sheerfreesia007 · 1 year
Win A Date With A Naval Officer pt. 5
Title: Win A Date With A Naval Officer pt. 5
Fandom: Top Gun Maverick
Pairing: Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x OFC!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 7,645
Warnings: toxic family dynamic, cursing, steamy make out session
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
WADWANO Tag List: @fandom-princess-forevermore
Gif Credit: @skylessnights
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The birds were chirping peacefully as the sun hung in the mid morning air while the bees buzzed from blossomed flower to blossomed flower in the perfectly manicured backyard of the Bennett’s home. All of it with the large weeping willow tree created a whimsical scenery for Rachel’s tea party that she was hosting. Unfortunately that peaceful whimsical scenery was shattered as soon as Rachel opened her mouth to shrilly ask about her youngest daughter who was absent from today’s tea party.
“Has anyone heard from Lettie lately? I can never seem to get her on the phone anymore.” Rachel asked like a petulant child as she huffed softly. Viola who sat next to Rachel at the large white painted metal table took a dainty sip of her tea before shaking her head.
“She’s been skipping on some of the charities that I’ve hosted in the past few months. The last one I had to actually hire a bakery to make the desserts for me and the table was done up all wrong by the wait staff!” Viola said disgustedly as she sneered behind her tea cup.
“She hasn’t hosted a charity event either in a few months.” Anise informed them as she set her own tea cup down on the saucer. “And I don’t think she has any plans to host one anytime soon.” Rachel scowled darkly at that information before huffing angrily.
“It’s all because of her new boyfriend. That naval officer.” Millicent said with a shrug of her shoulders. “I remember when I met Thomas. I didn’t want to do anything besides spend time with him. You can’t fault her for doing that, she’s in love.” Millicent smiled dreamily as she rested her chin in her palm on the table with a far off look in her eyes. Rachel frowned at her second oldest daughter’s words before Viola spoke up once again.
“Yes but she’s not helping out the family when we need her.” Viola said disdainfully and Rachel nodded her head in agreement.
“She’s not acting like a proper southern belle. She’s not giving back to the community-”Rachel stated and Nora spoke up suddenly.
“That’s not true. She’s been working at the food pantries in the city, my girlfriends saw her working a few weeks ago at New Orleans Mission. She was giving out boxes to those less fortunate there and then she worked the food line at the St. John the Baptist Community Center. She’s still giving back, it's just not on your terms.” Nora said with a sharp look in her eye. Rachel sat there quietly for a moment wondering where this defiant attitude had come from in Nora.
“Really Nora, sounds like you agree with what Lettie is doing.” Viola said with a twist of her lips. “What’s the matter is Frank getting into that pretty head of yours?” she asked derisively and everyone at the table all sucked in sharp breaths as their eyes darted over to Nora.
“Better that than just following along like a good little girl.” Nora snipped back as she glared at Viola from across the table. Viola smirked evilly over her tea cup and Rachel knew if she didn’t step in there’d be so damage between the two sisters.
“Well what do you suggest we do to get Lettie back to helping us with our charities?” Rachel asked curiously to Nora who blinked at her owlishly for a moment before shrugging her shoulders.
“She’s happy doing what she’s doing. What’s the harm of leaving her be? She was never going to be a proper southern belle like you wanted her to be anyway, why can’t she just be Lettie?” Nora asked conversationally and Rachel scowled at her questions.
“Because that’s not what I want for her life.” Rachel snapped out hurriedly and Nora waved her hand in the air stopping Rachel from speaking again.
“It’s her life Mom. Just because you want her to be a proper southern belle doesn’t mean that it’s going to happen. In fact I’m pretty sure if you keep pushing for this it’ll end up the exact opposite of what you want.” Nora said knowingly and Rachel shook her head hurriedly at her words.
“You sound just like your father! All of my daughters will be perfect southern belles if I have any say about it. They will emulate the perfect sophisticated woman, a pillar of her community who gives back and shares her wealth in any way that she can. A true, honest role model for everyone else to strive to be.” Rachel said determinedly and Nora scoffed softly at her words.
“Mom, while that’s all well and good it’s unrealistic. Out of your five daughters I’m pretty sure Lettie is the closest to that description.” Nora said with an incredulous chuckle and shake of her head.
“Speak for yourself.” Viola snipped and Nora grinned wolfishly at Viola across the table.
“You’re one to talk.” Nora responded gamely and Rachel sat back in her chair as she felt the air grow cold. “You’re the worst one out of all of us Vi. You treat your maids like garbage and work them until they either collapse or they quit due to being worn out. You can’t keep a nanny employed on your payroll for longer than a month all because your children are absolute hellions. And who are you trying to kid with all those posts on Facebook with your husband? We all know he’s banging your next door neighbor’s wife on the side. What happened with his last secretary huh?” Nora said as her tone and volume rose with incredulity as she continued to talk. Viola snapped her mouth shut angrily and glared hatefully at Nora. “We all have our own vices that we partake in and for you to think that we’d all be perfect southern belles is a joke. It’s all a lie. And Lettie doesn’t deserve your disdain all because she wants to work for a living and not be a stay at home mom. She’s got so much talent in just her little pinky and all you do is tear her down whenever she shows you her talents. It’s disgusting how you treat her!” Nora finished heatedly before standing up from her chair and storming off. The table sat quiet for a moment before Rachel huffed and shook her head. 
“Well.” Rachel said haughtily and Viola sat there stunned in silence while Millicent and Anise nodded their head silently along with Rachel. “She’ll regret leaving us. She’ll come crawling back to us and we’ll just tell her no thanks.”
Everyone fell silent then and Viola sighed out a long breath before picking up her tea cup and taking a sip of her tea. The birds still chirped happily and the bees still flew from flower to flower but there was no longer a peaceful whimsical aura. Rachel sat there in her chair staring at her remaining three daughters and wondered if she was doing the right thing by them or if her husband and now daughter were right in telling her that her dream of having all southern belle daughters was a mistake.
Lettie sat in one of the outdoor patio chairs at her favorite restaurant Birdy’s Behind the Bower under the white long tent a table tucked away in the corner with Maddie and Charlene. Maddie sat next to her while Charlene sat across from the two of them sipping on a mimosa. The girls had called her up that morning asking if she wanted to go to brunch together since they felt like they hadn’t seen her in a few weeks. Lettie had agreed because she had felt the same way and knew that she’d feel ten times better once she met up with them. It always felt like a breath of fresh air whenever she got together with Maddie and Charlene, it always seemed to ground her when she would start to feel anxious or wound too tight.
“So where have you been hiding lately?” Charlene asked with a knowing smirk and wiggle of her eyebrows causing Maddie and Lettie to chuckle at her antics.
“Working and any time off is spent with Bob.” Lettie confessed with a happy smile on her face.
“As it should be.” Maddie spoke up in confidence as she took a sip of her own mimosa. Charlene nodded her head along with Maddie’s words before speaking up.
“I don’t blame you, he’s a keeper. He’s cute and always looks out for you whenever we’re all out together.” Charlene began to list off Bob’s attributes and Lettie hid her smile behind her glass of sweet tea.
“Not to mention the man is head over heels for you.” Maddie chimed in and Charlene squealed happily at her words.
“Do you remember their first date? I swear I thought Bob was going to swallow his tongue when they were together at the table.” Charlene excitedly relayed and Maddie nodded her head quickly as Lettie began to blush.
“And then that time we were all up on the terrace! You two are lucky I was next to you, otherwise everyone would’ve known.” Maddie said cryptically and Charlene looked at her with a confused look on her face. “Oh you don’t know? These two were screwing like rabbits that night on the terrace. It was actually kinda hot, he had to cover her mouth a few times before they were done.” Maddie informed Charlene who gasped loudly and stared at Lettie in shock before her look morphed into a salacious grin. Lettie blushed from the roots of her hair down to below the neckline of her tank top.
“Lettie you dirty girl!” cried out Charlene who whooped loudly as Lettie ducked her head as other guests of the restaurant looked towards their table. “Oh my, I didn’t think you had it in you for that.”
“She never did until Bob came along.” Maddie teased and Lettie gasped softly causing Maddie and Charlene to burst out into laughter. Lettie ducked her head once again and Maddie took pity on her and gave her a comforting hug. “We only tease because we can see how happy you are with him.” she reassured Lettie who snuggled in her arms for a moment.
“I can’t help it.” Lettie wailed playfully and Maddie chuckled at her pitiful act as she patted Lettie’s head.
“Of course you can’t sweetheart.” she teased Lettie who laughed and playfully shoved Maddie away as Charlene chuckled with them.
“So when’s the wedding?” Charlene teased from her seat and Lettie jolted in her seat causing both Maddie and Charlene to stare at her for a moment. “Did I say something wrong?” Charlene asked cautiously and Lettie shook her head quickly.
“No, no you didn’t. I want to be married to him. Trust me I want it. I want the cute little wedding with all of you there. I want to be Mrs. Leticia Floyd.” Lettie said with passion as Maddie and Charlene stared at her waiting for the rest of her words. “We just haven’t talked about it yet. I don’t know for sure if that’s what he wants and I don’t want to rush something that he might not be even thinking about yet.” Lettie said unsure as she began to fidget with her glass.
“Aww, Lettie. That man is truly smitten with you and if you asked I’m sure he’d drop to one knee tonight when you see him.” Maddie said softly in a reassuring tone.
“Not to mention he’s a service member. They move quickly when it comes to relationships.” Charlene said as she nodded her head while Lettie looked over at her.
“So then why hasn’t he brought up marriage?” Lettie asked insecurely. Just then Lettie’s cellphone, which was sitting in the middle of the table with Charlene’s and Maddie’s, began to vibrate with a slew of text messages. Lettie sighed as she saw that they were all from Viola, her oldest sister and from what she could see on the screen it was all about her charity event that was happening this weekend. Lettie reached forward and silenced her cellphone as she huffed about her sister’s poor timing.
“Maybe because he knows that you’re different he doesn’t want to rush it?” Charlene suggested. “I mean look at it this way Lettie, he’s always in these dangerous situations when he’s deployed and he obviously loves coming home to you. I mean the last time we didn’t hear from you for a week, I swear you were going to tell us you’re pregnant after that week.” Charlene said with a kind smile. “Maybe he doesn’t want to scare you with the way his life is. It’s a hard life being the wife of a service member, heck my mom was one and it nearly put her in her grave a few times waitin’ to hear back if he made it out or not. Gave her so many gray hairs.” Lettie chuckled softly at the mention of Charlene’s mom as she nodded her head slowly.
“The only way you’ll know for sure is if you talk to him about it.” Maddie said gently and Lettie looked at her for a quiet moment.
“You’re absolutely right. I can bring it up to him later tonight when he comes over.” Lettie said with a happy smile. Charlene and Maddie looked at each other over the table and then squealed happily before they began talking rapidly about everything that Lettie would need to start preparing for her wedding to Bob. Lettie sat there grinning from ear to ear happy that her two best friends were so eager and excited for her to get married to him. She sat back in her chair and took another sip of her sweet tea thinking about what her ideal wedding to Bob would look like for her.
The knock at the front door had Lettie running down the hallway from the kitchen with a wide grin on her face. Hurriedly she unlocked the door and swung it open to see Bob standing there holding his duffle bag with a smile on his face. Lettie lunged and wrapped her arms around his neck with a happy laugh bubbling up from her chest. Bob teetered backwards a little bit but held her close to him as he dropped his face into her neck.
“I missed you, Lettie girl.” he said softly and Lettie grinned wider.
“I’ve missed you more.” she responded and Bob scoffed softly at her words.
“Not possible.” he countered before pulling his face away and capturing her lips with his in a sweet chaste kiss. He backed her back into her house while still kissing her and kicked the door closed with his foot before dropping his bag to the side. When he had the extra hand free he cupped her cheek and tilted her head to the side while opening his mouth to deepen the kiss while moaning. Lettie squeaked softly when her back collided with the wall and her hands scrambled to get a hold of him while she whimpered against his mouth. Her hands curled around his shoulders and her leg lifted to hook around his hip pulling him in close to her until she felt his flush against her. Bob pulled away slightly and the two of them panted heavily trying to catch their breaths. “Missed you so much sweetheart.” he husked out to her as his hips snapped against hers making Lettie cry out. “Always love coming home to you.” he told her as his mouth dropped to her jaw and began sucking kisses into her skin making Lettie gasp loudly.
Just then the timer on her stove went off and Lettie groaned loudly at the interruption. Bob chuckled against her skin as his tongue darted out leaving a trail of saliva to dry making Lettie shiver in his arms. Bob always knew how to wind Lettie up with kisses and she truly loved it but only when it was uninterrupted. He tapped her ass gently and she lowered her leg slowly while grinding against him to show how much she wanted him. Bob placed both hands on either side of her head and Lettie looked up at him challengingly to see his lustful smirk on his face.
“You’re gonna be in trouble later Lettie girl.” he told her darkly and Lettie grinned while shivering, she’d happily take whatever he gave her. She then took his hand and guided him down the hallway to her kitchen where he took his seat on one of the stools at the kitchen island. Her kitchen island was littered with baking utensils and baking ingredients that she had been using to lock down what desserts she was going to be making for Viola’s charity event this weekend. “So what do we have going on here?” Bob asked as he eyed all the baking mess on the island.
“So I need your help.” Lettie said over her shoulder as she turned off the burner under the large pot of tortellini soup that she had made for dinner for them tonight. She then bent over and opened the oven to take out the garlic bread she had also made for dinner.
“Lettie you bend over like that everytime you ask and I’ll do whatever you want.” Bob groaned out and Lettie laughed at his words. She turned around and faced him then with a wicked grin on her face.
“Is that all it takes to bring Lieutenant Bob Floyd to heel?” she asked sultrily and Bob smirked at her while standing from his stool to walk over to her. He crowded her against the counter and pressed his lips to hers.
“When it involves you all you have to do is breathe and I’m at your mercy.” he whispered against her lips and Lettie moaned prettily for him before capturing his lips with hers. Bob groaned low in his throat and wrapped his arms low around her waist while deepening the kiss. “Fuck, have mercy on me Lettie.” he moaned out to her and she chuckled softly before nipping his lower lip playfully.
“After dinner and dessert we’ll work out this tension in you.” she promised him as her hands glided up and down his biceps causing Bob to flex them much to Lettie’s delight. Lettie kissed him softly before turning to the island with a hand gesture to show him what she had been working on. “So I’ve got that charity event for Viola on Saturday in the morning and I’m in charge of the dessert table again. I wasn’t too sure if I wanted to do cake pops decorated in her theme with large cupcakes to compliment them or if I wanted to do turtle brownies with complimentary cupcakes or even just stick to my beignets. So I’ve made a sampling of each and I’d like for you to pick which one you prefer. The brownies and cupcakes would be the less time consuming option but I like the cake pops and cupcakes idea for her theme of Alice in Wonderland. But then everyone loves my beignets so I’m not sure which one to go with. Plus I’m going to have to do some of the work while you’re here with me so I don’t want to take too much time away from you.” Lettie explained while fidgeting with her hands.
Bob tilted his head while watching her and saw that she was more worried about losing time with him as he walked closer to her. Bob moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist taking a gentle hold of her hands as he rested his chin on her shoulder. He hummed softly and Lettie calmed down almost immediately as she melted in his arms.
“So then let me help you make the desserts. I’m a good helper I swear. Plus we’ll get to spend more time together.” he said softly as he began to sway her back and forth while keeping her pressed to his chest. He stood there swaying with her in his arms and felt her sigh softly before nodding her head at his words.
“Alright, I really appreciate your help. I just don’t like that it’s cutting into our time together. Now I understand why I should be speaking up against my mom and sisters more.” Lettie said softly and Bob wrapped his arms tightly around her body cuddling her close.
“You just need to stand up for yourself a little more. I don’t agree with the way they treat you and I can see how much it brings you down. I don’t want you to ever feel like that and if I can help it I’ll make sure you never feel like that again.” Bob said softly as Lettie turned his arms and wrapped her arms low around his waist as she buried her face in his shirt. “I adore you sweetheart and I only want the best for you.”
Lettie smiled beautifully up at him before raising on her tiptoes to press a sweet kiss to his lips. She hugged him once more before they moved to serve dinner and sit down together to eat. The two of them fell into a familiar routine and Lettie felt her heart soar at the thought that this could be her reality.
Lettie burst out into laughter as she turned from the stand mixer to see Bob gazing down into the bowl of dry ingredients with a determined look on his face. Ever since the two of them had set out to make the cake pops and cupcakes Bob was set on making sure he did everything the way she instructed so that they all turned out alright. She grinned at him widely as she moved over to him and gently brushed her thumb across his cheek brushing away the flour that had smeared there. He chuckled softly at her actions before darting his eyes over her face.
“You’re cute when you’re so determined.” she said softly to him and Bob pecked her awaiting lips.
“Gotta make sure these are good. I’m the helper today.” he said solemnly and Lettie laughed brightly at his words.
“I love you.” Lettie said on a soft happy sigh before gasping softly. Bob’s eyes widened before a beaming smile fell upon his lips. She watched silently as Bob almost vibrated with excitement as he reached to cup her face and pulled her to him, capturing her lips with a happy warm kiss.
“I love you too, no take backsies.” Bob muttered against her mouth and Lettie laughed delightedly against his mouth.
“No take backsies.” she murmured to him and Bob kissed her once again as his hands moved up into her hair as the kiss grew heated. Just as Bob was tilting her head to the side to further deepen the kiss Lettie’s cell phone began to ring loudly in the kitchen. Bob groaned softly and pulled away so that Lettie could see her phone. “Why is she calling me?” Lettie asked softly with a weary sigh before picking up her cell phone. “Yes Viola?” Lettie asked wearily and Bob moved to stand behind her while still keeping his arms around her.
Bob was ecstatic that Lettie had said the words first because he had been dying to tell her how he felt about her for months now and was worried that he would be moving too fast if he said them too soon. He wanted to move at her pace and not scare her away, he wanted this relationship to be the end goal for them. He knew that as a member of the Navy that he was going to be put into dangerous situations that could potentially take him from this world and nothing was ever guaranteed but he wanted to make sure that Lettie had control of the pacing of their relationship. But Bob felt as if he was twenty pounds lighter just from hearing her say the words and being able to say them back. He turned to see her frowning into the phone as her eyebrows furrowed on her forehead and he knew that did not bode well for them this weekend.
“No Vi, I was only planning on setting up the table and laying out the desserts for you and your guests. I didn’t want to come to the event, it’s Bob’s free weekend and we had plans.” Lettie said, dismayed as she huffed loudly. Bob moved closer to her and could hear her sister berating her over the phone. “No Vi. We don’t want to come to the event. We’re just going to set it up and then leave.” Bob felt pride swell inside of him as Lettie told her sister no and stood up for herself. He could see that it was hard for her but he appreciated it nonetheless, she had been working so hard through her therapy and he could see that with the way she spoke to her sister now. “I don’t care if Mom and Dad want us there. I told you no.” Lettie said firmly and Bob tilted his head to the side at the mention of her Dad. He knew Lettie had been missing her Dad like crazy lately since she hadn’t had much time to see him and Bob felt slightly guilty for taking so much of her time.
“Hey, maybe we should go so we can see your Dad.” Bob suggested softly and Lettie looked at him with a confused look on her face. He waved his hand at the phone and Lettie pulled it away from her ear for a moment. Bob pressed the mute button on her screen and looked at her adorably cute face. “I know your whole therapy session is so you can stand up for yourself more. And you’re doing a great job, but your Dad’s going to be there Lettie. And I know you’ve been missing him lately, and I feel a little guilty for taking all of your time away from him. Maybe we can go and spend an hour or two with him at the event and then leave?” he suggested to her. Lettie twisted her lips in thought and Bob could see that she was partial to the idea he presented. “Plus we’re free to leave and come back here to do whatever we want. And I’d love to see you in that floral tea dress that’s hanging in the back of your closet. I’ve dreamt of taking you home in it so that it can wind up on the floor.” he whispered into her ear and Lettie quickly pressed the unmute button.
“Vi we’ll come but only for a little bit. See you tomorrow.” Lettie said quickly before hanging up. She lunged at him eagerly and Bob caught her as her lips crashed to his heatedly. “We’ve got about ten minutes left until we can get all of these into the oven to bake. Keep that thought alive for those ten minutes and you can give me a preview of your idea.” Lettie husked out to him before wrenching away from him and hurriedly moving to the standing mixer. Bob chuckled softly at her antics before moving back to the bowl of dry ingredients eager for the baking to be over so they could get to things they wanted to do.
Bob sat in the passenger seat of Lettie’s Volkswagen bug watching out the window as she drove down her parent’s neighborhood street towards their large house. The cake pops and cupcakes had been finished this morning before the two of them had giddily gotten ready together in her bedroom. Bob turned his head to see Lettie in her pretty floral tea dress with the pleated skirt that fell down to her knees with her hair curled and style in flowy train down her back. She had even put on cute little heeled shoes that matched her dress. Shifting in his seat Bob felt himself growing desirous of her as his eyes darted up and down her body hungrily.
“Down Lieutenant.” Lettie chastised him gently and Bob groaned loudly at her words. He slid his hand onto her thigh and felt her jolt in surprise.
“You know what my title does to me and yet you still use it.” He teased her softly, watching eagerly as her tongue peeked out to dart across her lower lip.
“I can’t help it. I love it when you go a little wild.” Lettie said sultrily and Bob sucked in a deep breath to try and calm himself down. He slid his index finger over the skirt of her and dragged it up her thighs until her pretty lacy underwear was showing before letting it fall back to her knees. The breath she let out slowly as her hands adjusted on the steering wheel was very telling of how excited she was as well.
“Didn’t peg you for an exhibitionist. Because that’s what you’ll be once we get out of this car if you keep it up, Lettie girl.” Bob told her and watched as she shivered in her seat. He knew she would calm down as he noticed that she was slowing the car before pulling into her parents’ driveway. What he wasn’t expecting was for Lettie to put her car in park and then grab him by his shirt and plant a kiss right on his mouth hungrily as they sat in the car.
“Maybe later tonight you can go a little wild on me and this dress.” she suggested softly as she breathed against his lips. Bob growled low in his throat and watched as Lettie’s eyes widened slightly at the sound. Bob kissed her once more before the two of them moved away so that they could get out of the car together. 
“Hey! You guys made it!” cried out a voice and Bob turned to see Lettie’s Dad walking down the steps of the front porch with a wave of his hand. Lettie grinned over the top of her bug at him before walking around the hood of the car to greet her Dad with a warm hug.
“Hi Dad.” she said softly and fondly, causing Bob to smile at their interaction as he watched.
“Hey kiddo. Glad you’re here. Your sisters and Mom are already upstairs getting ready. You look beautiful!” her Dad greeted her kindly and Lettie beamed at him as Bob watched on. Then her Dad turned to Bob with a happy smile on his face. “Glad to see you again Robert.” he said easily as he stuck his hand out to shake Bob’s. Bob easily and happily shook his hand while nodding his head at him.
“It’s good to see you too, sir.” Bob said kindly and her Dad waved his hand dismissively of his manners.
“Please just call me Michael.” her dad stated and Bob smiled while nodding once at him. “Here let me help you guys with the desserts.” he said eagerly and Lettie stepped in front of him stopping him in his tracks.
“Absolutely not! Those desserts are for the party not for you to sneak.” Lettie scolded him with her index finger in the air. And Bob watched as Michael slumped his shoulders defeatedly as he looked at Lettie with pleading eyes, Bob chuckled at the dynamic between the two of them as he shook his head. “Besides I’ve got a whole container all just for you. It’s in the backseat. Just grab it and take it inside before we start moving all the other stuff.” Lettie told him in confidence and Bob chuckled as he watched Michael light up like a christmas tree as he hurriedly rushed to Lettie’s back seat.
