#wait hang on i'm now realizing there is a mini dragon currently mia
bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Hey Quil! It's June and I just wanted to say, I love your bookshelf! I can't believe you made it yourself! Everything looks much more organized and accessible now (I hope it stays that way) and I love your stuffed animals, they look so cute! What are their names? And also, I've been wondering about your pets for a while, because again, they looked so cute and seem to have such interesting stories. If you're okay sharing, that is. You don't have to, if you don't want to
June! Thank you!! I am also very fond of this new bookshelf and it was definitely long overdue. I mean I was able to nearly completely fill two entire bookshelves with the contents I had shoved almost entirely onto one, so really I think it's just impressive how I was functioning with the one before. Basically the only shelf that wasn't double stacked was the keeper shelf because I reference those books so often.
I also can't believe I made it myself! I always knew that when I got a new bookshelf I'd want to make it myself so it could match the one I already have because I really like it. However like I mentioned, we bought that corner bookshelf from a closing bookstore that was selling everything they had, and they had it custom ordered from somewhere so there was no way to purchase one.
A few things are different, like you may notice the original bookshelf has holes along the planks and is secured with different hardward, while the new one has no holes and is secured with screws. The original has adjustable shelves but I haven't adjusted them in the like seven years i've had it so I didn't feel the need to add that to the new one.
It's so strange but nice to be able to see all my books at once. I haven't been able to do that for years! Like I can just look over and see oh yeah I have TSOA and the first and third book in the Black Witch Chronicles but am missing the second, like it's so nice to see the spines. I've been relying on a complete catalog I made of all the books I own (and their prices) in google sheets, but now I can have that and see everything! Hopefully the organization lasts, but we shall see! Regardless it's so much better now.
Not all of my stuffed animals on the shelves are named (I'd like to, I'm just particular about names and haven't gotten to every one yet), but I can tell you which ones are! Okay so on the top shelf of the corner one the little giraffe is named Moo (Moo was a gift from my partner) and the red panda is currently unnamed (and was a gift from my sister). On the flat shelf the purple unicorn at the very top is named Majestad (picked it as a prize from the library this summer because it's all wonky and misshapen and I love wonky), the four bunnies next to it are unnamed or their names have been forgotten, the alicorn on the shelf below that is named Glitter Butt, the elephant next to it wearing the Happy Shadow Thoughts shirt is named Ella (both were a gift from a friend who also loved kotlc), the skull and dragon below them are named Mold and Mildew respectfully, and that's about it! There's two other dragon figurines but they don't have names. Then I also have other stuffed animals that aren't all the shelves including but not limited to a sparkly red dragon named Mr. Snuggles (from the same friend who got me Glitter Butt and Ella) and a mini squishmallow named Dexter (named by the company and bought by me because of the name).
I have an M name theme going on with stuffed animals I name, but if someone else names them they're allowed to deviate from that :)
As for my pets, what would you like to know? I have no problems talking about them and shared all their names and when we got them in this post! You wondering about them is just a little vague so I'm not 100% sure how to answer it or with what. Nothing you've done, i just have trouble answering questions like that sometimes. So is there anything about my pets you're curious about in particular? If so I'd love to answer!
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