#wait dollie could you translate it
kiochisato · 9 months
Haii kioo could i get ckntext for this image before i go insane from seeing it everywhere ... ૮₍˶Ó﹏Ò ⑅₎ა
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hUHHH ??
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kresnikcest · 2 years
julius' fd really was like all the named characters ignore ludger's existence while all the nameless neighbours are like "hey ludger how's your chill life with your brother and absolutely no one else :)"
Balan: You ever get lonely if you haven't seen your girlfriend in a while? If it were me, I think I'd go crazy pretty quickly.
Jude: I've never thought of Milla like that before, but still. I can tell she's doing her best out there in the spirit realm, and that means I can't slack off either!
Mary: I see. So there's someone out there important to you. Don't fret… I know your research will be a success! I believe in you, professor!
Girl: Hey, tell me where you bought that dolly! It's so cute!
Elize: Oh, this is my friend, Teepo! Would you like to try petting him?
Vera: Me?! There's no way I can do it! I've already been turned down once before!
Nova: Well you'll never know for sure with that attitude! You gotta be more persistent! If you're still into him, you need to let him know!
Alvin: Sure is peaceful out here. Maybe if things were like this back in the day when I was growing up, I'd have become a better man than I am now.
Yurgen: Investigative reporting? This is going to be tough. My partner was always really good at stuff like this, but I don't know if I can do it.
Leia's boss: We will hear what Alvin has to say too. We'll be combining both of your stories into the special feature. If you don't mind, would I be able to get your consent?
Leia: That's our Editor in Chief! Let's go get 'em!
Gaius: I haven't been here in some time. Has she already arrived?
Rowen: Yes, I've heard word that they've already arrived at the inn. Also, just in case, I should mention… Would it be too much to ask you to call him "Erston" while in town? (note: this was definitely misinterpreted by the translator 😂)
Bisley: I beg your pardon sir, but could you tell me the time? It appears that my watch has stopped. Wait a minute! Aren't you--never mind. Forgive me, I must be imagining things.
Rideaux: Yes, yes. I'll sign an autograph for anyone who wants one. Incidentally, you wouldn't mind telling me your names, would you? I need to know who to make these out to, of course.
Ivar: Damn it, why is it always Rideaux they go to first?! Look lady, we have work to do, so just make it quick!
Compared to:
"Hey, Ludger! When are you going to make me that mabo curry of yours again? When, huh? When?"
"I'm so sorry about her. She's always like this! But it looks like she really does enjoy the curry you make! Think I could get the recipe from you sometime?"
"Heya, Ludger. Is Julius doing okay? He seems busy with work as usual. Although you know, I have to say I do love a man who has such strong work ethic! Oh, Julius!"
"Ludger! Perfect timing! I just got some fresh fish in that I think you'd really enjoy! I'll just give them to you, so be sure to cook me something awesome with them, all right?"
"Oh hey, Ludger. I heard good things about the diner! I think that the next chance I get, I'll take my grandson there!"
"Hey, Ludger! I saw you eating with your brother at the usual place the other day. You guys mannerisms while eating are exactly the same! Guess you guys really are brothers!"
"Say Ludger, you haven't thought about living by yourself before, have you? Well, suppose if you did, it'd put Julius and Rollo out on the skids, huh. That Julius… he looks like he has it together, but he can be such a scatterbrain sometimes!"
"Whoa! Hold up, Ludger! Aren't you supposed to be at work today? Quit slacking off!"
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nyappyforeverbr · 2 years
Interview: An Cafe × hévn Magazine vol.13 nº107 │Part #2
After 9 years, An Cafe is back on the cover of hévn magazine! The limited edition of issue 107 brings the members of An Cafe, who celebrate in 2023, the 20th anniversary of the beginning of activities! The magazine was released on September 30, 2022 and all copies have been sold (we do not know the number of copies that were produced). Veteran Visual-kei band Dolly is on the back cover. We bring here the translation of the magazine's main interview!
Text transcription and translation was performed by Cafekko Mandy
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-Miku-san, how did you spend your days after the hiatus was announced? Miku: An Cafe didn't occupy a corner of my head, but rather the very center of my thoughts. I think about An Cafe a lot, and when I see An Cafe uploaded to YouTube, it's not a station that I don't want to remember, but it crosses my mind, but I don't want to accept reality, or I have a conflicting feeling it has been there for a long time . Since I spent a lot of time with the members and fans, I didn't want An Cafe to disappear because Ancafe was very important to me. It was an unforgettable existence.
-Thanks to Miku, who never forgot An Cafe and made a big decision to keep An Cafe alive, the five are back on stage. This is what everyone has been waiting for, so let me just say "thank you". Miku: That kind of thing... It was what I wanted and I thought it was close to the 20th anniversary, so I wondered if there was something I wanted to do. Before we even heard about this event, in my mind I imagined that the five of us could actually perform on stage for our 20th anniversary. If it's the 20th anniversary time, I think everyone would come back at least once.
-Intuition? Miku: Rather than intuition, when I meet and talk with the members every now and then, I feel that everyone likes An Cafe, even if it's not meant to be together.
-Miku-san, did you have the 20th anniversary in mind when you were on hiatus? Miku: I agree. At that time, there were parts where I couldn't see what it would be like, but by the time of the 20th anniversary・・・ I had a vague idea of how it would be. When we celebrated our 15th anniversary, I didn't think that the band would be able to continue activities for 15 years, so the 10th and 15th anniversary seemed far away, but after the 15th anniversary, the 20th anniversary seemed closer if we could meet again.
-First of all, please tell us your frank impressions after finishing the revived outdoor concert [OSAKA MUSE 35th Anniversary Event]. Miku: For example, if I were married and I had a son and his mother, I'd leave the son and mother behind and go on a trip, so it would feel like a family I haven't seen in a long time. I was embarrassed and really wanted to meet, but until I got on stage, I was very worried about what kind of guy I should be in front of everyone. When everyone stood in front of me, this time I was like a dog instead of a child with its mother, but I felt like a dog wagging its tail to greet me in response to my emotions. It eased my tension and I was impressed beyond amusement. However, it is not good to compare it with a dog (laughs). Very. I wanted to say that we were honest with each other
-On the official Twitter account, there was a scene posted after the show where all the members were lined up in a horizontal line and thanking each other. Miku: When I was singing, the stage was so wide that I couldn't see the members' and fans' faces as much, but when the performance ended and everyone lined up and bowed deeply, I felt that the members were like brothers. It felt like I was greeting an important member of my family. That moment was when I was happy that I was able to convey the gratitude that I couldn't convey in music.
-How was it for you, takuya-san? Takuya: I thought I would be really nervous before going on stage, but when I saw Miku-san, who was even more nervous than I was, I was relieved (laughs). Miku: (bitter smile) Takuya: Actually, when I went on stage and played the songs, I found myself playing the guitar one by one while chewing through the songs because they were songs I would never play again. I also have the impression that I managed to put my heart into every song I played for the fans who came. Since I left my own group I was happy to be able to be here again. "Thanks for coming. Nice to meet you again" I think is how I would put my feelings into words.
-How was it for you, Kanon-san? Kanon: In the beginning, there was no curtain before we appeared as a band, and there was a flurry of applause due to the Corona crisis, but I was happy when I heard it. I was so happy and embarrassed that I couldn't face it straight (laughs). Even though I've finished setting things up, I've been messing with the amp for nothing (laughs). But when the performance started, I thought, “This is An Cafe!”. It was like, "Oh my God!" there was a sense of accomplishment for having managed to spit out everything that had accumulated. As the time is fixed at the event, it was difficult to define the songs to be played. But when I was like, "I'm going to play this song. This one too...", after that, we went into the studio and decided while we were discussing things like: "How about not doing this song?".
-Yuuki-san was nervous? Yuuki: I felt safe. I wasn't nervous until then, but when the event started, I could hear the crowd cheering and I started to get nervous. I was happy when I felt that the audience and the music were intertwined, and I was glad that I came. When the performance ended and I said a few words, the smiles and happy tears of the people who came to see me, I felt that they came to see us with this in mind, at the time of the last bow, I couldn't find another word other than "thank you ".
-What are your impressions, Teruki-san? Teruki: This day's live wasn't something I put together saying "Let's do this", someone said "Would you like to do this?" during rehearsals and live performances, I kept thinking it was because people gathered there. Everyone but me thought, "There won't be another chance like this", I put together all the pieces I had in mind, and thought that there really was such a possibility. I gave up because of my own selfishness, so I felt anxious, grateful, and regretful. With the departure of the members and the hiatus in January 2019... Some members chose paths other than music, and I thought this is how the band would really end. Despite that, of course I'm happy, but it's an important premise, but there's still a band called An Cafe, and An Cafe is doing it again now... I was playing with such a strange feeling.
-Teruki-san felt that way, even though at An Cafe he was himself. Teruki: You just said An Cafe itself, but it's a band created by a lot of people. Because I'm one of the cogs, now I guess I can't say "I can't" when everyone says "let's do it".
-How did you feel when you heard about the event? Teruki: For the [OSAKA MUSE 35th Anniversary Event], Miku-kun and the staff talked about it, and Miku-kun asked me to participate. It was right around the time I came into contact with Miku-kun for the first time in a while, and the two of us went out to eat together a few times. To be honest, my wish to be in this band stayed with me for a long time, and when I met Miku-kun and talked about various things, that feeling got stronger and made me want to make a band with Miku-kun again. In the middle of that, I was approached about an event, so I honestly said "I really want you to do this" and approached the members. Miku: I was happy, but honestly, I thought about a lot of things. I had a vague idea that we would meet somehow for the 20th anniversary, but I wondered if it would be good to do a show before that 20th anniversary. But it's incredible that OSAKA MUSE, to which I am indebted until now, has reached its 35th anniversary and that, even with venues closing due to the corona crisis, it has been loved by everyone for 35 years. I think it stayed open for so long because the staff are all kind, I felt strongly that there was no reason to decline the venue's invitation, and I was able to act.
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twilightmalachite · 1 year
Hermitage - Monday 1
Author: Nishioka Maiko (with Akira)
Characters: Mika, Ritsu, Hajime, Izumi
Translator: Mika Enstars
"(Nnaaah~, Hajime-kun, hurry up and return~! It’s just me and Sena-senpai now~!)"
Season: Winter
Location: Starmony Dorms Kitchen
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Mika: Zzz… Zzz…
Nn…? Nn~… Yaaawwn…
(Umm… What did I have to do today again…?)
—Gasp! That’s right, practice for the new song begins today! I need t’hurry and get ready!
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A short time passes…
Mika: Umm, am I all set t’go? Am I forgettin’ anything?
(Ah, I was in such a rush the moment I woke up I forgot to think ‘bout anything else~! I didn’t wake Ritsu-kun up, did I…?)
Ermm… Ritsu-kun…?
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Ritsu: Zzz… Zzz…
Mika: (Oh, phew~. Looks like he’s sound asleep. I mean, Ritsu-kun sure loves to sleep, doesn’t he? He always seems to have a hard time gettin’ up~)
(Well, I know how he feels. The beds at the dorms are always so soft and comfy, so—Hm?)
Ah! The doll Oshi-san gave me fell down!
Nnah~ … So sorry fer not noticin’…
I put ya on my bed chest, I guess I bumped into ya while I was sleepin’. I’ll be more careful from now on…
Umm, lemme fix your hair and clothes up while I’m at it too… There we go, perfect! ♪
Ah, I can’t keep dilly-dallyin’ like this. I gotta head on out.
Seeya, dollie, I’m headin’ out~!
Location: Starmony Dorms Kitchen
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Izumi: …… (eating salad and chewing thoroughly)
Hajime: Umm, Sena-senpai? Perhaps this is not of my concern, but are you only having salad for breakfast? I don’t know if that’s enough…?
Izumi: Hm? Well, there’s nothing I can do about it. I have a show as a model soon. I’m on a restricted diet.
Hajime: A restricted diet… But, you’ll collapse before the day of the show even comes like that. And you’re always working, too…
Izumi: I’m not sure what to tell you. Restricting one’s diet is just part of the job when it comes to being a model.
Hajime: Oh! I know! In that case, I have something for you to eat, Sena-senpai. Could you wait a moment~?
Izumi: Wha? W-Wait up, I told you I can’t eat?
Hajime: It’s okay~! I think you’ll be able to eat this! Here, simmered hijiki salad[1] and boiled egg. ♪
I pre-made quite a lot for breakfast yesterday. You should be able to eat a lot without worrying about food restrictions~!
Izumi: I see. Hijiki salad and eggs are low in sugar. True, I should be able to eat this.
I’ll accept it with gratitude, then.
Hajime: Great!
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Mika: Hm? Good morni~n’. I’ve been seein’ you around a lot, Hajime-kun. Are you and Sena-senpai havin’ breakfast?
Hajime: Oh, Kagehira-senpai! Good morning. You’re right~, hehe, we ran into each other yesterday too!
Ah, will you have time to eat breakfast today? Would you like something to eat, Kagehira-senpai?
Mika: Yup. I have practice later today, so I came to the kitchen thinkin’ to eat a proper breakfast today.
Hajime: Then, allow me to prepare you something while I’m here. Please wait a minute.
Mika: Wha…?
Izumi: …… (eating salad and chewing thoroughly)
Mika: (Nnaaah~, Hajime-kun, hurry up and return~! It’s just me and Sena-senpai now~!)
(I still don’t got a clue how to have a conversation with this person~!)
(W-What do I do… He’s eatin’ his breakfast in silence, but should I be tryin’ to make conversation or somethin’?)
Izumi: Hey. So you have practice after this? Since that Itsuki came back yesterday, I’m guessing that makes it for Valkyrie?
Mika: Huh? Ah, yup, that’s right! It’s practice fer Valkyrie’s new song!
Izumi: Hmm. That means Isuki will be staying around for some time, then?
Usually our room only has two or three people in it ‘cuz Itsuki won’t be there, now this timing’s got the room’s all cramped. Its sooo~ annoying.
Mika: Eh!? What am I supposed t’say to that?!
(Is there a reason he’s tellin’ me this? Is he tryin’ to get me to do something about it?)
(Ehh~… This is troublesome…)
Ermm… Sena-senpai? I understand it’s frustratin’ fer you, but there’s nothin I can do about it, y’know…
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Izumi: Haah? I already know that. It’s not like I’m telling you expecting you to do something about it?
Mika: (Eeehhh!? Then why tell me!?)
(Am I bein’ made fun of, then…? I dunno at all. I can’t understand Sena-senpai’s thought process one bit…!)
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Hajime: Alright! Sorry to have kept you waiting, Kagehira-senpai~! ♪ Rice, miso soup, simmered hijiki salad, boiled egg, and grilled fish.
Mika: Nnah~, I sure was waitin’! Yer lookin’ like a goddess right now, Hajime-kun~!
Hajime: Eh? Were you just that hungry? Please eat up, then!
Mika: (I don’t wanna get tangled up with Sena-senpai again, so I’m gonna down this as quick as possible…!)
Time to dig in~! Umm, I’ll start with the miso soup—
Hot…! Nna nna~…
Hajime: Ah, are you alright!? The miso soup is hot, you’ll burn yourself if you drink it too fast!