Bob followed a bemused Lettie to her trunk which she opened while chuckling and shaking her head as her Dad rushed into the house with his container of cupcakes and cake pops. Bob nudged her hips with his own when he saw that she was reaching into her trunk to pull out the large containers of desserts before he reached in and grabbed all of the containers for her.
“Just walk me to where you need these.” he said to her kindly and she beamed up at him before shaking her head as she reached into her trunk and pulled out a metal contraption. Bob watched curiously as she unfolded and presented a small hand truck that had enough room for her containers. He chuckled softly at her resilience and she looked proudly up at him.
“I’ve done a few of these before sweetheart. Work smarter not harder.” she told him proudly and Bob smiled at her before placing the containers on the hand truck. He then stood back up and grabbed Lettie around the waist pulling her into him with a surprised gasp.
“Have I ever told you how sexy you are to me when you show off that big brain of yours?” he asked teasingly and Lettie chuckled at his words before kissing him sweetly.
“No, but I love hearing it.” she whispered to him with a smirk.
“Fucking sexy as hell. I can barely control myself around you.” he responded softly to her and Lettie beamed at the praise. She kissed him once more before wiggling out of his arms and turning back to the trunk of her car and pulling out the table cloths she brought as well as the dessert stands that she’d be using today. Bob unabashedly eyed her ass as she bent over into the trunk and had to bite his lip to keep from moaning loudly at the display.
“C’mon let’s go to the backyard and start setting all of this up.” She told him as she closed the trunk and began walking towards the side of the house. Bob obediently followed after her while pulling the hand truck after him, knowing full well that her mother and sisters were at the second story window watching them. He had felt the sensation of someone watching him and had easily seen her mother and sisters peering out of the window upstairs with disdainful looks on their faces. Bob was resolute in keeping Lettie happy today so he hadn’t spoken up about their audience. He knew that today was going to be a struggle no matter what but he had a foreboding feeling that it was going to be bad today.
The party was well under way and Bob glanced down at his watch to see that it was already one hour into the party. He wondered if Lettie would get upset if he started hinting that he wanted to leave, so far her mother and sisters had kept their distance from him and Lettie but he could see them starting to inch closer to the two of them. Lettie was standing next to him holding a glass of sweet tea while chatting contently with one of her sisters’ school friends, her bright happy laughter rang through the air and Bob smiled as he watched her tilt her head back with her boisterous laugh. 
Bob was absolutely entranced by her, the way she spoke freely and amicably with everyone she met was so alluring to him that it drew him close to her and kept him there. She was such a sociable woman who was able to strike up a conversation with everyone she met. And she always seemed to remember a small tidbit about the other person and would work it into the conversation which made everyone light up with pleasure at the mention. He loved that Lettie was thoughtful to remember these things about people and to bring it up so that they felt seen by her. 
Just then Lettie grazed her free hand against his and Bob automatically turned his hand to grab onto hers. He intertwined their fingers and raised her hand to press a soft kiss to the back of her hand making her beam up at him and inch closer to him. Bob smiled softly at her and heard the soft gasp of the school friend.
“You two are absolutely adorable together! How long have you been dating?” she asked excitedly and Lettie beamed happily at the compliment. Bob spotted Lettie’s oldest sister Viola walking over with her Mother and the two middle sisters, he tensed slightly but pulled Lettie closer to him protectively. He had a feeling that this wasn’t going to end well.
“Oh we just celebrated her nine month anniversary last week.” Lettie said fondly as she smiled at the woman.
“Oh! That’s so lovely!” the woman said happily before turning to Viola who had reached them with her mother and sisters right next to her. Bob felt Lettie falter slightly but he gripped her hand tightly once trying to reassure her.
“Nine months? That’s an awful long time and you’re still only dating? That’s a shame.” Viola said disdainfully and Bob sucked in a slow even breath trying not to react to her hurtful words.
“We’ve been enjoying each other’s company for the time being. Haven’t talked about the details yet.” Lettie said dismissively as she smiled up at Bob who winked at her causing her to grin and flush prettily for him. “Getting to know each other completely before we figure out what our next steps are.” Lettie said dreamily as she kept gazing up at Bob. He was internally cheering that she wasn’t getting upset over her sister’s words and choosing to turn her sister’s attempt to attack them around on her.
“You need all that time to get to know him?” her Mother asked curiously as she glared at Lettie. Lettie shrugged her shoulders as she looked over at her Mother with a happy smile.
“Before we move forward I’d like to know him as a person as much as possible. To make sure that we’re compatible to take the next step. There’s nothing wrong with that.” Lettie said dismissively and Bob felt pride surge up inside of him as he listened to her words. He also had a moment of satisfaction as he watched her Mother’s mouth drop open slightly in shock at Lettie’s flippant attitude. He also assumed that she was upset that Lettie was essentially not giving them any information about their relationship.
“Yes, I suppose that’s a good idea. But Lettie, sweetheart-” Viola began to say in a patronizing way that had Lettie straightening her posture next to Bob defensively. Bob could feel it too, Viola was setting something up and he knew it was aimed to upset Lettie. He silently wondered what was Viola’s issue with Lettie and why she was so cruel to her, he wondered if it was due to their Mother. Lettie had spoken about her childhood and how it was mostly spent with her Dad and avoiding her Mother and her southern belle agenda. She had told him that she would take the etiquette classes that her Mother had put all of her daughters through and while she was able to successfully pass the classes she was still clumsy and her Mother would grow impatient and angry with her. Suddenly Bob felt Lettie grip his hand tightly and he focused back on her gazing at her profile as she stared at her sister. “Are you going to continue being only his girlfriend just like Robert is only a WSO?” Viola asked disdainfully and Bob whipped his head to stare at her with narrowed eyes.
He couldn’t believe that those words had just come out of her mouth in regards to his career. She had no idea what he had to go through to become a WSO and while it wasn’t an aviator it was still a key job in the navy. Bob felt his own insecurities rising up as well as his anger as he stood there thinking over her words. He could see her satisfied smirk on her face as she crossed her arms over her chest, she knew she had gotten to him. But the silence that had fallen over the group was interrupted by the angry words bursting forth from Lettie’s mouth.
“Excuse me?!” Lettie snapped angrily as she glared hatefully at Viola. Bob turned his head quickly to stare at Lettie in shock, in all of the nine months that they had been dating this was the first time that Bob had ever seen Lettie get truly angry. He’d seen her frustrated, upset and disappointed but he’d never seen her angry. He had to admit it made his heart flutter in his chest as he watched her stance solidify in a protective mode, she was angry for him and she wasn’t going to let her sister degrade him in front of her and all of the guests. “Did you just say only a WSO? Do you even know what WSO stands for Viola?” Lettie spat at distastefully as if the words made her sick. “Let me inform you since you obviously don’t know. It stands for Weapons System Officer, that means he’s the one dropping bombs while his aviator is flying the aircraft. Do you think you could do that job?” Lettie spoke out incredulously as she stared at Viola with raised eyebrows. “The fact that you’re even cruelly judging a Service Member speaks volumes of your character and I’m saddened to find out how hateful you actually are. Bob goes to war just so you can throw these mindless charity events. Get off your high horse Viola you have no right to downplay his accomplishments and achievements when you know nothing about them.” Lettie said heatedly next to Bob and he could see the angry flush forming at the base of her neck and knew that she was truly worked up over her sister’s words. 
The guests were all silent after Lettie ripped into Viola about her disdain for Bob’s career and while Bob knew that Lettie would probably feel bad for causing a scene he could only see her in a new light. She was protective of him and didn’t take kindly to others trying to talk badly about him, it made Bob feel all the love that she held for him and he couldn’t wait to get her home to reciprocate it.
Viola scoffed loudly before turning to the woman that Lettie had been talking to before and stopped instantly when she saw the judging look from the woman. Bob watched as Viola turned her head from side to side to see all the rest of the guests looking at her with judgemental looks, Viola’s smirk slowly fading from her mouth as she took in all of her guests staring at her.
“Leticia Ann Bennett!” shouted her Mother loudly and everyone turned to stare at her as she glowered at Lettie while her whole body shook with untamed rage. “This is not how a southern belle behaves!” she shouted and Bob felt Lettie flinch slightly and he steps closer towards her for comfort. “You are a disgrace to this family and I am ashamed of you!” her Mother continued to rant and rave loudly enough for everyone to hear. Lettie’s hand gripped Bob’s tightly and she sucked in a stuttering breath after her Mother’s words rang out in the air.
“Well that’s a shame.” Lettie said calmly as she raised her head to stare squarely at her Mother. “Because I'm a damn good person even though I’m not the perfect southern belle that you want me to be. And if you can’t see that, that's on you Mother.” Lettie said solemnly before shaking her head at her Mother who gaped at her in quiet shock. Lettie then turned to Bob and smiled warmly at him. “Let’s go Bob, I wanna go home.” she said softly and Bob nodded his head eagerly as he wrapped an arm around her waist and began guiding her out of the backyard. Her Mother began shouting after them saying that they couldn’t leave because the party was still going on and she wasn’t done talking to Lettie. Bob continued guiding Lettie out past everyone, when they passed her Dad Bob nodded his head in silence and her Dad reached out to rest a hand on his shoulder for a moment before they passed him. 
Bob easily got Lettie out of the backyard and guided her to the passenger side door before taking the keys from her and opening her door. He helped her into the car and rushed around the front of the car to get in on the driver’s side. When he was in the driver’s seat he turned to Lettie and saw that she was staring straight ahead quietly. He wasn’t sure if she wanted to talk about it just now or if she wanted him to just get her straight home. He took a hold of her left hand and raised it to his lips pressing a soft kiss to the back of her hand.
“I know it hurts what your sister and mother tried to do. But you did so well standing up for not only me but yourself as well. I am so proud of you and want you to know that I absolutely love you exactly how you are. I wouldn’t change anything about you.” Bob said softly against the skin of her hand before pressing another kiss to her hand. He then started her car and began driving back to her place, still holding her hand the whole time.
“Thank you.” Lettie said softly in such a quiet voice that it made Bob’s heart ache. He knew he would have his work cut out for him to make Lettie feel better about what happened at the party.
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sheerfreesia007 · 1 year
Win A Date With A Naval Officer pt. 6
Title: Win A Date With A Naval Officer pt. 6
Fandom: Top Gun Maverick
Pairing: Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x OFC!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 2,509
Warnings: Smut, oral (female receiving)
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
WADWANO Tag List: @fandom-princess-forevermore
Gif Credit: @lewispullmaned
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Bob’s watching Lettie as the two of them enter her house, the car ride was quiet except for his little speech before he began driving home. He’s worried that she’s getting too wrapped up in her head all due to what her sister and mother had said at the party. He walks into the house after and sees her mindlessly slip off her shoes and drop her keys into the key bowl on the small table right inside the door. He watches as her blank mask slips slightly and her eyebrows furrow as her eyes water before she’s blinking them away. He’s suddenly cupping her cheeks and brushing his nose against hers so that all she can see is his face as his eyes search hers.
“Don’t bottle it up sweetheart. You’re too good for that. Let it out, let me help you through it.” He said softly to her. It took Lettie a moment before her face crumpled and she began sobbing loudly. Bob pulled her into his chest and she fell fully into his arms as she cried. Bob’s heart shattered to pieces as he held her shaking body, the fact that her sister and mother had reduced her to this willfully. 
Bob rubbed one of his hands up and down her back as Lettie continued to sob into his chest. Her hands fisted in his shirt at the sides as her face buried in the front of his shirt soaking it with her anguished tears. Bob pressed soft chaste kisses to her temple and her hair line trying to soothe her. He wanted to take all the pain and sorrow that she was feeling at that moment onto himself so that she wouldn’t be feeling this way. If he could take all of her pain away he would, but for right now all he could do was comfort her and help her pick up the pieces of her heart and self esteem. All he could do is build her back up into the strong woman that she was. 
The two of them stood there as Lettie let everything that she was feeling out into the universe while Bob held her close to him. He didn’t keep track of time as all of his concern was solely on Lettie and making sure she was okay. He could only tell that some time had passed with how dark the house got as they stood there together. When Lettie lifted her head from his chest Bob could see how her mascara had run down her face in her tear tracks. Her eyes were puffy and still had tears welled there at her bottom lid. Bob ducked his head and pressed a soft kiss to the side of her face next to one of her eyes.
“Go get cleaned up. I’ll grab some water and snacks. We’ll cuddle in bed and watch a movie.” He said softly to her and she nodded her head quietly before she trudged down the hallway. Moving into the kitchen Bob opened the fridge and grabbed two water bottles before opening the cupboard and grabbed some popcorn and pretzels.
When he stands in the bedroom doorway he spots Lettie turning down her bed. She’s dressed in a worn pair of light gray sweatpants and a rainbow tye dyed oversized tank top, her body is hidden behind the baggy clothes and Bob groans low in his throat. Lettie whips her head to stare at him with wide eyes before she blushes hotly as she notices his heated look while his eyes rake up and down her body.
“Fuck Lettie, I know you’re not in the mood but god damn woman.” He groans out feeling lust take a chokehold on him.
He’s surprised to see Lettie smirk softly at his words and begin to saunter towards him, her feet pattering softly against the wood floors. She takes the water and food out of his hands and set it down on the dresser just inside the door before turning back to him. Bob sucks in a harsh breath as she pushes him gently back against the doorjam and steps closer to him pressing her body against his. Bob moans and ducks his head swiftly to capture her lips with his in a heated kiss. 
His hands are everywhere as he grips and grasps her body. Pushing and pulling her body closer to his so that there is no space between the two of them. He slips his tongue into her mouth and Lettie whines into his mouth. Bob’s brain is fogging up with lust and desire for the woman in his hands. All he can think about is feeling her naked skin under his hands.
Bob takes control and begins to guide Lettie back to her bed with slowly steady steps. He slips his hands down to the hem of her tank top and pull it quickly over her head before he dips his head down to cover one of her nipples with his eager mouth. Lettie arches back and Bob’s hands are there to support her as they cradle her shoulder and lower back. He gently nips the straining bud after sucking it into a stiff peak causing Lettie to mewl mindlessly.
“Fucking gorgeous woman. Absolutely perfect for me.” Bob husks out and Lettie cries out at his words. “You know I’m telling the truth. You felt it the first night we met didn’t you?” He asks her as he looks up at her from her breast. She’s gazing down at him with lust blown eyes as she nods her head, Bob smirks wickedly as his hands toy with the waistband of her sweatpants. “Tell me.” He instructs her in a gravelly tone.
“I knew that night you were the one for me. Couldn’t get you out of my head after that night. Nearly made Charlene and Maddie crazy with always talking about you.” Lettie said hurriedly as her breath began to grow shallow. “Even now they know we’re endgame.” Bob smirked at her confession as he slipped her sweatpants down her legs and kneeled down in front of her.
“Oh yeah? You girls had that brunch this morning. Did you talk about us?” He teased her heatedly before gently pushing her back onto her bed. Lettie fell onto the bed with a loud thump and her legs fell open seductively as Bob crawled closer to her. His hand slipped up her calves before pushing her thighs open further.
“We started planning our wedding.” Lettie confessed without a thought as her hands carded through his hair and dragged him closer to her awaiting cunt. Bob groaned loudly at her words and quickly dove into her slick core. He easily slipped his glasses off his face and distractedly set them on her bedside table as his mouth sucked her lips hungrily. The idea of Lettie making plans for their wedding drove Bob wild and he wanted to propose on the spot. But in the back of his mind he knew he had to do it the right way with a ring.
“Fuck, I’m gonna marry you.” Bob husked out softly into her dripping cunt before driving his tongue deeply into her core. Lettie cried out loudly as her back arched and her toes curled in pleasure. Bob moved his mouth against her core, lapping up all of her slick that she produced for him while his nose nudged against her clit, driving her closer and closer to her orgasm. Lettie’s feet came to plant at the edge of the bed and her thighs fell open completely, giving Bob more room to move between them. He crowded closer to her cunt as his fingers opened her lips wide so he could suction his mouth around her core. Lettie cried out in a high pitched mewl and Bob knew she was close.
His fingers slipped from her lips to glide two long fingers into her dripping cunt while his mouth covered her clit and began to suck. His free arm clamped down on her lower stomach just as her back arched off the bed as she screamed his name into the dimly lit bedroom. Bob hummed against her clit as he heard the pornographic squelch as his fingers fucked her cunt.
“Oh my god! Bob! Fuck, oh shit, oh shit!” Lettie cried out as her head whipped from side to side as her orgasm slammed into her. Bob slowed his movements helping her ride out her orgasm. Her body shone with a sheet of sweat like her skin was dusted with stardust, she was absolutely ethereal and Bob couldn’t get his fill of her. Bob could feel his hard cock throbbing in his dress pants as he stood from kneeling between her thighs, he quickly unbuckled his belt and Lettie lifted her head tiredly as her eyes focused on his movements.
He watched with heated eyes as Lettie moved to her knees and came to kneel at the edge of the bed before her hands came up to start unbuttoning his shirt. She let the material flutter to the floor after slipping it off his shoulders. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she pulled him closer and slid her mouth against his. Bob groaned as he felt her naked breasts brush against his naked chest as he stepped closer to her. His boxer briefs fell down his legs and the two of them moaned loudly as his cock dragged across Lettie’s lower stomach smearing precum along her skin.
“Get on the bed Bob.” Lettie instructed seductively and Bob easily crawled onto the bed as she moved back giving him room. Bob followed her wanting to lay her back but Lettie gently pushed him down onto his own back and Bob eagerly did her bidding. He could see the confidence radiating off of her as she straddled his hips and gripped his hard cock pulling it away from his stomach slightly. “I need you inside me I can’t wait.” She rushed out and Bob felt his cock throb in her hand.
“Fuck me Lettie. Fuck me how you want. I’m yours sweetheart.” He husked out to her and Lettie whimpered as she lined his cock up with her cunt. Bob held his breath as Lettie fell swiftly onto his cock and a moan rumbled from his chest while she sheathed him completely with her pulsing cunt. “Oh fuck. That’s it Lettie girl. Fuck yes.” He groaned out to her in encouragement.
Lettie lifted her hips experimentally before letting them fall back flush with his pelvis causing the two of them to moan loudly. Bob’s hands fell to her hips and helped her grind against his hips. He let her figure out her own perfect pace and soon Lettie was fucking him the way she wanted.
“You’re so fucking beautiful. Fuck, I can’t get enough of you.” Bob told her as he watched her with hungry eyes as her hips lifted and fell onto his cock. Her cunt gripped him so snugly inside her that he felt like she was milking him already for everything he had. He loved when she swirled her hips in a figure eight after falling down onto his cock, it drove him wild and he had to grip the sheets tightly in his fingers so that he didn’t take control. He wanted her to be in charge, she needed this confidence boost and she needed to see exactly how much he was enamored of her. “Not gonna last long gorgeous. I’m so fucking close.” He told her and Lettie smirked down at him before leaning forward to press her hands to his chest and begin to slam her cunt up and down onto his cock.
Bob gasped loudly as his hands gripped her hips tightly, his feet planted steady on the bed and he thrust upwards harshly while holding her hips down. Lettie cried out loudly at the movement and Bob felt her cunt clamp down on his cock making him cry out loudly as he thrust up once more before spilling his come inside of her. He gritted his teeth hard as he felt his come pour into her awaiting cunt as euphoria consumed him.
It was a good few minutes later when Bob calmed down enough to regain feeling in his calves. He eased Lettie down onto the bed next to him as he slowly pulled out of her exhausted body. She whimpered as his cock slowly dragged out of her and Bob placed a loving kiss to her temple. He moved out of the bed and went into the bathroom to grab a warm wash cloth before coming back to bed with one of the water bottles as well.
“Here sweetheart, drink this.” He instructed gently as he tenderly cleaned her sore cunt and thighs. Lettie flinched slightly at the feel of the wash cloth but her thighs fell open easily giving him access to her core. He cleaned her and then himself before slipping back into the bed. She handed him the water bottle and he drank the other half of it that she left for him before they settled in bed with her cuddled in his arms. 
“So I take it you’re not opposed to getting married?” She asked teasingly with a soft sleepy smile. Bob chuckled softly at her question before placing a kiss on her temple.
“Oh I’m going to marry the fuck outta you Lettie Bennett.” He told her confidently and she grinned at him happily as a blush dusted her cheeks. “I wanted you to set the pace for us.” He confessed softly and Lettie looked at him with wide eyes. “I’m so used to things moving very quickly, I didn’t want to scare you away. Like you said, we're endgame, so I have no problem waiting until you’re ready for the next step.” He told her resolutely. Bob darted his eyes to her face and saw that she was staring at him with a loving adoring look on her face. She gently cupped his face and kissed him sweetly in a deep loving kiss.
“I want that next step. I want to be Mrs. Lettie Floyd.” She confessed to him and Bob groaned loudly as he wrapped her in his arms and rolled her underneath him.
“Fuck Lettie. Give me a few minutes to recuperate before saying things like that.” He told her with a growl in his throat as he ground his hardening cock between her thighs. Lettie chuckled softly before yawning widely and Bob softened lovingly as he saw how tired she was. “C’mon let’s get some sleep.” He said gently as he rolled back onto his side and pulled her closer. “We’ll talk more about the next step tomorrow morning.” He promised softly as he felt her melt against him and a soft snore rang out in the quiet bedroom. Bob smiled adoringly in the dark room before slipping into a heavy sleep with the love of his life curled in his arms.
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sheerfreesia007 · 1 year
Win A Date With A Naval Officer pt. 10
Title: Win A Date With A Naval Officer pt. 10
Fandom: Top Gun Maverick
Pairing: Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x Ofc!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 3,226
Warnings: Wedding jitters, sappy lovey dovey stuff
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
WADWANO Tag List: @fandom-princess-forevermore
Gif Credit: @indifferentvincent
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Lettie’s heels click on the floor of the courthouse as she paces back and forth in front of the door to the small office of the clerk of courts, her Dad chuckles softly as he stands to the side of the door. She turns and looks at him and he shakes his head at her antics before coming to stand in front of her. His hands come out and rub along the outside of her arms comfortingly.
“Relax Lettie. This is just the next step for you and Bob.” he soothes her and Lettie smiles softly at him before chuckling. She can feel tears starting to well in her eyes and she tries to blink them away. “Don’t cry sweetheart. Today is a wonderful day and it’s the beginning of your new life as Lettie Floyd.” he says kindly and Lettie chokes back a sob at his words. He then tugs her to him and wraps her in his arms for a tight hug. “I am so proud of you and happy that you’re getting married. You look absolutely stunning and Bob’s gonna be knocked straight on his ass.”
“Dad!” Lettie whines softly as the tears begin to fall from her eyes. Her Dad chuckles as he pulls away and wipes away the tears. He hugs her once more and presses a gentle kiss to her cheek. Just then the door opens up and Maddie peeks out at them with a wide grin on her face.
“It’s time!” she excitedly gushes to them and Lettie grins at her before nodding her head. Maddie ducks back into the room and then the door opens wide for the two of them to walk through. 
Lettie’s Dad walks in first and gently guides Lettie through while keeping his arm extended for her. As Lettie walks through the door she beams at the group of people who have shown up to show their support for her and Bob. Maddie rushes over to Charlene’s side who’s standing next to a crying Nora as the three begin to cry happy tears on one side of the room. On the other side is Bob’s squad, the group of men are all clustered together and are standing at attention dressed in their Naval khaki uniform and Bob’s parents are standing next to them with wide happy smiles on their faces as Lettie and her Dad walk further into the room towards the large wooden desk. Rocket, Bob’s front seater, is standing in front of the desk to the side and he has a smile going from one side of his face to the other and right next to him is Bob.
