#wait is there a ship name for beatrice and camila
jtl07 · 10 months
late night vigil
camila is no stranger to intimacy, to companionship as some would say more delicately, even if the acts they engage in are anything but. she also knows that beatrice has been as haunted as much as she’s been freed, waiting even as she’s living. or: camila learns about beatrice's strap; she helps in her own way
(mind the rating 🙈)
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archer973 · 3 years
Finished Warrior Nun last night and have some Thoughts (beware spoilers under the cut)
Shotgun Mary is the best. She has a motorcycle and shotguns and swears in church, I would die for her
Also, she and Shannon were girlfriends. You literally have to be the most oblivious straight to try to gal pal them, they were in LOVE and I will fight you on that
Sister Beatrice is precious and important and I will protect her with my life. When she stood up to the Cardinal... I would marry that girl if she and Ava weren’t so cute
Which, yes, I am shipping Beatrice and Ava hardcore. Who isn’t?
Did not expect to like Lilith as much as I ended up doing (which, also, wtf kinda nun is named Lilith? Like seriously?), but she really did grow on me. The scene with her and Mary in the catacombs... fucking Hell, just stab me in the heart, it would hurt less.
Camila is an angel and needs to be protected at all costs, even though she could clearly whoop my ass with one hand tied behind her back
I liked Mother Superior even when she was being a bitch, and I was literally whooping when she was smacking the shit outta psycho Crimson. I also have a great desire to see her beat the fuck outta the Cardinal, cuz fuck that guy
Not gonna lie, Ava annoyed me for most of the show. Which I know is part of her character arc and I am glad that we are getting to see female Chosen Ones acting as badly and self-centeredly as male ones get to, but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t rolling my eyes at her the whole time. But, then again, most of the characters were too, so at least I’m in good company
I never trusted Father Vincent and I felt so vindicated when I turned out to be right. Though the whole ‘bad guy turned priest but can still throw down if the need arises’ is a story line/character trope I love, so I kinda hope he circles back around to being a kinda ally, even though if he really did kill Shannon I am down for Mary to eviscerate him
Incidentally, Mary on the cliff with that merc guy and him being all ‘you’re a nun, you can’t kill people’ and then her blowing him away? Fucking beautiful
I’m putting my money on dimension-hopping thief for Adriel, or he’s some kind of banished royalty or something. But good money is on thief/con man
Hypothesis for the other dimension is that the “demons” and the “angels” have been waging war on each other for control over their dimension/land for centuries and that the Halo is some kind of tech weapon that Adriel stole from the “demons”, which is why they come after it.
The kid with the divinium in his blood is definitely getting some kind of “angel radio” and I don’t think we’ve met the character that is his “angel” i.e. the one talking to him and telling him how to build the machine. Or it’s Father Vincent and old padre has even more to him than we know right now
Honestly, in general, the show kinda reminds me of the Vampire Academy movie. Kinda campy, not afraid to poke a little fun at itself because it knows that it is kinda ridiculous (’slender member of the clergy’ anyone?), but a lot of fun to watch!
All in all, I really enjoyed this show and can’t wait for season two! (Incidentally, they were a little bitch to end it the way they did and if anything happens to Mary, I will fucking riot)
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trustsn01 · 4 years
Avatrice Idea
The Bachelorette lesbian edition. (#WarriorNun) Y'all can have LilBea, FallenHalo, and all the other ships but that last rose better be for #avatrice.
Gonna be super drama. With italics. LilBea are unexpected exes competing. Ava's THE bachelorette. Mary is in the game too but she's just really trying to get the attention of one of the producers named Shannon.
Camila is in it hoping Ava just might be the love of her life. She's hot, smart, fun...sounds like they would get along at least. (They do. They really do.)
Crimson is a writer for the show who tries to sabotage it because she has a better offer waiting for her in The Voice if she can tank the ratings.
Beatrice and Lilith originally try to use Ava to make the other jealous until Beatrice realizes she's actually playing for keeps. Lilith is taken by Camila who seems really into Ava though.
In the end it’s Camila vs Beatrice for Ava’s hand.
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