#I might switch things up once I’m done with my bed
im-no-jedi · 2 years
before I inevitably end up knocking them over while changing my bedsheets, please appreciate the setup I currently have for my TBB figures (plus Rex)
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Mom™️ and Dad™️ watching proudly over the babie, while Rex watches Ruby and wonders wtf she’s even doing here. sassy Crosshair judges everyone from behind, while Wrecker and Tech are just being themselves✨
some closeups for posterity:
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ignore the dust and other mess plz 😬
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moonstruckme · 10 months
Hi lovely!!! As I mentioned earlier, I apologize again do sending so many asks, I'm sick and stuck at home rn, so my brain has been working on overtime, so if I have an idea and think u might like it, I am sending them lol.
I wanted to know if u could write spencer x bau!reader, where reader is a technical analyst with Penelope for the team. But the last case was a pretty big one and she ended up sacrificing her sleep and needs to Penelope and everyone else could rest? So now that the case is over shes beng kinda stubborn and doesn't really wanna adress it, nor rest till she finishes the few remaining things?
Like always, you don't gotta write anything I request!!! I hope you've had a good week so far and get plenty of rest lol <333
Sincerely, :]
Hi sweetheart! No worries, send as many as you like! I'm just answering them at my own pace :)
Spencer Reid x bau!reader ♡ 876 words
“Hello my favorite genius.” Penelope snags Spencer by his sleeve just as he’s about to step into the elevator, using his momentum to swing him around and start him back the other direction. “I need you to get your ladylove out of my office—” she winces. “Our office. Sorry. Old habits, they do die hard.” 
“She’s still here?” Spencer asks, having learned long ago how to bulldoze through the fluff of conversations with Garcia. “I thought she’d be home already.” 
“Oh, no,” she says gravely, voice dropping to a whisper as they near the tech room. “I don’t think she’s been there in days. You cannot say anything, but she’s starting to smell.” 
Spencer prepares himself for the worst as the door opens, but all he finds is you, cute if a little bedraggled, hunched over your keyboard. 
“Hi,” he says tentatively when your glassed-over eyes don’t leave the screen. Your face is awash in blue light, blank but for the determined pinch of your mouth as you work. “Ready to go home?” 
“You can’t kick me out,” you say. Spencer blinks in surprise and a bit of hurt at your blunt tone before he realizes you aren’t speaking to him. “You can’t make him kick me out, either. I just have a few things left to do.”
“Very admirable work ethic,” Penelope shoots back, her own voice chipper with a steel edge, “but you’ve done plenty. We can finish this tomorrow.” 
You don’t stop typing even for a second. “Go home, Pen.” 
She gives Spencer an emphatic, helpless look behind your back, and he nods, signaling for her to go. She backs out of the room with her hands held up in front of her like she’ll need to ward you off, grabbing her bag and shutting the door behind her. 
“Hey.” Freed from the last constraints of professionalism, Spencer slips into his most honeyed tone. “Let’s get out of here, sweetheart. I’ve got a bed and a fridge full of almost-bad takeout waiting for us at home.” 
“Just a couple of things left to do,” you mutter, but your tone is considerably less hard than it had been with Penelope. 
“There will always be things left to do.” He walks up behind your chair, setting his hands on your shoulders and his chin on your head. You smell a bit stale, a sure tell you’ve been too long in this room, but nothing so bad as Penelope had warned him about. Just day-old you. “I may not know the full scope of things, but I know you’ve been working really hard on this case. You deserve some rest. You need some rest,” he amends. “Let me drive you home.” 
Something like longing flickers across your expression, but then it hardens back into resolve. “Thanks, Spence, but I can drive myself once I’m done.” 
Spencer decides to switch tactics. Oftentimes, the best way to get you to accept help is to let you think you’re actually helping someone else. He straightens and takes a couple of quick steps back from your desk with your chair in hand, rolling you with him.
“Hey!” you reach for your keyboard, but Spencer’s already swiveling your seat, turning you to face him. 
He sets his hands on the armrests. “Sweetheart, I just got off a four hour flight after a three day case. I’d really like to go home, but I’m not leaving here without you.” The divot between your eyebrows takes on a new character, frustration softening into sympathy. “And you haven’t even let me say a real hello.” 
A spark of happiness lights your eyes a second before they fall closed, face tipping up in eager anticipation as Spencer dips down to kiss you. It’s soft and lingering, and you rub your lips together self-consciously after it’s over, realizing how chapped they are. Spencer wonders when the last time you drank water was. 
“Sorry,” you say softly. “I didn’t mean to hold you up.” 
“You’re not,” he reassures you quickly, wanting you pliant but not guilty. “I mean, I don’t mind. Of course I don’t mind waiting for you. But are you ready to go now?” 
You cast a hesitant, skeptical look back at your computer, but Spencer smooths his thumb over the inside of your wrist, and you relent. “Yeah, okay. I just have to come back early tomorrow to finish up.” 
Spencer hums noncommittally. He was already planning on disabling your alarms after you’re asleep tonight. You need rest more than the higher-ups need your reports. You stand, grabbing your bag from under your desk and letting him shepherd you towards the door. 
“Do you think we could order some new takeout?” you ask him. 
“Good idea,” he agrees, somewhat relieved. “The stuff in the fridge has chicken in it, I don’t trust that.” 
Your laugh is somewhat lighter than usual, exhaustion setting in now that you’re out of your cave, but Spencer relishes the sound regardless. “Yeah, me neither. Pizza?” 
“Pizza,” he confirms. 
You make it all the way downstairs before your eyes flare and you spin around. “Shit, I think I left the light—”
“Nope.” Spencer takes you by the shoulders, steering you towards his car. “Someone else will take care of it.”
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rainylana · 5 months
“Takin’ care of my best girl.”
Eddie Munson x female reader
summary: reader has a panic attack during the night.
warnings: panic attack, anxiety, tears and descriptions of anxiety symptoms, hurt/comfort, fear of allergic reaction/throat swelling.
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You’re sitting on the porch. The air is cool and breezy against your face, the moon shines a calming light on the grass in from of you, making it shimmer. There’s cats roaming in trash cans. Maybe they’re raccoons, actually. It was a beautiful night, but you weren’t really able to enjoy it.
Your heart was pounding, head aching and body trembling with fear, a fear you didn’t know what it exactly was. Your stomach was so twisted with knots and nerves you thought you’d surely pass out. It hurt to breath. You couldn’t breath. Your hands were cradling your head, holding your body tight and hoping it would pass.
It always passed. It always went away and you were always okay. They didn’t normally get this bad. You were getting so much better at handling them. For some reason tonight wasn’t the case. You debated waking Eddie up, but you hated keeping him up with you when you got this way. It wasn’t fair to him.
You had tried all the things to help you. You squeezed an ice cub in your palm, took a cold shower, tried watching to tv to distract yourself. You couldn’t stop swallowing, testing to see if your throat was closing up, which was now raw and irritated from your constant swallowing. You tried taking deep breaths, hands shaking as you placed a hand over your chest, grasping at your shirt.
Once you thought you were getting better, it would start up again. The sudden racing of your heart that made you breathless. After a few minutes, you began to pace, gripping at your chest and willing it to go away. What if there was something wrong with you? Were your lungs actually closing? Were you having an allergic reaction?
That’s what got you every time. You always thought you were dying, and you never were.
You needed to go to the hospital. You couldn’t stand it anymore. You’d been to the er many times for panic attacks, but what if it was serious this time? With trembling legs you walked back inside to your bedroom, rounding the bed and shaking Eddie urgently.
“Eddie?” Your still holding your chest. “Eddie?”
His eyes flutter open, squinting in the dark. “Hmm?”
“I’m scared.” You say, bringing up a nail to bite. “I think something might be wrong.”
Those key words had him sitting up, rubbing his eyes. He leans over and switches on the light, looking up to take you in. He knows what’s wrong immediately, lifting the blanket so he can get out of bed. “What’s going on?” His voice is tired and gruff. “You anxious about something?”
You shake your head yes, grasping at your throat. “I- I uh, I think my throat might be swelling up. Maybe I ate something.”
He nods slowly, bringing his hands up to ghost at your arms. “What brought this on? Did it just start?”
“No, I’ve been up awhile.” You say, trying to swallow again. You do, but harshly, pushing out a choked breath that has you pacing around the room. “Eddie, I’m scared.”
“You’re alright, baby.” He’s following you, grabbing your hand. “Come on, let’s go out to the living room.” He guides you out there, sitting you on the kitchen chair by the stove. “I’ll make you some tea.”
Your eyes start to well up and you shake your head. “No, I- I think we should go to the hospital, Eddie.” Your voice came out desperate.
He’d done this with you so many times, yet the urgency and fear in your voice always made him nervous, even though he knew you were completely fine. He puts the tea in the microwave, setting it for two minutes before he’s crouching in front of you. “Hey,” He’s grasping your face. “You’re alright. You know that. We just have to work through it okay? Like we always do.”
You let out a sob that makes his heart ache, a tear dropping town to his wrist. “But I’m scared.”
“I know you are.” He coos, petting your hair. “If you really want to go I’ll take you, but you’re strong enough to fight this, baby. I’m right here with you, right? We can get through this.” He leans up and kisses your forehead, then your cheek, going back to the microwave to let you think.
Your knee is bouncing quickly, your knuckles tapping at the table like you’re trying to communicate through morse code. Your breathing gets heavier and heavier, your head getting harder to keep up. You gasp, groaning loudly as you lean over.
He’s bringing the cup of tea over to you quickly, sitting it on the table to hold your back. “Just breath, sweetheart.” He’s rubbing your back, crouching beside you. “You’re alright.”
You start to sob, head between your knees as you fight to be sick. You hiccup, shoulders shaking with your cries. You reach to grip his arm. “My stomach hurts so bad.”
It wasn’t rare for you to throw up when you got worked up. He quickly brought the kitchen trashcan over to you, sitting it in front of you so you could have it at the ready.
“Keep breathing.” He instructs you, bringing the tea over to you. “Here, try and drink some of this.” He wasn’t ever sure if the tea helped, but it made him feel useful when you got to feeling poorly.
When your tea is gone, after practically gulping down the hot liquid, he’s rubbing your shaking shoulders, trying to get the knots out of muscles. He switches on the tv to gilligans island, the episode where the professor is trying to make a phone out of a coconut and a banana peel.
You keep crying through half of the episode, coiling over here and there. When you did, he rubbed the back of your neck and kissed your shoulder, telling you to breath and that you were going to get through it.
When you’re three episodes in, your tears have stopped and you’re left with nothing but embarrassment and humiliation, your face beat red as you begin to mutter an apology. “I’m sorry.” Your voice is shaky and hoarse. He’s sitting beside you now, his arm tossed around your shoulders.
“Don’t be.” He smiles, tapping your nose. “Just doing my job.”
“Your job?” You sniffle.
“Takin’ care of my best girl.” He kissed you, a quick peck on the lips as he leans over and turns off the living room light, snuggling back into the couch and pulling you into his chest.
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bkgml · 2 years
phone calls with kats !!
you’re rudely awaken by your phone going off like it’s nobody’s business.
“ugh.. fuck off.” you groan, hand tapping at your nightstand in search of your phone.
once you finally grab hold of it your eyes scrunch up from the blinding light of the screen.
you whine lightly, eyes adjusting and clicking the green ‘answer call’ button.
“hello?” you croak out.
“…hey.” you hear from the other line.
you jolt up from bed.
“katsuki?! why are you calling? did something happen? are you okay?!” your mind races a mile a minute. he wouldn’t call you at this hour unless it was important.
“i’m fine, sweets. ‘m sorry for making you worry.” he says quietly.
you pause.
“why’re you calling me kats, did something happen?” you say, now calmed from your previous panic.
you hear a sigh from the other line. it sounds tense and tight in his throat, almost painful.
you let the words come to him, knowing forming words to match his emotions isn’t one of his strong suits, yet.
“just missing you.” he sighs again, to stop tears from forming in his eyes (but he won’t tell you that part).
“i miss you too, suki. you just gotta keep working, yeah? this missions important.” you soothe.
“uh huh.” he says, voice cracking ever so slightly.
“i love you. my big strong man protecting everyone. makes me wanna give you a big kiss as thank you when you come back to me.”
“yeah? you think i’m the strongest, huh? city would be nothin without your man, right?” you hear his grin through his response.
“oh the way to a man’s heart, his ego.” you laugh lightly.
he stays silent while listening to your laugh fizzle out.
stays silent while he listens to your breathing.
stays silent as he listens to you laying back down into the comfort of your bed.
“wish i was there with my sweet girl though.”
you smile lightly, trying to keep him motivated.
“i know, baby, but it’ll feel better after catching your bad guys, more rewarding.”
he goes quiet once more as he thinks.
“i guess you’re right.” he admits begrudgingly.
“i am.” you smile.
he hears you yawn.