Bob stands there proudly in his naval khaki uniform with a wide smile on his face as he brings one finger up to push his glasses back up onto his nose. Lettie feels her heart stutter in her chest when her eyes connect with his and it’s as if electricity has sparked between the two of them. Lettie’s Dad guides her forward and smiles fondly at Bob before placing Lettie’s hand in his and taking his spot next to Nora who leans into his side as she sniffles happily. Lettie beamed at Bob who chuckled softly and stepped closer to her side.
“You look beautiful.” he whispered to her and Lettie quickly looked down at her knee length white lace dress. Maddie and Charlene had helped her pick it out a month ago at one of her favorite stores in New Orleans. It was just perfect for their wedding, short enough that she didn’t feel weighed down and it was fancy enough that she felt stunning in it. Her electric neon blue pumps was the perfect pop as well as being her something blue for her wedding not to mention she was now finally the same height as Bob for once.
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and woman in holy matrimony.” says the clerk as she stands behind her desk with a kind smile on her face. Lettie grins as she grips Bob’s hand with hers and he reciprocates the gesture before they both grin at each other. Lettie watches as Bob takes a deep breath and slowly lets it out on a long exhale, he doesn’t seem nervous but Lettie could feel the butterflies in her stomach fluttering in a mad dance as well. “Robert, do you take this woman to be your wife, to live together in holy matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?” she asks him earnestly and Bob begins to nod his head as his eyes stay trained on Lettie.
“I do.” he responds firmly and Lettie feels as if she lights up from within with how happy she is. Then the clerk turns to Lettie and begins to say.
“Leticia, do you take this man to be your husband, to live together in holy matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?” she asks and Lettie bursts out in happy giggles that she can’t contain.
“I do.” Lettie replies as she winks at Bob causing him to grin at her before blowing her a kiss.
“You two are so sickeningly gross it’s disgusting.” Astro says, causing everyone to burst out into laughter even the clerk has to take a moment to calm down as she laughs hysterically at his perfectly timed comment.
“Repeat after me, Robert.” the clerk instructs and Bob straightens seriously as he grins at Lettie. “I, Robert, take you Leticia,”
“I, Robert, take you Leticia,” Bob repeats dutifully. The two of them are facing each other while holding their hands together between their bodies. Bob smiles at her as he swings their hands gently.
“To be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward,” the clerk instructs.
“To be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward,” Bob repeats and Lettie feels the tears begin to well in her eyes as the words begin to sink for her. The butterflies in her stomach are fluttering at such a maddening pace that she can feel them traveling up her throat. The sincerity of his words speak to Lettie in a way that she never knew they could. She smiled as she tried to stop the flow of tears as they began to pool further in the corner of her eyes.
“For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health,” the clerk said fondly as she watched Lettie’s bottom lip begin to tremble slightly.
“For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health,” Bob said confidently as he stared into Lettie’s eyes trying to comfort her without being able to hug her.
“To love and cherish, till death do us part.” the clerk finished and Lettie sucked in a harsh breath as her eyes blinked once before focusing fully on Bob. Bob took a deep breath and grinned at Lettie as he squeezed her fingers gently.
“To love and cherish, till death do us part.” he said solemnly and everyone in the room was quiet for a moment and Lettie felt herself break down as she sobbed loudly. “C’mon Lettie girl. It’s your turn next.” Bob said softly and with a soothing tone as he watched her calm herself.
“Repeat after me. I, Leticia, take you Robert,” the clerk instructs. Lettie takes a deep breath before smiling at Bob and straightening herself.
“I, Leticia, take you Robert,” Lettie repeats and watches as Bob stands there taking in her words.
“To be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward,” the clerk says.
“To be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward,” Lettie says softly and feels herself begin to grow emotional again as she understands the commitment she is pledging to Bob. It wasn’t as if she wasn’t ready for it, the exact opposite was the case but the grandiose of this step for them was hitting her all at once.
“For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health.” the clerk instructs her and Lettie nods her head as she swallows thickly.
“For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health.” Lettie repeats softly and Bob squeezes her fingers once again knowing what the next line is.
“To love and cherish, till death do us part.” the clerk says and Lettie feels a calmness overcome her as she looks up at Bob and smiles serenely at him. She doesn’t know what their future holds and she can’t predict it but she knows she will love Bob until her last breath leaves her body, she will be by his side through everything and will gladly pick him up when he’s down. She’s ready for this step to be with him through everything.
“To love and cherish, till death do us part.” Lettie says louder than the rest of her vow and Bob blinks his eyes showing that he had grown emotional as well during her vow.
“Now Robert, do you have the rings?” she asks him kindly and Bob blinks for a moment before nodding his head and turning to Rocket who gladly hands over the rings to him. “Go ahead and put the ring on Leticia’s finger and repeat these words. I give you this ring as a token and pledge of our constant faith and abiding love.”
“I give you this ring as a token and pledge of our constant faith and abiding love.” Bob says fondly as he slides the dainty gold band with a row of circular diamonds and one large oval cut diamond at the top of the band onto her finger so that it fits snugly around her emerald engagement ring. The clerk then turned to Lettie and Lettie beamed at her as Rocket handed her the band she had made for Bob, it was a simple gold band but on the inside was engraved the date of their first date and the coordinates of her home here in Louisiana.
“Put the ring on his finger and repeat these words. I give you this ring as a token and pledge of our constant faith and abiding love.” the clerk says and Lettie nods her head before turning back to Bob with a wide smile. Her fingers slip the ring on his left ring finger and she says the words confidently.
“I give you this ring as a token and pledge of our constant faith and abiding love.” Bob grins at her and Lettie chuckles softly as she watches his glasses slip down his nose slightly. She reaches forward and pushes them back up onto his nose gently, Bob takes that opportunity to press a gently kiss to the palm of her hand.
“By virtue of the authority vested in me under the laws of the State of Louisiana, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” the clerk states proudly and Bob lets out a loud exhale.
“Finally.” he grouses, causing everyone in the room to laugh as he eagerly grabs onto Lettie and pulls her against him, colliding his mouth with hers. Lettie squeaks in surprise as Bob’s lips melt against hers and she simpers silently at his attention. Cheers go up around the two of them and Lettie can hear Astro loudly gagging as the others all clap.
“Get a room!” calls out Astro and Bob breaks away breathily to retort.
“We will later.” he says and everyone hoots and hollers as Bob slants his lips against Lettie’s once more sweeping her up in the love he pours out for her.
After getting married Lettie had set up a lovely meal for everyone at Gris-Gris in their Samedi room on Magazine street. She had told all of Bob’s squad where the restaurant was located while she traveled with Bob, his parents, her Dad and Nora. Maddie and Charlene already knew where the restaurant was and they had eagerly set out ahead of everyone so that they could make sure all the decorations were set up. She had asked Maddie and Charlene not to go over the top with decorations since the meal was going to be the main star of the show. She had called in a few favors from her connections and asked the head chef of Gris-Gris to prepare a full sampling of their menu for her party. The chef had hurriedly agreed to do it stating that he would gladly do this since she had always been such a help to him while he was starting out as a chef.
When they all arrived there Maddie, Charlene and the host led the large group up to the intimate room where they could all enjoy themselves without worrying about being spotted. Lettie beamed at her guests as she moved about the room chatting with all of them. Bob’s mom Virginia had tearfully hugged her saying that she couldn’t wait for the two of them to come visit this winter. She was so excited to show Lettie the snow in Colorado and hopefully teach her how to ski or snowboard. She confessed to Lettie that she was so proud of both her and Bob and was excited to see where they were heading together as a couple. Lettie smiled and shared her own excitement at being married to Bob with his mom before moving over to Nora’s side as Virginia released her to head to her husband’s side.
“How are you hanging in there?” Nora asked happily as she wrapped her arms around Lettie in a tight hug.
“I’m okay, just feeling a little sad that mom can’t get her head outta her ass.” Lettie confesses to Nora who frowns softly before holding Lettie at arms’ length. Her eyes took her younger sister in for a quiet moment before pulling her close and hugging her tightly.
“I know it’s upsetting. But mom will never change unfortunately. It’s been twenty five years that she’s been treating you like this and nothing has ever changed and it won’t. You are better off without her here, she’d only drag you down with her negativity. I promise, while it sucks that she can’t be a mom for you, you have so many others who are here to raise you up and support you.” Nora told her softly and Lettie nodded her head while swiping under her eyes as tears began to fall from them. “I promise sweetheart. You are better without her here. She’s missing out due to her actions. Plus Calvin is on his way with the kids and they’re so excited to see Aunty Lettie in her wedding dress.” Lettie chuckled softly as she nodded her head along with Nora’s words. Nora pressed a gentle kiss to her temple before hugging her once more.
Just then Bob was at her side and sliding a hand along her back catching her attention. Lettie looked over to him and he smiled gently at her. Lettie turned and wrapped her arms around his waist and Bob rested his head gently against hers.
“Everything alright over here ladies?” he asked kindly and Nora smiled while nodding her head.
“Yep, just keeping the bride happy and in the moment.” Nora said and Bob nodded his head knowingly as he smiled into Lettie’s hair.
“Aunt Lettie!!!” came a loud cry and Lettie beamed as she turned to see Lawrence and Penelope rushing into the room from the open doorway. Lettie squatted down and opened her arms as the two children ran to her with happy sparkling eyes and wide smiles on their faces. She easily caught them and Bob watched delightedly as Lettie happily conversed with the two hyperactive children. He felt a sharp tug in his lower stomach as his eyes took in how well she handled them, she was so good with kids it seemed and that attracted Bob to her even more so than he was already attracted to her. It made an almost primal urge rise up inside him as he watched. He wanted to have children with Lettie, now he felt sooner rather than later he’d like to have them.
“Aunt Lettie, you look so pretty in your wedding dress! Who did you marry?!” cried out the little girl and Bob watched as Lettie turned to him happily with a bright smile.
“You see that man over there with the glasses?” she asked them softly and they both turned to him hurriedly making Bob smile softly at them. “That’s my new husband.” Lettie preened happily and Nora chuckled softly at her sister’s antics.
“It’s gonna take awhile to get used to that.” she told Bob who nodded his head knowingly.
“Oh yeah, it still hasn’t sunk in for me yet.” he confessed and Nora smiled warmly at him as her own husband walked over to her side holding a carseat with an infant inside of it. Bob smiled as he was fully encompassed by Lettie’s family and he looked around the room feeling his heart swell with the image of all the people here to support him and Lettie. They were both truly loved by their loved ones. 
The room is loud with all the happy chatter of their guests and Bob silently takes it in as the kids begin to warm up to him and dance around him with excitement of getting a new uncle. Just as Bob was starting to show off to the kids by lifting them up by their hands the head chef came into the room with waiters following close behind.
“Ladies and Gentlemen if you would please take your seats. Dinner is ready to be served.” the chef spoke up and Bob let the kids back down to the floor before they raced off to go sit by their parents. Bob looked over at Lettie and saw that she had stars in her eyes while watching him. He grinned at her and began to lead her to the head of the table where two chairs were placed for the two of them.
“Everyone before we eat I’d like to thank all of you for coming out and supporting both Bob and I.” Lettie said fondly as she looked around the long table at their guests. She stood before her place setting and Bob grinned at her as he stood next to her. “It means so much to us that you’re here to celebrate our new beginning with us.”
“And to think this all happened from an auctioned date.” Bob piped up with and the table erupted into laughter as cheers rang out. The group then all began tapping their drink glasses with their forks and Lettie turned to Bob with a bright loving smile. “We’ll have to one day thank your mom.” he teases her and she smiles at him before he leans in and kisses her sweetly as everyone cheers.
“One day.” Lettie whispers to him as they pull away from each other with happy smiles on their faces.
11 notes · View notes
sheerfreesia007 · 1 year
Win A Date With A Naval Officer pt. 3
Title: Win A Date With A Naval Officer
Fandom: Top Gun Maverick
Pairing: Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x OFC!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 5,508
Warnings: Suave AF Bob Floyd
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
WADWANO Tag List: @fandom-princess-forevermore
Gif Credit: @beckwritesfiction
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Bob parks his car in the parking lot of the restaurant and looks at the cars already parked there wondering if one of those cars belongs to his date. Rocket had told him that Mrs. Bennett the charity event organizer had won the date but rumor was that she had given it to one of her daughters. Bob remembers how intimidating and cold Mrs. Bennett had seemed when they had helped out with the set up and worries that her daughter will be the same way. Taking in a deep breath he stares at himself in the rear view mirror for a moment.
“You can do this. It’s just a date.” He tells himself confidently before nodding once and stepping out of the car. Looking back at his reflection in the car window he surveys himself as his hands graze down the front of his button up maroon shirt and down to his navy blue slacks. His hair is neatly combed and gelled out of his face and he’s made sure to have shined his brown leather shoes he’s wearing. Taking in another deep breath he turns and walks up towards the restaurant.
Bob is pleasantly surprised to see the outside of the restaurant looks like a large house with an almost wrap-around porch and nicely manicured front yard. He weaves his wave through the front yard along the wide paved front walk and nods his head at guests who are eating outside this evening. He walks up the wooden front steps to the front door and once inside greets the hostess at the podium.
“Good Evening, how many will be in your party tonight?” She asks kindly from her position with a wide welcoming smile. Bob feels himself anxiously tense at her question and he steps closer to the podium until he’s right in front of it.
“Good Evening, I’m here for a sort of blind date. Y’see I was part of a charity auction date and I don’t know who my date will be.” He confesses to the woman and her eyes widen slightly at his words.
“You’re the Naval Officer.” She says softly and Bob jolts back at her words. How did she know he was a Naval Officer? She shakes her head quickly before beaming at him assuringly. “I know your date, she reserved your table tonight.” The woman said fondly and Bob wondered silently why his date made the reservation and not Mrs. Bennett, but he figured it was better this way at least his date knew this restaurant then.
“Oh, okay. Well that’s good because I’m clueless as to what to eat or do around here.” He said a little self-deprecatingly and the woman shook her head.
“Oh Lettie’s grown up here in Belle Chasse her whole life, she knows all the ins and outs of this area and New Orleans. Plus she’s a great cook and a sort of foodie so she knows all the great places to eat!” The woman said with praise and Bob nodded his head at her words. He smiled softly as the woman practically hyped up her friend to him.
“Do you mind giving us a table separated from the others? I’d like to get to know my date and I’d like to do it in a quiet area.” He asked softly and the woman all but lit up from within as she stared at him with widening eyes.
“Oh of course!” She gushed out happily as she picked up two menus and gestured for him to follow her. Bob followed the woman as she weaved in and out of the tables until she came to one the furthest from the front door in a corner. “Will this be alright?” She asked softly and Bob nodded his head with a smile.
“Yes, this is great. Thank you.” He said kindly as he took a seat in the chair along the wall. She placed the menus down on the table for him and smiled warmly.
“Charlene will be your waitress and she should be along in a little bit. And Lettie should be here in a minute too. Good luck and have fun tonight.” She said as she nearly skipped back to the podium with a grin on her face. Bob chuckled softly as he shook his head at her antics, obviously her and Lettie were close and from the looks of it the woman was happy with Lettie’s date tonight. 
Bob felt a buzzing in his pocket and pulled out his cellphone to see the Rocket had texted in the new group chat the squad had created especially for tonight, it was labeled Bob Gets Wifed Up Tonight. And the squad had already started texting in it while Bob had been on his way to the restaurant.
Five bucks says Bob gets lost going to the restaurant. That was from Astro, the only other WSO on the squad. Bob huffs softly before shaking his head as he begins to type out a response.
Already here asshole. There’s a flurry of typing indicators as the rest of the squad begin to chime in. Good luck Bob! Let us know how hot she is! Came Raptor’s response with a thumbs up making Bob shake his head at the words. Don’t be nervous, you totally got this. Came from Kamikaze, their leader, Bob smiled softly at the encouraging words. Tell her we all loved her food the other night! Was Striker’s response and Bob smiled while nodding his head, he would have to remember to tell her that she was super talented. Don’t overthink it, you’re just getting to know the woman. Just let it happen. Was the text from Rocket and Bob felt confidence swirl inside of him at his front seater’s words as his shoulders squared with pride. He leaned forward to slip his cellphone back into his pocket and looked up as he sat back in his chair.
Bob watched as a woman with curly dark brown hair that flowed down to the middle of her back walked into the restaurant and he silently eyed her up and down. She neared the podium while greeting the hostess with a bright smile on her face. She wore a pretty brightly colored floral dress that reached her knees and a pair of turquoise high heels and her hair was styled where one side of it fell on the side in a curtain of curls. He watched as she just about reached the podium when her shoe got caught on the rug and she tripped over it, he grimaced as he watched her catch herself on the podium with both hands and looked around nervously with a bright flush on her face. Bob immediately looked down at the menu on the table trying not to get caught watching her. He idly wondered who she was here to have dinner with. He silently figured a pretty woman like her was most likely here for a date as he looked down at the menu and began to read it to see what he’d like to order.
“You know their seafood gumbo is really good but their smothered catfish is top notch.” came a soft dulcet tone pulling Bob’s attention away from the menu. He looked up slowly to see the same woman he saw just come in standing in front of the empty chair at his table. He smiled unsurely at her while she grinned at him before she jolted in place. “I’m so sorry, where are my manners? My name is Lettie Bennett and I’m your date.” she said proudly and Bob felt his heart nearly stop in his chest. 
Quickly standing from his chair Bob grabbed the back of it so that it didn’t topple over in his haste before turning towards the woman in front of him. Her crystalline gray blue eyes widened slightly as she realized what she had said and she chuckled softly while shaking her head. “I swear I’m more charming than this in real life. I’m just a little nervous.” She tried to excuse herself but Bob smiled warmly at her while he moved to stand next to her before taking a hold of her chair and pulling it out for her. He helped her sit in her seat before pushing it in for her as he leaned closer to her.
“Any more charming and I think you’d have to call a doctor for my love stricken heart.” Bob said softly to her and heard her suck in a harsh breath as her face turned upwards to him. He was surprised by his own smoothness as he stared into her dancing eyes.
“Oh that was smooth.” she said softly and Bob grinned at her praise as he walked back towards his seat. He saw her grimace at her admission and couldn’t stop the fluttering of his stomach. He was entranced by her already and it was only the beginning of their date. Never had he felt so comfortable and at ease with a date, it was a really nice change and Bob could already feel himself falling into a sense of security with her. “Sorry for being late, were you waiting long…?” she asked sweetly and looked at him as if she was expecting him to speak up.
“Oh, Robert-Robert Floyd. But you can call me Bob, it's my call sign. And I wasn’t waiting that long at all.” he said in a rush as he realized what she was waiting for. He watched as a pretty smile bloomed on her face and he felt as if his insides were vibrating with how happy he felt.
“Robert Floyd, that’s a nice name. Why is your call sign Bob though? Does it stand for something or is it your nickname?” she asked as she tilted her head to the side while watching him with curious eyes.
“It does stand for something but you have to earn the right to know it.” he said feeling excited and mischievous and watched as her eyes widened at his words. He smirked softly as he watched her quietly study him trying to figure out what his call sign stood for.
“I have so many ideas on what it could mean now.” she said almost in awe and Bob grinned widely at her excitement. He couldn’t help but be sucked up in her excitement as he watched her continue to think about what his call sign could mean. “How do I earn the right to know the meaning?” she asked curiously as her eyes turned back to him, Bob sat mesmerized for a moment before internally shaking his head.
“Once I know for sure I’ve got a second date with you then I’ll tell you what it stands for.” he said suavely and watched as her eyes widened slightly as a sparkle lit up from within. Bob was impressed that he was able to pull off that line and that she had reacted in a positive way. This was the first date that wasn’t going down in flames in a very long time and Bob was surprised by it all. 
“Well let’s get through dinner and see where we’re at.” she said in a chipper tone and Bob nodded his head at her eagerly. Just then the waitress came over and Bob vaguely remembered her name was Charlene.
“Welcome to Restaurant de Familles, my name is Charlene-Oh! Lettie! How are you sweetheart?” Charlene began to introduce herself before noticing Lettie sitting at the table. Bob smiled softly as Charlene lit up as she spotted Lettie and he internally took note that Lettie caused that reaction with everyone she greeted. “Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry! I’m interrupting.” Charlene gasped out softly as her eyes darted back to Bob who smiled and shook his head. “Let me take your drink order. Sorry! What would you like to drink?” Charlene began to rush out and Bob chuckled softly at her words. He looked at Lettie expectantly and she jolted in surprise at his manners of letting her order first.
“Can I have a Coke Charlene?” she asked kindly and Charlene quickly jotted down the order before turning to Bob.
“Can I have the same?” he asked, causing Charlene to eagerly nod her head before jotting it down and rushing off to fill the order.
“Sorry, I know mostly everyone who works here.” Lettie said softly with a small grimace. Bob shook his head as he smiled widely at her.
“No reason to apologize. How do you know them all?” he asked curiously as he looked at her earnestly across the table.
“Oh the hostess is Maddie, she’s been my best friend since pre-k. Charlene I’ve known since high school when she moved to Belle Chasse. And then there’s probably Leon in the kitchen, I’ve known him since Culinary school. The others have just been either school friends or tagalongs at parties that became close friends. We’re all close so it’s hard to go to a restaurant and not know someone who works there.” Lettie explained and Bob nodded his head along with her words eager to find out more about the woman in front of him.
“You’re a wonderful chef by the way.” Bob rushed out softly and Lettie beamed up at him at the praise he gave her. “I mean Geronimo told us that you were the chef at the charity event and we all loved your cooking. It was delicious!” he blurted out and then ducked his head in embarrassment.
“That’s the greatest compliment I could’ve ever received.” Lettie said truthfully with a warm smile and Bob darted his eyes up to watch her own eyes crinkle at the corners as her smile widened. Bob smiled softly at her and Lettie grinned at him. “Seriously, I love to cook! It’s a passion of mine and I work at Commander’s Palace on Washington Ave as a chef.” Lettie explained and Bob spotted Charlene coming back with their drinks. He panicked slightly and darted his eyes back down to the menu in his hands.
“Charlene’s coming back and I have no idea what to order.” he confessed softly and Lettie grinned softly at him before nodding her head and winking cheekily at him. Bob felt his face flush slightly at her action just as Charlene came back to the table with the drinks.
“So have you decided on what you’d like to have for dinner?” she asked sweetly as she placed the glasses on the table. Bob began to flounder as he gripped the menu tightly in his hands until Lettie reached out and set her hand over one of his.
“Robert’s going to have the smothered catfish and I’ll have the seafood gumbo. Would you bring out two extra plates so that we can share the food too? I’d like him to try both dishes.” Lettie ordered easily and confidently causing Bob to stare at her silent amazement consuming his face.
“Of course Lettie!” Charlene chirped happily as she gently took the menu from Bob’s hands making him nod his head before handing over the menu to her. He watched as she whirled on her heel and left them alone once more.
“Thank you.” he said softly and Lettie smiled brightly at him as she nodded her head.
“Of course! The chef Leon here is wonderful!” she said happily.
“You said you went to culinary school with him right?” Bob asked, remembering what she had said before about her friends. Bob sat there stunned as Lettie seemed to blossom in front of him, her face shone brightly with happiness as she realized he had remembered what she said earlier.
“Yes, he’s a good friend and was a great help while I was going through the school with him. We really leaned on each other for support and help.” she said and Bob nodded his head at her words. “Tell me about you though, I feel as if I’ve only been talking about me.” Lettie suddenly said as a pretty flush covered her cheeks.
“Oh well, I joined the Navy right out of high school. I’ve moved up into the position of Weapons System Operator. I’m on a squad of six including myself and I’ve been here for a month now with no transfer date assigned yet.” Bob began to tell her and Lettie watched him with rapt attention as she took a sip from her drink.
