#wahhh i'm excited
oopsallmabari · 6 days
....why are the youtube comments so mad lol don't y'all like to have fun. don't we like to have fun here
#ari speaks#half of them are 'wahhh this is what happens when you make games WOKE' like. baby. shhhh. it's not dark fantasy enough for you???#like we are allowed to have varied opinions but also idk. dragon age has always had moments of being a lil silly. especially inquisition.#titsicles???? the nug king???? i'm attacking your holdfast with a goat????? cmon now.#we DO get a little silly here and i'm really not opposed to (well-placed) tonal irreverence in a world about to end.#bitch the world we are CURRENTLY living in is falling apart and i am also being a silly fucking guy because it's all i got.#if i lived in thedas irl i'd be in taverns getting tomatoes thrown at me for bad stand-up about kirkwall HAVE SOME FUN LIVE A LITTLE.#also bc it's been so long one has to imagine that they're also trying to grab some new fans here so it does not surprise me#that the trailer is not 'Boo Hoo Sad Times Dark Fantasy Game No. 49' (i say as an enjoyer of depressing dark fantasy)#esp when all of the prior promotional material has been very doom and gloom.#i don't think that just because the game is being marketed like this/that we're switching focus from solas that the game will be#sanitized and not dealing with any kind of fucked up lore and shit. i am holding out hope that we're going to get some cool opportunities#to play in a space that is def dark but can still give room to breathe.#anyway i do not actually giv a fuck (genuine not insulting) if the trailer did not make u excited das ok.#unless you're complaining that it's woke garbage now/so bad because g*ider is uninvolved. if thats the case you may fuck off.#sorry for the tag essay!
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natjennie · 27 days
one thing about me is that I will get really invested in scary narration. spooky stories. a deep raspy voice. evocative adjectives. I'm in. I'm on the edge of my seat. sudden violence! a loud noise out of nowhere! a shocking reveal! chills up my spine!!!!
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leadxxr · 1 month
@bells-of-black-sunday | Jake Park | continued from here.
The nervous leader shifts uncomfortably, as he'd poked his head into a makeshift living space, drawn by the unmistakable sound of movement. They had very little in the way of luxuries in the fog . . . and truthfully, Dwight couldn't sleep either for very similar reasons, basically. Admittedly, his thoughts had kept him awake, but the crows originally had rudely woken him from a subpar resting experience in the first place.
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"I guess you have a point . . ." there really was no denying how difficult it was to calm one's mind enough to feel safe enough to sink into slumber . . . Dwight himself had often craved the company of another in moments exactly like this, and finds himself grateful for the opportunity to distract his own busy mind. "Yeah . . . not that I was having the best sleep of my life or anything . . . keep having this one recurring nightmare I can't shake."
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trans-xianxian · 6 months
ALL MOVED IN TO MY NEW PLACE!!! took us six hours to drive all my shit to the new place, and about three hours to get the rats settled, play furniture tetris, sit on the ground waiting for pizza, sit on the ground eating pizza, put my bed together, play more furniture tetris, and get the bunnies settled, but now I am cozy wozy in my bed hehe :3c unpacking and decorating will commense tomorrow but for now. rest
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bisexualsmallishbeans · 7 months
i am also a crochet fiend and i would love to know your process for lizzie and joel! no worries if not. i hope pearl and oli are going well!
I actually did make a post about the process!! It's so chaotic and I'm so sorry for that ahsdkjfas but it's here! It didn't show up on my blog at first when I was digging for it, but it does exist haha
And, shameless self plug, these are the dolls in question <3
(I also made a pattern for the axolotls too, and it's still pretty scuffed but hey it's something lol)
BUT THE GOOD NEWS IS- I actually wrote down my entire pattern for Pearl!! She's been done since literally July, but I never posted her because I was planning on making a Tilly to go with her but the one I made was actually atrocious so I was gonna redo her but I waited too long and then forgot about it for four months 😭
Hoping to do a nice photoshoot for her sometime soon, then she'll be posted with her pattern/process too!
(I was on vacation when I finished Joel and Lizzie so we took fancy pictures at some fancy gardens, but I don't actually live in a place with nice foliage-)
And Oli I actually started last week!! Just a basic sketch over a picture of the base doll pattern I use (important part of my process^tm) but hopefully I'll start actually crocheting him soon! He'll get a proper pattern too, don't worry, I'm learning <3
But yeah! Sorry to use your ask as a crochet project update ahsdjkfsa- but progress is actually happening!!!! I'm so excited :D
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haechtual · 1 month
eee there was a diversion and the bus just took the prettiest route through the countryside like by rivers and the steam rail and I'm so 😁
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chrisbangs · 10 months
everytime i think abt iron lung i start tearing up these days bc like every time he talks abt it you can just hear how excited and proud he is AND GOD I CANT WAIT TO SEE THIS FUCKING MOVIE 😭‼️🫂💗🫧
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kanon-kun · 9 months
^ new madoka trailer!! came out last night
!!!! tysm for the link omg
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itskaeee · 2 years
okay i did sleep.
like, 5 hours
and i just woke up on my own
with bubbly excitement in my chest and stomach
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acerathia · 11 months
i wanna see your hand!!!
mimi!! hello!! djfdklfs, listen, i said it to be dramatic!! i have to expose myself now ahhh >_< while i don't think I'm an expert in certain characters, i still enjoy writing about multiple ones. but i think characters i invest emotionally in have the highest possibility? like midoriya or obito (he's been haunting me for years atp lmaoo), but even then i wouldn't consider myself an expert per see, rather very, very focussed on them lmaoo. I'm very average on that front imo
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stantrash171819 · 2 years
It's like one month b4 the svt con in my country, and I'm actually really excited.
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scented-morker · 11 months
Enha when their actress partner films with a hot actor
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jealous boyfriend enha! established relationship, actress reader, 1164 words, requested!!
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He pretends he's not phased at all
He knows you love him obviously, you spend like four hours a week crying and telling him how pretty he is and how much he means to you
But that was before he knew it was THE Song Kang
"Baby, he's literally the prettiest person ever!"
"You think he's prettier than me?" You pout
"Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to"
Homeboy is SWEATING watching you guys film
Literally saying a hallelujah when there's no romance between your characters
But when you come back and tell him he was right that it was the prettiest person ever he gets mad about it
But he wants to be the only boy you think is pretty 😔
Won't let you escape his grasp for the next week
Listen he likes to act all confident, but deep down he is a little bit insecure about his looks
So when you tell him you're filming with one of the actors who made "worlds most beautiful" list
😐 he is not impressed
On the outside he's all "oh that's cool"
But on the inside he's screaming crying throwing up
Wears the outfits he knows make you weak the whole week leading up to it
I'm talking turtle necks, rolled sleeves, rings, all of it 😵‍💫
His masterplan is working, and you get so affectionate you don't even want to leave him to film
He lowkey feels so silly about being jealous when on a film break you bring your costar over and introduce him to "the love of my life Jay"
Literally SO POUTY
"Noooo, baby do you haveee to??"
Acts like it's the worst thing to ever happen
"What if you just quit your job as an actress?? I can take care of you!! I'll pay for everything!! You'll never have to work again!"
"Jake, I like my job"
"But I thought you LOVED me!"
Insists on going with you to set (also leaves a hickey on you that your makeup artist is very mad about 😭)
You have to ignore him the whole time you're filming because you know he's making those injured puppy dog eyes and you just can't handle it
He literally is hanging out with the actor during one of his breaks tho so ???
