#wait I just noticed tiny Tech in the background OMG
im-no-jedi · 2 years
before I inevitably end up knocking them over while changing my bedsheets, please appreciate the setup I currently have for my TBB figures (plus Rex)
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Mom™️ and Dad™️ watching proudly over the babie, while Rex watches Ruby and wonders wtf she’s even doing here. sassy Crosshair judges everyone from behind, while Wrecker and Tech are just being themselves✨
some closeups for posterity:
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ignore the dust and other mess plz 😬
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
“Losty Aone” / “Losty Mountain Man🏔” Series:
Outtake Collection #1
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If you enjoyed my Aone series as much as I enjoyed writing it: then you may enjoy this........
Writer’s block is a bitch rn but at least I have drafts to post! I have like 10 or so of these mini outtakes so if y’all want them all please let me know. Personally I’m in love with them cause you guys know how much I love our Mountain Man😭
This is are not a story per se: they are outtakes from my Aone series) that do not follow a strict timeline. But same story line.
What is an Outtake?
Basically, outtakes are parts of yours & Aone’s love story that weren’t included where Part 0 picked up because it happened either before or after the series.
Remember that Aone crushed on you for 2 years before you two got together detailed in this matchup, so these are glimpses of what kind of interesting things happened during his crushing period.... all the way up until today when you two are happily together. Some are PG and some will be straight up smut after y’all get together. I love writing these omg! If you need any help understanding shoot me a message, but it’s fairly straightforward. 
Enjoy my babies:
Aone 2 Weeks Into Crushing On You:
“Aone...... stop staring at her.” Kenji scoffs at his friend as they sat down at lunch.
“I’m not.” Muttered mountain man as he dug into his food.
“Okay but you say that.......while still staring at her.” Kenji deadpans in annoyance. He had been watching his best friend stare at his crush on the other side of the cafeteria for the past 20 minutes. Y/N was with the rest of the cheer team—basically the smallest one—laughing vibrantly with her friends. Aone’s heart was tight as he watched you laugh, once again silently wishing you would notice him and perhaps laugh at something he said like that.
“The cheerleaders look really good in their new uniforms this school year, huh?” Kenji tried.
His big friend grunted in agreement but he really only thought Y/N looked phenomenal in uniform. Everyone else looked whatever.
“You should tell her how pretty you think she looks today.”
“Uh, I......can’t.” Aone said without changing his expression. Inside, though, he was a big blushy baby.
“Why not? It’s been two weeks since you first saw her and you obviously kinda like her so I think you should!”
Aone shook his head tightly. “Is that what you would do?” He finally looked at his friend: the only person in Aone’s life that he actually confided in. Kenji nodded.
“Oh, most def. See Y/N’s cheer captain, Katana? I have a little crush on her. Want to see how I tell her?”
“You’re attracted to her. You don’t have a crush on her. There’s a difference.”
“Tomatoe Tomahtoh! Watch.” Kenji calls Y/N’s friend’s name from across the caf at the cheerleaders table. Her face brightens when she sees it was Kenji calling her, and she skips over to their table.
Aone blended into the background as usual when bubbly girls came around. Someone with his silent demeanour didn’t really make waves to them.
Kenji spoke to her while remaining seated, ever the nonchalant semi-fuckboy. He had his hands in his pockets the entire time and Aone just knew that he’d never be able to pull that “I don’t care” vibe off with his crush. When you came around, every nerve in Aone’s body stood at attention and he just focused in on you. He couldn’t help it.
“You look really good in your uniform by the way. Fits like a glove.” Kenji flirted passively.
Y/N’s captain beamed like a newly chosen puppy at the pet mart. “Really?! You think so?! Thanks a lot, Futakuchi!!!”
Aone resisted the urge to roll his eyes at how much these ladies fell over his friends antics.
But Aone couldn’t help but wish you would look at him like Katana looked at Kenji. It had only been two weeks since he’s first laid eyes on you, but you brightened his days unknowingly and he just wanted to be the reason for your smile.
Aone heard a tiny squeal coming from his right where the cheerleaders were so he looked over to see you skipping towards them.
🚨 🚨 🚨 HOLY FUCK you were coming to his table! 🚨 🚨 🚨
Aone’s heart literally stopped. He looked to Futakuchi in alarm, though his face seemed unaffected to the average person.
Kenji smirked back at the white haired giant, as if to say “exactly according to plan.”
You approached the table like the bundle of energy you are and Takanobu practically let his static demeanour switch so he could sigh happily as the fruity scent you wore hit him.
You were so close: you were so perfect: and you were so beautiful. Aone’s eyes didn’t leave you for a second.
You stopped beside the table with a smile for your cheer captain.
“Katana! Coach wants us stretching on the field in 3 minutes, let’s go!” Not noticing anyone else, you tugged on your captain’s sleeve and then grabbed her wrist to bring her back to the team.
Katana waved at Kenji as she was being dragged away. “Oh, okay, so I’ll see you Saturday night Kenji?! You can pick me up at 8!”
Kenji nodded nonchalantly, his attention mainly back to his friend who was staring at his retreating crush.
