#robert bob floyd x ofc!
sheerfreesia007 · 1 year
Win A Date With A Naval Officer pt. 5
Title: Win A Date With A Naval Officer pt. 5
Fandom: Top Gun Maverick
Pairing: Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x OFC!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 7,645
Warnings: toxic family dynamic, cursing, steamy make out session
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
WADWANO Tag List: @fandom-princess-forevermore
Gif Credit: @skylessnights
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The birds were chirping peacefully as the sun hung in the mid morning air while the bees buzzed from blossomed flower to blossomed flower in the perfectly manicured backyard of the Bennett’s home. All of it with the large weeping willow tree created a whimsical scenery for Rachel’s tea party that she was hosting. Unfortunately that peaceful whimsical scenery was shattered as soon as Rachel opened her mouth to shrilly ask about her youngest daughter who was absent from today’s tea party.
“Has anyone heard from Lettie lately? I can never seem to get her on the phone anymore.” Rachel asked like a petulant child as she huffed softly. Viola who sat next to Rachel at the large white painted metal table took a dainty sip of her tea before shaking her head.
“She’s been skipping on some of the charities that I’ve hosted in the past few months. The last one I had to actually hire a bakery to make the desserts for me and the table was done up all wrong by the wait staff!” Viola said disgustedly as she sneered behind her tea cup.
“She hasn’t hosted a charity event either in a few months.” Anise informed them as she set her own tea cup down on the saucer. “And I don’t think she has any plans to host one anytime soon.” Rachel scowled darkly at that information before huffing angrily.
“It’s all because of her new boyfriend. That naval officer.” Millicent said with a shrug of her shoulders. “I remember when I met Thomas. I didn’t want to do anything besides spend time with him. You can’t fault her for doing that, she’s in love.” Millicent smiled dreamily as she rested her chin in her palm on the table with a far off look in her eyes. Rachel frowned at her second oldest daughter’s words before Viola spoke up once again.
“Yes but she’s not helping out the family when we need her.” Viola said disdainfully and Rachel nodded her head in agreement.
“She’s not acting like a proper southern belle. She’s not giving back to the community-”Rachel stated and Nora spoke up suddenly.
“That’s not true. She’s been working at the food pantries in the city, my girlfriends saw her working a few weeks ago at New Orleans Mission. She was giving out boxes to those less fortunate there and then she worked the food line at the St. John the Baptist Community Center. She’s still giving back, it's just not on your terms.” Nora said with a sharp look in her eye. Rachel sat there quietly for a moment wondering where this defiant attitude had come from in Nora.
“Really Nora, sounds like you agree with what Lettie is doing.” Viola said with a twist of her lips. “What’s the matter is Frank getting into that pretty head of yours?” she asked derisively and everyone at the table all sucked in sharp breaths as their eyes darted over to Nora.
“Better that than just following along like a good little girl.” Nora snipped back as she glared at Viola from across the table. Viola smirked evilly over her tea cup and Rachel knew if she didn’t step in there’d be so damage between the two sisters.
“Well what do you suggest we do to get Lettie back to helping us with our charities?” Rachel asked curiously to Nora who blinked at her owlishly for a moment before shrugging her shoulders.
“She’s happy doing what she’s doing. What’s the harm of leaving her be? She was never going to be a proper southern belle like you wanted her to be anyway, why can’t she just be Lettie?” Nora asked conversationally and Rachel scowled at her questions.
“Because that’s not what I want for her life.” Rachel snapped out hurriedly and Nora waved her hand in the air stopping Rachel from speaking again.
“It’s her life Mom. Just because you want her to be a proper southern belle doesn’t mean that it’s going to happen. In fact I’m pretty sure if you keep pushing for this it’ll end up the exact opposite of what you want.” Nora said knowingly and Rachel shook her head hurriedly at her words.
“You sound just like your father! All of my daughters will be perfect southern belles if I have any say about it. They will emulate the perfect sophisticated woman, a pillar of her community who gives back and shares her wealth in any way that she can. A true, honest role model for everyone else to strive to be.” Rachel said determinedly and Nora scoffed softly at her words.
“Mom, while that’s all well and good it’s unrealistic. Out of your five daughters I’m pretty sure Lettie is the closest to that description.” Nora said with an incredulous chuckle and shake of her head.
“Speak for yourself.” Viola snipped and Nora grinned wolfishly at Viola across the table.
“You’re one to talk.” Nora responded gamely and Rachel sat back in her chair as she felt the air grow cold. “You’re the worst one out of all of us Vi. You treat your maids like garbage and work them until they either collapse or they quit due to being worn out. You can’t keep a nanny employed on your payroll for longer than a month all because your children are absolute hellions. And who are you trying to kid with all those posts on Facebook with your husband? We all know he’s banging your next door neighbor’s wife on the side. What happened with his last secretary huh?” Nora said as her tone and volume rose with incredulity as she continued to talk. Viola snapped her mouth shut angrily and glared hatefully at Nora. “We all have our own vices that we partake in and for you to think that we’d all be perfect southern belles is a joke. It’s all a lie. And Lettie doesn’t deserve your disdain all because she wants to work for a living and not be a stay at home mom. She’s got so much talent in just her little pinky and all you do is tear her down whenever she shows you her talents. It’s disgusting how you treat her!” Nora finished heatedly before standing up from her chair and storming off. The table sat quiet for a moment before Rachel huffed and shook her head. 
“Well.” Rachel said haughtily and Viola sat there stunned in silence while Millicent and Anise nodded their head silently along with Rachel. “She’ll regret leaving us. She’ll come crawling back to us and we’ll just tell her no thanks.”
Everyone fell silent then and Viola sighed out a long breath before picking up her tea cup and taking a sip of her tea. The birds still chirped happily and the bees still flew from flower to flower but there was no longer a peaceful whimsical aura. Rachel sat there in her chair staring at her remaining three daughters and wondered if she was doing the right thing by them or if her husband and now daughter were right in telling her that her dream of having all southern belle daughters was a mistake.
Lettie sat in one of the outdoor patio chairs at her favorite restaurant Birdy’s Behind the Bower under the white long tent a table tucked away in the corner with Maddie and Charlene. Maddie sat next to her while Charlene sat across from the two of them sipping on a mimosa. The girls had called her up that morning asking if she wanted to go to brunch together since they felt like they hadn’t seen her in a few weeks. Lettie had agreed because she had felt the same way and knew that she’d feel ten times better once she met up with them. It always felt like a breath of fresh air whenever she got together with Maddie and Charlene, it always seemed to ground her when she would start to feel anxious or wound too tight.
“So where have you been hiding lately?” Charlene asked with a knowing smirk and wiggle of her eyebrows causing Maddie and Lettie to chuckle at her antics.
“Working and any time off is spent with Bob.” Lettie confessed with a happy smile on her face.
“As it should be.” Maddie spoke up in confidence as she took a sip of her own mimosa. Charlene nodded her head along with Maddie’s words before speaking up.
“I don’t blame you, he’s a keeper. He’s cute and always looks out for you whenever we’re all out together.” Charlene began to list off Bob’s attributes and Lettie hid her smile behind her glass of sweet tea.
“Not to mention the man is head over heels for you.” Maddie chimed in and Charlene squealed happily at her words.
“Do you remember their first date? I swear I thought Bob was going to swallow his tongue when they were together at the table.” Charlene excitedly relayed and Maddie nodded her head quickly as Lettie began to blush.
“And then that time we were all up on the terrace! You two are lucky I was next to you, otherwise everyone would’ve known.” Maddie said cryptically and Charlene looked at her with a confused look on her face. “Oh you don’t know? These two were screwing like rabbits that night on the terrace. It was actually kinda hot, he had to cover her mouth a few times before they were done.” Maddie informed Charlene who gasped loudly and stared at Lettie in shock before her look morphed into a salacious grin. Lettie blushed from the roots of her hair down to below the neckline of her tank top.
“Lettie you dirty girl!” cried out Charlene who whooped loudly as Lettie ducked her head as other guests of the restaurant looked towards their table. “Oh my, I didn’t think you had it in you for that.”
“She never did until Bob came along.” Maddie teased and Lettie gasped softly causing Maddie and Charlene to burst out into laughter. Lettie ducked her head once again and Maddie took pity on her and gave her a comforting hug. “We only tease because we can see how happy you are with him.” she reassured Lettie who snuggled in her arms for a moment.
“I can’t help it.” Lettie wailed playfully and Maddie chuckled at her pitiful act as she patted Lettie’s head.
“Of course you can’t sweetheart.” she teased Lettie who laughed and playfully shoved Maddie away as Charlene chuckled with them.
“So when’s the wedding?” Charlene teased from her seat and Lettie jolted in her seat causing both Maddie and Charlene to stare at her for a moment. “Did I say something wrong?” Charlene asked cautiously and Lettie shook her head quickly.
“No, no you didn’t. I want to be married to him. Trust me I want it. I want the cute little wedding with all of you there. I want to be Mrs. Leticia Floyd.” Lettie said with passion as Maddie and Charlene stared at her waiting for the rest of her words. “We just haven’t talked about it yet. I don’t know for sure if that’s what he wants and I don’t want to rush something that he might not be even thinking about yet.” Lettie said unsure as she began to fidget with her glass.
“Aww, Lettie. That man is truly smitten with you and if you asked I’m sure he’d drop to one knee tonight when you see him.” Maddie said softly in a reassuring tone.
“Not to mention he’s a service member. They move quickly when it comes to relationships.” Charlene said as she nodded her head while Lettie looked over at her.
“So then why hasn’t he brought up marriage?” Lettie asked insecurely. Just then Lettie’s cellphone, which was sitting in the middle of the table with Charlene’s and Maddie’s, began to vibrate with a slew of text messages. Lettie sighed as she saw that they were all from Viola, her oldest sister and from what she could see on the screen it was all about her charity event that was happening this weekend. Lettie reached forward and silenced her cellphone as she huffed about her sister’s poor timing.
“Maybe because he knows that you’re different he doesn’t want to rush it?” Charlene suggested. “I mean look at it this way Lettie, he’s always in these dangerous situations when he’s deployed and he obviously loves coming home to you. I mean the last time we didn’t hear from you for a week, I swear you were going to tell us you’re pregnant after that week.” Charlene said with a kind smile. “Maybe he doesn’t want to scare you with the way his life is. It’s a hard life being the wife of a service member, heck my mom was one and it nearly put her in her grave a few times waitin’ to hear back if he made it out or not. Gave her so many gray hairs.” Lettie chuckled softly at the mention of Charlene’s mom as she nodded her head slowly.
“The only way you’ll know for sure is if you talk to him about it.” Maddie said gently and Lettie looked at her for a quiet moment.
“You’re absolutely right. I can bring it up to him later tonight when he comes over.” Lettie said with a happy smile. Charlene and Maddie looked at each other over the table and then squealed happily before they began talking rapidly about everything that Lettie would need to start preparing for her wedding to Bob. Lettie sat there grinning from ear to ear happy that her two best friends were so eager and excited for her to get married to him. She sat back in her chair and took another sip of her sweet tea thinking about what her ideal wedding to Bob would look like for her.
The knock at the front door had Lettie running down the hallway from the kitchen with a wide grin on her face. Hurriedly she unlocked the door and swung it open to see Bob standing there holding his duffle bag with a smile on his face. Lettie lunged and wrapped her arms around his neck with a happy laugh bubbling up from her chest. Bob teetered backwards a little bit but held her close to him as he dropped his face into her neck.
“I missed you, Lettie girl.” he said softly and Lettie grinned wider.
“I’ve missed you more.” she responded and Bob scoffed softly at her words.
“Not possible.” he countered before pulling his face away and capturing her lips with his in a sweet chaste kiss. He backed her back into her house while still kissing her and kicked the door closed with his foot before dropping his bag to the side. When he had the extra hand free he cupped her cheek and tilted her head to the side while opening his mouth to deepen the kiss while moaning. Lettie squeaked softly when her back collided with the wall and her hands scrambled to get a hold of him while she whimpered against his mouth. Her hands curled around his shoulders and her leg lifted to hook around his hip pulling him in close to her until she felt his flush against her. Bob pulled away slightly and the two of them panted heavily trying to catch their breaths. “Missed you so much sweetheart.” he husked out to her as his hips snapped against hers making Lettie cry out. “Always love coming home to you.” he told her as his mouth dropped to her jaw and began sucking kisses into her skin making Lettie gasp loudly.
Just then the timer on her stove went off and Lettie groaned loudly at the interruption. Bob chuckled against her skin as his tongue darted out leaving a trail of saliva to dry making Lettie shiver in his arms. Bob always knew how to wind Lettie up with kisses and she truly loved it but only when it was uninterrupted. He tapped her ass gently and she lowered her leg slowly while grinding against him to show how much she wanted him. Bob placed both hands on either side of her head and Lettie looked up at him challengingly to see his lustful smirk on his face.
“You’re gonna be in trouble later Lettie girl.” he told her darkly and Lettie grinned while shivering, she’d happily take whatever he gave her. She then took his hand and guided him down the hallway to her kitchen where he took his seat on one of the stools at the kitchen island. Her kitchen island was littered with baking utensils and baking ingredients that she had been using to lock down what desserts she was going to be making for Viola’s charity event this weekend. “So what do we have going on here?” Bob asked as he eyed all the baking mess on the island.
“So I need your help.” Lettie said over her shoulder as she turned off the burner under the large pot of tortellini soup that she had made for dinner for them tonight. She then bent over and opened the oven to take out the garlic bread she had also made for dinner.
“Lettie you bend over like that everytime you ask and I’ll do whatever you want.” Bob groaned out and Lettie laughed at his words. She turned around and faced him then with a wicked grin on her face.
“Is that all it takes to bring Lieutenant Bob Floyd to heel?” she asked sultrily and Bob smirked at her while standing from his stool to walk over to her. He crowded her against the counter and pressed his lips to hers.
“When it involves you all you have to do is breathe and I’m at your mercy.” he whispered against her lips and Lettie moaned prettily for him before capturing his lips with hers. Bob groaned low in his throat and wrapped his arms low around her waist while deepening the kiss. “Fuck, have mercy on me Lettie.” he moaned out to her and she chuckled softly before nipping his lower lip playfully.
“After dinner and dessert we’ll work out this tension in you.” she promised him as her hands glided up and down his biceps causing Bob to flex them much to Lettie’s delight. Lettie kissed him softly before turning to the island with a hand gesture to show him what she had been working on. “So I’ve got that charity event for Viola on Saturday in the morning and I’m in charge of the dessert table again. I wasn’t too sure if I wanted to do cake pops decorated in her theme with large cupcakes to compliment them or if I wanted to do turtle brownies with complimentary cupcakes or even just stick to my beignets. So I’ve made a sampling of each and I’d like for you to pick which one you prefer. The brownies and cupcakes would be the less time consuming option but I like the cake pops and cupcakes idea for her theme of Alice in Wonderland. But then everyone loves my beignets so I’m not sure which one to go with. Plus I’m going to have to do some of the work while you’re here with me so I don’t want to take too much time away from you.” Lettie explained while fidgeting with her hands.
Bob tilted his head while watching her and saw that she was more worried about losing time with him as he walked closer to her. Bob moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist taking a gentle hold of her hands as he rested his chin on her shoulder. He hummed softly and Lettie calmed down almost immediately as she melted in his arms.
“So then let me help you make the desserts. I’m a good helper I swear. Plus we’ll get to spend more time together.” he said softly as he began to sway her back and forth while keeping her pressed to his chest. He stood there swaying with her in his arms and felt her sigh softly before nodding her head at his words.
“Alright, I really appreciate your help. I just don’t like that it’s cutting into our time together. Now I understand why I should be speaking up against my mom and sisters more.” Lettie said softly and Bob wrapped his arms tightly around her body cuddling her close.
“You just need to stand up for yourself a little more. I don’t agree with the way they treat you and I can see how much it brings you down. I don’t want you to ever feel like that and if I can help it I’ll make sure you never feel like that again.” Bob said softly as Lettie turned his arms and wrapped her arms low around his waist as she buried her face in his shirt. “I adore you sweetheart and I only want the best for you.”
Lettie smiled beautifully up at him before raising on her tiptoes to press a sweet kiss to his lips. She hugged him once more before they moved to serve dinner and sit down together to eat. The two of them fell into a familiar routine and Lettie felt her heart soar at the thought that this could be her reality.