“i shouldn’t have woke you.” he frowns.
“i have the day off tomorrow, and even if i didn’t i’d be happy you called, i’ve been missing you too.”
“yeah?” he replies, sounding more longful than he hoped.
“course, kats. love you more than anythin. i should let you sleep though.” you say.
“wait.” he says, urgently.
you do and he sighs.
“can you stay on the phone until i fall asleep?” he grumbles.
“uh huh!” you smile.
“do you wanna facetime so i can see that handsome face?”
he doesn’t reply but you get a request to switch the call to facetime pop up on your screen.
“hi, pretty boy.” you smile.
you watch his brows furrow slightly, faking disgust.
“don’t call me that shit.” he frowns.
“shh. you’re supposed to be going to sleep.”
his frown deepens and he sighs before closing his eyes.
“only a week more. you’re gonna spend your days kicking ass and taking names kats.” you smile as you ramble on quietly.
“my man is going to protect the whole country. all my friends at work are going to be soooo jealous.”
you see him smile slightly, keeping his eyes still closed.
“and then when you’re done doing the job you love you’re going to get on a plane and come see me and all your friends. i might give you a big welcome back party with your friends from high school and your parents.”
you see him frown lightly and you can tell he’s trying his best to listen to you but he’s drifting off so fast.
“but i don’t know, i might have to be selfish and keep you all to myself your first night back. maybe i’ll cook you a nice dinner, your favourite. i could make it extra spicy just for you. or we could order takeout and cuddle up close on the couch while we watch a movie you make fun of the whole time, even though i know you’re enjoying yourself.”
you see his consciousness fade away as you ramble on about all the things you’ll do together when he gets back.
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wosoamazing · 6 months
Bad Timing
Warnings: Endometriosis, Passing Out, Vomiting
A/N: IDK how good it is, can’t decide if I like it or not but yeah…. (also I tried to make this as accurate as possible in terms of the medical things but IDK)
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It was your first Lionesses camp, which you were dreading, if you weren't nervous enough your period was due during this camp, and to say it wasn’t easy was a massive understatement, you had just recently been diagnosed with endometriosis, after what felt like years of being told you were over dramatic. You were rooming with Leah, Sarina had said something about “broadening horizons” or something by switching up the rooms slightly, it meant nothing to you, it was your first camp. However this made you more nervous and scared about getting your period. Leah was really nice and kind, and you really enjoyed playing at Arsenal with her and you always took on any tips she had for you, but you were worried she would see you as weak after seeing how you were on your period. You knew she also had endometriosis and for the one and a half years you have been at arsenal she had not once taken a day off, making you feel like you just weren’t strong enough. You missed training almost once a month and Beth even forced you to pull out of a game one day, insisting she stayed with you missing the game as well. To be fair Leah had done her ACL a week before you signed for arsenal however you still never once heard her complain about it.
Training had been going well, even though you had a dull ache in your abdomen and you had a headache, you knew it meant you would be getting your period pretty soon but you thought you would be in clear at least for now and that you could make it through training, you just had to try and ignore the pain, that had slowly been increasing in intensity.
You were having a drink when a hand was placed on your shoulder, “do you have another pair of shorts?” It was Leah, “no,” you replied quietly trying not to cry, how did you manage to not bring a spare pair, of course this happened, you had travelled from your hotel on the bus to training so it wasn't like you could just go up to your room. “Okay, well why don’t you go to the locker room and I’ll just tell Sarina what is happening and then I’ll come to you, I have a spare pair.” “I should probably go get my tablets from the medics” “Do you-” you cut her off with a nod knowing what she was going to say before a wave of stabbing cramps caused you to hunch over slightly and clutch at your stomach. “It’s okay, I will do all of that, you just go to the locker room.” you nodded before you turned around and walked into the locker room.
Leah had noticed things not many people would, first it was how you missed a training session from the same week 3 months in a row, then it was the fact that you bled through more than you would’ve liked, and the last one was that you would always sit with your knees to your chest in meetings and breaks during the week that your day off fell into.
“Sarina, I think Y/N has just started her period, I’m just coming to tell you because she needs to change her shorts and doesn't have any but I do, so I was just going to go with her.” Leah says as she walked over to Sarina, who nodded before walking away from the other girls getting Leah to follow her, “She has endometriosis, the medics have her tablets and from what her doctors reports say it gets bad, it’s only a friendly, I might get someone to take you both back to the hotel, so we can make a judgement on how we approach this long term, I don’t want to risk her health. Are you okay with that?”
“Yeah, I think that might be good. Thank you” “No, thank you Leah. I know you will take good care of her, it might not just be a coincidence that you are her roommate.”
Once you got into your room you changed out of your training gear and Leah went down with one of the medics so she could get some things you may need.
Once you had changed you started to walk over to your bed when a shooting pain ran down your back and legs sending you to the floor. You were curled up on the floor of your room, holding your stomach tightly, just wishing Leah came back soon, maybe she could help. You really hated how your periods just started like a tidal wave, giving you no time to prepare. You felt like someone was squeezing and twisting your uterus, whilst your back cramped.
“Oh tiny,” Leah said sympathetically as she walked back into the room, she placed the items she had gotten on the bed before she crouched down in front of you.
“Do you want me to move you to the bed?” you gave her a weak nod, and she placed a hand on your shoulder before rolling you over slightly so she could pick you up, the slight movement caused you to whimper before the swift movement of her picking you up caused a heavy stream of tears to fall from your eyes, “I know, I know, I’m sorry”. She gently placed you down in the middle of your bed, before getting in next to you, her upper body was propped up slightly from the pillows as she laid down next to you. She silently handed you a hot water bottle which you placed on your stomach before curling up into a ball on top of her, your head resting on her chest. “Do you want one on your back too or no? I can keep it there,” “yes please,” you said weakly, she grabbed it and softly placed it on your back before holding it there.
“I have a sick bag if you need it, and please ask me for anything at all, I promise I wont judge you, I just want to help.” you just nodded slightly and she wrapped her free hand around you, you managed to fall asleep but even asleep Leah could tell you were still in pain.
“How is she, is she okay?” Beth panicked as she rushed into your room concerned for her favourite little person, she had obviously been informed by Sarina or one of the other staff. You had known Beth since you were born, you were very close family friends, your Dad’s knew each other from when they were young kids and even though you were 11 years younger than her you both always got along well. So when you moved to Arsenal it was a no-brainer that you would move in with her and Viv, it also meant they would have someone living with them to help. When her Mum died it hit you hard, June had been a big part of your life, always looking after you for your parents when their work caused them to be away, she would always show up to your weekend games if she was available and even came to your grandparents day at school, when your grandparents couldn't come but you didn't want your parents to go, when the teacher suggested you could bring an adult friend you had asked her and she happily accepted.
“Yeah she is okay, I think she is in a lot of pain though, it's kind of worrying me,” Leah said as she looked at you, noticing a fear tears were now leaving your eyes even as you slept.
“y/n” Leah softly said as she brushed her hand against your cheek causing your eyes to flutter open, “Beth is here,” you opened your eyes to see Beth sitting on Leah’s bed, “Can I go to the toilet?” “Sure, do you want me to help?” you nodded shyly and Beth helped you off Leah before steadying you as you walked into the bathroom, just as you entered the bathroom, you felt light headed and dizzy, everything was going blurry and there was a ringing in your ears.
“Beth-” your voice was laced with panic and pain “It’s okay, don’t worry, let's just sit on the floor,” Beth said calmly as she lowered you to the floor knowing what was going to happen, as soon as you were on the floor your body went limp against Beth’s and everything went black. “It’s okay, you’re okay, we’re here, we’ve got you,” you heard Beth say as you came back to, opening your eyes slowly so they knew, “Are you okay?” you shook your head as you closed your eyes again. All your body weight was still being supported by Beth, as you took some deep breaths “do you think you might be sick?” you nodded your head, and Leah quickly got the sick bag from the bed and handed it to Beth, “I’ve got a bag, okay. You’re going to be okay though, I promise, I’ve got you, no matter what happens,” Beth reassured you, a few minutes had passed and thankfully you hadn't been sick yet. “Are they always this bad?” Leah asked to which you nodded slightly before letting your head fall back against Beth’s shoulder, she brushed away the pieces of hair that were stuck to your forehead before giving you a small kiss on your forehead.
“Have-” Beth shook her head, “They wont do anything more Leah, we’ve been to extensive appointments, she is too young for them to look into more drastic things yet apparently, and due to her age she is limited on the strength and type of painkillers she is on but some months they are a bit better but they also can get a lot worse.”
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alotofpockets · 7 months
Celebrating you | Kyra Cooney-Cross
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Pairing: Kyra Cooney-Cross x Reader
Summary: Celebrating Kyra's birthday.
A/n: Happy birthday to our one and only KCC! Thank you @totaly-obsessed for talking about this fic with me :)
Woso masterlist | Words: 1k
You were busy making Kyra’s favourite breakfast, while she was still sound asleep in your bed. For Valentine’s Day yesterday you had gone out for dinner, so you thought you’d switch it up today, and put the focus on breakfast instead. It wasn’t long until you had the table filled with your girlfriend’s favourites, you checked everything over one last time, wanting everything to be perfect. It was your first time celebrating Kyra’s birthday since you started dating, as well as it had been your first Valentine’s day together yesterday. 
Once you had looked everything over, and were happy with the result, you heard Kyra starting to wake up in the other room. She was stretching her arms out when you walked into the room. “Good morning birthday girl.” You said as you sat down next to her. She smiled and moved her head into your lap, “Good morning.” Her raspy morning voice was like music to your ears, you just loved it so much. “I’ve made your favourites for breakfast.” Her eyes widened, “Hash browns, avocado toast, oh or vegemite on toast?” You smile knowing you have done right by her. “All of the above, my love.” When she realised that you had not made a favourite, but all of her favourites she was quick to get up, faster than you had ever seen her do before.
“Happy birthday, baby, I hope you like breakfast.” You say revealing the table to her. “It’s perfect, thank you.” She reached for your hand and dragged you to the table, not wanting to waste a single moment not enjoying the amazing food that you had made. “This is so good.” She says after every bite of a different dish that she tried, and it was warming your heart how thankful she was for the small gesture. 
The gesture might have seemed small in your eyes, but for Kyra it meant the absolute world. In previous relationships her birthday had just kind of passed by, the excuse being that it was Valentine’s Day the day before, and that was enough celebrating. They either didn’t want to spend money on gifts for separate days, or told her to choose for which one she wanted to do something. The two of you had spent yesterday exchanging gifts, spending time together, and going out for dinner, so Kyra didn’t expect anything today. 
It was when you pulled out a gift from the chair next to you, that her emotions got the best of her. You quickly place the present on the table, and stand up to comfort her. “What’s wrong, my love?” You wrap your arms around her, and rub your hands over her back soothingly. “You got me a gift.” With a slight furrow in your brow you respond. “Yes, of course. It’s your birthday.” You didn’t understand why she was surprised until she told you about how she had been treated in the past. 
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. How could they just ignore her birthday, and not find it worth it to celebrate things with her two days in a row. You would celebrate Kyra every single day of the year, for the rest of your life, without a second thought. 
Your hands move to cup her cheeks, and wipe away her tears. “Well, yesterday was about celebrating our love, and today is about celebrating you.” After kissing her on her forehead, you bring her in for another hug. “I love you, and I want to celebrate you in every way, always.” The smile was back on Kyra’s face, “Thank you, you are the best. I love you too.”
After she opened the gift that you got her, and told you how much she loved it, the two of you cleared the table. “So, I was thinking we could head back to your place, and spend the day there. How does that sound?” She smiles and nods, “As long as I’m spending my birthday with you, I am happy.”
After showering and changing out of your pyjamas, you drive the both of you over to her place. The drive was short, but you grasped every opportunity to have a car concert. Of course, Strawberry Kisses had to be the first song, and you both loudly sang along. 
When you got to her place, you grabbed the bags, and told her to walk ahead. She had no idea what was about to hit her, since you had been able to keep the secret well hidden, you were able to film her reaction. So, as you’re walking a few steps behind her, you take out your phone and start recording. 
Kyra opens the door, not suspecting a thing, when all of a sudden she hears “Surprise!”, and she is suddenly surrounded by confetti. She looks around to you with tears in her eyes, “You did all of this?” She looked truthly happy by the surprise, and that’s all you wished for. “It was my idea, but Mini helped set everything up.” Kyra goes around and hugs her friends. You wanted to give her a piece of home for her birthday, so you had invited Katrina, Clara, Harper, and Charli. 
You had bought all the decorations and dropped them off at Mini’s place a few days prior, so that Kyra wouldn’t accidentally find them. She was the one that put all the decorations up, and was the one picking up the cake you had pre-ordered, so today wouldn’t have been possible without her help. 
