#wait and circling back to the genderbends...the hair why are we doing the short hair thing like a third of the men in that game have hair
pcktknife · 7 months
Yo! Do you use HoYoLAB, that social media app hoyoverse made? It is FOUL on there
hoyolab hurts the brain to be on for too long
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honeyyvee · 5 years
One kiss: Chapter 3
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Rating: Mature (+18)
Genre: Romance
Summary: When your best friend Min Yoonji offers herself to teach you how to kiss, the only approapriate reaction is (gay) panic.
Pairing: Min Yoonji(Genderbend! Yoongi)/ female reader
Words: 2.5k
Warnings: Consumption of alcohol. Sexual content. Coarse language.
Notes: I edited one of the dialogues in the second conversation of Ch. 2, it’s an important bit of info. So I reccomend to re-read it <3. Anyways, enjoy!
← Prev (Ch 2) 
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You quite literally plunged in. Your mouth crashed with Jeon Jungkook's lips as your body toppled onto him, sending both of you to the carpeted floor amidst hooting and hollering. It all happened too quickly; your teeth clashed, and you were pretty sure you busted his upper lip open. The kiss was more like the crash of two mouths who had no idea what to do.
The contact was nice though, initially. Jungkook's lips tasted and smelled like strawberries. After the initial shock, the softer, firmer pressing of his lips became kind of pleasant. If you ignored the metallic aftertaste of blood, that is. Which you couldn't, really, as beads of blood pooled between your lips, both of you parted with a wince. When you opened your eyes your gaze tried to focus on anything and everything. Through the haze of your spinning mind you saw jungkook's wide eyes, his fingers stained in blood, blurry faces of friends and spectators… and her among them.
There was an indescifrable expression on Yoonji's face as your unfocused eyes landed on hers. Tried as you might you couldn't pinpoint it. There seemed to be a slight frown to her pouty mouth, a crease on her brow… a darkness to her eyes. Was she disgusted with your shameless behaviour? Was she mad you had gotten yourself drunk and now she had to deal with your shenanigans? Was she—? You couldn't follow your train of thought to its disastrous next suggestion, as Yoonji stormed off the room without a word.
Confused and slightly overwhelmed, your limbs stopped reacting as you became paralyzed by a wave of anxiety. Your unfocused eyes glued to the irregular patch of carpeted floor before you. Voices and music blurred around the edges, everything was too much, and the overwhelming sensation of shame/guilt made you sick to your stomach. But why, why did it feel wrong? Why did you feel like this?
Jungkook tried reaching out to you, calling out your name, brushing the skin of your arm. You flinched at his touch. The sensation felt foreign, an out of body experience.
Hoseok approached you both, trying in vain to suppress a face-splitting grin. "Yo, Y/N!"
Your stomach turned over itself in anxiety, you couldn't look at anyone in the eye, you wanted to get out of there asap. In a last desperate attempt to save face, your body doubled over itself trying to stop the convulsions of your stomach from emptying its contents on Namjoon's carpet.
"Hey, hey, are you alright?" Hoseok was making an effort to keep himself from giggling, you had to give him that.
You shook your head no.
"Alright, let's get you outta here." Hoseok helped you to stand. A relief. But Jung Hoseok was the antonym of subtlety. "Ok, there's nothing to see here everybody! Keep on with what you're doing. MOVE."
If people had been looking at you with curiosity before, they were now staring . You silently took back your feelings of gratitude towards the boy. Jungkook insisted on accompanying you to the bathroom, and even driving you back to your apartment, but you refused. Being around him was too much for you right now, it only worsened the nauseous feeling in your stomach. The least you needed was to add barfing all over a pretty boy to your list of achievements for the night. After giving you a glass of water that tasted like shit, Hoseok took you to the second floor barely avoiding getting barfed on by you.
"And here we are," Hoseok ushered you into the first door on the left. A bathroom. "What are you waiting for? Go, go!"
"I'm not puking here, that's gross."
"Oh yes you are, I gave you water with salt to help you with that."
"¿Wha—?" Your eyes opened in alarm. Just as you were about to protest, an uncontainable wave of nausea overpowered you.
Not even a second later, you were spilling all the contents of your stomach on the toilet. Hoseok rushed to your side to hold your hair back, rubbing soothing circles on your back.
"Find Yoonji, I wanna go home," you croaked.
“You sure you’ll be okay if I leave to go look for her?” He brushed a strand of hair behind your ear.
