avreole · 6 years
all the txts bro
i hate u bro
✆ , a MORNING text. 
sms, WHIP  👊😜 DANAENAE 👋😳 — WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UPsms, WHIP  👊😜 DANAENAE 👋😳 — im at the gryff door come out!!! let’s eat before we go on a run!!!! im starving!
✉ , a text that WASN’T SENT. / BACKDATED
sms, daniel — sometimes i’m jealous of you sms, daniel — i wish i knew my dad too haha
☎ , a RUSHED text. 
⁇ , a DRUNK text.
sms, WHIP  👊😜 DANAENAE 👋😳 — kthohgoht about itsms, WHIP  👊😜 DANAENAE 👋😳 — ifi had to mfk u , the rock nd kakashisms, WHIP  👊😜 DANAENAE 👋😳 — id MARRY FUsms, WHIP  👊😜 DANAENAE 👋😳 — THDTS HOW CMUH I LOVE Usms, WHIP  👊😜 DANAENAE 👋😳 — ID kdILL THE RCOK FOR U
✿ , a SUGGESTIVE text. 
sms, WHIP  👊😜 DANAENAE 👋😳 — if u want to live another daysms, WHIP  👊😜 DANAENAE 👋😳 — i suggest u get on ur kneessms, WHIP  👊😜 DANAENAE 👋😳 — and begsms, WHIP  👊😜 DANAENAE 👋😳 — FOR FORGIVENESS WHAT THE H*CK U REALLY WENT AND SCRATCHED MY LUCKY SNITCH 
sms, danieldanieldanieldanieldanieldanieldanieldaniel batman — hey come to my roomsms, danieldanieldanieldanieldanieldanieldanieldaniel batman — i got condomssms, danieldanieldanieldanieldanieldanieldanieldaniel batman — can u read the labels with me so we can equip ourselves with the knowledge and power of safe sexsms, danieldanieldanieldanieldanieldanieldanieldaniel batman — also bc mom sent them and she put ur name on the box too u gotta suffer with me
ø , a LATE NIGHT text.
sms, WHIP  👊😜 DANAENAE 👋😳 — can u come over sms, WHIP  👊😜 DANAENAE 👋😳 — got in a fight w mom and idk how to apologize
✘ , a HATEFUL text.
sms, WHIP  👊😜 DANAENAE 👋😳 — u really shared OUR meme with some dumb SLYTHERIN I DONT EVEN KNOWsms, WHIP  👊😜 DANAENAE 👋😳 — IT’S LIKE I DONT EVEN KNOW U ANYMORE!!!!!sms, WHIP  👊😜 DANAENAE 👋😳 — i thought u were baesms, WHIP  👊😜 DANAENAE 👋😳 — but turns out ur just fam
# , a RANDOM text.
sms, WHIP  👊😜 DANAENAE 👋😳 — just so u know ur beautiful inside and out and i love u brosms, WHIP  👊😜 DANAENAE 👋😳 — and also i need ur potions hw
@ , a SCARED text. / BACKDATED
sms, daniel — some of the upperclassmen were saying i should stop bothering u so much sms, daniel — uhsms, daniel — can you be honest? haha am i bothering you..?
& , a LOVING text.
sms, WHIP  👊😜 DANAENAE 👋😳 — dude chill outsms, WHIP  👊😜 DANAENAE 👋😳 — i really don’t think anything could change how much i love u sms, WHIP  👊😜 DANAENAE 👋😳 — ur my best friend and family
% , a CURIOUS text.
sms, WHIP  👊😜 DANAENAE 👋😳 — so uhsms, WHIP  👊😜 DANAENAE 👋😳 — eric huh....
ツ , an EXCITED text. 
