#wait until johnny gets a hold of everyone to train for these “scenarios”
dishonors-student · 10 months
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Ok, spoilers for the 17 minute gameplay-
"Play a part" "exam scenario is up to Madam Bo"
Already seemed like the fight with the Lin Kuei at the beginning was staged as a sort of test of Raiden and Kung Lao's abilities, and this heavily supports that. And makes it out to have maybe been Madam Bo's idea in the first place, which honestly is really cool? I love her?? I really hope we get to see more of her!
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authenticmiya · 3 years
hi can u like make a fic of 1984 johnny where reader is daniel's twin sister? and she's like even better at karate than him?? thanksss
Can’t Stay Away - Johnny Lawrence x Reader
Summary - Reader is Daniels twin sister. Although she’s younger, she will do anything to protect her brother. With full confidence in going to a new school, she soon discovers what the pretty blonde boy is really all about.
Words - 1.5k
A/N - Thankyou for the request my darlin’, I really enjoyed writing this! Feel free to keep sending more, have a great day😘
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Reseda was your new home, a fresh start as your mom would say - but it wasn't exactly a good start for your twin brother Daniel.
"Ma isn't going to let this go, you know that right?" You pointed out to his obvious black eye, that he came home with last night.
"Quit talkin' about it Y/N, it's our first day at a new school." Daniel sighed, cycling beside you as you walked.
"This is why you should've taken Karate with me back home." You groaned.
"I said quit talkin' about it, mom could only afford to send one of us to a professional Dojo." Wanting the last word, you continued.
"You still learnt basic stuff involving moves to use in a scenario where self-defence is needed. Are you still not going to take up my offer on helping to train you?" You asked hopefully.
"I'm perfectly capable of looking after myself." Daniel muttered.
"Tell that to your bruised baby browns." Daniel rolled his eyes but soon enough, the two of you were near the entrance of the high school.
"You going to tell me who it was that hit you before we step foot into the building?" You questioned.
"Are you going to promise not to get into any fights today?" Daniel mocked and if he wasn't your twin, you probably would've hit him.
"Exactly, now let's go." Daniel hopped off his bike and the two of you headed in, that was before he stopped and looked at a group of guys sitting by their motorcycles. They were kind of hot.
"Are you going to introduce yourself to the hot boys?" You joked and Daniel glared at you.
"Promise me you won't go near them." Daniel shrugged his words off like they were nothing, but now you had your suspicions. Were they at the beach last night? Did they hurt your big brother? Thoughts ran through your head but you had to prepare yourself for the first class of the day.
"I've got Math first." You told Daniel, looking around at each of the doors to see if you were in the right place.
"I've got History, so I guess I'll see you in Gym class." Daniel hugged you, before heading off.
"Brace yourself Larusso." You whispered, hoping to at least find someone to talk to.
"Class, we have a new student. You must be Y/N Larusso, class meet Y/N!" The teacher announced and suddenly all eyes were on you as you were greeted with hellos.
“Y/N you can go and sit with Mr Lawrence at the back.” He pointed at the boy who you’d seen earlier this morning.
“Mr Lawrence I hope you make Miss Larusso feel like she’s at home.” The teacher tutted and you sat down beside him. Johnny was unsure on you. Were you related to Daniel? Or was your surname just a coincidence?
“How’d you get the shiner?” You asked Johnny, knocking him out of his questioning thoughts.
“I haven’t even introduced myself pretty lady, I don’t think I will be giving you all of my personal information as of yet.” Johnny smirked.
“As of yet? So tell me Mr Lawrence, am I going to get your first name at least?” He chuckled but was impressed with how confident you were.
“Johnny.” He simply replied, then he noticed the sticker on your notebook. It was an outline of someone performing a side kick.
“I like the sticker.” Johnny admitted, neither of you paying attention to the class, even though you probably should’ve been.
“You like Karate?” You questioned him and he laughed.
“I’m an All Valley Competitor and one of the top students at Cobra Kai.” Oh there he was with his cocky attitude.
“What kind of name is Cobra Kai?” You muttered but he heard you.
“Don’t diss my Dojo like that Y/L/N, you don’t know a thing about Karate.” Johnny snapped.
“Speak to me like that again, and I swear to god I’ll roundhouse kick your ass into next week, got it?” You questioned.
“Oh really? What other moves do you know if you’re so good?” His demeanour had changed completely but deep down, he was fairly impressed you knew anything about his favourite hobby.
“I don’t think I have to explain myself to an All Valley competitor. I’ll have you know I was state champion back home, and I’ve been doing Karate for years.” You sarcastically told him.
“You know what Y/N? I like your attitude. You’re obviously passionate, but I’m not gonna believe it until I see it.” He said, referring to your knowledge of Karate.
“Asshole.” You muttered, only making him smirk more. You couldn’t deny it, he really was a good looking guy, he just came across as a douchebag.
The class seemed to fly by, and it was clear Johnny wasn’t going to leave you alone.
“You following me now pretty boy?” You raised an eyebrow at him as you headed towards gym class.
“We actually have the same class but I’ll take the compliment.” He winked. A few of his friends from earlier that morning had joined his side and it seemed that everyone’s eyes were on you once again.
“Why’s everyone staring?” You asked Johnny but his friend spoke before he could.
“We’re the Cobra Kai’s babe, you should be blessed.” The other blonde guy told you.
“Shut it Dutch, everyone’s just intimidated by us.” Johnny admitted and you had to hold yourself from cringing.
“Yo man last-night was sick, the way you hit Larusso, man it was an honourable night!” Some kid came over. Your eyes nearly fell out of your head. Daniel was now in eye-sight of you and all you could see was red.
“Yeah man, he got what he deserved, flirting with my girl.” Johnny laughed and you stopped in your tracks.
“Class is this way Y/N.” Johnny turned around, noticing you weren’t walking with him anymore. Daniel could see from the distance that he was at, that something was about to go down.
“Why does my sister look so mad?” Daniel asked to Ali.
“She’s around Johnny, he’s probably done something to upset her.” Ali replied.
“Nah she doesn’t get upset, it’s more anger before sadness with her.” Daniel told her.
“Maybe she found out that he was the one who did this to you last night.” Ali suggested and Daniel gulped.
“I need to get her out now.” Daniel handed Ali his bag and was quick to rush over.
“You’re the one who hit my brother last night?” You snapped, clenching your fists.
“Your brother? Wait, what? Daniel is your brother?” Johnny was gobsmacked.
“Are you serious right now? How many people do you know with the surname Larusso?” You threw your arms in the air frustratedly.
“Look Y/N, he was at the wrong place at the wrong time.” Johnny tried to reason with you. Looking past Johnny, you saw your brother coming over.
“Y/N just leave it.” Daniel tried to remove you from the situation but you weren’t having any of it, and you were all sure to be late for Gym class.
“Oh precious face is here to save his sisters ass.” The guy named Dutch chuckled.
“You motherfucker.” You threw your bag towards the ground and punched him in the face. Dutch’s head flew backwards and he wiped the blood away with the back of his hand.
“Is that all you got princess?” He joked, getting ready to punch you, but you middle blocked it, before grabbing him and striking him with your knee.
“Dude she’s beating his ass and we’re not doing anything.” One of Johnny’s friends whispered.
“She said she was a state champion in Karate, I didn’t believe her.” Johnny was shocked to say the least.
“Dutch is a dick though.” His friend continued, and some fellow students stopped to watch - shocked that a Cobra Kai was getting his ass whooped.
“Does anyone else have anything to say about my family?” You called out. It was your luck that no teachers or other adults had seen what you had done.
“That’s what I thought.” You gave Dutch one last kick to the face as he was laid on the floor, before turning back to your fallen bags.