You nodded, Hoseok gave you a last glance before disappearing behind the door. You were left in silence, but it still took you a moment to recollect yourself on the cold tile floor. Your mind was a blank, anxious mess. You'd be facing Yoonji… you had to say something. You felt you had to say something to her, about the kiss. What exactly though, you weren't sure. Maybe it was the reeling of your mind coming down from the events that had transpired, the high of adrenaline and alcohol.
Your legs were wobbly and your vision hazy as you got up to wash your face. Vertigo swayed your body, and you clutched onto the faucet. The coolness of the water was a welcomed sensation. You washed away with ernst the taste of bitter alcohol and bile, and Jungkook. Nothing personal, but that first kiss wasn't short of traumatic. The image of your disheveled appearance caught your eye in the reflection of the small mirror before you. Smeared lipstick and smudged mascara have you looking like a hot mess. You tried fixing it as much as possible, until three knocks interrupted.
Your heart stopped in your chest.
“I’ll be waiting for you on the driveway.” It was Yoonji.
“Wait!” You rushed to the door, lest she left again before you could catch her.
Yoonji was still there, just about to turn on her feet to leave. A slightly startled expression on her face by the suddenness of your actions. Hands in her pockets, she turned her eyes away as soon as they landed on yours.
There was a knot of mixed feelings growing in your chest as you gazed at her in the dimly lit hallway. A feeling of uneasiness creeping in the air as you made up your mind about something you weren’t even fully aware yet. Words just fell out of your mouth without second-thinking about it.
“No,” you confessed “can we talk?”
Yoonji turned to look at you with an annoyed expression. “Right now? Can’t it wait until we get home?”
You floundered under her deflection.
Yoonji made a show of being tired by releasing a deep sigh. “Or maybe tomorrow? We can talk anytime about whatever this is, you know?”
Her words echoed inside your mind, and you took your sweet time contemplating them. Could you, really? Will there be any other chance in the near future, for you to clear this air of unresolved, lingering, something? You scanned Yoonji’s neutral features for answers. She avoided your gaze. Ha. That was a damn slim chance.
“We can’t.” Your hand shot to take her wrist in your grasp. “It has to be now,” you stumbled upon your words. Without waiting for her answer, you rode the wave of newly found courage and led Yoonji into the unoccupied room to your right.
She didn’t get enough time to actually fight or protest against it, before you opened the door and ushered her inside with you. The light was off, but you didn’t bother turning it on. There’s a big window on the opposite side, that let in just enough moonlight into the room for you to know your surroundings. You sat Yoonji on the edge of the bed.
“What are we doing here?” she groaned.
“Listen, I shouldn’t have kissed Jungkook.”
You weren't going to beat around the bush. Yoonji seemed only partially bewildered by the bluntness which you approached the topic of your talk. Her eyes went the tiniest bit wide in surprise. There was some interest written in her features, but she quickly hid it away.
“Why, because you nearly chopped off his lips?” Yoonji diverted with small chuckle.
“No, I’m being serious,” you took her hand in yours. “It’s just—." You sighed, shut your eyes closed to gather up courage for what you were about to do. "I don’t think I actually like Jungkook. I think… I think I might like you.”
The silence that fell over the room after your confession, grew heavy with expectation with each passing heartbeat. The muffled sound of the music downstairs and the cicadas outside, rang in your ears as you opened your eyes to gauge at Yoonji's expression. There was a deep frown on her brow.
“Me… ?" She echoed. A dead beat of cold silence stretched in the air of your lungs before she spoke again. "Why are you telling me this?” Yoonji breathed, barely a whisper.
There was something in her eyes, something you had seen before but didn't get to decypher before her expression changed again.
“Wait, you're drunk," she muttered bluntly. "You're still drunk."
Yoonji made a move to leave, so you held tighter onto her hand. "Am not! I'm being honest with you I—."
"I'm sorry, but this makes no sense to me," Yoonji yanked her hand away. "You don't like Jungkook now? You think you like me ?" She chuckled humorlessly as she stood up. "What are you even talking about? Kissing Jungkook is all you’ve been going on about for weeks . You asked me for tips on how to kiss him .”
“I liked you long before that."
"When? I don't believe you." Her gaze hardened.
You sighed in exasperation at her stubbornness, but proceeded to explain nonetheless because you understood where she was coming from.
"When Namjoon first introduced us. I thought you were attractive, but I never really made a move because I thought you and him were a thing. Since you two spent so much time together, producing and composing and all of that." You fell onto the bed. "Me and Namjoon? Yeah, fat chance," Yoonji snorted, sitting beside you on the mattress with a creak. A good sign.
"I just ruled you out completely off the market. And then we started sharing apartment and I never really thought about it again," you continued. "Until a few weeks ago…" You tried to meet her gaze.