“So you’re here for the near future until you get assigned a transfer date?” she asked curiously and Bob nodded his head at her. “And what does a Weapons System Operator do?” she asked as she tilted her head to the side. Bob was shocked for a moment that a woman on a date with him was curious about his career.
“I sit behind the aviator and man all the weapons in his aircraft. My aviator is Rocket, he’s one of my closest friends in the Navy. Been with him since we got out of the academy.” Bob said fondly and Lettie smiled warmly at him.
“So do you have three aviators and three weapons system operators on your squad?” she asked while her eyes danced on him. Bob felt a little uneasy with all of her attention on him but he couldn't help but feel good about it as well. It was the first time that a woman was interested in him, normally his dates would be bored by now and looking for a way out of the date. It made him feel wanted and confident.
“No we have only two WSOs on the squad and four aviators.” he explained and laughed when Lettie tilted her head to the side confused. “WSOs are normally for ground fighting rather than air fighting. Plus we’re also able to monitor radar for any enemy aircrafts.” Bob said and smiled as he watched Lettie’s eyes widen while she nodded her head.
“Wow.” she said softly and Bob chuckled at her shock. He watched as she quickly ducked her head while smiling and he thought she looked cute when she grew embarrassed over things. Her mannerisms were absolutely adorable to him as she flushed regularly and ducked her head in embarrassment while smiling good-naturedly at herself. “That’s a very impressive career. Have you been stationed anywhere else?” she asked curiously and Bob nodded his head.
“I’ve been to Virginia a few times, Texas, and my last base was in Florida.” he told her and watched as she nodded her head with wide eyes.
“That sounds exciting, do you get down time to sight see?” she asked and Bob nodded his head.
“We get some breaks and usually we’ll spend it either going out around base or we’ll go visit family.” Bob tells her. He’s sitting there watching as she nods her head and her eyes follow his little movements avidly, making his chest puff out with confidence that she’s interested in him. He’s a little thrown off balance to have someone of the opposite sex actually interested in him and not one of his squad mates. It’s a nice change he admits to himself but he’s still cautious and wary that she won’t like him when she learns more about him.
“And where is your family from?” Lettie asks curiously and Bob is reminded once again that she’s interested in him and wants to learn more about him.
“Colorado, my parents are still there and my older brother is in the next town over from them.” he said fondly as he thought about his family. A soft smile formed on his face and he watched as Lettie mirrored it kindly.
“That sounds nice, Colorado’s cold though isn’t it?” she asked as her head tilted to the side as she began to recall anything about Colorado. Bob chuckled softly and nodded his head.
“It can be. The winters are normally cold and snowy but the summers are hot. Not like the weather here where it’s mostly hot and humid.” he said with a teasing smile.
“I haven’t been outta Belle Chasse since I was born so I don’t know how I’d do in the cold let alone snow!” Lettie said earnestly with a twinkling laugh that captured Bob’s attention.
“Have you ever wanted to travel?” he asked curiously as his eyebrows furrowed softly. Lettie looked up at him before nodding her head quickly making her curly hair bounce around her head. She grinned as a curl fell in front of her face and she blew it out of the way playfully.
“Oh yeah! But my mother’s a little old school and doesn’t like for her children to be too far away from her. Plus I’ve been in school since I started and only out of culinary school about two years now.” she told him. “I finished high school at eighteen then went straight into college for my business degree and then went into culinary school. Finished that just as I turned twenty-three and have been working full time ever since the last day.” she said proudly and Bob could sense that she took her education and career seriously.
“A business degree huh? Do you want to open up your own restaurant?” he asked curiously as his eyes darted past her to see Charlene coming over with their food balanced on a large tray.
“Not a restaurant per se, maybe my own baking company one day.” Lettie said wistfully and Bob wondered what was holding her back from her dream.
“Lettie girl if you opened a baking company I’m pretty sure you’d put all the local bakeries outta business.” Charlene said as she set up the tray and began to serve the dishes. Lettie grinned at her as she took the plate from her hands. “Not to mention I’m pretty sure your Mama would be hopping mad. Would be totally worth it just to see that sight.” Charlene said conspiratorily and Bob watched as Lettie flinched at the mention of her mother’s disapproval. “But it would be absolutely nothing for you to do. You’re always so organized and level headed when it comes to anything.”
“Thanks Charlene.” Lettie said with a smile that wasn’t as bright Bob noticed and he wondered if she had family issues with her mother. Bob waited quietly as Charlene finished serving the food and let them know to call for her if they needed anything before she left them. “I’m sorry, Charlene sometimes has no filter.” Lettie said softly and Bob quickly shook his head.
“We’ve all got things that we’d rather not air out on the first date. If you ever meet my squadmates they’d tell you all my embarrassing stories. In fact I’m sure Astro, the other WSO, would love to tell you all my secrets.” Bob reassured her and Lettie grinned over at him causing Bob to suck in a sharp breath. She was a gorgeous woman and to have all of her attention made Bob feel as if he was drunk. He watched as she began to set aside some of her seafood gumbo onto a small plate for him before she spoke up happily.
“So they know all the juicy tidbits about you?” she asked teasingly and Bob smiled at her question.
“They certainly know some of them.” he said while shaking his head.
“Here, try some of the seafood gumbo. It’s really good here. Also your catfish dish is one of my favorites.” she said as she began to dig into her dish.
“Would you like some?” he asked as he pointed down to his dish before he began to cut some of the fish and moved it to the other small plate.
“Oh no, you didn’t have to share.” she tried to say quickly but Bob just shook his head.
“It’s your favorite dish of course I’m going to share.” he told her kindly and she smiled warmly at him.
“Thank you.” she told him before the two of them fell silent while they ate.
Lettie was right that the seafood gumbo was great but the smothered catfish was one of the best dishes he’d ever eaten. He groaned softly as he ate the catfish and Lettie chuckled knowingly as she watched him close his eyes in pleasure. “Told ya it was amazing.” she said happily and Bob nodded while his eyes fluttered open. Bob silently watched as Lettie continued eating and he knew if they continued to go out she’d always have the best suggestions on what to eat.
The restaurant was closing now and Bob was shocked to find that he had spent hours in a restaurant talking with Lettie. The range of conversation between the two covered pretty much everything that Bob could think of to talk about on a first date. He was surprised to find how easy it was to hold a conversation with her and how it never seemed to end. He was even more surprised to find that he didn’t want the conversation to end. He liked spending time with Lettie he found, and he was hoping that she felt the same way since he’d love to do this again.
After paying for the food and drinks Bob got up from the table and helped Lettie from her chair, he suavely slipped her hand into the crook of his elbow as he began to walk her out of the restaurant. Lettie beamed up at him with slightly widened eyes before she tucked herself in closer to him. Bob noticed the difference in height as his eyes looked across the top of her head, arousal simmered in his lower stomach at the thought of how small she was next to him. A sense of protectiveness surged through him and he rested his free hand over hers. Once the two of them stepped out of the front door of the restaurant Bob looked around the parking lot and saw a few cars still parked in spaces.
“So where’s your car Lettie?” he asked softly before speaking up once more. “So I know how to take the long way to your car.” Lettie gasped softly before bursting out into delighted laughter.
“I actually do have to get home soon.” she said regrettably. “I’m helping one of my sister’s with the food for her next charity event and I’ve got to get the planning of it started.” Bob let his shoulders fall in defeat at her words but then felt a slight warmth encase him as her hand gripped his elbow tighter. “It’s the bug over there.” she said as she nodded towards her car. Bob turned his head and spotted the beat up red Volkswagen Bug while a smile spread across his face. “What?” she asked worriedly as a smile spread on her face too. Bob shook his head before turning back to her.
“The car fits your personality perfectly.” he said fondly and Lettie blushed under the street lamps as Bob began to guide her towards her car. They walked at a leisure pace and all too soon Bob found himself at the side of Lettie’s car. He smiled as his eyes danced over the car and saw that while it was older and a little beat up it was very well taken care of. Lettie unlocked it with her key fob and Bob opened the driver side door for her. She moved to stand in the space between the door and the car and turned to him with a happy bright grin on her face.
“I had a wonderful time tonight.” she said softly in a low tone that made Bob’s insides heat with pleasure and desire. He nodded his head at her words as he reached up to push his glasses further up his nose. 
“I did too. In fact I’d love to take you out again if you’re willing.” he suggested in a tone just as low and soft as hers. He watched delightedly as her eyes sparkled under the street lamps and her smile widened.
“Give me your phone.” She instructed him gently and he handed it over without a thought in his mind. He watched as she pulled up his contacts and then typed in her name before typing in her phone number. He felt a sense of pride and accomplishment as she put her number into his phone. It was another first for him to be able to get a woman’s number after the first date. “Now you have my number, text me whenever you want to plan another date.” she said with a teasing grin directed at him. Bob leaned against the driver’s side door as he took his phone back from her and Lettie leaned on the opposite side of the door towards him. There was a tension building between the two of them and Bob wanted so badly to kiss her. He knew from the way her eyes kept darting down to his mouth that she wanted it just as badly as he did. Bob watched as her eyes darted down to his lips once more before she moved forward quickly and then yelped in pain.
“Are you okay?! What happened?” he asked her quickly as he rushed to move around the door to survey her injury.
“I hit my knee on the side of the door.” she groaned out softly and Bob chuckled quietly as he eased her into the driver’s seat.
“Here let me see.” he eased her softly as his hands came to grip her calf gently and angle her knee up for him to see. He heard Lettie gasp softly and he looked up worriedly that she was hurt worse but she shook her head at his worried look.
“I’m okay, your hand feels good around my leg.” she confessed before groaning loudly and burying her face in her hands while Bob chuckled good naturedly as confidence surged up inside him again. He leaned in close to her face and smiled as she peeked out from behind her fingers.
“You’re a little clumsy aren’t you?” he asked fondly and she groaned while nodding her head.
“Even more so than this.” she confessed and Bob smiled at her words. He leaned in further while resting the bottom of her shoe on his thigh as he grinned at her.
“Well I’ll always be here to help you back up Lettie.” he said softly to her and Lettie’s eyes widened at his soft confession before Bob smoothly leaned in and pressed a chaste kiss to her lips. Lettie’s hands fell to his chest and then fisted in the front of his shirt pulling him closer to her as her lips slanted against his deepening the kiss. Bob moaned softly into her mouth and Lettie whimpered in response causing Bob to pull away so that he could try and calm his rising desire for her. “It’s only the first date Lettie.” He teased her gently and she whined softly as she leaned forward chasing his mouth.
“I like you Bob.” she confessed softly and Bob felt his heart soar in his chest as butterflies danced in his stomach. “I like you a lot. I want to get to know you more. I want to kiss you more. I want to fog up those adorable glasses of yours.” she mumbled to him and Bob felt desire race down his spine and settle at his lower back. He groaned softly as he eased her legs into her car and moved back from her.
“All within good time Lettie.” he promised her before pressing another kiss to her mouth making her hum and coo at him. When he knew she had to get going home Bob pulled away and stood from his crouched position. “Get home safely. I’ll text you to make sure you did.” he said softly before moving away from the car and closing her door for her. She beamed dreamily up at him through her now open window and Bob chuckled softly at seeing how much she had been affected by the kiss.
“I’ll see you Bob. Text me.” she husked out to him and Bob felt his body react instantly to her words. He stepped further back and watched as she pulled out of her parking spot and then drove out of the parking lot. He smiled softly as he saw her hand come out of the window and wave at him before she turned down the road and headed up. Bob sighed softly as he grinned to himself and walked towards his own car, he felt his phone vibrate in his hand and turned it over to see that the group text had exploded with messages from the squad, the most current one from Rocket making Bob grin widely. Bob Floyd if you don’t answer this text message we are sending out a SEARCH PARTY! It’s been THREE HOURS! Where are you?!
I’m out gettin’ the girl. Bob responded with a giddy laugh as he slipped into his car and started it up.
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sheerfreesia007 · 1 year
Title: Win A Date With A Naval Officer pt. 7
Fandom: Top Gun Maverick
Pairing: Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x OFC!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 3,175
Warnings: Talk of dysfunctional family
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
WADWANO Tag List: @fandom-princess-forevermore
Gif Credit: @topgundaily
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The television is playing softly as Lettie walks into the living room with a plate of powdered sugar dusted beignets in her hand. She sets the plate on the coffee table and presses a quick kiss to Bob’s cheek as she sits down on the couch with a loud sigh. Bob looks over at her before reaching forward to grab a beignet, he moans loudly as he takes a bite causing Lettie to laugh with amusement as she spots the sugar covering the lower half of his face. He beams at her around his mouthful of fried dough and she laughs while gently brushing the sugar off his face. She watches amusedly as Bob finishes the beignet in a few bites before he turns to her and gently guides her to lay back on the couch.
Lettie lay back while Bob crawled above her and lay himself along her body while pressing his elbows into the couch cushions besides her head to keep him propped up above her. He smiles dreamily down at her feeling content in her presence. He’s going to be going on a mission in a week and a half, he’s prepared for it but he’s worried about Lettie being prepared for it.
“How are you holding up?” he asked softly to her and watched as her eyebrows twitched as her mouth pursed in a pout.
“I’m sad that you’re going to be away for a whole month, but I’m proud of you. And I’m just trying to soak up all of your attention before you leave.” she said softly to him and Bob felt his heart swell with emotion for her. He knew it was never going to be easy for her with him being on missions and he was worried that it might put a strain on their relationship. But he had found with the last mission that if he spent as much time as he could with her before the mission and kept checking up on her before and throughout the mission it seemed to help her get through it.
“I love you, Lettie girl.” Bob said softly as he lowered himself completely on top of her while wrapping his arms around her. He snuggled his head into her neck and she sighed softly before responding.
“I love you too.” Lettie said softly as she wrapped her arms around his neck while her thighs opened wide and cradled his hips in between them.
“I wanna marry you.” Bob blurted out suddenly and Lettie gasped softly at his words. She pulled away from him a little to stare into his eyes with her own wide eyes.
“Are you proposing?” she asked shocked and Bob shook his head at her question.
“Not yet. But I’m making my intention clear to you. I wanna marry you and make it official. I want to spend the rest of my life with you Lettie. I want to be the only man in your life, I want to make a home with you and a family. God I wanna have kids with you so badly.” he told her and Bob could see the tears beginning to well in her eyes as she listened to his words. “I am absolutely head over heels in love with you and can’t picture my life without you in it. You make my life so much brighter just by being in it.” He confessed and Lettie’s tears began to fall down her face silently. Lettie sucked in a loud breath before she began to sob. Bob knew that his confession was probably poorly timed with his mission coming up soon. But he knew he had to tell her how he felt about her and what he saw for their future.
“I don’t want you to leave now.” she cried out and Bob gathered her close to him while he sat up on the couch. He opened his legs and cradled her in his arms as she settled against his chest crying.
“I know sweetheart. I know. I don’t want to leave either. Trust me I want to stay right here with you.” he whispered against her temple as she sobbed into his chest. “I love you and never want to hurt you. But this is part of my life and it’s only going to get harder.” Bob said solemnly.
“I know and I’m not mad or angry about that. It’s your career, it will always be a part of your life and I would never want to take that away from you. I am so proud of you for being a WSO in the Navy. It just sucks that we’re finally figuring out what we want our relationship to look like and you’re going away on a month-long mission.” Lettie lamented softly as she wiped her tears away. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you more. I probably should’ve held that in until I was back from the mission.” Bob said softly as he wrapped his arms tighter around and cuddled her closer to his body.
“Absolutely not. I’m glad you told me. Because it’s what I want too. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I want the home and the kids and the pets. I want it all if it’s with you. It sucks but we’ll be okay. It’s something to look forward to. Something to keep my spirits up while you’re away.” Lettie said to him earnestly and Bob nodded in agreement. “I don’t want you to worry about me while you’re on the mission though. That’s too dangerous. Your job is to make sure you and your squad come home and I will be right here waiting for you.” Lettie said softly, causing Bob to hold her even tighter in his arms. He looked down at her and saw that she was snuggled in his arms while staring out in the living room without actually seeing anything. Her eyes were darting back and forth around the room as her mind probably raced with thoughts. He leaned forward and pressed a loving kiss to her temple gently before lowering his face to press it gently against hers.
“I will always worry about you sweetheart. I’m in love with you and care about you an awful lot. You’re going to be my future wife, it’s now my job to worry about you. There will always be a thought in the back of my head about you and what you’re doing while I’m away. But I know you will be okay and that you have Charlene and Maddie here to lean on. Plus it makes me feel better to know that you’re waiting for me to come home.” Bob confessed to her softly and Lettie leaned her face gently against his affectionately.
“I just don’t want you to be distracted while away on a mission. I can only imagine how dangerous that would be for you. And that would make me more worried if I knew you were distracted because you were worrying about me.” Lettie said softly as a small smile graced her lips.
“You’d worry because I worry.” Bob teased her and Lettie laughed at the conundrum. “Sounds like a whole lot of worrying.” Bob teased some more as he nuzzled into the side of her neck making Lettie moan softly and tilt her head to the side to give him more room to nuzzle in. “I promise not to worry so much about you and check in as much as I’m able to. If you promise me that you will take care of yourself while I’m away. It’s a longer mission than the last one and I feel like they’re only going to get harder and longer. I don’t want you to have to go through this but this is the nature of being a service member.” Bob said resolutely and Lettie nodded her head at his words.
“I promise I will take care of myself while you’re gone. And you have to promise to come home to me.” she responded in a sternly voice that made Bob smile widely at her.
“I promise to try my hardest to come home to you.” he confessed softly into her ear knowing that he couldn’t promise to always come home, he never knew how things would turn out while on mission. And he knew Lettie understood that so he figured by him promising to try that it would be good enough for her. He sighed softly as he felt her body settle heavily against his while the two of them cuddled on her couch in a quiet embrace. Bob easily fell asleep with her in his arms like that, letting his worries and concerns fade away as sleep cocooned the two of them.
The next day Lettie’s sitting at her computer desk going over her work schedule for the next week. Bob is lounging on the couch watching some television show that can’t seem to keep his attention. Suddenly a commercial for a local bakery comes on the television and Bob tilts his head as an idea forms in his brain. His eyes watch the commercial show their signature cakes, cupcakes and beignets causing him to snort softly.
“Bet your beignets taste ten times better than theirs.” he scoffs softly and Lettie turns to look at the television over her shoulder.
“They’re not bad but they don’t cover the whole beignet with powdered sugar.” Lettie says truthfully and Bob groans loudly at her words. Lettie laughs as she turns back to her computer and Bob rolls his head to gaze at her from his sprawled out spot.
“Your beignets are to die for.” he tells her with a wide smile. Her laughter rings in the air once more and Bob can’t help himself but smile at her delight.
“I hope not. I’d like to keep you around for a while.” She responds and Bob smirks over at her.
“What if you had your own baking company? Your beignets would sell like they were the hottest item on the shelf.” Bob said confidently as he watched Lettie tilt her head to the side.
“I’ve always wanted to have either my own restaurant or my own bakery.” she murmured softly in a thoughtful tone.
“Why don’t you start your own baking company then? I can help with the expenses and it’d keep you super busy during my missions. Plus when we tie the knot and make it official-” he began to ruminate out loud and Lettie laughed happily at his words causing him to pause.
“Ever since yesterday you’ve used every opportunity to bring that up.” she teased him and he looked over at her with an affronted look that made her grin. 
“Of course I would! Now that we’re both on the same page of what we want, I’m going to tell everyone that I’m gonna marry you.” Bob says happily as he nods his head proudly. Lettie chuckled while shaking her head as she stood from her computer. Bob grinned widely at her and opened his arms and she happily fell into them causing him to grunt softly. “But I’m serious about the baking company. I think it would be good for you, you love baking and cooking, why not get paid for creating your own specialties and your own recipes. Plus the wives of the service members would love that.”
“I suppose I could do that. Maybe I’ll call up my Dad and ask him to get me in contact with someone to help me set up a company.” Lettie began to muse quietly as she tilted her head.
“That’s a good idea. Has your mom or sisters reached out to you yet?” he asked as he stared at her from his spot below her. Lettie shook her head and shrugged her shoulders in a nonchalant way causing Bob to sigh softly. “I’m sorry sweetheart.” he said softly as his hand came up to cup her cheek and Lettie smiled softly at him while shaking her head.
“I’m used to it. They give the cold shoulder if things don’t go the way they want them to. And then will pretend like nothing ever happened once they do reach out. I’m glad I stood up for myself and for you. They don’t get to talk about you like that and I’m tired of falling in line with them all. So it sucks but I’m used to it at this point.” she told him and Bob nodded his head at her words before pulling her face down to kiss her sweetly. 
“I’m sorry that they suck. But I think it would be a good thing to sit down with your Dad and ask him for some help or contacts.” Bob said gently against her lips and Lettie smiled before pressing another kiss to his mouth. “Plus I can be your taste tester.” he said eagerly and Lettie laughed while wrapping her arms around his neck and dragging him down into a more heated kiss. Bob hummed against her and fell into the spell that she had been weaving around him.
“Hey kiddo!” called Lettie’s Dad causing her to turn her head to the side and spot him seated at a table not that far from the front door. Weaving her way through the crowd dining area she made her way to his side as he stood from his chair. He opened his arms wide for her and gathered her in a tight warm hug. “Hi sweetheart.” he said fondly and Lettie smiled as she hugged him back tightly.
“Hi Dad. How are you?” she asked after being released from the hug and sank down into her chair. Her Dad took his seat and handed her a menu with a smile on his face.
“I’m good. It’s good to see you. You seem to be glowing, did something happen?” he asked as he moved his hand in a circular motion towards her. Lettie laughed softly as she shook her head at his antics.
“Well that’s why I wanted to have lunch with you, so that I could talk to you about everything that’s been going on.” Lettie said honestly as she glanced down at the menu for a moment before looking back up at him. Her Dad sat there eagerly awaiting to hear what she had to tell him. “So Bob’s going to be deployed for a month starting on the fifteenth.” she told him and he frowned softly as his eyes took her in hurriedly.
“That’s so soon! Are you okay? Do you need anything?” he asked worriedly as he leaned across the table and reached out for her hand. Lettie sucked in a harsh breath as she felt the sorrow well up inside her, she could feel the tears gathering in her eyes and could feel her chest constricting her lungs. Her Dad moved to get up but Lettie waved him back down into his chair.
“No, no. I’m okay. We’ve been spending as much time together as possible so that it doesn’t hurt as much but it’s gonna be a long time. So I’m okay, just trying to bear with it.” Lettie told him honestly and her Dad nodded his head at her explanation. 
“Is he in training today?” he asked and Lettie nodded her head as she smiled softly. “You two have been dating for a while haven’t you?” her Dad asked curiously as they both kept glancing down at the menus trying to figure out what they were going to eat.
“Yeah, we just celebrated nine months.” Lettie answered as her eyes landed on the grilled catfish dish and her stomach grumbled softly. 
“That’s a good amount of time.” her Dad said honestly and Lettie nodded while smiling, she knew that her Dad was fishing for more information and wasn’t trying to be too pressing.
“Lately we’ve been talking about marriage and I think that’s going to be our next step when he comes back. I don’t know how soon he wants to get married but if he gets stationed somewhere else, I'm going to be going with him.” Lettie said honestly and her Dad leaned back in his chair with a look of pure shock on his face.
“Wow, that’s a bold move. But I’m not surprised. You always knew what you wanted in life and you’re not afraid to go and get it.” her Dad said as he rubbed at his chin. “Have you talked to your Mom about this?” he asked curiously and Lettie shook her head at his question.