Hearing Harper sing happy birthday to Kyra was the most adorable thing ever, and your heart melted at the interactions between the two of them. You knew how important the people in this room were to her, and were so glad that they all lived in London now, so that they would be able to spend more time together. 
“How are you enjoying your birthday, my love?” You asked her while the two of you cleaned up the plates from the birthday cake. “It is honestly the best birthday ever, thank you so much for everything.” She walks closer to you and wraps her arms around you. “Thank you.” You hold her tight, “Of course, anything for you, my love.”
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gyuwoncheol · 10 months
Cheol’s been prepping you to take his cock for weeks but you’re about to body slam him into the mattress if he doesn’t fuck you right now (which might have been what he wanted all along, corruption kink go brrrr) 😈 “you want it so bad? Then sit on it. Aww don’t be scared I know you’re ready” -⚡️
TW: afab! reader, dirty talk, use of pet names, piv sex, unprotected sex, mentions of creampie and oral sex, bratty & whiny reader, reader is described to be much smaller than Cheol. Not proofread. 18+ only (MDNI).
Note: changed it up a little bit, ⚡️ anon. Hope you enjoy!
Because this is blonde cheol with a bratty reader, I am compelled to tag Zeta my love @multi-kpop-fanfics . It’s simply how the world works 💞
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“Nooo. Stop!” You whined and yanked on Seungcheol’s blonde locks, pulling him back up to face you.
Seungcheol was confused to say the least. His eyebrows quirking as he studies your facial expressions. “You okay?”
“Just fuck me, Cheol,” you blurt out, frustration clear in your voice and Seungcheol swears he heard the angels sing.
“I said, fuck me. No more teasing, no more prepping. I’m done!” You glare at him. Not that you were ungrateful for your boyfriend’s expert oral skills, but when all you’ve gotten the past few days ever since his return from a 3-month tour is everything but his cock, you think it’s okay to sound ungrateful.
“Aw, impatient baby,” he mocks as he grinds his crotch on yours.
“Excuse me?! I’ve been patient! Way too patient! Three months and 18 days patient!!!!” Cheol laughs at your attention to detail, clearly amused at how needy you’ve been. Not that he wasn’t— he was, he’s been dreaming to have his way with you the moment he got home four days ago. But apparently, he could take a few more days of waiting, making sure you were well prepped and ready to take his huge cock again after so long. And maybe he just loved to tease you a little bit more, waiting to awaken the brat in you. “Cmon, Cheollie..” you switch up to a sweet tone, blinking with doe eyes and drawing his face to yours for a kiss, “it’s been too long, don’t you wanna feel my tight pussy around you?”
Seungcheol’s dick twitches in the confines of his briefs at your words but he tries to play it cool with a roll of his eyes.
“Better yet baby, don’t you miss cumming inside—“
Your sentence is cut off with a yelp as the large man who was once above you rolls you both around on the bed, effectively having him pinned between your legs, straddling him right where he wants you. Seungcheol grabs you harshly to connect your mouths in a hungry kiss, the clashing of your tongues and teeth rendering you to a moaning mess while you hurriedly remove his shorts and undergarments.
When Cheol’s hard member springs free and rests on his stomach, the blonde man leans back to examine your next move. He’s not disappointed when the first thing you do is run your wet folds along his shaft. The guttural groan he lets out makes you even more wet than you already are. But that’s a good thing because now you’re looking at Cheol’s thick and long cock, and perhaps he did make the right decision to prep you for it for days.
“Nervous, baby?” He asks with that stupid brow raise of his.
“No,” you answer without hesitation but even then, you didn’t sound so confident.
“Well be my guest, princess. What’re you waiting for? You wanted it so bad didn’t you? Ride me.”
You nodded at Seungcheol, swallowing thickly before wrapping your small hand around his heavy shaft. You aligned him at your entrance, carefully letting his bulbuous head breach your sopping hole. Cheol takes notice when you suck in a sharp breath and close your eyes. It happens the same time he feels the constricting push of your walls which has his hands flying to eitherside of your hips.
“Doing s’good for me, princess,” he encourages, mustering all self control not to just thrust up into you.
“S-so biiig,” you stammer, sinking down to ease another inch of him.
“Not so mad about my prep anymore, eh?”
You roll your eyes at the smug remark, “fuck you.”
“You already are, prin— shit!” Seungcheol curses when you suddenly seat yourself fully to shut him up.
Moans reverberate around the room from both of you after your little stunt. The stretch is painful at first but it slowly morphs into fiery pleasure with every soothing rub of Cheol’s thumb on your hip. You take a deep breath and plant your palms on his chest, circling your hips once.
“Fuuuuck,” you both drawl out, lust fully flowing through your veins.
“Missed this,” you pick up your pace, repeating the motions of lifting your hips then grinding down to stimulate your clit.
“Missed you,” your boyfriend replies. He reaches out one hand to squeeze on your breast before his fingers roll your nipple expertly, causing you to clench harshly on his cock.
“Fuck, princess. If you do that again, I might just cum now.”
You scoff at his remark, ready to tease him back, “aw, who’s the impatient one now?”
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wososcripts · 9 months
Tell Me of Your Grief
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Stina Blackstenius x Reader
Summary: The fourteenth of March brings back some rather difficult memories, and you don't always make the healthiest decisions. Stina intervenes.
Word count: 4.4k
A/N: sorry it's been a while, I've started uni again which means my writing is somewhat slower! With some luck I'll be able to get things up once a week? But that remains to be seen... I promise this is hurt/comfort and not just pain btw.
Warnings ⚠️: discussion of death, self harm behaviors (mild), angst angst angst
You woke up that morning to a text from Jonas saying you didn’t have to come to training. 
It felt weak to admit it, but part of you was relieved. You knew Katie must’ve talked to him, which was mortifying if you let yourself think about it too much, but she knew you needed this day to yourself. 
It was the anniversary of your best friend’s passing—five years in the making. You hadn’t told many of your teammates what happened, or why you became so withdrawn and somber the week around the 14th of March. It was too difficult to explain. All of the dramatics that surrounded the event, the pain, what you had done wrong, what she had too, it was all still too delicate for eyes you didn’t completely trust. 
You hadn’t even told your girlfriend Stina yet. You’d meant to, really, you had, but the days slipped by and there never seemed like a good time to do it. You knew it would ruin any good mood you were in, and honestly you enjoyed having Stina as your respite when the rest of the world seemed to be knocking against your skull. But it felt wrong that she didn’t know. It felt as though you were hiding something from her, even if it wasn’t intentional.
“Hi baby, I’m not feeling well today so I won’t be at practice. Don’t worry your head when I’m not there. It’s nothing too serious, though, so I’ll be back tomorrow.” You spoke into your phone, recording a voice note to send to her so she wouldn’t be left in the dark about where you were. 
Stina was a worrier, something you yourself could understand, so you always made the effort to let her know if you were running late or not going to something. Otherwise you’d inevitably get a call with her anxious voice on the other line. 
It was early, too early for even Stina to be up. The sun had barely begun cresting over the horizon, casting a slight glow to everything. You wanted to go back to sleep, particularly since you hadn't slept all that well to begin with. Your back hurt from being tensed all night as you were plagued with anxious dreams. On your palms were the remnants of nail indentations—some of them bloody from how hard you had been pressing.
You turned on a podcast and closed your eyes, hoping the sound of human voices would lull you to sleep. It must've worked for a little while, because the next time you opened your eyes it was truly morning, and the podcast had switched to another episode. 
The dreams had continued, unsurprisingly considering your waking mental state, and the extra hour of sleep you might be able to get if you closed your eyes wasn't worth it. So you got out of bed, throwing on a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt to go for a run. 
You weren't typically a runner—in fact you were practically ethically against doing it as a hobby—but it was useful for clearing your head. And with no training today, it would feel good to get out for at least a little while. So you blasted your music and took off into the streets of London, completely lost in your own world. Nobody spoke to you, nobody looked at you. 
By the time you had finished, you were sweaty, red-faced, and exhausted. The endorphins began to flood your system as you stripped and started the shower. You turned it almost as high as it could go, hoping for the burn against your skin. You hissed, stepping under the spray, and tears sprung to your eyes. Your skin immediately began to redden. But you didn’t move to lower the heat, instead grabbing your shampoo, gritting your teeth, and bearing it. 
“Morning, Blackstenius.” Beth called, clapping her on the back soundly as she wandered into the locker room. 
Stina expected to find you there, sitting by your locker getting changed into your kit and reading your book as you always did, each morning. But you weren’t there. Your locker hadn’t even been touched. She furrowed her brow, then remembered that you had sent her a message earlier. Maybe you had asked her for a ride and she hadn’t seen? Maybe you were going to be late today? Maybe you had some kind of appointment you’d forgotten about until the last minute—you were notorious for that. 
“Morning,” Katie said, sitting down next to Stina on the bench and pulling her kit out of her bag. 
“Morning, Katie.” She replied, opening her phone to look at her message. 
She brought the phone to her ear, confusion and concern filling her chest as she listened to your voice. Though your words weren’t all that worrying, she could hear in your voice that things weren’t right. 
“How’s she doing?” Katie asked, having heard your voice coming from the phone. Her voice was cautious, something unusual for the Irish captain.
“Did you know she wouldn’t be here today?” Stina asked, confused as to why Katie seemed to be clued in to your mood before her. Maybe you had sent her a similar message? She was your best friend, after all. The two of you made a ridiculous pair—her loud and aggressive, you nearly silent and composed—but you’d known each other longer than anyone else on the team, and everyone knew Katie would do practically anything for you. 
Katie was quiet, glancing around at the other girls in the room. Now Stina was worried. Even though you had told her not to be, that it wasn’t anything serious, she couldn’t help it now that Katie was acting so strangely. 
Once it was just Stina and Katie in the locker room, Katie answered her question. 
“Listen, it isn’t my place to tell you anything. You know how private she is…” Katie sighed, rubbing her temples. “I can’t believe she didn’t tell you, probably didn’t want to worry you, the idiot,” she mumbled under her breath to an increasingly concerned Stina. 
“Katie.” Stina said firmly, “What the fuck is going on?” 
She wasn’t usually one to swear. But where you were concerned, the possibility that you were hurting, and had hidden it from her, that warranted much more than cursing. 
“Today is difficult for her, very difficult. That’s all I feel comfortable saying. But if you want to go, Jonas is going to understand.” 
Stina’s heart was in her stomach. Images flashed through her mind, a thousand different horrible things this could mean. 
"Difficult?" She questioned, "Katie, is she safe? Do I have to be prepared for—"
"It's not like that, she isn't in physical danger." 
The answer wasn't reassuring to Stina, who now felt a little ill at the thought of you home alone today. She should be there with you. Someone should be there, if you didn't want her (God, she hoped you wanted her, trusted her). The urge to press more information out of Katie was strong, but Stina held herself back. Katie was right—you needed to tell Stina yourself. Otherwise any insight into your head would be forced entry, a violation of the trust you had both with Katie and with her.
So Stina simply nodded and looked back at her phone to reply to your message. 
Okay, I hope you're feeling all right. Can I swing by later and bring you something? I'd love to see you <3
She wanted to give you an option to say no to her visit—though she would prefer to just go over there now. At least now if you didn't answer before she showed up she could say she had reached out.
You waited until the water ran cold to get out of the shower. Your skin was raw to the touch, and still a subtle red color after you had dried yourself off and began braiding your hair. You could hardly stand to look at yourself.  
You threw on the only clothes you could stand on your skin—a pair of soft sweatpants and fuzzy socks—along with Stina's old Häcken hoodie she left at your place a few days ago. It smelled of her which comforted you even if she wasn't here. 
Your phone dinged with a message. Upon opening it, you saw Stina and Katie had messaged, and that you had two missed calls. 
"Eat something." Was all your message from Katie said. 
She knew you, and knew you wouldn't want to eat today. But you had to.
You went to open Stina's text when your phone lit up with another incoming call. It was from Sandra, the mother of your friend. She did this every year, and every year you told yourself you wouldn't pick up. It wasn't healthy for either of you—it reopened wounds that were barely scabbing over as it was. She inevitably cried, and asked why you had left her daughter alone that night, and you bit your lip raw trying to keep quiet and apologize.
But even though you knew the script, you picked up the phone. 
"Hi," you said, your voice noticeably smaller.
You heard a sigh of relief on the other end.
"How are you, Sandra?" You continued, your fingers picking at your lip anxiously. You felt it start to bleed and did nothing.
"Are you still in Limerick?" You continued your flood of questions, waiting for her onslaught to begin.
A few minutes later, once you were on your tenth question and you'd switched from your lip to pressing your nails into your bloodied palm, you heard her begin to cry.
You weren't sure how you managed this every year. Memories of the funeral flashed behind your eyes, and how you hadn't been allowed to stand near the front with the rest of the friends and family. How Sandra had wailed, and smacked you across the face in the parking lot. You stared at your kitchen backsplash and just listened.