"Why didn't you make a move then?" Yoonji's eyes pierced through you.
"I did. Multiple times."
Yoonji sighed, averted her gaze to the ceiling.
"You asking me for tips on how to kiss someone else was your big idea of a move?" She gave you a sceptical look.
You cringed. "When you put it like that it sounds terrible... but yeah, it was. So what, sue me. I'm a dumb bitch and I'm fucking shy!" You hit her with a pillow.
The action was reciprocated by a hit to the face with a cushion. Which then escalated into a full blown pillow fight and burst of mischievous giggles... which ended in a tickle fight. And you below Yoonji’s body, her knee between your thighs. Her body hovered over you, her piercing eyes scanning for your reaction as her knee pushed higher, and your breath got caught in your throat. Her hands snaked around your wrists, pinned you with hesitant gentleness to the bed.
"Why did you went through with kissing Jungkook in that spin the bottle game?" Yoonji murmured.
"Please Yoons, it's just a drunk party kiss, it means nothing,” you dismissed, with a forced chuckle.
Yoonji’s gaze wavered, her brow pulled together. And there it was. That thing, in her eyes. It was her walls coming down, opening up the slightest bit for a sliver of you to come in.
"And this?" she threaded her slender fingers around yours, her voice barely above a whisper. "Would this mean something to you?"
"That depends on if you want it to," your voice came out hoarse.
You were having difficulty with breathing, the air was charged with anticipation of what was about to come next. Yoonji leaned on you, your bodies now pressed closely together, her lips a breath apart. You closed your eyes, and welcomed the fluttering sensation of her soft cherry mouth. Her kiss was a starking contrast to your recent,previous experience. Calmer, softer, sober . In more ways than one. But at the same time ardent, passionate, ignating. Your chest filled to the brim with consuming fire. Your senses lit up alive.
Yoonji's lips moved slowly at first, one of her hands cupping your face, guiding you towards her. The motions grew impatient soon enough, and your bodies were tightly pressed chest to chest. It felt right, complete .
You broke the kiss with a gasp for air. Yoonji’s knee was pressed more intently against your needy core. All the blood rushed downwards in arousal as Yoonji pressed your clit through your skirt with mischievous intent.
“Mmn… you’re wet already,” she purred, with a smirk. She kissed a trail of kisses all over the sensitive spots of your neck.
You whined in response as your cheeks blushed red. Things were escalating fast, but you didn’t have any plans to back down. If you were gonna crash, might as well accelerate .  You wanted her hands all over you, not holding you down.
“Yoonji…” you whined, as you lifted your hips against her knee. “My hands.”
Yoonji released them like they burned, with a rumbling sound at the back of her throat that resembled a complaint. You got what you wanted and now her hands were palming at your waist, and then your thighs as she brought you to sit with her. Her knee still between your legs, pressing against your swelling bundle of nerves.
You gawked at her disheveled appearance, never in your life had you seen Min Yoonji like this. Dark, hooded eyes, full of lust and pouty lips swollen from kissing. It was the hottest thing you had ever seen. It was hard to catch your breath when the sight knocked the air out of your lungs again.
“You’re beautiful,” you murmured, staring meaningfully into her eyes. She had to know… “And I don’t mean just your face. I’m talking about you, and the art you carry inside.”
Yoonji’s eyes softened, glossed even, for a moment.
“Shut up, you’re such a cheese,” she rolled her eyes, but leant in to press a firm, gentle kiss to your lips. Her mouth tasted like cherry chapstick, and you tucked the memory to the back of your mind.
Yoonji’s walls were still there, you felt it in the way she stiffened at times at your attempts of intimate touch. But you remained patient, you would take your sweet time to bring each of them down, little by little. So you kissed, and touched, and sighed with pleasure into your embrace in the faint moonlight. And you knew things were going to be alright between you two.
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Voltron Genderbend!
So, this is the first thing I’ve written on Tumblr and I hope you like it. Sorry if it’s garbage.
These are their names, so you don’t get confused or whatever: Shiro=Shira, Allura=Alfor, Keith=Kaylee, Hunk=Hanna, Katie=Kyle, Coran=Cora, Lotor is staying male, Zarkon=Zamora, Haggar/Honerva=Hector.
“Shira!” Alfor called. Shira woke up, dragging herself out of bed. She threw her mostly black hair into a long ponytail, then hurried to meet up with the Altean Prince.
“Is something wrong?” She asked. Alfor ran his dark fingers through his curly white hair.
“Empress Zamora has contacted us. I didnt answer out of my own personal fear, but I suppose we should try and contact her?” Alfor suggested. Shira thought for a moment.
