#those two with mr. snuggles are my main trio
bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Hey Quil! It's June and I just wanted to say, I love your bookshelf! I can't believe you made it yourself! Everything looks much more organized and accessible now (I hope it stays that way) and I love your stuffed animals, they look so cute! What are their names? And also, I've been wondering about your pets for a while, because again, they looked so cute and seem to have such interesting stories. If you're okay sharing, that is. You don't have to, if you don't want to
June! Thank you!! I am also very fond of this new bookshelf and it was definitely long overdue. I mean I was able to nearly completely fill two entire bookshelves with the contents I had shoved almost entirely onto one, so really I think it's just impressive how I was functioning with the one before. Basically the only shelf that wasn't double stacked was the keeper shelf because I reference those books so often.
I also can't believe I made it myself! I always knew that when I got a new bookshelf I'd want to make it myself so it could match the one I already have because I really like it. However like I mentioned, we bought that corner bookshelf from a closing bookstore that was selling everything they had, and they had it custom ordered from somewhere so there was no way to purchase one.
A few things are different, like you may notice the original bookshelf has holes along the planks and is secured with different hardward, while the new one has no holes and is secured with screws. The original has adjustable shelves but I haven't adjusted them in the like seven years i've had it so I didn't feel the need to add that to the new one.
It's so strange but nice to be able to see all my books at once. I haven't been able to do that for years! Like I can just look over and see oh yeah I have TSOA and the first and third book in the Black Witch Chronicles but am missing the second, like it's so nice to see the spines. I've been relying on a complete catalog I made of all the books I own (and their prices) in google sheets, but now I can have that and see everything! Hopefully the organization lasts, but we shall see! Regardless it's so much better now.
Not all of my stuffed animals on the shelves are named (I'd like to, I'm just particular about names and haven't gotten to every one yet), but I can tell you which ones are! Okay so on the top shelf of the corner one the little giraffe is named Moo (Moo was a gift from my partner) and the red panda is currently unnamed (and was a gift from my sister). On the flat shelf the purple unicorn at the very top is named Majestad (picked it as a prize from the library this summer because it's all wonky and misshapen and I love wonky), the four bunnies next to it are unnamed or their names have been forgotten, the alicorn on the shelf below that is named Glitter Butt, the elephant next to it wearing the Happy Shadow Thoughts shirt is named Ella (both were a gift from a friend who also loved kotlc), the skull and dragon below them are named Mold and Mildew respectfully, and that's about it! There's two other dragon figurines but they don't have names. Then I also have other stuffed animals that aren't all the shelves including but not limited to a sparkly red dragon named Mr. Snuggles (from the same friend who got me Glitter Butt and Ella) and a mini squishmallow named Dexter (named by the company and bought by me because of the name).
I have an M name theme going on with stuffed animals I name, but if someone else names them they're allowed to deviate from that :)
As for my pets, what would you like to know? I have no problems talking about them and shared all their names and when we got them in this post! You wondering about them is just a little vague so I'm not 100% sure how to answer it or with what. Nothing you've done, i just have trouble answering questions like that sometimes. So is there anything about my pets you're curious about in particular? If so I'd love to answer!
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the-cooler-kira · 2 years
I just read your hc! of Jotaro with a affectionate girlfriend, could we have part 4 version and how he deals with jealousy?
4taro dealing with his jealousy over his affectionate wife
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Since Egypt, he's been more willing to endure the PDA. Mainly because that trip made him realise how human lives can easily fade out in a flash and it's a reminder that you're there. You're alive. You're with him.
On the other hand, he also gets jealous. A lot more than he used to.
He knows that you show love, both romantically and platonically, through physical affection and he knows it's practically second nature for you to hug your friends and share drinks with them without airing it. He knows. But that won't stop him from getting jealous.
I'd say it partially comes from being insecure. Your friends seem to be so much better than him. Talkative, not emotionally closed off, more likely to reciprocate your platonic PDA.
Sometimes he thinks it's selfish for him to be with you because of how different you are, so it takes a lot of reassurance from you. And not just with cuddles.
If you actually express your feelings verbally it would mean a lot more, because he sees how you'll hug just about anyone.
You hugged Josuke one time because you were proud of him and Jotaro dug his nails into the palm of his hand to restrain himself from doing anything rash.
Okuyasu was not so lucky.
He seems to like milfs (source: Tomoko and Shigechi's mum), so you can imagine how it went down when he met you and little seven-year-old Jolyne... especially when he didn't realise that was in fact Jotaro's family.
"I'm gonna head back to the hotel. See you guys later!" You waved goodbye as your other hand was occupied with your daughter's tiny hand. Spinning on your heel, you walked away and made for the hotel you and your family were staying at, just like you said.
"Not gonna lie, she's hot." Okuyasu blurted out and smirked.
"Okuyasu!" Koichi and Josuke yelled in response.
"That's my niece-in-law," Josuke began. "If that's a thing."
"Huh?" The more confident of the trio tilted his head in pure confusion.
"Oh my God- that's Jotaro's wife!" Josuke exaggerated his hand gestures as he motioned towards the adult that could feel his blood boiling at the very second.
Okuyasu felt his heart drop as soon as he was sent a ice cold, stern glare from the former delinquent. "You may still be a kid, but I won't hesitate to snap your neck like a twig if you continue with those remarks towards her. Do I make myself clear?"
"Y-yes sir!" Okuyasu was immensely regretting all of his life choices.
"That goes for all of you." He glanced at the other two students, who were petrified on their friends behalf.
"We know!"
"You'll only address her as Mrs. Kujo from now on, got it?"
"Yes sir!"
So he may have gotten a little verbally violent... oh well.
He had to remind himself that they are just kids and they'd never do anything weird, neither would you. You know, because you're not a criminal.
Speaking of kids, however, seeing Jolyne really calms him down for various reasons. One is that he was able to have such a cute little girl, and it was only possible with you.
The fact that you were even willing to start a family with him really makes his heart swell, and reminds him that he doesn't need to be jealous.
After a long day of work, coming home to see your little girl snuggled up on your chest settles his mind and he's able to forget his worries for a while.
During part 4, there weren't many other adults that Jotaro was in immediate contact with. There was only two main ones: one being the serial killer with a hand fetish, and the other being the ever-curious and work-driven mangaka.
Now for your friends, well you're more busy these days that you barely see them. Between taking care of your daughter, trying to spend time with Jotaro, and managing any other responsibilities you may have... there just isn't enough time.
This is enough for Jotaro, however. Enough for his envious tendencies to calm down and maybe even indulge more in your PDA.