Lettie burst out into laughter as she turned from the stand mixer to see Bob gazing down into the bowl of dry ingredients with a determined look on his face. Ever since the two of them had set out to make the cake pops and cupcakes Bob was set on making sure he did everything the way she instructed so that they all turned out alright. She grinned at him widely as she moved over to him and gently brushed her thumb across his cheek brushing away the flour that had smeared there. He chuckled softly at her actions before darting his eyes over her face.
“You’re cute when you’re so determined.” she said softly to him and Bob pecked her awaiting lips.
“Gotta make sure these are good. I’m the helper today.” he said solemnly and Lettie laughed brightly at his words.
“I love you.” Lettie said on a soft happy sigh before gasping softly. Bob’s eyes widened before a beaming smile fell upon his lips. She watched silently as Bob almost vibrated with excitement as he reached to cup her face and pulled her to him, capturing her lips with a happy warm kiss.
“I love you too, no take backsies.” Bob muttered against her mouth and Lettie laughed delightedly against his mouth.
“No take backsies.” she murmured to him and Bob kissed her once again as his hands moved up into her hair as the kiss grew heated. Just as Bob was tilting her head to the side to further deepen the kiss Lettie’s cell phone began to ring loudly in the kitchen. Bob groaned softly and pulled away so that Lettie could see her phone. “Why is she calling me?” Lettie asked softly with a weary sigh before picking up her cell phone. “Yes Viola?” Lettie asked wearily and Bob moved to stand behind her while still keeping his arms around her.
Bob was ecstatic that Lettie had said the words first because he had been dying to tell her how he felt about her for months now and was worried that he would be moving too fast if he said them too soon. He wanted to move at her pace and not scare her away, he wanted this relationship to be the end goal for them. He knew that as a member of the Navy that he was going to be put into dangerous situations that could potentially take him from this world and nothing was ever guaranteed but he wanted to make sure that Lettie had control of the pacing of their relationship. But Bob felt as if he was twenty pounds lighter just from hearing her say the words and being able to say them back. He turned to see her frowning into the phone as her eyebrows furrowed on her forehead and he knew that did not bode well for them this weekend.
“No Vi, I was only planning on setting up the table and laying out the desserts for you and your guests. I didn’t want to come to the event, it’s Bob’s free weekend and we had plans.” Lettie said, dismayed as she huffed loudly. Bob moved closer to her and could hear her sister berating her over the phone. “No Vi. We don’t want to come to the event. We’re just going to set it up and then leave.” Bob felt pride swell inside of him as Lettie told her sister no and stood up for herself. He could see that it was hard for her but he appreciated it nonetheless, she had been working so hard through her therapy and he could see that with the way she spoke to her sister now. “I don’t care if Mom and Dad want us there. I told you no.” Lettie said firmly and Bob tilted his head to the side at the mention of her Dad. He knew Lettie had been missing her Dad like crazy lately since she hadn’t had much time to see him and Bob felt slightly guilty for taking so much of her time.
“Hey, maybe we should go so we can see your Dad.” Bob suggested softly and Lettie looked at him with a confused look on her face. He waved his hand at the phone and Lettie pulled it away from her ear for a moment. Bob pressed the mute button on her screen and looked at her adorably cute face. “I know your whole therapy session is so you can stand up for yourself more. And you’re doing a great job, but your Dad’s going to be there Lettie. And I know you’ve been missing him lately, and I feel a little guilty for taking all of your time away from him. Maybe we can go and spend an hour or two with him at the event and then leave?” he suggested to her. Lettie twisted her lips in thought and Bob could see that she was partial to the idea he presented. “Plus we’re free to leave and come back here to do whatever we want. And I’d love to see you in that floral tea dress that’s hanging in the back of your closet. I’ve dreamt of taking you home in it so that it can wind up on the floor.” he whispered into her ear and Lettie quickly pressed the unmute button.
“Vi we’ll come but only for a little bit. See you tomorrow.” Lettie said quickly before hanging up. She lunged at him eagerly and Bob caught her as her lips crashed to his heatedly. “We’ve got about ten minutes left until we can get all of these into the oven to bake. Keep that thought alive for those ten minutes and you can give me a preview of your idea.” Lettie husked out to him before wrenching away from him and hurriedly moving to the standing mixer. Bob chuckled softly at her antics before moving back to the bowl of dry ingredients eager for the baking to be over so they could get to things they wanted to do.
Bob sat in the passenger seat of Lettie’s Volkswagen bug watching out the window as she drove down her parent’s neighborhood street towards their large house. The cake pops and cupcakes had been finished this morning before the two of them had giddily gotten ready together in her bedroom. Bob turned his head to see Lettie in her pretty floral tea dress with the pleated skirt that fell down to her knees with her hair curled and style in flowy train down her back. She had even put on cute little heeled shoes that matched her dress. Shifting in his seat Bob felt himself growing desirous of her as his eyes darted up and down her body hungrily.
“Down Lieutenant.” Lettie chastised him gently and Bob groaned loudly at her words. He slid his hand onto her thigh and felt her jolt in surprise.
“You know what my title does to me and yet you still use it.” He teased her softly, watching eagerly as her tongue peeked out to dart across her lower lip.
“I can’t help it. I love it when you go a little wild.” Lettie said sultrily and Bob sucked in a deep breath to try and calm himself down. He slid his index finger over the skirt of her and dragged it up her thighs until her pretty lacy underwear was showing before letting it fall back to her knees. The breath she let out slowly as her hands adjusted on the steering wheel was very telling of how excited she was as well.
“Didn’t peg you for an exhibitionist. Because that’s what you’ll be once we get out of this car if you keep it up, Lettie girl.” Bob told her and watched as she shivered in her seat. He knew she would calm down as he noticed that she was slowing the car before pulling into her parents’ driveway. What he wasn’t expecting was for Lettie to put her car in park and then grab him by his shirt and plant a kiss right on his mouth hungrily as they sat in the car.
“Maybe later tonight you can go a little wild on me and this dress.” she suggested softly as she breathed against his lips. Bob growled low in his throat and watched as Lettie’s eyes widened slightly at the sound. Bob kissed her once more before the two of them moved away so that they could get out of the car together. 
“Hey! You guys made it!” cried out a voice and Bob turned to see Lettie’s Dad walking down the steps of the front porch with a wave of his hand. Lettie grinned over the top of her bug at him before walking around the hood of the car to greet her Dad with a warm hug.
“Hi Dad.” she said softly and fondly, causing Bob to smile at their interaction as he watched.
“Hey kiddo. Glad you’re here. Your sisters and Mom are already upstairs getting ready. You look beautiful!” her Dad greeted her kindly and Lettie beamed at him as Bob watched on. Then her Dad turned to Bob with a happy smile on his face. “Glad to see you again Robert.” he said easily as he stuck his hand out to shake Bob’s. Bob easily and happily shook his hand while nodding his head at him.
“It’s good to see you too, sir.” Bob said kindly and her Dad waved his hand dismissively of his manners.
“Please just call me Michael.” her dad stated and Bob smiled while nodding once at him. “Here let me help you guys with the desserts.” he said eagerly and Lettie stepped in front of him stopping him in his tracks.
“Absolutely not! Those desserts are for the party not for you to sneak.” Lettie scolded him with her index finger in the air. And Bob watched as Michael slumped his shoulders defeatedly as he looked at Lettie with pleading eyes, Bob chuckled at the dynamic between the two of them as he shook his head. “Besides I’ve got a whole container all just for you. It’s in the backseat. Just grab it and take it inside before we start moving all the other stuff.” Lettie told him in confidence and Bob chuckled as he watched Michael light up like a christmas tree as he hurriedly rushed to Lettie’s back seat.
Bob followed a bemused Lettie to her trunk which she opened while chuckling and shaking her head as her Dad rushed into the house with his container of cupcakes and cake pops. Bob nudged her hips with his own when he saw that she was reaching into her trunk to pull out the large containers of desserts before he reached in and grabbed all of the containers for her.
“Just walk me to where you need these.” he said to her kindly and she beamed up at him before shaking her head as she reached into her trunk and pulled out a metal contraption. Bob watched curiously as she unfolded and presented a small hand truck that had enough room for her containers. He chuckled softly at her resilience and she looked proudly up at him.
“I’ve done a few of these before sweetheart. Work smarter not harder.” she told him proudly and Bob smiled at her before placing the containers on the hand truck. He then stood back up and grabbed Lettie around the waist pulling her into him with a surprised gasp.
“Have I ever told you how sexy you are to me when you show off that big brain of yours?” he asked teasingly and Lettie chuckled at his words before kissing him sweetly.
“No, but I love hearing it.” she whispered to him with a smirk.
“Fucking sexy as hell. I can barely control myself around you.” he responded softly to her and Lettie beamed at the praise. She kissed him once more before wiggling out of his arms and turning back to the trunk of her car and pulling out the table cloths she brought as well as the dessert stands that she’d be using today. Bob unabashedly eyed her ass as she bent over into the trunk and had to bite his lip to keep from moaning loudly at the display.
“C’mon let’s go to the backyard and start setting all of this up.” She told him as she closed the trunk and began walking towards the side of the house. Bob obediently followed after her while pulling the hand truck after him, knowing full well that her mother and sisters were at the second story window watching them. He had felt the sensation of someone watching him and had easily seen her mother and sisters peering out of the window upstairs with disdainful looks on their faces. Bob was resolute in keeping Lettie happy today so he hadn’t spoken up about their audience. He knew that today was going to be a struggle no matter what but he had a foreboding feeling that it was going to be bad today.
The party was well under way and Bob glanced down at his watch to see that it was already one hour into the party. He wondered if Lettie would get upset if he started hinting that he wanted to leave, so far her mother and sisters had kept their distance from him and Lettie but he could see them starting to inch closer to the two of them. Lettie was standing next to him holding a glass of sweet tea while chatting contently with one of her sisters’ school friends, her bright happy laughter rang through the air and Bob smiled as he watched her tilt her head back with her boisterous laugh. 
Bob was absolutely entranced by her, the way she spoke freely and amicably with everyone she met was so alluring to him that it drew him close to her and kept him there. She was such a sociable woman who was able to strike up a conversation with everyone she met. And she always seemed to remember a small tidbit about the other person and would work it into the conversation which made everyone light up with pleasure at the mention. He loved that Lettie was thoughtful to remember these things about people and to bring it up so that they felt seen by her. 
Just then Lettie grazed her free hand against his and Bob automatically turned his hand to grab onto hers. He intertwined their fingers and raised her hand to press a soft kiss to the back of her hand making her beam up at him and inch closer to him. Bob smiled softly at her and heard the soft gasp of the school friend.
“You two are absolutely adorable together! How long have you been dating?” she asked excitedly and Lettie beamed happily at the compliment. Bob spotted Lettie’s oldest sister Viola walking over with her Mother and the two middle sisters, he tensed slightly but pulled Lettie closer to him protectively. He had a feeling that this wasn’t going to end well.
“Oh we just celebrated her nine month anniversary last week.” Lettie said fondly as she smiled at the woman.
“Oh! That’s so lovely!” the woman said happily before turning to Viola who had reached them with her mother and sisters right next to her. Bob felt Lettie falter slightly but he gripped her hand tightly once trying to reassure her.
“Nine months? That’s an awful long time and you’re still only dating? That’s a shame.” Viola said disdainfully and Bob sucked in a slow even breath trying not to react to her hurtful words.
“We’ve been enjoying each other’s company for the time being. Haven’t talked about the details yet.” Lettie said dismissively as she smiled up at Bob who winked at her causing her to grin and flush prettily for him. “Getting to know each other completely before we figure out what our next steps are.” Lettie said dreamily as she kept gazing up at Bob. He was internally cheering that she wasn’t getting upset over her sister’s words and choosing to turn her sister’s attempt to attack them around on her.
“You need all that time to get to know him?” her Mother asked curiously as she glared at Lettie. Lettie shrugged her shoulders as she looked over at her Mother with a happy smile.
“Before we move forward I’d like to know him as a person as much as possible. To make sure that we’re compatible to take the next step. There’s nothing wrong with that.” Lettie said dismissively and Bob felt pride surge up inside of him as he listened to her words. He also had a moment of satisfaction as he watched her Mother’s mouth drop open slightly in shock at Lettie’s flippant attitude. He also assumed that she was upset that Lettie was essentially not giving them any information about their relationship.
“Yes, I suppose that’s a good idea. But Lettie, sweetheart-” Viola began to say in a patronizing way that had Lettie straightening her posture next to Bob defensively. Bob could feel it too, Viola was setting something up and he knew it was aimed to upset Lettie. He silently wondered what was Viola’s issue with Lettie and why she was so cruel to her, he wondered if it was due to their Mother. Lettie had spoken about her childhood and how it was mostly spent with her Dad and avoiding her Mother and her southern belle agenda. She had told him that she would take the etiquette classes that her Mother had put all of her daughters through and while she was able to successfully pass the classes she was still clumsy and her Mother would grow impatient and angry with her. Suddenly Bob felt Lettie grip his hand tightly and he focused back on her gazing at her profile as she stared at her sister. “Are you going to continue being only his girlfriend just like Robert is only a WSO?” Viola asked disdainfully and Bob whipped his head to stare at her with narrowed eyes.
He couldn’t believe that those words had just come out of her mouth in regards to his career. She had no idea what he had to go through to become a WSO and while it wasn’t an aviator it was still a key job in the navy. Bob felt his own insecurities rising up as well as his anger as he stood there thinking over her words. He could see her satisfied smirk on her face as she crossed her arms over her chest, she knew she had gotten to him. But the silence that had fallen over the group was interrupted by the angry words bursting forth from Lettie’s mouth.
“Excuse me?!” Lettie snapped angrily as she glared hatefully at Viola. Bob turned his head quickly to stare at Lettie in shock, in all of the nine months that they had been dating this was the first time that Bob had ever seen Lettie get truly angry. He’d seen her frustrated, upset and disappointed but he’d never seen her angry. He had to admit it made his heart flutter in his chest as he watched her stance solidify in a protective mode, she was angry for him and she wasn’t going to let her sister degrade him in front of her and all of the guests. “Did you just say only a WSO? Do you even know what WSO stands for Viola?” Lettie spat at distastefully as if the words made her sick. “Let me inform you since you obviously don’t know. It stands for Weapons System Officer, that means he’s the one dropping bombs while his aviator is flying the aircraft. Do you think you could do that job?” Lettie spoke out incredulously as she stared at Viola with raised eyebrows. “The fact that you’re even cruelly judging a Service Member speaks volumes of your character and I’m saddened to find out how hateful you actually are. Bob goes to war just so you can throw these mindless charity events. Get off your high horse Viola you have no right to downplay his accomplishments and achievements when you know nothing about them.” Lettie said heatedly next to Bob and he could see the angry flush forming at the base of her neck and knew that she was truly worked up over her sister’s words. 
The guests were all silent after Lettie ripped into Viola about her disdain for Bob’s career and while Bob knew that Lettie would probably feel bad for causing a scene he could only see her in a new light. She was protective of him and didn’t take kindly to others trying to talk badly about him, it made Bob feel all the love that she held for him and he couldn’t wait to get her home to reciprocate it.
Viola scoffed loudly before turning to the woman that Lettie had been talking to before and stopped instantly when she saw the judging look from the woman. Bob watched as Viola turned her head from side to side to see all the rest of the guests looking at her with judgemental looks, Viola’s smirk slowly fading from her mouth as she took in all of her guests staring at her.
“Leticia Ann Bennett!” shouted her Mother loudly and everyone turned to stare at her as she glowered at Lettie while her whole body shook with untamed rage. “This is not how a southern belle behaves!” she shouted and Bob felt Lettie flinch slightly and he steps closer towards her for comfort. “You are a disgrace to this family and I am ashamed of you!” her Mother continued to rant and rave loudly enough for everyone to hear. Lettie’s hand gripped Bob’s tightly and she sucked in a stuttering breath after her Mother’s words rang out in the air.
