He left only about two years ago to try and find them. He never returns home, and I’ve been forced to pretend as if my own grandson is dead,” she says, pausing for a split second to let Seungwoo and I process this before continuing, “While I cannot definitively point you in the direction of where my grandson is, I know he resides in a world where there are no natural magical powers. If you manage to find him, I’m sure he will be more than ready to fight for your cause.” A silence settles among the three of you before you finally say, “Thank you, ma’am. We’ll try and find your grandson and bring him back to you if we can.” She simply smiles at your words and says, “Thank you dear. Let me show you to your rooms.”
After you had gotten settled in the temporary rooms, you and Seungwoo were left with nothing to do but think. You turned back and forth on the bed you were laying on, and you couldn’t help but feel both hope and despair. ‘On one hand, we’ve gotten a lead,’ you thought, ‘But on the other hand, we don’t know where to go with it in the first place.’
You rubbed your eyes frustratedly, trying to push away the tears of hopelessness that were forming in your eyes. ‘I need some fresh air,’ you thought. Without saying anything to Seungwoo, you walked out of the room you were sharing and eventually made your way into the backyard of the property.
It overlooked a valley, and the horizon was spectacularly colored with the hues of a late sunset. The backyard was also filled with different colored roses, and each one of them had little dots of glitter covering the petals. You honestly couldn’t believe how saturated this world was and how beautiful everything appeared to be.
You breathed in deeply, taking in the fresh air of the mountains. As you exhaled slowly, you mind started drifting back towards your mission and you sighed. ‘I just can’t seem to get my mind off of it,’ you think, ‘But how can I not? I have so many worries…’
Turning around slowly, you started to take a step back towards the door, but before you did, you noticed Seungwoo standing in the doorway. “What are you doing y/n?” he asks, stepping down from his position to walk towards you. 
“Just getting a breath of fresh air,” you say as Seungwoo stands next to you, facing the fading sunset. “It sure seems like you almost got more stressed coming out here,” he says, tilting his head at you. “W-well, you know, it’s just a lot of pressure to like stop an evil villain that I’ve never even really seen before.”
He smiles at you and says, “Yeah, it definitely is. But we’ve got each other, don’t we? If we work hard, we’ll find them in no time, but if we’re divided and slow, we’ll never get anything done. So, while we’re seeing all of these amazing places, let’s make the most of it, okay?”
Your face heats up slightly at his words, but before he says anything else, he starts floating. He turns himself to face you, the sunset colors surrounding him as he held his hand out to you and says…
“Dance with me, y/n.”
You reach your hand out without thinking twice, and you instantly feel the gravity on you fade. He smiles at you gently, taking your other hand in his delicately. The two of you gaze into each other’s eyes, the hues of the sunset reflected in both of your irises.
After a few seconds, you look down shyly, your cheeks a rosy pink, before realizing how high you and Seungwoo were flying. A slow, sweet song surrounds the two of you, and you immediately look up at Seungwoo in surprise. “W-what? Is that you making that Seungwoo?” you ask confusedly. He smiles sheepishly, a slight blush dusting his cheeks, before saying, “I’ve had Makani teach me a few things over the years.”
The tune picked up in pace once he had spoken, and Seungwoo moved one of his arms around your waist while the other held your still connected hands outwards. He started out by doing a simple step, allowing you to easily follow.
The two of you swayed from side to side, concentrating on the feel of the music and each other’s presence. Your heart felt warm and the sunset’s final glow made Seungwoo somehow look more attractive. “I’m going to spin you,” Seungwoo says quietly, almost as if he didn’t want to break the silence. You nod in response, and he elegantly twists you around before you instantly go back to the basic step.
You fell into a rhythm, Seungwoo spinning you around on every 4th beat. Your eyes eventually closed at some point and all you could feel was Seungwoo’s arm around you and all you could hear was the soft tune of the song and Seungwoo’s steady breathing from above you.
Soon enough, the sunset had disappeared beyond the horizon, and you and Seungwoo continued dancing among the many different colored stars, this reality’s three moons shining down on you. The song moved from fast to slow as it played out and you followed the song perfectly, almost as if you were a machine.
Suddenly, the music came to a pause, and Seungwoo slowly brought the two of you to a stop. You looked up at him again and his eyes were glowing their usual tawny color. His smile made its way back onto his face and he brought your still connected hands to his lips, your hand on top.
He pressed a soft but firm kiss to your hand, and a warm feeling spread throughout your entire body, your face heating up considerably more than the rest of your body. As he removed his lips, he flashed you one last smile before he turned around, flying back towards the ground quickly, you holding onto your still connected hand tightly.
But as you were flying down, your mind flew back, hitting the spot where that one memory had been. You were thrown into the memory, and this time it appeared in color. The flowers in front of the shop were vibrant, and you were clearly making your way towards the entrance, where someone was currently standing.
And as you looked at their face, you immediately knew who it was.
You were thrown back into reality as soon as you realized, and Seungwoo had just landed, meaning your feet were just about to touch the ground. You somehow landed smoothly, your mind still feeling fuzzy from the sudden throwback. “You went out for a second there y/n, what happened?” Seungwoo asks, looking at you concernedly. 
“Seungwoo,” you start, “I think I knew you in my original reality.”
(Part 1) (Part 2) (̵̨̱̣̬̘̫͍̖͚̮͉̮͍̮̽́̋̔̈́̒́̓̅͝ͅʇ̷̢̨̰͍̳̲̗͓̞̫̇̆͋͂̚͝n̶̛̥̥̟̬̺͕̫̔̏̀̉̓̌̇̊̓̕͝ȏ̸̧̭̯͍̜͖̖̤̼̤̯̬̖́̉̉̕ ̶͋̏͂̔̃͋̏̎̐̐́͜ɥ̶̨̧̡̡̛̪̣̣̗̼̥͖̠͑̈́͘͠͝ɔ̴̖̼̹͍̼͎̞̹͉͔͋̐̃̽ʇ̴̢̰̦̞͙̹̤̬̓͑̈́̓̈́͑͜ɐ̵̪̈́̄̔ʍ) (Part 3) (An Evening Dance)
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