He's all "yeah bro you're awesome" so you think it's all good now
But then you go over to them and he gives you the most mind melting, earth shattering, blush inducing kiss ever right in front of your coworker
You will never recover
Tells you he's more attractive than the other guy 🤪
You tell him because you want to be open and warn him
But he's all "okay and? He's not better than me, why should I be worried?"
You're like wow my boyfriend is so mature and cool
But you realize very quickly that he is, indeed, worried
"Hey y/n, be honest. Do you prefer blondes or brunettes?"
"Hey y/n, do you think idols or actors would make better husbands?"
"Hey y/n, do you think onscreen chemistry ever transfers off screen?"
"I prefer whatever color is currently on your head, you over anyone of any profession, and I wouldn't know because I don't need to worry about that seeing as how I'm in a very happy relationship."
He grumbles at your answers, mad you caught on
He's not one for pda but he does bring you a bouquet and your favorite drink to the film sight <3
The guy was one of his favorite actors!!
He was so so excited for you to work with him, until he found out he was your love interest 😐
"Sun, he's married." 😒
He boycotts the actors other shows 😭 whenever you guys hang out and watch dramas together he'll turn it off if the guy comes on screen
Eventually gives up on drama nights and makes you watch a bunch of enhypen performance videos instead
"Wahhh he's so handsome! Even more handsome then that actor, don't you think?"
"Yes Sun, you're way more handsome."
He's fishing for compliments but you don't care, willing to give him all the reassurances you have
You think he's gotten over it by the time filming comes up
But lo and behold... he's sent you an entire coffee truck with pictures of the two of you and messages about your relationship 😭
He wants SO BADLY to be okay with it 🥹
He was so supportive, celebrating with you when you first got the role and now coming to every filming that you have
Except he's noticed the slowly developing love story between you and the hottest guy on the show
So when you get the script for episode ten and read it to him he knows it's coming
"Oh, so you're like... gonna kiss someone else?"
You literally want to burst into tears, he's so precious and he looks like a little sad cat and just- 😭😭😭
"Yeah, but we've both been very open that we have partners! His girlfriend is on set all the time too! And you can totally be there when we film it!"
He shudders, "I'm not sure I want to"
But he goes anyway, and you introduce him to your costars partner
So now they're standing together, making small talk and looking away every time they say action
"I'm gonna need a drink," she mumbled after her boyfriend has to get his makeup fixed because of your lipstick on him
"Yeah, me too"
Listen, he is your number one fan
He’s seen every episode and won’t let you read him the script because he wants to find out with everyone else
He checks Twitter about it all the time too
So when soompi reports that there’s a new, very attractive guy on set— he sees it immediately
“Hey ynie~ can I come to filming with you?”
You’re so suprised, because he never wants to come with you
“Really? You’re not freaking out about it being spoiled for you?”
“I just want to be with you 🤷🏻‍♀️” he says it so nonchalantly like you’re not literally turning into mush because of it
So fast forward, your hair and makeup is done, costume on, and you’re finally getting ready to film
You’re on set while the scene before you is shooting, and your boyfriend lets out a gasp
“Who is that shirtless man over there?”
You look over and shrug, explaining the new character
“Why is he shirtless??” Man is so fixated on this
“He’s always like that.”
There’s been a shirtless actor walking around you all days of the week and you hadn’t said anything
Steps up the pda immediately, holding your hand during off times and loudly cheering for you during shooting
By the end EVERYONE knew you were dating
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iluvshinytwink · 1 year
Lipstick - Jude Bellingham
Synopsis: In which a trend on tiktok piques your interest.
"Stay with me I don't want you to leave."
One night, a particular tiktok audio kept playing from your phone. With every scroll, that same audio would play. Jude looks over to you, curious about the audio that was on loop.
Jude looks over to you, eyes barely meeting your phone screen.
A girl was seen in the video, putting on lipstick before the lipstick smears off. Suddenly, a hand wipes off the lipstick and the camera shifts to a boy, the girls boyfriend presumably. The boy smiled brightly and his face was smothered in lipstick stains.
Jude couldn't help but notice your soft smile. "Wanna do that?" Jude suddenly asked. You felt yourself flinch, looking at your boyfriend. A spark twinkled in your eyes as you realized what your boyfriend had just said. "Do you want to?" You smiled cheerfully. "Sure, baby." Jude chuckled. A squeal erupted your lips, quickly getting out of his bed and into your bag.
"I want to pick the lipstick!" Jude shouted, watching you scurry into your bag. You responded with a delighted hum.
You go back to the bed with your boyfriend with a pouch in hand. You tossed it on Jude's lap for him to explore. Jude's hand begins to scurry through the bag, going through your lipsticks.
"This one looks cute." Jude smiled, taking a lipstick out. A smile wrapped your lips. "This one's cute too!" Jude gasps, taking another lipstick out.
Jude takes out 3 lipsticks total. "Pick one, baby." You said softly, the same smile on your lips. "I can't." Jude sighed. "Can we put lipstick on me too? And I can kiss you too." Jude suggested, looking at you with the brightest smile. Oh, how the sun would be jealous of how bright his smile was. A deep blush flushed your cheeks, a bashful smile appearing. You nodded with a smile.
You took Jude's phone, opening his camera so you could apply the lipstick.
He doesn't know why but Jude always loved looking at you apply these products on your face. It was what made you beautiful, more than you already were. The way your eyelashes fluttered every time you blinked, the way your lips popped with the color of red, the way your cheeks dusted a light pink. Jude looked at you, your eyes focused on the camera as you applied the lipstick. The lipstick glided into your lips, coloring it.
"Done!" You smiled, putting Jude's phone down. Jude blinks out of his daydreams, smiling at you softly. "Where first?" You giggled. Jude taps on his cheek.
You cup Jude's cheeks with your hands, bringing his face closer to yours. Jude closes his eyes, a toothy smile flashing you as he tried to keep his excited giggling to himself.
You pressed your lips into his cheek tightly, Jude laughs. You pull away, a print of lipstick staining his cheek.
With that, you began pampering his face with your lips. Jude's giggles and laughter echoed through the house.
"Jude stay still!" You laughed. Jude cocks his head back, laughter bursting out.
At this point, Jude's face was covered in red. "One last!" You said, pulling Jude's arm. "Okay, baby. Okay!" Jude said in between laughter.
Jude sighs, calming himself down, a grin still on his face. You bring your lips to his lips, securing the last kiss. Jude's heart beats out of his chest as he quickly kissed back. You pull back, a bashful smile on your face. Jude was silent, no laughter, nothing. Jude smiled at you softly, his eyes slowly getting devoured by yours.
You applied the lipstick on your lips one last time for the tiktok.
You pressed record, applying the lipstick on your lips before smearing it outside your lips. Jude's hand makes contact with your chin, wiping the smeared lipstick away. You focus the camera on your boyfriend.
A love struck smile was on his face. His eyes softened. His eyes had nothing but love for you. His lips wanted nothing but yours. His smile was for you. He was for you.
Your eyes meet his, a bright smile curling your lips. His eyes didn't leave yours, following them wherever they went.
You ended the tiktok, Jude was still smeared with lipstick. "My turn." Jude says, taking another shade of lipstick from the bed. You laughed.
"Baby, help me with the lipstick, I don't know how to do this." Jude laughs, handing you the lipstick. "Okay, comet closer." You whispered.