Mika: Uu, my mouth’s all numb… It’s too late, I’ve burned myself~, it’s my fault fer drinkin’ up in a hurry…
Hajime: Let it cool down a bit, and try drinking more slowly.
Mika: M’kay. I’ll be more careful now~. Fuu~… Fuu~… (blowing on soup)
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Time passes…
Mika: Whew~…♪ Thanks fer the food! And thank ya, Hajime-kun! It was super yummy~.
Hajime: It was nothing. ♪ If you’d ever like me to make breakfast like this again, let me know anytime.
Mika: I’m always so grateful~! ♪ A’lrighty, you two, I’ll be headin’ out first.
Hajime: Okay~. Take care!
Izumi: Do your best out there, ‘kay?
Mika: Yup! See ya~!
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An edible seaweed, often made into salads, like this.
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Chapter Twenty Three: Time After Time Pt.3
“MR. MANCER! I HEARD YOU WERE BEING SENT TO BRIGGS TOO!” Armstrong’s voice boomed in excitement, thrilled that Freddy would be at Briggs with him.
 “I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO DUBLITH!” Freddy cried out in horror, his transfer to Briggs made worse. “OH NO, I’M BEING TRANSFERRED BY MY DEAR SISTER’S REQUEST! MY PRECIOUS SISTER IS GOING TO BE OVERJOYED TO SEE YOU ARRIVE TO HER FORTRESS!” Armstrong came inside as the others made orders from the snack trolly. “I’m fucked…I’m so totally fucked…..guys…” Freddy wept bitterly at his fate, much to the delight of Envy. “What can I say, Face Fur, the fates seem to want you to be with the Major for life.” Envy watched the spectacle as the Major brought Freddy into a muscle based embrace.
 “Oh fuck you too Envy…” Freddy hissed from his gasps from being crushed by muscles.
 “Sorry Face Fur, my taste isn’t whiny cry babies with no eyebrows.” Envy was having the time of their dumpster gremlin existence by watching Freddy squirm.
 “Major Armstrong, since you and Freddy will be stationed in the same location, perhaps you two should spend some time on the ride up North?” Dolly suggested much to Freddy’s abject horror of being made to stay with the Major who looked very pleased by the suggestion.
 “THAT IS A MARVELOUS SUGGESTION! COME YOUNG FREIDERICK MANCER, WE PARTAKE OF THE SPENDING OF TIME WITH ONE ANOTHER!” Major Armstrong gave Freddy no time to protest before running off with the little bearded man for quality time, the snack trolley operator watching on in awe of the interaction. “Nevermind, I like this better than shoving the Face Fur off a building.” Envy laughed as they got up to order the snacks on the group’s behalf.
 “I like the Armstrong family, there’s such a lively personality that I adore there. I simply have to have their family interact more with my own.” Dolly was handed some sugary treats as she relaxed now that Freddy was sent off to spend quality time with the Major.
 “Translation: My feral humans need a good influence.” Envy snarkily said as they handed over some cash for the snack. “It’s worth a shot to mellow them out a bit.” Dolly admitted to the crime of wanting less homicide filled humans in her expansive existence. “Then the fun is going to be lost, it’s better with the humans being absolutely feral.” Envy frowned deeply that the ever amusing and threatening feral humans could disappear. “Right, especially since said feral humans caused the highest amount of structural damages to the city in a timespan of a few days.” Lust sarcastically added, side eying Envy a little in annoyed sibling fashion. “Exactly! IT'S MAGICAL!” Envy had completely missed the entire point of what Lust said, taking out her flask of unknown beverage to ease Lust’s mind of the brain rot.
 Hours would pass on the long ride up north to that home town of Walden. Envy would periodically pester Lust in typical sibling fashion as Ernest and Dorian ironically proved to be far better behaved on a train ride. Dolly could only watch on in awe of this rather odd spectacle on the train ride when it would ultimately make its stop at the final destination. Things were easier said than done as Envy and Lust were having their little bickering match as everyone left the train. Thankfully Joel, Talia, Roy, and Hughes were off the train, awaiting for Lust as well as Gluttony to make their way towards the Mancer Household. Envy smirked as they watched Freddy be dragged off like a noodly teddy bear by the Major to head off for Briggs. There was a soft tap on Envy’s shoulder, forcing them to look over to Dolly who was ready to tour the morgue that was purchased. Grinning, Envy led Dolly with her carrier of awful clay lions for the new business set up that would guarantee that Gluttony would be fed properly. Waiting for the turn out of Lust and Gluttony’s line of sight as they made the turn, Envy shapeshifted into a form that Dolly didn’t expect. “Wayfarer, you’re using your original form?” Dolly raised an eyebrow at Envy as they just had that same sharp tooth grinned as before looking over at Dolly. “It’s not much like my original form anymore as I still have the scales and greenish hue, but it’s an improvement, I don’t look like that son of a bitch anymore. Besides, I needed to be in the form of something Dante would’ve never expected when building hunting.” Envy responded as they used their nictitating membrane to blink, traumatizing some onlookers in typical dumpster gremlin fashion. “That and the third eyelid, I forgot you have like three eyelids now. You should be careful about using the second and third eyelids out in public, some folks aren’t as open minded just yet.” Dolly side eyed at the retreating humans, clearly these humans don’t know how awesome having nictitating membranes were.
 “They’ll grow used to it.” Envy laughed a bit as they and Dolly reached the outdoors, making their way towards the morgue Envy had purchased through questionable means.
 “You’re funny Wayfarer, I will definitely concede to that one.” Dolly couldn’t help but laugh along to the absurdity of this situation.
 “See? You get my absolutely genius sense of humor. It’s only a matter of time before everyone else realizes I’m a comedic genius as well.” Envy laughed along with the awkward laughing situation, causing some folks to keep their distance from the weirdo and the town’s mascot of sorts.
 “Well…at least you’re the only one that didn’t freak out about the spontaneous cannibalistic mob incident. That counts for something in gallow humor.” Dolly looked both ways before crossing the street with Envy, the onlookers still giving them a decent wide space thanks to their conversation skills. “Oh please, we have Gluttony. You get really used to it fairly quickly after a few days or so.” Envy started to lead Dolly down the lane towards the new place they’ve bought, the same building Envy originally had bought during their human years.
 “Oh my goodness, Wayfarer, that was the clinic you originally bought all those centuries ago.” Dolly covered her mouth a bit in surprise that Envy located the old building. “Let’s just say it was the first place I went to when searching for a house. There’s a lot of things here that I can convert into a morgue for both finances and getting Gluttony fed properly.” Envy fished out the keys from their pocket, placing it inside of the door to open its dusty interior to welcome all inside. “Good gods, it’s an absolute dust trap inside.” Dolly remarked as she gazed inside of the fixer up that this building was going to be.
 “True, but hey, it’s been waiting for me for a long time. I think I can pull some strings into getting this house repaired by someone else before Lust notices.” Envy motioned for Dolly to walk inside of the decrepit building that needed a face lift. The decay and dust danced about in the ancient building that was supposed to be a live-in clinic some centuries ago, a truly miraculous thing that it was still standing at all. The wood pillars looked very much like swiss cheese from the numbers of small holes speckling it as everything creaked. Dolly was very mortified that the building wasn’t even considered condemned from all the safety violations she could spy as Envy returned to their preferred albeit rather scaly form. To Envy, this building was very much clay they could sculpt into being a far superior morgue with all the right work that could be placed into it. Sure the woodwork was indeed in a rather horrific state, but it could so totally be fixed with alchemy and Envy knew just who to harass later for it. With a firm but slowly becoming a bit more gentle grip on Dolly’s shoulder, Envy led Dolly towards the upstairs. Dolly was thanking the horrifying void being she encountered that the stairs were stone instead of wood as they both explored the upstairs. There were visible holes on the floor that if one were to take a misstep, that unfortunate soul’s leg would be dangling as a ceiling fixture for the first floor.
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nityarawal · 6 months
Capitalising Coachella
Almost Went To Eric
Last September
For My Birthday
Was Waitin' On
And A Lexus Lemon
We Don't Trust
New Singers
How Do We Know
They're Real
Saw The Meme Of
With No Pants
At Superbowl
And Beyonce
Marched Out
For A Verizon
How Many Kids
Can I Love
How Many 
Can I Have
And Protect
Born 2
But Have All
Of You
Elon Offered Me 11
Still Waiting On My Two
Nerves About T.I.T.T.S
We See Your Fifty Year
First The Attys
Blew Up A Peace
Now They Threaten
Toyota Usurped
Song Of The Day
On Desert Radio
Sold Out On A
But Hasn't Given
A Single Car Away
Toyota Usurped
With Lexus Lemon
Song And Verizon 
Don't Blame The Divas
It's Not Their Fault
They're Roboted
And Paraded
For Branding 
Don't You Know
Now I Look In
The Sky
As Every Plane 
Flys By
And Wonder If Elon
Trolling Me
Or Is It Beyonce
And Taylor
Paul McCartney
Longing For A Sister
On A Plea
Like Most Celebrities
Caged In The Sky
Homeless In A Jet
Singin' John Denver
To A Robot's 
Death Bed
Leaving On A Jet
Missing Kids
And Your Really
Jealous Of Beyonce
Do You Really
Want To Be A Queen
Or Is That Your
Pimps Dream
Do You Want To Work
That Hard
Like Taylor
Child Me Would've
Said Yes
Child Me Would've
Done Anything
To Please
Child Me Always
Said Yes
David Kaplan
Was Rather Lucky
I Didn't Say Yes
To Grooming
George Harrison
Natural Law Party
Oleg Is In Bed With
Putin It Seems
Adam Mad
He Didn't Get To Drop
My Pants
Cher Style
In War
Oleg Is In Bed With
Putin It Seems
His Greencard Wife
Could Be Creating
Havoc With The Football
At Warner Brothers
I Hate Her
Says Monika 
Fodor Mullen
Competing Of
Her Hungarian Producer/Realtor Spy
M.U.M. Sister
I Hate Her
She Says
As Her Mom
Dies Of Breast Cancer
I Hate Her
Do You Really
Or Do You LOVE Her
An Influencer
From Hungary
Desired By Hollywood
I Hate Her
Means I Love You
In Gay Speak
Let Me Translate
Jewish Attys
Want Irany
Because They
Love Her
And Aren't Getting
Keep Chasing Us
Walls Are Sprouting
Recycling Resources
To Protect
At Last
Nitya Nella Davigo Azam Moezzi Huntley Rawal 
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poetlcs · 9 months
My 24 books to read in 24
And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie - it's the book that has been on my TBR on goodreads the longest and it's time to finally read it
Everything I Know About Love by Dolly Alderton - It's becoming my mash potato book (I term I heard recently where, you are sure you're gonna love it so you keep putting it off). This is the year to do it!
How Paris Became Paris by John DeJean - I plan to visit Paris for the first time this year, and I love to read books about the countries I visit before I go. This one I have had on my TBR for a long time, so now feels like the perfect time to read it
Sword Catcher by Cassandra Clare - She let me down recently and I'm borderline about to retire her as an author I read but,.. I feel I need to try this new, non shadowhunters book first to be fair to her.
Act Your Age, Eve Brown by Talia Hibbert - I loved the previous two books in the series and Eve Brown is my favourite of the sisters. This year, I'll definitely finally read this
Eva Luna by Isabel Allende - This year I want to read my physical TBR down, but I love translated fiction and this is one of the few I own I still haven't read. So I want to.
Idol, Burning by Rin Usami - I nearly bought this book last year and didn't because I wanted to read what I owned already. But its stuck in my mind so this year I would love to buy and read it.
We'll Meet Again in San Francisco by Duong Thuy - I bought this on my recent trip to Vietnam, so I just want to read it asap. It'll also be the first *translated* Vietnamese book I've read.
The Reappearance of Rachel Price by Holly Jackson - Since I read A Good Girl's Guide to Murder in '23, I have gone ahead and read all of Holly Jackson's books. She has become a new favourite, so I'm highly anticipating this.
The Savage Detectives by Roberto Bolano - I often cite his book Amulet as a favourite of all time, so this year I really want to read his magnum opus
Zami: A New Spelling of my Name by Audre Lorde - Similarly, Audre Lorde is a favourite author of mine and this has sat unread on my shelves for far too long.
The wren, the wren by Anne Enright - a lot of people keep telling me I will love this book, so I wanna test that out
One Day We're All Going to Die by Elise Esther Hearst - Another book I am just sure I am going to love. I am always excited to read Australian lit
If Beale Street Could Talk by James Baldwin - I have a thing with Baldwin where, if I see a book of his, I buy it and make it the next of his I read. So far I've read three of his books, I picked this up last year and need to read it soon. I loved the movie
When We Were Orphans by Kazuo Ishiguro - I really like Ishiguro and yet this has sat on my shelves unread for a long time. I think it's because I find his books quite immersive and heavy I'm always waiting for the right time. I feel it's become the right time to read it.
Howards End by E.M Forster - I've read two of Forster's works and I've always told myself I would dig deeper. I figure with his most well known work is a good place.
Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingslover - Somehow this book slipped under my radar and I only vaguely knew about it until it won the Pulitzer and Womens fiction prizes. I love Dickens so it feels natural I read this.
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson - A classic I have had my eye on for some time that I finally managed to thrift. A high priority read for me! Probably will save for the winter
Bruny by Heather Rose - My grandma gave me this to read at Christmas so, I would like to tell her I read it.
I have 4 saved spots which I am undecided on, but will probably fill later with new releases.
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vivianweasley · 4 years
Until Our Eyes Meet (Fred Weasley x Reader)
Prompt: this is a song blurb for my 300 sleepover requested by @whiz-bangs78 and the prompt is Photograph by Ed Sheeran! Hope you guys would like it:)
Summary: Fred is on a business trip and you just miss him so much. Also, I made this Dad!Fred, cuz why not:)
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader
Warnings: none, just fluff
Word Count: ~750
Please do NOT repost or translate my work on another site without permission! Thank you! Reblogs and comments are always welcome<3
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“Who’s that, darling? That’s dada! Do you miss him?” You were sitting on the couch and holding your one year old daughter, who’s constantly trying to snatch the photograph in your hand from you.
You were trying to put her to sleep for hours, but just like her dad, she’s always full of energy. Now you just missed Fred more. He’s on a business trip and it has already been five days. It’s also the first time he was away for so long after your daughter was born and you just felt unbearable today. 
Maybe your daughter was missing her dad too and maybe that’s why she was refusing to go to sleep. Maybe she was waiting for him to come home too. He promised he would be coming home today.
Fred always knew how to put your daughter to sleep. Whether it’s holding her and dancing around, rocking her to sleep. Or singing a lullaby to her. Or coming up with products that could put babies to sleep easily. He always had a way. Who would’ve thought that the infamous troublemaker would turn out to be dad material?
You decided to take out the old photo of you and Fred, and it worked like magic. Your daughter pointed at Fred in the photo and giggled, trying to sound out “dada”. A few minutes later, she finally fell asleep.After laying her down in the crib, you couldn’t help but started to stare at the photo in your hand. 
You were hanging out in the Gryffindor common room with Fred and you were both sixteen at that time. You and Fred have just started dating and he made Colin take a picture of you two. 