“Ma is going to kill you.” Daniel sighed, checking your face for any type of injuries - which once again, you were free from.
“Not if she doesn’t find out.” You told him. The Cobra Kai’s were now quick to see if their friend was okay. Johnny turned to you.
“You’re alright Larusso.” Johnny told you.
“Yeah I am, you’re lucky that isn’t you on the floor.” You said seriously.
“You’d never get me on the floor, I’m just surprised you’re better at defending yourself than your brother is.” Johnny looked at you like you were crazy.
“I managed to do it with him. Listen, stay away from my brother and I, you have a girl anyway.” You spoke to him, leaving Daniel to awkwardly wait a few feet behind you.
“Ex girl.” One of his friends piped up and Johnny shot him a glare before looking you dead in the eye.
“I don’t think I can stay away from you princess, you’re a different kind.”
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jenomark · 4 years
Can you make a scenario where they realize that they are falling in love with someone? thanks!
Taeil: Though you were exhausted, you agreed to go on your third date with Taeil. He wanted to cancel for your sake, but you were persistent. “I want to be with you.” you had said. The date went well, and Taeil was beginning to have feelings for you. Instead of telling you how he felt, he watched you with admiration on his face, and a gentle smile. On the drive home, you curled up in the seat next to him and fell asleep. Taeil let you go, knowing that you needed sleep more than anything. Stopping at a red light, Taeil removed his jacket and placed it carefully over your body. The words hovered at the edge of his mouth, but he didn’t speak them. Not yet.
Johnny: You always found your way to Johnny whenever you had free time. The two of you would go to cafes, go bowling, and spend a lot of time out in the sunshine. During one of your daytime dates, Johnny tucked a flower behind your ear. “See,” he said. “I can be romantic.” You couldn’t stop smiling. Every time you looked at Johnny, your whole body felt like it was coming alive. Unexpectedly, Johnny grabbed hold of your hand and squeezed it tight. His expression was thoughtful and his words were soft. “I can’t wait to tell our kids about the moment I fell in love with you, a flower tucked behind your ear, and my heart in your hands.” The cheesiness made you slap your hand to his chest, and evoked the sweetest laughter from Johnny’s lips.
Taeyong: You were trying so hard. Taeyong sat at the table and watched you float around the kitchen, one hand holding the lid of a pot, the other hand wiping sauce on your pants. Every time Taeyong got up to help you cook, you pushed him back down by his shoulders. “Are you sure I can’t do something?” he asked. “Use me, I’m yours.” You turned to face him, considering his help. “No,” you said, finally. “I can do this. You’ve taught me well.” You turned your back to taste some of the sauce you made from scratch. You didn’t know Taeyong was watching you as you made a disgusted face, and Taeyong liked it that way. He watched you doing the most for him, watched how you could be soothed by just the sound of his voice, and he fell in with all the little things that made you who you were. 
Yuta: Walking along the beach with Yuta made your days feel perfect. He held your hand as you walked, tugging at your fingers whenever he wanted to get your attention. “Look how pretty the sky looks,” he said. “Like a painting.” When he was feeling playful, he kicked water at you, or dragged you past your ankles into the ocean. Often, you would talk for hours on your walks. Time slipped by like sand in an hourglass whenever you both got into one of your conversations. You, using your hands too animatedly, and losing your train of thought easily. Him, stopping what he was saying mid-sentence to tell you how beautiful you looked. The sun went down too fast whenever you were together, painting your skin orange. “Why are you looking at me like that?” you asked. Yuta paused and smiled, his eyes looking at every part of your face as if he were afraid he’d forget it. 
Kun: Kun took care of everyone. In your worst days, Kun was there for you, and he never complained. “I’ll be okay,” he said over the phone. “When I’m feeling better, I will come see you. Don’t worry about me.” You showed up to his place with food and enough supplies to see him through his sickness. “What are you doing here?” Kun asked. You tightened the blanket around his body and pecked him gently on the forehead. “I’m here to take care of you, Qian Kun, whether you like it or not.” you said. You breezed past him and started doing all the things you knew would make him feel good: made him food, cleaned up his mess, and sat with him while he laid his head in your lap. “You didn’t have to come here,” Kun said. “I’m not used to people caring for me.” You brushed his hair back from his face. “Well, I’m here now and I’m not going anywhere.” you said. Kun looked up at you, his little nose red and his eyes watery. “You’re amazing.” he said.
Doyoung: You weren’t dating him, but you weren’t seeing anyone else either. You called him your friend, but friends didn’t do what you did. Every night, you found yourself in Doyoung’s bed. Everything was innocent, with neither of you making a move. You only slept in his bed. You wore his pajamas, listened to him talk in his sleep, and woke up tangled in his limbs. With him, you felt comfort unlike anything you had ever known. On a night when you weren’t supposed to be together, you found yourself walking the familiar steps to his place. “You’re here.” Doyoung said. You didn’t know how you had found yourself there, but when you saw him, everything made sense. You could see that it did for him, too. You began to lose your nerve. “I’ll leave.” you said. You turned to go, but Doyoung grabbed your arm and pulled you back to him. The kiss he left on your lips surprised you both. When you pulled away from him, he covered his mouth. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I just..I-I love you.”
Ten: Without fail, Ten met you every day to walk you home from work. Rain or shine, there he was, his sketch pad in his arms and a charming smile on his face. He could have driven you home, but he wanted to spend more time with you. Though you were tired from your long hours of work, walking home with Ten was the highlight of your day.  “You look beautiful.” he said. Every time he saw you, there was a different compliment coming from his lips. You were beautiful, radiant, sexy, and confident. Because of him, you truly began to feel those things. “What am I today?” you asked. You gave him a little spin right outside of  your work, your mood unusually high. Ten looked speechless as he looked at you, his eyes blinking too fast. “Uhhh,” he began to say. “I’m sorry, but you look like someone I love a lot, actually.” 
Jaehyun: He always said he didn’t believe in love at first sight. You thought he was just cynical about love, but Jaehyun surprised you in more ways than one. He was romantic and patient, giving and selfless. Though life with him always proved to be interesting, the man himself was quite simple. “What about the fourteenth time?” you asked. Confused, Jaehyun looked up from his phone. “What do you mean?” he asked. You started scraping your hair up into a ponytail. Jaehyun watched you closely, his eyes mesmerized by the way the ends of your hair touched your neck. “Since you don’t believe in love at first sight,” you began. “What if you fell in love with someone at fourteenth sight?” You had finished putting your hair into a bun. “Jaehyun?” you asked.” Are you paying attention to me? Where did you go just now?” Jaehyun blinked a few times to show you that he was paying attention. “Yeah,” he said.” I just…fourteenth time..yeah.”
WinWin: “You’re breathing really loud.” you said. WinWin rolled over until he was facing you. You opened one eye and could make out the shapes of his handsome face . “I can’t sleep,” he said.  “My body feels restless.” You opened both eyes and leaned up on your elbows. You made a move to turn on the light, but WinWin closed his hand over yours. “No light, “ he said. “Please.” You laid back down and told WinWin to lay on his stomach. Every so often, WinWin couldn’t sleep because of stress. You had gotten to know him well over the last few months and knew exactly what would calm him down. When he was on his stomach, you lifted up his shirt and started rubbing his back. Immediately, WinWin began to relax. “Does it feel good?” you asked. Instead of answering yes, WinWin told you he loved you. It was simple and soft, the kind of admission you would miss if you weren’t paying attention. “I love you, too.” you whispered.
