#wait their ship name could be qingqing???
wenqingsgirlfriend · 3 years
get in bestie we're obsessing over a mianqing cinderella au <3
except i literally forget there’s a fairy godmother in this story,,,,,,,so don’t think too hard about this
also sidenote this has nothing to do with this but i just want it to be known; wwx suggests wen qing and mianmian's couple name could be qingyang, aka mianmian's actual name and gets something thrown at him despite the both of them agreeing it's kind of cute
first off, wen qing doctor mianmian head of the guard <3
mm as prince charming??? prince jzx is already married and since she's basically his sister and the closest thing the jin clan has to a daughter, shes being pressured to marry and this ball is her compromise
wq taking care of wn being cinderella.......wen chao and wen xu being the stepsisters im so
mm's requirement for meeting all these people is she'll marry the one person who makes her laugh
she meets lwj and he makes her laugh and shes like
“.......oh no i dont want to marry you, i mean no offense but”
and hes like “dw im gay and also in love with your technical?? sort of?? brother in law” and mm is like “omg i can put a good word for you” and basically im on my giving lwj friends agenda so mianmian and lwj friends
but then wen qing walks in dressed in red at this black and white ball and mianmian is like 😳
and mm asks her to dance and she tries to make small talk like how she does with all the other people here like “oh you look pretty and you must be v rich and im sure your clan is so great”
and wq is just 🙄 and drops like a line that insults every person like that specifically jin guangshan in the room and mm cant help it she BURSTS into a fit of laughter because wen qing is a breath of fresh air in this room of stuffy assholes
omg bonus if mm and wq met like years ago cause maybe the jin clan was visiting the wen clan and mm was nice to wn and also caught wq's eye from across the room where shes having dinner and wq is hiding in the doorway and smiles
and wq forgot but remembers after she sees her smile because thats a smile she cant forget and her breath hitches and mm is like are you okay? and shes like “im fine really ”
,,,,,,,,after wq has to leave she says something under the stress like a slip of the tongue and mm is like
wait a minute. omg. omg???? and then she cant stop thinking about it
and then she tells peacock and peacock is fucking peacock and orders his guard, aka mianmian and her soldiers to go and search for the maiden whose stolen mianmian’s heart and meet her to discuss wedding plans and mianmian is like 🙄🙄 at jzx’s dramatics but also can’t wait to find her
meanwhile, wen chao and wen xu come back from the ball and see her dressed in the rags before, drenched cause it rained and they don’t suspect anything is off, theyre just like “oh i guess filth will do anything these days including dancing in the rain 😒”
and wq is like yup! because shes happy and couldn't care less what they think and then wen xu overhears when she tells wen ning what happened at the ball, but keeps it to himself
he's still an asshole but wen xu wants power and if his stupid cousin gets married into royalty he gets something right??
it doesnt even matter because wen chao is like fuck you and sees mm when she visits them and he flirts with her and mianmian is like “hmm okay i dont trust anyone who was raised here lets go”
and then wen ning sees and runs to mianmian (making sure hes not seen and theyre like past the house) and tells mm to meet him on the fields and mianmian remembers him and his wonderful archery skills
(omg maybe he tells her hes gonna show her his archery wink wink) and she agrees
and he drags his sister to the fields and she sees mianmian and is like and mm walks briskly SHE DOES NOT RUN THANK YOU VERY MUCH JZX
and shes like recreates their first meeting by saying the same thing she says at the ball
and wq without thinking says the same thing she did at the ball
and mianmian can’t help it she immediately brightens up and giggles uncontrollably and wen qing preens at that sound
and mm grabs onto her wrist like cmon we have to fo to the palce for our wedding and wq stills
and mm feels it and and shes like
"oh. oh, oh no did you not want to get married was the ball for fun im so sorry im"
and wq is like "NO ofc i want to get married but
"but a-ning and the wen clan is holding the rest of my family somewhere i need to—“
mm: "wen ning was already coming? i mean where else would he be, with the wen brothers?? she scrunches her nose in disgust at this “no he’s coming with us, and i'll have lwj do something about your family don't worry we bonded at the ball 😌😌"
and wq smiles at the thoughtfulness of this woman and mm falls in love all over again
and then they get married and wn meets jzx who helps him with his archery and lwj finds wq's family and they all get a house provided on the edge of the town near the palace so wq doesn’t have to stray far to see them
and mianqing gets married and mm will never get over seeing her lovely wonderful bride dressed in red
happily ever after 😌😌
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