You took off the cap, twisting the lipstick into view. Jude looked at your movement intently. You looked at Jude's lips. Jude felt himself holding his breath.
You applied the lipstick onto his plump lips. Jude looked at you wholeheartedly, stiffing his body so you couldn't be bothered. Jude heard his heartbeat banging through his ears.
You pull away with a smile. "You're done." You smiled.
Your eyes shifted its direction for just a moment but then a pair of lips find yours.
You were a bit shock but reciprocated the sudden kiss. Jude pulls away, looking at the stain that the lipstick left. A grin appears on his face.
Jude nears you again, this time planting his lips on your cheeks. Giggles erupted the room.
Just like lipstick, you've stained me. You've stained my heart, my body, and soul.
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sinner-sunflower · 3 months
A HH Lucifer-centric AU 9/?
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 10, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22
Whew! Even though there's so much work later, I somehow wrote a kinda long one.
I have the major plot points down now. As for the ending, I saw a comic on twitter and will definitely take inspiration for it.
I'm very excited for this.
Will be reqriting this better after it's finished and MAYBE.. I'll have the confidence to post it on ao3.
Charlie doesn't dare to move even after her father left. She doesn't know how long she stayed kneeling on the ground, staring at the spot where her dad once was.
She can't stop her tears. Is this stress? No. Maybe it's the daddy issues Husk is always talking about.
She hurt her dad again. But he also caused her hurt first and-
Charlie: No! Oh my god. Do I really think that?
Lately, they are becoming each other's undoing. She knows she has the right to be angry, but ...
She can see that he's really trying. Doing everything she asks of him, fixing the hotel, staying at the hotel to help and support her, even getting along with Alastor - now that she thinks about it, what's up with her dad and Alastor?
That's how Vaggie found her- still on the ground, face adorned with dried tears tracks, and definitely deep in thought.
Vaggie: Sweetie? You okay?
Charlie: Vaggie
The dam broke and she was crying again. Charlie hugs her lover tight. Vaggie's shirt was getting wet from tears and snot but she just hugged back just as tightly.
Vaggie: What happened?
Charlie: D-dad.. he- he- wahhhhh
Vaggie: Is he okay? Did something happen? Did he.. did he do something to you?
Charlie: No, Vaggie! More like I did something to him! He was here, in our room, wanting to talk! But I-I-I was so happy. And then he said he was leaving and-and then he said I'll be handling pride and- I wahhh
Charlie didn't know how she had any more tears left to give. Just rethinking what just happened makes her even more miserable.
Vaggie: Wait, wait. Leaving? Why? Didn't he just got here and what about the thing in Sloth??
Charlie sniffs.
Charlie: He said it's related to it- that he needs to find something, no, someone. He didn't want to go without saying goodbye and I just.. exploded.
She nuzzles her face on the fallen angel's neck.
Charlie: I don't want to lose my dad, Vaggie.
Vaggie doesn't know what to say if she's being honest. She wants to be mad at Lucifer. Like, how could a parent who claims they adore their child amongst everything else abandon said child. Lucifer wasn't there when Charlie wouldn't get out of bed whenever her birthday came up, he wasn't there when Vaggie caught her staring at the family portrait full of wishful thinking, or when she cries calls out to her parents in her sleep, or-
But she can't. Because he's trying just like she was back then. They're both doing a little redemption on their own- it just happens to be for the same person.
So she understands. To hurt and to be hurt.
Vaggie: I haven't known your dad for very long, Charlie. But I can tell that... he cares. Yes, he's awkward, a bit socially inept, and has his own issues. But, there's one constant in everything he does.
Charlie: What's that?
Vaggie: You, dummy. He loves you more than anything. He probably made the deal with Heaven to spare Hellborns because of you, now that I think about it. My point is, there is no way in the seven rings of hell that he won't put you above everything.
Charlie is about to protest but Vaggie cuts her off.
Vaggie: Uh! He will. You know why?
Charlie: Why?
Vaggie: Because you're his daughter. It's just how parents are.
Vaggie pulls them both up and they gaze into each other's eyes lovingly.
Charlie: What would I do without you, Vaggie?
Vaggie: Still be your amazing self, I'm sure. I hope you guys resolve this, though. Maybe you could convince him to try other dating options. I don't like this whole thing going on with your dad and Alastor.
They laugh and share a kiss.
Her girlfriend was right. This is how her dad is. He's willing to be better for her.
I want to be better for him too.
Charlie: What?!
What to look forward to in Part 10:
Lucifer in Sloth.
Going to Earth.
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miizuzu · 1 month
Here is the second part of my fanfic featuring all of them. Haven't proofread. I've tried making it more spicy but it is my first time writing so.... Sorry :P MDNI
You are laying in bed and can feel the sun seeping in through your window and onto your skin, you stretch out your arms and slowly open your eyes. You were met with another pair of gentle blue-pink eyes, watching your every little move. “Good morning princess, did you have a good dream?” Rafayel asked with a soft gentle voice. “Mmhmm” you mumbled back. 
Then it finally hits you, your eyes wide open, you shoot up from your sleeping position and let out a high pitch scream. “Kyaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!???!” 
“Wahhh????? What is it? Is it a wanderer??” Rafayel was startled and jumped up like a cat about to attack, almost pulling his dagger out.
You looked down, grabbed your blanket and tried to cover yourself while pointing at him. Confused, you questioned him “What are YOU doing here?!?!”
You felt movement to your left, you looked down and saw Xavier, halfway hanging from your bed, woken up by your scream, trying to rub the sleepiness out of his eyes. 
“What's going on…?” He asked innocently. 
Zayne also rushed through your doorway while wearing an apron, also confused about the scream he heard, but sighs and relaxed after seeing there was not an emergency. 
The 3 confused lads are all looking at the equally confused you for an answer. All you mustered out was “Why are all of you in my room???!!!?”
It seems you were drunk enough from last night that you couldn't really remember how it led to this. You tried your best to recall what happened. You remember the Valentine's party at the pub with Tara and Xavier, and Rafayel and Zayne joined in. You remember taking shots but then your memory starts to get fuzzy. You vaguely remember them arguing and you falling asleep. But it felt like you were forgetting something very important, and you simply can't figure out what it is.
“It would seem like our princess had no recognition of what happened last night.” Zayne calmly concluded. “What happened…Did I say something?” You asked, like a deer in headlights. 
“It would be easier to just show you.” Rafayel says with a smirk on his face as he leans in close and closer to you. You tried to back away from him and was saved by Xavier pulling Rafayel back. He starts pouting. “Fine! I’ve already asked once, might as well just ask again.” Rafayel grabs your hand, his face becomes serious as he cups your hand with both of his. “Y/N, you like me right?” You could feel his hands trembling. Your face is now flush red, eyes widen and you want to avoid eye contact. “Y/N! Please… answer me?” he begs. 
You slightly nod your head, and are now in shock as your memories come pouring back into your brain. You remembered the same question being asked the night before, and the passionate kisses you shared with the 3 men. You could even feel your shoulder blades getting red as you tried to sink yourself into your blanket to cover up your embarrassment. Rafayel, still holding onto you, pulls you close to him and kisses the back of your hand and hugs you over the covers. He wouldn't budge even with Xavier trying to pull him away. 