“You could have at least said hi.” Kenji crumpled his napkin, annoyed. “The only reason I asked Katana out is because your crush doesn’t leave her alone for two seconds so I knew she’d come over here. That was your chance!”
Takanobu ate a spoonful of his yogurt, turning only to his brown-eyed future captain solely because you had exited the cafeteria. “Well, I happen to think that was a successful greeting between Y/N and I.” He deduced.
“What?! Are you kidding me?! How?!”
“She’s never been that close to me before. She smells good. Like apples. I like apples, very much.”
Kenji deadpanned. “You hate apples.”
“And now I like them. So, I deem that a success.”
Kenji sighed in defeat as the bell rang to signify the end of lunch. “Listen Aone-san I know this is your first crush and it’s super intense and all, but please—you better not go this slowly in your pursuit of her. A freaking snail is beating you in a race to her heart, man. Y/N is one of the prettiest girls in this school and definitely the cutest on the cheer team so a lot of guys want her.”
Aone frowned, visibly upset at the idea that other men wanted his crush. But he knew that given how perfect you are to him, it just wasn’t logical to believe he’d be the only one who desired you. “I’m well aware, Futakuchi—“
“Good. I’m just saying. You better not wait like 2 years or something to finally make a move. Please, promise me you won’t do that.”
Aone 1 Month Into Crushing On You When He’s Eager To See You:
“Team, please hurry. We shouldn’t be late to our own pep rally.” Commander-Takanobu of the boys Date Tech volleyball team commanded.
The team of giants was on their way to the gymnasium for the Date Tech High School’s annual pep rally that shone light on the schools most prominent athletic teams: Boys Soccer, Boys Golf, Girls Tennis and the team of yours truly (MOUNTAIN MAN! 🏔).
Kanji laughed as he spun a volleyball on his finger then scrambled to pick it up because it dropped. “It’s cooler to be fashionably late!” He exclaimed loudly in the halls before Futakuchi shot him a look of irritation when the ball he dropped again hit him on the side of the head.
“Heh. Sorry.. senpai. I’m just saying to Aone-kun that Y/N is more likely to notice him if we come into the pep rally looking all cool and late.”
Stopping dead in his tracks, the giant mountain man almost tripped up the rest of the team who was following close behind him. They all yelled in protest as they regained their footing.
Aone ignored everyone, turning around to peer at his early growth-spurted underclassman. “Is this true?” He asked sincerely. “Y/N will notice...uh....me....if we walk in late?”
Stepping in, Futakuchi put a hand on his friend’s shoulder, shooting Koganegawa another glare as he did so.
“Absolutely no guarantee, buddy.” Kenji assured Aone. “Y/N will be really busy cheering, right? Just like the first time you saw her and she didn’t notice you pointing at all. So, chances are slim now, too.”
Aone sighed, disappointed though you couldn’t tell by looking at his face if you weren’t Kenji Futakuchi.
“Oh, okay.”
“You really like her, Aone?” Asked Koganegawa, feeling bad for getting his nice teammate’s hopes up.
Aone nodded, feeling an ache in his heart as he thought about how much he cared for you, his perfect crush.
“But you guys are so...........different. I mean she’s like always overly nice and bouncing off the walls and talking in class and stuff, right? And you’re just............not?”
“I like Y/N just the way she is, and for everything that she is.”
“But.... and I mean NO disrespect, but.........does she even notice you? Uh... she just seems so consumed with cheer and all things rainbow. She’s always ignoring anyone who isn’t in her social level—“
Aone shakes his head as the ache in his heart becomes a bit more painful at his teammates words.
“Y/N does not notice me. Not at all, unfortunately. But I notice her. Everyday. And that in itself makes me happy.”
GUYS I CANT —— ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️😭
The team nodded in pity, the lot of them collectively feeling really sorry for their best player and his unrequited love.
Kenji clapped his hands, startling everyone out of their misery filled states.
“Okay! The good news is that we have a pep rally to attend, right now, right?! Aone, be happy— you get to see Y/N in uniform again today!”
Aone’s eyes lit up, only recognizable by Futakuchi, as he nodded.
“Yes. Let’s go.”
Kenji Futakuchi stayed behind a few extra seconds as his teammates strolled on ahead. He had to take a moment to himself to think about how he would be there for Aone when his heart got shattered for the first time....by a girl (you) who is in the same school and class but hasn’t even noticed his existence yet.
Y/N didn’t return Takanobu’s strong feelings—that Kenji knew for sure—and so he just prayed that his big scary looking friend would never have to find that out for himself.
Aone 4 Months Into Crushing On You And Hears That You Have A Crush On Someone Else ☹️:
Sprinting outdoors, Kenji had to clasp a hand over his open gym bag to catch up to his friend who had already started walking home without him
Being that Aone has waited to walk home with Kenji every single day since they started first year together ... it was clear to Kenji that whenever his friend did this.... it was a sign that he was very upset
“Hey, big guy!” Kenji fell into step with his white haired friend, chancing a glance up at him.