"I love you, Jotaro." You said as you hung your arms around the back of his neck.
"I love you too, (Y/N)." He put his arms around your waist, bringing you closer to him. "More than anything."
"Since when did you become a softie?" You joked.
"Gimme a break," he sighed as he pressed your foreheads together.
hope it was okay @needy-self-ship-jjba
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the-omni-princess · 5 years
Beauty and the Beast (Soulmate AU)
Author: @the-omni-princess​
Summary: You wake up the day after drunkenly meeting your soulmate.
Prompt: “When did you learn how to figure skate?” // “I dunno.”
Word Count: 1.8K
Pairing: Bucky x Latina!(and Mutant!)reader
Warnings: fluff! Hangovers, seriously, so much fluff!!!
@bitchassbucky for #abitchassholiday , and the casual sequel to Sleeping Beauty! [Read here!]
I’ve been dying to write a Latina!Reader since I’m Latina! Here’s my first one. It's still pretty lowkey tbh but hopefully I can write one where it’s a bit more explicit the reader’s Latina! :D
[Masterlist] [First part]
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He did however, let you go, just as you stopped screaming. “Do… do you know who you are?” you tried in a soft voice, still on edge. Where the fuck was Mr. Star Spangled Ass?
“Bucky… My name was Bucky,” he whispered softly, now looking down at his chest where his mark had deepened in color to darker freckles, easily shown on his light skin.
Your eyes widened, looking down at your hand, your own freckles became more pronounced as well. “Holy shit,” you mumbled, just as Steve and Tony burst through the door, making you both jump.
“Bucky?” It took him less time to recover, now noticing both of you skimming your marks with your hands in shock. “Wait… are you two…?” His eyes glanced back and forth between the two marks.
You looked up towards the Super Soldier, unsure how to really explain the dare that tossed you at your soulmate. “Um…. Hi… Soulmate?”
James Buchanan Barnes, the infamous sidekick of Captain America, a fact you used to argue about in US History class when you were younger since who would call that hot guy the sidekick?!, just looked at you with a little tilt to his head. “Soulmate?” he murmured softly, looking down at his mark on his chest. His eyes widened as he took in the multitude of darker freckles. He looked back at you, following your own gaze to your hand, where the freckles had darkened on the underside of your palm. “Soulmate…”
“Well… that’s unexpected to say the least,” Steve muttered, both he and Sharon looking on with a bit of amusement.
Bucky looked up, noticing the blond couple for the first time. “Stevie?” His voice cracked, and even in your very buzzed state, you could tell Steve was also a little emotional.
“Hey Buck,” he replied, smiling sadly before looking again towards you.
You were now gripping the table for support, the room starting to spin. “Ay Dios, is the room spinning or is it just me?” Your eyes fluttered a bit, vertigo hitting you full force, just as Bucky rushed forward, catching you before you could hit the ground. You groaned softly, looking up at his face, a goofy smile lighting up your features. “Oh, yeah. You’re my soulmate. You know, I always thought you were cuter than Cap. Think I have a thing from brunet boys with pretty blue eyes, and your eyes are way more blue than I could have imagined with those black and white photos,” you continued to ramble, babbling on as the trio watched in amusement.
“First meeting with her literal other half, and she’s wasted,” Sharon sighed softly, now looking at you with pity.
“And the reindeer- hey! I’m not wasted!” You cried out before going back to your rambles.
Bucky just looked up at her, smiling faintly, as he held you up, “I can handle a drunk dame, better than my ma, she was a cursing drunk.”
Steve chuckled, helping Bucky lead you, very slowly towards the common room where you promptly passed out snuggled on a blanket on the sofa, completely oblivious to the fact that the former Winter Soldier was being introduced to the Avengers, while all he did was watch over you.
Searing pain lit up behind your eyes, and your temple was definitely throbbing. Groaning, you reached around your bed for your phone, freezing when you realized you were most definitely not in a bed. You looked down and groaned, you were also still in the party dress from last night, wrapped in a blanket that was also most definitely not yours. You inspected it, noticing the little cobwebs and widow symbols on the fluffy blanket. So, you were wrapped in Natasha’s blanket, the one you got her for her birthday last year as a joke. Looking around, you also realized you were in the main living common area in the tower.
“FRIDAY? How’d I get here?” you called out, groaning softly as you clutched your temples. You were most definitely hungover.
“I can answer that,” a voice called, one you recognized as Steve.
“Lower your voice, you menace, I’m nursing a shitty hangover.” You pulled the blanket over your face, covering yourself from the lights.
“We’re well aware of that, dollface,” a new voice joined in.
You stiffened, slowly dropping the blanket and looking at the man in front of you in surprise. “Hey Steve? I haven’t gotten drunk in a while, are hallucinations normal for being hungover?”
“Nope, I’m real.” Bucky stood, before kneeling beside you. “How much of last night do you remember?”
You gripped the blanket tighter, feeling a bit more exposed than you would like. “Last night? Why would I need-“ your voice died as you looked down at your hands, realizing the freckles that covered the palm of your left hand were darker. “Holy shit, please don’t tell me I met my soul mate and I was too wasted to remember,” you groaned, pouting up at Sharon who walked in. “You get a perfect, they-were-neighbors story, and I get the I-was-drunk story.”
“Not everyone can meet their soulmate because they literally bumped into them, besides,” Steve nodded towards Bucky, who was still kneeling beside the couch. “You literally fell for him.”
You looked back towards the brunet with horror written on your face. “Please tell me it wasn’t as cliché as Mr. Dramatically Yeets Himself Off of Planes Without Parachutes is making it out to be.”
“What does ‘yeet’ mean?” Bucky gave you a small confused look, one you have to admit was pretty cute. Okay fine, maybe he was your type. Dark-haired, pretty eyes, cute dimples when he was smiling. Okay so he was gringo, you could work with that.
“Throw, well basically,” you supplied, much to Steve’s horror.
“You do WHAT?!” Bucky cried out, making Steve cringe, and you whimper softly, closing your eyes in pain.
“Welp, we’ll let you two get well acquainted, sober at least,” Steve grabbed Sharon’s hand and hightailed out of the room.
Bucky didn’t give them a second look, now focused on you. “Damn, I’m sorry, after all your rambles last night I still forgot you would be hungover. Here,” he gently gave you some aspirin and water, which you promptly downed. “How about we do this right? I’m Bucky.”
“I’m well aware of who you are. Used to have fights with my friend in high school because she thought Steve was the cutest Howling Commando, when it was clearly you. Why am I still rambling?”