In the picture, he was looking at the camera at first, but then he turned to look at you, with a big smile on his face. His smile was still cheeky, but it’s also so much softer when he was looking at you.
This was your favorite picture of him because you loved how his eyes looked in it. His eyes looked so confident yet so gentle and you especially loved the way he looked at you. 
You were so busy losing yourself in past memories, that you didn’t even notice the sound of your husband finally coming home.
“Do you prefer that picture more, darling? I’m sure I’m more good looking than that old photo, don’t you think?” Fred was leaning against the door of your bedroom, with the same cheeky smile on his lips.
“Freddie! You’re home!” You almost shouted when you heard his voice, but you quickly remembered that your daughter was asleep. Fred opened his arms as you jumped up from the bed and ran into his embrace. You’ve been waiting for this for too long.
“How’s my princess doing?” he asked as he pressed a kiss on your forehead.
“She just fell asleep. If you want to hold her, be careful, don’t-”
Fred chuckled and booped your nose, “I’m asking about you, princess. How are you doing?”
“Exhausted, but I’m feeling so much better now.” You buried your face in his chest. His embrace was always like your personal charger. Just being in his arms could wash away your fatigue and make you feel like you could do anything.
“Then let’s put you to sleep too, yea?”
Fred tucked you in bed and quickly ran to check if his daughter was alright before sitting on the bed beside you. You snuggled up to him and he began running his fingers through your hair, knowing that this could always calm you down.
“Yes, princess?”
“If I’m on a business trip, which photo would you look at when you miss me?”
“Hmm, maybe this one?” He pulled out an old photo from his pocket. 
You recognized it. It was the same photo as the one you were just looking at. Only in this one, you were turning to look at Fred. You never knew this picture existed. Fred must have kept it as soon as Colin gave him the picture.
“I just love the way you looked at me in this picture.” You could hear the fondness in his voice.
“Like this?” You giggled as you looked up at him, only to realize that he was already looking at you. 
No words were needed, just the way he looked at you was enough to make you feel loved. Even after all these years, the moment when your eyes meet could still cause a warm sensation to rise up in your heart and turn you into mush.
“Yes, just like that.”
tags: @valwritesx @protect-remus @zaphdekota @glimmering-darling-dolly @dogweedanddeathcaps @gloryekaterina @reenfluffmarshmallow​
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: skyflyinginaction
* Gakuen K (List of Chapters) * Projects & Chapters
Suddenly she raises her face to the sound of something rolling.
It looked like it was a dolly.
The morning dew turned everything milky white.
The light red of cherry blossoms stretched over her and the world turned pink.
A school route that shouldn't be there yet.
The refreshing air that touched the surroundings was cold, humid, and heavy.
The cool green was also wet with dew and reflected the morning sun softened by mist.
There was still a little time left before the morning dew cleared, the air warmed with the breath of the students going to school, and spring felt warm and joyful.
"Super Ashinaka High School, huh."
From today she will attend classes here.
Her new uniform was a bit embarrassing.
A mixture of anxiety and tension, she could barely sleep last night. She should be weak in the morning, but she woke up at 5 in the morning.
She was told that she had to go to the school principal's office in front of the classroom to register and receive various explanations from her teacher in the staff room. So she left early, but it may have been a little too early.
She walked alone before a row of cherry blossoms full of morning dew.
Being alone in a world that melts into light red made her uncomfortable.
She decided to move to this school because she no longer wanted to be alone. But after all, she had the unpleasant feeling that she here she too would be alone.
Thinking it too much, she wondered what to do with everything from the first day of moving, but she kept thinking.
When she was desperately trying to get rid of the anxiety that was born when she moved out, she heard a jerky sound again.
Was there anyone? At this time of day?
Suffering from loneliness and anxiety, she was scared and ran away. She continued to the plaza in front of the school building.
In the gradually fading milky-white morning dew, she gasped as she encountered a figure that seemed drawn in light ink.
Along with the sound she heard earlier, the shadow made strange movements.
She was a little scared, but at the same time, her curiosity grew.
Beyond the miserable line of sight, there was a boy.
A boy in a black school uniform.
Navy blue hat. Peculiar auburn hair that bounced.
The open-chested shirt was hemmed at the pants and was a bit baggy.
She instinctively looked at the bright sky blue jacket he was wearing.
A school uniform? Hey? What? Student from another school?
But here on the school grounds? But the uniform here was...
She didn't know why, but she tilted her head.
However, when she suddenly saw his feet, she was convinced of only one thing. Ah, she already understood it. That shaking sound was the sound of a skateboard.
The boy, who seemed unaware of her existence, was skating and skating, whether he was playing or practicing.
She thought he was jumping energetically. He turned the skateboard under his feet a few laps and got back on the skateboard. He spun on impulse, lifted the skateboard with one foot, and mounted again.
Although he was gliding at considerable speed, he avoided obstacles like nothing.
A series of light techniques that made him feel like the skateboard was part of his body.
Involuntarily, she likes it.
She wondered if she could do it, or she would fall terribly.
How will he balance it? Why does that skateboard stick to his feet even if he jumps? It was strange…
It was like playing with the wind. It was like the wind itself.
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Light, fast, refreshing and unpredictable. Freedom anywhere.
There was nothing to bind or trap him now.
His appearance was carefree and he didn't seem to have anything to do with worries and problems.
Integrating with the wind as he wanted.
It was at that moment that she became curious and was watching every move he made.
The boy with the skateboard got on the railing of the stairs and went down.
In an instant he was gone and involuntarily screamed.
Hey? Uh, it can't be! He fell?!
Before thinking, her feet moved forward. She was running out of breath.
She immediately reached the stairs and stood on them. Looking down with her heart pounding, he seemed to skid over the railing, landing brilliantly at the bottom. He slid down as he was and leapt to the top.
Did he hear her when he inadvertently held her chest with both hands and took a relieved breath?
Her shoulders shook and she quickly looked up at him.
He had amazing eyes. Sharp, fierce, warlike, and savage. Hot and strong. It was like a flame.
She took a breath and opened her eyes. He looked at her too.
At that moment, he suddenly turned bright red and hurriedly turned around.
As he was, he kicked the ground several times and accelerated. Without stopping, he left her behind.
She swallowed the words that rose to her throat, surprised that the words were coming out of her throat.
She rambled a bit and lowered her hand, which reflexively pursued his back.
She felt that she wanted to see a more splendid technique, but it was a bit disappointing, but was it enough to stop him?
She turned her head and turned around.
The morning dew was quite sunny and the petals of the cherry blossoms fluttered happily in the blue sky.
"I am Konohana Saya. Thanks."
The letters "Konohana Saya" written on the board. When she bowed her head, she received crackles and scant applause.
Super high school "Ashinaka", 2nd grade group.
Ashinaka Junior High School, an integrated education school from kindergarten through college. This island centered around the school is called "Super Ashinaka Gakuenjima".
The economy is established only on the island and it feels like another country other than Japan. In fact, it seems that few people come to the island, even if they are not related to the school.
Until recently, she didn't even know such a school existed. She found out about it from a letter of recommendation to move suddenly.
But she believed that this was exactly like a ship for migration.
At the time, she was in a situation where she had to transfer to another school and hopefully she would stay away from her parents and the environment around her.
So, she came to this school, which has a dormitory on this island far from her parents' house, and they recommended that she move.
Suppressing her nervous, throbbing chest, she looked around her at all who will be her classmates.
And then, she gasped when she saw the boy with a bat on the window seat.
Eh? Was he the boy from this morning?
Was that boy from this school? Was he wearing a black school uniform?
Behind him... a big blond boy with sunglasses, he was wearing the same school clothes.
Why just those guys?
The moment she turned her neck, she realized she was wrong.
She was wrong. Not just those guys.
On the side of the hall, she glanced at the boy who was looking away.
The boy with glasses was wearing a pure white school uniform.
She did not believe that the uniform was free choice. She had not seen such a guide.
Then why?
When she was filling her head with question marks, the master said, "Then, Yukizome-san. Please take care of her.", and he walked around the main room.
In the classroom, where there was a lot of noise when the teacher left, she was a little anxious and looked around her. A girl with sincere and friendly eyes ran up to her and smiled at her a friendly smile.
"Yes. Transfer student. Nice to meet you. I'm Kukuri Yukizome."
"Call me Kukuri. I'll call you Saya-chan too."
She was relieved that she had a carefree smile.
"So, Kukuri-chan."
"Hehehe. If you have any questions, ask me anything! I'll show you around the school today after classes, but trust me for whatever you need."
"So what comes first?"
Kukuri begins by explaining the PDA, which is a student ID card.
Ah... the uniform. She had wasted the time to ask.
She wanted to know about the boy she saw in the morning, but at that moment Kukuri's explanation was more important. She couldn't be rude to overlook her kindness.
She regains her mind and look directly at Kukuri.
After all, that question solved itself after lunch.
"It looks delicious!"
Around the same time that the teacher left the classroom, she looked for a place to sit for lunch, and suddenly they hugged her from behind her.
"Oh, I'm hungry! It smells good!"
When she hurriedly glanced back over her shoulder, she met stunning strange eyes, blue and gold, and her eyes widened.
She was a beautiful girl. Literally, truly, a beautiful girl.
White skin and cherry cheeks. Long straight light red hair.
A boy with silver-white hair and tender eyes came towards her, who was stunned and hardened, and clasped his hands in a hurry.
"Sorry. Hey, Neko!"
"Shiro! That gohan smells delicious! This class was really difficult!"
Hmm? Is it a delicious gohan smell?
Eh? Isn't that the delicious smell of gohan?
Kukuri smiles bitterly beside her like a poker.
"Wagahai-chan, Saya-chan = Gohan, right?"
"Yes!" She said cheerfully.
"Sorry. Neko isn't good at remembering people's names. She's not malicious."
"Eh? Oh, it's fine. I don't feel uncomfortable. I was surprised."
Um... when she looked at the boy, she thought he realized the meaning of that line of sight. The boy smiled and bowed quickly.
"I'm Yashiro Isana. Everyone calls me Shiro. So I'm glad you call me that too. That girl is Neko. Shiro and Neko."
"Yes. And this is Kuro."
A boy approached before she knew it. He had beautiful black hair and straight black eyes.
"I am Kuroh Yatogami. As a classmate, thank you for your continued support."
"Huh? Oh, yeah! This is it!"
Unexpectedly, she bowed at the harsh self-introduction. She was shocked. By no means, when she introduced herself, have they thanked her for any support.
"Shiro~. I'm hungry~."
"So, let's make a lunch box. Konohana-san, we'll let you go then. Konohana-san has to have lunch too."
Neko suddenly let go of her and looked at Yatogami-kun's heavy weight with her eyes shining.
"Hmm. Okay. Then Saya-chan, let's go. I'll show you the school cafeteria and tell you the location of the shopping department."
"Eh? But…"
Kukuri's hand seemed to have a lunch box.
"If it's a cafeteria, I think I can go alone with the navigation system. That's Kukuri-chan's lunch box, right?"
"That's right, let me go with you. Oh! I'm not just a guide am I? I want to eat lunch with Saya-chan."
"Eh? Ah…"
She said those words softly to her. She was so happy that she was going to cry.
"So, I take your word. Thank you."
"You don't have to thank, because I want to talk a lot and get to know you well, Saya-chan. Let's go!"
Kukuri called out to her and smiled.
She wanted to meet her. Those words were a bit shocking, but she was still happy. It was amazing that she wanted to be her friend.
They greeted Shiro and left the room together.
"Oh, it's true."
They were probably boys from another class. She remembered the uniform when she saw the boy in the black school uniform fluttering around and came forward.
"Hey, Kukuri-chan.", she told her as she showed her the back of the boy who was walking away from her.
"Why do some guys have different uniforms?"
"Oh, that boy belongs to a special club."
"Special club?"
"Yes. Special club activities. It is one of the characteristics of this school. There are seven special club activities at this school in addition to the regular club activities. Club members will be able to use special skills when they join the club. They are popular among students, because the word "special ability" is great, isn't it? But only the "chosen ones" recognized by each director can join the club."
The word "special ability" surprised her.
"Only the chosen ones?"
"Yes. Not everyone can enter. In that sense, it is 'special'. The one wearing that black school uniform is from the red club."
"Red club... There were two people in the class, right?"
"Yes. Yata-kun and Kamamoto-kun. Yata-kun has auburn hair and a hat. Misaki Yata. The boy with the big sunglasses is Rikio Kamamoto."
"Yata-kun. I see. His name is Yata-kun...", she thought.
"Some boys wore white school uniforms, right? That boy was from the blue club. Fushimi Saruhiko-kun."
"Blue. So all seven of them have different uniforms?"
"No. There is also a regular uniform section. For example, the silver part. There is also a club that wears a rabbit mask and wears a ninja costume only during club activities."
Ninja costume?
Did she wonder why? Was she the only one to whom all this was really suspicious?
"In this school, the special club activities are something special. Well, I think you will know right away. Oh, Saya-chan. There are several ways to get to the cafeteria and the shopping department, but the shortest route is to through this courtyard."
Saya pushed open the glass door that led to the courtyard.
She involuntarily screamed into the courtyard, which was much bigger than she expected.
The well-kept flowerbed had colorful spring flowers. The fresh green of the plantation was also visible.
The lush grass. No trash had fallen on the cobblestones. Light pink petals fluttered from the beautiful and splendid cherry blossoms. The white garden table and chairs below were very fascinating. It would be very nice to deliver her lunch there.
"Ah, but it's better to stop by on limited menu day. I think it's best to tour the school building. There are plenty of places to shop."
"Eh? Did you buy it now? I heard it well?"
Eh? A joke? Would they laugh?
Kukuri just laughed kindly, "Yes. Is that true?"
"As Miwa-san says, it is a tactic. It is a strategy to expel the rivals. Most of the students cross the courtyard, so the courtyard is inevitably the most dangerous place."
She said it naturally, didn't she? Waiting? Was it weird that she didn't understand?
"I set up a purchase to get a limited menu... I haven't had any experience with that."
"Oh, is that true? It's interesting once you get used to it."
So it was.
But surely it would be fun to think of getting a limited menu through the differences? Should she think of it as a game?
That was when she thought about it.
"Sorry. I can't come here."
Kukuri sighed and looked back.
"Eh? Why?"
When she tilted her head, Kukuri pointed at something, saying "That." She was just looking around her and, for the first time, she realized that there were a lot of people gathered there and she opened her eyes.
Also, the atmosphere was not good for compliments. It was terribly upsetting and she felt bad.
A group of black school uniforms and a group of white school uniforms staring at each other. Was it a special club activity?
People who wore black school uniforms had a slightly mischievous impression. In contrast, many of the people wearing white school uniforms appeared to have a tight look. She felt like they were honor students.
However, all white school uniforms with his honors wore sabers at the waist.
So those sabers were weapons that can kill people. What was that?
"Kukuri-chan? They seem to be looking at each other, but what the hell are they doing? And what they have around their hips is a saber, right?"
"It's a conflict. What they wear on their waists is a saber."
The answer is so simple that she doubts the ears of her.
"Conflict... is that a fight?"
"Of course it is."
"Eh? Are they fighting? Students?"
"Oh. It's a good reaction. Fresh and cool. Okay. You'll be surprised at first, but you'll get used to it. It's the usual thing."