Takanobu was famous for his perpetual scowl or angry frown which he had on his face even now, but Kenji knew better than to believe it. He could tell whenever his friend was deeply upset or hurt, just like Aone had been when they were 10 and the Takanobu’s divorced.....but right now, by Futakuchi’s analysis: Aone was feeling far worse than he did back then.
“Who told you, big guy?” Asked Kenji with an accompanied sigh.
“Koganegawa. It slipped.” Carrying on the silent topic-less conversation.
Kenji growled. “That big boned setter! When I see him next practice I’m gonna—“
“No. It wasn’t his fault. I was going to find out eventually. But why didn’t you tell me, Kenji? I would have much rather heard it from you.”
“I’m so sorry man. I was going to on our walk home today.”
Aone nodded, instantly being able to tell that that was Futakuchi’s true intention.
“Y/N’s crush......the guy on the baseball team.....He likes her...back?” Mountain man only stared straight ahead, trying not to let his hurt seep through his voice.
The brunette boy stuffed his hands in his pockets, dreading this conversation already.
“From what I heard of their conversation....y-yeah. Apparently they met at the last baseball game and it started raining so he gave her his team jacket to keep warm—“
“—I don’t need to hear the logistics.” Aone felt his heart tighten even more as his usual fantasy of you looking beautiful wearing his “#7” Date Tech Volleyball Jacket being bumped to the side by a visual of you wearing the baseball jacket of some guy who doesn’t deserve you.
“Hey, no one knows how serious they are, right? They’re just talking.”
“Does he make her happy? I mean... did Y/N look happy when he gave her his jacket?” Even though it was killing Aone to even ask, he was glad he did.
The brunette player, on the other hand, did not want to answer. For when he saw his best friend’s crush and her new crush together, she looked extremely happy. It formed an immediate knot in Kenji’s stomach because he knew how much seeing those two would hurt his best friend. But if he was being honest when that jacket was put over your shoulders your smile had been wider than Kenji would like to admit.
“Relatively..uh...happy, I guess.”
Aone’s frown deepened. He knew Kenji well enough to know that he was trying protect his heart on Aone’s behalf. He didn’t call him out on it though, he knew that your smile must have been wide. You probably did seem happy..
It hurt him intensely. Looking away, Aone stated something matter of fact:
“Well, he isn’t good enough for her.”
Futakuchi looked up at mountain man. “You know him?!”
“No. I don’t need to in order to know that she’s too good for any guy at this school, including me.”
Kenji laughed, patting his friend on the back. “You’re closest though,” he encouraged. “Maybe you should—“
Kenji was immediately silenced as both him and mountain man were greeted with an ugly sight. A depressing sight, actually.
Standing to the right of the front school doors was Y/N and the baseball boy. Y/N had her hair up in a high ponytail that looked absolutely gorgeous on her in Aone’s opinion. What wasn’t gorgeous, however, was how you were swatting the baseball player’s arm flirtatiously and speaking energetically with him. You held your school books close to your chest like Aone loved because you looked so cute and smart even though he knew you never opened those books.
He tried to look away—he did—but the team knew that Aone never looked away when he saw you at school and unfortunately that kind of old habit is sure to die hard.
“Just keep walking, buddy....” Kenji tried, swapping spots with Aone so that Kenji was at least partially blocking the heart-breaking view that is his best friend’s crush flirting with one of her many pursuers. Kenji kind of wanted to push the guy into the doors as they walked past them “accidentally” but his better judgement told him otherwise.
Aone 4 1/2 Months Into Crushing On You While You Have A Crush On Someone Else 💔:
Back at their signature lunch table, Aone sat with his best friend and some other members of the volleyball team.
The big-boned setter was exuberantly telling the team a story about him and his brother when Futakuchi noticed that his white haired friend was the only one at the table not listening at all
In Aone’s defence, he was paying attention during the first half of his underclassman’s story tale.....well, until you walked in to the cafeteria.
No one even blamed him because they knew about his intense crush on you—
You captured all of the big man’s attention whenever you walked into a room, it was just second nature now.
Aone loved seeing you smile and talk with your friends but he hated when you would talk to those who liked you as more than a friend—
That damn baseball player had approached you again just now and it really pissed Aone off.
You looked up and chatted with the baseball boy happily, just as you did with everyone (except for your enemy: the class snitch because fuck that guy)
Aone’s eyes fixated on the pair of you.
He was so sad because he liked you so much 💔
His feelings grew stronger everyday, and it hurt him to see you two in the hallway or in class flirting like it wasn’t destroying his heart
Aone knew that it wasn’t logical that he could choose to never make a move on you and still expect you to like him .... that much he admitted to himself
But he at the very least hoped you’d notice him.
Even though he was silently crushing: once you noticed him he’d take it from there, he knew he would
But until then...... you just went about your days looking beautiful as ever, chatting your business loudly in class so Aone could hear, ultimately making him fall for you even more
In the cafeteria that day you had not a clue that when you were just being friendly to one of your admirers (that you actually had 0 feelings for), in actuality— you were simultaneously crumbling the heart of a certain white haired giant who would one day become the most important person to you .......in a year and a half.
Outtake #2: CLICK HERE!
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