"Why, why did you do it?" She cried, and you bit the inside of your cheek.
"I'm sorry." You whispered. 
"You left her alone, you killed her, you always brought her home expect that one fucking night and look what happened. It should've been you, it should've been you, you don't deserve this—" 
And so it continued. Tears streamed down your face as your brain began to shut down as a defense mechanism. You just felt numb. Nobody else existed in the world except for you and this woman whose life you had ruined. No Katie, No Stina, Nobody that gave you their love and wanted you here. You didn't deserve what you had, not your success where it should've been your friend's, not your team, not your girlfriend. You were an imposter on this planet, a thief.
It turned out that going over to your place wasn't as simple as it seemed. Stina tried asking Jonas if she could be excused from practice, but he insisted that she stay just for an hour. Arsenal had a match with the Spurs in four days and Jonas wanted to go over strategies with the forwards. No skipping. 
So Stina stayed—looking at her phone every thirty seconds for a text from you. There was nothing, and it freaked her out even more.
Whatever Jonas was saying, none of it was registering. She would ride the bench if she had to, it didn't matter to her now. Her leg bounced nervously, and Viv looked at her with concern on her face every couple of minutes. When Jonas went outside to take a quick call, she turned to Stina and immediately asked after her.
"What's wrong, is it something with Odi?" 
Stina nodded, her tight lipped expression telling Viv all she needed to know. She gave Stina a look of sympathy and glanced at her watch, clearly wondering when the meeting would be over as well.
"Odi, something's wrong with her?" Beth butted in unabashedly.
You'd gotten the nickname for a few reasons: you'd danced for years as a child as a ballerina, which showed in your play. You were showy, and graceful, not the aggressive type. Like a swan, someone had once said to you—and the swan lake association stuck: Odette, or Odi for short. Arsenal's dancer.
Jonas re-entered the room before Beth could ask any more questions, saving Stina the struggle.
"For Christ's sake, let the poor girl go," Beth called out as Stina checked her phone for the hundredth time.
Jonas sent a look Beth's way, but decided to be merciful.
"Alright, Blackstenius, you're excused. But I'll be seeing you tomorrow."
Stina practically ran back to the locker room, throwing her kit into her bag and getting changed as fast as she could. A steady sense of dread was building in her. She decided to call you as she left the training grounds and walked to her car, hoping she could catch you and tell you she was coming. It would soothe her mind just to hear your voice.
But instead of your voice on the other end, Stina was met with the busy signal. That confused her even more—you weren't a fan of phone calls necessarily, and she knew your parents would be working now, so it was unlikely they would have called you.
She tried once more, hoping she had just happened to catch you at the tail end of a call, but you still didn't answer.
You had barely hung up the phone with Sandra before the tears began to pour from your eyes. It was as though time had made no difference and you were hearing of your friend's death for the first time. All the pain, all the self loathing that had fallen down upon you then still crushed your shoulders with its weight.
Your phone dinged again—a message from Katie.
Respond to me or I'm coming over there myself.
You didn't want Katie here. She had been there in years past, and for her to see you no better despite the time and therapy you put in, well you couldn't handle the shame.
I'm alive and well - see you tomorrow at training
You replied, knowing if you told her you were fine and left it at that she might kill you herself. 
You giggled at the thought of her huffing and puffing at you, demanding you take better care of yourself like a surrogate mother. When your mother wasn’t around, Katie did a damn good impression of her. You never got away with anything if Katie had a say. You laughed through your tears, feeling like every nerve of yours was on a razor's edge. 
A knock at the door barely registered in your mind as you wandered over to the couch, wanting nothing more than to curl up in a ball and waste away for the next twelve hours. Your head was beginning to hurt from all the crying, which only soured your mood further. For the first time you had the thought: I don't want to be alone.
You thought it must’ve been a hallucination, the way Stina appeared in front of you. 
Stina wasn’t sure what to expect when she knocked on the door of your apartment. She had spent the entire drive over worrying about how she could find you, partially cursing Katie for giving her just enough info to get her mind going in a million unhelpful directions. The fact that you weren’t texting her back hadn’t helped either. The road before her blurred as she drove without thinking, her body getting her to your apartment building on instinct. 
The elevator dinged at each floor and with it her heartbeat increased. 
When you didn’t answer the door it dropped. 
“Hello?” Stina called out, having opened the door with the spare key you had given her a few months ago. She cursed herself for not staying with you last night when you looked so weighed down, so tired. She’d let you convince her you were fine—something she wouldn’t do again anytime soon.  
When she turned the corner from your kitchen into the open space of your living room she spotted you. There you were, curled up on the couch in a small ball, silent. 
“Did you hear me knock?” She asked softly, approaching you.
You didn’t reply, didn’t even look at her. 
She slowly reached out a hand to place it on your head gently, when you turned and looked at her. It frightened her—the look in your eyes. She hadn’t ever seen them so empty. 
“Stina?” you whispered, confusion present in your tone. 
“Yes, min kärlek, jag är här.”
She put a hand softly on your face, cupping your cheek.
“You’re really here?” 
There were tears beginning to gather in your already red eyes. Stina felt her throat constrict. You’d been crying, clearly a lot by how swollen your face was. 
Stina pulled you up and into her arms easily, shifting you so she could sit on the couch with you in her lap. 
“What’s wrong?” she asked gently, remembering that you had said once that hearing her speak her native Swedish calmed you down. 
You wiped your eyes, lip still trembling slightly. 
“Did Katie say something? Or Jonas?” 
Stina wiped your cheeks with the pad of her thumb, brow creased with worry. 
“Katie said today was hard for you, that’s it. Promise.” 
You went silent, thinking. 
“I was going to tell you. I promise, I meant to. But it just never seemed like a good time, or I just wanted to avoid it as long as possible…you see, Katie met me not long after it happened, she was there, it’s different. I didn’t trust her with this and not you on purpose. She can’t help but know.” You shifted off of Stina’s lap, curling in on yourself next to her so your skin wasn’t touching.
“I hate myself for it. I do, really. And every time I tell someone, they might hate me too, I know that. And I just couldn’t bear it. I couldn’t give you the chance to hate me.”
Stina put a hand on your shoulder, biting her lip to contain a small sob when you flinched away from her. It was as if you weren’t even there in front of her. All of the grace and kindness and light that had been there just a few days ago seemed to have been swallowed by darkness. To hear you say the words ‘I hate myself’? Stina could cry at the thought of it. Those were words that should never come from your mouth. It was like a knife in her ribcage. 
“Min söta… älskling”
“Don’t call me that,” you sobbed, putting your hands over your eyes and hiding your face from her. 
"Snälla, låt mig hjälpa dig, please, I want to help.” 
You shook your head, face still obscured from Stina’s view. 
This was horrible. Stina felt as though she’d eaten something rotten the way her stomach churned. She was helpless, completely in the dark. Here she was, the person who was supposed to take care of you and love you, and she could hardly do anything. All she could think to do as you cried quietly was pull you into her side and rock you slowly. A melody popped into her head—one her mother had sang to her as a child when she was ill. 
Stina softly sang, trying not to feel embarrassed by her voice. You were beginning to calm, your hands dropping from your face to her shirt, holding it close. By the time she was finished, the room was quiet, empty of your cries. You were clinging to her, your face buried in the crook of her neck as if you were ashamed of the comfort you needed. 
“What was that song?” you asked, voice hoarse. 
“It’s a lullaby. I can’t remember the name.” 
Stina felt you nod against her skin. 
She opted not to say anything further. You were exhausted, she could tell. Anything you wanted to say, you needed to volunteer. 
After a few moments, she felt your grip on her shirt tighten. 
“When I was nineteen, my best friend died.” 
Whatever Stina had been expecting to come out of your mouth, that wasn’t it. She sucked in a breath, trying to remain unaffected. You needed her strength. 
“We had been friends for years, since we were kids. And we’d gotten in this huge fight over something… uni I think. I had an offer to play professionally. I had been drinking, so had she. And I always walked her home, always, when she had been drinking. The way to her house was a bit sketchy, you know? So I figured two people were better than one if anything happened. But the things she said to me that night… I’d never been so upset in my life.” 
You took a breath, 
“So I refused to walk her. She didn’t press, just turned up her nose and walked away, didn’t even say goodbye. And I waited for my bus. The next morning I get a call from her mum—she’s been killed.”
Stina could barely trust herself to breathe. 
“I let it happen, I’m the reason she died.” 
“No—” Stina began, but you cut her off. 
“When they held the funeral, I wasn’t allowed to say anything. I wasn’t allowed anywhere but the very back of the church, because they all knew it was my fault. And still, they know it, they remind me of what happened, what I’ve done. I stole her life!” 
“Stop!” Stina demanded, her face flushed with anger. You were taken aback by her passion, and quieted. “You did not steal anything, you didn’t kill her, it isn’t your fault!” She grabbed your hand as you pulled back from her. 
“You lost your best friend in such a horrible way, and nobody checked in? Nobody held you?” 
You opened your mouth to speak, but this time Stina silenced you.
“I want you to tell me what you mean by ‘they remind you’ of what happened.” 
You refused to meet her eyes. 
“It’s not good. Not for me or her… she calls me, my friend’s mom, to talk.” You hesitated, but explained the routine to your girlfriend when she fixed you with a look. 
“That’s…” Stina seemed at a loss for words, “you are the strongest person I know. And you rake yourself across hot coals for a crime that isn’t even yours. For a woman who wants to see you suffer, who can’t accept your healing. That isn’t right. You did not kill her. That is someone else’s burden to carry.” 
You burst into tears again. 
You must’ve fallen asleep at some point, because the next time you wake up you’re in bed, and Stina is wrapped protectively around you. Her warmth encases you; she holds you more protectively than usual, her arms shielding you from the world. 
Eventually the two of you get back up, though not before Stina wraps you in a crushing embrace and lets you know she’s staying for a couple of days. No negotiating. 
She makes dinner, you clean. It’s the first time you’ve eaten all day, and you think she can tell by the way she watches you intently. You feel cared for, and it’s a little overwhelming. Stina doesn’t let you out of her sight save a few trips to the bathroom and one brief call from her sister that she has to take.
You didn’t expect things to shake her up so much. 
She helps you clean the wounds on your palms, grimacing at the sight of them once you unfurl your fingers for her. You try to tell her you can deal with them yourself—especially with how much it seems to upset her—but she isn't having it. You see her set her brow and concentrate on cleaning and bandaging the damaged skin, tears only glazing her eyes as you hiss in pain. 
Eventually you convince her that you're fine enough to settle down on the couch and watch a movie. She insists on having you in her lap—something that you find equally as comforting. Stina isn't typically all that tactile, but now each moment apart from you seems to worry her.
You're about halfway into the film and slowly drifting off into her chest when you feel her whisper something into your skin. You think she assumes you're asleep (and you nearly are) but you make out her voice slightly.
"Tack Gud att du är här." She repeats it, and soon you can feel the drops of her tears hitting your shoulder. 
"Stina…" you whisper, repositioning yourself to face her.
"förlåt" she says, wiping her eyes.
"You don't have to be sorry… It was an intense day." You press a kiss to her cheek.
"I was so worried," Stina starts, and you figure it's best not to interrupt her, "when Katie said that you might be struggling, I couldn't think of anything else. You can't hurt yourself anymore, please." Stina takes your bandaged hand.
"If you were gone one day, I don't know how I'd cope." 
"You don't have to worry about that, ever."
"You are the most important thing in my life." Stina's lip trembles, and you wonder how you're managing to keep it together.
You pull her into another kiss, lips sore from how you had abused them earlier. The pain reminds you of the struggle of the day, but Stina's hand holds the depths in front of you at bay.
"I'll always be here." She promises.
You begin to think of something lighter. Of an ounce of forgiveness. Of a year that does not revolve around the rising and setting of the sun on this one day. A moment of peace afforded to yourself. The thought passes your mind—you do not deserve this. You instead think of love.
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itsabouttimex2 · 5 months
Ok, ok, HEAR ME OUT-
How about lmk Monkeifam and Bullfam with a Y/N who isn't afraid to throw hands —
Like i mean in a response to trauma or manipulation, becouse i fell it isn't explore enough in this situation -
Sure, your loved that you belived was a friend trapped /kidnapped/gaslight you is heartbreaking and of course you are gonna be sad and more incline to behave butttt-
There is always the other way of absolute rage that comes in once you realized you have been trapped/kidnapped /gaslight ecc- like i don't care anymore, i wanna throw hands, those people are death to me.(even thought this isn't the smarter choice considering the strenght of some of the people here) like them breaking Y/N down so they can comfort them to manipulate them, but then unsurprisingly the get the biggest smack/punch of their life . Just- wow the audacity.
Throwing Hands
Bullfam & Monkiefam
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“…is this some sort of pathetic attempt at ‘rebellion’, Y/N? I am not impressed.”