What was that reaction?! It was really weird.
She realized that she was used to conflict.
However, when she looked around her, there were people looking away, but no one was surprised or made noise, and it seemed that Kukuri's reaction was correct there. She said it was a statement of fight, maybe the common sense of this school was a little strange?
Struggling to understand, she returned to a group of gazes.
"Oh, Yata-kun..."
"Yes. I told you that he is a member of the red club and wears a black school uniform. There is also Kamamoto-kun."
Kukuri pointed a finger at that big blond boy with sunglasses.
"Most of the red club members are bad. Oh, but that's fine, you'll be sure. We don't take the word 'bad' as a bad thing, so they are accepted by the students in general."
Eh? What kind of place was this? She didn't understand anything.
"Isn't it bad?"
"Hmm. It may be wrong to use the word 'bad', it doesn't mean they are bad people. How to say it? I think it's like people who aren't good to keep up with everyone. People who live their own way can be the closest ones. The principal is Mikoto Suoh, a third-year student. He is also one of the heads of this school, it is said that he has a lot of fights. You see, it's that red-haired person next to Yata-kun."
Kukuri points to the person in the middle of the black group.
Chillingly sharp red eyes. Tense and delicate cheeks.
Was he really older? He seemed charismatic. Regardless, his presence was astonishing.
"The blue club are wearing the white school uniform. They have excellent grades and good behavior. Most of the members of the group are super elite who also serve as student organizers and members of the disciplinary committee. The activities are the maintenance of discipline, student orientation, activities such as leading students at a school event, etc."
Discipline, right? Eh? So... what about sabers? Isn't it a violation of the law to use weapons and swords?
"That's why they don't seem to get along with the blues from one point of view. The director of the blue club is Reisi Munakata, a third year student. He is the director of the Student Organization within the School, the example! of exemplary behavior!"
That's right, the central figure of the white group that Kukuri later showed was like the "exemplary student".
Sharp glasses with calm and cool eyes. He listened to the red club swearing with a sweet smile on his lips, as if he were listening to classical music.
"You saw the one next to him in the hall, right? That's Fushimi Saruhiko-kun."
"That's why I can't come through here. It's hard to get involved."
Well, could they involve her?
She was scared and just wanted to get out of there immediately.
"Hey, Monkey! Bastard, say it again!"
However, at that moment, a strong voice rang out from the courtyard.
She turned around and looked at the group again.
"Oh, I'll tell you a few times. Your power is below mine. MI SA KI."
Fushimi laughed vividly. Delighted, as if he was intoxicated with something.
He was creepy.
What was that look?
Furthermore, Misaki really looked angry.
"Hmm...! I can't take it! I'll take you down!"
Yata jumped up, fierce fury fading into his eyes. That's it… Misaki is Yata's name.
Suddenly, his classmates began to move.
"Wow. It's started. This is the end of the story for the special part. We have to move fast."
Kukuri came out in a hurry.
But she couldn't answer.
She was fascinated by the fiery bat metal that rose from Yata's hands.
What? It was certainly a flame.
Born from empty space, grew up in the blink of an eye and covered Yata's hands.
She was stunned by the fist that burned like a torch.
The shape was slightly different, but everyone in it was able to easily create a flame and target the blue club. The members of the blue club also drew sabers one after another and defended themselves.
It wasn't just a saber, there was a blue light on the blade.
Is that a special ability?
It's like the magic that appears in the story... Wasn't it a dream?
Well then, what about her...?
Her shoulders were shaking and she suddenly returned to herself.
"Ah... sorry. Kukuri-chan..."
"Okay. It's dangerous here. Let's go now."
At that moment, Kukuri urged her to move quickly.
Yes, it was exactly a fight. Other students in the courtyard were screaming.
Looking back, the first thing she saw was a knife with a red lotus flame approaching them.
And that was the last thing. She didn't have time to think about anything.
"Kukuri-chan, it's dangerous!"
Kukuri's body moved quickly. At that moment, a flash of light enveloped her.
In the bright light she was unable to open her eyes, and a tremendous destructive sound was heard.
However, it was only a moment, and soon the light disappeared like a lie.
However, the numb ears remained as they were, and the sound of the world that was lost immediately after the destructive sound had not yet returned, leaving only a high-pitched beep.
She thoughtfully held her ears with her hands and shook her head to shake her eyes and limbs from her.
A vague hum came from a distance, and she suddenly lowered her eyes over Kukuri in her arms.
"Ah...! Kukuri-chan, are you hurt?"
"No. I'm fine. Nothing happened to me, but... Saya-chan..."
"Well, the light is coming out of Saya-chan's body, but..."
She was surprised by the words. She quickly released Kukuri and looked at her hands.
Both hands had a vague white light. Her whole body was in that state. It was as if she herself was emitting light.
When she looked around her hastily, the stone pavement was severely broken and scraped only around her. It was like they had excavated with heavy equipment or something.
The knife... strangely, it pierced the stone pavement with the flame burning.
The knife turned to stone. It was also deep. That should not be the case.
Many of the impossible visions piled up and the blood rose again. Reflectively she hug her.
Oh! She again...
"Saya-chan. What's wrong?"
Kukuri's question chilled her back.
When she stood up, she took a step back and walked away from Kukuri.
Kukuri's astonished face stared at her back.
What did she have to do? What was she to answer?
She didn't even know what that was.
It was at that time...
"A 'skill', right?"
A sweet, low and gentle voice resonated with the usual sound of his shoes.
When she shook her shoulders and raised her face, the person standing there was Reisi Munakata, who was the head of the blue clan and the Student Organization within the school.
In his hand was a sword that glowed pale.
It was horrible, but... no, more than that.
She was amazed at the words she heard for the first time.
"Yes. People with innate special abilities are called 'Strain'."
With that said, Reisi Munakata put the saber in the scabbard and pulled up his glasses with his fingers.
"The power of a Strain sometimes hurts people."
A painful memory crossed her mind at that moment.
She instinctively she pursed her lips.
"It is also our job to prevent that from happening. The other day, there was a report that a Strain had entered the island, but are you a transfer student?"
With a rattling noise, Munakata took a step closer. He turned and took a step back.
"The birth of a talented person off campus is infinitely equal to zero."
"Oh, that, I ..."
"In other words, the exception is that you are a Strain. Transfer student Konohana Saya. If you don't resist, nothing bad will happen to you. Surrender quietly and quickly."
As usual, a soft, sweet smile on his lips.
However, there was a dignified and sharp light in the eyes behind the glasses, showing that the words weren't a joke.
"Here we go."
Reisi Munakata approached her.
She knew she must accept. She should quietly surrender.
But what would happen as a result of the surrender? She already knew what to do after that.
She didn't want to think like that again!
A trauma revived in the back of her eyes.
She shook her head violently and took a step back. And when she held her head, she screamed.
"I do not like it!"
At that moment, the flame worn by the knife driven into the stone pavement on the rocky shore swayed and suddenly turned into a terrible glow.
Munakata was shocked and flew away.
At the same time, a column of fire that was burning the heavens unnaturally swelled and surrounded her.
The heat increased and the view was surrounded by flames.
Although she glanced around her hastily, it was a flame on one side. A flame surrounded her.
What?! What was happening?!
No way, this was her too?!
She thought about it for a moment. Suddenly feeling congested, she looked at her limbs.
She got worse and worse and she knelt on the spot.
The field of view was blurry. The smoke soaked her and tears came out, she spilled and got wet, she was fed by the heat and she dried herself quickly
Her head was shaking and she fell.
Was it Munakata senpai? A sharp voice rang out.
Beyond the flames she was terribly crowded, with countless footsteps flapping.
Why did this happen?
The earth was burned, the sky, while the flames protected it and prevented other invasions.
No, it could be the other way around. Maybe to protect everyone from her. She maybe she was trapped in a fire ship so as not to harm her surroundings again.
That's. The witch must be burned at the stake. So the price to pay is fixed. She is not a good common person.
She fell and coughed.
It was painful. The air was not getting well into her lungs.
Severe pain ran down her left hand.
It was a stabbing pain, but she could no longer move her body.
She tried to stand up, but she couldn't even see anymore.
However, as if she were hazy, her consciousness blurred and vanished.
(Oh really. Why did this happen?), she thought.
She wanted peace. But that was it. It must have been terribly modest.
It was at that time.
Lowly, a voice echoed out.
When she opened her eyes slightly at being invited by that voice, a black figure appeared in the fire in front of her. She seemed to rush there without hesitation.
No way, because such a burning flame. She couldn't just touch him and be sure.
It sure was a hallucination. It was a convenient illusion, because no one would come to her like this.
The moment she thought that, she felt something put on her head.
She was surprised by the feeling. Her vague awareness woke up and she opened her eyes.
Immediately afterwards, she had the sensation that her body was floating gently.
She didn't scream (she couldn't), but she was in awe.
When she hurriedly raised her face, it was red that was occupying her field of vision.
His red hair swayed from the heat and his red eyes stared directly at her.
Certainly, Suoh. He was the head of the red clan.
She gently touched what she had on her head.
Something with sleeves and black, maybe the school uniform?
Suoh said "Let's go.", while he held her, but did not understand the situation (it was not a hug like holding a princess, but a hug where she felt his arm. As parents do with small children).
Go where? How?
However, she still couldn't say those words.
And it seemed that he did not ask for her consent, and Suoh began to walk with her in his arms without waiting for her response, towards the flame.
It was no longer a scary story, and she reflexively tightened Suoh's shirt and supported her face to cling to his shoulders, but strangely it was no longer hot. The flame that had burned her skin a while ago was completely gone.
On the contrary, the cooling breeze immediately caressed her feet and her hair, and she widened her eyes in amazement.
"Hey! Transfer student!"
At the same time, a strong voice echoed out from the vicinity.
The voice was the same that started the fight, she shook her shoulders and raised her face from him.
His fierce eyes were now terribly anxious, painful, and distorted.
Nor did her voice come out.
"You, your hands..."
Yata's expression, who seemed to be terribly surprised, slowly looked at her left hand. Both her blazer and shirt were charred and the back of her hand was swollen red.
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Looking around her, the pillar of fire was still there. Behind Suoh and her.
How did they get out of it? What the hell happened?
As he held her in a self-defeating state, Suoh looked around him.
When she turned her gaze from her to him as if she was invited, she saw Munakata and Fushimi holding a saber.
Behind them, people in white uniforms were still busy moving.
Suoh stared at them, raised the edge of his lips and laughed lightly.
"This girl is mine."
Saying that he began to walk calmly.
She had a lot to say, but she couldn't get it right, she couldn't speak, and she closed her eyes softly, clinging to his neck.
"It's a clubroom, but... sorry I rarely use it. It's dirty."
Silky light brown hair. A good man with tender eyes offered her a can of juice and smiled.
"I am Totsuka Tatara. I am a third year student from the red club."
"Yes. You burned yourself, are you okay? How about the infirmary?"
After that, Suoh took her straight to the infirmary.
Her wound was a burn on her left hand. A slight low-temperature burn on her right knee. When she fell, she hurt her left knee a bit. It looked like her left hand was a bit awful.
She let the burns cool, then applied an ointment, covered with a bandage, insured and strap up.
All she had to do is wash, disinfect, and apply an ointment.
The time was about fifteen minutes, but during that period, the members of the red club stayed in front of the infirmary and nobody could get close, so it became a bit of a scandal.
So the nurse told her to rest, but she rejected that and immediately left the infirmary.
At the time, she was surrounded by a group of black school uniforms and in the meantime, she was led into a somewhat crowded empty classroom.
Several desks and chairs were stacked in one corner, and an old black leather couch was placed in the shape of three triangles. Juice cans and bottles were placed on the central floor, and it was really like a "gathering place".
Oh, Suoh? Suoh left her with the nurse and left immediately, but where did he go? He wasn't there either.
He had helped her and she wanted to thank him.
Sitting on one of the couches, Totsuka, who was sitting next to her, offered her some juice and looked at her left hand, which was bandaged.
"The burn on your left hand seems to be a bit terrible. You should go to the hospital after school."
At her words, Yata, who was near the door, made his shoulders explode.
"Yes. I am concerned. I hope there are no marks left."
"Scars, what ..."
That didn't matter to her.
When she smiled and shook her head, Totsuka frowned.
"I have to find a new school again."
When Totsuka was surprised, his eyes rounded.
That was a bit strange.
She was sure that this person was also in the yard. It was very strange to see that and not think "why?"
She smiled selfishly and slowly spread her hands.
"I have a power that ordinary people don't have. Did you see it? A while ago, in the courtyard. I did that in the previous school. I broke the school building in half, injuring a lot of people. That made me incapable of stay at the old school."
"That is exactly what Munakata-senpai said. I hurt a lot of people with my abilities. I have done something irreparable."
People from the red club were looking at her.
"Living as a 'normal person' in this school. Hide the ability. Never let my abilities go crazy. Do not disturb anyone, just control myself, do not stand out anyway and live calmly. That's what I imagined."
But it does not work. No way, and it all happened on the first day.
Oh, no matter how she fixed it, she was a "monster".
She couldn't do anything else.
It went dark in front of her.
That show that never went away while kept burning in her mind.
Perhaps even a big earthquake happened, a part of the school building was ruined and turned into ruins.
Students who were at that time. A blue sheet placed in the schoolyard. The groan that filled the place. A bloodstained towel. And…
Involuntarily, she clenched her back teeth tightly.
She was unharmed. It was as if she was protected by the light emitted from her body.
A mixed look of amazement and fear towards her. It soon turned into disgust. Neither her friends, her classmates nor her eldest looked at her. They didn't try to get involved. Even the teacher looked away from her.
Even her family was scared and they always tried to be in a good mood. If they were in a bad mood, that house would be destroyed next. Her parents believed they could be attacked.
She lost everything that was important at the time.
She didn't want to repeat that feeling.
"No, wait. Um, Konohana-san, right? You don't have to do that. Konohana-san, you can stay here. Rather, I think you should be in this school. The "Ashinaka Super High School" is a school. where talented people meet."
"Eh? Are you gathering talented people?"
"That's right. Did you ask anyone about extracurricular activities?"
"That is…"
She had heard it.
But it was a story where you could use special abilities when you entered a special club, wasn't it a story that people with abilities met in this school?
At her words, Totsuka understood easily.
"That's right. That's true for most, but some people have the ability before joining the club, like you."
"Ah… Before joining?"
"Yes. It is training. But that is not what I mean. The important thing is that there are many talented people in this school. The skills are both congenital and acquired. That is this. It is the 'normal' of the school. You understand It is not "abnormal"."
"It is normal..."
"Yes, no one discriminates against talented people."
"But... that person, Munakata-senpai said that I should give up..."
"That's because your ability is a mystery. I think I wanted to have it on hand before the hardships happened. It seems that Strains are rarely born outside of the school island."
Does that mean that she was a "foreigner" among talented people?
"You are so different from other talented people that he wanted to keep you close and monitor you."
She involuntarily clenched her back teeth and squeezed her skirt tightly.
Her burned left hand ached, prompting tears.
Why? Why did he have that ability?
The overflowing sound slid gently down her cheeks, and the voice of Totsuka and the members of the red club breathing in the room echoed out.