“She hasn’t spoken to me since the party. I haven’t really had time to spare with prepping for Bob’s deployment so I haven’t reached out either. And frankly I don’t want to reach out, she was very rude to Bob and myself. I haven’t wanted to speak with her or the girls.” Lettie said while shrugging her shoulders. Her Dad nodded his head at her explanation and sighed heavily.
“I told her that if she and your sisters kept pushing you that it was just going to wind up pushing you away. I’m sorry that your Mom hasn’t always been kind to you and your accomplishments. I am very proud of you, and I think Bob is a great partner for you. The two of you fit so well together. It’s really nice to see.” Her Dad said fondly and Lettie smiled widely at him.
“Thanks Dad.” She responded happily just as the waitress came by to take their order. Lettie ordered her food and then waited as her Dad ordered his as well. He also asked for two champagne flutes to celebrate her and Bob being so serious in their relationship. It wasn’t until after the waitress left that Lettie spoke up again. “So I wanted to ask you for some help.” Lettie began to explain and her Dad turned to her with eager eyes. “Bob put it in my head that maybe I should start a baking company.”
“He’s an awfully smart man.” Her Dad said pensively and Lettie laughed at his words. 
“He’s worried that with this deployment I’ll be lonelier and he’s worried about that affecting my mental health. So he suggested I start a baking company to keep myself busy. He had all these good points about how I could start making money for my passion in baking and it would be all my own creations. Plus when we eventually have to relocate, I could take the business with me and that all the service wives would love it.” Lettie began to ramble excitedly and her Dad smiled while reaching out his hand to take hers gently.
“That sounds like a really good idea sweetheart. I can set up a meeting with my financial advisor and business advisor. Are you free next week?” Her Dad asked kindly and Lettie began talking to him about all the details that she would need to bring up with the advisors to get her business started.
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sheerfreesia007 · 1 year
Win A Date With A Naval Officer pt. 1
Title: Win A Date With A Naval Officer Pt. 1
Fandom: Top Gun Maverick
Pairing: Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x OFC!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 2,158
Warnings: None
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
WADWANO Tag List: @fandom-princess-forevermore
Gif Credit: @stilinskiderek
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The large ballroom was bustling with lively activity as Bob walked into the room with his squad mates. Kamikaze was at the front of the group leading the way towards one of the local veterans who was directing others while they set up tables. Rocket nudged his shoulder as they walked in together and Bob looked over at his aviator curiously. The man was already nodding his head towards a group of women on the other side of the room and Bob rolled his eyes and shook his head at the man.
“C’mon Floyd, we need to find you a woman to settle down with.” Rocket said quietly, trying to convince Bob. Bob shook his head as the others came to stand around him.
“Not all of us can be wifed up already, Rocket.” Bob said sarcastically and his squad all chuckled at his words as a few murmured in agreement. Rocket huffed softly as he placed his hands on hips and glared playfully at Bob.
“I’m gonna get you wifed up before our next assignment. Just you watch.” Rocket promised with a wide smile on his lips making Bob scoff softly and shake his head. Just then Kamikaze and the veteran that he had greeted came over to the group of them.
“Alright listen up fellas, this here is Geronimo and he’s in charge of the set up crew. So we’ll be following his orders.” Kamikaze said and Bob turned to Geronimo while waiting for instructions.
“Good morning Gentlemen. We really appreciate y’all helping out. We need to set up the tables around the dance floor about five feet apart and then the ladies over there will have all the table cloths that need to go on them. Mrs. Bennett is in charge of the ladies over there, she’s the woman in the orange flower dress if you need to speak with her.” Geronimo instructed them and Bob nodded his head along with his words.
Suddenly there was a loud crash heard from the kitchen and Bob whipped his head up towards the far door that most likely led into the kitchen. He watched as Mrs. Bennett rushed towards the door before he heard yelling at raised voices. He wondered what was going on as he saw Geronimo approaching him from the side.
“That’d probably be Lettie’s crew. She’s got her hands full with all the new kitchen staff.” Geronimo advised and Bob idly wondered if the kitchen staff was alright. “Anyway, food will be supplied to you for your help with setting up. Lettie’s in charge of that end of the event but we’ll make sure to get you fellas fed.” 
Bob and his squadmates all quickly began moving and setting the tables up around the room in the right configuration under Geronimo’s supervision. He kept the squad all entertained as he retold stories from his deployments and missions that he went on. There was even a moment when he reenacted a mission with Raptor which had them all laughing while clutching their sides.
The camaraderie between the squad and the veteran was comforting to Bob as saw everyone working together to get the task done. Geronimo had even been nice and bought all of them tickets to the event since they had helped out. The squad had offered to pay him back but he had waved them off by saying he had a discount for being a veteran.
Just as Bob pulled out the legs of one of the tables he was setting up he got a whiff of the most heavenly scent of food he had ever smelled. His eyes closed gently as his head tilted upwards and turned to the source. Humming loudly Bob opened his eyes to spot a man dressed in an apron laying out a bunch of dishes on one of the long tables they had set up for the charity event staff.
“Yup that’s Lettie’s food, she always gets that reaction whenever she cooks.” Geronimo said while chuckling as he walked over to Bob.
“It smells delicious.” Bob blurted out and Geronimo grinned kindly at him.
“You wouldn’t be the first one to say that. And it tastes even better than it smells too.” he responded and Bob blushed softly in embarrassment. He took in another deep breath and sighed softly as the smell of the food filled his nose and made his mouth begin to water.
“Is Lettie a single woman?” asked Rocket as his eyes narrowed in on Bob and Bob huffed at his bold tactics.
“Shut-” Bob began to say when Geronimo interrupted him.
“Actually she is. She’s Mrs. Bennett’s youngest daughter and she’s normally the chef for any charity event that Mrs. Bennett is involved in.” Geronimo informed them as they all began to walk towards the food table. “She’s a real sweetheart too, always giving more of herself than taking.” Bob could see Rocket’s eyes lighting up with glee at the veteran’s words and Bob knew he would have to put a stop to this before Rocket got any ideas in his head. 
“Any chance you could get us a meeting with this renowned chef?” Rocket asked curiously and Bob began to shake his head as he tried to stop Rocket from getting closer to Geronimo. Striker and Raptor cut in front of Bob and blocked his path as they both smirked at him and he huffed at them before smacking them in the arms.
“Probably not, she’ll be busy with not only getting your food and desserts made but she’ll also probably be busy prepping all the food for tonight. She’s in charge of all of it today and she never does this half assed. I can see if she can spare a minute but I doubt it.” Geronimo said honestly and Bob shook his head quickly at Rocket who winked at him with a grin.
“Well if she has a minute of time I’d love to introduce her to Bob.” Rocket said as he nodded his head over to Bob. Geronimo turned his head to look at Bob and smiled at him before turning back to Rocket.
“She’d like him.” Geronimo said knowingly and the squad all hooted and cheered while Bob blushed heavily at the man’s words. “She’s always going on about men who wear glasses. Plus women always love a man in uniform.” Geronimo teased Bob who ducked his head quickly at his words as he fiddled with his glasses.
“You don’t have to do that, Geronimo. Really these guys just can’t seem to stop playing matchmaker.” Bob said softly and Raptor wrapped an arm around his neck before pulling him in close.
“And this one can’t seem to understand his own self worth when it comes to the ladies. We keep telling him that he’s a catch and any woman would be lucky to have him.” Raptor said proudly as the others all nodded their heads at his words. Bob felt his face grow flush with the praises from his squad as he tried to get out of Raptor’s hold.
“They ain’t wrong boy. You do have a lot to give to a relationship.” Geronimo said and Bob shook his head while pushing his glasses up his nose. Bob smiled softly as he got up to the table and grabbed a plate before looking down into the food trays that were laid out nearly groaning in pleasure. “Looks like Lettie went all out for us. We’ve got her famous Gumbo, cheesy grits, biscuits and gravy. Dig in boys.”
Bob eagerly loaded his plate up with the delicious smelling food before taking a seat with the squad. He quickly scooped up a bite of the Gumbo and placed it in his mouth. There were groans and moans around the table and Bob couldn’t help himself as well as he groaned as he chewed the food. It was like an explosion of spices and flavors in his mouth. Just absolutely delicious home cooked food that made him feel as if the chef had put all her being into the dish.
“Bob, if you don’t sweep this woman up I’ll definitely give it an honest try.” Raptor groaned loudly and the table chuckled at his words. “Man, if she cooks like this for helpers at a charity event I can’t imagine what her food for family is like.”
“No difference, she don’t discriminate.” Geronimo grunted out as he put another forkful of food into his mouth. “And her beignets are otherworldly.” Geronimo advised them before they all looked over to the food table to see a mountain of beignets waiting for them.
Bob was too focused on his food to notice Rocket leaving the table and heading over to the group of women with Mrs. Bennett. He didn’t notice his aviator talking to the event planners and writing down something on a piece of paper for them with a smug smile on his face.
Later that night Bob and his squad walked back into the ballroom, all dressed in their khakis uniform, and were amazed to see how it had been transformed from when they had set up the tables to the final look. There was a large crowd milling about the room looking at all the raffle prizes that were available. Bob spotted Mrs. Bennett at a table with four other women who were younger than her. It looked like Mrs. Bennett’s family had come to join her at the event in support. Bob wondered which one was Lettie as his eyes darted over each woman.
“Fellas!” called Geronimo as he stepped away from the group of men that he was standing with. Kamikaze greeted Geronimo warmly and the squad mingled with the group of veterans as Geronimo introduced them all. Not long after everyone had been introduced to each other, the event began in full swing. Bob stayed back with the veterans talking to them about their service as he watched his squad mates all dance with women that were there.
It wasn’t long until Bob found himself sniffing the air and sighing softly. It smelled delicious once again and Bob could feel his mouth watering as if he was like Pavlov’s dogs. Geronimo chuckled as he noticed Bob sniffing the air and came to stand next to him.
“She’s got you hooked without even lying eyes on each other huh?” Geronimo asked teasingly and Bob chuckled softly while flushing in embarrassment.
“I can’t help it, the woman knows how to cook.” Bob said truthfully and Geronimo nodded his head at Bob’s words.
“I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to introduce you to her.” Geronimo said regretfully and Bob shook his head while furrowing his eyebrows.
“No, no. Everyone was busy today so don’t even worry about it. Maybe if you need our help again I’ll be able to meet her then.” Bob said casually and Geronimo nodded his head empathically.
“Maybe tonight I can coax her away from the stove.” Geronimo said thoughtfully as he turned to look at the kitchen door. Bob chuckled at the veteran’s words before shaking his head.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, if you would please take your seats, dinner is about to be served.” said the event host behind the podium at the front of the room. Bob eagerly moved to his chair and Geronimo laughed loudly at his actions. Bob grinned boyishly as Geronimo shook his head while taking the seat next to Bob’s. “While the servers deliver the food we’ll go ahead and announce the prizes for the event.” the host advised as Bob’s eyes eagerly followed the servers while they weaved in and out of the crowded table.
Finally when a server came and placed a plate in front of Bob he sat there for a moment gazing at the food. It was Jambalaya and as Bob sucked in a breath through his nose and almost shivered as the scent of the food reached him. Just as Bob was getting ready to put a forkful of the delicious smelling food into his mouth the squad all came back to the table happily chatting about their dance partners.
None of them were actually paying attention or listening to what the host was saying up at the podium. Bob set his fork down as Rocket and Kamikaze took their seats on either side of him. Rocket looked down at Bob’s plate and smiled softly at it before darting his eyes back up to Bob’s.
“Enjoying your food?” Rocket asked in a teasing manner and Bob frowned softly as he looked down at his plate and then back up to Rocket feeling suspicious of the aviator.
“And if I am?” Bob asked and Rocket just smiled while shaking his head.
“And finally we have a date with Naval Officer Robert Floyd.” Said the host from their spot at the podium and Bob dropped his fork in surprise.
“What?!” Bob cried out loudly in shock.
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sheerfreesia007 · 1 year
Win A Date With A Naval Officer pt. 9
Title: Win A Date With A Naval Officer pt. 9
Fandom: Top Gun Maverick
Pairing: Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x OFC!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 3,075
Warnings: Dysfunctional family, suggestive teasing
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
WADWANO Tag List: @fandom-princess-forevermore
Gif Credit: @d4r32bstup1d
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Soft Jazz music is playing on the radio sitting on Lettie’s window sill above her sink, the soft clacking of her computer keys creating a symphony in her little kitchen that has become all too familiar for a Friday evening. Lettie is completely wrapped up in updating the website for her baking company and writing out the recipe that she was working on for her new white chocolate raspberry swirl cupcakes. She had been working for a good few hours trying to get the recipe perfect so that she would be able to start selling them within the next week. Looking up from her computer screen and notepad she sighed softly before tilting her neck from side to side to stretch her muscles.
Just then the sound of her front door opening alerted her to gaze at the digital clock on her stove top, five o’clock, Bob was here. Lettie stood from the stool she had been sitting on and moved around the kitchen island just as Bob walked into the doorway of the kitchen. Their smiles were mirrored as they spotted each other and Bob held up the bag of take out he had brought with him.
“Hey there Lettie girl.” he greeted her as she rushed to him and wrapped her arms around his waist and nuzzled her face into his neck.
“Hey there Lt.” she greeted back and tilted her head up to entice him for a kiss which Bob was eager to give her. Lettie moaned softly as their lips danced together in a silent two-step as Bob began to walk her back until her back hit the kitchen island. He set the bag of take out on the island and then cupped her face in his large hands before tilting her head to the side as he deepened the kiss. Bob groaned into her open mouth as Lettie’s tongue swept over his bottom lip and he opened up for her.
“I’ve missed you so much.” he whispered into her mouth and Lettie’s arm came to wrap around his neck and pull him further down to her as her mouth captured his hungrily. “Damn Lettie girl, looks like you missed me too.” he teased as they both came up for air.
“So much. I’ve missed you so much.” she whispered back and Bob grinned down at her as one of his hands slid into her hair and tugged her head back causing her to gasp.
“I’m hungry for food first though. Been wanting to get home to you so that we could have dinner. I promise I’ll wear you out afterwards.” he told her firmly and Lettie blinked dazedly up at him as her body seemed to stand at attention with his instruction. Bob smirked down at her with a sparkling look in his eye and Lettie felt her body instantly flush, they had found something new to explore in the bedroom. “Oh yeah,” Bob said with a dark chuckle. “Gonna definitely wear you out tonight after dinner.” Lettie gasped again as she felt her cunt clench around nothing at the sound of his words. Bob then let go of her with a soft peck to her lips before he moved to the cabinets and began pulling out plates and silverware. Lettie took a deep breath and let it out slowly trying to calm herself down before moving to the fridge and pulling out drinks for the two of them and meeting Bob back at the island. Bob gazed over at the tray of cupcakes before looking over to Lettie curiously as he took a seat on a stool. “What’s all of this?” he asked curiously as Lettie began plating up dinner for the two of them.
“I’m working on a new white chocolate raspberry recipe and those are the prototypes. They’re going to be dessert for us tonight and I’ve made a batch for the guys at work for you to bring to them. I want to know your honest opinion so that I can get the recipe perfect. Once I work out any kinks then I’ll start selling it as a flavor option on the website.” Lettie explained as they both began to dig into their meals. Bob nodded his head before he began to eat his dinner.
“The guys will love them already. They always love your baking.” Bob said honestly and Lettie smiled while tilting her head from side to side.
“They love that I bake for them. But I really need their input this time. Just like the last trial, I need to know if anything tastes off or if there’s not enough flavor in them. And no Rocket can’t just say that they taste orgasmic. If he pulls that shit tell him I won’t be baking for them anymore.” Lettie threatens and Bob’s eyes go wide at her threat.
“Oh that’ll get them to listen to you. I swear they encourage me to keep you by my side just so they can get your baked goods.” Bob said while chuckling softly. Lettie laughed delighted at this piece of information as she shook her head. 
Just then her cell phone began to ring loudly and she frowned as she recognized the ringtone as her mother’s. She leaned over to see for sure and saw the name Mother lit up on her phone screen. Shaking her head Lettie sighed and sat back on the stool and continued eating. “Do you need to get that? It might be important.” Bob said cautiously and Lettie shook her head adamantly.
“Dad hasn’t texted me anything important and I’m eating with you. Once I’m done then I’ll call her back.” Lettie said with a roll of her eyes. Bob beamed at her happily and he leaned over to press a quick kiss to her cheek which Lettie happily accepted.
“Thanks babe.” he said affectionately before continuing to press kisses into her neck and under her jaw. The cell phone finally stopped ringing and the kitchen was quiet except for Bob’s kisses being pressed into her skin when suddenly the cell phone began ringing once again. Lettie sighed annoyed as she reached forward and silenced the phone before turning and kissing Bob lovingly on the mouth. The two of them began eating again and were just about finishing up when the cell phone began to ring again. Lettie growled softly at the interruption when Bob stood from the stool he was sitting on and began to clear away the dishes. “Let me clean up while you talk to her.” he said fondly before pressing a kiss to her temple. “Once you’re done we can have dessert and then head to bed.” he said in a husk tone that had Lettie shivering with desire. She reached forward and swiped the phone up and answered the call while setting it on speaker phone.
“Leticia Cecile Bennett! How dare you not answer my call!” Shouted her mother on the other side of the phone. “You haven’t called me in two months and when I reach out you don’t answer me! You better have a good reason for not answering my phone call the first time!” Shouted her mother angrily and Lettie frowned disgruntledly as she stared at the phone that sat on her counter top.
“I was eating with Bob and you always taught me that it’s rude to answer phone calls while sharing a meal.” Lettie said flippantly and Bob snorted softly as he stood at the sink washing the dishes. “Not to mention you were the one to insult my date at a party. A party where we were helping set up. So no Mother, it wasn’t my responsibility to reach out to you at all.” Lettie added on as anger began to rise inside of her.
“Don’t you give me an attitude. Are you still hung up on that? That was months ago, you should’ve reached out to me.” her mother said dismissively and Lettie shook her head as she sighed loudly. Bob smiles softly at her and knows that she’s getting upset over her mother’s dismissive attitude. He watched as Lettie blew out a frustrated breath and pulled her laptop over to her and began typing on the keyboard.
“I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree. What you and Vi did was disgraceful, Bob came to the party not only as a guest but he also helped me set up the dessert table. The fact that you and Vi talked down to a guest and spoke badly about his career is disgraceful. I’ve chosen not to associate with people who act that way towards the man I love.” Lettie explained heatedly and Bob leaned against the sink watching her with loving eyes.
“The man you love? Oh sweetheart! That’s amazing! Does he know?” her mother began to gush and Lettie rolled her eyes knowing that her mother would never fess up to her despicable behavior. Lettie frowned softly before darting her eyes from her computer screen to her phone.
“Why are you calling me Mom? It wasn’t to talk about Bob and I’s relationship.” Lettie asked, feeling frustrated and drained already.
“Well I want to know if Bob knows that you’re in love with him first.” her mother snipped out angrily and Lettie hung her head.
“Yes he knows.” she responded shortly not wanting to prolong this conversation, she had other things that she wanted to get to, namely spending more time with Bob.
“That’s wonderful!” her mother chirped out and Lettie could pick up on the tone in her voice. She wasn’t being truthful or honest with her words. Lettie thought of all those times that her mother had interacted with someone that she wasn’t too fond of and how that chirp was always her give away of not being truly happy for whoever she was talking to or about. It made Lettie second guess her whole relationship with her mother as she sat there listening to her mother blabber about how happy she was for the two of them. Bob shifted in his spot and Lettie’s eyes snapped to his as it dawned on her that her mother would never be happy for her since she would never be what her mother wanted her to be.
“Mom, get to the point I’ve got plans tonight.” Lettie said suddenly in a tone that was without emotion and Bob looked at her concerned. Lettie shook her head at him before smiling softly, she knew that her mother hadn’t called her to talk to her about her relationship or to see if she was doing okay. Her mother hadn’t even asked what was going on in her life; she had just immediately jumped into chastising her about not answering her call.
“Well!” her mother huffed and Lettie shook her head at her mother’s attitude. “Vi is hosting another charity event at the house next month and she wanted to ask you to help with the dessert table.” her mother began to explain and Bob snorted softly as he shook his head. Lettie smirked at him as she began typing on her laptop again, she quickly pulled up an invoice sheet and began typing in the information. 
“When’s the party?” Lettie asked, suddenly cutting her mother off as she was explaining what the theme of the party was.
“Next month on the twelfth.” her mother answered and began rambling about the theme and decorations they were planning on getting.
“How many people will be attending?” Lettie asked and Bob curiously began walking over to her stool. When his eyes darted over the computer screen he grinned as he watched Lettie type in the information.
“About a hundred and fifty. But you always bake extras so whatever you do for that number should be fine.” her mother said dismissively before going on another tangent about what she was going to wear to the party.
“Alright so for that time frame and that amount of people it’ll be at least sixteen hundred dollars.” Lettie said suddenly cutting her mother off once again. Her mother made a noise that sounded like a bird squawking and Bob snorted softly at her side as he nudged her shoulder with his head.
“Why are you quoting me a price?!” Her mother demanded over the phone and Lettie tilted her head to the side in bewilderment.
“Why wouldn’t I quote you a price? You’re asking me to bake, and set up a dessert table for a charity event. That’s how things work. You ask for a service and then you pay for the service.” Lettie said in a dumbfounded tone as her mother made more squawking noises. “And now since I’ve started my own baking business I can use this opportunity to get my company name out there. So let Vi know what my pricing is and to call me if she’s interested.” Lettie said excitedly and Bob nuzzled into her neck.
“We’re family! YOU DON’T CHARGE FAMILY!” Her mother shouted over the phone causing Lettie shook her head.
“Family doesn’t treat each other the way I’ve been treated by you and my sisters. Not to mention I have to make a living, you and Vi can no longer expect to get baked desserts for free. My company is picking up and getting busy. I don't have any spare time to bake for a hundred and fifty people for free. The ingredients cost money that I’m not willing to spend if I’m not going to be paid for my service. I would suggest you choose another local baker to make the desserts and set up a table for the event. I’m just too busy.” Lettie explained solemnly.
“What are you so busy with?! Huh?! Running your own company?! Your father has done that three times over and he has no problem in doing other things!” Her mother began to shout and Lettie jolted back as she heard her mother start yelling.
“Dad is a successful business man who’s being doing it for years! I’m just starting. Not to mention I’m planning my wedding on top of running my brand new business!” Lettie snapped angrily now, she was fed up with her mother trying to dismiss her accomplishments and efforts.
“You’re getting married?! Since when!?” Her mother shouted shocked.
“Maybe if you took an interest in my life you’d have known. But of course you never did and you never will. If I were you I wouldn’t expect an invitation either. I’ve already met Bob’s family and they’re ecstatic for us and are ready to support us as a married couple, unlike you. Goodbye Mother.” Lettie said with finality as she hung up the cell phone after finishing her sentence. Bob wrapped his arms around her and Lettie tilted her head up to stare at him.
“Are you okay?” He asked softly and Lettie nodded her head as she leaned up and pressed a kiss to his mouth.
“I’m okay, I’m just tired of the downgrading. Plus I have other things to look forward to.” She said softly and Bob smiled as he deepened the kiss before dragging Lettie off her stool and out the kitchen down the hall to her bedroom.
“She’s engaged!?” Rachel shouted angrily as she stared at her cell phone screen after Lettie had hung up on her. Whipping her head to the side she glared at Michael, her husband, angrily before hissing at him. “Did you know about this?”
“Yes, I did. And I support her marrying Bob. He’s a good man and they work well together. They bring out the best in each other.” He responded truthfully and Rachel sneered at him.
“Who gave her permission to get engaged?” She snapped at him and he stared at her bewildered.