“It’s quite alright, I find it cute,” he gave you a bright smile, and your heart fluttered for a second.
You chuckled softly, smiling at him before sitting up, making room for him on the sofa as you told him your full name. “But that’s just the government name, everyone ‘round here calls me y/n/n, or FireCracker but that’s usually just Tony.” You gave him a smile.
“Why FireCracker?”
“Well, two reasons. One, I tend to keep talking and say my mind. And two,” you held up your hand, letting flames cover your fingers before they died out again. “I have powers…I hope that’s alright by you,” you whispered softly. Truth was, both the fact that you were Latina and were a Mutant were reasons you were teased and mocked growing up in all-white schools in the South. It was another reason who were so quick to join the Avengers when you were offered the chance. More diverse, and more accepting people. In theory at least.
“God, that looks absolutely amazing! Can you do it again?” Bucky gushed, eyes lighting up as he watched your powers. You smiled shyly, letting a small flame light up your palm. “Does it hurt?” He asked softly.
“Only if I want it to,” you looked up at him, caught a little off guard that he would be so interested in your powers instead of scared, it usually took people more time to get used to it.
“Woah,” he murmured, eyes wide as he took in the flames.
You smiled bashfully, secretly excited that he liked your powers. The flames died out, soon revealing the freckles again. Bucky hesitantly took your hand in his, his thumb rubbing over the freckles that marked the first place you touched, two souls finally coming back together again.
“How about I take you on a date, doll? A real one, since our first meeting didn’t go as expected.”
You blushed, nodding with a smile. “I know just the thing! We can go to the Rockefeller Ice Skating Rink, take in the whole Christmas season.”
His eyes lit up, “That ice rink is still there?!” he cried out, excitement thinly vied in his voice. “Gosh, I remember Stevie falling face-first when we were younger, had to patch up that nasty bruise on his cheek and a broken nose. Ma was pissed we went without my sisters.”
You couldn’t help the smile on your face as you took in his joy. “I’ll take you, Bucky.”
“Well… its certainly different from when I was last here,” Bucky’s grip on your mittened hand tightened. Buried underneath scarves and jackets, Bucky helped you pull your beanie down. He naturally ran warm because of the serum, so he didn’t need as many heavy coats in the cold winter weather. You however, were more used to warmer climates, and this cold weather was not agreeing with you.
“Good different?” You took the skates from the attendant, handing Bucky his before attempting to tie up your own.
“Well the tree’s certainly bigger,” he chuckled, noticing your struggle to lace your skates up and helping you before tugging you onto your feet. Shimmying to the rink itself, gripping onto each other as the earth became ice underneath your feet. You yelped, clinging to him as he guided you on the ice. “And I have my soulmate in my arms, being an adorable mess,” he teased, chuckling as you shot him a glare.
“That’s no fair Buck! When did you learn how to figure skate?” You looked up at him incredulously, still struggling despite the fact that he was holding most of your weight up.
“I dunno.” He teased right back, a smug grin on his lips.
“Ya know, if I knew you would have been this self-satisfied, I would have just done a Christmas movie marathon with you instead, get you well acquainted with movies of this century,” you shot back, giving him a look that sent him into a fit of giggles – actual giggles.
“Well doll, the night’s young, and you have plenty to teach me.” He pulled you closer, making you realize you were dead center in the rink, a suspicious flash in the distance making you notice Nat taking picture of you two. He gently tilted your head up, locking eyes with you. “I just found you, dollface, I’m never letting you go,” he smirked, “my clumsy little soulmate.”
“Call me little or clumsy again and I’ll roast your ass, Barnes, literally,” you growled playfully, giving him a mischievous look, which told him you didn’t really mean it.
He smiled, his hand gently holding onto your face, “I look forward to it, doll,” he murmured, the distance between the two of you closing.
Closing the distance, you kissed him tenderly, arms wrapped around his neck, ignoring the flashes most definitely coming from Natasha. Here, cuddled up in your soulmate’s embrace, the hand that first touched right over his heart was now pressed against his cheek as you kissed. Surrounded by Christmas lights, sweet Holiday music, and children’s laughter as they skated around you two, it felt like your very own piece of a Hallmark movie. And who were you to disagree with Fate?
Permanent Tags:
@minetticatinwonderland​  / @lumar014​ / @maniacproffesor​ / @gollyderek​ / @nerdy-bookworm-1998​ / @avengerstones​ / @momc95​ / @loving-life-my-way​ / @agentpeggybarnes​ / @marvelmaree​ / @thefridgeismybestie​ / miraclesoflove  / hello-fanfiction-goodbye-grades  / deathofmissjackson
Bucky Tags:
@cassandras-musings​  / @darkness-doughter​ / @novaddictx​​ / @thedancingnerdmermaid​ / @mood-pancakes​ / @gracethegeek9902​ / @ravennightingaleandavatempus​ / @sunkissedbarnes​​ / @annavega333​ / @im-not-an-armrest-im-short​
Some people who requested a sequel (lol):
@xetoilerouge / @amlocked​ / @bitsandbobsandstuff​
For a tag, just reply/comment, if I don’t see it, just message me. Tell me what you think! Literally, any comment makes me happy! Like, comment, reblog, interact <3
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pendragyn · 5 years
Stacking The Deck
Yet Another Good Omens Fanfic from the Ineffable Bastards Universe (Also available on AO3)
Harriet wanted to be asleep. She’d just had a baby a few hours earlier, and all she really wanted was sleep. They had given her something for the pain, but it didn’t stop her having to use the restroom, which was NOT FUN right now, and it took a while for things to settle back down and she just. wanted. sleep.
What she got, was voices.
A few she recognized, distant and muzzy, as the nuns who’d helped deliver the baby. There was also the one not-nun who’d shuffled in during the chaos, wrinkly as an old apple with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, who had actually delivered the baby before quickly shuffling back out again. The nuns had treated her with deep respect, whispering to each other about ‘a touch of the Old Adam’ she carried about her.
There was now a lot more raucous laughter coming from down the hallway, and some singing of what were definitely not religious hymns. Mingled in were the voices of men, which some deep part of her brain realized were from her supposed security detail, who’d abandoned her the minute the live feed with her husband had ended.
But under those voices was another voice, one that she’d learned to listen to when it whispered a little too loudly to ignore. And it was telling her to check on the baby, to check on Warlock. Right Now.
With a muffled groan Harriet slid her legs over the side of the bed and eased herself to her feet. With the dimmed lights and muddled by whatever they had given her, it took her a moment to realize that the bassinet wasn’t there. No Warlock. And no guards. And no nuns.