“Well that’s a shame.” Lettie said calmly as she raised her head to stare squarely at her Mother. “Because I'm a damn good person even though I’m not the perfect southern belle that you want me to be. And if you can’t see that, that's on you Mother.” Lettie said solemnly before shaking her head at her Mother who gaped at her in quiet shock. Lettie then turned to Bob and smiled warmly at him. “Let’s go Bob, I wanna go home.” she said softly and Bob nodded his head eagerly as he wrapped an arm around her waist and began guiding her out of the backyard. Her Mother began shouting after them saying that they couldn’t leave because the party was still going on and she wasn’t done talking to Lettie. Bob continued guiding Lettie out past everyone, when they passed her Dad Bob nodded his head in silence and her Dad reached out to rest a hand on his shoulder for a moment before they passed him. 
Bob easily got Lettie out of the backyard and guided her to the passenger side door before taking the keys from her and opening her door. He helped her into the car and rushed around the front of the car to get in on the driver’s side. When he was in the driver’s seat he turned to Lettie and saw that she was staring straight ahead quietly. He wasn’t sure if she wanted to talk about it just now or if she wanted him to just get her straight home. He took a hold of her left hand and raised it to his lips pressing a soft kiss to the back of her hand.
“I know it hurts what your sister and mother tried to do. But you did so well standing up for not only me but yourself as well. I am so proud of you and want you to know that I absolutely love you exactly how you are. I wouldn’t change anything about you.” Bob said softly against the skin of her hand before pressing another kiss to her hand. He then started her car and began driving back to her place, still holding her hand the whole time.
“Thank you.” Lettie said softly in such a quiet voice that it made Bob’s heart ache. He knew he would have his work cut out for him to make Lettie feel better about what happened at the party.
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mynameismckenziemae · 6 months
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Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x You/Reader/OFC
Summary: Being mistreated isn’t uncommon for a woman working in a male-dominated field, but Bob isn’t going to let it slide when he witnesses it happen to you.
Warnings: 18+ MDNI! Smut, oral (m receiving), p in v, military/mechanical inaccuracies (I’m assuming), misogyny, etc.
For as long as you can remember, people (men) have underestimated you. Starting with your older brothers thinking you were an easy target, though they quickly learned that wasn’t the case. Next, your math teacher overlooked your intelligence because you were female. Your guidance counselor tried to persuade you away from the Navy after graduation because you weren’t tough enough for the military. The RDC laughed in your face the first day of boot camp, saying someone of your stature would never make it through; it sure felt good to see the smile fall from his face when you received ‘Outstanding’ marks in your physical readiness test.
But just because you were used to being underestimated; doesn’t mean it doesn’t get old.
It’s been two months since relocating to your hometown to be the lead aviation structural mechanic of North Island and none of the men you oversee have warmed up to you. The look of disappointment on your crew’s faces when you were introduced was obvious; your name was gender-neutral so they were counting on a male. You hadn’t expected them to befriend you, but you did expect respect; which was definitely lacking.
“A little help over here,” you call out, struggling to not lose your grip on the intake part you were trying to replace.
“Hello? Can someone help me?” You ask again a few minutes later, muscles trembling as it slides further off your shoulder. Not only would it hurt like a bitch if it lands on you, but it’s also not a cheap part if it bends or breaks.
“Equal pay for equal work, sweetheart. You can’t do the work yourself, you shouldn’t be here,” Jackson, the smug asshole, replies while the others chuckle in agreement.
“Fuck,” you grit out, trying not to panic as it begins to fall. But strong hands are helping you guide it into place. The same hands that have been on your mind since he dwarfed yours when he shook it on your first day.
Your attraction to the rest of him has only grown in the time since, along with your feelings; you adore his sweet, quiet demeanor. Natasha keeps telling you he feels the same way about you, but you haven’t built up the nerve yet to make a move.
“I’ll hold it here while you attach it,” Bob says softly near your ear. Your heart races as you do so, getting close enough that you can smell his signature leather and clean laundry scent.
Bob’s brows furrow as he watches your arms shake from the exertion. “How long were you holding this up?”
“About 5 minutes,” you reply, catching him shaking his head from the corner of your eye.
You’re done a moment later, sighing in relief when you put your arms down.
“Thanks,” you say as you set down your screwdriver and wipe your hands. You can’t help but notice how good he looks in his flight suit.
“No problem. Why didn’t you ask for help?” He asks as he wipes off his own.
“I did,” you sigh. “The boys here uh…aren’t too fond of me being their supervisor.”
“Why not?” He asks, perplexed.
“Because I’m a woman,” you reply with a shrug. “They don’t think I’m right for the job because I ask for help with lifting sometimes. Among other thing so I’m sure.”
His expression quickly turns angry.
“What’s up, Floyd?” Jackson says, smacking Bob on the shoulder. “If you need something worked on, you’re better off coming to me.”
“Why’s that?” Bob asks, shrugging his hand off and turning around.
“Come on, you know a woman’s place is in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant,” Jackson jokes.
But you’re not laughing. Neither is Bob.
“A woman’s place is wherever the hell she wants it to be, Jackson. I know you’re an idiot but I can’t believe you’re dumb enough to say something like that in front of me, but also your female commanding officer. I haven’t been impressed with the way you,” he stops and looks at the rest of the guys that have gathered around, “any of you have been treating her since she started but refusing to help her is going against direct orders. Not only could she have been injured, but the part she was holding costs more than a year’s salary for you.”
He steps closer to Jackson as he continues. “I’ll leave it up to her if she wants to report it, but if I ever see you disrespect her again, you’ll have to deal with me.”
You’re suddenly feeling hot and flustered as the crush you’ve been harboring intensifies as sweet, shy Bob defends your honor.
Jackson visibly gulps, nodding before he looks at you.
“Go home for the day,” you say with a glance at the clock before you begin to clean up your bay. “All of you are dismissed.”
“Look, I’m sorry-“ Jackson starts but you cut him off.
“Save it, Jackson,” you sigh. “I’m not going to report you, but I will if it happens again.”
“Yes ma’am,” he replies before scurrying away.
Bob follows you as you wash your hands in the sink, scrubbing the grease off. “Sorry, if I overstepped. I know you’re more than capable of standing up for yourself. I just can’t-“ he starts but you interrupt him as you dry your hands.
“You didn’t overstep. I appreciate it,” you assure him as you look over his shoulder to make sure everyone’s gone.
You take a step closer, bringing a hand up to play with the zipper of his flight suit.
“Thank you,” you murmur as you pull him to you for a kiss.
He freezes as your lips touch his, but only for a moment before he kisses you back; the tension that’s been building snapping in an instant.
“I’ve wanted this since the moment I laid eyes on you,” he breathes as you kiss down his neck, groaning as you nip his collarbone.
“Me too,” you murmur against his neck before pulling back to take his hand. “Come on.”
You lead him to the parts room, unlocking the door and pushing him against it once closed, gasping into the kiss when you feel his thick erection pressing against your stomach.
He groans when your hand finds him next, palming him through his flight suit. You shiver before pulling down the zipper, wanting more of those delicious sounds.
“What are-oh God,” he sighs when you fall to your knees, flicking your tongue over the wet spot on his boxerbriefs to taste the precum.
“Wanna taste you,” you say, hands pausing by the waistband of his briefs. “Can I?”
You continue when he nods, gulping when his size is revealed to you. “So big,” you murmur, meeting his eyes as you lean forward to lick the precum beading.
“Fuck,” he whispers before his head falls back against the door with a thump and his hands fist at his sides when you suck him into your mouth.
You bring a hand up to stroke what can’t fit in your mouth and unzip your own coveralls with the other, slipping inside and between your legs to give yourself some relief. Your eyes fall close with a moan as you circle your clit.
“Oh-oh my God,” he gasps when you moan, his eyes zeroing in on what your hand is doing. “Are you touching yourself?”
Your eyes open and take in his wrecked expression before you hum around him.
“Ah…w-wait,” he pants, guiding you off him and to your feet. “I almost-I don’t wanna cum yet.”
You smile as he spins you, pressing you to the door. You shiver as he leaves wet kisses down your neck and whimper when he sucks your nipple through the thin material of your sports bra.
“Next time,” you promise, stopping him as he starts to kneel. “Right now I want you inside me.”
He inhales sharply at your words and nods as he reaches for his wallet, pulling out a condom.
“What are you doing?” You ask with a giggle as he puts it under the light while you slip your coveralls off.
“Making sure it’s not expired,” he replies with a chuckle. “It’s been in my wallet for a few years. It’s good for a few more months yet.”
“Good,” you reply, watching as he rolls it on.
You wrap your legs around his waist when he lifts you and lines himself up to your entrance.
Your mouth finds his as he pushes inside you, and you whimper at the sweet stretch.
“You feel like heaven” he whispers before trailing kisses to your shoulder as you adjust, withdrawing to push back in when you’re ready.
Now it’s your head that thunks against the door as he fucks into you at a steady pace, grunting softly into your neck with each deep thrust.
He pulls back to watch you through lust-heavy eyes as he wets his ring and pointer fingertips before sliding them between you to circle your clit. “Feel good?” He asks, voice husky.
“So good,” you moan, clenching around him as your release starts to build.
“Good,” he nods, “I want you to cum for me, can you do that?”
“Y-yes! Fuck, I’m close,” you whine, your hands scrambling to find purchase on his shoulders as your orgasm rapidly approaches.
He leans in for another kiss and the change of the angle is all it takes for you to fall over the edge with a throaty moan.
Bob’s hips stutter and he fills the condom with a deep groan when you clench rhythmically around him.
He sets you down gently once you’ve caught your breath, making sure you’re steady on your feet before removing the condom. You pull your underwear back on while he zips up his suit.
“What are you doing tonight?” He asks as he kneels, helping you step back into your uniform.
“I have a date with a load of laundry,” you joke. “Why, what’s up?”
“Think it’d be upset if you rescheduled?” He asks, leaning forward to press a kiss just above your bare knee, then halfway up your thigh as he pulls up the fabric. “You said I could do this,” he places a wet kiss to your clit through your underwear before continuing to rise, “next time. So I was thinking I could pick up takeout and we could have ‘next time’ tonight?”
“I like the way you think,” you reply with a smile, leading the way out of the hangar.
A/N: Thank you @lexixstewart for the idea (again!) You have such good ideas! I hope you like it!
As always, any interaction is appreciated but I love hearing what you think in comments/reblogs!
Sorry if you’re not a Bob girly, but I’ll add my taglist here:
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bradshawssugarbaby · 11 months
Full of Surprises - Bob Floyd x Reader
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A/N: Inspired by @galaxy-of-stories's post
pairing: Lt. Robert Floyd x reader
warnings/content: virgin!bob x fem reader, oral (f receiving), p in v, swearing, hangman actually being a decent friend towards bob.
word count: 3k
minors dni below the cut
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Bob chewed on his bottom lip nervously as he watched you from across the beach, his dark blue eyes watching you intensely from behind his wire framed glasses. He rarely took part in off-base activities with the rest of the Dagger squad, but today, he’d been coaxed out by Rooster and Phoenix to join the team for a relaxing beach day. What he didn’t know though, was that you would be there. You were Maverick’s niece, and Bob had pretty much instantly fallen for you. Smart, funny, beautiful and friendly - Bob thought you were the whole package. He loved the way your eyes lit up whenever you spoke about something you were interested in, the way your cheeks blushed whenever Maverick and Rooster started reminiscing about your childhood, having grown up playing with Rooster on occasion when you were little, and he loved the way you were so outgoing, and so unlike him. He always hated his incurable shyness, the fact that he struggled so hard to come out of his shell, he resented it, especially now that it made it next to impossible for him to hold a conversation with you. 
“Hey, Baby-on-Board, you coming?” 
Bob turned his head around to face one of the pilots on his squad, Hangman, calling over to him. Bob rolled his eyes at the nickname Hangman had given him and shook his head quickly, his cheeks turning red again. He prayed that the UV rays were strong enough that day that he could lie and say the reddening of his face was due to too much sun exposure, but he knew that wasn’t likely going to work as an excuse on anyone, much less Hangman. The tall blonde pilot raised an eyebrow at Bob as he folded his arms over his broad chest. 
“Jeez, Bagman, don’t you ever wear a shirt?” Bob laughed dryly as he poked fun at Hangman, who had long ditched his t-shirt to show off his sunkissed skin, trying desperately to attract any female attention he could get on the beach.
“Hey, at least I don’t keep mine on the whole time at the beach.” Hangman shrugged as he sat down on the sand beside Bob. “Why do you anyway? I mean, you do all the same workouts as the rest of us do. It’s because you’re covered in chest hair isn’t it?” Hangman smirked as he playfully shoved Bob, flipping his sunglasses down over his eyes.
“No, I just don’t like to,” Bob shrugged his shoulders, “You know me, I’m not one to draw attention to myself.” 
“I hate to break it to you, Bobby, but you’ve definitely drawn someone’s attention,” Hangman grinned at him as he pointed towards you with his thumb as he spoke, “Mav’s niece hasn’t been able to stop herself from giving you the bedroom eyes, it’s hilarious that you haven’t noticed it yet though.”
“Bedroom eyes?” Bob laughed and shook his head, “What the hell are bedroom eyes?” 
“You know,” Hangman put his sunglasses atop his short blonde hair and grinned, imitating the lustful look he was referring to, the one he was so convinced you had for Bob.
“I have never seen anyone make that face in my life, Bagman. Are you bullshitting me?” Bob raised an eyebrow as he leaned back on his palms in the sand and sighed softly as he watched you again. The breeze blew your long hair back and the sunlight hit your tanned skin just right, making you appear to have a sunkissed glow. The sight alone was almost enough to drive Bob crazy. 
“Hah!” Hangman grinned as he pointed at Bob’s facial expression as he watched you, “You’re doing it to her right now!”
“I am not!” Bob protested, shaking his head. “Look, don’t you have something better to do?”
“No, I know I’m a shitty wingman half the time, but this time, I’m making it my personal mission to be yours.” 
Bob sighed again as he rolled his eyes. He knew he wasn’t winning on this one, and Hangman wasn’t going to leave him alone anytime soon. He just wasn’t ready to make a move on you yet. He’d had a handful of girlfriends over the years, but he’d never gone any further than making out for one reason or another, usually due to nerves. As badly as Bob wanted to, he couldn’t bring himself to be humiliated in front of you.
“I’m fine,” Bob said through clenched teeth. 
“Dude, you can tell me what your hang up is. I’m not gonna go blab it, I promise,” Hangman said, placing his hand over his heart playfully to show that Bob’s secret would be safe with him.
“Fine…” Bob exhaled and shook his head, “I don’t know what the bedroom eyes are or anything because I’ve never, you know…gone to the bedroom…with anyone,” He said as he gave Hangman a pleading look, his facial expression begging him for some sympathy and compassion instead of the relentless teasing he expected from him.
“You mean, never?”
“Never. Not even close. I think I’ve made out with a girl once. I was like 18 though.” 
“Wow,” was all that Hangman could muster out.
“So now you get it?” Bob asked softly, “It’s not that I don’t want to ask her out. It’s that I’m scared I’ll screw it up because of that.”
Bob sighed and shook his head again as he stood up. He brushed the sand off his shorts and forced a laugh.
“I’m gonna head home, Hangman. See you later.”
“Wait, wait, wait,” Hangman laughed as he put a hand on Bob’s shoulder, his firm grip stopping Bob from walking away, “You’re at least gonna talk to this poor girl. She’s been interested in you the whole time she’s been here visiting Mav. Christ, even Mav’s noticed it,, and we all know how observant he is.”
“What if you’re wrong though and she’s not interested in me? Maybe she’s just being nice. I bet you’re more her type anyway.” Bob frowned.
“Me? No, she’s uh…she’s made it very clear I am not her type,” He laughed softly, shaking his head, “I tried. She outright told me “the cute guy with glasses” is her type. And how many guys with glasses are on our squad?”
“Just me…unless she meant sunglasses. Then it could be anyone.”
“Robert, I swear, you’re the dumbest guy I’ve ever met sometimes,” Hangman laughed as he rolled his eyes, “She meant you, jackass. She likes you. She told me. Now, what are you going to do with this information?”
“Talk to her…?” Bob tried, a nervous laugh escaping his lips as he thought about it.
“Attaboy, Baby-on-Board, you got this,” Hangman grinned as he stood up, “Now, do me a favour? Try to look a little less like you’re about to shit your pants over this ok?” 
Bob rolled his eyes and took a deep breath as he approached you, a friendly smile on his lips as he nodded his head towards you. 
“Hi, I don’t think I ever properly introduced myself,” Bob offered his hand out to shake and smiled, “Lt. Robert Floyd, everyone calls me Bob, sometimes Bobby though.” 