Your hands straight bounce. Like punching a bag of wet cement, the Demon Bull King’s skin just shifts around under your fists, never breaking or bruising. You only shatter yourself against it, leaving you worn and looking foolish.
He might not even punish you, given that it’s likely that you break a wrist on impact.
“Now, look what you’ve done to yourself, foolish child. Did you truly think your mortal flesh could stand a demon king’s might? Well, now you know better.”
You lost your temper and struck him. Immediately, you learn better than to do that ever again, and he considers it lesson enough.
Surprisingly merciful, all things considered. (Partially because he finds it somewhat funny.)
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I once said in my yandere alphabet that: “Red Son doesn’t want to waste his time doing something like caning or whipping you”. And though I think that viewpoint is usually true…
This changes that. It’s maybe the only situation where he would actively engage in any form of normalized torture “corporal punishment”.
Being physically attacked switches Red from ‘mildly reasonable, if a bit hair-trigger’ to ‘vicious and cruel’. Through brute force alone does he wrestle you into submission, binding your arms behind your back with a pair of metal cuffs.
He tosses you onto the nearest bed and couch before burning the lower half of your clothing off. He then takes up a thin metal rod to utilize in “disciplining” you, sharply lashing it down against your now unprotected skin. He’ll leave puffy, bleeding welts from the top of your rear to the bottom of your thighs, ensuring that you won’t even be able to think about walking for at least a week.
Problem is that not only does it not solve the problem of you being scared and angry, it also just… makes him feel bad afterwards. It breaks him, seeing you weep brokenly over his bed. Blood sluggishly trickles from the skin he’s lashed open, and you scream your lungs out into the sheets as you try to adjust to the pain.
And then he “has to” (wants to, in truth) settle in for some awkward form of aftercare, offering lotion and bandages. When you don’t accept, he forces you to drink a cup of honeyed tea loaded with sedatives because you won’t stop shrieking.
Antiseptic while you’re asleep, a few stitches here and there, then the lotion and bandages he tried earlier. And then a few cautious back rubs, trying to calm your fitful slumber.
“Gods, Y/N… what have I done to you? I… I was just… I was… no, I… I’m sorry.”
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An outright dodge. Princess Iron Fan has no time for your nonsense. For trying, she’ll lock you into whatever room has been set aside for you, barring the door with powerful magic.
One shallowly-filled bowl of food every two days, adding just a little bit more to it each day. One ceramic cup of room temperature water every four hours. A change of clothes every three days. Instead of brute force, Iron Fan teaches you through deprivation.
After a month of this, she might see fit you allow you back out of your room, letting you mingle with the family you have been forced to adopt.
After writing her a letter of apology, of course. Two pages. Pray you have the mind to keep your pencil steady.
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So very many tears to deal with, probably on both ends. MK knows that he’s doing isn’t all that great, sure… but it’s because he loves you!
Can’t you love him back, please? Ok, he’s been manipulating you! Maybe he’s been driving some friends away! Maybe he’s sent a few clones to tail you around the city! But, please, please- you can’t stop loving him! He just can’t risk having you hurt!
“Please, Y/N! You don’t understand! I’m just trying to keep you safe! You can hit me again, hit me as many times as you want! Just- please, Y/N… I need you. Please…”
His last resort is stuffing you in Shuilian Cave, given that you can’t escape with his or Sun Wukong’s help. Maybe a few ropes to keep you in place. He’ll cry with each knot tied, begging you not to hate him.
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Sun Wukong tanks your punch and gives your head a little pat, frowning at the display. “Sorry, bud. Trust me, I know I’m not exactly the good guy here. Go ahead and let it out. I… kinda deserve it, huh?”
The Great Sage knows you have every reason to be upset. Really, you do. All there’s only so much waylaying of emotions to be done, unfortunately. You were going to crack eventually.
He stands firmly in place, one hand rubbing your back while you break your fists against his body, watching you scream and cry. The man is just… unsurprised? He’s starting to realize that he messes up a lot of things.. So just letting you whale on him seems fair, gently trying to shush your angry tears while your skin grinds to bloody pulp against his shredded abdomen.
“How about I make us some tea,” he offers afterwards, surveying your destroyed hands. “And I’ll patch you up. Then… I think you’ve earned yourself an early bedtime for the rest of the week, bud.”
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“Oh, kiddo. Do you know what “screwing up” is? After this, they’re gonna put your picture in the dictionary as an example.”
Macaque does not tolerate having hands laid on him. Not by friends, not by enemies. And certainly not by his little student, who is supposed to be wide-eyed and placid, in awe of his every move and strike.
You are supposed to be sweet and respectful. You are supposed to be kind and loving.
And he’s sure that with a little bit of “training”, he’ll get you back to that disposition.
He’ll snap his fingers with an angry snarl, shadows springing all around you like cold wires. You are gagged with a cold ebon muzzle, both your hands locked inside a cuff of swirling black and purple. You want to act like an animal? Macaque will chain you to the wall by your new muzzle and treat you like an animal.
Maybe a few days spent so on a chain so short you can’t lay down will teach you better than to raise a hand against “the only person who even loves you, Y/N!” ever again.
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breadbrobin · 3 months
the bet
part two
cedric diggory x reader — harry potter
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[fem!best friend reader]
summary: the summer is going well. you’re not in love with cedric, and you’re so gonna win this bet. totally. right?
warnings: quite a lot of swearing, betting/gambling, underage drinking, cringey flirting (PLS i wrote this years ago), GOD they’re so in love it’s stupid, minor character death (sort of???), i think i’m a comedian (i’m not), switched from an x oc story so might have a few mistakes oops, mediocre writing (again i wrote this years ago and this is the worst part i think)
word count: 2.7k
(ok first of all tyyyy for the love on the first part i can’t wait for y’all to read part three! there is just one more part after this and it’s the best one imo)
part one
part three
The Flowers
Cedric was splayed out on your bed. One of his feet hung off near your head and you was infinitely glad for his quality hygiene.
You were reading the Wizard of Oz again, and he was dutifully drawing something that he refused to show you.
“Okay,” he finally said. “I’m done.”
You finished your page and slipped the bookmark in, turning to him. “Can I see?”
“No, I drew this for you but you’re never allowed to look at it.” he teased, straight faced.
“Never.” He broke into a smile and shoved the sketch pad in your face.
It was a… Well, you weren’t exactly sure what it was. There was some interesting shading, a tuft of what could either be grass or hair and a strange egg shaped blob in the middle.
You hoped your face didn’t show your emotions as you quickly schooled your features into a smile. “It’s great, Ced.”
He had a wide grin plastered on his face as he nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah, I know. Now turn the page.”
You did as he said and blinked in shock, your jaw dropping. “There is no way you drew this.”
“I’ve been practising.”
“Have you been taking classes from freaking Van Gogh in between Quidditch practise?” you gaped, looking from the sketch of sunflowers and daisies and his beaming face.
“Maybe,” he shrugged. “An artist never reveals his secrets.”
“I think that’s meant to be magician.”
“Same thing.” he waved her off. “Anyway, I know sunflowers are your favourite, and daisies are my favourite. So I combined them.”
“This is honestly incredible.” you gushed.
“Oh, stop it.”
“No, seriously.” You stood up. “Can I put it on my wall?”
“Go for it,” he beamed, somehow even brighter than before.
You gently pulled the page from the pad and ripped a tab of blu-tack off, sticking it to the wall above your desk. Once it was hung, you stepped back to admire it. “Oh!” you gasped. “You need to sign it!”
Cedric stood up and brushed past you, scribbling his signature on the bottom right corner with a small heart. “Happy?”
That should have been your second sign.
They stood side by side and admired it for a moment.
Then you broke the silence.
“I can’t draw for shit,” you laughed. “And look at you. Mister Artist himself.”
“Oh, piss off,” he groaned, hugging your shoulders from behind and resting his chin on your head. “You can sing though. I can’t.”
“Liar.” you scoffed, patting his arm. “I’ve heard you sing. Besides, you’re practically perfect at everything you do.”
Just as he was about to respond, Cordelia burst through the lightly shut door, eyes still red and puffy. The two separated. “Lunch is ready.”
“Thanks, Dells,” he nodded. “We’ll be right there.”
As she left, he wrapped an arm around your shoulders and led you out. “God, I’m starving.”
“You’re always starving.”
“Very funny.”
The Second Week
As with most summers, you and Cedric spent almost every waking moment in each other’s company.
Unlike most summers, however, you couldn’t chase the thoughts of a certain bet from your mind.
You knew, you knew, that there was nothing to it. That it was just your friends being annoying and messing with you and everything you’d started reading into was just in your head… But, God, was it hard to remember sometimes.
You were mostly worried that he’d find out. Maybe one of your friends would send you a letter mentioning it? (Not that he’d ever read your letters.) What if Liz came for a random visit? Or worse: what if she told her friends, the Weasley twins, and they came for a visit?
You chased your swirling thoughts from your mind as Cedric walked through the front door, performing the mental equivalent of shoving all of the mess in your room into the wardrobe and hoping it closed right.
“Hey,” you smiled, standing up with your bowl of milk that used to hold cereal. “You’re early.”
“It’s eleven o’clock.”
“Yeah, early,” you shrugged, setting the now empty bowl in the sink. “What’s up?”
“Wanna go into town?” he asked, leaning on the counter and gesturing to the fruit bowl.
You tossed him an apple. “Sure. When?”
You sighed heavily, half-joking. “A bit more warning would be nice. Lemme go get changed.”
“Yes!” he cheered through a mouthful of apple. “You’re the best, N/N!”
N/N? You wondered as she jogged up the stairs. Since when am I N/N?
If you’d been listening carefully, you would have heard Cedric bang his head against the kitchen bench.
The town was quiet as always.
A farmer’s market was dying down, most vendors packing their remaining wares and smiling sheepishly at you and Cedric as you wove your way through the stunted stalls. You purchased a fresh bread roll and split it between you as you walked, both surprised that it was still warm.
“You know,” Cedric said after a few minutes of silence as you left the market and strolled along the main street. “We should do this more often.”
You squinted as you looked up at him, the sun assaulting your eyes. “Really?” you asked dryly. “What, burn ourselves to a crisp and get blinded while we’re at it?”
“No, dummy. Do stuff.”
“What? You don’t like doing nothing with me?” you teased.
“No, no, I love doing nothing with you,” he stole a chunk of bread that you’d been eyeing up. “But I also like spending money.”
“I bought the bread. I was the one who spent the money.”
He gasped, as if he didn’t already know. “What? Really?”
“Shut up, Ced,” you smiled, pushing him and stealing the last chunk of bread from the packet.
You were awake uncharacteristically early, so when you knocked on the Diggory’s front door, Cedric looked supremely confused.
“Are you feeling okay?” he asked. “Did someone die?”
“No, why would you— You’re an arsehole, you know that?” you pouted.
“Yeah, I know. Come on.”
He led you down the short hallway and into the living area. You sighed contentedly. The Diggory’s house always smelled amazing; a combination of vanilla, coffee and cleaning supplies that somehow worked. Cedric often smelled similar, you realised. The vanilla that clouded the house seemed to hang around him as well. You shook yourself out of it as he began speaking.
“My dad’s gotten obsessed with the TV,” he admitted, nodding towards the man who was watching with a rapt expression. “He doesn’t really understand it, but he’s addicted. He really likes cricket. Probably because he can’t figure out how to change the channel.”
“Oh, I used to play cricket! I love it so much!” you gushed, joining Amos on the couch. “Who’s playing?”
“England and India,” he said distractedly.
“ODI, T20 or test?”
“Test. We’re on Day Two.”
“So England’s batted?”
“Not bad,” you squinted at the numbers on the screen, showing one-twenty-eight for six.
“I have no idea what you guys are saying,” Cedric cut in, looking blankly between you two.
“We’re talking sport,” Amos said, almost giddily.
You didn’t spare either of them a glance as the English captain went upstairs for a review. “Yeah, get back in the kitchen. Go make us a sandwich.” you teased.
“I thought you were coming to hang out with me,” he almost pouted.
You finally dragged your eyes from the screen. “But… Cricket…”
He shook his head with a smile. “Right, of course. Two sandwiches coming right up.”
The Moment You Knew
The days seemed doomed to repeat. Groundhog day, your mum had called it. So, when you found a way to rid yourself of the monotony of daily life, you took it without a second thought.
“Mum, please!”
“I don’t know…”
“I’ll even get petrol! I’ll… I’ll… I’ll pay for it myself too!”
“Mum,” you pleaded. “It’s just me and Ced. It’s a twenty minute drive and I’ll get petrol on the way back. We’ll be back by four and I’ll wear suitable shoes while driving.”
Whitney pursed her lips in thought. Then she sighed. “Fine. Don’t bother getting petrol, I’ll fill up on the way home from work on Monday.”