“Breakfast is ready, Y/N, come here and eat.” Zayne calls out from the kitchen. Rafayel finally lets go of his embrace, Xavier offers you his hand to help you off of the bed. You take his hand and he pulls you into him and gives you a tight embrace, whispering in your ear “Good morning, my dearest.” with the most gentle and innocent look on his face. You could not stop yourself from blushing. Meanwhile, Zayne beckons you all to the dining table. Slowly, everyone walked out of your room one by one. 
Arriving at the dining table, you stare at what Zayne has prepared. Your eyes begin to shine with excitement. “How were you able to make all these with what I have here?” You asked Zayne, while being amazed at his cooking abilities, “You had a lot of food in your freezer, I'm sure you would be able to make something simple like this if you tried.” Zayne replies as he softly pats your head, and gives you a light peck on your cheeks. Your hand quickly travels up to your cheeks. 
You sat down trying to distract yourself by eating the food Zayne had prepared, the 3 men also sat down with you, Zayne sitting beside you while Rafayel sat across from you with Xavier beside him. Everyone was slowly eating their breakfast when Zayne suddenly mentions “So, how are we going to deal with the issue we have at hand?” he calmly asked everyone while he gracefully digested his food. Everyone else was shocked by the topic and flinched and stopped eating. You just stay there with your head down, trying to avoid eye contact with everyone. “You guys could just give up and let me and Y/N enjoy our new couple's life.” Rafayel says half jokingly knowing full well the other 2 will not back down. “Like hell I would let that happen.” Said Xavier with a serious voice. “Agreed.” Zayne says while nodding his head. 
You sat there thinking to yourself, ‘Are they really ok with this? How is this even going to work?’ You didn't realize the 3 of them had been staring at you wanting to ask you about your opinion. Zayne then snaps you back to reality. “Y/N, we need to know how you think about all this. Care to share some of your thoughts?” You finally tilt your head up, glancing at Zayne, Xavier then Rafayel. 
You really have no idea what you should do or what is the right thing to do in this situation. You do not want to hurt any of them but you really cannot decide on just any one of them. You loved all of them equally and the thought of you not being around them is too painful. All you could do is let out a bitter smile and say, “I really don't know what we should do. I do not want to lose any of you. I guess this is just how selfish I really am.” 
Once again the 3 men were heart broken by seeing how torn you feel. Zayne thought of an idea. “Everyone, let's make a chat group on our phone. It is not often we all see each other like this, then again I would rather just spend my days off with just Y/N without the 2 of you meddling in our business. We can use the group chat to keep everyone in check while some of us get busy. How does that sound?” Xavier answers, “That's actually not a bad idea, at least we can keep everyone updated about Y/N. Not that I would let anything happen to her while she is with me.” “Fine with me, I will post our lovey dovey photos of Y/N and I when we go out for dates.” Rafayel butts in.
The 3 men exchanged their phone information and Zayne took your phone and created a chat group, adding the 3 of them in it. “Let's all also agree on one important thing, no one is to pressure Y/N into deciding what she wants to do. If any of us break that rule, they are no longer a part of this. And we will make sure of that.” Xavier and Rafayel both agreed as they formed a pact. “You are, however, allowed to try and woo her to your heart's content. That being said, the final decision will always come from Y/N.” The 3 of them then shake hands to pledge that they will play by the rules. 
“Are you all really alright with this..? It just feels really unfair to you guys and that I am leading you guys on for my own benefit…” you speak as your eyes start getting teary. “This is what I want,” Xavier answers quietly, “I've waited too long for us to revert back to anything less.” Xavier stares into your eyes sincerely with a hint of sadness. “I'm sorry for putting you through all this. Rafayel and Zayne also felt the same way.
It was Zayne's way of trying to protect you. And you noticed it. He is usually so strict but when you are involved, he would always put your feelings first over what he feels. You turned to him and gave him a hug. The others just watched as you lovingly hugged him. “Can I get a hug too?” Xavier looks at you with his sad puppy eyes. After you let Zayne go, you walk around the table and give Xavier a hug from behind while he is still sitting at the chair. He smiles while you see his ears turning pink. 
“Hey, don't forget about me too!” Rafayel complains. You slowly let go of Xavier and walked next to Rafayel and gave him a hug as he turned to face you to accept your embrace. Knowing that you've accepted their feelings, Rafayel is getting more daring. As you have your arms around him, his head close to your chest, he has one arm around your waist and his free hand is placed on your thigh, slowly traveling upwards while he tries to bury his face in your bosom. 
Flustered, you noticed you are still wearing your dress from last night. You escape from his grasp. “Hey! Would you look outside? It's a great day and we should go out and enjoy it instead of staying here. I would like to change out of this dress too…” looking at the well dressed men, you suggested “Maybe you guys should change too?” You were clearly blushing. 
Zayne stands up and suggests, “Why don’t we all go get changed and meet back here before lunch?” “That’s a great idea!” you shouted. “I can finally get out of this dress!” Zayne tried to hold back his soft chuckle, smiled and said “That’s too bad, you look absolutely breathtaking in that outfit.” shocked from his remark, your eyes widen and your face feels hotter by the second. You are not used to Zayne telling you how he feels, you always had to guess his feelings and now he is showing you everything like an opened book. It’s a nice change but it will take some time getting used to it. 
“I want to shower too, why don't we shower together?” Rafayel playfully suggests. Xavier and Zayne both had their eyes on him and had an annoyed look on their face. “If you want to shower, you can come to my place.” Xavier puts his arm around Rafayels’ neck and tug him along. “We will see you later.” Xavier brushes his free hand on your cheeks with a warm smile. “Hey! Let go of me!” Rafayel tries to struggle but to no avail. 
“What is your pass code for the door?” Zayne asked before heading out. “Why? I could just open the door for you?” You had a confused look on your face. Zayne reaches for your face and holds your chin with his index and thumb and pulls your ear close to his lips, “I would very much like to let myself in.” He gives you another light peck on your cheeks again. His voice was so flirtatious you could hardly resist. You swallowed down the moan that almost escaped from your lips. Once again your face has become a pretty hue of red. 
“Wait, I want to know too!” Rafayel forced Xavier to stop. “As do I.” Xavier also chimes in. “You live upstairs, you don’t need to know.” Rafayel complains, still trying to wiggle his way out of Xavier’s grip. Xavier is looking at you with puppy eyes. “Fineeeeeeee! I’ll put it in the group chat. Now get going or else we will miss lunch!” You playfully pushed all of them out and shut the door behind you. “I’ll be back before you know it babe!” Rafayel shouted from behind the door while getting dragged upstairs by Xavier. 
Arriving at Xavier’s apartment, Xavier lets Rafayel inside. Rafayel looks around with his arms crossed in front of him, still jealous of the distance between the 2 of you just being separated by just the ceiling, he couldn’t help himself but to pout. “Didn’t you say you wanted to shower? You can go first.” Xavier said to Rafayel with a cold voice. Rafayel glares at Xavier but does not answer, he pulls out his phone as if he was waiting for a message. Xavier paused and thought for a second. “On second thought, I will go in first.” he then rushed into his room, grabbed a change of clothes and charged into the bathroom. “Wow, you're such a great host.” Rafayel exaggerates. 
Rafayel wanders around the apartment, he sees plushies laying on the couch, he knew it was a reward from the claw machine. He takes it and squeezes it, pretending the plushie was Y/N’s face and pinches its cheeks. “Stop torturing Bunbun. It’s your turn for the shower.” Rafayel had an annoyed face and as he turned to look at Xavier, a set of spare clothes were thrown in his face. “You are really getting on my nerves.” Rafayel taunts Xavier as he walks into the bathroom. 