“Hi Bob,” you grinned and shook his hand, “Y/N. Nice to meet you. My uncle’s told me a lot about you. You’re a WSO, right?”
“Yeah, I’m the backseater, it’s kinda fun, I’m a big nerd, so I get to use a lot of math in it to calculate where to aim the lasers and all that.”
You let out a giggle as he explained his role to you and he couldn’t help but smile and laugh along with you. Hours passed between the two of you conversing together, Hangman proudly watching Bob impress you from the background. After a while, the rest of the squad cleared out from the beach, leaving just you and Bob there by yourselves. It was beginning to get dark outside when you stood up beside Bob and smiled warmly.
“Want to come back to my aunt Penny’s? She’s not gonna care if I bring you over, she and Uncle Mav speak very highly of you. Aunt Penny always says you’re incredibly polite, and Uncle Mav called you a “good kid” so I doubt they’d mind if you came back to hangout for a little while.”
Bob nodded his head and smiled politely at you, the sunset making his eyes shine as he turned to face you. He leaned forward gently and pressed his lips to yours in a soft, gentle kiss. He pulled away after a moment and shook his head. 
“God, I’m so sorry, I don’t know why I did that. I’m not usually that forward. I mean, I wanted to, obviously,  I just normally ask first. And now I’m rambling, fuck sake,” He laughed and shook his head again.
You smiled and leaned in to kiss him again, quieting his anxieties and insecurities as your lips met once again. He moved his lips in time with yours as he kissed you, his tongue tracing along your bottom lip, as if he was asking permission for it to enter your mouth. Your tongues swirled together with passion and lust as you made your way across the sand and over to the front steps of your aunt and uncle’s home where you were staying, your lips barely breaking contact as you walked. You felt Bob put a hand gently on your waist as you pulled him inside through the patio door, into the sunroom where you were staying. You breathlessly pulled away from Bob to come up for air, shrugging your cardigan off your shoulders as you did so. Bob, finding a sudden burst of confidence, grabbed you by the waist with one hand and pulled you into his body tightly, pressing his lips to your neck. As his lips found your sensitive spot on your neck, his hands palmed their way over your breasts, gently cupping them and squeezing them as he felt you up. 
“Mhmm, Bob,” you groaned softly as he made contact with your sensitive skin. 
Bob pulled away for a moment and frowned slightly, remembering his earlier confession to Hangman. He let out a deep exhale before turning to face you, his facial expression full of concern as he spoke.
“Listen, I have to tell you something before we go any further, ok?” His voice was quiet and low, almost in a whisper as he spoke.
You nodded in response and waited, listening intently as Bob spoke.
“I’ve never…you know,” He finally said.
“No, never.”
“Do you want to though…?” You asked after a few moments of contemplation.
Bob bit his lip and laughed softly as he nodded his head quickly. 
“Believe me, I really do.”
“Then I’m honoured to be your first,” You nodded your head and kissed his cheek gently.
His cheeks flushed a bright scarlet red as you spoke. Without further hesitation, Bob leaned in and kissed you passionately again, tangling his fingers gently in your hair as he pulled you in closer to him. He pulled away ever so slightly as he spoke and laughed nervously.
“You’re going to have to tell me if I’m doing any of this right, ok? Kissing is about the only thing I know how to do.”
You giggled softly as you nodded your head reassuringly to Bob as he drifted his lips down your neck to your collarbone. He gently ran his hand up your leg, his fingers brushing against the hemline of your sundress as his hand drifted slowly up your thigh. You felt him take a deep breath as he pressed his lips to your collarbone again, his fingertips grazing your underwear gently. He looked up at you without saying a word, his lips still hovering above your collarbone, as if to ask for permission to keep going. You bit your lip, holding back a grin as you nodded your head, giving him the signal to continue.
Bob’s fingertips grazed against the dampening fabric of your underwear again, moaning softly into your collarbone, he looked up at you as he slowly dragged them down off your legs and laughed softly. 
“Wow.” he said, trying to hide his mix of arousal and curiosity, “You’re uh…you’re pretty into this, aren’t you?” He laughed as he tossed your underwear to the floor. 
“Mhmm,” You smirked at him as you guided his hand, his fingers gently brushing against your folds, feeling your arousal as it began to gather on you. 
“Shit,” Bob laughed softly as he shook his head, “This is where I start to not know what I’m doing.” He gave you an apologetic look.
“Everyone has a first time, Bob, I’ll show you what to do,” You smiled reassuringly at him as you continued to guide his hand along your core. He smirked as his wandering hand found your clit, two of his fingers pressing against the sensitive nub as he discovered it. The sound that fell from your lips was almost enough to make Bob lose all self-control on the spot. He arched his eyebrow at you as he continued to gently draw circles on it with his finger. 
“Y-you can use your mouth there too,” you nodded, trying your best to think clearly as he pleasured you.
Bob bit his lip gently as he positioned himself between your legs. He took his glasses off and sat them beside your leg as he ducked his head down in between your legs. He gently pressed soft kisses to your folds, his tongue carefully lapping up your wet arousal as he kissed at you. You let out a loud moan as Bob’s lips made contact, but before he could lift his head up to see if you were ok, your hand was grabbing a handful of his sandy blonde hair, pulling his head into you gently to tell him to keep going.
Taking the hint, Bob continued to leave soft kisses on you, grinning as he heard you moan out. 
“Feels s’good, honey, keep doing that,” You encouraged as he began using his lips to suck at your sensitive clit, your hips bucking upwards against his mouth, your body craving being as close to him as humanly possible.
Your compliment to Bob’s skill turned something on in him, and suddenly, he began moving his lips in the same rhythm but with more passion, like he’d just discovered his God-given talent on this earth was using his mouth to pleasure you into oblivion. As you reached your boiling point, Bob continued to lap his tongue at you, his lips sucking on your clit as you rode it out. He pulled his mouth away from you before pulling his t-shirt over his head. He wiped his mouth on his shirt before discarding it to the floor and working to unbuckle his belt before dropping his shorts to the ground. His boxers were tenting with arousal as he looked down at you, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip. 
“Do you…do we need anything?” He asked as he tried build up the confidence to do what he was about to.
“I’m clean and on the pill,” You nodded your head and laughed softly, “So you’re good.”
“Right,” Bob chuckled softly as he nodded his head before peeling his boxer briefs down off his body. 
Bob stroked his length before lining his hips up with yours. He took a deep breath and looked to you for an indication that you were ready, that you were sure you wanted to go through with this. As you flitted your gaze to him, biting your lip as you sized him up, you couldn’t help but let out a nervous chuckle. Bob looked at you, somewhat mortified as his eyes widened.
“What? What is it?”
“Nothing, you’re just…bigger than I’d pictured, if you get me. You might need to take a pause once you get started so I can adjust to you, mkay?”
“Gotcha, don’t worry darlin’,” Bob nodded knowingly and laughed as he ran a hand through his hair. 
You let out a sharp exhale as Bob lined his hips up with yours and gently pushed himself into you. As promised, he paused for you to adjust to his size, waiting for you to tell him you were ready for him to start. Once he heard you give the ok, he began thrusting his hips in and out of you, a deep grunt escaping his lips as he felt your body tighten around him, your arousal dripping from you and onto his cock. 
“Fuck,” Bob groaned as he thrusted deeper into you, finding his rhythm, “You feel so good, darlin’.”
“Keep going, baby,” you purred at him, encouraging him to continue before throwing your head back in ecstasy, moaning his name loudly.
Bob felt your walls clenching against him, gripping his erection tightly as he pumped himself in and out of your body. He felt as you arched your back against the bed, bucking your hips upwards into his thrusts as you came close to your climax again. He groaned loudly in pleasure as his thrusts became sloppier and more frantic.
“Fuck, darlin’, I’m so close,” He hissed as he let out another flurry of sinful sounding moans and grunts as he came.
The two of you sighed in unison as you rode your pleasure out together. Bob panted as he pulled himself out of you, his cheeks red from breathlessness as he tried to compose himself. He hovered over you, a smirk forming on his lips as he leaned down to kiss you. You pressed your lips to his passionately, moaning softly against them as your overstimulated body struggled between wanting more from him, and wanting to take a break.
“How was I for my first time then?” He grinned at you. 
“I never would have believed you if you told me that was your first time after we’d done it. I also don’t think I’ve ever heard you swear before this either.”
Bob smirked as he laid himself down beside you in bed, putting his glasses back on.
“Well, apparently I’m just full of surprises, aren’t I?
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bobgasm · 11 months
kingpin masterlist
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summary: in which responding to an advert for a job lands a down-on-her-luck accountant in bed with the local mob—in more ways than one… alternatively: in which he runs this motherfucking town warnings: eventual smut, nsfw [18+ only], alcohol, violence, character death, slow burn, slight age gap [f24/m30], suspicious behaviour, cavalier mentions of death, mentions of loss/grief, general mob shit, word count: [tbd]
author’s note: well, well, well. if it isn’t user bobgasm with a new fic
ongoing | masterlist
⦾ prologue ⦾ one ⦾ two ⦾ three ⦾ four ⦾ five ⦾ six ⦾ seven ⦾ eight ⦾ nine ⦾ ten ⦾ eleven ⦾ twelve ⦾ thirteen ⦾ fourteen ⦾ fifteen ⦾ sixteen ⦾ seventeen ⦾ eighteen ⦾ nineteen ⦾ twenty more to be added…
other content:
bought a hat moodboard gun for hire moodboard kingpin moodboard underboss moodboard kingpin playlist
⦾ bought a hat [fanboy] ⦾ crime & punishment [bob] ⦾ gun for hire [hangman] ⦾ roll with the punches [payback] ⦾ underboss [coyote] ⦾ you and me [bob]
want more mafia!tgm? check out:
⦾ by the skin of your teeth by @goldenseresinretriever ⦾ illicit affairs by @bobfloydsbabe ⦾ two birds by @sailor-aviator
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fridamoss · 2 years
Is This Love (That I'm Feelin'?) | Bob Floyd x Loot (Part 1)
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Archive of Our Own // Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
Summary:  Bob Floyd is a quiet man, who thinks he will never be noticed, especially by you.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1,802
Bob told himself to stop looking.
You were only a few feet away from him, holding a glass of wine but never taking a sip, your hair tossed over your shoulder while you laughed softly at what Hangman was saying.
You'd glanced about the room during a lull in the conversation, your eyes landing right on him. Bob cleared his throat and leaned his elbow on the wall. You looked him over and just as soon as he raised a smile, you'd looked away again.
He half wanted to the floor to open up and swallow him, he wondered where the part of him that had the quiet confidence he kept for moments like these was tonight, if only he could muster it, he'd go over there and introduce himself.
From the second he'd seen you that morning at the base two months ago, his stomach started doing somersaults, you were so beautiful. Your smile came easy, no matter who you met, you smiled. So far, Bob had only managed a few words to you, a hello, a good mornin' and a 'how about that weather.' He'd kicked himself over that one.
Tonights gathering was when he'd planned to say more, he'd have to!
Fanboy had been egging him on for days, ever the supportive friend. Every time you'd pass each other in the hallway, Bob would nod in acknowledgement and die a little inside when you'd give him that smile.
Boy, what a smile you had. Bob shook his head a little, standing up straight when Fanboy appeared in his line of sight.
'Get your damn arm off that wall, Bob and go talk to her.'
'I can't, she's talking to Hangman.' Bob was moping now, wishing he could go home.
'He talks to everyone, don't pay him any attention, get your ass over there.'
'In a minute.' He needed some dutch courage.
Bob took a long gulp of his beer, too late to swallow though; you had suddenly turned around and were headed straight toward them. A small dribble ran down his chin, Bob quickly wiped it with the back of his hand before you noticed.
'Fanboy, that is a nice shirt,' your voice was deeper than Bob expected. Fanboy pointed to his black tee with the Star Trek Enterprise emblazoned on the front.
'I should have known you were a fan, Loot.' Fanboy motioned to Bob. 'This is Bob.'
That's it, that was in the introduction.
Bob was hoping his eyes said 'I'll kill you Garcia.'
'The quiet WSO.' You raised one side of your mouth into a knowing smile.
So she had noticed him. Bob lifted his beer in a half greeting.
'Nice to meet you....Loot?!'
Bob took the hand that was offered. 'Firm handshake.' She commented, looking to Fanboy, who winked at Bob and walked away towards another group of aviators.
'You're a pilot?'
Before you had a chance to answer, Bob's brain started glitching.
'Why, Loot? Sorry,' he grinned, 'I've seen you around, but I haven't had a chance to talk to you. I don't really know many people yet.'
'Yeah, I'm a pilot.' There was a softness in your tone.
Bob looked up shyly, meeting your gaze. You had a slight curl to your lips, as if you were enjoying how awkward he felt.
'My callsign isn't Loot, by the way, that's just something Fanboy calls me. He doesn't actually know my name. Just lieutenant...loot.'
'Oh shit, I get it.' Bob giggled. 'They call me Bob, cuz my name is Bob.'
His elbow was edging up the wall again, he couldn't help himself.
'I have noticed you around, you know. You're probably the only person who hasn't introduced themselves.'
'Ahh, I'm just a bit quiet, I like to hang back.'
'Quiet is nice, most people in our line of business love talking.' Motioning with your eyes to the throng of people surrounding Hangman.
'I saw a snack table in the other room, fancy getting a cup of peanuts, Bob?'
You said his name so goddamn sweet, your voice was like smoked honey. In a split second, he imagined you laying back on his bed, your hair across his pillow, eyes closed, his hands everywhere.
Bob cleared his throat, 'sure, sure. Lead the way.'
Glancing behind him as he left the room, he saw Fanboy giving him two thumbs up. Bob gave him a small nod, hoping not to lose you in the mix of bodies.
'Jackpot,' you shimmied through two tall men, who stopped their conversation to make comments to you that made the colour rise in Bob's cheeks.
'Does that bother you?' Bob had a pained expression, she noticed.
'No, it doesn't. It would bother me if you said it.'
Bob's mouth made a funny noise, he didn't really know what it was.
'I would never say that,' he responded quietly.
'Not the right setting,' you leaned in to him and smirked.
'Right,' Bob tried to hide a smile. Add that to the sinful mix of thoughts he'd had about you every single night.
Pretty smile, big eyes, hair that should belong to a Disney princess and a soft sultry voice. You were his dream woman. And you were a little bit dirty. Bob thought if he looked down at his pants, he might have the beginnings of a hard on.
Don't think nasty thoughts while she's here, it's not polite. He chastised himself.
'Nuts.' A cup of hot nuts were pressed into his hand.
'I need another...' You held up your glass. 'Oh, go right ahead.' Bob figured you were dismissing him.
'You want one?' Raising a perfectly shaped eyebrow while he stood there gawping.
'Uh huh,' was what he managed.
'Are you here with friends?' Bob had to shout to be heard.
You shook your head, 'literally just thought I'd come for one and go home. I'm only a few minutes walk away from my apartment.'
'I'm glad you came for one drink.' Bob tipped the neck of his beer bottle against your glass.
'I'm glad too,' for a second, Bob thought you might have looked a little bashful. It was these rare moments when Bob felt like he could take the lead, the quiet confident Bob finally rose from the dead. He wrapped two fingers around your wrist and tipped his head towards the open patio doors.
There were still a lot of people moving around, even out here on the sand. Bob let go of you as soon as you had started walking away from the crowd. 'I'm not bein' creepy, I just wanted to talk to you outside of...that' he gestured back at the house. The party had really taken off in the last hour.
'Reminds me of my college days.' You stopped at the entrance to the board walk, looking to him for the ok to keep going. There was only a short walk to the edge where you could look out across the water.
Bob was quiet again, his eyes on you but his head down a little.
'I get the feeling that if you think you look at me, I'm going to smash into a thousand little pieces,' you teased.
That received a chime of laughter. 'Nah, it's just that, you're real nice and I'm not great with this,' Bob pushed his glasses up his nose.
'That's the cutest goddamn thing.' Your voice suddenly serious.
'What is?' Bob fumbled again.
'Your glasses, man, have you not seen yourself'?
It was meant as a compliment, but Bob felt his body shrinking. People always teased him about wearing glasses, it was never something girls liked.
'You...like my glasses?'
A laughed bubbled up out of you. 'Not just them, you, Bob. I've seen you on the base. You walk around as if no one in the world ever sees you.' You sigh, biting your lip.