The coolness of the linoleum felt good against the bottoms of her feet and she shuffled dreamily out of the room into the empty hallway, too well medicated to feel panic, but the little voice was getting louder. And it was talking with an odd accent, which was weird. And it was calling her by her full name now, which was even more unusual. Find your baby, Harriet Sibyl Dowling. Find him now or lose him forever.
She swayed uncertainly at a crossroads, the darkness and everything conspiring to make the two hallways seem interminably long and full of oddly moving shadows. What finally moved her was the out of tune singing that seemed to be going on about ‘hedgehogs can never be something at all’. Harriet liked hedgehogs, and on unsteady legs she moved towards the voices.
“Let me just pop out and get another bottle!” A splash of light and noise flooded the end of the hallway and Harriet turned away in self defense, pushing through a swinging door and finding herself in the tiny nursery. There were three babies in bassinets, lined up in a row, clearly having just been tended to and awaiting return to their mothers.
On the little weighing table next to the door, three tiny bracelets drew Harriet’s attention ,and the part of her that had been raised to be helpful picked them up and moved towards the trio of babies. She’d always been good at kenning, as her grandmother had called it. Said it was a special gift that only a few people were born with, and she had warned her solemnly to keep it secret. She’d never even told Thaddeus, not that he would have believed her. It had led her to him, had told her just where she needed to be to be noticed by him.
She’d been making quite a bit of money, going down to the boardwalk and the street fairs and watching with wide-eyed innocence as some fast talker shuffled cards or shifted cups while asking people to make bets. She’d pretend shyness and let them flirt with her, and feign delighted shock when she’d lose and lose and lose only to win in the very end, much to everyone’s amazement, especially the ones doing the shuffling. But that day she’d gone and watched other people play and lose, and when the man from her dreams walked up, dressed fancy and looking to impress his friends, she’d let her grandmother’s sun hat float away on the breeze and land at his feet. The rest had fallen into place, as they say, like magic.
The thought of magic had her turning to look at the little sleeping babies snuggled in their blankets. Harriet knew right away which one was hers, all hers, little Warlock in the cream blanket. She tied the little bracelet back on his wrist, stroking her finger over the curve of his cheek. “Hello baby Warlock. My little miracle baby.” She thought of all the effort they’d gone through, her and Thaddeus, to get to this point, and here he was, small and wrinkly and perfect.
The little baby on the left shifted and sneezed and Harriet stifled a giggle, looking down at the other two bracelets, squinting at the bad handwriting, not that it mattered, because she knew the right tag went to the left baby, bundled snuggly in a red blanket. She squinted at the name. “Hello little Adam. Do you have a touch of the Old Adam in you too, I wonder? You look like a little angel to me,” she cooed, tying his little bracelet on.
All that left was the right baby, sleeping soundly in blue, looking supremely satisfied. “And here’s another little angel, waiting to fly off to his mommy and daddy. They’re going to love you very much, yes they are, yes they are,” she cooed, feeling supremely satisfied herself with a job well done. She’d had a baby and had averted disaster and all would be well with the world when she could finally get some sleep.
Sister Theresa Garrulous was laughing at a joke the midwife was telling when she pulled up short in the doorway to the nursery, the much shorter woman walked into her back with a muffled yelp. “Mrs. Dowling!”
Harriet smiled dreamily and shushed the nun and the little grinning woman behind her. “Shhhh! You’ll wake them.”
“You shouldn’t be out of bed, dear,” said the shorter woman, gently taking Harriet’s hand and trying to lead her back to her room.
“I needed to check on the baby,” Harriet told her. She twisted around to look at him again, clearly not wanting to let him out of her sight.
Sister Theresa anxiously looked over the babies, checking their tags and sighing in relief that this time Sister Barbara Jane Obstreperous hadn’t foolishly taken off their tags during their baths, as the old hag was usually wont to do, no matter how much Mother Superior scolded her. “Why don’t we bring him back with you,” said Sister Theresa soothingly, unlocking the wheels of the center bassinet. “He’s all tidied up for now and it will be a bit before he needs another feeding. Maybe you’ll be more rested by then.”
“I hope so,” said Harriet, smiling down at the wrinkly old woman who wasn’t actually as old as Harriet had assumed. “The little voice was getting quite loud,” she confided.
“Oh, they do that sometimes,” the midwife agreed, patting Harriet’s hand and helping her back into her bed. “Stay in bed now, there’s a dear, you’ve had a rough time of it and no mistake.”
Harriet nodded, feeling sudden tears pooling in her eyes. “It’s a miracle we had a baby at all,” she said, smiling over to where the nun had settled Warlock’s bassinet. “He’ll probably be the only one I have, but I’ll love him no matter what. My little miracle baby.”
And Sister Theresa shared a smirk with the midwife before happily bustling herself back to the party, assuming the midwife was following along behind. Much like winking, smirking was an ancient and versatile communication device. For example, Sister Theresa Garrulous’ smirk said: A dark and sinister miracle seen to by Hell’s Chosen Envoy, Master Crowley, to deliver unto her the Adversary, Destroyer of Kings, Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Prince of This World and Lord of Darkness. We shall be greatly rewarded for our work here this terrible night, basking in eternity under Our Lord Satan’s great and sullied wings!
And she had assumed the midwife’s smirk had meant: Indeed, Sister Theresa, foul and dark deeds were done this night and you and the others of your order will reap the many rewards promised to you, I assure you of this as a Chosen Emissary of Hell, Satan’s Own Midwife.
Whereas the midwife, knowing full well what Sister Theresa’s smirk meant, had smirked back while thinking to herself: Get gone you daft bloody besom, before I send you to your reward myself. How absolutely binkers do you have to be to want to destroy the very planet you live on? With tenderness she patted Harriet’s hand, tucking her back under the covers. “I have no doubt you will love him with all your heart, dear. What did you name him?”
“We were going to name him Thaddeus, but one of the nuns suggested Warlock and I knew it was just right.” They both looked to the small form sleeping in the bassinet and the midwife canted her head and cracked into a wide smile and followed Sister Theresa out of the room. She turned left instead of right though, heading for the main doors, her work for the night done, and done well if she said so herself.
When a shadow passed in the hall Sister Mary Loquacious popped out of her little room near the entrance, where she’d been tasked to keep an eye on the door in case they had any other visitors during the evening hours. “Oh, leaving so soon?” she said with a slight sigh of disappointment. She really had hoped to geta chance to join in on the sinister celebrations going on in the refectory.