Jungwoo: Jungwoo shoved a tissue up each of his nostrils. When he got a cold, he was so needy. “You shouldn’t be here,” he said. “You could catch what I have.” You didn’t move from where you were, didn’t show him that you planned on going anywhere. Jungwoo’s eyes were wide, like he was scared. You didn’t like seeing him that way and going through it alone, so you stayed where you knew he needed you. “I’m not going anywhere,” you said. “If I get sick, Woo, I get sick.” Jungwoo coughed into his elbow. The cough made him whine and touch his throat. “I really think you should go,” he said. “I care about you too much to make you sick.” You crossed the room and sat next to him, so close that his germs could reach you. “If I get sick, “ you said. “Then you can take care of me. We’re in this together.” Jungwoo looked at you. Part of him looked like he wanted laugh, but the other part was so completely in love with you that he just couldn’t fight it any longer. 
Lucas: You hadn’t seen him in two months because he was touring. You could barely wait for the car to stop before you darted outside to greet him. Lucas, who was normally too shy to kiss you in public, lifted you up and spun you around in a circle, his lips never leaving yours. “My baby,” he said. “I’m finally home.” You helped him pull his luggage in through the door and helped him remove his long coat. Lucas watched you do all of these things silently, his mind trying to keep up with how fast you were moving. “I missed you so much.” you said, dropping one of his bags and going to him. Again, he picked you up into his arms and kissed you passionately. “I missed you more,” he said. “I didn’t know how much until I saw you running towards me. Next time, you come with me. I don’t think I can spend another day without you.”
Mark: “You’re leaving?” Mark asked. You nodded, said your goodbyes to Mark’s roommates and let him walk you outside. “When will I see you again?” you asked. Mark hovered in the doorway, looking down at his bare feet. “Hopefully soon,” he said. “When are you free?” You wanted to tell him you were free anytime, that all you did was wait for him, but all you could say was that you would let him know. Mark looked behind him to make sure no one was coming down the steps before pecking you on the lips. “I’ll call you later.” he said. You waved at him while walking down his steps. “Okay,” you said. “See you.” Mark cleared his throat and said, “See you. I love you.” You froze on the steps, wondering if you heard him right. Mark left the door hanging halfway open as he hid behind it. “Mark?” you asked. Mark slowly stuck his head back out so that you could see him. His cheeks were red with embarrassment, and he was cringing. You smiled and said, “I love you too.”
Xiaojun: He wasn’t too affectionate. With Xiaojun, you took your time to break down his outer walls. If you gave him your hand, you let him hold it how he wanted to. Sometimes, he was playful in the way he gave you his love, choosing to show it at odd times. “I want to cuddle.” Xiaojun said suddenly. You looked at him to see if he was joking, but he was completely serious. “Never mind.” he said. You took his arm when he tried walking away. “We can cuddle,” you said. “If it’s what you want.” You didn’t wait for Xiaojun to take the initiative, because he never would. You brought him to the couch and had him lay down. When you pressed your body against his, Xiaojun inhaled. “Is this okay?” you asked. “Yes.” he said, draping his arm around you. You couldn’t fight how right it felt for you to be in his arms. Xiaojun exhaled slowly, pulling you a little tighter around the middle every time he did. “I love this, “ he said. “I love…being here with you.”
Hendery: Across the airport, he saw you. Hendery lowered the flowers in his hand and kept watching. All around him, people avoided him where he stood completely fixed to the floor. From afar, he could make out every emotion on your face. You couldn’t see him, but you were looking so diligently in the crowd for him. “Wow.” Hendery whispered underneath his breath. Your side profile was beautiful, your body just as addicting as the day you left. Hendery wanted to meet you, to touch you, but he didn’t want to stop staring. He didn’t care who noticed him. He didn’t care about anyone but you, your outline glowing only for him. When you finally turned and saw him, your whole face changed. You were so excited, your smile wide, and your eyes wet with tears. You made a run for it, bounding towards Hendery just to leap into his arms. Hendery caught your body and your love all at once, holding you tightly in case the world forced him to let go.
Renjun: “Are you asleep?” Renjun asked. You had been quiet for too long, which was abnormal for someone as talkative as you. He nudged you before looking over at you. With his busy schedules, it had been awhile since he had been alone with you. Renjun planned the movie date to be romantic. The two of you and some food, and a little bit of kissing here and there is all he really needed. “Hey, wake up.” he whispered. He shook your shoulder a bit and brushed his finger across your cheek. When you didn’t stir, Renjun couldn’t help but sigh from the disappointment. He had been looking forward to spending the time with you. Still, his kindness always won out. Renjun pulled your body down until your head was resting in his lap. He watched you sleeping for a little while, wondering how he had gotten so lucky to have you. During that time, he began to think of all the reasons he was falling in love with you.
Jeno: “I’m very drunk.” Jeno said. He kept trying to rub his eyes. Every time he went for it, you pulled his arms down and held his hands. “Yes, you are,” you said. “More drunk than I’ve ever seen you.” Jeno laughed and leaned in to kiss you. You pushed him away because you didn’t think it was right to kiss him while he was inebriated. Jeno straightened himself out and looked at you like he was seeing you for the first time. “You’re taking care of me,” he said. “You’re very pretty.” Jeno tried petting your hair, and you let him. “Thank you,” you said. “I’m happy to be one of your cats.” At that, Jeno laughed and pulled you in for a bear hug. You guided him to his bed where you made sure he sat down. “You’re nice, “ he said. “Nicer than me, and you smell nice, too.” You peeled back the covers. “Thank you.” you said. Jeno grabbed your hand and held it. “I’m feeling a lot of things,” he said. “When I look at you…I feel..I feel a lot.”
Haechan: You managed to chase him all around the practice room. Haechan had been bothering you all morning, tugging bits of your hair and making fun of you whenever you spoke. You were always playful with each other, always keeping your relationship light. When you had finally caught up to him, you grabbed his t-shirt and pulled him to you. Dramatically, Haechan dropped to the ground in fits of laughter, attempting to drag you down with him. You straddled him, pinning his hands to the floor. “You always mess with me,” you said. “Do you have anything to say for yourself, sir?” Haechan kept laughing, his face a mirror of happiness. “No.” he said. You leaned down to kiss him, taking his laughter into your mouth. The moment turned serious, all laughter dissipating. When he looked back up at you, he was trying to find words to say. “What?” you asked. “Is there something on my face?” Haechan shook his head. He looked at you for a few more moments in silence before pushing you off of him.
Jaemin: You weren’t extremely sad, just sad. There was no cause to your feelings. Even though he didn’t understand what you were going through, Jaemin did his best to take care of you. “I’ll put on your favorite movie.” he said. You watched him search Netflix for the title. You had been dating a few weeks and didn’t think you ever told him what you favorite movie was. When Jaemin pulled it up, you couldn’t hide the shock from your face. “You didn’t think I would remember?” he asked. Jaemin pressed play. Through the first five minutes of the movie, you couldn’t stop thinking about it until you remembered. “Jaemin,” you said. “I told you my favorite movie on our first date. How did you remember?” Jaemin looked over at you. The expression on his face made it look like he was also surprised by his memory. “I don’t know, “ he said. “I guess you mean a lot to me.”
YangYang: You watched him cram a handful of french fries into his mouth. If that wasn’t love, you didn’t know what was. YangYang talked with his mouth full, potato falling from his lips in an act that you found cute. “You have a lot to say today.” you said. YangYang nodded and took a sip of his soda. “I didn’t get to see you all week,” he said. “ No one else listens to me, and I missed your face.” You smiled and listened to him talk. When the conversation started to calm down, you looked down at his plate and saw one french fry left. You considered taking it off his plate and plucking it into your mouth, but YangYang wasn’t much for sharing. “Do you want it?” he asked. When you acted surprised that he would offer, YangYang pretended like he was offended. “It’s an act of love, “ he said. “And it will only happen once. Take my french fry.”