Bob saw himself moving in and covering your mouth with his own, but to his surprise, it was you leaning in, leaving a soft kiss on his cheek.
One slight breeze and he would have been knocked over onto his ass, such was his surprise.
A hope was rising in him, sure you'd spent the last half hour with him and only him but could he maybe ask to see you again?
'How about we meet sometime, that's not a loud party with a load of people I don't wanna hang with?'
Bob couldn't believe he had said it...and that you weren't laughing in his face.
'I'd like that.'
'Umm, can I have your number?' Bob reached into his pocket to grab his phone.
You saw the group photo of the dagger squad on his screen and felt yourself melt a little.
Bob watched you quickly type in your number and hand the phone back to him.
'Be sure to send me a message when you want to see me.'
You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. Bob swallowed, his adam's apple bobbing noticeably.
'Sure,' he spluttered.
'Could you walk me home a bit of the way?' It was getting late and training wouldn't be delayed because of anyones sore head in the morning.
'I'll walk you home all the way, if you'd like,' Bob put his beer bottle on the ledge, his eyes on you, but he missed by a half inch. The bottle slipped out of his hand and landed in the water with a loud splosh.
Snorting a laugh, you joined Bob in leaning out and watching the ripples spread out until they disappeared into the dark.
'Let's pretend that didn't happen.' Bob looked a little panicked.
'I saw nothing,' you turned on your heel, hearing his hurried footsteps to catch up with you.
You weren't joking when you said you only lived a few houses down, Bob hadn't had time to start up a conversation before you were at your front door.
'Remember to call me, Bob.'
'I will absolutely do that,' he was smiling from ear to ear, watching you walk away from him, giving you a wave when you turned to say goodnight.
Bob didn't remember his feet touching the ground on the walk back to the party. Nor did he really remember Fanboy throwing his arm around his shoulders and walking back to their shared apartment.
He lay on his bed, his thoughts full of you, how you said his name; like it wasn't the most boring name she'd ever heard on the plainest man she'd ever met.
Bob did remember unlocking his phone and pressing the big green button next to the name 'Loot.'
You answered after two rings, voice heavenly to his ears in the new quiet of his room.
Eyes closed, he swallowed hard, finding the strongest voice he'd ever had, 'meet me for dinner tomorrow night.'
Part 2
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ccristata · 2 years
Somebody Come Get Her...
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x OFC (Original Female Character)
Word Count: 1,549
The only thing more satisfying than catching the attention of the stunner at the bar of the Hard Deck is watching the legendary Hangman fail miserably at catching the attention of the stunner at the bar of the Hard Deck... Only why is Jake acting like he has an ace up his sleeve and why is Javy so mad about the bet?
Warnings: Mild cursing.
Archive of Our Own
“Do I want to know what you boys are whispering about?” Natasha Trace approached the gaggle of aviators locked in an intense discussion.
“No.” Bob and Rooster responded in unison, both looking thoroughly done with the situation. Phoenix raised her brows.
“They’re discussing some girl.” Bob continued.
“Not some girl! The girl.” Fitch clarified, clarifying nothing at all.
“Apparently, she has a nice ass.” Bradley was slightly more helpful.
“I didn’t say a-” “You should see these jeans she’s in!” Payback and Fanboy spoke over each other.
“Ok. Nope, I’ve heard enough.”
“Enough about what?” Jake Seresin sounded downright cheery at the distaste in Phoenix's voice.
“There’s this girl…” “Uh-uh! We saw her first!” Hangman’s eyes darted between the chaotic conversation.
“You don’t own her.” Rooster said, exasperated. 
“But we definitely have dibs over you all.”
“She doesn’t look the type.” He continued ignoring the interruption. “She looks far too smart to fall for anything.”
“50 bucks I can get her number in five minutes.” Hangman had a cocky smirk on his face.
“No way! You don’t even know who-”
“Brunette, blue sweatshirt, standing in the corner waiting on a drink. I know.”
“Rooster’s right. She’s not stupid, there’s no way she’ll fall for anything.” Mickey was unimpressed with Jake’s confidence. Bradley, Bob, and Natasha were exchanging unimpressed looks over the whole situation.
“Then it’s easy money for you. Here, I’ll do 50 each.” Jake pulled out his wallet gesturing at Reuben and Mickey, competitive glint in his eye.
Reuben shook his head, “If you put her off enough to ruin all of our chances…”
“I won’t. Beers?” Jake asked cheerfully, already making his way to the crowded bar.
“At least this’ll be entertaining if nothing else.” Mickey said, starting a timer on his watch. Bradley snorted.
“How long do you think it’ll take her to send him packing?” Bob asked as all of the aviators shifted to watch Hangman step up next to where she was leaning against the bartop.
“Depends on how much of a backbone she has, she might just wait him out.” Phoenix mused. Across the bar, Hangman made a comment to her and she responded neutrally.
“I don’t know, you see the collared shirt under her sweatshirt? And the way she holds herself? She’s staying out of the way but she’s got a professional vibe going on. I think she’s got it” Bob responded. Bradley chuckled and clapped him on the shoulder.
“She’s laughing at him.” Payback pointed out smugly.
“Or she’s laughing at something he said.” Fanboy muttered. Jake flashed her a smile and turned to order from Penny. The girl laughed at Penny’s response, shooting a quick quip with an almost smirk, turning back to Jake. She propped her chin on her hand, small smile remaining as she raised her brow at whatever he was saying.
“Why are we being creepy stalkers?” Coyote inquired as he and Maverick finally made their way up to the group.
“We’re not being creepy!” “We’re watching Hangman crash and burn.”
Javy raised his brows. “He’s not crashing and burning.” He responded neutrally.
“Yes he is, you haven’t seen this girl.” Payback assured, the rest of the group nodding along. 
“Brunette, 5’3”, dimples, fills out her jeans? I’ve seen her. He’s not crashing and burning.” Javy’s confidence was entirely unshaken. Maverick finally caught sight of the pair as Penny brought Jake his beers and set a light green drink in front of the girl. Her profile came into view as she turned to look at Jake over her glass. She wasn’t leaning into him but didn’t pull away when he did. Recognition registered and Maverick frowned.
“That’s Crissa FaClarin. What the hell is he doing bothering her?” 
“You know her?” Bradley asked.
“I know her father.” Pete’s frown was bordering on a scowl as she responded to Jake, clearly sarcastic even from across the bar. “She does know how to send them packing.” He admitted, expression smoothing out a little.
“Please tell me you didn’t put money on this.” Coyote was the only one not captivated with the sight of the banter happening across the bar, turning his back fully to stare down the group.
“Just 50 bucks. But look at her! She’s not going to give him her number in the next,” Mickey checked his watch, “Two minutes.”
Javy sighed. “She doesn’t need to.”
“What?” Fitch sounded distracted as Javy shook his head. The girl took a sip of her drink and set it down, shaking her head at Jake.
“He had her number before he walked over there.” 
“He saw her earlier?” “No way! We were together all day, we would have noticed her!” Payback and Fanboy were incensed. Jake cocked his head in amusement and blinked at her before responding.
“He has her number because they’ve been married two years.” Coyote’s dry comment finally tore the attention away from the couple beginning to make their way from the bar, still locked in conversation.
A chorus of confused voices disagreed with him.
“I know her father! I would have heard about this.” Maverick’s cut through.
“William? Nice guy, I met him at their wedding.” Javy stared Maverick down as the rest of the group stood in stunned silence.
“Evening gentlemen! Phoenix, Rooster,” Jake greeted. All eyes snapped back to the couple.
“Hi Javy.” Crissa had a small smile on her face as she leaned on her toes to hug Coyote. He let out a frustrated sigh as he hugged her back. He opened his mouth as they drew back.
“I heard.” A look of knowing amusement was plain on her face. She turned to Maverick next.
“Pete, it’s good to see you.” Her voice was warm as she gave him a quick hug in greeting. His expression was frozen between confusion and frustration. 
“Bradley, right?” She turned to the tall man with a smile and her hand extended. 
“Yeah? Uh, Yes. Sorry.” He shook his head turning to Javy and Jake. “She’s not really… this is an elaborate prank right? I mean, you’re not…” He sighed, brows knit together.
“Of course it’s a prank!” Natasha exploded. 
“Married to Jake?” Crissa finished Bradley’s sentence glanced between Phoenix and Rooster. “I am.” She nodded with a gently amused look on her face. Phoenix’s expression got even more stormy as she glared Jake down.
“Why don’t you ever wear your ring?” She looked at Crissa with a small grimace. “I’m sorry but,”
“I know. He does.” Crissa was calm and unconcerned. Natasha gestured at Jake’s bare hand. He raised his brows at her.
“Yes, because one symbol is the ultimate authority on how loyal I am to my wife.” He dryly voiced everyone’s silent concerns. “And of course, you lot see my entire life and I never dress any differently than when I’m around y’all.” He reached for the chain around his neck, pulling his dog tags over his shirt. A shiny silver band clinked against the tags.
“But either way, I can’t wear it when I fly and I don’t like leaving it off.” His jaw clenched lightly, finally allowing his expression to slip into anything other than calm and teasing.
Crissa’s expression was gentle as she watched him. Her lips pressed together in concealed amusement as her eyes remained sympathetic. She turned to regard the shocked aviators with her husband. They all looked somewhere between bafflement, disbelief, and anger. 
Jake shook his head as he tucked the tags back under his shirt.
Crissa glanced at Javy. He met her eyes and then nodded. 
“C’mon, I believe you owe me another humiliation.” He clapped Jake on the shoulder and led him towards the dartboard.
Jake turned to shoot Crissa a look as they left. She simply smiled and gave a small wave.
“He hates taking his ring off.” She informed Natasha gently. The whole group refocused on her with curiosity.
“He warned me multiple times before the first day he was going to have to take it off for work. I told him I didn’t care and it took me far too long to figure out that he was the one upset about it. He left it on his nightstand and when he got home he ran upstairs to put it back on, came downstairs, buried his face in my stomach and wouldn’t let me get up for an hour.” Crissa was amused and doting. “He’d put it back on as often as he could if it wasn’t for me. We work in close enough fields that we don’t tell people we’re married to save ourselves the trouble.” Her eyes flickered over to Pete. “And it’s just easier if no one knows he’s married, we don’t even enter the same equation in people’s minds that way.” She shrugs. “He’d prefer to get to claim me but would be horrified if someone gave me shit over him.” 
“Damn. Hangman a softie, who’da thought.” Rooster looked grudgingly impressed. “How did you end up? I mean-”
“What’s a nice girl like me doing with a jerk like him?” She finished his thought dryly. The whole group nodded and she chuckled. “There’s a long answer, which is the actual story, but the short answer is that I’m not as nice, and he’s not as much of a jerk as people think.”
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smoshyourheadin · 3 months
STOP you write for bob floyd? he’s my babygirl. could i request a first meeting w/him like on the beach or at the hard deck? 🩵
too sweet
pairing: robert bob floyd x f!reader
a/n: HIII RORYYY i love this requests and ofc!! bob is husband tbh!!!
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the warm buzz of conversation and laughter filled the hard deck, the familiar navy bar that offered a haven for pilots and locals alike. you pushed open the door with your hip and stepped inside, immediately greeted by the scent of sea salt and the sound of clinking glasses that you’d become so familiar with, your mom being a pilot. it had been a long day, and you were looking forward to unwinding with a drink.
as you made your way to the bar, you spotted a group of pilots in their beige button ups, their pins and lapels proudly displaying their calls and their ranks. among them was a tall, handsome man with an easy smile and kind eyes, and glasses. just your type. he caught your gaze and, to your surprise, began making his way towards you after a few glances.
"floyd," he said reaching his hand out for you to shake, his voice warm and friendly, a twinge of something southern hidden in there. "bob floyd."
you couldn't help but smile back, taking his hand in a gentle shake, as you introduced yourself. “nice to meet you, bob.”
he pulled out a stool and sat down next to you, his presence instantly putting you at ease. the bartender, recognizing him, nodded and quickly prepared his drink of choice. bob turned his attention back to you, his eyes sparkling with interest.
"so, what’s a pretty girl like you doing here tonight?" he asked, leaning in slightly to hear you better over the noise.
you’re taken aback by how bold this innocent looking guy is. when you first saw him, he was sat quietly watching some of his crew mates play pool. that paired with his sleek hair and birth control glasses made you assume he’d be a bit more timid, but he was confident. not that you were complaining.
“i just needed a break,” you replied. “it's been a crazy week.”
he nodded, his expression understanding. "i get that. sometimes it's good to just unwind and enjoy the moment."
as the evening went on, you found yourself engrossed in conversation with him. he was not only charming and handsome but also incredibly polite and considerate. he listened attentively to everything you said, making you feel like the most important person in the room. you learnt about his role in the navy, his stories about flying as a WSO. he was fascinating, and he had a way of making you laugh with his quick wit and humor.
at one point, he noticed your drink was nearly empty and signaled the bartender for a refill. "this one's on me," he said with a grin. "consider it a thank you for the great company."
you felt a warmth spread through you that had nothing to do with the drink. "thank you, bob. you’re too sweet."
he shrugged modestly, his cheeks tinged with a faint blush. "just trying to be a gentleman."
as the night wore on, you found yourself wishing the evening wouldn't end. bob was everything you had hoped to find in a person: charming, handsome, polite, and all-around lovely. when it was finally time to leave, he walked you to the door, his hand gently resting on your back.
"can i see you again?" he asked, his eyes hopeful.
you smiled, feeling a flutter of excitement. "i'd like that, robby. i’d like that a lot.”
you scribbled your number down on an old receipt from your pocket, and passed it to him. you then pulled him down by the collar to give him a deep kiss, breaking away with a smile.
with a final, lingering look, he watched as you stepped out into the cool night air, a promise of more wonderful evenings together hanging in the air.
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coyotesamachado · 2 years
Picture Perfect Porcelain
Robert “Bob” Floyd x Reader/Original Female Character
Her arm curls around the door so it’s lined up along the edge of it, Bob thinks he sees a droplet of water track from her wrist back down to her elbow, but his glasses are back in his locker and he really wishes they weren’t right now. He swallows thickly, because it’s different when he knows she’s naked behind there as opposed to it being salt water after she had been thrown into the ocean by Coyote during dogfight football.
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Basically, I love hot showers.
Title is from Ever After by Marianas Trench.
Callsign is Mist.
This is cross posted from my AO3, link in the source.
WC: 2907.
Warnings: 18+, smut, hot showers, girl can’t deep throat, oral (male receiving), vaginal fingering, rooster is a menace.
Walking into the shower room, Bob could kick himself. She always waits until everyone else is finished with their showers, because she likes to have hot showers, the kind of ones that turn the room into a sauna, and leave no hot water for anyone else. Apparently, he hadn’t been fast enough though, because Mist is in here and he still hasn’t had a shower.
The door closes behind him and he flinches as the resounding bang echoes around the room. He hears her gasp, and she’s opening the door to her stall and peaking her head out.
“Bob! Shit, sorry, I was told everyone had been through already, I’ll finish up,” she rushes out.
“No, no, it’s fine, I’ll just have a cold one. I don’t mind,” he says quickly, trying to placate the situation because he doesn’t want to take away her shower time. His own are a moment to decompress from the day, and since she tends to take the longest and the hottest whenever she has the chance, he can only imagine that it’s the same for Mist. Her arm curls around the door so it’s lined up along the edge of it, Bob thinks he sees a droplet of water track from her wrist back down to her elbow, but his glasses are back in his locker and he really wishes they weren’t right now. He swallows thickly, because it’s different when he knows she’s naked behind there as opposed to it being salt water after she had been thrown into the ocean by Coyote during dogfight football.
“No seriously, just give me a minute and I'll wash all this soap off and then it’s all yours, plenty of water left.”
She pulls her arm back and goes to lock the door behind her when Bob speaks again, it’s so soft that she can barely hear him.
“What was that?” she calls out, her voice singing out over the noise of the shower.
Bob rubs the back of his neck, wondering whether he should repeat himself or just let those words disappear with the steam.
This was going to end badly, he could tell.
“What if...”
The door opens again, her head and shoulder appear before him. While he wishes he had the kind of easy assurance that Hangman does to ask for what he wants, he doesn’t. It deflates him a little and he sighs.
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll be out in the locker room when you’re done,” he says, turning away from her and going to walk out.