$ , an ACCIDENTAL text. 
sms, WHIP  👊😜 DANAENAE 👋😳 — hey man i really make it a habit not to curse because words are powerful but if i hear you talking shit about daniel one more time i’m going to punch you in the fucking face lmaosms, WHIP  👊😜 DANAENAE 👋😳 — .sms, WHIP  👊😜 DANAENAE 👋😳 — is what i woudl .sms, WHIP  👊😜 DANAENAE 👋😳 — say if sms, WHIP  👊😜 DANAENAE 👋😳 —  someonesms, WHIP  👊😜 DANAENAE 👋😳 — uhsms, WHIP  👊😜 DANAENAE 👋😳 — ok f this im going to fight for ur honor idgaf bbl
♀ , a HEARTBREAKING text. 
sms, daniel — sure you can get mad at me for wanting what’s best for yousms, daniel — you’re fucking family to mesms, daniel — i’d never hurt you on purpose and if i do then we have to figure it OUT instead ofsms, daniel — man never mindsms, daniel — i’m gonna cool off
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cavalierpostcards · 5 years
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ICYMI: Art Postcard Leith Harbour from the Peir Coloured aquatint 1822 by W.Daniell 26R http://dlvr.it/R4d1ZW http://dlvr.it/R4d1ZW
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qjll-blog · 7 years
Blog 3
As I read through “The Pattern On the Stone” I was always engaged and interested in the readings. I am always interested in learning something new which always kept the book interesting because it was full of information I’ve never learned before. Also with it being an area that I want to gain knowledge and learn more about kept me more engaged because it was something I wanted to learn, and not just a book I’m forced to read with information that I wouldn’t use. Overall this book kept me engaged a hundred percent of the time and it always stayed interesting. The most interesting thing to me in this book is in chapter 8 “Computer That Learn and Adapt”. This chapter is full of useful and interesting information in my opinion. I would honestly read this chapter again because it was my favorite, but not really because I already read the book. But in this chapter it talks about really literally what the title says. How computer learn and adapt. I thought it was really interesting how it’s possible for computer to learn and adapt to change on its own. Like it said early on in the chapter I always assumed a program needed to be updated and reprogramed for there so be and actually significant change to the program. But for a computer to learn from its errors and change itself is real interesting and makes me realize how far and how much further computers can go. Although this chapter is the one that really stood out to me, there are no boring or uninteresting parts of this book. The whole book in its entirety is an interesting book. It does a good job of keeping you in and providing good examples that are relevant and help you understand that section of the book just that much better. This whole book is full of great information and can keep me reading with no problems. In the algorithms section of the book I looked up more information on algorithms. This being mainly because I missed a lecture on algorithms, but also because reading it in the book I felt I could better understand this area if I researched it on my own. As I looked more into Algorithms I came to find all the different kinds of algorithms that were both simple and complicated. It was more information than I expected at the time but I was soon able to narrow all of it down and pick up a better understanding of the algorithms. Thanks to this book I now have an even better understanding of computers. Coming into this class thinking I knew good amount on computers and that there really wasn’t too much more to learn more about. I was mistaken, there was so much more information and so much more I realized I needed to learn. This book showed me all kinds of different things I never heard of or even thought about. This gave me many different views of computers and how they work. On a review site for pattern on the stone, I share the same views as to what this guy says in his review. He says “Most people are baffled by how computers work and assume that they will never understand them. What they don’t realize—and what Daniel Hillis’s short book brilliantly demonstrates—is that computers’ seemingly complex operations can be broken down into a few simple parts that perform the same simple procedures over and over again.” (W.Daniel Hills, http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/277658.The_Pattern_on_the_Stone). This is exactly how I felt reading the pattern in the stone. Simply put the book is a good interesting read and full of good and useful information that people would generally not even think about.
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iseenick-blog1 · 7 years
Blog 3 - Making Meaning: POTS
I find reading very enjoyable. I like to say it is one of my hobbies. I also find learning new things about stuff that I find fascinating, very enjoyable. So, when my professor told my class that we would be reading a book called, “Pattern on the Stone”, it caught my attention. I did some research about what the book was filled with, & I was immediately hooked. Even though the  book is almost two decades old. I found it relatively to the time we live in. It explains how computers work, but in simpler terms. It navigates through history & different, complicated concepts of computer science by explaining it through metaphors & analogies.
 I was content when I was reading the book. I did like how W. Daniel Hillis -- the author -- makes the most complex theories or concepts easy to understand. He’s constantly telling stories that introduce a new idea. Learning about the pixels and how computers adapt & learn was interesting to read. He used an example of how a thermostat can only register two errors: too hot, too cold; and when an error occurs, it only can input two solutions: turn on the furnace or turn it off. But the thermostat cannot register the magnitude of the error (which means stop turning up the heat when the house gets cold)(Hillis 122). 