Xavier with a towel still drooping on his head, sits down on the couch and dries his hair. His hand traveled down to his lips, reminiscing the touch he and you shared, he chuckles to himself as he remembers you saying that it was your first kiss. Buzz Buzz, he twitched by his phone vibrating, which brought him back to reality. He checks his phone and realizes it was from you, sending the group your passcode for your home. He beams and shoots up from the couch, wanting to head downstairs to you but remembered Rafayel was still in the showers. ‘What is taking him so long.’ Xavier wonders to himself, frustrated. Just then, an idea strikes him. He went searching in his room, once he found the item he was looking for, he came out and checked on Rafayel. 
“Are you done yet? Even Y/N has finished with her shower.” Xavier asked as his patience was running low. “Yeah, yeah. Stop rushing me.” Rafayel steps out of the bathroom finally. Wearing one of Xavier's hoodies and sweatpants, his hair has been completely dried. “Do you have a bag of sorts so I can take my clothes?” Rafayel asks while holding his garments. “No.” Xavier answers coldly, “Let's just go already.” He couldn't stand being away from you for another second. “Fine, fine. You're no fun to hang around too. I would very much rather be in the company of Y/N.” Rafayel walks out while still holding on to his clothes. Xavier follows and locks the door.
Xavier dashed downstairs and stood in front of the door. His hand hovering over the number lock, his shaking hands enter the passcode and with a beep, the door is unlocked. He slowly walks in to find you sitting on the couch wearing a sweater and a pair of jeans shorts. You were texting and smiling, almost didn't notice Xavier had entered your apartment, you only noticed after the complaints from Rafayel that they are both back in your home. 
You look at the 2 of them, and can't help but giggle at Rafayel wearing Xavier’s clothes. It's not his usual style but it does look good on him. You then imagined Xaiver in Rafayel’s normal clothes and you can't help but blush a little. Xavier walks over and sits beside you on your couch. He grabs your hand and puts a key in your palm. “For my apartment.” He said as he smiled. 
Rafayel felt annoyed and left out so he stomps over to your other said and drops himself next to you. “Hey Y/N, do you mind if I just leave my clothes here? It's a hassle to bring with me.” He puts his arm around your shoulder, the slightest touch would make you jump, but he starts to lightly tug you towards him. Once your back reaches his chest, he cages you in with his free arm holding you waist. You are not used to being touched intimately and your ears begin to burn. Rafayel sees your innocent reactions and it makes him blush even though it was him who started it, still he would not let you go. 
Xavier glares at Rafayel and tries to get him to unhand you, feeling jealous. His hands are traveling up your legs and up your thighs going up to your waist, trying to pull you back towards himself. “Are you 2 trying to rip me in half?” You whined, trying to get them both to let go. But you are the shiny new toy and they can't get enough of you. You liked that they both want your affection but you just don't know how to handle them.
‘When will Zayne be back?’ you thought to yourself hoping he would come to your rescue. You hear the familiar Beep, right on cue, and your door opens with Zayne's return. He walks in and sees the 2 men all over you, your eyes pleading for him to get you out of the situation. He made a coughing sound, trying to get Xavier and Rafayels’ attention, they were so focused on their little fight that they didn't notice Zayne at all. You could see a vein popping up on Zayne's temple while his face remained calm, as he activated his Evol and placed his 2 hands on each of their shoulders, sending shivers down their spine as they finally let go of you. You could help but giggle at the situation.
You took this opportunity to slip out of the hands of Rafayl and Xavier. “What should we have for lunch?” You asked with an excited look on your face. The 3 men can’t help but feel defeated by your innocent manner. You guys decided to go buy items for a picnic at the park, everyone traveled in Zayne’s car, went to the supermarket and bought some premade sandwiches and a picnic blanket. 
Once you arrived at the park, you found a shaded spot under a big tree and ran towards it, Zayne and Xavier took the items out of the car and watched Rafayel chase after you. Everyone was actually having a great time, even though the 3 men would throw jabs at each other, it would make you laugh, you can’t wait for another day where all 4 of you can hang out together.
Random bypassers would watch your unique group, full of attractive men and the one female, all having a good time. Little did they know your complicated relationships. All the ladies walking by would get jealous of you for having the 3 of them around you. Even small animals would gather around, mostly next to Xavier, birds landing on his shoulders and squirrels trying to climb his legs. A few of them tried to steal food from Rafayel while none of them would go near Zayne. Zayne is not showing any emotions on his face but you could tell he was a bit hurt from that, you decide to sit closer to him and lean on his shoulders, with that little gesture, his heart melted.
Time flies when you are having fun, the sun was about to set before you all realized. You suggested they grab dinner before going home, they all agreed since they don't want the date with you to end. Rafayel got a call from Thomas to discuss an upcoming exhibition; he was unwilling but left shortly after dinner. Zayne has early surgery appointments planned and left after dropping you and Xaiver back home. 
Xavier held your hand as the 2 of you walked up the stairs instead of taking the elevator, both wanted to prolong the date. When you finally arrived at your apartment suite, Xavier grabbed both of your hands and squeezed them in his hands. “I had a great time today, thank you for our first date.” You looked into his eyes longingly, as if you didn't want the day to end. Seeing how vulnerable you look, he couldn't help but lean in for a kiss on your lips. He moved one of his hands up to your cheeks, slowly rubbing circles as he kissed you with more passion. It was getting hard to breathe, as he smothers you with his kiss. You let out a moan and Xavier twitched, and he backs off from your lips. 
“You should head inside, I will see you tomorrow.” Xavier says with his signature soft smile. “I don't want to sleep yet…” you whined, not wanting to let go of his hand. Xavier leans in again, putting his hand on your door as he backs you into it. “I don't want to leave you either… but I'm trying very hard to control myself right now. I’m not sure how much longer I can hold.” He looks at you with lustful eyes. It sent shivers down your spine, not a bad way but you also feel you are not ready to go to the next level. “Alright, good night Xavier, see you tomorrow.” You tiptoed towards him and gave him one last kiss before disappearing into your suite.
Xavier licks his lips and lightly touches it, he heads towards his apartment suite and decides he needs to take care of business before going to bed.
Your place feels so empty and quiet without the 3 of them. You hardly feel sleepy, you decide to get changed and ready for bed. Once your preparations are done,  the phone rings. It was Rafayel calling. You picked up the call, “Hello? Did you get home? Sorry I had to leave so soon, Thomas won't stop nagging at me for how important the next exhibit is.” Rafayel keeps talking, not really giving you time to answer, but you were fine with it. Somehow his voice calms you. “Yes, I'm home a while ago, just got ready for bed. When is your next exhibit?” You head over to your bed and lay down. “It's in a few days, a few hours drive away. Enough talk about that, what are you doing now?” “Just laying in bed, not really sleepy yet, was deciding on what I wanted to do before you called.” You replied honestly. 
“I already miss you, Y/N. Being able to be around you the last 2 days has been like a dream to me. I'm glad I finally get to kiss you after all this time. My house feels so empty right now.” You could feel him getting flustered on the other end, you're also starting to blush. He is being very honest with you and it doesn't happen often. “I miss you too…Rafayel” you gasped to yourself, how are you this needy? You felt embarrassed telling him the truth. “I miss you more, princess… I wish I could hold and touch you.” His voice sounds deeper than normal. You shiver at his words. 