She didn't need something like that. That is why she lost everything. On top of that, he said it was different in another way and will likely be a target in the future. Until she surrenders, until she's under his control.
She didn't want to be a talented person. She wanted to be normal.
All she wanted was "peace". That was all.
Normally, she just wanted to enjoy school life every day. Why wasn't even that allowed?
"Usually I want to enjoy school life. I don't need any skills..."
That's when she told him to leave her and roughly wiped her tears away.
"That was wrong!"
Yata, who had been standing in front of the door until then, suddenly threw himself in front of her and sat on the ground. Then, with a loud voice echoing through the room, he screamed, "It was wrong!", and rubbed his forehead against the floor.
"Eh? Ah…"
"That knife, I threw it at you!"
""I threw the knife thrown by the monkey! Well, that's why I was the one who created the opportunity for you to use your skills!"
So it was like that.
But beyond that, she didn't know what to say.
She may have misinterpreted him as angry. Yata looked up and stared at her, then leaned down to slam his forehead hard against the ground again.
"The knife flame was probably me too! I hurt you...!"
But it was probably she who created the pillar of fire, and it was Yata who was injured.
She shook her head and wanted to say it. No, she was trying to say it.
But before that, Yata raised his head again, stared at her and yelled, "I won't let you do that!"
His eyes pierced her and held burning flames.
Dedicated to it, he gasped.
"Thanks to you, I didn't hurt the average student! And yet my benefactor saved you... Let me make it up to you!"
"Huh? But the wound is..."
"I will never let them monitor and control you! I will not let you do that!"
She involuntarily lost her words at the powerful scream.
"I won't let the blue club do anything! I promise to take care of other departments too!"
There was no hesitation in his hot eyes.
It was a trustworthy word that she could understand from the bottom of her heart and made her heart warm.
"I'll protect you!"
"It has nothing to do with talented people or Strain! You are you! Enjoying normal school life, it is not allowed to do anything to you! Absolutely!"
"Yata-kun ..."
"Like I said, you'll be fine! So... uh, uh, don't cry, uh... that face..."
Yata lowered his eyebrows as if he was in trouble.
But still, Yata did not take his eyes off her.
The tears overflowed again.
"What?! Did I say something strange?! Or did your wound hurt?"
Yata fluttered hastily and looked at her.
He was wrong. That was not. What should he do? She was happy.
She was a "monster" and there were people who wanted to "protect" her.
She could have hope and "peace", be "normal". That was forgiven.
She never thought that she would get a word like that.
Oh what should she do? She was happy!
When she brought her hands together, she squeezed her eyes tight.
Yata's worried voice, "Hey, Konohana…" made her heart flutter.
She was glad. Her heart was full and she couldn't say anything more.
She could not believe it. From that day on, her life was going to change completely. She had experienced it. They hurt her and she suffered. It was still in her, too vivid a memory.
Talented people weren't special. She could stay at this school. She should calm down. Although she was happy with just that word, they would protect her.
She now she was normal.
She could enjoy her school life in peace and safety.
Will she be forgiven? Such thing. Furthermore, she, who caused such an incident...
(Oh, but I don't want to be a "monster" anymore! I'm so scared of myself! I want to recover "every day".), she thought.
Nobody said anything anymore.
Yata didn't even say, "Don't cry."
They were all there, silent.
A bell rang on the way to announce the start of classes, but no one seemed to mind that.
He was kind and gentle and surrounded her.
Kamamoto looked at her.
After skipping class for an hour, she returned to the classroom with Yata and Kamamoto, but she was scared and she stopped in front of the door.
Kamamoto breathed as she clasped her hands, holding her breath.
"Are you afraid?"
"Okay. There's Yata-san. I'm also."
"It's true, but..."
"Okay. Maybe there's nothing Konohana should be worried about."
Was that so?
Was it really possible that they saw her with the same eyes as this morning when she knew nothing happened?
"Okay. Come in."
But she couldn't escape.
She couldn't say that she couldn't get into the classroom if she was going to stay at that school.
She took a deep breath and desperately suppressed the tremors in her body.
When she looked up, Yata looked at her and opened the door.
Kamamoto patted him on the back.
She takes a breath and half shaking she enter the classroom.
Immediately afterwards, the classroom, which had been noisy until then, quieted down.
At that moment, something cold ran down her back.
Ah! Ah! After all, she couldn't lift her face and closed her eyes. Was when…
"Hey, Saya-chan!"
It was Kukuri's strong voice.
Then there were turbulent steps and they grabbed her by the shoulders.
When she opened her eyes in amazement, Kukuri's crying face appeared right in front of her.
"I was worried! Oh, bandages! You're hurt! Oh, your legs! Do you hurt? Are you okay? I was worried because you didn't come back soon."
Shiro and his friends also run towards her with other classmates.
Was this a reality?
"Thanks for your help on the courtyard! I'm sorry I couldn't thank you right away!"
That said, Kukuri hugged her.
The warmth of her finally made her realize that this was not a dream.
Her back back of her nose hurt, and at the same time, her chest.
"Kukuri-chan... Am I not unpleasant?"
"Hey, why?"
Kukuri looked into her eyes as if she didn't really understand her meaning.
"Because, this ability..."
"Yeah?! I don't believe that at all. You were great as an ally of justice, right?"
"Because you are a lifesaver, I don't think I could feel uncomfortable. Tell me if there is anyone who thinks otherwise! I will preach for about three hours! Hey?"
At Kukuri's words, Shiro and Yatogami took control.
Oh, she already understood... what should she do? She was happy.
The exact opposite of the previous school. But it may be that she used to hurt people with her abilities, and this time she protected people with her abilities. Still, it's the same thing that was destroyed here and there with the non-human ability. However, by no means, would it be accepted like this!
"Eh? Saya-chan? Why are you crying?"
"Gohan~? What's wrong? Does it hurt?"
Both of her hands caressed it gently.
That invited more tears.
When she suddenly looked for Yata, he was already moving by the window.
When Yata looked into her eyes, he turned red and turned away from her. That was not the case a little while ago. Kamamoto gave him a small blow.
Finally, she was relieved.
She took a deep breath and put her hand on Kukuri's back.
"Yata-san! I'm here!"
Around the same time that the teacher was leaving the main room, the members of the red club entered and greeted Yata.
"Oh, come in."
"Wow, Saya-chan."
Wow, she?
As she prepared to go home while glancing at him, she was shocked when she was suddenly called by her name. Surprised, she looked at the boy who was looking at her with a smiling face.
"Oh, hi. I'm Chitose Yo. This guy next to me is Dewa. We're sophomores and members of the red club."
"Chitose-san and Dewa-san?"
"Yeah. The blonde over there is Eric. It was a bit noisy to get into the room, I wonder if it would have been better later. Let's go first."
Eh? Where?
"This is your bag."
"Yes. Princess. Please give me your hand. Right hand. Take your left hand, don't you?"
What? What was happening?
When she looked at Yata with a feeling of confusion, for no apparent reason, he turned red and turned around. Kamamoto who was next to her raised his hand and said: "Okay."
But that was it. She did not understand the meaning.
As she filled her head with question marks, they gently lifted her up and carried her out of the classroom.
(What? Well, wait. Where are we really going?), she thought.
"Ah, that? Where are we going?"
"Let's go to the red club room."
"Eh? Let's have lunch, that?"
"Oh, no. Not there. It's where we usually hang out."
Eh? Oh, that's right, Totsuka said, "We rarely use the place for lunch."
"Yes. That's right. I'll show you, so follow me."
He asked Dewa to please give him her bag, while Chitose tugged at his hand.
A boy in sunglasses and a hoodie under his school uniform pushed his back.
Behind it was a slim blond boy. Next to them, a boy who seemed to be serious, although his hair was standing on end, seemed to be calm. There were many others.
Yata was the first to walk. Kamamoto followed him diagonally behind.
Kamamoto suddenly turned around and raised his hand saying, "Okay."
Really? No, she didn't think Yata and his friends would do something to her.
But was she worried after all? Because she didn't understand the meaning or the intention.
Why were they trying to take her to the red club?
The appearance of walking surrounded by the members in black school uniforms of the red club seemed strange, and all the students who passed by had round eyes.
"It's unreasonable, it's not good."
Anna Kushina. A mysterious Japanese teacher, a beautiful girl with long straight hair and big red eyes, looked like a girl.
It was Chitose, not Yata, who replied with a smile: "I understand."
Anna nods and passes without stopping.
She looked back over her shoulder and saw Dewa.
"Huh? What happens now?"
"Anna-sensei. Doesn't she know?"
"No, I know. I know."
"Oh, Anna-sensei, the red club advisor."
After thinking about the meaning of her question for a moment, Dewa convinced her. It was true, that's why she couldn't resist.
"We got to the living room. Yes, let's go."
"Ok. You can change clothes yourself!"
Chitose, who tried to be fragile, is hastily stopped and their shoes are changed.
Oh, she's already seen it! She can look at it with a sense of interest!
However, apart from her, they march around her began again, probably because they didn't mind the direct gaze of other students.
She was embarrassed and lightly clasped her hands in front of her chest and denied.
"Oh, should I go to the girls' dorm? I'm out of school, but something..."
"Is this outside of school? Even though it's a clubroom?!"
"I wonder if it is a clubroom or a place that replaces the clubroom."
"Yeah? Well that's..."
"By the way, do you think Anna-sensei and other teachers will get mad when they find out I'm going in there?"
Would they be offended?
When she asked them all of a sudden, not all of them showed a congested expression, they just looked at each other and said, "Okay."
"Yes. It's fine during the day."
She got more anxious.
It was like that, they walked a bit. She went to a bar where they took her.
The name of the store is "HOMRA".
"Yes. Homura. The common name of the red club."
It was strange. Was the red club commonly known as Homura?
Retro look and nice British flair. The deep, calm red was very impressive. The gold lettering "BAR", the lights and the exterior menu board were very atmospheric and liquorous.
The tenant on the first floor... but the building itself was made of brick and the window frame was dark green. It felt like you were on an English street that you see in the movies.
She knew it was prejudice, but it wasn't a "bad hangout."
"Oh, I see. It's fine during the day because it's a bar."
"Yes, please!"
Chitose opened the door with a smile.
A bright caramel colored wooden counter that can be seen as antique. A wooden floor that squeaked when you stepped on it. A classic that flowed smoothly. Various traditional and elegant interiors. The spacious couch seats looked very comfortable.
At the back of the counter, there were many bottles of liquor.
One person was polishing glasses, had shiny auburn hair and purple glasses. She wondered if he was the age of a college student. He was like an older brother with a big smile.
"Oh, that boy?"
The boy smiled as he watched her enter.
"Then Kusanagi-san, do something sweet."
Perhaps he arrived a little earlier, Totsuka, who came out the back, beckoned her to come.
"Yes, sit there on the couch."
"Eh? Ah, that..."
"Saya-chan, right? You don't like it?"
"Huh? Oh, I can't drink alcohol."
When she answered that while she was sitting on the couch, they looked at her like everyone was shocked for a moment.
"Ah, that?"
"Well, did you think they'd be drunk? Well, it's definitely a bar here, right? But it's not good for minors. It's a waste."
She smiled and waved her hand.
She believed that it was different for not drinking because it is not good...
Oh, but that's not what she just said.
She shook her head, looked at Totsuka and then looked back at the young man.
"I thought they were drunk, but it was about making sweets. I'm not good at cakes made with western liquor, nor compotes boiled in alcohol, although I skipped the alcohol and the rum raisins. I mean, sorry. I think I am. I said many words."
"Oh, that's how it is."
"Wow, did you think it was going to be bad?"
She felt bad. In a hurry, he waved his hands and apologized, and put the glass he had polished on the shelf and laughed mischievously.
"If you forgive a man too much, he will eat you, don't you think?"
"Hmm, wait a minute. Look, you guys are scaring the princess, don't you think?"
"Ah, that?"
Eh?! Princess?!
She was surprised to hear that, but the boy started to prepare.
When she looked at Kamamoto, who was standing next to him, Kamamoto said "Oh." and he point to the young man with his hand.
"Izumo Kusanagi. He is a college student at 0B and from the red club. He is the same age as Mikoto. He is the owner of this bar."
What should she be surprised about?
Is he the same age as Suoh? Does that mean Suoh was repeating a year? So he was a college student and a business owner? College student?!
"Kusanagi-san, what about Mikoto-san?"
"He comes in the afternoon, now he is sleeping."
Kusanagi responds without stopping to Yata's question.
"Oh, upstairs? The second floor is also a store?"
"He has nothing to do with the store. He's using the empty room on the second floor as a nap spot. He's the King."
At Kamamoto's complementary explanation, she looked ahead.
Late? So after that he came there? What? And the lessons?
"The basement is the storeroom for the store and it feels like our gathering place."
"I'll tell you. Even though I'm immersed in this all year, it's never been quiet in the basement and they've interrupted my business."
At Chitose's words, involuntarily, she chuckled softly.
"Oh, now you have a nice smile."
Then Totsuka laughed, gestured with his thumb and forefinger, and looked at her.
"You brought her in because you wanted to see her smile, right? Yata."
When she looks at Yata sitting on the counter, Yata turned his bright red face and turned around, saying, "Ah, that's not it!" She's been thinking about it since noon, but maybe Yata was really shy?
"Yata-kun, really?"
"Ah...! But I said you would have fun in your school life!"
When asked, Yata yelled as he looked away. His profile was tinted red, and surprisingly the red was turning redder.
He somehow embarrassed her and her cheeks heated up.
"That's right. That's why Saya-chan…"
Chitose knelt on the ground and reached out in front of her.
"Plays with us."
"Oh, I said it, it's not because Saya-chan is a Strain. I'm sure she created that pillar of fire. I'm glad she protected the students in general. No, I'm really grateful. I think she is. It does worst thing to do to injure a student in general."
When she shook her shoulders, Chitose rushed to shake her hands and said, "Oh! I don't blame Saya-chan!"
"We want you to join this special club, we have skills too. It's different from you that you didn't even know you had the skills. We got them because we wanted it. I think there is a great responsibility there."
Totsuka looked at her and said calmly.
"That's right. It's like Chitose said."
"Everyone in the red club is grateful to Saya-chan."
(Wow, thankful to me? Um... why did I do that?), she thought.
She was confused and denied, but everyone was smiling at her.
"Yes. Thank you. Oh, and we're sorry that your hand got hurt, Saya-chan. I'm not saying that because I feel responsible, only Yata got hurt."
"The rest is fine. Because the red club has a reputation for being bad. It's great that you didn't see us with that kind of eyes, but, above all, seeing those tears and doing nothing would make a man leave."
"We're having fun. Maximize that out now. I want Konohana-san to have fun. So I thought. That's why you came to this school, right?"
But, she was a different "Strain".
(I'm happy, but...! But it can be a hassle!), she thought.
However, no one seemed to care about that. Why?
On the contrary, everyone was very happy.
"I'm happy. The first female member! It's the first time I've seen it of all generations, isn't it? Kusanagi-san!"
"Saya-chan. It certainly is. There has never been a female member in the red club. I hope you join the club."
Kusanagi, who came out of the counter, said that and placed a fruit-filled parfait in front of her. It was cute and it looked delicious.
"Yes, here you go."
"Oh, thanks! It looks delicious..."