“‘Fraid so, love, got other patients to see to back in Lancretown. Don’t look so glum dear, I see good days ahead for you. Just steer clear of Master Crowley and that lot, yeah?”
Sister Mary frowned in confusion at having a Chosen Emissary of Hell telling a Satanic nun to avoid dealing with demons, but she liked Nanny Ogg far too much to contradict her. “I’ll, er, keep it in mind Nanny.”
“You do that my dear, and you’ll be golden,” Nanny grinned, giving Sister Mary a wink and slipping out the door.
Back in her room Harriet shifted a little, just beginning to finally drift off to sleep, smiling as a cool hand brushed against her brow, tucking her mussed hair away from her cheek. That’s my girl, the not-so-little voice whispered, a faint image of a handsome middle-aged woman in old timey clothes shimmering in the air beside her bed. I’m mighty proud of ye, Harriet Sibyl Nutter Dowling. Everything’s right where it needs to be.
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crystalninjaphoenix · 5 years
There’s a Cat Now
A Switch AU Story
Welp idk how this happened but it did and it’s cute so here we are. A short drabble about Marvin, JJ, and a cat.
“I don’ recognize t’is part of town,” Marvin muttered, staring out the car window at the streets whizzing by. Not too intently though, he still wasn’t used to how fast cars went now. “Are you goin’ t’finally tell me what we’re doin’ here?”
“Hang on a moment, we’re almost there, just let me park.” JJ carefully maneuvered the small car into an empty space, turning it off with a twist of the keys. “Alright, here we are!”
Marvin looked out the front window at the store they’d parked in front of, reading the name emblazoned on the sign. He squinted. “Is...is t’is a pet store?”
“Surprise!” JJ smiled, accompanied by a joyful fluttering of fingers. “I wanted to get you a pet!”
Marvin blinked. “Why?”
JJ’s smile faltered a bit before he recovered his cheer. “Well, I thought it would help you adjust to this new...environment. And also...” His joyful expression fell once more, becoming serious. “I sometimes worry about you being home all by yourself. It might get lonely, you know, and I can’t keep asking the others to stop by even though they keep saying they’d be happy to.”
“Oh, so you’re saying t’at I can’ be alright wit’out you?” Marvin chuckled as JJ suddenly started stammering excuses. “It’s alright, I know what y’mean. Are you sure about t’is? Pets can be difficult to take care of. I’m okay wit’out one.”
“Well, yes, but also...small animals are cute.”
Another chuckle. “Alright. I s’pose I can’ change your mind once you’ve got it made up. Lead the way.”
JJ paused. “I’d hoped you be a bit more enthusiastic, to be honest.” Marvin didn’t answer, just shrugged. JJ exhaled a puff of air, then continued. “Well, we can’t do anything just sitting in the car. Come on.” He opened the door and stepped out, and Marvin soon followed.
The inside of the pet store was about what you’d expect, a main reception desk and walls covered in cute posters about the adoption process and how to take care of your animals. A few workers wearing blue shirts and nametags were milling about. One immediately walked up to JJ and Marvin. “Hi, can I help you?” she asked.
JJ looked over at Marvin, who gave an indifferent shrug. “Well, we’d like to adopt today,” JJ explained.
“Oh that’s wonderful! Do you know what type of animal you’re looking for? We have dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, snakes, hamsters and gerbils—”
“Cat,” Marvin jumped in before she could list every possible pet that existed. Yeah, cats could take care of themselves. He didn’t have to devote himself to that.
“I’m a cat person, myself,” the worker—her nametag read Kendra—said with a laugh. “If you would follow me through this door I can show you our cat kennels.
Marvin was expecting walls lined with cat carriers, and there were a few side rooms of that. But Kendra instead led them down a hall to a large room with wide windows that was entirely taken up by cat condos and trees, multilayered carpeted platforms with scratching poles and little houses to hide in. There were even a few mounted on walls. Around the perimeter of the rooms were benches for visitors and baskets of cat toys. Naturally, there were cats everywhere, of all shapes and sizes. Brown, white, black, tabby, calico, short-hair, long-hair, and every -hair in between. There were already some people inside interacting with them; what looked like a mom and two kids and an elderly couple.
“This is our playpen. Not all our cats are out right now, but this is a good place to get to know them,” Kendra explained. “If you don’t find one who appeals to you, I can take you into their actual kennels. We also have a selection of toys, beds, and other entertainment items, if you want to check those out.”
“Well,” JJ started, “we might not—”
“Jems, you can go look at those,” Marvin interrupted. “I’m goin’ t’stay in here for a while and see what happens.”
JJ gave him a look, but then said, “Okay, if you insist. Come get us if you need anything. Miss, if you can show me where that is...”
JJ left the room with Kendra, and Marvin immediately walked over and sat on a bench in a corner, near one of the cat trees. He watched the others in the room play with the cats, petting them and picking them up and dangling cat toys in front of their faces. That all seemed well and good, he supposed. But he didn’t really feel any urge to join in himself. So he just watched.
There was a slight movement in the corner of his eyes. He glanced over at the cat tree nearby. There was a pair of green eyes hidden inside the shadows of one of those little house-structures that sat on the tree. They were looking at him. Marvin stared at the eyes for a while more, then looked away, turning back to the room at large. He watched the pair of children entertain a black kitten with a laser pointer for a while. Weren’t they supposed to be bad luck? A cat like that would need a home, maybe if he had to get one he could pick that one up. But didn’t kittens require special care?
There was another movement. Marvin looked back over to the cat tree to see one had climbed out and hopped to the ground. It was mostly shades of brown and tan, with some darker brown stripes. Its muzzle and chest were white. Marvin presumed that its belly and paws were white as well, but given how it was sitting in that “loaf” position, and how its fur was extremely long and poofy, Marvin couldn’t exactly see its paws. Overall, it looked a bit like a burnt marshmallow. A marshmallow that was staring directly at Marvin.
Marvin, in turn, blinked at it. “What is it?” Obviously, the cat did not answer, and after it didn’t move for a while Marvin turned away again. But only a minute later, there was a warm, soft ball pressing next to his leg. He startled, and looked down to see the cat was now a ball of fluff sitting next to him on the bench. He raised an eyebrow. “What? D’you want attention? I can’ really tell, I don’ speak cat body language. I have trouble enough with the human kind.”
The cat kept staring at him with its big green eyes. After a moment, he gently set his hand on the cat’s back. When there was no reaction, he slowly began petting the length of it. The cat squinted its eyes, and after a while, started purring. “You wanted t’at? Well, I don’ mind. You’re very soft, a lot of fluff. Pleasant to touch. And you’re a han’some cat as well.” After a while of petting, Marvin stalled. He hesitated, then started petting the cat’s head.