“Where are the others?” She asked.
“They went off to the mall again. Something about a girlfriend for Kaltenecker?” He said. Shira rolled her eyes. Alfor opened his holographic computer screen and requested communications with the Galra Empress. His face showed his hatred when she answered, seemingly pleased with their calling.
“Ah, Queen Allura’s son lives.” She said simply. Alfor growled, his hands in fists.
“What do you want, Zamora?” He hissed. The Empress only smiled.
“As you know, my son is now of age to marry. And I understand you Alteans choose peace first. I would like to meet with you on these matters.”
“And why in the universe would we do that?” Alfor snarled. Shira remained quiet, looking lost in thought.
“Do you have a choice? We have you surrounded.”
“What?!” Alfor cried. Sure enough, the castle was surrounded by Galra fleets. Alfor slammed his fists on the control panel in front of him, making Shira jump.
“We need the others!” He yelled. Shira began typing furiously on her panel.
“Communications aren’t working!” She said. Alfor growled.
“Then...we have no choice...” He said hatefully. “We will meet with you.”
“Excellent.” Zamora said. She disconnected, leaving Alfor and Shira alone again.
“Are we really going to meet with her to talk about her son getting married?”Shira asked. Alfor huffed angrily.
“I suppose we have to.” He replied. Shira nodded. “Well, go put on a dress.”
“Wait, what? Why?” She asked. Alfor rolled his eyes.
“Obviously Lotor wants to marry you.” Shira wrinkled her nose and crossed her arms over her chest.
“No. No way. Not happening.” She said. Alfor smirked. “What?”
“Nothing.” He said. Shira glared at him and he sighed. Alfor set the castle’s coordinates to a dressing mall.
“Can I help you?” An alien woman with silver eyes asked.
“We would like a dress for a Galra event.” Alfor said. Shira pouted. The woman smiled and led them into a dressing room. Shee began sorting through dress after dress, tossing them back at the young paladin. She nearly tripped.
“Eh,” Alfor said as the woman held a V-Neck red dress up to her. He shook his head and grabbed a white dress with gold sparkles at the bottom. “No.” They went through dress after dress. Alfor grabbed a purple dress. It had a V-Neck, and faded into black at the bottom. It had thin layers over the skirt. The skirt reached to her knees. The sleeves were shoulderless but long sleeved, and came with a pair of purple heels and black jewelry.
“Perfect for a Galra meeting.” The woman said and threw it at Shira. She clumsily caught it and huffed angrily, stomping into a dressing room. She undressed, and pulled the dress up to her hips, wiggling into it. She pulled the sleeves on and slipped her feet into the heels. Then she put on several black bracelets and a sparkly black necklace. Shiny earrings went into her ears and she stepped out. Alfor’s jaw dropped.
“Well?” She said, turning in a circle. Alfor felt heat rising to his cheeks and pointy ears. The dress was thin, like her, and fitted her curvy body perfectly. She stood awkwardly, tugging at the skirt. Her legs were long, so it didn’t reach her knees. It reached a little less than halfway down her thighs.
“Beautiful! Beautiful! It was difficult to find a size for you, skinny girl!” The woman said happily.
“It’s kinda small in the chest area...” Shira said nervously. Her arms were folded over her chest. The woman clicked her tongue.
“That’s alright. You look magnificent. It fits the curves on your small body perfectly.”
“Curves?” She asked, looking in a mirror.
“Yes, yes, curves! What do you think, Alfor?” She asked .
“Pretty,” He said, mesmerized. The woman combed Shira’s long, wavy hair into a braided crown and she let her white bangs stay out, curling them. Black eyeliner, purple eye shadow, and purple lipstick was put on her face.
“There! Now this is beauty. You don’t even have to pay! Just let me take a photo!” Shira flushed red and tugged at the short skirt of her gown.
“I-I don’t know...” she said nervously. The woman smiled a toothy smile.
“Why not? Are you afraid that the camera will devour you?” Alfor teased. Shira glared at him.
“No! I just don’t normally wear...dresses...” She said. Alfor smiled brightly at her.
“You look wonderful. Please, take a photo, so we can hurry.” He said. Shira sighed and obeyed the woman’s commands. She was posed and told how to smile and the picture was snapped. She blinked several times, the light blinding her.
“Wonderful! Wonderful!” The woman cried.
“We thank you kindly, miss,” Alfor said. “But we really must go.”
“Of course! Of course! Go! Go!” She cried, ushering them out. Alfor grabbed Shira’s hand and pulled her away.
“Next stop, nightmare.” Shira muttered.
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