“She’s a grown adult, she can make her own choices.” He responded confused. “Besides you were the one who set them up. I’ve had it with your unfair treatment of our youngest daughter. She is living her life the way she wants to. She’s a successful chef, and now a successful businesswoman. She has her own home and she’s now engaged to a stand up young man who thinks the world of her.” He told her incredulously. Michael began to shake his head as Rachel stared at him with a wide eyed deranged look on her face. “I told you she wouldn’t take your behavior for much longer. You have no one to blame but yourself. You’re on thin ice Rachel. I love you but your treatment of our daughter is disgusting.”
“What are you going to divorce me?! You wouldn’t dare!” She shouted at him angrily and Michael shook his head at her outburst.
“As a matter of fact. Yes divorce has crossed my mind a lot lately. I’m going to give you the choice, we either go to counseling to find out what is the issue you have with Lettie living her life her way or we divorce. Because I love all my children and I won’t stand by as you try to destroy my relationship with Lettie.” Michael said solemnly and with finality causing Rachel to flinch away from him as her hand came up to her chest and a gasp left her mouth.
“YOU FUCKING DISGRACE OF A MAN! YOU WOULD LEAVE ME IN FAVOR OF OUR DAUGHTER?!” Rachel began to shout and Michael shook his head as he stood from his spot on the stool. “WHERE ARE YOU GOING?! YOU WILL NOT LEAVE ME!”
“I’m going to stay a few days at the apartment in NOLA. After Lettie’s wedding I will come back and find out what you have decided on whether to go to a counselor or to get a divorce. I hope you take a good long time to reflect and make an honest decision.” He said in a saddened tone as he began to walk out of the kitchen.
“DON’T YOU LEAVE MICHAEL! YOU CAN’T LEAVE ME! GET BACK HERE! I WILL MAKE YOU REGRET THIS!” Rachel shouted angrily at his back as he left the room. Michael kept walking until he was out of the house and heading towards one of his cars to head to the apartment they owned in NOLA. He had a feeling that Rachel wouldn’t reflect and would choose to destroy their marriage completely, but he was alright with that he had come to terms with it and had accepted that option.
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sheerfreesia007 · 1 year
Win A Date With A Naval Officer pt. 8
Title: Win A Date With A Naval Officer pt. 8
Fandom: Top Gun Maverick
Pairing: Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x OFC!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 4,750
Warnings: Smut, sex, cock warming, dirty talk, cursing
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
WADWANO Tag List: @fandom-princess-forevermore
Gif Credit: @notyoursbutlewis
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Bob trudges through the hallway of the aircraft carrier towards the room that they had dedicated to him. The exhaustion has penetrated his bones at this point, he’s lucky to be still upright after the grueling mission that he just finished with his squad. Thankfully it was a successful mission and everyone came home. Striker may be missing part of his pinky finger now but he was still able to come home plus he’d now have a war story for his fallen pinky piece. Rocket was walking ahead of him to his own small room on the carrier when he came to his door he turned and smiled tiredly at Bob.
“You gonna tell your girl you’re home already, or gonna surprise her when we get back to base?” Rocket asked as his hand sluggishly turned the handle on the door. They were all eager to get some sleep so that they’d be able to get through debrief tomorrow morning without falling asleep.
“Gonna surprise her. Got the ring and everything.” Bob mumbled out and Rocket looked at him while his eyes began to widen.
“That’s right! I completely forgot that you’re gonna put a ring on her finger.” Rocket said in muted excitement. “Once she says yes we’ll have to take the two of you out for drinks.” Rocket said while nodding his head before walking into his room. Bob chuckled softly and walked a little further down to the next door. He rested his head on the door and breathed in slowly as his hand came up and slowly turned the doorknob. He was glad to be back home and was excited to get back to Lettie who he knew was waiting with as much patience as she could muster.
Walking into the small room Bob sighs loudly as he sees the ready bed waiting for him. It doesn’t take him long to stumble over and flop down on the mattress. It takes him even less to slip his glasses off and fall into the dark abyss of sleep.
The next night Bob is sitting in Rocket’s pickup, nearly bouncing in his seat as his front seater drives slowly down Lettie’s street. Bob can see Lettie’s house already and he has half a mind to hop out of the truck and race to her front door. But he manages to stay in the seat as Rocket finally pulls up to her house, just barely. Bob stares at the house and sees that the living room's lights are on and he can see shadows moving behind the curtains. He could make out Lettie’s shadow and saw another slender petite shadow but couldn’t make out if it was Maddie or Charlene.
“Are you gonna go in? Or do I need to call her and spoil your surprise?” Rocket asked teasingly. Bob jolted in surprise at his words before hurriedly getting out of the truck. “Don’t knock  her up tonight!” called out Rocket as Bob began walking up the front walkway causing Bob to whirl around in shock at his words. Rocket cackled loudly as he drove his truck away from the house.
Bob walks up to the front door and slips out the house key that Lettie had given to him three months into their relationship. He unlocked and opened the door slowly to give the women time to figure out that he was home and coming in. Just as Bob opened the door the whole way he was shoved back against the door by Lettie herself as she nearly tackled him. The sounds of her sobs were bittersweet to his ears as he dropped his duffle bag to the floor and wrapped his arms around shaking body.
Bob hugs Lettie tightly to his body as he hears and feels her sobbing against him. A sense of relief and comfort consumes him causing Bob to sigh loudly as he rests his head on top of hers. His eyes dart over to the livingroom and spots Maddie smiling with tears welling in her eyes, Bob smiles at her and she grins while nodding her head at him. 
“Hey there, Lettie girl.” he says softly and Lettie chuckles softly as she begins to lift her head from his chest. She’s wiping tears from her eyes as she sniffles and chuckles at the same time. “There she is.” Bob teases gently and Lettie and Maddie chuckle happily at his words.
“Sorry, I just saw you and immediately began crying. I’ve missed you so much.” Lettie gushed out and Bob smiled gently down at her while still holding her close.
“I’ve missed you too sweetheart.” he said softly to her and kissed her forehead gently.
“While this is all so lovely. I feel as if I’m intruding. So I’m gonna go. I’m glad you’re back home safe Bob, this one over here hasn’t stopped talking about you since you left.” Maddie said teasingly as she hiked her thumb towards Lettie who rolled her eyes at Maddie. “And Lettie, I love you and I’ll text you later. I know how much you two will be making up for lost time so won’t text for a week.” Maddie said with a wiggle of her eyebrows causing Bob to chuckle and Lettie to gasp out loud. Bob helpfully kept Lettie pressed to his chest while Maddie made her way past the two of them and out of the house with a wave over her shoulder. Bob then looked back down to Lettie who was still wiping away tears from under her eyes. 
“You okay?” he asked softly and Lettie chuckled at his question before nodding her head.
“I should be asking you that.” she chastised herself and Bob shook his head before wrapping her up in his arms and pulling her closer. He ducked his head and pressed a kiss to her temple before peppering kisses down her face making her laugh with delight. Bob began to guide Lettie back into the house further before kicking the door shut behind him. He could feel the ring box in his right side pocket and it was burning a hole through his pants. 
When he had guided her to stand right in front of her long couch he moved her to arms length before looking at her with a bashful smile on his face. He took a small step back and Lettie furrowed her eyebrows in confusion before her eyes widened while he slowly went down on one knee and pulled out the teal colored fuzzy ring box. Her eyes began to well up with tears as she gasped while staring straight at him. Bob opened the ring box and grinned up at her.
“Lettie Bennett, you are the best thing to walk into my life.” Bob begins to confess and he watches as she takes a little step back while smiling beautifully at him. Her eyes widen then and he watches as her arms flail and she begins to fall backwards. Bob lunges forward and catches her in his arms before the two of them flop onto the couch. “I should’ve said stumbled.” he teases her and Lettie lets out a loud groan as he begins to laugh amused.
“I’m sorry I ruined your proposal.” Lettie said dejectedly and Bob chuckled while shaking his head.
“You didn’t ruin anything, Lettie girl.” he promises her. “In fact it’s probably better that I propose to you like this. Eliminates the chance of any injuries.” he teases and she groans yet again before covering her face with her hands. “Lettie Bennett” he says gently and she peeks out at him from behind her hands while her fingers open up for her to look through. “You are my little klutz and I will always be here to catch you, every time. You’re dynamite in the kitchen and explosive in the bedroom. I am so lucky that you walked into that restaurant almost eleven months ago because every day you’ve made my life ten times better than it ever was before. Will you marry me and be by my side for the rest of our days?” 
Lettie let out a loud gasp as she sobbed while nodding her head. She grinned at him as tears coursed down her face in rivers. Bob smiled back at her and leaned up and away from her so that he could take the ring out of the box before slipping it slowly onto her finger. He then pressed a gentle kiss to her finger where the ring sat before lunging forward and capturing her lips with his. Lettie whimpered softly and Bob grunted against her mouth softly.
“Yes, absolutely yes.” Lettie gasped out on any breath she could gather during the kiss and Bob felt a surge of desire course through him. Her body was driving him crazy as his hands slid along every curve that she owned. Every dip and swell of her body his hands mapped out as he laid on top of her with her thighs propped up on his hips. Bob could feel the sexual tension between them growing as he continued to slide his hands along her body, Lettie’s hand even began to map his face. Her hands cupped his face gently pulling him closer to her as they kissed. Her fingertips glided along his temples before sliding around his ears tapping his glasses before hooking under his jaw.
“Bedroom. I wanna fuck you with you wearing only your ring.” Bob growled out low in tone and Lettie keened at his words. She began to rise from her spot on the couch but Bob wrapped his arms around her and stood with her in his arms before walking down the hallway towards her hallway.
“Holy shit, that’s hot.” she gasped out in a sultry whisper as her arms wrapped tightly around his neck and she buried her face in his neck sucking harsh kisses into his skin there. 
The trek down her hallway never seemed so long as Bob tried to hurry to her bedroom. He could feel his hard cock brushing against her yoga pants clad ass as he walked and it nearly made him fall to his knees. But he was determined to get her to the bed before he focused solely on getting her underneath him. Lettie found the spot just to the side of his adam’s apple and bit gently before sucking harshly at the skin, Bob’s reaction was almost instantaneous as arousal shot down his spine to his cock and he slammed her into the door jam while grinding up into her covered cunt as a loud moan escaped his throat.
“Fuck Lettie.” he gasped out as she continued to suck while his hips canted upwards into her cunt. “God damn woman!” he cried out in awe as he felt his cock throb and twitch in his pants as his hips moved mindlessly. He had never known that he was sensitive on his neck and for him to be acting like this he knew Lettie was taking notes and would abuse this information. He grunts softly as Lettie nips at his Adam's apple before carrying her over to the bed and dropping unceremoniously on top of it.
He didn’t waste any time as he eagerly gripped the bottom of her yoga pants and began to tug them down her legs. Lettie hurriedly lifted her hips and helped push her pants and underwear down her legs before discarding her shirt over her head. Bob watched distractedly as her shirt fluttered to the floor in slow motion. When Lettie’s foot came up to the side of his face and guided his face back to her he sucked in a sharp breath, there she lay sprawled out on her bed naked for him with only her ring on her finger.
Bob’s desire was ignited once more as he hurriedly shed all of his clothes and tossed his glasses to her bedside table. He instantly was on top of her as he was done and fully naked. Lettie grinned up at him as her hands carded into his hair and her thighs opened up to cradle him close to her heated core. Bob moaned loudly into the kiss as he devoured her hungrily, his hips nestled snug between her thighs and he couldn’t help himself as he slid his hard cock along her outer lips. 
“Fuck you’re so wet already.” he husked out to her as he leaned up over her body so he could watch her as he continued to slide his cock along her cunt. He can feel her slick coating his cock as he continues to glide against her and Bob moans loudly when he looks down to see his cock shining. “Fuck me.” he groans out and Lettie chuckles as she watches him.
“That’s the point sweetheart.” she teases him. Bob’s mind snaps and he slides his cock slowly into her cunt causing Lettie gasp and moan as her head flung back on the pillows. Her body arched and contorted underneath him and Bob feels as if she’s trying to buck him off but she moans so prettily for him when his cock fully sits inside of her. “Oh fuck, oh fuck. I’m so full. Your cock is so big.” she gasps out and Bob grunts as he thrusts forward a tiny bit.
“I’m going to fuck you and fill you with my cum. Are you alright with that?” he asks as he tries to keep himself calm enough to hear her consent. Bob’s staring down into her eyes and Lettie is nodding her head hurriedly.
“Please. Fuck me until we can’t go anymore. I want your cum in me, fill me up Lieutenant Floyd.” Lettie husks out in a raspy sultry voice and it breaks Bob’s reserve. His hips slide out smoothly until just the head of his cock is inside her before surging back into her in one fell swoop. Lettie screams as she arcs her back in pleasure, Bob can feel her walls already gripping him tightly as he continues to thrust in and out of her quickly.
“God damn Lettie, you feel like home to me. This pussy is absolutely perfect for me and feels like it was made for my cock.” Bob praises her as he thrusts into her a steady hard pace. Bob looks down at her and can see how mindless him fucking her has made her, she’s thrashing her head from side to side as one of her hands gropes her breast and the other grips the bed sheet underneath her. “That’s right baby girl. Pleasure yourself while I fuck the daylights outta you.” he husks out to her causing her to cry out loudly as her eyes connect with his.
Bob feels as if the two of them are connected are an even more intimate level as he stares into her eyes while fucking her. He can feel his heart swelling and calling out to her as he watches her eyes dilate and take him completely. Their breaths are short and panting as he leans down to capture her lips in a sloppy open mouthed kiss. He groans when her tongue slides along his bottom lip and he joins his tongue with hers.
“Oh yes, yes, yes. Right there Bob. Right there, oh god. It feels so good. So good. I’m gonna cum.” Lettie begins to pant out and Bob groans as he continues at the same pace and same intensity so that he doesn’t disrupt her climb. “Fuck yes. Oh my god!” Lettie cries out and suddenly her walls clamp around him and Bob nearly topples onto her heavily.
Bob’s orgasm is pulled from him as her walls surround his cock and begin to pulse with her intense orgasm. Bob lets his head fall to her clavicle where he begins to lap at her skin as his cock spurts ropes of his cum inside of her greedy cunt. He thinks he blacks out for a moment with the strength of his orgasm as he wakes to find Lettie cooing over her while dragging her fingers through his hair.
“You alright handsome?” she asks with a happy smile on her face. Bob nods his head slowly and licks another stripe along her skin causing Lettie to moan softly. “You’re still hard.” Lettie confesses to him softly and Bob smirks up at her wickedly.
“Oh, did you think we were only going to do this once tonight?” he asked teasingly and Lettie’s eyes widen at his question. “Oh no Lettie girl, I’m gonna keep you all weekend in bed with me. We have so much to celebrate. I might even try to get you pregnant” he teases softly and groans loudly when her walls clench around him at the mention of being pregnant. “Like that huh? Wanna have a baby, Lettie girl?” he asked as he began to thrust shallowly into her full cunt. Lettie moans loudly as her head falls back onto the pillow and he grins while leaning down to capture one of her nipples in his mouth. “I’ll take that as a yes.” he husks out against her nipple before starting once more to get her back up onto that high.
Lettie’s laying on her back with her left hand raised in the air above her, Bob’s watching as she tilts her hand from side to side the both of them watching as the early morning sunlight catching on the pear shaped emerald and projecting brilliant green light onto her bedroom walls. He smiles proudly as he watches her admire the ring and he knows he did well with his choice. It had taken him weeks to find the perfect ring and the gold band with the clear pear shaped emerald and tiny crown of diamonds fit Lettie perfectly. He felt that the main stone being non traditional spoke about Lettie’s character, she was your normal Southern Belle like her mother wanted her to be but she was still brilliant the way she was like the sturdy emerald on her ring. And she was his Queen no matter how you looked at their relationship, which was encapsulated by the tiny row of diamonds above the emerald in crown fittings.
“It’s absolutely stunning.” she whispered and Bob smiled as he rolled to the side and gathered her in his arms.
“Just like you are to me.” he responded and Lettie grinned bashfully at him before pecking a kiss to his lips. Bob moaned softly as he deepened the kiss hurriedly and began to roll on top of her. “I can’t get enough of you but I’m exhausted.” he groaned out against her skin as ground his semi hard cock into her thigh.
“Wanna try something new?” she asked curiously with a slightly uncertain look on her face. Bob didn’t even hesitate as he nodded his head at her question. “Maddie told me cock warming on one of the nights that she came over and we got a little tipsy.” Lettie began to explain and Bob cut her off with a loud groan.
“I’ve heard about it.” he rasped out and Lettie chuckled softly at his response. “The guys have talked about it before too.” Bob explained and Lettie nodded her head as she smiled softly up at him. “I’m okay with it if you are.” 
“I just wanna be close to you. We’ve got a lot to talk about and catch up on.” she said softly and Bob nodded eagerly before reaching down to guide his now hardened cock through her folds. Lettie gasped softly as his cock head nudged against her clit before sliding into her core. “Oh.” she sighed out and Bob felt himself relax as he slid all the way into her, her walls fluttered around him and then relaxed on another breathy sigh from her. It was different that they weren’t going to have sex but Bob loved the intimacy that this action brought him as he wrapped Lettie up in his arms and rolled the two of them to their sides so that they could lay together.
“Tell me sweetheart.” he said softly as he began to gently drag his fingers down her back causing her to shiver and her walls to clench around him slightly for a moment before relaxing once more.
“So you’re engaged to the proud owner of Bayou Baking Company.” Lettie said proudly and Bob grinned at the name of her baking company. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead excitedly before falling back into his spot.
“That’s wonderful! How is it going so far?” he asked curiously.
“Well for the past month now we’ve had a steady flow of customers. Maddie has been helping me with advertisements since she went to college for media. And both her and Charlene will come over and help me package any large orders.” Lettie explained and Bob nodded his head with a wide smile on her face.
“That’s great! Are you happy though?” he asked, wanting to make sure that this was something that she enjoyed.
“Yes, it’s a little daunting still but I think once I’ve got it going for a bit it won’t be as scary or overwhelming. But I’m loving it. I get to bake my creations and new recipes that I’ve been making. It’s all been received really well too so I’m very happy with it all.” Lettie explained to him and Bob nodded his head at her words. “Nora has even been coming over to help me with the designs for the packaging.”
“Your sister Nora?” Bob asked curiously as he looked at her surprised.
“I know I was shocked too. But apparently she’s been fighting with Mom and my other sisters about how they’ve been treating me. She’s really stepped up and defended me whenever she’s invited out with them now.” Lettie explained while nodding her head. “Mom and Vi absolutely hate that Nora isn’t falling in line with them and have been really cruel to her as well since the party. I told her she didn’t have to stand up to them and that I’m fine with not talking to them anymore since all it is just pettiness from them. But she said that she feels guilty for being silent all these years and she’s tired of their petty attitude. I think she wants to cut them off too and just no longer talk to them.” Lettie said and Bob listened to her words quietly as he thought of ways to show his appreciation to Nora for standing up for Lettie. He was happily surprised that Nora had come to Lettie’s aide and knew he would have to show how much he appreciated her effort.
“I’m glad that someone else is on your side in your family. I know you don’t think you deserve it but you do Lettie. You deserve to have a family that loves you and won’t degrade or try to bring you down.” Bob says resolutely as he stares at her. Lettie smiles kindly at him before pecking his lips softly.
“I do have a family who loves me and shows me that every time I meet up with them. It’s not my biological family but it’s my chosen family, you, Maddie, Charlene, your squad, my friend group, my Dad and Nora. That’s the family that I have who will always love me. It’s sad that my Mom and other sisters can’t be kinder but it is what it is, I just choose not to interact with them anymore.” Lettie told him earnestly and Bob smiled softly at her before shifting his body slightly causing the two of them to groan as his cock pulled and pushed back into her.
“Damn right you do.” he said through gritted teeth. “I can see your therapy has been helping, you wouldn’t have been as okay with this as you are before you started.” he said softly and Lettie looked up at him with a wide smile.
“I’m not surprised you noticed but yes. My therapy has been helping me with coming to terms with how my Mom and sisters are. And how I can’t change them but I also don’t have to put up with their horrible behavior.” she said proudly and Bob nodded his head at her words. He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close while pressing soft kisses to her forehead.
“I am so proud of you. So incredibly proud of you.” he whispered to her and Lettie preened under his praise. “I missed you every day while I was gone. Every day I thought about you and wondered what you were doing. I even dreamt of my homecoming to you and let me tell you. Reality beats out my dreams every time.” he said earnestly causing Lettie to beam at him while tears welled in the corners of her eyes. “There were a few close calls for us but Rocket is a master at his job and I trust him with my life. I know he’ll always get me back home no matter what.” he said gravely and watched as tears fell from her eyes.
“I’m just grateful that you’re all back home safe.” Lettie said softly and Bob nodded his head at her words. The two of them fell into a solemn silence as they tumbled into their own thoughts.
“And now you’re going to be Lettie Floyd.” Bob said almost reverently and Lettie chuckled softly while smiling. “Lettie Floyd is an awfully cute name if I have anything to say about it.” Bob teased her and groaned loudly when he felt her walls clamp down around his cock.
“I can’t help it when all I want to do is take your last name.” she says to him in a sultry voice. Bob groans and thrusts his hips into her making her gasp. “Oh shit, I think you’re even bigger.” she gasps out and Bob chuckles wickedly.
“I don’t want to wait very long to get married. I don’t want to leave you with nothing if I don’t come back from a mission. This last mission opened my eyes up to that.” Bob says softly as he rolls her underneath him and begins to thrust shallowly into her.
“Whatever you want. I’ll do whatever you want. Just don’t stop. Please.” Lettie begs him and Bob leans down towards her, ghosting his lips along her skin.
“You think a month from now we can make it work? Go to the courthouse and get married then have a party a little bit later?” he asked her as his thrusts became harder as his hips snapped into hers.
“Fuck yes! I’ll make it work. Oh God, please!” Lettie cried out loudly as her hands scratched down his back. Bob began to steadily thrust up into her while Lettie gripped his shoulders trying to hang on as her legs wrapped around his waist and her heels dug into his ass. “Oh God, yes! I’m gonna cum. Oh shit, I’m gonna cum.” Lettie began to chant and Bob planted his knees into the bed as he continued thrusting. Lettie arched her back and keened loudly as her walls clamped around his cock and her body shook underneath him. Bob thrust a few more times before burying himself between her thighs and his cock emptied itself into her.
“So in a month I can make you Lettie Floyd?” he asked eagerly and Lettie sighed tiredly as she nodded her head causing him to chuckle at her actions. Bob cuddled Lettie close and slipped the blanket over the two of them wanting to fall asleep with her again.
“Let me get some help from Maddie and Charlene and we’ll get married here, have a little get together. You think we could go visit your family before getting married? I don’t want the wedding the first time I meet them.” Lettie said softly, Bob nodded his head as he began to think of when his next leave was.
“I think since we were deployed we get a little bit of time to ourselves. We can go for a visit then if you’re up for it.” Bob said with uncertainty and Lettie nodded her head eagerly.
“Yes, please. I’d love that!” she said tiredly as she snuggled further into the bed and his arms.
“Good then, it's a plan.” Bob said fondly as the two of them fell back into slumber.
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sheerfreesia007 · 1 year
Win A Date With A Naval Officer pt. 4
Title: Win A Date With A Naval Officer pt. 4
Fandom: Top Gun Maverick
Pairing: Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x OFC!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 8,476
Warnings: Smut, oral (female receiving), sex
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
WADWANO Tag List: @fandom-princess-forevermore
Gif Credit: @notyoursbutlewis
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Bob lays in Lettie’s bed in her bedroom dazedly staring up at the ceiling. He hears her soft footsteps sounding on the hardwood floors and smiles to himself when the bedroom door creaks slightly as she pushes it open. He opens his arms wide as he turns his head to stare at her standing in the doorway. She grins at him before excitedly rushing to him on the bed. She lunges and bounces on the bed just shy of his body and he scoops her up in his arms as an amused laugh falls from his mouth. He shakes his head gently as he recognizes how close she was to smacking him in the head with her own head.