You squeaked in excitement, hugging your mum tightly. “Thank you! You’re the best! I love you!”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. Love you too, hun,” she smiled.
True to her word, you did wear suitable shoes. The drive ended up taking around twenty-five minutes, but you supposed your mother couldn’t fault you for driving just under the speed limit all the way there.
There was a secluded lake you’d found out about from an old magazine in your mum’s collection, when you’d been looking for something, anything, to make your days less boring.
“This is awesome,” Cedric breathed as you broke through the treeline and onto the rocky shore of the small lake.
“Yeah,” you sighed contentedly, breathing in the fresh air.
You set up their towels and supplies in the shade of a tree and pulled off your sturdy shoes.
Cedric pulled his shirt over his head. You would be lying if you said your eyes didn’t catch on his muscles.
“Race you in,” he said as you had your own shirt halfway over your head.
“What?” you asked, hearing him run away. “Oh, you prick!”
You tossed your shirt on the ground, followed by your shorts, leaving you in your swim suit, pouting as Cedric splashed around in the cool, blue water.
You stomped over to the water’s edge, frowning down at him. The rock you were standing on was about a metre above the surface, casting a navy shadow over the rippling water. He waded a few metres out from you.
“You coming?” he asked.
“No,” you pouted, folding your arms. “I don’t swim with cheaters.”
He barked a laugh, swimming over to the edge and pulling himself out. Droplets of water hit your skin.
You backed away. “Cedric…”
He took a step closer.
“Don’t you dare, Diggory…”
He tilted his head, grinning widely as he continued to step closer to you. “What? I don’t know what you’re talking about?”
“Sure, you don’t,” you pointed at him. “Stay back!”
He laughed and pushed off his heels, springing towards you. Before he could reach you, however, you turned tail and ran, feet skimming over the rocks as you raced for the safety of the towels.
You only managed to get a few steps in before he caught you, his cold arms wrapping around your waist and lifting you off the ground. He spun around, carrying you back to the edge of the water and tossing you into the lake.
You yelped as the cold water hit you, but remembered to hold your breath, your hair swirling around your face in the water. You heard the telltale sound of him jumping in too and forced yourself up to the surface.
“I hate you!” you gasped, pushing your hair off your forehead. “I hate you so fucking much!”
“Liar!” he retorted, shaking his head and sending water droplets flying everywhere. “You love me.”
You didn’t respond for a moment, treading water and staring at him. “You wish,” you finally uttered.
He just smiled.
The days ticked by much faster than expected. Soon, Cedric was waving his parents off on their week-long trip and then hauling his bags over to your house, a shit-eating grin on his face.
“What did you do?” you immediately asked when you were alone.
He closed the door gently before skipping over to the bed in the guest bedroom he was staying in. He sat on it cross-legged, still smiling, and patted the mattress ahead of him.
When you finally sat down, he leaned forward.
“Guess what I bought,” he said.
You waited.
“You’re meant to ask,” he sighed.
“Oh, my bad,” you cleared your throat. “What did you bring, Cedric?”
He didn’t answer, simply reaching down to his backpack and pulling out a bottle of firewhiskey.
“That’s it? Oh, you sweet, sweet child,” you teased. “I have three of those in my room.”
“Sorry, N/N, not all of us are casual rulebreakers,” he sniffed.
You pushed his shoulder. “I’m kidding, Ced. I mean, technically, I’m not, but I do appreciate the sentiment.”
He poked his tongue out at you.
The Night Things Happened
The day started like any other.
You and Cedric usually woke up at vastly different times, so when he woke up, he went for a run, had a shower and ate a light breakfast before going to wake you.
A lot of groaning and a few thrown pillows later, you were standing in the kitchen making pancakes.
As you flipped another one, leading to Cedric cheering as if you’d never done it before, Whitney entered the kitchen.
“Morning, you two,” she greeted, kissing your temple and patting Cedric’s shoulder. “Cords and I are going to that Girl Scouts sleepover tonight, remember? So you’ll have to make dinner yourselves.”
“Yup, we know, Mum,” you said, taking the pancake out of the pan and slapping it onto a plate. “We’ll be fine.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want you burning the house down. Remember last time?”
“Mum.” You turned to her grimly. “We don’t talk about last time.”
Whitney raised her hands in surrender. “Right, right. But, on a more serious note. I shouldn’t have to tell you not to invite anyone else over and to be in bed by one, should I? And I won’t come home to drunk teenagers all over my house?”
“Nope, we’ll be all good, Ms Ridge,” Cedric shot her a winning smile.
She pursed her lips jokingly. “Mhm… Alright, I trust you two. I’m going to the shops, need anything?”
“We need more eggs.”
“Eggs, got it.”
The night was when things changed.
After Whitney and Cordelia were gone, at least long enough that it was unlikely they’d turn around and come back, you took your first swig of firewhiskey.
It burned its way down your throat, like it always did. Cedric coughed and sputtered, nearly spitting it mouthful out.
You held back a laugh. “You alright, Golden Boy?”
“Shut up,” he seethed, voice hoarse.
You raised your hands in surrender. “Alright, alright. I was just asking.”
You sat and ate the pizza you’d ordered already, taking sips of firewhiskey whenever you felt like it.
You closed your pizza box one slice after Cedric did, placing it on top of his on the coffee table. “You good?”
“Great,” he smiled dopily. It seemed the whiskey was hitting him harder than he was letting on.
You smiled back. “Yeah?”
You took a larger swig of whiskey, shaking your head at the strength. “I just wanna point out that if you get sick, I’m not cleaning you up. Got it?”
“Yeah, got it.” He nodded, looking a little bit more put together. “I’d clean you up though. If you got sick.”
You smiled again. “Thanks, Ced.”
The night was going surprisingly well. You’d turned on the TV, both staring, fixated at Friends reruns, leaning heavily on each other. The bottle was half gone and, as the advertisements came on, you each took another swig.
Cedric was looking at you weird.
You straightened up, frowning in confusion. “What is it?”
“Nothing,” he slurred slightly. “You’re just… Fuck, you’re pretty.”
Your heart fluttered. “Oh. So are you.”
He blushed, looking down. “Yeah, I know.”
You couldn’t stop yourself from laughing. “Yeah, I bet you do, Goldie.”
“Golden Boy. It’s cute.”
“You’re cute.”
“You’re cute.”
“No, you’re cute.”
“You’re cuter.”
“No, you are.”
“You are.”
“You…” he was very close to you now, his grey eyes darting between you eyes and your lips. “You’re very pretty. You know that, right?”
“Yeah,” you breathed.
“No, I don’t think you know how pretty you are. Like… When you laugh your eyes light up, and… And when you do that thing when you’re thinking… Where your eyebrow twitches… Oh, and that thing you do… The thing when your favourite songs come on and you tap your legs really fast…”
You swallowed tightly as his hand brushed your cheek. His breath smelled of firewhiskey, but you were sure yours did too.
He wasn’t looking at your eyes anymore. “You’re incredible, Y/N. And you deserve to know that.”
“Cedric…” you started.
“Sh…” he cut you off. He was hardly an inch away now. “Don’t talk. Just…”
Friends came back on the TV.
“Just watch Friends with me.” He leaned back, looping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you flush against his side.
You tried with all your might to ignore your pounding heart.
You weren’t sure if you were going to win this bet after all.
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natashaslesbian · 5 months
Mine All Mine
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Word Count: 1.2k
A/N• This is the cutest thing ever istg actual tears in my eyes
You sat patiently in Colin’s lap waiting for your mommy to come home from work. Today was a shorter work day for Scarlett, a few simple reshoots was all she needed to get done. Your mama was out of the house before Colin woke you up, you hadn’t since Scarlett since you went to bed last night and you missed her so deeply. You sighed deeply “daddy Colin?” You shyly asked, “yeah sweetheart” your stepdad said “when will mommy be home?” You asked once again.
Scarlett and Colin had been married for over a year now and just recently you had started calling Colin ‘daddy Colin’. He was over the moon when you started to except him into your little family, he knew it might never happen and he promised you he would never take the place of your birth father, so you decided you wanted to call him daddy Colin so that way you had two dads. It was a big change for your little brain but Scarlett was so proud of how well you were adapting.
“She should be home any minute now” Colin said “that’s what you said last time” you whined, the seconds feeling like hours. You cuddled into Colin as you continued to focus on your favourite cartoon, fiddling with your step dads sleeve. You were starting to fight off sleep, it being close to your nap time, when finally the front door opened with a gentle click. “Mommy!” You yelled when you saw her blonde hair, leaping off Colin’s lap and running to Scarlett. “Hi baby girl!” Your mom beamed as she lifted you up into her arms, slipping off her shoes in the process.
You stayed glued to your mommy’s hip as she made her way to say hello to her husband. The two shared a sweet kiss which you were not happy about. You reached up to Colin’s face and pushed him away from Scarlett “my mommy” you said cheekily. The pair laughed at your adorable pouty face but when Scarlett tried to pass you to Colin to take a quick shower you let out a loud shriek. “No!” You yelled as you gripped onto your mom’s shirt. “Y/n that’s not very nice” Scarlett said.
Colin took a step back and your mom tried to place you back on the floor. “No mommy!” You screamed as you wrapped your arms around her neck. “I think someone just want to be with mama don’t they?” Colin cooed, his slight parental instincts kicking in. Scarlett gave in to her little girl, as usual, and swaddled you back into her arms “alright baby” she said “well mommy needs a shower so I guess you’re coming with me?” Scarlett asked. You nodded your little head and huddled your face into her neck, happy you got your way.
Scarlett had hoped that after getting you and herself all clean and cosy in some pjs for the afternoon, you would allow her some space. But as soon as your mom said she was headed to her office to complete some paperwork you were running after her down the hall. “Mommy mommy I come too!” You said happily “baby why don’t you go and see Colin, I bet if you asked nicely he’d be happy to colour with you” Scarlett said. “No mommy I come with you” you pouted with crossed arms - clearly you had spent too much time on the set off black widow.
Of course your mom gave in once again and soon enough you were crawling into her lap while she switched on her laptop. You stretched out across her legs and cuddled into her hips while she began to work but the lack of attention was not suiting you well. You grabbed onto Scarlett’s hand and pulled it into your chest, giving it a tight squeeze. “Sweetheart mama needs both hands to do her work okay” your mom said, attempting to pull her hand back. “No mama no!” You grumbled as you fought to keep a hold of her.
Assuming you were getting sleepy, Scarlett took you to your bedroom for a nap. As soon as you realised where you were going you fussed in her arms “Nuh uh I’m not tired!” You said “y/n sweetheart I need to get on with some work ok so either you have your nap or you sit with Colin until dinner time” Scarlett attempted. “But I wanna be with you mommy” you whined. Scarlett huffed in defeat, she wanted nothing more than to be with you too but she had to get her work done.
Your mom considered taking you back to Colin, but given your clinginess there was no chance you would be happy about that. “Ok baby why don’t we go to your playroom hm? You can have some play while mommy does her work” Scarlett offered. “Okay” you nodded, allowing your mama to carry you through the house. Scarlett stopped by her office to grab her laptop and then walked with you into your playroom.
You decided to play with your dolls while your mom settled on the small couch to continue her work. You were entertained for a total of three minutes before you were desperate for Scarlett’s attention again. You waddled over to your bookshelf and picked your favourite book, taking it towards your mommy. Once again you crawled into her lap and placed your book in front of her laptop screen. “Y/n” your mom said, a warning tone in her voice “please mama just one story” you begged and Scarlett sighed loudly but gave in never the less.
Colin had been reading his book in the living room for a while now, so he decided it was about time to start dinner. He scanned the cupboards and the fridge to see what he could find. When he couldn’t decide for himself he set off to find his wife for her input. He headed straight to her office, assuming that’s where she was after she had put you down for a nap, little did he know you had been attached to your mommy the whole time. After checking their bedroom and yours, Colin figured there was only one place you both could be.
Walking softly towards your playroom, your stepdad had expected your hear your giggles or any signs of playtime. When he reached the door the silence was deafening, Colin gently pushed the door open and was met with the most beautiful sight. On the small corner couch Scarlett was laid at an awkward angle, one arm wrapped tightly around you and one holding a book. Colin smiled as he crept in and picked up Scarlett’s laptop, placing gently on your small table. Grabbing a fallen pillow, Colin silently moved Scarlett’s head slotting the pillow in behind assuring she wouldn’t wake up with a stiff neck.
Your stepdad continued to scan the room for supplies and noticed a discarded blanket by your toy box, it was small but it would do. Colin took the fluffy material and gently draped it over your and your mama, tucking it under your chin. You stirred slightly and rolled into your mom’s chest, she subconsciously pulled you closer and wrapped both her arms around you tightly. A frozen Colin resumed his actions when you had both settled again, he tucked you in all snug and laid a small kiss on Scarlett’s forehead and then yours. “My beautiful girls” he whispered “sweet dreams” Colin said has he ran his fingers through your hair. Your stepdad snapped a quick photo of you both and switched off the overhead light before leaving you both to a nice nap.