Chenle: “Zhong Chenle, you invited me to this wedding, and you will dance with me.” you said. You held out your hand and looked down at him, resisting the urge to pout. He was embarrassed, looking around at the friends sitting at his table, but he took your hand and let you lead him. You were always taking him out of his comfort zone, always making him a better man. “I don’t love dancing.” he said. You pulled him tighter and swayed to the music. “But you love me?” you asked. Chenle didn’t need to say it, you already knew.
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mx-o · 4 years
》 nct ot21 mafia! au
》 warnings ; i dont think any :)
》a/n: my exams are all finsihed so i will be trying my best to upload more!! any feedback would be great cosidering this is my first and only fic. 
word count: 1.4k
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yakuza /jəˈkuːzə/ noun
a powerful Japanese criminal organization.
four, part two
there was a sour taste in kun’s mouth when he spoke.
“ah hyung, please don’t be so formal,” yuta sighed in discontent. taeil and kun smiled at him, regardless of what they thought.
nakamoto yuta was a wild card. not a lot of people really knew his story and it was kept that way for his own sake. yuta had been involved in the wrong crowd for a long time back in osaka, japan. in fact, his father had been involved since before yuta was born. yuta hadn’t ever been on the right side, what with his father being a low-rank in the yakuza and his mother being ‘missing’ due to a rift between his father’s gang and a rival gang two cities over. taeyong had met yuta in a robbery—taeyong’s to be specific.
taeyong had been travelling back and forth between seoul, tokyo and osaka handling business for nc tech as they had just started out and really only had about six members. yuta had seen him pass by often, from where he saw through the widows of the beaten down homes, he ‘stayed’ at. he’d figured taeyong was just another rich businessman he could scare into getting a few hundred from but boy, he wasn’t expecting a job offer.
taeyong brought him back to seoul with him to train alongside johnny and sicheng, and so grew to become close friends with them both. however, it didn’t last long since nc tech’s first international branch was opened in tokyo, and yuta was offered the position. what he never would mention though, is that he’d been in some serious trouble with the rival gang that took his mother and taeyong saved him just in time. he owed that man his life.
“yuta, how nice of you to join us. i thought doyoung was joining us as well?” ten piped up, taking a swig of the carbernet from his glass, ever so swiftly.
“ah, no. i’m afraid he couldn’t make it,” he spoke calmly looking at his watch. yuta knew how to lie well, there’s no doubt—but he didn’t know how to lie to the only group of people who knew all his tells. no one mentioned the fact.
“what a shame. send him my regards,” taeil managed to say, a slight grit in his teeth.
by this time donghyuck had long put down his water glass, now feeling a strong grip on his shoulders from the man he’d yet to look at. his body was stiff from the sudden touch from the newcomer, and it didn’t go unnoticed.
“this must be your new trainee. what’s your name boy?” yuta said cheerfully, leaning into the chair and closer to donghyuck himself. this only caused the poor boy to let out the breath he didn’t know he was holding.
he replied quickly, mustering up any and all the confidence he could, “haechan, sir. my name is haechan.”
yuta chuckled lightly, leaning away from the chair, “ah, there’s no need to call me that. it only makes me feel old.”
donghyuck had wanted to stand up out of his chair to greet the elder properly, but he was trapped between the man himself and the table. he only managed to look down at his lap at this point, being intimidated by what he recalled as the strongest and most powerful men in neo culture technologies. thank god yukhei was nothing like them, he thought.
“yuta, come. we were just about leaving. let’s continue this at the office, yes?” taeil took lead in relieving the awkward situation. he stood first and lead yuta towards the door while the other five men followed suit.
[jan 17; 10:07]
ten led his trio behind kun and taeil as they entered the elevators of the main lobby of neo culture technologies beijing. they were escorted by the building’s security, turning everyone’s attention towards them. it’s not every day you see the heads of neo tech all walk into the same building at the same time.
they had waited in the elevator for the short while it took to reach the top floors of the building. when they reached around floor 48, they all instinctively seemed to reach for their neckties and adjusting them, as if they were the ones that needed to impress.
they headed to the conference room on the 49th floor. luckily, all neo culture technology buildings carried mostly the same floor plan, so they all knew the way despite it being the first time for some of them.
the frosted glass double doors of the conference room opened to reveal six men, roughly around the same ages, gathered around the oval table. the other seven men walked in, kun and taeil leading and taking their seats first, ten, johnny and sicheng following. donghyuk had noticed that the four boys he actually knew were standing and took it as a note to stand too.
yuta had already been there for the past fifteen minutes or so and had been catching up with yukhei and the others.
wong yukhei, or as known by his codename, lucas, was the current COO of neo culture tech beijing. now, many people have no idea just how he landed the highest position there, but it had a lot to do with kun. beijing is nc tech’s newest and biggest branch, one that they had waited almost 3 years to launch. they had recruited many of their finest from china—take sicheng as an example—and had turned them into the best of the best. that explained why most of their chinese members, were still in training. they took all the fine tuning and polishing to make the best that they could be in that field.
yukhei, however, wasn’t really that. he was more of a ticking time bomb that would explode under too much pressure. but he was smart, tactical even, and could see how a scenario would play out given the best view of it. that’s why kun had him take over his position, so that he himself could return to korea to oversee more pressing matters and when the time came, relieve yukhei of his title. that time is yet to come since yukhei had only been in charge of the branch for roughly five months already and successfully oversaw the building of their newest hotel and the training of four recruits himself.
kun was the first to speak up, “i see the hotel came along fine, congratulations,” he said with contentment, almost like a proud father.
“it’s not completed until we open to the public, hyung,” yukei’s deep voice mused.
that’s why they were there in the first place. to open the hotel and get down to business—the shipment.
“ah, yes. we have a party to plan, then don’t we?” kun jeered. johnny and yuta’s ears perked up at the mention of a party. “where are xiaojun and hendery, by the way?” he asked, noticing the two that weren’t present rather than addressing the elephant in the room. well the four elephants in the room.
actually, they’re more like foxes and they go by renjun, yangyang, chenle and jisung.
taeil had his eyes on them since he had entered, causing them to bow their heads in respect. the same with haechan since he really was just copying their moves anyway.
“lucas, introduce me to your recruits, i’m afraid i haven’t formally met them yet,” taeil said with intrigue, eyes still focused on the boys and kun’s question remaining unanswered.
“ah yes, my apologies,” yukhei began, changing his train of thought from the excuse he was going to give kun for his partners’ absences. “these are my recruits—renjun, that’s chenle, yangyang and he’s jisung, our youngest,” he introduced pointing to them in the order they stood from left to right.
“renjun specializes in weapons, chenle does finance and a little bit of hacking and code, and both yangyang and jisung are training to be assassins,” he stated proudly, mirroring kun’s tone from earlier. taeil’s expression hadn’t wavered.
yukhei had usually been lenient with them when it came to training but had still enforced on them that they needed to complete it before the hotel had opened considering it would be their new front and a new territory that would need defence.
that time had been nearing close and they had undergone heavier training these past few weeks, yet none of the boys looked distressed or tired even.
“you four, and haechan—you too, can you give us a moment while we get down to business?” taeil said, still looking at them.
the youngest five left the room immediately, a soft “yes sir” emitting from chenle.
“alright, let’s get started.”
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musicnoots · 5 years
Fire Drill
Band of Brothers - The Office AU
A/N: This is what it’s like in my head everyday. Again, all rights of this amazing scene go to the writers of the show.
Synopsis: Webster tries to teach Easy Company the basics of fire safety with a fire drill, and things do not go as planned.