Well, everything was getting really good. It would be good?
The moment she received the spoon that was offered to her while thinking about it, the floor creaked.
They all looked back in surprise. Kusanagi also laughed and stood up slowly.
"Good morning, Mikoto."
Suoh, who came down from the second floor, yawning sleepily.
No one said anything, and naturally everyone turned away. There was nothing to block his red eyes staring at her.
Great charisma. A bottomless flame.
She shrugged reflectively.
That wasn't horror, it was amazement... she felt a bit shocking.
Looking at her like this, Suoh scratched his head.
Then he took a little breath and walked over to her silently and sat down casually next to her.
"Oh, yeah!"
"If you feel like it, join."
The hand that reached out in front of her, made her eyes open inadvertently.
She was instantly engulfed in flames, and she gasped.
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"Okay, it's like a rite of passage."
Totsuka told her gently, and she turned to look at him.
"A rite of passage?"
"Yes. Sorry, but it is absolutely necessary to join the red club. There are many people who cannot take that hand and stop joining, but trust."
Totsuka wiped the smile on his lips and looked directly at her.
"Trust me. We, the red club, will never hurt you."
Looking at Yata, there were some members who seemed a bit concerned, but his gaze was very sincere, determined, direct, and fiery.
She was relieved, it should be fine. She had just met them, but she could believe it. There were no lies in those words. They would protect her. She looked at everyone around her.
They were all staring at her.
She swallowed her breath and looked at him.
That's why? There was no wonder or anxiety.
Without anxiety, she had no reason to be surprised.
This is where her words wanted to come out of her throat.
When she pursed her lips, in the hand that held the flame, she placed her hand.
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buchananssmolbean · 3 years
No Hammers
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 1238
Warnings: Spanking, rough sex, Bucky’s a jerk (but it’s kinda hot), penetraaaation (p in v lol), a teeeeny bit of hair pulling (not rly tho), aftercare! (yes, that’s a warning)
A/N: please don’t copy my work on any platforms or translate it. as always, reblogging and comments are appreciated, and i am taking requests!!
Summary: Bucky is loud, but he’s betting that you can be louder.
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“I don’t even know you!” you shouted, appalled by your new neighbour’s request.
“Sit down, or I’ll make you sit down.”
It started the night Bucky moved in. First, he was nice enough, but you quickly realized that he was very into house renovations.
You figured it would go away after the first week, but the hammering on the walls consistently started at 7 p.m. and didn’t stop until 1 a.m. For the last month. You’d had it.
So here you sat, across from your handsome, brooding, beefy, arrogant, irritating, imbecile neighbour. He had splayed a few options of tea in front of you, of which, you chose chamomile. If you couldn’t sleep, why not try every available option, right?
“So, you wanna be civil?”
“Not really. You’ve been hammering away for the last week.”
“Haven’t gotten any other complaints, Dolly.”
His use of the word Dolly pissed you off. Like he was mocking you for being a diurnal human being. Like he was upset with you for being normal!
“Listen, I might not look so big and tough, but I can—”
He circled you like prey, making you lose your train of thought when his cologne invaded your senses. He smelled rich. Not chocolate rich—no—he smelled like what you imagined Tony Stark would smell like.
“W-Why are you doing that?” you mentally scolded yourself for the nervous shaking of your voice.
“Are you scared?”
With no warning of any kind, Bucky’s lips smashed onto your’s. A low groan escaped the back of his throat, and you moaned into his tongue.
“Been tryin’ to get you to talk to me for weeks. Why do you think I only bang on your wall?”
Any anger in you hadn’t dissipated—but it did fuel the lust and passion raging low within your tummy. “Shut up.”
Your lips connected again, your knee knocking over the teacup with you kneeled on the table to reach Bucky’s lips. Your fingers scratched over his scruff. He tasted like oranges and french toast, you tasted like dark chocolate and almonds. It was perfect.
“Get in my bed.”
“What?” you asked, still a little hazy from the most remarkable kiss of your life.
“Go get in my bed.”
You scurried quickly to his opened door, while he shuffled through open drawers for a condom. His metal arm smacked against the granite top every time he couldn’t find one. You wondered what that hand could do to you.
After what felt like forever for Bucky, he finally found a gold-foiled condom, shining harshly in his eyes from the new kitchen LED lights he’d installed.
In between your legs burned. Bucky couldn’t help but smile when he thought of what a good girl you were, waiting for him to come help you with your growing urge.
You deserved this. After all of the work you’d been doing for your publishing company, after all of the sleepless nights, a release was exactly what you needed.
Laying your head back on his pillow, you prepared yourself for what was to come—not that you knew what to expect. It was strange, having sex with a man who’d done nothing but piss you off for the last month.
Rougher than you expected, Bucky quickly flipped you onto your front, tugging your pyjama shorts down to your ankles, revealing your cute blue panties. Bucky couldn’t help but coo.
“Oh, Darling… I like these.” he snapped the elastic on your thigh, making you wince a little. He couldn’t decide if he want to fuck you with them on or not.
Added to your growing nervousness was the fact that now you didn’t know what Bucky was going to do. You didn’t know if he’d go fast, or slow, or hard, or gentle. Not even you knew what you liked. With all the hard work you’d been doing and the studying, it’s not like you had any time to experiment.
Bucky lifted your hips abruptly, grinding on your already dampened core. He has to bite his lip to stop himself from moving to fast. He’d finally decided that the panties were coming off one way or another, and seeing as this was your first time having sex with him, you probably wouldn’t want your panties ripped. He slid them off slowly, but immediately attacked your cunt with kisses and slow drags of his tongue.
You moaned into his sheets, grabbing fistfuls of fabric and chomping down on his pillow. Never had a man ever been so rough with you, but never had a man ever taken so much care so your needs were met.
“Mine.” Bucky mumbled into your pussy, vibrations tingling throughout your body. His metal arm came down to spank your ass, then massage it shortly after. “All mine.”
“Your’s.” you replied in a cock drunk dizziness.
Bucky hummed in content, using his metal hand to ground your lower back, and his right to massage your aching clit.
You were sure you were about you cum. Pathetic. He hadn’t even done anything yet, but he was just so intoxicating.
“Jesus Christ.” Bucky grunted, finally hopping out of his constricting denim, letting his cock spring to the front of his boxers. Those came off quickly after as well.
He ripped the wrapper off of the condom, lining himself up with your entrance. He pressed his thumb harder against your clit, and mumbled something along the lines of “Take a breath, Doll.”
Big. He was big. You’ve never felt something bigger in your life. When he started with half of his dick, it was average sized—well, that’s what you thought—and then came the other half. Jesus, not only was he huge in the rest of his body, but his cock was destroying you.
“You’re so tight. Aww, this poor pussy doesn’t get enough attention.” he spanked your ass using his human hand this time; you were sure there was a red imprint.
“You don’t do this enough.” he grunted, speeding up his pace until you were practically screaming his name into the pillows.
“We don’t do this enough.” he held tightly onto a fistful of your hair, grounding you to the bed while he pounded relentlessly into you. You were sure that if he were going any deeper, his balls would get lost inside of you too.
“Ahh… ahh.”
Bucky tilted your hips up until he was basically stretching out your cervix. You cried out as the coil in your tummy snapped, and you let loose.
You were shaking—literally shaking. It made Bucky prouder than he’d like to admit. He liked when you were so needy, and so helpless for sex.
He didn’t stop when you were done. He finished gently, peppering your shoulder with light kisses, his abs lay bare against your back.
His weight didn’t crush you, so you were sure he was still on his feet. He held onto both of your wrists when he pulled out of you, leaving you with an empty feeling that was much more than any other man you’d ever been with.
“Are you okay?”
“Mm… mm.”
“No you’re not. I’ll make you some breakfast. You get some rest.”
“Yeah, you came here at five, and it’s six-thirty now.”
Bucky chuckled lowly. “It’s alright, Darlin’. You get some sleep now. No hammers.” he kissed your forehead gently, pushing back some stray hairs.
“No hammers.” you smiled to yourself.bucky
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ellaenchanting · 4 years
Hypnovember 2020 Master List
Now that I have awoken from my post-Hypnovember nap, it’s time to post my 2020 Master List! in comparison to last year’s entries, a lot of stories this year delved more into either more intense kinks or more of my intense personal feelings than my stories last year did. Sometimes writing stories is a bit like reading my own tarot cards in that way- letting an ambiguous prompt roll around in my subconscious and sometimes being surprised or amused or even slightly unsettled by what it turns into. I hope you will find something in this group of works that soothes you, that turns you on, that intrigues you, and that most of all provokes a response. If you do, I’d absolutely love to hear about it. :)
Copying one of my favorite @jukeboxemcsa  ideas, I’ve also included a HypnoBS rating for every work about how realistic the hypnosis/mind control is in each work (IMHO). In this ranking, 1 means to is absolute bullshit and 5 is a normal Tuesday night (for someone).
Icons- 📰- story. 🔊- audio 💻- technology 😍- romantic 🌈- queer 😴- regular ole’ hypnosis 🛀- brainwashing and/or character in tub 👻- spooky 🐈- at least one happy pussy ❓- bad or reeeally questionable consent 👨‍🔬 -science! 🤪 -crackfic #-#sceneideas 😭-feeeels ⭐-author’s personal favorites
Day 1: Instant M/f 📰 😴🐈#😭
Choice quote: “Sean chuckled as he moved in closer. And closer. ‘I thought you wanted to know what it was like to be hypnotized, sweetheart. To follow suggestions? To have someone else take control? It’s not real control if I’m doing something you already wanted, now is it?”
HypnoBS- 5. Read the whole thing but- IMHO totally plausible.
Fun Fact- These are the same characters from last year’s Day 5: Poison.
Day 2: Coils F/m 📰 😴 💻 👨‍🔬
Choice quote: “Daniel rolled his eyes. ‘I bet you could hypnotize me with a bar of soap if you wanted to. That still doesn’t make me like spirals.’”
HypnoBS- 5. Maybe 4 because I don’t love the induction but- maybe you will? Also- oh no poor Daniel is so conditioned that he’ll go under to anything Jamie does! How hard for him. :(
Day 3: Staged Hypnosis (Stage) F/f 📰 😴 🌈 🛀 ❓
Choice quote: “No one needed to know she was a plant. A confederate. A stooge.”
HypnoBS- 1.5. This would collapse like a house of cards. It’s a fun concept though.
Day 4: Psychic F/nb 📰 😴 🌈 😍 👨‍🔬⭐
Choice quote: “Something about the hypnosis- being in and out of each other’s heads and in and out of each other’s bodies all weekend- made her feel like she and Tris had merged in some way. Like there was a new, deeper understanding between them now- a telepathic bond.”
HypnoBS- 5. Maybe a 4.5 if you’re recognizing some nre magical thinking here. But- I’ve definitely had this feeling and this kind of experience- and I hope some of you have had it/will have it as well. :)
Day 5: Visor F/multiple 📰 😴 🛀 💻 👨‍🔬 🤪#
Choice quote: “Besides, everyone knew stormtroopers were kinky.”
HypnoBS- 4.5. Some of the exact details would need to be changed and thought through more thoroughly, but I absolutely believe you could do something like this if you wanted to. (And if you do, you definitely have to let me know. I know some of y’all out there go to Dragoncon.)
Day 6: Pendulum F/y’all 🔊😴 👨‍🔬
Choice quote: This is a trick I first learned from a science book I read in 5th grade.
HypnoBS- 5. The real thing.
Day 7: Song Aliens/the human race 📰 💻 👻❓
Choice quote: “Anna didn’t know what she was singing.”
HypnoBS- 1. I hope. Why do the song based stories always turn out so creepy?
Day 8: Performance unknown/f 📰 👻❓😴# ⭐
Choice quote: “With each snap, the gears inside her doll body click click click clicked into action. She turned, jerky but graceful. She was determined to do well. “
HypnoBS- 5 (if part of a fearplay scene, which is my headcanon for this story)
Day 9: (Hot Under the) Collar F/f 📰 😴🛀🌈 🐈#⭐
Choice quote: “She was wearing her collar. She was aroused. It was as simple as that.“
HypnoBS- 5 With time, I think you could do this. Maybe a 4.5 for the 30 minutes thing- that might lead to a bit too much cramping.
Day 10: Gentle 🔊😴
Choice quote: “Just look into the spiral....”
HypnoBS- 5. I hope.
Day 11: Summoning Sappho (Summon) eventual F/f I hope 📰 😴🌈 🤪
Choice quote: “In fact, the only ideas left to try on their brainstorming board included ‘sexy alien invasion’, ‘sexy witches’, and this. Shockingly, at this point a sexy seance seemed the most practical.”
HypnoBS-1. Although stay tuned for Femme Flirt 2021.
Day 12: Plants unknown/m 📰 😴🛀#
Choice quote: “If he focused, Chris could feel that new suggestion also growing stronger and stronger, becoming more and more firmly rooted inside of him. “
HypnoBS- 5, with the right person
Day 13: Artifact F/f 📰 😴🛀🌈 👨‍🔬 ❓
Choice quote: “She fumbled through the contents when suddenly her hand found something unexpected from her past.A red lipstick tube. An artifact.”
HypnoBS- 4? There’s different ways of reading this story, but my headcanon is that the consent here is pretty dubious.
Day 14: Tail M/f 📰 😴🛀❓👻#
Choice quote: “It was no use. She could sense her tail was still behind her. She couldn’t shake him. She should have known he’d come for her.“
HypnoBS- Let’s say 2. Although I think this could work really well for a fearplay scene in an appropriate setting (where someone wasn’t actually left unmonitored with extreme paranoia).
Day 15: Serve F/m 📰 😴#⭐
Choice quote: “He had put his heart and soul into the dish.They were hers now.”
HypnoBS- As a scene? 5 (depending on the person). As a long term effect, much lower.
Day 16: Memory F/f  📰 😴 🛀🌈 😍
Choice quote: “Mesmera waited for Galaxy Girl at the door.”
HypnoBS- 4, you could do an induction along these lines but -1 for psychic powers
Fun Fact: These characters were originally featured in last year’s Day 19: Hideout. 
Day 17: Toy F/f m/f 📰 😴 🛀🌈🐈 #
Choice quote: “Dolly hated to have Bad Manners. “
HypnoBS- 4.5. This is pretty deep into headspace, but I wouldn’t want to rule it out for the right person.
Day 18: Monster m/f 📰 😴 ❓😭⭐
Choice quote: “That kind of stuff wasn’t fair to think about here. It wasn’t everyone else’s fault that she was so warped.”
HypnoBS- 5. Ouch my heart. Poor young!Ella.
Day 19: Eyes M/m 📰 😴 🌈 😍
Choice quote: “Scott looked into his partner Brandon’s eyes. Brandon had hypnotized him so many times over the years in so many ways but- this was one of Scott’s favorites.”
HypnoBS- 5. Especially in a long term relationship like this. (In my pretend Hypnovember universe, these guys are some of the patriarchs of the hypnokinky convention scene and absolutely wonderful advice givers.)
Fun fact: The story of how these characters originally got together is in last year’s Day 12: Stage story. 