With a stall in the purring, the cat opened its mouth wide and yawned. Then it shook itself, causing Marvin to sharply withdraw his hand, and climbed to its feet, stretching. Marvin thought it would leave next, but instead it padded even closer and clambered onto his lap, standing there. “Oh!” Marvin gasped, surprised. “Y’could warn a man first.”
The cat kept eye contact, sitting on his lap. And now that it was out of the “loaf” position, Marvin noticed something. He was right about the belly and paws being white, but also...while its left front leg was as expected, its right front leg ended in a stump. Marvin blinked. “Oh, I see. Y’have trouble in t’at area, then? Well, you’re not alone in the world, Mr. cat.” He reached out and scratched the cat below its ears. It squinted its eyes, then it stood up again, walked closer, and vaulted onto its two hind legs, placing its front paw on Marvin’s chest. “Hey! T’is is a nice jacket, don’ get your fur all over it,” Marvin chuckled, maintaining the ear-scratching.
Another slow blink from the cat. This time, followed by a soft sound, a small “mrrp.”
“Oh my goodness,” Marvin whispered, eyes wide. “T’at was the best sound.” His chest was suddenly light and bouncy inside. “Okay, you’re comin’ wit’ me.” He scooped up the cat, which didn’t wiggle at all as he carried it across the room, out the door of the playpen and into the hallway. From there, it was luckily only a short wandering before he found an open archway that led to a room full of various pet products, and as he walked inside he caught sight of JJ and the worker from before, Kendra. She was holding what a leash and talking to him. “—once they’re harness-trained you can take them outside for walks, like you can with dogs. But of course, training takes—” The worker glanced over as Marvin walked inside the room. Her eyes widened. “Sir, you can’t take the cats out of their kennel area!”
“Why not?” Marvin asked. “T’is one is doin’ fine.”
JJ looked over, and the moment he saw the bundle of fluff in Marvin’s arm his face lit up. “Did you find one you like, Marvin?”
“Well, I’d say t’is pretty kitty found me, act’ally.” Marvin bounced the cat a bit. “Walked up to me.”
JJ gasped, covering his open mouth with a hand. “That’s adorable,” he whispered.
Kendra seemed to have recovered from the shock of seeing a cat in an area it wasn’t supposed to be. “That’s Trio,” she said with a smile. “He’s a rescue. Got hit by a car, unfortunately, and a stranger brought him here. He’s a five-years-old Siberian, and he’s a pretty quiet cat. Liable to snuggle with you while you’re sitting, or even sleeping in bed. He’ll go after laser pointers and other toys, but not as enthusiastically as other cats.”
“T’at sounds wonderful,” Marvin said, distracted by the fact that the cat was now pressing his face into Marvin’s neck. “Trio’s an odd name, why is it?”
“Well, because of the...ah...you know...his, ah...situation...” Kendra seemed reluctant to continue, especially when Marvin’s head shot back toward her with a hard stare.
“I understan’ t’at people often name cats after t’eir features,” he said slowly. “But you didn’ see any problem with t’at particular name?” You know, like the only thing unique about this cat was his legs. Like that was the only thing about him that mattered.
“I didn’t name him,” Kendra hurried to say. “And it’s only temporary, if you adopt him, you can change it.”
JJ looked at Marvin, clearly trying to keep a calm expression. “Do you want to? Adopt him, I mean?”
Marvin looked down at the cat’s tiny face. “Y...yes,” he said, his voice a bit softer than normal. He looked back up at JJ’s excited face and frowned. “You knew this would happen, didn’ you?”
“That you’d get emotionally attached to one and love them? Well, I hoped it,” JJ said, a big grin on his face. “I know you were reluctant, but you’re reluctant about a lot of things, Marvin. A cat’ll be good for you.”
“Yes, yes, alright,” Marvin rolled his eyes. “Let’s finish t’is process so we can take him home already.”
About a half hour later, Marvin and JJ were back in the car. There was now a cat bed, a scratching post, and other cat materials in the back seat. Marvin, in the passenger seat, had a cat carrier on his lap with a burnt marshmallow-colored ball of fluff inside. The ball of fluff had a new green collar with a silver label, and was meowing intently at Marvin. “It’s only for a little while,” Marvin responded. “I t’ink we live close by. T’ough don’ ask me how we get home, I don’ know.” More meowing. “Calm down, Mister, it’ll be fine. I can give you a new toy to distract you, if ye want.”
“Did you just call the cat ‘Mister’?” JJ asked, amused, as he started the car.
“Yes, his name is Mr. Fluffington, and he deserves your respect,” Marvin said without even looking up.
“I see. Well, tell Fluffington it’s nice to meet him.”
“Mr. Fluffington, who do you t’ink you are?”
JJ laughed. “Yes, alright then, Mr. Fluff.”
Marvin looked back down at the newly christened Mr. Fluffington. “Jems says it’s nice to meet you. Ye’ll be seein’ a lot of him.” Fluffington meowed. Marvin grinned. “He likes you.”
“I’m glad. And I’m glad you like him too.”
“I wasn’ expectin’ it, if I’ll be honest.” Marvin unzipped the lid of the carrier just enough to reach inside. “But...I t’ink I’ll be happy to have him around.”
Mr. Fluffington nuzzled Marvin’s hand and he laughed. JJ smiled as he watched. He knew this would be a good idea. These two seemed like they would get along perfectly.
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marvellous-fangirl · 5 years
You and Steve go undercover on a mission, but it gets compromised
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Word Count: 2,760
Pairings: Steve x Reader
Warnings: Fluff, UncomfortableWithRomanticEmotions!Steve
A/N: This has to be one of my favourites ngl
Y/N collapsed into a chair in the briefing room, yawning. “So remind me why we’re up at 6am?” She stretched. “We’ve located a major Hydra scientist.” Began Fury. “He has highest level clearance in their facilities and we need to capture him to find out what he knows, but also to allow us to infiltrate the base.” Heads nodded. “But surely the areas that require highest level clearance will have high security measures?” asked Steve. “There are retinal scans, voice recognition, and three different guard stations to verify ID.” Replied Fury. “How are we going to infiltrate the base when none of us look like him?” added Natasha. “We’ll use his pass to forge a new one. We’ll also hack into the Hydra systems to add retinal and vocal data. Parker, I understand your friend is good with computers.” Peter’s eyes lit up and he nodded. “Mr Fury can I call him now?” Fury smirked slightly. “Sure kid.” Peter pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialled Ned’s number. “Hey Ned is anyone else there?” Y/N could hear the distant voice resonating from the phone. “No why? Peter is everything ok?” Ned hissed in the distance. “The Avengers want the Guy in the Chair!” Peter grinned. Y/N heard distant muffled screaming. “So I’ll take it he agreed.” Fury chuckled and Peter blushed slightly but returned the smile as he nodded. “Excellent. Now, the only way we can capture the scientist without Hydra being notified is to befriend him and lure him to a seemingly innocent event. Whoever goes undercover must have no contact with us and must be able to be perceived as a friend.” “Y/N should be a part of it.” Tony said and others nodded. “Ideally those who go undercover would be a feasible couple.” Fury added. All eyes turned to Steve, who turned slightly pink. “Sure I’ll do it.”