Tags: @gottapenny @dustyjjumpwings @higgles123 @david-weepster @wexhappyxfew @medievalfangirl @bandofmarvels @junojelli @majwinters @curraheev @those-dusty-jump-wings
Normally, David Webster doesn’t do a lot of things for his job. He comes to work for Easy Company, a paper sales company, where he gets paid way too little. All he does is sit at his desk and sell paper. Most of the time, he tries to avoid the strange look Liebgott gives him from across the office, but usually, Webster works at his desk like a normal employee.
But today, he was going to educate his fellow co-workers on the basics of fire safety. Why, you ask? Well, he created a presentation on the topic a couple of days ago, but no one paid attention. Probably because he used a powerpoint. So, to get his point across, he thought it would be best to teach his co-workers through a real simulation. A fire drill.
He waited until Lipton left the reception desk, the perfect opportunity to set up his simulation. Minutes later, he was in the hallway hammering a nail into the lock of every door and blowtorching the handles so it would replicate a scenario where the fire is outside and they can’t escape. On the second door handle he blowtorched, Webster stopped and thought, Am I doing too much? before dismissing the thought and continuing with his business. People learn through various different ways. Experience is the best teacher.
Next, he poured gasoline into a small trash can outside one of the doors and lit up a cigarette, dropping it into the trash where a fire soon ignited. Today, smoking was going to save lives.
He went back to desk afterwards as if he didn’t disappear in the first place, and nobody suspected a thing. He tried not to smile when he sat down, knowing that he was going to finally get his point across was a good feeling, even better than when he graduated from Harvard. This time, his co-workers would be thanking him for teaching them what to do in the event of a fire. All thanks to a man named David Webster.
When the smoke finally came seeping underneath the door, Webster tried his best not to overreact. He wanted his co-workers to have a real life experience to prepare for the real thing. “Does anyone smell anything...smokey?”
“Did you bring your jerky in again?” Malarkey asked.
Dissatisfied with the response he got, Webster cleared his voice and looked at Lipton.
Lipton looked up and immediately stood up in concern. “O-Oh my God!”
Everyone stood up in panic when they followed the direction of Lipton’s gaze.
“Fire?” Webster tried to look surprised, standing up with his co-workers as the panic quickly set in. “Oh my goodness! What’s the procedure? What do we do people?”
“The phones are dead!” Lipton exclaimed, holding the phone after trying to make an attempt to call for help.
“Oh, how did that happen?”
“It’s out in the hall!” Dike said in the swarm of people surrounding the door.
“We don’t know that! The smoke could be coming from an air duct!”
This was exactly how Web envisioned this in his mind. First five minutes, everyone would be panicking and not know what to do. It’s what every human does. They would panic until they realize they have to talk it out with each other to find out how to escape and deal with the fire safely.
Meanwhile, Lewis barged from his office. “Oh my God! Okay, it’s happening. Everybody stay calm! Everybody stay calm!” he said, clearly not being calm himself. “Stay fucking calm! Everybody fucking calm down!”
“No, no, Lewis! No!” Web yelled through the swarm of employees crowding the door. “Touch the handle, if it’s hot there could be a fire in the hallway!”
Lew then proceeded with caution, he let his hand hover over the handle. “What does warm mean?”
Concern soon ensued as everyone tried to find an exit from the fire, but Webster saw this as success. His co-workers were trapped so at this point, they have to figure a way out of here. “What next?”
George ran over to the door across the room and started to repeatedly touch the handle. “I-It’s warm.”
“Okay, go to the back door,” said Dick, who had no idea what was going on, but probably had the best survival rate out of everyone in the office.
As Web continued to give advice and hints to his fellow co-workers, panic started to form as everyone was eager to get away from the fire. They ran to the other side of the office to find a door that they could safely exit from with Ron taking charge in the front of retrieve a belonging.
“I have to get my purse!” Speirs yelled, but he instead grabbed Perconte’s bag because he remembered that his had a nifty little lighter there and couldn’t be bothered to find it, so he just took the entire bag.
“Things can be replaced, Ron,” Web said as calmly as he could in the heat of the moment. “People, human lives, however can—” Then he bolted to the other side of the room with the others.
“Ah, my hand!” Buck hissed as he grabbed the nearest door handle. “That’s hot!”
“Eugh! This one’s hot, too!” Bull said.
“Okay, we’re trapped! Everyone for himself!” Lewis screamed, and then it was pure chaos.
Everyone started to go their own way to find an exit, many weren’t even looking for a way to escape, but rather to find their belongings, panic, and do nothing. Bill, Joe, and Babe went in one direction and Dick, Eugene, and Lipton went in the other.
Babe went looking for his tupperware of spaghetti that he made two days ago, nearly ripping his entire desk apart just to find it sitting neatly on his desk. Realizing the container was too much for him to be holding in this situation, he opened it and shoved the spaghetti into his pockets. Bill and Joe were busy unsuccessfully breaking the windows by throwing things at it. So far, they’ve thrown the computer, Babe’s empty tupperware container, and Web’s framed diploma from Harvard. Harry was at the vending machine where he broke the glass to take all the snacks he wasn’t able to get because he didn’t want to spend money. Speirs was scouring the office for some loot and Perconte was yelling for his purse.
Floyd went back to his desk and opened the the last drawer of the filing cabinet to his dog, Bandit. “Hey, it’s okay,” he cooed to help it calm down, watching as Malarkey jumped on top of the desk, opened a hole in the ceiling and climbed in. “Don. Don!”
Malarkey looked back down at Floyd carrying his dog. “Stay alive, I’m getting help!”
“Pull me up!”
“You’re too heavy!”
“I only weigh 135 pounds,” he sighed, but it looked as if Don had already left. “Save Bandit!” Floyd yelled before throwing Bandit into the ceiling.
Meantime, Web was overseeing the chaos around him and giving subtle hints in a time of disorder and pandemonium. “Have you ever seen a burn victim? Exit options—where do we go folks? Exits points, people. Remember those procedures!”
It was the armageddon. The office was in total disarray and no one knew what to do, yet Webster still went with the plan and actually thought it was going quite well. In his opinion.
“What do we do?” Lipton asked. The smoke was getting really heavy and it was difficult to breathe.
“Use the surge of fear and adrenaline to sharpen your decision making!”
“Okay, I am not dying here,” Dick muttered before taking off.
Web then nonchalantly lit up some fireworks and tossed it onto the ground, creating more panic and upheaval from everyone. Screams were heard and Lew started to throw his chair at the window repeatedly in a state of crisis.
“What is that? What is that?” Chuck yelled.
“The fire’s shooting at us!” Liebgott screamed, and panic increased by a whole eighty percent.
To make matters even worse, Web thought it was a good idea to pull the fire to add on to the concerning noises in the office. Malarkey’s legs appeared from the ceiling and that was the actual breaking point—it was total chaos and everyone thought they were going to die.
The only people who had a sense of what to do where Dick, Eugene, Lip who were unplugging and moving the office printer from the wall to push it aggressively against the door. It’s not the best idea, but it was good enough for the mental and emotional state of everyone and their one brain cell.
Meanwhile, Lew actually broke the window, but instead of escaping, he screamed out for help.
Everything was in shambles. Dick, Eugene, Lipton were pushing the printer against the door to break it open, everyone else was screaming and panicking, Johnny and Ron were arguing because Ron was taking everyone's shit, and Lew was screaming out of the window. Even worse—Joe was starting to cough from all of the smoke and it was starting to concern some of the employees.
All of a sudden, Web silenced everyone using an air horn. “Attention everyone! Employees of Easy Company! This had been a test of our emergency preparedness. There was no fire. It was only a simulation.”
“What?” Had it not been for the laws of this land, Dick would have beat Web’s ass for this. All of this for a simple test? He doesn’t get paid enough to go through all of this.
“Fire not real. This was merely a training exercise,” Web announced. “So, what have we learned?” Joe fainted, and Web rolled his eyes. “Oh, come on. It’s not real, Joe.”