@saraaahsstuff / @dannipotatoo / @tobiaslut / @a-simpfortessa-lesbriean / @marvelnatasha12346 / @yelenasdiary / @mousetheorist / @ashadash0904
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Uvogin headcannons
If I post this and it’s not done don’t judge it’s just because I didn’t add you to drafts bbg @baked-mango and ignore any spelling mistakes because I have long ass nails on right now
Idk these are smut and fluff and yandere I’m rlly tired rn this might be everywhere
He picks you up and just walks around with you way to much, he won’t put you down if you ask either, you have to give him somthing if you want him to put you down (eyebrow wiggle)
he’s a great cook, makes some meals that would get gorden Ramsey asking for the recipe but chooses to get fast food
If you do something to mark him as yours like spraying your purfume in him, leaving hickey on his neck and not letting him cover them he might actually go crazy
He loves getting high with you, and doing the thing where he blows smoke into your mouth, he also likes fucking you while your both high
He steals sweet little things for you, like cute necklaces, bracelets, some nice earrings you’ve been eyeing, just don’t ask if anyone died so you could have them
He has 10 million pillows and like 1 blanket, his bed is massive to, like he has an Alaskan king next to another Alaskan king with one big costume made bed sheet
His house is baren, he doesn’t decorate, you’ll have to do all that, also the only thing in his fridge in some hot sauce and beer he may have a jar of pickles from time to time
I hope you don’t like doors because he breaks them down at least once a day
Hes a switch but you literally can’t top him like look at him
He loves power dynamic role play, like he’s a lord and your a slave that’s trying to get out of trouble or he’s a god and your a worshipper so you show him just how much you worship him
He also likes bondage just the satisfaction of tying you up and you not Being able to do a damn thing about it while he gets to do whatever he wants to you
If you call him master he’s fucking you right where you are he doesn’t give a shit he’ll pull you into the bathroom if you call him master
He adores when you bite him, it doesn’t do anything but he loves it
He loves pet play where he gets to put a cute little collar on you and he gets to punish you every time you do something bad
His aftercare is a 10/10 he runs a bath and gets in with you, if your lucky he’s ordered your favourite food and drink to, if you fall asleep no trouble he’ll just pick you up and snuggle into bed with you
©rotten-pomegranate- All rights reserved, don’t steal, translate, copy, plagiarize, claim my work as your own or post it on other platforms.
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rotten-pomegranate · 6 months
Uvogin headcannons
If I post this and it’s not done don’t judge it’s just because I didn’t add you to drafts bbg @baked-mango and ignore any spelling mistakes because I have long ass nails on right now
Idk these are smut and fluff and yandere I’m rlly tired rn this might be everywhere
He picks you up and just walks around with you way to much, he won’t put you down if you ask either, you have to give him somthing if you want him to put you down (eyebrow wiggle)
he’s a great cook, makes some meals that would get gorden Ramsey asking for the recipe but chooses to get fast food
If you do something to mark him as yours like spraying your purfume in him, leaving hickey on his neck and not letting him cover them he might actually go crazy
He loves getting high with you, and doing the thing where he blows smoke into your mouth, he also likes fucking you while your both high
He steals sweet little things for you, like cute necklaces, bracelets, some nice earrings you’ve been eyeing, just don’t ask if anyone died so you could have them
He has 10 million pillows and like 1 blanket, his bed is massive to, like he has an Alaskan king next to another Alaskan king with one big costume made bed sheet
His house is baren, he doesn’t decorate, you’ll have to do all that, also the only thing in his fridge in some hot sauce and beer he may have a jar of pickles from time to time
I hope you don’t like doors because he breaks them down at least once a day
Hes a switch but you literally can’t top him like look at him
He loves power dynamic role play, like he’s a lord and your a slave that’s trying to get out of trouble or he’s a god and your a worshipper so you show him just how much you worship him
He also likes bondage just the satisfaction of tying you up and you not Being able to do a damn thing about it while he gets to do whatever he wants to you
If you call him master he’s fucking you right where you are he doesn’t give a shit he’ll pull you into the bathroom if you call him master
He adores when you bite him, it doesn’t do anything but he loves it
He loves pet play where he gets to put a cute little collar on you and he gets to punish you every time you do something bad
His aftercare is a 10/10 he runs a bath and gets in with you, if your lucky he’s ordered your favourite food and drink to, if you fall asleep no trouble he’ll just pick you up and snuggle into bed with you
©rotten-pomegranate- All rights reserved, don’t steal, translate, copy, plagiarize, claim my work as your own or post it on other platforms.
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kiddbegins · 1 year
Public - Connor Rhodes | 18+
requested: yes
word count: 2,205
warnings: smut [ public sex, unprotected sex (don't be them), (light?) dirty talk,
note: i uh... yeah- idk
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Sex with Connor was fun. It always was. Usually though it was risk free. Mostly anyway. At one or the others house. Usually in the bed. Sometimes the couch, a couple times you switched it up and he pushed you onto the counter in the morning which made for a pretty decent clean up afterwards.
And once, once, he made you come visit you at the hospital for a quickie in the on call suite. That was the extent of the riskiness and you were okay with that. You weren’t one to force things, especially not with him. He was too good for you to want to even accidentally mess it up.
But now you were laying together looking up at the stars above you, and the moon was illuminating just the right angle on his face and all you wanted to do was lean over and kiss him, and touch him and basically every other dirty thought that could be imagined in that situation.
Lightly you sighed, innocently putting your hand over his. “Penny for your thoughts?” Connor spoke quietly, turning his head to the side just to gaze at you. A faint blush tinted your cheeks, caught in the act and suddenly you were thankful it wasn’t day time and he couldn’t see your face that well.
“Uh, not thinking about much, just you.” You responded just as quietly, piquing his interest. He lifted onto his elbow, the soft blanket underneath you denting as he shifted his weight onto it. 
A soft smile appeared on his face, “Well now I’m interested.” His palm pressed against his cheek as his every growing loving gaze watched you. 
You mirrored him, looking back at him before leaning forward to press a firm kiss to his lips. He hummed softly, his eyebrows raising as you pulled back slightly, “Was that your way of saying not happening?”
“No, that was me showing rather than telling.” A grin grew on his face as he closed the gap between the two of you again, lightly placing his hand at your hip. 
You slid a hand over his shoulder, fisting at the hair along the base of his neck. Aka the spot that you knew would drive him crazy. “Baby..” He muttered, feeling a tingle go down his spine. 
Innocently you did it again, trying to pull him on top of you as you leaned back. Even if it just stayed kisses, you needed him like you needed air at that moment. 
Connor lifted out of the kiss, chuckling at the quiet whine from the disconnect of your lips. “What are you trying to do, my love?��� He asked, lifting a hand to stroke across your cheek. 
A slight pause came as you thought over your words. Should you even tell him? Would he even want to? Only one way to find out. “You. Here, now.” You breathed out, your faces close enough you could see the red grow across the apples of his cheeks. 
“I- here?” He glanced around at the dark and empty park, nobody was around for hours and at that point it was practically feeling like it was your own backyard. 
Softly you nodded, putting your hand over his. “We don’t have to though. I know we’ve never done something like that so..” You trailed off, looking at him reassuringly. Something about being out where you were was making your mind run wild. 
And at the very least if he didn’t take you right there you might have to at least get to the car or something. 
You watched him with hopeful eyes as he thought it over in his mind. Maybe it was a dumb idea and you were just horny, but his look down at you alone had you quivering. “Alright,” He said softly, leaning down to kiss you again quickly. 
You lifted your eyebrows in shock before relaxing back into the kiss. “Are you sure?” The question came out of your mouth quickly as he swiped his tongue across your bottom lip. 
The way his tongue pushed into your mouth was his version of saying yes, going to push himself on top of you before you did instead, something taking over inside of you. 
As soon as his back was on the blanket his hands slid up to grab your hips, holding them in place as you leaned down to press kisses to his neck, sucking a spot right at the base of his neck before rolling your tongue over it. 
A low groan grew in his throat, the bulge in his jeans growing the more you kissed him. “God you’re so hot.” He mumbled, sliding his hand up your back as you looked down at him. 
“Could say the same to you.” You said before grinding your hips down against his, the pads of his fingertips pushing into your skin as you did. The reaction did nothing but egg you on, your hips sliding against his as you leaned down to kiss him again. 
Connor bit at your bottom lip, begging to lose some of the barrier between the two of you. As your lips loved together you moved to unbuckle his belt and jeans, pushing them down.
 “I want nothing more than you in me right now,” You whispered into his ear, sitting up to be able to see his face as you firmly slid a hand over the length in his boxers. Connor hips bucked up at the touch, his lip being pulled between his lips. 
He let out a heavy breath, “I want to be in you. So bad baby,” His words were low, his chest heaving just slightly as you rubbed your hand over him at a decently slow pace. “You want me to fuck you right here?” 
His words went right to your core as you nodded, pushing the skirt you were wearing up slightly. Connor’s hands slid up your thighs. Squeezing slightly as he got closer to the burning heat that was probably so wet there would be a mark on the panties you were wearing. 
“You wore this just for tonight hm?” He questioned, getting to the top of your thigh and squeezing just tight enough for your hips to buck. “Just for me?” His low voice almost made you whine, it was one of your favorite things about him after all. 
Just slightly he ran his thumb over your covered clit, looking up at you as your face twisted. “Answer me.” He said rather firmly, thumbing over it again. 
Quickly you shook your head, “No, I mean yes- kinda,” Your words were jumbled, so incredibly turned on there were hardly any thoughts left except Connor and his dick.  
Connor laughed softly, pulling you directly onto the bulge of his boxers, firmly grabbing your hips to grind up against you. The covered length of his perfectly slid against you, pulling a moan from your mouth. 
He rubbed circles into your skin as he did it again, looking at you, “You look so beautiful up there,” Connor shifted to sit up with his arms around your waist. “Bet I can make you look even better.” He smirked, pushing his boxers down just enough for his dick to spring out.
Precum was dripping out as you reached out to wrap your hand around him, something you’d done plenty of times. Your thumb swiping across the tip before stroking him a few times. 
No matter how many times you saw him, the length and girth always made your mouth water and body tingle. “God please fuck me,” you muttered, twisting your wrist just a smidge, Connor’s breath hitching. 
“I plan to,” he nodded, nudging your hand off of him as he looked at you. Without him even needing to tell you, you lifted into your knees, pulling your underwear down and off, tossing them to the side just slightly, not caring if they fell into the grass. 
Connor hummed softly, feeling your warmth on his skin. “Oh this is turning you on so much, huh? You like that we could get caught? Like that someone walking by could see?” He pulled you closer, positioning himself underneath you. 
Slowly he guided you down onto him, a moan growing at the back of your throat as you slowly stretched around him, the burning pain sending a wave of pleasure through your bloodstream. 
He leaned forward as you got used to his size, humming, “Or do you want someone to hear you? Let them know it’s me fucking these noises out of you.” Connor whispered into your ear, moving to nibble at the skin by your jaw. 
As soon as you felt okay, you ground your hips forward, grasping at Connor’s shoulders tightly. “Oh my god,” You huffed under your breath. Connor’s hands stayed on your sides, balancing you as you rocked against him. 
Connor’s lips attached to your neck, sucking a dark spot that was definitely going to be on full display tomorrow for everyone to see. As you picked your pace up, lifting to bounce against him every few seconds, you grabbed one of his hands, pushing it to where your two bodies connected. 
“Touch me.” You directed, feeling Connor’s finger circling your clit in seconds. 
“Well all you had to do was ask, princess,” He groaned, feeling the way you clenched around him. For whatever reason this was just as equally turning him on and he was trying his hardest not to cum before you did, knowing he’d be done for the second he finished. 
Your fingers slid under the collar of his shirt, gripping tightly at his skin, the marks visibly and feelable as you swiped your thumb over the spots your nails created. “Fuck, you feel, so good,” You barely breathed out. 
Connor lifted his hips to meet yours, slamming against you. “Oh so do you baby,” He reached to push hair off of your forehead, his other hand still working on you. 
The knot tightened in your core, breath quickening as you tried to keep your hips steady into his. “I- I’m gonna cum Connor-“
“Go ahead, cum for me. Look at me while you fuck yourself on my dick cause you were horny.” He said quickly, “My horny girl, couldn’t control herself until we got home. Just needed me so bad right now.” He added, the words pushing you over the edge. 
Your knees gave out, pushing down against Connor one last time as you came. He flipped the two of you over, thrusting up into you as you worked through it, smiling softly at how the sweat built over your face. 
The sight of you underneath him made him grab onto your legs, pushing them as far apart as he could as he pounded into you, each hit pulling a short moan out as he palmed over your shirt. 