“Wait! Were you... Are you... Will you...” she stutters, and she wishes she had the kind confidence that Phoenix has, to say what she wants without stuttering over it.
The steam is still thick around them, but it feels thicker than it had a minute ago.
“Bob, what if you just joined me, instead of waiting or...” she trails off again, and it’s so difficult to just put herself out there.
He turns back to her, and the door is open a little more, her collarbone now in his line of sight and he feels ridiculously overdressed. He stands there staring at her a beat too long and she breaths a long sigh.
“Sorry Bob, I just, I promise I’m nearly done, just forget what I said.”
It’s the door closing again that pulls Bob from his head and he’s dragging his shirt over his head, and unbuttoning his pants as he walks over. The shower turns off before he can knock or speak again. He feels like his lost his shot, but for once, he doesn’t want to walk away from it without trying.
“Turn it back on,” there’s a demand in his voice, and it kind of shocks him because he only really talks like that when he’s in the plane and needs Phoenix to do something in particular. He hears the gasp behind the door, and he smirks to himself. But her shower is back on and he feels the steam where he’s standing. The snick of the lock opening again captures his attention, and his heart is beating an unhealthy rhythm. Her hand is darting out like she’s trying to grab his shirt and pull him in, but when she only meets the smooth skin of his chest, there’s a choked off groan hitting the back of her throat.
She pulls open the door and steps back into the heat of the water, hoping the steam gives her a little bit of modesty. For the fact that Bob isn’t wearing his glasses, he really wishes she was closer right now. He drops his shirt on the little bench seat next to him, and turns to lock the door behind him. He takes in a deep breath, it’s all humid air at this point, and tells himself he can do this. She’s watching him carefully from where she’s near pressed up against the back corner. She feels like she should look away, but he’s bending down to shed himself of his pants and she can’t take her eyes off him. He folds both his pants and underwear neatly and puts them with his shirt, and her eyes are glued to the curve of ass down to the muscle of his thighs. When he turns, she’s suddenly very interested in the tile beneath her feet.
He hisses when the water touches his skin, used to the more tepid temperatures that came with being on a carrier, not this, which feels like she hasn’t even got the cold water turned on.
“You can turn it down, I won’t die not having a hot as hell shower,” she laughs, and it’s cutting through the tension, so Bob feels himself smiling.
“I’d rather not walk out looking like a lobster,” his voice is jovial, but he means it as he tries to avoid giving Hangman another reason to tease him.
“I think you’d make a very attractive lobster.”
And that’s what breaks his resolve, so he turns to face her, finally close enough that he can see the droplets of water caught on her collar bone, the lines of her hair plastered to her shoulder, and he picks a freckle that’s sitting right there at the front so he’s got something to look at.
“You’re being a gentleman,” she utters, taking a step closer to him. And yeah, he is, because this feels like he’s about to wake up any moment, alone in his bed and he’ll miss the heat of the shower. He doesn’t know how he’ll look at her in the morning if that’s the case.
He’s just blinking at her, and he knows he should be doing something but it’s been a while since he’s been in this position. Well, not this position exactly, but a woman, naked in front of him isn’t something that happens every day.
“Bob, I’m going to kiss you now,” she whispers and she’s right in front of him, her eyelashes sticking together in the damp. She places a hand on his cheek, her thumb moving in a comforting motion, but she’s really waiting for him to tell her to stop, to tell her that he doesn’t want this.
When he doesn’t, she gives him a gentle kiss, and Bob’s grateful that his brain switches back on in that moment, and he’s able to kiss her back rather than just stand there dumbly. His hand wraps around her hip and his thumb digs into the soft flesh above it. He backs her up until her back hits the wall of the stall and she’s barely in the spray of the water. She sucks in a breath at the change of temperature that hits her suddenly.
A quick sorry is mumbled against her lips, but she shifts her hand to the back of his neck, her other one reaching up to meet it, so she can pull him closer and deepen their kiss.
He hisses when the heat of her skin is pressed up against his chest, and she grins into him. She breaks the kiss but keeps him close and Bob doesn’t really know what to do with that information.
“We should get you cleaned up.”
“We should?”
And she’s letting him go, slipping from between him and the wall, and if he wasn’t getting hard before, the drag of her body would do it.
He smells the citrus of her body wash, and no, he would not admit to anyone else that he had paid that close of attention to her, that he recognizes the scent of her soap. There’s a slip of her hands on his back, the cold of her wash, and he moans at the feel of her hands running over him. She rubs at the knots in his shoulders, he feels them loosening up in the warmth of the shower and the careful ministrations of her fingers. She runs her hands down the length of his back, over the curve of his ass and he jumps a little when she smacks him gently. The soap suds fall around their feet as her laughter rings through the shower room.
She moves around him, a hand on the back of his neck, up over his shoulder and down the line of his chest. He finds the freckle on her shoulder again, giving something to focus on rather than the feel of her hands against him. She pulls her bottom lip between her teeth, concentrating on her work as she lathers him up. He finds it just a little bit adorable when he looks back up at her, and he wonders whether she does it while she’s flying. God, now he’s going to be thinking about that when he’s up in a plane. Thankfully, Phoenix sits in front of him.
Her eyes roam over him, easily giving herself permission to look. Her hands track a path over his chest, down his front until her hands dip low across his hips and he sucks in a breath through his teeth at the sensation.
“You don’t...” “I want to,” she interrupts quickly, not giving him a chance to shy away from her.
Bob moans loudly at the feeling of her hand wrapped around him because it’s been so long since it wasn’t his own hand. She kisses him quickly, trying to silence him, but it’s messy as laughter starts falling from her lips, because it doesn’t work. So instead, she buries her face in his neck as her body wracks with her giggles. It brings a smile to his own face, despite the fact that her hand is still on his cock. He wraps his arms around her, pulling her under the shower spray with him, and grins when she looks up at him, hair plastered to her forehead. He pushes it away with a gentle hand before gripping the side of her face and kissing her hard. He bites at her bottom lip when she squeezes him, her hand slick with water and soap, so she glides easily over him. When her thumb pushes on his tip, Bob tosses his head back, when she does it again, the moan is ripped from him, echoing off the walls of the shower room.
“Shhh Bob, someone might walk in,” she chides, but the fact she swipes her thumb over it a third time, tells him there’s absolutely no heat behind it.
She pushes him up against the opposite wall, giving him a quick smirk before she’s squatting down in front of him and licking a stripe up the underside of his cock.
“Oh fuck,” he utters, and Mist grins because she doesn’t think the word ever sounded so sweet.
It’s not comfortable, but knees on a tile floor would be significantly worse. She takes him in her mouth and Bob honestly doesn’t know what to do with his hands right now. It’s an overload for his senses, the heat of her mouth and hand around him, the near suffocating steam, the spray of the water and the cold wall behind him. It’s a lot.
She works her mouth over him, trying to take him as far as she can, but she can only get to her hand before she’s choking and pulling back with a cough.
“Sorry,” she mumbles, before trying again with the same result, it’s definitely not as easy as they make it look in porn. But Bob places a comforting hand on her cheek, like he’s telling her that she’s doing great, that it’s the effort that counts. So, she swirls her tongue around the head, focusing on making that feel good while her hand takes care of the rest of his length. His breath is coming out in short pants mixed with the occasional moan when she twists her hand just so, and then her hand is speeding up while her tongue laves over him, and Bob’s moans grow louder and more frequent until he’s pulling her by her hair off him and she’s moaning at the sensation. He comes, it mostly missing her still open mouth but landing in painted stripes across her cheek, chin and chest. Bob wishes he had photographic memory at that point, because it’s an image he never wants to forget.
It’s cleaned off pretty quickly with her in the direct line of the shower.
She stands up slowly, taking Bob’s offered hand to help her, and once she’s level again, he's on her in an instant. His mouth slips over hers and he’s quickly deepening the kiss before she can really react. She wraps her arms around him again, pressing closer this time, and he’s less careful in his movements now. His hands run up and down the length of her back, over her sides and when he brushes the swell of her breasts, she huffs out a satisfied breath. He turns them around, taking the heat of the shower spray, one of his hands running down the length of her body until his fingers are sliding through her folds, teasing her gently. She’s so so wet, and Bob wonders idly whether she touches herself when she showers or if getting him off really affected her that much. A part of him wants to ask, but the other part of him doesn’t really want to know the answer to that. The self-conscious part of him is telling him that it’s just a part of her nightly ritual, but the other part that can acknowledge her soft moans and the cant of her hips chasing his fingers, tells him that it’s all about him.
He circles one of his fingers over her clit, drawing the sweetest sounds from her, and his cock jumps in interest. She’s practically mewing under his hands, but it’s just not enough for her.
“Please Bob,” she whines, her voice high pitched. He smirks at her and pushes a finger inside her, groaning at the heat around him. He brings his lips to hers again, and he swallows her little moans like they’re an oasis in the dessert. His thumb swipes over her clit as they kiss, and he hopes he’s making her feel as good as she made him feel.
As he plunges two fingers inside her, he pulls her hair at the same time, and Mist near about screams at the sensation. Bob hadn’t realized hair pulling was a thing he liked until it made her make those pretty little sounds, and by God, if he hadn’t just come, he’d be coming again. She rocks herself back and forth on his fingers, and the only thing that would make it better, is if it was his cock inside of her instead of his fingers. But then her moans pitch up and she drops her head to his shoulder, sucking messy, wet kisses there while she rides his fingers to her orgasm. He tugs on her hair again and she’s trembling around him, coming silently like it’s a surprise.
He lets go of her hair and wraps that arm around her, holding her close as he slows his fingers. He slips them from her when she stops shaking and washes them off in the shower that’s slowly cooling. When she looks up at him again, her smile is bright, but her expression quickly turns to embarrassment when she notices the line of red and purpling bruises she had sucked into his collar while she rode out her high.
“I’m so sorry Bob, I’ll help you hide those,” she says quickly, tucking her chin and looking down.
“Hey, no need for that Mist, don’t care if anyone sees them,” he says, cupping her chin and forcing her to look up at him.
He’s smiling, satiated and happy, glad that she had been in the shower when he’d walked in. She smiles shyly back, and he kisses her again, this time soft, like an assurance that everything is fine between them. He holds her close, pressing his forehead to hers and she finds something comforting in that.
“If you ever want a round t....”
“Yes, absolutely, as soon as possible.”
Phoenix walks into their common area, and throws herself on the lounge opposite Rooster.
“Where’s Mist?” she asks him.
“Showers,” he grunts in response.
“What about Bob?”
Rooster has the decency to look a little sheepish as he finally catches her eye.
Phoenix’s jaw drops.
“Rooster, what did you do?
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skvatnavle · 2 years
fanworks creators self rec! when you get this, reply with your favourite five fanworks you’ve made, then pass on to at least five other creators 💗
Thank you so much for this ask, Charnie! 😄❤️
But... only five? They're all my babies. How can I choose? 😅
◇ Under the stars
Frankie Morales x reader. You've never been on a Valentine's date, but Frankie's gonna change that.
◇ Turn the page series
Rick Flag x OFC! Emma Johnson. An AU where Rick is a lumberjack in Columbia Falls, Montana. He wants to live a quiet life. But then Emma inherits her grandmother's bookstore and forever changes his life.
◇ Beast within series
Werewolf Matt Murdock x reader. A part of a challenge, but I have ideas for more chapters. Dark, gory, werewolves, angsty. Love how it turned out.
◇ There in the shadows
Luke x reader. A character hardly no-one knows about, but Lewis does amazing in this. From the movie The Strangers: Prey at Night. My first real whumpy, angsty fic and I'm quite proud of it, even if it's short.
◇ The Decoy
Robert 'Bob' Floyd x plus size reader. Being a big girl myself, I wanted to make this soft fic where a girl like me could get a guy like Bob. Fluffy, heartwarming and funny, if I may say so myself. Proud of it.
This was a little hard, but still so fun. I often forget to appreciate my own work (and reblog it), so thank you for this ❤️😘
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sheerfreesia007 · 1 year
Win A Date With A Naval Officer pt. 6
Title: Win A Date With A Naval Officer pt. 6
Fandom: Top Gun Maverick
Pairing: Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x OFC!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 2,509
Warnings: Smut, oral (female receiving)
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
WADWANO Tag List: @fandom-princess-forevermore
Gif Credit: @lewispullmaned
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Bob’s watching Lettie as the two of them enter her house, the car ride was quiet except for his little speech before he began driving home. He’s worried that she’s getting too wrapped up in her head all due to what her sister and mother had said at the party. He walks into the house after and sees her mindlessly slip off her shoes and drop her keys into the key bowl on the small table right inside the door. He watches as her blank mask slips slightly and her eyebrows furrow as her eyes water before she’s blinking them away. He’s suddenly cupping her cheeks and brushing his nose against hers so that all she can see is his face as his eyes search hers.
“Don’t bottle it up sweetheart. You’re too good for that. Let it out, let me help you through it.” He said softly to her. It took Lettie a moment before her face crumpled and she began sobbing loudly. Bob pulled her into his chest and she fell fully into his arms as she cried. Bob’s heart shattered to pieces as he held her shaking body, the fact that her sister and mother had reduced her to this willfully. 
Bob rubbed one of his hands up and down her back as Lettie continued to sob into his chest. Her hands fisted in his shirt at the sides as her face buried in the front of his shirt soaking it with her anguished tears. Bob pressed soft chaste kisses to her temple and her hair line trying to soothe her. He wanted to take all the pain and sorrow that she was feeling at that moment onto himself so that she wouldn’t be feeling this way. If he could take all of her pain away he would, but for right now all he could do was comfort her and help her pick up the pieces of her heart and self esteem. All he could do is build her back up into the strong woman that she was. 
The two of them stood there as Lettie let everything that she was feeling out into the universe while Bob held her close to him. He didn’t keep track of time as all of his concern was solely on Lettie and making sure she was okay. He could only tell that some time had passed with how dark the house got as they stood there together. When Lettie lifted her head from his chest Bob could see how her mascara had run down her face in her tear tracks. Her eyes were puffy and still had tears welled there at her bottom lid. Bob ducked his head and pressed a soft kiss to the side of her face next to one of her eyes.
“Go get cleaned up. I’ll grab some water and snacks. We’ll cuddle in bed and watch a movie.” He said softly to her and she nodded her head quietly before she trudged down the hallway. Moving into the kitchen Bob opened the fridge and grabbed two water bottles before opening the cupboard and grabbed some popcorn and pretzels.
When he stands in the bedroom doorway he spots Lettie turning down her bed. She’s dressed in a worn pair of light gray sweatpants and a rainbow tye dyed oversized tank top, her body is hidden behind the baggy clothes and Bob groans low in his throat. Lettie whips her head to stare at him with wide eyes before she blushes hotly as she notices his heated look while his eyes rake up and down her body.
“Fuck Lettie, I know you’re not in the mood but god damn woman.” He groans out feeling lust take a chokehold on him.
He’s surprised to see Lettie smirk softly at his words and begin to saunter towards him, her feet pattering softly against the wood floors. She takes the water and food out of his hands and set it down on the dresser just inside the door before turning back to him. Bob sucks in a harsh breath as she pushes him gently back against the doorjam and steps closer to him pressing her body against his. Bob moans and ducks his head swiftly to capture her lips with his in a heated kiss. 
His hands are everywhere as he grips and grasps her body. Pushing and pulling her body closer to his so that there is no space between the two of them. He slips his tongue into her mouth and Lettie whines into his mouth. Bob’s brain is fogging up with lust and desire for the woman in his hands. All he can think about is feeling her naked skin under his hands.
Bob takes control and begins to guide Lettie back to her bed with slowly steady steps. He slips his hands down to the hem of her tank top and pull it quickly over her head before he dips his head down to cover one of her nipples with his eager mouth. Lettie arches back and Bob’s hands are there to support her as they cradle her shoulder and lower back. He gently nips the straining bud after sucking it into a stiff peak causing Lettie to mewl mindlessly.
“Fucking gorgeous woman. Absolutely perfect for me.” Bob husks out and Lettie cries out at his words. “You know I’m telling the truth. You felt it the first night we met didn’t you?” He asks her as he looks up at her from her breast. She’s gazing down at him with lust blown eyes as she nods her head, Bob smirks wickedly as his hands toy with the waistband of her sweatpants. “Tell me.” He instructs her in a gravelly tone.