“No, no, no!” George came running from across the office. “You will not die. Joe. Joe, you will not die! Joe! Joe! I’m gonna give him mouth-to-mouth.
“No, don’t give him mouth-to-mouth for this,” Dick said as he urged Eugene to help Joe.
But George was determined to revive Joe for the second time this month. He took out his wallet and shoved it into Joe’s mouth as everyone grabbed his arm and tried to pry him off. “Don’t swallow it!” He yelled as Joe started to regain breathing and everyone was screaming in the back for him to stop. “I-I’m fine, leave me alone!”
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chittaphon-url · 6 years
Genre:fluff+some angst
Warning:some curse words
@gravetyukhei: Can I request a nct scenario where they found out that you are dating Yukhei?
Thank you so much for the request and I really hope that you like it! I apologize in advanced if I have some grammar mistakes, English isn't my first language. 💗
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You both were laying in bed. Yukhei was telling you what he did that day and just by listening to him you realized how much you were in love with him. You thought you were the luckiest girl in the world.
You had been dating for 5 months and it felt as 1 year. You had tightened ties so fast that you felt as if you had known him forever.Everything was right when you were together, you didn't fight a single time. And he treated you so well
"Y/n? Are you listening to me?" you could felt some sadness when he said that. "Yeah babe it's just that I was thinking about how much I love you"
"That was the clingiest thing you have ever said to me" "Alright. I was thinking about how stupid you are sometimes" you got out of bed and headed to the  balcony. You were enthralled by the nightlife and the lights of Seoul.
"Y/n I was kidding. I love you too" you faced him and stared at his eyes.
How can someone be so handsome? You asked yourself that question every single day. Your life had become better because of Yukhei. He gave you happiness and strength to keep on.
But in your relationship you had to struggle with something on a daily basis...
Some weeks ago...
"y/n I feel like you are hiding something from us" it was like the second time that Jungwoo told you that. When he said that Renjun, Jaehyun and Doyoung started paying attention
"I have already told you this Jungwoo I'm not. What could I be hiding?" you were started to get stressed and angry and you didn't want to fight with your best friend.
"You're my best friend and I am telling you that you are not telling us something"
"If you say so..."
"See. You are so obvious it makes me go mad!" Jungwoo took your mobile phone so you could look at him while talking
"y/n you know you can tell us everything" this time it was Renjun who talked
"I said that I don't have a single thing to tell you" and having said this, you left the room
Yes, you have been dating your boyfriend for 5 months and you haven't told your friends neither did Yukhei. Maybe other people would think that it is not that problematic but it is when you share friends with your boyfriend/girlfriend. You felt horrible about the fact that you didn't even tell Jungwoo. Yukhei wanted to keep your relationship as a secret because he assured you that if the guys knew they wouldn't stop disturbing both of you.
"You're thinking about that again right?" it was scary how well he knew you. It felt as if he could read your mind.
"No. Actually yes. I don't understand why after 5 months we have to keep this as a secret. Would you feel embarrassed if the guys knew?"  he giggled as he put his hand on his chest saying
"I hereby swear that I would never be embarrassed of you" and as soon as he said that, you kissed him. And you could tell that it was one of the best kisses that you had given.
And that kiss turned out to be a long one while you were hugging yourself sitting on the floor of the balcony.
"I love you so much Yukhei" you grabbed his face with your hands and stared deeply at his eyes
"I love you more, y/n" and he showed you the biggest and widest smile.
The next day...
"Y/n, do I have to repeat five million times that when the chorus of the song starts you have to throw yourself at Yukhei?" You could tell that your choreographer was starting to get angry and for a moment you saw how Jungwoo was laughing his ass off at the other side of the room.
You looked at Yukhei who was trying to be as neutral as possible.
"You are asking me to throw myself at him like, do you see him? Throwing myself at the floor would be safer!" You heard laughs and you tried not to smile.
"Try again" you went back to your initial position to start again the dance.
As if things couldn't go worse, that morning your choreographer called Yukhei and you because he wanted to try something for the company's anniversary and he obviously chose you two to dance The Scientist by Coldplay. A song in which the dancers "have to be deeply in love".
It was easy for both of you because you were already in love but you had to hide it a little bit so that people wouldn't suspect.
Two weeks later...
These past weeks you had trained so hard with Yukhei to the point that you were starting to feel worn out but luckily the day of the company's anniversary had come.
You were waiting behind the stage holding hands with Yukhei, until Jungwoo came and you rapidly looked at the other side of the room.
"Are you guys nervous?" he had this pure smile that made you feel so horrible and you wanted to end with all of this and tell him that you were dating but Yukhei answered before you could tell anything
"Actually, no we aren't. But if I'm not wrong..."he had a looked at the stage" It's our turn now"he took your hand and you took a deep breath and went to the stage.
You felt secure about this dance because you had your boyfriend next to you. You couldn't explain with words what you felt when you were around him. It was like every single thing or person disappeared and it was just you two.
That's why the dance turned out really well, because Yukhei and you interpreted the song excellently.
When the party finished your group of friends and you decided to go out to have dinner together to celebrate the amazing performance that Yukhei and you just did. So two hours later you were at a karaoke singing 1,2,3 by Seungri as loud as you could.
Everyone had been drinking a little bit so it was madness what was going on at the karaoke. Even Jungwoo was a little bit drunk.
You were starting to feel a little bit dizzy so you just grabbed Jungwoo and went out to breath some fresh air.
"We have to go back" a cute little bean like Jungwoo didn't have a lot of endurance with alcohol so even though he drank so little he was kind of "happy"
"Now we don't. I am going to scold everyone, they are being so childish."
"What do you mean? Well I don't give a fuck" you opened your eyes when you heard that coming from your best friend's mouth "I didn't say that don't look at me with that resting bitch face you are way too cute"
"Don't call me cute"
"I will call you cute if I want to" you laughed at the fact that he was dragging the words. "Listen I am going to tell you something big. Not that Shawn Mendes song but if you want I can sing it for you: SOMETHING I FEEL IT HAPPENING" you covered his mouth with your hands
"Jungwoo it's 3 am, shut your mouth. Tell me whatever it is you have to tell me"
"I love you"
"Yeah I love you too. That was it? Let's go to sleep I'm dying and I'm so tired"
"No. Not in that way. Y/n, I'm in love with you"
It was at that moment that you felt how the world stopped and you couldn't breath.
"Y/n? Are you Okey?" you wished that it was a joke and that none of this had happened. Though you knew it was an immature thing, you rapidly left the place and walked fast to the company.
Once you were there you directed to the dance practice room and you just put some music and sat there.
Some minutes later, the song you had danced with your boyfriend came on, The Scientist. You got up from the floor and started dancing as passionate as you could. Tears were coming dow while you were dancing. And suddenly, when you stopped for a second, you felt some strong arms around your waist. You instantly knew it was Yukhei.
"Let's finish the song" you nodded and continued dancing and when the song finished, there was a comfortable silence in which you could only hear your breaths. You had goosebumps because you hadn't danced like that in a while.
"I love you so much, words can't explain. I feel so proud of you. You don't have an idea of how amazing you danced today but now... I mean look, I have goosebumps" "I love you more"
Apart from the moment you just had with Jungwoo, everything seemed perfect but what you didn't know is that Renjun was outside of the practice room and he saw how you danced and he heard everything."Are you okay? Why did you left all of a sudden?" he hugged you so tight that it was difficult for you to breathe."I wanted to be alone. It has been a long day and I was very tired"
"We can go to sleep right now if you want" "I want to dance our song please" he looked at you saying something like I want to go to my fucking bedroom leave me alone"just one more time"
So you did. And the 5 minutes that the song lasted seemed like an hour. Everything stopped while you were together. You could spent hours and hours looking at Yukhei or dancing with him.