“Connor-“ whatever else you were gonna say caught in your throat as you almost screamed, a hand clamping over your mouth at his movements. 
He shook his head, reaching to pull your hand away. “Uh-uh, you wanted this. You wanted me to fuck you right here. Now anybody can hear what I do to you. Go ahead. Tell them how amazing I make you feel.” His gaze was fully on you, his hand reaching to rub at your clit once again. 
“Shit,” you lifted your hips to him, his fingers working their way around you. “Fuck Connor,” His name fell off your lips louder than before, a string of curses sliding out underneath. 
The shift of his hips brought the tip right to that one sweet spot inside of you, your core tightening again after only three hits. “Already close again? You’re enjoying this so much aren’t you pretty girl?” Connor bit at his lip, his hair stuck to his forehead with sweat. 
You nodded quickly, “‘m close again, please-“ The words were barely out of your mouth before he thrusted into you as quickly as he possibly could, the sensation and circling of his fingers pulling you into a second orgasm that made it impossible for you to see straight. 
Your legs wrapped around him tightly, shaking as he kept the pace up through your high and pushing him to his own. He didn’t bother pulling out, instead pushing in one last time to release all inside of you, letting his hands plant to the blanket next to your head. 
“You know, I think you have some pretty good ideas baby,” He chuckled, leaning to kiss your forehead. You nodded faintly, trying to catch your breath as he spoke. 
Connor gave you a warm smile before pulling out, laying back on his back for a couple seconds before  situating himself back into his boxers and jeans. “You did really good you know,” He shifted back into his side, running a hand over his face to wipe the sweat off. 
“Yeah?” You raised an eyebrow slightly, the man nodding, dragging his fingers up your thigh, sliding inside slightly. 
“Mhm, real good.” Connor couldn’t help but delve his pointer finger into you, pumping twice before removing it and bringing it to his mouth. “Taste just as good too,” he added, causing you to shake your head. 
“Shut up..”
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if you liked this apply to connor's tag list !
tags: @winchesterszvonecek @everything-fandom @thebewingedjewelcat @mrspeacem1nusone
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babydollmarauders · 2 years
jack hughes x fem!reader
🌻: ‘tis the damn season with jack
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i can’t remember how it started. one day i was avoiding my ex-boyfriend in grocery stores, hiding away in a corner at the holiday block party and hoping he couldn’t sense that i was still in love with him, and the next i was underneath him in the back seat of his new range rover.
Jack and i didn’t end on bad terms, our love didn’t fade, but the heartbreak might feel worse than if we did. instead, we just accepted that a long distance relationship wasn’t for us. with him leaving to play hockey in New Jersey and me going to school in California, we knew our relationship couldn’t survive being nearly two thousand and eight hundred miles apart. so we did the mature thing and ended things before we left. the first year, we avoided each other during the small holiday break, and when we did come into contact, it felt cold and formal.
but then the second year happened. i can’t recall who suggested it, but we came to terms with the fact that we can’t actually avoid each other. so we came to an agreement; during holiday breaks, in the short period of time that we’re both in town; we rekindle the flame we once shared. we drive around town, laughing and reminiscing over shared memories. he calls me ‘babe’ and we spend our nights tangled in bedsheets and snuggling up for movies. and when the holidays end and he inevitably leaves before i do, we break apart again. we go back to zero contact and only hearing about what the other is up to through our parents. but the universe always leads me back to him and my hometown.
we’re on our third year of this agreement now. i’m in my senior year of college, my future unsure, but the one thing i can guarantee, is that Jack and i will reconnect this weekend.
i’m settled into my childhood bedroom, unpacked and sprawled across the full size bed that Jack and i used to cuddle in when we were young and naive, thinking we’d be together forever. my phone is clutched in my hands, my thumbs flying over the keyboard, typing out a message.
To: Jack ❤️🤍🖤
i’m staying at my parents house.
From: Jack ❤️🤍🖤
okay. i’ll see you tonight?
To: Jack ❤️🤍🖤
yeah, 8 o’clock?
From: Jack ❤️🤍🖤
sounds good. can’t wait to see you again, babe.
the heat that spreads across my face is an immediate reaction to his use of the pet name. it’s embarrassing how in love i still am with the boy from my past.
it’s exactly eight o’clock when Jack’s car pulls into my driveway. i watch from my spot on the porch as he neglects shutting off the engine, opening his door and stepping out onto the fresh white snow from this evening. i meet him halfway, pulling him down into a passionate kiss. our lips move in sync, his hands coming up to tangle in my hair and pull me even closer. after a few moments, i pull away, catching my breath as he smiles down at me.
“what a hello.” he jokes, causing me to grin.
“i missed you.” i confess. “i couldn’t wait to kiss you.”
he leans down to press another quick kiss on my lips before leading me to the car, opening the passenger side door for me. i mutter a ‘thank you’ as i slide into the seat, buckling up as he shuts the door and jogs around the front of the car to the drivers seat. switching the car into reverse, his hand goes to the back of my seat as he looks behind him and i can’t help but clench my thighs. why is that so hot? there should be a study on that.
“how’s school, babe?” he asks as he switches back into drive, passing house after house of our old friends. my cheeks flush at the pet name and i look out the window as i respond.
“it’s pretty good, i’m ready to be done.” i tell him. we drive around the town, making conversation as we make up for lost time. “how’s hockey going, mr. big-shot nhl player?”
“it’s going good.” he chuckles as he reaches over and pulls my hand in his, resting them on the center console between us. “would be better if i had you with me.”
“Jack.” i sigh, his words causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach. “you can’t say things like that.”
“what? why not?” he asks, glancing over at me with furrowed brows before returning his eyes to the road in front of us.
“because it’s hard enough watching you leave again without you making me wonder about the what-ifs.” i confess, painting on the weak smile that usually fools my friends back in LA.
“why are you doing that?” he questions.
“doing what?”
“faking a smile to hide your feelings.” he says. “why are you trying to hide your feelings from me as if i don’t feel them too?”
his words tear at my already broken heart. they remind me that i’m not the only one hurt by the distance between us. that he also feels the pain of missing me once we’ve parted ways once more.
“i don’t know.” i whisper. “i know we don’t usually talk about our feelings during these weekends, but this is really hard for me, Jack. these holidays are amazing while it’s happening, but when we leave again, it hurts so bad.”
tears prick the back of my eyes and i make an attempt at blinking them away, but they spill over onto my cheeks instead.
“i thought these weekends would be enough, but then i go back to LA and all i can think about is how nice this was. how much i miss your smile and how badly i wish i could be in your arms again.” i admit. he’s silent as he pulls the car into the parking lot of a church right next to our old school. he switches the car to park before he turns his body in order to look at me.
“what are you doing when you graduate?” he asks. my brows form a ‘v’ and i’m left confused. is he really switching the topic right now? after i just laid my heart out to him?
“um, i’m not sure. i’ll i probably just move back here.” i tell him.
“move to New Jersey.” he says. my eyes go wide and i part my lips but nothing comes out. “hear me out. what if this time, we don’t end this weekend? you just admitted you miss me. i miss you too. more than i let on. god, y/n, i miss you so much. you’re the only person who truly knows me. i love you. i loved you when we were sixteen and i still love you now. and you just said you don’t know what you’re doing after school, so instead of moving back here, move in with me. we can do long distance for these last few months and then you can move to New Jersey and we can really be together again. i can introduce you to my teammates and we can go on dates and we can finally stop all this back and forth.”
i blink at him, unsure of what to say. my mind was made up as soon as he said it, but i’m still at a loss for words. i thought that he would reject me. that he was going to reiterate that we ended our relationship for a reason. but then he did the opposite.
“please, say something.” he begs.
“yes. yeah, yes, okay.” i finally push the words out, nodding my head frantically. he drops my hand to move his own to my face, cupping it and stopping my continuous head bobbing. he rests his forehead against mine and smiles.
“yes?” he asks.
“yes. i’ll move in with you when i graduate. let’s do it.” i grin and his lips morph to match mine before he leans in and pulls me into a kiss. it’s frantic and full of emotion, but it’s happy and it’s real.
“you gonna be my girlfriend again, sweet girl?” he teases once we pull away.
“yeah, i think i will.”
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emry-stars-art · 1 year
Massarati was a courting gift to andrew from abram after he realized they were courting one another
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My face reading this omggggggg
(Gonna put this up top instead of at the end; find the royal au writing masterpost here 💕)
So this is the 4800 words of fluff; @jtl-fics was bouncing a LOT of ideas with me about it and everything was so sweet 😭🥰 you can read it here! :D or continue on this post for the sparknotes version from Abram's pov (minus the picnic date tho 👀), and let’s showcase my inexperience with horses ✨
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THIS IS GREAT I done got myself a little by making Maserati a rescue case… like Abram’s probably right about what happened to her though I didn’t fully decide on it (I’m also making up everything about horse breeds in this universe thank youuu). He’s out one day for whatever reason and comes across this horse in no pasture that’s tall, clearly made for working, but it’s far too skinny. A little skiddish, but not enough that Abram can’t approach after a while of trying. It’s a familiar breed under the dirt and malnutrition.
He doesn’t even bother seeing where it might have come from. He fashions a makeshift lasso/bridle thing from rope and takes a few hours calming the horse enough to bring it back with him to the castle, leaving it in one of the smaller/less used stables with plenty of food and water before going to find Day or someone else that might be able to help. She doesn’t look impressive at first, obviously. But with lots of help and lots of time from Abram taken in secret to the stables, she slowly starts to get better. She gains weight, she gets readjusted to people, she lets him take care of her coat and hair.
At some point, Andrew insists once again on keeping Abram nearby when Abram is having a worse night than usual. Panicking easily, generally unwell. (Andrew is also wondering why Abram is suddenly spending so much time away, why he won’t tell Andrew where he’s been or what he’s doing. It’s completely in his right to do it, so Andrew never forces the issue, but it’s such an obvious switch from his normal behavior. Right when Andrew thought he could start leaning into the courting, it feels like Abram is pulling away and it hurts a little. He gets worried.) Abram can’t sleep, and Andrew won’t sleep until Abram does, so they lay on his bed with Andrew resting against Abram’s lap, relaxing or reading or tracing scars with his fingertips. It’s a long while before Abram asks, unprompted, “Did you ever have an ideal horse?”
Andrew gives him a look.
“I mean… a dream horse. Maybe when you were little, something you always wanted.”
Andrew makes a small noise. “I think most kids do.”
“Right. So did you?”
It takes more convincing than that, lots of Abram assuring Andrew that it’s not stupid, he’s just curious. He’ll tell Andrew his next. And finally Andrew tells Abram of when he was young, living with the Spears, and would fantasize about being anywhere else. He’d take a horse as black as night so no one would see him when he ran away, a horse that was strong and fast enough to take him wherever he wanted to go. He used to imagine it would carry two, so he could take his governess with him, but that was before she left. It was all child’s play, anyway. It didn’t matter now. (Abram’s horse wasn’t so detailed, but he said if he had to pick a coat color, he was very happy with the blue roan he was given.)
So the next time Abram goes to the stable he looks at her, sees how well she’s bulking up, sees again how much larger she is than the Friesians he’s used to from Evermore. She looks even stronger than those already capable horses. When she’s healthy she can certainly carry two riders and more besides, and her endurance is like the horse equivalent of his own. Her coat is getting shiny again, sleek like black oil.
When she’s healthy and ready, Abram trains her. He again has help, of course - there are people who’s jobs it is to take care of and train the castle’s horses and it isn’t him - but she has an undeniable soft spot for Abram. They get her used to being fully decked out in nice tack and equipment and whatever else. Abram holds her steady to get shoed. The veterinarians/au equivalent make sure she stays healthy and the stable master grows more impressed with her every day. She’s not your average horse, he tells Abram. She’s smart. There’s real intelligence in those eyes.
Abram could not be happier.
By the time the twins’ birthday comes around she is ready to go. Abram spends the morning before his work begins making sure she is as sparkling as he can get her, all ready for her favorite stable hand to take her to the main stables later while Abram attends the prince at the festivities. The stable hand is going to put her in her new tack, too, the beautiful white set Abram spent a good chunk of coin to have commissioned. The horse is perfectly well mannered around people now, though only Abram and a handful others can ride her. Abram only plans his evening because he knows she lets anyone ride alongside him - if Abram deems them worthy, the horse won’t protest. It isn’t trust he ever takes lightly. He’s pretty certain she’ll end up allowing Andrew every privilege she allows Abram. He is so excited and so, so nervous for that night. She’s as perfect as she could possibly be, but Andrew has gotten Abram so many wonderful gifts. This is the first time Abram has returned the favor with such intention. Hopefully it’s good enough. (She is.)
Oh also in case you’re wondering. Andrew only needs a new horse because his beloved GS was finally retired, GS is old and now gets to spend the rest of his days in nice pastures where Andrew feeds him lots of treats 💕 every like is one sugar cube gods bless
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