“I knew that night you were the one for me. Couldn’t get you out of my head after that night. Nearly made Charlene and Maddie crazy with always talking about you.” Lettie said hurriedly as her breath began to grow shallow. “Even now they know we’re endgame.” Bob smirked at her confession as he slipped her sweatpants down her legs and kneeled down in front of her.
“Oh yeah? You girls had that brunch this morning. Did you talk about us?” He teased her heatedly before gently pushing her back onto her bed. Lettie fell onto the bed with a loud thump and her legs fell open seductively as Bob crawled closer to her. His hand slipped up her calves before pushing her thighs open further.
“We started planning our wedding.” Lettie confessed without a thought as her hands carded through his hair and dragged him closer to her awaiting cunt. Bob groaned loudly at her words and quickly dove into her slick core. He easily slipped his glasses off his face and distractedly set them on her bedside table as his mouth sucked her lips hungrily. The idea of Lettie making plans for their wedding drove Bob wild and he wanted to propose on the spot. But in the back of his mind he knew he had to do it the right way with a ring.
“Fuck, I’m gonna marry you.” Bob husked out softly into her dripping cunt before driving his tongue deeply into her core. Lettie cried out loudly as her back arched and her toes curled in pleasure. Bob moved his mouth against her core, lapping up all of her slick that she produced for him while his nose nudged against her clit, driving her closer and closer to her orgasm. Lettie’s feet came to plant at the edge of the bed and her thighs fell open completely, giving Bob more room to move between them. He crowded closer to her cunt as his fingers opened her lips wide so he could suction his mouth around her core. Lettie cried out in a high pitched mewl and Bob knew she was close.
His fingers slipped from her lips to glide two long fingers into her dripping cunt while his mouth covered her clit and began to suck. His free arm clamped down on her lower stomach just as her back arched off the bed as she screamed his name into the dimly lit bedroom. Bob hummed against her clit as he heard the pornographic squelch as his fingers fucked her cunt.
“Oh my god! Bob! Fuck, oh shit, oh shit!” Lettie cried out as her head whipped from side to side as her orgasm slammed into her. Bob slowed his movements helping her ride out her orgasm. Her body shone with a sheet of sweat like her skin was dusted with stardust, she was absolutely ethereal and Bob couldn’t get his fill of her. Bob could feel his hard cock throbbing in his dress pants as he stood from kneeling between her thighs, he quickly unbuckled his belt and Lettie lifted her head tiredly as her eyes focused on his movements.
He watched with heated eyes as Lettie moved to her knees and came to kneel at the edge of the bed before her hands came up to start unbuttoning his shirt. She let the material flutter to the floor after slipping it off his shoulders. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she pulled him closer and slid her mouth against his. Bob groaned as he felt her naked breasts brush against his naked chest as he stepped closer to her. His boxer briefs fell down his legs and the two of them moaned loudly as his cock dragged across Lettie’s lower stomach smearing precum along her skin.
“Get on the bed Bob.” Lettie instructed seductively and Bob easily crawled onto the bed as she moved back giving him room. Bob followed her wanting to lay her back but Lettie gently pushed him down onto his own back and Bob eagerly did her bidding. He could see the confidence radiating off of her as she straddled his hips and gripped his hard cock pulling it away from his stomach slightly. “I need you inside me I can’t wait.” She rushed out and Bob felt his cock throb in her hand.
“Fuck me Lettie. Fuck me how you want. I’m yours sweetheart.” He husked out to her and Lettie whimpered as she lined his cock up with her cunt. Bob held his breath as Lettie fell swiftly onto his cock and a moan rumbled from his chest while she sheathed him completely with her pulsing cunt. “Oh fuck. That’s it Lettie girl. Fuck yes.” He groaned out to her in encouragement.
Lettie lifted her hips experimentally before letting them fall back flush with his pelvis causing the two of them to moan loudly. Bob’s hands fell to her hips and helped her grind against his hips. He let her figure out her own perfect pace and soon Lettie was fucking him the way she wanted.
“You’re so fucking beautiful. Fuck, I can’t get enough of you.” Bob told her as he watched her with hungry eyes as her hips lifted and fell onto his cock. Her cunt gripped him so snugly inside her that he felt like she was milking him already for everything he had. He loved when she swirled her hips in a figure eight after falling down onto his cock, it drove him wild and he had to grip the sheets tightly in his fingers so that he didn’t take control. He wanted her to be in charge, she needed this confidence boost and she needed to see exactly how much he was enamored of her. “Not gonna last long gorgeous. I’m so fucking close.” He told her and Lettie smirked down at him before leaning forward to press her hands to his chest and begin to slam her cunt up and down onto his cock.
Bob gasped loudly as his hands gripped her hips tightly, his feet planted steady on the bed and he thrust upwards harshly while holding her hips down. Lettie cried out loudly at the movement and Bob felt her cunt clamp down on his cock making him cry out loudly as he thrust up once more before spilling his come inside of her. He gritted his teeth hard as he felt his come pour into her awaiting cunt as euphoria consumed him.
It was a good few minutes later when Bob calmed down enough to regain feeling in his calves. He eased Lettie down onto the bed next to him as he slowly pulled out of her exhausted body. She whimpered as his cock slowly dragged out of her and Bob placed a loving kiss to her temple. He moved out of the bed and went into the bathroom to grab a warm wash cloth before coming back to bed with one of the water bottles as well.
“Here sweetheart, drink this.” He instructed gently as he tenderly cleaned her sore cunt and thighs. Lettie flinched slightly at the feel of the wash cloth but her thighs fell open easily giving him access to her core. He cleaned her and then himself before slipping back into the bed. She handed him the water bottle and he drank the other half of it that she left for him before they settled in bed with her cuddled in his arms. 
“So I take it you’re not opposed to getting married?” She asked teasingly with a soft sleepy smile. Bob chuckled softly at her question before placing a kiss on her temple.
“Oh I’m going to marry the fuck outta you Lettie Bennett.” He told her confidently and she grinned at him happily as a blush dusted her cheeks. “I wanted you to set the pace for us.” He confessed softly and Lettie looked at him with wide eyes. “I’m so used to things moving very quickly, I didn’t want to scare you away. Like you said, we're endgame, so I have no problem waiting until you’re ready for the next step.” He told her resolutely. Bob darted his eyes to her face and saw that she was staring at him with a loving adoring look on her face. She gently cupped his face and kissed him sweetly in a deep loving kiss.
“I want that next step. I want to be Mrs. Lettie Floyd.” She confessed to him and Bob groaned loudly as he wrapped her in his arms and rolled her underneath him.
“Fuck Lettie. Give me a few minutes to recuperate before saying things like that.” He told her with a growl in his throat as he ground his hardening cock between her thighs. Lettie chuckled softly before yawning widely and Bob softened lovingly as he saw how tired she was. “C’mon let’s get some sleep.” He said gently as he rolled back onto his side and pulled her closer. “We’ll talk more about the next step tomorrow morning.” He promised softly as he felt her melt against him and a soft snore rang out in the quiet bedroom. Bob smiled adoringly in the dark room before slipping into a heavy sleep with the love of his life curled in his arms.
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mynameismckenziemae · 2 months
Dirty headcanons for:
Bob Floyd (Ain’t No Sunshine When She’s Gone) version
Requested by @sweetwhispersofchaos 😘
G - Group sex (would they have a threeway? four? an orgy? do they put on a show for spectators? or do they like to keep it just between them and their partner?)
He loves watching Sunny with another woman. He’s curious about kissing another man and finds he likes it. He’s likes domming him too 😏
K - Kissing (what parts of their body do they like having kissed? what parts of their partner do they enjoy kissing? do they like leaving marks / having marks left on them?) 
He happily kisses any and every part of Sunny, loves to leave hickeys that only he gets to see. He likes being marked up too…unless it’s somewhere visible when in uniform (which Sunny is good at doing). He likes Bradley’s mustache and rougher kisses too.
P - Photography (are cameras allowed in the bedroom? do they send nudes? do they ask for nudes? would they ever record themselves having sex / being caught up in a sexual act?) 
💯 loves pictures. The Polaroids Sunny stuffed in his duffle are used often when he’s alone. He likes to take pictures of her too, especially after he ruins her; the marks he leaves, her tears, his cum painting her body.
Q - Quiet please (what’s the volume like in the bedroom? are they quiet? do they scream? do they like a loud partner? do they prefer if their partner is more soft spoken?)
He loves hearing Sunny and has made it his personal mission to find out what pulls the most desperate sounds from her lips. He’s not overly loud himself but his groans make Sunny’s toes curl.
U - Underwear (what kind of underwear do they put on in the morning, if any at all… do they own any sexy underwear or lingerie?) 
He’s a huge fan of his girl in lingerie and fucking her while she’s wearing it. He wears plain gray, black or white boxer-briefs, though he did wear a thong once at Sunny’s request (the blowjob was worth it).
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bradshawssugarbaby · 11 months
Forever and Ever, Amen - Bob Floyd x Reader
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A/N: Inspired by the song Forever and Ever, Amen by Randy Travis. It's a cute song and it feels Bob coded imo. It's not a religious song other than the word "amen" being used.
pairing:  Bob Floyd x reader
warnings/content: sickeningly sweet Bob fluff.
word count: 1k
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Mornings were never particularly easy for you, but mornings before Bob had to leave for a mission were on the verge of unbearable. At the start of your relationship, they were less frequent, only a few times scattered throughout those first few months of the honeymoon period, spoiling you with plenty of opportunities to spend time together in the early stages. Now at the end of your first year together, it felt like Bob was gone every 4-6 weeks, sometimes just to come home and leave again a day or two later. 
You breathed a heavy, reluctant sigh as you hit snooze on your phone and rolled over to face Bob in bed, who was just reaching over for his glasses. He adjusted them on his face and hummed softly, almost looking defeated as he faced you.
“That time already?” He sighed as he looked up at the ceiling, “I don’t want to go this time.”
“I don’t want you to go either, but I don’t think we get a choice in the matter, Bobby,” you sighed heavily as you turned on to your side, a frown forming on your lips as you looked at him. He shut his deep blue eyes for a minute and sighed.
“Alright, we have time for breakfast together first, right?” He said quietly, a strained smile on his face as he looked to you, trying to mask his sadness and frustration with his chosen line of work in this moment.
“Of course we do, you start getting ready, I’ll go make breakfast, yeah?”
Bob pressed his lips to your cheek in a loving kiss as he sat up, frowning as he looked out the window. You reluctantly got yourself up, padding down the hall to the kitchen, leaving Bob alone for a moment to collect his thoughts as he got himself prepared to go out again. The smell of fresh cooked bacon and eggs wafted through the house as you made breakfast for the two of you, the warm rays of the early morning sun came pouring through the window. 
Bob came up behind you, gently snaking his arm around your waist as you poured him a cup of orange juice. He pressed his nose into the back of your hair as he murmured a soft spoken “I love you”. You set the glass down on the counter before turning to face him, forcing a happy smile to hide the tears that were threatening to well up in your eyes as you caught sight of him in his uniform khakis. You adjusted his name tag for him, nodding your head once as you brushed any lint off his shoulders. You breathed in the smell of his aftershave, cupping your hands on either side of his face as you leaned up on your tiptoes to kiss him. 
“There, now you look perfect,” You gave him a nod of approval as you handed him his glass from the counter.
“Wait,” He shook his head and laughed as he set the glass on the table, “I need you to promise me something.”
“Promise you what, exactly?” Your brows furrowed together into a frown that probably appeared more like a pout than mild frustration.
“Promise me you don’t forget that I love you?”
“What on earth kind of promise is that, Bobby? Of course I’m not going to forget.”
“Just promise me, ok? You’ve had to be without me a lot lately, and I feel bad, but I want you to always remember that I love you, and I spend the entire time thinking about how I want to come home to you.”
“Alright,” you nodded your head as you looked at your feet, blinking back tears as you took a breath to collect yourself before looking back up at him, “I promise.”
 “Good, don’t make me sing that song to you,” He flashed a bright grin at you before pressing his lips to your forehead in an affectionate kiss. 
“What song might that be?”
“You’re really gonna make me sing it, aren’t you?” 
“You betcha, Robert”
Bob let out a playful sigh as he grabbed a piece of bacon off the plate on the table and bit into it carefully, being mindful not to make a mess out of his uniform. He swallowed his mouthful and rolled his eyes before clearing his throat and breaking out into song. 
“Oh baby, I’m gonna love you forever, forever and ever amen, As long as old men sit and talk about the weather–”
“As long as old women sit and talk about old men —” you chimed in, harmonizing with Bob as he sang.
“If you wonder how long I’ll be faithful, I’d be happy to tell you again, I’m gonna love you, forever and ever, forever and ever, amen”.
Bob smirked as he tucked a lock of your hair behind your ear and shrugged his shoulders. 
“Happy now?”
“Mhmm, how long was it you said you’d love me for again?” You returned his smirking glance, biting your lip to hold back a giggle. 
“Forever and ever, baby.”
“That’s what I thought. If I ever feel like I’m forgetting, I’ll just listen to that song until I remember, deal?”
“Perfect,” Bob nodded his head as he kissed you again before taking his seat at the table, quickly tucking into his breakfast.
A half hour later, as you say your goodbyes to one another at the base, you wave to Bob and give him a smile, refusing to let him see you upset as he leaves. Bob wraps you in his strong arms, enveloping your body as he gave you a passionate kiss. 
“Remember, forever and ever, baby,” he whispered softly as he held you tight.
“Forever and ever,” Your voice echoing his as you gave a subtle nod, breathing in his scent and taking in as much of him as you could, committing it all to memory before letting him go for any stretch of time again.
“Forever and ever, amen,” Bob grinned.
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bobgasm · 1 month
kingpin ⦾ sixteen
pairing: robert “bob” floyd x ofc!emery young  word count: 2497 warnings: lying by omission for a good reason,
summary: in which emery learns the partial plan
fifteen | kingpin | seventeen
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Emery noticed. 
She noticed the staring. Felt him watching her whenever she walked away. She wasn’t oblivious to her figure, but she didn’t flaunt it like Natasha would. She didn’t like the attention, so she often covered up by wearing clothes that didn’t accentuate her figure. 
But Bob still noticed. Whether she was in tight gym shorts, a pencil skirt or slacks, or even the odd chance she wore track pants in the office; he still noticed. She still caught him staring. Felt the heat in his gaze. And on the odd occasion, felt a shiver of excitement rush through her. 
This morning was no different. She was never one to be bold and do anything about it, but he was attractive. She wasn’t blind to it. And for some reason, this morning she had the courage to smirk when she caught him checking her out. The colour stained his face immediately and she felt victorious. 
So why did it hurt watching him rush away?
Her lesson with Payback flew by, and she made her way home to shower. Enjoying the short walk back to her apartment building as the early morning traffic slowly started to pick up. When she made it home, she pushed open the door to find Natasha sitting at the breakfast bar shaking a protein shake. 
“Morning,” Emery greeted warmly. 
“Morning,” Nat replied with a smile of her own. “How was your workout?”
Emery grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge before answering. “It was good. Payback’s been kicking my ass. My arms feel like jelly, but I’m enjoying it.”
“Missing my spin classes yet?” She teased with a laugh as Emery took a large sip of her water. 
“Kind of. It’s a different kind of exercise, you know?” 
Nat nodded in understanding. Emery knew she understood, so she didn’t feel the need to explain any further. 
Emery didn’t sleep too well, but then again, she hadn’t been sleeping well at all lately. Too busy trying to find the missing pieces of the puzzle whenever new information presented itself. And yesterday was a fucking day. 
She felt heavy after seeing Mickey. Heavy after blowing up at Richard. She felt small under Bob’s gaze and cautious words. She wanted to talk it out – she needed to, but she couldn’t talk to Nat without bringing her into this mess, and she was carefully trying to avoid that. 
Emery took several gulps, downing half of the bottle as Natasha eyed her. “You remember that kid I used to talk about, Mickey?”
“What about him?”
“He’s a cop here,” she revealed, watching Natasha’s eyes widen slightly. “Bumped into him yesterday.”
She was sticking to the facts as much as she could. It was killing her to lie to her sister, but she needed to tell her something.
Natasha nodded slowly. “Where did you bump into him?”