As soon as the song finished, the lights of the room came on and Kun, Taeyong, Renjun, Jungwoo, Jaehyun, Johnny and Ten appeared. "When were you guys planning on telling us that you were dating?" Kun seemed really hurt
You couldn't stop looking at Jungwoo, who didn't have a facial expression.
"Are you guys fucking kidding?" Taeyong and Ten said at the same time "Why didn't you tell us? The others are going to be really mad about this"
Jungwoo left the room with Renjun
"I am sorry"
"We are sorry" you emphasized the first word
No one said nothing for the next minutes and the ones who remained there left. "I didn't want them to discover we were dating like this" you could tell that your boyfriend was sad
"I know" then the door opened so fast you fell on the floor.
"WHEN IS THE WEDDING TAKING PLACE?" Mark appeared with the others. The ones who came before now seemed happy. Jungwoo seemed happy too. You knew that you had to talk with him about the conversation you had. "I WILL TAKE THE RINGS"
And seconds later you were surrounded by your friends on a group hug.
You came back to your room with Yukhei and before going to sleep, he told you the sweetest thing ever.
"I wish that we can dance to that song on our golden anniversary. I love you, in ways you've never been loved and I will love you till the day I die. And if I did anything right in my life, it was meeting you"and you kissed each other until you fell asleep.
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goldenscript · 7 years
passing skies
↳ prompt: vampire!johnny
pairing: johnny seo | reader genre: fantasy au / fluff word count: 1,542 description: the K-line has become that of a sanctuary for you and other Night creatures, but somehow the one person you’ve found thee most comfort in is the same one you haven’t said so much as “hello” to. at least until now.
Seeing him again is still like the first time.
He dawns a rumpled jean jacket so worn that the collar merely lies limp, no longer crisp and folded as it was that first week. That mop of brunet tendrils refuse to stay out of his eyes, falling just above his lids but you swear his lashes are practically kissing the tip, and still there’s a particular impishness to them. His eyes always drawn to the window. You’re still not sure what he sees, whether there’s really something he’s searching for or if the sky is telling him things no one else can hear. All you know is the fading lavender and blurring tawny are beautiful.
The rest of the bus’s occupants are in their own worlds, enthralled by their own companions with stories you only hear snippets of. Their anecdotes only somewhat registering through the tsunami waves wrecking across the expanse of your chest.
I’m going to talk to him today. You take one more side glance at him and feel your throat tighten. Fuck. Maybe next week.
It’s been nine weeks since you’ve become acquainted with Johnny Seo.
Not that you can call it much. The very first conversation was nothing more than a brief lock of the eyes and a subtle nod to tell you your presence was accepted. The second nothing more than the same exchange until the third, fifth, and eighth was replaced with expectation. You get onto K-line, find him with his back leaned against the red faux velvet seats with his gaze trained on the speckle floor, sometimes conversing with someone—God does he know so many people—and other times just waiting, and his hickory hues shift to yours when you arrive, sometimes slightly dishevelled and other times in leisure, but almost always he will meet you and welcome you with a mere quirk of his lips.
Almost every time you feel the compulsion to speak to him, to finally finalize this involuntary camaraderie. you stop short just as the words have built up in your throat, dissipating like fallen hail. Perhaps it is cowardice. Or really, it’s fear.
Humanity has not been a kind place to people like you or Johnny or really anyone on the K-line. The mundane cannot grasp anything that hasn’t been presented to them in a neat package, and their vehemence to these so-called monstrosities make them close-minded now more than ever. It makes them fearful of you, a simple student, just for existing and for the power you hold from the ground they walk on and the very auras they extrude. For someone like Johnny who may live off another’s essence to live. For someone like Irene who unwittingly entrances others and needs to. They don’t understand that you three and the many others like you exist as they exist and you live as they do. They simply don’t want to.
You vaguely remember the hunt that happened on the T-line. The bare traces of anger enough to make you feel unsafe even with the high possibility that someone may defend you. A little over two decades of paranoia, fear, confusion, and anger can do that to a person. It makes you nervous to open up to someone. Even Irene’s encouragement is falling on deaf ears despite the fact that she’s the one who led you here in the first place.Though the very possibility both exhilarates and frightens you, you don’t know what to expect or how many skies you two will share in silence. 
Except today is different.
You feel it. You know it deep down. And the confirmation comes as soon as his gaze leaves the bespeckled ground in favor of your eyes without leaving. His smile curving farther than half his cheek, inducing yet another set of waves loose inside you. Somewhere along the way comes courage. It’s far, but you feel it bubble in your gut like performing any other charm.
You give a small wave as you plop down beside him, “Hi.”
“Hey.” If he’s surprised at the turn of events, he doesn’t show it. He is exactly how you observed, yet somehow better than any of the preconceived scenarios you thought up prior to this moment. It doesn’t even take long to exchange the pleasantries of names, though he isn’t very surprised to hear yours as you aren’t any less surprised to hear his.
In turn, this relinquishes a small gush of shared laughter to pass. It eases away the stiff, awkward parts that are always foreseen for you, and you can’t help but fall into step with him once the bus immediately starts rolling.
“It’s probably a little late to ask if you come here often huh?” He asks with a straight face albeit the faint traces of amusement are peaking through the cracked resolve.
“Probably?” You gives an exasperated sigh, “Try definitely. But I guess this conversation has been pretty long overdue.”
He shrugs, “The chances just weren’t right.”
“You believe in chance?” You quirk a brow at him. Part of it is out of curiosity and another part of you is prepared to receive another playful pick-up line.
He nods, “I think things always happen for a reason. Us finally talking now. Me being here. Everyone being here. Stuff like that. I won’t bore you with the details.”
“Please do.”
Of course you’ve heard about fate and destiny, but  it’s still intriguing to hear him talk about it. You want him to talk about it. Existentialism may take up a lesson in your studies, deeply entwined in your secondary life to a point where you often find yourself believing it no matter how terrifying it can be to think about in hindsight.
He looks surprised then, unabashed to show it this time around, “Haven’t you heard enough about it?”
“I mean you’ve probably lived a bajillion years longer than me so it’d be a hell of a lot more interesting to hear it from you.”
He snorts, “More like a bajillion and one, thank you very much.”
“My bad, my bad. You’ve lived a bajillion and one years longer than me, so please enlighten me on your philosophy.”   
The triumph on his visage lasts for about a second before he gives you a look that seeks confirmation. It kind of strikes you that him being a vampire might be even harder than just simply being another any Night creature on this campus. They may be different through status and age, but sometimes even the other groups forget that too.
You smile softly, nodding. “I mean it. Tell me.”
“You know you’re the first person to let me talk about it. I mean they’re great and they hear me out, but it’s nice. Talking to you about it.” He mentions as he runs a hand through his hair.
When you don’t say something immediately, his gaze drifts from your visage and toward the window. The bare traces of marigold kissed away in favor of scarlet and the white clouds scattering in between the spaces of what was once an icy sky. He seems to relax right then. You can’t say for sure as you follow the dreamy canvas.
“Quick question.”
He hums in response, though neither of you tear away from the window.
“You like the sky too huh?”
You turn your head back to him, meeting his dark brown eyes. There are faint traces of solemnity behind them which tells you your answer. But his soft voice still leaves you waiting to hear more, “I do. A lot.”
“Why?” You tilt your head at him.
“It reminds me that I’m not different from anyone else looking at it either. Like—” He pauses. As if trying to find the proper words to describe it. But you get it because you feel it too.
“—Like we’re all looking at the same sky so how different can we be to someone on the other side of the world, right?”