You remember he left his shirt at your place. You went and pulled it out of the laundry basket and took it back to bed with you. “What are you doing? I heard shuffling on your end.” He asks while he breathes softly. “Nothing! I-Im just trying to get my plushies.” You made up something nervously. “Why do you sound so nervous then? It's not like you took my shirt and are sniffing at it.” Bingo, how did he know? Did he place hidden cameras at your house? “I’m just kidding. There's no way you would miss me so much as to need to sniff my shirt.” Little did he know that is exactly what you just did. Your face feels like it's burning, the heat is traveling down your whole body, you can't keep your body still and let out a soft moan. “Wait… you actually did? That's hot…Y/N…” he has figured it out, but you couldn't resist his smell. His breathing is more abnormal, it has become quicker. “Princess, please, say something…anything…” he pleaded. You clutched onto his shirt and whispered “Rafayel…” and with just that you heard a low grunt and he finished. You knew what he was doing. He was touching himself while picturing you clinging to his shirt and wanting him. And for some reason you didn't mind and enjoyed listening to him. 
“I would much prefer you being beside me and helping me instead, but I guess this will do.” He sighs. You felt embarrassed from his words, you have never felt this way just by someone's words. You could feel your panties getting wet. You just layed there clutching his shirt with your legs brought up close to your chest. You put your hand between your legs and felt the dampness seeping through your pajama shorts. 
You were about to stick your hand inside your shorts but were interrupted by Rafayels' voice. “What are you up to?” “Nothing! I'm going to sleep now! Good night!” You hung up before he got a chance to say good night. Rafayel was stunned but chuckled and went to clean himself up and head to bed.
Just when you thought the day was over, you got a text on your phone. Zayne messaged you to tell you that he had arrived back home ‘I’ve arrived home.’ you texted him back, ‘Welcome home!’ he replies with ‘You should sleep. It's getting late.’ you giggle to yourself knowing he has reverted back to doctor mode. ‘Already in bed Doc.’ ‘Good, now sleep.’ His replies were short but demanding. 
‘I already miss you, Dr. Zayne. Good night.’ Zayne twitched as he read your last text. His fingers pinching the bridge of his nose while he blush. Looks like he has to take care of the bulge in his pants before he can sleep.
It’s morning and your alarm is ringing, you turn over to place your hand over the clock to stop the alarm before rolling back to your original spot. “It’s nice to know I'm not the only one that has trouble getting out of bed.” Shocked, you sat up with your eyes wide open. Xavier has made his way into your apartment, sitting on the edge of your bed, chuckling. “You scared me!” you nervously say as you cover half your face with your blanket. “I’m sorry,” Xavier said with sad puppy eyes, “I just wanted to see you sooner… Forgive me?” You were surprised he got up and all dressed before you. Normally it would be the other way around and you would go upstairs to knock on his door to get him to get ready. 
“It’s fine i guess, but don’t sneak in here all the time, my heart can’t handle it…” you let out a playful sigh. Xavier leans over and pets your head and brings himself closer to give you a morning kiss on the cheeks. “Would you like me to make you some breakfast?” Xavier excitedly asks. Not wanting him to set your kitchen on fire, you nicely declined. “Maybe we could pick something up on the way to work. Tara left all her things here from the weekend, do you mind helping me pack things while I get ready?” he was a little bummed when you turned down his breakfast idea but started beaming again as soon as you asked him to help with another task. 
Xavier headed over to the suitcase and started packing. You hopped off your bed and playfully went behind him, wrapped your arms around his waist and gave him a hug from behind. “Good morning Xavier.” You said before grabbing your uniform and headed to the bathroom. Xaviers’ ears turned a light pink, and he playfully shook his head, smiling to himself. “I better prepare myself for any other sudden attacks.”
As you walk out of the bathroom, Xavier extended his arms to the wall to cage you in. You looked at him confused. He leans in close, brushing his lips past your cheeks and whispers in your ear, “Don’t be so naughty.” Your face instantly turned red, you moved your hands up to your cheeks to try to hide as you looked up to Xaviers’ eyes. Xavier slowly backs up, a smirk on his face. “Pay back for the hug earlier.” You playfully pound his chest and he releases you from the wall. “Let’s get going, or we might not have time to grab food.”
On your way to work, Xavier is walking on your left as he pulls the suitcase along. You wanted him to hold your hand, it was as if he knew what you were thinking, as he grabbed your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours. There was a smirk on both your faces, you 2 were in bliss. 
Arriving at the headquarters, you wanted to let go of his hand, since you were not sure how to announce your current relationship, with Xavier being one of your 3 interests. He simply did not want to let go of your hand and held on tighter. Just as you thought about what you should do, a pair of hands grabs your shoulders. 
“I see that things worked out well for you 2.” Tara said with a smirk on her face. “I have you to thank.” Xavier answers Tara promptly. “I expect a reward of some sort, maybe a month's worth of boba tea?” Tara suggested jokingly. “No problem.” Xavier promised. “Here's your stuff.” He hands the suitcase to Tara. “So have you decided if you want to go public with your relationship?” “Yes.” “No.” Xavier looks at you with sad eyes. “It's kind of complicated right now… I will be sure to let everyone know when I think the time is right, but for now, could we please keep this a secret?” You bagged Xavier and Tara. Xavier sighs and pets your head. “I guess if that's what you really wish.” Tara can't help but feel giddy at the 2 of you. “That will cost you another month of boba tea.” “Y/N will cover that.” Says Xavier as he pouts. “That's fine, by the time she finishes the first month's worth she will be sick of boba tea!” You giggled at Xavier.
There was a group of new trainee hunters joining the field today. As seniors you and Xavier took care of the bigger wanderers while the new hunters took care of a lower rank wanderer. One of the trainees panicked as the wanderer charged at her, she shot her Evol randomly and managed to scrap your inner thigh. “Argh!” You muffled in pain. You tried to stand but were not able to, due to the electric Evol temporarily paralyzing you. Xavier saw and dashed to your rescue. Scooping you off your feet and instructed the hunters are he would be taking you to the hospital. 
He ran, as he had you tight in his grip, you could hear his heart pounding faster than normal. Once you arrived at the hospital, Zayne just happened to pass by and saw that you were injured, he glared at Xavier. “Wait, Zayne, it is not his fault. I got caught in friendly fire from the new trainees.” you tried to defend Xavier since you saw the look on Zayne's face about to release his anger towards Xavier. Zayne squeezed his eyebrows and grabbed you out of Xavier's embrace. “I’ll take care of her from here.” Zayne coldly tells Xavier, you could tell he was still angry at him, even though it was not really within his control. 
Zayne brought you to his office and put you down on the couch. You were wearing your skirt and he could see blood trailing down your inner thigh. “Let me see.” He demands. You felt embarrassed and clutched your legs together. “Y/N.” You twitched as he called your name and slowly released your legs, Zayne’s hands were on your knees gently separating your legs. You blushed as you turned your head away and placed both your hands between your legs, holding down your skirt. “Y/N, please move your hands so I can see clearly.” his stern voice was making you feel more embarrassed by the second. 
You slowly moved your hands and placed them on your two sides, clutching tightly on the seats of the couch so hard your knuckles turned white. He placed the foot of your injured leg on his thigh and lifted your leg up at an angle while pulling your skirt down so he could see your cut. “It's not deep, and it managed to miss your major artery.” He sighs a breath of relief. He goes and grabs the first aid kit, he thoroughly cleans up the wound and bandages it up. 