Despite all of the cool things that I learned, not everything was enjoyable to read. Such as finite-state machines. It was kind of difficult to understand what connection the author was trying to make; i do know that finite-state is important, but the information took a lot to understand. I think that was the  only piece of literature in the book that was confusing to me. One of the term or concept that I did google was parallelism. Parallelism or really parallel computers was interesting to read about (Hillis 109). I had an internship this past summer for a bank in Wichita, and I worked in their data center. And after reading the segment & looking on Google about parallel computers. I realize i worked in the next room from many parallel computers daily. The servers, WIFI, and all the data of the bank was connected to the parallel computers. I remember vividly the day the parallel computers went down. It was a hectic day. Even though I didn’t know how to contribute to help solving the problem, I was able to witness how to problem solve. 
In the “Pattern on the Stone”, there is a whole chapter dedicated to programming. I find programming very intriguing. I feel like it is challenging to learn, but I know its beneficial to learn in the occupational field I want work in. The book didn’t really leave any unanswered questions, it did a great job of touching broad topics that relate on how a computer works. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to know how a computer works. The concepts & examples are very helpful, the information is very useful for anyone who wants to go into computer related field. I think why this book was chosen, because it does an exceptional job of making sense of computers. With that being said, if a person with no previous knowledge of computers read this book, they might be over-whelmed. Some of the concepts that he touches on, such as “hierarchy of abstraction” or “finite-state machine”, might be too complicated to understand. 
Thus, I feel like someone who should have a general understanding of computers to enjoy this book. An article touched based on this and many reviews of the book, Daniel Hillis book is helpful if you’re interested in how computers work but don’t really know (Kottke).  
Ciations:  W.Daniel Hillis, Algorithms and Heuristics. The Pattern on the Stone. New York, 1998.
External Website: http://kottke.org/02/07/the-pattern-on-the-stone-by-daniel-hillis
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lonesomesouth · 7 years
10/28/2017 Foce (Lugano, Switzerland) w. Micah P. Hinson 07/09/2017 Sunday Funday Music Village (Parco Ciani, Lugano, Switzerland) 06/24/2017 Festa della Musica (Mendrisio, Switzerland) 06/24/2017 Festa della Musica (Mendrisio, Switzerland) 04/08/2017 Bad Bonn (Düdingen, Switzerland) 03/02/2017 Grabenhalle (St. Gallen, Switzerland) 03/01/2017 Bogen F (Zürich, Switzerland)   09/18/2016 Le Bourg: Label Suisse Festival (Lausanne, Switzerland) 03/26/2016 C'ho 10 anni: On the Camper Festival (Lugano, Switzerland) 10/17/2015 Folk (Bellinzona, Switzerland) 09/18/2015 Negromante (Locarno, Switzerland) 08/01/2015 Cascina Bellaria (Sezzadio, Italy) 07/25/2015 Sessa Open Air (Sessa, Switzerland) 07/18/2015 Rocca Malatestiana (Cesena, Italy) 05/28/2015 Cafè du Commerce (Bienne, Switzerland) 05/08/2015 Bogen F (Zürch, Switzerland) 05/02/2015 Chiasso Letteraria (Chiasso, Switzerland) 05/01/2015 Botteghe Barranco (Merlara, Italy) 03/23/2015 Twiggy (Varese, Italy) 03/13/2015 Lo-Fi (Milan, Italy) 03/12/2015 Studio Foce (Lugano, Switzerland) 12/12/2014 Bad Bonn (Düdingen, Switzerland) 11/22/2014 Galerie Du Sauvage (Porrentruy, Switzerland) 11/21/2014 Le Lux (Le Locle, Switzerland) 10/25/2014 Metricubi (Venice, Italy) 10/24/2014 Reitschule Fest (Bern, Switzerland) 10/04/2014 Performa Festival (Losone, Switzerland) 08/30/2014 Viglio (Collina d'Oro, Switzerland) 08/15/2014 MonteArte (Monte, Switzerland) 06/28/2014 Festival Musica Distesa (Cupramontana, Italy) 06/14/2014 Stéréolithe (Nancy, France) 03/29/2014 M4Music Festival (Zürich, Switzerland) 03/22/2014 Lo Sgambetto (Curio-Lugano, Switzerland) 03/14/2014 Café Kairo (Bern, Switzerland) 03/02/2014 The Stag and Hounds (Bristol, UK) 02/28/2014 The Ship (Leigh-On-Sea, UK) 02/27/2014 Fallow Cafe (Manchester, UK) 02/25/2014 The Malt Cross (Nottingham, UK) 02/24/2014 The Gaslight Club (Leeds, UK) 02/23/2014 Telford’s Warehouse (Chester, UK) 02/22/2014 The Fishpond (Matlock, UK) 02/21/2014 The Prince Albert (Stroud, UK) 02/20/2014 The Green Note (London, UK) 10/30/2013 BandzOnAir Session @ RSI Rete 3 (Lugano, Switzerland) 10/25/2013 Radio3Fach (Luzern, Switzerland) 10/20/2013 Ludwigs (Nüremberg, Germany) 10/19/2013 L’Estaminet (Vagney, France) 10/18/2013 Der Bock (Mannheim, Germany) 10/17/2013 Shelter (Vienna, Austria) 10/12/2013 L’Auréole Bethencourt (Tincques, France) 10/11/2013 Nimby (Thionville, France) 10/10/2013 Le Météo (Poitiers, Spain) 10/07/2013 Sala Berlin (Zamora, Spain) 10/06/2013 Jazz Cava (Vic, Spain) 10/04/2013 LivingRoom (Lugano, Switzerland) 09/26/2013 Chop Records (Bern, Switzerland) 08/24/2013 Lugano Folk Festival (Lugano, Switzerland) 08/10/2013 Cambusindie Festival (Locarno, Switzerland) 08/06/2013 Bogen F w. Haight Ashbury (Zürich, Switzerland) 07/23/2013 Paléo Festival (Nyon, Switzerland) 07/15/2013 Gattò (Milan, Italy) 02/23/2013 Zoccolino, Bellinzona (Switzerland) 01/17/2013 La Gravière, Geneve (Switzerland) 11/23/2012 Fri-Son, Fribourg (Switzerland) 11/13/2012 That’s All Folks Festival, Lugano (Switzerland) 10/11/2012 Mars, Zürich (Switzerland) 08/10/2012 Cambusindie Locarno Filmfestival (Switzerland) 09/21/2012 La Parenthèse, Nyon (Switzerland) 07/07/2012 Rote Fabrik /w.Wovenhand, Zürich (Switzerland) 05/29/2012 ISC / w.Daniel Norgren, Bern (Switzerland) 05/25/2012 Aspettando Estival, Lugano (Switzerland) 05/01/2012 Viadukt, Zürich (Switzerland) 03/31/2012 Metro Club, Lugano (Switzerland) 03/24/2012 Der Bock, Mannheim (Germany) 03/23/2012 Bad Bonn, Düdingen (FR/Switzerland) 03/22/2012 Café du commerce, Biel/Bienne (Switzerland) 03/21/2012 SchöneggVarieté, Zürich (Switzerland) 02/10/2012 One of a Million Festival,Baden(Switzerland) 01/20/2012 Coyote Ugly, Lugano (Switzerland) 01/13/2012 Bar Maggio, Lugano (Switzerland) 11/17/2011 Artelier, Lugano (Switzerland) 11/12/2011 Le Bourg, Lausanne (Switzerland) 10/29/2011 Livingroom Show, Zwolle (Netherlands) 10/29/2011 Kringloop Session, Zwolle (Netherlands) 10/28/2011 Livingroom Show, Delft (Netherlands) 10/27/2011 De Bunker, Gemert, (Netherlands) 10/26/2011 Burgerweeshuis, Deventer (Netherlands) 10/22/2011 Plane Ari Home, Wanquetin (France) 09/10/2011 La Fabbrica, Losone (Switzerland) 08/07/2011 Cambusindie Fest-, Locarno (Switzerland) 06/16/2011 Cave a