Day 20: Possession F/f  📰 😴 🌈 😍😭
Choice Quote- “Things that were hard to do for herself during these times became easier to do as something owned by Thadra. Taking a shower. Getting up and going to bed at the right time. Making sure she ran once a day. Making sure she ate.”
HypnoBS- Errr....4 trending upwards. Although for this to be safe and healthy you’d really need to be checking in with a therapist and working on your continuing mental health at the same time (IMHO). Please do not get relationship advice from my porn.
Day 21: Snaps 🔊😴👨‍🔬
Choice Quote- “No, that one was up.”
HypnoBS- 5. I’m not sure quite how this translates to audio but this is the kind of shenanigans I pull with friends all of the time.
Day 22: Restrict  F/f 📰 😴 🌈 🐈👨‍🔬 
Choice quote: “’Hmm. By ‘weird’ do you mean ‘hot’?’ asked Zahara, lounging above her on the couch. Nikki nodded. She definitely meant hot. “
HypnoBS- 2. A month is a long time and this is a strong reaction. But- maaaaaybe would work for a bit, especially within these boundaries?
Day 23:  Villain there’s a m and a f  📰 🛀👨‍🔬❓#
Choice quote: “They had been planning against that damned do-gooder reporter Lizzy Lampost for months and now they were about to finally have her in their clutches. “
HypnoBS-1. But you’re not reading this one for realism, are you?
Day 24: Drink F/f 📰 😴👨‍🔬🌈 😍
Choice quote: “’Leah,’ she said. ‘I’ve found a drinking game! This might be fun! Want to try it?’”
HypnoBs- 5. With the right person. (That part of the end might be a bit harder.)
Day 25:Worship: F/m 📰 🛀🌈 
Choice quote: “After all, it wasn’t the time to work right now. It was time to worship his Mistress’s cock.”
HypnoBS- Someone on AO3 told me this fic just wrecked them. Lucky that person- this one’s a 5. Maybe not with everyone, but an awful lot of people should be able to do an awful lot of the activities in this story. :)
Day 26: Fey M/f 📰😴 😭⭐
Choice quote: “Humans do not know the spells they weave.”
HypnoBS- 1 Only true in that metaphorical way. (So- really, really true. But not factual.)
Day 27: Recording F./m 📰 🛀❓👻#
Choice quote: “It’s a recording, he reminded himself. “She’s not there. No one is there.”
HypnoBS- 2 At least, I don’t know how to make this happen (outside of a consensual scene).
Day 28: Obsession M/F 📰 🛀😍👨‍🔬
Choice quote: “Some guys had cars. Some had computer systems. Some had home brewing. But Mark’s obsession was Julia.“
HypnoBS- Oh gosh. Errr...2.5? Hard to say. 
Fun Fact: This started as a one-sided scenario, then it changed, then it felt really hot, now it feels like a sweet silly sitcom premise. (If you want to read some episode synopses of this hypothetical sitcom, there are some brilliant ones here! Also- feel free to send me more!)
Day 29: Helpless F/m 📰😴😍
Choice quote: “’I want to be helpless,’ he replied. Juan felt his headspace changing. He threw himself into that feeling, trusting Josie to take the reins.“
HypnoBS- 5. Not a scene log, but pretty much How I Top.
Day 30: Awaken 🔊😴👨‍🔬
Choice quote: “Aaaaaand-awaken!”
HypnoBS- 5 Hypnotist BS- also a 5
Thank you all for reading these! Thank you especially to everyone who reblogged, wrote me comments, and generally supported me through this past month. I’m going to specifically single out @daja-the-hypnokitten​, @wellgnawed​, and @spiralturquoise​ for the encouragement- y’all are the best. :)  I know this is a long post, but I’d really appreciate reblogs of it!
Also, I didn’t have time to contribute myself but- if you donate to Hypnokink for Trans Lives, let me know and I’ll write you an epilogue for any of these stories that you choose. 
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esepoimipullula · 4 years
BIG spoilers for Fantomius: L’inizio e la fine by Marco Gervasio
Can I just... rant a little bit about how freaking HAPPY the last two episodes of this series made me?! Oh, whatever, I’ll do it anyway. It might just be my love for unlikely protagonist/antagonist team-ups but I LOVED the temporary (or not-so-temporary) alliance we ended up with.
First of all, I really liked Pinko going from “bumbling minor adversary/enemy who’s comically uptight and a bit arrogant but a good person at heart” to “stone-cold badass” in like two lines. It actually fits very well, all things considered.
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(”I could have left like Lord Quackett and his girlfriend did! But I’m not a coward, I don’t run away!”
“If injustice is law, it is our duty to oppose it!”)
On the other hand, I also liked him going back to planning to catch Fantomius and his team as soon as the Glomgold emergency was solved and the situation went back to normal. Pinko is not a cold man, but he puts his duty above all else. And his duty is not to any mayor or to any law, but to Duckburg and its citizens. He has to defend them from Wrong and make things Right for them. To him, stealing is Wrong, whether you’re stealing from the poor or from conceited or dishonest nobles. To make things Right, you have to catch the thieves. Likewise, exploiting those who are defenseless against you for your personal gain is Wrong, whether you’re a criminal or someone in a position of power. To make things Right, the one who’s doing the exploiting must be brought down and exposed, by any means necessary. These two thoughts can and do coexist, one doesn’t cancel the other out. Not even if the thief helps catch the shady powerful person in the act. I can appreciate a character with such strong convinctions and ideals.
Then... there’s Lady Senape. (A small side note: did any Fantomius stories with her ever get officialy translated? Because I’ve seen people on here refer to her with her original name and I can’t help but wonder... do you guys know it literally means Lady Mustard? Like, because she’s kind of a foil to Dolly Paprika? Paprika... Mustard...?)
Anyway, I really, really loved her in this one. Seeing her go from the usual petty but cunning and ruthless enemy to unlikely ally ro actual friend was extremely satisfying, even if most of her character development happened offscreen.
Now, this is probably an unpopular opinion, but... I’ve always liked her as a character. Because she’s a foil to Dolly but she’s not just some Clingy Jealous Ex or a shrew who can’t actually manage to do anything on her own, because she’s kind of a foil to John, too, because I have a fondness for friends/lovers to enemies situations, and because I was utterly charmed by her first appearance. The mystery, the tension, the whole Chinese theatre thing with the symbolic colours... it all made a big impression on me, y’know? So, that’s why I was pretty disappointed when it looked she was never going to get any real character development. In any direction, I mean. Had she turned out into something like a Big Bad to rival Glomgold, I would have been just happy that she got a little something more to do in the Fantomius stories.
And that was were I thought her character was headed to when I began reading L’inizio e la fine. I mean, she WAS getting the chance to seriously mess up everyone’s future, right? And well, she did, pretty much...
But the prologue of L’inizio e la fine came with a little article on Lady Senape herself. Probably just to recap her previous appearances for forgetful or occasional readers, sure. But between explaining why she wanted revenge on Fantomius after Fu Man Etchù, comparing and contrasting her to Dolly, and showing Gervasio’s studies on her character, the writer slipped in a bit of backstory that... I don’t really remember if it had ever come up before, honestly.
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“Jen Yu comes from a family of Chinese farmers and she’s a descendant of Ching Shih, the nom de plume of the lady pirate who terrified the Chinese Seas at the beginning of the XIX century,” the article said. And being fascinated by lady pirates, Ching Shih herself, AND the idea of Jen Yu having a backstory offering all kinds of possibilities and parallels (did she go from downtrodden peasant to ruthless thief, unlike John who went from dissatisfied nobleman to gentleman thief? Did she discover her ancestry and immediately decide to emulate Ching Shih to take revenge on society for a difficult upbringing, kinda like early days Paperinik? Was a secret diary involved? Were her parents honest folks or was Ching Shih’s glory reduced into a family of petty thieves and crooks, and either way, did Jen Yu ever want to commit great and daring crimes to make her pirate ancestor proud? Did...) I couldn’t stop reading too deep into it. Though in the end, my main take from it was... “Wait, is she getting an actual backstory and an article all about her because she’s gonna be... important?? Sympathetic??? Someone the readers will be supposed to root for at some point????”
Nevertheless, I tried not to raise my own hopes too much. For all I objectively knew, Senape was just gonna be petty and vindictive and have her backstory never actually mentioned or referenced in-story and...
And then, Distopia and La fine e l’inizio happened. And the only thing that didn’t make me absolutely giddy about her was the lack of “Well, you know, one of my ancestors really was a pirate!” lines during the whole “boarding Glomgold’s ships” sequence.
Of course, I did spend the week between those two stories theorizing how Senape would turn out to be secretly working with Glomgold and spying on the group even as she pretended to have become their friend. Or betray everyone and ally herself with Glomgold as soon as things got too tough for her liking. Or help take down Glomgold but then immediately try to steal the golden mask again and turn back to the asshole I knew and loved (even as I longed to see something more done with her...). Needless to say, I didn’t (dare hope to) think the change would stick or even bring about any significant character development. And yet, what did I get?
Senape working together with Dolly and Copernico for a whole year without ever selling them out. The three of them being actually a good team. The three of them becoming actual friends. Senape and Dolly giving up on their “Lol your boyfriend used to be my lover don’t you feel sooo jealous when you think about it?” “Bitch you broke his heart and you’re an asshole and I want to punch you in the face” dynamic to... become an honest-to-goodness adorable duo? And Senape becoming a permanent (?) member of the team because Dolly asked her and Copernico vouched for her and she was all for it because she liked working with them?? Dolly defending Jen Yu from John’s objections and John giving in even if he rightfully doesn’t trust his ex completely???
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Btw, I’m also just so happy about Dolly having what seems to be shaping up as a regular female friend that is also involved in her criminal life. She deserves that. <3
If it doesn’t all go back to normal in the next Fantomius series with a sudden backstabbing, that is. I’ll be very sad for Dolly if that happens. Hope they just keep being besties.
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hecallsmehischild · 3 years
Recent Media Consumed
A Knot in the Grain and Other Stories by Robin McKinley. Not bad for a fantasy short story compilation, but as I read the stories I felt like too many questions went unanswered, or the answer wasn’t clear enough. I know there’s an art to not answering questions and making that intentional, but I didn’t pick up the feeling of the author being intentionally vague. It was still fun to read. I’m really just in a fantasy binge mode.
Fire and Water by Robin McKinley and Peter Dickinson. Both books are collections of short stories based on elemental spirits. Eh…. they were okay. Didn’t like them as much as the others.
Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Hard book to get through. There’s so much monologuing and it doesn’t all make sense to me. People seem to be talking trite nonsense half the time and then being unbearably deep the other half. It is an interesting look at morbid aspects of the human heart. Might be that it’s a bit over my head to appreciate fully, but I’d like to read at least one more by this author. Maybe The Brothers Karamazov.
Hello Dolly. (mini liveblogging of reactions) There are way too many musicals I have not gotten around to seeing, simply because I have old favorites and sometimes it’s hard to get out of a rut. I am two minutes and four seconds in and CLEARLY not watching this before now was a failure on my part. I am in awe of the opening sequence that is just a series of legs and feet, but they are all moving to the music and they tell a dozen different stories that are very easy to understand even without seeing anybody’s top half, this is EXCELLENT framing and shooting and I feel like I’m in for a real treat. (In the middle of “It takes a woman”) I cannot tell you how much I missed over the top satire. This very much has the feel of My Fair Lady’s “With A Little Bit of Luck”. But then it’s taken up by the protagonist with an entirely different tone and WHAM the feels hit. I’m not enjoying all of the musical numbers, but there’s this one bit in the middle of the song about dancing where Dolly accepts a dance invitation from the grizzled old groundskeeper, and seeing this high-class looking widow take his invitation without a shred of irony, and to see him take her dancing in such a way that shows he’s clearly done this for many years and may be a widower himself, it’s just this strange sweet kind of moment that’s meant to be savored. And then again WHAM this high class widow, whenever she has a musical number in private, just NAILS you with her song and performance and all her emotions. Barbara Streisand was incredible, absolutely incredible. A lot of the other characters don’t really feel real, they feel like Musical People. She slips on the clothes of a Musical Person but then she drops the facade and shows you how hard all this is for her and it’s incredible. The movie is worth it just to watch HER. Even if it is very stressful watching her manipulate conversations and move people around like pawns. I have to say I do not, for the life of me, understand why she wants a relationship with Mr. Horace Vandergelder, or why he agrees. They look like they’ll make each other miserable for life.
Honest Thief. I went in with low “dumb robbery movie” expectations and was pleasantly surprised. I think I was most surprised by the fantastic chemistry of the couple and pretty much everyone’s acting. Aside from the acting it wasn’t anything remarkable, but everyone took it up to the next level. Nice flick. Also it tickles me to hear the voice of Aslan talking about how he carried out perfect robberies.
Nezha. Holy. Cow. Okay it doesn’t make total sense to me, not all the way through, but I chalk that up to missing cultural/lit knowledge and translation issues. Setting that aside, animation was gorgeous. Story was fun, but also compelling. There was some gross-out humor, but I’ve seen worse. And the climactic fight scene? Man. It went SO LONG but I didn’t even care. Some fight scenes drag on, but this one could have been twice as long and I would have been fine with that. The creators of this film really went all out with creativity and variety all throughout the film. I don’t totally understand the ending but I would love to see more (as the credits scenes hinted that there might be more). Oh wait, there is more and it’s called Jiang Ziya…
The Mitchells vs The Machines. This movie was so full of heart and also so full of complete over the top dumb goofiness. It kind of reminded me of Despicable Me in that way. Definitely brought a smile to my face.
Star vs the Forces of Evil. I had to re-watch through Eclipsa’s and Meteora’s arc because I’d seen that much before, but too long ago to remember. I re-watched it, then settled in for the last season which I hadn’t seen before. Watching through the new content and… I’m… disappointed. Story seems to be all over the place. The conflict is so forced it hurts. People are flatter than flat. And they’re all idiots. I feel like the show is trying to reach for a moral and don’t even know what that is from episode to episode. Wow. And as I go into the final arc, it just gets worse. Ham-fisted with zero focus and twists out of the bloody blue that make zero sense. You know… this series was hard to get into because characters were annoying and gross at the start. But then it added depth to each character and made me care about them as it went along. But everything after Eclipsa became queen has flushed all of that down the toilet as fast as possible and it is maddening to see that story-trust wasted. Nothing means anything in this story, that’s the conclusion I end up coming to. Nothing means anything and there is nobody worth caring about. I am radically disappointed. And kind of angry at the sheer number of levels at which the storytelling became terrible.
Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening. I wasn’t sure how I’d handle another controller-based game after getting so accustomed to Breath of the Wild (I’m on a second re-play of that, I play it whenever my brain is on the fritz so badly that I can’t do anything else). But it turned out to be pretty easy to get into. The hardest part is getting stuck about how to solve certain puzzles and trying to figure it out over and over. Sometimes I figure it out, but sometimes I need to look up a hint online. I’m almost at the end of the game and I’ve enjoyed it quite a bit. I want to play more Zelda games...