“Ah cramp!” Lettie cries out in pain and Bob easily flips her onto her back as his hands slide down her body until he’s kneading the muscle on the back of her calf.
“Right there?” he asks softly as she whimpers at the relief he instantly gives her overworked muscles. When she nods her head and sighs loudly he knows that the cramp has disappeared and he slides his whole body back up to hover over hers. “What am I gonna do with you, Lettie girl?” he asks fondly while smiling down at her. Lettie beams up at him happily before lifting her head up to graze her lips against his slightly.
“Whatever you want, Lieutenant Floyd.” she husks out to him against his mouth and Bob nearly growls at her sultry words. Ever since Lettie had found out that Bob was a Lieutenant and hearing his rank in the bedroom drove him wild she used and abused that knowledge all for the benefit of the two of them.
It’s been nearly nine months since him and Lettie have been dating and Bob still can’t get enough of the amazing woman beneath him. He looks down into her eyes and sees the love and adoration already shining through them for him, he ducks down and captures her lips in a sweet deep kiss. Lowering his body down onto hers, he rests his body weight on his elbows before pulling away from her luscious mouth. He knows that he could drown in just the sensation of her lips against his so that was why he didn’t want to completely lose himself in her just yet.
“Do you have any plans for tonight? Or is it a night in?” he asks softly and Lettie looks at him with warm fondness reflected on her face. Tonight they had made the decision to celebrate their nine month anniversary tonight since on their actual anniversary Bob would be in full training mode at the base and wouldn’t be able to celebrate with her that night.
“Staying in tonight. I’m feeling a little greedy.” she answered him softly and Bob knew exactly what she meant. Over the last nine months Bob had learned so much about Lettie and who she was as a person, he was amazed at how well they meshed together as a couple and how quickly and easy it was to grow close to each other. He had also learned how loving Lettie was with her time, love, and body when she cared for someone as deeply as she cared for him. He was greedy for any of her affection and time, the two of them spent most of their spare time together as it was but it never seemed like enough. Bob was pretty sure that Lettie was the one for him and Rocket had even begun to see it before he questioned why Bob was waiting to tell her. He had told Rocket that Lettie was a civilian and her sense of time wasn’t the same as theirs, while she felt she had all the time in the world Bob knew that he and Rocket were always placed in dangerous situations that could stop their time. But he didn’t want to drag Lettie into that just yet. He knew eventually he would pull into the world of a service member but he wanted to savor her a little more like this.
“Good.” Bob responded in a low tone as he buried his face in her neck and began peppering kisses along her skin. Lettie gasped softly as she tilted her head back against the pillow in an effort to give him more room and more skin to explore on her. This was one of Bob’s favorite ways to spend his time with Lettie, and he knew from experience that by kissing gently at her skin it started the spark within her, lazily lying in bed just loving each other. “So since it’s our nine month anniversary, tell me what some of your favorite dates have been.” he growled out along her skin as he nestled his hips between her spread thighs.
“Oh!” Lettie gasped out softly as Bob nudged his hardening dick into her clothed cunt. Her hands flew to his hair and her fingers carded through his neatly styled hair messing it up in her attempt to hold onto him. “Mmmm, the first time we got frisky in a movie theater has to be in the top ten dates for me.” she said fondly while whimpering softly as Bob pulled away from her neck with a grin on his face.
“Oh you mean the night you gave me a shiner?” he asked teasingly and Lettie gasped loudly at his words. Bob grinned at her as he remembered the night perfectly.
“Oh look at how excited our boy Bob is!” crowed Astro as he smirked at Bob while passing him in the bathroom. Bob stood in front of the mirror trying to style his hair in a nice neat hairstyle that he normally chose. He huffed softly as he watched one section of his hair stand up again after he tried slicking it down.
“What’s the matter Bobby? You know she’s only going to mess it up when you get her in that dark movie theater.” teased Striker while the rest of the squad all jeered and cheered making Bob flush red.
“Maybe she’ll give him another hickey!” cried out Raptor with glee. Bob ducked his head as he remembered the hickey you left on his collar bone just below where his undershirt collar ended. When the guys had seen it in the locker room they’d given him hell for a week, he had proudly worn your mark but the guys still gave him shit for it. Just then Rocket came up behind Bob and expertly fixed his hair for him before slinging an arm around his shoulders with a grin.
“Boys leave Big Ol’ Balls alone, he’s getting laid tonight!” cried out Rocket causing the others all hoot and holler loudly as Bob blushed brightly.
“Shut up Rocket.” Bob snipped back and the guys all laughed happily.
“But seriously, it’s gonna be fine you’ve already got the woman. And now you’re gonna check off one of your childhood bucket lists.” Rocket teased him and Bob hurriedly tried to quiet his front seater.
“What? What’s one of Bob’s childhood bucket lists?” asked Kamikaze and Bob hung his head knowing that Rocket would spill all his secrets, the traitor.
“Bob wants to make out with a chick in the movie theater and possibly go further than that.” Rocket said gleefully and the guys all cheered loudly as Kamikaze stared at Bob shocked before grinning widely.
“Bobby Boy!” shouted Kamikaze loudly and Bob felt his face begin to burn with embarrassment. He tried to quickly finish getting ready before the boys made him any more embarrassed.
The movie theater parking lot wasn’t packed at all as Bob parked his car, he was grateful for that because even though the guys teased him he truly did want to make out with Lettie in the movie theater. Like Rocket had spilled it was an item on his bucket list that he wanted to cross off and never got the chance. Ever since his older sister Gorgene had made him watch those old rom coms while she babysat him he had been fixated on taking a girl to the movies and making out with her in the dark. It had always stuck with him after watching those movies and he finally was dating someone who was interested in him that he could do this.
“So what movie are we going to see?” Lettie asked excitedly from the passenger seat and Bob smiled, turning towards her.
“This new action movie that one of my guys suggested. I figured we could cuddle up and watch some cars blow up on the big screen.” he teased her knowing that she enjoyed action movies. He trailed his fingers down her bare arm and watched as her eyes widened slightly before a certain heated look entered her eyes. “Or we could find other things to do while the movie played.” he suggested in a husky tone. He smirked as Lettie shivered in her seat.
“Oh I like that idea.” she simpered at him as her eyelashes fluttered and Bob felt the front of his pants tighten with arousal. Just then Lettie scurried out of the car and Bob laughed delightfully as she turned the heated exchange to a comical one as she excitedly gestured for him to follow.
The two of them easily got their tickets, popcorn and drinks before walking into the theater looking for the best seats. Bob found the theater practically empty with only a few movie goers scattered throughout the theater. When they walked up to the last row it was empty and Bob quickly ushered Lettie into the row. Choosing the middle seats of the row Lettie plopped down in the chair and then helped Bob with the popcorn and drink he held. 
The two of them were practically buzzing with anticipation as they tried to wait patiently for the movie to start. Bob’s fingers slid onto Lettie’s knee just under the hem of her dress and began to trace different patterns and shapes into her skin. Bob smirked softly himself as he felt Lettie’s legs fall open and her knee nudged his gently. Leaning over into her side Bob whispered into her ear.
“What’s the matter, Lettie girl? Already getting hot and bothered?” he asked sultrily and watched as Lettie bit her bottom lip gently before nodding her head. “C’mon sweetheart, use your words.” he gently taunted her. Lettie’s mouth fell open in a heated gasp before her head turned to stare at him for a quiet moment before her hands came up to cup his cheeks and pulled him closer to her.
“Lord almighty Robert Floyd, you are the hottest man on this earth when you talk like that.” she rasped out to him before her mouth descended on his hungrily. 
Bob moaned softly at the feel of Lettie’s lips covering his, her lips heatedly devouring his own as she took the reins at the moment. But Bob knew this was his dream and he’d be damned if he let Lettie be in charge of this. Sliding one of his hands into the back of her hair cupping her head he moved her head to the side as his lips slanted over hers deepening the kiss. 
Bob felt a sense of accomplishment as he felt more than heard Lettie whimper against his lips as he tilted his head to the side and moved his lips against hers. Just then he felt Lettie’s tongue swipe across his lower lip and Bob all but growled into her mouth as his own tongue slipped into her mouth while he swallowed her soft cry. Bob could feel himself growing more aroused as they continued kissing and he could feel Lettie becoming more antsy as well. Her hands were gripping onto his button shirt tightly tugging him closer to her as they kissed while her body kept scooting to the edge of her seat in a desperate attempt to get closer to him.
“Hold on, I’m getting too hot.” Lettie whispered out against his mouth and Bob grinned with pride at her words. He sat back in his seat a little bit as Lettie began to take off the sweater that she was wearing over her dress. Bob moved to help her when he noticed that she had gotten her bracelet stuck on the sweater. With quick nimble fingers Bob was able to get her bracelet unstuck and Lettie quickly pulled her arm out of her sleeve.
Bob groaned as he felt her elbow strike his nose hard and he swiftly leaned back in his seat to get away from her arm. Lettie worriedly turned to him and Bob quickly covered his nose as tears began to well in his eyes due to the pain.
“Oh no! Bob! I’m so sorry, are you okay?” Lettie began to ask worriedly as she moved around and tried not to get too close in case she injured him again. Bob watched her through his tearing eyes as she began to move about him like a hummingbird and he felt his heart lurch in his chest. She truly cared for him and he could see it. Sudden;ly Bob lowered his hands and cupped her cheeks before pulling her close as his lips slanted against hers. He grunted softly when her nose brushed his and pain bloomed but he kept kissing her lovingly.
“I’m alright, it’s gonna be sore and I might have a shiner tomorrow but I’ll be fine.” Bob said softly against her pursed lips.
“Let’s get you home so I can put some ice on it.” Lettie said softly and Bob nodded before guiding her out of the movie theater.
“That was a complete accident!” Lettie protested indignantly as she pouted at him. Bob grinned at her antics and pressed a sweet chaste kiss to her lips.
“I’m not complaining sweetheart.” he husked out to her as he trailed kisses down her face to underneath her jaw which made Lettie moan softly and tilt her head back.
“What’s your favorite date so far?” she asked him breathlessly and Bob smirked to himself as he nipped gently at her chin. 
“I think it was the first date where we stayed at your place.” he husked out against her skin and Lettie moaned softly at his words. “That was the first time we had sex.” he reminded her and Lettie nodded her head quickly.
“That was the night you told me that I was the best cook ever.” she confessed and Bob chuckled softly at her words as he continued nipping the skin on her neck.
“That was also the night you told me I made you see stars with just my mouth.” he said huskily and Lettie scoffed softly at his teasing words.
“Why does it always seem that I’m the one making a fool of myself on our dates?” Lettie asked softly as shifted underneath him and moaned when she felt his hard cock shift against her core.
“I can always make it up to you and make you see stars again with just my mouth.” Bob suggested as he began to suck hard at the skin under her jaw bone.
Bob stood at the small kitchen island in Lettie’s kitchen feeling lost as she moved almost effortlessly around the room prepping dinner for the two of them. He watched as she moved swiftly and surely around as she peeled, chopped and cooked their dinner, not a trace of his usually clumsy girlfriend could be seen in the woman before him. Bob felt a sense of pride fill him as his eyes trailed her easily, she was so passionate about cooking that it showed in every movement she made while in the kitchen. Bob walked up towards as she stood at the stove and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and pressed his front to her back. His hands slid up the front of her body until they were cupping her breasts and his hips ground into her ass while he bit at her ear lobe.
“You are absolutely irresistible to me right now. You’re so confident and sure of everything that you’re doing right now. It makes me want to fuck you right here.” he whispered into her ear feeling her shiver in his hold.
“Fuck Bob. I’m cooking.” Lettie gasped out and Bob relished in her words. Bob had learned early on that Lettie wasn’t one for cursing or crude language but just recently he’d been ramping up the teasing between the two of them causing her to let out more of that type of language and Bob loved it. He loved teasing her to the point that she was telling him in explicit detail what she wanted him to do to her. But tonight Bob had promised himself that he’d see if she was willing to go all the way with him. He had had enough teasing and with the two free days from the Navy he was given he was eager to get Lettie into bed with him.
“We could still do it here, Lettie. C’mon let me make you feel good.” he crooned into her ear and Lettie pressed her ass back into his groin making Bob groan loudly.
“Not with hot oil in the pan.” Lettie chastised him as she tried to shift away from him but Bob was on a mission.
“How much longer until you’re done cooking?” he asked huskily as he pressed closer to her back. His hips thrust forward and Lettie whimpered softly as his cock pressed into her lush ass cheeks.
“Twenty minutes. Just gotta drop these last catfish in and then I can move onto the green beans and macaroni and cheese.” she gasped out and Bob watched over her shoulder as she dropped the last bit of battered catfish into her pot of oil.
“Long enough for me to eat my appetizer.” Bob said hungrily and Lettie furrowed her eyebrow at his words. Before she could open her mouth Bob moved her so that she had her back now pressed to the edge of the kitchen island just in front of the stove and easily slipped his hands into her shorts and underwear. He began to slide them down over her hips and down her legs as he began to kneel in front of her. Lettie watched him curiously before her eyes lit up in recognition and her face flushed brightly.
“Bob.” She gasped out and he smirked up at her from his position. Bob began by sliding one of his hands up her left calf slowly until he reached her knee where he hiked her leg up and hooked it over his shoulder slowly. His other hand gripped her opposite hip gently and guided her to lean back against the island so that her dripping cunt was angled towards him. Bob looked up at her from this position and saw Lettie gripping the counter top edge tightly in her hands while biting her lip as she watched him. Pride once again blossomed in his chest at being able to reduce Lettie to this base reaction to his actions.
“Lettie girl.” He called out to her and her eyes narrowed in on his face for a moment. “I need you to take my glasses off sweetheart.” He instructed her gently and Lettie moaned loudly as her head tilted back.
“Fuck me Bob.” She moaned out and Bob chuckled at her words.
”That’s the idea sweetheart.” He said amused at her words. He grinned up at her as her head snapped back down to look at him and her hands came to gently graze the side of his face before pulling his glasses off his face.
As soon as his glasses were off Bob leaned forward and dragged his nose along the skin of thigh making her gasp loudly. Bob breathed in deeply and hummed at her scent, it was a tangy spicy scent that enchanted Bob fully. He thought the scent suited her perfectly as it reminded him of her cooking.
“Wait! I have to check the catfish.” Lettie cried out worriedly and Bob shifted back away from her as she moved from her spot to the stove to check the catfish. When she was done she quickly moved back into position and Bob quickly slid her leg back over his shoulder.
He didn’t waste any time once he had her where he wanted her as his mouth covered her cunt and he sucked on her outer lips. Lettie cried out in surprise as her hands carded into his hair harshly making Bob grunt. His tongue slid out of his mouth and gently along her lips as his eyes stayed trained on Lettie gauging her reaction to his movements. He was looking to make sure that she enjoyed everything that he did. He wanted her to enjoy this.
“Focus on my clit.” Lettie gasped out and Bob did what she asked by sliding his tongue from her lips onto her clit. Lettie’s body jolted with pleasure before her head fell back on her neck as her arms came up to rest on her elbows on the kitchen island. Bob pursed his lips around her clit and hummed softly and Lettie let out a cry of pleasure that shot straight through Bob’s body. He began to focus solely on her clit as his fingers danced up her thigh. 
Lettie shifted so that her leg that wasn’t over his shoulder spread further apart and Bob hummed once again around her clit as his fingers slid into her wet cunt. Lettie moaned loudly and Bob watched as her fingers gripped the edge of the counter once again.
“Fuck yes, fuck me with your mouth and fingers.” She gasped out and Bob felt his cock throb in his pants. Lettie looked salaciously beautiful with her body stretched taut over the island as he sucked on her clit. Suddenly her hips bucked against his mouth and Bob smirked softly before slid his fingers out of her cunt to grip her hip. He tilted his head down and slid his tongue into her cunt moaning loudly as he tasted her slick. “Oh my god!” Lettie cried out as Bob began to eat her out like she was his last meal and he was addicted.
Bob hungrily darted in his tongue in and out of her cunt and Lettie began to pant heavily as her orgasm began to creep up inside of her. Bob could see how close she was getting as his eyes stayed trained on her. The details of her face were slightly blurry but Bob could see the flush on her face and see how the top half of her body jerked with pleasure.
Suddenly Bob switched from her cunt back to her clit and began to suck harshly on it. Lettie began to pant even heavier when all of a sudden her hips shifted downwards onto his face and she moaned loudly as her head fell forward and her body seemed to melt against the kitchen island and Bob’s body. He gently began to kitten lick at her cunt gathering all of her slick that she gave him as he eased her through her orgasm.
“That’s it Lettie girl.” He cooed to her and Lettie moaned softly at his words.
“I love that nickname.,” she said softly and Bob chuckled as he gently eased her leg down off his shoulder as he stood from his spot while sliding her underwear and shorts up her legs and crowded her against the island.
“Good, because I love calling you that.” He husked out to her before capturing her mouth in a heated kiss.
“That was a good date.” Lettie confessed to him as she bucked her hips against his whimpering softly as she felt the drag of his hard cock against her cunt. “I couldn’t get enough of you after that night. Still can’t.” She told him lovingly as her hands carded gently through his hair.
“Oh yeah, you became insatiable after that night. Remember when you begged me to fuck you at the bar that night we went out with my squad. Or that time you took me up to your childhood hangout spot after meeting your family and fucked me in my car. I gotta say though my favorite was after going out with your friends and we wound up on the third terrace of The LaBranche House and we fucked there while watching the parade on the street.” Bob recounted while gently grinding his cock into her cunt. The two of them began to pant softly in the air they shared as Lettie’s hands fisted in the back of his shirt.
“Ya know Maddie totally knew what we were doing too.” Lettie whispered into his ear and Bob shivered at her words. “She threatened that I have to name one of our kids after her now since she had to deal with the knowledge of what we were doing.” Bob groaned loudly as he thrust hard against her and Lettie squeaked at the sensation. Bob’s head fell into the crook of her neck as he mumbled something against her skin that Lettie couldn’t hear or understand. “What’d you say?” She asked breathlessly as he lifted his head from her neck.
“Tell me again we’re gonna have kids together.” He husked out as his hips ground into hers again in a steady rhythm. 
“Oh, you like hearing that?” Lettie asked teasingly. “Want me to have your babies Bob?” She asked softly and Bob moaned loudly in response. “You think we’d have a boy or a girl first? I think a boy even though I’ve only got sisters.”
“I don’t care what we have as long as they’re like you and not your entitled sisters. You know how much I hate that they think they’re entitled to your cooking talent. I swear you must be adopted.” He grunts out disapprovingly and Lettie chuckles softly at his words before cupping his face and kissing him deeply.
“Well your whole squad seemed to adopt me that night I met them.” She teased him softly when she pulled away. Bob grunted softly before kissing her deeply.
”I’m pretty sure Astro was going to try and steal you away from me. But I’d never let that happen.” He said in a low tone and Lettie smiled fondly at him.
”Like he could hold a candle to Brains over Brawn.” She said fondly using his call sign’s meaning. Bob smiles as he remembers the two times that they each had met each other’s family.
When they were dating for at least three months Lettie had planned a lovely dinner at her parents’ house so that her family could meet Bob. Lettie had shown up at the base at around noon so that she would have enough time to cook for everyone and still get to spend time with everyone. Bob had been waiting out in front of the base just beyond the gate with Rocket who had insisted on meeting Lettie when she came to pick him up.
“So are you nervous to meet her family?” Rocket asked curiously as he stood with Bob near the gate.
“Not really. Lettie’s family from what she has told me are entitled and the dynamic is a little skewed but I’m going for Lettie.” Bob said earnestly.
“What do you mean entitled?” Rocket asked as he kicked a rock back towards the fence line of the base.
“Lettie’s a great cook, you know. She’s also an amazing baker. And her mom and sisters like to use her talents for all of their charity events. Then once the event is over and done with they’ll pick at and talk badly about her efforts. And when another event comes up they come back demanding Lettie to cook and bake for them once again.” Bob explained with a deep sigh. “I’ve been trying to suggest therapy to her but I don’t know if I have the right to do that. I just don’t want her to adopt her mom and sisters’ way of thinking that she’ll never be good enough.” 
“Wow, you really care for her.” Rocket said softly with a shocked look on his face as he looked over at Bob.
“Well yeah. She’s an amazing woman and it’s just so easy to be with her.” Bob said with a shrug of his shoulders. Rocket looked at him with a soft knowing smile on his face and Bob tilted his head to the side silently asking what Rocket was thinking. But Rocket only shook his head as his smile brightened as his eyes turned to gaze behind Bob.
Bob turned around and saw that Lettie had pulled up and parked her bug not far from them and she was standing at her open car door with a bright grin on her face. She suddenly took off running towards him and Bob moved a step away from Rocket to be able to catch her without knocking into him. Bob saw Rocket’s confused look on his face before he opened his arms to Lettie who collided with him and sent him back a few steps with a delighted laugh. When Bob righted her he hugged her tightly before placing a soft kiss to her temple.
“Hey there Lettie girl.” he said sweetly and Lettie beamed as she looked up at him.
“Hi! Are you ready to go? Do you need anything else before we leave?” she asked excitedly as she practically melted into his arms.
“Nope I’m already but I’d like to introduce you to my front seater.” he explained as he nodded his head to Rocket who was now standing tall just a few steps away from the two of them. Lettie gasped softly and whirled around to face Rocket who jolted back slightly at her sudden movement.
“Hi, I’m Lettie Bennett.” Lettie said with a grin as she held her hand to Rocket. Rocket grinned back at her and grasped her hand in his before pulling it up to his mouth to place a kiss on her fingers.
“Lettie, it’s an honor to meet you. I’m Lee “Rocket” Whitmore.” Rocket said easily and Lettie nodded her head at his words.
“Bob has told me a lot about you. Thank you for your service, sir.” she told him gladly as Rocket let go of her hand and she returned to Bob’s side.
“Bob hasn’t shut up about you since the first date so I’m glad I was able to meet you before the rest of the squad.” Rocket said happily and Bob rolled his eyes at his front seater before pulling Lettie closer into his side. “You’ll have to come visit us soon so that the whole squad can meet you. They’d love you.” Rocket said eagerly and Lettie sucked in a breath.
“Really? I’d love to meet your squad. Bob has told me a little bit about each one of you but I’d love to put faces to the names. Oh! What if you all came to my place for dinner and drinks one night when you’re all free? Are you okay with that Bob?” she began to ramble before turning to look up at him. Rocket smirked at Bob as one of his eyebrows rose, challenging the WSO to say no to his woman.
“Of course sweetheart. As long as I get to kick them all out at the end of the night.” Bob said smugly, causing Lettie and Rocket to laugh softly.
“Of course.” Lettie said, smiling at him as she patted his stomach gently. “It was great meeting you Rocket but I gotta steal Bob for dinner with my family. I’ll send him back tomorrow with plans for dinner with you guys.” Lettie said kindly and Rocket nodded his head before smiling at her.
“He’s never been in more capable hands than you Lettie. Have a good dinner you two! I’ll see you tomorrow Floyd.” Rocket said to them as he waved and began walking back towards the gate to get back into the base.
“He was nice.” Lettie said kindly as she guided Bob back to her car. When she was standing in the open doorway Bob spun her on her heels until she faced him and he cupped her cheeks before placing a deep open mouthed kiss on her lips. He felt pride blossom inside of him as he felt her melt against him and her fingers gripped his button up shirt tightly as she whimpered into his mouth. “Wow.” she gasped out when he pulled away from her mouth.