Musique, Macon (France) 04/02/2011 Coyote Ugly, Lugano, (Swizerland) 02/05/2011 Chrämerhuus, Langenthal (Switzerland) 02/03/2011 Cökpôn Theater, Budapest (Hungary) 02/02/2011 Shelter, Wien (Austria) 01/30/2011 Astra-Stube, Hamburg (Germany) 01/28/2011 The Waterhole, Amsterdam (Netherlands) 12/18/2010 La Salumeria del Rock, Arceto (Italy) 12/17/2010 La Tana delle Rane, Novellara (Italy) 12/16/2010 Julien, Vicenza (Italy) 11/13/2010 ImSchtei, Sempach (Switzerland) 11/13/2010 Radio 3Fach, Luzern (Switzerland) 10/30/2010 ONO, Bern (Switzerland) 10/16/2010 Coq d’Or, Olten (Switzerland) 10/02/2010 Cinema Lux, Lugano (Switzerland) 09/25/2010 La Mela di Newton, Padova (Italy) 09/24/2010 Arci Blob, Arcore (Italy) 09/23/2010 La Catrina, Zürich (Switzerland) 09/22/2010 Bluradioveneto, Padova (Italy) 09/02/2010 Nordportal, Baden (Switzerland) 08/13/2010 Cambusindie, Locarno (Switzerland) 07/17/2010 Festival Montearte, Monte (Switzerland) 06/04/2010 TapTab , Schaffhausen (Switzerland) 05/23/2010 Tambourine, Seregno (Italy) 05/22/2010 Ortosonico, Pavia (Italy) 05/21/2010 Camagre Live, Isola della Scala (Italy) 05/20/2010 All’1a e 35 circa, Cantù (Italy) 05/08/2010 Kulturfabrik, Wetzikon (Switzerland) 04/30/2010 Living Room, Lugano (Switzerland) 04/17/2010 Privat Party, R. San Vitale (Switzerland) 03/05/2010 Peter Pan, Bellinzona (Switzerland) 01/30/2010 Metrò Club, Lugano (Switzerland) 01/23/2010 Coyote Ugly, Lugano (Switzerland) 01/03/2010 Dimensione, Winterthur (Switzerland) 12/19/2009 Pini, Biasca (Switzerland) 12/17/2009 Café du commerce, Bienne (Switzerland) 12/05/2009 Coyote Ugly, Lugano (Switzerland) 11/20/2009 Lazyfalken, Interlaken (Switzerland) 11/19/2009 La Catrina, Zürich (Switzerland) 10/17/2009 Atelier Art & Bar, Wohlen (Switzerland) 09/23/2009 Nouveau Monde, Fribourg (Switzerland) 08/29/2009 Arcanoa, Berlin (Germany) 08/28/2009 Alte Feuerwache, Berlin (Germany) 08/26/2009 Chapeau Rouge, Praha (CZ) 08/06/2009 Cambusindie, Locarno (Switzerland) 08/01/2009 Experience O.A, Biasca (Switzerland) 07/04/2009 Ono, Bern (Switzerland) 07/03/2009 Vivintrezzo, Trezzo sull’Adda (Italy) 06/18/2009 Arci Cicco Simonetta, Milano (Italy) 06/11/2009 Peter Pan (Bellinzona, Switzerland) 04/10/2009 Jail, Milano (Italy) 03/19/2009 Cabaret Voltaire, Zürich (Switzerland) 02/07/2009 An Club, Athens (Greece) 01/31/2009 Teatro di Banco (Switzerland) 01/17/2009 Herbert, Baden (Switzerland) 11/29/2008 Paso Music, Gorduno (Switzerland) 09/19/2008 Piazza San Rocco, Lugano (Switzerland) 09/13/2008 La Fabbrica, Losone (Switzerland) 08/02/2008 Experience O.A., Biasca (Switzerland) 05/24/2008 That’s All Folks! Festival (Switzerland) 05/03/2008 Fri-Son, Friboug (Switzerland) 10/27/2006 Circolo 005, Laveno (Italy) 06/22/2006 Tonino, Ponte Tresa (Switzerland)
0 notes
cavalierpostcards · 5 years
Tumblr media
Art Postcard Leith Harbour from the Peir Coloured aquatint 1822 by W.Daniell 26R http://dlvr.it/R4SZ3d http://dlvr.it/R4SZ3d
0 notes
iseenick-blog1 · 7 years
Blog 2 - Algorithms
Computer science incorporates some interesting algorithms, ones that were found by geniuses, and others found just through the advancement of time & life. Algorithms have one sole purpose: to solve a set of problems. And I would like to look at one of the more simpler algorithms, but a suffice algorithm to say the least. The algorithm that I would like to talk about is long division.