“I was with Coyote,” she replied. “We went out for coffee,” and now is where she chooses to twist the truth. “The barista called his name. I didn’t speak to him, I didn’t know what I’d even say. ‘Hi, fifteen years ago we were best friends but then my mom died and I got put in foster care’ just screams a little crazy, you know?”
Nat laughed softly. “Yeah, it does,” she admitted. “So you saw him but didn’t say anything?”
Emery nodded. “And now I don’t know if I’ll see him again because I was too scared to introduce myself.”
“Well, you know he’s a police officer, so you could call the stations and ask around until you find him?” She suggested and Emery allowed herself to smile in relief. “Yeah, that could work! I know it’s a little daunting, but you can sit on it. Think about it for a bit, if that’s what you want to do.”
“That’s a great idea, Nat,” Emery said. “I didn’t realise how much that was weighing on me until just now.”
A half truth. A half lie. Whatever you wanted to call it, telling Nat even a small portion of what happened yesterday felt good. Emery wished her a good day before hopping in the shower, feeling gross from her workout, and the secrets that seemed to just keep piling up. 
She made herself a coffee and some breakfast, needing to recharge after her workout and get ready for the day ahead. Bob and Coyote were set to come around 10, so she wanted to at least look productive even if they were going to talk for a bit. 
Emery frowned and glanced at the time on the microwave, wondering who could be knocking before 9am. Looking through the peephole, she saw that it was Heather, her landlord. Bob’s mother.
She opened the door cautiously. “Hi Heather, is everything okay?”
Heather nodded and smiled reassuringly. “I was wondering if you have a moment to chat?”
“Is this about yesterday?” Emery asked, still unmoving from the doorway. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to let her in until she knew what was going on.
“Yes…I wanted to check in. See if you were holding up okay?”
Emery nodded in response. “I mean, I’m getting there? I’m having a meeting with Bob and Coyote in about an hour…”
“I love my son,” Heather started. “I love him, but you need to be careful with what you tell him.”
“I don’t know if you should be saying this. My apartment might be bugged…”
Heather shook her head. “It’s not. They would never bring their business into someone’s home unless they had a good reason to. Make sure you don’t leave either of them alone.”
“Are you telling me they’re going to bug my apartment?”
Emery felt her stomach drop. Heather looked down the hall, making sure no one was out and about. 
“Richard has ordered it. He doesn’t trust you. Your apartment, your office, and even your car will have bugs by the end of the day, if they aren’t already. He thinks you know more than you’re letting on.”
“Why are you telling me this?”
“Because as scared as you were standing up to him last night, you still did it. There’s good in you, Emery. Don’t let them corrupt it.”
“Did you know my mother?” Emery dared to ask. She needed to know, before she lost the chance to ask again. 
“Not well, but I knew she was a single mother trying to make ends meet,” she admitted with a sad smile. “I should go. I’m sorry, Emery, for everything.”
Emery’s left reeling. She still wants to trust Bob, give him the benefit of the doubt, but can she? She doesn’t have much time to do anything about it, though, because she needs to do some work before he and Coyote arrive. There’s wages and invoices to pay. 
She works a lot slower on a single screen, having to check and then recheck she’s entered the right account details and wage total. She’s still in her head, over analyzing what Heather had told her. Trying not to freak herself out and let the paranoia convince her they’ve already successfully bugged her apartment; bugged her car and office. She’s still not entirely convinced her laptop isn’t bugged considering it’s a work one. 
She’s so focused on her work that she doesn’t realise the time, hearing a knock at the door that pulled her back to reality. When she checks, she’s surprised to see Bob standing alone, a small smile on his face.
“Coyote couldn’t make it, he had some other business to take care of,” he told her and her stomach sank. Heather’s words are at the forefront of her mind. It’ll be easier to keep an eye on his movements if he’s the only one, making it harder for him to place any bugs in her home.
She wondered about Coyote, if he’s bugging her office and car and that’s why he couldn’t make it. She nods and welcomes him inside.
“It’s been a morning, sorry, I forgot you were stopping by,” she said, moving into the kitchen. “Would you like anything to drink? Water, coffee?”
“Just water, thank you.”
Emery filled a glass with water, watching him look around the apartment. It looks different than it did the day they moved in. They’ve made it more homey, old family photos of Nat and Emery in foster care are hung up on the walls. There’s some plants and flowers around the room, livening the place up. That’s all Nat’s touch. She knows that if Bob saw her room, it would look exactly like it did the first day. Walls bare, minimal personal possessions making the space her own. She’s not a nester. All she needs to be comfortable is a roof over her head and somewhere to sleep.
She made herself comfortable on one of the sofas, where she had been working from before he arrived. Bob took a seat to her right and she folded her arms over her chest. It’s a defencive stance, she knows it. She doesn’t care.
“Just ask whatever you need to ask me,” she told him. The
“I’m afraid it’s not that easy, Emery,” he replied, placing his glass on the small coffee table. “Yesterday brought up a bunch of new information and some loose ends that we need to tidy up.”
She sighed and rubbed her face, trying to collect herself. Her sleeping schedule had been shot for weeks already. She wasn’t up for the intensive questions she knew Bob likely had at the ready, but she had no other option. She had to tell him anything that she knew the answers to. This was her life now. 
“I was nine when my mom died,” she told him. “I used to do my homework at the diner. Any time Richard would show up, he’d make me feel uncomfortable. He never said anything to me, it was more the way he carried himself. My mom got jumpy around him, but she hid it pretty well. Dion was never in the diner at the same time as Richard, but he was there most of the times that I was there.”
“And you’re confident that Dion is Dominic Decker, the man you saw at the diner before you applied for this job?” 
Emery hummed. “I wouldn’t say I’m confident. There’s similarities, for sure; the eyes. Dion was much younger, and I was only nine, and I tried not to look at the man at the diner. That photo I saw of Decker when I was at your place the other day, he looked more like the guy from the diner than Dion did.”
“We’re going off the assumption that all three men are the same,” Bob told her. “Coyote’s following some leads, trying to figure out if Dion even exists. We don’t think Decker had any other family, at least, he had a gentlemen’s agreement with Richard that he was an only child, both parents dead, still with his wife.”
Emery nodded at the information. “Okay, so what else do you want to know?”
“I want to know about your father,” he said.
“I don’t know anything about him,” she stated. “My mom never told me about him, never mentioned any man in a romantic nature, and I never asked. It was just us, and then it was just me.”
She could feel the tears forming in her eyes, a warm, prickling heat she tried to blink away. She wished she had her own glass of water, but she wasn’t too keen on grabbing one. Heather’s words had shaken her and if she couldn’t spare a second without her eyes on Bob, just to be sure. 
Bob looked pained as she admitted that last part, reaching for his glass of water and taking a long sip. 
“What aren’t you telling me?” Emery asked him. “You want me to be truthful and trust you, but you aren’t even allowing me that same respect. What aren’t you telling me, Bob?”
“We’re under the impression that Dion/Decker is your father, and he set the FBY account up for Betty Young.”
Emery laughed, she couldn’t help it. Shaking her head in disbelief, a look of incredulity on her face. “You can’t be serious?” 
“It’s a theory I’m investigating with Fanboy.”
“You brought Mickey into this?!”
“I know Mickey only has your best interest in mind. If my theory is true, we’ll handle it,” he assured her. “Richard’s ordered your apartment, office, laptop, phone and car to be bugged. He thinks you’re dangerous, a threat. He doesn’t trust you. So I’m going to show you exactly where I’m planting the bugs because I trust you. I have a plan, Emery, and I need you to trust me.”
“So I can’t even feel safe in my own home? My home, mind you, that is one of your family’s properties?”
Her hands shook as she clamped them together.
“My mom’s real estate is legitimate. She made sure none of Richard’s money touched it. He doesn’t have any say in how she manages them, how she renovates them. She refuses to employ Floyd Construction to keep everything totally separate. This place is safe,” he tried to reassure her. “I do have to plant a couple of bugs, but you’ll know exactly where they are. We need Richard to think you don’t suspect anything.”
“You sound like you have a plan,” she said, unable to stop her voice from shaking. Her nerves were shot and Bob gave her a sympathetic smile.
“I do, this is where I need you to trust me, Emery,” he replied softly. “I don’t know how well you hold up under pressure, and after you went off at Richard yesterday, it’s safer to keep you in the dark. I know that’s not what you want to hear right now–”
“But it’s the only way,” she finished for him, taking a shaky breath. “If you’re right about Decker being my dad…do you think he’ll come for me?”
Bob’s silence told her everything she needed to know. She nodded solemnly, then once again more determined. 
“Can we plant these bugs now?”
The bugs were planted in obvious spots, but not too obvious her sister would find them. One in the light fixture, one tucked behind the bookshelf, one in her bedroom. Bob made his discomfort at her setup known with a grumble, a mattress still on the floor where she had told him she’d been waiting on her bed to be delivered. He hadn’t said anything further on the matter, which annoyed Emery more. 
Still, she didn’t argue with him about his non-argument. Not while there were now live audio devices sending whatever they said back to god knows who. Knowing there was one in her bedroom didn’t fill her with comfort, but she knew it had to be done. She knew Bob had a plan, whatever that was, and as stupid as she was, she trusted him. She hoped she didn’t regret it. 
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author's note: sorry it's been a minute since i updated this! trying to get back in the mindset for this fic 🤪
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beckwritesfiction · 2 years
Slow Ride - Chapter Six
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Summary: Bob and Scarlett are the last ones up (or so they think) and when they get close, Scarlett gets scared.
Notes: This is a shorter chapter but this is just some more exposition.
Content Warning: let me know if I should add any and I'd be happy to add them!
Word Count: 1.1k
Scarlette had tried to keep reading, but she knew Phoenix needed to sleep in absolute darkness.  Training had been standard, nothing crazy.  Everyone failed, even Hangman. Not having to do two hundred pushups when they did was nice.  She was going to give up reading for the night, but then she couldn’t stop thinking about everything she didn’t want to think about.
Knowing there was a light on the balcony, she headed there, initially thinking she was alone.  Then Bob started to speak, and she jumped.  “Why are you always doing that?”
Bob frowned.  “Saying ‘hi’?” he asked.
“Sneaking up on me.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.  I didn’t realize you didn’t see me.”
Scarlette’s heart raced, but she tried to ignore it.  “What are you doing out here?”
“Rooster’s asleep, and I didn’t wanna bother him with the light.  I’ve been trying to work my way through some Tolkien.”
Scarlette wouldn’t have known what he was talking about if he hadn’t had a book in his hand that was titled The Lord of The Rings.  She smiled at the idea that they came out there for the exact same reason.  He was sitting with his back against the building, his legs stretched out before him.  
“Not to sound like I read all the time, but…” When she held up her book, he seemed amused.
“I’m not gonna be the one that makes fun of you for it.  I’m reading, too.”
“No, I meant like, I haven’t finished a book since high school.  And even then, I don’t think I made it all the way through.  I was always copying Phoenix’s summer reading assignments, asking her how Pride & Prejudice ended.  Lizzie Borden can kiss my ass.”
Bob laughed, but his smile faded when he realized she wasn’t making a joke.  She looked at him curiously, not thinking what she said was that funny.  “You mean Bennet?  Borden is the one that, you know…killed her entire family with an ax.  Allegedly.”
“Sorry, I think I got my old, dead white women mixed up.”
A few moments passed, then he looked around.  “This has the best light out of all the balconies.  The other one flickers.  I tried to change the bulb, but I think it’s the wiring.”  He pointed to the sconce above him.  There was plenty of room for her to sit beside him, and she did so without hesitation.  “Have you gotten to the part where the general tried to open the champagne?” he asked, leaning over a little as she opened her book.
“No, not yet.  I haven’t made it that far, really.  It’s...” She took a deep breath, shaking her head.  “If you repeat this, I’ll kill you, but I’m so lost.  It’s like, I’m reading the words but most of them don’t make any sense.”
“Christi’s pretty ambitious if you haven’t read in a while. Or even if you have and you’re just not used to her style.  She wrote like people talked back then, and society’s changed.  When I read it for the first time, I had a dictionary beside me.  It took me forever, but I figured it out.”
Scarlette looked down at the cover, her thumb holding her place as she nodded slowly.  She wasn’t sure she’d heard him say so much in such a short period of time.  Even though he went back to the pages of his book, she looked over at him.  He offered her a smile before he looked back at his book once again.  He really did just want to read, so she went back to her own book, struggling and reading so slowly that she felt like an idiot.  Eventually, she closed her book again, preparing to get up.
“Are you tired?” he asked.
“Not really.  I just can’t get into this the way I thought I would.”
“Read this,” he offered, holding out his book for her to take.  
“I can’t take that from you.  If I can’t understand this, I probably can’t understand that.”
“Tolkien’s different.  It’s heavy on the fantasy, but it’s easy to follow.  Trust me.  I could start over, even.  Maybe read you a few pages and see if you like it.”
“Like a bedtime story?” she mused.  “You don’t have to do that.”
“If I can make someone love what I love, it’ll be worth it.”
She settled back in, her back against the building.  She watched the waves through the railing as he began to read.  Maybe it was because she’d never heard him say that much, or maybe it was because she wasn’t paying attention, but she’d never notice how soothing his voice was.  He read with ease, and she assumed he’d been reading his entire life, and not just when it was expected of him.   When they passed a few pages, and he continued, she didn’t complain.  At one point, he reached for his water and found that he ran out.  She offered him hers.
“I promise I don’t have cooties.”
He took it, taking a drink before going back to reading.  She saw where his bookmark was, how far he’d gotten, and she was shocked at how willingly he’d started over.  She was about fifty pages into her own book, and she’d rather take a shot to the kneecap than go back to page one.
“I love your voice,” she said when he finished another chapter.  When she realized what she said, she straightened a little.  It was too late.  He was smiling and she felt like an idiot.  “I mean, like if your Top Gun career doesn’t pan out, you could be one of those people that reads books. Not that I think it won’t work out.”
“No one’s ever said that before,” he replied, clearly thinking over her suggestion.
“Maybe it’s because you’re so quiet.”
“Or it could be that because I’ve never read to anyone like this before.”
He was funny, and the longer she looked at him, the more she didn’t want to be there anymore.  The second she realized that she thought he was cute, and not just physically, she decided she needed to stop.  Blowing him off like she blew most of the others off felt like the right way to forget.  
“I’m tired,” she blurted out.
“Bedtime stories work on you, then, I assume.”
She got to her feet, ignoring his comment.  Phoenix’s copy of And Then There Were None was still beside him, and he called after her.  She turned back just long enough to retrieve it and rushed back to her room.  Right before she could open the door, though, she heard someone in the kitchen.  Henriette and Hangman, going on about crunchy peanut butter.  She probably would’ve demanded context if she wasn’t having a crisis.
As she laid in her bed, starting into the darkness, she decided that she’d just avoid Bob at all costs.  If he talked to her, she would just move on.  Phoenix had warned her not to replace her terrible relationship with another, and for once in her life, she took her advice.  She didn’t know Bob.  For all she knew, the nice guy thing was an act. 
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ccristata · 2 years
Wonderland-Verse (Jake & Crissa) Timeline
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Wonderland Pt. 1
Wonderland Pt. 2
Wonderland Pt. 3
Amateurs Discuss Tactics, Professionals Discuss Logistics
Breathing Through the Pain
Wonderland Pt. 4
Wonderland Pt. 5
Somebody Come Get Her...
Give Me My Dawns Back Pt. 1
Give Me My Dawns Back Pt. 2
Give Me My Dawns Back Pt. 3
Give Me My Dawns Back Pt. 4
Give Me My Dawns Back Pt. 5
Everyone Wants to Save the World but No One Wants to Help Do the Dishes
Just Because You Know My Name, Doesn't Mean You Know My Story
Matilda, You Talk of the Pain Like It’s All Alright. But I Know That You Feel Like a Piece of You’s Dead Inside
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purplevortexx · 4 years
Last Updated: 10/01/24
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Bucky Barnes
Bells and Whistles (series) - (OFC Milly Bellman)
Peter Parker
Save The Last Dance
Joaquin Torres
Slipping Away / Holding On (two-shot)
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Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin
Tomorrow Never Comes
Tuesdays (x gn!reader)
Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw
Dream Team (x pilot!reader)
Exit, Pursued By A Rooster (series)
Home (Leech Part Two)
Five More Nights (Christmas Fic)
Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd
Who listens to Bob’s shit?
Mixed Up Match Up
Midnight Madness /Part Two
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