“I’ve missed you.” Bob implored her and Lettie blinked owlishly for a moment before melting further into a love blissed out stance in front of him.
“I missed you.” she answered him before leaning up on tiptoe and pressed a chaste kiss to his mouth. Bob moved to chase her lips when she pulled away but she stopped him with her fingers pressed to his mouth gently. “We have to get going though. If I don’t get back soon, dinner will take longer to get everything set up.” She reminded him and Bob sighed softly before moving around the car to get into the passenger seat. When he was in the car Lettie turned to him and smirked softly at him causing him to look at her expectantly. “Don’t worry we’ll have all of tonight to express how much we missed each other.” she told him sultrily and Bob felt his face flush with desire. “I don’t plan on letting you leave my bed until noon time tomorrow.” 
“Fuck me.” Bob said softly and Lettie burst out into happy delighted laughter.
Bob was amazed as he watched Lettie out of the corner of his eye. She had delegated him to chop all of her fresh ingredients that she needed for dinner tonight. He had already met her Dad when they got to the house, her Dad had told them that her Mom was upstairs getting ready for dinner and wouldn’t be down until everyone else had arrived. Bob had watched as Lettie deflated slightly at that knowledge but he stuck to her side pressing a kiss to her temple which caused her to brighten up once again. But now as he watched Lettie move about the kitchen with such confidence he was amazed by her again.
Lettie was truly in her own little world when she was cooking and Bob could see how passionate she was about it with the way she almost lovingly added each ingredient to her pan. Bob continued chopping the bell peppers Lettie had asked him to take care of before finishing his last one and scraping it into the large bowl that Lettie had given him. He brought over the bowel to her where she stood at the stove grilling steak.
“Peppers are done. Do you know I think you’re doing a wonderful job. And I’m just truly amazed at how effortlessly you move while you cook.” he said softly to her as stood behind her and lined his arms up with hers as she continued to cook. “Reminds me of when we’re alone.” he whispered in her ear, making her gasp softly before he placed a kiss to her ear. Lettie looked up at him and smiled brightly as there was the sound of a throat clearing behind them. Bob turned to see her Dad standing in the doorway and Bob slowly pulled away from Lettie looking bashfully down at the floor.
“Oh don’t let that old man fool you Bob. He’s secretly thrilled I’ve brought you.” Lettie said knowingly and Bob watched as Lettie’s Dad grinned just like she normally does when she’s really happy.
“I’m just surprised that she fooled a good looking dependable young man to date her.” her Dad teased back and Lettie chuckled softly as Bob grinned at the banter the two of them shared. “But she’s right. I am thrilled that she’s dating someone and the two of you seem to be very compatible.” her Dad teased while wiggling his eyebrows.
“Dad.” Lettie admonished her Dad while Bob chuckled and shrugged his shoulders.
“Can’t help it, sir. I find your daughter absolutely enchanting and I’m completely under her spell.” Bob said with a smirk directed towards Lettie who rolled her eyes and turned back to the stove while her Dad chuckled softly at his words. Bob noticed that Lettie’s Dad had been inching closer and closer to her side, and Bob was curious to see what was going to happen. But when a loud smack rang out in the air Bob flinched and watched as her Dad pulled his hand away from the stove shaking it.
“C’mon Lettie. Just a little taste before everyone gets here.” her Dad whined softly and Lettie shook her head adamantly at him.
“You know that’ll ruin the whole dish and then you’ll be up shit’s creek with everyone else.” Lettie told him sternly and Bob watched surprised as her Dad moved over to the island and sat on a stool grumbling softly. Bob turned back to Lettie and shook her head at his questioning look. “Every time he gets a taste before the dish is done it always turns out badly. So he’s banned from ever getting an early taste.” she said resolutely and Bob smiled at her before looking over at her Dad who was watching the two of them. “And don’t even think about asking for a taste either.” she scolded him and her Dad burst out laughing as Bob was caught. He moved to the other stool next to her Dad who welcomed him gladly to their time out section.
Everyone had finally arrived and Bob had been introduced to all of Lettie’s family. First there were her parents Michael and Rachel Bennett, Bob already enjoyed spending time with Michael since he seemed to be a hard working man who cared for Lettie greatly. But her mother Rachel seemed to enjoy putting Lettie down more than actually recognizing her daughter's talents and accomplishments. She had already talked badly about the pepper steak Lettie had cooked for all of them. Bob knew that it had struck a chord with Lettie since her shoulders had slumped dejectedly while she was sitting next to him. Bob had easily slipped her hand into his when he realized what her mother was doing, when he had pulled her hand up to his mouth to kiss it gently Lettie looked at him fondly with sparkling eyes and her demeanor seemed to change. Bob was happy to see the change in Lettie but he was even happier to see her mother’s reaction, which was to instantly stop degrading Lettie’s cooking and purse her lips in an expression as if she had sucked on a lemon.
Then there was Lettie’s oldest sister Viola, or as everyone called her Vi, her husband Jeremy and their two kids Fiona and Samuel. Bob wasn’t too impressed with Viola since the first instance she had met she had given him a shrewd look that told him she was judging him right off the bat and he didn’t like that. Not to mention she followed in her mother’s footsteps it seemed and wasn’t kind to Lettie and had this air that she thought she was better than all of them.
The two middle sisters Millicent and Anise seemed to be the same as Viola but to a lesser degree. Bob could easily see who was at the top of the pack with this family and he knew Lettie was at the bottom of the pack unfortunately. Now the second youngest daughter Nora wasn’t as cruel or mean to Lettie but she also wasn’t Lettie’s champion in the family. That title obviously sat with her dad, and for the life of him Bob couldn’t figure out why her sister and mother were so mean to Lettie.
Bob resigned himself to staying quiet when he saw the way Lettie was treated by her family because she had already warned him about the dynamic in her family. He didn’t like it one bit but Lettie wasn’t ready to stand up for herself yet, he hoped soon he would be able to try and convince her to seek out therapy to help her be more assertive with her family. But for right now he’d be by her side to make sure she was okay and that they didn’t bring her down too much with their treatment.
The next time Bob was spending time with Lettie was back at her place helping her make sure dinner was set up for the squad since they were due to come over for the evening. Lettie was busy in the kitchen cooking and Bob was setting the table and making sure that everything was the way she had requested. She had told him that she wanted just a calm, relaxed evening with the boys and Bob was sure that they’d enjoy it. 
Just then Lettie came out of the kitchen into the makeshift dining room Bob had helped set up for everyone to sit and eat. Her hair was slightly matted to her sweaty forehead and she had a dish rag flung over her shoulder. Bob found her irresistible as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close to him as he pressed a soft kiss to her cheek.
“Hi Gorgeous.” he said softly and Lettie all but melted in his arms.
“Hi.” she responded back happily and Bob turned until he was facing her before pressing a loving kiss to her mouth. He moaned softly as his hands slid from her waist over her ass and into her back pockets before pulling her flush against him. “Well hello there.” Lettie whispered to him as they pulled away from each other.
“You think we could have a quickie in here before the guys come over?” he asked huskily and Lettie gasped loudly at him.
“Absolutely not. They’ll be here any minute and I’m all sweaty.” she chided him and Bob smirked as grazed his lips along her jaw.
“That’s why it’s called a quickie.” he teased her and Lettie burst out in laughter as she pushed at his chest.
“Down boy, down.” she scolded him and Bob slumped against her dejectedly. Her hands came up to cup his face pulling him in close to her. “Let’s just get through the dinner and I promise to make it up to you later tonight.” she promised him and Bob perked up at those words, he had quite a few thoughts on how she could make it up to him.
“I’m holding you to that.” he said softly before kissing her deeply causing her to squeak at his actions. Just as Bob was settling into the kiss there was a loud knock at the door and Lettie instantly pulled away from him before fanning herself quickly and rushing to her bedroom to make sure she was presentable.
“Let them in! I’ll be right there!” Lettie called over her shoulder and Bob chuckled softly as he shook his head while walking towards the front door. He opened it with a flourish and grinned at Rocket who cried out happily. All the squad cheered and greeted Bob with pats on the back as they entered the house.
“So where’s your girl?” asked Astro cajolingly and the others nodded their heads except for Rocket. He had already met her and knew she was a great fit for Bob. Bob could hear Lettie’s footsteps behind him and watched delightedly as all his squad members straightened in posture.
“Hi guys, I’m Lettie Bennett, I’m Bob’s girlfriend.” she said warmly as came to stand next to Bob with a small wave directed to the squad. And that was only the beginning of Lettie meeting the squad that night. It was a great success and all of the guys loved her almost instantly. Kamikaze had even told her she was already an honorary member of the squad ever since Bob had gone on his first date with her. Bob was proud of the guys all coming together and accepting Lettie, it would definitely make his life easier since he didn’t plan on letting Lettie go.
“Damn right.” Bob said softly as his hands slid into the crotch of her shorts that she was wearing. His fingers slid slowly through her folds and Lettie gasped as she arched up against him. “Tell me the worst moment you’ve experienced so far with me.” He instructs her softly, he’s curious to see if it’s the same as what he feels.
“Besides not having your cock inside me all the time?” She teased saucily and Bob pulled his fingers away from her cunt as he lay flush against her once more. “When you go away on a mission.” She says softly as the two of them stare into each other’s eyes. “I’m always afraid that you won’t come back and while we’ve gotten through one mission so far together I don’t think it’s going to get any easier.”
“Same here.” Bob says softly before capturing her lips in a deep kiss. His hands slide to her hips and he easily slides her shorts and underwear off her body as he hurriedly slips out of his own pants while still kissing her. “I never wanna leave you. But knowing you’re here waiting for me makes it easier for me while I’m away.” He says against her lips.
”Fuck me Bob. I don’t want to talk about missions anymore.” Lettie gasps out as his cock falls heavily against her thigh.
“Gladly sweetheart.” He rasps out right before he slides his cock into her to the hilt. “Fuck, it’s like coming home.” He gasps out and Lettie cries out in pleasure as she clasps her legs around his waist. Bob doesn’t take it slow, not when the two of them have been teasing each other like they have been. He fucks into her with hard, deep strokes making his balls slap against her ass. Sliding fully onto his knees he grabs her hips and lifts her off the bed so that he hits a different angle when he thrusts into her harshly. Lettie cries out again as her head thrashes against her pillow and her hands come up to cradle her breasts in her palms. She’s an absolute goddess beneath him and Bob can feel his orgasm rushing towards him quickly. 
Bob can feel Lettie’s walls fluttering around him and knows that she’s already so close to orgasm. He looks down at her and watches as her curly hair falls into her face and hands grip her breasts over her loose fitting shirt, her mouth has fallen open and she’s just mindlessly babbling as her body moves with every heavy hard thrust of Bob’s hips. She is the epitome of beauty to him and with her like this she’s a seductive siren that he has no willpower against.
Thrusting harshly again Bob feels Lettie’s walls clamp around him and he grinds his hips against hers knowing that she loves this as her orgasm breaks inside of her. Her loud cry of pleasure is never ending it seems and it shoots through Bob’s body and down his spine as he grinds into her one more before he spills his come into her.
After the two of them have come down from their highs Bob is slipping out of the bed gently to grab a warm washcloth to clean Lettie’s thighs and sensitive cunt before falling back into the bed and gathering her close. He presses a gentle kiss to her temple before snuggling her closely in bed with him.
“How have the therapy sessions been going?” He asked curiously. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” He says quickly and Lettie shakes her head softly at him.
”They’re going okay. I’ve been going ever since you suggested them after meeting my family. I know I’ve got a long way to go to be more assertive with my mom and sisters but so far the therapist has been helping me come up with ways to say no and stand up for myself more with them. It’s just gonna take me a little bit to get comfortable with it. I’m so used to just doing it all for them.” Lettie explains to him and Bob nods his head at her words.
“I don’t want you to think that I’m pushing you to do this. I just don’t like seeing them taking advantage of you or being cruel to you. It’s not right that they only call you when they want something from you and then talk badly about your efforts and talents. It’s not healthy.” Bob says softly as he contemplates Lettie’s family, especially her mother and sisters.
“No, no I know you’re right. It’s just that I’m so used to how things have always been it’s hard to just change all of a sudden.” Lettie agreed with him and Bob nodded his head again. “You know my mom called earlier. She was fishing for information on our relationship. I actually got to use a technique that my therapist taught me, it’s called gray rocking. It’s where you are as vague as possible about a topic that someone’s asking about until they get bored and stop asking about it.” Lettie said proudly and Bob smiled at her.
“Did it work?” He asked gently and Lettie nodded her head excitedly as her eyes sparkled with delight.
“It did. It was actually pretty cool to see while it happened. Mom wasn’t getting the answers that she wanted so she finally stopped asking and then got off the phone quickly.” Lettie said with a happy smile. “I’m pretty sure she’s going to ask my sisters to get involved but I’ll use the same techniques on them and it should work too.”
“I wonder if she’s starting to realize that I’m taking up more of your time that you used to give to her and your sisters.” Bob wondered and Lettie looked at him with a curious look before shrugging her shoulders.
“It’s part of growing up, she’ll have to get over it. She was the one who set us up anyway. Wanted me to be a perfect Southern Belle.” Lettie said derisively and Bob chuckled softly at her words before kissing her lips softly.
“You’re my perfectly imperfect Southern Belle.” He whispered against her lips and Lettie chuckled while wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him into another deep kiss while her leg curled around his hip to pull his hips closer to her own.
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sheerfreesia007 · 2 years
Win A Date With A Naval Officer Masterlist
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Bob thought it was just going to be a simple charity event for the local veteran’s chapter. But he’s in for a surprise of his live when he finds out that his squad mates have signed him to be the auctioned off date!
One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten
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sheerfreesia007 · 1 year
Win A Date With A Naval Officer pt. 2
Title: Win A Date With A Naval Officer pt. 2
Fandom: Top Gun Maverick
Pairing: Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x OFC!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 2,267
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
WADWANO Tag List: @fandom-princess-forevermore
Gif Credit: @unhandme-orbleed
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The early morning sun is shining brightly as Lettie parks her car in her parents’ wide semi circle cobblestone driveway. She grimaces slightly as she gets out of her car and spots her parents' two Cadillacs sitting freshly washed and waxed in the driveway ahead of her beat up Volkswagen Bug that she’s had for years. She grabs her purse from the front passenger seat before hip checking the door shut and walking to the back of the car. Opening the trunk she smiles as she takes in a breath of the delicious smelling food that she made yesterday for the veteran’s charity event that her mom helped set up.
She grabs the large trays that she had packed away for her Dad and begins to walk up towards the large sprawling mini mansion that her parents lived in. Shaking her head she felt her long curly dark brown hair fall down her back and sighed happily before walking up the stairs carefully. Once she was at the top of the stairs she set the trays down on one of the many small tables that littered the large covered wrap around porch before pressing the doorbell. She idly wondered if her mother had bought another set of tiny tables as she looked around the porch, there were so many tiny tables.
“Coming!” Called her Dad from inside the house and Lettie smiled happily as she waited for her Dad to come to the door. “Well, what do we have here? If it isn't, my long lost daughter come to visit her lonely old father.” Teased her Dad as he opened up the front door and stood in front of the screen door.
“I saw you just last night when you came into the kitchen to steal a beignet from me, old man.” Lettie teased right back. Her Dad began to close the door slowly as he stepped back.
“With that sassy mouth of yours I shouldn’t even let you in.” He gripped out and Lettie gasped in faux offense as her hand flew to her chest dramatically.
“Then whomever am I going to give all these leftovers to?” She cried out in over exaggerated dismay while gesturing to the two large trays of food that she had sitting on the side table. Her Dad quickly opened the door once more and peered out the screen door towards the trays.
“Come in, come in child. Don’t want the neighbors knowing that you have food.” He rushed out quickly as he held the screen door open for her while she laughed happily at his antics.
“Hi Dad.” She greeted him kindly before pressing a kiss to his proffered cheek.
“Hey there Lettie girl.” He greeted as he followed her into the house towards the large kitchen that Lettie was so envious of. She never understood why her parents bought a house with such a large, almost industrialized kitchen if they weren’t ever going to use it. Lord knew that her mother never cooked and her Dad didn’t know the difference between a microwave and a toaster oven.
Walking into the kitchen Lettie imagined all the different types of dishes that she could cook in this room. With all the space and countertop surface it had she could cook meals for days and still have room to put the finished dishes. Not to mention the large gas stove or the large farmhouse basin, Lettie could live in this kitchen and die happy if her parents would let her.
“You did really well with the food last night. It was all delicious.” Her Dad said kindly as Lettie set the trays of leftovers on the counter. Her smile was a mile wide as she turned to her Dad who was already pulling out two plates and gathering two forks for the two of them.
“You’re only saying that because I brought you leftovers, old man.” She teased him and her Dad scoffed as he plated up two portions of her Jambalaya and handed one to her with a fork.
“I can’t deny I love when you bring leftovers. But you have a real talent Lettie and I could never take that away from you. And I never would want to.” Her Dad says truthfully as he digs into his plate humming happily once the food touches his tongue.
“Henry! Are you eating again!?” Her mother’s shrill cry rings out and Lettie turns to watch her mother come walking into the kitchen. The way her mother moves makes it look like she’s walking on air and her hands are perpetually extended out as if everyone around her is waiting with their hands out to hold her own. Her dad huffs and takes another bite of his food as he turns away from her mother. “Honestly Henry! You’re going to grow as big as a house!” her mother reprimands him and Lettie laughs as her dad makes a silly disgruntled face at her mother. Lettie knows her dad has a home gym in the basement of the house and uses it almost daily so she knows her mother’s comment is unlikely to happen, her dad’s as  healthy as a horse and enjoys food. Lettie wonders if her dad works out daily because he loves food so much.
“Hi, mom. How are you?” Lettie asks as she greets her mother with a hug that her mother barely leans into before she moves away from Lettie to stand at the opposite side of the large island.
“You didn’t come and greet any of the Naval officers that were at the event last night.” her mother says in lieu of a greeting and Lettie sighs softly knowing that her mother is just going to nag her about the same thing as always. “They were all around your age and all very handsome. You should’ve come and said hello. Maybe you could’ve met your future husband.” her mother said disapprovingly. 
“Mom, I was actually working in the kitchen during the event. All that food you enjoyed wasn’t going to cook itself.” Lettie said pessimistically as she rolled her eyes at her mother’s nagging.
“That’s why you had kitchen staff in there with you.” her mother countered and Lettie sighed while pinching the bridge of her nose. Her mother never truly understood how much work went into catering a charity event, especially one that she hosted or helped with.
“Yes, they cooked most of the food but I was in charge of timing, preparation, presentation and making sure everything tasted the way it needed to taste. I didn’t have a spare moment to myself last night.” Lettie tried to explain.
“Well all that effort and yet the result was subpar at best.” her mother huffed and Lettie sucked in a sharp breath at her mother’s hurtful words. She knew her mother didn’t agree with her career choice but she didn’t think it was appropriate for her to bad mouth her cooking.
“Nonsense.” her dad spoke up and Lettie saw him scowling at her mother. “She worked her ass off last night and the food was phenomenal!” her dad protested before gesturing to the trays of leftovers that she had brought. “Not to mention your daughter was kind enough to bring leftovers for us so that we wouldn’t have to rely on going out for dinner for once.”
“I thought you liked going out for dinner?” her mother asked disdainfully and her dad huffed softly at her.
“Yes, but not every night. It gets tiring always going out. Some nights I’d rather just stay home.” her dad explained and her mom turned her nose up at him before turning back to Lettie.
“Anyway, when are you going to take me seriously about settling down Letticia?” Her mother asked her as if her conversation with her dad hadn’t happened at all. “You’re not getting any younger, you're already twenty five. At your age your sister Vi was already married for five years and had just given birth to Michael.” her mother said, comparing Lettie to her oldest sister.
Lettie sighed as she took a seat on the stool nearest her, her mother always compared her to her older sisters. And for Lettie it wasn’t as if she was getting caught up in trouble or anything, she just wasn’t living the life that her mother wanted for her and her sisters. Her mother was old school southern belle where the woman married young and became a stay at home mom and dedicated her life to charity work and keeping her appearance and home pristine while raising a gaggle of children. Lettie didn’t think there was anything wrong with the lifestyle that her mom wanted for her but it wasn’t something that Lettie wanted for herself. She loved to cook and found that she had a talent and passion for it. Plus she felt cooking for those less fortunate than herself was the best charity work that she could do. She didn’t want to give up her career as a chef because she enjoyed it too much plus she had worked hard for the position of head chef at one of the more prominent restaurants in New Orleans. It was a source of pride for Lettie and she refused to let that go just for her to stay at home, she had so much more that she wanted to accomplish and do in her life.
Not to mention Lettie was a horrible klutz when it came to anything that didn’t involve the kitchen. She was always tripping over her own two feet or knocking into things whenever she wasn’t in the kitchen. But when she was in the kitchen it was as if everything fell away from her, all her worries and stress melted away and she was able to focus solely on cooking. Lettie was her happiest when she was cooking or baking and she was unwilling to give up that happiness even for her mother.
“Leave Lettie alone CarolAnn. She’s a hard working, strong, independent woman. That’s more than we should hope for her to be. She’s also a kind soul who gives up her time and talent to cook for the needy. Give up the perfect Southern Belle dream of yours.” her dad speaks up as he shakes his head at his wife.
“Henry! Lettie is a Southern Belle; she just needs to find the man who will help her create her dream.” her mother argues as she frowns at him.
“Lettie is not like that and she never will be CarolAnn! I don’t understand what you’re not understanding! Lettie is perfect the way she is, let her live her life the way she wants to.” her dad gripped out and her mother scowled at him. Lettie smiled warmly at her dad’s words and felt a warm confidence begin to swell inside of her. Lettie watched the two of them as if she was at a tennis match, her head swiveling back and forth from either parent. She knew that her mother wanted all her daughters to be the perfect Southern Belle but Lettie truly felt that she was the furthest thing from that image. She could clean up well and be presentable but she’d rather be in her worn blue jeans and comfy shirts with flour or food staining them as she cooked and baked in her kitchen.
“I didn’t put in all this work into each of my daughters for her to not be a Southern Belle. She needs to grow up and settle down with a man who will treat her right and take care of her.” her mother snapped out and Lettie felt her confidence drop with each word that was pushed past her mother’s lips. “She needs to start thinking about her future and start looking for a man!”
“Mom, calm down. When I find a man I’ll let you know.” Lettie says calmly as she tries to ease the tension that has filled the kitchen between her parents. She knows that she doesn’t want the life her mother wants for her but she figures that the arguing and tension between her parents isn't healthy and she doesn’t want them to be like that with each other, especially if it’s because of her.
“No matter.” Her mother says with her nose stuck high into the air as she huffs softly at her husband. “I won the auctioned date with one of the Naval Officers. You are going to go on that date and dress up in the dress I’ve bought for you.” Her mother says firmly and coldly and Lettie’s taken aback for a moment.
“CarolAnn!” Snaps her dad but Lettie holds a hand up to him to ease his anger.
“Fine I’ll go but after this no more talk about becoming a Southern Belle. You let me live my life the way I want to.” Lettie bargains and her mother eyes her harshly for a moment before tilting her head from side to side.
“Alright but you have to actually put in effort for this date.” Her mother counters and Lettie huffs softly.
“Fine and after that no more Southern Belle.” Lettie states firmly and her mother nods her head impatiently. “Good. Now when and where is this date?” Lettie asks and her mother lights up before flouncing out of the kitchen to get the dress and information for the date. Lettie looks over to her dad and sees him frowning softly at the doorway that his wife just walked out of. “It’ll be fine dad.” Lettie reassures him. “It’s just a date.”
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