Y/N was packing her bags when Steve knocked on her door. Y/N looked up, hair flicking out of her eyes. “Hey Steve.” She smiled. “Hey Y/N.” He said, leaning against the doorframe, arms folded. “I uh just wanted to check you’re alright with the whole uh couple thing.” Y/N laughed slightly. “Of course I am!” Steve smiled with relief at her words. “Okay.” “So what kind of couple are we anyway? Moving into our first apartment? Fiancés? Married?” She grinned, adding a wink to the last possibility. Steve flushed again and Y/N straightened up. “Are you sure you’re alright with this Steve?” “Huh? Oh yeah yeah I am.” He smiled. “How about we’re just getting our first apartment? Then we’re taking it slow.” Y/N smiled. “That sounds great.” Grinned Steve. 
Y/N pulled on her hoodie and slipped a ring onto her finger. She grabbed a box of her things and pulled her suitcase behind her. Y/N saw Steve and couldn’t help but to laugh. “What is it with you guys with wearing baseball hats under hoodies with sunglasses when you’re supposed to be blending in?” She cackled. Steve looked mildly offended. “I want to hide my face!” He said, hurt. “People are more likely to look at your face if you’re wearing ridiculous clothes like that.” Y/N giggled and Steve frowned. “Oh come on at least take the sunglasses off.” She grinned, nudging him playfully. He smiled and rolled his eyes as his slid the sunglasses into his pocket. Fury stepped forward, ready to meet them. “Rogers, Y/L/N.” He nodded. “We have provided you with furniture to make the move in more realistic. There is also a car which you will drive to the location. The scientist lives on the same floor as you just down the hall. You’ll know who he is. Good Luck. You have a year. I hope it won’t have to last that long but you must do whatever is required.” The pair nodded. “Can we say goodbye to everyone before we go?” Y/N asked and Fury chuckled. “Of course. I’m not a monster.” 
Y/N stepped out of the car with her box and slipped her hand into Steve’s who pulled a large suitcase behind him with ease. Steve smiled down at Y/N as they walked up to their new apartment together and Y/N tried not to grin. As they unlocked the door and stepped inside, Steve pulled his hand out of Y/N’s a little too quickly as he stepped over to the new furniture provided by Fury and he went through to the bedroom. “We’re sharing a bed.” Steve said, coming back to the main room and sitting on the sofa next to Y/N. Y/N smiled. “Is that alright with you?” Steve hesitated. “Uh yeah if you are.” Y/N rested her head on his shoulder. She could feel how tense his muscles were but he put his arm around her shoulders and he relaxed slightly. Y/N smiled to herself as he turned on the new TV. 
A knock on the door interrupted their entertainment and Steve got up to greet the visitor. Y/N was watching from the sofa. Three people were standing there, evidently their new neighbours. “Welcome to the building!” Said a young man with a handsome moustache. “Thank you!” Steve grinned. “I’m Sam and that’s Natasha over there.” Y/N smiled and waved from the sofa. The trio leant around Steve’s large figure to get a better look at her and they waved in return. “We were wondering if you would want to come to a welcome party to help you get to know everyone in the building?” A middle aged lady asked. Y/N had gotten up from the sofa and wrapped her arms around Steve’s waist, hugging him from the side. “We’d love that.” She smiled looking up at Steve, who leaned down and kissed her forehead. “You two are cute.” The lady said. Y/N chuckled. “We think we are.” She smirked and Steve laughed with the others. 
Steve was waiting for her by the door and Y/N grabbed her bag as she slipped her hand into his once again. She smiled softly. “Shall we go then?” Steve grinned and they made their way to the apartment. They were greeted by many faces and conversation was easy. They nailed their characters’ stories down to a point and there was no sense of doubt whatsoever. The pair had also done extra research the night before so they would be prepared for questions. Part way through the welcome wagon, Steve and Y/N shared a look that clearly said that they were happy with how well the night was going. They were talking about some things that they needed for the conversation, when a thin, greasy man introduced himself. “I don’t believe we’ve met.” He smiled, holding out his hand, his British accent thick. Y/N shook it, a friendly smile on her face and Steve grinned and took his hand enthusiastically. “My name is Tobias Meade.” “It’s so nice to meet you! I’m Natasha and this is Sam.” She smiled. Steve grinned. “Is that a British accent I detect?” He asked and the man chuckled. “Indeed it is. I grew up in Hampshire.” Y/N smiled and nodded. “And then I studied in London and moved here three years ago.” “What did you study?” Y/N asked. “Oh you know. This and that. Science mainly.” “Sounds fascinating. Anything specific or is it government secrets?” She winked and the man shifted uncomfortably. Y/N realised she may have made a mistake. “Ah well you could say that.” The man mumbled before disappearing into the groups of people. Y/N groaned. “I just blew it, didn’t I.” Steve hugged her and put on a laugh. He leant down to whisper in her ear. “We’re fine I promise you.” He kissed her forehead then hesitated. “Are you ok with me doing that?” He asked and Y/N laughed genuinely. “Of course I am.” She chuckled and she leant into the super soldier for another hug. 
“What’re you doing Steve?” He snapped the sketchbook shut. “Nothing.” Y/N raised an eyebrow. He got up from his armchair and clearly went to hide it. He came back and sat down next to Y/N on the sofa. Y/N snuggled under his arm and she felt his muscles tense then relax. He played with her hair and she smiled slightly. Steve slouched down and Y/N repositioned her head onto his chest. He put his legs up on the coffee table and Y/N rested hers on top of his. She looked up at him to see a soft smile on his face. She grinned. Both of their breathing gradually grew heavy and they eventually fell asleep. 