Zayne finally noticed how nervous you were, trying to hold your breath, pink cheeks and eyes tightly squeezed shut. At first he thought you were worried about the pain, but then he realized it was for a very different reason. He slowly ran his finger around your wound. He could hear your irregular breaths and soft puffs which you tried desperately to hold back. He has a wicked smirk on his face and you were too preoccupied to look. 
He can't help but want to tease you, he puts his hand on the bottom of your knees and pulls you so your back is now on the seat. He then bent in and his head was slowly going between your legs. You panicked and tried to push his head away from your sensitive area only to have him grab both your wrists with his free hand and pin them down. He was hovering around your bandaged area, lightly rubbing the tip of his nose to it. 
He placed a light kiss on your bandage, “Ah…” both of you were not expecting that sound. You managed to break free from Zayne's gasp and you covered your mouth with both hands, one on top of the other. Your eyes were as wide as Zayne's. His eyes are now staring into yours'. “You always manage to rattle me up, how am I supposed to continue treating your wound after hearing such a cute sound?” You have never seen his current expression before, he wants more, he needs more. 
You were so shocked by your own voice that tears started forming, and rolling down your widened eyes. Zayne jolted from seeing your tears and panicked. It wasn't his intention to make you cry. “I’m sorry baby, I… went overboard. Please forgive me.” His eyes looked like he would cry if you rejected him. You shook your head, “No… That is not the reason…” you tried to explain. “I don't want you to see me as an easy girl. I don't understand why I made those sounds… please forgive me…” 
Zayne pulled you up and into his embrace, “Oh my silly girl, there is no need for apologies. I loved the sounds you make, it's proof that you feel the same way I do. Here.” He grabs your hand and places it on the bulge between his legs. “This is how you make me feel.” This was the very first time you've touched one. Your face quickly turned red, so hot you could almost fry an egg on it. You tried to pull away but the little movement caused Zayne to let out a lustful moan. He grabs your chin with his other hand and pulls you in for a passionate kiss. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and it shocked both of you and made him quickly let go. 
“Dr. Zayne, your patient is here to see you.” You both suddenly remembered that you came in without an appointment. “I will be there in a minute.” Zayne notified the nurse. He turns back to you, “I guess this is all we have time for.” You could see a smirk on his face. “I'll see you next time.” He gives you another kiss and sends you off.
You were limping out slowly and once you got to the lobby, you saw Xavier sitting and waiting patiently. He noticed you right away and rushed over to you. “Was everything ok? How come you looked like you were crying? Did he give you a hard time?” Xavier's brows stiffen. “No. It's just because of the pain. Zayne helped me bandage it up already.” Xavier was not too satisfied with the answer but decided he shouldn't question you anymore. 
He turned around and kneeled down, offering you his back. “Climb on, I'll take you home.” You got embarrassed “I can walk by myself you know.” You pout as you try to reject Xavier. “Then I guess I will just have to carry you back like how I got you here.” You thought that would be even more embarrassing so you took the offer for the piggy back ride. You blushed and pouted as you climbed on his back. He placed his hands on your thighs and you gasped. “Did I hurt you?” Xavier asked as he worried that he accidentally touched your wound. You shook your head, “No, I was just caught off guard by your hands.” “Sorry, let's get going then.” Says Xavier, you could clearly see his ears turning pink. You wrapped your arms around him to secure yourself and also for how cute his reaction was. 
He took his time walking home. He liked how your arms are around him, if he could carry you forever, he would gladly accept. “Oh yeah, how were the trainees after the accident?” You felt bad having to leave them behind even though the area was cleared of wanderers. “They were all fine and returned safely to the headquarters. The one that injured you felt so bad she came to the hospital but you were still being treated.” “I hope this didn't traumatize them to stop being a hunter.” You said jokingly. “She almost quit, for a totally different reason though.” Xavier whispers quietly to himself, you managed to miss what he said. 
Once you arrived at the apartment, Xavier brought you back to his place instead of yours. “Why didn't you bring me home?” You asked confused. “I wanted to look after you. And it would be easier here since I know where everything is kept. Are you hungry? I can make you something to eat.” You got worried and said “No, I'm not hungry.” Your stomach starts growling. You quickly covered your belly and turned red as it betrayed you. “Okay… maybe a little bit hungry…” Xavier can't help but let out a playful laugh. “Don't worry, I was just going to put together a turkey sandwich for you. I should manage.” You still can't help but worry. 
Sitting on the couch in Xavier's living room, you can't help but notice how clean and tidy it is. You grabbed bunbun which was on the couch and gave it a squeeze. It smells like Xavier, he must like to hug it when he naps. You can't help but sniff it some more. His scent calms you, almost feeling like you were about to fall asleep as well. But by the time Xavier returned with the sandwich, you had fallen asleep with bunbun tightly locked in your embrace. Xavier's brows narrowed looking at bunbun, he was jealous of his plushies. “I'll deal with you later.” As he glared at bunbun. 
He carried you to his bedroom carefully while trying to not wake you up. He gently placed you down and covered you with the blanket. His hand hovering over your face traveling from top of bottom. He was getting horny just from the idea of you being in his bed. He kneels at the end of his bed and unbuckles his pants, lowering it and the boxer enough to have his cock set free. He started stroking himself, he moaned quietly as he stroked himself, not wanting to wake you up. His eyes were locked onto you and his breath became quicker. He wanted to touch you so badly, but fought his inner demons since he didn't want you to feel uncomfortable. 
His hand was moving faster and moans became quicker and louder. You could hear him breathing and you slowly opened your eyes only to see him masturbating to you. You instantly became flustered and wanted to look away. Xavier shows no signs of stopping, if anything, he's going faster and louder. “Princess… Please look at me. Ha… I won't touch you… just keep your pretty eyes…mm on me.” He pleads as he pants and moans. You kept your eyes on him as he played with himself. You were mesmerized by him, the way he looked and the way he sounded. You slowly pulled down the blanket and started crawling towards him, wanting to take a closer look. 
Xavier was getting to his limits, he stared into your eyes with pleading eyes. “Can you… haa… kiss me…?” You reach your arms to his head, fingers running through his soft hair and pull him in for a kiss. He licks your lips wanting access to your mouth, and you allow him by parting your lips slightly. He sticks his tongue into your mouth and swishes it around against yours. You lightly sucked on his tongue and he let out a loud muffled moan, “princess… I'm gonna…MMM…cum, I'm cumming.” His hot cum shots out, landing on your uniform and some actually landed on the bottom of your chin. 
This was your first time feeling the warm sticky liquid, yet you weren't disgusted by it. You wiped your chin with your hand, looking at the creamy white liquid with fascinating eyes. You didn't even mind your uniform being dirtied. Xavier felt embarrassed as he finished with his high. He quickly grabs a box of kleenex to try and clean you up. “I'm sorry princess, I couldn't help myself…, take off your uniform, I'll go get it washed.” He moved around his room so fast and got you a set of his clothes while his cock was still hanging out. 
You told him to turn around as you changed into his clothes, and once you told him you were done, he turned around and saw your tiny figure wearing his clothes, his cock was getting hard again. He quickly grabs your uniform and runs into the bathroom, saying he needs to shower while he puts your clothes in the wash. He ran a cold shower trying to calm his head, and his cock. 