Katamari Re-Roll. This is so stupid. I mean, SO VERY STUPID. And so much fun. You start off as this tiny little person just rolling a ball around and you can pick up anything smaller than you (thumbtacks, coins, caramel candies) and as your ball gets bigger, your options open up (mice, carrots, eggs, crabs) and open up (shoes, toys, cats, dogs) and open up (humans, food carts, cows). I hear you get to roll up houses at some point. I’m looking forward to that. For now I’m at the level where I’m rolling up a lot of people. They’re all wiggly and shrieky. It’s funny. There’s a time limit on each level, and you have to reach a certain size by the time limit, which is the only really annoying thing about it. But I’m still having a lot of fun.
World of Warcraft: Classic. Of all the games I never thought I’d play, this is probably toward the top of the list. I don’t like the concept of grinding. I like story. But after playing Breath of the Wild, I also found out that I love exploration/open world type games. My husband helped me build a character and we ran around doing quests and levelling up. Now I’m a level 17 Dwarf hunter who does skinning and leatherworking. I have a pet wolf named Chompers. I’m having a lot of fun. Probably not obsessive levels of fun, but enough fun that I’m happy to sink a couple several-hour sessions a week into playing.
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nyappyforeverbr · 2 years
Interview: An Cafe × hévn Magazine vol.13 nº107 │Part #3
After 9 years, An Cafe is back on the cover of hévn magazine! The limited edition of issue 107 brings the members of An Cafe, who celebrate in 2023, the 20th anniversary of the beginning of activities! The magazine was released on September 30, 2022 and all copies have been sold (we do not know the number of copies that were produced). Veteran Visual-kei band Dolly is on the back cover. We bring here the translation of the magazine's main interview!
Text transcription and translation was performed by Cafekko Mandy
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-And after being contacted by a member. Miku: I spoke with Teruki first. After that, Teruki contacted the other members and the five of us were able to reunite. I like people and I learn a lot when I talk to them, so even though the five of us couldn't be together, I was happy that the members had time to talk about things other than the stage. Not only that, but I was filled with gratitude and joy to be able to stand on stage with them again. But at the same time, I thought it was a big responsibility. I was nervous every day because I thought I had to deliver a stage that satisfied not only me but also the Cafekkos (nickname of our fans).
-Are you nervous? Miku: After all, I was away from the stage, I caused a lot of trouble for the cafekko, so the burden of going on stage is different than usual.
-In Miku-san's case, no matter what you do, you will be Miku-san, so it seems that you will be forgiven with just a smile (laughs). Miku: No, sincerity matters!
-The truth is, it hasn't changed since the old days. Miku: (smiling).
-Yuuki, how did you feel when you were called? Yuuki: I stopped for my own convenience without thinking deeply about it, but I wonder if it's okay to go back... I didn't think about it, but I honestly felt like I was able to say "yes" right away. It would be fun if I had that opportunity, and I was thinking about An Cafe even after I left, so I answered without hesitation. There is no reason to hesitate. I like An Cafe.
-After the hiatus, Yuuki-san, what was the presence of An Cafe. in your mind? Yuuki: More than anything else, it's something that's been involved in my life for a long time, so of course there's also a way of saying it as a memory. Not only that, but now that I'm living a different lifestyle, An Cafe was the place that made me who I am, including my personality. So An Cafe's existence hasn't changed much between before I left and now. Even though I had an occupation other than music, the days we spent working together were great and they became my life support.
-Takuya-san, how did you react when you heard about the event? Takuya: I have similar feelings to Yuuki-san, and when asked whether I would do it or not, all I could say was "yes", and the first thing I felt was that I wanted to be there. I don't want to see An Cafe without me. It's not that I quit on my own, so if I had the chance to go on stage as An Cafe again, it was always in my heart that I definitely wanted to do that, so it was a two-sided response. -Kanon-san, you've been active in music even after your hiatus, how do you feel about that? Kanon: After the hiatus, it was like cafekko's image had a direct impact on me... When I decided to withdraw, I planned to end it cleanly, but after that there were a lot of things, like trips to FC, and when I did a broadcast live alone, unexpectedly everyone felt a sense of grief that came to me and became painful. I was prepared for this, but I found it difficult to distract myself. I didn't think it was going to replace An Cafe, but there was a time when I thought if I had the chance to find it, it would be a mild education at the very least. When I received the offer this time, I was thinking of taking a break from my individual activities, so I was happy to hear about participating in the event. I think in the last three years I've grown up, the environment has changed and I think we and all the fans are starting their own lives, but the fans who are waiting for jobs and houses etc, we can pay each other back... It might be different , but I'm happy to think that I'll be able to spend time with everyone here again after walking a different path in life. I was happy that you followed me the whole time and I was worried about it, but knowing that everyone is watching life as it is, I thought I'd do my best. -So, the response to the emergence of the event was immediate? Kanon: I felt that if I didn't do it, who would? (laughs) -After the hiatus, I realized that even though my life started in many ways, I couldn't forget the existence of An Cafe, and instead felt the importance of the band's existence, I think the fans will be happy, and I felt the deep bond among the members, as well as Miku-san's thoughts that they would be together on their 20th anniversary. How did you feel when putting together the music in the studio for the presentation of the event? Miku: It felt like An Cafe was in every moment. For me, the only studio I had was An Cafe, so I was happy to be able to enjoy another page of An Cafe's memories, and I sang remembering those days. It was a time that made me feel that every frame was happy. -What was the first song you played together? Miku: “Smile Ichiban Ii Onna”. It was fun during the presentation and during the break, and it's fun to be with the people. Of course, it matters who you're with, and I think that's all there is to it. -How did you feel when you played "Smile Ichiban Ii Onna" in the studio for the first time in three years? Takuya: I felt like no time had passed. It's a song I've been playing since 2019, even though it's been a while, so it's deeply ingrained in my body. Even when I was playing, I felt like "Ah, it's An Cafe!". After that, I remembered that time when I was playing. Again I thought that every song is full of memories. Anyway, it's been fun since rehearsal, and I'm still looking forward to January. -Kanon-san, how was the rehearsal? Kanon: It was good overall. There's a drum set, a keyboard, a guitar and a song... It's a matter of course. But on the first day in the studio it was the complete opposite of takuya, I felt like I wasn't deeply connected to my body (laughs). - Same: (laughs) Kanon: I practiced a lot (laughs). But that An Cafe rehearsal was fun too! -Yuuki-san, did music get deep into your body (laughs)? Yuuki: From the time of setting up, like checking the timing before matching the sound, I thought it was deeper than I thought. I screamed and took pictures like that... I was amazed at how quickly I came to my senses in my body. It was interesting to see how that came out on its own. It was not a sensation that I was aware of, but a sensation that I could automatically feel the sensation of my hands. -And you, Teruki-san? Teruki: It was an indescribable "wow" feeling. I think the cells remembered. I played that song all the time, and all of a sudden it's been three and a half years, and I didn't play the An Cafe song until the day before the studio. I thought I had to do it soon, so I played the drums one by one, but I was surprised that everything came out naturally. -It's already part of your body. It seems that fans remember Furi. Teruki: Anyway, it's been a long time since I've been to An Cafe and I'm impressed.
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Title: Unexpected Changes
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Gif credit @bikerchickforlife
Requested on wattpad
Hope you all enjoy
Happy Reading Dollies
Taglistv @leaalfred
"Maria, you need to stay inside so you won't get scared". You tell your daughter who was sneaking out to watch her dad and uncles train. They could get a little rough every now and then.
"Mommy, I won't get scared". She whined.
"Fine but don't get to close to them. Stay on the porch". You warned her as you went to do laundry. Even with a bunch of werewolves who go through tons of clothes they still give you laundry to do.
Maria sat on the porch swinging her legs in her chair as she watched her uncles and dad growl at each other. They made her giggle. She watched them train all the time but the only thing they never did was shape shift in front of her cause it would scare her. They always did it in the forest, safely away from her.
But of course this curious little girl followed her dad into the forest as they went to do some real training to protect against unwanted visitors.
She hid behind a stump and watched. Her little heart raced as she her growling and panting behind her. She didn't want to look and she couldnt talk as she was afraid. Her uncles and dad were gone from her sight. She was completely alone.
She got up the courage to turn around and saw a gray and white wolf but bigger starring right down at her. She screamed and started running but then something changed in her. She got a feeling like no other , it was like a fire that had to be released. She jumped and turned into a little dark gray furry wolf pup. She howled and ran further into the woods. 
She didnt know her dad could hear her thoughts. He chased after her in human form so she wouldnt be scared.
"Maria". Sam called out after his daughter. She stopped and panted trying to hide.
"Come here. It's okay". He said but she hid under a hollowed out log, whimpering.
"Paul, get Y/N". Sam ordered his brother. Paul took off with Embry, they headed to the house. You were hanging up clothes on the clothes line.
"Sam, needs you". Paul motioned for you.
You looked at the porch and your heart stopped for a second as you didn't see Maria in her seat like you told her to be. You ran off with them, your feet slinging up dirt as you ran. Panic sat in. What happened? Did she get hurt? Did something get her? Your mind raced.
"Sam, where is she"?
"Stay calm". He put his hands in front of you.
"Where's my daughter"? Trying to push past him but he was to strong.
"She's turned".
"Turned? It's really early. What happened"?
"She followed us into the forest, we knew something was following us but didn't think it was her so we shifted and came up behind her. Paul sorta scared her so I think thats why she shifted".
You narrowed your eyes at Paul, giving him a punch in the chest. He might be a werewolf but no one scares your daughter.
"Where is she"?
"She's hiding under the log. She's really scared. I read her thoughts". Sam whispered in your ear.
"Okay". You softly and gently walked over and crouched down beside the log.
"Baby, come out. Everything's going to be okay. I promise".
"She's saying you and me will hate her for what she became". Sam translated.
"We would never hate you. Then I would hate all werewolves and I'm in love with one and tolerate others like your uncle's". You growled at Paul.
"She asked if I could shift in front of her"?
"Sam, I dont think thats a good idea. What about Jacob? He just started shifting regularly and he's still learning"?
"I'll call him". Sam was alittle hurt that he thought his shifting would hurt his daughter but he called for Jacob.
Jacob got there in his wolf form and walked over to you. You scratched his chin as he lowered his head.
"We're a family of werewolves, except me. Im human but I fell in love with one and had one. I thought it would be later in life but this is okay I guess. Not how your father and I wanted it to happen. Paul". You narrowed on his name.
She poked her head out from the log and came out, she was a cute little pup and looked like a little version of Sam. She definitely had his attitude.
"Hey, baby". You cooed her out.
"You're going to be okay. I promise. There's family here that's going to teach you". Jacob spoke as he shifted back to human form.
Maria crawled out, she shifted back to the normal little girl before the wolf took over.
"What happened"?
"Well, your dad and uncles are werewolves and they protect us from people that are bad. They only transform when they have too. Not to hurt us, just to protect us".
"Will I be okay"?
"You're going to be okay. You're better than okay. You have a super power that can help others". Jacob smiled brightly taking her hand in his and started walking back to the house. She seemed fine with him.
"I think she's alright now". You wrapped your arm around Sam's waist as you headed back as well.
"You didn't feel what I felt did you"?
"What are you talking about"?
"Jacob imprinted on her".
"I'm going to kill him". You growled, about to go after him. Even if he was a werewolf that could rip your head off you were going after him for imprinting on your daughter.
"Stop, it's not like that".
"Let go of me". You pushed Sam off you and ran after Jacob.
Maria went inside with her uncles probably to go eat. Always hungry they are.
Jacob smiled and waited for you and Sam. You ran up and pushed into him. Making his stumble.
"You imprinted on my daughter, Jacob". You scream. Sam stood on the side waiting for you to go crazy on Jacob.
"It's not like that. I swear. I just connected with her because I was just as scared as she is. I've been through it and Sam and the others were there for me. I want to be there for her. To protect her and help her along the way. That's all".
"I swear Jacob". You gritted your teeth.
"I'm going to look after her. Make sure she doesn't get in trouble. I'll watch her back. Sam's right there as well. I'm not going to get my head ripped off from the alpha and the pack".
"I'll take care of him if he steps over the line. But I don't think he will, he's a good guy". Sam came over and laid his hand on your lower back.
"I'm watching you Jacob Black". You warned him, going back into the house.
"I'll be a good wolf". Jacob teased but in all seriousness.
"You better. I'll feed you to the vampires better yet,  I'll set you in room with Y/N and a crossbow ". Sam said as he walked by. Jacob gulped, you were pretty good with weapons. 
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s0livagant · 4 years
I was tagged by Kristen @talkfastcal (🧡 x1000 for u)
rules: answer questions & tag 20 blogs that you are obliged to know better.
Names: Savannah/Sav/Savy/Vanna if you’re my paternal grandpa or one (1) of my childhood babysitters exclusively
Pronouns: she/her
Star sign: Gemini
Height: 5’2
Birthday: June 12, 2000
Current time: 7:34 pm
Favorite band: ahh no matter what I say I’m gonna change my mind in like 3 minutes. But the first one that comes to mind when I think all time fave is probably The Killers (but there’s also 5sos & fob & mcr & fun. & waterparks & flor & vampire weekend & atl & about 100 others)
Favorite solo artist: (ahhhh) Hozier, Dolly Parton, & Lorde (& about 100 others pt. 2)
Song stuck in my head: Lost in Translation - The Neighborhood
Last movie watched: Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
When my main blog was created: Sept. 2012 I think?! It’s been a long time.
Last thing I googled: noise canceling headphones
Other blogs: none! Just one giant mess of all of my interests at once I apologize 2 u all.
Why I chose my url: Pretty sure that I just searched words with cool meanings on Pinterest when I was like 13 and this was one of them. Also it was spelled wrong initially and when I went back to correct it I found that someone already had it even with the 0 so I had to wait like 2 years until they deactivated till I could claim it lol.
Following: 204
Followers: 661 (this is more than on any of my other social media platforms OOP)
Average hours of sleep: ummmmm like 7-8 I like sleeping a lot
Lucky number: 2!
Dream job: I think for my own sanity I have to say pastry chef bc I’ve been questioning this choice of major lately and it’s stressing me out (only bc I have a bad job but ah still I could be doing so many other things and I’m afraid that I’m wasting my time in something that I’m not even passionate about even though I do rlly like it and it’s fun for me & I love feeding people but I just have so many other interests and who’s to say that they’re not a better choice for me you know?? Like maybe I should have gone into linguistics or psychology or early education and this is just the option I chose bc I felt the safest and I didn’t want to challenge myself by following the thing I was actually supposed to do AH. But yeah probably pastry chef?)
Dream trip: New Zealand!!
Favorite food: bro tomato bisque omg (Kristen made some points when she said bagel w/ cream cheese tho)
Nationality: American (I think originally Irish/Swedish/Scottish but I don’t actually know)
Favorite song: how could I possibly chose one??? The first few that come to mind are 1) when you were young - the killers 2) cleopatra - the lumineers 3) dancing in the moonlight - king harvest and 4) night changes - one direction (you know I’m right for this one)
Top 3 fictional characters: OK OK OK. This is hard & not in order. 1) Éowyn from lotr 2) Ben Wyatt 3) Percy Jackson
I tag (I am NOT tagging 20 people & I also feel like I just tag the same 5 mutuals in everything so I’m so sorry if I’m being annoying lol): @singledadharrington @glittertimes @so-excuse-my-tantrum @stumpbeans @imma-natural-blue @babybluestan @diizzyawsten @idkhowbutitsvickie @cherryloli
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