Math has been around since the beginning of time. It is essential in many different industries, occupations, and even everyday life. One of the subsets of math is division. Division in its simplest terms can be illustrated as N/D. N is represented as the numerator & D is represented as the denominator. N & D can be as complex as you would like, which brings in the concept of long division. Long division is algorithm that is taught in middle school. I vividly remember this, because it took me awhile to understand the concept. Long division breaks down a problem into easier steps, making it capable to do by hand. 
The form of long division used in the modern era & in schools today, developed in 1600 AD. In the same form, as regular division; you take the number that is the furthest more left -- of the dividend -- and divide it by the divisor. The answer you are left with -- the quotient -- is then multiplied by the divisor & the process repeats its self. There is a similar algorithm called -- chunking. Chunking does not work as well as long division. Short division is the “shorten’ version of long division. I think the best thing about this algorithm is that it can be done by hand & by a computer. Many people use this computer daily, others not. The computer that I am talking about is a calculator. A calculator uses the algorithm of long division & simplifies the use of it. I know I take for granted the use of a calculator, and sure everyone else does. 
Though that I did not need the book to understand or comprehend how to use this algorithm, the book did reference some interesting points. The book said, “an algorithm is a fail-safe procedure” and I thought that was interesting (Hillis 78). Basically, the book, Pattern on the Stone, is saying algorithm is guaranteed to achieve the goal it was intend to (Hillis 78).  The book also talked about how you can’t judge an algorithm by how fast it elapses the solution. Granted, a computer or even a calculator can take a few seconds to process complex computations, long division isn’t one of those. You can type the largest number that a computer or a calculator allows, and you will get an answer within one second. I think that is astounding. Thinking about what it takes to compute even some of the simpler long division problems. It would take me a few minutes (I have come a long way from third grade). 
But someone uses long division on a daily basis for their career. Like a financial controller for an energy firm, or a chief financing offer for a financial institution. Thinking about the times before computers or calculators, someone had to do complex long division for a company (Thinking Through Math). The company relied on the information received from the individual who compute the math using long division. What I’m trying to say is that, even though long division is not the most complex or even the world’s most famous algorithm. It just might be one of the most important algorithms we have. It has survived the test of time, and will continue to do that. Long division is something we have taken for granted, just like many other algorithm that are now computerized.
Citations: W.Daniel Hillis, Algorithms and Heuristics. The Pattern on the Stone. New York, 1998.
External website: https://www.thinkthroughmath.com/math-real-life-examples/
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avreole · 6 years
he really isn’t the biggest fan of cursing.
and if eli wasn’t absolutely preoccupied with trying to calculate how feasible an escape route from where he’s standing right this second to Literally Anywhere Outside of Eric Kang’s Line of Vision might be when he’s a) severely limited in terms of mobility by the most inconvenient halloween costume in the history of inconvenient halloween costumes; b) drunk as fuck (sorry, mom); and c) drunk as FUCK (sorry, mom!!), he might have let out a good ol’ hearty “SHIIIIIT.”
eric and daniel are starting to move in his general direction and elijah thinks, distantly, that this moment might haunt him. he’d promised himself (and daniel—though daniel doesn’t know) before strutting into the party that he wouldn’t interfere with the most infuriatingly frustrating courtship of one (1) daniel seo and one (too many) eric kang. 
quick, eli thinks to himself in a panic. maybe if you play dead they’ll walk right past you.
he fidgets for a second in his hulking sauna of a costume and finds that it’s extremely difficult to do anything but waddle forward and backward. bears sure do have it hard. 
and it’s too late anyway. by the time he looks up, eric and daniel are right in front of him, and all elijah can manage is a stammered out, “shiiiiiiiiiiit,” followed by an ever-so-graceful, “haha, uh. what’s gucci, sons.” 
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( @salvativn / @gcldeneye )
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