He nods almost fervently, “You like them too?”
“A lot.” You nod. Despite how much you might like to turn and look back to the sky for comfort, you feel it right there with him too. “So, you were saying?”
Johnny shows you another breathtaking smile albeit nervous one that is even more endearing on him and he begins to tell you how fate is who oversees our lives and causes all the things to happen, while destiny is the grand design, the plan to it all. He mentions so many other things, some of the words even getting mangled together by his slight lisp but you don’t mind. Before he goes, his stop coming right before yours, you tell him: “For the record, you’re the first person I’ve told any of this too. Thank you.”
The next day comes quickly with his smile and his words—“I’ll see you and the sunset tomorrow, Y/N”—floating across the forefronts of your mind in a whimsical twirl. You feel ease as soon as you meet his eyes, a faint twinkling exchanged between you two with the prospect of another conversation (and many many many more to come) in the air.
Just as it’s always been, you take your seat beside him and admire the view.
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markleetrashh · 7 years
First Kiss;Jaehyun
Genre: fluff
Request: hello! Could you please make a First Kiss thingy with Jaehyun?
A/N: yay another first kiss scenario , these are so cute tbh ,, and also i love torturing myself with jeffrey so :’)
okay honestly idk where i was going with this plot , it’s not exactly a first kiss but it depends on how you look at it but i apologise if this is so bad
“ Camera rolling , okay start ! ” the producer called out from behind the camera , as the audience in the background starting clapping and cheering loudly .
You took a deep breath and gave a big smile , nodding your head slightly as the camera turned to face you .
“ Today we have Nct 127 & Y/N here with us , it’s such an honour ” the host called out , pointing to you , then gesturing to the group beside you .
Instinctively, the black haired nodded his head to the others , as they all bowed in sync , doing their greeting - which you were too familiar with .
The camera turned to face you again, and as you bowed and waved , then smiled again , “ Hello everyone ! It’s Y/N here ”
A loud clap beside you could be heard , as your head turned to look at the person - Jaehyun
His eyes made contact with you , as he gave you a warm and loving smile , the one that always made you feel better no matter when and where . The side of your mouth unknowingly raised up, as you tried your best not to give yourself out .
His eyes didn’t leave you once , as you found him nodding his head to every word you said , smiling to himself as he watched you try not to stare at him , as much as you wanted to .
Taeyong noticed , and nudged the side of Jaehyun , giving him an intense stare , then whispering something , making Jaehyun look away finally , his hands fidgeting with the hem of his shirt .
Don’t make it so obvious , Jaehyun .
You could clearly remember your first encounter with him ,
His smile and dimple caught your attention at first , to the way he’d always laugh and giggle at every word you say . Both of you were backstage , and Jaehyun was preparing and practising his script , ready to be the emcee for your comeback stage that day .
“ You look gorgeous in that outfit ”
“ Thank you , you’re doing great as an emcee too ,”
“ Haha , i’m Jaehyun from Smrookies by the way , nice to meet you . ”
“ I’ve heard of you , i’m Y/N , nice to meet you ”
Two years back - he was still a trainee , but yet he had the power to capture your attention , as you found yourself looking forward to small little conversations you’d have with him before your performance .
He gave you all the attention you needed , and just like you were with him , he was enchanted and lost in your beauty .
Small little talks before and after performance stages slowly turned to small casual secret dates in far away cafes , to practising and training together during free times , as the both of you struggled to keep up with each other despite having busy schedules .
Both of you were madly in love .
The day he officially asked you out , was the day his company told him that he was going to debut in a month’s time .
You were happy and excited for him , but part of you wanted him to stay as a trainee for a longer time , as him officially becoming an idol meant that your relationship had to be kept as a secret .
But you couldn’t care less anymore , you just wanted to be with him , and all he wanted to , was to be able to be happy with both you and his career .
“ Jaehyun , what if one day our fans find out about us ? What will you do ? ” you curiously asked him , as the both of you laid together on the soft folds on his bed , your legs and arms entangled with each other .
He leaned forward , then pecked your nose , “ Everything will turn out fine ! I don’t think anything would change honestly , i’ll still love you for who you are ”
You knew you made the right choice - no matter what happened , you had to stay with Jaehyun ,
he was your everything .
The host suddenly turned to you , then jokingly teased you , “ So .. Y/N , i’ve heard from some interviews that you actually mentioned Jaehyun as your ideal type , is that true ? ”
You mentally sighed as you blamed yourself for making it obvious , as you tried to keep a smile . You noticed Jaehyun giving a small smile from the side of your eyes , his eyes blinking in anticipation as he waited for your reply .
You hesitated before nodding your head , “ Uh … Yes , i did mention it haha ”
The host nodded her head , as she gave small smirk , then gesturing for the staff crew to bring in a small wrapped box.
She reached out to grab the small packet , then opened it quickly . You saw its contents and your eyes immediately widened , knowing what was coming up for you . Jaehyun noticed too , but all he did was smile to himself , as you noticed his cheeks slowly starting to turn pink .
The host raised up the biscuit stick and showed it to the camera , which then turned to focus on both you and Jaehyun . “ Y/N , this could be a chance for you to get close to Jaehyun , let’s play the pepero game ! ”
Could be a chance
As though voluntary, Jaehyun stepped out into the middle , as the other members gave each other looks , as they knew what was up between the both of you . Jaehyun’s soft and loving gaze called out to you , as next thing you know , you were standing infront of him , the biscuit in your mouth and on the other end , was his .
As soon as the host mentioned that it had started , the audience started clapping and cheering again - same for the other boys . Haechan was trying his best not to laugh and tease the both of you , afraid that he might make it too obvious . Johnny and Taeyong sat in their seats nervously , praying that things would go as they expected it to be .
But you were lost in his eyes, like always . It was not until you felt a soft pair of familiar lips touch yours, when you were shaken back to your senses , as Jaehyun’s face was just a few millimetres away from yours .
You heard the audience gasp , as the host let out a small awkward laugh , as the boys teasingly gave small laughters , in attempt to brighten up the awkward atmosphere .
Your eyes widened as you slightly stepped back , your hands reaching out to touch your lips , then shooting Jaehyun a shocked expression , which he returned with a smile .
He turned to the camera and bowed slightly , “ I guess i was too fast haha ” , then patting your head and returning to his seat as if nothing happened , leaving you dumbfounded , frozen on the spot .
“ Babe what was that ” you called out to him as soon as you stepped backstage , but making sure that you were only soft enough for him to hear .
Jaehyun giggled to himself , then held your hand in his , “ I’m sorry , i couldn’t hold myself back ”
You rolled your eyes and squeezed his hand tightly , “ But people might misunderstand- ”
He pushed you against the wall of backstage , as he pressed his lips gently to yours again . His arms found their way around your waist , as yours found theirs around his neck . Caught by surprise , you tried pushing him lightly away ,but Jaehyun stayed put and did not move .
Your hands were now lost in his soft and blonde locks , as the both of you struggled to catch your breaths , his hold around you tightening , as though not wanting to let you go .
“ Jaehyun and Y/N standby- ” the voice who called out stopped and you were faced with the producer .
Flustered , you let go of Jaehyun immediately , as you tried to fix the smudged lipstick on your lips . Jaehyun nodded his head lightly to the producer , his hand still grabbing yours “ I’m sorry , we’ll be there soon ”
The producer nodded his head awkwardly , then turning around quickly to leave , shaking his head as he pretended that he saw nothing .
Jaehyun turned to you again , then pecked your lips , “ I’m sorry babe , i had to ”
You couldn’t help but laugh at your words , as you shook off his hands lightly , “ Fine , but now because of you , i have to go fix my makeup . See you later , love you ”
this is so bad im sorry ;-;
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