You sat in his bed, dazed, trying to collect yourself from everything that happened today. You got found out by Tara; you got injured; you saw Zayne and touched his dick; you saw Xavier masturbating to you and cums on you. You licked your hand that had Xavier's cum, it tastes salty, you feel yourself getting wet from remembering his face as he came all over you. You felt hot on your thigh when Zayne kissed you. 
Xavier steps out of the bathroom and finds you still sitting on his bed, dazed. He moved toward you and sat down behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist, his head buried between your neck and shoulder. You finally snapped out of your daydream and noticed him. “I’m sorry Y/N, did that make you uncomfortable?” You shook your head, you lifted your hand up to his head and rubbed his cheeks. “Why do you feel so cold?” you ask. Concerned. “Was just trying to calm down, but it didn’t really help.” You turned around to face him, you got on your knees and embraced his head into your chest. “Yup, definitely did not help at all.” as signs and wraps his arms around your torso. 
“You smell nice…” You were running your fingers through Xavier’s hair while taking in his scent. “Y/N… Are you feeling alright? You’re acting like you're drunk.” You were somewhat drunk from his affection towards you. And you loved how he makes you feel so warm and comfortable. “I don’t know what is going on, all I know is I want to keep touching you.” Xavier lightly pushes you away. “I don’t know if I will be able to control myself if you keep saying things like that. I don't want to hurt you, I won’t be able to let go of you. This is your only chance to run.” 
Xavier is trying hard to hold himself back from touching you all over, he isn't sure if you are ready for him to do what he really wants to do. His hands are trembling, the one thing he fears most is to hurt or scare you away. He can no longer bear the thought of you not being with him. Once again you placed your palm on his cheek, he shifted his weight into it and grabbed your hand with his shaky hands. “You would never hurt me.” You told him confidently. 
In one swift movement he already had you flopped down on his bed, he was on his knees, his face hovering just about yours. “Don't say I haven't warned you.” He leans in to give you a bunch of tingling kisses, from your cheeks to your lips, traveling down the side of your neck. He stops at the crook of your neck and playful sinks his teeth onto your tender skin. You let out a moan as he sucked on your delicate skin, leaving behind a hickey. His right hand travels under the hoodie he lent you, slowly moving up your torso. “It tickles, Xavier…” you told him as you giggled. He sat up, tugging at the hoodie and asked, “Can I take this off?” His signature puppy eyes are at it again. You weren't about to stop him even if he didn't look at you with those eyes. You just smiled and nodded at him, next thing you know, the hoodie has been flung across the room. 
Xavier was saddled on top of you, looking down at your now exposed skin, his breathing becoming quicker, you could see the bulge in his pants twitching as he ran his hands over your bra covered chest. “I’m removing this as well…” he says as one of his hands travels behind your back to remove the hooks. You moved your arm over yourself, “I don't want to be the only one that's bare…” you told him nervously. Xavier took your hint and took off his shirt and threw it off the bed. You finally moved your arms to the side and let him remove your bra. “You are so beautiful. I've dreamed of undressing you many many times and it is now a reality. Do you think I can take some pictures?” He jokingly suggested. “Don't push your luck.” You told him as pout and moved your arms in to cover yourself. “Okay, okay. No pictures…… this time.” he laughs. 
You lightly pound on his chest, he grabs your wrist and kisses it. With His free hand, he placed his fingers on your lips, slowly moving down your chin, neck, then to the middle of your collar bone. He then moves his hand to cup one of your breasts and lean in to suck on your hardened nipple of the other. You ran your hands in his soft hair again as you let out soft moans from the sensation of your nipples. “You feel so smooth and soft. I can't get enough of you.” He says as he switches his attention to your other nipple to give it some love. 
His lips started traveling down, you couldn't help but twitch lightly, feeling ticklish and impressed. He was getting closer and closer to your most sensitive spot. He tugs at the sweatpants, wanting to wait for your approval to remove them. You slightly arched up giving him the access he needs to have both the sweatpants and your panties removed. You squeezed your knees together while his hands traveled down your thighs, brushing over your bandaged wound. He stood up at the edge of his bed and removed his own sweatpants and boxer. 
You can see him clearly, his cock looks like it is twitching painfully, leaking with pre-cum. You haven't really seen any personally, but you thought he was on the big side. Compared to the ones you occasionally see in movies. You wondered if it would hurt. Xavier noticed your worried face and smiled, he grabbed your legs and pulled you closer to the edge of the bed. “Gasp! Xavier!?” You weren't expecting the sudden gesture and got scared. “Don't worry, I won't be putting it in. I just thought you wouldn't like to be the only one completely bare. For now, let me help you feel good.” He kneels down and holds the bottom of your thighs up. His eyes locked onto your clit, he moves in to kiss it, sending shivers down your spine. “Y/N, could you hold your legs for me? I want to be able to feel you with my hands.” You put your arms under your knees and hug them towards you tightly. “Such a good girl, and already so wet. This is all for me?” You were too nervous and embarrassed to say anything other than letting out moans. 
He places his hands close to your folds and slightly pulls them apart with his thumbs. “Such a pretty color.” He leaned in and gave it another kiss. He starts licking your cunt all the way up your clit. “So, so sweet…” his hot breath hits you as he kisses and licks you. “Xavier… my body feels funny…” you whine and moan as he eats your pussy out. “Are you about to have your orgasm? That's fine, let it all out. I'll accept every last drop.” He has one hand holding you open while he starts jerking himself off with his other, wanting to cum the same time you do. As he strokes himself faster, his breath becomes heavier, making you more sensitive as his tongue moves in and out of your cunt. 
As Xavier's tongue swishes, you could feel that you are at your peak. Your back arches and head thrown back calling out to him, “Xav-Xacier!!” You were cumming, and as promised Xavier sucking up every last drop as he also cums while he muffled his moans. 
That was your first ever orgasm and you thought it felt amazing. All he did was just use his tongue and it was enough to make you come undone. Xavier carries you back up towards bed and places your head on his pillow, he cleans up after himself and lays down next to you. “I’m getting sleepy, but I don't mind if you want to go again. Just let me nap for 5 mins like this.” He pulls you into his embrace while you 2 are still fully naked. You also felt a drain of energy and thought a nap wouldn't be so bad afterall and fell asleep safely in his arms. 
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wmnylander · 4 months
do you have any leafs blog recs? I've recently gotten into them & found your blog (& you're awesome!!) but there are SO many leafs blogs I'm bit overwhelmed haha
omg how exciting ! welcome to painville. i definitely do have some blog recs ! & thank you, i love you 🥹
i went through my following & picked out my little circle of favourite people that i follow for leafs content (mainly) with a side of other/general hockey stuff ! (in alphabetical order because putting someone first/last felt mean wahhh) ♡
@19960525 @anaphylactic-dread @austomatthws @austronauts @bitchell-marner @cujoforever @domi-max @donttelltheelff @ferperss @fouraloe @girljeremystrong @grittysleftnut @handandglove @handwrittenheroes @hischiersdraisaitl @hockeyburner @hughesquinn @icedhockey @j-ustkeepgliding @kneelander @kniesout @kucherovv @kuntyyamamoto @lostandmost @lukevangelista @malewag @marnerism @mattyhatty @mattynmarns @mitchmrner @mitchyohara @muppetjohntavares @mxaether @pokedcheck @prosciuttowilly @significant-narratives @ssaltfics @stronggroovyman @tacoskittles @tangerwolls @tiger-balm @torontoicehounds @veryknies @wqller
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