Y/N stirred slightly as Steve carried her through to the bedroom. He laid her on her side of the bed and pushed the hair out of her face, before placing a light kiss on her forehead. He sat down on the other side, causing Y/N to roll slightly into the middle. He lay down, distributing his weight more and Y/N smiled to herself as his arm tentatively wrapped around her waist. 
Y/N felt Steve sit up on the edge of the bed as the sun leaked through the blinds. She rolled over to watch him. His head was in his hands. “Steve you alright?” She asked. He jumped slightly before turning to look at her. He scanned her face before smiling. “I’m great.” He said and Y/N smiled tiredly. He lay down next to her. “How about we go and explore this neighbourhood then.” It was her turn to study his face now. He looked stressed and tired, yet somehow also relaxed. She didn’t push into that though and nodded instead. They got up to get dressed. Steve had pulled on his trousers and was looking for a top when he turned a bright shade of pink because he turned around to see Y/N standing in jeans and a bra. His eyes widened and he spun around to face away from her, burying his face in his hands. “Steve?” Y/N asked. Steve turned and saw that she still hadn’t put a top on and flushed an even deeper shade. Y/N giggled and tackled him into a hug, the skin to skin contact sending shocks up and down Steve’s body. 
Y/N and Steve walked hand in hand through the mall, Y/N swinging their arms back and forth playfully. Y/N leant into Steve, pointing at mannequins in the windows. He chuckled when she criticised clothing and was pulled into multiple shops and asked for opinions. Steve insisted on buying her a small star necklace that she couldn’t stop looking at and she thanked him repeatedly throughout the day. 
As they were walking, Steve’s arms laden with bags, Y/N spotted Tobias and waved. She could feel Steve’s grip tighten on her hand but she didn’t show that in her face. The scientist made eye contact, paused before smiling and beckoning the pair over to him. Y/N instantly dragged Steve with her, who stumbled but regained his footing. “Hey Tobias.” “Ah hello.” He replied, smiling slightly. “Natasha I was wondering if I could have your opinion on a few items.” He asked. Y/N nodded and smiled. “Of course!” Steve made to follow her. “Ah Sam. I was wondering if I could have Natasha’s opinion alone.” Y/N smiled and nodded. Steve hesitated unnoticeably for Tobias for a split second before breaking into a smile and nodding, clapping the British man on the shoulder, who flinched but smiled in return. Y/N followed the scientist into a store and over to a corner. She felt something sharp against her leg. “Do not look down.” Tobias murmured, pointing at shelves and then acting like he was asking her opinion. “Now turn to the Captain over there and wave reassuringly.” Y/N’s heart was pounding in her chest. She turned to Steve and waved with a smile, his worried stare flooded with relief. “I know who you are Y/L/N and if you want to make it back to your friends then you’ll do exactly as I tell you.”
Steve and Y/N had travelled back to their apartment that evening and when Steve awoke in the middle of the night, his arms instinctively searched for Y/N. He carefully reached over to the other side of the bed, only to find cold, empty bed sheets. His heart stopped and he sat bolt upright. He fumbled for the lamp and flicked it on, to see an empty bed, which had been abandoned hours ago. He leapt out of bed, tugging on a hoodie and he ran into the rest of the apartment, searching for Y/N but she wasn’t there. The front door was bolted from the inside so she couldn’t have left that way. He felt a cold breeze on the back of his neck and he looked to the window, which was open a crack. He rubbed his eyes and went back into the bedroom. He opened the wardrobe and pulled a trunk out of the base of it, causing the floor to shake with the weight of its impact. He unlocked and opened it, then started to change. 
Steve opened the window and took a small breath before jumping out of it, landing on his shield with a thud that knocked the air out of his lungs. He stood up, dusted himself off, then spoke into his comms. “Fury do you copy.” The line crackled for a few seconds before Fury’s deep voice responded. “Rogers I copy. We’re tracking her now.” Steve flexed his neck. “Steve we’ve found her.” Natasha’s voice spoke clearly into his ear. “Only six blocks north of you, but she’s moving.” Steve bolted in the given direction, not even bothering to respond. 
Steve ran into the middle of the road, not caring about the squealing of brakes, the complaints of car horns and the shouts of “Oh my God is that Captain America?!”. “Nat which car is it.” He half yelled, energy slowly seeping out of him, despite his super soldier form. “Black limo, second lane.” Steve pushed himself even harder, running as fast as he possibly could and soon he was running alongside the vehicle. He peered through the darkened windows and just about made out the figure of Y/N slumped unconscious in a corner. He shattered the passenger seat window and swung into the limo. He smashed the driver in the face, unclipped the man’s seatbelt and pushed the bleeding body out of the door after leaning across and opening it. He quickly clambered into the driver’s seat before the limo lost control and he sped away from the mess behind him towards the Avengers Compound. 
Y/N opened her eyes, then shut them immediately due to the bright white lights in the medical bay. She rubbed her eyes with one hand as they gradually adjusted and stretches, muscles screaming in protest. She looked down at her other hand, grasped in that of a super soldier, who was dosing in an armchair next to her bed. She smiled softly and squeezed his hand. Steve jumped and looked at his hand. Y/N watched his gaze dart up her arm, from her hand to her face. His face broke into a joyous and relieved smile. His eyes were slightly red and puffy.  “Y/N.” He breathed, holding her hand tightly within his. “You’re alright.” Y/N kept smiling.  “Of course I am.” She said. “Steve have you been crying?” She added, quietly. Steve avoided her gaze and nodded ever so slightly.  “I was so worried.” Steve whispered. Y/N brought her hand up to Steve’s cheek, where she wiped away a fresh tear with her thumb. Steve leant into her hand and she smiled. Fury stepped into the room.  “Y/N. I see you are awake. We need to debrief you as the mission failed.”  “That isn’t technically our fault.” Y/N replied with a smirk and Steve chuckled.  “Indeed.” Fury added. “I must say your acting was not at fault.”  “It wasn’t really acting.” Steve murmured, looking at Y/N, who’s sarcastic expression softened. Fury chuckled.  “I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone. We can debrief later.” He said, turning on his heel, leaving the pair blushing a bright shade of red. They then laughed and Steve kissed the palm of Y/N’s hand which was still against his cheek.  “Y/N... there’s something I need to.. uh.. tell you.”  “I think I can guess.”  “So do you want to... uh..”  “Fondue?” She grinned, bursting into laughter at Steve’s expression, who was making a mental note to never tell her anything ever.  “How about a date?” He suggested and she chuckled, pulling Steve into a long kiss.
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